17 TTTT! OTORXIXCt OlaEGONIAN. SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1912. SUMMER SEASON ON First Crate of Cantaloupes Ar rives From California. CROP WILL BE LARGE ONE Watermelon Vlrhl of the Southern sit Will A l-i IU Heavy. Rrlxk I-txal Drmind for Strawberries. Th hummer fruit irtinii la now her la earnest. Th frst full crate of California rsntaloupes arrived yastsrday mornlns. They cam from Heber, In tha Imperial Val-l-r. and wer of cHnt quality. T. Par on. whe received tha Initial rrata. and ha rerently vlelted that action, aald: "Tha Imperial Valley orop haa a Una land and tha output of rantaloupaa will he Una. Carlot shipments will atart from that sc-tlnn In 10 day. Tha orop la la ilrmn nanrl thla year and tha bulk of It will be distributed by Alax fltrachan, of Loa Anaelrs. "Thr la alaa a bl crop of cantaloup around Turlock and a good arrease at Dln uha and Moneon. which wilt com In ahead of tha Turlock actlnn. Thraa local firm a will hand la tha Imperial Vallay rrop for thla t letrlct. "Tha California watermelon crop la a lit tle lata thla araann. Tha first Important ehlpmanta to com on tha markat will ba from Feenn County. Carlot ahlpmanta will atart about July 1. There la a hie acre- around Iitnuha. whlrh la closely controlled by tha rlnub Aeocltlnn." Tha atrawberry aiipply yeaterdav not equal to tha demand and tha markat ruled firm at l.rn'ta a crate Cherry reoelpta wera laraa and many af tha ahlpmenta arrived In bad order. Bulk eharrlee sold at T renta a pound and hove at 50 centa to 91-25. according to quality. A car of naw California potato waa ra ralrad and offered at l4 renta Cali fornia rod onlona wera lower at It. SO a sack. Tallow and cryatal waa onlona hold firm, aa ao mora ara onmlna. ARf spinners bit kb or mohai Mduln- Keenly for Blew Clip Arrrrtas la Ik East. Eastsrn mill! ara bidding- Iraaly for new clip 'mohair, according; to tha Near York Journal of Commaroa of May IS. whlcb aa va : Yarn eplnnera ahowed a keen Intereet In mnliblr during tha week. On thla market then, haa bean comparatively hatter buy- Ing of mohair recently because of tha amall amount of (tM atock on hand. With tha arrlvul of new clip mohair from Tevae tha Inquiry ' revived In a remarksble way. Thla waa riue to tha fact that there la a good demand fur yarna In which mohair la used and that aplnnera have comparatively lit tla mohair to cnmplela their order. It waa e.tlmated that between 10O.n0 and l..o.oon pounde nf new clip Tejrae mAlialr waa Ivlna on tha docra In thla city yeater' rtav Samples of tha fibre war aant on re aueet In various direction and It wa ex pected that the beat part of tha available supply would be placed under contract oe for another week had elapeed. Recent advices from tha Southwest stated thai the heavy buying reported a coupla of weeks ago waa done by dealers. At first It waa believed that mllta had bought direct. It will ba recalled that tha price paid for Mprlng mohair In Texaa waa lea a bound for combing. Had th mllla been tha buyer the market prlc would have been fixed at 31 1) lie a pound, but aa the buyer were dealer the quotations pre vailing are from 12a upward to a fraction abov Ida America Antra, ix great brjtaix Beet Price Was Obtained for Fruit Froaa Oreg Reviewing tha fruit trade ef Great Brit ain In tha past year, Consal-Oenerai John L. Griffith, of London, writes: "The great bulk of th Imports of Amer ican fruit Into tha United Kingdom consists af apples, tha receipt of which amounted to about 1.IIO.I0I barrels (threa boxes at California or Oregon applea being regarded aa equivalent to a barrel) last year. Tha fruit In eome Instance did not com ap ta th ueual atandard. which waa du. It Is said, to tba hot wathr of th Summer and any Autumn ripening th fruit a month or six weeks sarller than usual. Prices of all Tarletiee. with tha exception of New town pippins, varied during tha year from II. to file par barrel. Tha Kewtewa plpplna from Virginia, wbloh wera exoep- tloialiy floe, realised 14. It to fl.TI per bar rel. The California Newtown eommaaded ll.1t to tin per box. while tha applea from Oregon, of which tha supply was not grettt. varied la prloa from 9144 to 14.13 par box. American applea ara popular In tha t'nlted Kltia-ilom, although thsy have for mldabla rival la tha Canadian and Taa- maalan products. INtIRIES FOR WHEAT AH FEW Plrafme-t t California la tba Fast Mouth Vnueually Lara. Iti wheat market waa quiet yesterday with but few Inqutriee and no pressure to sell. Prices were quoted unchanged. Tha onle demand at prevent 1 from California. In tha paat month shipments of wheat muln were &0.1.V4 buahels from Portland and 11M.SH3 buahele from Puget Sound. Tha tnt.l. Hoi 437 bushels, compare! with 43, pat buahels shipped from all parts to Cali fornia In tho eorreapondlng month last year. Weekly foreign wheat ahlpmenta wera as foltrws: Thla wk. I.aet wk. I.aat yr. Argentina . . . .',IiI,inio ,7(2 0iO 3.7V.!.ihiq Australia . .... SW.Ono -.h,i'm l.lrtn.ix-O India t.Slii.Ooo 1.3o4.ouo l.bnt.rnM) I.oeat receipts. In eara. wera reported by th Merchant Kxohang aa follow Wheal Barley Flour Oate Hay lot,dav .14 t 23 3 13 Tliaednr IT .. . 