c rial. Al.KIMI tiiiaiix to kuilotM center, In NoB IIIJ1 iliiirlrl, desirable S-rnoin mod- rn net; private entrance; nrrv.r. v eum on kitchen and bath; rent rno hi. Apply On lath BL bet. Davie and 'Everett. iDehm fiat aeiect nelahborheoa. 6 r worn I nil maid' room, furnae, firpiae. gas ang. shades, berawoua iiooio. . 5th. eomer NorthruB: adults, references. Appiy 875 Northrup. W w. r i u .ii i i kji a. room flat, vary deelre. ble; convenient arrangement, with ee range; :2.to Hummer rata. Appiy Jani tor. Wellington Aparuu.otA lath e Everett. r:w ft-room flat, corner Ftl loth and ii.iu. - iranli. oDen-alr bedroom; Hoimee dleappearlng b-d. f urn, a. fire place, gas range, linoleum. Varant Juno 1. W I. PinK. atlltn Ibne. r.asi iv. 1 Ufc'.K.Ri it itl uDDr flat. comoletely fur- nlahHl mil modern con van lenv ce. njo. L" w- er flat fumlahad. unfurnl.ned, f 1 . 8ulte of rooms fin Including M. alec trlplty and phone. 80 Chapman. Hi HM modern flat at il Kaat let aU N-. near Broadway: s.'.y per montn. M V pir.M ER-JON'HS CO.. 404 Wilcox Big. I'honea Main A M'S MPLETEI.Y furnished, attractive, modern f.at; deelrahly located; ft roome and maid a room; furnace, fireplace, gna range e.. Montgomery. Call bet. 10 and 12 A- M. K RKXT 2 upatalr flata, S and 4 room. Inquire 120 23d North, Phone Main i2 or a, ata.. ilODKKN r-room flat, on carllna. now va- oant for rent at low ret, w. m. row-11. I22 Hoard of Trad bldg. Thonea M. 2MI, E. 27. F7RY dealrble g-room comer flata; fur nace, ftreplec. nm-w-nr v.i. them at J-.'l ana ROOM upper flat. 4.1 Oregon at., mod ern Improvement, fireplace. I'honea L.aat III, c " OB Hill flat. T rooma. fine yard, eeteadid . . - - r , . InKnanm M kl. lid Klinoarnwa i'.i - DO ItlO. a-iBjwii. ICELT furnlehad modern flat, S rooma. 301 Math atreet. .11 11TH BT, thle le cloee In, no carfare from nerc; arricny in'"--' o f..7 rH. v OQOJW wrn, i.'a n-mg . .. o , -.1 u ,t n,ria ti ata. Hnl, i v ' r v r. v r. -- - - - 1 laday Add., modern ft and -room flata. a.o H ooeekecplng rlooeaa. frHE IICBHUR -ata anu Uoahur ata. for- cludea ateam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, publlo bath. aleciM light, gaa range, laundry-room, all frea. Take ft 13d W care aotio. Pttaaa ataln a.. THE IIICAVSR. 11th and MarahalU fur- trio llghta. hot water, bath, laundry free; 111 per .oath up, clean place, beat la the city (or the money; ahort dleianc from I'nkin Depot. Take "S" or ltith-at. airi north. at elf at Marahail at. Na doge. TWO 2 -room houaekeeplng apta on aecond a 1 1 vn ' . .. . r t-- - tinted and cleaned, light, bath, phone and water, hummer rate I16.&0. 164 Grand are. N. I'hone C 2.VM1 T1IK Mil. Nf.lt. e-'i, Morrtaon, our. Park, furnlahed or unfurnlahed houaeltaeplng apartment, all convenience, beet loca tion. Hummer ratea. 11.40 TO .. per week Cleaa furalaaed houaekeeplng room; frea beat. p&eaa, bath, laundry. yad, 404 Vancoaver ava, and 201 elantoQ; "11" ear Phone K. 4014, I'll k KK-ltot M furnlahed baaemenl apart ment, private bath, phone, 910. lfea M. 2-'d Mnrehall 220H. LAHllK. comfortable housekeeping au 4.10 np. PI St lat t . near mark. NCWLT furnished front h. k. aultea, 13 0 up. l.'e - iltn. cor, eiarenaiu at. lll. HolKKbrjl'INte rooma In new concrete build. ng. I'hone Woodlawn 21t7 or 2e? TUB KI.MP. 1 and 1-room houaekeeplng and Inyle rooma; tranatenia aoiicneq. iwi l4tq Ft'f MXIJKO houa. keeping; elao alngh r-Knia. 4l,ftf to $1 a w-ck- 2W 2d at. iloueekeeplng Koome In Private r'wmlly. lAIIHK. cleHti. nrl flnl-hed. well-fur- pHhd houeekeeping rooma, flrat flour l rinnt and back entrance; free furnace heat, e'eclrl'- llghta. porcelain bath, hot anrl eold water, walking d'etance. 44ft Rodner ave.- corner Tltleinook at. Phona Kept a?21. No tranatenia. 1WO nicely furnlahed housekeeping rooma with n dlaanoearlnc beda. 15 minute walk from renter of city, hot and eo,d water, ftd a week flv Orand ave. pt. V'KHY pleaaant 3-room aulte for light hoiipekeaplng. unfurnlahed. vpena on front veraniU. gag range. M 'i fettygrov. Vein CloO. LAKiiK front bay-window housekeeping suite- 2 rooms, ehanv Dorcn. private en trance, near Multnomah Club, reasonable. Chapman. Marshall. LI'IHT housekeeping rooms, first or second floor, to a refined couple only. 62TS Kaat h at I I HNIUHF.n houeekeeplng roome. every thing new and complete, porrh and lawn. lev. Slonr't at. rnone vtonniawn ,t.o-j. TI1HKK furnished houe-keeplng rooms, alao sleeping ruoml, walking distant-. lo4 r.st llth. TWO housekeeping rooms, modern conven iences, niee'y furntsh-al. reasonable. -10 12th. ft t-'lvKAN. liaht. furnlahed housekeeping rooms, modern, ground floor, rcaaonah , ei'2 Front. f ol d nlcelv furnlahed houaekeeplng room. modern convenience. 5tt7 K. lainblli; no children. TIIHKI-: nicely furnlehed housekeeping rooms, ground floor. l 1'tin, corner Dt niori- I.ARi;i: room, with alcove, comulet houaa keeping for two. IX month. 71 Rodney, cor. KreemonL tnion-ava. ar. v LliAN, completely furnished H. K. room gas. electricity, laundry. 24 Crand av S r. corner Ankeny. Kast -i il I. i.iHt;i: iifkii alcove room; running ester; also smaller housekeeping room. Ski "ih street. ii ITI Kl'L large, aunny room, eleaantly furnished, with or without houeekeping swell surroundings. 44 .North 44lh. Id ik t 'lan furnlahed half baaement room, inorlern. walking dlaianc. phon teeli- veMl into. MOWLY and beautifully Turmshed large 11 K. room, flj.i'i mo. 4'. t lav st. j Kl KMcHr.u housekeeping rooma. 1 mln uies' walk to I'. It. 4iii 7l h. ftl.l 14111. cor. Clav. large, cheap 1 and 2 room fiirrilhd houaekeeplng aulte. 4)0 TWO wetl-furnlshed H. K. rooms. 2019 H Burnslde MV car, labor 4.l. iSOI,R housekeeping rooma. kllrhenatl. running wter. pnone. who. f;i l.itn. TWO 2-room suites, down town. 410-fl3. .los ii.ltmin, near nm. jvtii furnihd houeekeeplng room. 410 C Kvcrett et.. II p-r month. THHKK furnlahed housekeeping room la private ramiiT. r.. i.urnama. ONE lara room for houeekeeplng. ft&4 Eaal Morrison. ri TWO nir. large, light, front roome. fur nished ror noueeaeepiua. e"a -q. t MCKLY furnished housekeeping rooma. reaaotianle. HI eveernvy. aiarsnall sta.. 114 THF.KK furnlahatl housekeeping room, fine vl-w. 1 7th si. Main 4.'.il.t. MODF.RN S -room house In fine neighborhood. 714 teal Ankeny, cornrr wiu. -iiene e,aal I .'.!. MODERN huuse, ." rooma and bath, cement basement. wt r. iitio near cvrrvtt. Apply U th at. Main fi2t.. H A MONTH- 75$ Missouri ava., 4-room house; aleo 7SI Mlseoiirl gve., $19 par month. In i-ne Tt oodlawn - - ft-HOOM cottage. 110. Call KH1 Thurman corner ?nth. JiloLtKnN ft-ronm houae. A ."' 