Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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JUXE 1, 1912.
Senators Swat Moundmcn on
; McCredie Payroll for 13
Agonizing Tallies.
O'Ronrke Hurler Ktnerjes t'roni
wCeoce A(tr CronUm Hut Ona
Ran lo Opponents I'ort
Un4 Lends for Tlnir.
FartAe Caul Lnra btaarilegs.
w. l r" ' w. u r
, Verec) ...XI It ,4 rrmssile -3 I 4'-l
Oaklasd ..31 21 ,i Portland . . '.' .411
. . lxw asci.-u : .;Kii,(i rrn ..a a .4I
Yesterday's Umlll,
i. At Portland Sjirrsmento ffl. Pertles-I 1.
' is
iw a.
At San rnrlManAklanil IL Vernon IL
; ?t jam.
Kan of the old school IHtM who
believe In loin him and lot of 'em
ot their money worth yatrdy.
siarramento. after losing three In a
row, retaliated by lambasting the
leavers for their .orst beating of th
year, th picnic acoro at the clone read
In II to 1.
CJIrot. tha spindly pout h paw. and
JHlibotham looked Ilka the little red
shawl worn by iom person named
, Molly after tha third inning. Yeat
They ware tattered and they were torn.
Tha fienatora fell upon them for nine
singles, alx double and ona triple
If aaf swatsmostly off Hls;ln
botham. who relieved Olrot, with two
out. In, tha fourth Inning.
Faraa ttov real laatwa.
Several thousand fana. a majority of
them of the gentler . assembled to
cheer ur boya to victory. There rii
no daniter of them scraping their wind
pipes or scarring their throat In doing
It. Whereas, on Wednesday and Thurs
day. McCredle'a minion looked like
champions, yesterday they looked like
"The team la all 'right." said one
optimist during tha deluge. "The only
trouble la there aren't enough fielder
out "
Tha heap of blngllng and tha few
fiutrti of bungling emphasised the vat
difference between good and bad pitch,
ing. Arrelanea held the ineala under
hla thumb, permitting only five hit In
tha ftrvt eight lnnlnga. A a conse
quence tha O'Rourke henchmen took
n tha garb of world-heater. while
Portland dunk down the percentage
column to fifth place.
Everything waa lovely up to the
fourth, with Portland leading, 1 lo .
, aa a reault of Kruegefs terrific double
to right field In tha flrat Inning, scor
ing Chadbourne. who had walked. After
that. It might be stated psrenthetlcally,
that there were no fresooas on Olrot
r'ranl la Disastrous.
Madden alngled to renterfleld. start
Ing off tha fourth Innlnir, and scored
on the flrat of O'Kourke'a double. Then
tha fun wa on. It was aa thrilling a
motion-picture drama after tha light
go out. If the Beaver mascot bad been
a rat Inatead of a Boaton bull, today
he weald be a wildcat.
twain walked. Miller aarrlflred In
field: Lindsay, on recond In Kodg-er
place, booted Lewi' drive and O'Kourke
cored; Mheehan fouled out; Cheek hit
to third and scored another, and then,
after Olrot had walked Arrelane and
filled the base. McCredie nt Hlg
glnbotham In aa relief pitcher.
Iretan couldn't even get a foul off
lgf Inhotham. but that was prin
cipally because he rouldn t have
reached them with a broom. Anyway.
Irelan walked and forced In I.w for
the fourth tally. Madden and O'Rourke
banging out their aacond hits of the
Inning, tallying three mora.
Aa the poet might have warbled:
"In that one frame. In the awful game,
They pasted our curve for seven:
Oh, heaven!
They pasted our curves for seven!"
Kad la ntfl.
lligglnbotham got alone; a little bet
ter during the fifth, sixth, seventh and
eighth Innings, but In the ninth the
carnage bee ma so cardinal colored that
McCredie quit the bench In disgust,
while several hundred of the spee
tatora followed ault. O'Rourke, Millar,
Lewis. Fheehan. Cheek and Arrelane
all banned out safe hit, and only a
sensational stop and putout by Happ
on ".wain's drive saved a series of
seven consecutive hlta without a skip.
Portland had tha base full In the
seventh and ninth innings, but the nec
essary blnglea were not forthcoming
Kappa enjoyed hie customary great day
with tha bludgeon, annexing three hit
In four, while O'Rourke, Lewis and
Cheek fattened their average to a
considerable extent. The score:
Sscreroento I Portland
Ab. ll.po.AE-' AH.rA.r.
