la TTtT. ,r VG OTtEOONTA!. SATtTTtPA Y, JUNK 1. 1012. AMrM!?rra. H ! I G TtVt lar and Tsylor rtMi Mala I aa A ll r-sxiAi, pnir-ie mnjirt, t,ts totat Last Tltae Twl hi, Silj. WM. HODGE In Ih Play Suceeee of the century THK Hi fKOM HOME" Tonight $J. I.IW, 11. T.I.; fine. Matinee 11. V ti. Tia. ri, sc Ic. PUT. WOW r.ujo MB KMAr;KMKT HBILIO THEATER t friM i VMtfTS IIICGIN MINll IMUII.JUUBJ Matins. Wsdn.sdar Charle. Irrubiiian prssapt Maude Adams In ftaetand'B Mastsrptere "THWTr.ri.i:il" prices. Vith Evening and Matl.e: F.ntir. lower floor 12. Balcony. raw. I Jo: rnwi. i; a raws, T.v: ft row. "c. G.l!ry reserved Tic. Admission, too. H Bests. IJAO BAKER TMEATP.R Afsir t a na (t o I Push.. Ma- BAKKR BTOTK COMPANY MAT TOPAT LAST TIME TONIGHT Tha grrst plav of New YnVk criminal Ufa. TUB rP.p PIRPLE" Br Pail A mis' rang. Thrilling, ln"naa and Fascinating. An 1mm. nee Hit P-.ning price far, $n. Mala 13e. Next week, .'artleg Hm"rra maltnaa Wee Ihtvn r.a-t." WM MA.T I llnrewe Refc-rte hi The Xlrarlx") la Pallia Mlgaeei I ha Pour Ritch ie, i the H Bullye, Al aad laaai rtieww maai IMailll and Abb at a, falala rat be re Orchestra I'lclnrea Alalia r.eerr Uaf.'l aade.lll UfrK M4.T fleeel Vill "In'K PJHIai ll 1 1 -eeike. rok"i Henry aad Lieell I plhe Uhlteelde. aad Plehealnnle-1 lu. leel MarUnaa-ti org ieasaa tr-r-aslrw. Prtcee. laa aad HA. MKPK MAT PVaaVrta V. BawaMI Klvo Joeellas Nxaiaaii Mlaa JaaaM Avellert Hon and U'Neel: III i hrea HHtner Jrarl aad Jordeai Panta-ge-rope; Papular prices. Move, and HreA ma balcony reserved. Hog afflra apan fanm It A. M. la 10 r. M. Phunaa: A. lif. Mala aid. I urtaln, ti0, lilft aad a, COUNCIL CREST rORTLAXD'l HOOP OAROIN. 1100 faal abov ttia elly. Vraa aeanlo amuaamenl park. Hlfb olaaa altrartlnna. Open-air rlnh. Pla- Dlo ireiindi In old appla orchard. ADHIIIIKIX TO (iHIKKDI KHr'.R. BASEBALL REiniCATIOTI PABK. tar. Vaaa aad Traay.fnrh CI a. sacramento portLand MAY. 29. SB, an, m, Jmmm t, a. UaaiM awala WwkAr at aioa p. M. aadaa ; I'. M. L4DIKS' DAY FBIVAY. Bora Under IS ra to Blaachar Wadnaaflay. MEETISU NOTICE. OBMON I.Olir.. JfO A. T. A.N It A. M.--at"d communl rallnn Ihta tMaiur-dav) avanlna at B 0'rlnrti. Maaunlc Tanipla. Visiting brihrrn rnrdlally Invit ad. H mr w . M A. .1 NANnUM, "r. rmAk uritka. DANEiriCR In ihta cltv. May Al. at SI. . truant's Haptal Doraihaa DntRr, 'agad H'4 yaara, wldaw af Iha lata tlanry Janslcar, balovad ninthar of Mra. I. Hum. .hart, Mra. rt. Mlvarf laM. of Portland. Or; N tiainlr. Naw York; A. L Pamlcnr. Mart i no. ral : J. c Pamlaar. rtrattla W aah. Prlanda Invllad lo atianri funaral aarvlcs, which will ha halri al Hnlman'a funaral parlora al 1 P. M. tomorrow tdun. (iav). Julia 2. CANT K, FBI' MY Tha funaral of Iha lata Hamual Kranalln I'antarttury from tha ra Idanra of hla aiatar, Mr. Jamas T. Waits. l fJi at. North, al 1:1.1 A. M. to. ilar trtaturrtati, Jtina 1. thanra to tha Maileialna rhurrh. Eaat JSrl and Blaktyoia . hrrvleaa al A A. M. rrlanda Invllad. lutarmani at Kanaaa cur. tta. OAI.HHAITH Tha funaral arlcaa of tha lals Adilla L. Ualhrailh. ho pasaad away at Iha family raaidanra. $tk', Maehanln at., a III talca plara at tha alov-manttonad rrBldrnra tiMlay ifalurdayi at Ifl o'clock A. M. Intarmant at Vanouvar, Wtlhinxton. Krlanda ars raapartf ully Invllad to atland. Wr:Rr.H Tha funaral aarrlraa of tha lata Fintma Wal'ar. who pmmmA away 'jn. will laka plaaa at Plnlay'a 4'hapl todaa tftatur. tlav). at 10 o'clock A. M. ntarmnt will ba had at Mount Hlaaaant. la. Frtanda ara rcpactlully Invllad to attand. 1IAIIDY Tha funaral aarvlraa of tha lata f rank Mardy will ra hald at Dunning f-rntra'a today taturdayt at 1 P. M. f rlottda Invited. Intarrrtsllt, Rosa Cltr t'ainalary. a I-ANPHTVIc'K Iha funaral sarvlras of tha lata Thurana l.andav.lck will ba nald Pun .lay. Juna 3. at t P. M.. from tha rasldanca, 1:1,'. 7 ivilhur si. Intsrnianl at Mount M.-ott park Tamatary. ' HONl'MEST otto aetaaaBaan Marala Warka. Eaat Ad aad fioa at a. Eaal It. MB. EDWARD HOLM AM. tha loading fa. aaral dlracta aad aadartahar, 12 Xhlrd at, cor, fralmn. Lmdg aaalataai. Doanlaa MaEataa, Faaarai plraalora. Ill aad Plaa. Pboaa Mala 4JB. LmUf ai. lawdaot. Offlca al lonatjr Caraaar. A. K. Zk-Ll KH C O., (- Wtll'ma aaa, ptwa Ataal C !". ldy attaauaat. p. mui mm. td a attaadanr- Phaaa ktata n.vUI 0?f , Id aad Madtaaa. A !. BAIT flDK raaaral ntraaUra, ' la P. a. Duaalng, laa. B. at. B lAla. LEBCH. rndartafear, aar. Baa AlaW aad aiilh. 1l. M ima. Lady attaarlaav a KX Wilt COMI'AJIV. Id aad Clay. Mala sll. A t. lly altoadausl. : CEMETERY : . Beautiful : MOUNT SCOTT PARK LARGtX PERMAir.JfT. Jrl o I) B H . P O R T- LAMI'1 ONLY MODalH.H CEMCTRHY WITH a PKMPKTU Al CAHfi of ail burial piota without aztra c bare a. 'rovUlol with a pajrma- nant trraduclbla a 1 n t n a aoa Kund. Location Idaal; Juat out- alda tha alty limits on north and wast alopaa of Mount Bcott, containing 12k a a r a a. aqulppad with avarr modarn convsataooa. , I PRICKS TO StIT ALU Z IkKIIlK TUB UK ST. VMS MILK DUllll OP LA. .UTS. RKUULAM AUTUHOBIIK ItKV " KH PRbbl HKTWKK LK"T AAD TUB Z CAOIETICRY. it " CITT OFriCE. t2-ll TEON BUILDING. WAIN J-'S, A 701. CKMETBKI Or KICK, TABOK HO MB PHONE 11 1 Mi B 1111, THN CJOA LOCAi dial. IIV a, A into CMri.NK.r. DAT W Nlf.HTSl 1. ISO. Ma, - impress y"'"S- ' 1 raewterly Uraa d. ' y Hslllven A t-aelrtlaa CLASSIFIED AD. RATES D.U, W aaadar. Ofa ttnaa Pama ad two raaaerwtlva llraaa J Nirn ad thraa ranarrntlva tlmaa. JJ ama ad all ar a tan rnusaoillva llraaa. aaa Iha ahaa rataa apply to advart larmaala adav "Nra Today" and all at has claaalAca. liana airapi tha following! BKwatloaa ttaalad, ti). Pltoailona Haal4, frmala, for Baal, Atooaaa, rrt.ala Pamllloa. Raoaaa and Board, Prlvala lamlllaa. Mouaakaaiilag Mooma. Prlvala lamlllaa. Maaalitaacaa ajiual aoMmpaaj sut-sl'ta orda.s. . M hra aaa adaaatiaaaaant Is aad awa In aaa aariitiva laaoaa tha aoa-tlrna ma anpllaa. Ma aranla aoaal aa aaa Una aa caaa ad. VanlinarnU aad aa ad aaaatad fa I aaa baa "oa aharga ar Boob adraatlaamawla tba rharga will ha haard an iha a-toal anmoar af 1 1 aaa appaaHna la Iha sapor, rasardlaaa af Ika aumhrr ar worda In rarS Una. In aw TaHar all rbarawd ba Baaaaara advertlaeraenta ara Hy, 14 llaaa la tha (Irrganlaa will arornt rlaaaltVd arivarttaa aianta ovar tha talatihana, providing Iha ad vert laar la a aobacrlhar ta alt liar phoaa. a frlrra will ba o not ad aar iha phoua. ant ill will b ronilarad tha followlac day. Whathar auhaaquaal advartlaaniaHIa will ba arraptad atrr Iha phano daftr-nda upon Iha promptnaaa af Iha payment af lelephona ad vert taaatevita. nttaatloaa wanted and Par. oenal advrrtlaametila will aol ba aerawted aver Ilia lelephona. Ordera for ana Inaer. low aolr will ha aeeevled for "llaaaea Jar Kent.'' Purnltnra for Bala." 