Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 05, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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rrrr vpnvTvr OTtr:rxT wrDXESDAT, JUNE 1012.
Beavers Make Three in First
but Slagle Tightens as Los
', Angeles Climbs.
Hoar Run a In "Lock?" Inning Made
From Harkneaa and Hlgglnboth
m'l Bender Place in
Cellar 8eem Aa.nrrrt.
Pacific feaet LMfM Maadiaga.
w. L. pr w.upr.
Oakland in 23 .I0 Sacramento.. 24 at
Vernon 14 2.1 .6ml fan r'ran...:4 34 .tit
U Angeles. si 2T .i.H.k'orllanrt. . . .30 31 .3v2
VwlMdaj'l Kcalte.
At Portland Lot Anir.lae a. prrtlanrl
At l,oe Anaalaa arnoo 2. ftaa Kraa
claro 1.
At aaa Franclaco Oakland ' 9. flacra
manto a.
Portland went deeper into tha abys
mal regtone yeaterday. when tha tired
and Unsaid Loa Angeles Heraphe, die
mbarklng from a 40 hours' railroad
Journey,, overcame a lend of three rum
aecured In the flrst Inning and won
to 1, driving- Speck Harkneae to tha
clubhouse In the aeventh frame.
June may be famous for Ita rare days,
Ita brldea and flowera. but It carrlea no
lore for the poor Portland Beavers, who
have loat four atralght gamea, three of
them In the claaalc month where "mld
eeaaon" Torra la auppoaed to begin ita
Whan aouthpaw batter begin be
laboring aouthpawe It la high tlma to
look for a change In luck, but no aucb
fortune awaited. Yeaterdny In tha flrat
Inning Chadbourne and Rodgrre both
fell upon Portelder Leverens for two'
baae swats, which, with a bad throw
by Metsger and a sacrifice fly. netted
the Beavera three tallica. Leverens,
after three men had faced blm. wave
way to Blagle, lata of tha American
Aaaoclation. and Slagle held the locale
runleee all tha reat of tha traveling.
Ilarkaeaa Batted Hard.
Meanwhile Harkneaa waa being
touched up literally and liberally. Dll
lon'a craw aecured 11 hits, all told, and
10 of them counted In the alx and a
fraction Inntnga worked by Speck.
There were no flukea In the aaecirtment.
and we're now wondering what the
Angela will do when they get their real
land-legs unjolnted.
Speck Jumped Into trouble In tha
aecond Inning. With one out IMIlon
walked, and made third on Metxger'a
drive through aecond. The Dutchman
and Dillon two big D'a then manipu
lated a magnificent double ileal, Dillon
beating two perfect tbrowa by a five
foot margin. Bolea singled through
abort and Blagle walked, filling the
bags, but Harkneaa ahowed a flaeh of
real form by whiffing Howard for the
third out after Lobar e fly to Rappa.
Loa Angelee crept a trifle cloaer. mak
ing tha c.or l-t In tha fourth, on hlta
by Bolea. Alagl and Howard, after two
were down, Bolea reglaterlng. -
But the "lucky aeventh" furnlahed
the cruel and cruahlng blow of tha
matinee. Blagl alngled to aecond.
Howard doubled to right and Server
banged one over Kodgera, acorlng
Blagle with the tying tally. Harkneaa
waa then Jerked In favor of Hlgjln
botham. Hlgglnbotham got off to a bad atart
and demooatrated that be la not a re
lief (linger. Daley, flrat up, took one
over tha left ear, again tilling tha baga
Howard tallied on a wild pitch, and
Berger pranced aoroaa on Heltmuller'a
tqueese grounder to Rappa. Dillon
waited out four wlda onaa and then
Metager drove a aacrlflce fly to Ma
honey, Daley reglaterlng with the
fourth and final tally.
mere, Hitter FalU
McCredle uaed Lindsay and Flatter aa
pinch hlttera In tha final stages. . but
could not bunch blnglea. When Dillon
announced a portalde pitcher, McCredle
aent Mahonay In right In Doana'a place,
and tha ex-Sacramenten ahowed tip
well, walloping tha ball for a triple
and alngle and handling four putouta
In tha Held. Rodgere aecured three hlta
and put up a fine game at aecond.
