10 TTTP! 5IOKMXO OTiEfiONIAX. WEDNESDAY. .TIXK 1312. QZi( (Drf ipmhtit roRTtAjrn. orcoox. Entered at Portland. VrMm Ioetoriee as Becond.clasa Matter. Suoecrlpuoa keiae JnvertBbly l Adveeee. (BY MAIL.) Dally, Panda Inelnded. one year, ..aaee Dally. Buniliy Included. els months... 4 M Dally. Sunday Ineluded. three monlaf. ft.39 Dailr. Sunday ineluded. ana moots. .71 lially. without Sunday, ana year....... oft lelir. without Sunday, ais months... t-M rally, without Sunder, three month.. . LTJ t'aiiy, without Sunday, ana aaoala. .... . Weekly, ana yaar J-JJ Sunday, ana year .... ..... f T Sunder aad weakly, ana yilf.. ....... (BT CARRIER.) Pally. Sunday Included, ana yaar...... . Dally. Sunday Included, oaa month.... Mow ta Remit Sand Poetofflce money ar dor, expreea ordar ar pereoaal aback oa yaar local bank. Stampa, ooln ar ourreaey era at lha sender's rlas. Olve poetofrtea addrsae la full, leeludlag county and etete. Postage Rataa 10 to 14 peiea. 1 seat: 1 la 2 pases, t casta. M ta 40 pasee. aaata: 49 to So pagaa. 4 aaata. l"oreia poalase, double rata. euaetera Baataeas OrfU aa Terra " Ma Maw York. Uroaewloal bwUdlaeV . Ca eego. Sieger building. Kuropeaa Oflles No. Regent street, a ?.. London. PORTLAND. W1D.WDAT, CWU a. IStt. WH.U IS BBYAX'B OAMXf Bryan takes great pains In a. Com moner editorial to prove that no and Clark are in hearty accord on the Democ ratio programme In ths House and to disprove Hearst's statement that that programme Is repugnant to him. He catatonias the principal measure passed by the present House and express disagreement with Clark and his followers on only two subjects lha retention of the duty on raw wool and the entrusting of the money trust Investigation to the Pujo commit, tee. He says, however, that he fa vored the wool bill "as a great Im provement over the present law, and aa a great deal better than anything that can be expected from a Republi can Congress." of the turning over of the money trust Inquiry to Pujo he ays: Tha caarus would not da It aaata If It had It to da ever. Tba Damaeraia af tha llouae have already virtually adnptad Mr. Henrys plaa. and tha ioraatlf atlnn will, therefore, ha a satisfactory one that Is all that Mr. Bryan baa eontandad tor. In hut anxiety to show that he and Clark are of one mind. Bryan passes over the scene which occurred In the House when his attack on Underwood, Clark's lieutenant, prompted the Ala baman to give him the He and when the whole Democratic side of the House cheered Us leader" to the echo. He has been little more merciful In his denunciation of the caucus for not appointing a special committee on the money trust, but he escapes that diffi culty by saying the caucus practically backed down. What la Bryan's ' object In thus showing that he sees eye to eye with ('lark, who, with Underwood, shapes the House programme T Is he prepar. Ing to Jump on the Clark bandwagon In case of a stampede to the Speaker at Baltimore, or to annex the Clark strength In case of a deadlock and an opportunity to create a stampede for himself? Is he trying to dispel the Impression that Clark Is a conservative or to create the Impression that he himself Is no more radical than the mans of his party? As Joey Bsgstock would say. Bryftn Is sly, devilish sly, and has something tip his sleeve. AKROriAXK OR M1UOIBLB, WHICH? So wonderful have been recent feats with the aeroplane that men are In clined to Imagine It the solution of the problem of aviation. But so many have been the fatal accidents to aero pianists that we are tempted to doubt whether their type of vessel can ever be made reasonably safe. The cham pion of the dirigible airship comes for. ward with assurance that he can sup ply the desired speed and oan combine with It ability to avoid or combat storms, safety against other dangers and much greater passenger-carrying rspaclty. He goes further and avers that he has In prospect the means of securing absolute safety and or provid ing for passengers all the comforts and luxuries of a first-class passenger train. The relative merits of the aeroplane nd the dirigible balloon are the sub ject of lively discussion among avia tors and the May bulletin of the Aero Club of America gives the dirigible Us Innings. Major August von Parseval. rival of Count von Zeppelin for leader ship among builders of dirigibles, tells how the German dirigible Zeppelin IX hss attained a speed of forty -seven miles an hour and predicts greater speed. He testifies to the dirigible's endurance by asserting that within two years the Parseval VI made 124 trips, remained In the air 34S hours, carried tIM passengers and traveled S20 miles. He contends In favor of the non-rigid Parseval that It can be transported by rail and readily re paired, while a rigid Zeppelin must be transported in air and is lost If forced by damage to descend In a storm, four Zeppelins having been Inst in this manner. The case for the dirigible Is followed up by C. F. Campbell Wood, who notes great Improvement In the first three of the four great desiderata, which he enumerates thus: 1. High speed ao aa to overcome enn trarr winds and ba Independent o( tha Weather J. Oreat lift Ins capacity ao as to carry a large number of paeeengera Bnff fuel, or prntertllea and Inatrumanta (wlrelsea tolas raphy). .1. Tha capability of raining great alti tudes. lthr to sat above tha clouda. sain a favorahla currant, traval la mountalnoua diatrlrta or gat beyond roach of earth-bound artillery. 