'Boalaaaa Of pertunltlea." "UaaMnlna-Houaaa aad"Vaut ad la Hent." OREGOaN humane society Office Cltr Ball. Mala a3. A T51B. Humana afflrar. Sargaanl E. L. Grata. Raalaenea. B- B K. East ATTS. Horee aoibulanca. corner of Mh in-l Taylor. Veterinary In charge Marshall Sou. Ani mal Rescue Home, Northrup Acraa. Themaa A. Short. Musi., A oluT. S rlBa. NP.TP TOO AY. Sunday Excursion TO THE Cleveland Meadow Acres on tha bow sranie Mount Hood Railway, adjoining- th city limits of Greaham, the city of pretty homes; twslvs miles from Portland's buslnrs centrr. Two slrctrtc lines and three automoblla roads laadlna; to theea wlagant tracts. One. two, three anil flva acres, with raat and west frontage on ta broatl Clrveland boulevard. Vour chanra to secure dalinhtful suburban horns In full view of Mount Hood. The soil Is the vary best of ths fertile. Powell Valley. Tracta ara clrared and under cultivation, and sell. Ins 30t to 400 leas per sera than other surrounding, acreage; aasy term. Join, this excursion and Juilg-e for yourself." Special cars lave Yamhill straw!, be. Iwieri Hecond and Third, at 12:4a V. M. sharp, or take any car In tha c ity' to Mount Hood Wpot. vis MuntaVilla line, for I SO P. M. train. Itnund trip :5c. ('all for Information, or phnna CLARK CANNON CO. IT4 Oak aad att Paarts Street. Board af Trade Handles, rarlfla Pkaa, Mala AflT II oner, A 13.13 Holladay's Addition Center of Population Tha MOffT DE'IRABLB LOCATIOM In tha City. Is UKRTA1X to ADVANCH IN VALUE, from year to year, baaing la baliavlna. Uo and saa. Ths Drecon Real Estate Ccmpa.ny CRABD AVB, A.HP MILTOMAB iT, I WILL GIVE $10,000.00 PROFIT To any flret-rlase man who wants t. .nter the real aetata bualnasa. I have a well aa taMlahed buslnesa In a good pnrtlanl suburb, own aa addition of ), lots, of which I have Bold M In lees than a year at a handaoma profit. Want to sell tha ramalnlna U lota at cast. Best of reason, for sailing. BOX led. VANCorVKR. WASH. pboao ISA. Division St. Snap Clone; In 10x100 corn.r. with hard surface streets In and paid; fine for mores or flats. A reul snap S" ort. Worth fCiuft. Must he sold. Kasy terms, phone Main 7451. fiHt aai HOLD. SIN Board at Trad HIU, atb aad Oak, Mortgage Loans aVHIrOOO aad frtr aa CBXTRAI. BthlNFaa I'ROPFRTY. LOWkCIT ILHKt.tT KATEI. WM. MAC MASTER 701 tarbett Bld. Fearey Bros. We Discount I'naecured Notes Slft-nad by Keaponslble rartlea. I03 Vtariestar llldg. MORTGAGE LOANS CCtf, JOHN E. CRONAN, 7 J JO 0. Spaldla Bid-. fl (J COLLI. ERRIDCC dt THOMPSON, fUUUC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDIIDH3, A3d Warevstter Bluek. Pbaaa Mala REAL FUTATE DEAIBS sul McKay bids- M. Ml. Beck. William t M 8-11 a Palling blrlg. Cbapla A Harlow, to 2 Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. a. CO. AOS Corbett bids. Jeaalags A Co Mala IAS. JOS Oregonlaa. WLMCR-JONU CO, M. V. .0 SO ud Wllcas bids. The Oragoa Heal Estate Ca . trend ara, at W.itnoanah at (Hoi.aday A4dtUoa. REAL ESTATE. Far Sale Lota, ttKACTirCL valiay view lota, wltb fruit traea, on Weet Side, aldewalk and water paid; SO mlnutea from Foatofflra; $373 up. Provident Trust Co., second floor Selling bids. rnono Main laiwi. a ojoi. PORTLAND HFIOHTS EXCLUSIVELY. BEAL'TIH L HOME AND HOMESITE. Marshall 2T. BKOUKl A 1A3B. QUICK snap lot. IMixloo. on Slat, two block. from car, a.l lor a.i.'. aaay terms; no heavy improvemerte to pay lor. Call Mr, franklin. Alain 77.-.0 KAaTAloRKLAND anap. asreptlonally fin. view, near Co. lag. Aiuv clown. ar 101, Oregonian. PARTY Irsvlna Portland muat sell let T. block ft. Wavarlaigh Heights; make ma aa offer. If P.. oregontan. SA RiKlCF., AUIOO feet, Vppar Washing. Ion etreet, nvw tarma. tj 4. oregonian. t KHT FA RK ST. Dealrahie ape-fmant aits, encsp, or migni irauc. at. lVDii, KAL w.TATE. ae Sale Las LACKBI.HUBaT LOTS. 140 ,MxlJt-ft. on B. Hoyt at., aaar E. 3:tt. within ana block of rarllna. fl ;oo xluO ft. oa Hai'Kain Plara, near aariiaa; atirrwaadad by beautiful f3.i'ib loxlo ft, as C Inrittftas saar X. Jd at. It. P. PAUttlMOXtl CO SOd Wllcoi bids, rhnnas Ualn 8 dug. A Mf-t K. PORTLAND HClGUTti. t adtetnins vlrHi-f,t. ion on E. M near CUntoa St., with'n 1 block of sarllna; fares Last, high and sightly, la good rraidsnre district; w ill . II aapsrslsly. Prlc. f"r Itnmidlsle sola v.0 aactt. H. P. fALM ER-JOXtd CO., 44 Wllcoi bids. J'tiones Main rt.,. A E IRVINOTON LOTS Strhtly raatrictd rasidente eita, faring n Hitmrk, B. taih and Tillamook ata., from 11"0 up. Thi. propertf will sppaal ta au on eight. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4"4 YVIIaal blflg. Thonea Main .. A ?M LAVRKLHI-BAT HNAP. Chelre lot in utiartar near City Park. fine view of Mt. t. Helena, fares Bouth; stse r.ialflO. I ran save oa VJ'W en this Int. ITIi-e ftonu, easy farina. Call tract afflee. auth ai id Eart Oltaan an. PKMIII NTT CLKMBNTS. Aid DoVt.S I0 PA.K Mu.NIrt Etna view lot. matured fruit treoa. ra. aristed dietrlrt, sear car. oaaiant waib. and curb. Bull Bua watay. Prarldeai Trust c 'mp.oy. Id tlour Selllaa b.ds. Main lino. A ML A REAt'TIPI'L view lot an Ceunrll Crest, commanding unobstructed vtear or anura eltv. moumalne and Tualatin vajl.y. Will eacrtrii-e fnr qukk sale. Tarma ta Hgh rerty hurry up. Answer 'Owner" E 1UA iregonl.u. BtEALTlA'UL view lot on southern slop, near Council Crest, laon and us. larlud Ins canaanl aldanalka, curbs, praoad atreal aad walerl bulidlna reatrlctteoa; aold aa uy tarma provident Truet Cempeny, ta flow Mailing bldg Main lAOo. A A:tL " HOLLAR AY ADD. OUARTKR. Corner lOOilOO ft. St E. Hi and Mult. pomali sts., In on of the beat rr. daatlal diirM-t. of the city. Price AaXA II. P. PALMrOR-JtNK CO., 404 Wllccx bldg. I'ho nca Main tail, A tASe WE.