1(. TTTK 3.Q1.MM OKKliOMAX. WKD.NKSDAY. JUXL 5, 1912. i j ,XT I"" FOR ROT. fO RENT. , ,..,r ..AmiMim. wawd-iul n.ur wmn-ut .TrT.v wantkix-m aie. J ro Ap.Hu.cn,.. Apart-nt INCIDENT. (Oil of Maay.) Offlra MonUi tjiitu ment tpvll T. M. C A. Taxing man. etretiger. out ef worn. Ble Iota! casa II I par '" eperlal empluy in.nt memberehlp. I will hava only 414 left beiweea atar vetloa. innt-ir you per ' foT.,.,rr" employment aiemtirehlf. yoa "Vl" have th Y. M. C. A., with Its re3rc oo ln you and starvation. Mvatalt : Young man joined aor'atkM. In lee, than a we b. jed satisfactory employmenu Record fur four months ending April Calia for men ......1" Position, filled f tmplorm.nl mrn-breblp guarantees m. inker will wcor employment or refaina e memberehlp fee; ,lvee two montlng I member. nip privilege 10 mentha" . jm liases and uttTttkx to k.ep party employed during tt.a full una ef, mem bership without furthar charge. W. neve conetatil demand fo F1 grad .ip.ri.ncd men. Are yea lute, for a better po.it.oaT . dee aecretaxy aoiploymsnt departnsnat, T. M C. A. DONKKT anglnaar. rail aarly. 3. Ix.fffliia; road brakrman. $1 b9. Lumber ftader tfrutn planrrt clty.vl.at. I .urn ber grader I from pialiar I. ti llang trlmmerman, $3. ttana adrman. $3.eu. I.AIir.V: LIST UK OTHER TVOHK. I'Afirif' KMCI.OTMKNT C'CIXPA.VT, Xii and :.'t Couch, but. lal and :d. TO kaep par-a wlin our rapidly eapandina bualneer wa muet la.-raan our aalua force our ulrwamn are making; mora money than lhay aver n.gda In any other Una. IVa tiaa built up tha large.t bualneaa of Ita kind on lha IVaJt and wa occupy tha flneat and largee- offlaa. Wa haea a prupoaltlon fur tna auccaaaful aaleaman huh he will do to Invaatlgata. baa Mr. riaavaland, aalea manager Fred A. J.-oba Co.. itm Waahington at., cor, atn NAI.l:i'ur.v eTafitTd fi.r't'iinHtla Tha real entire t.oom la on in ran.-da. If you can j rreKa goi'i arinng n..miRR . von can do tetter aelilng real eatata In ana. la. The ;rj. aui.dlvl.lon ..erat ora In lha Homlmon want good aaleemen. aleo men Willi ability to handla brajl.'h orrira with aalea orgnlatlon. Addreea alee manazer. aulte j;. Is, lit. Cadogan blork. Caiaary. Alt.. WANTKO. Hlgn-rlaaa anleaman. You ran make from Jix to 1500 month. fca Barnard. Jl IEU.V BLIK5. WK have an ra.apilonal opening for young man of nblllly who dciirca a permunent and remunerative poaltlon In the renl ea liite bualnoaa; a thoroukn training and ad-Mitc.-nient offered ilia rlg.'it man. HKIlMlKrON la ONK of our lg aellera. t ail between 111 and IJ A. V. Aak for Mr. ilii'kry. Tha ripanton Co.. Ouk at. HANrtU Married ml to work In and iil.oui the arta-mllle of Kiivmon.l. Wnah. : eteitdy employment ti ete.ifly workore wlih oppoi liinltl.-a to get a home In the faeteet gmwiltg cliy In ltnltbwet WaahlnKton. . W. Haya. Hecretary K.y.nond Employ i ra' Aao.'latlon. hiymonil. Waah. VVANTEIV An all-aiiund farmer Willi aoma V atok esp.-r.enre; aieo a crnp-fetil ilairv inan. atnale men: both p.nnanent p.l tlopa; good eatarv to men who went per manent pliu-ii. Hot ', K. r. I. Woodburn, Or. t:tt(i, IIva. ,iiinli, Ciipl.le of hundiing a lilgll-claaa piopoeltlon and not Hfrald of work; (eilli.r . with larg.' uiru.ilnt ance. will find an opportunity of employ ment thut la r-'iiiuneret ive; InveaUtfaie; give phone number. A'" Md. ' iregoti mil. WuMKUr-Mm vlth family, familiar with farm work, to take up realdente on ema.l pla.-e; permanent poaltlon, with $i.el wagaa to atari; I.VV) acqulreg noaaenalun on home place; balaneo can ba paid for from part ofwagea AN 4ll.Oregor.ian. V ANTR Hood, ateady. wilier, men with famine, for work In mills and mlllyarrts In lawn of .J-oo population and faat grow ing: eltady work; give phone snil alreet number and nalloiiA.it. Addreea AN li. or.-gonlan. BKitiHT. Ilidiiatrloua (; wllh whaela, over In veara of ane. to a. i as niesaeugera; can make good n.orey and chance for ad-v.iu.-en'ent. lii'iulro for F. J. Iy, 70 ad at real. WANTEll lloy for geneial i.rrico work. fioHl opporlunliy for mlvanremeut for the ly who citn apply himself. Answer In own handwriting, giving referent and ag. A Oregonlan. I'uRTLAND corporation opening a new de partment, baa opening for agrreaalve saleeman; want a high -grade man. looking for advancement, perinaneucy and good return"- i la, oregonlan. W ANTrTo Experienced liability man to tuke rh.irge of dep&rtmenl In eatnl.llshed Insurance office; givo referencee und M perlencea In first letter. Address H K'tl. oregonltm, bMAHl' boy. Id. tu work nights; mul hava whe-1: cigarette smoker or "smart aloe" not wanted; aalary 1. Apply Associated Pleat. M.t oregonlan bldg. Yol'Nil n.an of good addreea to show proof! for commercial phoiogruphcr In buslnesa district only. Call WIS Urantf ava.. Apt ::m. .ncHala money la getting our VakiDaa- fiowa. hardy, guaranteed stock; outnt r; caah weekly; ateady arurk. Takiiaa Valley uTry Co.. Toppenlah. Wastt. WAMEli An advertising solicitor; must have experience and be a go-getter; sal ary and liberal commission to right man. X i-i. Orrgnnl.tn. WANTED 4:anaaeere. saleeman and ao licit ire. at ol Id St. Yeara work. Call la A. l . or after P. M.. aak for aalea manager. UIE ajlesmcn to sell Sulherlln Orchard Tiacta. an excellent propiMltlon. and we lav comtiilasiuna out ot first payment. i",ui Clark at. KoY lo deliver packages after school and hiltirdais, prefer one with wheel, BH'JWNHVII.LR WOOL EN MHU 8TOK& Hd ami Morrison. AUTO PAINTER WANTED. Have a car I wish painted, will eg change tailor-made clothing for eame. Plo.ne Main Minn. WANTEl A Jap boy to w:ish dishes and l.iko care of lo rootna, email hottl, wage .: a month; board and room. I'e Ell, Wash. WANT ID Kmart young man. -Im-iii ;j yeats of age. to do special work and sell H"oda for tne grocer: detoJI experience and alva age. Ucny. ij 11... Oregonlan. A ANT El) Experienced chandelier maker, Mpokine. . Waa'i. Wire or write at once H.M Ourrr Alltthell Electric Co.. Hpokane, jii. i. me salesmen to s'H rose window decor ations; quick valea; good canvassers paid di.llv. t all today beiore Jd o'clock, room Vid.' Sharlo.