4. Ahlllty to land, anchor la tba opaa aad be houaad without damage. He tells how attainment of a speed of 44 to 47 miles an hoar has enabled pilots of dirigibles to become Indif ferent to weather and to go out when aeroplanes were kept In their sheds. He credits tha larger Zeppelins with a lifting capacity of twenty tone and both these airships and the Siemens Hchuckert with a useful load of four or five tons. He describes devices for manipulating the ballonets by which the pilot can ascend or descend and how speed enables a dirigible to climb. He admits that the stumbling block la difficulty of landing. In Germany great sheds are being built at many planes, but each one costs as much as a dlrlgtble. Oreat Roofless structures or depressions In ths ground suggestive of dry docks have been proposed as landing places. Melvln Vannlman. who piloted Well man's airship In Its unsuccessful at tempt to cross the Atlantic, paints a most alluring picture ef aa air-craft that cannot fall, saying that patents for the means to accomplish this won. rter have already been applied for. He describes the future aerial passenger car as constructed with two decks, de signed according to the luxurious con. struction of modern ralVway coaches), the upper deck containing eight state, rooms and forty cabins for passengers, four bathrooms and the crew's sleep, tng quarters, the lower deck contain Ing the dining-room, kitchen, parlor, smoking-room and promenade. Here the lazy air-voyager can "lie abed and watch the moving picture of earth." After bath and breakfast, says Mr. Vannlman, "he repairs to the prome nade deck for his cigar, remembering the printed warning by his berth that no cigar stubs should be thrown over, board, aa such would be a menace to life on the earth. This vision has already been partly realised, for the Aero Club publishes a photograph of a lady lunching a la carte and or the washroom on the Zeppelin airship Schaken. If the claims of these writers should be sustained by events, the aeroplane will bear tha same relation to the diri gible as the bicycle bears to the auto mobile, or the stage coach to the Cen. tury Limited. a nounoN. The Oregonlan does not hesitate to give Its approval of the plan devised by Governor West's committee to place control of the 8tate University and Oregon Agricultural College with a single Board of Regents and to provide a mlllage tax for their maintenance. The single Board a ought to be able to solve the problem of the distinct fields of the two Institutions. It ought to assign to the university that which Is properly the university's and to the college that which Is the college's. Un necessary duplication of work will thua be avoided, while a natural and healthful competition between two great state Institutions may yet be maintained and encouraged. We shall have no more unseemly scrambles for appropriations from an unwilling Leg islature, and no more Interjection of university or college affairs Into the politics of the state. The plan will, we think, meet the general approval of the people of Ore gon. But It la not to be assumed that an Ideal solution has been reached by the mere passage of a statute to bring It about. The proposed law merely suggests or provides a method: the real labor Is to be performed largely by the Board of Regents. If It shall be made up of men of broad vision, sound education. Impartial Judgment, and patriotic purpose. It will achieve Its mission. If it shall be comprised of smaller men, or mere partisans of either Institution, the project will fall utterly. Here Is an opportunity. If the meas ure shall pass, for Oovernor West to perform a great service for the state by placing upon the new Board men of weight and distinction, qualified and willing to do the great work placed In their hands. PIT IP BARS TO IXMIC.OATTON. The experience of the Grays Harbor cities with the Industrial Workers of the World, composed mainly of recent Immigrants, Is followed logically by a declaration In a Memorial day address of Albert Johnson, editor or the Ho qulm Washlngtonlan, In favor of more stringent Immigration laws. He Interpreted the sentiments of the vet erans la these words: Put up tha bars agalnet Immigration. Enact mora atrlnsant taws concerning naturalisation and enforce these laws ta tha lattar Let clllaanahlp ba a ptivllesa ta thoee wba lira la and love tho United States. Deny citlsactshtp to thoaa newcomers wha respect neither our Mas nor our Institutions and who have Imported a mass of Isms that. If not sh-cked. muat lead on to aaarchy and revelation. In reviewing discussion and legisla tion on Immigration from the founda tion of the republic, Mr. Johnson re called a remarkable prediction by Representative Sedgwick, of Massa chusetts, made in 174, that, although the United States was founded as an asylum for all the world. It could not be forever so. Sedgwick said: We must aot Invito ar bribe tha undesir able to coma with us. America muat hus band Its wealth of land, for many will ba dependant whan it la gone. At the time when that prediction was made the Western boundary of the United States was the Mississippi River, but we have already almost verified his further prediction, made In December, 17(5. that the lands would be gone In 100 years, and that when the oppressed arrived on our shores they would not be quickly re lieved, but would be overcome by their miseries before they learned to love thlr adopted flag. There are no longer vast areas of public land open for settlement by the oppressed of all nations. We are al ready conserving what remains for posterity and Mr. Johnson pertinently asks: Whoaa posterity Our children ar the children of Southern Europe, who, when they aema to us bow, cannot ba pioneers to build up sad possess our fields and farms? The character of Immigration has changed and the newcomers are Im bued with lawless, restless sentiments of anarchy and collectivism. They