13 TITE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, JUNE 1. 1913 FOB BENT. MuMHN flat. select nelghborhoon-. I room! and maid room. Iiirnun, fireplace), rang, shad, hardwood floor 2&4 N. 28tn. cornar Northrup; adults, rafaraaooa. Apply 878 Nonhrup. "IV ctr. 1 LaK-H ka ffcl l-room flat. ' dsslr, bla; ftonvsnlent srrsngemeat. with gas rangs. $ .2.00 Kumnitr rata. Apply Jal tor. walllngtoo Apartmsnta, llth sad Everett. N ,: w l-room flat, corner East loth and lialaey; Isrgs veranda, opsn-alr bedroom; Holmes disappearing bed. furnace, fire place, ga range, linoleum. Varant Jun I. W. 1 Swank. Main UK', Eaat 148. COMPLETELY furnished attractive mlrn flt; desirably located; 5 roonia and mald'a room; furnac. tlreplac. ga ranga. 247 Montgomery. Call between 10 and 12 A. M. Folt RENT 2 upstair flata, I and 4 room a, together or lngte. heated and two bathe. Inqulr 120 North, Phon Main M or A H1H4. I-HUOX modern fist, at 3 K. 1st at. North nsar Broadway; 4- par month. H. P. PALM ER-JoNE.-l CO 44) Wilcox bldg. Phonea Main KW. A HM FOR REM l-room flat, nicely furnlahad, nico yard, good location. Main 9091. Call 188 N. Sid. VERY desirable room cornar flata; fur naca, fireplace, hot-water coll, ate them at 2d and K e a rney at a. 117 4-room lowar fiat. E. 2 id. between stark and Oak. Apply 127 E. 14th. naar M'irrlaon. Ian U.Vo. TrooM upper flat. 4JI Oregon at., mod ara Improvement, fireplace, phone Kaat 2 4:!. C 1614. MODERN naw l-ronm uppar flat. Weet Side, eelect neighborhood; hardwood floor. leaping porch, flraplaca. Marahall 2824. 2 FIV "eTroOJ! modern fiat. Tabor Height, end Ml. Tabor car Una. Phone T.thor 824. NOR Hill flat. 1 room fiaa yard, splendid neighborhood. 776 , Jebnso-i si eel 24 and 14th. Main 131. I'll 11TH ST., thla la close In, no carfare from her; strictly modern large flat. 1.17. 5. Woodward, I "4 Second. IPI.ENDID l-room, lower flat, o-i North rup. Main 8478. MODERN new lower flat cloaa In. Phone Woodlawn 188B. ROOM modarn lowar flaL 764 Irving at. Phone Main 143. kuULKN 8-room flat. Ith, hear Jackaoa, Wt b Ida. 1 U m I n. w a I k. Mala or A I222. NOB HILL Modern t)-rsom oppar flat; larire sleeping -porch. Phone Main SU). lit) BEAl'TIKUL modern 5-room flat. piedmont. Inquire at 117 Oarfleld avs. iTEslRABlTE-7-rooin flat, ill 11th at. Ap- ply 131 l'th. Mam el7l. NICELY furnished modern flat. I rooms. 3J3 Sixth street. IROOX furnished flat, modem. VumaeT rales, II block eouth Hclllg. 'J4o 7lh, LOW KENT Juat completed, (-room flat. 187 North list. Phone Main 121. Hstaseheeprng Rssias. THS UPSHUR 20tn ann Lpahue sts. fur . hlehed 2-room apartmenta, $15 up. In clude ataam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, public bath, alectrla lights, gaa range, laundry-room, ail frea. Take H, 23d or W cars north. Phaaa Main -' 1BK HEAVER. 11th and Marahall. fur nish sd for bouaekeeptng; gas rang, ala trio light, hot water, bath, laundry free; fll per moats, up; s oleaa piac. beat Isj tha city for the money; ehort dietasc from Lnlon Depor Take 'H" or 14th-au care porth. get off at Marahall au No doge, TriE mIlnEK, J", Morrlaon, cor. Park, furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments, sll conveniences, best loca tion. Hummer rate. 1.4 TO 1.4 per week Cleaa furnished heueeheeplng rooms ; free) heU phaaa bath, laundry, yrd. 40 Vancouver eve, ad 201 alamos: "IT car. Phone K. 441s. MONTGOMERY APTS., cor. East Morrlaon and 8t h. furnished housekeeping suite, reasonable. bL ITU of furnished housekeeping rooma, walking dlalance, gltoo per week. 27 t herry at. LAKIU. comfortable boueekeeplng suits 9J.&U upWlsi St., near burn. NEWLY .furnished front h. k. suites, 1 so up. 2M N. 17th, cor. MsrahslL M. 1111. rUKNItiH EtJ housekeeplngi also sTngTs rooms, l. SO to J a week. 21U ad St. ULMKUll'lNii rooms In new concrete building, phonej Woodlswa xuvl or Jitf. THE F.LMS. I and l-room housekeeping n4 Ingle rooms; trsnel?nls solicited. 11 14th. Ilouwcheeping Booms ! Pr1vte family. LAHiiE, clean, n-wly tlnlsiied, well-fur-nlsned houaekeuping room, flrat floor; trout and bai'k entrance; free furnac asst. electric llgule. porcelain bath, hot and cold water; walking d.aiance. 445 Kodney ave., corner Tillamook su Phone s,ast :.'J1. No transients. i-l.KO ANTL Y and newly furnished house keeping suites of two rooms, slso single rooms, sverythtng furnlsned; modern dwelling, hire porches end plesesnt sur rounding, prlcee reaeonable, by month or work, tl.lo plan dera. TWO nicely furnished boueekeeplng rooma with 2 dlssppesring beds, 1 minutes' walk from center of city, hot and coid water. 15 week, cu tirsnd ave. N. iAKUti front bay-window housekeeping suite. I rooms, ansdy porch, privets en trance, near Multnomah club, reseunab! Chapman. 1K1 MarihalL J J A WEKK, large.llght "front house keeping roums, free phone, heat, laundry. bth. sas. &iH Commercial St. U car. CLEAN, completely furnished H. K. room; gaa. electricity, (sundry. 2v Orand ave. S. K. corner Anken). East 4.ll. H HM.-Htl) huuaekeeping rooms, large. rleasant outsldo rooms. II. &0, li. 114 nlon sve.. corner Ilelmont. 111HEE newly furnished houavk-eplng rooms; bain, gas and phone. 1. 10W4 a Tayl-ir. Fl'F'.NlIHEI room and kitchenette. In pri vate fsmily, prlvste sntranca, cloa in. Hi. Phone East lUOU tTiRKK nicely furnished housekeeping moms, grouud floor. 10th, cornt r bal- mon, TURKIC completely furnished housekeeping roaia: walking distance, 12.eU; adult. f.20 Kerney st UKAUTIFrL largs, sunny room, elegantly furnished, with or without houeekeeping; swell surroundings. 44 North lOtlm. sTlTF, sapeclalTv deslrahl for Summer; rooma large, airy and pleasant. 1.14 Mor. rleon at. 2 'I.EAN, newly furnish H. K. rooms, re flnlphed. gas. sink, pantry: s-alklng die lance; rent eesaonshis. 211 Shermsn st, 4 WCSCK. Including cooking gss; 2 beau tiful furnished modem houaekaspt&( rooms, fronting park. 4ol Park at TW'U. or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms or l-room furnished fst. 4S Montgom ery st. l'hons Main fl,81ij 3 IJiJMT, clesn housekeeping rooma 2 beds, close In. no children. 273 Clsy, cor. 4in. THREB furnished housekeeping rooma In private family. Ill K. Burnsnle. 2111 14T1I. ror. Clay; large, cheap 1 and 2 room furnished housekeeping ulte. l'RNIt9HEI housekeeping rooms; ga range, bath, phone, laundry. 141 N. Inn. JllO ntcely furnlsned houeekeeping room for rent at fto E. Ankeny at.. Bear 14th. UN K large room for housekeeping. All East Morrison. East Soil. TWO nice, larse, light, front rooma fur nished for housekeeping. 43 id. S NICELY furnished houackeping rooma, rrasonable. 7M Kewrney. Marshall 4.ts7. iToiHEK FFPIMI rooma cheap; no chil dren 117.1 14th. r I KMHHK1) housekeeping suite; no chil dren: walking distance. 54; E. Couch. 2 AND fornlehed housekeeping rooms, cVan. modern. '.'