-k bldg lr' oti are a rent eatata eulesman and want to WOHK. see us. eEilltlTY Df.VF.UlMENT,rO.. Multnomah Hotel B..lg.. al ix and Pine sta 'J Wo young men. good appearance, sell store wre. k of Titanic; can make food money. g-.'d Henry bldlf . P- A. M. HiUHku ,antel: must li a strictly first i-i.i-s harber; ateeiiv Jotk. lit gxtaranteed. "all le.i. Mlll-T, fhehalls, wnwli. MEN WANTED to aell decorations. Open until B ad P. at. U B. Marks. e.J XA aaa- Ington. WANTED Klxiure wlremun or aasernbler. Apply the Doorr Mitchell Electric Co., rpokana. Wssh. ADVEKTIMNiJ aollrllora, roniraeig cashed weekly newspaper or mugatine. Bene illrtlna preas. JliX Madison. IWu ealesmen. gHd appearance, sober Industrious. reference, required. fill phone number. AM I u -'. Oregonlan. IiKKViiN'iilHI.K man wanted to nil Inipoit am p.ailtion with country bank. Addreea A T It-', oregonlan. lltl.P W AN fEl nsfu boy. Id or 17 yeara old, neat appenrance. lei Mr. A. J. Ilahn. at BUke. M.-Fnll Company. TWt aollcitora; caah guarantee. The Maa t.r leanere. iiiS Milwaukle at., a Powell. A A N T K I - -II. Hood Whirl t'O'U h bis. y eboui 17 yeara of age. Mt. A O.erait Factory. 4d and PltE"'.R wanted. Apply A. a Co., 4'h and Morrison, B. Ktetnl.ec b. TAIU"R Hnad. or preaaer wanted. lio7 bandy I HMT-' I.Ail riraftsmsn and dataller for a few days. 4ti N. 32l Bt Xa 1K1 a.L 11 la h -class aaleamai a. Aaa fa VI r Purtnn. IJ1 Veoa bldg. a EE U' H you are a good solicitor; laveaxl gate. 7"J Hoihehlld bldg HI Mlhl.M IN wanted. Ill-M IHh at tie Temple, WxNTED Euabelman lailor. mtn'f It, V llrav. 4'h and Morrison dept. Tvo real aetata aaieameti. becurlty Devel- oDment Co.. 4th and fine. rlklN.'H men wanted. Oregoa Planing MUla. lath, ana vtuinn. IloT about Id year old. Call al Backua A Morrta. It3:l Morrison SI. ,xiOt solicitors wanted; Hi. l ull Jt'l Htsik si. 1.1 per day and IioiiTHI.uk slard. room for rent. anuier. If r.l-P WAXTFIe FKMA Llo w ANTKDKJirl at eookia bakery. Grand AT. i-r T. XTK A WAITREHHE WANTKO during I'lrnlul week by the Meier Prank Mora a 7th floor raalaurant: good pay ( thiiaa eiperleuced. Apply at ones al rtstaurant desk. WANTED AT ONCE, f A LF.KLADIE" tloo.1 talker with experience, to "aka house-to-house demonstration of the Economy Fruit Jar. Apply between 3d Bin i . ewerr um aim. -, - Heat. NEAT girl ran havo room and board. 4.4 monthly, for general boua.wora. email bungalow, plain cooking, no objection to nlcr colored waman. re.erencee required. Marshall 44 or Inquire at drug atora. f4.rn.-r 3ith and gprlng. Portland Height WA.NVk.ii fc;.p--iiiH---d wwman lnwkKrp rr to take full tlurw "f -redlt dipart mrnt In a department atora; tnuat hava ha.l prevluua rxprrlenca In handllnlf "r"'J ruatomara. Kennard Adanta. 5it w lll laina HTt. Phona fci-ipt . W." .N'TKI I eonnj ladlea between la, and 2 yeara of age. hlondea. muat ba pretty and hava g.d alnglng yolcea. to ring In h"tel cafe. Adrtre... giving deacrlptlon. weight, height and r.-f.rencea K l'"!. oregolilan. WANTKO A married couple without chil dren lo carry on Hie work of a prlvalt home; one muat he cellent cook: the other accustomed to Indoor work. Call al nt:l Weat f'ark. corner of MlIU IMCBMANENT plae In family of four; want li.duetrloua. capable girl or young wman: one who la deaervlng can hmr a home in every eeneo of the word. I'hone after noon. Main 73'IW. KXPKKIENCEU lady aolullora; nothing to aell: earn 1 to i per day. Phone ilar uliall Hi between li and. 1:3 and a to T I-. M. today onlyj WAJSTKIr -Women and girla to work in a . i -. 1 1 cannery, long aeaaon. w.-e. v. ... at onra and regular Mania f.r poaltlon. Oregon Parking t'c. E Mh ard Ineimont. long aeaaon. UKKHV plikera wanted, fee UK- p.r famoy. r,..lu..J ral to Hood River. App.y imnie dlaloly Y. M. C. A. Emp'.oynienl Agency. 11.1 Ash at. EXI'KIIIKNi'KD glove and hoalery i alee- women: permanent re.siiione. a'-". sal' arlea. I.ennon a Mpeelalty store. Mor. EX PEHIKM'KU girl f..r general houaework. Weal rlld'. new fiouae. gooil home, wagea .IU or I'hone forenoona and eveninga A 3i-. . WAXTKIi Competent cook who will waah ml iron and assist with housework ; tlrl claaa plare for llret-claae girl. IUIj Uulin- ny. Apply morninga. Collt'KIENT and reliable women and flrla fir ,'nobi rinrl general housework. The Coterie, room 3M. Central bldg.. Utrt and Alder ata. una tinttra LAMCV AGENCY. Waanington bldg.. 27uv vVaenio.a at, , tear th Main aaag or A Itino. wTnTeIv C.lrl for g.neral no"'w"'kj s-nall famil). Telephone Mllwaultlc. Ked 7iC Mra. Ounnlng. Milwaukle. WVNTEli Evierlen ed cook and houae inald; refervncea required. M or A .o 1 . WANTED A girl to a.alst with general homework. Tabor 4!i. lidtl Division at.. Wit car. EMKUIENCEU famllv cooks. 140: aecono Klrle. atn- ceneru: airia. . Agency. Alder at. aiain - COW PK TENT girl or woman, general houao. wora. coking, short dtaiance In country. Phor-e onk tirove. Red 1J. (IIHI. for office work and cost keep ng f..Mik. limited correspondence. East fide, give full particulars f I Id. Oregonlan. HM'KSUKSl'KU ca.hler to take rash during lunch hour. reerieee i.siiiu . - Flflll at. housework: email family; good LA OT for w ages Nort h. Broadway car. eJ k.aa( -Mn au WOMAN t.e cook and aasrat wltn noiiaewom, no waahlng: good wag. a. SIS East oJd at. near riimon. 3 WAITKKSSKrl tout of ItVl. ..... and . HANHE.Vs KMPLOVllENT OFFK F.. .Ho Wi!h. at.. rom 7. WANTED Housekeeper, out of clt). com- n.nlnn for adv. go.HI noma. 1 in innwi. I'all 7"7 'h ask for Mr. Ixirlmer. TTTTI t .ureases. IJ. country ntlier halo, nowa a sii. - - Washington. TWO youna ladles, good appearance, high eeho.il eHUcatlOn. caoveeeiM. - ------ l.'rtg. ie. ,u . K.- e " rlnlh UX M HmillC tlil week: no clerical worn, urn - a.nbltion re.illred. AH l. Oregonlan. v.it-v-.i .iei e,ih evoerlenca lo neip wnn - , e . . in T" -1.. . . houaework. aoiitia ana si, w j7 or V 131. oregoman. .e,t.- . -,1 s.nrM wanted In private boxrd in.i,,,,,, o MsdlMin. corner of lltb. Main Ton. WANTEIi Oirl to work In celluloid button department. APPIJ ine irwin-nia i litb and tlllsan. OIRL wanted Immediately to operate sewing , 1 1 iul hen. to.. HA Hn at.. 3d floor u ivtvii levoerlenced girl lof cooking an.. " ' . . it. i. aw general houaewora. a in isnuij. " - - - lloyl al. Inquire oeiween o wo - i-.i v i a xi BErt.miN. f.A4 Couch, wantg i perlencau girl lor pain. wou . . . ... .na Jlnlnf.NMin work. u. i vtli i . A t once, ii experienced nemon atrator for toilet goooa. r- aikii demonstrator. Meier at rrana. W ArxTKD Reflneo. capable woman for re sponsible position viavi i o.. o.ns novo child bldg., 4th and Waehlngtop. WANTED Olrl for general houaework. good ninri; no wanning; Anieri.no icimei. K. t-th North, t ail mornings. oimiii ea.M to romoetent girl for gtvoeral housework. Phone Marshall jsbx. ata -ixi M.-liouKitl, 1-1" Thurman. .:,..u eirl for acnrral houaework; muat un derstand plain cooking; wagea u. an from II to !. 17 N. --'1 11 . near gonnaon ..-1-l-i. L-..,..rin..,ri waltreaa for reaiau rant at the Oregon nrnsurini. e. we..