-iT rilOli VIEW LOTrt s!0. 23 nilnutes rtd down tha river; AA down, " monthly; ftc far. red W. Oar. man. 3:0 Burn. Ida. M. or A tfTTa. Hear b Properly. ilfttO I4iU. ON Mala at., iaasida, SSTB tnu , wtniF w. HOMB AT THC I A? HO RE. '. An 1.nif If remfortaM an1 iuh tsvntlal homi i ((.. UcatH; t tuuax hrut. S flraplBt't-t, front prt'h 1) fpi (,, lnrior1 in oa th north n4 Jt '-; lfrtinrh 1oor roiinectlr( f.tuln-ronrn and tun-ervnory; alajwpinc ruutna, lib retry. Ilvtrii. -revm, l-iid. 3 ir lpinv raumft is th pump howai: lauiidr jr and wox1hi, ttitrbrn, ic ; bath, hot and catd watrr. hoib up- itra and down; tld and tintd) built in buffet, plat flaaa In front af tha haul; pUmy nf window. trm wlndni af jilaaa f"r Wtntr; douhl floors and al.i nd but 11 in aj papr hmtwrm In aa-h rtttf; foBvnitnff tut'l na.i4Ula ! nu mrroui to mntlt.n art-pt at Inter vlw; 0oo1 lawn, luuftltxi, inctCMtd; 3 bacti lots LrajSldM. prlc ItMVQ. WHJTMfcK-KEU.V CO.. T' Fourth ft. HAWTHORN IB DltiTHLCT. NKW -rotam bunalor, oluaa In. built by owbpt for ffiPtna; No. 1 in vary tavpaai; full baaatnant, larva attic, hardwood floors, firrpiaca, kookcaio, buff-!. bramd rtl Ini. puttih IfHfihsn ; lst plutntilna ; lc trlo rimturas, shanva; I4 gum rn. ronneoitd. l-rl 91100 , 4)u0 cash, bal iic. to suit buyer. 1 oarnar lot. aawar, walks, all paid, ttat; farms. 4 lots an ftO-foot atraat. flTt ta 1700, MiO; terms. fall ownar, Tabaf 01l. N E W ART! tf T ulTlf l'NOAtX)W. Owner wilt ail on ioa term bssuty la raatrlrtsd dturUi; aWxlti ft., beautiful vtnrrad pane.-, f-f-ot bevejed plats tlas huffci ai.J 000k rae-a. rremh mirrurs, al. hullt-ln ronvenlfnree, oak floors, muelc room, step-piiigf porch, ate. te thi. 1'hutia Main 4144 f'rhurns and avantngs. WAUM-'T PA UK UAKiAIK. HeauiUul 9 ftnry home; full rem ant ha ment. J Rrvplaaaa. 9 toilets. bd ronme. Uen, lara kitohan. dmlnn -ram and living -room ; aui iful lawn and aardsn; .MM0i lurms, Hcint Dundar- U-i Jlod tir ava. I'tiona Woodtawa 2271. MIL KENT "UAVtt, t hava a-veral hutis at a modarata prU-a. wll located, liut I will sU on trtne same as r-nt. If ynu'desira further Information would ba pivaaed m into rlei a 1) with yu. as I milia It worth vour whtlf. Aditr-es U 1H4. liresontan. riRT- LAMU madarn buaa. oloaa In, lepi tar aarvlra, flna location, in cnoira, ran (irritial a-'tlnn af rlty; fyll-slma Int. Im-prov-manta all paid, cement baamnt and BAh i rave lar a. a rooms and flrepls' e. njr awn terms, pnea j"v- 7V M. HoTr. t1.-y KIVE ItW'M Ail NOAI.OW. Juat compl.ted. .loubla conatru.'tlon, all romplola, aliadea. linoleum in kitchen and hath, ao mvuutee' ride on Mt. ncolt ear line, very eaay term. MOKilAN. PLIKDNKB BOYCK. Ablngton B'dg. KAMT fcll HUM E tjano S-room houae. i blocks from Al h.rla carllne, handy to stores; thl ta th fiaat houae aouth of wwa, Kaat IWth .1. N.l i hi I a good bargain, au. mil pay oa to ee It. and come and get term, from owner. Room Lumbermen, bin.. ' UOI.NO TO BUILD Save money on plane, made ta order plana and epeelfteatlona 410 and up. Build ar. .katahaa put la prac tical .hap. Ail work guaranld: rferneea. Phone Al 110. ar writ N II. Ursgoniaa. SytoOMS and bath. niourn. lot luualoo, beautiful view of valiay and mountain. Weal bide, 20 minute from Poatofflc; l.iuu, easy term. Prevldam Truai Com pany. jond Boor a.lllng bldg. Mala leoo, A nil . LADUI ADD11ION rJACRir'U'E. fhoa.4 1 haul you (luuo, would yoa take It. A colonial 10-room house, with awry convaulain . must be .old. U you want a good thug. pnon. ewner. Mala STS, or sea him st 114 Vans bliig. Tliol "ll l T B a naw modern 4-room bungalow with bath, cement basement, Auxluti Lit, beautifully formatted In oak and mahog. any: owner leaving city; term. IfKXIlNd A HOHH. in H1.IMI. M ATM 44O0. EtlK to S.'U cash and imtll monthly payment w. will furnish lot In deirabl neighborhood and build according to your plan; atisfai-tlun guarantsed. For par- tl-ulara. AR Oregonian! UI KtUII KT. Ptrictly modern, a storie. 7 room; near church, arhoiil. park. Mount Tabor and hd car; eaay terms; nrst payment part trade. 114.1 East Oak. near eKth. Phone B AIOO. WAVEULEIOH HtlUHTll A Una house, ttiat compltd. on Kaat ld. near Kelly; all built-in lugurlsa, oak Iloora, paneled dining-room, modal kitonoa. Phona owner, Kaat .S4T1. OMR of the beat V blocko en Kaat 11th St., paying good tnrom; thl I cioae-in prop eity. and Is a good Investment, in f aol, th beat buy on th East Bid. cn glv. .om. terma. Bl E. Ilth at. g. 0AJ. A UKAl'Tlf'tL naw modern house on tKe East Side. North, price I3U0U; .'So run, balance 135 par month. Including Interest. Will eonalder equity In lot on payateal. Inquire Calumt Hot at Mala TSuu. MHI 1 THE REST VAt.V'E InToWX; 6-ROOM VyUHHX HOl'SK. LOT Juxi; WILL TAKE HOME UOOD TRADE. PHOXB. BEI.LWOOD 1A 1-HciuM coltaga. ftoilou-luot lot, close te Ro. City Park cnrlina. total price I7W 7i ra.h. I If Pr month. AO az. Or. aonisa. DO you want a homeT If you hava a lot or small amount of cash will build to suit on eay monthly payments. 4uT Taoa bldg. FOR HALE 6-room modsrn bouse. Ruud rirater. f.trnitura, fruit troae. roee. and good lawn. 7 L- Ash at. Tslaphona K. b774. M. Ml. A.A.A' modern bungalowa, Hawthorne and Heiv ;uy dlatrlcta; rntal montbly pay mania Office. U. X. Swank. tuS Abtag- .... hM.. XiR SALE 1300 for modern T-roora house; baa aloeplng porrb lot AuslOO. aay tarma; now ranted for t-Z par month; A block la car. Prions Woodlswn f;- S-ROOM house, 47th street, 8unnyslds, bo loot lot. I-J"0. tarma low. , x- e. nnvvn Vl yOBTHWtT It LI XI. MAIN' 400 HI' HI- Is a anap; SJoOO naw e-rwim modern houae; price llo caah. or ti:.0 term. uvnir i..e ..w - -. s-j'-nn wll. buy 3 -room modem bungalow; eaay term. Tabor Money to loa.i on new buildings, dwslling . houses preferred. IX I do the a org, AK luj. oregonlan. NEW modern t-roora house, large lot. Phen; will call for you with auto. Owner. la. bur ll'-i. I ONE SI PERJOR bungalow and oeveral tao-.tnry homes, Irvington. Esst 273. W. H. Herdman. " . li.A will btay T-room toodern bungalow; .',0o I n Tat. or ItMt?. t to. ' MODERN t-roora bungalow ll10; noma mv.., ., v... - . , agiw. REAL ESTATE. lor Hal HOVI Ert ON KASY PAYMENTS. room bungalow, pn lot liiiisloO, fo jnno. Thla la Weal Hide properly; haa rlno bath, liutt'h kitchen, naw; nleo fruit trees; email oaah payment. Irvlngton home, rl rooms, bath and re ewl'Hon hall; oak floors. fir.plaa, furrier, ruff at. full cement baeemenl. lot ol. treel Improvement all paid; l.vjoll. ft-rooni houae. modern, ieai ft o car; lot AOs 1M; excellent neighborhood: IS-". a-rocm bunsalow, moilern, with allt'iiilt In eonvrniciit-ea, furnara; two blot ka from car, near nn schoiil-, gas. electricity; Street Improvement, p. Id; .AC.Halll view! corner: $.i.;o0. . rooms, In esretlent .uhiirb. restate, lions: all built-in convsnlonnes: large living-rooms, with panels; future, and tint ing: l.'