Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 08, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Northwest .Development As
sociation Tells of Plans to
Benefit 'All.
MonUn Governor Make Strong
'Appeal for Pro ret Ion of Cltl
irns From Prrrlns; Real Es
tate Men Officer Elected.
ioitrooxg beavtiftl bosks
SEATTLE. Wuk., June T. 8pe-
elal.) On hondred dosen beautiful
I Oregon n compliment, of the
I Rom rwlvil Association, ware pre-
tented to the delegatee to the North-
wastern Development Congress today
I by tho Oregon del.gattoa headed by
I George M. H viand. C. C. Oupmia
J and "Bill" Henley. Tba dlstrlns
t tlnn of tha served- to call
attention to tho Roee reettvel opea-
ln Monday morning and proved a
splendid advertisement for Portland.
I Tho aeaeelatlon waa cotnpllmantad
i for It enterprlee.
SEATTLE!. Wash.. Juna 1. Tha
Northwest Development Congress to
day elected offlcera asd adopted a aet
at resolutions urging homo rule for
Alaska, mora liberal administration of
tha public landa and outlining a plan
for co-operative development ot ino
Northwestern atataa. The place far
holding tha nest congress waa referred
to tha executive committee, a choice
to be made within 0 days.
Oovernor Edwin U Norrla. of Mon
tana, who waa the principal speaker
today, mad a (Irons; appeal to tha
rnnrrini to protect tha citizens of tha
Northwest from preying real estate or
Investment promoters.
Among tha recommendations made In
the report of tha committee on reso
lutions war tha following:
"We recomn-end an appropriation of
ISO, 009 per annum for tho Legislature
of each atate for Intelligent advertis
ing and Immigration work.
"We recommend the enactment of
measures by the atatea. which shall
make mora dangerous the business of
fraudulent real estate operators.
"We urge a more liberal policy on
tha part of tha Interior Department
and Its general land office, which shall
encourage occupancy and development
of our remaining public, lands."
The matter of holding the next meet
ing of the Development Congreaa was
referred to tha executive committee
and state vioe-prestdente, who are di
rected to decide upon tha time and
place of tho next meeting within 0
These officers were elected:
Prealdent, Lewis Penwell. Helena.
Mont.; treasurer, Ueorge H. Prince, St.
Paul: vice-presidents. I. II. Nelll. Red
Wing, Minn.: M. J. Kelly. Devil I-ake,
N. D.; John Deeta. Pierre. R D. : L. New,
man, C.reat Falls. Mont.; J. J. fay. Mos
cow. Idaho; William llanley. Bend. Or.
Executive committee Charlea 8. Pat
terson. Minneapolis: E. Y. Hariri. Hills
boro. N. D. : M. P. Beehe. Ipswlci. 8. D.;
Ueorge F.. Matthews, Lewlatown. Mont.;
Ham Klch, HI ark foot. Idaho: II. C. Wil
son, Hpokane; C C. Chapman. Portland.
Vancouver Pa) a 'Washnugal
After Business Hours.
VANCOUVER, Wash, June (Spe
cial! Singing the new Comnferclal
Club song to the tun of "Where the
River Shannon Flowa,'" 1 00 members
of the Vancouver Commercial Club, and
their families, started to Washougal
on a, specially chartered train at 1:30
o'clock today, arriving 30 minutes later.
The party waa met by the full member
ship of th .Waahougal Commercial
Club, and women of Wnshstigal. and
wer escorted to the hall, where a
bountiful supper of chicken, straw
berries and cream was served.
Members of the Vancouver Club were
called on for short speeches, and among
those who responded were Lloyd lu
Hols, president of the club; John II.
Klwell, Senator Eastham. E. E. Beard.
Ueorge P. Larson, manager of the
Clark County Fair, and others. A
hearty welcome was given the visitors.
Automobiles wer provided and par
Ilea were driven around the town to see
the adjoining farms and orcharda he
fore dark. Another meeting was held
In the hall, and a musical programme
was given.
The friendly meeting of the two com'
merclaj cluba was to get In closer touch
with each other, and that the Vancou
ver Cqmrnerclal Cluh could learn from
personal observation In what waya It
ran he of service to the thriving town
of Washougal. on the Columbia River
and North Bank Road.
Th special train started back to
Vancouver at 10 o'clock.
CedJnf of Oregon to Be Recalled
and Church Dedicated. .