71 N. 2.ld St. I'hons 6-Kui'M house, r. 3Hih and Main sis.. $2- Applr 2-'i Mrst. -t'Ov.'M house, gae and elecirlo ftaturea. rent fie. liMjuire l.y f. iark at. A-r:it.M modern houee. West Hide. Inqutr ,iio jtiirnr. l7.o 7-RiMiM hoi se. IS T.. "U'h st. N. J. .1 ttener. unna ave. ann Anaenr. u-HihM cottage, walking distance. SP3 rirend ave N. Phone I. inof., $J0 Mi'i: sVroom hiuse. hath. aaa. newlv na pared. .'24k K.1.1th. nsr C. Morrison, 14 1'H and R. Ahter, 4-toom modern houaa. walking dls'nc. Phone Kast 4141. rtiK MENT .wodirnl-room cottage. 170 E. tfllli-a St. n.j a iia r. vuut o. ( ROOM hotraa with bath 114. 4(4 Vaughn SI- I none amarwnan J UotiO -room houae. walking dlaianc. la- iiilre room ii'i. t-eetim Dio.g. ft-KOM modera houae. 12'). 412 Dan Rafael. NIC" ft room niodern house, nlca yard; 17$ Kast 2.td. Phona East eU4. t Ml RNISIlrn p. room, house, l.lo. phone Vareh.lll 2I'.'2. lti l:KNT tlooj 7-room house, nj Eest nth st. North Mi",I'PRl room honee. vrd. Kast 8id, clue In. I'hone A iWJ, . iatiu. FOR RF.NT. MODERN -room house, large gleeplng porch. 88S Overton at., near .-. -iev. -room houM. bain. 4sl N. 23d at., cor. York, tin. 2 -room cottage, bath. TT Thnrman at near N. !M. -. . 8-room hou. bath. &42 E. 2Mb at, 11". WW car. Inquire 22 tnrk at, near an. TWO-STOUT house, nearly now. Iia 1 large nnmi and Bleeping' porch, run cement biKH'iit. laundry tray., gaa. electricity, wall kept lawn, ri. etc.. walking dla tance. Inquire 13? fc. 7th t N.. cor. of Tillamook. -MTitRy, 4-room house, gas. electricity. bath. two lolleta. waen iraya. v beeement. nice yard, paved atreet. one block to ;" car; atluils; S4. 70 W 11- Hnma ave. J2-ROOM. modern, sultahl for boarder. roomera or resilience; pome mi"'iti" -- eluded, owner. K. Abendroth. U42 Wash ington at. Hill RENT June the let. modern, deelrable (4 -room residence. w- o.w. -1 ' poaite new high ar-hool; rent Iij; rafar- enree 310 MADISON t., hWMn 0t h nd th it.. toother with inm nni mi -a;'"""'"-II. M. lmhard. 11 Vadium bll., 3d and M-ir1nnn pf- XKW, morn 4-room hou for rnt. lr yurd wtih rpi"rri? ana DiirR-nrnr., 7iS 1 4t b M, Nori h. bt ! Bch and Faillnr. SI4. &- R r M rot tax on Market t.. nar 1-th : mi Rr ITU' 1 1 1 II . II. I". PAI.VER-jnSM CO, 44 Wllto Bl. I'honea Main n0. A 2vJ HOI-SKS AND FLATS fflR RKXT. R. N Tl'KFiilIll '., 407 Spalding Big. Mnrehall 4..47. A 4.".4'.. KOK RENT it-room cottaga. 2n llaasalo el. near Steel bridge. I na iregon maj Katata Co. Phone E. T. C 170H. B1X-ROOM house and cottage, attic, base ment. Rhone Jasin J'lJfl. r-y. eo . iitaj t. Mornings. 3-HOI1M bunralnw; attractive, modern; N. B. rorner ntith ami r.ast etain; e-o. i none Main 2imh or Tabor lail. g UtiUMS, upstnlrs. N. K. cor. lirand ava. and Kast Morrison sr. inquire ui rem .tmmerman. o,'fice 4"J K. Morrlaort ft.tt MOLiERN ft-room, newly-tinted hdiisa. 1 block rrom car, .iin ana ash. r. - nest door. Kest .ItlhX FOR RENT il-ruom reeldence. rorner 12th and Salmon at., rent ftja per montn. lei ephone Meln 770 or A 2't7. SiCiRKS. FLATH. HOISES. APARTMENTS Martin t a.npbell unci, no. a worceevev blet. M. 73U1. A T717 POIl HKNT 8-rnom Imuse and lot. ViJ Hrhuler at., irvington. -o per montn. I'hone East ft.'.inr FOR KENT One il-room houae and lot with full bearing fruit trecn. good barn on cut Side. Rhone Main 2104. KOll RKNT On 4-room house, g.wd lot with fruit-bearing tree, on cast uiue. I'hone Main 2.1. Nli'K. niodern. H-room bouse, yard, with roses. Deer p.nwm ri w. - snail e. ft-RttJM modern house. Just off two car- line. vry raonoie renu inquire siv Chamber of Commerce. 7 ItooM boue for rent. Oil ft Kronl atreet. leamlaneel Houeea. WKST HllF: CI.OMK IN. 5-roont modern flat, two bedrooma, also arrvanfa neim In the baeement; gee, fur. pace, electricity, very attractively fur nlehed. Including ailver. china and table linen; porch commanding the moot maa nlfltenl view In the city; rosea and lawn, make thka an Ideal Hummer home; 943 ?r month; will give lees If desired hone Main ftooft or Marshall 4307 and ak for Mrs oil. H A NPHOMEI.T furnlahed residence In Hol- laday district; garage; will lease lor una year to family of adults; reference. II. P. PAI.MKll-JONEM CO.. 4i4 Wilcox Big. Phone Main KHict. A NICELY furnlahed flat. 3 large room and sleeping porcrn natn. pnone mr, t-,a yard. -'3 a month, no 4 Market -at. Urlve. Weal aide, walking distance. Main 344-V NICKLY furnished flat. 3 large rooma and sleeping porch; bath, phone nee, targe yard US a month. tl"4 Mark"t-at. Ilrlve, West hide, walking dlatance. Main 344.V KOK RKNT 5-room cottage; 3 rooma fur nished; 4. K- l-m at. .-v.. per inoiiin. Call room 11 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrl eon at a. .NICELY and completely furnlahed modern ft-room cottage, rent including teiepnone and water. 45. Call l Northrup. near lth at., or phone Main 443ft. NEATLY furnlehed modern houae. 7 large. cheerful rooma. fireplace. lurimce. ii. phone and water paid, adults only. JSU E. 47th at., aoutn Hawtnorn av. A tl-ROOM cottnge. 228 East 7th t.. Hun- nj eiue, io rem i in n i"'i. " lerjtilre calumet Hotel, Main TJot. PLRNISllEU 7-room modern residence; piano; saruen. iruii anu n" v - v:.e,h I'hone M 1 I :17. KoK RENT Nicely furnished a-room house, Iniludlng piano, for Juiy and August. 7i"ts Marsliall. WILL rent strictly modern home. 7 rooms. 3 months or loncer. lawn, roses, etc. ,ej Hide, close In. It '.'7-ii. NEATLY furnlslied R or d-room house, large porch and yara. reaeoneuie 10 eouna. Williams ave. Ir'hone Woodlawn 410. vjoiicitN A-rmim houae. June 13 to Plepiem- her 13; nlc yard, aiceping porcu. eoo Market at., near Llth. Kl'KNisHKI' i-roorn house, modera. lawn. Arbor IHlpe. Int or niinn term. vwnr, W nod ! a wn u-y M-tn fcPlHT-Ft 'M furnlshetl Iioups, aultabla for two famillea. .ni urni m. PARTI.T furntshed R-room house, $26 par month, it l-ovejoy mi. iAA.N ami wlfa to shsra wirlowar'a bo ma. East HUle. A8 11H, Oregonlan. FrRNISHED hfwie fur Summer, strictly hlah-rlaaa netahborhton. t,ast lai-. NTrElTY-iurnli-he.i flat for rant for thraa mr.ntha; no chUdr-n. ""IS Hoyt St. TlleL .September 15, beautiful 7-room Pied mont. 9 - r reno"ns. wo'Kinwn " ' y Hovkii Iir Keat I urntliira for frala. AN AGREtflABI-E hCRPRISE: Awaits you at Vkl Huh; very homellka. eletrantly furnished, h delttttful aunny rooms: alwa-ys filled with reft nod p-'pia ho lova quietneea, cleanliness ; low pnta ttiid our on larma. Mmrshsll 4H-ti. KOK SA I.K Na oak furniture of seen rooms: well and romplte.y furnlnlied, ei. Iilv en srrana ) ff rrwrn-rs; rooms tented: oelv (.notion; flat fr rent. I.enMni, citv. Marshall 4.".7. .,!'