Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1912, Page 14, Image 14

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i ' F I I ZIZ7ZZ I roK sent. I roB f?-T.
TOOI.H. Highest pries psld for men's and
IsdlesT cast-off clothing, ghoss, furniture.
tools., logging. Call Mala 2uv.
2l lit t. Ths Olobs.
OFFICE furnltnra wanted, mahogsny prs
ferrsd doubl and slngls Uat-top desk,
roll-top dvk 'd chairs; stats clearly
condition and cash pric. AK. 102. Ore
gonian. ""fRED W. liLXUICK CAN DO IT
Do you wnl your lawn put In flrt
rial shape All work guaranteed, rhona
Marshall 11432 and . S10 Vaua
bldg . ,
WE buy lunk and rond-hsnd machinery of
svers description. Call for our buyer. M.
Hards Buna. 240-2401- Front at., tb
house of a million bargain. Main M. A
WE pay tha highest caah pries for seeond
hand furnlturs. Hester A Martin. Phon
s.a.t 1134. H Hawlhorna sv.
WANTED A sT lw camara with lana;
describe fully and glv iowaat caah prlca.
AH to, Oregoniaa.
CA(iHrald-forportlona or whola stocks of
merchandise; any linen; confidential. AH
1i:i, Oregonlsn.
C7u K. Morrison, P bona b,. Wit.
Psys highest caah prlca for furnitura.
FI RHT-CI.AHb draftsman and dataller for a
few days. al N- 3Jd at.
BOY atout 1 years old. Call at Backus
Morris. -".'3 Morrison at.
bl ll.Dl.vii8 wrecked; prlca reasonable,
phon B. 177a. ,
EkvcH man wanted. Oregon riantng Mill.
Illll Mil Vaughn. ,
WANTED Movlng-plrturo outfit. folding
chalra ate AL Pa. OrfinnlM.
TO beep pa-a witn our rapidly expanding
business, wa will Increase, our
Our sslesmen ara making mora aoonay
than they ever n.ada In any other una.
Wa hava built up tba largeat business oi
Ha kind on tha Coast and wa PT
flnrat and largas' offices,
prnpoalllon for tha ucceaaful salesman
which ha will do well to Investigate, be
Mr. Cleaveland. sale manager red .
Jacob Co.. it'll WaahJlngtoat:icof. 4ia
SALKr-ME wantrd for Canada Tha real
aetata boom l on In Canada. If you can
make good selling anything any place.
you can do better selling real eatata In
Canada. Tha largeat subdivision operat
ora In tha Dominion want good salesmen,
also men with ability to handle branen
office with aalea organisation. Addrea
aalea manager, aulta 17. IS, 1. Cadogan
block. Calaary. AHA
Hlgb-claas ealeaman. Too enn
make from :iot) to 1500 month.
Baa Barnard,
WE hare an exceptional opening for young
man of ability who dealrea a permanent
and remunerative pnaltlon In tha real ea
tata bualneaa; a thorough training and ad
vancement offered tha right ",n
BKIDUKTON la ONE of our big erllrra.
Call between ll) and VI A. M. Aek for
Mr. Hlckay. Tha ttpanton Co.. W Oak au
Av KHT man on our aalea force la making
from to 00 per month, and wa
want you If you ara tlio kind that la not
afraid of work. W can ahow you a prop
osition which aella. and would be glad to
hava you call and talk tha mnt over.
Aek for tha aalea manager, 7U1-2-J Bpal-
dlng Mil It . ,
Wanted, for acra tractg. to
work at window In front of ground-floor of
fice; tnurt underetand tha game; coinpen.
aatlon liberal enough to make It worth
tha while of a flral-claea man to Invee
tlgate. AP Ml. oregonian.
WANTED Man with family, familiar with
farm work, to take up reeldeuce on ""jaU
place; permanent poaltlon. with tt-ii
wagea to atari ; .-S0 a. qulrca poeaeealon on
horn place; balanca can ba paid for from
part ofwagea AN . Oregonian.
WANTED Klret-clee aiiah and door fore
man In factory SO mllce from tian Tran-net-O'
permanent poaltlon for huatler who
ran handle men to advantage; furnlah
references and aiate wagea axpoctad. Ad
dreaa AV 3V. Or-gonlan
. t. r . i I ateuilv. iiifacr. men w
famlllea, for worg in mine a. no.
In town of aS'Hl population and faat grow
ing; ateady work; glva phona and atreet
number and nationality. Addreaa AN !-.
AN A-l man. calling on factory trade. 1
atdetlne a belt ilrraalng of merit; write,
fating quallficatlona and territory cov
ered Kellcy Kooet PreaerTatlon CO, 1'.
O Boi i:'.T. Hun Franclaco. CaL
AMBITlOt a specially saleaman. aggreaalva.
hard worker, capable of earning big money;
man familiar with cigar trade preferred,
una full information In replying. AO 114,
WANTKD Hoy for general office work.
Ilood opportunity for advancement for the
boy who can apply himself. Answer In
own liannwrltlnc. giving reference and age.
A H!'. Oregonian.
PORTLAND corporation opening a new de
partment, haa opening for agrresslve
saleaman; want a high-grade man. looking
for advancement, permanency and good re
turns D 10. Oregonian.
WANTED Canvaaaera, aaleaman and ao
lloltora. at 51 td St. Tear-a work. Call la
A. M? or after P. M, aak for aalea
tQI'AL. partner warned in reaiaurani anu
dellrateasen. on Washington street: no
Investment; Tar opportunity. COS Taon
yoUNO man to assist on Doom; salary ..o
to begin; glva espertence fully, with aa
and pnor.e number; only flrat-claaa habits
considered; raferancea. A J Orego
nian. WANTED Experienced liability man to
take charge of department In establlahed
Insurance office glva referencea and ex
pertrncee In Orat letter. Addreaa H 104.
Oregonian. -
THtHE'g money In selling our Yakl ma
grown, hardy, guaranteed stock; outnt
free; cash weakly; steady work. Yakima
Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Waah.
tiOruH carpenters city. S;l; street shovel
engineer 1 and board; fry cook. Idaho.
gilA and found1 and fare; cooks and kitchen
help. city. O. K. Hanson, N. 2 St.
WANTED Klrst-clnss sash and door ma
chine man In factory near Ban Fran
claco; glva referencea ar.d wagea expected.
Address AV iiO, Orcgonlsn.
biX llv sslesmen, sell rose window decora
tions; quick sales; good canvaaaera paid
dally. Call today befora 10 o'clock, room
Kuil Hherlock bldg.
Have a car I wish painted; will ex
change tailor-made clothing for same.
Phone Main .
WANTED Boya over IB. with wheals; guar,
anieed l a day and 60 per cent commis
sion. Basement 170 loth.
MEN WANTED to sell decorallona Open
until ;30 V. M. U 1. Marks. 472 Wash.
MAN of good appearance toall on working
class fin opportunity jor toe nan. ,uu.
A pply nog B.lllng bldg. after 7 Y. M.
TWO salesmen, good appearance, sober and
Industrious: reference required; bit
ph one number. AH 1U Oregonian.
WANTED Good sausag maker with som
experience In Slaugniernous wore. e
snn Meat Market, Lebanon. Or.
u h' man wanted to All Import
ant position with country bank. Address
A r 1.1-. (.iregoniar
WANTED A young man with referenc for
factory. Wlllajnett Tent Awning Co..
'.'i Humiiilf.
WANTKle A boy with wheel to deliver
fort land Emporium. 13. gta St.
THKEK young men to canvas; nw offr.
SOOil Wagea rel .-eaum
COOK Flrst-clasa dinner cook. Apply
Moves Restaurant, ili rtasnrngion si.
WANTED Hlgh-elaas salesman.
Mr Burton. 4311 Yeou bldg.
ktS L'B! If you are good solicitor; In vest 1.
gsla. T2 Hothchlld bldg.
