Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 01, 1912, Image 1

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    VOL. LI I- NO. 10,073.
rtlFlfs BAMAGIiD.
Regents' Joint Session
Verges on Split.
Governor Warns of Veto on
New Funds if Action Lags.
Julck Work Expected in Preparing
Measure for Voters--Member Say
riclds of F.ach School Mint
Be Denned Clearly.
SALKM, Or- May II. (Special.)
After threatening to split on tne ques
tion of whether an engineering course
should he abolished at Kugene. i
after Oovernor Want had declared un
reservedly unless the Board of P.egenta
of the Oregon Agricultural College and
thi University of Oregon could arrlva
at a conclusion and got sogether ha
would veto all hllla of appropriations
for bulldlngi at the Institutions which
ml-rht coma before the next Legislature,
tha dove of praca aettled over a Joint
meeting of the two boards or tna in
tltiitlons today.
Aa a result, quick action will be
taken In conjunction with the commla
elon appointed by the Oovernor to ad
judicate tha school question, and there
la every reason to believe that a bill
will be framed In time to secure tha
requisite number of signers ao that tha
bill may coma before the people at the
uext general election In November.
Teatatlve BUI la Krassed.
Tha tentative bill aa framed will In
clude provision for .7 of a mill levy
for the two Institutions, with a division
between them of .4 of a mill for tha
college and .1 of a mill for tie uni
versity. If tha commission agreea on
the plan adopted today. It further
provides that the present maintenance
appropriations shall continue through
1911 for both school a
The real ssllent feature of tha meet
ing resulted In the appointment of a
oommlttee. to includa the Oovernor aa
chairman, tha presidents of both tha
boards of regents and tha prealdents
3t the two achools. This committee
will confer Jointly with the commis
sion appointed by the Oovernor for tha
purpose of passing on questions of cur
ricula. This question threatened for
a time to disrupt tha meeting today
and was taking on serious .aspects
when the Governor delivered his man
dale. After a long argument decision
was reached to place the matter of
currlculae entirely before the Joint
meeting of tha special committee and
tha commission.
Melloa far Oae Board Falla.
An effort on the part of O. K. Spence.
master of the State Grange, and also a
member of the O. A. C. Board of Re
gents, to put through a motion that
the schools be placed under the control
of one board of regenta rather than
two, lalled, only Spence and Senator
Miller, of Lebanon, voting In favor of
the plan.
It Is probable that a meeting of the
special committee ran be arranged for
mil Monday when an effort will be
made to reach permanent concluMona
as to the matter of riirrtculae for refer
ence to the commission.
It now seems unquestionable that
whatever bill does go before the people
It will rontaln an express provision
that the schools be segregated, that
their different course will be well de
fined and that the schools remain In
the well-defined limits aa set out by
the statute. In the event tha bill be
comes a statute
Cloveraor Srsia Boasts.
The declaration of Oovernor Weet
that he would veto all appropriations
for the two Institutions, especially
those In reference to buildings, came
something of a bombshell when It
burst on the Joint sessions of tha re
gents. After there had been a more
or leas heated discussion as to the
question of segregating courses and as
to whether a report offered by Judge
It. S. Bean and J. K. Weatherfor.l
should be adopted, the Governor de
clared positively that It was up to the
mrmbera of tha two bcarda of regenta
to get together on the questions being
considered by them Jointly.
"If these questions are not settled
and you do not get together, I eerve
notice on you right now that any ap
propriation bill for buildings which
come up to me for either Institution
will be vetoed and If you cannot get
together you will have to go before
the people for what money you want
for the Institutions." he declared. The
Oorernor explained, however. If they
did get together and failed in Novem
ber he would allow the Institutions to
be cared for.
espregatlag Featare Met Forth.
B. F. Irvine, after several efforts, suc
ceeded In pushing through a motion
that any bill which goes before ,the
people will distinctly set out that the
lw. Institutions be segregsted In their
work and that their work be well de
fined. The mlllaae hill also contained a I
Concluded aa Pes I.J
Temporary Track Being Laid Will
Bo Completed for Toda Serv
ice la Kept lp by Detours.
High water In tha Columbia River
Thursday night damaged a long bridge
on the O.-W. R. N. at Rufus. east of
The Dalles, to the extent that tralna
will be blocked until tonight and poi
sibly until Sunday morning.