ar. rive to find their hopes too high, the land almost gone and themselves driven to crowd Into cities and strug gle for a living. Then anarchy be comes rife among them. The remedy Is to put up ths bars and stop the transplanting to America of the dis content of Europe. IXr-JIaM BX-OXO.MT. The Democratic House Is giving us some beautiful examples of Its style of economy. It attempts to reduce the United Statea to fifth rank as a naval power by refusing money for new bat tleshlps; It attempts to reduce tbe Army by cutting off five regiments of cavalry; It refuses funds for the Tariff Board; It pares down the appropria tion for the Panama Canal; it grants no funds for Improvement of National parks. "But, with an eye to the rotes of ths 2t00 pensioners In each Con. greiasslonsJ district. It votes many mil. lions for pensions. Democratic econ omy la very lop-sided. By refusing to maintain our position as a naval power tha Democrats ex pose our Navy to destruction by any first-class power with which we may be engaged In war. If we began build, ing warships when war broke out, we should be at the mercy of the enemy before they were finished. The enemy could complete them and add them to his own navy. By reducing our cavalry force from fifteen to ten regiments, the Demo crau propose to break off one limb of our skeleton Army, for It la but a skeleton. Infantry can be equipped and trained In a few months, but cavalry must be kept somewhere near full strength, for they take time to bring to efficiency. By practically abolishing th Tariff Board the Democrats stultify them selves, for they voted for Its creation and have always protested most loudly against the old system of committee hearings aa a means of ascertaining the facts on which duties should be based. They now leave no alternative to a return to thatdlecredtted system. They cut down the allowance for the Panama Canal on the eve of Its com pletion by men whose achievements in carrying forward this stupendous un dertaking are the admiration of the world. The people will be slow to be lieve the charge of extravagance made by a cneesoparlng committee against such a man as Colonel Ooethals. Denial of funds for improvement of National parks will make no friends for the Democrscy In the West, where are most of the parks. The United States is gaining favor as a resort for tourists of both our own and other nations. The beauties and wonders of nature are the chief attraction to tour ists. They are a valuable natural re source, the development of which would enrich all our people. Just as the facilities Switzerland has provided for tourists to visit her lakes and moun tatins have enriched her. THE OUtSH HOf-HK OF THE BRITISH TOK1K4. The British Tories are experiencing a taste of the unhapplnetui which be falls one who ventures to throw atones when he lives in a glass house. The occasion of their misery U a debate on the disestablishment of the Welsh church. Tha Welshmen are dissenters for the most part, but they havu an elaborate Episcopalian establishment which Is richly endowed and absorbs a share of the wealth of the little prin cipality. The people have long desired to get rid of It, but not until Lloyd George took up the cause did they ever enjoy very bright hopes of success. Now the question of Welsh dises tablishment has become an exceeding ly live one. and naturally Mr. Lloyd George stands out as the champion of the dissenters. The Tones take the ground that disestablishment would be spoliation. The property of the church Is sacred, they contend. Indeed It is doubly sacred. Dike all property, it ought to be inviolate, but as church property Its confiscation would smack of sacrilege. Thus tha Tory orators argue, but as we began by saying, they dwell In glass houses, and Lloyd George takes unmeasured delight In shattering the fragile walls which shelter them. He reminds the Tory speakers that the property of the British established church was obtained by despoiling the older church which was formerly es tablished In the kingdom. The monas teries were sacked, confiscated and di vided between the greedy Lords and the greed'ler bishops. The poor were robbed by exploitation of endowments for alms. The dead were robbed by discontinuing the provisions for masses. Those who are now so horrified by the proposal to disestab lish the Welsh church and divert Its means to other purposes, says Lloyd Oeorge, are themselves the benefi ciaries of wholesale plunder which spared neither the sacred nor the sen timental and pillaged both the living and the dead. The reply Is shrewd, to say the least, and Its historical truth cannot be dis puted. The reformation In Oreat Prlt aln as well as In Germany was at bot tom a scramble for the spoils of .the Catholic Church. Without the substan tial rewards of wholesale plunder It could not have held its own anywhere In Europe. XKVY TOR It AS A (1TY 1IOMK. The new head of the People's Insti tute In New Tork Is Dr. Frederic C Howe. What makes his appointment important Is the fact that he Is an expert In social conservation. Ills various books on the many modern problems of civilization are among the most illuminating that have been writ ten. The best known of them Is per haps "The City the Hope of Democ racy," but the others are suggestive and Interesting. There la one on 'The British City," another on "Prlvillege and Democracy In America,' and finally a most instructive volume on "Wisconsin an Experiment In Democracy." Dr. Howe belongs to that growing class of scholarly men whose confi dence In the American people Is un bounded. He recognizes that the peo. pie may be misled now and then and that they make mistakes even when they