1'HOTO coupon; best aver offered, anap for
agents. ( utDenn Biunm, u m oiqg.
WANTED 2 good assa.
Call 414 Board el
WANTED Hollcltor for cleaning and dye
ing wagon. m nroanwav.
WANTED Flrst-claa coat tailor to take
full charge of tor. li.i l Waahlngton.
I1KLP wantrd; boy to learn th tinner's
trade. Apply 1M q at. forth.
BOLC'iTOH wanted: good propoeltloa for
right man. aia Dekura ttidg.
WANT5 D All-around printer for country
nltlrr. Aaareea omrirr, own niver, ur.
ifc.M'HRlRNCKD shipping porter for whole
sals grocery house. AO Orennnlan.
WANTED Experienced bsnd men for Th
WANTED Experienced short ordsr cook.
F'rerlrfte i alien to., iis tern at.
TIIKFU young men to canvass; nw offr,
good wsgea HOI Dekum Bldg.
UOOD live solicitors; good salary guaran
tee.!, noeton riuoio. ws wasn. ai.
WANTED Solicitor for cleaning and dys
works, furnlen wagon. ;oki a si.
W A.NTKIe Mun and wlf fur a farm. AH
1"l. oregonian.
Ft HNIhHINO vo-ida salesman evenings, 6.30
to . Inquire 11 gin t.
MALfieMhiN to Mil slock. 144 Fifth SU
HII.P WAITED HAIL I mir mti. Bnniiina H'nn'-Mai.-, i . .-,: I , -' - - - I " . ,
(On of Many.)
Office Becretaiy Employment Dp-rtit
T. M. C. A. M
Toting man. strsnger. out f worx fwi
h's total rub aaaet) If I par you for
special employment membership. I will
hava only gift left between as and alar
vet Inn.
Secretary If yon ray 13 for spec; el
mplwymeut membership, yoo Till nav
the r. M. C. A., with Ita resources. Bw
twret-K you and atarvallen.
Reault: Toung man joined assoelatloa.
In leas than a weak be had sellslaotory
mployment. mm
Keoord for four month ndlng April
Csiis for man .. ... .I!t
Positions filled
Employment membership guarantees
member will seenra mplomnt or refnna
of membership f.-e; gives two months full
tnemherehlp prlvlleses. 10, monthr oeul
prlvlleses and uadertakea to keep party
employed during tie full terra of auaja
ker.nip without furthsr charge.
W bar ronatant demand for
grade, experienced man. Ara JO titled
Bee aecretaty a.playmant dpartxao".
T. M. c. A.
ABUK-HODI KD men wanted fr th U. 8;
Marine Corps, between th age of IB ana
ii.l; must te nstt.e-rorn or hare first
papers; monthly pay 111 to ;; additional
roiiinaalion ponslMe; food. clothing,
quarters and mevllcal attendance free;
after years' srrvlce can retire with 75
pr csnt of pay and allowances; aervlce
on board ahlp and ashore In all parte of
tha world. Apply at r. f. Marine Corpa
nermltlns; Office. Third rnd Washington
sts.. and TJVi Third st.. Portland. Or.
WANTKD An ftalinn or aalea
man to trael In Canada to aell city lota,
acre tracts and sto. ks. Apply personally.
Itoom 514 Hotel Csrlton.
WANTKD Washer man In email steam
lauiMlry; alao two hand Ironera. l'hon
Carson fleam Laundry. Careon. Wseh.
(luring Carnival w. k by the Meier aV
Frank Ktor' 7th floor restaurant; good
pay to those xperlenced. Apply at once
at restaurant desk.
Camp cook. M: hotel cook, $40; ramp
helper and waitress, gtlo; chambermaids.
Ji and 111. Clrrks. wsltresses. kitchen
helpers, housekeepers, second girls, laun
dry girls and general helpers at good
T-adles' Dept. io.Mj Morrison 8t.
WANTED Experienced woman bookkeep
er to take full charge of credit depart
ment In a department store; must hsvs
had previous experience In handling cr-ltl
customers. Kennard Adams. Utf Will
iams ave. rhona East f,7.
WANTED Women and girls to work In
cannery, long season, good wages. Call
at once and register nsrna for position.
Oregon Packing Cc. E. Mh and Belmont.
BEKHY pickers wanted; fee ooc per family;
reduced rata to Hood lllver. Apply Imme
diately Y. M. C. A. Employment Agency,
Vt.l Ash st.
EM'EIIIENCKD glove and hosiery sales
women; permanent posltlnns, good sal
aries. Lennon's Bpeclalty more. 2uu Mor
WANTKli A thoroughly experienced wom
an or girl to do general housework and
plain cmiklnrr; 4 In family; good wages.
Apply mornings to .140 loth at.
LADY for housework; imill family; good
wages; Broadway car. KJ East liMh St.
WANTKD Olrl for genersl housework and
cooking; small family; wages AK
1L'4. Oregonian. I
WANTED Olrl or middle-aged woman for
housework In country; modern horn; no
children. Call Woodlawn 44.
EXPKHIKNCED family cooks. -K. second
girls. VH: general girls. 4. ft. Louis
Agency. iM't Alder st. Main 2uB!.
Wl'MAN to rook and assist with housework;
no washing; good wage. 22 ast Aid St.
nesr Bulmon.
WOMAN, over :!.'. eapahlo of earning flft a
week; no clerical work, but enerxy and
ambition required. AH 101. Oregonian.
GIRL for genersl housework, family of four.
In Oregon i:ity; permanent inn good
wages. I'ortlana phone. JHaln 4i'u4.
CHAMBERMAID will equip living-room for
"' J . I " ' ' -- ' e
ciflc Hotel. 214 Columbia st.
WANTED !lrl to act as cashier In restau
rant. Apply at Park Restaurant, 10th and
Wseh.. at.
CAM1IEK wanted at the Hong Kong Cafe,
it'i 4 otn si. isti any urn altar iu o cioca
A. M.
Vul'N'l lady nut afraid to talk, good op.
Fiortunlly for right party. Apply sua Deli
ng bldg.. after 2 p. M.
WANTEl Experienced plrl for confection
ery; muat nav references. ov wasning
ton st.
THE I.AMBEHMON. f.".4 Couch, wsnts ex
perienced girl for pantry and dining-room
WANTED Refined, capable woman for ra
sponsible position. Vlavl Co.. u9 Hotb
clilld bldg.J 4th and Washington.
AN exDerlenced girl for housework and
rooking. In private lamuy ana to go to
beach inter. .J.t Irving at., near un.
WANTED A good girl to work In atora
afternoonha and evenings. 444 r aura
WANTED Oirl for general housework, good
wages; no wasning; American preierrea.
Soft K. l'.'th North. Call mornings.
U1KL tor general housework, smsll fRmllv.
small nouse. 7 14 c. uavia. t-none n wt.
NEAT young girl to assist mornings with
housework. 2w I4in nouin.
COMPETENT girl for general housework; 2
In family, rnonc siain ini.
ENPEItlENt:ED waltreas for tha Oregon
Restaurant, u:t oranq ave.. at once.
WANTED Competent cook; good wages.
Apply 77 Marshall si.
WANTED Plain cook at 707 Hoyt L;
small fsmlly. 30 montn.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework.
n.y Marsnall si. aiain .mj.
WANTED Cook: good Wage. 2a N. 4th,
comer Marshall.
WANTED Chambermaid. Byron Hotel, 210
7th "I-
U1KL wanted to do general housawurk. dsn
Hecond st.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
good cook. 455 Msrket.
GOOD kitchen girl wanted at 70 West I'aik
st reet.
FlHST-CLArt 3 fitter for cloaks and aulta
Western outfitting Co., 4i Washington.
WANTKI Experienced help In drcsstnak
Ing shop. 421 Broadway
WANTED Experienced help and apprentice.