.MiO. h-room bungalow, thoroughly modem; built-in effe, ta. cloaa to arho.ll gmd view strait Improvement, paid, Z block, te car; lelA". 1'ROViriENT IRI'HT COVTANT. Second Floor belling lildg. llain loo, A ilJiIl. REAL HAIVIAIN KB'JM OWNKH A home of six rooms and attic, fine c ment haaement, fiull ..allsr. laundry tre and furoaoa; large reception ball wltil benut'ful bronse figurea holding Hal'ta; large living room. fireplace and book caars; dining room beamed buffet and bulll-ln eeaia: Dutch kitohan. broom cloe at. eoolar. at; back porch aireene.t. three larg. aleeplng rooms, five diiaeta; latg. attic: beautiful light ft.liiree. win dow ahadee and acreens: hack ard is fenced; garden, berrlea and Irult treea, front yard has Iota of roses: tblg Is ro ordinary house. It a a home, near grnooi snd car In high-class dlstrl. t. Itsno; 3.-,ia cash, balanre eaay. T 1, ttasonlnn. MUST KLL MT HOME IN BTJNNT31DE! IJT50. Al once, fix-room house: St 1-Sxlnt otj nice lawn: rose hedge: fruit trees, buan fruits; garden: bard surface stresl . mentg psld up. nits block from Rcimont Street cars: one block from new firs sla lion; two bio. ks from stuns church; three hlnrke from large school. three blocks from I.aurelhiirst Tark. E. Morrison be tween Hath and aflth. TS0 eash. balance an lime. Tnnulr of Whltmer-Klly Co.. TO Fourth Street. BUILD CM VACANT LOT. WE WILL TURN THE BC R DEM IX. TO IXCOAjS. WE i'l'MNIMpI THl PLANS. HNA.VCE AND UVIUU APART. M EST OR KKblDKNCS AT LOW COST. W B GIVK BOND. SHOW OL'K WOKS, AKD HEFEIl TO (JIK CLL1CNTS BMi'l t'S BEKOHE YOU SAkli PLANS; IT WILL PAT, L. K BAILET CO.. CONTRACTINtl AkCHITECTl. It ASI.NGTOS BLDli. MH. LOT OWrii JTEBB In TOl'R CHANCB TO IM PEOVE TOCR IROPIiBTT WIT"J .V ROME. PLAT OR Al'AKTMCNT; ILwi riNAVCB IT AT A LOW HAT'S OP it REST; PLAN ri:RNlHIIE "JE: IT WU-L PAT TpU TO COM le AAB x ALU IJilS OVER. J k. ATEINB, ABCBITBCT AND HITILOSB. HEKHT RI.plJ RE1TRICTED DISTRICT. Fin new homa. lot .".oiiim. parking l" fet. lmpruvemeiitfl paid, cement hlock chimney and flrculaue, elegant hardwood floor, 7-foot buffi't, hoveled plate glaa door. 4 French mirror a. large work pan try and sink. fin. haaement, furnace, larg rooms, g!cplng porch, e carllnr, 14 mm. lite to husineaa; terms. Phone owner. Main 4144. ninrnlnK . end evcntn.a. " TWO" ANDERSON BLNIlAI.OWd. MIST Ra COLD. lis down and l id a month. Ihth St. and Pandy rtiad. Laurelhurst; ownsr at house, in atarnoonsj taks Host city park car, UO YOU want a at rl tly naw. modern, & roei,i bungalow, Inoiuuing furnace, fire. p:ii-i, qulpped with (as aad eiectrto ' light. iiiiprovvmiii. all paid; larg yuotu. and tioavt, ed mlnutea on ana of iha beat CAtltnea; all fur .l't pur month. Including Int -rest; only AiToti, Call Mr. Ki.sse.l. M s m ,'7, VH ItlJ.Mk liMislAil, - H-HtxiM honks. Ana lawn, shads trsrs. rtiseA kJ Atnawurlh ave., t o blocks from Peninsula Hark, S nitnutra' aalk from nr. Jcheraon High school. This Is a real bargain, and the oaner will also aell bla fuinllura if dtaired. as ha 1. leaving the slate, by owner. FAYIM1 RENT la uaelraa wasia Wlil aell ion Int and build to awlL Pries right. V.aay terma. IliK) to B.i tr caah. baiaiM-e Ilka rent. Have I hue aireattv built. W'l.l ael at a bargain for quick aula. If you are readv to do buslnaaa. Addleaa "Owner E 1 "J. tirtgontan. LAI KtLHUHl-T HOMB. T-reem houae, t flrpiecvs. solid ek floor, furnace and all butlt-ln coavaai socaa: snia.i rash paymanl or wll; trad for unihcutiiusrad city lots. Rea.- ty m Irust co, -. ctiam uer v4 oai- merce. Main A130. TAYl.OK BLILDINO CO. WILL PC HI I till PLANS AND MONET TO I1U1LD tlil'lt JHM OK A f A It I -MENT IN A liUuU AND SL-XTANTIAL MANNEK. WK ALLOW NO UlaHSfk kr.. STATION IN til rt HLMl.Nx.a i"t LC MttEIIM tna HLDU. IRVINOTON. " -room modern bouse, on E, 34th at., nssr lltasre, ihia la a ntoat attractive houae anil U a bargain at the price, .0o, """H. P. PALMER-JONES, CO.. 404 Wlloon b ag. I hones Xaln KU'lt. A S.'.-1 IvlriW A-rootn. strictly tnoilarn, bungaiow. fireplace, completely furntalied; win aell at BAtrlfloe; small raymsnt down. bal. anee Ilka rant, thl t a anap for some one. Pee Ja. A. Clark, eul Aider. A-bune Main bib" ft-ROOM bungalow and bath, fireplace, fur nace, hardaond floora. bulll-ln bookcases, bufTxt and catilnets, on o"xli' lot; terms. Ry owner. 641 Eaat tflat su North. Rose city Park car. FOR FINE HOMES Se Delahunt. AEs. Frank 1. MrOutrs to Insure against firs Al. loan. AIQ Ablngtoa bldg. A 11 ' I o r"" he I e A cr eag e" V A M HILL COVNTT farm nf 040 acre, known a. Vt lliamett tiardans, haa Just bsen cut up In small tracts nf 5, in and '.'') aurea, fin garden, harry end fruit land; near aom of tha famous wa.nul orrhili of Y'mhtil County. Prit-cs from $ Loo ta ALIO p.r tcrt, on terms of lloil down and balance thrs year. W. C Harding Lead Co.. K 4th at. Hoard of Trade bldg. ACRE TRACTS FOR KALE. Walk, water under preeeur. graded atreata. flneat aoll. atv mllea a atreetcar gog to Sd and Waahlngton ; on your overt term, writ and make appointment and I will tak yourelf and family out In a machine tod-y: electric light and tale phone connection through thl tract; paved street to city. AH lift. Oregonlan. 4-ACRE TRACT. The moat deairnbi on Oregon Cltr car: fnilt and ehada trees, stroet on all aid; 1 block to car: IllOO an acre under value. REPMrNl A M OOVEI'.N. Jennings Lodge. Or. ACFIEAOE ON OREGON ELECTRir. Will sell all or part of '.Hi acrea near Tlgard etallon. close to track, nn main county road, land partly In bruah and small timber: eastlr c:nred; fin sull, fi from rock or gravel; will tnks Improved property In exchange. K lisi, Or.gontan. TEN acres, a In fruit of all kinds, mostly bearing heavily, all ftrst-claaa simpe. com fortable Improv enienla, slock, implements, poultry, good furniture, crops In; Income from start; IV. miles Oregon City. Ad dress AR 1. Oregonlaiv FOK PALE: 20 acree at $150 par acre; flna land for garden and fruit, Johnson Creek run. through canter nf piece; faces on Kstacada carllne. 