Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Visitors to Gala Event Wil
Dash by Auto and Train to
City Next Week.
Great Plans for Rewiring Hi Mo
ral Majesty Are Moulded Bom
bardment of Flowers Includ
ed London Kxpert Cornea.
Residents of Vancouver, B. C. led
bT I- IL Rose, Mayor, and H. &
Kalston. manager of tha Midwinter
Carnival, will coma to tha Row rest!
vai next week In automobiles. They
will leave home lata this week, arriv
ing Here for tha opening- festivities nn
Monday and will participate In the
automobile parade next Wednesday
Activity of the Vancouver party, how.
aver, aoes not exceed In enthusiasm and
manifestation of good will that already
manifested by the people of Paaedena,
Cal., who have sent Mrs. K. C. Bartow
to Portland to enter a float In tha horse
and vehicle parade on Thureday. This
action Is In reciprocation of the cour
tesy extended by the management of
ine ttose festival last Winter In enter
ing a handsome prlxe-wlnnlng float in
tha principal parade of tha Pasadena
Carnival of Roses.
Mrs. Bartow arrived In Portland yes
terday and Is personally superintend
ing tba construction of tha Pasadena
rioat. flhe Is eager to have the assist
ance of former residents of Pasadena
and will communicate with them If they
will address her In care of tha Rose
Festival headquarters in the Swetland
f allrorala Crowd Cmwrm.
A. large delegation of California, resi
dents will ba here. John M. Scott, gen
eral passenger agent for tha Southern
Pacific, returned yeeterdav from San
Francisco and reports that travel to
the Festival from that city to Port-
land next week will be unusuallv heavy.
A meeting of tha executive commit
tee of tha Pacific Coast Carnival As
sociation, of which Oeorge I Hutchln.
manager of tha Rosa Festival. Is organ
iser and chairman, will ba held at 10
A. M. Wednesday, June 12, and a large
delegation of Callfornlana aa well as
representatives from other Coast carni
vals will attend.
t'se of a team of riding school horses
and tally-ho has been offered tha
festival management by Kramers Rid
ing Academy. Directors of the Panama.
Pacific Exposition, of 8a n Francisco,
will ride In thla attractive- turnout In
tne horse and vehicle parade on Thurs
Leaden Rase Gmwf la Gaeaf.
A distinguished visitor will be Hugh
Dickson, of London, one of tha world's
noted rose growers. Mr. Dickson, In
a communication received by Manager
Hutchln yesterday, declared that he has
heard of Portland's roses and of the
Rons Festival for several years and
tha. ha haa crossed tha Atlantic and
the American continent for tha pur
pesa of being here. He la now In Los
Angeles. Mr. Dickson will ba given
every courtesy or the Festival and ol
tha rose show of tha Armory. Thou
sands of his plants have been procured
by Portland people and are thriving In
Portland gardens. He has originated
probably mora varieties of roses than
any other man.
Commander Ellleott, of tha cruiser
Maryland, which will act aa tha escort
of honor to Rex Orrgonua on his tr.
hmphant entrance to the city at noon
on Monday, yesterday wired tha festi
val management that ha Is about to
start with his magnificent vessel for
Portland. The Maryland will anchor
below tha o.-w. H, N. bridge and
there will view' tha parade, firing a
sainte or zi guns aa tha Hea-ntter-11.
C Wortman's palatial private yacht
wlth. the king on board passes by.
Hoses S Sower Ilia Floral Majesty,
Aa last year, a formidable fleet of
rlvsr and ocean vessels will accompany
tha jolly monarch on his entrance to
lha city. C. V. Cooper, admiral of
tha fleet, has arranged for three dlvl
slons, A. B, and C. which will be com
posed of work boats, cabin boats and
pleasure craft, respectively. W. U
Key sr. of tha tugboat Dlx, and C B.
Brown, of tha Betsy B.. will ba captain
of A and C divisions, respectively.. The
commander of B division will be ap
pointed later. Kach division I1I be
assigned a separate place along tha
river for mobilisation and will fall In
line behind tha royal craft. The steam
er Pear will have on board a party
of Portland people who will ba ad
mitted on Invitation Issued by tha
Rose Festival managers, while the
Bally Oatzert will carry members of the
Portland Ad Club and their friends.