Apply at dressmaking parlor 1:11 l'Jth at.
kVXPERIENt'ED Ironera for hand laundry.
4a Washington at., near zoth
WANTEI.' A girl for general housework.
r'4 Division-St., W-R csr.
WANTF.D Competent girl for cooking and
downstairs work. Apply 8 no Marshall st.
WANTED Olrl for cooking snd housework
no laundry; referencea Main klia.
WANTED Olrl as finisher tn tailor shop.
1.11 Kith SI.
WANT neat young woman houaakeeper.
phone Main W.'.-i, bet. 12 and 2.
WANTKD Htout 1ilv to take car of an
Invalid. r.'M Vliiard ave. woodlawn l
OIRL for general housework and light
cooking; bring reference, 434 Morrison.
MAID for two children, on that can aew;
city reference. ma Pavls.
WANTKD tllrl for general housework, small
fsmlly. -t it N. Zbtb st. cor. ovartoo.
WAITRKrirf. experienced, at Woman' Ex
change. 1H6 ,lh.
GOOD plain cook; ether help kept. Hi
Lovejoy at,
WANTED Young girl at 1c cream countr.
: Burnslde.
WANTED Experienced cook, some house
work, r.v.i N. 74th. Main 1776.
WANTED A young, experienced girl to
work in conrectlonery tor. 11IH N. Id.
Al'PRE.MU'E girl for dressmaking; pay
wntie learning. 4n n. am St.
WANTEl A coat finisher; steady employ,
ment. Apply Oxford Tailor. 14 7th St.
CLOAK model wanted. Oregon HoteL Geo.
Lea vena.
WANTKD-Lady solicitors. ll per week.
lent i,aum Dior.
F1KST-'LA."!4 waitress. $30; conks, bmu.
Keepers. Howes Agency. 79. ITS Wash.
W ASTKD (llrl for general housework. ZiO
Xarsu'-rlfe TVe. Hawthorne car.
O I HI. for gnral housework. 11 N. 241 h
WANTED Krran.l girl, 0 Columbia bldg
WAITREX wanted. Kl Russell st.
SALESWOMEN to sell stock. 14 Fifth at.
I awiiimw I - - ' i l i -
wsnted for ehort-hour work by THK
nstauranty pleeaant surroundings; per
manent position and good psy to thoss
understanding ?arelul aervlce. Apply at
once at restaurant desk.
WB want 4 ladle to Interview peopio; pre
fer those who are acquainted with city,
a dignified and remunerative position to
1 hose who can qualify; ws furnish sn auto;
we do not expeit you to sell anything,
hut want only those who are wide awak
and not timid.
11 on Bpalding Bid.
i See Mr. Stoller.
PAfTRY cook. 110 week; restaurant cook.
110 week: cook for road house, (10 (col
ored preferred): chambermaid. 130 and
g.'.V clerk In confectionery. $e week; sec
ond girl. $?; 2 wattreeees lout of cllvl.
tie: restaurant waitress. 10 week; family
Cook. 110 snd tl '
Mitt, Washington KL. Room 7.
TWO hotel waitresses. ail: 2 camp wait
resses $.10: housekeeper. I2"; lamuy neip
Howe's Ladles Agency, S 270), Washing
ton st.
Apply Standard Factory. No X,
Grand ave. and East Taylor St.
WANTED Whit girl for general house
work; family or lour sun. is. a'-e e"
per month; must sleep home. 42U Harri
son. .
COMPETENT and reliahi womsn and girls
fr cooks find genersl nousesora. 1 ni
Coterie, room 30to, Central bldg 10th and
Aider sis.
SCHOOL teachers can make good money
woraing lor to ai .-wue,u uuie - -
Phone Main 7l7. Address Wsrd T. Smith
Co.. 701 Congress Hotel, Portland. Or.
WANTED Experienced girl tor cooking and
general nousewors. . "
wagea TS0 Kearney sc. between 3d and
?lth ts.
GIRLH wsnted for sewing on power mschlne.
msklng hats ana caps. APPiy rurimiu
A Cap Mfg. (Jo., a'y 1st st.
. .. ....... 7T; . nr Ml'T
strin. nun r 1 1 -
Washington bldg.. 270, Wsnhingioa au
ear 4th. Main 3 r A gio.
B4S4 Waahina.ra st-, cor. 7th. upetalra.
Phor. Main 2B9I. .
a'.vrrn Evnerienced rlrl for general
housework; no upstairs won. ei '';
ave. head of Joboevx ana ssin. eve.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework. Call 104 yuimcy at. stain
LADY solicitors for a newspaper with a
big premium proposition, mr iue
Room 701 Congress Hotel.
LAD1EH to work for local concern; pays 3
per day and up. fnone Main io.
ME:! and women to learn th barner Uad
In eight weea; special, je..
cantag paid whll learning; tool Ires;
xpart Instructors; 17 years In ths busi
ness; 87 schools; a llfstlm membership
given to each student- Moler Barber Col-
ll(l CO rourin 1
WANTED fcslesmen ; graduates given po-
. . Cnmaniiml.lire
School Headqusrtexa. 409 McKay bfcg.
Phone Main lo-o Open Wed. and Bat.
nights. ,
RAILWAY mall clerks, preps re now. s
cellsnt salarlsa and promoilonsi no lay
offs, sure pay; free book. Call today. Pa
cific Btates School McKay bldg.. city.
WANTED Bhortbaud students; expert -In-siructlon.
day or evening: half tuition
psrabia when poaltlon obtained. F l'-s.
A BIO berry season: pickers and pecker
wanted, beginning about th 'ith of alar
Apply Whit Salmon Valley Fruitgrowers
Union. Whit Salmon. Waah.
YOU ar wantd; Qovernmenl poaltlon. $9
month; asnd postal for list position open.
Franklin Institute. dspL (II f- Kocns-
tr. N. T.
Make money writing abort atorles, or for
papers; big pay; ire booklet tell how.
Lulled Pres syndicate. Ban Francisco.
STENOGRAPHERS, any system, beginner
or sdvsnced. drilled anu pisceu in pvsi
tlona J0 Worcester block. Mar. 2761.
WANTED Picture plsy wrltsrs: big psy;
, II teach you. Picture play Associa
tion. San Franclaco.
ELITE PRIVATE Business College. 141
Hamilton Ding sxar. upn ai jwmi.
schools and teacher. 610 gwstland bldg.
GIRLS, learn beauty parlor work; reduced
rates this monin. via iwmonu. vu.
SHORTHAND. Typewriting School, S 14th
ot. Main IS". a,xperx iiuiriicuuu , v u."
Bookkeeper and Cleraa.
EXPERIENCED sflfc man (24), with thor
ough knowlrdg of accounting, business,
correspondence nd creost. will b open
for position with prosressive concern;
Eastern and Western references speak well
of character and ability. Address X 11,
HOTEL clerk with 12 years' experience In
line hotels of the South and West.
with th right kind of reference and has
mans good everywnere. le 11 ior e-" '
lion; knows tha City of Portland well. AU
1 -21, Orcgonlsn.
a COMPETENT, experienced bookkeeper.
busy only part of th tlm each day, waois
n few small sets 01 DOOM w Keep, or win
glv temporary help In any difficulty:
highest reference. Answer P B3. Orego
up hooka, preps re balance and state
ment. Install systema Ulliingnam au
ditor. B12 Lewis bldg Marshall 717.
POSITION WANTED A young man with
several yrars" experience in general mer
chandise, Seattle references: stat salary.
H. Flnwell. 7C3 Bin ave.. geatiie.
. t.i ,-i iTi.vv tliat ran ba handled between
ths hours of 11 A- M. and 4 P. M by a
man 2S years old. 01 education ana sun
Ity. AD lis. Orego-ltn.
BOOKKEEPER, ag . IS year experl-
ence. la open to engagement, salary io.
AH 114. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED middle-aged hotel clerl
wishes position T 117. Oregonian.