SALEM. Or.. June 7. (Special.) On
on day to celebrate the sixty-sixth an
niversary of the treaty between th
United Stated and Oreat Britain, which
reded th Oregon country to h United
States and on th next day to dedicate
th Jason Leo Memorial Church In mem
ory of Oregon's pioneer missionary, la
th p'an which will be followed out
Saturday and Sunday. June 15. and 1,
The following programme haa been
arranged for th two daya: June 1G
"The Influence of Pioneer Methodism
on Oregon" J. D. Lee, Portland; "Th
Pioneer Preacher" A. J. Joslyn. Can
by; "Jason Lee. Judge Moreland. Salem;
"Th Provisional Government," C. B.
Bagley, Seattle: "Jason Le as th
Founder of Wlllametta University,"
Judge Moore. Portland: "Reminiscen
ce." , Cyrus H. Walker, Ueorge 1L
llimea, John Flynn and othera.
Jun 1 Sermon by Dr. II o man.
Bunday achool, a layman's mooting, a
young people rally and dedication of
th church In the evening by Dr.
Stockholders In Stewart Mine After
Butte Man.
SPOKANE. Wash.. June 7. (Special.)
Advertisements In i newspapers
between New York and San Francisco
SreTS publ4''' mtllnot ar'w.VH'.M.
era In the Stewart property to unite In
a fight on F. Auguatua Helnte'a ad
ministration of the Coeur d Alene mine.
E. J. Carter, of Hpokane. whose suit
for receivershln of the property Is bow
pending, signs the call aa chairman of
a stockholders' committee organlied In
Spokane this week.
C. E. Mallette. of Spokane, la secretary
of the committee: H. T. Irvine, of thla
city,: C. A. Barnes, of Missoula, and K-
Jones. of Wallace, being the others.
Members say they represent 100,000
snares. .
The advertisement calls on owners
of stock everywhere to send their
namea and tha number of shares they
own to the "stockholders protective
commit tea" In Mr. Carter's office In tha
Columbia building. It pledgee the com
mittee to publicity and says that with
the Information thus obtained tha com
mittee will be able to force an account.
Ing from Helnse.
Members of th committee believe
they may ba abls to ahaka out enough
stock to wrest the control from th
Butte blsh financier. Titer never has
been a list of stockholders available.
In accordance with th polloy of tho
Stewart, which has never presented an
annual report.
, .
former Portland Man Makes Rail
road Man's Daughter His Bride.
SPOKANE. June 7. (Special.)
Stuart R. Strong, formerly of Portland,
waa married here at All-Saints' Church
Wednesday to Miss Ruth Bartle.
aBaasasasaaVjvsBasaaBassBBBSMeasassHHMar'T. . aaaaaassaaaaBaaasssssaaaa
? " " ' ' ' v" ''';f'"""'': y,. r T . . - -
tt v' - : : ' - -.'Nl I
The ceremony waa performed by
Dean Hicks. The ceremony waa at
tended only by the Bartle family, by
Mr. Htuart'a mother. Mrs. Curtis C.
Strong, and hla brother, Frederick H.
Mlsa Bartle comes from Chicago and
la th daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
8. Bartle, of Chicago. Mr. Bartle la th
asslatant traffic manager of the Santa
Ke system. He and Mrs. Bartle and
their daughter. Virginia, made the trip
to Spokane to attend tho wedding.
Mr. Strong Is well known here, hay
ing been traveling freight and pas
senger agent for the 8.. P. sV 8. He had
lately gone to Spokane to take, up a
position with the Washington Brick.
Tile Company there. He la a brother to
Robert Strong, of Portland, manager of
th estate of II. W. Corbett.
U.- Mock well Succumbs In
frYanctaro at Age of 00.
SAN RANtflfiCO. Jun "F. U R.
Stockwell. for many yeara a well
known San Francisco actor-manager.
died at a -hospital her today, after a
long Illness. He had been blind for
several years.
Stoekwell waa active In the manage
ment of several San Francisco theaters
nd played leading comedy parta In
the playa which he produced. He was
about It years old. Hla wife. Ethel
Brandon, an actress, and on daughter.
Polly Stockwell. also an acres, sur
vive him.
Mlsa Helen 8. Gray la In Chicago.
Med ford Brevoort. O. L. Lawler.
B. M. Van, of Wasro, Is at th Perk.
Ins. '
H. 8. Harkness, of Tha Dalles, Is at
th Oregon.