As his floral majesty passes these
vessels ha will ba bombarded with huge
bnuquets of roses. Tha procession will
move up the river pant tha Htark
etrert dock, where the king will land,
then will circle around a buoy above
tha Hawthorne bridge, thence back
around tha piers of tha new Broadway
bridge. Between tha hours of 11:18 and
12 noon tha draws on all tha bridges
will ba open.
Dnwi to Star Oaea for Time.
Admiral Cooper and Manager Hutch.
In called on the County Court yes.
lerday morning and . received the
hearty assurance that surface traffic
will be suspended pending passsge
through the draws of the festival fleet.
Again, from 1:30 to :lt P. M on
Thursday, when tha Illuminated river
parade takes place. -the draws will re
main open regardless of tha movement
of vehicle, streetcar and pedestrian
Promptly at 12 o'clock Monday
noon the king will step ashore and
take possession of the city. Ills ap
pearance will ba greeted with blowing
of whistles, ringing of bells and boom
ing of cannons, to ssy nothing of tha
Joyous shouts of hit loyal suhjeota.
The cruiser Boston will he anchored on
the eaet shore of the river, directly
opposite the oolnt of landing, and will
belch forth her fiery salute from her
flower-trimmed, flag-covered guns.
Late advices were received yester
day from rU'attle potlatch Association
tnnt the Potlatch will be well repre
sented In both the automobile parade
nn Wednesday and trta horse and ve
hicle parade on Thursday. Peattfe
probably will send 6000 people to the
festival. Several special trains will
carry some of them. Othera will move
on tha regular trains.
Tots Will Iks Cared for After Parade L
on Grand Avenue.
Arrangements were made yesterday
by which every child who enters the
children's parade on Orand avenue
during the Rose Festival will ba taken
cure of before and after the conclu
sion of the parade. C. A. Blgelow,
L. iL Lepper and C. C. Hall, of tie
Fast Bids Business Men's Club. ft. TJ.
Downs, principal of the Eliot school,
representing the principals of the
schools. Captain Moore, representing
the police, met F. . W. Hlli. general
manager, and F. L Fuller, vlce-preai-dent,
of the street railway company.
and arrived at an agreement.
Captain Moore, on the part of tha
Chief of Police, agreed to have apo
dal officers at the Intersections of
Eaet Burnstde. East Morrison and
East Ankeny streets and Orand ave
nue, and also at Urande and Hawthorne
avenues for the proper protection of
the children at these Intersections.
General Msnager Hlld agreed to aend
special cars about one hour before tbe
close of the parade, each car will be
marked "children's special car." and
will be In charge of a policeman. These
cars will be stationed on East Water
street and Hawthorne avenue and on
the spur on East Eighth street where
they will not Interfere with general
traffic. The committee from the Busi
ness Men's Club will disband the
parade between East Madison and East
Main streets. This arrangement is
made to prevent Interference with
traffic on Hawthorne avenue. The
m . '
Mra. R. r. Rartoa, ef Paaadeaa, A
W he Will Kater Fleet la Heae
Festival Parade. t
children from schools going north will
turn west on East Ma-rition and take
cars on East Water afreet, and those
going to the south schools will turn
on East Main to East Eighth street
and take tha special cars held In re
serve there. Special committees will
assist In getting children on cars.
MOOK J OK 25-97.
Seml-Pleasnre) and Industrial Jaunt
Planned for 75 Portland Men and
Women by Commercial Clnb.
Responsive to tha enthusiasm attend
ing tha recent successful excursion of
Portland "business men to Tillamook
and surrounding country, a second ex
cursion Is planned for June 25-27 In
clusive. The proposed pilgrimage will
be In the nature of a beach excursion
and will lack some of the Industrial
features that marked tha first excur
sion. Tha party will be limited to 7i.
Including women, railroad officials and
newspaper men.
A apeclal train of nest available
equipment will be provided, and It la
estimated that the expense of tha trip
will ba about 120 a person. Those
whose names were on the "waiting"
list of the first excursion will bo tha
first to be accommodated. Reserva
tions should be made through tha pub.
Uclty department of the Portland Com
mercial Club. Each reservation must
ba accompanied by the requisite 120.
Leaving Portland at I o'clock Tuea-
day morning. June 25. the train will
proceed direct to Garibaldi Beach, ar
riving at 2:30 P. M. The only stops
en route will ba made at acenlo points.
After witnessing a drill by the life
saving crew at Garibaldi Beach, tha
excursionists will ba takent to Bay.
ocean In launches.