3 We.lne.dr ... 11 1 1 4 t Th.r. Friday 10 11. 3 I Year ago .... T Hea to cat. .Hf l 7 J4on inex dS4 Year ago . ...117ii0 OH3 2401) sail 24 CHICRHR AND BITTER ARB STEADT I.cel and Chipping Df-wiaaal Keep Soppllee Cleaned I s. Th ehaes market hold steady, with tha baying of sufficient volume to absorb tha liberal reoelpta Tha same conditions ap ply In tha butter market. Hscelpts of text ara now about equal to tha demand and as a eoasequencs prices ar without fluctuation. There wa a good eupply of poultry an th atreet yeaterday, rn.it of which cleaned up at the old quotatlona Receipt of dreaaed meats ware small and the tona af tha mar ket waa steady. HOf-CONTRACTING IX YAKIMA SECTION MrNrff emm SO.one Peunda a Tbree- fear Trmia. flop contracting on an active scale la re ported from the Yakima paction. jfcNeff Bros, have cloaed on HO.oOO poundo for thrte years from the White Hwaa Levnd Company, which takea In all tha hop grown In th White Hwan dletrtcL Tbay also made threc-yesr contracts with Don McAlpIn for 40.OH) pnumls and with K. C. Campbell for :;o,ihh) poumla Four hundred bales of ona yeer Yakima contracts havs bean secured by t'hlraso rtealara. A lot of ISO bales of Yakima 101 Is hus been bought by McNrff Broa. from dealera. Tha Oregon contract market Is neglected. A number of growers have offerM their Oroya, but dealeii ar without orilars aad 18 cent baala. It waa reported yesterday that tba re mainder of tha Al Jermaa lots at nilaertom had been sold ta Oeorg TVnrcaa. 60 bales of lll fugglea going at 33 eanU and M balea of aid fugglea at 2T centa IOE CROP COSDITIONa ABE F1S Urawara Leak far Record Yield af Wheat Thla Year. IONB. Or.. May 30. (RpaclaLr lone moot conservative fax mere ara very epilmle- tie aver the preeent crop prospect and every ana ef them la predicting tha largest crop ever harveeted la Morrow County. Owing ta tha September ralua. aeeaing wa begun early and Bnlehed la good aeaaoa and th wede were almoat entirely deetroyed. The stand la the best and with perfect grow ing weather throughout tha entire season, grain made grsat growth. Jluch of th early grain la la full head, while many Said ar shedding th bloom. There has been 1 Inches of rain since Sat urday evening, with aa all-night rata aa tha :th, Tha acreage la very large and with a few weeke of favorable weather lone will make a record hlpmnt of what tht year. Home of the large farmer and their acreage of Fall wheat are: Bra Buarhke, 1100; Mat Halvoreen, VOuO: Jake Bortaer, lXO'l; F. H. Wllaoa. 110O; U McMurray. 1S00: F. E. Mason. ltO; Paul Beltman, 1100; H. V. Smouea, 1000; J. A. Williams, Sva; Clark Brcav, 00; F. E. Ivaraon. MO. TILLAMOOK BUTTER FAT PRICE Uaael quetatlaae far April MlvatT la Cheee Fact arte a. TIIXAMOOK. Or.. May 11. (ioeclal.) The following price will be paid next week for April butter fat at aevaral ef the tao torlea for which Carl Haberlacb acU aa secretary : Houth Pralrl I -tt.t Maple Ieaf -44 Cold Springe 44.t Threa Rivera ... .44.4 Clover Leaf -4 Tillamook Creamery .4T .aat Beaver ....... Mohler factory ,43.1 Central Co-oparatlva 41.4 Falrvlew Dairy Asaoclatloa ' Long Pralrl II Price of milk range from ti nt to 1 it per 10 pounds, depending upon the yield and prlc charged for making. There I a unusually heavy flow of milk thle year, awing ta tha enormous amount of greea feed, causing eome of the ohaeee factories la ma to their full capacity. Uraia Ready far Hiaderi July I. HEPPNER. Or.. May 31. SpelaL WHh a rainfall ef thraa Inane thla morn ing and a total of 14 Inchea alnce Sea tember 1, nothing but aa unusual hot wind could keep Morrow County from harvesting tha largsst crop la the history of tha county. There la the largest acreage of Fall graJa ever aowa before and fully twice tha usual amount of Spring grain, all ef which la la flrst-claaa condition, and much of the Fall grain will be ready for tha beadera by Jaly L Advance la IJna.eal OIL. A 3-cent advance la llneeed ell prlcee wa announced yesterday. Boiled all la caaaa la quoted new at M cent and la barrele at at canta Rank Clewrrog. Bank rleartnga of tha Mortbweatera cities yesterday were aa follows: Clearings. Balance. Portland l.Hiw.i 3 ti.7'4 realtl l.e'itwo ia.341 Tacoma tVM.tl.iO (4.:iU Spokane V.2.71 103.03 PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain. Flour. Fee", Kta. WHEAT Track prlcee: Blue .tern. Ml elub. B60e: red Ruaetas, Mtyleac; Valley. lrUc; 4-fold. US w vac MILL8TLFFU Bran, 133 par tan; aherta, 27 M); middlings. $3L FLOUR Patent 35 10 per barrel; atralgbta, 14.70; ex porta. 