1 mllea beyond Oreaham, one-third of a mile from Aadarann uta tlon. A. A. Graham, bm Couch el, Port land. Or , . r- i a v t . K.' F l ki pnnTi a v r. 1 1 Js P r. " ...,.- " ------ . a-, .r. jciii- h'.ek lnni soil, r loan to rat' way. In a hihly devslop. d fur mm com id .in lie; so;.l In Jo-arre tiar-is. Hrrt is a chanra fr a cheap future homrsita. Call 4ifl ourh bldg. 1 2 and 1-arre tracta close to Portland, I .e blacks from elexstrio carllne, .0o ta toa per acre, easy terma. J. w. Hefferus i a 1 ty Co.. uT Railway Echans. tlMf WIl-I itart you on 10 acres. In W il ia me Ue tlardens. e.l in cultivation, reatly f(,r planting. W. C. Hardinf Una Co., tw 4,h st.. Prd of Trs'lo bl.jg- If ACRES near Feaverton, II el eared, a blocks from car station and running water; only $200 per acre, terms. Owtser, alamas Wileoo. Horins:. Or., route , I At'RKS for sale, alt clear. l Tiar4 Htatlon. d blorka from c axllr.a. rloi, ta school; will e"H Prt 'l a bars-am. Ownar. F.. T-ntiif. Killlnaswnrth ave. a ARr- near Heard Hi at ion. cleared, flna B..11. Will divide, r-aay term. I'rovldent Trust Company. 2d floor belling b.dg yam I', a esqu 10 ArRKS of rich Mack anil, thoroughly rlemrAd; springe on tha plae: near electric and steam line, on eav terms This is vmi- a 1 offer. Inquire 4' ''om h hrig ADMIMSTRATOK'H SAi,. acr"S fin land In Harney County, must ba "old to clnno estate. Call or wri'e, W. H. Fowler, R7 Lumber mens hllf. 0 ACR-k-l and 14 acrea. oa Vancouver eeo trto car ; goo1 Improvements, reason aa. j K. HaM. u A-inatoa bldg. I-ri.l a to. cleared oft. rloae to car. at h water. f-r $luvit on easy terms. AK 1-0. Orcguula-. real irrtr. l or fun -Arrange. ItKAD Till. AN Al- KB 1 II ACT CM TOIK TV-HM. I hava for Mia two beautiful .era tract, vhnh I rn aall together or separately. Thnee acre. ar. all clared, rea.iy for rul tltatlon. In aAA is a bla. k loam, with no rock or grav: . a ueeaiWs, water for tba heme ana Irrigation purpose, electrla lighta, telephone, mall eervl.-e. at oca deliv eries, euo in fa.'t every eonvenleoce tbet can ba wished for. This property la Just esst of the city limits, within a few f-l of a splsmtiil .ireetiar str.lrs and th price Is right. 1 wi.l leave It lo yen to n .ke the terms Ttasy are for sa:s and If you are looking for a chen- to eel you expenses in half and at lb same time ecrure a piece of properly that re steadily enlianrlng In value, write to me and I will take ou -out In mv machine and show It to you, Thl prt-perty wl'.l pro-dUi-e mor than th pmnla yey will make on It monthly. Make ma a prop osition anl Iha prprty u) your, at ooc. Y 1 'd. tirexon:an. J ANKpi. I'AI.AN'R OF A SaO-ACR-V IJfcf rKJVr.l KA HM PLATTElf IN tiAia-K. Tit ACTS. acres on in Horn hern Tac'rle TtalK r.A,d snt the rcon Kiatrc. within oa hrtf'a rM. f htriitnil, p.atted tn -acre garden traet's. urialn-l tract con tainsd aert-a. T5 acrea hae'nc been a-ld at IJAn and W per acre, ' t diapova of tha balance ta th r lathi party at prtces and terma to suit. This is a rare opportunity for a plattiuf Investment that should S-U in th o M fve nwnti.s irAslni msc iifrnt pmrns. psWll con sul cr 010-1 Tort land property. Don't miss this opportunity. Wl'.l atand Clneest nv est 1 sat ton. V'hoaa or atl'i' owner . C. H. HHOWN, OWNER, f"l Chsmber af (omnercs. 1, . 9 A"VO 1d--ra trerls. enly 10 mil from Portland Cjrt housa. 49 minutes" car III rnt eon. muter a far and aelllnc , at His t $aoo ,sr a ra upon monthly-pa ytnent nt proper rfis-outU tar iasl Office open un til F. M- THE 8HAW-rAll COMPART. I"J Fourth Ht. Utun I. A oa ' i-ACRF tracts 'raea -ha WH'am etts from 1M. Johns and te miles ha.-b from rir. part cleared aad cf(rd . at f3..0 per aa -p ntonthly-payront plan, prepeff diaunt fr caak. THE SHAW-FEAR COM PANT. 13 Kourtd el VI -i a 14. A BAu- iJS KiA-V TKI.lh. 41 acres iut a mtls ewet of Port lanrl: g Hase Line road pst Automo bile t'lu ft gptunds and cre Hndy Klver; rt' acres lis fine to cultivate and haa J.: ist Utile clearing, that mt.y nucaie- orrlea. Id mrm rint peistur. with few trp-a-s ani running si ; on good op n Multnotikah County rd, two nous-s wun In quarter mile; offr what you can aa flret payment. If It is fniy and then pa,y mutilh iv: dt T-" are la the price. o-vnr. tvenings, Kat s't-T AJ UK ure-gonl-in. 2i At KICII On ths new rollroad from Hlllabnro ta the roajtt; cholceat red ahot eoi in Waah mtttnn Cotinly. one-half es-Oly cleared, bal ance heavllv tlnibere-l with Uow and red fir; go id rea ls: god houia; near rati rnad town witln a mnes. ftih. l-aiairre your own tarma a are Ihe owners F1R1.AM TRT'fiT COVPAST. Tid-7'.'f) sjaMling H'-ta. - HALF ACRKH AVO I-OTU FOR HALK. benutlful bunsalow sues, view of moun tstns and Columbia h-vcr. land eleared and plowed, now in hay. pa. ad tn tity; st- m-lua as soil gusran eii the bea-t ale'trto Hsnta. water under prsiire. aradcl streets and melka all ll and paid for. Terma your ; payments liks rent; make appointment tuday. AJ lid. Ov-aonian. 4-ACRE HOW R. Improved an I a erinidid pmpeHy: two b'lti us from Ureinn City oar; will accept ft-n ora hmm t i-art, M'OOVFRN, Jeuulnsa Lodge, Or. CIMCk W-S AM FHI IT R ASCU. a ..rt:iDil: a NKW M It D I Via 1 .. Le et .r' ee. h"S soil, fine vtew. -wed, water and met!. a.r-. HmJ per tract, loA . ..m0; t- A.. : do A. 17hi: Ml A 'JU: 1p0 A, a--. 1 1 nf ral term KHAVK MFAIH.ANl' h K A Ll Y CO, Taoa Hidg.. I'orttawd. Or. If ninretrade. If you are look n far a homaatead. ca: her: have rrlint.ul. mnie es several ad J lining c .tints In Tlnamok uniy, some timber cslms. fil o acre la t b ne, ai.d clalois tu arty ill tha other reunttea In treon. b04 Jtpaldlng bldg r"KK UOVnHNMKN'T USD. ftaat fruit or a.fifa land In urtf, 1A, 4ft or l.o acres, withvut mnriey and with out price, to. a fev.rd few. who will akara f iipriM of putting ipf a ea me. JIvhk H"r"imN. T2 Ity. Fachange bldg. rtr hele---r wlt IaaAa. ICt-TACAp A. erd fT .luatrate4 booh let f tba Ea tai fruit ae lloo, where the Oreo Aurl' :!tjral Coiieys matptatna Ka espert tninui jr. harus. 