. Kverctt. Kl' UN ITI' It E for eighi-room houe. nearly new, cash or time. Hoijm for rent If da sired, hpiendld location for room era Kay waialnic dlstanca, H block from carllna. Mnrshall H. k 'l It N ISI! K 7 room flat and sleeolns; porch, t hid, close in. nice neighborhood, i-hm i-rmn. rhone East Ho;. $i:t Hi VH a stt-rirom rorm In g-house, t wa of rooms reiueu, utrnuure amine, new. Homo t: 2o7. Russell st. c.ir. t'nton. KI KXITl RK of lu-room house; will sell all or part, wltnln walking distance; terms res-nahle. A; ll", Oregonlan. EIGHT rooma. 4 rooma rover vrpenses. bal ance gain, gooa t h I wek for f-'roej. a 2 "i Tt h i-ROOM HOL'fiE for rent, furniture for sale. ?0J Grant. A 11 or pari of 7 rooms, furnished. 4150 cash, balance terms. Marshal) 41-Ii. 7-H(OM moriern fat for rent, furniture for mm'.n; rent 17 AO. t ail HA1. 4th st Ft KXITI'KK of H rootnp, cheap; ilandy lo rstton; rnt 2?. term". Phone Mslntfajj. rinmmer Reworta. THE ' Huckley 0ltiK" a- iSeavlew, close to st ration. 1 blork from ovean ; ft rooms In good condition. 3 mora not fitted up; good water, plenty of shae elect re lights, partly furnlehed. lot .V'thNj, facing the new improved boula ard . a fine loc-atioa f or rooming and board Ing-house it; prtca liotio. M E. THOMPSON. Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. THE modern eight-room cottaga, Tour winds," at neasida, t for rent for tha season ; on board walk, faring ocean; a.erthlng furnished ert pt linen and sti ver. For further paru:u.aro address Mrs. L. Jette. Hesside, or. Fl RMSHEU I-room cottage at Newton a station. I.nn H. h. 45 fr season, June - 1 to Hept. I .'. In'iulra at - Htrk st. or of R. Knoll. Newton s sTa.. Leong Peach. "RK.D KOt'X" cottage. Cannon Beach. fr season ; six rooms, completely furnished. Addraaa W. U. lorray, 4 Chapman il, city. t FOR RKNT for Juy. Hurhanan cottage, on board walk at Keasld. modern. Phona Mnrehall rll. Ask fr Mr. Hrower. btiASlljK One ft-room and one ft-room houne ; modern, overlooking ocsan, Mar ehall 1P4. fua RENT At 8eaa.de, fire-room cottaga on tha ridga. unobstructed view. Bear board w alk. M ars hall 4Ttii. A THKtK-R'M.y cotra(s for rent at bes stde inquire at East Ankeny su fhone K-"t 10. CEARHARP s-rooin house, furniahed. far season. W oodlawn fcSt. NEW ft-room cottage, well furnished and onvenienl on 74rth Bea-h. Phone. ?U27. l.o'l KF.Ai'H. Newton. In-vn roitit. and attic, furnished, i'hona Jssi 104X , !3 HlF, VOKVTXO OKFOONTAy. MOXDAY. JUNE 3. 191?. - 1 - t j " nXMUl I MHSONAL, rOR BETT. saner Reworta. BEAPrDErBurnham cottage, completely fur nished every con venleme. modern; can D eeen Saturday and bundij. P'.'i3 bteree. TWO KINK STORES. -In new hotel building on Grand at th corner of Belmont, on block from busiest Kaat Hide corner; one corner stor one next to It; thee must be Been to b appreciated. w h WEBB. 401 Yeon Bldg. Main 4PI1. STORE ROOM, neat to th corner In Sar gent H.itl building, cor. of Orand and Hawthorn avenue; transfer point of ignt streetcar line, lnqulra of E. P. Mail .or K. a. Daldwln. lull Chambar of torn mere. Phone Marshall 411i.A 2141. TINB'store m Carlton Hotel, cor. of 14th and Burnslde. also two atorea on Burnslde St.: on Is fitted out as garage, suitable for demonstrator or show truck. The price wh'uEBB. 401 Yeon bldg. Main 412. r I' i.r-c v i v c iv In the Multnomah Hotel. d at., next to Canadian Haclfc Rv . sultaole railroad of xpreaa offlc. clothlnf. gent' furnlshlag. or any good business. ::7s. full bssement. W. H. V EIIB. "1 Yeon Bldg. Meln 41. TCP. RENT POIl i'viabs "tor on park at. between Morrleon and Ald-r. lit feet high. 34 feel frontage. 4-X10 square feet of floor space; alao baaement. Apply Calumet Hotel. Main T30Q. tike"a LOOK AT 77J and T7f Mllwaukle at., cor. of Bla mark; two nice new atorea :5lo each; rent way down low. " W. H. WEBH, 41 leon Btd. Main 4)13. LaR.IE." high "basement In'bHcit building; good business location, long trm of leaae. Apply t'M w as niogion ei. ft OR HEM tetores. N 2e and 2v Haw- tneme av., east; iq di i"-. e .. . a . r rr . en-ia 2t TAYLOR FT., between M and 3d. good depth, balconr. newly papered and paint ed, rent only H. Woodward, 1"4 2d el. TWO light, clean, modera atora. app. trance Com. Club.t bldg. PINE l.ycation. small room, cheap rent, 41 North th st. Foil KENT Store. Washington st 140 a month Mershali 84I. PINE list store to aelect from. The II. O. Terry Co.. 4 Teon bldg Main h3i- PRIVATK office, with nee of both phonea; facing Washington at.; iau mv " - cox bldg. WANTED "Physician to ahar office w It h dcntlet In eatabiirneu incsuun, i"-""""'- rent. Phone ejast ywnr LIriii ROOM In large furnlahed outside of fice, only 115; both phonea. 2u7 Oregonlan sjiig MOT centrally located offlc-a; a;l-nlat elevator aervlc av3 Swetland bldg.. . and Washington DKHKwrrTfor rent. I17 Railway Exchange. Warehemeea. warehouse; to leare. Comer 13th and Lovejoy. oOaloO: flve story and baaament; practically new brtok building; leas has seven year to run. O. L. Jubltm. Asslgtie. Loewnbrg Going Co. Bl'flN'KWrl tiPPORTPyiTTKB. A OROWINO. progreeelv compny now owning everf factories, desiring to In rreas Ita manufacturing planta and to obtain additional working capital, will en gage two or tnree men oi i ni -r ability to place additional leeua of capital ..' J,- . , . t atralehtfor- warn propoemon mil win -v' " . telllgrnt inveator. Indorsed by banks and commercial oraaniaeiiuiia. . ; pany win nave je,o.an.i - , positions In IU different department lor ca pepie men. nil u e". ' WK INVITE TOf TO INVESTIGATE 1-Iie t Talnf lu.n for m1 on th rltnt Trrniai in nnun w i rr -an-w nnf. bt on that ran ahoir rvsulta: will ) anld tn th nrxt 30 daya ai our prif riKit; stork anrl ftxtura will Inrolre about sa,tni; win accrpt chii. m t-'- rorn propesrty for $)0. and balanc O J 1 1T. ART PTORK handlln,j picture, itatuarjr, frmti-.i for vale nnlm to death of for mer owner. Katablinhed 12 year: 4-year ieana; stork will Involca about $40. out a ill m-ll fur much le; ratiafu:tory terma. Must bo aold to aetllo ?tato. A Tara op portunity for any one drtrln a bufineia of this character. Ke admlr;lU'atrtx on prrmiifi, 4J3 ytartt. near ia.to. INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. Wa always haa ood urocary at ores for Ala whlrh wa can r'corameni It la to your benefit to glvo us a call. CHAP1N 4 HERLOW, S31t-C4H ChtmtMr of t 'on. mere a. Ask for A. Kllr. i-rliMK Mlrlnm offered. Must a II oBt loomed. B'MMl-paylna; rrstmurant; flxturea aoo4l new; iin kitchen; everything to make up first -rlait plare; rout $:iK four months n; pnMt jtslou alv,,n onre; lonf UfttiK. verv cheap rent; rail and mrnka of fer; terms to iu!i; bet of reasons fur oell- tna 4" Wajhlrgton st. UAKKRY 110; rent US; leasa 5 ara; dotnc a auod business; no opposition; brtck oven. Located -on Kaat 8Me. Coma and Invoatlcata this at once, before it Is tor t. Uoodkind Co., Inc. loaa Wllcoa nldif. A NICE HOTEL Forced to sell, irhanalna bualnea at I.'imhI. half In cash; 30 rooms, good loca tion, lona lease, rent $1.V Includlna; ie. taurant and storeroom. Shaw A .Uocka. Main hxr.H). hRsTAl'ki.NT 1 ' Soo . rent ood leas. X( r 1 1 fill nirner. g i nig reav.nj er rocetpta $; elagantly fitted up. This Is a ms thins: it'od. H nd Xou will buy It. Bantam. Goodklnd Co.. Inc.. loo wllro -bine. . VOR HAULv Forest firove, ilva real estata bualneaa. laraest list of property; $4Htx0 worth of property sold last month : also roii. I riouse. a rooms; jis on rorner. each .M't.1inv Apply to ownar. U. U fvobla. Forest i.rove. (r. WANTED. Partner to taka half interest In a light manufacturing p ant; a man who can taka char of an oirica ana mans man; mi ary $125 per month. Kinney 4 a tarn pher. eVai-af Lumber Echnge hldg VCKD and malyard, owner baa mora bust ness than he rau handle alona. wants In terestd partner to check wood and at trnd office ; doesn't rej ulre murK of In veptmeni. 