34 30; Valley. 33.101 graham. 35 10; whole wheat, 3.30. CORN Whale, 3oV: cracked, 340 per ton. HAY Timothy. 1 &0 H teO; alfalla, 13; clover, tSiiw; eats and vstcb, 310 0; grata hay. 3 OATd No, 1 whit. 33So py loa. Vegetable and Fralla. . BRRRIEH strawbarrlea, Oregon, 3ISO per crate: gooseberries, 3$c per pound. TROPICAL HU1T Orange. navel, 32.60W 3 2.1. Califorcla grapefruit. 33.tM; l.mona. 3493.M per box; pineapple, go per pound. FRKSH FRl'IT Cherrlee. Wc 9t.2i per box: appiee. uld. 31.3&a3 per box. POTATOEH Jobbing price: Burbaaka old. 31.23 par hundred; aew CalUernta, aa per pound. ONIONS Bermuda, )1. 309 LTS per srats; red. 1. no per sack. VKUKTABLEJ Artichokes, TSetOe per dosan; asparagua, Vo per crate; beans, 15o; cab bag a ls pound; cauli flower, 32 73 per crate; eaisry, ISO a per crate; cucumbers, le)l.D0 doxen; eggplant, 33o per pound; head lettuce, LT3 Pr crate; hothouse lettuo. T3cl per box; peaa, 4hwoc par pound; pepper, 33a par pound; radl.hea. 132ttc desen; rhubarb, per pound; spinach, 4J3o per pound; lomt teea. (e.M per box; garilo. gsyiOa par aeuaa. Dairy and Ceaawy Fraduee, BUTTER Oregon creamery butter, cube, r solid pack, 3lo per pound; print 1 an tra. EOOeV Freeh Oregon ranch, candled, XOa par doseo : case count, lwc CHfcaMiB Oregon I lata. 17e per pound; Toung America, lac PORK Fancy. lo0IOVja par pound. VEAL. Fancy. llayllVte per pound, POULTRY Mena 14Mc; broilers, 30 (tile; ducks, young. 14lc; geeea, 10 sy lie. turkeys, Uvs. 3oo; dressed, Ue. tapt Oracarlaa. SALMON Columbia River, one-pound talle. 2-26 per doaen; elgbt-pound taha, 33.H3; one-pound Lata. 2.4o; Alaaka pink, one-pound tall. Il.aa. COKFEE Routed. In drum. 2g4)Oa per pound. NL'Tb Walnut a. lOelSHa per pound; Braxll nuts, 13Stc; filberia, 14 v 13c; al montla. IT t) 31c; peanuta, lac; rocoanuts, bvo till par doaen; cb.emul, 13H ner pound; hickory nuta 30 lvo per pound. HONEY Choice. 13.73 per case; strained honey, too per pound, SALT Uranulsteo. Ill per toa; half ground, love, ts eo per ton; loa, l per toa, BEANS tl mall white, 4c; large white. tVe; Lima. TVs; pisa. Ie; Meawana. ta; bayou. I RICE No. 1 Japaa, e; cheaper gradea ISIVc; Southern head, a)TSc SlUAR Dry gruxulateo, 14 04; fruit and brry, 1403; Honolulu plantation, ; beet, I3.S3; extra C. 33.33; powdarad. berreie, JK. cubea barraia 34 4J. DRIED FRUITS Apiea. 14e par pound; apricot. 13llVic; poaches. 123)140; prunes. Italians. WHloo; allvar. lao; turn, whit and black. as7o; currant TWc: ralalna looae, Musoatel. Ota a 1 e; bleached Thompson. 11 unbleactaed Sul tana, 3o; seeded. TSAISc; dataa, Per sian. She psr pound; Fard. l 30 per box. HAMS All SI. lT4lAc; skinned. 1T 13c; picnic. 13c; balled, a He ll At ON Fancy. 34w0 2c; chotoe. 1014 0210. OR Y SALT MEATS Back, dry salt, 1 OlxVsc; back, eraok.d. 13 wise: belUea, dry salt. I3e: bellies, amoked. loo. LARD Tierce baala choice. IS hie; com pound, Pfco; leal, three-pound palls, 33.M per case. MISCELLANEOUS Pigs' feet. bits. LI5; sliced beef. In si das, 1 23 par case; dried beef. Inside. 33a per pound; bologna, caavss baca. lOttjo; minced bam, lie. Hope, Wool Bad HI. HOPS IBM crop, xiasae; aide, a am ine! : lliu ooatracta, 34y23c MOHAIR Choice. 33o per pound. WOOL Kaatsrn Orsgon. 120 13o psr pound, according to shrlnkags; Valley, 11 t lUc per pound. PBLTS Dry. 1341 lac; full wool butcher pell.. 138L7: shearing. 103Oa. HIDES Salted hldee, llllte per pound; salted castr JtlJle; salted kip, lit 12c; greea hides. 10c; dry calf. No. 1. 26o; No. x. 30o; dry hldea, l01oc; aalted stage, ISItc; greea ataga. IHtfTc- CASCARA Per pand. Isc. ORA1N BAOS la ear lots. ITee. tlajiil Oil and Turpentlaei LINSEED OIL Raw. barrela lie- boiled, barraia, 0a; raw, oaeee, 3c; ballad, ca, tic. TURPENTINE Caasa. Tla; barrels. ISM. Chirac Fred oca Markat. CHICAGO. May 31. Butter Steady. Creamarlea. Jt(2ic: dallies. 3Ue, Cats Stesdy; receipts 24.013 esses; St mark, caaea Included. laHtvllVee; ordinary Urate. l&Hr; flrsta. lTo. irtieese dtaady; dalsiea. 