BOOKS written up and kept monthly. Seal
of aervloe. Phon stain isei.
BOOKKEEPER of exceptional experlenc
open for position. AM m. oregonian.
si lane
VOINU married man. number of yaara
railroad office experience In vaiioua de
partmenta In executive capacity. In charge
of large body of men. especially good at
dictating and correspondence, also used
to dealing with and hsndllng public ss
platform speaker, xnorouaoir imiiiiiirm.
desires change; best of reforences. AJ
14, Oregonian.
COACHMAN, stableman, understands horses.
not afraid of worg, marricu. An. aw,
TKAP-DRL'MMEH. nonunion, would like po
sition In picture theater, city. Marshall
HARDWARE salesman, experienced whole
sale and retail; A-l referencea AJ li.
1 iregonlan.
CHAl'FFEl'R wlshe poeltlon during rose
show or steady; referencea Main HOt, A
A GOOD bread and cake baker would like
Work at his trade. Reply AS 121, Ore-
POSITION wanted by all-around, first-class
cook; best of references; wua ieav city.
AT lit oregonian.
SITUATION wanted by man and wife as
COoks in Camp or larm wore, tnurouguij
experienced In both. Phono at. mi.
silll'PIM. clerk, with yeara' experience,
would Ilk position wlih wholesale house.
nsrdware preterreo. An 112. vregonian.
rnl'U l A V etableman. undentsnds horses
not afraid of work; married. AE 14X Ore-
WA NT ED Position bj' first-class printer.
Sober, married man. go any place, t'rinter,
1,00 water at., yornana.
TWO men want position on a farm. AP 113.
Hol'SEWORK by young man. good worker,
d r y or hour. prlt c nett. Main 2
POSITION by an experienced pharmai-lat,
good references W. E. Fowler. 1 -u Park rt.
CARKlTIi ehanffsur wishes position; Brst
class referencea AF UU, Oregonlsn.
IH Second St , Corner Salmon.
Women' Department. 245 Salmon.
All claaae of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical mal and female help
furnished on ahort notlca; no fee charged.
Phon Main SOni. A 6i4
CARPENTER foreman, ZQ years' .experience.
iv years expedience in niiiiaiuw uu
tlon; plsns drawn and estimates given
free of chsrge If I do work: A-l ref
erences. Address room 14, Ivls Union
ave., Portland.
JAPANESE. ttrM-rlass cook, want altuatlon
cooking In nrst-cisss ramliy; gooa expe-rleni-e
sbouv ten years; In th city or
country; has good references. AE 142.
JAPANESE chef with second and third
coogs wants position in summer notei or
country hotel. Address F M Esat Burn
Bids. JAPANESE wsnts situation; sxperlenccd
housework or garden; boy or lanitor; city
or country. AH 12i, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED Janitor requires position:
strictly sober; good city referencea Mar
shall !::.
EXPERIENCED ssletmsn wishes position;
csn furnish A-l reference. AO til. ors-
WANT psptjrlns. painting, tinting, sto. by
contract. rnoua stain sw.o.
JAI'A.NESR wants work before o"clocll In
the morning. At? Oregonian.
WANT ilsy work. East reOOO.
lunik keepers and Slenograptaer.
U'iNTKii A nosltlon. bonkkeenln. x-
penenccd. capable 01 seeping any set 01
books. AM 111. oregonian.
LAI-lY. sccurale. quick at flsursa. wanta
work as assistant oooaaseper. an. i,
STENOGRAPHER desires employment, neat.
experienced, rellal.lo. Phono B a't'n.
STKNIX5H APHF.R watita poaltlon, small aai
ary to stsrt. A 18U4.
YOl'Nll lady desires stenographic position.
Tabor 1."m2.
I ll t makers.
F1KST-('LASS dressmaker and deslsner
wlnhcs engagements ly nsy; gooa rerer
encee; fi per day. Call evening. Main
MIDDLE-AGUD practical nurse, cars of In
valids and elderly pcopla a specially.
Phon A 241H.
GOOD. nest, colored womsn wanta work
cooking or houeeworg; prefer going nome
at night. Call Woodlawn tit. .
WANTED By middle-aged woman, poeltlon
as housekeeper; can Turnlsn beat nr rer
crenco; atato conditions and wsgea AP
114. oregnnlsn.
DliKSSMAK KH wants engagements for
June, one-pier silk dress In on day
reference given; $3 per day. Phone even
Ings. II 11311.
FIRST-CLASS housekeeper, middle-aged, re
fined, nest, economical, wlshe position;
would work for couple. Phon Woodlawn
WANTED Apt. or rooni Inf-hoiiM by m at
ari wif: referencea ana xparianca. vwu
lawn ljl'9.
1"-HTN womiin. with baby. w1aha poaltlon
is houweipfpfr. Af 1 - . i.rpgonian.
A IsADT of refinement would Ilka llht
h.ui'keeplnir. !hon t-ant Ji....
YOL'Nd lady dairea tn to hiirh or coun
Irv: w nc la au ll rompininn or nun
rry irov?rneaa fur child over H. AP Hi
EX It: RIKNCCD waltresa or cook. Norwa-
fflan lariy, wiaha pnmtion in Doaraint-
nouj. I'none wain
CVR1 AINS laundered : aa maaclint: aaaa
laundir cxparta; lo and up. woaiaa
r.ifR furfalnai A r nr rl blankets latin
rirrd flrat-claaa, aun-ariea. '2c up. laoor
CHAl'KFKUK Can do own repair work
wlshe to drive even In fa In exrhanira for
room and board. AO 124. Orearonlan.
MAN and wir want poiltlon In reataurant
or cafeteria: will won reaaooaoia ior
f x perl'nre. AK US. Ureontan.
LADY will call at horaea and do halrdrm
in, maaaafa, manicurina. rnoai in
WINI'OW waahina. houa clanlna:. floora
muxml and poiianeo. nil vcnmna. 111
wood 11-1.
HirsKK'f;KrElt. iook, WHltreaat'B. aocond
cirlr. vhtitnhArniama, nuraea. au iuta
Acencv. a.V. , Ald-r. Main gor.. A 47 .p.
t'A t-'A lil.K VOUH2 woman with alrl de-
rirrn altuatlon. couKing; reierenuea. jhid
UTNG ludlf winh poaltlon In private
family, lljrht honaworit. i nin
MAS wanta counter work; 13 yeara' tip.
bat rfa.. aae a.-., u 1 12. 'rironian.
WOMAN wnnta work by day or hour. Wood
lawn 2419.
WANTKD Daya' work, half days' work and
bundle waahlni. rhona tuaat 24x
Ct'HT IN and blanket laundry, railed for
and dellrored, 'JTtc up. Tanor
EX PERI ENCKD woman want" house clean
Inn. 2c per hour. Tahor ISt'.".
LAtY will b.ard children In her home.
tiflllfftfHl -It'rf.
LACE curtain waihed; yeara' axperlenca.
Tabor 24-fc. aira. bcoh.
WANTKD Women agents to handle pat
anted article that evry woman needa: UH
per cent profit. Slla on etRht. Write
today. Indicator Agency, iKiuslaa, Art
WANTKD Iady eoll Uore for magaalne
and newapHpera, premium acneme; ueai
thina; out. Phone Main ti.
WITH email rapltal can mako 10 to $13
psr day; eaay money, ai urnonmn
FOR rentala aee,
805- Hpaldlnr Mtda Main 759X
vni;(j man. atudvlna muaic. would like
Ineapenalva roim. where he can place hie
own piano; p-rmanenL. ai 1.1, inrBiimii.
kcfitni 1 It Boar
OKNTLKMAN wlahea room with board. West
bide. AJ J. oreEoman.
atKUfasI-A U OX k.u
C;4 Waahlnaton it,
Lnd.r is w aianaaemeiita
Laaxffa lobby, fimahed la mahocaaT, tile
and marble; ianea parior wun aiema.
lira blace; f rea taiephona aervlce la room a
all nlaht and day. electrlo elevator, ateaa
.rt hot and cold water Id all rootva.
many with bath. A residential botal abov
reproach, a aera every aftort la made fa
the coin ion ana convenience i"
twnta ih moat raaaonabla In tha e.ty.
roorni by the day. week or month, l-ooa
tnia over befora local in. ake W aar
at depot, get off at ltftn nd W aahlDfttoa.