32. I, umber Ki'-hanga. L'liiAHi confectionery and (re cresm parlors. oarer has run tins busmepe for I yenrs and wants to retire; If iou are look ma for a good husinese. let us show you this store; no bonus. -. i.omw r.xrnsnne. IOVIVG-PIfTl.RK THEATER. Wanted, honeat partner with li'tOO to taka half interest In morlng-plrtura thaa ter ; treat proposition In Portland. baa Newman. 5.'oS ash., near l.tn. riRn,TAN',li:f ara that 1 am compelled to tske a partner or leave my bustneea for sma time with niraa neip; nusiness clesrtnit $7."- to i por wek; will taka part cash. Phone Ml'f 4.3. ri.KAMNd and presaina; bualneaa wanta narinor to drive dellvary was-on: will pay you salary of 121. wee a and profits; guar anteed. 3-3 Lumber Mcnini". A MOVING PICTl'RE show. IIao. or in terest fl5"0; ona who ran ope rata pra- f erren ; terms, a r mi, 4. 7iiitiu u. CONKE'TIONERV. tea craam parlor, light grocery, new fountain. Palm, llth and Wsshlnrton. . & t fuT il'KAN'T for TS0; one for S2H0 t.-r-.a. also ma r rirhtncs. AF 137. Ore gonlan t Til's beet-'ocated store In the city for sale for '4..h or will reluca to suit buyer; end of Mont a vi l ia carun-. j - r.. Burn iu VCNFK"TloN F.R V. cigars, lea cream per lor' best o-ation in my, iw rem, veatlgate this. Belmont. BARHbR shop. 2 cha!r.v and better pT week. !. .4. ft-n, trim r Jd'i, I rfKf)nf MINING ANU INOl PTRIAL PTOe'Kd. Telephone and other bonds bought ana sold. Fletcner inv. -.j Aoiriion. t-i.-tihR show. 1200 month gun rant eo rheap for right party; terma. O 127, Ora- ii(i litii restaurant, completely eoulDbed 9 ntrefiy furnlsrv-d rooms, rent $'J. wtlb lease; I..'1'. A. ivi, urriuiuan. voh ft a I.E First -e'ass dressmaking boat nesa. gd established trade, cheap rent snd chetce io-anon. j iii. vregonian ik st butcher eh on In Tort land (for In- a llon; prlra $Vh: long lease; prlc $HjA Lumber r.mcnanae. uTEIi Klrsl-rlass borkk?eper aa sec ro ta rv In corporation; muat have aomg tnoner. Tabor R rTAI RANT and OrilU Washington at., for aalo cheap If aold at ooca. AR H2, uragonian. ftoO BLUINfct-H CARDS, tl; bring hi i4 r . i Prinlarv 1 a O. 3d 4-.f To ar I- I V V.'C tiAlR barber shop, with four hatha. V.isi Madtson. n. i. fvorTrigri. prop. RK.TAL'HANT In god location. $Mt; half rash. ba:wnc terma. p. i". ur'tnii'in CAN buy to.Iar a ." buslnerta Interest for :o. sickness. nooii-n a;-. F'R KALE or lease, barber ahop; going Into o'her business K in. urf-gnninn. MOV1 N G-PH'Tl R FT show for sale. V. 1 Cat) Mam 19 bunday 19 A. M. to 11 P. M. - II. 11. flOOPKIND CO.. INC .OtWlOQU W'IIcok Bldg. ror. ft h and Washington. Phuhs; Marshall 4U. A lust. " MoviN4i-pii-TrRt; show. $:tuo. rent $12u, lase I ywmrs. located on West Side, sea tin a capacity j 9J. pood kind Co. BOuTHI.ACK stand. 3v. rent good corner. chairs, clears good money, a bar a In Goodkmd Co., Inc. . WKI.I.-EHTABIJsH ED buslnena tr aae. located tn thriving city In Houtharn (rea;on . m ill consider trails for Portland restdenco and amn!l amount of cash: tins Is a lltt one. whlrh can bw shown a busi ness man. Full partlmlsrs. Qodklnd Co. GROCERY. 37i0. rent 1 2.1, including barn: leas can b had; doing a bustneea of lu.V-o monthly; horse and wagon; good corner; thte place Is only rv the market ror a snrt time. ee tiot.fiKino '.o. CIGAR rTANL), ITOt, oJicap renU leasa years, dally retelpia fsft. located cloaa io v asningioii, t oon h ma , i m I MWe'l TlllVk'H V Bflrt It'W flfim. S & j CL rent $.'!. located next door to theater, 3 11 v in g-rooms, t ool kind Co.. Inc. R EST Al "RANT, $"."0. rent $20, lease J years, no opposition, receipts 910 dally, ak aaaavee, W , t. lrA t n tni PEI,It'ATErsKV and llabt arocerr. t2O0. or Invoice; gonl corner. West Sl.le. 2 llrg-rooms. snap. Goodklnd Inc. PHT)Ti RA PI fHTT nit TT r"t 10' located In a good lively country town close to Portland, doing a good business, but party wants to leave at once, causa of ascrifire. 8e mv aacnt. Good kind Co. CONFECTIONERY and Ice cream. t'tO, rent ?2.0. can get lease, 2 llvlng-rooma furnished, located on East Side, dnlng a nice business, full value In sight, get a mova If vou want !t. Goodklnd Co, Inc. PAI,OON. $11.00. rent lease 6 yeara. Independent license, lor a ted in Vancouver, Wash., dally reoelpta $4 to 170. nicely fitted up; see h. Croodklnd Co.. Inc. R EST A 1 " R A NT. 7n. rent -i:7. leasa 1 vears. seating rapacltv to. located on fcsst Hrle. snap. O.iodklnd Co.. Inc. mTT. LIXERY R I " S ! N E S . s 0 n rt . rent located right In heart of the city, doing a business of 4G.0uO annually, es tablished for vears. or will take real eitara for all or part. Hee Qoodklnd Co. DO YOT W ANT TO HEI.L YO( R Rl'Sl-NF-ST ir HO. HF.K GtOIKINU CO., 1iti-lon. U.COX IG.UG.. COR (TH AND WAH Fl UST-CI.A4SM halrdreaslng parlor; part y must leave city ; gooi business. r-i-)er bldg.; everything up to date; big snap FOR PAI.E Market and grocery, close in. doing rash business or i to 11.. aany; $1400. or will invoice for cash only. J 111, Oreg-nian. . A MONEY-MAKER. Owner will rent during rose show. 20 pais. slfrhtseelng car. Answer quick 1$ you want this. AO 10a. oregonlan. PARTNER to get a patent on a Mfe belt and untlnkabia boat; ftiotu noenen. - an ai P. !. Monday. j Washington at. O. K. Chappell. INTEREST In subdivision proposition, strict ly f IrM-rlaaa; chance to maKfl ho per cen profit on your money. Short time, f&ooa. AC 14t. Oregonlan. HALF Interest In old. reliable real estate; offlca duties to attend office, pnones, etc, bank references; can clear u weak; prtre 3oo. 3':t 1. timber Exchana- FOR SALE Restauiant on Alder atreet. In good location, worth a"". 