12V. 13c; twlna 13SlXr: Toung Aoierloat, lj,fil; king horns. Isle !. no one I disposed t speculate aa m PRICES ASKED Woo. Buyers Meet High Views of Growers. EXPECT TO SELL AT PROFIT Excitement Continues In the AVeat era Sections Favtr Volume of Trade In the Old Clip en the Boaton Market. BO.OTON. May II. Tha Commercial Bul letin will any tomorrow ; Notwithstanding tha Intervention ef the holiday, there ha been a fair relume of bualnee transacted In th Beaton wool mar ket thla week. Transactions have Included almoat all grade, the greater demaad hav ing been for medium to coarse wool. There la a atrong demand for new Utah and Arl sona wools at II Vs eenta clean basis. In the West considerable excitement has been in evidence and price have show a tendency higher both In tha Far Weet and the fleece eertloaa Some dealers are not ready ta pay tba prlcee which ara being de manded by the grower, but others appar ently have beea willing to take the risks Involved In the hope of quick ealee-after the wool arrive aa market, Waal al Sc. Lwala ST. LOUIS. May It. Wool Steady. Ter rltory and Weetem medium laejlic; fine mediums, lite) 17c; fine, lulftc. SELLSTOCKS DOWNWARD SHORTS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF NEW YORK CENTRAL REPORT. Shows Decrease In Net Earnings for April Rood Prices A I wo Decline. KIW TOR K. May II. Heavlnee marked tha operation ea the atock exchange today. Among tha flrat Issue t man If set pro nounced weahne wera thoae which com prise the Reck island group, area the col lateral bond going lower ea rumors that tha ant Interest payment might ga by de fault. Pressure waa greatest against tha bard eoal share; wbloh have a mere or lee Intimate market relation ta Rock 11 land. Reading lost 8. points en tha day sad Lehigh Valley 4H- Tha markat epeaad with soma dlsplsy of strength, Canadian Pacific almost Immedi ately recovering It quarterly tt per eent dividend, while other high-priced Issues wsr up a point. The rtae waa ooa aftaoed. but by nooa recoveries were general. The Improvement w moot notable In United State steel. Amelgamated Copper, to the aooompenlment of another rise In copper metal, American Bmeltlag and Union Faelfio, In the afternoon the market relapsed tnta It kabltaal dullness until tha final hour, whoa the unfavorable statsmsat ef New York Central for April, together nith more poor crop re porta gave the short tntereet a lever for another selling movement which aent prices down precipitately. New York Central's act operating reve nue for April decreased by ItfOl.oOO, Lacks aanna'a decrease was lj000 and tkat ef Lehigh Valley almost I1.300.00S. London waa a buyer her ta th extent of about ll.OOO abaroa Tha end of the month brought aom hard ening of rat for call money, much of which loaned at I per cent, bat with ne change In time accemmodatlona. Aoeordlng to an authority, bank ex changee for tha week ara about ISi per cent under the earn week last year. The bond market today followed the course ef stocks In that some sharp deellnee were registered. Total galea par value, 31. SOA.00O. United State Government bend were unchanged an call. CLOSI.NO STOCK QUOTATIONS. ' Cloelng Sale. Hlxa. Law. Bid. Allle Chal pf .. Amal Copper .. Am Agrlcult .. Ara Beat Sugar. American Can .. Am Car A Fdy. Am Cotton Oil.. Am Hd A Lt pt Am Ice Securl. . Am Linseed . . . H 3tb 2e.suu 3W 31 W 2 31 o atv. 34 37 S MS 28 24 13 41 Ml lo7 ' 3.1 12.1 14.-. It 2U 42 103 lo.1 13d 17 3 Ml JOB 24 M l0 7lt fl IT 34 137 1"4 AO 2TVI 3 1.1 1.1 iaa i u 34 IV 41 17 132 41 11 IB BA 117 11 1S 1 12 &.1 1"1 l.VI 21 lo 2 SI 3.1 1M M 80S 117 . S 110 HO 11 32 123 Ten 3.K 1.4' loo I.40O TIM 3H 6V, J 34 14 m 44 loiw iii' 143 H "ii" 4i lOe) llkt. UWe ins. 3V( aSs 23 , 34-4 r.?s "XS 34 Hi 13 41V, ! ll7W iiis 1434t 'is" 42 lo.'.v. 103t i:i 1M gS 2)14 Mj 244 14 Am Locomotive. 2n Am Smel A Rf lO.ont do preferred. 300 Am Steal Fdy.. Am Sugar Ref. . Am Te A Tel.. Am Tobacco pf. Am Woolen .... Anaconda at Ca Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coaat Line.. Bait A Ohio . . . Bethlehem Steel Brook R Traa -( anadixa Pac .. Central Leather da preferred. . Central of N J. Chea A Ohio . .. Chicago A Alloa Chi Ot Weal . . . de preferred.. Chicago A N W C. M A St Paul. C. C. C A St U Col Fnel A Iran Col A Soulkera. Coneol Oa Cora Product M Del A Hudson.. D A R Orsnne.. do preferred. . Planners' Securl Erie d 1st pf .... do 'id pf Osa Electric Ot North pf .. . Ot North Ore . . Illinois central. Intarbor Met . ., do preferred. . Inter Harvester later Marlae pf. Int Paper lnt Pamp Iowa Central . K O Southern., do preferred.. Laclede Oe . .. I-eule A Nah. Minn A St L . . M. S P A 8 8 M Mo. Kan A Tex. do preferred.. Me Pacific Vat titBMl "I'.aoo boo '"ioo I.I Mil) T 20 1.3 I.0OO 11.20 U 300 (.TOO Tilt T iu t'K l.loo 4.2'X 10-) 2K 4"0 1 l' lo ino fiO 3al ." 7.10 io 30 JilO ino l.ono 2.sn 1.3-o H4 I-IOO too "jno too tort 1.40 "ioi 1.300 A6o "roe "4.300 "'ino TOO .too ITU 33 1.T--S lOA M T1 4014 141 Va ia 117 , 1 33 It 32 34 32 V, 41 i4l l.t.1 42 13tH :S su lia i InT, 27 V 'is'v, M'4 1. ' 137 V iii'vi 2T "st" 'bt" Hi" 1 1 lauvt iii'vi 114 10 22 14 14 171 tsvi T7 2A HZ 'ii" 49 ioS 2S T4V, 43 23 u iia" tot 1 S3 a. aS lio. H ! lTii an 1 a Jrra; 3A IT X3 U7 104 M 2TH 41 13V 13 167, 1 14 V, IIS 14 M 42 1a 132 42 ll.nuj lv M 117V. 1 T "is'v, it i"& lMVt 14H 28 V ii' "T'vi iii iio aoH 111 iii'n 112 171 22 33 10 14 15 TT 22 4 31 'ts'" 4 1'XlVi 27 T4 41 23 11 ia' 0 T 62 aa lis i li? T ITS It 71 S3 iaoti 20 .US I National Lead . . M Ry Mex 3 pf. N T Central . . . 