9 minimi ijaiRiaiimm imii llf""" ilH-d'l.,..,!!!...;. EVERETT 10 HAVE TRIAL If! LEAGUE If you only knew what pleasure the. i t I TTTF, MOrcXTXO OTiEGOXIA WEDNESDAY, 3IAT 29, 1912. f e Tacoma Games for Three Days to Be Played as Test of Attendance. SERIES TO BEGIN MAY 31 Jack Ilea I j and William llofferkarn Control Tark and Want Per manent IVaBchlse In Live and Growing Cllj. EVERETT. TV ash.. Mar !. Spe- trial.) The Tacoma franchise of the Northwestern Baseball Leac-ne w awarded on trial to Everett at a meet Inc today attended bjr the mnt of the laaaua and Jack HeaJr and William Hafferkora. representlna; tha local In- Tha flrat tm will be plared here May SI, wtth tha Vancouver team, a three-dev eerlee harms Been seneauiea. Tha a:tuatlon here waa fullr ona Into at the ineetlna' todav and I'rml dent Fielder Jonas and oihere aa-reed that Everett waa tha bl proposition tn tha baseball field unoccupied la tha Tactile Northweet. . IIM rark Available. Haalr aad Hafferkorn cava a flna ball park nar tba haart of tha city and their BUMinaot of eeml-profee-tonal ma haa been auch aa to meat with tha approval of lovera of tha Na tional pastime. Whan tba Tacoma franchlae waa for faited on Monday a forfeiture of !.- want Into tha eoffera of tha leasua and. aa the orcanliatlon la 111.90 to tha a-ood. tba fcverett deal wi.i (at a-ood atari Healy. who baa been boos tin tha ball aarne bera Ihia season with one of the faateat aeml-profeaalonal teams In the atate. will forfeit bla rlaht to ttie grounds on condition that he be rotmbureed in the amount of $1400 apent la puttlna them In ahape. Ha haa been a bis money maker with hla earn, but la wllllns to take a chance In faster company. Keeewrt Oata Pea meat W laser. Tears ( Everett had a pennant winner In tha Northwestern Leasua and tha town haa three times tba pop ulation today. Tha support haa In creased accordm!?. It la hollered. Local fans are dellchted orer tha deal, and all predict Everett will mora than make food. Tha membera of the partr who came hero today were: I'. E. Durlale. Fielder Jones, president of tha North weatarn Ueasue: Bob Hrown. nuntiy of the Vancouver. B. C. club; Jud-e MrCredle. preeldent of the Portland Northwestern Leasue club: Joseph Conn, owner of the rpokant club; and Manaser vlat'ellett, owner of the V ic toria, B. C club. r k V ictor- V ictroia Dongs into your nome wouldn't be without one for a single IVKKETT WILL 1IAVK THIAL Belief la Taromi )nn Will Bo In dacrd to Support I lab. Wb.Ua fielder Jones, Northwestern Leasua president, and several leasua officials paid a Tlslt to Everett yester day, plannlns to awttch three of tha Tacoma- ancoarer a-amea to ton Washington town this week to teat tha town from a sate receipt standpoint. It seems hardly probable mat Tacoma will Ions be without organized baseball. Tacoma haa a population of 90.009 people, haa bad baseball, and a better brand at that, than many of the cities now In the circuit, and Indications would point to nothlns mora than scare to force tha fan-business men ta I ska hold of tha club and support It financially. M bile Ed Welkins' proposition to take orer tha club was turned down. It Is not likely that ha will be Isnored If lis baa 110.000 backing tor the club. II was simply put off until tha Roth ermej and of the deal waa closed. With Kotbermai fisbtlns Watktns tha thins for tha leasuw directors to do was to disposal of tha wobbly masnate and then deal wtth tha aspirins owners of the Tigers. Owner MeCredte of the Portland club returned last nlsht from Tacoma. who little mora to say than a substantiation of the Tacoma reports of yestee-day. He seems confident that Tacoma la tha loa-lcal city, but aj rolls that the town will be Tlgerleee for a time unlesa tha tana rally to tha support of Mike Lynch and his men. president Jonea remained orer In Washington a day. visiting Everett and raaraealns tha situation among Ta coma people. UA.VXV M1AY DJkS KILWCUIsE Kansas City Man Would Pot Tacoma Tram la North Yakima. ePOKANE. Wash, May 2. tSpeclal.) fanny hay. former manager of the Kansas City team In thai American As soctstlon. left Spokane last night for North Yakima, where he will take tba matter up of purchatng the defunct Tacoma team with the North Yakima Chamber of Commerce and the new a. papers of that city. pbav said last nlsht that he consid ered t.