T 15 FATAL SI 10 WILBUR WRIGHT Pioneer Aviator Loses Long Battle on Brink of Grave. HE INVENTED AEROPLANE rmlly at fliiric When Death (Amfi la Paring Airman and Cle Sfortrnl of Principle of Klicht In Air. rATT"X. O. War Fallow-In nmnr apell h 6lP4 mn aftr m'rtntahi. XVUrtur Wrltht. tha wII kr.otn ia:rtr. 4i-l at 3. IS A- tods.-, of tjphoid fvr. II hd bn rar dt-i for rrany day, and thoaah I l condition from tiro to ttm iivt om hop to mnibr of him family. tt.-mlinr phyin. Ir. Ik B. Crr.klin an.l Lvl SsU.r. maintained : roufhnut lha latter part of hla aick . i rial ha culd not rworr u hn th patirnt niumM. ha waa jr rourv1M by th mm!r of hla fam y. wht-h Inrlmla his axd fatftar. l ij..iop f :ion Wridhl. Mia t'atharlna Vrtw.it. orvt.I. c.i rlnvntor of tf tro;in: Kurniin rrhi and Lor.n WriRht. AH of tha familr II In thia "fy cpt Rurh!ln, who llvai In Kan- f bill 4reaaale S"aar. Ta mi aiarmtna wy nipt'm In U'nM'i at-knra davalopd yaatardar .i ion hfnr non. mhn hm favar j.'.rnl y mount,! frm I" to 10 and tan q'tlrkly mht-I-.l t' H former ttf. At thia Junci ura tha par tan t ti"l mlth cMlia, and tha attand ln phi!rtn r baffiad ty tha turn rf arant fhl!! mra unuual In a pattant uffar:na from o hlich a fr. and tn doctors at Wr:ht'a bad wire puzaiad. Th rin-!itln of the viator mmn un rVar.a'M iTiich t'ia rrn,nJr of tlia and flira a.i no Improvement un l'! nitdnifht. Tn i.ira aarnd to ha a allaht Im l rovanTiii. hut a-ofi thara was a ud n turn f -r f a wnrwa and Ir. OnkMn a i rpll-d. H arrlvad at I Z and Tarpad tat Wrlarhi had tiled tan min i lrf.ra. PiiCBMhi la" IW-lavrd. U r'cht was alz, with typhoid Mar 4 wl n on a huMr. . trip in ta Kast. t r trat day ha raturnad to Dayton f.'"Ti ronton ard rmiMil ted with Lr. t'nk'ln. II wmt to had Immadtatalr n! It waa aararal days before hta caaa m definitely ritaamad aa typhoid tr mr. Arr.ncmrnta for tha funaral bad not I n ri.nipl"t-d aarly today. tlhur Wrtirht mas horn In Henry i-untv. !nd.. April 1. M7. OrvUla. the i'h hi..!, whi born Aucuit 19. 1HII. . tl"ir nd orvlUe atiandad tha local Hch Hi h""l nd stood hljth In thalr tii-ii. Ilmparad by heart trouble. t i-rd. It la thought, by arrldan tally hvina: Ptrutk hy a polo sttrk. Wilbur wm roinpallad to abandon hla purpoaa of ttanHncr rollena. Thalr father. Hi -hop M.lton Wright, bains; away from hn murh of tha ttine. the two broth- rm h'lpad to mntntln thetr home. Tha tw.i nrt ntnrtd a Job printing offtce. - n 1 f- r n whil puMIhad a small paper tM.t hid a mi bur bun circulation. They t'.-n rnterad tha bicycle business and p. nd a rralr shop, at tha same time ti ltiuf icturttii; bicycles. .aae mt r'lyl Mwdled. 1m the mrantlnie thay basjan atudylna; ti rt tnic maihlnf tblle carry Ins; on ti- bi'-y.-la buPlneaa. and tn pursuit of in urct thay acquired a knowled i f un 1-Tlvlnjr prtnctplea. further addlnf t tht tr knowlrJc- by an acqualntanca m iltl-rnt modern lunsjuaaaa. Thr natry of Wilbur Wright can ha tr---d throuch a number of a: n e ra -titi in Knicland. Samuel WrlsjhC t hr'us fi w horn was transplant ad tha 1 nr in AmrT'-a. cam to Sprtnflld, i t in 1 T 3 . Mia descendant par t:.tj.itrd in the K-olutlonary War. FIRE RAGING IN TUNNEL Mrs near een to Hare) lion a Into Kjilwaj Tube lie fore flame lloe. I tM;Ti l.A. 'al. May JO Tha fir In t .i- oo. f, Chtlknot tunnel of tha Ur!rn I'actf.r lUHway. 19 miles east f hrra. is still racinn and all efforta ! far ml to ettn:alh It hav bean t it'V The air that Issues from a I'Um in tha vat etui of Uia tunnel mora t in a mi from the fir, la ao hot n t ie surface over th tunnel that It Nurn one b-r.d when touched. Th t r:..Ti are burned out for Oistanc 4-f 4id fe An tr.veii;ation Is blns mad of a '. .rt t.h.at a short time before tha :i: o itneoTeral a itrtnirr waa p.