Berger, the new Angel ahortatop, gave
a great exhibition of Infield work, par
ticipating In five aaalata and alx put
outa without a skip. Howard, though,
waa tha batting atar, with three hlta In
Ova attempts. The acore:
Lorn Ani't" Portland
Attn r9 A r. ADnrOAK
Berger, ae
Union. lb
Bnla.r. .
a a
O'rvtirne.lf 4
0 Ban ft.SB 4
0 Ho' 5
O Krue' 4
3 1
1 1
1 IS
I 3
0 t
0 I
1 MerTey.rf
e Kappa. lb.
0 Howrley.c
3 0
1 0
0 Har'faa.a,
Hiram. p
Totala SAKrriT V Totala 14 10 T a
Bat tad tor Haneroft In ninth.
Lea Anaalaa
Portland ...
Him .....
iiA040o a
union 2 1.1
t ooooooo o a
11111911 0 le
Rune Howard. flarear. reley, EHIlnn.
Pnlea. Vlaala. Ohadtiourna. Bancroft. Rod.
ra. Struck out Hy Harkneaa 4, by Hlaaln
botham 1. by Hlasle 1. Ilain on balla off
Harkn-ae 3. oil H i((tnbt hain 1, off Slaele
4. Twe-bae. hlta Chadbourne. Rniigart.
Mnrknaa.. Howard. Flahar. Thr.e-bea hit
Mahnnny. flacMSc. hlta Krueaar, Howlay.
Sarrlnv. Al Huller. Melaar. fcit.len baaaa
Dillon. 3a.iiar. Rappa, Hodgere. Howard.
Hit by pltrhad ball I'aley, by Hlgslnhoth
am. Wild pitch Hlaelnnorham. Inntnge
pltrhad Mr Uvrrani l. by Harneee S, Itaae
hlta Off Lavarrna 2. rune 3. at bat S: Hark
aaaa a, rune a. Tlma at game l.uO. Cmpiree
Kinney and
Note of the Game.
The game waa etarted -late aa the Angela
did not arrive on the Hheata until nearly a
'clock. It waa one of the aloweet of the
eeaaon, occupying two hour a and five rolo
' utee.
H-llmullar waa la)ured In an automobile
accident aaveral ate and parrlripat.d
in hla flrat aame yeal.rday. Whan RoUgara
acorad en Butl.r'e fly la me nrat inning
Hatny did set attempt to threw him out at
tha plate, ae hie eheulUer la probably at ill
bothering him.
Howlay eaughl Daley at eeoead baae la
he flrat Inning by a beautiful peg. Krue
jr too. etarred In the throwing line, neb-
bine the aame Platro et third after ttllloa e
emyla In the elntn rreme.
Pitcher Halle, eae of the Angal eouth
oawa. atnooad off at Albany to vlalt rale
tivaa. Me will a ol work until Tbureday or
VIII Rappe oeevred hie coetomery hit.
naimi n aa nia apiendta run.
-Thle boy Mehoney hae been la profae-
alonal bell Only ene year and ne may fla
valoe Into a atar," aeud Walt MoCredla after
the game.
lltaainbotham. or ene of the eouthpewe.
Htalger end fllroU will be In the pointe for
Portland today, laverena may ee anoi pat a
by Dillon.
BUI Rodaere came throuth etreeg with
the bet yeeterdey, banging out three bite la
five tripe.
Jake Have Two Uootl Inning and
Take Game, t to Play lUggetl.