40 in. tea fram tba alty aC furt'and. FSTAAUA COklVERClAl- CLUE. F-teraria. Oregoa. llooU UVk-H, your chance, act quick, lit acres I miles from lifted River, on aaun tv road, houae, good springs, splendid vienr of the valley and Columbia River liuM Wave, only e r-ar aura. Owner, P., e. ur Foe Male-r-Faeane, " BKAUTirUL NINE ACRK3. Just S mllea fmm tha city Ttmltg of i'ftrtlap't. levet, ajravaied road aM th way. W have the choieest tract nnr th !iy fr t it per eon deelr ing a small country home adjacent to the city. There are a cra, all In a hian state of cu ttvatton. Tha tract Ilea Juat right, is the very beet of soil, no r k or travel, tiuod -room plestered houee. Israe barn and oui titii .dina-a Vry choice bear ing orchard of well-kept trees, lots of grape, berries and In fact rr"Uim( lo make t he farm home J tint what you would have It. Price v. tt h rnrMrrab: i re-n I property la only .".:.. F..'y icnns. H A MO HO V K A HON. 122 6th at. N.. or. rh and OUsaa, Alain 451. A fOI.NO TO KLl 1 A I'AVi Beat 5(Varra farm in Oregon, all cleared and tn crop. Iel, b'aclt bottom land: groa .-rooill nou.a, usArii, uui-Uliuui(i gftod water sTetm ; 1-p-al. tank. wat r pit-ed In houe. to barn, garden and ear ate, l- acre in youi.g prurtea ouiag iln; art out 1 A acres In potatoea, all up and doing line; sure of a good crop, Juat planting four more acrea; over two acrra rnrrnti, i acre parsnips. acre ruta bagas. 9 acres oats. A in w heat . spien dtd garden, Juat had nw potatoew and raa for dinner; tomaloea In hionm. 2 acres In ( corn ; about '20 chickena; my land la Just half mi.e from West May l hi ptotect un the S. P. R. R. ; land at Waaets 8;ayton la I --" per acre and un: n'W ririrtno line nvw starts In less than (Hi devs, am iuat : minutee from Haietn by auiu: good roa'li; this Is $1?J pr acre, hif cash . wil nccspt aome good tra'l'. H. (iriiirti towner A urns ilia, or, ph'-ne Atimemll e XXTti WHY NT A'T When nu ren get a in-acra farm and commence aIllng products th firet dayf i'ii la ta good and -,il o a ted, near a-lectrtc and haa all buildlnge-. 1 own this and cut price to get :tNr .aah, bal. eaay terma all Pat u relay for Ueecnptian and ae farm fcunday. N- M- App, 4-TV Henry b.g ------ ..K hA LK Oraly w-tet ranch. 4j scrs. In Anote, IrVhltmaa Co.. Waahlngton. elng 1 mlla from Colfaa and 5 mllea from Airru.ta. h-r gtain ta bau.ed. spring water on Innd; teacd and about 4'ii acres unpr cult i v ' in . aa finer farm ing land In the S.ate; v per acre to c.oee eei af ; r-ena;ie terma of aai. E. L, Weston, fyraruif, N. Y.. R. H. Lacey, i'n fes. Wa'.V 20 A LAM, rart lnaid the corporate lim its of JEFFCMMOS, ion A. cleared, ft A. bearing prune. 12 A. English wainata. 1 yr old; on S-fir prun dryer, aroa.l houae and barn, creek through mldJ.e of place, price 10 per A.. 4 caah. ba aace C O MorrCl. Jeftereon. Oregon o i -It acrea if fine lani on 'iovemment fa:" W tniN'i south of Vtoeier. 12 mile weet of The l.aiicrt. rub oa and pine; eashy cleared, a bargain at 4 At acre, terma to silL Owner, p. O- bo 101. The La! Ira, r. 143, ACREA egcellent farm, WUlacnetta VaJ ley, 2 miles good town, -) acre. J. C. ? -f. " Abicgtnn bin g RANCH AO aorea. erltk bwlpduoga. It sal ea from Portland, near elecirte tin: aargaia .or all cask, by ewner. 12 Mantee aw SEAIJffTTi f n lory hit re. FACTORY MTEn Kon HALK OR RF.NT On riv.r and rail, cloae to f urtlaud. -heap yoer. Phone Main 110. TO BKHW1.R TRADE FiR CITT I'RorERTY. lAKArTIFI't. m Ai'KM. liAP-rt LINK RoAI niriH-lly east of tha rlty. Just ?0 mllea, right oa tht ftaee Line mad. 'We have one of the best farm eua In tha btat of Oregon. It Is rifjht on tha aulomo. h'le road that Is being estrndd to 11 una Hlver, and when cmitpla-1 -d nlll be the traveled road lit. the a; at as th t lew olt aired along this h'ghaav la untur, aaaed. 1 he view from this farm Is cfi.M'd.y one of the beet nlitnlnd from this hlshway. In this ele. gant farm there are no cree. 40 S'T-s In high state of cultivation. h-lance tltn br and pa star It Is a conceded fat that ih stilt here Is th very beat In the state; KpO eacks of epuda are produced ti the acre, end farmers there sold ih'-ir potatoes a fw dsjs ago for 13 per hun dred, the q aa II t y ro1 uc'd t hd e I un eirriicvd. ail other rrts grow abundant ly . gd 6 room eottsge; uni of th beet farms in Jh u It i mint); nt her nui buiiHtige; -piendid bra ring nrchaid, pure spring eater piped to bue', harn and lean. nu hava In thla farm I i be lrBlrd ; tin h celled soil, best of water su;ityt ascellt-nt roads and utisur paste d view; can ael) n this sl-gant o ar-res for onlv S oo. a few trm ts have aold in same community for per acre, mainlv for the unescelled of th Coin tun la J1H er and aiirreonding eoymryi otik Hug prieriy up; Iha ytw Is north the trip; our machine wu take yen out. ttad f-r home. HAKtiltOVK A HON. 123 'k M N . Cor. aih and Gllaan. Mala 4tl, a Ti-'-u. TBAPK FOR CITT rnopfcRTT. CHOI, p 14 Ai'HEft, 4 MILKS OCT. JuM 4 mllea eaat from the city limits of Portland, on good level trtacailam rad and loee to ar, a have a holra 14 a -re home. The entire tract Is In a h'sh atats "f iuitivatun, lies pcrfertly. Is freg of rock fir gravel and la the very best nf '., nice iiong gtteern of water, good A-room bousa. new barn and euibulluliKi isry cht'H e bearing or hi d of 11 a ra. and It la a moneymaker, price $MMiiij will accept wioderg ioma In city, bun galow preferred, rot to exceed M"o0 as first pament; It v HI ba a long tlma be fore ou gat a anther epporlonity Ilka this to put your home In one ens of ths beet farms tirar the city al a prl nut Inflated one -ent HARuiROVR A HON, 132 Stk Si. IS.. Cor. Ilth and Ulltaq. Main 4aL A A MOUEKN i-ROOH ll NGALOW IN HAWTHORNS DISTRICT, EITHER ri'RMHHKD OR UNFUR NISHED AT A SN API FM ALL CASH PATMKNT, OR WILL CONSIDER A OOOD VACANT I-OT AND SOME CASH, BALANCE JL'HT LIKE RENT. MJC MR. PRIGMORE, WITH WARD A YOU.NU1CR, UITB 4T4 TEOS BLD'J ftV-ihO k,'J CITY In llo.d Hlvfr or- herd; young trees; seme planted ll" and have ben well oer.