Irelan.. 4 111 llr-b'ne If., t 1 0
Jl rtrt.n.rf 4 1 e B cr.ifl lb 4110
H..'B 4 t L'dur.Jb, 1411 1 1 1 Ker.rf. 4 110 1
MI.lor.1b. 111 Rullsr.e. 4 131
T.ewlrlf . 1114 Poans.rf . 414
Khan. lb. ill Rspps lb. 4 1 10 1
rhmk.e.. 114 2 OHurrh.e... 4 11
A'lancs.p 4 11 O.oirot.p... 1
H b em p. Ills
- (Stone.. . 1 1 0
Total. itT "Tl Total.. 4 4 IT 14 1
batted for Hllnbethsm In ninth.
Hsrrsmente T 0 1 1 411
0 1 1 1 1
rrriisnd 1 0 1
llll 1 1 1 1
Runs Irelan. bfsddsn. O'Rourke 2. Kwaln
Miller. l.wts , Kheehan. Cheek. Arrl
lanes. chaflbourn. btruck out Uy Qlrtt t.
by HlKgtnhnthsm 3. by Arrellnn 1. Has
An ball Off Olrot 1. off HiKSlnbotham Z.
"off Arreltane 1. Two-bss hits,
D'Knurke 2. Rnpps. t'hesk. Irelan. Millar.
Iwls. Thre-base hit twl. Imuble pla
Bancroft to Lindsay to Happ. hacriflc
tills Hsnrrofl. Millsr. kaolin.' fly Ir'Un.
Umlrn bases Cheek, tata. O'Rourke. Wild
pllrhe HISBlbvlbnl. ttlrot. Innlnss
pllrhtd By (JlroC I 3-1. Has bit U(t
ilrol 4. run 1. Char- defsst to Otrat.
rirn rf game 1;. Lmplr Whsslsr aad
T'lnnrr- '
Note of t Game. .
sioaa batted for Hlselnbotham . In the
ninth tnmn and fltled th base on aa In
field Siol ta Miliar.
, ijlret balked In th fourth Inning after
'MS'lden' (lrt lns and that smed to
upi-t him. O'Rourke brought Madden la
by a double.
William hit Rodger en th kne with a
wIM sboot Thursday and PHI adorned ta
bench ysaterdey, L4ndsay (olng lo at second.
Butler tnlfhl kava saved a coupl ot
score la th fearful fourth hr a little quick
thlnkln Ha gobbled up Madden second
stnsla after a neat stop near th aeoond
b( and threw too lata te first when h
could Just ailv have touched lb ec
end baea and retired th aide. Maddsn
proved too fast for blm.
Kverythlng aa not amnoth sailing for
K rue arc r yesterday In center field. In th
errnth inning h 1st Xsrtn' slnzl st
through him and a sacrifice and a and
pitch snt him uodsr lha airs. In tn
eishth Krueacr wa " t in the pleasant
occupation of performing a oireue cstrh
when Hisni bumped Into him and Irelaa
was credited with a two-baer.
Bancroft and Lindear ftur.Hl In a stellar
double play In tbe cund tnoing. With livn
en first aa a result of bis first walk. Miller
bit lo neraft, who shot te Undsay at as,
end for a relay to ttapps. Miller Isn't el
ect ly a t-ond man. for It a as hi third
dsatb In double tkl week.
Girat I cfcars4 wlm tbe losa at the
Vrrnon Ixa in Tatelfth Inning- by
Score of to 5.
present of a walk to Tledemajin In the
second half of tha llth. with two out.
gave Oakland Just enough to climb
back Into the lead and win from Ver
non. ( to . With the score tied, Kane
laced out a. home run In the first of tha
IS th. and It looked rosy fnr Vernon.
The score atood I Jo 4. Frlck. tha
first man up In the second period, waa
struck by a, pitch. ball and took first,
but (J ray steadied and the next two
were out. Then he walked Ttedemann.
Leardwxs substituted to run for Tlede
mann. Moiling lined a pretty single to
center, scoring both Frlck and Leard.
and It waa all over. Score:
H. M. E l R.ILK.
Vernon 1 11 1Oakland .... II 1
Battrrl-rtlton. Uray and Bulli
Vaq: Able and Mltx.
cecals Prop Context, A to 2, lirraastt
of Krror.
T.OS ANV.KI.FA Mav 31 t.oa ihl.i
made It five atralght from San V ran
cisco by winning today's game, I to .
Tha visitors' errnrn had much to Ha
with loelntr 'hr gama. three runa b.
Ing a riiio. t result of bad throve or
missed fouls. Score: '
n it k.i n i v.