131 Kieventh btreet.
vt rirwirn hrick buitdina: steam
heated; private batba, hot and col I water
tn rooms; bauuiuiiy lumiBniu. c-7. m
fortablo; rent reaaonabie. Call and aaa
rte-jular and tranelaut trade to'lclted.
SH7W Kaat Hurnslda tStreat.
I.lvo tn thta hotel and aava money on
your room rent. Wa have 120 modem ainaTlM or an aulte. room a with pri
vate bath, re lea Cue to U per day. 11 to
fa par week, hut 'Vo, a i.
UoTETL LA BALI'S. 10th and Burnalde sta
Aba.ilutwlv nreuroof. new and eieaaoiii
(i.rnUhaxl room a. Diivata baths; atoaoa
heat, hot and cold water, prlvaia pbonae
In each room; specie., niw vr n uuom,
phone twrvice fre. Phone Marshall iP4U
Ona block from Union Depot; 140 ontalde
room a. wiHa hot and cold water and steaeta
beat; off era apodal rataa for prma-eat
tueaia; rates frvo to $i a day; aaa
y P 4tr W riiwnw sTBsaVia --
UUTBL RENW1CK. An Ideal home for bust,
neaa people; centrally loemtod; aleaant
.rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and
Taylor ta., 1 block from Portland Ho tel.
opposite) HelUg Theater. Phona Main al.
lAAUi Twelfth SL Maxahaa t70.
In heart of buetneea dutrlcl; a team heat,
hot and cold watar. free phona la evary
room; el oay ama up. ex wwmm Ma up.
TUB LAN DOR, 2h8 10th sL Well-f urnlahed
rooms, abundance of hot water and no
rewtrictioa to Q"
DO you want a rood room In a food loca
tlon at a low rata? Try Hotel Darrabee
oil u. Larrabea at. Eaat Hide, .vast iMta
GKT a nte room befora the camtval; nlre
rooms Pr wwk. and up. Willamette
rtoonilnn-houae. cor, otfa and ft ark.
lute WKAVKK. 710 Washington, near 2 aid
cicely furnished outside rooms, private
bath. plU'nf', U'U U a.can.gxj. jam OTo
unTt'i. ROYAL, losu 4th, near Wuhlns
n. low rai-. c-"n-ny -' irninipni.
NU K Cicn, coMifortaMa roouia, freephone
bat lis. etc- !7 Taylor au
Oraad and Hawthorne Avennea.
For rent, tha f in-et corner, parlor, bed
room and bath suitea In tha city, lara-e
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win
do a, flno view of all tha mountavina; alee
soma inle rooma. alevator aarvtcw. tele
phona, hot aad cold water, alectno light
and a team bat; moderate prlca for de
alrable tenanta; eiaUt au-aatcar Unea aaaa
the building.
Tba la-rgaat and oooleat rooma tn tha
If yoa are looking for permanent, homa
II ke quartara, be sura and Inspect tha "-argent
befor locati-. Excellent restaurant
In aoskaecUoa wita hotai. leUphwne aVaat
J. H. CLARK. Propria tor.
Seventh dTrd Taylor biraeta.
Bates frum 75 ceuta per day.
Absolutely central; two minutaa from
Pontofflca, atorea. theaters and rMtauranta;
Juat off buaiarae atreeta and carliua.
quieteai and beet location; hanusome hxica.
amnio a team h-at. hot runnlug water and
bOonaa In every room, aulta aad private
betna Any car trom opota
Those threa beautlfullv furnlahad hoi'-a
1UW 4th at. tlla 4Ui at. 207H 4th St.
On Fourth at running rom 3alr te
tialmon at-; brand-new brick: e.eaantly
furnished; steam heat, private batas, hot
and ca.d water In atl rooms; stnctiy up
in ".. at In mil rtaista. and at DouttlaT
ptifoa. If you waiu aomething out of tbe
ruinary. in ma otart 91 am ;-.
aooab.a pricea, give ua a ca.1, ae wa know
you will Uae It. Rooms by tbe day. aaett
or month. Tourist traoe aoucitau.
Larce. nleaaai.t front rooma: eaay walk
Inj; ait home go aJ'-nceo, 4A
IsUao to t per w w.imn. iiu t,
I urnlahed Hmom ta Ptivata ff aanlly.
tH KENT In riined homa and nohbor-
hood. rutee-in. w eii-furnlnd. e-ronu-etory
front room. acJoinina tth: ctx) in Hum
mer, warm In V tntar; to gnilemaa of
aootJ luminat atandlnc: retervn'-ea ex
changed, r'vr partlcuar teicpnona Mala
22C N. 1TH, one newly, elegantly furnished
room with sloping porch adjinlzg. mod
arn. evary convenience, no otnr roomers.
suitable for un or two pvraous; r
sonabla; referencea.
KI.KCANT furnlahed room In private 1m
.lly, with running hot and co.d air,
shower hath, all convenienrea 1 rut
Ity place. Mwfrn li:h attd h ss.
N it h.l. V furti lahfd r.x.n. modern conven
("nrva, centrally locatad. raaaonabla. 4i4
"iay. near lotn.
PI.t-.AcsANT front ruin near Multnomah
flub euttahle f 'r one or two. reasonable.
f'1 Chapman. Marshall KV.lh.
MCB, c.eitn. Maht airy room, electric llgt.ta.
hth. reasonable. i13 V 11 llama, i car.
Mr yard.
TWO large, pleaeent rooms, with bath, alth
or without board. M Cook ava., on -Via
etrt;-pi carl in.
IS i 'EUY furnlahed rooma from we.-k!y
easy walking distance. Phone. feiS Waah
NICE bay window furnished room, modern,
reaaonabie, breakfast if deal red. ti Mar.
PLKAtfANT, well-fumishd room for gent I,
man. every, convenience, f 1.7 J week. -2
Ft' KNISH KD room in aire apt.-houee; pri
vet, bath. Call Mar.
a riUEEPING porch, neat, modern and
convenient. West para. Mar. e-'ia.
('(lUroKTAULR front room In private fam
lly. modirn. $12 a month. 7vh Lovejor et.
SINtlLE front room, bath, phona, 3 a week
walking distance. 1ZZ 12th.
M'KlsV furnlahed rooma, close in, quiet lo-
cation; ratca reasonable. 4 if Aider at
NICELY fumlahetl front rooma, modera
Cfnvenlence, yry close la. 7r lth.
HoOM for ivnt. Mtnneaota ave,; prl-
vato dour. l ! mom n.
MiK furnished room, auttnh; t,r 1 or
aa'iklbg diaianca. Weat Park.
THREB new baaement rmmia, gaa and eleo
trlo light; la per month. 414 Jefferson
12 ROOMS. No. 1 placa for roomlng-houae.
newly papare!. V front.
S-eaen VtllB llausira.
DO EH a borne appeal to youT THE WHIT 8
HALL, cor. tih and Madiaon; large rooma
bain, broad veranda, quiet, rloea In, near
car; 4 blocks from P. O. American play
MAMTOl'. 241 12TU T.
Attractlva, clean rooma at cam beat,
good board. clee In. reaaonabie.
Portland women 11 lnion. Had year,
itooms. vith hoard, use of ee Ing-room. U
brary. 61" K land era, aire. E. N. Wllson.sup.
THB LASIHbK.'O.N. B1V4 Couch aL, very da
airabia outside rooms, steam heat, run
ring water, good board, cloea In.