have the best of leadership, but upon the whole he Is convinced that the masses are more sane and Intelli gent than any group of selected Indi viduals are likely to be. Dr. Howe also rejects the common opinion that the great modern city is. a necessary evil. In his opinion It Is the most promising product of civilization, while, on the other hand, civilization Itself Is a product of the city. As long as pec le lived In Isolation the devel opment of art, literature, music and the theater was out of the question. It was only after they learner the prac tice of dwelling In closet communities that the finer aspects of life began to appear. .But Dr. Howe fixes his attention on what the city might be rather than on what it Is. He admits that it Is cumbered with many evils as things stand, but the evils are Incidental and capable of cure If we go about the task Intelligently. The great trouble with the American city. In Dr. Howe's esti mation, la lack oforganisatioM. The social forces which'arise from the pro pinquity of the Inhabitants are per mitted to run to waste Instead of be ing organised and conserved for the benefit of the public. Perhaps Ameri. cans have been too much frightened by the specter of "paternalism" In the past. Purely Imaginary bugaboos have prevented them from enjoying many public conveniences which are avail able In foreign cities where common sense l as been preferred to abstract theories. Er. Howe seems to be of the opinion that the arrangements of the American city are about on a par with those of the medieval household In which after dinner the bones from the feast were tossed back on the floor rushes and a thorough scrubbing was never heard of. The consequence was a visitation of the plague about once In ten or fifteen years. We have pro grew sad a little beyond this condition In the matter of physical cleanliness, but morally our cities are still In the middle of the rush and bone period. Dr. Howe looks upon ths People's In stitute as a means of helping forward the "home idea" of the city. He re gards New York not merely ss a place where people are to do business and make money, but as a great common household where the Inhabitants are to live their lives and get what pleas ure may be attainable. The modern conservationist of hu man Ufa looks upon pleasifra as no less essential to health and wholesome living than duty Is. The two are co ordinate In a well-regulated existence. The American city has made the terri ble blunder of leaving the arrange ments for pleasure In the hands of those who seek to make money out of It without any thought of the public welfare. For example, the only pro vision there Is for the recreation of working girls In the typical city Is at public dance halls snd similar resorts amid associations which are distinctly vicious. . How can a Christian community reconcile such a state of things with the creed It professes to believe and act upon? The activities of the New Tork People's Institute are directed toward remedying such mischievous malarrangement. Some of Its energies ara naturally devoted to Instruction. It carries on courses of lectures, pro vides uplifting reading and so on; but Its most Interesting work lies along the line of hygienic entertainment for the masses of the people. It Is concerned with the park and playground move ment. It aspires to develop some of those social recreations which the gov ernments of the German cities have made so profitable. No doubt the most Important gain which the People's Institute has made lately Is the control of one of the New Tork schoolhouses during the time when classes are not reciting. What to do with the schoolhouae Is a matter of experiment ss yet. Dr. Howe does not undertake to say how It will turn out. but he goes shead with abundant faith. It Is to be made a common home for the people where they can do anything they like. Nobody Is to dictate to them, but of course the Peo ple's Institute wlH offer advice and give Instruction when It Is wanted. In this popularized schoolhouse there are to be political discussions by anybody who wishes to give them. Socialism, anarchism, and the more respectable theories are all to have a fair hearing. The assumption Is that truth ta strong enough to take care of Itself and that error is best killed out by setting It in the broad light of day. There are also to be games, dances, festivals of one sort and another and parties which have no other purpose but social en joyment. The question naturally comes up whether or not a People's Institute of this sort could be supported In a city the size of Portland. The need for It will probably not be questioned, but It would cost a pretty penny and very likely we must wait some years yet for benevolence to reach the point of financing It. Still, If any one of our philanthropists Is In search of an out let for superabundant resources, no more promising one could be men tioned. It may be remarked Inciden tally, however, that the Young Men's Christian Association Is promoting many of the plans which the People's Institute has taken up In New York. Since about all the Atlantic liners are owned by the shipping trust, the bill passed by the House excluding from American ports and fining trust ships may stop almost all traffic be tween the United States and Europe If It should' become law. The ship owners would lose Immense sums, but so also would the Atlantic ports, the Importers and the customs revenue. If the shipowners should resist, a dead lock would follow and a wail of dis tress would go up from the Atlantic seaboard. The Democrats must know this. It Is safe to assume that the bill Is buncombe, passed In the expecta tion that the Senate