?.4 K. lth and Main, Mi'ELY furnished room, rnnvenient to fer rtee. block I, car. Ielay. cor. Morris. 114 THREE furnished housekeeping room, fine view, fli, 7th st. Main 4-2K. HOI'HKK EEI'I Nil rooma close In. also one for girl employed; reaeonable. lia 14th. CLeXn. cosy, nealv tinted H. K. room"; eultaMe for two. .14 park. $li LADY to share small modem furnished apartment. 1:4 llth su Msiu 1114. H r OK rcniai see WATSON A THCRKELSey CO., ami apslding bldg. Msln 7la l-HDOtt cottsge and hath, fin yard, cloa In. ho E. Ah. Owner. !( K. Couch. i llmill collage. 111). Call .Hl Tburmaa. corner ?.th. KOK hl-NT Modern l-room cottage, 170 E. t'ou'-h St. Key at 774 E. Couch. I ROOM "house with bsth 114. ISl'Vsughs st phone Marshall 4111 GOOD fl-rootn houee. walking distance. In quire room lH. Dekuin hlfg. u,iienl room house, fine vard and flow era. All E. touch Key anu. ft S03H. jTiifTTTM-modeta hous .'i. 412 Man Rafael. 4 Monvtyl. on'y 17, hcsuiiful vlsw of city. W-TV carllne. Mg F.. 41st. yort KENT -Modern fl-room house, 1111 Hawthorns avs. Phone Tabor 2411. FOR RENT. ROOM modern house and lot looxloo, IS blocks from Aim and Dawson sis., St. Johns, 20 per month, or leaaa, per year, 111. garden In; outbuildings; good for r hlc kens. Phone Best Sola. -ROOM cottage, bath. gas. cement base ment. No. 411 llth et., near Harrlaon; rant 12.1; key at No. 4o 11th at. PARH1.H. WATKINH CO., Alder rureeu KOiilllNiJ-Hul HEii 2th nd Upshor. with shout 10 room, unfurnnhed. term reasonable. Inquire Uy. Welnhsxd s Utj-. llih snd Burnslde els t'UK RENT June the let. modern, deelrsb.s room residence. West Bide, close In. op posite new high echool; rent 143; refer- en res required. Marshall 14TS. ROOMS, upstairs, N. K. cor. Orand av. and East Morrlaon at. Inquire of Paul Zimmerman, office 4) R. Morrison. WEST HIDE Modern l-room cottsge. wslk Ing distance to wholesats and retsll dl Irlct: nice neighborhood. 871 Msreh all at. T-ROOM dwelling houee n4 basement. 84 Vpshur et.; terma reasonable. Inquire Hy. Wclnhard' Bry lath and Burnslde eta. I-ROOM' cottage on Market near llth at., 2!V per month. If. P. Palmer-Jonea Co., 4'4 Wllcoi bldg. Phone Min gm9. A Hol'riE, room and bam. 9 E. lttth N.. near Evsrett. Apply 130 th t- Main J7. STOKEii, FLATS, MOIHES. APARTMENT Msrtln Csinpbell (Inc.). No. 1 Worcester blk. M 7JUI. A T717. KOK RKNT One fl-room house and lot with full bearing fruit trees good barn on Eaat Plrte. phone Main 2..u. FOR RENT One 4-room house, good lot with frult-bearlng trees, on East Hide. Phone Msln l'.iH. TO RENT New 4-room bungalow, partly furnished; will lease; SI. Mu Tsbor or Hswthorne car. 143S Eaat Salmon. MODERN 7 -room houee. M Ith eC; gaa. electricity, laundry; lawn, roses, lecp Ing porch, etc.; rent ISO. Phone B -6 1 4- FOR RENT West Hlde, l-room houee; fur naca. fireplace. Ill Everett su Open II to 4. Main 8014. FOH RENT 2 lots and small houee at II n month. T. Kucha, 4J0 Chamber of Com merce. Nl K. modern, l-room houss. yard, with roses, near school, lea. Inquire vi Mar shall sc HOI'SES FOR RENT. HKK1IN.4 V ROYER. IWXI NORTHWEST ULUO. MAIN 4400. I-ROOM modern house, Juat off two csr llnee, Tery reasonable rent. Inqulr 111 hamber or f ommerc. EAKT SIDE houee. 7 rooma. cloa In. sleep ing porch and garage. Phon Marshall ill. lRi'x)M modern house, furnsce, flreplece. etc. 150 Clscksmss: rent 1-7. Tabor 2044. -ROOM house. K. loth and Main ata.. 1 22. Apply 22 Flrst -i'.OOM houee. ga and electric fixture, rent 1 1. Inquire f2A E. Stark t. 14TT4 and E. Alder, l-room modern house, walking distance. Phone Eaet 1141. rwmlelieel H WRIT flDR. CLOSE IN. l-rnom modern flat, two bedroom, also servant's room In ths basement; gaa. fur nace, electricity. very attractively fur nished. Including silver, chin ejid table linen: porch commanding the most mag nificent view In the olty: rosea snd Iswn, mskss this nn Ideal Summer home; 146 fer month; will give lease If desired, hone Main SsOS or Marshall 4H7 and k for Mrs. Ott. BEAT'TIKl'LLY furnished 7-room modern bungalow, 20 mlnutee out on East Side, H block to csr: fins service, nice lawn snd roses, slseplnr porch, suto garage; will rent for fumiMr to reliable party; no children; If you r looking for eome thln g good, call today. C 33S. HANOdOMELY furnished reeldenco In Hoi laday district; garage; will leas for 1 year to family of adulta; reference. II. P. PALMER-JONEj CO., 404W 1 1 co xb I.I gr. Phon ss Main lima, A SW COMPLETELY fumlshsd l-room modern nous fo rent by ths month or will lose, tlrounda 10 s 11. Fins Isem and ahrub bery. 440 Orand av. Phone Sellwood 1131 or call at Klfth etreet. Nli'KI.Y furnished flat, lars rooma and sleeping porch, bath, phone free, large varri. tilt a month. S0 Msrket-st. Drive, West fide, wslklng distsncs. Main I44.V FOR RENT l-room oottsge. I rooms fur nished, 43 E. 1-th st. No.; IT.rf per mo. ( all room 11, Mulksy bldg., 2d and Mor rison st ooMI'LKTKLY furnished modern 7-room huuae; full basement: fine lawn and ahrub bery : Irvtngton dlatrlct. By owner, phon Woodlawn 1H2S. MOTiERN furnlahad house, easy walking distsncs: fin yard, fruit, flowers; con venient for two families; reasonable. Phon East 4411. FOR Summer. 7-room houss. on Wltlsmstts Height, completely furnished; reference required. Call ul Chsmbsr of Commerce. Main 1 371. WILL rent atrlctly modern home, T rooma, 8 month or longer; lawn, rosea, etc Eaat Side, close In. H 2780. WILL rent strictly modsrn boms. 7 rooma I month or longer; lawn, rosea, ate. East Hide, close In. B 27 i). M.W furnished ft-flat houss or 4-room house. West Side, with every convenience snd walking distance. Main futll. FoH 1 or 9 month from July 13 to Septem ber 18. completely furnished 8 -room hous In Irvlngton. Phone East llOd. PARTLY FCRNUHEO 4-rom house, bsth. s.eeping porch. 14 M allury av., ner Ski amor. MODERN 7-room houte, I furnished: lwn -nnd fruit. !:. 14 Wt hUlllngswortu ve SU John csr. Fl'KNISHED 7-room modern residence; !lano; garden, fruit sild ftowsra, 41 Esst '.'-'(I st. North, phon B 1187. NEWLY furnished front housekeeping rooms, light, phons and bath. 112. 170 12th st. WKI.i.-KI KNIKHKK hovs la Nob Hill dis trict. 7o Kiandera at. FT'RNIHHED home for Summer, etrlctly hlgh-clasa neighborhood. East 1810. -ROOM lower fist, furnished, nice yard; adulla. 8e)t Powell. H-L car. I-ROOM hous. with aom furaltur. 771 Kearney at. H eases fee1 steal 9 arai lore few Mai, THPI "Huckley Cottage" at Seavlew, close to ststlon. 