IkiB, HAKL urnsned rooma wltb aeara.
running water, aieam heat. 15 fd at.
THK C ALVA KD 402 Morrison St.. cor. laitb.
We!l-furnt"bed rimmi with bottrd.
Jtooma VUUi Hoard la Private ts
SPLENDID large, cxl suite, suitable for
two or thre; hot and cld water. sleep
In r; porcn. beaut iful surround in gs. exriu
sla nelahborhood ; chol-a board, alao sin
gle room. bo4 Lovcjoy. Marshall 7.
PLEASANT room with board, pleasant sur
rounding a, home prU I 'eg a, beet home
cook In v. wa.king distance. reasonable.
Main igeSO.
BEAt'TIFCL Eaat 8tde home, newlv fur
nlahed and home priwiegea, not ana cm
water In room; suitable for two. prie
Jft, with board. East 21viorBiT-4.
HAVE room for thro ymng men oC good
habita and character In house occupied
by gentlemen only. 1 25 a month oovara all
xpensra Boi K IT Ore gon tan.
Room and board In prt.ate family; bet of
locathma and all hme privilegea. Apply
344 Was- o St. E tk-4.
ROOM and board In modern hums, larae
yard. bst heme cooking, lol E. lth.
I'hone E. 4'."
KooM and board, private faml.y fr two
gentlemen (companions,; excellent table.
14 North l..h si., corner Fiendera
RuoM and board In private home, oa Nob
Hill; all newly furnlahed; ea-eiint table.
;i4 Flandcra. Phone Mar, ansa.
LARGE room, with board, suitable for two
gentlemen : slnglo beds, bain attached,
Co In. S!l West Park.
Ho A KD and room for two gntlem-a or
couple. 9 apic; bom prlvKeg. 77
Csilsan, near -h:
STRICTLY modern, good home rooking, on
block from para; raiea reaaonaote, inane
Main t7. Jia .otn et
lu bAi.H Front parlor for two aina.e bed a
(il new, modern conveniences, ha North
17th n--r Kvrett.
TWfc: UKHT home cooking, with refined fam
lly: ad dlatrlct. 1 Eaat 11th at. Phone
fet 13.
WELL-FU R N I H H K D room for young man.
easy walking diatanr. iti E. Tay.wr, cor.
lftth. Phon E -0i.
HoOM for rent In private family, with
vslihout board.t03 E t ouch.
NICELY furnished front room, aultabia for
two with boarti. n. inn at.
ROOM witB cactmg beorootsj. aee.,ai
beard, peche and grounds. Mala go 71.
LAK1E rooms, pore he and yard, bom
rooking, walking qmtanre. Marshall ui
MODERN room with board 74 S. 224. bL
Kearney and LQTeJoy. a
ROOM with board: E. Oak. East Wi.
prlre renaonab e.
N I ' I? rxitn and hoard, two gentlemen,
Hnndiravtan preferred. 11 lftth at. N.
WorliJ1 Ilk a lady to room, board; a other
hoarder . reaaonaoi-- .vi nn -
Apart naewta.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished thr.
room apt., prlval bath and phone; bum
mer ratea Msln J,42yUh Jefferson.
THfi CHELTENHAM. 2i4 N. 19th.
a, . 4 -room apartmenta new. brick
taex, new furtsitux. Maraball M&a
and 3-room furnished apartments; pri
vate bath and phone. $20 lo l'7 &.
LOVEJOY APTi.. 17th and Lovejuy. Main
215. Two and three-room furnished apart-
sn.nft tnotl-rn.
and a rooms;
some ai . - -i.e.. .s
some a " k -
Hth st.. tb Jsrkson bungalow.
THK W.NWB, S ICIlh at. W sll-f urnlsh.4
l-room spariruent. alecplng porco. coo.
and atrr f'r rie gummer.
n g oh .-room apartments vrlth separate
entrance; modern; large garden. Last
UL'ILU ACTS., bet- and 24th. Tburmsn
and Vaughn. 2 nice l-room apis., tlspu.
THB UEOSARrs g-room spartmenta. new.
strictly modern, gap fcsst Main. t-t 144S
xTErv VATS APT 8.. 15 K. 11 th. aear Tarn-
bill, fm 4 -room aparunsm. .with perch.
PEN1HTEM Apartmsnts. tift Montgomery aL.
n.w apartments, sll ouiside rooms.
iCLlAETTE ruraisbed aad uafuraisaee a
renma Career 2d aad Montgomery.
4 and large rooma; modem.
133 Hatrison st. Phene Mar.hall aT0.
TUB l.Al'HKTTE 1 furnished i-rm spsrt.
.ment; prli at batb and phone. lltu sL
Car. Park, and Taylor Bta.
Cor. Tenth and Iralmoa Mia.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. t and 4 -room
apartmenta; bulldtnga new and atiicUy
modern, aervlce Urst-clasa.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 2lh and
Upshur sta.. furnished 3-room aparimrma.
l.V $1. $20 and up. Thla lncliidoa aieatn
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment, private phone, public bath, le trie
lights. -s ranire, laundry-rooni, all free,
aeo i-room unfurnished apart meats, with
private bath. 1H; 4 rooms, 1-0. Taka b
i:3d or W car north. Phone Main Hfu
12th and Tarlor.
Just completed, most insgnlnrently for
nlshed spsrtinenls In tbo Northwest; tncs-
1 Inn nerfeet : rentals reaeonallla. CVerV
modern convenience. Including banquet
hell r.A roof earrfen: both phones In
apartmenta; htsii-cla.e aervlce; referencea
required. Ialn 22Q and A 7uoi.
NOKOillS Marshall. near 17th St. New
building, never been occwple.1; rstee
tju and on. tint unfurnlsneu. .id.
ARDMAY TKKKAtlC. 12th and llar.lson
sts l.srgut K-roora apartmenta In
tns cln.
ALTON I A. Marshall and lUth sts. l.srgs,
airy and 4 room -spartnieiils;
quiet snd .xiluslve nelglinrnooo.
ths: keiu
T bml Ankeny.
All newly furnished omenta gpgrtmenU
In brand new bill il ng. strictly modern.
.Iihi. ..iklti. riittinri 1'elt. Essl An-
keny snd Montaiills csr st Third an.1
Morrlann. get off at 4lh st. I'hone K. laoH.
flat and Oierton.
Tree rent If reservation made at onre;
I. S and 4 -room apartmenta. atrlctly mod.
rn: everything new and flrat class; $11. eg
to $.K. phone Msrshsll lli
Bth and follege BL
fnfler new management. fllrelf fur
lil.hed I and 4 room apis . private bath,
phoaea. janitor aervlce, tirl. k building;
seven minuter welt to p. o summer
rstes No ol'Jeetlon to a child.
H,e)A.VT 4 AND e-kOUM t'NtXm
IRsaitu ruH ksssHVAliu.t.
14th aad Clay atreeta.
Ob of th finest In th rltyi steam
beat, hot and eold watar. private vesti
bule, phone and bathe lctrls eleva
tor ana lift; unfurnished suite $n is
L.rretls eU. Near ;id and Waah.
L'nfurniahed apartmenta. from two ta
Ave rooma. all large, light and outalde;
laige closets, htrtlwood Hours, under nsw
tnsnsgement. Marshall 11.. Janllur. alar
shall liwO.
lMh aixl Klandeia eta.
licautiful apartmenta
ft and g rooms.
Call and them.
CUMBERLAND Apta, W. Park and Co
lumbia ata: very choice 2 and .-room
furnlahed and unfurnlatied apta., all mod.
ern conveniences, bieutlful Inrstiun, far
ina the park; 6 minutea' aalk from bust,
neaa center, best eervtre, prices resnonslde
OR 4-reom apartment with bath, fur
nished or unfurnished, Psctrie phon la
ach. fa? fvo up; eutaid rooms; sptsnrtld
slew; convealenf arrangement; super, lo
cation; closs to Postofflcs; best of serv
ice. Ths bheffleld. t'2 7th. cor. Jefferson.
