tit.? jroTCxixr; oreooxtan. Tuesday, juse 4, 1912. WILLARD N. JONES PARDONED BY TAR Evidence Shows That Detea tive Burns "Fixed" Juries in Order to Convict. SLEUTH GETS IMMUNITY statute of Limitation Expires 80 No FroMntlon Will Krult by Got. frniwnt Detailed Chargce Not Made rubllc. OREOONIAN NKW8 BUREAU. Wuh Inn ton, June J. Having- clearly estab lished, by frlvtna the records that he was twice convicted In land fraud casva by "tlxed" Juries, and having shown this flxlns; was done by William J. Kurna and his agents, Wlllard N. Jones, of I'ortland, today received an uncondi tional pardon at the bands of 'resident Taft. and is thereby relieved of pay ment of lines apRregatlnft 12,OuO and escapes serving; four months in JalU Mhlle President Taft's statement on this is not made public. It waa under stood to be a scathlnir arraignment of Burns and others implicated with him, but Burns will escape punishment for bis violation of the law and ethics, not withstanding; that his eruilt Is estab lished by his own records, some In bis own handwriting- now In possession of the Attorney-General, as the statute of limitations has run and nothing could be accomplished by attempted prosecu tion. Boras Deala Proved. The Department of Justice In today announcing; the pardon of Jones made no formal statement, but explained that Jones had been pardoned becauae the department bad exhaustively ex amined his charges against Burns and other prosecuting officers and found his charges completely proved. These charges. If ever made public In their entirety, will make one of tbe most sen sational records In the history of American criminal procedure. Hummed up generally, the Jones charges, which the Attorney-Oeneral hol'ls are proved, are as follows: That the Government prosecutors and detectives and political enemies of Jones, determined and selected the wbole Jury box list of, more than 609 names from which the grand and petit Juries were drawn, this unlawful se lection of Jury lists being made along political lines with the purpose of se curing men who were prejudiced and who would convict. That the names lawfully In the Jury box were unlawfully removed. That witnesses were Intimidated Into giving false testimony ag-tinst Jones under threat of Indictment. That witnesses were so threatened In the presence of their families In their own homes by a member of the grand Jury and by detectives In Government employ. That In various cases then being tried, numerous persons were Indicted ami compelled to give against other defendants evidence not true and thereafter such Indictments were dis miss d. Dlaeieaarrs Are Ptarlllos;. The case of Jones was prepared and presented to the Attorney-General and the President by 11. II. Schwartz, of Tortland, and James H. Hashy-f mlth, of Washington, and It was upon evi dence which they dug from the official files of the Iepartment that Jones" pardon was based. With the permis sion of the Attorney-General, Be h warts went through the confidential files left at Tortland by Henry and Burns and then followed his search through the files n Washington. The disclosures made are In many Instances astound ing. . In March. 111, President Taft. after reading the first appeal of Jones, com muted his sentence in two cases to four months, to run consecutively, and left his fine at $13,000. Schwarta, then In Portland, telegraphed the President outlining the nature of his discoveries among the Ileney-Burns confidential papers and secured a stay of proceed ings, and during that stay completed hl record. Moat of the sensational evidence showing the Burns method of packing Juries was found In a box which ileney and Burns left at Portland In care of Heney's appointee. Marshal Iteed. marked "Confidential Not to Be Opened." This box waa turned over to the I'letrlct Attorney by Reed's sua eessor. and IMstrlct Attorney McCourt gave Schwarts access to it by direction of the Attorney-General. In this box wss a vast collection of records show ing the manner In which the Jury box waa tilled by Burns. OPEN MEETINGS ARE URGED ffontlnued From First Page.) out by William L. Ward, committee man