will reject It, thus giving the Democrats credit for having struck a blow at the trusts without suffering the consequences. Unless the signs are misleading. Sen. ator Lorimer's hssty Journey to Washington Is ths last he will ever make with his official robes Intact. His friends have been thinning out sadly of late, and his enemies grow more Jetermlned. No Senator who vpted for Lortmer has ever been able to hold his seat In the face of popular loathing. The lesson seems to have penetrated even the stolidity of stand pat Ism and Mr. Lortmer is' probably doomed. About the most encouraging phe nomenon which has appeared lately In the educational realm of this state was the organization of "The League for Educational Reform" at Salem the other day. The league has no hobby to promote and no spite to gratify. It alms first of all at a thorough study of the problem of the higher education as It Is presented In Oregon. After that It may propose some constructive measures. Forfeiture of bonds by companies which are sureties for men who seek diversion by gambling on the races Is a good preventive of that vice. The same policy should be applied to clerks who live at the rate of 11000 a month on a salary of 1 100 a month. Breach-of-promlse action having separated a verdant San Pn-iri skipper from 110.000 of his fortune, a aecona enterprising miss seemingly has gone after the remaining $30,000. She has married him. Taffs suggestion of open hearings of contests at Chicago would have had a better effect ir the same Idea had not first been expressed by his opponents. He has too often merely led the chorus. Of course, since convention seats are so scarce, the eight fair suffragists might consent to share their seats with the Oregon delegation. Ifa a poor chair that will not hold two. .Captain Greene will find that In these days of world-wide travel It is not so easy for a sailor to have a wife In every port, much less have two sweethearts In the same port. Heyburn can be depended upon to stir up the animals. The valiant Ida. hoan was born too lata for the "bloody shirt" era, but la doing very well as a follow-up. The answer to the conundrum "When Is a boss not a boss?" is, "When he Is on our side." Therefore Ward. Fllnn and Walter Brown are leaders, not bosses. While exchanging courtesies, tha American and German naval officers probably compared the fighting power of each other's ships and crews. Your Uncls Sam has a wise old nod. die. The Cubans will kill each other with discarded Krags and settle the difficulty. Fred Dubois' pernicious activity In bygone years Is held against him. He has not always been a Democrat, any. way. Alaskans are In luck. Million-year-old Ice In thirteen-year-old bourbon Is fit to tickle the palates of mining kings. At all events, a eight of those pretty Oregon girls will be refreshing whes the delegates becin to see red. The smart set of Canada has trouble ahead. The Duke of Connaught has appendicitis. Oregon has seventy-seven new law yers, each with an eye on the room at the top. Better lay in. a reserve supply of sleep this week. Small chance next. Tom Watson Is going the way of those who fight buzzsaws. Aviation spectators In Seattle ar safe only In the woods. AT THE CAFE1ERIA By Addlaoa Bvaaett. One refractory lock of the little blonde's hair was taking all ef her at tention. By refractory, reference la made to appearances; ss a matter of fact, this particular lock was as order ly as hair may be. It would "stay put," no matter what the position. Hut tbe little Monde was training It to have) a look of disobedience and abandon a lock that was bound. In spite of all tralnlna; and coaxlnff. to Jump out of Its place every moment and go cavort ing down Just east ot her left eye past the bloom of her cheek and hang dang Una; between her neck and watch pocket. To see It thus looked like rarclrsarreaa, but It was studied art. Just as she had for the fortieth time arranged It exactly to her liking, the boaa came along and aaked her how she would like to arrompany him to the circus In the'ovenlng. and you may rat assured she did not refuse As she was thank ng him for the Invitation, and wondering at the greet change that had come over him of late, there cam stampeding In the) three members ot the Cafeteria Poultry Company. Limit ed; with them there was no reformer, no Brother Obsession. "I'll bet a conker." remarked the lit tle blonde) to the boss, "that preacher looking guy has gone off on a toot. I se him last night at a movie sound asleep. I thought then he had a Jag on." After the table) was spread with such luxuries and substantlala as they de sired, the fat man taking a glaas of buttormllk and two graham crackers only, the trio was seated and the con versation started off with a bang. "Now. look here. Fat," said Bones. "I think this feller Obsession, this ex-hoss doctor, ex-bartender, ex-preacher, ex book sgeit ez-everythlng that you ran mention Is a frot wnd a fraud, a frost snd a fraud, and he will trun us down Jeait es I'll bet he has trun down many men and often heretofore." a a a "Hold on Jnat a little brUf moment and let me' get a word In edgeways." remarked Bones. "Tou can't Havburn this company, you can't do all of the talking Lett ua conatder thla 'err thing: let us see vbare we are at and where we want to get to. We want power. We want to flim-flam the In telligent votera. We want to tear down all ot the old parties, and It In doing so It should happn that there should arise another party, a party of purity, a party ef decency, a party standing for the moat good to tha heat pepla "Meaning and having reference ta ua," Interrupted Veg. "Can ws help It, If In purifying this putrid pool