1 block from ocesn: rooms In -"d oondltlon, 3 more not fitted up; good wsier, plenty of ehnds. electric llgnts, psrtly furnfshsd, lot &oslisj, facing the new Improved boulevard: fine location for rooming and boardlng-hous sltst price lloou. M. E. THOMPSON, Henry bldg.. Portland. Or. AT SEAVIEW. I.ONU BUAC1L -room houee, ...................... .1100 -room house ......1121 WH1TMER-KELLT CO.. 7 Fourth St. hEArilliE, Hurnham cottage, completely fur nished every convenience, modern; csn b seen Saturday and Sunday. M. 1171 of .:.. FL KNIT CRM of 7-room flat for sale or rent: Ins loctloa for n wlehlng to keep room era. 22 v 10th su, hetwasa Salmon and Main. Phons Msln S207. CAN accommodate 2 young men with room and board during Bummer eeaaon; prlvsts home, near board walk. Seaside; terms ressonabl. Rsservatlon, B 2780. FOR rent at Seaside, furnished tent In pri vate yerd. near board walk. For particu lars phone B 27M). SNAP See thla modern B-room flat, newly furnished, with Income, easy terms I si MHU corner West psrk. MI ST SELL, this week Make me ah offer: your own term; furniture of 1 l-room house. 14 North llth et. s-KuoM HOI'SE for rent, furaltur (or ale. JOK Grant. ELEGANTLY furnlahad l-room flat for eel, 848 Yamhill at. S ROOMS good furniture. Nob Hill; cheap; going East. 2aj Worceeter bldg. WILL sell rhesp. new furniture for V rooms; flat. IH7.80: modern. 4IO Psrk. Til 8 mod era eight-room cottsge, Four Winds," st Seaaida, M for rent for th season: on bosrd walk facing ocean; everything furnished exnrpt linen and li ver. For further particular addree Mra I Jett. Sesslds, Or. CAN accommodst two young men with room and board during th Summer eea aon ; prlvste home, near board waik. Ssa- irie; term reasonable. Reservation, B "HKI) HO' K." cottage. Cannon Beach, for eeason; sis rooms, completely furnished. Address W. I. Torrsy. 44 Chapman aw city. ' SEASIDE On O-room snd on l-room houss; modsrn, avsrlooktns; ocesn. Mar eball 14. FOR RENT At Seaside, five-room eettag os tbs rtd. unobetru ted vlsw, asar bsard wslk Marshsli 4711. NK.W 5 - room rnttsg at Seaside, near beach, romDIetelv furnished; water, bath, eleo trlrity. M aln 210O. I complete furnlatied cottages f.r rent; also lot for ssl. Prscsmedsr, beasids. Or. roB uxi. Btoewa. STORK ROOM, next to the comer In Sar gent Hotel building, cor. of Orand and Hawthorne avenues; transfer point of sight streetcsr lines. Inquire of E. P. Mall ar E. A. Baldwin. j0 Chsmbsr of Com snsrc. Phones Msrshsll 111. A IIIL FOR RENT FOR I TEAIR Store on park St. between Morrleon snd Alder. IS feet high. XI feet frontsge. 44U0 so. u are feet of floor epace; slso bsssmsut. Apply Calumet Hotel. MalnTSOO; ONE very desirable fins storeroom at 1"S nth street; beet-known buinee location In Portland: for terms and partlculsrs In quire at Hy. Welnhard'a Bry , lath - and plurnlde ste. . ONElsrgT double strtVe. especial: r sult aole for wholesale house; Nos. 2U1-2S Oak street; ressonsnls rent, lease to suit. In quire at Hy. Wslnhard'a liry., 13th and ft urn side sis. STOREROOM. 2th and Vpshur eta., sult- bl for retail bualr.ees of any kind, term reaeonsbls. Inquire Hy. Wslnhard Hrewery. llth and Humsnle at a; STOREROOM, sultabls for retail business of sny kind; No. 3-3 Id St.: terms rrse onsble. Inquire Hy. Welnhsrd's Dry , llth and Burnilde sts. ONE large, spacloua machine shop at 2.V1 Oilaan street- rent reasonable. Inquire Hy. Wslnhard' Bry.. llth and Burnsids street . FOR RENT Store, Na. tea and IH Haw thorne sts, east SAd of brldgs. Appl Hswthorne Dock Cs. East 206. BEST STORE." IN IRE CITT TO RENT; ANT LOCATION. The K. a Terry Co, PQ4 Teonbidg Main 1317. t TIIU'R ST., between 1 and Id. good depth, balcony, newly papered and naint ed; rent only l. Woodward. In4 2d at. FOR RENT Store. IJ'fe Washington et. 140 s month. Marshsli 411 TWO light, clean moo em stores, sp. ea trsnc Com. Club. bldg. V O C WANT A STORE? JEE ME. W. H. WEBB, 4"1 Yeon Bldg. Msln 4IS. OnVea Dr-.tiK ROOM In large fumlshsd ourshle of fice, only 113; both phones. 2uT Orsgonlan bldg. MOT centrally I elevator service. ad Washington. seated office; aii-nisat US SwsUsuid kid. ta W arebea WARElIOUHIi TO LEASE. Comer 15ih and Lovejoy. sonoO; flve tory and basement; practically new brick bonding; leas baa asvs years t rua. O. L. Jublta. Assign e. Laoweabwrg Oolng Co. TO LEASE. APARTMENT. HOt'SE. 2 opts, being built near Jewleh Synagogue: long lease to ds elreble party; rent reaeonable. AO 117. Oregon Ian. FOR LEASE to responsible parties. 12 three, room unfumlehed spsrtments: brick bldg , fn downtown business district. Inqulr 77V Kearney at. BISINF-HS OPrORTt.TiIT7X8. BfSINES.H OPPORTTNITIEd. IN THE NEW TOWNMTE OK PLEAS ANT HOME, ON MT. HOOD HAILWAY. 24 MILES KRO.-VI PORTLAND: GENERAL STOKE. FARM IMPLEMENT STOKE. FEED STORE. I.I'M HER YARD. BLACK SMITH AND WAION SHOP. CREAM KRY, DKI OHTORE. ftr'.eTAI RANT. POOL ROOM. BAKERY AND ALT, OTHER M'SINESS THAT GOES WITH A NTJ.. TOWN. WE WILL HELP TOU TO BL'll.D. CALL f'lt AnVTtTCSS T. F. KEELBT. 2d OAK ST.. POHTLAST). ' INVESTIGATED BUSINESS CHANCES. W always bar good grocery gtora for sal which we can recommend. It I t your benefit to glv us a call. CHAPIN HERLOVV, S32-S38 Chsmbsr of Commsrea. Ask tor A. Keller. MAKL'FACTl'KKRS AGFNVY FOR BALE. I hsvs concluded to dlspos of my man ufacturers' aganry on account of other matters which will prevent my giving my entire attention to It. It will pay yon to mveetlaate this at once. If you ara tired of working for a sa;sry. this Is your op portunity to get Into business for yoursslf. A V 12. Oregonlsn. CHANCE ssldora offered: must sell best located, good paying restaurant; future good a nsw; fin kltchsn; everything to mske up flret-olae place; cost llos four months sgo; possession given at once: long lease; vsry cbssp rent; call and make of fer; terma to suit: beet of reasons for sell ing. 4nn Washington t- A CHANCE FOR TOl?. To party looking for a promising mining property In ths Coeur d'Alone. ldsho, I will glv th control of a group of 4 claims carrying gold silver, copper and lead, for certain developments; near a R- R. and wajron r?ad. A. L. HCNEKER. Wallace, Idaho. NEW 2-atory brick spsrtments. long snd cheap lease; good furniture; will sell and tak som trad; everything etrlctly mod ern; oil burner; fuel bill 124 23 per month; heate the entire house: clos In. Owner mesna business. Esst &408. AN old. relisbls pressing and cleaning par nr wants rsllsbl man to tak half In terest: will teach you the business and pay 25 a week beside share of profit; I7!1 required. 0I Lumber Exchsng. MmTNO-FICTl'R ET H EATE Wanted, honest partner with 12000 to take half Interest In movlng-plctur thea ter; best proposition In Portland. So Newman. 