B. F. Manchester,, of Colfax, Is
the Perkins.
L. Bailey, of Roseburg. Is registered
at th Perkins.
E. Adams, a merchant of Raymond, la
at the Carlton.
Judge Gale and children, of Manila,
are at th Portland.
W. J. Williams, of 8t. Helena, Is at
the Cornelius.
Q. W. Phillips, of Kelso, Is registered
at the Cornelius. t
E. L. Toumana, a Stevenson lumber
man, la at tha Portland.
T. B. Swearlnnton. a Pendleton wool
operator. Is at th Bowers.
N. F. Macduff, an Albany merchant.
Is registered at the Carlton.
Thomas B. Farr. City Treasurer of
Ogden. Is at the Multnomah.
R. W. Pooley, a Hood River orchard
let. Is registered at the Portland.
H. F. Cowdln, a lumberman of Bll
verton. Is registered at th Oregon.
William Gately, an Insurance adjuster
of Seattle, la registered at th Carlton.
L. C. C, Lawrenc. of Seattle, Is at
th Bowers, accompanied by Mrs. Law
renc. W. L. Morgan, of Portland, Is a guest
of th Hotel Jefferson, St. Louis, this
Portland Hotel Sherman. F. E. An
drew Baker, Great Northern, Carl A.
T. F. Comeford, a MaryavlU rancher,
la at the Oregon, accompanied by Mrs.
C. It. Callander, manager of th As
toria Box Company, la registered at th
John Lyle Harrington, a bridge
builder of Kansaa City, Is registered at
the Portland.
CHICAGO. June. 7. (Special.) The
following from Oregon ar registered at
Chicago hotel;
Colonel George 8. Stevens. U. 8. A.,
In command at Fort Stevena, la regis
tered at th Bower.
W. F. McGregor, collector of' tha Port
of Astoria, la at th Multnomah, ac
companied by, hla family. .
W. P. Coan. a business man of Clin
ton, la., 1 at th Multnomah, accom
panied by his wife and two daughters.
Mrs. Samuel Elmore la at the Mult
nomah, en route to her home In Astoria
after passing tho Winter In California
' Oeorg E. Booth, general agent of
th Oregon Ehort Lin at Gooding,
Idaho, la registered at th Cornelius.
Charles Bawksby, "Little Moose;"
Jeaa Roberta. "Tall Pine:" Harry In
man. "Kattleanako Pete," there Cain
boya. of Pendleton, arrived In Portland
yeaterday to rid in tho various Rose
Festival parades.
Adjutant C H. Lauchhdlmer. who has
been .making an inspection of th
United States Marin Corpa at Bremer
ton, arrived In Portland yesterday and
will remain until tonight. He waa the
guest of Big Slchei yesterday at lunch
eon at th Commercial Club and was
also entertained at dinner at Mr. Slch
!' homo last Sight,
Man Charged With Murder
. Gives Connected and De
tailed Story.
Sheriff of Maltnomab County Tells
of Famous Hammer In Case of .
Mr. Wrhfirin, Who Met Un
timely Death on Sept.
ST. HELENS.' Or., Jun :. (Special.)
John Arthur Pender, whoa trial on
n Indictment charging him with being
tba murderer of Mr a. Daisy thrtnin
haa been4 In progreaa for more than a)
week, took th witness stand on his
own behal this' afternoon and gav a
connected and detailed account of hla
movements and actions, starting with
September 4.-191 1, tho date the crime
waa committed, and continuing to Sep
tember is. th day of hla arrest by
Sheriff Thompson at Independence, Or.
In the course of hla narrative ho
swor positively that L. L. Levlngs, a
private detective of Portland, who haa
been assisting the state In gathering
evidence, advised him to aeek flight
and offered him $! In Levlngs' office
In Portland two days previous to his
arrest, which waa th day he departed
for Independence to bring back hla
wife and Mra. Catherine Snltxer. hla
elster-ln-law, who wer working In th
nop iieias.
By the testimony of J. O. Watts and
I. M. Price, proprietors of the atore tn
Bcappoose, which contains tne nostof
flco and from which the state contends
iuy hltney, a clerk, delivered to Pen
der the paper found In the Wehrman
cabin, the prosecution strengthened Its
position on the mail episode. Mary
Adams, who waa also a clerk In the
store at that time, stated on th stand
that ah does not remember seeing the
orirnnant on mat day. Mr. Watta ssld
tnat he saw Pender and C. D. Llndloff
a neighbor. In the store together Labor
oay and that hltney waa at the post
office wicket at that tlm. MrC Prlc
corroborated the statement.