The structure was a aandfllled bridge,
constructed about six yeara ago when
the original O. R. N. Una was
atralghtened and the distance between
Portland and Pendleton materially re
duced. A temporary track la being con
structed over the old grade at the point
of tha washout, but trains cannot ba
accommodated over It before late to
night. In the meantime, by detonrlng Its
tralna over the North Bank and trans
ferring passengers at Rufua, the O.-W.
R. & N. la malntalng Ita regular sched
ule. The train from Epokane; due at
11:30 A. M . and the Chicago train, due
In Portland at 11:46 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, were detoured over the North
Bank and arrived In Portland early
last night.
The Pendleton lor and tha East
bound Chicago train. leaving thla city
at I and 10 o'clock, respectively, yes
terday morning, proceeded to Rufua
and transferred passengers to tralna
on tha otlier aide of the defective
bridge. Theae tralna returned to Port
land at S:4& and f):4i o'clock, respect
ively, last night, bringing paasengera
transferred to them from Eastern
All weatbound O.-W. R. at N. trains
were last night detoured over the North
Bank and will arrive In Portland this
English .lrl Feared LOM on Titanic
Meets suitor at Seattle.
SEATTLK, Wash.. May St. (Special.)
Toubt and uncertainty aa to the fate
of his betrothed today gave way to
pleasure when 11 U ton II. Chase, of
Dungeness. met Mlsa Annie Watts, of
Newport, England, and conducted her
to the marriage license counter at the
Auditor'a office.
Mlaa Watts wrote her affianced that
ahe and ner brother, Wllllm. would sail
for America on the Titanic and when
newa of the sinking of that vessel
reached Chase he thought he had lost
his promised bride. For weeka thla un
certainty dwelt with htm. until, a few
days ago, tha word reached him that
the Watta had been delayed In England
and were unable to take the Titanic
Today Chase, with O. W. Watts, un
cle of the young woman and a resident
of Dungeness, met Miss Watta and her
brother In Seattle and the license waa
procured and tha marriage ceremony
performed by Rev. August. Sandell.
The groom Is a large property owner
In the Dungeness district and became
cquainted with his bride through cor
respondence and tha kindly offices of
the bride's uncle at Dungeness.
Hangers I nearth Flint Arrowheads
in Southern Oregon.
(Special.) While building the Govern-
ent trail at the head of the Mc-
Kenxle River recently, rangera found
almoet a bushel of arrowheads cached
under an Immense boulder which they
hsd to move.
Many of the arrow heads were
finished, but othera were only partly
"rhlpped." The cache probably had
been there for many years, aa Indians
have not lived In the vicinity for a
long time. The arrows heads were of
black Obsidian flint, which evidently
hsd been obtained from a nearby moun
Lillian Graham Demands 9100,000
for Malk-lous Prosecution.
NRW YORK. May Jt. (Special.)
Lillian Graham, the show girl who
with Ethel Conrad waa arrested at the
Instigation, of W. K. D. Stokes June
7 last, charged with shooting him sev
eral times when he refused to yield to
their demand for money, brought ault
against Stokea today for 100.000 for
"malicious prosecution and arrest."
'Miss Conrad also la to begin similar
proceedings against Stokes for like
amount," said Miss Graham's attorney.
Mexican Killed in Wreck Son of ex-
Cabinet Member.
HIAWATHA. Kan.. May J 1 .Pedro
Oallardo, a Mexican section hand killed
t Wlllla a month ago and burled in
the paupers' field here, haa been Iden
tified aa the son of a wealthy family In
The Coroner notified Ben or J. I Do-
sal. Mexican Consul at Kansas City, of
the man's death beneath an overturned
locomotive. Tha Consul discovered that
the victim waa the son of an ex-Mexl-
can Secretary of Agriculture.
New Lawrence Strike Grow.
LAWRENCE. Mass.. May It Three
hundred operatives In the American
Woolen Mills today joined the 4e
operatives of the carding and combing
rooms who went on strike Tuesday, be
cause other operatives In those rooms
refused to become members of the In
dustrial Workers of tha World.
Long Strides Made in
Last Five Months.
Flour and Grain Shipment?
Advance Steadily.
Great Crops Kxpccted to Bring Flood
of New Wealth to Oregon Clear
ing Reach High Mark Lum
bermen Also Proaperoua.
With big records made to all lines of
business In May, Portland has com
pleted tha first fiva months of what
promises to bo tha greatest year In
the history of tha city. While tha
country at large la hold somewhat In
check by political conditions, but lit
tle effect Is notable either In Oregon
or In Portland. The business situation
is extremely satisfactory, and tha In
dications are that expansion In all lines
will -reach unusual proportions during
tha next few months.