-r-i ly into te tunnel carrying ; t api-oared to be a roll of fus. Two nw n In TlMol Khrr. il.r ;rTAif. r. Iay 3. Oeor S artl and Wesley HateM. of Chetco, w .Tf lroni0 In tha breakers at tha rout! of tsa Pistol RiTer thia morn lrg whan tna enntne refused to work tn thr ajoltna launch. They war . t ried to -.! by tha ebbing ltd and t .i:r boat eapied In th breakers th fatal result to both. Th bl tea ae nt et t'-n recovered. They w re hoi n ounic men and unmarried. 4MKt Kkaci. Mcrllna; Planned. t KNTRLI V U'aati.. May Sa ip- .na tif the features of th pro ;rmn.f f-r the niilu:iimer mettnic of :e Sutnrt W aifi: rue ton levelop iifpi A--tutlon. v hu h I'pens tn Cm r.ilii K-i-liv, will te a but goocj roads esiin Friday riant. S. K. Hawes wlllj rr?n.1e. StAle liiKhway I'ommlMlontf iobrrts and Governor Hay will be pres ut iii deilvar addrrses. l'.tionlan to Talk at IVret ;roe. IWOIFK t"NI KItSITT. Forest ;ro. ir May 3 Special. Pacific l " n t varsity will have tn opportunity Monday evenlrs; to hear Henry Law-rn.-a tfouthikUk, of Btin. in a public akeprean recital Mr. ISouthwIck. a reader of accept tonal ability. Is president of tha Km rrterson Pollea of rtory in l?oton He is on an ex- ended tour from Kaat to West, atop or. in San Francisco. Seattle t y. Tyi Orove. iol.aiw -! National t.rancr. SPOKANE. Wh.. May SO. C. R K.alr. m..lr of the State Grange. Te civ..t oi.y telcraphic artvlree to tte rrrwt iht the n..-u!iT committee of the .jtionel tir.ns hJ eelertrj Spo- l .... r.'f th" nrtl Ntl.nl meetlns i The Ut' fnr th 11J meefvn TYPHOID AVIATOR WHO CRASHED INTO SEATTLE GRANDSTAND TRY S TO SAVE RECKLESS SPECTATOR AND HIS PARTNER. V . I i mi !8! ABOVK 1. (I.IKK TIRPI. AIRSHIP KILLS ONE Crash Into Crowd at Seattle Proves Fatal. SPEED 50 MILES AN HOUR Arlator Tnrpln in Wrl(tht Mchin I'luncr Into Crwd Below Orand tand, Wrraktnic Grrwotne IUtoc; Met Called Off. Contlnu1fmmrtrt Pwl Arthur etndhl. 8attle. le In jured. John Well. IT r old. Everett Wh-. hurt about hlpa. Mra, F. H. Wllhelm. 10 South Sev enth etreet. Tcoma. head cut. S. C William, battle, bead cut. Many other uSred llicht brule and cut, but were able to ao tj their home unattended. Turpln. the unfortunate aviator, wa badly bruUed. but e.-ped eerlou In- Jury. Tha Coroner ottice intrucieu the polwe to Bold lurpm peiium ma iu quu T.ryla Make. tateae.t. Turpln face waa everely lacerated when he wa thrown aaatnat the wlra bracln; and tubular teel frame. "I aw a man tart ti croaa In front of th machine a I wa rlln. h aid tonlitht. "I anew that an accident wa unavoidable, but to aave ht Ufa I tilted the left plane to paaa over Dim. knowing that the machine would ba thrown but hoping- to u!Oe It Into the open field. To prevent Ita overturnln on the traik I had to elevate the rih wing alo and the udden werve threw ma jut enouah to the left that the aileron caught In an upr'.tl Iron pipe, turning the aerojlane Into th grand fttand." TICKETS REFUSED TO T. R, uteJ by tl.e National committeemen of The ticket will be riven out Monday. June JT. the di before tre convention i. ..nt to order. No committeeman in h.ve more than li0 vlltort- tick .ii. m.nv tint have mor . w iihi t ... mhere of tha Illlnol dele- ratum to the convention, headed br i-hauncer Pewey and K. R. McCormlck. i... tr ixiirr Pay today, where thejr will cwnfer with Colonel Koo.evelt Sat- In reanonae to an mii.u r'rank W. Kn.il. Itooeevelt nranaaer uirtlKn. aid today that a prote.t r..rm of a memorial to the con