8-H Wash., near 17th. HOME bakery, confectionery. Ice cream and light grocery, with 4 livlng-roome and pay ing $200 month over all expenses; no bonus. I2S Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Confectionery, lunch nnd hort order houee; paring proposition: owner sick; cannot attend to It. Sea Slgert, loj N. Jersey st.. 8t. Johns. Or. 1110 DOWN-TOWN cigar stsnd; no better short hour location: will clear you 110 month. C 1Q. Orsgontsn. HALF Interest In 74-room apsriment-hcuse. io. to relisbls psrty that can taks charge. T 117. Orsgonlan. ' WILL sell ons Lavsy's phrenometee reaeon able figure, csah; unlimited territory In which to operate. J 111, Orsgonlan. OROCERT gtor. will Invoice 11"0. from ownsr; no agsnts; term cash. Woodlawn 54M. FOR HALE Cleaning, pressing snd tailor ehop. See owner l one. 72 Alberta, or phone Wood lawn 222. FOR RENT Oarage In fine location on Mass Line Road. Will t.tke csrs of ml chines. Rent IJl. Csll B till. MEAT msrkst. doing a business; a snsp; must leave city: will sell or rent. Wood Is wji ST a. r 12"2. A MOVING PrCTl'RE show. 1101. or V. In tsrest U0; one who can ope rat prs- f erred ; tsrma Ar- lit, uregonisn. L REeTAt'RAN'T for 7l; one for J00t terms; also may exchange. AF 117, Ore gon Isn. FOR sals or trads My harness and shos repair business Wbst havs yonf Writ to llox 2Sd. csma. Wash. PRESS SHOP, food lorstlon. chsap rent, good business; rsnt paid until July L 1029 Colon ave. N. fTrRT-CLA S S SALOON, good location; -censs, fixtures, stock and 8-year leas for sal chesp. N HI, Orsgonlan. THE beat-located store In the city for sal for I'i.'VOO or will reduo to suit buyer; end of Montsvin carunm. i c piara it. HALF Intsrswt for sals In hotel, saloon, grill room. Will eland cloa eat Investigation. AD KV4. Oreionlan. CONFECTIONERY, cigars. 1c cream par lor: beat location In city; low rent; In vestlgste this. I'i90 Belmont. PA RTNER. male or female, la well estab lish ed buslnsss; too much for one persoo to look after. K 10H. Oregonlan. OOOD llttl restauranL completely equipped. 2 nicely furnished rooms, rent ,o, wtlh lesse; I2SO, X 101. Oregonlan. REST Al'R ANT. doing $40 day. good loca tion, for 400 If sold at ones; good monsy niaker. AS 117. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE or trade; well located eteam laundry, with wagona. ready for bualnea. particulars, ens, Board of Trads GROCERY Two nlc llvmg rooma. daliy cash ale 15. rent 20; no delivery; prlc HMO. so Lumber Exchange. If TNINOAND INDf'STRIAL STOCKS. .. Tsleunone and other bond bought and told. Fletcher Inv. Co., 228 Ablngton. .S AP Respectsbls saloon, good location. Owner going away Reasonable. AD loi, Oregonlsn. - 00 BUSINESS CARDS. II; bring bis V Pose City Primary. 12 Id. cor. Tsylor FIVE-CHAIK bsrber shop, with four bsihs. 2nd Mad Ion- K. L. Kortrlght. prop. RESTAURANT In good iocs! Ion. 16o; half rash, bslanc term K lel. Orcgoulaa. Fi'R S A LE Boston Reetaurant, St, Johns, Oregon. CAN buy today a I boslnees Internet (or t;0; sickness. Woodlawn lit. FOR SALE or leas, bsrber shop: going Into other business K 111. Oregonltn- W A NT ED To buy a bsrber shop In small toe, nr. Address box IP. Hsmliton. Mont. DENTAL practice and crTice flsturee for sale AV 244. Oregonlan. M l ' iT sell ciesnlng. pressing buslnse In M-raom hoteL 1st E. lib st. BluiMrM orrokTi -imn A OROWJNI1, progressive compsny now owning several factories, desiring to in crease Its manufacturing planta and to obtain additional working capital, will en gage two or three men of character and ability to place additional Issue of capital stock This Is a clean-cut. strslghlfor wsrd proposition thst will sppeal to In telligent Investors. Indorsed by bsnks and commsrcisl orgsnisstlons. Ths com pany will hsvs p rmsnent remuneratl' positlona In Its different depsrtments for ca psMe men. Hog 1. n. Ore g on Isn. ART STORE handling pictures, atstusrv. framing, for ssle owing to desth of for mer owner. Ktshllaned li yesra: 4-year leas: stock will Invnlcs shout 4iMu. but wttl sell for much less; sstiefactory terme. Must be eold to ssttls estate. A rare op portunity for any one desiring a business of this cbsrsrter See administratrix on premise. 4.".3 stark, near 12th. FOR SALE or trad for farm land, the furnishing and leas of a Arst-clsss ho tel In a good town, oioao to Portland. Ttr IVNUi, reasons for selling; will stand investigation. AV B44. oregonlan. RESTAURANT. Mg moneymaker. cheap rent, long lease. 4 living-rooms, pries II7O0; will tsks 178 down snd 'o month iss I don't need ths money) from re sponsible psrtles or will trade. Sol Lum ber Exchange. WANTED. Partner to take half intereet In a light manufacturing plant: a man who caa take charge of an office and manage men; aal ary 120 per month. Kinney t Stam pher. r3i-2 Lumber Exchange bldg. IK Ton are willing to drlvs delivery wagon In solid cash business ss psrtner, ws csn place you In on thai will par yon a susranteed aalary of 128 week and profits. 3-8 Lumber Exchsnge. REAL KSTATK msn. having good business, wsnta Interestsd partner to ebow custo mers property; will teach you ths biisl nes and gusrante you no lee than lloO month. 12:1 Lumber Exchange. SALoo.V for aula st s sacrifice, hlgh-ctsas In svery respect: good lesse. low rent, fine locstlon: exceptions! opportunity; deal direct with owner; terme; no agents. AO 120. Oregonlan. IF you havs sufficient fund to control and bsck a manufacturing propoaltlon with beet management and well-eatabllahed but lscks cspltal for extension, call up Kaat 4i; big margin of profit. POOLHOOM and cigar bualnees, owner wsnis Interested partner to help him; this will rnv you IS dsy: very llttls money required. 12 Lumber Exchange. WOOD end coal business; owner hes more business thsn bs csn handle alone and want partner to check wood and attend office. 32.1 Lumber Exchange. OA RAO E for sale. In good town of loss; corner lot, 80x100, good building 41x74; equipped with tools, etc AR 117, Ore gonlan bNAP M--at msrkst In good town, well lo cated, by owner; terms given, everything In nrst-clsss condition. Addresa lock box 17. Elgin. Or. WANTED Slsadv. sober man to check good. kep plain accounta, tc. : money required secured; pay 1!W) month salary and shar profit. 819 Lumber Exchange. WILL aell W Intereet In a bualnees that I a money-getter to a live, hustling solicitor, or ons with selling experience; 1228 re quired. 4., Stark el. W ANT partner with som cspltal to bsck a money. making business In ths lln of tlm - ber 4ndustry; etrlctly honest snd straight proposition. AV .ma. Qfegontan. REST A CHANT, with rent psld until July I: can maks ths cst of It this month: If tou wsnt a snap, grab It; only 2.r0. H Stark at. FIRST-CLASS halrdresslng parlor; party must leave cltv- sood business 4"2 Et- k lers bldg.: svrrytnlng up to dats; big snsp OI'PORTI NITY for atrady sober man. pay 1.48 week; moatly outside work; require very little money, which will be secured. Room 210 Lumber Exchsnge bldg. FOR SALE Msrket and grocery, close In, doing rash business of 7I to 1128 dally: llloo. or will In vole for cash only. J lis, Oregonlan. - CLEAN, straight manufacturing business, exclusive line, patented, 200 per cent profit: IliHio will handle; Inveatlgat. 