11 laaen j Monday 1200 takes it. Call at 2- Houth Mh sL Mrs. II. Maucr. FOR KATE At Invoice, creamery and Hgbt groceries: business fiuo per monin. via Main nm or A &2i2. Owner. RESTAt HAM. doing day. good loca tion, for 4"v ir soia onra, guua mono) maker. As 117. Oregonlan. ORl'H stake to go prospecting. Call Mon day. 10 O clock A. .U., 2UO 1 nini"n st. O- K. cnappeir BARBER shop, two chairs, best location; must leave cny vy i noa i". " flee, anil terms, av 1 1 FOR HALE A handsome ft-chalr barber mirror rw; ! au'tn v i'-r - three feet by five. il'JW Alder st. Utldf ATKSSEN, located amemgst best apts.. dally recelpIB ; cneap rem; prive rn Lumber Kxchanga. GROCERY atore. will Invoice 1110. from owner; no agents; terma run. nuoanwa 3 iftfr- FOR SA I.K 10 sliares gllt-edga stock. Phona Main -i-ii". CIGAR UTORE that Invoice $d: will aell for I5"U. 11: Lumber txenange FOR ALE-H Interest In old established restaurant; lata. i-u. urfiomin. BVMNKHM OPPORTIMTIEgc WAyTKO. WANT A BLS1NE.-P. T have a 12.fod cash equity In Port land property valued at $17nK that I will trade for a legitimate business that mill stand close Investigation; no saloons, pool hnl Is, groceries, restaurs nta; must be wholesale or retail mercantile business. Address H 11.".. Oregonlan. W ILL btiv established paying real estate and Insurance business tn gooi growing Wil lamette or Rogue River Valley town. F 117. Oregonlan. ROOIIN'G-HOrSE. SACRIF1CK. Roomlna-house, a;i rooms, located rlsht down town. doing god business. plure will pay for Itself during carnlvaJ; la-ee-owner "com polled to sell on arcuunt of sickness in fsmllj ; must sell at once, my loss your gain; you can t afford to pass this up; no reasonable offer refused. Call owner today and look at place. Marshall 374. HACK1KICE. g-room house full of roomers; elegantly furnlshud throughout and clearing nice monthly Income; must be sold this week; bargain given for gulck Bale; price $4: rash ur will l term. Appiy owner, ro Couch. IIAHl . l.K-.T CO. PCI.71-ANU LSAUINO HOTEL. Adg-SJL HOI kUe-ltuulll NO APAkTMa.HT. All sls.s ana prlcea. 4; railing tilde'.. a.nt w u'ee- POR riALE or trade for good farm land, the lurnisnmaa .uu 1' ae vi ivu w.(n, rooma. new carpela, pew furniture, central ly located; equity frlOU; bal. monthly payments, would consider Minnesota or Wisconsin lands. R lit. Oregonlan 6-K4OM rooming-houae for rent, furniture for eale. splendid location, walking die lertre, reasonable rent. I'hone Maiahall 1.14. 21-HOOM niodern duelling, elegantly fur mslied. new atd clesn. beat location, big Income and always full, long leaae. terma, cheap. Itv owner. rt.Mt Flanders. ROOM INW-lIOreK for sale, located at 52 N Sixth, near Davie at.; price tllbej; room S4; rent SIM mo.; payment can be arranged in suit the buyer. Owner. $Ti' DOWN it" lovely aunny room, lawn, rosea, rent $.13. li.com. I.'.S (i rooma re errvedi. Ideal confer location. You'll ad. mlt a real barguln. 4G3 loth FACRIFICB. in. room roomlng-houee. good lease, fiavt VSasMngton st.. rent 4l, prloe tiZQ, flevi ceeh, balance eaey lerni. 12-RCH'M hour, all good furniture, rooma rented, parties leaving city, mull sell. . .ut , ' h HooMINU-IIOt'SE for .ale. T rooma. No. 1 location H Wet Park. .0 Rooms, near Second and Corbett; two, Imiulre -ill Olbha St. Ii'E furniture of six-room flat, anap If taken at once. Main 71M2. frepoeale lnrtfea. NOTICE. aealed Mils will be received by the Roia Assocatlon of credit Men, Limited, aaslcnee for th property of the Tom Jones Pnie Company. 1'ayette. Idaho Thin property consists of a oomplete stock of drugs, and such goods usually sold In firet-ttass drug atorea. The fix ture Include a fine aoda fountain, com plete w!iij carbonator. table, chatra, wall cases, sevon floor cae cash register, pre scription '.. etc. rVnrk .rid flxturea will Inventory about tttoOtl. healed bide will be ooened and con.ldered at 8 P. M. Monday. June 10. 1H12. All bide must b accompanied by tcrtlfled cb,eck for a gum of not lesa than ft iier cent of th amount bid. to ha for feited If the aucccsstul bidder fail, to take pn pert . The right 1 reaerved to rejeot any and II lid. HOISK APS'N rK CREDIT MEN. LTD.. by I' J. A. Dirk, secretary and Treaa "iirer. polee. Kalio. Mlacellaaeona, notice ok am:al MEETINO OP aJTOCKHOLDERfl. Portland. Or.. May 17. 1 II: The an nual meeting of the atorkholiler of th Portland Conorete Pile A Equipment Com pany will be held at the T. M. C. Audl turtum at the corner of bMxth and Taylor etreete. In the City of Portland. Mult nomah County. Oregon, on Monday. June 10. 1MJ. at 4 o'clock P. M-. for the elec tion of director, and for such other busi ness as may prop-rly come before the meeting. Pv order of the board of direc tors A I- MacI.KOD. .t ""tV!T.L NOT be responsible for anv debt, msde by my wire. Tilly Cobb. tSignedl Hurt Cobb BA kV;f;s for rent: capacity 400 tona. Pal tullo. eU Bh.rlOvk bldg. Mala 1410. M I 1 laaoo ue. to am, HOLprns or thirtt-hix tka" SIX PER CENT Uyl.D HMs Or 1 h OREGON WATER POWER AND RAIL WAY COMPANY NOTI; ia berebv given to all holders -of the thirry-year. sta per cent gold bonds ' of the Oregon Water Power A Hallway Company Issued tinder and pursuant to and secure-I by the mnn -. made by said 1 he nrecoti Water Power A Rail way Company to The Land TU.e and True; Company, trustee. dateU July 1st. 12. that all of the bonds Issued under and secured by said mortasse bavw been caKed In fr pe ment an. I rlenptlon puts.tant to tha piw er anI aut horit so to do contained therein; that in da'w fixed for said par ment and rH-rrptlon is Ju'y 2d. 12. and a sum sufficient to pay said bonds at per with fte per centum thereof addi tional and inv accrud ititereet flue there on to said date has be,n d-i-ened with The Leanti Title and Tniat Company; and that said Tha land Title and Trust Com part on said date and thereafter aa pre sented will pay the principal of said roods with fly a per centum t hereof additional ani any accrue! intereet thereon to said date to the holders of said bonds, respect ively On and from the 2d day of July. 115. Interest upon the bonds so cs'led for ra demptlon shall ceaaw and UeiTmtne. THE LAND TITLE 1KI T COMPANY. i rtl-t-e. iiv wr r. NTOHOMOV. prealdent. phtla.leiphla. Pennsylvania. May 7. I"1S. 'tNITEI J-TATES CASHIER OMPANT- r'l l Cl J r - ,w 4 jr. u mm The annual meeting; of tha stockholder .m K 1 ' n It e..f Rfai.a Crisihler Com PS n V W 111 be h-!d at the office of the company. 00 t na e"ona t ioot "i h at Kenton, Portland, Oregon, on Monday, Juno 1. 101a. at 1 P. M.. for k ha pur- p.tse or iimin uii" -" transaction of su.