A NICELY furnished t-room apt.. $2.C0, all
utsida. large, light, airy rooma private
' phone and Lath, ass range, refrigerator,
wslsr heatsr. laundry traa, larg cluaela,
on carllne. It 41.
171 KINO 8T.
4. ft, 4-room apartmenta; aeleot tenancy.
Apply on premises.
yu TlidVltnr APAHTMKNTH.
Cor. 04 and Montgomery. Newly fur
nlsbed .-room apsrimenis. building nsw
aud strictly modern; elevstor service;
tMt.y ws.kitig dlstiiiice. Hales $2o up. No
children. Mala sHOtl.
FOR RENT for Hummer months, 4 -room,
elegantly furnished apt., player piano,
slivcrwsre snd linen, prlvsia phone; rent
:vi. n children; reference, ae Janltpr,
Kordham Apt. 171) Kurd st.
141 14ib St.. at Market, new eorn.r
brick, l-room suites, completely furnishsd
for housekeeping; walking disiancs; prlcss
lessunshis. ror luformsiion call Mala Hit.
rortnomah Ap.nmrula, K R. Taylor
and K. lliti 2. 1. 4. &.-rooni. unfurnished
partmsnls. svery . sonvenlence, walking
d i. lance
ri'itN'IfcHEU and unlurni.hed spartmenta
. 2. t and 4 rooma. with prlvaia baths,
gesiraoi location, very res.unabis rsma
App.y Angaia xioteL Ui Wasbiugtaa su 1 nib.
1 snd 4-ruun. apartmsnts, furnished ssd
unfurnished, all eutalds rooms, hsrdwood
f.oers, prlvsts bsicouies, batb and phona,
bummer rsles, aay ws.kmg dlstsavie,
jlW-KKioSlXis- apa'htmk.ntb. iiifik
ANU JEr'r'EKfuN.
JJew management, r. novated; walking
distance. Tau-loom bouaekevplng. ftlb;
g rooma.
THE 1.1 Ell.NB.
Corner Id and Hsil. newly furnlahed I
room apartmenta building new and strict,
ly modern, largs outside kltrbene. aervlos
1 1 re v - ' -
UttAi'B APTS.. 7H7 Nortlinip St.. corner
.'4th, ft larg rooma, hardwood floors,
front veranda, larg.. sleeping; purch, pri
vate telephone, water, heat and hot water,
new and strictly modern, vaiuurn cleaner.
WELLEhl.LT Ol RT, 113 K.est St..
corner llelmnnt, 2 and l-room furnished
or unfurnished new modern apta Every
convenience. Including prlvaia phon and
bath, l lo -.
AVALON APARTMENTS, ft and 4 -room
beautifully furnialied apartments, all out
stds room with sleeping porches, prlvst
phon snd bstn in Be oornsr brica.
phone Ksst 8172.
1?th and llarrieon; 2. H and ft rooma
furnished or unfurnished; latest Improve,
mrnts; best service. Apply on prrmlaea
All eulslda. l-roons spartmenta; Holmes
beds, bullt-la wrIUJig desas, vscuum clean
er, lanllor service, fcs.fcs to ft.s. Including
lights, prlval phonea A 47. Mala 1171.
C room apartment, choice reaidenee dis
trict, wa.king distance, every convealaua
Zlat and r tandere sia Msln 7fcls.
AH A HTM K.N TH. ail prices, all parta of tb
city; hummer rstes.
Main o1-'. yiv VVsshington ht, A nl't!7.
. 41 fc asi.avlill, US' waau.asioa sk. .
a and g room apta,, aaruwooa livers, mi.t
very convsiilenve. el luruisaea, cssx.'
es t rent in lbs cl t.
flrlANlitbf A furnished spsrtments. Oraad
ave and East Mars, New brick building.
,...e nwwlern conveniences; cioa. in
locstlon; best of service; very low lent
sua'E. 1M N. ..d near eohnsoa.
,.w. modern. lru k. 1 and i-rooui, baa t
tifui.y turmaued aparlmeula. ail ouiaiJs
reon.a private balh and pnuna; t-2.UM us.
Largeat rooms In tns city, largs clo.ets.
Summer rales, av Levejoy. aear klsL
Taas W car.
For rent. 1 and 4 room furnishsd and
anlurnl.hed apartmenta strictly modsra
Cor of Tt! and East Taylor Bt Com.
pl.tefy furnished and II roura ull;
modern. U .-?uuJj
kTc W I.T fumlahsd a-room spsrtment; bath,
dressing-room; very dealrai.l. Hummer lo
raaaonabi. Th Hurch. liu 2lat
t, N.
4S4 Market, near 14th. l-raom a part -anta
furnished and uulurnuhed, mousrn.
Marshall "e.
K. 7tb and Morrison sts.; very central.
1 snd g-rooin sparimenla. furnishsd com
Ple,fc privets bslhs; from Hu l a. au.
kJi;LLAMi- 14th and Lovejoy Lnfurmshsd
ifrobti' modern, new brick, must bs swsa
to be appreciated. Main 1MI7, A lb7.
th e DAVTON lleatittful location, ft fins
i - eoAma apartment, porches and everv
convenience tiul Flanders. Iteduced rent.
THE CHETOPA. llh and Flanders st. ; 2.
and 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished.
modern Appir i"
VANTEl Couple to look after small apart
ment building. '-l Overton street, for low
r-nt phone C ls74.
4tn and Columbia sts.; 2. I and 4
rooms furnished snd unfurnished; modern
fli E-tlng-lavla. cor. King and Uavia ata;
ft rooms, furnlsbsd or unruralshsd. rfr
ecea, .
R05-E-FR1END. cor. 7th and Jefferson
Very desirebl unfurnished apartmenta all
cuisids room. bardwoud floors, rsfa
SOS-Boa Abington lildg.
Ws own or control th following apart-
ttletlt-houses. . ...
Angela Washington nd Trinity
Cecilia 2Jri and illlrsn.
Clsvpool 1 1 tit srd Clay. '
Fordham 17H Ford street .
tlratideata . ire.nd ave. and Kaat Ptarg,
llaiithorn Wth and Main.
Hanover Kins, rear Washington.
KlhK-litiry lull Ford atrcet.
Knickerbocker Harrison, nesr lltn
rlhsffli-M 212 7th St.. cor. Jefferson.
Ml. t'rolx 170 Kt. llslr st.
ft. Francis .1st and llovt.
Wellington l.1lh and Everett.
We have furnished mil uiifurnlrhed
gpartmenls from 2 lo rooms, renting
from ft -.mi to ftiiu per montli. It you asnt
an apartment,
MAIN fnl.V A -,1V
orn ArTtiMiiiiii.K win. cai.t.
at anv addre.s with ivnr sgent. who will
be to ahow mil there apartment. Og
Monday call Mr llerry. Main SIM.
22d and Ollsan Hts.
Will hava a l-room furnished spartmsnl
vacant on June IN; make our reserva
tion now If ou would secure a pises 1
this slrgsntly appointed spsrlmcnl-house.
rton palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
place, between luth snd 9th aireets. Just
off we.hlngton; magnificent sxoluaiv
apartment. In heart of
district; rentala reasonshle; every mod-re
convenience; sleeping porches. hlsh-c;sss
service; refined clientele; referencss re
quired In sll esses; two beautifully fur
nished spsrtmeute avallsbl Ma 1. lira
A. N. Vt right,, phon Mar
aball lloL
Jefferson and Uth gtreata
4 and ft-room unfurtii.hed apartmsnts
Sacepllonslly wsll snsnged.
Hates rlta.oiisble
Mod.rn, Nsw.
rcnNiMiF.n apartmknt.