Another witness today waa Sheriff
ntevens. or Multnomah County, who
testified that he was in th Riley and
llasaon cabin with Detective Levlngs
and Sheriff Thompson on September 17
when there was found th hammer
with a broken claw, which tho atate
contends waa used to break open the
trunx containing the revolver, with
which it haa been established th crime
waa commute,!. . .
This waa tho hammer which Judge
Campbell ruled out of evidence because
or the failure of the state to definitely
establish render s ownership, nd th
same Implement which RUey and Has
son say they never aaw In their cabin.
Sheriff Stevens further testified that
ne met Pender one day In September
about the late tha defendant Insists he
was In Lavlngs' office, aixl took him
to the Buchanan building to see Lev
lngs, but that th latter waa not aeen.
He aald that he and Pender then
parted but that he asked Pender to
return and see Levlngs. He could not
say whether th defendant had Ion o.
After Pender left the at and today
Levlngs waa called In rebuttal and
again denied that the deferment had
ever nen In his office. He gave a 1e
tailed account of his actions on that
day, which h remembered because of
its proximity to tha day of pender'a ar
reat'and he characterized aa inaccur
ate a diagram of his offlc drawn by
Pender In hla cell and Introduced in
evidence by common consent. Sheriff
jnompson testified that he was with
Levlnga daring the whole morning re
ferred to by l'ender as the data of his
visit to Levlngs' office snd that he did
not see Pender that day.
Peaaer I'aea Proaoaa "He."
Although he declared that . Mary
Adama had given him th mall on Sep
tember 4, Pender several timea used
the pronoun "he" in designating tha
person with whom ha waa doing busi
ness at th postofflc wicket. Attor
ney Stevenson, who was examining
him. caught tha use of tha pronoun
and asked th witness to explain. Pen
der thereupon said that Ouy Whitney
was also near tha poatofnc window
at th tlm and spok to him about
carrying several bulky pieces of adver
tising matter which had come through
th mall for neighbors of Pender, but
Insisted that th mall was actually
handed to him through the wicket by
tha woman. Ho dented getting mall
for the Wehrman family on that day
but aald that he frequently had.
Th defendant said that he lighted
his lantern In the tent about T o'clock
or later but could not fix th time
definitely, as ha had not looked at his
clock. He admitted having heard Mrs.
Rachel E. Bates eay on Saturday. Sep
tember a, two daya previous to the
date of the crime, that ah had a pack
age ror Mrs. wehrman to put In the
community mall box. but denied that
he aaw her put it rn or had ever aeen It.
The defense put on th stand Mr. and
Mrs. James F. Pender, of Ogden, Utah.
the defendant's rather and mother, who
have been conatantly with him during
the trial, to teatlfy that when the de
fendant waa a boy he waa poison. ed by
vlnea and that In after yeara hla face
always had a livid and. scratched ap
pearance after (having.. The prisoner
said himself that he almost always cut
himself when h shavd and Mrs. Fon
da Pender, his- wife, corroborated this
aa well aa other atatementa made by
Albany Men Visit Cities rrrfng At
tendance at Celebration.
ALB A NT. Or, Juna 7. (Special.) To
advert! th big Oregon Electric cele-
as 1
bratlrsh to bo held here July 4. an auto-
mobile party of Albany bualness me
today visited Independence, Dallas. Sa
lem. Jefferaon. Kclo and tntervanln
cltiea and towna. About 10 men mad
th trip and Invited tha people of each
city to help Albany celebrate tha com
pletlon of tha Oregon Electric to t hi
city. Each car carried bannera callln
attention to tha celebration. .
Thla waa the aecond automobile ex
curslon of Albany men for thla pur
poae. A. large party visited all of th
cities and towns between Albany an
Eugene laat Tuesday. A third excur
sion will be mad to Corvallls tha lat
tar part of thla week or early next
All of the cities and towna of thl
part of the state are entering heartily
into plana for tha big celebration an
there will be a large crowd here that
day. Many cltiea will arrange special
Eugene especially la co-operating
with this rlty In plana for a big eel.
bratlon. Th Eugene-Commercial Clu
had engaged th exclusive aervtces of
the Eugene band for that day for tha
purpose of bringing It to Albany with
tha Eugene excursion. r
Baby Exhibition, Automobile Pa'
I rade and Children's Pageant Add
to , Varied Programme.