Lo An'les t f ;San Kran.. X
flatteries V later and Bolea: Miller
and flcrry.
Centralis) Twlrler rrrfertl; Support
cd Crow d of 3 500 weea
I'airgronnrl Contest,.
CIIEMAUS. Wash. May tL'-fSp.
rial.) Kmlth'a pltohlna; for Centralis,
n the titata League, waa a feature.
Chrhalla maklnir but two hlta off htg
delivery and but one man reaching ec.
on.l hae. Centralla, on the other hand,
hatted Archer to a standstill, making
It hits and scoring eight runa to Che.
halls' nothing. Pack of Fmlth'a pitch.
Ing was the perfect support given h)m
by hie teammates.
The game waa transferred from Mil
ieu Field to the Kalr Grounds, where
301 persona gathered, attracted by the
ball game and a promleed airship flight
bv Berlin. Th machine failed to go
up, however, fcore:
R. If. E. ft. H. R.
Chehalla ...0 1 SCentralla ..I 11
Batterlaa-rArrhar -and Taylor: Smith
and Ilyrnea. Umpires Hall.
Cougar Tw trier Hcrtcer Wlna Own
Game by Hitting.
HOQL'IAM. Wah.. May lo tip.
rial.) In a game replete with unueual
plays, lha Hoiutam Cougar today won
from Aberdeen. 1 to f. It waa tha epn-
Ing game of tha State League rle
here. Berger. twlrler. won hla own'
game by getting two single and a
three-bagger lit four timea at bat. It
pitched good ball throughout, but hit
four batters, one of them forcing la a
score. HmUh went Into the box for
Aberdeen, succeeding Ilclmecke In the
mWklle of tbe seventh and In th open
ing of the eighth sustained a wrenched
ankle In sliding to second and waa
forced to quit the game. Score:
Aberdeen.... T ljlloqulam II
Batteries Helmecke. smith, Boyle
and Cleason: Berger and Wilkin.
Con gars Lo Looecly-Plajod) Game)
by H-to-5 Score.
HOQIMAM. Wash.. May II (p-
clsl.) The Hoqulam State League Cou
gars were trimmed to a finish today
bv Aberdeen In a loosely played game.
Th only really tenae moment of the
contest was when Hoqulam mad five
scorea In the sixth, tying the acore.
a H. E. R. H. E.
Aberdeen l 7 2 Hoqulam ...I 7 1
Batteries Josa and Gleason: Kane.
Wllklna and Troeh. Umpire Golden.
Another Grimm Is Atlilrtc.
CENTR AI.IA. Wash.. May II. (Spe
cial.) William Grimm, brother of War
ren and Holly Grimm, the two famoua
Wahlnrton University athlate. will
be entered In the state Interseholaatle
meet to he hold In Taeoma. June 11
Orlmm. who la a student at tha Con
trail High School, put th shot better
than 41 feet at the Southwest Waah
Ington meet recently held In Chohaila.
American Leagne.
W. I. Be.' W. U Po.
fhlcaie... 12 .7"0 Cleveland.. IT 1 .472
Boston ... V.t 13 ..". WMhtntfn 1 21 -rntiadsl...
IT in ".!.", New York.. 1J 2i .s:.a
Uslrull... -X 20 .iOO u Louis. . 14 2 .3'0
sj Iowa I Leasrae.
New Tork. js T .V'. Loul.. JO 22 .47
Cincinnati. 2:1 IT ..ITS Phlladel. . . 14 1 .44
Chlcaao... I IT .52 Hrooklya. . 12 23 .XVI
Plltsuurg. 1 IT .414 boston.. .. . 13 2d
Amcrlcaa Asaortatloa.
Columbus. I IT .,10'.t. Pul... 50 2.1 .444
Mtnneap... 17 1 Indtnnap. In 27 .40
Toledo. .. 'J IT .w Milwaukee, la 2d ..".hi
Kan. City. 2' 21 .&43 Louisville. . 13 2 J .373
Wester IeeTne.
St. Joseph. 2 14 .7 Wichita.. . . h II ,4s
r-s Mcln-S II 1 .57 Tepeka 17 21 .4::
Mom city 21 la .J2." (imaha. ... 17 23 .42
iienvrr.... Si 21 .300'Llnoln . . . . 1 23 .41
Wahlngta State. '
Chshslls... 10 7 .5k'.brdeen... .2
Centralis,. .Ji Hoqulam. . 11 .313
Yesterday's sVaulte.