431 Mohwk bldg. CORNER grocery for I tKVV will guarantee the sales to bs I12O0 to IIFKiO month: has living-rooms; chance seldom offsred. Room MS Lumber F.xchsngs bldg. CONFECTIONERY and delicatessen, with living-room, for sals cheap. 248' Stark street. PICTURE show. month gusrsntee; chesp for right party; terms. O 117, Ors- gon Isn. i BAHHKR shop for sal, splendid rhsncs Just before the sesson. paiacs Barber Shop. Main st.. Seaside, Or. FOH SALE 1-chslr barber shop; hsvs to quit shop on account of health. 111 Union ave., near Kllllngsworth. Ml ST sell clgsr, fruit snd msiaxlns stsnd; central West Slds location; prlc JJ00. 24" H Stark at KOK SALE H Interest In old established restaurant; l00. P 120. Oregonlan. Fvn SALE liMi shares gilt-edge stock. Phono Main 2.1s, FOR SALE Lsundry route cheap; have rash. AF Oregonlan. BUSINESS orT-OWTrNITIE! -WANT-gP. WILL buy established paying real estate and Inauranc business In good growing Wil lamette or Rogue River Valley town. F 117. Oregonlan. ROOMINO-HOCSES. M AH X E. LUNT CO, PORTLAND'S LBADINts HOTKL AOS-401, EOT ELS ROOM I NO AfAXIKI.IT HOUSES. All alseg and price ISJ.4 Fsllliur mill.. Id snd WasMSTtys. FOR SALE or trsds for good form Isnd. th furnishings And lease of a good hotel: hi rooms, new esrpsts. nsw furnlturs, csntral- - ly locatsd; squlty XOeOO; bsl. monthly pymsnts; would consider Mlnnssota or Wisconsin lands. R 111, Orsgonlsn. FOR RENT A hotel completely furnished, doing s fine business. 42 rooms, sll full, ft years' lesss. for sale; price Includes last month's rent.' Call Main 0427. FOR rooming-houses, apartment and ho tels, see MULTNOMAH ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 4;id Chamber of Commerce. Jl-ROOM modern dwelling, elegantly fur nished, new and clean, heat location, big income and alwav roll. Wing lease, terms cheap. 14- owner Flenders. l-b DOWN. 8 lovely eunny rooms, lawn, roses, rsnt :li. Il.come i:2 (2 rooms re served). Ideal corner location. You'll ad mit a real bargain. 4H3 loth. SACRIFICE. 0-room rooming-house, good lesse. mil. Weshlngton st.. rsnt 140. pries loO. lno cssn. balance easy terms. 17 ROOMS, fins furniture, Ions lesse fins locstlon. Incoms I2U0, rent l8; ICoO will handle. Main 1MO. 20 ROOMS, near Second and Corblt; IOOO. Inquire 227 Othbc St. FURNITURE of nln room cheap, clos In, good Income. 444 Taylor IU SPECIAL NOTICES). Proposals Invites. NOTICsL Sealed tlds will bs received by th Boise Association of crsdlt Men, Limited, assignes for ths property of th Tom Jones Drug Company. Psystts, ldsho. This property consists of a complst Mock of drugs, and such goods usually sold In first-class drug stotea Th fix ture Include a fine soda fountain, com plete with csrbonatoc. tables, chaire. wsll tssea, ssven floor casts csah register, pre emption esse etc. Stock and futturea will Inventory about 10800. Sealed blda a 111 be opened and considered at P. M, Monday. June 10. 1112. All bids must be sccompanted by certified check for a sum of not less thsn ft per cent of ths smount bid. to be for feited If the successful bidder falls to tike prcpsriy. Ths tight is reserved to reject any and II bid. BOISE ASSN OF CREDIT MEN. LTD.. By D. J. A. Dirk. Secrstary and Treas urer. Holes. Idaho. SEALED bids win bs received by the un dersigned ssalgnss for ths Auto Recon struction Conipsny for ths asasts of ths corporstlon. constating of: Lot 1 A lot of mscbtnsrv. tools and supplies, ap praised at 1000. lot 2 In automobile t runabout and light delivery rl, ap praised at trluoO. Bid will b opened Jun 4 at 10 A. M. All bid must be accompanlad by a cer tiflsd check of not less than ft psr esnt of ths amount bid. Klgbt la rsservsd to rsjsct sny snd all bids. All ths abovs Is contained In two-story building, located nt Iwcnty-saccmd and Thurmnn etreet. JULIU8 UOl.DSMITH. Assigns for ths Auto Reconstruction Co. Arrangement can ba feuad for favorabi tease of building 0 KICB C. V. Cbronlcle bldg., San Tan ctseo. Csl., May 27. 1013. Sealed pro posal will bs rscslvsd hers until 11 A. M. Juns 12. 1012. for furnishing forss and strsw, required at posts In Western Di vision during fiscal )ear, commencing July 1. 101J. Information furnished on sppllcstlon her or to Post Quartermaster snd Quartermasters In Seattle, Waeh.: Portland. Or., snd Honolulu. H. T.. and bide mav be received bv Post Qusner maters and Quartermaster. Honolulu. H. T.. until 11 A M-, Pa.-lfle time. Juns 12, 1913. r. VON 8C1IKADEIL C Q, M. SPE I IX NOTICIC. sts lavtled. Mia. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATU OF ORE-ION FOR THE COcNTI OF MULTNOMAH In the metier of the eetata of Lucy E. Anderson, deceseed. N'VTH E TO CREDITORS. Noflcs Is hereby given thst the nnder stgned. Seward E. Allen, ha been ap pointed executor of the estate of Lucy E. Anderson, decessed. by ths County court of the rtets of Oregon for the County of Multnnmsh. snd has qusllflsd as such. Ail persons hstlng clslms sgsinst ssid eststs srs hereby notified to present ths ssme. properly verified, ss required by Isw, ts the eald eiecutor. at the office. f J. J. Johnson. 214 Spalding building. In ths city of Portlsnd. Oregon, on or befots six month from the dsts of first pu llcstion of this no'.its. listed and first published May 77. 1112. SEWARD E. ALLEN. Executor of the Estats of Lucy K. Ander son. Deceased. J. J. JOHNSON. Attorney. 114 Spsldlng HI.- TIIEKE Is heresy celled a metteng of the alckho;dere of the first extension south of the Urea ML Mining Co . st ths o.'flcs nt John K. Logan. 421 Moliawk bid., Portlsnd. Oresoli. on Juns 18. 112. st 1 P. M.. for the purpoee of rloelng u-i the business of the first extension south of ins Oreen Mt. Mining Co . to sell the prop erty to rsv off ths Indebtedness and close up th buslne of the eeid company, snd trsnsact such other bustnes aa may law ful y come, before the meeting. This meeting Is cslled by order of th president. tin i , rtrw mt i m Notice ok di.-soi ution ok partner ship. The firm heretofore exleting under Csrl son Printing Compsny. composed of Ar thur B. Car son and A. M Mlckel. at ltV.Uj Third street. I this day dissolved by mntusl consent, Arthur II. Carlson hsv'r.g purchased entire Interest. All eccoun's due end swing esld copartnership are to be peld to snd by Arthur It Carleon. I-ated thle "ceth dsy of May. 1I1. Arthur H Carlson. A. M Mick-I. NOT ICE I hereby given, that the co-part-aerehlp of Mcio.1 A Runte, heretofore ensas-d In the tailoring business st 24t Wsshtngton street, baa dissolved. The business, including s.l llaal.lties, being taken ovsr by J. K. McLeod. The renting psrtner. O J. Runte. will not be re sponslb.s for sny debts now standing or incurred In future I Signed) O. J. Hunt-. I-WILL-NOT be responsible foe snv debts mads by my wife. Til.) Cobb. (Signed) Burt CobV BAROEH for rent, cspacily 4O0 tons Pat tullo 110 Sherlock bldg Main 1410 FINANCIAL. MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT. Contracts, mortgsges. equities, chattel, dlair.nnrls and reel e-cun:y. SPECIAL SERVICE RENPERED. LA WSO.N BKOW X INVESTMENT CO, 112. Teon b ill. Phone M. 878 WE pay highest cssh prlc for bullders contrscta first and second mortgsges and othe eecurlile. Home Installment Caw 4Ql -402 McKay Mdg Marshall ll-ds. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES or seller equity In contrs-rt of eel on rel esiete In Wsehlngton or Oregon. H. E. Noh.e. l.umbermens bldg. Loans si AV E seversl tboussnd dolisrr worth e-f gllt-edgs stock wouid Ilk to dispose of. Will se'l unl-r msrket prtc. Answer. AP H Oregonlsn INVESTORS Ws asvs for sale cbolcs 8 per (sal first ongsge from I100O to I'rfeuo. on Improved business property. Addr Boa 1 1 1. Rainier, or. MoRTOAOES I first snd secoivd 1, contract and ellers' equities bought. E. L. I'fi-r. seux. 100a Spalding bldg. Id snd W ssh Ington. Msln 84 WE buy notes, contrscis. mortgagee iflrat and second 1. equities, F. li. Lwis 4 Co, 2 Iwl bldg. HIGHEST price psld for contrscts, note and first snd second mortgages. E. W'. A. peshe. 5o7 Mi Ksy bolg Msrehs l tM FIRST arwl second mortgssea. ronirlcu snd commission nccounts bought, real eatats loans E. B MU.er. lit) A blngton bldg. WILL aell 13 shares of United States ssh ler stock chesp; no reseonabl offer re fused A 1 2.1. Oregonlan. MONEY to loan on flrst-ciae Portlsnd real estate security at loeeel ratee. Morsso. Flledner A Boycs. SOI Ablngton bldg Money t L-e Used Let ale. i;ivi TO LOAN. EVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS TO LOAN ON OOOD INCOME PORTLAND PROPERTY AT I PER CENT. SEE MR. PRIOMOHE. WITH WARD at TOUNGER. SUITE I TEON BLDO. sfONIT TO LOA ON IMPrlOVT.J KEAL EbTATat OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSION. LOLL M BI A LIFE TKLsT CO, 111 bPALDINU BLDO. MONEY TO LOAN. liooo at 8 per cent: .i'i-0 at per rent; lCuo at I psr cnt; llowoo to 8o.. 000 at par cent, city property, oae-lulrd valuation. Mar. 4847. R. 14. TUFFORD 4V CO.. A 484.V 4W bps. ding B.dg. 140,000 TO LOAN AT ONCE, ON IMPROVED PROPERTY. WILL DIVIDE. J. H. TIPTON t-O.. HO hPALDINU BD. ASK. FOR MR- EAsTQN. SUKTOAul LOaNaV F'.nty of money to loan at ta per csat a city residence snd buslnsss prop erty and MJl'.noinsh County far-a. ED w. P. MALL, 100 to lo4 Chsmbsr sf T ON Improved city property or for build ing purpoee. 8 to eare time; llbsral payment prlvllegee; money advanced ae building progresses. The Equitable Sav- trigs a Loan Association, 20 bier st. MOHlUAO LOANS. Largs auppiy of money t laa a Portland real eelate at 8 to 7 pee east. MALL VOI BUIU1SL, 14 Seeoud Su, Near Stars! lou.ou-) TO LOAN on Impruved city or fria property In dlff-rrnl amounts from lluvej to IIO.UOO. st lowest rules of Interest. W in, C. Borcher. 2o7 oregonlan bldg. 84il.iHM ON improved city or farm propsrty; building or sinsil losa st loeveet rstes; lurgs losns a specialty. McKensie 4x Co. 8I4-313-.M Ueillliger bldg. MOUTvlAtiE ioatie on either city r farm proper!), mortgages purchssvd. Henry C. Prud liuiun,e 1.0.. hill Wilcox bldg. Money to iusn on new buildings, dwel. lag house preferred. If 1 do the work, ASi. 1U3. oregoman. MONTHLY PA 1 VENT LOANS en Portland homca or for builuing purposes. 20a blare. PROVIDENT SAVING'S A LOAN Aaa N. TO LOAN I1D0O and .Uu). en good city properly or farm. F. Kucha, 420 chamber of i i(trlrl,rrt. TO LOAN lit )0 I K tCdi, KARKlNG-'N. CO MMEKCIAL JLU U BI.DQ. IkrHOVbl) or unimproved propsrty. emsll building loans, contracts anu mortgase bought- W. H. Nuun. 448 snsrlM.k biug. I200.000 TO loan, large loans a specialty, building loans, loweat rate. VV. U. Axck, a 1. '1-310 FaliUig bldg MuKTliAulC loane on city property; loweat ma. A. H. JulrTOU Co,. 2ux Uiluf bio td and btark 1,'mxa AND upwarda cn Improved real estate: notee and mortgages bought, W. A, Halhswvy. room )u. Wssnington b.dg PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort -gages. H. M.ey,jroura 24 Oerllnger blOg. STATE funds. per cent. W. E. Thomea, egtnt Muitnoman County. 4iej th. of Com. iaTiNEY any amount. to 8 per cent. W. II. Sell ' Spa.ding bldg. CuBTuAGi! T.OAN3, AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS BAl.o-eHlN. 20 bTARK fcT. MoKTl-AliE LOAM AT REASONABLE RATfca. F. H. LEWIS, 1 Ls, 'Alb Bl.l-O L0A.N9 oa reai. pereoi-at, custtel or coiist srsl security. C W. 1 alien. uB-S Ksatoa. MORTGAGE LOANS. J. O. O JLT HA. FAli-INO BLDO. jrasiM and city mortgage loane without de lay, li. M. Friend. . 70 bpaldlng bldg. LOANS oa real estats. dlamoada and Jew elry. Win, HoiL room Vahipgton b-ug. tb "LOAN 116 or le on unproved port land real estate. M. tWoi. oo OH PART for ImmediaL loan a r. setst Phons Isbor 77L MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING. Ill Co. of com. IsoO LP on bouse. Ownsr only. Tit.s sa- nsnse only Any . 2 10 Alisay b d . Mooey t In t baltele nnd Salaries. r 1 1 1 1 FIRST and second real estat mortgags loana sellers equities nnd ail kiAOs sf tuortgsgas boughL U. S HEAL E.-TATE 4V BROKERAGE CO. 112 Hamilton Bldg. I I I I A DESIRABLE place for ladle and gsntls- an to borrow money on (ttassonds and lserelry at Eastsra rates. Diamond Pal ace, 114 Washington, opp. Owl Drug Store. ayE a-OA-N money oa liaaosas aa lswf at ka.f the rata charged by tiaasra Marx a. B.eea. 7 Id ax. FIN A'WIAIk Mas- 1 tawtsi. Chattels ad Slrtes. WLICA. LOANS ANT AMOUNT. SALARY LOANS. CHATltL LOAN. tr will LOAN TOU 10 to liooo T0DAT I.ons msue on DIAMONDS. AlJi. STi'HAnE lltrL.PTS. 11ANOS, Ft. R. MTi HE. LIV1..-TAH.K or REAL F.ST Alls. LoWEbT KATE. QUICK, stHVlcE. SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. Ivsns msds snvwher In MULTNOMAH rtilMI reacned by INTEHLRllAN CArlS ... SEE US FTHST OR LAST, PUT SITE t . WE Do MoKB THAN WE AtiVKKTISU. You can utr IT Today Rebate given II paid before due, Portland loan co.. Sol-inf Vacleay Hldg Both rhonee. Pel, th and Ith ata. en Washington. Open Monday and Saturday till I'. . 1 r 1 1 1 MONEY FOR VACATION'S. Do YOU NEED AMI Sin. f;n. inn, no. $,0, o. 7d. Iioo. CHEAPEST AND I'llST PLACE To hORHOW MuNEY. RUM KM HER. IF YOU WORK WE Wll L LOAN YOU MONET BI'SINE-'S STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. STATE SECURITY CO.. e-l FAILING PLUG I I I I II To IIOO tdvaned on furniture, pianos, wstchea alamooda Jewelry, wsgons. automobile, wrebouee receipt. iarle and plaia aetea OUR MOTTOt Quirk reasonsbls and ronfldentlat ELBY COAIPANV Maln 4I7. Iro Lumbar Exchange. 2d and Stark. M ON lit FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Wonieo keeping buuse and others fur nlshel wltlioul security; cheapeet rstes, yastaat pments. Com snd gst mouey when you want It and pay aa you can. Ol ice lu a! principal cities. it. 11. Tel man. 417 t.unil-er Eachaiise. I A i-Art 1 LOAN. 4.A1AA1EL LOAN Ten aa get IS I 1 100 today at cheap est rate, best and most private terme in Oregon. D. D. Drake. 