8 AN TRANCISCO, June I. Moat of It
- V V , --rf ) .1
s - . - . 1 , -
, ( - a
eVVV '' -!WS
- S' -' ' ,: J
At Taw. Oal fielder Mahaaay, Pwnlaad, Oafe aa Clsae) Deeaaloa at Tbtrd After
Maklag Hla laehajt ta Pwrtlaaal V el forma by Slaaaaateiar Oat Triple At
tietteaa, Khonatea Berger, Let Aaalee at Lerft Oartflelder Mabeaey, Pwrt
laad, at Right.
happend In the aecond. Oakland took
five runa then and added four mora In
the aeventh, only one of which waa
needed to win from Sacramento. In the
aecond. with tha vlaltora one run to tna
good, William went to plecea. Patter
aon alngled and Hftllng aacrlflced.
Cook waa aafe on Ireland'a error, acor
lng Pateraon. Tledemann doubled,
acorlng Cook. Mltxe etruck out. Tlede
mann advanced to ihlrd on a paeeed
ball. Malarkey walked' on another
paaead ball. Leard walked. With tha
baeea full. Byram replaced Wllllama. to
no apparent advantage, for he walked
Hoffman, forcing In Tledemann. Then
Coy arored Malarkey and Leard with aa
Infield alngle. rive run, score):
Sacramento, a 7 4Oakland 7 4
Batterlee Williams, Byram and Cheek;
Malarkey and Mltxe.
Vernon Wine Vphlll Game on Eaay
Grade, 43 to 1.
t mi ivnrr fa l..n. a V m n n alA.
ed by an error, defeated San Franclaco
I to 1 in tna nrai game ox tna anriaa
Browne oouoie. ana out ana naiw
Inn flv acnretl one In the third. Ifl
the ninth, with two down. Baylcea
nrat on jacxaon lumoie. ana acorea
r. n v i,a.hra ilniikla KAn Frenrlaco
got their lone run in th fourth, with
out a nil. ftaxiery waiaao, aiwia
ond, went to third on an out and
ecored when Hoap dropped Corhan'a
fly. Both Henley and Stewart pitched
An ball. Score:
Vernon ...X Waco ,...l 4 I
Ratterlee Stewart and Brown: Hn-
ley and Berry.
American Out of Running In BrlUah
Golf Champlonlilp.
LONDON. June 4. A combination of
bad play and HI luck completely upeet
all forecaata of Kred Herreahoffe
chancre of winning the Brltlah amateur
golf champlonahlp at Weitward Ho and
put the American out of the conteat in
hla flrat game today. D. A. M. Brown,
the lale of Wlaht player, beat blm two
up and on to play.
c. vanderpooi, in only oiner Ameri
can competing, met a atmtlar fat at
the handa of H. U Klcholl. of the Koya
North Devon Club, being beaten by
nine up ana igni to piay.
Baseball Statistics
Aaeaaiou Leagae.
W. L. Pel
ai 14 Waahlngfa
art 14 .! Cleveland..
5J ill New York.,
la 1 .014 HL Louie...
KatWoaU I aegne,
1 T U Phlladel...
Jrt 17 ljuia...
'dl IT .Rtt4 Hrnoklyn.. .
la la .8l uoeton....
Anaarlcaa Aaaotlallaa.
W. L. Pe.
il 21 .Ml
Chicago. .
Fnltoa. . . .
tfcatrolt. . . .
rhlladHL. ,
U 2i .!
U ilU .JM
Naw fork.
Chlraao. . .
1 0 .444
2 25 .Hi
1J 5 .31
U 2t .HO
Mlnnrap... 31 1 .(WO-St. Paul... ro 40a
Cnlumby., 17 .eoj mdianap... 20 i .4u)
Tolado fin 17 .i-" Mllwauaae. 17 i' .374
Kau. city. 27 24 .it. Luuietllle. . li 2a a4
t. 10 ! .431 Wichita.... 'it 33 .40
ee aluina Hi 'd .lUiuaiiii.... In 21 .4oJ
Hl.ui CU. 2 21 .iii iaka.... 14 23 41
Uaaver.... 24 2 .Ml-laooln. . . . la JA .41a
KeMerday'e aWealte.
American Aeaaeiatlen Celumhue ft. "L
Paul 1; lulado 4, hllaaukta it; Minnaapolie
In. Loulavllle 0: IndlauiapeiU 12 4, hlaaaea
City, 4-.