- W AITREKSV:s for short honra. at Olda. Wortman a King a tearoom; none oui - perlenced need apply. xiit:vil woman wanted to kp clean Im dlx-n' and iit furninincs viurr. j-.t xsu K. ir?ti. UlKl-H wni-ti itt th lnilpindent t-un-Jry t.. Ja na unin. uL i i iti i.: mirl t a Au)Itft with hf.uwwork NEAT G-rmnn or Hw-(l!h gSrl, two In fm Hv; K-n.xi wmgn. Ilrr-on: m aui. WANTi:i -Kip-r.fnrtxl Klrl for gnr4vj hiniM'nrk. M Jnnpon p.. 1ST-'LAHM rok. ch-n. barmaid fr prl viio bixtnilTiR nou-. u . iuh i. WA.NTKD lilrl for etrl houwnrk. mail family. 3It xrorn-T W--rt.y. WANTKD AU-arouad houekper. Call 400 Irf-kum bUlC Al.TKKAT!'N h1p watH-1 at th Standard WANTKt) - A fnlfMle-afffd woman to do ! linmliT work, KX.'RRIKN.'KU nk!rtmiik-r for iidl tail i, i K 1. fir -n-ral houwrk. small fuml! y. m n a 1 1 n-'.ie"-. , -., - - - WANTKl)- -A slrl for urn era) houKwork and WA1THKSS f'r prlata boarding hou. 73 Hoyt st. Mam !-- NEAT young girt to a-w-lut mornlngi with Yol aVU Klrl wanted tor small family. 440 fcl lotn GIRI- aaa.m with hiriwoTk and cart of rhic1r-n. fhonw fc.. uJ K.l'KKIKN'Kl girl fr gn-ral bouMnork. Kij Maranau m. mm --, A C M PETENT cook. CM I. Z2 King at. Mala WA.NVK1 ok. good corrn-r Marshall wagaa. 2.a N. 24th, EXr-FRIoM'tU flrl for gnral houaawwrk trfao-1 rnK -i no nrTu giii.sT- LASS fin-r fur cl.'ka and auita VVatrn outfH nnf t o.. 4w aililngiuo. WANTED Compliant girl for choking and downstairs wrii. Appiy B'w aiminii G1HU wantX Portland PUcatea-xn. 1S1 Id t. WANTKl) A girl for Japan poolroom. N. t' -t. i an artr w j. j WANTk.I ilrl for cooking and houaawork no laundry ; raierancaa. Mala 11 . WANTKl-- An -ipr1ncx-i lad raahlt-r. Ap p.y k!u4 Morrison M. KX IKHI K.N-"KD fiTi.iifr on inrn'a roata H at; nnr. Washlnglon. room 4'. WANiLL An a-rprtrrrrd girl for acond wrk. AWT t1 Jonraow. LaAllKS lo work for lac mi roncarn ; pays 91 per jay ann up. rnmi jwum WANT F.l Girl for sacoad work. Apply A. M., til Kamay gt. MAID for two child rn. ona that caa saw riiy reform-. sva uavia V A ITRVS. i rloncd. 'iffMR 11 at Wom.n'i Ki ijuoir plain cook ; other kelp kept. $H Lgovejuy st. WANTED I.ady solid (ors, k par wssk. ty0 I'ckiim bi-1g. OUtU tot tenaral houaewotk. lfll hL 24th. WANTED TOUNO LADIES I"OR TELE- PHONE OPERATINO. WITH OB WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID WHILE LEAJiXINO. APPL.T AT THE TRAIN ING ICHOOL TUB PACIFIC TELE PHONE AND .'tU-EORAPH COJIPANt (EAST OFFICK). COR. TU AKD EAST ANKENT BTBECTli. OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDKB EXPF.rUE.VCF.D WAITRESisFS wantrd fr short-hour work hr THE 1 K.I K R FRANK tTO HK'.S 7 1 h fl oor restaurant ; plr4a4Dt surroundings; pr-maioc-nt position and go1 pay tf thoaa underatanUlng raralul aarric. Apply at on. at rcataurant d'-sk. WE want 4 Indira lo Interview pvcp.e; pr- fr tboM who arw arquaint-cl wun ci.y. a dtgnlt.-d and remun r,ri position to thoaa who tan qualify; wv furnish an auto; w do not expat t you to fil anyt 1i(tc, but want only tboax. who ara wlda awake ai.d not timid. J. H. Tlf'TOS CO.. ISC, lios Hpalding Hidg. Mr. Stol!r. GIRt.fi WANTED. Apply Btanuard Kartory. No. X Urand ave. and Kaat Taylor fit HANSEN" LaADIES" AUKXCT. S4SI4 Waabmrft.ra at., cor. 7th. u pat air a . Phor.s Main 2t02. W A N'TKD Com patent girl for gen-rai houMWorkJ Call 1U04 yuimLy iu mmia WAITRKSS wanted. Kuell si- H V. f.P WANTED"-MISC VI.I.ArXrS. UT : and women to learn the barber trade In eight ereeka: epeciai inuuceuiroie. mo cantage paid while learning: toola free; expert Ineiructora; If ere In tha bosl neee: EJ achoola; a lifetime membership given to each atudant. Xlolcr riarber Col- Itge Z W. rouiin a, i WANTED isalsTnn; graduatea given po altlon. intemanoiiwi t,t.iir.,uut... -H.-hno TIeadquartera 49 MoKay bd Phona Main Opto Wed. and bat. nighta KAlIaWAV mall eierka prapara now. as- celiant salar.t-s ana promouonn n t offs, snre psy: froa fcook. Call today. Pa nne Hiatee Ht:hoi. VcKay bldg.. city. A BIG berry season; plchars and packers wanted, beginning about ins .in Apply Whits fc'i.mon Valley t'raltt"-'" Vnion. Whita fain. on. Wash. TO O ara wanted ; Oovtromiat position. mowtn ; sana patai or pwnwin ui-t. VrtDklln InatUuia. 4PU tZX Hochaa tar. N.T. Make money writing abort atortea, or tor tapers; big pay; free boo met latia aaw. nlted Press Srndlcats. baa Kranciaco. WANTED Plctur play wrltara; big pay; wall teach you. nciur. najr tion. gan VTanciaco. ELITE PTtlVATK Business Colleger 4i Hamilton bldg. Mar. zt. tjpea an yaan TitiK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION lor schools sod ta?hsrs, tuv pwetiana o os- WANTED Toung men to learn moving- picture operating. i.irnmif, ' w. UlHlaS, i-arn beauiy pm lor wor k; reduced rats this mouth. 613 Hothchlld bldg. SHORTHAND, Typewriting School. 381 14th at. stain ftiptn innrucimu . 7 - 9 I r tVANTKI WALK OH KTHAI.E. WANTED Waaher man In smaH itnm laundry; also two nana iroi.n, rnum Carson Htam Uunciry, 4'araoa. Wawh. hirATKINS W AXTW-JIAUL Bookkeepers and llerka. K PKRIEXt-'EU ofifa man (2H. with tlior- otic u M.iu w led a a of tccouuiini. cuiini-ei, correapa-ndenca and irtdii. will be ovn for noaiiion with nror-aaivs concern; Eastern and Western references tirieak l f character and ability. Address T 114. Oregon tan . ,.,-iiili l f t-V 1 .tiaglanaarl Knn kr at aaal nak S Ual J WM T Jjaa,! vi aaaxa - a few small seta of books to keep, or wltl gITO temporary naip i u'wlui highest references. Answer P b. orsgo nlan. Dii.iTiriN: uni'il mm offic nun or bok keap4r in or iUV r cut. i-n"n p liiniiwtr Tivr1rnrf. both rlertca.1 and exec- uiiv. reierer.cs: moderate salary. A lZX Oregon laii. W1LX AVDIT. OPEN. CLrOSB OR WRITE ap books, prepare d.. .- aaa -- menta. mat an lynem i.. tfitor. 6H Lewis bldg. Marahai. til. H ANTED Toung man. 21, wants position 4 years aprienre as boon n-p4r ana oi n- clerk: nri-rlnsa reference; stranger. Afe; Ml. regontan. PUnlTiON WANTED A young man with several yearr eiperirnc-sj in g-.-ii-ri rhandise, seatus r-iT-ncw, M Flnwel!. 703 8th avc, t-s.attie. nIUittrL-k lb'U at area II. U veara' CI Uf""l fDCS, la uptn w Aa'i" AH lit, urrnuiwan. EXPERIENCED mlddle-ag'd hotel clerk WIM.es tioamon i in. virRiiui-... BOOKri written up and kept monthly, beat of aenrlce. eUiaeellaaeaua UAKt.it Wanted by S.ot hmai.. as foreman on cake, pastry. oreai. ioe cream ; if s. credentials; 13 Team" experience. Kuropa and Amanca. McPhersn. AF 140. Ore- gnnian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants situation looking in nrst-ciaaa i-roi.y; footi expe rience about ten yr-ars: In tbs city or country; bas good rfl rcnct-i. AL 14 t, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED churTrur wants posttlon; prlYAlu family position prererr-n; -t yrurs experience; also goou mccoamc. ai. nt( Oreonln. K1K.T- LA(.