there should honor and emoluments come) in the form of a dove, speaking figuratively, and rest on our shoulders?" continued Bona, "f or some body has to rule and bona and makes the laws and fill th offices why not us? And why can't we nee Obsession or any other scalawag that can heJp us along?" "Speaking of that there dove." re marked Vftar. "reminds ma that this 'are Oheesaion dove has already lit on our shoulders likewise lit In our pnekota. But we haven't got hurted much. We make our money pretty eaay. and If we featl like wasting a few thousand on thla venture 'taint going to crlpplo ua none. I am willing to put up twenty thousand, or twenty-five, Juat for tha sake of playing the string eut and put ting a lot of these smart alerka what think they know all about laws and lawmaking, all about constitutions and constitution making those tellers what thlnka a shoemaker Is a better law maker than a real learaed law doctor these fellers what says 'down with the conventions. ' then twenty of 'era raewta In the back room of a gin mill and makes the nominations, these here fel " ... "Put the brakes on snd bring your language to a halt for the space of five seconds else go hire a hall." Interject ed Fat. "The question before) the housex meaning this 'ere pou try com pany what has turned reformers tha question is thla as I see it: I have beeti told by pretty blamed good authority that, if we get up these here laws aa long as we Intend to, and as many as we Intend to, and the other fellers throughout the state having axes to grind get up the) usual batch, and wa have the road laws by the doien or gross, and the single tax. and the double tas, and tha no tax, and the law creating a eommlasion form of govern ment for the state, and the lew for .resting counttea, and a dnxen or' two laws amending tha constitution, and the law consolidating tha O. A. C. and university, and the " "For the love ot Mike." shouted Bones, "don't wa know the people of the state are going to do all this and more? Whst Is eating you?" "1 will tell you what Is eating of ma." replied Fat- "Thla la eating of ma If all of these bills are on the ballot, and all of the namee of electors are on the ballot then there won't be no ballot, for It would take a eheet of paper a rod square, and then some, to print It on and there ain't a printing press In the hull United States big enough to print It on." "And another thing." remarked Veg. "with all of them laws the Mste Print er couldn't get them printed In a book and distributed to the) votera as accord ing to law what than?" ' "What then?" asked Bones and Fat In one voice. "Why than there would be? hades to pay and no hot pitch In readiness. Why It looks now. and our raady-made lawmakers are Just getting th-lr lawmaking clothes on. Just get ting started, just leaving the starting post, that at the coming election, or the one to take place two yeara from now, tha hull darned caboodle of laws and law tlnkara will tumble "Don't say It," aald Veg. "Let 'em all stand until we get a slice of the pie our ownaelfa, then wa will amend and tlx 'em up aa they should be fixed." Aa Tow a Xaaae la gpefcea. PORTLAND. Or. June t (To the Ed itor.) What la the correct pronunci ation ef "Philomath," a small town In Benton County. Os.T REAtfEft. Some residents It Phll-o-math w of the town pronounoe nth the accent on tha while ethers adopt the second syllable. pronunciation of meaning a lover accented on the governs In such knew which side the word "philomath." of learning, which Is first syllable. Custom cases and we do not Is In the majority. Oregon Electoral Vote. CORVALLI3. Or., June I. (To the Editor.) Please state how many dele gates Oregon will have In the next Electoral College, and the number of merqhers In the present House of Rep. resentatlvea. A READER. Oregon will have five electoral votea In the coming lection. There are two House members at present. There will be three Representatives la the next Congress. John Ball, Kale of the Sea a. Baltimore American. During the year 111, 40 warships were launched la the Rrlttah Navy. These Include eight supeMreednoughts. carrying 111 Inch guns; two protected erulsera, two unarmored cruisers. 1 torpedoboat destroyers and five sub marlnea. These ahlpa aggregated 221. 000 tone and will coat when completed over ti4.000.000. A a Aviator's reafraalea. Ltpplnrotra. She Aren't you sometimes frigh tened when away up in the air? Aviator Well, Til admit I sometimes feel a sort of arouMiieea apprehension." WHY IS TKAC'HKR IlM lasr.lt f She Aefce rotated iaetlaa aa to Reaaooa far Hrai.vil. PORTLAND, June . (To the Kdl tor.) Knowing that The Oregonlan has always stood for fair play, I ven ture to ask for a little spare In your paper. I have been a teacher In the Portland public schools for lO.yenrs. During that time I have taught in two schools and under several principals. 