Wa.t.rn Laagua 8loua City 7. Wichita ;
It. Jueaia 4, Uineela 1, Denver a. Omaaa 4
taa intunia; Uva Molnaa 4. Topafca 2.
Inlon aaeoolation Miaaoula li. ogdaa ;
ait Lake 11, Helena 4, uraai a alia t,
atutte 2.
Pecltle Coaat 1 Northw
Kruager. .
;. li .Jli Cruikah'k
I'.'J 11 ,i; M. naor. ..
tt. ,ti .'jnh r'ni-a
Ml 4U T"nneanti,
114 11 .271 VMKlatna.
2T 7 .iMil
1K 44 .2.'4 Kil.dia. . .
174 44 Knatlay. ..
II 2
I as
H. AV.
2i .2J4
4 .24
11 ,JM
7 2 .IK
47 .2.1a
30 .. J
41 .2.2
12 ,JM
t 2
11 .2w
4i .
33 .212
7 .2e
1 .14'
1 .1.10
1 .Km
1 Aiav
II nt
r. .
t.lnlaay .
lado ae. Jt'J 47 '.'itv amuh,.
II 1 .211 McliweU
Ilarknaaa. 14 4 ,tt C utrln. . .
Koeatnar. 4 lo ., la I. erne. .. ,
Uurrh.... :it 7 Me.. re. . ..
H .iv.. t ..t-, I.imllna .
Miegln'm IJ t 17 l.lwimif u..
K.altt-r 41 S .lei Stenrield..
Mandara a I I .1 34; Veaey.. . .
Oraag. ... 7 1 .11
OHOU.... 1 .1231
" - , Ta. "
VC Va4rMWr
r .e-aeaayv
, I--!
K . .4Tm ' AT wear i
Former Batting King No Long
cr Fast Enough for Coast.
'Roaring- Bill" lias Record of bat
One Failure to Hit Safely In
1 Gameey Arerage Since
May 1ft I .460.
George Btona, one the batting aenaa
tlon of th American League, had an
other chapter In hla ephemeral career
cloaed laat night by an unconditional
release from the Portland Coaat League
club after a brief gojourn of three
week In Beaver raatmcr.t
Th trading of Pitcher Jack GUllgah
to Sacramento for Outfielder Uaboney
put tha aklda under the former St.
Louie etar. Mahoney played In right
field yeaterday and made euch a good
ahowlng that Manager McCrcdl fig
ured a fifth outfielder unnecaeaary.
Mahoney and Doane will alternate In
tha aunfleld, Mahoney agalnat eouth
nawa and Doane agalnat rlght-handara.
Stone haa not had time to plan hla.
future courae and failure to land witn
eome other Coaat club or with aa
Amerloan Aaaoclation manager may re
mit in him going back to the booka la
a bank at hla bom town. Coleridge.
Neb., where he paaaea bla Winter
"I don't aa ho l doing ua any
good gluing on the bench. aald Free!
dent McCredle laat night. "He waa
good man one, but a player muat be
good now to make good la the Paclfrs
Coaat League."
"Roaring Bill' Rappa la now llcenaed
to bellow all he wanta. Yeaterday. by
banging out on bit In four trlpa to
tha plat, tha Portland flrat-aackar
rounded out a run of II gamea during
which period he mlaaed only on en
gagement without at leaet one blngla.
Sine May 10 at Sacramento be haa
faced the (linger of Vernon. San Fran
olaco, Sacramento and Loa Angalea. and
haa mad 14 hlta In 74 tlmea up. or an
average of .440. Incidentally, b haa
Jumped from .tOS to .197 In the three
week a. Rappr moat apectaoular per
formance ooourred laat week, when he
came through the alx gamea with the
fine ahowlng of .((7.