- eiperlencad clmnrTeur winht-s position, no own repairing; not axraia oi work; win consider sny oner. i--. Oregon hi n. HfcGls-TEKED haufTeur. sot-er and reliable, J, aesires posit ion. piewiy gr inn- porary; can xurntan gouu rnrrniT, Piggott. Mercedes Aita. Main 24. MARRIED man. no children, wants ponl tion as manager on a farm, or win worn on shares lts of exp?rinr-. gooj ret erence, Emil EHers. Junction t'lty. Or. YoCNtJ m-in. bulness experience, wialies position in country town; wages no ob ject- Address W 1 2 Oregonian. JANITOR, young man. olTicr bulidlug ex- gontan. WANTED To work ond tke charge mt firm by experienced mkrrled man. AC IU, Oregon Un. CARPENTER wants hous to build or fin tsh. city or country; rharges rai-onat-l. AC 14., oregonlan. JAPANEPK boy wishes pom tion for cooking and houaework , gooa experiences. t i.-v Oregonlan, HTKADY Job at once. 2H yaro old. married willing worker, wlda awaka. aggressive, I ll, t)regonin. CHAl'FFEL'R wishes position during rota show or steady; refcrcuces. Main 1A0S, A SIM. PiNlTlOX wanted h aawnilil nuperinten dent or h-ad aawyer; enn give beat of reteiencee. AF llV Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by all-around, flrst-cl cook; bst of references; will leave city, AT tin. Oregon. sn. WANT ED Position by firsi-ciaas printer. Pouar. married man. go any p.aca. Printer, soft Water sc. Portland. JAPANESE want a siluatJoa; experienced housework or garden; boy or janitor; city or country. AH !:. Oregonian. EXrKKlCNi'ED Janitor requires position strlt-tly sober; good city references. Mar shall S9Ui. fcXPtKlENCEU salesman wishes position; can furnish A-l reference, AO 117, Ore- gonian. WANT papering, painting, tinting, ata. by contract, moo staia va. PRINTER wants Jo.; all-around man. mar- rten. gia. si jaaa.oia-rxi no..- JAPANESE wan's work befora 7 o"clock In the morning vregoin. COMPETENT carpenter wants Job w.rk. pr.re A 'a-TOl. T1S Front a:., room 'J7. tXPEKT chauffeur ans p s.tion driving sveulnga, W 14. oregonian. TOUNO man wants position avsnlngs after t o cioca, w A-l-V, urH-li-- POSITION aa sAlesmaa; I ran sell your lire. iSnnraa m-, ir iin, vrpnnnin TWO men want position oa a farm. AP 113, jr-iuniBM. POSITION by an rerlT-et pharma'-ist gnt-1 fterenfefi. t . p.. r -r. i . i a,r r J i'AN iiK hj nan's Jot or port' r li lai, 'riDfrVnccd. AB 12X tr-g'inlan. EX I'EP T ENOED Japanese pantryman wUhes ion. n ii virvii .. JAPANEHTC boy wants any kind work half . OajSa at don a. -aXV-. MUNICIPAL FRKK EM PLOT MINT BUREAU. 118 eeCotd tSt., Corner ftatmoa. Woman's Uepartment. 24S Ha lino a. Alt c la Mas of unskilled kllle-l. profes sional and alerlcal mala and famals be is furnished on short notice; ao fa cbargad. Phon Main gAMt. A BB24 CAKPENTEK foreman. 30 y?trs ayKiM-rlenca. 1 ysara riprno in bunaalow couat ruc tion ; plans drawn and t i mates given frta nf chargs If I du work; A-l rf arncs. Adirr room 14. lwli TJaion iv., Portland. JA PAN t-E chf with second and third rooks a ants poiith-n in Mirnnwr noi r eoantry hotel. A.ldrtsa F ftbtl, kill Hum an!. HITCATION WANTKII- FKMAJLaV Ii4ukkerpt-ra and Kten4graphera. ,M'N'i wonitin. book k.)Pr, atuoraph r. mod apnf-ral en urn! ma. (.'HDabia ot UK ni full t ha rag. of of I let. thr?a y"ars In one r -.il MiMin-lnmrHiirA offlt. Wants poM Hun In Waahiritrton or Oreson : avalirfhl Auurust Jit; rffTirni-i glvan and requirsd. AJ.lr.-p bo 175. slltcnflt. M. IK til KNOU It APH fcalt Sf vera! years' mr-rl- nfo wlih one of the largest mscninery companl s In cty; wltl go out of rl y, rr.n rivf itesi r r"i"r-ni x-n, hi "x. .ixi.n ADY. accurata, quick at figures, wsnts work ss assistant bookkeeper. AK 1-5. Orenonian. . Ill 1,'li'L1 ae ; a-T .l.iali.g ta r tllit n al II L tS it lOO snm know.l?dtfu irnoara puy. i nui v fTKN(JTRAl'HK deiraa emplo roent. nat. exD-rl.-nctMl. reliaM j'non r WANTED poMtlon by axperienoed, rename stenographer. Phone Main win.u ST ENCMi R APH K It wants posit Ion, mail sal ary to start, a VOl"N(J indy desires sienoraphlc position. Tab.r loTi WANTED To do strnurfmphio work; have own machine. lT.trhal! ...11", a i - i 1 1 re-e makers. FI ksT-4'LASS drejstnak''r and Ut-sigiir v. i.ha iii.iifm. nta uy i!v: gooa rir ni'ci: X.i Di r ilm. Call evealug. Main art". M'lil.l.c TiK HII. 1. AIT. ;.'.-r Waahlngtnn I Kll.-st- entraneel.. Main .15. r.xriuaive French designa In gowns, suits. Waists, etc. LAIN sewing and Kiist 1'il. r call tuentllng dutio. M k. am st. Phone fEWISll at home nr by the day. rhime IRtlXKn NI.'KSK haa nxitn. care, ne-ejic r.)mf..rts lor Invalid, city; rciereiK-e-. b'.r "2 111. . Hoiiaeaevpera. SITI'ATIOV wanted l y jaunt, strong 8wed- lh woman ; sc?iieni noi-Kr--lier - 1 ininilil cook: ietvo phono number. F liW. t)regonlan. WANTFO AT ONTK l.ady with son wants honi. koninir n w Klow-r s or numi'mr s home, good cook. Main M or G Ore gunian. YOl'Nt; woman, with baby, lah. a p.ialtkin a housekeeper. AjX i-.i. wre.i.iii..u NKAT. eapat le woman. noya. dealrea nouae keeping. Main zo:i. A . . . J. CAPABLE young woman, girl . desires alt nation, rooking: rer-reneee. bhiti ..... M lacxillaarxiii . f-v:.l 1 . Iu.IV X III iu line, l' He. W-nrg a general nmiir.-m, . u .. . like to room wit it tnu lanuiy in i. .. X 1-1, Oregonlan. , A'-l- e.....lne .le.nerlea. b ntlK.lt IHUH dr-d 1 lrBt-tlaa, aun-tirieu, ov e-. - ;il T. . t-vi.k-uli-Arllli womau ilestri-a day wit. ..hin. tronina. cieanina. am 4TTi. LADY will call at homag and do halrdreae ing maaaaga, inanlt urlug. Poops (. II. f HorsKKKtTKII, voting, waltreaaea. ei-ond airls. chatnhennai.la, nurses ox. llUla Afrnrr. :'.-.x', Alder. Main 1 A YiH .Ni; l.idy oinployrd from D to would like place to wora lor ........ ........ . Ji WINlnlW waahlng. house i , : . ' r K fl.Kira waxed anil ponaneu. xau wo...l lKfl. evenings, bell tu i" nVFi iMTA. mrelv furnished 2 and 3 room apartments, xmiy -o siiu e.o, an.... rooina 7. in t mi ai. WANTK.U Washing and Iroulng. M'inday in. I Wedneaday. t.r inn o. jnan. i -w-.. W'VIJx wania work by hour. Phone A I l'llTAIN an. I blanket la indrv. railed tor and delivered. -V tip. lap.ir so.- GKKMAN woman wants an kind day wora. Mrs. hrtv. xi.i t'ii ei. LAKY will iard ihlldiaii In her home. Kenwood a; S1 Ele E!ITa, li'.l-' VI i makltiir IIO dully aening i name lll.n.ter' LOOK inn llOWifii .n'l ii.e 1-olleiea-; prices. 