Early Wednesday morning, the ex.
cursionlata will leave Bayocean In
launches for Tillamook, spending the
forenoon In an Inspection of the dairy
country and cheese factories surround
ing that city. At noon a fortnaJ lunch
will be served at tha Tillamook Com
mercial Club. In the early afternoon,
the party will return to Garibaldi and
be treated to a trip over the bar with
soma deep-sea fishing on the yacht
Bayocean. W ednesday night a banquet
will be served at Bayocean.
Tburaday morning, at an early hour.
the excursionists will leave Bayocean
for Wheeler, whence they will be eon.
veyed In launches to Nehalem. Thence
n vehicles they will be driven to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Reed at
Neakahnle Beach, where they will par.
aka of a picnic lunch. After making
hs ascent of the Neakahrle Moun
ts Ins In the afternoon, the excursion.
lata at s P. M. will return to their
rain and atart for Portland, arriving
thia city at 10:20 o'clock Thursday
Park Board to start Terwllllger
Road Completion at Once.
Blda for tha completion of tha Ter
wllllger boulevard from Ita present
ermlnua near Seymour street In South
Portland to Sixth street near Ham.
llton avenue will be advertised for
at once. At a meeting yesterday ot
he Park Board. Superintendent Mische
was requested to prepare plana and
was estimated that the cost will be
about 195.000, Tli extension of the
thoroughfare will require extensive
cuta and fills and considerable rock
Tha Board yesterday pigeonholed a
number of petitions of residents of
various parta of the etty for the pur
chase of playground sites. The list
Included a number of written offers of
real aetata eompanlea and others for
real bargains.
One piece of ground which a local
company would sell cheap la located on
he water front In South Portland. The
agent mentioned all the desirable feat.
ures of the plot, but forgot to mention
that at present It le under several feet
ot water. Residents of ML Tabor were
on hand with a petition for a play
ground there. This petition waa re-
It was explained by Mayor Rush.
light that there It no money available
at present tor tha purchase of park
or playground aites and probably will
not be until the people vote another
bond issue for such purpoaea.
Vancouver Is Gretna Green.
VANCOUVER. Wash., June I. (Spe
cial.) J. T. Sullivan and Bessie H.
Stiirglll. accompanied by George Stur
gill, of rialrm, tuday secured a mar-
laga license. Peter William MaoDuff.
of Long Beach, . Cal- and Haiel May
Mills, ot lamas, wasu., war married
here today.
Eight Oregon Suffragists Re
fuse to Give Up Trip
to Chicago.
After Republican Convention Party
Will Tour Principal Cities ' Lit,
era tare Advertising State to Be
Distributed Through East,
t .
Eight young women from thla state
who have obtained tlcketa or admis
sion to the Republican National con
vention Intend not only to retain the
tickets, but also to make use of them.
It matters not what "those men dele
gates" may say. the militant young
suffragists declare they will not re
cede from their determination to at
tend the Chicago convention and aee
everything that la to be seen.
fully two months ago I arranged
with Ralph E. Williams, National com
mitteeman, for a ticket to the conven
tion for each of tha eight rouna- wom
en," aald Philip 8. Bates, editor of the
racmc nortnweet. under whose aus
pices the party will make a tour of
the United States this month. "Mr. Wll
llama gave me bis assurance that the
tickets would be forthcoming and that
each of the young women could count
on witnessing a real, live Republican
National convention. And that Is all
there la to It so far aa the tlcketa are
concerned. The young women have the
tlcketa and they win attend the convention.
'I am surprised that ... - .u-
delegates would offr ny objection to
this use of eight convention tickets. It
Is a courtesy kindly extended by Mr.
Williams and fully appreciated by the
beneflclariea. Oregon women, aa they
are demonstrating by the active cam
paign conducted for woman suffrage,
are taking a keen Interest In political
affaire. Young women are especially
Interested in this subject and should
be entitled to attend the convention.
"The eight young wo mem In the par
ty will represent more than 200 voters
of Oregon. It will be Impossible for
any considerable number. of those vot
ers to attend the convention, even If
they were supplied with tickets. Be
sldea. tha members of the party are
young women of exceptional Intelli
gence and fully qualified to attend the
convention, understand and appreciate
Its proceedings and profit therefrom.
These Oregon young women will be
treated to a trip throughout tha United
States that will Include a few daya In
Chicago at the time the Republican
National convention la In aeeslon.
The party will be In charge of Mr.
Batea and -the chaperone will be Mra.