-g for. no ltter eci-tton f the va.ivy te be found; no buiidlnga an ths place. An elegant view of Mount Hood to h had front this tract; mis tit oonidr wttn--thing srnund Portland In AJ 1 rr. ftregonien. i'pik A H.ri m logited-ofT isnd. about acrae In cultivation, set of hulldings and or. hard. I miles from good railroad town oa t'olumbia River. 4ft miles from Port land, will eiehanga fur Portland property of equal value, pries lift per acre. Call at my office Msturday artereooa bet wee a 1 end 4. oft lwi blilg. fcijI'lTY ol ' l V. eat Hlje suburh.Vu horn an V liUmette RHr; nice ir garden, ft ult, etc.. ; good lo-aeh and g'md f r. cite to at at ion . com pa rat ivel y new house ami fine road to I'otliand. will ac cpt Pottlnnd property or good acrenge, AK llh. orfgonian. S-H( m M huure and ItK 100 c oi ler" tot"; pur. -haa. Lath, t 'l.eta. ele. trlf tt . cement walk. bot-ar flue, unincumbered, ih strai t. 2 blc-t ks fa car of Alma and l eon. ht. Jonna tarllne will inks farm. Impt" -d atraage, up to 4ouA t ner K Tjota Xl T valued at ,-ni. to ekrhnnse for a rease .ee to port and ; on Id asaumf diffetence In Prce on a subdivision prop osition. h.a auto h.ia run leas than TuoO n ta in fltst-ciaee condition, is i..y b-iter than nee. AJ 2 i at. Oregu n ! n. 7 WILL eahange my beautiful, hignig ca. ttvated 10 at r-e In Hoed River, a arre paatfd to kpusenbrg and Nowtown ftp pma. foe g(Ad house and lot ta aVer Haad. k Lumber K hange. YtC ean get ths beat laying housekeeping 1 a-room kot-te in Port.abd If you hav iiher an auto truck, a clear lot or a moving picture mat bine and $100. Phouf Main TiM. 4M 4ih St. MlT a 11 Imme'liatriy, a good ladles' tall ertng as La b Is h went : niusl lea vt nn an rutin. t bran n, cask or etchange for lot, AE 14. Jr go ntsn. Ht ' NCSA LOW TRADE For lot or a-teaa, near Portland; my equity l7No; owner. Addrrag K 1 114. Ore, goyilan. GOOD o-rtpom hos and lot. cine In. paved p( reet. to etcrtang for f- paaaontter car. Drat -class irua-ition. Address AN lie, tr gon'an WAN4 H wantad In esohanga fr pacing laundry plant. In good rwjalr. doing nice tiiis-neee valua tviWd. Western Hteam ' Laundry'. 1H4 Yak ave.. Ti-nmt, wn- Wll l" trade equity of ilo m ikfe unim proved acrea, 14 mllea from cdty, par K R fnc grooery or tobacoo store. Phona K 4T"A ; WILL eachang I imber claim worth -."' for bigh-grsue ua' d car in flrst-clnas con (i 1 1 lea. Ad a reaa W m. J . Lac h ner, J a r. Of. $T AC K Eli unimproved land In Clack aJUaUi Coumy. about 1ft mit-a from Oregon City, to trade for uloee-ln acreage or any prop erty equities. Address Y mi. Oregunlnn. FARM wabled 111 eiohang for m y close-la in. oms-beanng Portland real state, valua g5 v'hft to t io.tpQo. AH 10, Qr-gunteo. lO .AlHAN-E Fine unincuigoervd ranck ear kanta Roea. t al., for i'urtiai-d prep t t y . V. Duho i a. 1?2 Tto n bltlg. 10 AR .t A mtla from Hoeeburg to ex change f'or automobile. What hava yoa 7 21S Railway Karliengebldg. HAVE valley property and Kastsrn property to excha-naa rr wheat ranch. I'huns Ta bor 2". t 1-OT6 to aJichange for typewriter. What hm m you Z2 Hallway Kn' hang bldg. FOR TRADKt! tFALL KTKDH hK GARLAND A CO.. Ittl till t-T. F.ot 1TY of IH04J in pew 6-room house for ' nrat mortgage. 4.i4 Knst 4Mh. Tabor H4. UUN'k of Iota at t'lirf. Wash. for furul t ur. phon VL. 'H7. rOR RENT FARVV S-ACRE chicken ranth to Irene, rhlckrna. tncuiatlng plant and emjii fr sale. Call Tahor R.k. W A X T F.I R E A L R ST A TI1 fiiAiCik Til a t L L. Have aeven clients f'r 1 to S-room houaea under $-tM; term muat ba t'.'ft to Sl.Vf caah and easy payments; mnl de tailed de-scripiloti- AH 11". tr-gonlan. HAVE l-are limber claim, with water power. In Clackamas fnuntv. worth ftnHi snd 4o4jti caali, for good properly, aa flrat payment. F. Fu-ba, 4i:t Chamber of om mere- WAN'i ki l rt ai.d lota direct 'rem owner. AC 114. Orfffttilin. FOK SALE TTWRFB f .ANPR. T I t R f-H for aai. N a. rea 20 mllea aouth of Keebura. I tuu ki feev. For par ttrulars adrtieas R. A mi el L, Placorviils, Cat, TIMREK LANDS TbU tiitT ANU bol.D. M'CRAt'REN, 4V-4-. Mi-Kay Bldg C. J VUR SALE. Horwee, etilclea, Ktci. FOR A-LK Horses. Trustworthy horses, ac custonied to city. at Last ith at. North. PA i TV." RE fur rani near Port. and. Phona Slain 1410- t tS LIMHKH wagon, 4i. 170 Last Alder. Tabor HI'" ' FOR KALE Oentle delivery or buggy mere, weigbt aos iha ; cheap. Kellwood 141. IILOCKT tp-am. KM lb, each, $200. W. J. Fitter. 1 W ele rat yTh.L buy sewrond hand buggy. J 1", Ore gonlan TO pchange. 1 4'-0 - lb. hot ae for d-li vet y bore srvout lloo-lb. Phone Kaat 24-A LiKI.ID.HV I.oip.-. il'Uli. vlil tak bt-v)t-l pait payniCDL. X ll. Oregonlutl. FOR SALE. Horere. t clilcle. LtC. 1 1 0 R H K H OREGON HO RH KM, We have Juat reseived a fr"Bh car of Eaatern Oregon huraoi and mares; thy rmatat of aeveral teams of b drafiera. veiglilng from 1400 to 1 40U pnundst some esiia good yating farm mates, aipresa and dsiuary hoiseai nil f irsl-cUM, Ihcy will be gold under a guaraniss ta ba aa ropreaentt'd nr your nittitey bat k. N. it. Vv nr not and navei hav beea In any way connected with T. W. Murphy, formerly of ISO 6 Aldir at. THK MI'HPl.r IIOHMK A Wl'l.K CO., tQ test Silt Kaat vMa 7oUKH-- OltKHON lTt)R HFH. We hav Juat recrivcj a f rtah car f Faatern reson Ihm pi'i and mat ; t hey coital M uf a-vvrtil tfams of big d af i"! a. weighing from 14'k) lu Hkhi punUa; en i a wi.od you tig fa i in maiva, eai"rPS and d'ltvvrv horetg; ail f Irel .ulaas ; the will be pn!(l under a guarantee to be aa i epresnied or your money back. V li. Ws are not and newr hav been In any way conna led niih T. V. Muipliy. formerly of M'A Aldrr st. THM MCRIMIY UOllNltl A MI LK CO, ytd Kurt Nth Kl phone Kiisl ASI.V 11 Alt llr.l) team. 7 autl Jeaia old. writth Ing Jtap'O la.