-h other businesa aa may be brouwnt nerore sua m- m.hk. UoBEHT J. rPTt'X. secretary ioaT ajio rocm FOL NO Where yoo can buy genuine hair mattrssee reiau wn .jiv-woi. - - renovate mattrssea and return aame "Jri urled Hair Factory, H. Metiger, 2-G-2-'l rrnnt. r"nne .wain (. ) jlt,T ocotch Cilia d-g . anewrra to the name 01 -io.i. 1 .. - - Reward LCiT Brown nvermat from liigs, between .".th and Taw I or and 21st 'and J'hnson. Prit.nn Ualn aUd. A -1. v LOST Cloth watch fob with Pratt Instttuta seal. fteiurniuimii HAT found on Mt. Hood car TrrJ.- rn h nal. Aoaresa t 1, 00a FIN ANCI Al. V1.1VET IN ANY AMOL'NT. Contracta. mortgagea, euitiaa, chat tela. dlamonda and real s- uri; j. SPECIAL SERVICE RENDERED. LAWSOX-BHOVtN INVfcSTMfc-.NT CCX. lllli Teon Diog. rnone w. e.. V K pay htgheat caah prica for builJars : . . a . I e 1 rtrl and ronirari-n. a.. . . other at'Curitiea. Home lnstall:u nt to-t 4Ml-403 McKvbllg. JSaranau ' ,. .... -.lu Tn ir:ra or sellers equity In contract of sale on real estate in nsiumiiuu v. - E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loans. IMPROVE that vacant lot with a dwelling, atora or flat. We will furnish the money on reasonable terma up to tM-.oov. F Uu, uregonian. MoRTGAGEd 1 first and second contracts and sellers equittea bought. E. I-. V'!" eaua, luoa Fpaldlng bldg.. 3d and Wash ington, wiein - WE buy notes, contracta. mortgag:a (first and second, equti.ee. F. IL i-awla O., 1TIU HIGHEST prlcea paid for contracta, notes A. peafce. flo7 McKay bldg. Marshall 5't. FiRiT nd second mortgng-s. contra, ta and commistdoti accounts bought, rem estate loans. K. n. yiirer. ei'i - Ul.MCV to loan on flrst-rlas I'ortland real estate eerurltr t lowest ratea. Morgan, Klledner at rtorce. f."a Ablngt"n M FOR PALE A f-w .lie re. Al National bank sloca. AF 1ST. Oregonlau. WAXTBD Poulsen Wlrelcs at til to .- Apply 1 1 i.v 1 M ooey I. tema Heal tstate. , MONET TO LOAN. $30 TO I54.0O ON IMPROVED CITT OR FARM PROPERTT. l0e TO LOAN ON GOOD PORTLAND RESIDENCE PROPERTY AT I PER CENT. U0 TO LOAM AT J TER CENT ON PORTLAND INCOJIB PROPERTY. 440O TO IOAN AT 7 PER CENT ON IMPROVED VALLEY FARM. WARD YOUNGER. SI ITK 4?4 YEON Bl.DQ MONET TO LOAJf OV IMPROVED REAL fcSTATK OR FOB BL'ILDINO Pl'RPlMES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO. COM el 1R810.X. COLUMBIA LleE 4k TKLaT CO. .14 kPALUlNU HL.ua. TO I.o AN. flrtoo or IIihhi AT I I'KR CFNT. .'.iee or imeei AT T I'K.K ''KM. xlu.ieel to li.i" AT I'KR ENT. Ub portiaud Improved property. ake application to OOOPCEI.L B KoK.. 4.1 Worceater Bldg. MONET TO LOAN. 11 000 at t per cent; .-txiO at per rent; t 'M at f per cnt; .o ooo to vuo at jesr cent, city property, oae-tnira valuation. Mar 4147. R- N- TITFORD CO A 454V v7 fpsidlng Bldg t4O.0M TO LOAN AT OSC. ON IMPROVfcU PRoPtKIH. WILL DIVIDE. H. TIPTON CO.. 11 PALDlNO BB. ASK FOR MR. E ASToN. s4oKlvJAiJB LOa.NB. Plenty f money t. loeu it I It I per eat o city reeideace aad buaiaeae P-'e-rty aad Multnomah County larnaa, KDW. P. UALi. 109 to eM (.'baronet of ,. om rae-re, ON-Improved city property or for build in purposes. 1 to 1 years' time. Ilneral pavment prlvliegea; monej advanred as building progress's. The E'lunabia fav Irirn Mr Lon Aeeo'lation. '.'4Q Mark St. Wf lb I OAllL LUAM Larg supply of aaonay ta tsaa Portland real estate at ft to T par ceak MALL VON BORtTEU 144 keoood L. Near ataJlL siihIocmi lolilAN' on Unproved city or faim property In different amounta from ftiieio tO , Ml, '-B( low.., - ' - - ' ' - ' ' ' 1;. liorchere, 'JQ7 Oregon.an biflg. liil.ntHI ON improved city or farm property; building or email loen at loweet ratea. large loen a specialty. Mckenal at Co. Sn-Mi-ile Gerunger bldg. MONTHLY PAlMtNT LOANS oa Portland hornea or for bunding purpoeea. 244 H'.a.-a. PROVIDENT bAVl.NUg A LOAN Aii S. REAL EcTATK. IN AMOIMS OP fc0O AND CP. M. E. THOMPSON, 42 HENRY HLW. tsE MR. RIDviE. M0HTOA0E loana on either city or arm nrnewit. mnrli.iti curchaoed. Henry C. prudhomme Co b'el Wilcox bid!. Money 10 loeia -'i, e - -. -',". houses preferred. If I do It. etork. A tv. lu... oregonlan. TO LOAN Jji.'O C'R Libbd. FARK1NO IU,' COMMERCIAL CLCB Bl.DQ. iuckoVED or unimproved property; email bulicing loana. contracts and mortgage n.Mieni. . . - ....... - - --'--. I.,! i"Mi TO loan, large loan a specialty, building loans, loweet fatea. W. O. Beta. .1 1 ft -.i l n e a inn eiua- kullTGAUC loana on city property, lowest ralw. ev. n. iJ'i ' e-v ad and Mark. $oat ANU upwaida tn Improved real eetat: note aud mortgaaea bought. W. A. Hathawvy, room lu. Wnsnington bldg I'R I v'a TE mor.ey loaned on real eetate tnort ...... . Miiey. room li'4 Oerllnger bldg. STATE funde. per cent. W. K. Thomas. agent Muitnomab c ounty, sou . a. or v-oni. jlTjN"EY. any amount, fl to a per cent. W. H. Helta A Co.. 1U Spalding bldg. MOIITOAC.ELOANS, AND T PER CENT. MOKTllAviE LOANS AT RKASONABI-k T. . i-V- u I v U'H a I.kMIh l,l.Lu . - . I n -, n . : rh.n.l nr cul. at oral aecurlty. C. V. Palietl, reaton. " urtoTn.oe tliVfl J. O. UOHHA. r AI1.1NU BLUO. FARM and eiljr mortgage loane without de lay. 11. sa. fii'nu'1, ' J "f v Loan oa real eetate. diamonds aad lea- .iry. Wm. Moll, room . Waeaiagtoa " TO LOAN llioo ar less on improves Port' lend re! estate. M. 3J. ftaouo OR PART for immediate loaa a re. estate. t-noiie niwr in MUNET To LOAN ON REAL ESTATaV A. n- tiaiiui.'l. ei. v- u. " " 4uO LP on house. Owner only Tin lieaee only. Atu . l Alieky klc. VlMf) to lo Real Ksiaia. MRTCAOK loans, small. 7 In a pr cent. ai.srtgMgr lo.ins. i.ug. a j io w l'" v-civ. $lo.-u to i:.t,iM. t I.W.VW IfiRTKU tv.4 Otmmhrr Coft,mere. Mowey le lan C hattels and, haUrlea QL'ICs- LOANS ANY AMOUNT. t" A LA K T LIM.m. CH All LL LOANS We will IX) A N YOU $10 to SIimmj TODATI L.ans maue u LHAMO.ND.X AIJOM, FTOKAGE MECEiPTd. PIANoK. I" MTVItK. LI Ek'I vh.K or 111.AL ti.Alk. LoWEtX iiAla.J. ML'lcK b-.UVlCA-. EQCARB DEAL GUARANTEED. Loans made anywhere in VVLTNOMAH CO i STY reached by lMEHLKUAN CARS. .. FKE VH FIRST OH I. AFT, pt'T HEK t Wii DO MURK THAN W B ADVLHTll! YOf CAS Okil" IT TOUAl Rsbaie g!en II pa:d beioia dua. roRTLANLi LOAN CO.. -Oe-207 Ma, i-ay i ldg HMh Phonea. Ht 4tr and nth sta . on W ashington. Open M o n day ana sa 1 u r d ay, t i li m P. M. t "" MONEY FOR VA A T 1 N fc. Ou YOU NKI.O ANY $10. ? ft". eo. 70, $n0. LUt.Ai K.-T AM o:-l I'LA-E TO HOHR' ' W M iN EY KKlt,ilHi,H IF YtH WORK WE WILL LOAN YOC MONEY BUf IN ESS SI R1CTLY 'NV II'ENTIAL bTATE l-ECt RITY ' -.. 3na FAILING PLUG t t II It) 41v XJiaaretl oa furnitut. piano, watclies diamonds. Jewelrr. wagaua. automobllea wereaou reieipi. eaiari aad p.aia aoica OIR MOTTO: Qalrk reaeoratila and confidential. ELD Y COMPANY Otaia lt). .Q Lumt'er t.x lianga, Ui and f.ark. S I I JiONTT to lean en furniture, plann. autoa, liveetnclt. storage receipts, reel relate and cintraeta. at lowest rstes and etrtcllr conflvlrtitlal. V. a. HKAU FSTiTR A BPOKKHAOE CO.. Ill Hamiltcn UMg. Main i"t- . MONEY FUK hAl.AKia,U PEOPLE. Women keeping house and othera fur. nlsnel without securuy, clieapoel rate, easiest patnentA Coins end get money when you went It sti'l psy es yoo cen. Offices In all principal cities. 