Supplemental to the present pros
perous conditions In Portland la tha
Immense new wealth that will come to
the city from crop, which, unless some
unforseen contingency arises, will
break all records In tha Northwest.
Added to this la the healthy condition
of tha lumber Industry.
Portlaad Market Exaaada.
Tha broadening of Portland's mar
kets and the expansion of tha clty'a
commercial and Industrial actlvltlea are
reflected In the substantial galna made.
not only In May, but for the five
months' period of tha year. In bank
clearings, postal receipts. Tealty trans
fers, lumber, grain and flour ahlpments
surprising Increases were made In May,
while- In building permits and atock-
yard receipts, figures reached most
satisfactory proportions.
Illustrative of'the clty'a steady and
sustained progress la tha showing made
In bank clearings for the month. The
total clearings amounted to 148.8)4,-
43H.57. compared with 444.HI.077.47 for
tha corresponding month of last year,
or an tncreaae of .I per rent. The
gain over the clearings in May, 110.
la 17.200.000, while the Increase over
(Concluded on fti 111
Two Tliouxand Cheer as Gigantto
Track-Laying; Mucliine PIhcc
Last Rail Trains July 1.
ALBANY, Or May II. (Special.)
With the ringing of bells and the blow
ing of many whistles, tracklaylng on
the - Salem-Albany extension of the
Oregon Electric was completed thla
afternoon and Albany has realised lta
dream of many years, that of being
connected with Portland by an electrto
Two thousand people were preeent
when at 4 o'clock the big tracklaylng
machine reacheC. Fifth and Main
streets and laid tha rails connecting
the line with tha track already laid
along Fifth street.
Early this afternoon the report
spread that the tracklaylng crew would
soon reach the city and aeveral hun
dred people were at the scene for an
hour before the line was completed.
When tha last rail waa laid tha
crowd cheered enthusiastically and
wblstlea of nearly all factories an
nounced to the city that tha Oregon
Electric waa here.
No programme for formal festivities
msrkod the completion of the tracklay
Ing, but these will be reserved for the
big Oregon Electric celebrstlon to be
held July 4.
Manager Stewart of the Commercial
Club telegraphed tha felicitations of
Albany people upon tha completion of
the track to President Young in Port
land. Chief Engineer Wlckershsm was
present when the tracklaylng was com
pleted. The work of ballasting the track,
and erecting trolley connections will
proceed rapidly ' so that tralna will be
running Into Albany by the first of
The tracklaylng crew will place the
track on the freight line on Water
street tomorrow and will start south
ward from Albany Monday.
Northwestern May BuHd From Cot
terlll Work On Soon.
SANDY, Or.. May 31. (Special.)
Construction of the railway from Cot
trell to Sandy, a distance of five and
one-half miles, by the Northwestern
Railway Company, la considered assured
here. A committee from the Sandy
Commercial Club, Messrs. Denholm,
Dixon. Eddy end ftsson, has succeeded
In securing rights-of-way for the en
tire distance through the farm lands,
so It is announced here, and grading
la to commence within a short time.
The branch will connect with the
Mount Hood Railway at Cottrell. and
thus provide Sandy and Sandy district
with railway connection with Portland.
Arrangements have been made with the
sawmills to supply ties and bridge tim
bers. The people of Sandy and vicinity
are elated over the prospects of get
ting rsllwsy communication with Port
land, aa they feel that It will mean the
rapid development of this district.
Bribe Fund Laid to As
sociate Lawyer.
Franklin Says Darrow Tried to
Give Him Warning.
Wltne-w, Somewhat I'nwllllngly, Re
cite Kfforta to Brine Venire
men, Some of Whom Re
fused His Proposals.
LOS ANGbLKS, May II. Job Harrl
man, late candidate for Mayor of Los
Angeles on the Socialist ticket sst to
day within the bar at the trial of Clar
ence S. larrow for alleged Jury brib
ing and heard himself accused of he
Ing the men who hsd provided Darrow
with the alleged bribe money.
Later In the day he heerd the ssme
witness. Bert II. Franklin, testifying
for the State, quote Parrow aa saying
to him: "If you mention my name, I
want you also to mention what you
know about Job Harrlman.
Sensations were crowded thick and
fast Into today'a sessions of tha trial,
following each other In such rapid
succession thst the entire dsy might
be described aa one continuous thrill.
culminating In the beginning of a
rapid-fire croas-examtnetlon of tha
State's principal witness by Chief Coun
sel Rogers for the defense.
Wltaeaa at Tl-aee t'awtlttaa;.