ventlon i.r. te.t.n analr.t the manner Taft d;rcate ironi i . it rado were choeen mK"i o the prote.t would be borne by J'd l.lnJ.ey and Mayor-elect Arnold, of Denver. rtrtartal Prefere AvaWe. Chairman l"pham decided today that nrltl.er t:-.e likenei- of leldent Taft nor a picture of Colonel Koo.evelt touM b ,he convention hall. The Rooevelt leader yeterJay aeked tl at If a picture of President Taft wa to be displayed, equal prominence ba Klren to a llkene. cf Colonel Rooe- velt. Contradictory report tl:at Colonel n.oavrelt would or rould not attend tfe conteet hearln and the conven tion itaelf were hear.l. i:-.. nu v.o rrt In Chlcairo expect that Colonel Kooeve!t will be here to tke char; I ,,f ,he conteet brouitht by hi follower -J and also remain in t.nica-o aurma iu. conventum. r.la.el W y t Allfia Mr Knox declared that he talked to Colonel' Roosevelt less than a week ao .n.1 ws positive Colonel Roosevelt ha.t r.ot Cie .ishtest Idea of comlnf to Chl- "'iiocv;t will bav. mora than 0 n MORNING OKEOOyiA. FRIDAY. MAY 31, ------.-.-----,r. Ti1n 7 ' till I II II 3 4. J. 1 1 Photoi Ly Bln New Srrlte. BELOW PHIL. PAIWALEIi vote on the flrat ballot." aid Mr. Knox. "The talk of a eoond convention ha been marted by Taft men merely to make trouble. We expect that the Na. tlonal committee will he fair and eat our eonteetlna deleeatlon where that I tha right thing to do." CXAHK GETS 90 PER CENT Only Frvr Hundred Votes Are Cast for Wllaon In Arizona. FHOKNTX. Arlx.. May SO. About 6000 vote were cat In the Democratic etate rresldentlal preferential primary yes terday and. arcordinir to return tabu lated today. Clark obtained 0 per cent of the total. Wllon polled only a few hundred. Kugene Brady O'Nell. candidate for National committeeman, carried Mari copa and Tuma Countle but wa de feated by the overwhelming vote of the North, which went alrooet unanimously for Ree M. Una. TAFT WILL STAND FIRM "NO COMPROMISE" OnDETt SEXT TO VORYS IN OHIO. I'resldent 8a 3 a Ior Are Too Im portant to Conntry to IVrmlt Voluntary CottceaMon. WASHINGTON. May It Preeldent Taft ent a telegram to Arthur I. Vory. Kenubllean National Committeeman for Ohio, declaring that while he doe not need that atate lx deleate-at larce to eecure the rreatdentlal nomt- n.unn he will not conalder a conipro in the Ohio state convention. Tha fatlrram follow: - "I hope my friend will not conlder nr m moment th. UKetion of com- in th. mate convention. Th vote Involved tr not nceary to my nomination. 1 can atand their lo and am content to b beaten In Ohio, but I cannot yield any vote oy agree ment. Tha principle that were pre ented are too Important to th coun trv to loe anythins: by our voluntary concession. I hope. tnererore. tnai you and my frl.nda will press th eon test to th and In th state conven- t'on" . With President Taft- influence and that of all th Taft political advlaer bark of him. Senator Burton will leav Washington Saturday to take up the fia-ht for control by th Taft force of the Ohio convention, scheduled for early next week. Although Colonel Rooevelt won a ; victory over the President In Ohio . prlmartea. the Taft manager are con fident thev can dominate the atate con vention and add Ohio' six delegate-at-larv to the Taft column. MOFFAT ROAD'S WAY CLEAR Termination of KecHverahip la Ex pected by Agrremcnt. IjENVF.R. May SO. The Denver. Northwestern Pacific Railroad (Mof fat road), for which receiver recently were appointed, will be restored to the owner In 40 day. If negotiation now pending are uccestul. Advice received In Denver today are that repreaentatlvea of the receivers, the owner and the holder of IJ...O0. 