1). H. Tol man. 17 Lututer Htchange. iAUKK LOAN. v-.tA title LOA-N Yea eaa get to I0 today at cheap est late, beet and most private terms ill Oregon. D. 11. L'iBke. Hnl melding t Il DE91RAbLE place for ladiee and gentle, men to borrow money oa diamond and l.w.lry at Eaatera ratea. Diamond Pal are. 4 Washington, opp. Owl Drug tore. PRIVATE money. Iloii and le.e, on abort tunc, anv god aecurit). Cail oiu Roth- t hi id Mlg. wt .OA.S money en diamonds aad ewe:r at baf the rate cnaiged W Ilea.- at., i A H orn. ItlSM. BONEY ao.d oa iBataiimwnl. tooOUeati-. eaiarted people, F A. Newton. Henry ..eg. A LOAN for thn aaklng. aatary or cbattaiA The uu Co. 414 D.kuin bldg MONEY loaned on dlamonda and Jewolry; atrlctly coulldential. 141V. ad. near Alder. LOWEST lalea on furniture, etc. I'hone ;eo. tlarvev, .'.oi r..lSl I 'lUIPi. lene W enie 7i'0 1 4 ' riRT MORTUAGE LOAN" WANTED. Wit. I. PAY 7 AN1 k PER CENT ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PRUPERTT. ASK FtR MH EASToN AT 1 1 HI'AI.PINU Hl.L'lJ; WANT LOAN OK 7' ".. HOI-RE AND LOT ON HARD SIR FACE r-TRLKT AND " Alt LINK. Wil l. PAY TEH EST AND EMT.NSl'S NO A'iEMS. W K'o. tiHRtlONIAN. WANTED -LOANS $ii.cvo on il-atorj brick at tit per rent, rtrlenrlid Income bearing. 4l.o.iO on il acreage at 7 1 P"r.r'ni' . nrlnctoal. only cop.Mered e. ii , nn I'lumhtr bf t'ommeri-e. "Y.-V.o roiv U'iVTi'Il . . n l . If tl W tUll'Ut. tl I n i i- r 1 1 i WILL PAY 8 T Kit I'liXT TO PniVATB AL ll. tiREHONIAN. 4imi LOAN ""WANTED ON IMPROVED pi iRTI- A N D I' R"P TY WILL PAY k PER CENT. N" AULNTS. vv it-. "!'' ' " "'. WANT loan of ..ono for 3 yen re at 7 per ,..i nn hlehlv Imuroved Willamette -t al ley farm; aecurlty three for one. P 101 tregunian. WANTED! loans, o each, 'or I year, t . eewt hrnkeraee. tver cent mieie-., i, - - ' gilt edge securllv. Call PI Orand ave. neie E. ! i LTTaN wanted. I!li''". for I -srs at I per cent, on Itllprovca n-ii'irni,. im"i'w n , tt i nr..,mlin. WANT to borrovc lti.n"ti on hlnhly Itn- . . . . . i,...,t.ea a.l a.,'iir. proved rertn rioee m - - -' ii, o i''4. Ocgonlan. i,,.v of 4Mio wanted on Portland reel e1 "' . V 111! llr...l rl.net; valuation man. WANT to hotrow .'0 iHtfl on my Improved ".' j en,- conservative r'ori.ano uii.im". I-,.-,- ... . valuation Jvl'SO'i. M l". oregonlan for dealrable loena mortaages for sal, . , , - .... a ... b it. Herrv v t-rMuo"'"ie - - W 4 T to sell second ttlWK.I". 4, pel ee'nu liberal disrurnt. Ah 12. oregonlan. s-.ai,ii or tail to loan on Improved property; prlnclpa'e only. Al. 1"7. Or. gonlan. PKRMONAL. RADICAL cure by tlie l.teet natural heal- Ihg ITI 1 II"' . ""-'" " -'- trlcal currents. lignts. neav. .loia,,,..., ndlstlon. baths, massage, a .1 Just men t and mnlpu,atloii; moat expensive, finest ........ nifie m Oregon. no eu" 1 t ,.er rjHm treated SeVlen'ta'an.1 not a death while under our fre we nl be glad to con.ult with you fre-'of charge. Dr. W. K. M.llory. Ule Kt nrriio oioa WLL.lhH TKAlNttl N V Ht E He.aina.'a- araduate: rbeuroat ism. nervous aad stom lem al-ioenta. und.r " tloas' oaha. tnaassga. No. T Last lliM aVcood door south from Ke.st e-naaay earn aa. r nor.w cwv ... , . 1 m.kfO flnatat Leoing -;-,-.-,. gteca oJ numao inn . - - 44e vi heir dreeaiug. manicuring, face and . e- r.,n. m i,. ruatle uo to -iiJi 1.7 :tn. near Morrison. Main 44a, otRMAV trained nurse and maeneuse. long . . . -I . i, . . ir.atinenl. tor "-umatl.in. lumlago. etc. maassgee and I.. i, a aj Holianay a.e corner Occi dent. -I " car. I'hone bast ', C W lipen Punilai ift Ct KsoKLLLY treat nervou and cbronle m gfce- fcasl'S WMaVUI s.w . . .sTila free. Marahail e 1 43 lu7 Ablngtoo Ml, . between ftaik and VS aatv a-.s. Dr. vslnerine v.. . . iTi. i - I.LI7H lor rent, month; keep ..- .i..ihea rl.in.il. pressed. buttons ou. rips repalied. Prompt cells and rr..,v.rlea. Liuaue Tailoring Co.. :lo Stara. i.- L l . N ittay wiin ' '- e v a . cute all kinds of ailments and diseases. aee her. H Eaat Vamhlll at. 1 abor 411)4. ura ateveiia, 1 ra. portlatid a leading palm tat haa her iate book, Talniiaiiy Made I I.. oe. aa;e. Sol Sn WIlllalliB av. cor. lTe..Vi Office hour 1 A. M. to P. M - .t- vjit u i '1 1M M I NliS u.,,-K,. t:,c ; curls and pulls, .'h-. n. Maty B.auly Parlor. 4aJ Dekum .Ms. Xljt. ivil-v.-., ..... - rm.tn i. eriamool.ig and lace treatment; ladiee enij -TT . . ti. ..r.at nerve tonic and eye tr..i .rter. 41 per box; bom.. i Tailor Diug Co, s Morrison st. ,,p ireatmeav, '"'-' -- li Jiel ilr.s.in, top f.oor. 4;i Vaaollig loa at. Phone A 0MI. m Tt t TREATMENT, nielli, uilng Mlaa ,v ....e.i a.'ioiai Morruton, room 411. u a M. to t. UHS. hoPIHA 1. ri-.i. ...e. .... .u epirit- ..iriirr. in2 Alieky blilg. Uue.tlnliB "'..., w.d. and rrt.. P. M. Main s4. nieeiiMa TnTxt o" VlUS. Compound Kuyal Tome AAi-"..r n.' L.avta et. Main KIJ. TT . , u tiuKa. is oth ' Waaumg ,..... oualltr nalr. any ahaoe. M-e- -' - -. v. i vTtu ladiaa to lva.ru, kaullary par ,.l,.kam biu'. u.ii. auperfuous hair removed. Mrs. M. "V.tV:, , Klle.lner bi.lg. Main kf.A Ura. Poller. P "J Isvial trvalmenia, a lit .Norther.! bi.'g.. om. Wash. Lsui.-s on,). n.iu rTiiHI.. l- " e., near vy aatlliig ton. Toupees I- order. iy VAt'l AL I'lelii'Sht corrected, ecalp experL . . . . k . Til b,,,n VI ,. ,. . .1 ra. v om .' - -" ."- MAMCL'aiMI a .peeialty by a New York ,lt,rL 4 Mervhelils Tru.l Mug. BOSTON graduate, mamsge and medical gvmnaotice. v. mini. MASftAC.E. II. open evenings. 411 North west bnig . Mh anu w a.ii ington. vttss sTOv'KS treat, rheumetiam; also .tilrlt'.ial a-lvice. i. Monition. A Jvii'io UAMi'tn1'1! pertot, far inl and ai alp treat menu ehanipoomg e'i coiinweei mug wins rKI'TKA s leeeona that guide through life, doa , Ian to aee net. lao llth st. 11 1 it, 11 lib 11 fctrt.1t VI! 12, "l-inch sv. Itclu-s Sa 'Jil-lnch ewllches hair Ore. .Ins ., Kace massnge .,.. -. Hiiaini" Manicuring ISc; five for J "' J a.-alj, liraltnent. v,e' Hupei-riuous heir retnoveil hy elcctnc nef il!i iti:ai antee-l n"l to return. 1 en. I etl I'l'KKK tinly i" I " t ut hslr In sin sliaile: e Iti lies tit lenath. Tile, a liulr. Minltary , . 'trior . 4Vi Ii.Kutn ll''.;.. :i'l etui Va.t'lli.t"H. M Ki-. e. C. M.'ltUlMN- Meani liallia ml in J.aeut lug fur 1 hculllMtlsnt, lumbago, e J I M.i-I.in. A 44711. iiien Hunrtnva. ELlfiIlToAl, fecial .calp treatments, hair, dressing 4k manicuring, MS Kwelland blilg. 