from New York, and who will be In cbarge of Mr. Roosevelt's Interests before the National committee. First, It la said Mr. Ward let It be known that the rules provide for the new com mitteemen to begin their services after the National convention and then be called attention to his own position. While Mr. Ward la for Roosevelt, a big majority of the New Tork delega tion Is said to be for President Taft. It Is reported that Mr. Ward told the Roosevelt campaigners thst If the agi tation for recognition of the claims of new committeemen waa successful, the Tsft delegation from New York might take It on Itself to elect Mr. Ward's successor at one and demand that be be seated, f kaaae ef Heart Explalaed. It was this presentation of tbe case, according to Taft sources, which brought about the change of front on the part of the Rooaeveltlana. The Taft headquarters was opened today by Joseph B. Keating, of Indiana, but up to a late hour tonight only two Eastern representatives of the Presi dent had reached Chicago, John Yonan and A. A. Erly, of tbe publicity bureau. Mr. Keating urged Director McKluley by telegraph today to hurry to Chicago, and tie la expected to reach the city tomorrow. The Roosevelt and the Taft head quarters have been established In the same hotels. Alexander H. Revall. bead of the Illinois headquarters, who re turned this morning from Oyster Bay. gave out a statement tonight, outlining what he said waa Colonel Roosevelt's attitude toward convention organisa tion. Majority Thoagbt Sore. "We are assured absolutely thst there will be a clear msjorlty fur Colonel Roosevelt on the first ballot.'' said Revall. "The only proposition In sight Is to develop the strength throughout the convention preliminaries so that It ultimately will be concentrated In the nomination of Colonel Roosevelt. "Absolutely nothing .else has. or will, be considered by Colonel Roosevelt or by his friends, prior to opening- the convention." Kdwln W. 81ms, who Is In charge of tbe Chicago Roosevelt headquarters until the arrival of Senator Dixon, made puollc a telegram from Oscar R. Hund ley, a Roosevelt leader In Alabama. Mr Hundley said that the two delegates from the Third Alabama district. In structed for President Taft, had given out a written statement that they would support Roosevelt, because they believed DO per cent of tha constituency favored his. nomination. Word Cosaeo as Soxortae. Tbe Southern delegate situation was vigorously discussed by two members of the National committee who reached Chicago today. Henry 8. Chubb, com mitteeman from Florida, declared it was "a reflection upon the Integrity of Florida Republicans," to hint that they would not stand by their Instructions for President Taft. "Florlda'e 13 dele gates are instructed for Taft." said Mr. Chubb, "and they will vote for him through thick and thin." General Powell Clayton, the chair man for Arkansas, said Southern com mitteemen and delegates would or ganise before the convention to fight any proposal to reduce the representa tion of Houthorn states. The attempt four years ago. to re duce representation to the basis of the Republican vote cast In tha Southern states caught the Southern delegate and committeemen unprepared, he said: but If It be attempted again. It will be fought In the coaventlon. foaBBattteeeaea are Catherlaa. nuiuii iiivvuiiiiiiiiirinrn . IIU llliiru today besides Genersl Clayton and Mr. Chubb, were Cecil Lyon, of Texas, and Sidney Belber. of the IMMrlrt of Co- Texas' 40 delegates to Chicago would d tor xiunseveic, nasing nis preuiciion on his belief that virtually all the con test in inai state wouict oe semea in favor of the Roosevelt men. !.. n . . . - 1 t . . 