040 note. whoe non-payment caused the receivership. will raeet In New York Monday to consider a ettlement. It I understood that an adjudication of the iMfflcultlea may be reached, the note holder asjreeina; to an extension of these obllajattona. Coma Last Two Week. SALEM. Or., May 30 "Special. Harvey Part, of Scotts Mills, who wss Injured In a runaway accident, is still unconscious In a hospital here and physician have srlven up hope of his recoverv. Th man has been uncon scious for two week, with the excep tion of a few hour. Th man's skull Is fractured. T m Sixth Anniversary Special Proposition Did you see our Special Anniversary Proposition in last Tuesday's papers? If not, look it up -it will interest you if you are looking for a home. We have decided to celebrate our sixth anniversary by selling six beautifully de signed, attractive bungalow's, delightfully located' on high and sightly lots, with ex cellent car service, at a great, big special dis count. Ilere is your one best opportunity to get a tome on terms almost like paying rent, and for several hundred dollars under the list price. Remember that we will sell only six homes with this discount. Come to our office, over Merchants' Na tional Bank, Fourth and "Washington, and obtain location and full description of these bungalows. The Fred A. Jacobs Company Largest Realty Operators on the Coast 269 Washington Street, Corner Fourth STATE IN T Situation in Sinaloa Described as Chaotic. BRIGANDS LOOT AT WILL Ninety Per Oe-ut of Town Attacked Are Captured t!ve Ruth lessly Murdered, Women and Girls Maltreated. LOS ANGELES. May 30. The United State Army tranport Buford nt from San Dlesjo on May 10 to the re tire nf fnnlim.rf alonST the west Mexi can coast, arrived here this afternoon from Topolobampo and other Mexican port and San Diego, en route to San Francisco, having on board 324 refu gee. 1 having left tha transport laat night at San Plego. At this port 1S refugees disem barked, coming from Topolobampo. Altata Maxatlan. San Bla. Manxa nlllo. Sallna Cru and Interior points. Of this number. 1 wera men. S wo men and S3 children. None of the passenger wa entirely destitute, but most of them had left . . 1 .. - hHfnjt Thev were everyininsi o. met upon arrival by representatives of th Associates LiLniio ,. . iv iv f A. and Rev. Mr. ! k- Nmrma Church. The minister took charga of 17 mission aries returning from various points. All Biulnees Demoralised. Among the passenger Ml Dr. C. F . tiv. nf the Occl Luener. rv d.. - . .n.i Rnhher Company, with neaa- i..B.)in who has been nuarters i - . . 7 "V vii. and has an extended acqualntanca In ,ne s,,'e" of Masatlan. uunngu ""l." 7, . . , 1 wn Ann or 600 natives In his employ, attd In describing con ditions along tne we.. I have an extensive acquslntance UIOIL What's the Good of Worrying . er burglars and fire while you are away this - nmcrt Just take a safe deposit box for your els, family silver and valuable papers and you w tbey are absolutely safe. .'. t- are always glad to show our boxes and vaults. Boxes $3.00 per annum and upwards. SECURITY SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY fifth and Morrison Streets, NAVY ! $32 Suits $38 Suits a 1019 . ; throughout the territory and many hundreds of my former employes at th beginning of the last trouble turned revolutionists. Everything -In the country Is absolutely demoralised and business Is at a standstill. "The federal government is unable to cope with the situation. Bands of brigands numbering from 20 to several hundred men wander at will through the country destroying property ami looting ranches and towns. Cullacan was cleaned out only a short time ago. Lower Classes In DUtreaa. While Americans aro treated with respect and consideration, the condi tions relative to the lowest classes of native are horrible. 