-va location of North Yakima Ideal lor a berth In this league. In that it would break tha Ions Jump between Portland and fcpokane. He also sai4 that he understood thst tha tWIctt of the Tacoma temra was only l;ooo. If tile Is tse rase It ta the only time In lite hlayry of the Northwestern Leasua ti.at It has been possible to secure a fully manned team that baa an excel lent chance of cepptag the pennant for so small a sum. A prominent Portland gentleman said a few days ago: "Speaking about my Victor-Victrola, I would not part withit for $1000 cash if I could not get an other one." j Any Victor dealer in any city in the world will gladly play any music you wish to hear. Victor-Victrolas '! $15 to $200 ; Victors, $10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, N. J. nmiiNiiriniiiMeinijiiuHeiijiueiin ,1:....ii.i.i..u....ui..l...ll.lttt)til We sit evening after evening and listen to the voices of the world's greatest singers and enjoy the music of the best or chestras, bands, and instrumental soloists. It is a marvelous instrument and a source of great joy and delight to us." . CJ You want one of these Victrolas in your home you need it. It will satisfy the love of music born in you; it will freshen your tired mind and lighten the cares and worries of every-day life. CJ Visit our Victor Department today and make your selection. Competent and courteous assistants will help you. CJ The cost is but little the resultant pleasure great and perpetual. 1 3 f I' i Steinway and Other Pianos tenia Morrison at Sixth E -3 gr-i TT l)l.i.i.i.ui,.iini.., a you day. P m Wm it IP tin i&MMhM' m M liP I' pBMM li I tiifiiii Victor-Victrola XVI, $200 Mahogany or quartered oak 'WIIWII!!lm!l!ll!!ill!HWll!'lll :!I!S5SiS!L-J!!BJ!S-!S!!Z!!!lT!! - ' ' - ,n...,. .,,.,, t:..,.,: u.-ll.,!!.,:,...:;.. i.'t. Apollo and Other Player Morrison at Sixth Pianos ihii mini inewaeai na lM,T1sallll jiuiMiujJiiaiiiiiiiiiiisiiiiM Go. BILL TEMPLE SOLU TO VEJtNOX I'ortland ritchrr to Vrr o Join llocan's Team Tomomm. mil Temple, the etc nirht-hanj plttber turned bark ta fprlnanold. o( tne Connecticut Stale Leaa-ue. by the Portland Coast League Club, has been sold to Vernan and will join Hocan's leaa-ue leaders St fan I'rwiUrft leaT ma Portland tomorrow. When tioutupaw ttreenwrll failed to report McCredle took Temple from the same club under sn option which ex pires June L Tha l4-pounder dldn t cet off vary well wtth tha Beaeera. losing four a-ames and wlnnlns; two. se when Klawlrter and HtcaMnbotham were purchased by Msnsaer MeCredte. he nutiSed trnnKHeld thst there waa r rom for Temple on his rlub. Temple was Immediately shipped to lortland. where he has been stationed for the past week endeaeortns: to se cure his freedom. lloaia likely ba bin under a similar optica. CARNEY INCREASES LEAD SOLOMOV It rOIXTS BEHfVD IX THREE-CTSHIOX MATCH. Final Block of SO Point Will Bo Played Toulght Score Is Now 100 to 88. If Henry Solomon. Portland man who holds tha Pacific" Coast three-cushion billiard championship, ezpecta to re tain the title, he must score ! points acalnst tha 0 the ex-world's champion must negotiate ton: hi to win the third block vt tha title tourney and the Coast cue crown. Carney won the aecond as me of tha series at the Waldorf bll lia.rU parlors last nia-bt. (0-43. brlnglna; hla total to 100, against