1 and l..".0; ,V per rent M,nmiliin: iu tier cent to eeneral agenta frel.M nald: credit given: outllta free lnlernatlon il Hll.lo llousi. Dept. V. Perry bldg.. rhllBde'phla. ented article tnal eiery woiii.i. neeua, oer eent Droflt. He QO glghl. Write today. lodiiau.r Agwnc), Douglaa, AH na i i iiv uaenia. .ananle or nan. lung h gh-claa noveuy. v a.i lu. Orand ave., room S. bi tweeli 7 and P. M x xMHi-TO atKMT. U.uaea FOB rentals ace. xx A i tx.-'.v ax iiitiiii.ixii.' 30S-8 rpaldlng Ilhlg- Main 7il0 xv a MTK1J About June If. br reeptiosit.. luarrlod coup. a ttonie it. mi. i.-r months: references. :ln?l T.abbe bldg. YCil'Sti n.arrled couple want furnished home for the Mummer: will give Al, ref.rencea and pay email rent. A 1.4. uregonian. " Apewtjueata. i.iin. iM furnished apartment. a eeping Dorcn. by a rename loup.e ..t... ... her 1. H 13.'.. oregou'.au. TWO young ladles dralre room or room and board, in private nunie, iiiiii ui.i.uie, V lo. tlr.-gonian NK'li:L.Y furnished bedroom wanted, Kaatern . p 1 ,e : . lli'IKIIuui uuuu w. - Oregonlan. 2 yoUNCl 1-idleB want first-llasa unfurnlslied room with privaia lainny. un r est emu. A 1J-. Or.'gotilun. stawtna XX Itb Boar. WOHK lt .MAN. single, wantg board and r....m atlli urlvate lamiiv in .orin run Und: also lotus to leurn tBgllsli. p. u. U..X Jul. t"OR IxENT. 1-XlrnUhed Kiwi ANGtLA UUTEu ii vvaaiilsiioa 61. I n.tee New illl,HfIB.nL large lobby, fimabcd la mahoganr. tfla and marble; .auiea parlor ens lira i,.aa: free telephone aervice la rooms. ail uignt and day. etecina elevator, atearn heat, hot and cld water In all room. uiaay with fcata. A teaiuentlal hotel auors r.proaob. waera every eflort la made for the comtorx ana x-ouvein.i.xj. . in., maet MisuniblS In tb. C.ty, rootua by the day, weak or uontav lxok ihn over before locating. aaa W ear at depot, get off at leib and VVaahiDgtoo. HOTki. bAVO.N. 1:,1 a,levjnta blreet. New, modern brick bul.ding: steam heated: yiivaia batba. hot and coll wat.i in ro.-ras: boauttfully furulab.d. ooay. coxa fortabic. renl rxasonaole. Can aud aaa aa h-g mar and Iransutit trade lOilclted. (1HAMI L'NIUN HOTfcU 3s; w Kast liurnslite blreet. Live In thla hotel aiid aave money aa vnm room rent. We have 120 modern r.u.ma. aincle or en auite, roon.a with pel vale batli. rates f.Oo to 12 per day. ti to per week, tast KHH llUrr. I. i-A BAl.l.k: lutn and Hurnalda ata At.soiut.ly nreproof; new and sl.gaany r.irni.tied rooma. private bathe; an heat, hot ar.d cold water, priv-eie pnon.i aD each room; special raiee vj iu. w.m. Dhoue earvlce flee. Pnune Jaisuaii euiav RAlKlkH HOTaU. Oaa block from Luloa Liepot; 14d autaldi reoaia, with hot and cold water and steam b.at; elf era apaclal tatea for partnaaeat guasta; ralea buo lo i a day; gAetl and v,o p.r w.ea. rutins alala a.ia u.rri.:i. Kfel.NVVlC'lv An kaeal horae for bust nwjblc: cenually locatod; elegaat rooms, a.l mod rn convenienrea; 7ta and T.vior bis.. 1 blovk from Portland Hole oppo.it. ilailig T..atr. phone Main Wl VAN OOKUKIl HOTtI .n-.u. Iwalftn SL Marsha.! JTle. la heart of buslneea district; staaai heat, hot and cold water, free phone ta every room; 1 day and up; 4 a ..a aaal aa. u.yrEt. RIVER VIEW. Furnlahed outalde rooma absolutely rireproor, e.evetor, prl vale bath, and uboDea; IJ to t per weak. Corner Id anar-a.iDui.ieiu.aia. rwx ou want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rate. Try Hotel ..arrabee. 2i -i 1-arraoee at. Kaal Ulde. k..st g Ol.T l.-e room l-ef.ire tho carnival: nice xj ter we.-k anil up. WtiiameU. Tt-.nrnlng-hoii. cor. .1th and mark t- vx tiVER. 710 Washington, near 1 ...'..I- forniahed outside roome, private balb, pbonea; board U daaireu. Main ttWi. I 9 TUB iAP.GENT HOTEL. Oraad and Hi.Umnw For raat. tba f laeex corner, parlor, aaeg roena and b.m suites la tha city, large rooma Beautifully furaiahad. aiaa wia dowa. fine view of ail tba mountains; alee aome single rowan etevatog aervvce. leia pkoaa. bot aad aold water, eurcxrto Ugat and eteam h.ai; ixwd.rata price, fas' aa alrabla tenant.; I-4U1 sussuaf Ui xaaa lb. building . Tha largdt and eooleai roonxa la tka city. . If yoa are looking for aanaaaeat. aorae tlke ouartera, ke aura and Inapect tha aar gsat before locatlngj. a.aee!i.al reetaaraat In enaoxecuoa wiia hotel. Isiepboaa Kaal t, I. H CLAHK. PToprleear. Uuliil, hYKON. UOTxL cayi. Sevsntn and Taxlor btreeta. FUH IyL!!l13 A.NU TKAVkUM ik.N tlLALLT. Ralea from 7. c'ls par day KEW. yLIKT. HtPl.TAJxl.aV Absolutely i-ealiel. two mlnutea from Postoffice, etor.s, theaters aad reaxauranta. In.. ..it hu,m.ii atreeta and carllnee; nul.teet and beat location, baaxleoxno brica ample a teem beat, bot running water ana phonea In every room, eulta aad private ba Any car from depota. NOW UPKNI NOW OPk.NI NOV uPlK! Tboae threa beautifully furDiabed boteia HuTkL HOT EL. HOTEL. allNOOK. r'AHBOSal. ROWLANDaV nwniit. Iiisagthat. 2ti7itkst. Oa Fourth gt ruomt.g exxtn Taylor ta a.lmnn .1 - farand-aew brick: e.egaatiy furnlahed; eteam beau prlxata batoa bet and cola wat.r la ail rooms; eulciig ap to data la ill reei-eeta. and at pope er virlef.. tr vou sui aomethlna out oc xae wdin.n In Hi. I, ..rX of th. C It X. at IX eonaol. prlcea. give ua a call, aa wa knew yeu will like IU Roome by the tlay, aaaa or month. Tourtgt trade aollciiao. THE L.INDEL.U T.r.. nissui.t front rooma: eaar walk !ng d. stance, all home ecavealencea; eA 12 in to 1. per week. &2 th au ktaia C'.ai. NIi'E. clean, comfortMbia rooma, frea phona. bxtha. tic .i 1 a .or au l-amlsbed Mooana la Prix ata taanlly. s'OH HfcINT In refined home and neighbor hood, close-tn. weil-furrlehed. second-story front room, adjoining batn. cool in rum mer, warm In Winter; to gentleman of aoori hii.tnes. ii.ndlns: relorencee exv changed Fur particular, telephone Main HIS. ' : N 1XTH. one newly, elegantly furnished room with Bleeping porch adjoining, mm ern, every convenience, no other room ere. autlahle for on. or two persons; r eonable; referencaa. EL.K15AXT furnished room In private fam l!v. with runninl hot and com water. ehower bath, a.i convenlencea o9 Trin ity plnre, between ll.th and JlHh ata XlikLV furnlahed room, modern conven ience centrally located, reaeooaoio. xux ("lav, near loth. VLKN1.-HEI riioitt for gentleman, private family, no children, walking aiaianc X.x Kugene et HF.I'INF.I Udy wlshe. roommate, neet. airy room; reaaouabie rx-nu V 14, ora- gnnln. BreAfTlKl I.L.X furnished r- Him In good 73H Johnacax au home, N..b Hill dlatrtcU Ite'erence. TWO larae. pieaant room, with ball. w-Hh or without board, oa Luox av.., on am..