H. A. Hartshorn, of Condon. The other
members of the party will ba Delia
M. Harold, of Sclo; Bertha Wlllerton. of
The Dalles: Mabe! Plttman. of Condon:
Charlotte Jonea. of I -a Grande: Anne
Market, of Bend: Alice Ensmlnger, of
Haines: Agnes Miller, of Burns, and
Gertrude Pollon. of Dallas.
They will be guests of tha Ad Club
at luncheon at the Multnomah Hotel
tomorrow, leaving In a apeclal Pull
man Thursday morning for the East,
'iuelr Itinerary Includes the following
Important cities: Detroit, Nlsgara Falls.
East Aurora. New York, Washington.
D. C: Cincinnati. Indianapolis. Chicago,
Madison, St. Paul and Minneapolis.
En route and In each of the cities
visited they will distribute quantities
of literature advertlelng Oregon. In
this connection. Mr. Batea wtll give an
Illustrated etereofitlcon lecture on
seeing America First" In all of the
large -cities visited.
Bullets Removed From Head.
Patrol Sergeant Peachln, ahot by his
wife Saturday morning, underwent a
successful operation in which two bul
lets Were removed from his head, at
St. Vlncent'a Hospital yesterday after
noon. The x-ray taken Saturday
showed, as at first supposed, that two
of tha six shots fired had taken effect.
Guided by tha x-ray photograph, the
operation was made by Dr. F. J. Zleg-
ler and Dr. Ernest F. Tucker. Mr.
Peachln stood tha operation well, but
he Is still In a critical condition.
Specific Case Against Meter
Chief -Is Promised to
Water Board.
Pipes May Be Extended to Milwaa
Lie and Linnton Accountants
Recommend Substations . for
Convenience ol Customers.
Pending the preparation and filing of
definite charges of graft and misman
agement against Cornelius Ov Murphy,
chief of tha meter division of tbe City
Water Department, the Water Board
yeaterdav voted unanimously to sus
pend Murph from the aervlce. The
order of auspenslon was made when
Frank W. Winn, a member of the
Board, announced that as a member of
a subcommittee appointed to Investi
gate the Murphy case, he waa author
ised to say that tbe committee would
have charges to warrant tha suspen
sion. The chargea will be carefully pre
pared under the direction of City At
torney Grant and. it Is said, will meet
the objection made against former
chargea that they were not specific.
Murphy will be accused, among other
things, of selling $32.10 worth of Junk
that belonged to the city, Intending to
convert the money to his own use.
Appeal Brlags ftetaatatearaat.
Murphy originally waa discharged by
tha Water Board "for tha good of the
aervlce." An appeal waa made to the
Civil Service Commission and that body
reinstated him on the ground that the
statement In the chargea, "for tbe
good of the eervice," waa not specific.
The auspenslon of Murphy yesterday
was to prevent him from returning to
work In tha Water Department by rea
son ot his reinstatement by the Civil
Service Commission. The grand Jury
last week exonerated Murphy.
The Water Board ordered Engineer
Clarke, of the Water Iwpartmant, to
rush the work of extending mains Into
Fulton Park district. A large delega
tion of Fulton Park residents, led by
Councilman M on tag. was on hand to
protest against any further delay In
the work.
Engineer Clarke reported that the
residents can expect water by tha mid.
die of July. Recommendations of a
subcommittee that a concrete tank ba
put In the place of tha wooden tanks on
Mount Tabor Heights, were adopted
and tha Engineer Instructed to pre
pare plana and specifications at ones.
Sabaras May Get Water.
A subcommittee was appointed to
Investigate the feasibility of furnish
ing city water to 'a number of small
suburban towns about Portland Includ
ing Linnton and Mllwaukla.
Mayor Sharer, of Linnton, was on
hand and reported that hla town la
willing to pay for the piping and ex
tension of mains If the city grants the
use of the mater at tha regelar rates
for residents beyond the city limits.
In a. report submitted to Mayor
Rushlight and members of tha Water
Board yesterday, William Whitfield
Company, accountanta checking the
books of the City Water Department,
recommend that several water substa
tiona ba established about the city at
hlch consumers ran pay their bills.
The plsn la auggested to reduce the
delinquency. It is also suggested that
bills be sent out to all consumers each
Complaint Is made about tha practice
of property ownera along tha water
front using the water from fire plugs
to sprinkle docks and fill veasela with
out paying tha city for the water.
Classification to Be Abolished.