American Association -Columbus . I.ouli
vllle : Kansas Clly ft, Mllaauke 4; Toledo
k. Indianapolis t: Ht. paul-lilnnaapoll gam
postponed, w t srounds.
W.n.rn La i- Htoux City 4. Omaha .:
tncoln Des Moines 0: Ht. Joseph a. To-
pes a i: Wichita 12. lenver II
I nlon Association Ureat Fall . Missoula
a, Helena J, Ban 1: Ogden 8. t-slt Lake I.
orin western
AB. H. Al AB. H. At.
Knie,r.. lal 52 .32". Crulksh'k. 77 2J .12
Butlsr.... l"l :i .I7 Krios 174 5.1 3nS
Dosnc. ... 13H 4' .2!' yensor... 1 3t .25
Kapps. .. 14 32 .24 Tonneaon. 24 7 .2.U
Lumlsay.. i 27 sw. . . . . 141 4 .271
.stone IS 4 .HTiKlhhle.... HT .-. .2S
Hsncrori. '! 4:t .V'!2 Coltrln. .. . 1 1T S .2t
r.xlr.. 171 44 .2;.tVllllsma. 1H 41 .2't
McDowell 13 .! i:ll. y. . . A7 .24:1
Kocstner. -t't lo .2 Siolth . . . . o 7 .l:t.t
f'hadb'na. 153 44 .Josi 34 T .2'W
Ttiirrh 3 1 T ."12 llsrr's 114.30 Jn.4
lloarlev.. 12n 2 .1 " Doit JJ 4 . 1 -1
nilllra.i.. I 3 .IsT'ljimlln . 7 1 .141
7lrVnes..' 14 2 . 1'Tlloomfd . ' 2i 1 .10
llllllnm. 11 3 .12 stanrield.. 10 l.loa
Henderson 1:1 Vraacy... 17 1 .0S
Klultter 27 4 .!
.r-.... T 1 .143'
tlirot 1 .12.'.
i'Uhcr.... 0 .Ooui
Portland's Hitting and Field
Play Unavailing In 9-to-3
Contest at Seattle.
Karris la ianorkrd Oat In Collision
Wllh Hrnnady at riate Con
rannon Tighten l'p in Criti
cal Part of Cam.
Maetliwaatrra lagu atawdlng.
W. L. Bet I w. L. Pet
Portland ..M II ,v;.i'Ttii . . .22 22 .r.on
Vaaaauver 24 il 'Ksatlle ....21 4 ,4V.
Vl.terla . . .JJ 21 .6.-J,t-ptane . ..123.4.V
Teatsrday' Keaulta.
At Rcsttls Vleterla . Portland .
At tpoksa Xraitis Ppnkne 4. 4
At Tecoraa. Taeoma 2. Vancouver .
SKATTLE2. Wash. May II. (Dperlal.)
The Portland Colt outhlt and played
aa wall la tha field a their opponents
today, but lost t Victoria. to I.
The explanation of the lopsided acore
I that the break waa with Victoria all
th way through and they bunched hit
In thre period.
Portland was killed off In tw In
ning by timely double plays and In the
stansaa when they got more than on
hit. rune cam very hard. Kennedy'!
three-bagger, a ball that struck on top
af tha left-field fence and then bounded
sway from the fjadrs, ntlUd thre
run and Merrltt'g pop over th right
fence gave two. On the other hand.
Portland's double and two singles, all
In a row for tha flrat Inning, gave only
one. and homers by Coltrln and Spea
dropped In when m one waa aa baa e.
Taaaeeaa la lOaaaweal Rrlr. -
Tonneson waa taken eat la the third,
after th total scare waa five to one
In favor of Victoria, on sia hit. Let in
line had no-hit. ite-rnn gama up t
tha alxth. when tha Reea hit Mm for
five blngl. three of them coming la
consecutive order, and a elfiffl and
double combining with a aaaa. The draw
was four runa and elnrhad tha game.
Concannan la entitled to credit for
tightening up when a little hitting
would hv put th Clta In th run
ning Th feature play waa tdila'
running rateh of fries' fly, followed by
a relay to Rawllngs to Weed, ending In
a double play at first tjase. Harris be
ing unabl to gt ptvrii in tiin. .
Men Collide at Plate.
Harris waa knocked out In a r1lllo
with Kennedy at the plate. He had
the runner out on Fries- fine alt
from renter, but whan knocked stiff
dropped tha balL Kennedy made th
entire elroult, but got only a three
bagger. Williams' team la badly crippled.
