Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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. Angels' Victory Makes Three
Games in' Four Beavers
Have Discarded.
Bill Performs Spectacularly nd
Contributes Comfort to Portland
Fans llendcrmn May
Twirl on Spnday.
raelfl feast Iwa atawdtaata.
W. U Pel I W. I Frt.
Oakland ..US 1'4 .(11.1 Sarramento -5 SX .4.1
Vernnn. ....$ 24 .anosan rrn ..a i .410
Lne Anifl .31 '.J .lUllHortlanil ...21 II .3
Yesterday's Reeulla.
At Pn-tTan.1 AnfflH 6. Portland 1.
A Ran KmnclKD-Racreinento 8, Oakland
J (13 Innlnsal.
At Loe Anitln-Viram 1, Ban Francis
co o.
I.o Angeles made It three fame In
four yesterday by lambasting Elmef
Koestner. tha Portland Bearer' ona
beat bat In tha flinging line, for At
hlta and three tallies In the sixth In
nine;. Those three were enough, but
for good measure the Dlllonltes hopped
onto Klawltter for tha final two In tha
ninth Inning, bringing the harvest up
to a 1-1 reckoning.
Both teams used a duet of pitchers.
I.evereni being yanked for the second
time this week In tha seventh Inning
with Butler on third, two out and one
. run needed to tie. Chech, the former
St. Taul right bander, relieved him, and
McCredle then substituted Doene for
Knestner at the bat. but Doane s pinch
hit wss a measly grounder to Dillon
and that aealed the locals' fate for
MrCredle's Jadgsseat Criticised.
It was ladles' day and the boys ex
hlblted their upholstered manners. Not
an error marred tha scoring sheet.
but some of the more radically In
rllred chalked up one large and Juicy
lip of Judgment against Manager Mc-
f'redle when he sent Uoane in to ptnen
, hit for Koestner, when a hit meant a
tie score. r
Koestner had. Just an Inning before.
registered Portland's first tally on
slaalfcnr double to Wt. followed by a
two-bagger Into right by Chadbourne,
so Mack's Judgment did appear rather
skimpy around the edgea. Still Kla
wltter, a pitcher with a .! axerage.
had won Wednesday a game, so why not
lioaneT IJndssy. however, would seem
to have been the logical man In the
Heinle Ileltmuller. the slugging rlgbt
flelder of the Angels, wrenched an ankle
trying to stretch a doible Into a triple
In the ntth Inning and- will be out for
. the rest of the week, Drliroll going
Into the sun field.
While Heinle's Incapacitation resett
ed from an ordinary half slide te the
third bag, the putout uncovered one of
th freakiest plays of the season. Bill
Kappa. I'ortlnnd's first baseman, get
ting credit for the death at third after
a pretty exhibition, of quick thinking,
flaps (tales, le Art.
Hltmuller's drive chiseled Its way
Into right field, Mahoney retrieving and
f"hrowtn: on a line to Bancroft. But
the little third baseman dropped the
throw when Heinle plowed Into him
spikes first, whereupon Kappa, backing
the bag, picked up the leather quick as
a shot, and tagged Heinle, who had
overslldden the bag.
Rapps - further Ingratiated himself
with the fans In the aame Inning by
spectacularly spearing a drive by Meti
ger and retiring the side. BUI had a
good day all around, once again break
ing Into the hit column with a single
and two walks In four trips to the
rubber. ' -
i'or the first five Innings Koestner
and Leverens pitched abeautlfuf ball.
I.ober started the fireworks off .Elmer
In the sixth by his second hit to right
Put tha southpaw robbed his side of a
run by a "boner'' a moment later when
he forgot to retouch second base en
route back to Kappa' station after
Boles' long fly to Chadbourne.
The double retired the first two men
up. but before the Beavers could apply
the finishing touch, Leverenx, Howard.
Berger and Daley had spattered out
safe hits, Berger scoring Leverens and
Daley's two-bagger sending Howard
and Berger across for a total of three
Ileaarreoa te lltrk.
Koestner tallied one for Portland In
the latter half of the Inning, as before
rhf onlcled. Kapps sprinted all the way
from first on Butler's double for the
second score In the seve.nth frame.
Dairy's second hit, a walk by Kla
wltter and Monger's drive, which was
Juggled by Mahoney, accounted for the
Angelio duet In the ninth.
Klawltter and Chech likely will be
sent back at each other today by the
rival managers. McCredla has an
nounced that Ben Henderson will twirl
Kunday for the Beavers, this being his
first appearance since April 3a, when
Coy, of the Daks, put one over the
fence with two men on. The score.
IM Angeles I Portland
Ab.H.Po.AE! Ab.H.Po.A.E.