it for tba champion. There were fewer brilliant spurts last nlsht and mora safety play, but the cracka nuuia even faster time than on Monrisy nlshu Csrney flnlhtnir his block of SO points In 1 Innings, asalnst i for Monday. As usual, Carney started tha polnt maklns; In the Brat Inning, but felled to establish tha early lead aa on Mon day nlsht. and was nghunic from the cellar until tha 4eta lnnlnn. when he tied with Solomon. In the list Inning the score waa ;o-10 In favor of the i'ortsander. but Carney tied him tn the next 14 Innings, took the lead In the Tl-t and waa never beaded, although Solomon was only three points behind In the s3d Inning. Safety jlsy wss a feature of the match, with Solomon resorting to bad leaves In 1 of the tl Innings, and Car ney following ault In 10. Solomon waa particularly unfortunate In running Into "kisses" during the latter part of the game, when scoring seemed es. As on Monday night, nearly too fans crowded Into the room provided for tha tourney, with Its applause evenly di vided between the two contestant. The final match of the series will ba played tonight, starting at t 10 o'clock. Carney, wtth a lead of 13 points, is a hot favorite and from bis form of tha first two nights must fall down badly If he doea not win tha championship.- WASHINGTON SENDS ATHLETES t Never- Any Intention to Evade Con ference Mrrt, Ze-dnlrk. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON. Se attle. May S. (Special V ashington will enter seven athletes In tha Pacific Coast conference track meet June 1 and what Is more we should tske st least four firsts or SO of the 140 points. declared Ictor ZeOnicK. graluate manager, today. "Three was never any doubt about our entering, aa the university bad entered Into the conference agreement ami would have been forced to contribute to tha ft pensea of the affair even If no men were sent. The squad csn leave Fri day aa.1 start on the return Journev Saturdsy evening, thus rmastna only one day of the exams, which can be so arranged as not to Interfere." "Courtney should take the 100 and 210-yard dashes with ease as ha proved his superiority over other coast ma terial at tha Olympic tryouts: Bowman, wbo secured the high Jump In tha dusl content at a feet V Inches, hss an other five points stowed away, aad Krtm'inds hss a good show for a first In the ilacus Williams, who won second tn the Oregon-Washington pole-vsult; rstten. third place man In the shot: Thomasoa. who Is good for three points In the perpendicular Jump, and Auzlax- Turrene. tba speedy Frenchman who j could not run against Oregon Saturday, will make up the team of aeven and will add ten more points to the four firsts, giving Washington a possible 10. Wa can safely look for a second place." AGGIES SEEK 'WINGED SI' SCALP Corral lis Nine on Edge for Clash With Multnomah Thursday. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallla. May JS. (Special.) When Coach 6tewart"s O. A. C. Colts trot out on tha Multnomah Club's diamond next Thursday afternoon for their Leco ration day game with the strong: Portland amateur team. It will be with a deter mination to show their best mettle in an effort to make good the (-4 defeat which the Multnomah pill pounders ad ministered to them early In tha season. When tha former game was playexl with the Multnomah Club, the alx new men on the Aggie ream were just mak ing their debut In College baseball, and consequently, the college nine was not capable of playing winning ball against the experienced team. The three veterans on the team are Captain Krlben. pitcher: Phillips. Catch er; and Cooper first bane. With the asslatance of Culver, the promising young mound artist from Payette, Ida ho, Captain Krlben has been doing the box work for this year's games. , then will make a trip to San Diego for the purpose of