- stsslppl carllne NH F.I.r furnlahed room. eulLable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, bath, pnone, etc pnvata an tr.nce. cloae-ln. 221 lath. Ninxr furnlahed rooma from 13 weekly easy walking distance, pnoaa. j xxaan- tngton. ONK nlcelv furnished room; every thlug con venlcnt. kd month. 4.ti cnaa au i-nonv East 2'T.i. UKAL'TIKl'l. front r.ima. Irge cloeet. hot and tod water all convenlencea. ..a ix 2 ih St.. cor. Overton st. PI KM.iHKK room In nice epl.-houee, prl vate bath. all liar. ixii! Ia h I. E KIM NO porch, ne.t. modern convenient, west tin. axi. Nirl-.I.Y furnished front room modern convenience very cloea in. m ntn. TWO furnished a. eeping -room batn, pnone and gaa. reaaonanie. x-s ri.rx ax. TWO nice, clean, furnlahe.1 front rooma ia rent cheup. close in. i i o i . i o LA Ri . K ronin. well lighted, sultsble for one or two; reaaonabi 2ti i:tu au Vafaralaheel fleeaae. Til HEU nea trio light; baaement rM.m gaa and tie per month. 414 Jcffaraua aXeeene vx It a Itwarav ti. 1KB a home app.al ta yoxiT THE WHITB ml.L cor. gth and aladlaoa; .arge room k... K.o.d v.rand ouleU cloee la. a.ar car; 4 blo.-ka from I. o Aroerlcaa p' Til! LAMBEKMON. i4 u'oucli at . very da ir.i.l. ..i.tai.le room aieam ...... ..... nlng wavr. with or without board, cloea uivtTnr ual tkTil 8T inrxrtlia el.aa rooms. at.aaa keat. good board, clos. In. r.aaoaabla. POKTI.A.ND WOMEN IMUX, 23d year, xi. .on., with hoard, use of sowing-room, li brary. HO Plander Mra. E. N. Wliaoa.sus "-. rl HAiL taraiinsg rooma wita boar, running water. xi..m heat. fd at. THE CAI.VA hLe 4,'.i Morrison at., cof. lath. ell-ftirllisne.l rooms vim ooaro. Kooraa Willi Hoard la PHval. Family. bio p v li i l.rae. cool suit suitable lor two or three, hot and cold water. Bleep in. noreh. beautiful aurround ings. elu alia neighborhood, choue h.xrd, eleo sin- ele room. tl..x t-oveioy. an.n.ii B.x.-.tt tr room with board: home prlvl ieg.s, beet home ciokii.g. xva.klng dla trttice; pieaaanl eurroundlnga; term, re. B'inaiile. Main Jr. to il TIITI. East Fide home, aewiy fur .nd home xirivlleeee, hot aud coi water In l-.i, with room, Buitani rr iwo. i-n- . b.uxr.l. Eest 3IIH or II . I - HAVE room for throe young mea of good hablta and character In bouaa occupied by gentlemen enly. i:J a month oovara ail expense Bog r. SI urvgun.aa- HOOM and board In prlxaie family; beet of location, and all n-ime privi.e.. mvvi 344 Wasoo st r.. .K...I. i .. e.o.r.1. Drtv.t family for two aeritlemea t com panlons i ; excellent tabus. 1.4 North lelth St., corner Flanuera- . ....ii- eoom. with board, aiiltable for tw . ntlemen: Single beda. balh attached. close In. ami West Park. BOArU) and room for two gentlemen or couple, apiece, mow- r. ......... r.lls in, near ..i n. WANTEX Olrl to share room with a.eeptng porch and two meals: .' each. wlklug d:atanc H 1 13. oregonian. bTKlOTEY modern, good borne cooking, one block from park; rate, reaaonabi Phone Main .. t?Z l"tn ax. NK'EIY furnished room with lKard. home pt-lvllegee. 7-4 Belmont et. H IJIO t,... ens cuanswttng aeoreom. esce.,ea: ae.rc. porchea and gtouada Mala 2QII. MoDEHN room wlfh board J" . fa...rnev and Uoveloy. A 7i30. 22d. b.L (jKOD board, laxga pieeeani rwm. .uxiai distance, bath. weea. asx s.x. l-,H,n table board, home rooking. 0Vi Orand ave. East X-3. B JZi .. A port men I -e , , i. n . u w-1- u " 1 . t and Irving I ..1. .... a-..orv brick now open; fur n'.ahed and unfurnished lit L I and 4-room .oil.. reception hall, electric automatic .i.v.ioe Wo. mea d.s.DPearing bu built In buffet and writing desk, gaa range. Ice boa. plenty of cloe-1 room both phone vacuum cleaner fre. to patron If you want something tin. come to the Barker. 1 2 -room baaement apartment, tli. Phoaea A 1744. Marshxll .TWI. THE AMEfUCAI. xroet un.lo-data anartmenr la the Northwest! every convenience: and . .. . ..i .ui.idB aunny rooms; aew; wa king distance. Slat and Johnaon at; choice raai'lence district, attendant aa prem i.x Msrahall lm. THE LJCONCE. la N. 2Jd ae.r Johaooa. krlrk, i and -room. aw ..i..i.. furniah.d apartment all outaijo ...ma. nrivata batn aad phoaa. a.fco us. TU c b.KVL. . ...... rooma in uie city, large cloeet in7mer t Leavajoy. near klau Summer la ROSK-rKlENU. cor. Tt a J.n.raM v.Tv d.airahia anfurnlahed apartmeal ao room bardwood liaor,. ntm. au la i da room TiTiT" UAVfcNPoKT Newly furnlahed thr lZ,m aoL. private bat aad phone; bu ESTriTeV Main Kit, ta. J.ft.r,a. tiTic'SnEO.NTA Nicy furnlahed 2 .4 -Tro?.ra apartments, only aadii; aiag.a e...,.n 7. IB. ton . ... T. XPTa. 17th and lveloj. 2 1 a. Two and tlire-roxjm furnUbed aart iiirtitatnodern- ni it Li API".. bu ioa aoo mi, itoraia .nd Vaugnn. ale -ro.m apta, iiaiu. I"kooI modern apartment, free pnoaa, gl, month. 7 lI- etrlci y t.odero. 64 Eaat Main. Baax 144a, vvjXwB APT., 11 K. lltb. naax Tarn hllL fine 4-ro..ra apartment, wltn porch.. JXIJAETTK raralaned and aafuraiaaad' IRia, COR Id AND MILO. 4 a d a large rxwir.e. m oxter n,.,.- IMkk APAltTMKNTg. glj Harrison St. Pnor.o M.ranall eT0. . ,. t ii:kKTTt 1 furnished 3-l-om apart menti private bath and phona, U.inmt. THE ORLANDO, 20TH AND WAKHlNUTOS 6T3. I'NQESTION ABL.T riNEIT LOCATION IN CITY. Two nnd ttire-room furbished apart ments, puurMlm ever modern conven ience, private telephon. a. elevator aervlce, escelletil cloeat-rooin, laundry with ateata dryer. Moat attractlT, entrance court In Port land. Helen rltentel provides ptc1aely the gnrroundlnga desired for your family. RATE PrvalTIVKLY MOST HEARON AHLE TO BE KOL'ND. THfl "erBErT.OOxf, Car. Park and Taylor 8t TrTB xarrrxea.t.rON AltNKt, Cor. Tenth and aalmon Ml Wanting nislanc rnmlshed complet a, ( and -rxxara ananmenta: bulliings new aad Btrletly mod era; aortic, trsl-claa CARVEUTA. Jeffersoa and lith Straala. 4 and t room unfurniahed apartmania eaceptlonaily well arranged. RatM Reaaonabi Modara. Reference. FTRNUxHED APARTMENT. Parti's leaving town for the, Bummer xvlil rent their sig-room furnished apart ment with aleeping porch, m.!'',1",""1.? fourt." -11A and Ollsan, one bio. k from two carllnr Phone Maranau oioo. NKWL.T furnished The I'pehur. 2th and I pshur eta., furnished z-room iiiirunr... 1.'., lg. I;0 and up. Thla Includes etem k... ko. .na eoid water In every apart ment nrlv.t. nhoi.es nubile bath, electric ii. k. . .. . lBundrv-room. all free also g-rootn unfurnished apart men l with private bath, gin; 4 room aw. i.a. o. V..xd or W car, north. Phone ..in "- THE V1L.EA bT. 1.AIIA. ixth and Tavlor. Just comp.eted. most magnificently foe. nlahed ap.rim.nta In the Northweet; loca tion perfect; rentala reaeonable; every modern convenience. Including banquet hall and roof earden: both phonea In all apartments, hlan-ciae, eervlie; reference. required. Main :l.,Trt ami A 7t'67. KllknUlx UarahalL near 17th Bt. Net building, never been oee.ipe , r-..