1 v. l r 1 iki'.en air 1 , vi rui n km, w i l - Ing chairman of the Republican Na tional committee. Is expected tomorrow. CONSUL IS REASSURED FOREIGNERS NOT TO BE MO LESTED, REBELS SAY. Sccrrtary-GenrrsJ of Mexican Insur- rents Pays Visit to American Official at Chihuahua. CHIHUAHUA. Mex.. June 3. Jose Cordova, secretary-general of the revo lution and chief counsellor of Gen eral Pascual Oroxco, today assured Marlon Letcher, the American consul here, that foreigners would not be molested In the operatlona of the rebels in this vicinity. The visit of Cordova to the American consul waa the direct result of the Inquiry by the American State De partment aa to tha recent proclama tions from rebel headquarters Inti mating that a situation might arise out of alleged partiality of the United States to the Mexican federal govern ment In the exportation of arms. Three thousand rebels were sent southwestward from here to engage the federal cavalry of Generals Villa and Rabago en route overland from Parrel to attack Chihuahua. Though an attack by the main fed eral column under General Huerta Js bellevetf to be several days off, the possibility of a flank movement by General Villa and General Rabago who are reported coming from Parrel, southeast of Chihuahua, with federal cavalry, has alarmed the population. I'resent plans of the rebel leaders call for a stand at Bachlmba, 4S miles south of here. In the mountain passes along the Mexican Central Railroad. It Is believed the government troops will not be able for aome time to re construct the burned bridges to trans port their artillery. There is little ammunition in the rebel army, not enough at any time for an engagement, but the rebel lead ers assert they are getting supplies rapidly and will be well equipped when the fighting Is resumed. AR ON POOLROOMS TAKES SHARP TURN San Francisco Chief Asks Judges to Convict on Cir cumstantial Evidence. HANDS NOW TIED, HE SAYS Tost Case Will Be Tried by Police Head aa Mean of Getting Judg mentConference With Court la Xext Move In Campaign. SAN FRANCISCO. June S. (Special.) Two steps were taken today by Chief of Police White to bring about auch co-operation between the police de partment and the Police Judges that convictions of alleged poolroom gam blers could be made without the fiascos which have marked the handling of these cases In times past. White will make a test case of the arrests made last night where nine Chinese and an alleged keeper of a gambling game were caught, together with all their paraphernalia. Including dominoes and tables and everything needed to play both pi gow and fan tan. Nobody waa actually caught gam bling, but the ."circumstantial evi dence" which haa' been such a bone of contention between the police and the Police Judges will be given a very thorough hearing In Judge Weller! Court. Chief Kara 'llasda Are Tied." In addition to deciding on thla test rase. Chief White haa planned a con ference with all the Police Judges, at which time he will discuss very thor oughly with the Jurists the manner of preparing evidence in such gambling cases. He will try to reach with them some agreement concerlng the strength of the evidence demanded by the courts and he hopes to secure their consent to convict on circumstantial evidence. Chief White aees no use in trying to crush out the gambling evil. He con siders that the hands of his depart ment have been tied and says It's atrlctly up to the courts. Tha Police Judges, on the other hand. have complained that White's men, while they have been busy making ar rests, have brought In only the flim siest kind of circumstantial evidence. Poolrooaao Still Operate. In the meantime all the poolrooma in the city continue to do business at the old stands, despite the fact that three of the best known, conducted respect ively by Tom Corhett, Al Broyer and Louie Bernhard. were dynamited last Friday night. In the hope, it Is sup posed, that a public agitation would result In their having to close down. There are nearly SO well-equipped poolrooms now in operation In the city. Chief of Police White admits that ha knows they are there, and In his knowl- A full lino of extra trousers we roped in the choice pat terns by early buying you have the chance now to buy $4 and $5 Trousers, special for this week (t Q Q C at tDZ.OJ We continue our sale of Men's and Boys' Straw Hats for a short time longer. $1.50 values, special at 85c I TiliM CLOTHING CO. LIUil 167-1 70 Third St Phone Main 3053 edge ho la not alone, for anybody knowa that he can "get a bet down" on a racehorse or a