1 T. Ont A We Norfolk A Weet North American Northern Pas Pacific Mall .... Pennsylvania ... People's Oa ... P. C C A St L.. Pitlaburg Coal . Pressed fl Car.. Pull Pal Car . . . 400 lino 300 2'X a0 100 400 112 1'T 1"7 18 l.-vu 83 Ry Steel Spring Penning .... Republic Steel .141. BOO ia& . 1.0"0 21 T 28 40 83 83 73 43 10S 81 22 13 . SO 1 00 101 1 fto HO ao praferrea.. lov Rook I. land Co. 1T." do prsferrea.. la.ovu St L A ft F 3 Pf BOO 8t 1. Southweet. ...... do preferred.. 100 Sloe Sheffield. .. l"- Southern Pee .. lo.an Soutnarn Ry ... 1.00 do preferred.. BoO Tenn Copper .. I.aoo Texaa A Pao . .. 100 Tol. St L A Was 800 da preferred.. Union Paelflo .. 4AO do preferred.. 10 TJ g Realty ... 4O0 TT 8 Rubber ... t.SnO U 8 Steel tO.TOO do preferred.. SO Ttah Copper .. B.J"0 Va-Tar Cham - Too Wabash f? do preferred. . l.noo Waetern Md ... o Westing Elee .. TOO Weetern Union TOO Wheel ALE Lehigh Velley Ja.nnn Oilno Copper .. 1 .toa Ray Conaola ... J Am Tobeero ... J."" abaarA AirUso SOO 1 B0 T1 1Ts M 71 82 T 1Tf i 1 T2 ., 1'1 do preferred.. 2.400 M 83 64 Total aalea for the day. IWS.BOO a Bare. BONDS. Furnished by Over bet k A Cooke Co., of Portland. . . . Bid. Asked. Amer Tel A Tel eon 4a 114 114 American Tobacco 4a. ......... . P-' .... American Tobacco 0.... 120 .... Atihtson genersl 4s Atchison conv 4s 1" '"J Atchison dj 4s .tamped uo Atehlaon conr 6 107 17 Atlantic Coet Une cone 4a.... ';' At foaat Line "L A N coll" 4S. Kl "4 Baltimore a Ohio 3a MIS Baltimore A Ohio 4e ! Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt 4a S t an Southern flrat Be 1H lo, Chesspeske A Ohio 4a H ll I- B VI gen mtg ea -j C B A O, joint 4a K S C 11 4 U Ills 4a "S " a C B A Q Denver 4 3 S Central pacific flrat 4a 3aj Chlraso A East III. 4s o . . . - Chicago R I A P ref 4S M M Chicago R I A P Col trust 4s... '. "' Colorado A Southern flrat 4a... t'."v Denver A Rio (Irsnds 4 '"ft . Delaware a Hodaon conv 4e... U"S Krle flret cone P L 4a S lnt Met 4e 3 "r Japanese 4a e., no1 Ja.ianea llr.t tss Jsidtnese second 4Sa "IS Louisville a Nashville anl 41... S Mo. Kan Tex v.a J"; ' Mleeourl Pacific 4. j .New York Central 3. " S New Tork Central L S 3e "'.'"i New York Clly 4s M New York Cllv 4SI of 105T l"t 1"'V4 Norfolk A Westsrn 4s Norfolk A Weal conv 4s .... 112 N Y Ont A W 4s S Northern Paolflo P L 4 H lo Northern Pclfie is Oregon Short Llns 4s ! S4 Oreson Rv A Nac 4a ...ik,' I'enna Rv 4a of 14 1 I'J-H Philippine Kslla xy 4s .... ltesiilir genersl Is ST Repuhllo of Cuba B Southern Pacific first ref 4s... 4, 3's Boiilhertl P.clflo col 44 'S Southern Hallway 4s T V t L A S F ref 4s 7S T Union Pacific first 4s 1'S i nlon Psclflc conv 4 ll S 1"1 Union Pacifle ref 4a lS " United ftatea Steel 8 T Ba 102 re united States 2a reglatered 1S inj United State 2a coupon... lv 1"1 United Statea 2a reglatered I2 United Statea 3e coupon... JOSS J" United stetee 4a registered J4 J I'nlled Plates 4s coupon 114 lift United TUMway 8 F 4s J" United Railway PI L T T TVShs.h first 4a' : W..tlnehou-e conv Be at h Weetern Pacific Ba J- Weet Shore 4. H I"0 Money, Fxchang. F.to. NEW TOR K. May 31. 'oney on rail steady. 23 per cent; ruling rate. 2; cioalng bli 2: off-red at 3 per cent. Time loan, ao daya. 3 per cent; Bii dav. 193; s'x months. 8. Prims mercantile psper, 404 per cat. Sterling exchange eteariy with sctual basl nees In banker.' l'la at 14 4.w for 00-day bl.la and at 14 tT'A) for demand. Commercial bills. 14.83. Mexicsa dollsra 4V. Ooveramant bond, steady; railroad bonds heavy. llNIKlv Mar 81. Bsr silver, steady. a l-d per ounoe; money. t per cent: rale or discount for short bills. Jl.l-iae3 per cent; do, three montnr oiua, si-.uwa aent. SAN FRANCISCO. Msr 31. Sterling on London Sixty days, 14-84; do, a. gut, 4.7. , Orafta eight, lo; telegraph, 3c. gaoeke at Boston. BOSTON. May II.- Alloue 4.7 A Amalg Copper., 81 A Z I. A Bm... 2H RACrAitM. T 'losing quotnttons: Mohsok 02 Nexsda Con .... 31 Nlplealns Mlnee. 7 North Butte ft North l.ake 6 Cal A Arlsona T4B r.i a ti eel .. .4so .old Dominion... MA Centennial 21 A Ueceoia ii oiilncv ........ ST Cop Ran Con Co 37 K Butte Cop M. 13 Franklin 1 Olrotix Con .... 3 tlranny Con ... B2S rlhannnn 14 Superior 82 'Hud A Bos Mln.. 2 ;ismsrsck IU S 8 H A M.. 42 3 4S Greene Cananea. W I Koyalle (Cpl 37 K. Lake ex-dl'. 2 Lake Copper 88 La Salle Copper l Miami Copper.. . 