Its orharib'elf 41510
3 4 4 1) ttanc't.ltb 4 0 1
3 2 0 ''n.Jb HOSTS
I 1 O 0 Krw'w.rf 4 10 0 0
Oil 2 O Muh'r.rf. 4 0 3 1 0
1 .1 IMln.pi.ll). I 111 1 I
3 1 1 3 12 10
0 3 1 0 Hurch.c. 10 13 0
IIS OKoee'r.p. 31020
0 0 0 0 I.mnr. 1 0 0 0 0
0 10 0 Klaar'r.p V 0 1 0 0
llnw'd.Zh 4 4 .4
llelter.rf 1
Dillon. 1 1 4
V-t r lt 4
l.nher.lf. 3
Holeec. S
I .ever' a. p 2
I'ase.rf.. 1
Chech. p. 1
Total. Z3 10 3T 1 Oj Total .30 S 27 1 a
Battd for Koestner In seventh.
WORK BT IXMNOS. Angeles 00000300 3 0
Hits 0 0 1116 0 0 2 in
Portland 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3
tills 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 t
Rune Howard. Parser. Talv. Tll1on.
1, ayeren. Rapps, Koeatner. "truck out By
Klawltter I. .everens 1, Chech 1 Haeee on
ballast iff Klawltter 1. off Leverens 8. off
1'hech 1. Twrn-baea Mta Leber. Heltmuller.
Dnljr, Koeatner, Chadbourne. Butler. Iiou
Me plnva Ko-etner to Horisera to Rappe.
Mulioney to Bancroft to Kappa Chadbourne
to H.Hlr to Kappa to Korlgera. Stolen
baaaa Howard, Ilerxer. Dillon. Credit vic
tory to I.everens; ctiarse defeat io Koeat
ner. Innlnxe pitched Hv Leverens. 2-S.
Koeatner 7. Baae hlta orf Leverena S. runs
2. Koeatner a, rune a. Time 1:84. Umpires
Wheeler and Finney.
Notes of the Game.
The Beavers tried to chase tha Jinx yea
terday. but In vain. The aquad appeared on
the Aeld toppe.l oh by the regulation blue
caps of tha road uniform.
"1 ne-ured ixana would go In snd either
Sit safely or beat out an InHeld tee." aald
Manaaer McCreule. after the same, eae-lain--
Ine his plnch-hlt reaaonlns. "He ahoukl have
beaten out that alow groender to Dillon,
McCredle may give Bancroft a rest until
est week, ahovlns Llndaay In St the third
ha( today and Sunday. Rancroft bss not
hit aafe!y for five eoneeeiitlva games.
Chadoourna negotiated a neat running
catch oft kober In the aeventh Innlns.
During tha Aral three Innlnas Shortstop
Berfer figured In every play hut one. In
. the first frame Chadbourne, Bancroft and
'.itndxere all went out Merger to Dillon.
1 leverens. Chech and Klawltter fielded
brilliantly on nutuute at flrat baae.
lieltmuller was nruented wlta 73 pack-
sees of tobacco for bis home run of Thurs
Coy'a Muff of Williams' I -on Vlr
Lets Senators Win,
SAN rRANXISCO. Juna 7. Right
Fielder Coy's error In the 11th lost
the game for Oakland. In the begin
ning of the ninth Pacramento led. & to
1. but Tledemann'a home run with the
bases filled tied the score. In the
12th Van Buren singled, took second
on O'Rourko's sacrlflre and came In
when Coy muffed a long fly by Wll
llama. Kcore:
R. H. E l R. H. E.
SacramentnaS 14,J0akUnd S 11
Batteries Bchwenk and Cheek
Christian. Pop. Malarkey and Mine
Waalilngton 4, Clilcago X.
CHICAGO. June 7. Washington- won
the third straight game from Chicago.
It was announced that Pitcher Walsh
had been suspended for five days for
protesting to Umpire O'Lotlghlln yes
terday and that Zelder had suffered a
dislocated shoulder as a result of a
clash with Oandll. Score:
R. H. K. R. It. E.
Chicago ...3 i lWash'gton 4
Batteries Dance and Block; Oroom
and Henry.
Philadelphia t, St, Ion Is 4.
8T. 1XVIS. June 7. Erratic fielding
and slow thinking by Ktichelt at
critical stages, combined with heavy
hitting by the visitors, gave Phila
delphia the game. Bcore:
R. H. E.I R- H. E
Phlladel... 13 4;SL Louis., i t f
Batteries Plank and Egan: Hamll
ton. Allison. E. Brown and Stephens.
Umpires Perrlne and Dlneen.