"There' no chance for Olaon to break
out of the American League." declared
Manager McCredle, of the Beavera yea
terday In dlacuealng the chancee of
landing th ex-Beaver Inflelder, who
until a few dayg ago wag Cleveland
"With Wolvertoa after McArdle and
good Infleldera at a premium In the
American League. It' a cinch that
Olaon will remain la the circuit. How
aver, I would bo tickled to death to
land blm, for there la always room for
a flrat-ias piayer.
a e e
Ward McDowell departed Saturday
night to join the Colta. and "Lefty
Stelger. another Beaver, will be In a
Colt uniform at Vancouver thl week.
Bill Bloomfleld probably will b
back In th gam thle week, bolaterlng
th wobbly Colt burling crew, whll
Cruikahank and poaalbly Meneor will
bo in game thl week.
With Moor catching poor ball. Mana
ger Williams now regret that he
turned down Mickey La Long when
McCredle offered htm tha backetop. La
Long la going right with Tacoma,
whll Wllllama 1 trying to land Tub'
Hackett or eome other receiver.
Dugdal ha reduced th Seattle pay
roll by nearly 11000 a month tn th laat
few weak. Ft let Manager Barry go.
lopping Off 11. Weed at lilO. Hhea
at I2n0 and Dulln at till, adding
Brooke, a 1:0 man. to play first,
Ed Hughes. In the Saitl Times,
figure, that It's up to "Dug" to forget
th managerial payroll and put hla
money lata ballplaveee
s . ... 1
'X ''I
in amiliaai 1 ' -'-
14 WIGS, 2 10 1
Gruelling Game at Vancouver
Is Battle of Pitchers' En
durance Fans Stirred.
Eaatly and Bclford. With Grim De
termination, Ilrfuw to Yield More
Than Stingy Single. Giving
Canadians Grrat Exhibition.
Xorthareatetw IxoeTO tttandliurs.
w. u P.r.i w. u P f.
ir...r. ;? r.i settle j:i ar. .47e
.'. t TarnmB V 1 J . 4 r
Portland. . .24 25 llMpokane 21 2S .4iJ
Veaterda' Keeulla.
Vancouver Vancouver X Portland 1
(14 Innlngai.
At Victoria victonm n.
At attla Seattle B. Tacoma U.
.VANCOUVER. B. C, Juno 4. It waa
14 Innlnga of gruelling, aoul-trylnar.
nerve-rmcklng baeeball. with both bat
terlee refualng to yield under the atreas
of the long batU. Tender youth was
pitted against veteran cunning and the
fana went wild over what waa on of
tha greatest contests ver played on
the local diamond.
Aa the tide of fortune ebbed and
flowed from standard to standard tha
nerve tenalon of th spectators grew
until salvoa of cheering echoed and re
echoed In on oontlnuoue vibrant pan
demonium. It was a game where the fan got In
and cheered not for his favorite, but
for tha gameneas that held the heroes
riveted to duty and brought forth the
best that waa in them.
Viaennr Wlaa, I la 1.
Three hlta In aucceealon In the laat
half of the 14th aent th winning run
acroaa the plat, bringing the final to
t to 1, In favor of Vanoouver.
Portland a only run waa a present In
tha second, when with two men gone
Smith was safe on an error at short.
An error at the plat advanced him to
aecond. Another at ahort aent hsra to
third and a repetition of th pro
gramme at abort allowed th run.
Again In the fourth rortland put a
man on third and another on aecond.
but Be' ford ateadled down and there
waa nothing doing.
In the elxth Portland again rapped
Belford for three single. With on
man down Harrl tried to steal home
and waa nailed at the plate McDowell
waa advanced to third, tried the aame
steal and likewise died.
Brer Tied la Eighth. .
Vancouver tied tha score In the
eighth. Bennett hit, stole second, took
third on a fielder' choice and acored
on a bad throw to third by Harrla.
A baae on be! la, wild pitch and a
alngle by Smith gave Portland an
other chance In the ninth. Coltrla hit
on over to short that rolled toward
aecond. Bennett tagged out Wllllama
and shot th sphere over to Braahear,
catching Coltrln.
From then to th 14th both pltchera
fought every second of th way. Other
men warmed up, but neither Eaatley
nor Belford would yield the box.