prtseflghter or a Presidential candidate without going more than a few steps from the very heart of the city. MONROE PIONEER PASSES Wiley Winkle Dies at Home of Son. Five Children Survive. MONROE, Or, Juno I. (Special.) Wiley Winkle, one of the oldest pio neers of this county, died last week at the home of his son, L N. Winkle, near Monroe. Mr. Winkle waa born In 1127 In Madison County, Ala.; moved with hla parents to Sullivan County, Mo., and later. In 1148. the family moved to Benton County, Or, where they have alnce mada their home. Mr. Winkle waa the father of nine children. of whom five survive Mrs. Flor ence Brysn, Mrs. Effle Irwin. I. N. Winkle and J. R. Winkle, still residents of Benton County, and Mrs. Belle Logan, of Linn County. The funeral, which waa largely at tended, took place Saturday and burial took place In Bellfountaln Cemetery. Mr. Winkle waa widely known through out thla section. Forest Fire Break Out Anew. ASTORIA. Or.. June a. (Special.) Tha forest fire that haa been smolder ing for several days near the McGregor and Patton tracts ot- timber, a short distance beyond Olney, Is reported to have started up anew. Warden Vande carr and a force of men left for there this morning to subdue the flames. Mine Sells for 98,000. NEW PINE CREEK. Or, June I. (Special.) The sunshine mine was sold by Schauers Laughlln to a X Daw son nd C. Ia Fulton, of Loa Angeles, for b.000. The mine will ship a car of $00 ore Immediately. A Family Medicine Without Alcohol Ask your doctor if a family medicine, like Ayer's Sarsapa rilla,is not vastly better without alcohol than with it Ask him the difference between a stim ulant and a tonic Ask him about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sar saparilla as a strong tonic for the weak. Ask him if it makes rich, red blood. Ask him if he has anything better suited to your case. Do as he says. J. O. ATM POMP AWT. Ixnmll. U. Without daily action of the bowels poisonous products mutt be absorbed. Then you have Impure blood, biliousness, headache. Ask your doctor about Ayer'sPUl (or CooiUpatlon. You Make the Profit I aaamoaaaaaaasamai eBsssassssaasBossoBsosBsai sbbbbsbbooooo aasooosoooBBOoaaoaoooBsi If You Buy Your Piano Now All we ask is an investigations a comparison, or. rather that you contrast our prices with those asked at other places. That costs you nothing and will surely save you a couple of hundred dollars if you buy a piano of us now. These prices are made necessary by our quit ting business, and QUIT WE WILL as soon as the stock is disposed of. Easy terms on any instrument in the stock. Pianos, Player Pianos, Electric Pianos, Baby Grands, all included in this Mammoth Quitting Business Sale PIANOS $97 UP PLAYER PIANOS $260 UP REED-FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO. Open Evening SIXTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS Open Evenings Never Again Will Better Chance for Such Advantageous Buying of Pianos, Baby Grands and Player Pianos Pre sent Itself Than Now at In getting the very best that experience and every advantage which a great and nearly per fect organization makes possible at prices that are positively lower than obtainable elsewhere, no matter what the pretext or assertion, it would seem that now surely is the time and Eilers Music House is the agency to equip your home with a piano. Standard makes guaranteed S2 a weekat almost hair price and only piayer pianos the best of all sold by Eilers Music 1 a week far those sale price less . . ... . than S233. House, included m this great piano-selling campaign. HSr)! fc .