1 have not reached the age at which the faculties begin to decay, nor la my health worse than that of moat teach ers who have spent a deende in the schoolroom; yet, on May :S 1 received a notice stating that sfter isrcful con sideration my aervires would not be required for the ensuing year. Kim that time I have been ponder ing over the tnstter snd have been able to explain my dismissal only In one of the following ways: First I muat have brrn Inefficient when I entered the service; then why have I been retained these many years? Is It possible that there Is eurli In competency among thone hltcher up that my Inefficiency was not discov ered until this year.' Is there any newspaper ofice, department More or other business houae that keeps an emploe 10 yeara before discovering that he Is unable to do his work prop erly? Becond As this reflects rather badly on those In authority, let us grnnt, for the sake of argument, that when I en tered the service 1 was a capable teacher. Can It be that under this great system of which we hear ao much, a teacher retrogrades? If at 20, with but a few years' experience, none as a pupil teacher. I was an able enthusiastic teacher, ran It be thai 10 years later my lsys of usefulness are past? During thla time I have taken art couraes under the supervisors provided. I have attended grade meetlnua, count) Inatltutea and state teachera' aaeocla- tlons. I have even been present at the N. E. A. a hen possible, where, by the way. I met none of our superintend ents. 1 have also done extension work under two state unlveraltles, but In spile of there efforts. It seems 1 ran no longer do the work of a grade teacher In Portland. Third Aa this seems to bring dis credit upon the system, 1 must reach some other conclusion. In my efforts to keep up with the educational Ideas, have 1 psaved beyond what Is demanded ni a cog In the ma chJne? I'erhapa I have shown too plainly that a certain kind of supervis ion la Irkaome: e. g tha aaatMant auperlnt.ndent cornea In and, ss he paaaea about the room, runa hla fingera along the chalk trays. Chalk dunt la found to have eeoumiilated. A report is made to the principal that the romn is not kert tidy. My attention hav ing been called to this, a conscientious effort Is made, to remedy the matter. A monitor Is appointed, whoae duty It Is to wipe the traya with a damp cloth. A few months later, la It not hard to hear the report, after a similar Inspection, "not sufficient board work done"? llow was this discovered? Why. there was no dust In the chalk trays! In closing, I wish to say 1 am not seeking reinstatement nor am 1 writ Ing this to furnlah political capital for any candidate for school director, but mereiy In call attention to what aeems an Injustice to teahers. Would It not be only a s.iuar deal to grant the teacher a hearing hefoen her dismissal? If aha Is to be dropped, could not notice he given In time to allow tier to obtain a situation elaa where? Is this asking too much? A lilSMIeeUD TKACHKR. OT.H MORfcI "IIKAH IH AMI " I.KTTI-'.H Hew tbe Celaael Tease to Urt a Place I Oder MeKloley. Hitherto unpul'llaheft letter to Mr. Pal. lamr Storer from ThMd.ir huoaavalt, printed aow la liarper'e Weekly. Oyster Bay, Long Island. N. Y "n (ta rn ore Hill, lec I. Dear Mrs. Utorer It would be hard to tell how deeply touched tdlth and I were at your let ter; and I never can say how much I appreciate your Interest and your inoro than kindness; but It was Just like you. We have read and re-read your letter, repeatedly and together; and it told us exactly what we wished to know. I cannot thank you enough. Of course I wrote to McKlnlcy at once about Bellamy; putting It. not on my feeling for Bellamy, but on the benellt I deemed It would be for the party and the country. Cabot had gone to Can ton, before your letter came, on Mc Klnley's Invitation, and without con sultation with me; I suppose, he spoke of me; but the foreign policy of the Administration was what he really went about. 1 waa Immensely amused at your encounter with . But there la one point on which I am a little Inclined to differ from you. I don't wish to go to Canton unless MrKlnley sends for ma. I don't think there Is any need of It. He aaw me when 1 went there during the campaign: and If he thinks I sm hot-hesded. a harum scarum. I don't think he will chance hla mind now. Whst you have said, dear Mrs. Utorer, will count tor more than seeing ma again, as he already knows me. and dors not need to find out anything by personal Investiga tion. Moreover. I don't wish to appear sa a suppliant; for I am not a suppliant- I feel I could do good work as aasiatant eecretary; but if we had proper police laws 1 could do better work here, and would not leave; and somewhere or other I'll tlnd work to do. If. however. Bellamy Is to be secretary. I confess 1 would give a great deal to be under him: and of course. In view of tha condillona here, I ahould be glad to take the position with any good secretary. I am deeply grateful to you; and I am so vary fond of you tbat I don't mind being under obligations to you. Now for matters of more Importance, I am very glad you went with Hel lamy, because It was highly neceaanry there ahould be some one to ssy what you said. In view of what McKlnley aakt there Is no doubt Uellsmy will be given eome work worthy of him: and I earnestly hops It would be In the Cabinet, though the Trench mission would be almost as good, of cotirae let me know If there la anything fur ther for me to do. I'll aee you on the I2d. By the way, will you ask Bellamy, what la tha very earliest train I can take back after the dinner; I And Edith Is murh disturbed at the chance of my not being back for the Cove eVhool Christmas tree, which I ever miss, and to which Ted thla year belongs: and to get here I must take a train from New York about :&0 on the morning of tbe X 4 tit : so I must reach New York earlier than that. Ever yours. TlUiDORE ROOSEVELT. Coat of Government. VANCOUVER. Wash- June 1. -(To tho Editor.) Please advise me as to the respective expense of running Ihe city of New York snd the United isiate. Government. It. The World Almanac aaya: Total re ceipts United Htatoa Government In 111.