-and up one unfurnished, fix ARDMAY TEKMACE. lath and llarrlaon at 1-argeat 2-routn apartment. In the city. . ALTON I A. Marshall and Hth ata. Large, airy 1 t and 4-room apartment quiet and egcluslxe neighborhood. THE Al.TAMONT nth and t oll, ge bU mder new management, nicely fur nlshed t and 4 room apla . private bath. hie. lanltor aervtrn. brick building ae.en minutes' walk to P. o : aummer ratea No obj-tlon to a child. THE DEZENDORr. ret iitii t. ma tat lo r rr. & . ...... V . VIk X Pi II I U I N rtTf.1 xrikllkU APARTMENTd. APPLY x.1 PRkMlSU FUk haJa.HVAT10N. BEELER APARTMENT; Owe at the finet la tha city; (team ihi, aox tM. COM i. ..... - I r be a lAlui. wafaralabed aultea g.i ta LL'CHKTIA t'OUKT. I orretla ,u. Near ii.l and Wash. t'nfurnlahed apartmenta, from two ta flv. looms, all latge. light and outalde large cloeet hardwood floors, und.r n.w manager. eau ataranaii m. .....v., ..... ehall I loo. THE WIt-ICF.RSHAM.,, lath and planriria sia. Bxautiful apartment b and rooma. Call and ,ea them. Ionian col ht. B7f Coach, one block from Waahlngton. walking dietanca, B and 4-room modern unfurnished apartmenla: ail modem con ...l.ne.. kMI of HrillX! UHll.1 tl.W llll ag.ment. r-ferencee rexiulrl. Main Uul (-1 li HkkLANU API. VV. Paik and Co lumbia eta.; very chol.-a a and a-rnom furnlehl and anfurnlahed apt, all mod era convenience ne.mnui . oca. ion, t. I,. . th. ...ra . ft mlnuloe' walk from bus nesa center, beat eerxi. .. prtees reasonahle e , . u LnmB apjartment with bath fur nisnea or . ..-... e - each, $32 ftxl up; outalde rooina: apleadld .IB,wi K-" ..",,., e - - cation; do., to Poctofflc; beat of eerv- C. Tne onciuei ... ..... vo.. e e . . . . .we. A NICELY furnished fc-roora apt., liiio. ail eutsida. larg lighC airy room private POOO. BAU 1 ' . wat.r heater, laundiy tra large oiuaal OS carno i .o. ...... e . KINO H ILL APARTMENTS, 171 KINO bT. 4. i. 4-room epartmenta, ee I act tenancy. Al.p.y on p fern i see. WlNbTON APARTMENTS. Ill 14ih au. at Markau aexv corner hrirk 1 -room eulta completely furnlalied far huuaekeeplbg , walking dletance; prices reaeoaabl ror luiw.ntax.o. c. .ais t.ss jTUknToH tk and unfurniahed apartm.nis. g. a . a..ir.a.a location, vary rea.ouai.,e reati App.y Anus Motel. 2t Waauiagtaa at. . . . , .. . . u.lf IITU AKfX "it All KT. 1 aad 4-rooiu aparuneata, furniahed and unfurnished, all oulaiua rooma, hardwood jElTaKiLbONlA.V APAKTMENTd, lttTH AU JEKPk.IU.oN. New management; r.-noxated; walking distance. Two-rouA noua.aaeping. gla g room a.y THE LLZEHNIk. Corner Sd and Hall, nrwiy furnished I room anartnient punning new ana strict ly modern, iarga oulaid. kitchen a.rvtc. ftrst-ciaa ...y w....o, .i.....v OKAt'E APTeV. Nortnrup at., corner ".4t h, S larg, rooma, hardwood tloora, front veranda. Iarga sie.-plug porch, pri vate telephone, water, heat and hot water, new and etrlctly modern, vacuum clewner. AVALON APARTMENTS. S and 4 room beautifully furnlehed apartmenta, all out aid. rooma with Bleeping porches, private phona and bath In n.w corner brick, phone K.aat 3172. BIENA VIHTA. 1?th and Harriaon; '2. 3 and 3 room furnished or unfurniahed; latest Improve, nients, best aervlce. Apply on premise CoLirAPfV, COR. 4TH ANO LINCOLN AU oulaid I -room epartmantB; llalmtl hd built-in writing d.aa. vacuum cleon r Janitor aarvlc iil. .a to gill, incluuiuj light private phonea A 44. 1, Mam 111;. Tlilk MARLBOKOL'QH. 4-room apartment, choice reeidonee dis trict, walking d .ata ilea, every comealaau fist and Klandera at Main Tut Sue kk.iHi'iill. Jig msiii. u, a , ..4 4 -ruonx apt, hardwood floor wlxa evxu-y (ti.tt"x.' aewiy furiuanwg, ebav. eat rent la the city. QRANLiEsTA furnished apartment Orand ava and k-aat Htara. New brick building, eievator modern convenlenoeB; cloae la location; beet of aervlce. very lowered, MAJWboN PAKkl AHAHTMkvAXa. rati ... - far reeu S aad 4-room furnlahed aad nnfurnlBhd apartment alrutly modara ' iUa' COLlT. Cor. of Tth and East Tavlor au Cnm nlaielv furnished 2 and 4 loom suites, moderVE. .4BJ " NEWLY furnished 2 roam apartment; both, dreasing-rooni; very oeeiranie hummer lo clwn, rxaonabl The ilurcu, ll 2iat ie a' THE ALAMO. .pa MarkeU aear llih. I - room apart, sent furnished aad xxal uralabad. motiar Maranaeooej, " THC M -KINLY APARTMENTS. K .lb and Morrlaon sla.; very e.ntral J and 1-reiis aparimer.ta. turnisned com plete prliate bather from te 132 bu. MJ ELLANU. 14tn and Lov.Joy Lnfurnish.d i front i : modern, aew brick, must be aeea to be appro, lated Main lad A IHI. TH CHELTENHAM. 2." N. 10TH. 2 4. 4-room apartmeni aew. brick bulging, new furultur Marshall 40b. THE DAYTON Bea'itlful location. fin, large room apartment, porrhee and avery eoaverilcnc 4a2 Flander Reduced reau THE CHETOPA. lih and Klander, et. ; 2. 4 and 4 rome furnished or unlurnlabed; moL-rn Apply to 'he landlady HfclN- APART MENU 14th ard Columbia ata , 2. 4 and 4 roome furnished etid unfurnished; modern 1HE Klng-lavla. cor. King and Davie at; 4 rooma, X urn .shed er unfuialahedi rsler-ancea. MOriOAN. FLIE LINER BOYCfc fcOJ.oO Abtngton Bldg. APART MENT-HOl'HB -rECIALTIEH We nan or control th, following apart. ment-housea. .,, Angela waalilngrnn and Trinity piaoa. Ceeiliix ..M and onsen. Clavpool Mill and Clay. Vor.lhani I7H Kold Blieel. fltanil.-aia tiraud ave. and East Blarg. Ilamhoin r.'th and Main. Hanover Kltig. near Washington, Kmgsl.ury lnu Kurd streel. Knickerbocker Harrison, near 111" Mieff lei. I 72 Tin at . ror. Jalteraoa. Ht. Croix 170 ht. Clair et. Ht. Francis 1,'lst and Hoyt. Wellington loth and Everett. We hut furnished and unfurnlsnea apartmenta from J to b room renting from 4U" to etitl per month. If btl want an apartment, TKLrrilONK WAIN ifol.V A J"l'k OCR AI TuMiillILK WILL CALL at anv address with our agent, who will be glad In ahow you these npartmenl On riiilnlay call Mr. Verry. Main ilial. IIIOllLANn coi-rt. 2:d and Ullsan ats. Will hav, a 8-room furnished aparimaat vacant on June lb; make vour reseri a- lon now If ou v. oiild eeciir. a pla.