Twlc there were period when alnglea
were rapped out. but th field waa al
way on It toe and no on waa al
lowed to approach third.
It waa Eaatley who yielded flrat.
Sepulva hit aafe; Belford advanced htm
on a aafety. Klppert bringing him home
with a well-placed single.
Th acore:
Yeaceuver I Portland
Ab.H PO.A.S I Ab. H.PO. A.K.
P'gglo.lf. S
1 S
0' 7
K o art. r 1
Ollarrla.o.. I
rnea.lf... t
O Mrl'ell.2b 4
OK It Ma .ID a
4 coltrln. ae.
e Keetlay.p.
P natt.Jb
0 I
1 1
0 1
0 I
1 o
frtaa.rf ..
0 1 .
Totala. .51 13 42 1 41 Totala. .47 TM0 1
One out when winning rua eeored.
Vancouver ...0 00000010000 11
Portland . .. .0 1 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Runa Bennett. Eepulveda. ftmlth. Rtnlen
baaea Bennett 2), Bcharnwebar, MeDowalu
am it TV. bacrince nita mpperi, Kinnie
Baeea on balla Oft halrord o, off Eaatley
2. Struck Out By Balfnrd 8. by taallar
4. Dotrble playa Damagglo to ttapulvaoa
lAharnaahar ta Bannalt to Braahaar. Ill
by altchar Wllllama twice. line 4.64.
Umpire Vaa Haltraa.
Willi Batted From Mound Cart
wrlght Make Homer tn Mntn.
VICT0RLA. B. C, Jun 4. By bt
ting Willi off th mound for four runs
la th first Inning th Bees got a lead
which Spokane could not overcome and
Victoria won to . Th visitors
started a rally In th ninth. Cartwrlght
getting a horn run with Zimmerman
In front, but Rawllngs' sensational
catch of a hot liner brought th game
to a clog with two men on baae.
Spokan.. ( 01 Victoria. . .. 11 !
Batteries Willis. No) and Devogt
Kaufmann and Meek.
Tbompaon Hold Tiger Boorelea
While) Seattle Make SU.
SEATTLE, Jun 4. Seattle bit hard
and timely today and won from T
coma 4 to 0. Thompaon waa Invlncl
bl and bad good backing In th field.
Seattle. t t 1 'aroma I 1
Batterlea Thompson and Whaling
Meikle and Crittenden.
Washington S, St. Loul J.
BT. LOUI3. Jun 4. Walter Johnson
had th better of Jack Powell, and
Washington won th final game, mak
ing a clean, sweep of th series. Bcore:
R. H. E. R. M. E.
Washlnton t I 1,8 L Louis.. 14
Batteries Johnson and Ainaralth;
Powell and Krlchell. Umpires Ulneen
and Perrln.
Chicago 9, Philadelphia 0.
CHICAOO, Jun 4. Chlrarto evened
up th sens with Philadelphia, win
ning th final game. Umpire Waiter,
velt, who wa escorted from th field
yesterday, wa replaced by th veteraa
Jack Sheridan. Score:
Chloago... I I liPhlladel. ... 4 4 1
Batterlee Lar.g and Kuhn; Morgan.'
Kouck and Lapp. Umpires O Lough-
lln and Sheridan.
Cleveland 6, Boston 1.
PLrVELAND, O, Jun 4. Cleveland
won from Boaton again today. Today,
the tenth anntveraary of Lajnla'a be
coming a member of the Cleveland
team, maa designated "Lejole e." Lajole
waa preaented with a horeeahoa con
taining 1000 allver dollars, the gift of
the tmaeball enthusiaata. and Ilia la
gold, the offering of hla fellow play
era. Score:
R. IT, E R. It E.
Cleveland. O'Boston 11
Batterlea Oregg and O'Nell: Bedlent.
Clrotte and Nunamaker, Carrlgan. I'm-
plree Kg an and Evana.
Detroit 14, New York I.