8core: "
- Victoria I
Portias d
Aa.H.Pe.A Kl
Ab II r A K
st' .
I Pries cf. .
f 3
4 I Smith rf..
t 1
111 1 K'sllay.lf.
4 c-irtnas..
I n'Tnasoa.p.
I Vila... I I
. llll T 7I"ll Total. IT II Mill
ecom; BT I.VXIXOS.
.'.'.V.V.!'.!".'. '.! ii
Runs Br-nnan . Btadllt. Ksnnody, Weed.
Keilar t. Merrill 1, Cp.ii 1 Coltnn. Tsra
bss hit Merrttt. Harris. Thrsa-baas hit
Kenaadr. stoma runa Memo, tinea. Col
tnn. aaertflee hit rmlth, Hawllna. gtolsn
bsa Brsnnn. Pltchi' summary I ruaa,
hit off Tonneson In I l-l Inninns; 4 runs.
1 hits eff Lamllno In l-l Inalnss. Struck
out Be Conoanna T. by Lam tins 4. Base
on balls Off Caaeannoii I, off Tnnnsson 1.
off tmllna f)ouei plae Htadili to
Rwlins te Wood; Keller to Rswlinss te
Weed. Tle ITmpIro Vaa Haltrea.
Bug Uln When Kraft Mistakenly
Intercept Throw to Plate.
8POKAXE. Wash, May II The vle
Itor flnlhd In garrison faahlon today
and nosed tha borne team out In the
last Inning by score of to 4. Kraft
lost his own game by Intercepting a
threw from Johnson, In left Meld, that
would have nipped Strait at the plate
with the tying run.
Uclvor pitched well after the first
Inning. Whaling was chased out of tha
game In tha flrat Inning for disputing
with Umpire Moran. Score:
R. M. B.I V R- H- E.
gpohan ... lfSeattl t 11 I
Batterlee Noyee, Kraft and TJevogt;
Mclvor and Whaling,. Wally.
Taeoma Welcomev" I U-turn of T I gcra
to Home Town.
TACOMA. Mar IL Melkle held Van
couver to two hlta and won handllr.
A larg crowd for a week day wel
comed tha Tigers en their return to
this city. Both tttmi played great
ball In th field, th running catch
of "Cy" Neighbor blng th feature.
R. H. E. R. H. E
Vancouver . S lTacoma 7 I
Batteries Engle and Lewis; Melkle
and Crittenden. Umplr Tomen.
St. Loot 5. New York I.
NEW TORK, May IL Bt. Loul
broke New Tork winning streak to
day, taking the first game of the series.
Joe Willis, a recruit held New Tork to
live hits. New York scored Its only
run. on Myer s horn run. Score:
R. n. E. R. H. E.
EL Louie ..I t L.N'ew Tork .III
Batteries Willi and Brnahn:
Wilt. Teircau and Myers.
Pittsburg , Cincinnati S.
PITTSBUBO. May II. A postponed
game of April 11 wa won y Pitts
burg from Cincinnati. Adams wai ef
fective throughout. Pitcher Cole, for
merly of Chicago, reported to Manager
Clark today and waa In uniform. Hoff
man, the other player, aerured from
Chicago, will report net week. Bcora:
R. H. E.I R. H. K.
Pittsburg . I lClnclnnatl .114
Batteries Adams and - Gibson:
From me. Bag by and McLean.
Brooklyn Boaton 3-3.
BROOKLTN. May 31. Brooklyn made
It three straight from Boston by win
ning both gamea of a double header.
The local captured the flrat game,
through timely hitting. In the second
game Brown waa hammered out of the
box In one Inlng and Donnelly had lit-
tla better tuck, although h finished
out th game.
Ruckar rlivd Ragan with no run
ners ecroe. the bases full and nobody
out In the second and held tha visitors
rtinles until tha ninth, when a muff
by M oran caused a tally, oare:
First game
R. H. E. R. M. E.
Boston ...J 1 Brooklyn ..I It I
Batteries TJIcklnson. Hogg. Mc
Ttgue and KlIng.Gowdy ; Tingling and
Becond game
B H. E l Tt. II. E.
Boaton ....I I 2. Brooklyn ..1)4 I
Battrrle Brown. Ponnelly . and
Cowdy; iUgan. flucker and Krwln.
St. Louie t Detroit I.
?T. LOUre. May II PowelJ- pitch.
Ing. together with th locale' heavy
hitting, defeated Petrolt. The visitor'
lone tally was scored when Bush wa
passed and Cuhh tripled, kcore:
ft. H. E l IL II. E.