OREGON C1TT. Ju"ne 7. (SpaelaL)
At least 10.000 persons are expected to
attend the rose show festivities in thl
city tomorrow. The programme atari
at 10 o'clock with music by th Concert
Band at Seventh and Main streets.
The Children's Rose Parade, headed
by tha Oak Grove Girls' Band, will
start wt Twelfth and Main streets a
11 o'clock and proceed to the Hawley
mill, and returning will be reviewed a
the Judges stand Seventh and Main
streets.. A score of Portland autolsta
will participate In th automobile
parade. The pageant will be headed by
the Concert Band and aevra( motor
cycles will be in line.
.After the parade the baby show
the Congregational Church will begin
Babies from- all parts of th county
have been entered snd competition will
be keen. ,
The rose 'show opens at Busch'a Hall
at Z:0 o'clock and at o'clock In the
evening the swards will be made. There
will be concerta In various parts of the
city, and vsrious otner forma or amuse
tntnt f .
Hotels Are Taxed to Care for Thou
sand Who Come Kxcurslon
Trains and Autos HI led.
LEBANON, Or., Jun 7. (Special.)
Several thousand people witnessed th
second day of th fourth annual straw
berry Festival, horse show and rose ex
hlbit in this city today. Many pe'opl
from outslda towns cams yeaterday
and taxed tha capacity of the hotel to
accommodata them. The IS rooma In
the new four-story Hotel Lebanon,
'which opened this week, were engaged
early last evening and tho hotel had
to turn away people tonight. Th
crowds were In gay attire and wer
orderly. .
Th strawberry exhibit waa large
and of excellent quality and th grow
ers were commended for their enter
prise. More than 100 horses were In
the horse show. Tha following took
first prises:
Registered stslllon dsns: Percherne
filiation Imported Horse t'omosny. Knctlsh
hirea Crshtree Imported Horaa Company.
rrman coach Brownavtlle Horse Company,
Helslan Lebanon Horao Improvement 'nnv
pany. Hackney Jefteraoo Hackney Horse
fhetlande William Raales. of Albany.
Registered maree. Percheron Fred Splroa. ,l
Labannn. Grade claaa. atalllona. ahtraa W.
H. Mill, thanon. Roadetera JL. K. Fai
rish. Lebsnon.
Ileal saddle horse la eon teat Mrs, rienrss
Vehrs. llsnon. Beat boy's saddle Sony
kupkcii Htesrns, fiainviear.
Sweepstake prlae for draft colts J.
Gray. Hweet Hweepataka prtao for
roadster enlta 4enrga Rlhtu, eclo.
i'rlae for beat diivlns twin U. II. From,
Plalnvlew.' Best driving bursa, stasia K.
W. Wallare. Lebanon.
The following wer th awards for
the six, grand arises in th rose show:
Caroline Teot.,t, Mrs' I- at.- Jones: La
Fran-e. Mrs. W. M. Mill-up: Frau Karl
Pruacliki.' Mrs. John Uurlam: American
Tteaury. Mra. f,ea Bilyeu: M 4 man Corltet.
Mrs. Herman lieulow. Beat collection Mra
C A. Ieels.
,Th following were lh aweepstake
prlxes for the best berrlee, based upon
uniformity, quality and packing:
Flrat prise Clem Brothers, for Mar
shal; second prize, Floyd L'menhodder,
for Msrshal; third prlxe, John Klrkels,
for Oregon improved.
The beet decorated automobile, waa
awarded to Dr. H. A. Rom, and the sec
ond prlxa went to Dr. J. F. Laird, both
of Lebanon.
Excursion tralna came from Arbany.
Springfield and Eugene.' bringing large
crowds. The Springfield Booster Club
sent down about ten automnbllea loaded
with boosters and bannera for the
Fourth of July celebration.
Tho speakers on the programme to
day wer Dr. J. A. Plne, J. M. Shel
ley and L. E. Bean, of Lugen and J.
8. Van Winkle, of Albany.
Huaum Contractors Put ' In Plant.
ICSUM. Wash- June 7. (Special.)