Xew York 7, Cleveland 0.
CLEVELAND. June 7. New Tork
won from Cleveland, fiteen was batted
out of the box In the sixth, Blnn hitting
the ball over the right field walL Cald
well threw hla arm out In the fifth
while pitching a star giime. Warhop
was Just as effective. Bcore:
. R. If. E l R.H. E.
Cleveland. 0 S liNew Tork. 7 11
Batteries Sleen: Mitchell. Baskette
and Easterly; Caldwell, Warhop and
Sweeney. s
Detroit 4, Iloston S.
DETROIT, June 7. After pitching
shut-out ball foe eight Innings, Dubuc
weakened In tha ninth and Boston
made three runs, but could not win. The
R. If. E.I R. H. E.
Boeton ( lDetrolt. t. . 4 14 4
Batterlre Collins and Carrlgan; Du-
buo and Btanage. .
it J-
ew York 7, Cincinnati .
NEvT TORK." June 7. New Tork won
Its' second straight game from Clncln-
tl. The batting of Murray and
Meyers featured.. Bcore:
R. II. E. R. H. E.
Cincinnati . 11 JNew Tork.. 7 7 3
Battrrlea Suggs and McLean:
Matheweon and - Meyers. Umpires
Owen and Brennan.
Philadelphia 3, St. Loul 4.
PHILADELPHIA. June 7. Phlladel-
phla hit Steele's delivery hard and waa
aided by rit. Louis' errors, the former
winning. Bcore:
, R. H.E.I R.H.E.
St- Louis ..4 t 3 PhlIa a. 11 1
Batteries Steel and Wlngo; Chal
mers, Brennan and loian. Umpires
KIgler and Ftnneran.
Chicago 7, Brooklyn 2.
BROOKLYN, June 7. Ylngllng'a
wlldness In the early Innings proved
costly and .Chicago won an easy vlc-
tosy. Score:
Chicago ..7 1, Brooklyn ..2 4 3
Batteries Lelfleld and Archer;
Tingling; and Miller.
Iloston 0, Pittsburg 1.
BOSTON. June 7. Boston dropped
the- ninth straight game. Pittsburg
hutting out the home team. A home
run by Wilson waa a feature. Score:
Boston 0 Pittsburg .. 1
Huftterles Dickson. Hayes
Kllng; Hendrlx and Kelly.
Colombia , Lincoln 2.
Although presenting a strong battery
and playing good baU, Tuerck striking
nut 14 men and Lewla seven. Lincoln
High, lost to Columbia University yes-
erday on Columbus Cluh Hold, s to 2.
Errors and balls oft Lewis put Co-
umbla on the bases. .Tuerck was
ouched for four hits during hla part of
the game. Columbia University showed
better form than in the Jefferson
game, which it loat Tuesday. Columbia
pounded out three two-baggers. Mulr
head, Davis and Nixon - esch getting
one. Bernhorrer pitched a steady game,
allowing only alx bits.
Cricket Game Rrheduled
English cricketers residing In Port
land will meet a band of world-wide
xponents Saturday at Cricket park.
J. cnurcmet captains me r.ngnen
earn. 'while C. E. GJedstead will boss
the pickups.
Baseball Statistics
Vancouver Employs Four Men
in Pitcher's Role but All
Are Hit Unsparingly.
Bra sircar Trie Ont "Kid" Battery
,br Four Innings to His Undoing,
Doty and Stanfleld Do
Honors for Portland.
Narttiweatera LeagM Btaadlaga.
W. L. Pet ' W. L. Pet.
, Amertcas) Leagae.
W. 1 PC ' W. f. Pc.
rttreaxe... 80 IT .CI Phlla'lel... . 21 is r jo . . . . 77 IS i ievaian.1 . . .1 .01 z
w.ahlea-a. 25 21 .64 New York. 14 27 .S41
Detroit.... 23 33 .5.12, t. Leula.. 13 32 2!W
National League.
New Tork. M 7 MS'ST. Txile... 51 le .447
ClnclnnatU 2t IB .S7H Phllsrtel . . . 17 21.447
Chlcaso... 2.1 It . Hrooklyn.. 13 2 .313
Pittsburg.. 31 IS .MS Boaton . . . . IS 31
Americma Aaasrlstlosu
Mlnnesp... X4 IT .Mrst. Paul... R 31 .415
oleoo.,,. -:i;i 17 .tiKMnnianap... .11 .11.1
r.lumhua. 34 1 .4.' Milwaukee. IT .1'J .347
Kan VT.. 2 .M4 Uoutaville. . 1 31 .3 14)
Weetera l4nie.