-e la thla elegantly appointed apartment-boua TH1NITY PLACE APAHTMKN1 a., brick aad atone paiaca of insurious nomea, ii.n... place, between IBth and th street Just eff Waahlngton; magnificent .xolualv, apartm.nta In heart of apartment-bouea district; rontal, reasonable; every modern eonvenleuce; sleeping porche hlgh-olaaa aervlce; refined clientele; reference, re quired In all caeee; two beautifully fur nished apart mains available May L Mr A. N. VI right, auparlnlend.nu phona Mac .n.ii lint. THR WlNPNOIl APARTMENTS J. and 4 rooms, some, turn ipo.-u, homelike; cool, shady porchea; walking dialanie. Cor. K. Hth nd Yamhill. Flat KlVE-KOoM flat. 72 Ollaall at., hew build ing, hardwood nooia, lirepiace, g.is laoa.-. water h. tiler, furiiHi a. .tc. ; e.i2.&t, ke, with Janllor. Ceclua Apartment,. 22a aud ;iisan e'.s. MoHErlN flaU aeleot nelg htwr hood, rooms and maid B room, turnace, iirepi. a rang shadeB. hardwood floor !M N, 3Mh, corner Norlhrup; adull refarenoea. Apply b. ft Northrup. W car. kTKAM-HEATEl 6-room flau vary dealra. ble; convenlont arrangement, wiia ,.a range- U.o Mummer rat Apply jani tor, walllugloa Apartmenta. lftth ana EveretU 1 i i K 11 1 H I upper flat, completely fur bished, all niiiilnrn convenient!. Uiwer flat furnish."!. unfurnlilied, W. Mult, of rooms flH, Including gag, electrlcty and phone. fcU Mill at. Kt k IMiNO-HOI.'-SEH 2tlth still Vpshur, with al.out iu rooms, uiii..rn..oe,,. reaaonanie. Inquire Hy, Wolnharda Ury. l:lth and Htirtisldo sts. uriiijm modern flat at Sxtl K. 1st aU Ix boar llroadway, per montn. II. P. PALMEU-.IHNKH CO, 404 Wllcom UUit. l'hones M. "HI". A -'"it. T-ROOM dwelling house and baaement. '14 I pshur al.; lerma reaaonatne. inquu. .w. XAelnlmrd a Jtry.. 13lh and Hurnalda al VKKf deslrahla 4-room corner flata; fur nace, fireplace, not -water con, tiu t li.nn at J.'d and Kearney at MuliEiiN. new, H-rmitn upper flau vx eax Hide, .elect nelgnnornoou , uarowo..i i Bleeping por.-nJ fireplace. Marshall "H.'4. AKK you satlsfle.1T Why not gee theae near flats at it. otn anu Ainn i . finest In clly Taj.or 3111. MT. TAHOK flat, now', muilurn, all con venlencea, boaulliui xtow, j-iiu... ..a... Tk1)M upper flat. i: Oregon at., Ittod- . i -I ... lk,.n.. kl.at am iriijui'-ei, ,-,,,, ,. - .. JC!. C I Ml itiMHN n-riiom furnished flat. nl. a yard. good location, wall I in ..la...... v... .-.. Mil ill ll."jW3. , MtiliEHN n-room flat Willi porch, fire place furnace and walking dletame; will rent rheaik Call 411 lllh 41.1 t'F'.lt niolilh 2 modern a-room f.ate. nrat-rnis. .-o'iohio... .e.-.i. . I'hone JH.XIH ...i 2-lt.K'M Lot for rem. Hxn. All.ina ave.; (.is range and convenlencea, unf ill nlsln d. phone Wood lawn Kt"k. ,NCFlHl7 flau t room fine yard, epleagld neighborhood TJix, Jooaeoa tu. bu lid ana ixiu. mam .. ONE 4-ronm iip-tn-date upper fal, fire- ,..,rcl. Ill'l. l': Ma.llson au. ........ mill and 17th d'hone E.at IK you wish in rent voir bona, or flat act r ... . e., .v. . ru k-.ii u k:i kK v. .IK.'i-d Hnsl'llng Hl'lg. Mam T".P2. MOI'EHN five-room Hat. v.ry res.onabi 7ik". Marahall St. inon. r.iu- I-ROOM Hn '"r f""1' "r "rt '"r"llu, for aale. olo Yamhill st. . llfiUKKN lower flat, flva pleaaant room Mi.ln h47.yl.,.Nnhriip. riTTi.iM nl.. ! fuTni.hed" flat. 4tU cor ner "f Jefferson. Take 14lli-st. . ir, Mi F.I. V lurnlahed modtrn flat, ft room :t Klalh street. ritOllM modern furnished flat for rent Very ret.aoniil.le at 2:x 1 41 Ix al. rr rrr kii a it i .k. net. tf rooms, atllo. yuril. porchea. Ives, rioe. Main 4-20. i il 1 1' It N 0-rooiti upper or lower flat, clos. In liiqujre6Jlr.xerettBt. JTiTiFitN 4-rooin flata. upper and lower; ,, ; East fi. H Uti4, looM flat, large porch, fine location. close In. inon. ..... .... Fl vf e..w. modern. 4 large rooms lieu iiiii Oiinienbeln. cor. Alberta. -It. i M modern Hal, not if Everett HU partly furnished. ekeeprng THK ijF,riH,-''K 2di h ana Lliitiur ,1 fur nished 2-rooin apartnient 114 up. In cludes eteam he.u hot and cold water In every upartm.iuU publlo bath, alectrl, light gaa rang laundry-room, all fro I aha . ell ar W car, north. Pb.ae Main " tub HEAVER, Hth and Marahall, for nlslird for housekeeping; gaa rang ale., trie liable, hot water, bath, laundry free: git per nio.ilh up; a clean place, beet la tbe city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take or 14tb-,b cars north, get olf at Manhall it. No dog THE MIiTneK, 35'1'., Morrison, oor. Park, furnlahed or unfurnished housekeeping Bpaiimetit all convenience best loca tion, rummer rale il. lu TO ; per weak Clean furoisn.4 nousekeeplng rooms; frea heaU pkea hath, laundry, raid. 44 Vancouver av . - . . -. .-ii. ... Xnnn. K lulL LAttt'tk, comfortahla housekeeping eulta gi.fjU up. wlkt 1st at., near btark. HoCriirKKLIMNO room. In new concrete building. Phona Woodlawn .burorJi37i. TTiKf K.LMK, 2 and 1 -room houa.ka.plng and single, rooms, transients solloited. 1st 14tk. Kl'MNIHHF'.D housekeeping. a'o Sing. 0 rooms. ll.oO to 41 a week. SHI 2d at, Hona.ke.uing K4Miine In Private Family TWO large, cool housekeeping rooms, nire.y furnished. Bleeping porrn If wanted, to.. sonaliio to right party, ,'t.x r.. 31 at. rv THK KM neatly furnished housekeeping room will rent single or In suite. I. p. r lie, ; blocks from tiraml ave. 4 K. .III. TWO front housekeeping roome; beat lo a- lion, c.mfortoble. coi.vonlalit, reaaonabi JW2 14th. 4 Fl KAHANTI.Y furnished housekeeping riK.m'l, eloctrlo light, bath talephune and , water free; lit" ft at, A . i i.-av ImhU furnished housekeeping room'., 'modern, ground floor, reaaonah a. l'3 Front. two Tell-furnlahed. airy hnttaekoeplng rooms. mlnutea' walk from P. o. .! M on I aotlierv at 1. 1 1-1KAN7 light housekeeping-room, every con"nlence; walking distance. 441 luill. Main ".11- tuii nh-elv furnished latge airy front rooms. TV,,a, t r. wlih large yard. Main un. .1.-.3 l-Hi al. . ... T11KE1C completely furnished rooma; hath, sink, laundry, phona. Ml Kast kt at k. CLl'AN cosy, newly-tlnled room, nicely fnr nlshed for housekeeping. Electric light. 4s. x:iPark St. HOl'M.K FKPINU rootliB, 43, 2..; dose In. l;c. 14'h Til It EE housekeeping rooms in private lam- 1 1 v ; first floor; 41.".. 441 Hose St. t 313 14TH ror. Clav. large, cheap t and J. room furnished housekeeping Bulla. Fl HMrll Kl housekeeping rooma; fine o. cation; up to date. - Market, peer 11th, TXA'O nice large modern houaekeeplng room renf r.aaonslila. 4k1 2d m OSK large room for houax keeping. fk'4 Kaat Mnnl.nn. Fust fk'.'d. . 4 a NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma. gioitinl floor. i'l. 1"lh, comer Hslmon. Tt . . aw. II rooma, with bath, plionc. gag r-iri-". "17 Hull jjiici:. clean, single lions, keeping room, gas, ptiop. and net n. io. ....o DPLI'.NDIH stllla for Mummer; rooma large, airy, pleasant; cloaa Ilk 414 Morrison.