In order to get out their own material
for us In constructing th big dam of
th Northwestern Electric Company, on
tbe White Salmon River below her, a
logging camp and sawmill will be In
stalled. The heavy timbers and lum
ber for building the large flume front
the dam to the site of the power plant.
distance of over a mile, the man
agement declares, can be manufactured
at a less expense on the ground than
hauling overland from the railway sta
tions of the North Bank road.
Spokane Delegation Conies.
SPOKANE. Jun 7. (Special.)
Thlrty-flv Spokane men. representing
the United Commercial Travelera and
Spokane Ad Club and the Rotary Club,
eft today over the Spokane, Portland
It SeattlelRallroad for Portland to at
tend the annual convention of th
United Commercial Travelera and th
Ad Men of tha Pacific Coast. Among
the leading commercial travelers was
Walter H. Edrls. postmaster, while the
Ad Club delegation was beaded by H.
C. Duerfoldt and George A. Raymer, of
the Buylng-at-Homa League.
$100O Raised for Hygfrne Work.
At two dinners given at the Com
mercial Club this week to buslneaa
men. over 11000 was raised to carry
on th work of th Social Hygiene So
ciety. Th first dinner waa held Tues
day and th second Wednesday, and
they were attended by about CO per
sons altogether. Edward cookingnam,
vice-president of Ladd A Tllton'a Bank,
presided. Speeches were made at tn
dinners by President Foster, of Reed
College: Rsbbl Jonah B. Wis and Dr.
W. Williamson.
The Hotel Bowers
Entrance Eleventh and Stark Streets.
The Annex
Entrance Twelfth' and Washington Sta.
F. P. W1LLIM, Manager.
House of Welcome Portland. Or.
Onr 14-puseogt.r electria b mceU tvll trains. A
high-cl, modern hotel in the heart of the theater
and ahoppisg district. One block from any car line
II vm day and no. European plan.
MOTEL CORBELlia f O, Proprlotora.
I. VT. II la I s rue. Fielder Jma Ttee-Freev
The Rose City Bids
You Welcome "
Make Reservations Now
alUUC Av Xcl
' "'ftyta!''fji '"si j
Portland, Or.,
VVright-Dickinson Hotel Co Props.
Seattle, Wash.
VVright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props.
l-oo"o"B-'iisti wijeuiviyv flLhf I III V nioirutiiisi 1
sasasasassyajl -1JJ
U. J. KACTHV1. Maaagev
A homelika hotel, pleaaanlly
located In the heart of til
city. 'AH outaloe rooms. Con
cert by Symphony Orchestia
In courtyard every evening.
Hotel motora meet all tralna
and steamers. European,
1.0 upwards.
Referendum Action Expedited
Early as Possible.
Stipulation Probable That Objection
May Be- Made to Nome of Old
Kvldcnrr w Krldrnoe to
It Asked If Obtainable.
SALEM, Or, June 7. (Special.)
Counael for Secretary Olcott In tha Uni
versity of Oresjon referendum cases
her In consultation today aald they In
tend to expedlt th caaea In every way
possible by pushlns; ahead the near
cauaea w hloh have come before th Cir
cuit Court followlna tba recant slu-
preme Court declalon.
Attorney-General Crawford and W. 8.
LTKen, aa associate counsel, will appear
for olcott and It is probable they will
be assisted by C E. 8. Wood. It Is
th plan of counael for the defense to
follow largely the same form of pro
cedure aa they did In the original
A demurrer and an answer probably
will ba filed at th earn time with th
understanding; that the demurrer be
overruled aa In the prevloua caaea.
Counsel for the defense hope to se
cure a stipulation with attorneys for
h university by which evidence In
he former cases may be uaed in the
new caaea Insofar aa they ar applic
able to th new cases.
Plan la to Allow ew KvlaVare.
They desire, however, to stipulate
that objection may be made to such of
he old evidence as they deenr objec
tionable and that new evidence b al
lowed on both sides If such avldenc Is
They plan to admit In their answer
the invalidity of the several thouaand
namea secured by seven circulators, the
invalidity of which waa also admitted
In tha previous caaea. By this plan
arguments will be walked on both sides,
ccordlna: to present plan, and tbe
lower court will go through the for
mality of handing down an opinion and
the cases will be appealed.
Attorneys for Olcott practically ad
mitted today In th course of . their
converaatlon that In event tba Supreme
Court upholda on of th contention
th university attorneys ther wilt
no necessity of going Into the fscts
Involved and that the university will
av won. Thla contention was rela
tive to attaching a copy of th refer-
mfum petition to each sheet. .