Franklin's testimony on direct ex
aminatlon todsy waa at tlmea dramatio
In tha extreme, the witness departing
from his apparent willingness to tell
all he knew to a seeming loathneea to
give evidence concerning close friends
whom he subsequently drew lata Ms
story of Jury corruption. Twice he ap
pealed to the court, once when ha
waa asked to name a man who was
said to have offered a bribe to a venire
man with whom he waa negotiating
and again when Assistant District At
torney Fredericks asked him to give
the names of three men whom he had
approached with offers of bribes.
For the first time since the arrest of
Franklin, snd the Indictment of him-
(Concluded on Pass 2.
Four Said to Have Admitted Unlit
and One Councilman Has Been
Placed in Jail.
(Special.) The most sensational graft
exposure In the history of the city. In
volving Councllmen Samuel rhoebus,
Ous Kessler. William Malta. Jamea
Lena. Harry Dougherty and four oth
ers whose names are not disclosed, waa
made today when It became known
that William J. Burns, the detective,
using the same methods ss he em
ployed on the Ohio Legislature and to
land Aba Ruef In San Francisco, had
trapped four Icto confession snd
placed Dougherty In Jail for further
healing on a charare of accepting graft
for their support In securing the "con
crete boardwalk bill.- the million dol
lar operation openly branded aa a
steal at the time It waa Introduced last
More arrests are expected. It ta ssld
thst revelstlnns In connection with the
case will lead to other disclosures of a
still more sensational nature.
Kvery man Involved has promised ta
hand In his resignation. While four
have admitted their guilt, according
to Detective Burns, they have not yet
been arrested.
Girl Students at Washington "U"
Tnahl to Stand long Strain.
SRATTI.K, Wash, Msy II. (Special.)
Her nerves racked by the strain of
taking five examinations In one day.
Miss Ruth Evens fainted Friday after
noon at the State University si the
close of a final test In bacteriology
and was revived In a condition that
may prevent her from completing her
Under the new system she must take
11 examinations In one week. Miss
Evans Is the second woman who has
fslnted during the finals. Miss Alice
Abies having succumbed to the excite
ment of a Greek literature flu Is.
When the system providing that all
liberal art students tske in evamlna
tlon over the entire year's work In
stead of over one semester was pro
posed university co-eds protested vig
orously, declaring that the girls could
not stand the strain. Their statements
were considered to be exaggerated by
the faculty, which Is coropoeed mainly
of men. and a petition signed by a
large proportion of the women was
Elgin Flopers Surrounded by High
Cliffs aa Deputies Close In.
LA GRANDE. Or, May II. (Special.)
Fugitives from Justice In their su
premely romantic pursuit of hearts
eese. Miss Norrls and T. Hopeon. Klsin
sweethe-trts, are surrounded In the
wilds o.' the Slede Springs section be
tween Flora and Wallowa, hemmed In
on either side by preelpltlous cliffs snd
deputies closing In from the front and
Their freedom is but a few hours
long and their week's effort to dodge
humsn kind and hide themselves In
the wilderness hss been all for naught.
The sufferings snd hsrdshlps under
gone by the pretty girl of 17 yesrs,
who dressed like a man and flod from
a coxy home In Hlgln a week ago thst
she might be with her suitor, csn best
be Imsglned. She snd Hopenn have
walked more than to miles, most of It
by night and ovsr tresrherous trails,
and the supreme effort Is now to prove
Tliey were probably headed for the
Snake River, whence they could cross
to Idsho.
Senate Insist on Segregation of
Forest ReecTve Farmlands.
Washington. May II. Senator Borah,
of Idaho, barked by his collesaue, Sen
ator Heynurn, made a successful as
sault on the conference report on the
agricultural appropriation hill today,
because the enate confereea had
agreed to eliminate the Senate amend
ment providing for the classification
snd seareastlon of all lands In forest
reserves suitable for asrlrulture and
opening such lands Immediately to
Borah. In criticising tha Senate con
fereea, aald they appeared to be yield
ing to the Forest Service, rather than
to the House conferees, snd were In
effect allowing the Forest Service to
shapo the agricultural appropriation
Following this speech, which laated
an hour and a half, tha Senate by. a
vote of 17 to 17 sent the bill back
to conference, with Instructions to have
this amendment reinstated.
"So One Loves Me," la Among Songs
Baptist Old Maids Sing.
"Spinsters' Convention" waa held here
at Ancient Order of United Workmen
Hall, under the auspices of the Hsraoa
class of the Central Baptist church. Ail
the Prleelllaa. Abigails and Nancy of
the class were preeent at the session
of the Yoans: Ladies' Single Blessedness
Debating Society.