8U1 Stal ling u.dg MONEY TO LOAN. Strictly confidential, without ' delay, on autoa, pianos, furniture, warehouse, etor srge ret ell 's Adolplius Lane. 414 Ablngton atoevr. so.d installment ; couOdatliis,. sa-srted people. F. A. Newleu. Hears .!-. A LOAN lor ta asking, saiarr or c baited. To taa Co. 414 Dekui bldg MONEY loaned on dlsmonds and Jswelry; etrlrtly confidentisl. 141 H Id, near Alder. Lease A 7o0 IO 4non FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS WAVTKD. WILL PY 7 AVD 8 PER CENT ON improve! Portland pruPEHTT. ASK FOR MR FtrroN AT Itos M'.tLPISil HI. 11. WANT LOAN OK I7IM1. HOUSE AND LOT ON HARD-SUR-KACE STREET. AND CAR LINK Wll. I, PAT 8 I T" ' KMT AND FXPKSSES NO AGENTS. W 12". OHKllll.M I.0.0O LOAN WANTED OS FINK LAI LEI HI ItST HOME. WILL PAY 7 PER CENT TO PRI VATE PARTY W IIS. oHEHi'NIAN lrV LOAN WANTED ON TWO- FAMILY Hot SIC WT7.I, PAT PER CENT TO PRIVATE PA HTT. A T, IIP. I'll KiiONI AN. 4.e LOAN W ANTED ON IMPROVED pintTl AND PROPERTY WILL FAY PER CENT No AGENTS. V 11". OREGON I AN. MuNEY W A NTtO Anslieatioas on bssd far dsslrshls losns mortgages foe sale, Henry c. Prud horn me Co.. sl Wllrog bid. WANT loan of 2e on my 7oo horn In Iurelhurst : will psy 1 per oenL Phons Marshall 4. I WANT to borrow lloooo on good Im proved Portlsnd resl eststs. D lol. Ors gonlan: 4i.oO IXAN wanted on Improved Inside property worth I1J.I". N 111, Oregonlan. IX ST ANf F-DUNT. FOUNl Where you can buy genuine hair matteewa.-s retail at wholeesle prlcee; we rennvaie mattresses and return sstne dsy: we slso renovats feather. Portland Curled Hslr Factory. II. Mrlsger, 220-22S Front. Phone Main 474. A 1.174. ,4, ST Oo,d cuff button unSnlahed pearl In center, eurrounded oy four emell dia monds snd ons small diamond In bar. Kinder will be rewarded by returning to 244 Salmon lreet. LOST Ijldy'e gold huntlng-caae watch, Hampden movement, with picture of 10 rnndren In bark. I'hone Eva Kent, Main 1024. Lltieral reward. LOfT Bunch of keya. near Washington t. ; finder please return to 105 Lumbermen bldg or phone Marahall 1744. L isT In City Park, or on Md at., an am thvel neclileo. Finder return to ilU Northrup. flat P. snd receive reward. LOST A pair of evs gleaaea. gold setting, black, cass. l'hons Marshall 14)80 or A 2Mi4. lAjc-T scotch Colli dog; answer to th nsme of "Collie," lhon Tabor lltlO. Reward LOST Collie dog license 447 reward. Tele phone A lle.1 C 1778 or Main 8:14. Lost A reTl baby overcoat, nn Portlanl Heighle cerllne. Inquire 244 Alder. FOUND Bulldog. Call 101 Ith SU Ask for Hsmpton. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. lit 14-lnch wltchg 14.41 II 14-lnch switches 1-41 Hair dressing Fece m assess Shsmpo Manicuring. 2ftc: for v .-In irMtmtQU ........... II 21 II 1 00 ft. 00 Supsrfluoue hslr removed by elsotrle geedle guersntsed not to return. 4 l snd 4 rLlts oniy st.ee. Cut bslr In any shsds; switches any length. Prices tislf. Saoltsiy parlor 400-418 Dekum Bldg.. Id and Waahlngton. EDISH TRAINED Nt HUB Heielna.'e-s gisduaie; rbsumstlsm, nervous and atom ath allnienla. under physician a direc tions: bsths. massegs. No. 7 East llta t. aecond door ouib from East ABkaaf carllne. pnoue East 200. B 18o. FEB VET 4 HANEUUT. Loading wig and tou wee niakera flneet teck of bums bslr goods, switches from Isc up. bslr dressing, manicuring, face aad stsia treatment; cumuit, made up to order. 147 J in, nr Morrison. Msln 44s. Gh'RM ANtraltied nures ana inaaseuee, long experience, beat t.fereuves. Uestmentg lor rheumatism, lumbago, etc., masaages and t.alha, nn) Hollauay ave.. corner Occi dent. "V car. phone East 2008, C Ml, Open Surds) s. rl'CCESKC'LLY trest nervous snd chronic dlsesss without ths use of drugs, con sutaoon ires. Marshsli .148. ul Ablngton bids on Id, between otsik snd Wash, ,tm. Dr. Csthsrlns C. Oatos. 10 to 0. LKt.-o M.11S for rant. 1.0 month; ksep your clothe cleausd, pressed, button sewed on. tips repsltsd. prompt rails and u.livrl)lqu laliurlng C Ino Stsrs. yjUli OF YOUR COMU1NOS1. Switclies. 84c; curl and pu'xa 'so. San itary nesutj 1 score, sou Dskum bldg. Ml MALD WILSON, 848 4 Morrison su. room 4, -..-'' ladles onl) . Z N KKUl. 1 ne i --- -j - - tern builder, 11 per bog; boxes, li. Si,p-T lorjprug co.so Morrlson sl. m7T-. bol'HlA H. SLIP, mnial and spirit ual seism SH2 Aiisky bldg. QUsilon meet i ng w a d an d J r I . . P. M Mam ;4. rpALP treatment, facial massags. Itount M, Aiotel Alieean, top fioor. 42. WaaUlng lou et. l'hune A IvK'.o. rTTL.? TREATMENT, manicuring Miss lieuiund. js Morrison, room 41), I) A. : . ... v vj fT.iL . C. MORRISON Steam bathe end lii-iseeurlng for rlieuinstiem. lumbago. aJ ,. s 4470. open sundaye. V . , t u(' KlteS. Compound Royal Tuui laoleta. 644 Davis St. Msln 1)218. UAIH nloRli. 18 st near Wasntag. wn. Bsttsr quailty bear, any ensue. WANTkD-4 ladle to learn, bnitry Par .ora. 400 Dekum ttlug. MOLAvd, superfluous hair removed. Mrs M. 1). Hill, 4 2 Kneilner bldg. Main 847a. Mra Putter, a-a.p and Isrisl usstmenta 812 Northwesl b.ug.. ih, Wash. Lsuii only. A1K bTOivE. 18VJ ath at., near Washing- tou. Toupees to order. 111. FACIAL blemishes currsclsd. scslp expert. Mrs. Courtrighl, 711 lrehum, Msin 8i42. MAMCUH1NG a speclslly by a Nsw Vork expert. 4v0 Mercliani Trust bldg. BonTON graduate, maseage and medical giiitiatns. s2 JIlruti, p ons flight. FACIAL snd scalp treatment, room I. Waahlngton c. Ktk nd Waahlngton. MASSAGE. II, open evenings. 411 Korth west bldg.. Ith and Washington. MANICURING parlor, facial and scalp treat, men, shampooing so7 Nonbwsst bldg. jjlu BERTHA'S lesson that guide through life; don't fsil 10 see her. i:o llth st. MASSAGE. 1: open evenings. 411 North west.bldl, th snd Wsshlngton. ELECTRICAL fsclnl A scslp treatments, hslr. dressing dt manicuring, 111 Swetland bids. I'FRSONAI. AtAl)lv.'AI. curs by the Utest ntvtuial heal tug luethnda. Including radium, sll ee:. tricsl currents. lights. licet, vibration, radiation, baths, message, sdluetment snd nisnipulwtlona, most t-xreusive, finest eqiilppetl private office in Oregon; b nieiliiln or operational oter Slant treated liatlenta and not a death while under our t.re, we v. Ill be g'ad to consult with od fiee of charge. lit. YV. E. Msllory, 212 llothrhlld hlilg. Mia btev, 11a. 18 1 s. I'u Hand's leading palm ist, hss her lets book, "Palmist t y Made Easy,'' on ssle. .V17 V, Wllllsms sv cor. Knott. OrTtte houis 111 A. M. to 0 P. II. lit SIN ISS DIRECTORY. Amaletir Kodak Finishing. QI'ICK service, cut rsles; send for prlc list. Ths K odakety. Ml It an d W aal). Assay rr and Analyst. Wells A Proebatel, mining engineers, cliem lats and asara. 2ti4s VV asliuiglon. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Lahorotorf and oie-ti'stltig wotk. 1KQ Morrison at. Analytical ( hentlala. WtH)DARD, CLARKE A CO.. analltlcal chennata. examiners of chemlcais, druga, foods, etc. Attorney s. A. E. COOPER, sttorney-st-lsw. Geneial practice, ahatracta examined Removed te 14.4 to 1421 Yeon bldg. 81. 8711, A 2ill, MosESSOli.N A M t is E sso UN . lawyera. Ah atracta examined, speak Gerntsn. French, Russian. 714-718-710 Chsm. of Commerce. Ilrnae nnd Mnrhlns Works. HARPER'S HltASS W 1 1 It K S H raeec sst 1 1, g snd mschlne work. I11O N Ith. Msln 27u4. I hlroprwctln I'hyalrlnn, DR TICK N ER. Columbia bldg., nest Star Theetr. AB2S. Main Pf.87, res. B2U"a f'hlropodlate. liR ol. I Ell O. H. ETCHER and lady e-lo-rt aaslsisnt. :tn. AHsav hlilg , 8d and Alorrleon. Main a7tl2. treats all Ills of the foot, without danger of llifecllon; corns, bunions. Ingrowing and atrophied nalla, flat foot and bunion a specialty, Wll.l.lAMEelelle" and Klo.ale Deven). the only scientific chiropodists In the CI 1 . Parlors :in2 Uerliugcr bid.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main l.bi1. I ll lldll'i iDY and pedicuring. Mra. M D. Hill, offices 420 Klirdner bldg. Msln 1471. DR. U. sfl aiid Mrs." Fletcher Painless chiropodists, over llaselwood. Itsln 8711. f-owl. COA1 Al.IIINA KIEL CO. BLOCK Wot i BRANCH E 1111 ST WOOD. l oal and 111 sod. NATION A L- Fl EL CO Cos I snd wos llarsliall OHO, A ir.4o 27 W Ster St. Dwnclttg. Mil. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOL: lessoeia 28 tents, fancy eiage and so,-isl dancing taught dally; wait and two-step gusrsn teed In 4 leasona. clas Monday evening. liw ?d si., bet. Wash, and stark. tlelecllve Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Delectlvs Agency. con serystlvs. r llstile, confldenl inl ; tntes II per day Ofllce M0 l,kum blilg. M. 842. f-alucatlnnal. S1AMMER7 Method for curs esplslneo free. M. 1 llatllcld, 1118 Gtovs, Oakland. 1 SI. Fnglnee t,ns nnd Steam. ltoltKH Machinery Co.. Coset sgenta Sea buty steam enginee snd bollets, gaaolins engines 281.213 K. Muiiison. Phons h. fi I e. lAndscwn t . a rilcner. G II. SIEIIKLS. Sellwood I 187. E. lilt st New lawns, care of lawna, cleaning lot. Ivather nnd landing. CI1 AS. I- M A STICK At'), 74 Front. I csl her of every description, labs, nitre, flndinga, J. A. ST ROW I Rl I nl KT . K aT I ERo7 F.. tabllahcil IH'iH I Ml Front t. M itslrel. w CAN furnish the best musln on Coaal for hummer reaoi t, garden psrllv, elc. W PH. oiegonlnn. HAG'IIMK piano. Jtl lessons, aptclsl depart, ttient. Nallotisl t.'otieervatory of Muaio, lltand ave. and V" Moltlaon St. 8.1111 Thlelhorn, violin tea- her. puiil Srvce- 1'IANO sluillo; modern mellioda 200 I4ih. Mi In Hmi.1. Arrangemenn for practicing. rteonllil Physicians. Dr. R. It. Northrup, 418-10-17 Is kum bldg. Nervous sod chronlo Dlaeaasa. Phone, Office, M. 3411. rea F.eal or B 1024. l)lt. I.EROY SMITH, grsdusls KlrUsvllle, Mo. ImiH, post-gtsd. Il'n7. 1 1 it Selling bd. Palnls, oils aod tils i'i HKT-Uilil iialnt and varnish IS best adapted to the Coast cllmats. R. ItELTER PAINT CO.. IB! Second t. BAB8- RASMUSSEN A CO.," Jobbers, paints oils, glass, shsIi and door. Cor. 2d snd Tsylor. 1'alrnt Attorneys. U.S. AM) K.illvlHN PATENTS procured by o. o. Msrtln, 4DS.4QB Chamber if Commsrea Mdg I'slents pio,urer.y J. K. Mock, attorney, al-law, lata of U S. Patent orflcs. Hook let free. 71. the Hoard of Trade bldg PATENTS obtained, trademarke. copyright registered, all rouhtrle. Booklet fro PETER 11 ABERLIN,2 Worceeter bldg. H. I'.-WRIGHT, domestic snrl foreign pst snts, Itirnngement case, no 4 Dekum blug. atent Kngliirecs. I N V E N T I o N H 1 1 E V E 1 .0 P E D And paleiila sSctirtol. Coop A Sclimltt, con sulting engineers, Mil llonry bldg. phons Main lav.. Cotisultsllon free. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE Hyeis' Collateral Hank; 40 yestg In I'ortlHii.l. 71 nth st. Phone Main Dili. Paving. Ill n Hurl er Asi'hail Paving Compsny, llti:.. nun Electric bids. Oscar Huber. Portlsnd, PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Ksctory and office near 24th and Vork its. Main I4H). tMsfca. Till. Mosl.EH SAI-K CO.. 118 2d St. Sates at factory prices: second-hand ssfes. Screen Work. For all kind of screen work call Last 1772. Serond-IIand fioo.la W E buy clothing, furniture and tools. IIIkIi est pries paid f"i second hand clothing, furnlttiie, tools. Msrshsll 2:i.i4. WE pev lite highest prices for second-hand clothing and allocs. Main THQ8. go) 8ih. showcaeea. Hank and Show Flilur-e. THE LI'TTvE MFG. CO., branch Grand RP Ids Showcase Co., Sth and HoyL R. Lulk. nianager. 1L H. BlRDSAI.L. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show cases In stock, prompt dejlvsry. Sale event, M. ITI'CC l.uoio-e . ... PORTLAND fc'lIOVVCASI! FIXTURE CO. 1!-. N. Ith st. Msln 7(117. Cshlnet wotk. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 4h and Couch: new and second-hand. Main 2708, Cabinet work. SleaniellllM. THB ALLEN LINK Royal Mall steamers: Montreal. Liverpool. Claaeow. Montreal Havre, Plymouth. London: the picturesque St Lawrence route; four daye on 'ha ocean; three day In rlvsr and gulf; plen dld new turbine lesmers; saloon, aeoond cabin and third clsaa; superior one-clsse cabin service; cuisine uneacelled: courteous 0 attention; send for circular, rates, plans, etc. Allan Co., J27 N. LXarburo St.. Chlcsgo. Storage nnd Tmnafer. C o PICK Transfer A Storage Co., ofl. e 'nd commodious 4-slory bt lck warehoua. . sepstste lion rooms snd fireproof vauus for valushles; N. W. cor. 2d and Pino sta . pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: special rates mads on goods lit our thiough cars to sll domestic and - , .. . - VI, Im -.lift X 'US. loreiiro p.-io 1 - - 1 ll,r-o;v.-rtin. 1 ns.ii-r r,n -General trsnslerrltig snd storage, safes, plsnos snd furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87 Ml Front St. Telephone Main .'.47 or A 2247; OREGON TRANSUKR CO., salshllahed 170. Trstafer snd forwarding attenls. t)fflce snd storaxe 474 (IMsan at., corner :ith and Ollsnn. Phones Msln In, A 110. Type Hters, lin Tt) sua will hoy a kkhuilt ittk WKITER; rehulll aa good as nw; sll inskes 10 etiooss from at GUI', lit and Ahler; Until to suit; every mschlns gusr--iitsed. Call or phons for representative. Main 8.1QO or A 8011a. W'K are the exchange for the largeat type writer concern otl Ihl Coast; Inveetlxaie ; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 8.U u, Waahlngton t. NEW rebuilt, Second-hand rentals, at cut rates, p. p. C. Co, .l Stark. M. 141)7. Veterinary Schools and Colleges. b. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. Id. No profession offers equal pr. tttinily. Catalogue freo. C. Keane, Pre., illl Mar Vet st.. sen Francisco. Well Drilling. DRILLING well. Phone Main 1.148 or writ ,. West, 182 Morrison St. Wire to Rent. V ICS in rent. Hair lore, 120 ith at., nt Warhlniton.