St. Jnaeph. lit IT .S4S Wichita.. . . 23 2 .7
ea acoinea 24 31 .o.i.i ymana. .. . zi -n ,4-r
loux City. 23 it .32 Lincoln. ... 1U 24 4 .'7
Denver.... 24 20 4WTupka. ... 1 SM .421
Weehlngtoa State. v
Chehatla.. l
Cantralla.. II
.671 Iloquiam. .
in It. 4T
13 34
Teetenlay's Keenlte.
American Anioetstlon Toledo 10. gt. psul
Indlanapnlla 13. Mllukee T: Louisville
4. Kanias City 2: ColurrUiua U. Minneapolia 3.
eatern Leaaua lncln 1. Dea Moines 1
He); Wichita 7. Omaha 4; Topaka 7. Ht.
oaeph t; Uenver 5. Sioux Cttr 4.
nion Aaaoclatlfm St t Latt 8. Helena 1:
Miaaoula 7. Ulden : Butte 13. Oreat Kails S.
Paclflo Coaat I Northwestern
AB. H. Av.i - ah. H. if
Krueger.. 1S7 57 30S Crulklh'k. 83 2T .323
Uoana.... 140 41 .203 Venaor. . . 12J .2t
Rappa.... 2"H 0 .U Fries S'li M .2fl 117 .2U1 b'aatler... 00 1 .2X7
.Indaar. . 113 32 .271 Kibble 173 41 .23
Ullir ... 19 S .WTannnu VT T -2.a
Mahoney, 42 11 ,2J Mpeaa. . .. . J1J 34 .2f.
Holsera.. I" 4 63 .art" tVllllama.. lue no .2M
Chadb'rne T:n 61 McDowell. s 2 .'"O
nancroiy. iw 44 .-.M oltrln.. .. IR.l 43 .2:12
urcn.... B .zi llarrla 174 2a .ill
Koeatner. 44 It Moora.. . 34 7 .2"
Maraneas, . is 4 Smltb..... 04 11 ,2t'4
reaa.... I', a ioty 2w
Howler... Vi JJ .1R Hlnomfd.. 17
lawltter 32 .17 rmllne. . l.
Stelsar... 11 2 .1H2 Veaiey. ... 20
laaln'm. . 13 .1 S4 Stan field-. 11
endars'a 13 2 .l.M
Ulrot..... . S 1 .121
5-. 172
4 .1411
r .i
1 .:
1 vi
1 lltmtlTtT 2S 24 .6.1H Portland . L'd .Mil
Tacoma ...2 25 Spokane ...24 23 .4in
icioria i .eiOitieattla ....U -S .401
Yesterday's Reealts.
At Vancouver Portland 14. Vancouver 5.
At Heaiiie Tacoma a, Seattle S.
At Victoria Upokana 4. Victoria 3.
VANCOTJVEK. &. C. June 7. (Spe
clal.) Vancouver today disintegrated
before a general assault of the Port
land stick wlelUers. used up four pitch
era and went down to defeat 14 to 6.
BraslMar tried hla "kid" batterv for
four Innings, but when Portland
slammed out three hlta. one a two-bag
ger. crew two passes and one man
wae nit wltn a wild pitch netting seven
runs. Including Eastlev's homer. Kitty's
goat leaped the fence and did not show
up again until "Kll" Cates went In In
the sixth and made . Portland behave.
Celts Have Battlag Kye.
Gervals was succeeded In the fifth
by Belford who lasted half an Inning
and was succeeded by Maxmeyer. "Be
tween them, three passes and two Mta
were delivered. Portland collecting five
runs. Cates was called in the sixth,
but Portland had put the Indian sign
on the champions and greeted him In
tne seventh by drawing a pass, a single
and a double. Eas. ley's two sacke.r
scoring iwo men.
loty was hit freely for seven In
nlngs when Ftanfleld succeeded him.
The starch was out of Vancouver and
the "Kid" had things easy to the end.
Van Haltren (resented Vancouver
with Its Bret run. Drinker hit and
Bennett and UeMsgglo were easy outs.
Brlnker etole second. Frisk -passed
and Brlnker stole third. Frisk tried
for second and waa thrown out by
Harris. Van Haltren was watching
Brlnker trying to steal home and did
not sea Frisk tagged out, but gave
Vancouver tne run. .
tVaty Fairly Geierasa,
A baae on balls, a three-bsgger an
other pass and a two-bagger netted
Vancouver another run In the fourth.
In tha flfth Bennett' tapped Doty for
two bags, waa sacrlfied to third by
Maggio and scored on a wild Ditch.
Two runs were annexed In the sixth
on singles by Kippert. James and
Hepulveda. followed by a two-bagger
drive by Maxmeyer, scoring two men.