DETROIT, June 4. Heavy hitting by
the locale, combined with tlid llatleae
fielding of the New Tork team and the
wlldneea of two pltchera. gave Detroit
an eaay victory. Fisher waa taken
out at th end of the etxth and Pheara,
a recruit, ftnlahed the game. Score:
II. II. E.I R. 1L
New Tork. 1 t 4, Detroit... 14 14 1
Batterlee Flaher. Hheara and Swee
ney; Work and Stanage. I'mptree
llart and Connolly.
Philadelphia 17, Pittsburg 4.
PltIl.inF.lPMU June 4 Philadel
phia knn-kad O'Tnole off the rubber in
the fifth Inning, hammered Cole a de
livery and won from Pittsburg. Score:
It. It. E l R. It. E.
Pittsburg.. 4 13 2,Pblladel... 17 1 2
Batteries O Toole. Cole and Kelly;
Brennan and Ixjoln. Cmplrea Klem
and Buali.
Chicago a, Boston 1.
BOSTON. June 4. Tyler allowed Col-
cago only four bits but the locale loat
again. Errors accounted for both of
tna vlaltora' tallies. Score:
R. H. E l R. It. E
Boaton.... 1 t (Chlcago... 14
Batterlea Tyler and Kllng: Cheney
and Needham. Archer. Lmplrea
Owena and Brennan.
' Cincinnati a, Brooklyn 0.
BROOKLYN. Jun 4. Cincinnati
mad It three straight with Brooklyn
and shut out th locals. Tha game
lasted 41 minutes, tha fastest of the
seaaon here. Score:
R. H. E. K- H. E.
Cincinnati. 1 0, Brooklyn. . i 1
Batterlee Humphrlea and McLean.
natron. Tingling and Miller. Erwln.
Umpires Rlgler and Flnneran.
New York 14, SU Louis t.
NEW YORK. June 4. New Tork
mad It three out of four from St.
Louis her. Th vlaltora made a spir
ited rally In the seventh Inning, making
eight runs, but New York's lead waa
too big for them to overcome. Soore:
R. H. t. R. Jt. K.
Bt. Louis. 11 0w Tork. 14 14 4
Batteries Willis. Wood burn. Oeyer
and Wlcgo: Amea, lite and Myers.
Hartley. Umpires Easoa and John
Brennahati, Howerrer, to Have Abeo-
late Coot rol of Team.
ST. LOCI 3. Jun 4. J. C. Jonea, law
yer, waa elected president of tha St.
Louis National Leagu Baseball Club
today, succeeding E. A. 8ttnlngr. who
resigned aa administrator of th Rob-
Ison estate and president of th club.
Mrs. Helen R. Brlttoo. helreaa of the
Roblaon aetata and principal owner of
th club, waa elected vlce-preeldent.
It was announced that Roger Bresna
han. manager, will bav absolute con
trol of the team on th field and off.
Two new dl restore, 8t. Louie men. also
were elected.
Walla Walla Loee at Bole and
Pendleton Win at La Grande.
It wa a day of alugglng In th
Weetarn Trl-Stat Leagu yesterday.
Boise getting two home runs and a
bunch of blnglea from Kelly'a deliv
ery In th game with Walla Walla at
Bolae, and Pendleton, at Pendleton.
rapping Mountain, th La Grand
mntmdaman. an hard In th nrat Inning
1 aataaaaaaj. a P a. , i , M Ifr'Tr I Ifl SflTL-
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that the game waa cinched. Th acores
were: Bole 11, Walla Walla 1, and
Pendelton 7, La Orande 1.
At Bolae btrand atarted to pitch, but
strained his knee In the first Inning
and waa replaced by Kelly. Tha Bolae
players fattened their batting aver
area off th Irishman. In the fltth
four bunta. with a alngle In between,
netted Boise four runa.
At Pendleton bunched hlta did the
business. Pendleton through an errtr
allowing La Grande'a one run. La
Grande had new men, Scott, of Halt
Lake, a new catcher, replacing White,
releaaed. Luttrell. formerly t Bolae,
waa on aecond, replacing Teck, re
leaaed. Th scores:
At Bolae
R. H. E.i R. H. E.
Bole 11 11 l;Wslla W...1 41
Batterlee W. Fos and King; Strand
and Kelly and Brown.