Detroit ....1 ( list. Louis ... K
naileries Willlt. Works and man
age. Powell. Eteplien and krlchelL
W'alla Valla Ibises Contest. 8-5.
Pendleton 4-:r
La Grande's tani. after being beaten
hard twice yesterday, came back today
and walloped Walla Walla at Walla
Walla. I to i.
At Hole the Pendleton pluyere put tap
uch a hard game that It took Bole II
Innings to beat them. 4 to 1.
Inability of tha Walla Wsllana to hit
Mountain.' tha la Grande pitcher, end
tha la Grande men' ability In awat the
Walla Walla (linger, trlla the story of
th frame at Walla Walla. Kinnear
went in for la Grand and than waa
replaced tv Mountain. Mrldger. a Walla
Walla pitcher, wa yanked to tnak
room for Kelly.
At Boise th feature was the Holding.
R. H. E 1 R. H. E.
La Grande .1 lWalia W. .. 1 C
Batterl Kinnear and Mountain
and White; Brldger and Kelly and
a If. E l JL H. E.
Pendleton .1 t'fclotis t 10 2
Bteterle Oarrett aad Pembreoke:
Karr, Maya and Fox.
Iinky ninrer Aftr Bad pay Ue
chIIs Sad Hour at Btilt In 1906.
Irvin Illggtnbotham wa bumped
rather unceremoniously by Sacramento
yesterday, when 0'Kurk'a men se
cured II hits In five and one-third In
ning. But that bumping ween t In It
with the one handed out by Butte when
HITglntotara was flinging tor Taeoma
In l0. ,
Tha lank flibger was hit for IT
aafe drives In five frames, and only a
few days later was sold to th 8t
Loul Nationals for I2M0.
"That was my worst licking." said
"Higg," after big relief piaoUa yeeter.
day. "Baseball I a streaky proposi
tion. . on day the batters will hit the
best you have and the net day will
whiff like Juvenile. Christy Mathow
on gels bit fur II and II safe ones oc
casionally and then comes right back
and pitches one and two-hit ball a
couple of days later.
"No, I have never pitched a n-hit.
no-run game, but I rioit close to it
when with Aberdeen In 10'. after
being farmed out by Bt. Louis, t'p 'o
the last man in th ninth, not a Kea
tleite had aecured a hit, whan Krtsa
drove a pjny grounder a my left. I
let It go. sod Aarfy Anderson, rpset'.ne'
ma to grab It, suo4 stock still at e-
"I held Pittsburg to ana hit on ona
occasion. Glbawn spoiling my record,
and I tightened th Cuoa to two hits
another time."
In 111 liigglnbotham waa with St.
Louis, in 1 with Chicago, in 11
with Louisville, la 111 with Louis
Villa and Toledo.
"I'll win a lot of games for Tort
land yet thla year," ba eaid.
Klewltter will likely ba used by
Portland today, with Kady Rchwank,
tbe former Spokane hurlrr. a gecra
ntent' choice.
Br d we'll MarwthoneT Win With
Jtuab In Strub.
ALAN. Idaho, May li. Favorable
weather and a large ladles' day crowd
madei good racing at th Alan course
today. Nadsii, overlooked In tha bet
ting, won the feature race In easy
fashion. The Bedwell Maratlioner laid
behind the pace until well In the atratch
and then came on with a rush, running
over the pacemakers and winning as he
pleased. Results:
Plrst 'ear, four furloaee, aolllao f .Ittl
Blrrtle. IV7 IRaoaert. to 1, won; THdy
Wolffarlh. 107 (Huston), I te 2, second.
Attain, lui iTapllol, 23 to I, third. Time,
0:4 4-3.
Kocond racs. flee snd aa-hlf furlonsa
Bel Kl Tnvar, 1"S IForsythet. a ta 1, won:
Wlltrud KT I W. MrJntyre). 11 t .
second: Burning Bush, lov (Mulllsaa), so
ta 1, third. Tim. 1:00 1-5.
Third rac. t and one-half furlons.
elllns Blonde. 10 (Riddle!. ( te S. won:
lrd of tha VnrML In ' MrVare1!, SO ta 1.
aseond: Port Johnson, Jo (Grand), to 1,
third. Time. 1 :0V 2-.
fourth lace, one mile Nadiu. 10 (Tsp
11n). to 1. won; Psdily flip 10fl (Hoffmsni.
T to I. econd; f.leutensnt Ssayer. lo
(Gross), IT to S. third. Tim. 1:41.