22 do prererreu. . t'tsh t'on ; s Utah Copper Co, 01 Winona 0 Wolverine 10S BAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE! MARKET Frtr Quoted at tha Bay City for Vege table. Fruit. Etc. BAN FRANCISCO. My II. Tba follow In nrnduca nrloea were current her today Fruit Apple, choice. II. Ji: common, too; Mexican llmee. 14 44.40: California lemons, choice. 4; eomraon. 11.13: navel, orange. Il.33ttl.73; pineapple. j.pi.o Che ltwlTc Butter Fancy creamery. ltc Keea stora. llo: fancy ranch, tic. Vegetable Cuoumbera. ll.Ulll.tv. garlic, lei,, .reea Deaa. 74ctl 11.36; string beana ttjte; asparagus, SOcgitLtt: tomaloea II 4!.!4: eggplant. Ittl.e; onlona nominal. Potato ea River Burbanka tl.BOtyl.TB; Oregon Burbanka. l.ooL7l; Early Ho, 114t 1 t4. Hay Wheat, Iliajlt.liO: wheat and eats. (120 11.10; siraira. ui. K.celDta Flour. tits quarter aarka; wheat, lilt centala; barley. 11.174 eentala; oat 411 cental.: potatoea. 4140 eacke: bran. Ill aarka; middllnga. 104 sacks; hay. 411 ton; wool, iel balsa n li I ImII as aiaav York. NEW TOHK. Mar 31. Evaporated apples rvnu.yn. u " ' ' " ' ; nal: spot, fsncy. 1010c; ebole. ltjao; prime. 7 to 7 V o. Prune uuiet on spot, but priess steady. with reports co a uetter iiiMuny France. Quotation reiiKto o-a--for California up to ao-to eud H0 for rearhoa dull and rather heavy: choice. 7 esc; extra choice. 3tl8s; fancy. S4 loc. New Yerfc Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 81. Cotton future Cloaed quiet, 8 to a pointa lower, juni, io.e. July 11; Auguat. ll.f'3; September. 11 10; Oriober. 11.1; Novemoer, 11. IB; December. ., . . !...-. ell 'Jt t'al.ruarv. ll.'2."i: March 11.81. Spot cloaed qulec Middling upland. 11.00; do, Uulf. 11 .i. Salea. 33vU balea. Naval Stereo. IAVA.3AH mmj 44 0 44c, Salea. 774. recelpte. pnl); ship ment., ljoo; storks, aa boo. Hoalr. firm; iiea, Sj80; recrlptt. 2500; shipments ?70: slock. '..oOO. yuots: B. It; D. I 40: E, l"-u; y. IT 40: o, H. i. 17.42; K. M, N WO. WW. ... Dnlnttl Flag Market. DUI.UTH. May SI. Cloee: I.ln.ee to ar rive. 12 2B: en track. fi.2r.. -Hay. 12 bid: June.' 12 25 asked; July. 12.23 a. Red. Oa. tober. 81 uv Ilea at New lorn. NEW TORK. May 31. Hope quiet. CHILD HEIR TO $150,000 1 1 Year-Old Son of Laxte William II. Harris lerft Valuable Estate. Under the provisions of the will of William H. Harris, which wr.a filed In the County Court Teeterday for pro bate, Lloyd Francis Harris, 11 years of age. a raaldant of Log Angeles, la made heir to property and other be longings of tho deceased worth 1110, 000. Tba doc eased was A pioneer lea man ufacturer of Portland and died May 12, leaving; a largo amount of property In this city and other parts of Oregon and California. In the will, which was executed No vember 14, 1110. William K. Harrla. an old employe, la given 11000 In cash and all th wearing- apparel or tha oe ceaeed. Ha la Intruated with an aaaort ment of lodge emblems, trinkets and jewelry to keep for Lioyd Francis Harrla until ha becomes 21 yeara of ago. Tha remainder of the property la bequeathed to tha son. William C. Holman and Lawrence A. McNary ara named executors of tha aetata in tba will and ara given power to appoint a trustee to take care of tha property of tha son until ha reaches Zl. Log- Crashes Man to Death. ASTORIA. Or May (Special.) Matt Alanen. a bucker, employed In the Olson log gins' camp on Deep Klver, Wash, waa Instantly killed while at work there this afternoon. Ha had juat cut a loa; on a ataep eidehtll. when the log slid down on top of him, crunhing him almost to a ptilp. The deceased waa a native of Finland. 40 year of age. and left a widow and flvs younj children. EXPECT WHEAT 50011 Liberal Arrivals of Early Grain Counted Upon. LEADS TO CHICAGO SELLING Crop Advices From the Grow. In Dla. trlcta Are More Kb tore hi Piwwpecta In the Deliveries Are Small UIlirAiJO. May It. Much selling today by trader, who counted en liberal arrival of new wheat In July, made the market chiefly reaponalte to advice that favored the bear id. Th clo wa seek. Flret report, today from th Texaa har vest flslds told of excellent conditions snd turned the market dowwrd. Later n of lee favorable proapert In the elate ap peared U far lee erfert. fer.letent rumor of rem cpiinkle In Kanaaa and Ne braska, though almi-et invariably denied, counted for decidedly more than drouth damage advlrea that would ordtnerly have been deemed ntlnnal. Aa auaplcloue out look for the growing wheat In the North west. Montana Included, tended further ta daah the hope of trodore who hod been working to rale price. Deliveries this afternoon wsr small. los.lSe) buehela Marketing of oorn that reached Chicago too late to apply en May comrade bed a depressing effect oa futurea May liquidation carried down eata. A moderate amount ef eelllng pressure on pork acted as a drag on provisions. Tha leading future ranged as fellows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. 