Tare score:
Tortlarid ( Vancouver
Ab.H.Po.A.K.1 Ah M Ie A K
Kibble.Sk 4 3 3 1 VBrlnk' fi 1 0 0
Harrla.c 3 110 Ben elt.L'b 4 3 3 0 3
Moore.c ' 0 1 dasslo.K 5 13 0
(-kih 1 4 1 0 r-rlek.rf S 3 1 0
peae.2b 5 3 S e Klpp'rUcf 4 3 4 1
Eaatl' 4 3 O f i ! !
smlth.rf 1 0 O 0 ;."'!".': 12?? 8 3 3 c-l'l?! ? 7 1
Wkl'ma IK S 9 T -J o '"rrsla.p 1 O 1 4
roite?- IT I ; i i n Heimrd.p o e o e sal o M am'vr n n i 1
Dotv.r. 4 O 2 1 P-.-7-' . . Z.
Blanrd.p 1 0 OiBrah'r.x" 1 O 0
Totals ..43 14 3T If 11- Total. S3 13 27 11 3
a ura near batted rot. Belford In fourth
Vancouver ......1 0 01 1 10O 0 3
Portland 0 0 4) T S 0 3 9 0 14
Truns Brlnker. Bennett. Frlak. ITInnaet
James. Kibble 2. llarrla 2. rrulkih.tii. 1
epeaa. caaciav. Hmttn. rrlee. Wllllama. colt
rin. lioii z. Dtoian naaea unnker. Bennett,
Frlak. Smith, tiacrlflca hlta Jamea U m rrtm
Tws-baaa hits Kippert. tlpeaa Home run
r-aaxtey. Haaea on bails Ilotv a. Htanfleld 2.
t.arvaia z, eirord 2. Maxmeyer 3. Catea 1.
eiruca out uervaia atea i. Ktann.M z
Pitchers' recorda Three runa alz hlta oar
Uervala In S 2-3 Innlnsi: four runs, one hit
oft Belford In 1-3 Inning; Ave runs, four hits
orr Msimeyrr in two Innlnir-; two runs, three
nits on istes in tnrea rnnlnirs: -Ova runs,
ae-van hlta off Doty In 3 1-3 Inmnes; no run a.
Ave hits oft rltanneld In 3 2-3 Inntnsa. Double
play :mlkahank te Harria. Wild Dltchea
tleirnrd 2. Maxmever' 1. Doty 1. lilt by
pitcher Harria. by Vaxmeyer. Time 3:2X
empire an-liaicren. -
Tacoma Pulls Over Two Ran In
Elglub, IX-feaUns; Seattle.'
TACOMA. - Wash?, June 7. After
Bchmutx had pltclted excellent ball for
Tacoma for seven Innings only to throw
away himself In fielding. Manager
Lynch put Crlger In the box for Ta
coma In the aeventh and then in the
lghth managed to pull over the two
runs necessary to- take the game from
Seattle by a score of to 5. Score: .
R. H. E. . R. H. E.
Taooma... 1 if"eattle. . . . ( a a
Batteries Schmutg. Crlger and Crlt-
enden; James and Wally. Umpire
Victoria Holds One Ran Lead Cn
, ' til Eighth Innlns;.
FEATTLE. June 7. Victoria drove
Cadreau from the box In the second
Inning and held a lead of one run un
til the eighth, when Spokane rallied
and scored three men, winning tha
game, 4 to 3. rcore:
R.H. E.I K.H.E.
Spokane 4 J 2;Vlctoria I 3 1
Batteries Cadreau. Noyea and De
von; Concannon and Grtodle. Umpire
Kane Hit Hard In Game Marked by
Ragged Fielding. ,'
CENTRALIA, Wash.. June 7. (Spe
cial. ) Centra 1 la pounded out 11 hits
off Kane today and Hoqulam went
down to defeat. 7 to 1. Fielding of
tacJth teams was decidedly ragged. Tha
- R. It. E l R. H. B.
Hoqulam.. I IlCentralla. . ( u 4
Batteries Kane and Troeh; Smith
and Byrnes.
ITOQCTAM. Wash, June 7. (Special.)
Everybody waa hit today In the
State Iague game between Aberdeen
and Chehalls on the. Harbor ball park,
for both pitchers were liberal with
their gifts of ante blngles. Score:
R- H. E. R. H. E.
Chehalla. 14 13 01 Aberdeen.. a
Batteries Prink and Taylor- Hel-
mecka and Gleason.
Efficiency jto lie Given to State of
Idaho for Breeding Purposes.