Fifth race, mil and sixteenth Lajrmln
tr. 111 (Cotton I. T to 1. won; Hslpcarl. loo
( ajurtlneamei. 20 to 1. second; Whldden. Ill
(reach), to 10. third. Time. 1:V4 4-.V
Rlxth rac. n furlong Eye White. 111
tPrachl. I It 1 won; Kir Prstful. 101 (Bur
llncnte). 2. to 1. aecnnd: Richard Reed.
W (Poryth. t 1, third. Tim. 1 14.
Fast EAeni Promised by Driving
Club at Country Club Track. '
The Initial llll harness matin of
th Rlverelde Driving Club, a Ave- vent
programme achedulrd for thla after
noon on tha Country Club track at
Rose City Park, will be followed by
two other meets this maath. Presi
dent Drennen announcee meetings for
Friday afternoon, June 14. Sunday
afternoon, June 21. on the Country
Club track, and July 4 at tiresham.
This afternoon's programme will start
promptly at 3 O'clock, with tha heats
of the various events pulled oft with
out the usual delays. There I much
rivalry among the horse ownera and
the five races ar expected to produce
keen competition.
Officials of the meeting are: John
McCllntock. starter; Sam Cramer. Qua
Keller. O. J. Brown, judires; J. C Pace
man. R- T. Martin, Fred Merrill, timers.
Mr. Cramer will act aa presiding Judg-
and announcer.
The five numbers, best thre In Ave
heats, are: Class A. trot: claaa B. trot:
class B. pac; class C, pac. mixed colt
HeoltT Men to Play Ball.
The Portland Realty Board baaeball
team will play a practice game on the
vacant ground at Fat Twenty-elxth
and East Ankeny streets today. H. W.
Fries, chairman of the entertainment
rommlttee, announces that the mem
bers will leave the Henry Building.
Fourth and Oak streets, at I o'clock
this afternoon for the practice
grounds. The team will meet the Ad
Club nloo in its first match game
Jun II- a
Change in Taeoma Club Own
ership Satisfies Jones.
Ptwaident ' of Norths) enter n Circuit
Say Veteran It Barked by Entire
City McCredie Hoot at "trig
ger Coast" Lineup Talk.
"With Ed Watklns, a baseball man
who knows business, at the head of
the Taeoma club, and the new owner
supported morally" and financially hv
the paper and hnslnesa men of tha
city, the Taeoma Incident ha come lo
a most successful close and the North
western League ia In better lipe than
ever before," declared Fielder A. Jonee.
preeldent of the circuit, yesterday, on
hi return from the north.
"Watklns Is an old baseball man a
well aa a hualness slice, and when
Rothermel finally let go of th etrlnga
he held on the rlub. Taeoma wss as
sured a team and the league Ita lineup
of rltle. Watklns Is sola owner of
the club, choneing to handle It on bis
own hook rather than mix up -n a
stock rompany-
T spent several days about Taeoma
and discovered that the financial failure
of the early sesson was not due. ss
many held, to the feet that th city
Is a poor ball town. Taeoma la an ex
cellent baaeball city aad you'll find
that they will mak money there this
year and be ready to demand a bigger
schedule next eaaeon."
Owner MoCredU. af the Portland
rlub, hoots at th Idea that Vancouver
and Hestil are being primed for a
jump to the Pari lie Coast League next
aeaaon. and predict that th North
westers League will be composed of
the eame citlee la 111.
Ton hear this talk of a bigger
Coast League, Including a couple more
Northwestern rltle. every time a group
of baaeball man get together." contin
ued the judge, -and the last North.
west era meeting; waa no exception to
tb rule,"
Th reelgnation of Jack Barry, man
ager of the Seattle club and 1111 util
ity man of tha Beavers, removes the
second of the iwo new Northwestern
League managars of 111. Nordyk.
Victoria beae. I laid tin with a broken
ankle, bnt will undoubtedly direct th
Bees from th bench when ha recover
Th latest batting average from
Cleveland give Roger Perklnpaugh,
former Beavar, th Una dative of
He I hitting seooeid te Lajol, who
tope th list of regulars with .407. Ryan
la hitting 77. but ha haa been In IV
fames to IS far "Peck."
Champion ia Bed Wllh Xeuralgla of
Momach Two Weeks Before
Iavlnf Chicago.
CHICAGO. May II. (Mpeelal.) Jack
Jehasoa left Chicago a sick man.