"No one lives Me- was one of the
songs sung. The prayers of the mem
bers for the return of their lost youth
wers snswered finally by the arrival of
an agent with a patent "elixir of life."
The convention broke up In an uproar.
Price Rise Shakes Pit
in San Francisco.
Mosley Recoups Though Longs
Press Him Hard.
Secret Broker lsos More Than
9100,000 When Unable to Obtain
Product In Time Big Drop
In Trice la Predicted.
elal.) The great battle In Msy barley
that iagd all morning and In the early
sfternoon In the grsln pit of the Mer
chants' Kxrhansre came to a sudden snd
sensational climax at 2 oVIork In a
tremendous buying order for 1200 tons,
1100 tons of which were bought up st
the phenopiensl price of 11.50. At thst
figure some unrevesled broker hss lot
a fortune In the spectsculsr pit
usmhllng gsme that has been playe.l
In the market here during tlio ist
The Identify of the real buyer
kept eerrel, the order being alren ly
the secretsry of the Chamber of Com
merce for the account of "whom It
may concern."
Mneely Believed ta lie ahead.
It was announced, however, thst An
drew S. Mosely, the broker who dm
suspended last week and who wn
commonly reported on tha market to
be short about II jr.. 000 worth of bar
ley, had met all his obligations and
filled orders for every bushel of barley
thst he has sold.
Tha secret buyer who wss rsuglit
"short" 1200 tons, whoever he may be.
has lost more then 1100,(100 by Ins
failure to play on the right eld, of the
Tha price of 3.S0 Is almost tinprer.
edenied. When the last hour arrived,
when tha shorts hsd to make good on
their May deliveries, the grain pit wss
a wild scene of excitement. The ehorls
were trying to buy. but there wns no
mora barley to he had for delivery to
day, as It has to be stored In wsre.
houses to meet the regulation of the
Chamber of Commerce.
"lunmn Haa Fortuae.
The "longs" clung tenaciously t,,
their holdings and took enormous profit
when the catastrophe could no longer
be staved off.
When the secretary of the chsniber
entered the pit to dear the slates of
tha "shorts," he could do no better
than pick up 100 tona at IJ.26, and at
once the price jumped to $1.60. At that
figure ho bought up the remaining
1100 tons.
Prices have been Jumping rapidly
during tha last week. A forecast of
trouble In -store for the "shorts" si
given last Wednesday when bsrley for
May delivery jumped In the afternoon
session of the pit from 11.81 to I2.0H-',.
This morning It opened st $i and
jumped at once to 12.06 where It hung
until the noon recess.
galea Kxceed Supply,
The trouble Is thst the deliverable
supply of May barley cannot be In
creased. It Is Impossible to get any
more Into the city stored In were
houses aa requln-d hy the board to
ronetttute delivery. So what there Is
In sight will be held onto hy tlioso
who own It and all that has been sold
sbove that amount will measure, the
losses of the "shorts."
All of whirh doe not mean thst the
brokers In the pit have been dealing
in anything else but the paper. Thry
have sold more bsrley than there Is
snd the prices quoted are altogether
flrtltlous. Actual barley to arrive In
the cash market was quoted this morn
ing at $1.75. That means to ssy thst
the real grain la worth only that after
today, but for gambling purposes
would be worth the higher figure If It
could be delivered today.
Aa aoon aa the trading In May dr.
llverlee la over a big drop In prices is
sure to follow.
Ex-President Accused of Srsrln
to False Statement.
PUEBLO, Col., May II. John It. Cun
ningham, former president of ihs
Rockyford National Bank, wss ar
raigned before Commissioner Ureen to
day and pleaded not guilty to swearing
to a false report of the bank's condi
tion. He wss held In IboiiO bond for
appearance before the Federal grand
Jury at Denver. It Is aliased that
Cunningham awore the bank had $He3S
due on overdrafts when the amount
wss really 3.457.
Sidney balcom, a former clerk In the
bank, wss srrested at La Junta and
arraigned at Holly this morning, fet
ing held In $2600 bonds.
Alaska Forcet Klrea Out.
DAWSON. T. T- May II. Heavy reins
yeaterday extinguished the forest fire,
which hsve been rsglng for isn weeka
In the Yukon Valley, both, north and
south of lawaon. Lake Labarge la now
clear of Ice and navigation Is unim
peded from tha headwaters of the Yu
kon to Bering Sea.