At a meeting of the Civil Service
Commission, with Mayor Rushlight pre
siding, yesterday It was decided to
abolish the classification for detect
Ives and sergeants. As a result tha ap
polntment of men to these offices will
be vested In the Mayor and tns rone
rv.mmi.ain. Thv elnlm iliit Increase
.fflr'i.nrv will result, as men will knOW
that their success wljl depend on good
work rstner tnsn on ciasenn-aimn.
Is'- Coffee a Poison?
Read tliis
The average cup of coffee con
tains about 2Vz grains of "caffeine"
the drug that you read about here
Coffee drinkers often suffer from head
ache,''nervousness, indigestion, biliousness,
heart, irritation and other symptons of ill
health due to "caffeine," the drug in their
N The cause is often not understood
until expert medical test shows up
the bald facts
Philadelphia Student in Se
- rious Condition for a
Time, but Has Recovered.
Every Member of Band Suf
fers Nausea as Result of
Caffeine Experiments.
One can get relief from the ills caused
by coffee by quitting it for 10 days and
A pure, palatable food beverage
that tastes much like high-grade Java
but is absolutely free from Caffeine or
any other drug.
If the 10 days' trial shows you some facts,
perhaps you may conclude it's worth more
to be well than to drink coffee it's up to
you to decide.
Philadelphia. May 11. Kerious re
sults hsve followed the feeding of caf
feine, a drug lurking in rhocolste aa
well ss coffee, to the eight student
members of the "poison squad" of the
Hahnemann Medical College here. All
have been subject to severe headaches
and serious attacks of nausea, while
one member of the aquad waa in such
a aerloue condition after tsklng tha
raffelna-laden water for the first twen
ty days that he had to b placed In a
special ward In the hospital, lie re
ceived constant attention, haa recov
ered and at the college ) aald to have
rejoined the siiuad.
Tha "poison squad" at the Hahne
mann eollage was formed very quietly.
It came Into eslatence on March 1 and
Is under the direct supervision of Itr.
Kdmund TV Nee bit. director of the Hav
ing laboratory of the college.
Dr. Nrsbit railed for volunteers from
among the students. 11. said he wanted
men who were willing to do something
for the benefit of humanity at largs.
even though it might be to their own
discomfiture. Twenty-five students vol
unteered. Of these fourteen of tha most
perfect physically were chosen, eleven .
as regular members of the squad and
three as alternates
For thirty days the members of the
eus4 were given, doses of csffelns
while fir. NmiIU and his sSHlstants
made personal observations taking the
pulses and temperature of the mem -bere
of the squad and making notea
on their general physical condition. It
mas not until within the last few daya
that one member of the squad weak
ened under the experiment to such an
extent that It waa necessary, to send
him to the hospital. Dr. Neshlt refuses
to reveal the name of the atudent who
collapsed, but declares that through
proper treatment Immediately he soon
recovered i. .
The caffeine was admtnlxtered In a
solution and was mixed with the water
the squad drank. The studnnta did not
know when they were selling the caf
feine. There were no stated times fur
giving It ia order to keep the mind
of the student free from worry In order
that the physical condition might not
be changed materially through the ac
tion of tbe brala.
rtefore joining the "poison squad"
each student had to sign a rele.
against any action for damagea against
tile college.
The laboratory was organised about
fifteen months ago with lr. Neshlt aa
director, and almost Immediately an
exhaustive study was started to ascer
tain the destructive qualities of caf
feine as ueed In food stuffs. . ,
The students continued to live at the
dormltorire or at boarding houses, but
they were required to take their meals
at the tralnlnr table located In the
hospital near the diet kitchen. Hefore
rat h meal the temperature was record
ed, the pulse and reepiration were tak
en snd the blood presaure wss tested,
liurinic the period the drug was admin
istered only Dr. Nesblt knew the
amount spportloned to each man and
when and In what quantity It was ad
ministered. New York bun. May 1J.
"There's a Reason" for Postum
r-atl Ik-'
PHE waiter knows that
he is serving a dis
criminating guest when
ordered to bring
Blue. .
The Beer of Quality
This is the beverage beyond
compare, and is arrroPriate loT
all timet and occasions. Whole
some and refreshing a delight
to the eye and the palate the
perfection of brewing.
Bottled only at the
brewery in crystal
clear bottles, showing
at a glance that It
is clean and pure.
This is the beef (br youf bom.
Prion of write
Arata Brothers
69-T' ixth St.
rhoaeeMala 40 llosse, A XMt