$ The magnitude of this nndertaklnt and our determination to sell every one of these pianos before com mencing onr Annual Jnne Exhibi tion makeg this possible. Eilers Magic House, Alder Street at Sev enth. The Nation's largest. Leatera. Ptelnways, Knabe and Hteck (t rands, same terms, ltaautl ful hfciiept award Kimball unrlaht and soino Kimball baby sjranati, $2 a week. A couple of the Nation's hlah est priced and moat valuable make, the ChlckerlnK. also on payments of I: a week. Sovertl splendid lack ers, nam term. The remaining beautiful Hallet St Davis piano and quite a number of Hohart M. Cable planoa, whirl, were carefully revar nlehed In our shops, all at reduced prices and t- a week. Simultaneous with the groat at tribution of the new planoa at SI or 12 a week, as advertised, a great co-npcratlve TMayer Piano rnrchns !ng laaue) has bpen formed. Tho four Br4iteKt plnyer pluno manufac turer of America Join with tillers MumIc lloune In thl Brest undertak ing. It brliiK nmny advnntnKes to th. buyer; make ponwlblo. moat ex ten I v aavltiKa and suppld player planoa on eany terms of payment not obtainable In any other way. TIIOMK tl ISMXJ 111 (il,OW . Hplenrtld hriinil-new player planoa surely worth IhoO eitoh, are now furnished at only tlxr, and to be paid on payments of t- a ee.k. this ntnv ih !c;.lovs. There I alxo the nleitnnt little baby bungalow piano, priced now brand new only on payments of only $2 weekly. A ranne of aanortment and design thst has never heretofore been pre sented In any musical Instrument house In America. A 111. A I, KOI.OIXT. . The Autoplayer, solo grand, which quality could not be obtained In the UHiial manner for leas than I son, la now brand new, onlv on ay- ments of $2.:0 a week. TIIK M?V ACMF.I.OOIC. And now the latest of all, the Kimball Acmnlodlo player piano, the like of which no one expected to purchase for less than fli'.itl hereto fore. Is to be had In choice of fimcleat of mahogany, mottled Krench walnut finish, and also In superbly flirured quarter-sawed oak casea, for $776, and payments are arranKed at only 13 a week. Ml'HIO HOI, I, HKItVII'i:. A free music library service I In cluded In these prices; o 1 a bench, delivery ireo. no extras, no waiting, no task to be performed. Remember, no transaction here, great or small, la right that does not menn the ut most satisfaction to the buver. Come first thlna: today or after supper. '. .e Kllors building, Aidor street at Seventh. If you'll Quickly investigate this, our gentlemanly delivery men will no doubt bring a piano to your home, ot perhaps a baby grand, or a genuine autopiano, from the house of big, best quality. THE NATION'S LARGEST Eilers Building Alder at Seventh HOME Or THE CHICKEfilNa GRAND LOW FARES EAST ROUND-TRIP TICKETS TO PRINCI PAL CITIES IN MIDDLE WEST ERN AND EASTERN STATES AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT THE OLD HOME Ralfliooro... SleTJVa KowVork... flOHJUl Bleaaro..... T2-&0 Kl. Pool aO.OO llnnf 6A.OO Toroate IJMI Kaooaa City. eu-UO aaMaaeai lOTtt mOPORTIOXATELT REDUCED FARES TO MAJVT OTHER TOIXTS. TICKETS ON SALE Intermittently to September 10th. The Short Line East is via 0.-W. R. & N. 0. S. L Union Pacific Lines Protected by Automatic Block Signal THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY 10 AIL "Oregon-Washington Limited." 8 P. M. "Portland and Puget fcound Expr-as." Both to Chicago via O.-W. R. & N, O. S. L, U. P. and C. & N. W. 0 P.M. Soo-Spokane-Portland "Train de Luxe" to St. Paul via Spokane and Soo Line. EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE STRICTLY HIGH-CLASS Let us aid you in outlining A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER'S OUTING City Ticket Office. Third and Washington Streets, Portland. Helping a Woman Generally means helping an entire family. Her back acbea so aha can hardly drag around. Her nerves are on edge and aha ia nearly wild. Headache and Sleepless neaa unfit her for the care of her family. Rheumatic Palna and Lumbago rack her body. But, let ber take Foley Kidney Pills and all these ailmenta will disappear. She will soon recover her strength nd healthy activity for Foler Kidney Pilla are healing, curative, strengthening and tonic, a medicine for all Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diaeaaee that always cures. For aale by all droaalsfa. When nothing else will start dirt You KNOW SAPOLIO WILL DO IT Works Without Waste C!ANS-SC0Uitf-P0IJSHES DIABETES trtai with (tri'ntftt uccr M hout r ntrt. teM dirt. phvslo-nutrltlv Knl-nnno iniovi ail pymp. torn of th dlieatm. producn aUi In -lnht, muri ami nrv potr -in4 tntrgy. At lndinc firuKKiflt, HAL-hANO CO.. N'w York, t W. Rrvdnmj. Vtrif for BoklM.