Th law provides according to con
Two of Portland's
high-grade hotels;
modern, centrally
located, reason
able, Europ ean
and American.
The Grill
Is Famous
A. Cross, Mar.
$lSrtDy UP
sits up
. roTI.Ajr
In alia, appolntrrventa. service
nd fireproof quality of the
building th leading hotel la
Portland, tha Multnomah, offere
to tha dlacrimlnatlng traveler
every comfort and convenl.noo
found only In th. best hotoJa of
the East. Nine storle of steal
nd concrete, with "i.b rooms
and aultee. palatlally furnished,
with rateo from 11 1.0 to $S per
day. European plan. Motor
'buiaat m t all train and
H. C WoWKStS. Miairrr,
J. M. BROWN tLU Aaa't Mgr.
Both hotels
centrally located,
modern in every
respect, and
conducted on the
European plan.
tention eftha university attorneys, that
It la mandatory to attach petitions so
and the claim Is made that the petl
tlona were not so attached on th Uni
versity of Orrgon petitions and that all
of those names on sheets not so at
tached are Invalid.
Thla la considered one of the strong
factors In the rase by attorneys on,
both sides' and Is a point which both
sides are anxious to see decided.
In event the rases are not decided
prior to the nest general election, state
attorneya for Olcott, and tha Hunreme
Court ahould decide In favor of pine
Ins; the referendum meaaures on the
ballot, then the question could not he
passed upon by a vote nf the people
until the general election In 114 and
th appropr lat lone would be held up
until that time.
Fpex-lal Tralna tio to Vninn Wlirrc
Classy Ilorxrirsli la Viewed.
LA GRANDE. Or, Jun 7. (Special.)
Thre counties sent special tralna to
t'nlon today, all loaded with sight
seers at th big t'nlon Horse Vhow, th
fourth of Its kind, and by far, head
and shoulders abov former attempts.
Hen Hell In. Harry Lane and William
MrMurray wer there. Tha big parade,
which la a dally midday feature, again
held an enormous audience spellbound,
for In It was paraded th classiest
horseflesh, most fashionable turnouts
and cleverest and most graceful riders
In Eastern Oregon, and while the pa
rade of horseflesh and horsemanship
la touted as the stellar event, the aft
ernoon waa no lesa Important, for char
lot, running, fancy, relay and other
kinds of races entertained the big an-
Union la packed from center to cir
cumference with alghtseera. seven
coachloads ronilng from Wallowa
County alone.
Tomorrow will be another day of
great Importance. The exhibit of stock
la tremendously big and tha entir
event Is much more classy and moment
ous than may be given credit for out
aide of tha immediate circle of Union
PORTLAVP. Jun T Maalmum tempera,
ture. S3 degree.; minimum, n? degrees,
tuv.r readme. S A. M., Is.s feet; rhunge In
last 34 houre. .8 foot fall. Total rainfall (0
H. M. to P. M . aone; total alnra ep
t.mber 1. Ifll. 31. 9 Inches, normal. 4i' ,"S
Inch's; deficiency. 1 0. I Inches. Total sun
shine, 1ft hours 38 minutes; possible, 5
hour as anlnulfe. Tlarometer (reduced to
sea lv.l at P. M.. S 7o Inrh.,.
Tn Oreg-on low-preaaure area haa moved
northeastward and now overlies the Inter
mountain district In Oregon, Washington
snd Idaho. A second low-preeaur. area
over 1 1". Arlsona and a large lush-preMur.
srea Is central or th Ohio and llter
Mississippi Valleys. Khnwers bava fallen
In eouthara and Kaatern Oregon. Koutnraat
era Idaho. Ansona. Colorado and th Uulf
Ktates. The ralna were e.peclwllv heavy al
t'liarleaton. 8. . a her. ,v2 Inch, fell In
in last -4 houre. ti la mu.ti cooler In
Western Oregoa. Western Washington and
Southeastern Idaho, while elsewhere In this
district wsrm weather tenttnues.
The ronrlltlone are faroraUl for ehnwera
snd thunder stoima In thla diatrtct tiaiurdar.
1 --r: -i
To..,-, v.! 1 and A III:.
l I MAT TO 1 1 4 T
lONIGHT 8:15
Kunilar Ms hi.
The Spring Maid
Ml7.1 It .IOS.
Kvenlnra $3, i..ii. 11. ;.v. .oe.