8cores of native men have been ruthlessly murderea and the women and young girls mis treated. Ninety per cent of the towns attacked by thebands have been taken. Everything is In an uproar ana me state of Sinaloa Is In the worst con dition of any state in the republic. "Extensive property interests in an . W .&VvN Every woman' heart responds to the charm and weetness of a baby's voice, because nature Intended her for motherhood. But even the loving nature of a mother shrinks from tha ordeal of suffering and danger. Wom en who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and their systems are in a healthy condition to meet the lime with the least possible danger. Mother's Friend is recommended only lor the relief and comfort of expect ant mothers, and its many years of success, and the thousands of endorse ments received from women who have used it are a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. Mother's Friend allays nausea, pre- tteresu!and t)olIjClSi In every way contributes t strong. healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. BRAD FIELD REGULATOR. CO., Atlaata, G, Portland, Oregon. SUITS HALF PRICE Fifty Suits, navy blue and mixtures from our regular stoclc, at half price mo C-l A Un Suits S20 S16 52 Suits S26 S19 - 68 Suite... SJ4 lie artfjolometo Co. WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET FOR THE NEWEST THE ..NEWEST Mi For Women Magnificently tailored, clev erly and carefully designed models, featuring the very latest style tendencies the season has so far produced. All the popular and most de pendable fabrics, such as serges, whipcords, lingeries, foulards, messalines, taffetas, etc., in any of the favored shades one could dJQf wish for? $15 to 40 O WASH DRESSES Special at $2.75 Here is a lot of serviceable Wash Dresses no woman or miss should overlook. They are in pretty styles, well made up and in splendid color combination. Surely worth a great deaJ more thnn we ask for them, but they're on special sale todav, so come a? .fA.! $2.75 CHARGE ACCOUNTS SOLICITED EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. The Big Credit Institution 405 Washington, at Tenth THE STORE WITH 22 SHOW WINDOWS localities along the West Coast are practically confiscated or destroyed and there Is no predicting wher the thing will end." J. Costello. of Teplc, owner of the Bolo de Oro Hotel, said that condl- YOU WANT A PAIR OF TELEPHONE HERALD Ii.tenlng receiver put In your office, your home. In any room, or in every room. News by Telephone, Music by Telephone. Sermons by Telephone, Vaudeville by Telephone. Baseball reports while the game is going on. Lectures, speeches theatrical performances. rJPKineharr?ng you over a distinct wire system. riTncrniDU MftW CENTS A DAY, payable when In.trnment. are SUBSCRIBE NOW (. r. .ffi n. '"""-sl" c ' ' .errte. commence. COMB AND LISTEN AND GET A BOOKLLT. Come and Listen AT 606 Royal Building (Formerly Tull & Gibbs Bldg.) 7th and Morrison. .'. ..T'i .,i a a Halcnnir nn Mezzanine Floor. Hotel muitnoman, an Meier & Frank's, 2d FL, Ladies' Every day (except Sunday) hatween the hour of 1 and 4 and and 10 r. it. we have the following- special pro gramme. There l a little aomathlns comm. over th. ;wlre couatanujr from 10:30 A. M. until 10 P. at. The reaJix enjoyable numbera are: l:0o Piano nolo. New. ,. 1:15 Soprano. "The River Shannon. 