( $i'.u; bs horse, weighing Moo i its, , mi , .Uim-lii team, mate and si. Id In ir--,; e arc srHIng three Itot.eS cheap, aa we w ant ti clean ui al to s aoth and Htiruahle, MonlaviUa. FMt bALri inetegm of w ell match- d burses, Tt years old. welshing Uf'U puulida; sound and Due, one uuiig Ustii, Itxraa and mars, weiahlng '.'Vmi pouiula, aeuhd and Imt Il'imi'll t full bALtC tiood driMtig huts anti bumv. quU k. Need for automobile lie w-thorne-ava car to Dlvla'un at, walk oae bloca west and 2 aatiih 2ilfl ft R at. S K WANTED To buy one rlilvltig nigra, bia k referied; mini be voting, sounl gurl Wttlt nul nlemiahes phone Kaat 44. II4 RuS- ph. ON I". of the it"t tuinnuli lit tha oily ; one fine mere.x tilt v broke, one fine gebllng. cltv broke, ae era I hit mm las aud wag una. Vnelfir Coast ntshles n. and tVomh sis. b'olt "A LU one good ruhr tiroi lop bugyv, first-class shupe, otto pearlv new h.avy delivery -.r espreas wagon. UJt Rtis. sell at rTTlvTy. M A RES In frt'd by Imported Pr rberon horee; will trsda fr wib parses. niiilte To-I'la Hum, a iij Front !. Attlomohliee. ELECTRIC At.TOMiiniLE CLEARlNd HALbJ At Remarkably Law Prlaea. In ordar to devote our entire tltn td tha sale of gamllna rare, tt hava decided to die pose vt our enur Block of letrlca. To enat'le ua tu do this tin mediately, we have decided to offer ihftit at such prU.ea a. will acrornptlah that riull. Wg una naw shaft drive Woodi Eisctrlo Coupe, pit. of whUil la Itt-tMl. w ars affeOng ibis car for lU'OV less, which Is awsy below goat to u One shaft drive Weda Coupe, uaed very Utll, vitut 1I0M our itrii'S lkiHi. One .hain drive Wnoda Coupe, drtvan riAtui miles, for $hms. This barsgin must be aeen te be apprsclatad It wtll pay anyone, If ltucrcsUd it. site trice, t are ua. COVET MOTOR CAR COM FA NT Waaiumtun St.. at 2lat. tj-t r-1 V- tvet in aii-ni, 'ipe-Hurtfurd, (lvu pasatiigar. I'll! gtijppatl tuuiing tar, a anap at flOut. Mil f WhU a steam roadsr. flrat-clgag con-titlon. newly painted, a bargain al T&. 1P10 Thomaa Flyer, A---h. p. readater, iulppA-d with Gray A Dala eleetrln sve t. in throughout, apecml uuHi bdyi owner having town. CaH. nhorre or write. HKCKl.ll ALTOMOHILK C. Macs it ti I 1 imt 14t h and Davla ata. ATTOMOUILrl RARflAINS. lidl'P. 1VU. 2 paaa., xtra wall tqulppad. ''"m si a ell. S-pasa., JOh. p.. fully oqulppad, S7. Autocar. A-paas., 3-h. p,. only ,4rU. Muc k, 'i-paaa . h. p., only f.ifa. ntvns Duryea. A-ay'., AD-h. p., trap, ORRtR-V Al'TO KXCtlANUK, 4r.t A'.i Aldo- Ht. A 4:: I, Main 1 mi. Ul pEI l A K K M -O A It FOIMI. modal. 7-pasecnt:ar, escellent aon dltlon. tiulprd with avety accessory that lunars a Ingli-rlaag prtvata rai , also as. tra l tree and lubes; over ini'O woilb r run v enln. -es, making coat or car today owr leiiMHj; will aladotely guarantee the reliabtl'ty and condition; to i lie perl f with the money and who means business 1 wilt make a ary attractive piK. Owner. F IU-. tucgonlan. W H I T HI atoemer. n tilth coel me 43irfl. ful'y equipped, with bast Ion. front geet rev r etc that money could nuy, haa A new tiff a and la painted like not. wHI guarantee y petf. - t or tefund or monoy. Price Airmo, on eaay ttrma f-r quirk eeie. This Is your cbsnce to g-t the bighet grsd of car at aoout ene -third . k- via i ta-a aiinlall SLliiHTLY IMsli AU i wj-i 'iHr.n. t you wish to buy. w bsye tha car you aant at the right price. If you wisn selU will pay you spot caah. t ail or write for prices. Vv e ara a duel e dealers of "aeri automnhiiea. ORE-ION ALTO KXCHANUE. Naw Location, 4 bj -411 A'clef HI. v i ATE IV 10 high-grade --h. 9, 5-paea. Mmalia, f" 1 e"'bW-d. -Kh mohair top. "VtilS ilgh a. -mil shield, demountanie 7 m eg tra "ire. two eaira tube-, etc . coot me iw2Tt; le In perfect o.ndll.oti and e ll TortU 1."VUV; aacntWe at a 1 tnr Jutck aal-Tif br-m S"t ousv. i. i "iAVlC l.racll.Hlly new truck I will sell on aii. h easy t. ruia to mak It a. em like lint- o.rfe.'l condition guaranteed or monW r funded; have ...Id my to Tar"y who had own trucking .tulp..wnt. hi. I your ch.n.. to buy a high .grade truck at tha right figure. L llU. Ore- gontnn. vTtTTTeell my 1-lon delivery truck, whli h "it me "li0. for Id.'-, half caah. bal.sco never hsv a better opportunity, look, mis t tile. N 1'. Qreg'inlan. M il I .ell my high claaa -h. p. laat r' kfr l-mi' "at aTa-f-P MSti Ait'ro wanted for reel eetat. w"' ' ' Vngrc'ariWh..: B? SSGj Thnr.-;, M -"ajlA, for daia to show car. m'HlNKS reverses prevent my taklns hlgl- rede W-h P ant omohll. on which I had " ?a Hennait of OT.W To rataa caah quick w",U l.harauy discount my cr.dlt; m.k. m. noncr. N UK. ur-gonlan. ?i 5. He accent email touring car aa part !;;:,;:.. 'i. i. N 11". oregonlan. iTTfivrfilil-li. p. Whlla aleamer; beautiful ...ll cheap to immediate buyer. K. Ill, Ore gonlan. .. B-oit BAI.K Two New Kra motorcyclea. Free ensine. two speeds, hand cranked roouir lust overraulsd. first-.' ass condi noi. chi.p for ...h O. A. Milllmaa. Ac. We.jtb'Ug. Meln 6 , lMONrifKATOK. Iwli Hhtly ue.l 4h-h. n i-iiasi. l '' nlacount for sunt cash; fully guaranteed . b-st car built ?.V the country. I. 1 1. oregonlan. (STllloDm. U Cadillac, 6-paaa.ngar. e c.ll.ut condition, new tires; ll... had ao'Li care; Bee It. K.nnard Adama. "- "T iTltST-fLAMM .-.pass. car. ifacd but i ..r.niha fi.r H"i: would consider part rash' 4-rjl.. fuliv equipped. Alarsiiail East Mo :7l Hlaik . KOU1I delivery tar. good llres. allh extra tut- and tires, good running cider, for quick sale will lake P.'.Mt. nellaood .74. uii.i sll mv higll-giad- steauier for snout in.-thlrd of what it coat mo; only allghlly u...d anil cntrlea nianute. Hirer a guatantca. r.Tve.tlaiita thla. K 11. Oregonlan OVKKLANU-If you . a ood" car a. a lT:iii S'Wd aa ever; aacrlll. a for cash, must 'aell at . I. 117. tir. gonlan. tT' two-pass roadster, g.iod ss ti-a; 1 o.t me A...iiUv fully -Muippe.l. want I paea and will a.ll this on- for AlJ.-.u. on terms, or ,k. , , ount for cosh, k 11 k, Oi ..g..n Isn. ruK bALB Motorcycle, guaranteed flrn , aaa condition, i h. p.. In uaa tu muntha. 7"iv Krotit at. m HI. ,11 IHUliK IlU-h. p. A paaa, gaso.ina re., cost A-Hotl new. Will asennce tl H'll' k liiiv - ai . niu.l sen st om e. l 117. t ircgoiuao. a-i Y;llMKK TU-horee I-iaraar.ger Thomaa. rheap dirt, AlwcOw Uwoar. 4UP Couch bldg. I WANT a flva or seien pa.aenger tar H put on rent on ruiiiml.ii.n; .an mak t.'u a dav or mora T 1 It, Otegiinlan. I 'AH.-i;NnK Plena. A rrow cheap as dirt, need caah. 11 loll, oregonlan. 'l.l.KI'TIII: lunahoill, wnltl. AiaHl; for quick aala l-'Jo. VH I Worcester bldg. ,iii ill sals, liXoA.lnt h. for quick Bl INI! ntiri't.r hlrig Al "li f'tt saie. K. M V. Xn. flrat.claaa con dltion. AStfO. J KO, Oiegonian. t