1IMH IHKKITtlKV, Amateur Kmlak I Inl.liiiig. (JIIlK nervier, cut rates, nend for price mil and Ws.lt list. I lie hoiiesei) Aeuer and Analjet. Ploel.ntel, milling ensm.'ere, i li.ni- Veils a litn and a..aera. iln4'. Wi nlulikton. MONTANA A"AV OKKICE I.ehoratot t d nlc t.ellng work I "rl y. nl I le'tl Analtlcal 1 herniate. WoiiLIAltD, CI.AItKI': A I'll , euall ll al cheinlcaia, diugs chemists, exantiiiere t'S fo,,d. etc. Attorne.. K I'OoPEK. attorut'V -at -lae . tieneral rra.'ttce, eli.ttacia examliuol Iteiuiiveo to 4 -'4 to UJS Yeon 1,1.1a M "7:1. A JQ7I MOSK.-SoltN Mr MiESSiiliN. Ise-yern. Ah. ntrncm examineii. siienk lieiiuaii. i rin n, Itunftan. 7.4 il."i-7lU Chant, of Cointnerce. Ilraae anrl Machine llnrkl. llARPKIt'H HIIAS.S WORKS llrnn.ee. t m a and machine work, in N. itn. Main li"A 4 hlrnpracilr Plty.lclan, liR Th KNEH nhiinliia l.i.lg. 11. xt Mif res. II 2li Ttt. Theater. A ft.' Main v:l 4 blropodlsts. lilt OLIVER O FLETCHER end lady e; pert ansleinnt, Iti'-'i AH. ay bldg ed and Nl irrlsoti, Mitln ::'. treat, all Ills of the font, wtihniu d.ynxer of mrection; coma, bunions. Ini.rri.lin and strophled liai.a, flat foot and liunlntin a spv lalt). WILLIAM. I'.ntelle anil Flossie Deveny. the onlv Silenilhc cMropoill.ts In the fin. Parlor. :;oS lierllnger bldg.. S W cor. V.l nnil Al'ler Pin-lie Mailt l.lol. ClIlltol'OllY ami in illciirlng. Mrs. M. 1'. llll.orfli.es 4.U Klledner bldg elnln ittio. UK. I S it. anil Mrs. I'lelcher Painless i hlropo'llnte. nvr ll.relw I. Main .ti i,. foair CllAI. Al.lilNA Kl K.I. CO. Hl.OCK W OOP Hit AM II K. 1UU HI WtKil' Coal and Wood. NATIONAL KL'EL ."O Coal end wood. Mnrehall mm, A 3A4.V 87 Water t IMm-Ing, MR. AND M IIS. HEATHS PCIIOOL; le.nnri I'.i centn: fancy siege and nuclei unm ma taught dnllv ; waits and two-elep guaieii-tet-,1 in 4 lennonn, cla.n Mnnday cvuiiingn, l"li '.'d nt.. bet. Wa.li. ami Slaik. Detective Agenclea. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency. con- eervatlve. reliable, connileniiai ; raira re per day t'ltlc .MO Dekum bldg. M. !24. p.dilcallotial. rITAMMER? .Meilio.l for cure explained free. M. I,, llaltlell. HUH tlrove, Qablknu, v-ei. Knglnee t.as and Kteam HiillER Mschlnery Co. Coast agents Sen. bury steam engines ana hollers, gnponu. ehH.nes 'Jl-.o K. Morrison. I'hons E ole. lAntlecaH tiarilener. EXPERT Un.l.i apo gardellets. t Llmlmeil A t o. 471 inylor nt. I'tione .nam ooio. Entlniaten glotialwiiHig'iiaetii eed G II S1EHEI.S. Sellwo.nl Hill. r.. nin ev. New lae lis. care or laens. nr. g i". I.eal her and Hndlngs. HI AS. 1- MAS I UK CO . 74 Front. Leather if every deecllptlon. t n ns. Ill ire lino in A-i St'rTTw II RT I i I E I KAT 1 1 E II CO. Es" al, ll.livn lM.'.e I Mi Front St. lu. leal. Em 11 l lilelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sc elk. IHHl MHT'llllini A .lit", .linieiia-i "-' 1'IANO eluillo; Ploilern methods, .'till lltll. S'.nf ;h:a. ATI sngeuieinsii'r "' "' Oeleopallilc Plislilaiia. Dr. R. 11 N'irlhr.up. 4i.vie,-17 weKiim uiua. Nervous ami t iirouic oiecaee.. Phone. Office. M. 34l.reeV.as orH H1-. lilt. LEItoY SMITH, graduate roreevii.e. Mo, Ihioi. po. I -gran. i i - - e...... . Faint. Oils and tiles. COAST-M AUK pnlnl ab'l rnlntt I. b't adapted to the I onnt ciuoaiv. Ht-I TEH PAINT CO., 1111 ttecnnd St. RASMI'SSKN CO , loblicrs. palnin, olin. lUll, nenll and O'l'TI V or. .o enn - -"". Patent Altorneje. L. S. AND FoltElUN PATENTS procured by O. J. SlUllin. 4 4. ill Chamber of Commerce bldg Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney. at-law. laie or i . e.. i-ni v....... ... let free. 7111 the Hoard of llaile hldg PATENTS nblalned. iraneniarKS, ii'l')iin' registered. kl! COUniliea. ,,o"e,- -- Pl.T Kit H A H Kit I.I N. Jll W oi cesterb.dll. II. I. WltlilllT. domestic, and foreign pat ents. InfrlnKcllieiii iee. i.. patent F.iiglneera. 1 N VI". Nil ON S DKVEl.t IPLD And patenie se. iirnl t nop Sclmiltt, ron- sillllng enulllteia. .'ml llelliv bldg. Phona Main 12Ci l 'tin.ull Bl ion free. Paw nhrokera. M'l.E Mers' Collateral Hank. 4U yeaig In Portland. 71 IU 11 .t. Phone Main Mlo. Paling. Till." Hurler A. limit Paving Company, ilti". .i4 Electric l.nln. tinier llulcr, PnrCsn.l. Plivr . PORTLAND woi id PIPE I tl l actoi y ami office near SDh and York sis. Msln -il''. Safe. 1HK MfiSI.ER HA1E CO.. HIS 2d si. bafig Ht tectorv price., second-hand safe.. screen Work. WI. hiiv clot lilne ruriilluie aud tool. HIkIi- cat pr t price pnid f"r second -band clothing, culture, tool. Marshall ':t''4. furnlt tire y .,av the hliili"et prl' en for ..' on d ha nd . i. .thing : aid shoe. Mtln 7'lne """ 'n, M.i. vi caeca. Hank ami I show llxlnrea. vii w i i l l, K M;"ii. CO., branch Grand Rap ids Miow.aie Co., Dlh and Ilot, . Lulka, in a n n y - R II HIHDSAI L, 2iis Hamilton bldg. Show. case, In slock, prompt delivery. -air. ocent. i. Winter I, timber Co, PORTLAND SHOWCASE KIX1CRE I ;V N M h st . Ma in 7rll7. Cabinet work. 11 ARSH ALL MKH. CO. 4'h and Couch, new M Jnri ......ml hand. Msln 27'M. cabinet work. St cam hip. TllF AIIV"N LINE Roinl Mall t. enters; MontreoL Liverpool, t.lasgow, Montreal Havre Plymouth. London; the plctureeque St Ijterence route; four lee on the ocean; three daN. Ill river and gulf; splen. did new turbine steamers; ssloon, second cabin and third class; superior one-claas caliln service; cuisine unexcelled; courteon. attention: send for circulars, -ales, plans, "te. Allan Co.. 127 N. Dearborn at.. Chicago. Storage and Tranefer. C o PICK Itanster 4 Slnraxe t o., ofdee, 'and commodious 4-story brtok warehouse, eepnraie Iron rooms snd fireproof vauKS for valuables; N. w. cor. 2.1 and Pine sts ; luanon and furniture moved .na packed fur shipping; sprcliil rales made on goods In our ihroueli ci.rs to all domestic and foreinn poltiis. Mnln Mm. A tu ol.StiN-RoK THANSKKR lit.. tieneral irannferrliig and storage, safe. rlntinn and (urnliuro muted ami packed ,r shipment. s7-Mi Front si. Telephone Msln r. 4T or A I'.MT. Ol'r.iiON TRANSIER i.. enlahllahrd 17'. Tramfrr and forwarding airenia. Office and atorare 474 llllaan et., corner :.th aud tlll.nn. Phones Vsin n, A 11 tin Tyrer writ era. Ii.-. to f.tu will buy a ItEHl II.T 1YPE WRITER; rebuilt an good an new; all rnakee to choose from at tllll'a. a and Alder; tertne to suit; every machine guar anteed call or phon for reprcauniativ. Msln ''"" or A . W' K ere the .xchange for the largest type- all makes, all prlc. a. The Typewriter Kx chanse. :i.M v. anhlngton nt NEW rcluillt, necotid-hnnd rentain, at ci.l raten P, D c. Co. ifll Stark, M 1407, etertnary Kehool. and ilegee. b. F. VETERINARY Col.I.EilR I eglns Sent. Id. No profession offers equal pi rtunlty. catalogue free. c. Keen. I'm.., 181 Mar ket st . sen Kranclace Well riitlllng. 1'MI.I.IN't uellM. Phon.. Main 134il or aril A. West. 1S2 yortl.on st Wigs In Kent. WHiS to rent. Hair si ore, 1.0 llth St., ncal Washington. Foil all klnda of screen work cell Ka.l 11772. - frccond Hand t.oei .la.