Parties leaving town f"r the Pummer
will rent llielr six-tooin lurnlahed start
nient with sleepinr porch. In ' Highland
Court." J-'d and illl.iui. one l.t-f k from
two carllnee. I'hone Marshall II mil.
THK HAIvKKK. ior, 1'lst and Irving ' I
this new 4-etory hrlik now opec, tur
pi. hed snd uuf ornl.hed In 2. g sntl 4-room
sult.-s; reception tinll. electrlo
elevstor. Holmes ili.tppeal ing beds, hullt
In bufTt slid writing desk, g'S rsi.g-. Ic.
box, plenty of clo.'-t rooms, lioth phones,
vacuum clesnee fr.'. to pstrctia If yod
Wsnt something nle, come to tlie tiaiker;
1 S-roniti hs.eiiient apsttmtut, ftlft. PboBSg
A 1744. Marshall 2m.
Moat up-to-dal apartment In lb
Northwest, every convenience! 4 and ft
rooms, ail oumde sunny rooms; "hew;
walking dt.taii.e, at. I and J.ihn.on ata;
choice re.l.leuce dl.trtct; alleudant a
ft7ft Couch, one block from Washington,
wslklng dlnlance. g and 4 room modera
unf urnl.lied apartments; all modern con
veniences, bcl ..f retvl.e; under new man
ageineiil, rclerenci-s reiulltMl. Main 1 1 ul.
tTTsC-VV I .sTisi )ilA I' A 11 1 M KNTS a, and 4
rooma, amne, now. clean and
houiellke; cool, hdy porches; walking
ilialinice. Cir. K. 14th and Vamblll.
UulHiiltN flat, sslect nelg lihorhooo. ft room
and inside room, furnace, flreplscs, ga
rangs, similes, hardwood floors M N.
.ath. cornsr Nortlirup; adukta rsfereaoea.
Apply H7.V Northiup. W car.
K1KAM-I1 EA TKU ft-room flat, veiy dealre
bls; sonvonlent rrsngetnent. wltb ga
range: ft.l2.oU Hummer rate. Apply Jani
tor, Welllugtoa Apartments. 101 sag
TlTltFE-RtlOM upper flat, coinplelely fur.
nlshed. all modern conveniences, ft-'l. Low
er Hat fiirnlelied. -'. unfurnished, ftl-V.
Hulls of rooms ftld Inclinling gaa lsc
trlcity snd ph. me. ;tH1 I'hapman.
CuMPLK.TKLV furnished, attracllve, tuolern
f st; d-sltanly lo.-sied, ft loonia and maid s
room; furnace, fireplace, gaa range. i!47
Montgomery. Call bet. 1(1 and 12 A. M.
ilol irTltS o-rnom flat, on carllne, nnsr va
iialil for rent at low rat VV. II. J""''!.
Pii Hoard of Trade bldg. Phun.vs M. 214a,
E. C2H1. .
VKIli de.lral.le -room corner (lata; fur
nace, fireplace, hot-water coll. elc, be
t hem jit KdandKerii-ysis.
i77a7irirN. new, n-room upper fist. West
Hide, .elect lielgll I or hood , bardw oo.l floors,
ale.- ping porcn, fire place. Mrn u'l .'"-4.
Alt E ou satisfied? Why not see these new
flats st E. liuth and AI. ert They ara th
flne-t In ell), taoor o i ...
MT TAIIOH flat, new, modern, all inti
venlencvs, beautiful view. l'hon Main
rmuiu i.nn.r flat. 42 Oregon at. mod-
..e. imon.vemenla fireplace. I'hone Eaal
T . - ,ap ani.n rl III
' .i.hhorhood. T7w Jobusoa su. bsL :l
and S4th. Msln ftfill.
Mi'KI.V furnlahed modern flat, ft rooma a
Htxth atreet.
CORNER Ksst 2d and Mutnomah sis., I1..I-
laday Ada.. molm ft and room Hats.
ft.a. . -
ONE H-rouin up-to-date upper flat, fire
place, sIim ping porch. S II. Ma.llson st,
;etweelnhan.l J7th Phone Fast J-
IV vuu wish to rent your house or fist sea
1ft.-. 6 H.a l.lllig Hldg. Main 7.M
aTTtoi'M modern flat, a blocks from posl-
offlcs. M. F. llolph.JlIT Mohawk bldg.
uTTfiVltN ft-room flat. Mb. near Jacks
West Hide. Ill mln. walk. Main or A I if.'!.
uTTilKRN flvs-room flat, very reasonable.
7.V Marahall at. Phons East 47I7
h ,,, )t ,M unt for rent, all or part furnllute
for sal". P4S Vamlilll t-
MOPKHN lower flat, five pleasant rooma
Main 47.-.. WJl! JNi hrup.
A-NEW i-room flat, all convenience, cos
l. 410 Fast Kin and fHvlslon,
Mol'ERN g room upper or lower flat, cioa
In. liiqiilre ,".JW F,vereltl.
Ui ipFUN 4 room flale. upper and lower;
furnace; ftl"- Fast b. II 14Q.
t-HOOM flat, large porch, fin. locstlun.
jTITiMiM unfurtilslied flat, S-'i Market at,
t'liotis Msln Mil.
riNE new. modern, ft latga looms flat.
1041 Qnhtenbsln. cor. Alheila
Nr;w inivriTrn'Trnotn fi"l on Mt. Tabor car.
line, phone Tahor 'i.17.
6. It. ii i M modern fiat. h sleeping porch.
very i-M.lijal Kearney. Nt ar 4.1.17.
;.HHiM modern Hi. parti) fm nlslie.1.
Ml4 r.verelt pi
THE HEAVER, Uth and Marshall, fur.
nislied for housekeeping; fag ranga lsa
trio llghia h"f watsr, bath, laundry fri
111 per mojlh up; a clean place, beat la
the cur fur ths money; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "" or 14th -at.
care north, get off at Marshall St. N dogs.
rwir'.-roo'ii housekerplng apts. on sscnnd
snd ons on first floor, all newly papered,
tinted and cleaned, light, bath, phone and
water, bummer rate ls.60. lot lirand
ave. N. l'hons C 2:. m
THE Ml I. Ns,H. S3i Morrlaon, cor. Park,
furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartmenta all convsnlsnoe. bsst loca
tion. Hummer rstes.
11.40 TO ftl.fc per wesa Clssa furnlshs4
liousekseplng rooms; free hsat. pboas.
kslh. laundry, yard. 404 Vancouver ave,
and 201 Hlanion; "If" car. phone IC sslfc.
THHEE-HOOM furnished basement apart
ment, prlval bath, phon. Hi. llvd N.
d. Marshall 22M.
LAIUIE. comfortable bousskeeplng sultg
ti Oil up. Hill 1st St.. nesr Mai k.
HOI'Hf7k EEPI NO rooms In new concret
building. Phon Woodlawn 2tw7 or 2;t7
THR F.LMH, t and l-room housekeeping and
sltigls rooms; translsnts solicited, 141 I4tb,
Fl'HNIhHi:n housekeeping; also aingia
rooma, H .10 to i a w. ek. 2i'l 2d i.
Housekeeping Room In Privet family
2, a OH 4 nicely furnished rooms, stilct'.y
modern, alao slnsie rooms. 1114 N. 1 Tt ks
St. I'hone Main hlltfi.
14 THItEE f nriilslied hoosekoepltig rooma,
fine view, a.14 7th st. Main 4.Y.".l.
BPl.KNPin suit for Hummnr; rooms large,
airy, pleasant; cioa In. ft.l Morrison,
MODERN ft - roo m f I a t l h on afc a.t ISoX
It ooeek ee tlng Wrxim.
THK CPt-Hl'lvll'llh sna Opshiir sis. fur
nished 2-room spsrtmenia lift up. I-
rludea im "t- hot "nl cold
in every apartment, public batb, slsrtrl
nshta. gss tangfc laundry-room all free.
VIke H. 2d or W car north. Paoa