0. Mar 11.13 II. US llS II 1S July ill 1.1IS los 1 l"S ept. l.oas, !, l.i:. I "a Das. 1 OuS l. 1 Oi' 104 CORN. May July S-pt. .... Dec .ao .sow .- .74 74 7J .74' .7 12 1 11 -'-'a U .as s -S --S OATS. May 81 S wt July 4W .4iS -4 -4V- hepL 41 S -42S -41 41 S Dec 4JS .41 S -4-S -4-S MESS rORK. Msy 1I0 Ju.y 1H . 77V, 18 4 1I.I7S " Sept. 1140 II M 18 40 1 4i LARD. My 10B7S 10STS July lo.- liu 10 13 luM tiept. I0.77H loe-l I0 77S 10U OrL ..... .1U.V2S lo.siS 10.S7S lO 0 - SHORT RIBS. May 1011S 1012S July 1027 10 27S 10.24 10 27 Sept 10 4J V 1U42S lO 40 lO 4.' V Cash quotatlona ware aa folio a: Kye No. 1. lc Harley reed or mixing. 4. flic: fair to aholc malting. 11.11 0L1I. Timothy ed 7. Clover seed 114 4) il. 1 Pork Mee. IIS 17 V . II JO. Itxd In tierce. 14.i7V. Short ribs Loo. 111.11 S. Oram statistics: Tntai ek-arsncea of wheat and flour ware equal to ftat.004 buehela Expert for th week, a ahown by Ltradetreet a. were equal to 4. 914.44 bushela Primary recsipls wer Sli.leo bushela compared with lvl.401 bush 1 th orrespouding dy a year ago, Ee tlmated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 20 car: oorn. 448 ear; oate, 144 car; hose. ll.eeO bead. . Puget Sound Grain Mar-eta. TACOMA. Waeh.. May 81. WheatEx port: Hlueelem. awe C 1 1 ; club, tic Milling: Hluaatvm. Una7e: club, V4c. Teeterday' cr receipt What. 8; corn, 1, oata. 1; hay. IL Seattle:. wsh.. May si. wheat biu. item. fort) fold, Mc: club, &c; flfe. &; red Russian. 14. Teeterday car receipt Whaau 1; hay, S; flour, S. Cralaa at Seua Fraarlwa. 8AK rRANrnro. My 81. Spot quota tion: Wlla Walla. 1.7.1 1.74V. ; red Hue elan. I1.7301.7SS: Turkey red. II Ml I. 82 Si blue. tern. 1 1.80 ; fsed barley. II. 71S V 1 brewing. II Mu J: white oata, J0JHt2o: bran. 2Z.S0; middllnga 13.7 it 84. ehflrte. I IOC 10. 10. Call board !: Wheat Ueoember. ILtlS bid. gLII Baked per centaL Barley May, 12; December. ILtlt per cental. European Oral Market a. LIVFRPOOL. May 11. rloae: Wheat July. 7e 7S1. October, Ta ISd. Weather cloudy. " Kngil.h country marketa quiet. FYeaoai country marketa quiet. MlnnrwpoUa Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 81. Wheat cloaed aa follower alav. I1.12S' July. II 12k ) 1 12S : September. 11.06 1 05 . ra.h No. 1 hard J1.14S; No. 1 N.,rthem. 11.18 SO 1.14 S : No. Northern. 11.1 1 S 1. 12 S . No- I wheat. 1.I;1SL10SJ CATTLE SALES LIBERAL Xrn LOATVS DISPOSED OP AT XORTH PORT1-4.XD YARDS. Italic of Trarraactlons Are at If.tQ. Not Many Hog-a Offered Good Sheep Brine f 4. 10. Th larger part of th dealings at th etorkrarrls yterdy wee In th rttle 01 viaton. Twelve loada of .tee re were sold la the fnranoon. th bulk of them st leVbu. Th best offerings brought 17 snd 7 2.V A few rows, heifers sad bulls wer sold t tb customary prlcea Not nun; hogs were offered and ths sale were at IT 71 and 17 M. Twa lels of yeerling sheep wsr aold. ths best st 14.10 and th other t 12. 40. Wether hrught 14. AO aad wee 18. Lamb old at 14 aad IteO. P. J. Hrown. th cattl buyer nd ahlppejr. ays th Baker Drmorrtt. went lo Hunting ten Friday night t ma a delivery of a0 head of Baker Coun'y yearling ateere at a price of 1 10 per bead. Thoae eteere are what r called atork steers, inssmurh as they are Just off ths ranga Dry sow bring 8 cent -a 1200-pound cow bringing law aa foot. North Portlsad rclpt over the holiday ware ttf cattle, I calve, lit hog and list beep. Shipper wre J. C Lonerran Co,. Th Dalle, I car of cattle: F. C Oxman. Echo. 2 oar of cattle: A, L. Page, Huntington, 4 care ef cattle: Joe Allen. 1 retina, 1 car of hog: J. W. PI irk, Huntington, 1 car of sheep; C. F. Fulton, liifxa, 1 car of cattle; First Bank nf Joseph. Enterprise, 1 car of hnga; H. H. Meyer, Jefferson. I car of cattle and salves: C. E. McCrow. MrCoy. 1 car of sheep; B. F. Norwood. Hsrrtsburg. t cr of cattle and aheep: L. K. Wt. Oakland, t care of aheep. and William Shepard, wb drn- In 22 aheep. . Th day' te wr folio a: Weight. Price. 14 tins lrl 17.71 7t hogs 17 7 75 1 hog 170 7.78 24 steers 117 W.I 4h stesr .............. . 1 1 72 aun 8 stesrs 117 8 UO 24 steer ............1181 IBS lOe) steers -O'J US 24 steers 1'.'S AO 21 steers 1 i4 S .to 1 steer .l.'.io a.oo 1 steer ...........14.' 0 S steers .....Inert s) "lo steer 1.MA a.ao S steers 1 2S TOO 1 steer 1270 T 7.1 1 eteer 1.114 T.oo 1 cow ...........loao 4 00 2 cows ....................... Si. . 8.1 1 cow 170 I.0O 1 heifer '-0 .O 1 stag ll'xi 5 1 bull .....1210 2 75 I bull 17V 4.7.1 44 aheep 4 20 8 aheep M S 00 24 ewee la loa 141 ytaf.lngt 10 (.40 THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $ 1 ,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AJXSWORTK, rrraldcBt, R. TV. SCnMEEO, Cashier. R. 1.E4. BnE, Vlce-rreeldeat. A. M. WRIGHT. Aaalataat Caabler. V. A. HOLT, Aaalatant Caahler. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths Rocky Mountain LADD &TILTON BANK EsUhlljihad 1800. Carplt-J Btock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Lettra ot ertxlit, drafts snd travelers ' shacks issued, sr-U--bis in ill parts ei t world. orriGKK W. K. Idd. r-Met. r'dwmrd (eelilalkua, Vloe-Plae. W. U. Leaw kJer, latslsl. The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCOHPtlHATKU 187. -Terwnte, Cannda. Hew Yerk 1 Eiebaasa Place. tiead Offle London 3 Srr ra,r taken ef collertlona. principal citieat in tjnuca Dtaie ana v.u. vwunua u mh. teneral banklns bualnaaa tranaa-ted. In ter t aJlewed oa Time and Bpeolal Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS r. O. MA LP A. Maaaffwv. .1 ," tt -.'T-t Improvinfir lTd yerllns 2a wether ...a......... hi lamlx 21 l.mba 11 hoca It 4 10 tM r.4 a.4 t- 4.IH) !.", T.tiU Th ranee of price at tba jards waa aa follows: Cholcs steers .... Ooed ters Medium .leers ......... I'helce cow .ol cows Medium rows 1'bolce calve Ood hvr oalve ...... Hull BlsfS ll..S-e II.HI Hrsvr Hheen Tesrlins Welheis Kwes Sprtns lambs ...4 57 55 . .. 4 40 u 4 It I DO IV 4.10 ... 1.00 lit 24 . .. I IIKif 4. 00 ... I to I (0 ... l.eo's 7.7 ... I i n ... IK V l it ... 4.7. J 4 11 ... 1.009 00 ... I.lu 1.41 ... i toe 4 io . .. a .'.ii'ir 4 so ... 1W IIS . .. 4.0U S.4U IJ-a4wrk Market. SOfTH OMAHA. Mar SI. Cattle Be. rifa &0; market. iady. Nllv aleera. 14 Mine 10. native cows snd heifers, :i Totf t.T: Western steers. 14 0J T OO; Tea altera 404jaH: rsnjfe cs snd helters, It VT4.7i; rannere .ll U; slockers snd f1era l4.SltjlT!(: ralvea, 4.0l.0; bulla stsss. tic. I40;.I. Hon l:rli,i. 7IMMI; msrket lo hlfher. !'-.. 7 2.,;.3;; mixed. 7.15 4)7.iO. Uiht I ti 7 ao. Hn.-p Receipt 2200; msrket. stesdr. Tesrlmss. et7S: aethers. I&.T5 .lt3 i we. lamba I7tuva.&u. Chic- Livestock Market. CHICArtO. Mar II. Cattle Receipts, lki. market, slcsdr. Beevea IA.INi4jli.ilS; Teiss steers. 2iu; Wr.tsru steers. ii 4T7I.J; storkers and feedera, 14. an u H S."; co. and heirera i rta. caivea i:..io(ji. Hose Recelpta 1A.4MHI; market, .teed to Se hiaher. Llsht. 4tMe7.4. mlsod I7.S . . . , . k . . .T i...n7 K. rn n , Ii 47 'il 2-,: nlsa. 13 10 b BUI. VI at -ww sheep Receipt.. 10.000; market, weak te ene.le lower. Native. aMlH.4n: Weetern, te Aft: earllna. I.ViiOfi T.tM); lamba, na tive. IOOs.Su; Weatern. 10.60 gl.lU. Coffee aad Hufar. NEW TORK. May 11. Coffee fnturea closed dull, net unchancad to 4 point lower, galea, 2.1.' base. June, 1I..7D; July, ll.lla; Ausuet. H40c; September, ll.4Sc: October, 1J..W- November. 1162c; Hecember and January. ir4c; Frbruary. 11.12c; Marcb. 1XK-; April and Mar. l!.&Sc. Spot cofle quiet, unchansed. Rio, No. T. 14t Haw ausar. stesdr. Muscovado, IS last, t.4:; eentrifuial. M test, talc; molasses, IS test, 3.22c; rrnned. holiday. Metal Marketa. NEW YORK. Ma II. ftandsrd copper quiet. Fpot snd June, 1. 2Xtf ll.4i! e; July snd Ausuet. 14. 2.", a) lie; September. IS STH 4J la.I.V Londoa eaay. Spot. 175 Ka d: futures. (71 IAS Sd. New Tork custom house returns show co Imports; exports so Reherl I. nwsrf last. Osskle, J. W. I. add. AaeC ashler. Vale- M. OSsk, AaC Vashlesk Lombard Street, lirafta on all foreign eountrlea and the streets adjacent to your property with Barber Aspnait means increasing and safeguarding your prop erty values. fsr this month. Slt.RIS tona. Isike coppr. ieT417c; lctrolytlc, 1614 017c; caallns, in une. Tin weak and Irreaular. Spot and Jun. 44 CT4.v75c; July. limiWc; Augu.t, 4.1'tf 4.'l..1i)c; October, 4a4l on. Sal- , llva tons spot at 4.1c; IU tons spot at 4.V0.'k:; Ave tons ppot st 45.10c; Si Ions August at 41.01 lr; S5 tona Ausuet at 4.1 UK! and 2.1 tone Ausu.t at 43.20c. l.unlun weak, fcpot, l-'uO; futures, Im4 Srm st 4.204.2c Nsw York ard 4 1O0 4.12SO Kn.t Hi. l.oula. Salea. M.OnS pounds spot. I..t St. l.oula delivery, at 4 1IK l.onclnn lead, tM 13s ld. Speller firm at H.oTc New York and o. 7ii til c East HI. bonis. London, I'Ji 17a ad. Anlltnony qul.-t. Cokson's. lo. Iron 4"levlsnd wsrranta Ma lOd In txndon. locally Iron waa iinsltled. No. 1 foundry Northern, IMVUAQ ltV.71; No. 3, H4.7Mfl5.SO; No. 1 Southern and Na. 1 Honlhern .oft. tin VKI 7.1 Insist on bitu lit hie paving, and increase the value of your property J. C. WILSON &C0. STOCKS, ROra. r.RAtN AND cottox MT VI 111 IU4 NEW YORK MUM K EXC1IAVCK St.w yiikk cot-tost K.riiA,it.K lilt Al.O nilAKII Or- TRAKK THE OHM K AMI IIIIMI KXIUANUK, HAN IRIMISfll. . Mln OITIce Mill. 111. Is.. Kan Francisco. Hranrh OtTlcee ancouver. Seattle. lort- land. Loa Anarle, ban lleo, Coronada Beech. roRTi.ANo orncEt Mala Floor I nmhermena Flank Bulldlns, rirth and Mark, rhonca Marshall VtO, A 4117.