1 ?u Piano solo. Monologue. 1:30 Contralto. "Rose ol My Hearu 1:35 tetentor monologue. 1:43 Soprano. -Garden of Ro 2:05 piano jnualc from Ht-mica a 1:80 Piano aolo. 2:00 Contralto. "Lt Rose of Sum mer." 2-10 Full orchestra, overture, j -25 Stentor announcements. 2 So-Soprano. "Sllvar Tnreada. 2 4u Orctiealral mualc 2- 45 Baritone, ragtime aong. 2:60 Orcheatra! muaic. -. 8 :00 Duet. "Bhlne, Little Glow Wornv 3- u6 Orcbeatral mualc 3:15 Stentor announceraenta 1:20 Solo, atrlng. By Prof. O. BV J- 30 Soprano. -Ton and Lo S JiTcello solo. By Blgaor Bruno Co lottL :B0 Orcbeatral mualc. S 65 Contralto. "BaUav Me. 4:00 Piano mualc. g:00 Stentor monologue. :0& Piano aolo. Mra. Holcomb. g:10 Baritone. "The Harbor ol Lota Sits Contralto. -Xaat Roae of Sum mer." g-20 Heading by Stentor. .. g 2jSoprano. ' The River Shannon. 8:80 Baritone "Vale of Dream. g-33 Piano aolo. 8- 40 Contralto. "Roaette. 8:45 Short talk on Telephone Herald. g -5l Monologue (requesti. 8:53 Piano aolo. . a 00 Soprano. "Garden of wo. , .. 10 Baritone. "The Harbor of lve ;15 Soprano. "Tou and Lrtve. 9- 20 Stentor reading. Contralto. "Tha Rosary." B-35 Stentor monologue. 45 Piano, Remick a Bong -nop. SO Announcements; aupper . pre- gramme at varloua cafea. Come and listen to Mlaa Dorothy tJili lng "The Last Rese of Sum iS' it 2 P. M. and 8:15. Come and h.ten to the beautiful baritone of Carl Palin. late of the Stuart Opari Com-Mn- in "The Harbor of Love." at 8:10 Sid 1:10. Hear our soprano. Mlaa al berta Gellam. If you hear thee m nles you will listen to It all. (Bulling sound announce! each num ber about to commence, between each number.). . , ... . One minute " bera . v,- . OREGON TELEPHONE HERALD CO. W ,,1, BLDG- SETEKTH AND MORRISON. (Formerly Tull VISIT THE EASTERN S I row and Misses tlons were better in that state and that American interests had not been seriously molested, although business was demoralized. The Buford proceeded at 6 o ciock tonight, carrying 165 refugees, who Wlll be landed at Pan Francisco. -- ... Waiting-Room; 7th FL, Restaurant. h.ar In mind we are omy demonstrating now. In a we will commence a full commercial aervlc from 8 A. M. to 12 P. M. for & centa a day. ALWAYS ON TAP NEVER A DULL MOMENT PROPOSED COMMERCIAL SEBVICB 8:00 Exact time. A. M. Weather report. Late telegrama. Brief, terse review of eniei Itema In morning press, g 45 Synopala of the morning mi repeated. Special announce ments. " . 8:80-10:00 Special sale at the ven ous storee. Social programme lor the day. Local pereonals and amall Items. 10:00 New York Exchange quotation Market letter. Financial newa Miscellaneous ltema i1:00 Pacific Coast news. Clvle mat ters. Political notea Manna, ahlpptng and crop reporta. Noon Exact astronomical time. 12:00 Latest general new a. NaTm1t mllltary and Congreaaional 12:80 Midday San Francisco and Port land Stock Exchange Quotations and market reporta. 1 00 Repetition of the half-days moat Interesting news nema. 180 Local topics. 2 00 Foreign telegraphic dispatch oa News of the Northwest. 2 0 Theatrical, fashion and society notes. Household hlnta Read Inge, lectures, language lessons. 8;00 Baseball report (In aeaaon) re- ,vvported on special wire direct from the park, play by play during game. General aporting newe. Standing of league iluba Special new ltema 8:00-8:00 Stories and talks for th children. 8:80-8:00 Orchestral music 8 00-10 30 Vaudeville, opera, theatri cal performances, concerta 10'80-12:00 Orchestral music. ALL FOR , CENTS A DAY (..immtnii are out in your office or A-l S0LICIT0ES WANTED. in 4845. Home A3213 & Glbb Diag.t are .Sottnlxr 11 to 2