At Pcndeton
R. H. E.I R. H. K
Pendleton 7 2 La Orande.. 1 7 7
Batteries Osborne and Pembrooke;
Mountain and Scott,
Irrlngton Trnnl Tourney to See Es
pecial Attractions Today.
Duet, raiaed by a high wind. Inter
fered greatly with play yeaterday In
th Irrlngton handicap tourney, and
only four matches wer played off, a
Mrs. Relay end Pmlth beat Mrs
Judge and Mitchell. 4-1, 4-1; Weaton
and Stewart beat Wlckersham and Cor
bet!. 4-4, 4-1; Wilder beat Wakeman,
4-4. 4-1: Mitchell and Thomas beat Jor
dan and Starr, default; Corbett beat
Wllklna. 4-4. 7-1.
The schedule of play today follows:
1 P. M. Weeton ve. Wlckereham.
4 P. M. Mlae Fox and Mrs Northup
vs. Mies Kurts and Miss Morris; Miss
A. MrBrld vs. Mies Goss.
( P. M. wilder and J. H. Pmlth vs.
Smith brothera: Smith and Wakeman
ve. Kyle and Wolfard; Mlae Randall
and Miss Thayer vs. Mlsa Pchaefer and
Miss Campbell; Corbett vs. Van Loan.
Polo Game Will Re Enlivening Pea
tare of Programme.
Th Portland Hunt Club will hold a
racs meeting and play a polo game
on the Garden Home grounde Satur
day afternoon. Jun 14. Th Ross Kss.
tlval sport featur waa decided on at
a meeting of th race commute Tuea
dav. " I 1'. ' '. T :VT. T1" -T- .' VJ -7 r"T MM
l . :i !
.. r.?-r-.nifrt;-tf
OVER three million wise
nickels bought Owl
Londres last week. This week
they'll repeat. The Owl
Londres is the 5c Cigar that
makes good. Blunt-end,
smooth smoking. Londres
shape try one and your
nickels will join
niCKeis win join
J 0 M. A. GUN8T
mi CiKjrifj
r f'
f' i " jaKaVJt
-a. aill (.
"Some class to
these clothes
they're imart
I he Mciutnn
bet bet, for t
ticolr drenacr.
we hk i i
(o prove it.
inpton, Near
The race programme will consist of
eight events. In which the beat ridere
of the city will enter. The polo game
will be between the officers from Van
couver Barracks and the Hunt Club
tesm. '
It's here nt last, and we nre ready
for it with a supply of tnckla
that will make ymr fiiifrors itrh.
llfavy flics for tha const ftronm,
Floating f'lifs for tlin siimll, flour
creeks. Hnrktnil flies that oalch
'cm anywhere.
Geaulae Tyee Malmoa Faaa at SOe a Caa
12 3 Morrl aon Street. Ret 1st 2nd fl a
Johnny Even I'.T.'Z writei:
I harm hnlT ll of Mtf
fartlon in minting Srlrr t'o
Urt. ThrHM Ijno ord hutfofi'
l.ulftw mf miirhtr tio- lt.c'r
o my to feliu-t. "
Ide Silver
X for 2Se a
1 have ample ararf aoare
tneir i.iMocosn
aUTTOS'Hol are raa
t I t te button and lliaj
dn t far ml.
I CtO. t. IDl It CO.. Maker. TROT. K.T.
!:: 7.!Mi.ii:H..rritfl):!J
1 toiitiiii
Hi .4 i-1 H4i Wal.x mmu ; nw nZXt I
- u in:b L':i:
the millions.
ine minions.
4 CO., In. -'Pj-
1 ' 'fu tt:
vS-arv- ia imLvV, hi '. .;, 4aVI1:---
a ono I f
lie par- I J
.All f J
lianoe I
C Ide f - Collaraj
fCZ" ED'CT Z2r