- 1701. lit. 175, and disbursements, J.17 New Tork City, total ap propriations for 111, tls.14,02.tl. A Haahaad Oa Hla Caard. New York Satire. Henpecked Husband la my wife going out, Dora? lure Tea. sir. Henpecked Husband Do you know If I am going with her? Oae I-avere Idea ef Love. Philadelphia Record. . "Jamea. I wonder how you ran sit there scd look me In the face!" "bo do L my dear, but It's surprising what a really bold, brave, reckless, bad man caa do. Fashion's Victim II y Urns Colllae. He staggered toWnrd the Judge's desk, And begged with vigor and with force. Demanding a decree at once. And tho sweet respite of divorce. "Why," BKkcd the Judge, "Is this thus? Speak The man then spake without delayJ "Inhuman treatment." he replied. 1 "My wife hath swiped tha towols away. 'Wie tonk, snd forged from one a hat And from another, built a dress, I'ntll no towels ubounded In .My balhruoin or my linen press. "And when, returning home st eve, I wanhed my hsnds all free from dirt. bhe roared at me In fury, wben 1 wiped them on her brand new skirt. "Nor mluht I ,dry my face upon Her hat. I once essayed to try. And In my hnste I Jnbbtd. full deep, A long steel hatpin In my eye. "I wash my face, and blindly grope. No nteans to dry it I devise. For towcla have changed to hats and things And so the soapsuds burn my eyes. "Deprived of towcla from my bath I'm driven to a sorry pass. To shake myself sa shakes a dog. And go and roll upon the grass. "Oh. cruel Fashion, heartless dame; At thee I aim my bitter growls. Who drive two loving hearts apart Through hats and dresses made from towels!" The stern Judge sohbed and wrung his hand. "Tie true; and pity 'tis 'tis true! But bear your rrose and go your way Next year they will have something new. "Next year .they'll seek some other scheme To give imme Fashion's fancy play Then mayst thou wipe on cast off hats. Thy soapsuds and thy tears sway." Dean Collins. Portland. June 4. liaif a Century Aga From Tha Oresonlan nf June It. laS2 Tim M'nionl malorltlea In the coun tlea a? far heard from ara about as follows: Multnomah 440, Columbia 17, Clatsop 43. Wasco t, Clackamas 4n, Lane "0, Kenton 42, Marlon 6,1, Yam hill 2ii, Washington 227; total 2211. We learn that the people of Ht Helens had a Jolly time among them on the day of election. About 4I fights no less, are said to have occurred; ii shirts badly torn, Ja bloody nnaea. 14 black ryes, It backs dusted, 140 hut Ions lost. 12 palra of suspendera burst- ed. kens of lager and 1 gallons of whlnkv consumed, the ground conain erahly torn up, besides Innumerable scratches, kicks, biles, etc.. etc.. ara raid to have been the raault ut tha day's disturbance. I The votera of Falls Precinct. Wasco County, a ere denied the privilege of voting bv a secreh luilge or election, who had carried away the poll hooks and said ha would not have anything to do with the election. Keason tlicJ t'nlon men were In the majority. The San Francisco telesraphle dls-4 patches to the I'nlon. under data olJ May 2K. say: "A lot on r.earney nren.i near Clay, 25 by f.O feel, sold todays at auction for I8K7S. A lot on auaeioni atroel, near Heale, ft hy 127 fcel.1 brought :i:i00. On the !.:! of ..prll a party of 1 Bj men left tha Killer Itoot alley, houn.I for Salmon Itlver, eight daa" travel J i-tih k animals. The leaders were Messn.. McKnlRhl, C.erd snd LouIrA Simmons. In one nlht the iiannocksi inu all thev had. homo sre kllle.fl snd some supposed to be starved tJ death. Mr. uora was immu r -miner, who waa prospecting 150 mllee .... t,. iw,n- in waa nearly starved to death. lie Is as yet the only one1 found. About 200 men are In the mines. TheJ gold yet found la on the flats and in the gulches. Moors of 12. SO to have been found Those who go there need - w ..i .i u u . laru sums. Good wages Is all that at present can h looked for say from i up. i largest auin t taken out has been) $74 for three men in one dsj(. r. It. Wakefield, F.aq.. Just down feom tiro Kino, brings favoraoie ao- cotinta from the mines. The claims thai were opencu rv " - - r ' i Ing well snd a large amount ot trees' uru was being got out. The City Cnunell met last evening! Th. committee on streets anej puntic property were directed to report an or dinance tor ins gramng - ton street from Second to Park atreeL At "Ed" Howe See. Life I'm" not partletilarly modest, but k hope I'll never have an operation per. formed, and be cared for by a woman nurse. I sometimes think thst stepchildren exaggerate their wrongs as much r the people exaggerate theirs. If you want to feel the morning gln-t ger, avoid the highball nigntcap. The loafer cuts a big figure In poli tics, where he "gets even" for many; affronts offered him In business ana In society. The next thing you hear about a1 man who has become famous is thsU he wants a divorce. An optimist Is a man who wants credit for telling white lies. If a thing Isn't In you, no amount olj effort can get It out. No man ever accomplished aa much as he expected, and you can't. It's a pity that other questions can'lsj be settle,! aa eltecttiauy as aupremar? J In baseliall Is semen; practically n- one disputes that Philadelphia had the best club last year. Hut the people quarrel about everything else. Krware of a boomer; money Inst In a hurated boom la aa effectually lort as though it were lost In a train rob bery. A Nervous Tlsae at lllnaer, Johnstown (O.) Telegram. Little ltobert did full Justice to Ma dinner, but showed signs of uneasiness when hla aunt passed him some gela-J tine for dessert. "It's fine, Ilohert,1 won't you hsve some?" said tba aunt, "Maybe It la good," replied Kobert. eyeing the quivering mass, "but. It looks so nervous." The Price ef (lee lluahaaa. Boston Transcript. Tag Assessor :n you give me some Idea ot what your husband la worth? Lady Iteally, air, I don't know; but I wouldn't take a million dollars for him. hare ef Oae of Two Fmerea. Life. Tarson It you keep out of O'Brien's saloon you may go to heaven. Parishioner I'm euro of O'Brien's saloon.