ALAN, Idaho,; June 7. An ordinary
card was offered the racegoers at the
Alan course today. Maff won the f
ture event at a mile. The Breeders'
purse was won by Efficiency, and as
a result the filly will b presented to
the State of Idaho for breeding pur
poees. v , .
Beginning tomorrow seven races will
be offered on three days a week Mon
day, rrlday and Saturday. Results:
First rsce.Your f virion a Trojan Belle.
112 1 Bum ton I. 1 to 2, won; Debutante, 113
Burllnsamel. T ta 1. aecond: Kltly W.. 107
(Grand 1. lot to . third. Time. :4I 4-3.
Hecond race, five furlongs Koiaworth. IDT
(HIIII. 7 to 2. won; Hawley. Ill (Drandl,
10 to 1. aecond: Don Franco, 111 lE. Mc-Ea-enl.
5 to 1, third. Time. 1:0:.
Third race, five and a half rurlnnsa Ef
ficiency. ' (Hopklnal, 3 to ft. won; Hand
Hatchet. ! ( K. Meren. 4 to 1. aecond
(alls. 10 (Tspllnl. to 1, third. Time,
1:0 l-l.
Fourth rare, one mile Muff. 104 (Schwe-
bls. 4 to 3. won: Henry Hutehlneon. Hi
(Hopklnal. II to 2. aecond; Jack laion,
Hi Taplln. T to 1. third. Time. 1.40 a-s.
Fifth race, five f urlonga John H Shee
hsn. 104 (Hoonejr), 7 to 1. won; Kwaaer-
latnr. 111 (Kliherl, 11 to 1. second; Lyt
Knisnt, Ifl (uorungamel. 7 to 2, third.
Ilmv :1 3-3.
Sixth race, six furlonss Ous flsrtiidse.
f.1 IHI1I1. 14 to 3. won; Mlae Picnic. 1"!
Corey). 13 to 1. aecond; Amerlcua. Ill 4 b.
JtcEwen), 3 to I. third. Time. 1:14 4-3.
Epsom Ponns Event la Captured by
Rank Outsider '
EPSOM DOWN'S. England. June 7.
The Oaks stakes of 6000 sovereigns, for
3-year-old allies was won here today
by Mlrska. Equitable, ridden by the
American Jockey Frank O'Neill, was
aecond, and Blll-and-Coo finished third.
Fourteen horses started. The distance
wss about one mile and a naif.
Tagalle was tha favorite, but after
Haltering her backers most of the way.
was beaten when close home. The Der
by winner assumed command of the
field on rounding Tattenham corner,
but when challenged In the stretch
failed to respond, and Mlrska sped to
the front, winning In a ranter by three
lengths. Equitable finished three-quar
ters of a length ahead of Blll-and-Coo.
Mlrska was a rank outsider at 31 to 1
In the betting at the start. The same
odds were offered on Equitable, while
Blll-and-Coo was quoted at 10 to L.
City Hall 13, Courthouse 4.
The City Hall baseball team defeated
the Courthouse yesterday In the first
game of a series 12 to 4. Beck of the
University of Oregon twirled for the
victorious tram against Richards. -
Warm .Reception .Planned for Spo
kane Delegation to Admen's Con
vention In Portland.
The advance guard of the Admen
coming to attend the meeting of the
Pacific. Const Advertising Men's Asso
ciation, which will be held in Portland
June 10, 11 and 12, will arrive from
Spokane on Monday morning. It Is tha
understanding that there will be at
least 5 In the party. - Many of them
will be accompanied by their wives.
When they arrive at the Hoyt-Street
depot, one of the most novel demon
strations known to Admen will tske
place. It is announced that the Spo
kane delegates and visitors will come
dressed as Indiana, having adopted all
the fantastic adornment of the Slio-
shones. The Portland Ad Club will
show the real Indian as compared with
the fake one, and 200 Indiana with
"The Bridge of the Ooda" Company
have been-trained for the event. Toma
hawks, tom-toms and sleigh bells will
form an Interesting feature In connec
tion with this stunt. O. A. Loom is will
head the Spokane delegation, and he
will be presented with a box of War
paint by the chief of "The Bridge of
the Qods" Indians.
The final meeting of the general
committee under the dlreotlon of Frank
McCrtllls. was held at the Commercial
Club yesterday, when tlie finance com
mittee-reported that 1 2(71)0 was on hand.
The banquet committee reported that
everything was moving along satisfac
torily for the banquet on Wednesday
night. Plana of the committee bave
not been made public, but It Is said
that visiting Admen will pass a sleep
less night. The publicity, entertain
ment, hotel, -automobile and parade,
badges, reception and women's enter
tainment committees also reported.
Irvington Club Tourney
at Crisis.'