This Is the only authoritative bit of
now that has been given out recently
concerning the coming "big fight" be
:w.n the negro hear) weight champion
of the world and Jim Flynn, th Pueblo
Johnson's inn, carafully kept se
cret, (.prtnr tbe lat two weeks of his
ea.l In Chicago, was th real reason
fcr his failure to appear at OConnell's
gymnasium and box.
Now It develops that during th
when h wa supposed to be doing 10
or II mile on th road every day the
big black wa propped Tip In bed fight
ing an attack of neuralgia of tbe etom
ach and was attended by hla wife, who
was continually on the verge of hys
terics through worry over his condi
tion. A conference of physicians finally
' at IT W TT ii.piwI'T f-r -- 1 f ' -1- - w-J--aeSVaa,.-. m.f , - ,
jr M A nickel to the wise m
is sufficient Owl m
ilUl 0 ' M Londres Cigar- 1
IBB'Hii ? J&M blunt -end shape, ft
ijJill It ji M. A. CUNST & CO., Ine. pC
K"nlisM -3 &jfjw 1 . . .. m--
V li -V- " ' I ' " ' -"f-..- eh, ayv-eir ) immt'lt V T"i' rrr r-. , W.i.t, S W
V 1 F -LsjxaaLSBMal I I Mil Mil II fnll lis. 11 m mm III jJjjJtLBtl 1 - 111 11 ftJ ni ssa-asaaaaaabal
!!3ivJ V wb : -r-o
"Money a v e d i
money earned." It
may riot be ry tj
earn m o n e y, but
"htj lepliis" ro a kea
it easy In save
money v lien bnyins;
)R o y a 1
Clothing Company
On Wauihintfton e Nemr SaranUi
agree 4 on a course of treatment, nrl
It wa following their advlua that Jack
gradually grew strong enough to un
dertake tbe trip to New Mexico,
Oldtiiner Show I'orm of Trl-City
I-eagtie Pay.
WOOPBUnN! Or, Miy II. (Ppclal.)
Not having had first-rate luck with
the youngsters ha has been playing
thla aeaaon, Manager Hunt, of the
baaafcall team, aembted all of tha
players that one made Woodburn
famoua ae a basrhall town during th
daya of th Trl-CHy League, and took
them to McMlnnvllle yesterrlwy. with
li "" ' lli IP v
i'3'i..,. iir'-H-Mi-r i
I.M..I.I.H.M ml
,li ....ansJ nlli a sum r f 'J " iuLul.La!.lll'iiluiwj-i..UlM-.
i made roRTHO ( n3 nsTbirrfiir
r In 1 i J
i'iui's'sip, 1 I jne
I wl. I -l' I
From Moraine to Niitht.Dreis Rifiht in B.V. D.
Here are Ccat Cut l'nderhiru nd Knee Ltnjrth Drawer and f ninn
buit which oHrr comfort in its fullctt nieatur. tada Irom lisht, tturdv, fabtici tluit wjuh rll and wrar well.
TKit KtJ Woven Labl
S. V. D. CeM CI r4er.
aVra aa4 ksss Leark
Psvsssi. Ms. 71. II. M
as f I. to mm
( IVsai lH V- t Of. tU RMfS CeeMH.)
U srwed on evtry B. V. D. Underkment, Tk no uiiJertrment with.
out tlllt label.
i - - i i
3 5
of paying moro than yon
ran rcallv afford for a
Suit, whon yon ran pot an
. - a a
pxrcllcnt, 'all-purpose
Suit in tho
lliHt is riirariteed In bo ihn.
equal, in appcurimci1 and in
wi'Hrirt"; quality, of any rrgulhT
WM Suit!
the Idea of having at least one good
game illirlna the present season.
The bunrli of oM-tlmers got what
they went after, for they ville.-te.t
seven tallies during the excllsmant,
while tha MrMlnnville team was unable
to send even one player around the
circuit. Th battorle for Woodhurn
were White, catcher, ami Soharhark,
Mirrldnn Colt Win.
oflEHIPAN. Or.. Mny II .(KpecUl.)
The Sheridan Colts yesterday de
feated the Wlllamlna CHy team by a
score of 19 to 1. Hcottlo's pitching for
Pherldan was more than the visitors
could solve. Hherldan will play Ilope
nell here Sunday.
: iiMi:;h?iHi isisMiiP, ; li"!';1;;'"!!-:?' icnt-i' ::
i ii i.i,....lii iin.Ll: ;.!. ii i; !; l i,!;:' I ,.i !,.ii.' ij.ilini ;
'le sl.
I V. B. Usis Iv If.
4-llMTj. ti oo. II ta
(1.00. li t) ai IN i