Today'a mat., ti ll, f 1. ;..-. .loo. Sic. !;-.
'nr.ll.KI THKATFIt.
Kvary Afternoon and Mint,
The Durbar
Klnemscolnr Mntinn rirturea.
Reserved Heals New Selling.
Rvanlnss T.V, sue. s.V. Mailneea joe. sse.
(HI 1.. Staher, MfT. tTOTK t OM PA T,
Mai. Txlar Tlm. Tonight.
Sresle.t of sll rursl Msa,
fmmenea east and production All In. fa
miliar charai tori, hrautirul arenl,- efferia, 2.. .Vic. Malln.e. 2.".o. Neat rk.
atartln tomorro,, m.tlnee,
W ll.lflre.'-
MIN S, A li
M T.
lj MI.IITKi IV. Me. Mr, Ik-
JjrKK JIXK t (rleoraled Mennfala A at!
vlale ( hlr. nf Vtale., real llrllalai Bert
le.lle, loin Water. Nalerne, The tarher
tlrla, Krenika ltn.lhera, MIr "Mike" tier
kin. I'lrlnrea.
Mstlna Rvery Dar.
I rmtrlr (iraail.
hM m rWnaliMotv
WKKK JINK 'prif by Msht. "Tb
Hum AlfnntMi bllfMA, Trnn Mm
faoDrv Ijirrni., Orrhmlr. Irtrr fend 9fre
HTCK i Y. t The t'elll Opera o.anr
la "In Old Ma It Id" 1 M.-vl-h and M.M.h.
Varkler and tiunnell, t-rank A. Trennr a
( W erner and I rank, ttnmane one.,
Paataceaeniie. Toiiular prlta. linvea and Aral
row balrnnv reaerved. Hos offlea open le .
M. to I I'. -M. I'ltnnea. A HJH, Mala
Bruin. t:M. 7:14 and .
Opening Performance Thia Af
ternoon. Firat Night, Tonight,
iMiLLra nio a- ioikanu ssiincton iJ
RAL WILD west!
Downtown fffrhrt ttf f ra l flrr
MtiitT., lr A .. Milli al MnrrlMM
ffr rt.Tly rri-rrvlai.
1200 feet above th rlty.
Fre scenic amuaement park. ftlgh
class at trartloas. Open-air rink. IMS
nlc ground In old apple orchard. -
Ait'tiftftto to . mo in us rnvm.
lli:i -IIKtTlOX PARK,
Cor, Vangha Bad Twenty-fourth Sf s,
j 1 i: 4, a, , r, , .
(mra lira la Mtrkrli-i at 1IHMI V. M
huadaya IiSO I. M.
Bnya Indrr 13 KrrA to Ulachrs
Vr!if1n v.
with lowr tnnipra.Miri rtrrpt In Kut b
rAtiTn ldnho, whr It will b wrntr.
PnrtUnrl and vr-mitr Khowiri and Cool-
r; mit t.wrRirly wlmli.
ir on mid W amhlnaTlnn Khnt-ra
hovrrra and thundnr atorma mat portion;
rnoirr except lnr tha (unit, aouth to t
ItUho KhAwrra and thunder tormi; col-
r acpt w.rmr auuthraat portloa
Hiata of
Waal Iter
Hon ( on
U.IMt' 4
n.ii n
tl.INK i a
o.t" 12
o mi ia
r.04l 4
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HV J'l. rlnudv
W ,'t. rluudy
Molnra ..
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Kurt ka
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.) kaonvina . ..
Kunidi I'lty . ..
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KlNmath Kalla .
NW I't.-tioudv
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HV .('lrMr
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NW lt, loudy
NK Cloudy
N !lt. .loudy
NW t'loudy
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N W IM. rioudy
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haul l r
I.oa Aliii ...
M-,lf.rl .... . . .
Nw irIanB . . .
Nw Vmk
North Hnd . . .
North Yakima .
Howliuri ......
7 l.M'
Kt i nn nto . a
Ht," l.ouia
Nt. I ut
Halt l-mkm
Hnn Fmuclno .
Ht. Anthony ...
Tfttooah Island
Tho lfilla . , .
T tn Krilia . . . .
lia Walla . .
Witftiinaton . . .
WtMiatcho , . . .
O.IHI lit
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LUWAKD A. UKAUtH. Utatrtct Korvcmatvr.
u? WfJ