M'lekerahara Likely Candidate) for
.Victor In Men's Singles Despite
Handicap of Ove 4 0 Women
Play Tills Morning.
With weather Indications most prom
(sing for good tennis, the last day .In
the Irvington Club's i annual Spring
handicap tournament has arrived and
today's schedule calls for some espe
cially Interesting matches among the
men and women, the latter alone hold
Ing forth In the morning In the semi
finals of the women's doubles.
Owing to the desire on the part of
the committee and the players as well
particularly those still In the running,
that the finals in all five events be
pulled off In the afternoon, arrange
ments necessarily had to be made to
play off one event In the women s play
this emomlng.
Though It might be a little premature
In picking winners. It appears from
scores so far that Wlckersham, city
and club champion will walk away with
with the new Wilbur cup. despite plsy
Ing againat an owe-44 handicap. Mrs
Judge and Miss, Houston appear to be
likely candidates for the women s dou
bles honors and the manner In which
the youngsters, Kyle and Wolfard. are
playing le evidenced that GUI and
Cooke will have a hard time this after
noon to defeat them.
Mrs. Haley and J. H. Smith are prob
able victors In. the mixed doubles event,
while It would be impossible, to even
forecast the winner In the women's
singles, for Miss Uoes and Miss Morris
are plsylng good tennis.
The handsome trophies for the tour
nament which were secured from Feld
enhelmers are now on exhibit at the
club and will be donated to the win
ners this afternoon after play by F. H.
V. Andrews, who has ao capably man
aged the present tournament.
yesterday s results follow:
Kvla and Wolfard beat Smith brother.
Alt. 4V-2: 3IISS fa I and Mrs. Northup heat
Misses Gurts snd Morris. .a v..y Mies
Houaton and Mra. Judee beat M'.aaes Ur.
Bride. 7-6. 4-2; Mlaa does beat Mies Ford
Ins. -4. 11-10: Mra. Reier and rmlth heal
Mlaa Morris and Wilder. 4-4. s-3: Van Loan
heat Wilder. 4-2. 4-0; Wlckaraham tei
Freeman. 2-4. 4-2. 4-2; Cooke and GUI beat
Utdd and freeman, J -a, 4-4, 4V-4. '
Schedule for today follows:
10 A. M. (Meml-nnala. woman's doubles!
Mrs. Northup and Mlas Fox vs. Mlaees Camp
bell and Hchaefer.
2 P. M Van Loan vs. Wteheraham
(llnalal; Mlas Hrtnaton and Mra. Juris va.
winner of Northup-FoxA"amibll.icbaafer
4 P. M. Kyle and Wolfard va Cooke and
Oltl (finals: Mra, Raley and Smith va Mra
Nortbup and Htewart tflnels, m lied dou
blea); Mlaa Morris va Mlaa Coaa (Aula,
woman's singles).
Garden Scoring la Slow.
Announcement of the prise winners
in the school garden contest will not
be made before next week, owing to
the large number of gardens to be
examined. Professor . Iletzel and Pro
fessor Bouquet, of the Oregon Agrlcul-
ural College, and State Superintendent
Alderman, are expected to complete
their work of scoring the 300 gardens
today. An exhibit will be held In the
Armory June 15. Twelve cash prizes
wtll be awarded ranging from'f.3 to
$7.00 and other merchandise prizes to
the value of IS.
A moanulto-proof steamahlp la plying be
een Knxlleh and wt African porta, all
opentnga balng covered with copper wire
Great Distance Ranner Named to
Ilead .lt 13 Track Tram.
Or, June 7. (Special. Walter Mc-
Clure who was chosen- with Martin
Hawkins from this university to repre
sent the United states In the Olympic
games at Storkiolm. has been unani
mously elected captain of next year's
track team. McClure la declared by
critics to be the greatest distance run
ner ever produced on the Partnc Coast
and Is recognized as ona of the fast
est men In America.
He runs the half-mile and two-mil
events for Oregon. He holds the Coast
record In the mile of 4:14 1-5, the Cosst
record In the 1500 meters run of 4:0
3-4 and the Northwest marks this sea
son. He has not beaten the Coast rec
ord In- toe two-mile rua In competition,
but recently In California defeated
Crabbe, of Berkeley, - holder of th
record in this evenUa,
iw-Clure graduated from Eugene
High School. Is registered from
Eugene, is a Junior In college and a
member of Alpha Tau Omega Fratern
lty. lie leaves Saturday for New York
where he wtll board the liner Finland
for the scene of the world's meet. Im
mediately after the conclusion of th
Stockholm game McClure will return
to America to resume his studies in
tha University of Oregon next FalL
A Proper Pride
University of Oregon Dougbno
league Baseball Race at Eiid.
Or, June 7. (SperlL By defeating
the Kappa Sigma team In the finals of
the onghnut Baseball League race
yesterday by a score ef f to 4. the Phi
Oamma Delta nlnex won possession of
the rhamnfonahln cup for one year.
THESE Coat Cut Undershirts
and Knee Length Drawers
and Union Suits are loose
- fittinp;. They are made from
light, durable, soft-feelino; materials
w hich) let the air through, but are slovr
to wear through.
This RJ Wovan Label '
a. v. D. Cast
Cat Va4if
kins and
Xaea iaorta
aae II. M a
a V. 0. t'nlea
lyb' (Pit.
4.14.4 71.
ii.on. i.w
12.00. uo
aa4 . a
(Tea Jttael . R t At W aWIU. 6ael.)
is sewed on every B. V. D. Undergarment
Take no undergarment without this label.
, The B. V. D. Company,
New York.
Uadc rOR THt
siaul r UK inii l
You are not fully
ready for "Rose"
week festivities
unless you have a
nw suit. Be sru
sible and buy a
in appearance is essential
to j'our success. It is so
Ieasy to be well dressed
when j'ou buy our m
What you save In the prl e of a suit
buys the little accessories thst give'
you the "well-dressed" feeling, snd
still you have the equal of any
5 suit.
o v a. I.
Clothing Company
On Wmahinaton
ait e a
345 Nmmr STenth
Great Advertisement for Oregon
Would Be. Presence of Famous
Adviser to Western Athletes.
EUGENE. Or.. June T. ( Special.)
Aa a matter of community pride and be
lieving that tha presence of Trainer
Bill Hayward will be a great adver
tisement for Oregon, the Kugene Com
mercial Club Is back of a movement to
raise sufficient funds to send Hayward
to Stockholm with the American Olym
pic team. When It waa a question of
subscription to send . McClure snd
Hawkins to the California tryouta, Ku
gene men. Interested in amateur sport,
overnight subscribed the required fi'OS
and thoee Interested In sending Hay
ward East are confident the requisite
sum can be secured.
Kpeaklng of the movement. Otto all-
strap, a sportlnsr wrlaer here, says:
Toe West Coast has the athletes and
the meet will resolve Itself Into a con
test between the Eaat and the West for
athletic supremacy. What la the use
of sending our men at all unless they
enter the games with an equal rhanca
against the well-equipped eqtiada of
the Eastern colleges and clubs? It
Is absolutely necessary for Hill Hay
ward to take these men In lisnd. With
his wise counsel to direct them the
Western boys will grab the laurels
from the best talent of the entire world,
Isn't that, honor enough to spur the
townspeople to action
claL) Following a decision rendered it
a recent meeting of State league dlrec
tora to have all .unnecesssry noises
eliminated at ball games, the Chehalla
directors have erected signs on Millet
Field stating that the blowing of horns,
rattlers snd other rooting devices will
heresfter bo prohibited. It Is very prob
able that the Centralla directors will
take the same steps.
Hooter Is Silenced at Chelialls.
CEVTH AHA. Wash- June T. 1 8 p -
80,000 TKOt'T TRY ri.AXTEIl'
Xecanlcnm Fishing I'ronilNCS Good
for Years to Come.
FEASinB, Or., June 7. (Special.)
Thirty thousand young trout fry were
received here yesterday from the Gov
ernment hatcheries at nonnovllle, and
the work of planting them in the small
stresms tributary to the Necanlcum has
just been .completed. Tills waa the
first of seversl consignments of trout
that will be received here, the Kleh
and Game Commission having found the
Necanlcum to be an excellent stresm for
the raising- of trout. About :t.000
more young trout will be received hero
shortly- and planted In the Necanlcum.
Tne fish Just received arrived In the
rare of Warden Uwry, said were tak
en up the river Immediately after their
delivery at the depot. The fish wero In'
good condition at the time of plant
ing. Excellent results are predicted In
the work of restocking the trout sup
ply In the Necsntrum. The Necsnlctim
liss been a favorite elream for fisher
men, having never been visibly harmed
by the large numbers of fishermen
who mske catches In It. To keep the
supply aa at present, the planting of
the wmall fry lias been thought a wise
move, and It la probsble that there wilt
be no Ore sea ae In the supply of trout
for msny years
A Shipment ' of seversl thousahj
young baas Is expected eoon for plant
ing In Cullnhy I -eke. a few miles north
of here. This iske has been found ail
Ideal one for this fish and In a few
years will furnish excellent bass flali.
JkAj p;:
1 Sq)u i
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pgpfer : i-'-Milii