seeing If It Is feasible to place a Coast League team in that city next year. Both are said to be In favor of letting San Diego Into the league, and aa the proposition has grown stronger every year for the past three or four years, GOVERNOR WOCLD STOP FIGHT vr Mexico LcgUtlatare Urged to Prohibit AH Prizefights. SANTA FU. N. M.. May 18. Governor McDonald sent late today a message to the Legislature, urging the enactment of a law prohibiting prlxefights In this stale. Should a law be enacted, the Flynn-Johnson fight, scheduled for July 4 at Las Veg.ta, would have to be trans ferred to some other state. The House recently passed a bill known as the Tripp bill, which legalised boxing and limited the number of rounds to 4S. - Under the constitution of New Mex ico the Legtalsture is compelled to ad journ on June t. There Is much unfin ished business on the calendar, and It Is not likely the message will ba acted upon at this session. Pn.LM.YX DEFEATS CORVALLIS Rlrhen Hit Hard Error Figure in Conference Game. W. U Pr IT. L.. Pc. Or-ion -O tono Wash. Ft. 4 .429 un. 1 I .our. Arclee. l e PULLMAN. Wash- May !&. Spe- cleJ Washington State College won the baseball game from Oregon Agri cultural College here? today, & to 3. Tba game was weil played despite the. nu merous errora llock. Pullman's young pitcher, was the star of the game and won. In the first Inning he made a clean two-base hit. scoring two men. He pulled the team out of two bad holes, caused by errors. Rlrben. considered the best pitcher In the conference, pitched for Corval lla. but failed to show any ability. He will pitch again tomorrow, while Klne hart will twirl for Pullman. Score: . w. e. c... t ( o. a. c... it SAX DIEGO MAT GET FRANCHISE Ewlnf and Berry to Dlecnsa New Club foe Coat Leacne. LOS ANGELES. CaL. May IS. (Ppe- lal.) Henry Berry said today that he . xpecta Cal Km-lng to arrive In Los j AnKm 'iuihii tuv i.iii )t( i vi nil I week. The two Coast League directors 1 Hotel Men A Gilt-Edge Opportunity for Profitable Investment An 8-Story Building Now Nearingr Completion . Is Ready for Leasing for a straight term of ten years at a very moderate rate. The structure is being erected for a first-class family hotel. It is fireproof and trill have equipment and improvements essential to a first-class, up-to-date caravansary. The rooms are large and well lighted. There -will be large ballrooms, reception-rooms, ladies' parlors, etc There will be 200 'Rooms every one of which will be a 20th-century model as to "conveniences, etc In disposing of this lease there are no restrictions whatever. BUY YOUR FURNITURE AND FURXISHDfGS WHERE AND OF WH03J. YOU PLEASE. This hotel will have no sqperior in the city as to con struction, arrangement, etc It is located on the West Side, within a few minutes' walk of the center of the city. If interested call and allow ns to go into further details. " P. S. No hotel managers needed This is a leasing proposition. Philip Gevurtz, 1 73-175 First St PHONE MAIN 3244 Your cook is all right No cook need apologize .for not making soup as good as Campbell's. She hasn't the perfect materials or the cooking conveniences we have. You just ought to taste our Vegetable Soup for instance. It contains 16 dif ferent vegetables beside other choice ingredients. How long would it take you to gather the materials for such a soup as that? To say nothing of mak ing it. ' You can taste it this very night. Why not? Call , up your grocer now. 21 kinds 10c a can Look for the red-and-white label a tr eu r l a ana awai-, -'. .- aaifat.- JT k- - -we-"e"'Tr- ' s JT1. P!reseJe'j! 'laaVMrjef-ljiAsa-tastl aWiiskLta-i THE SURF IS CALLING Vacati&n Days Coming Make Preparations Now for Your Summer Outing. Build or Buy Now GEARHART-BY-THE-SEA Choice Building Sites New Bungalows Everything at Gearhart Park to make life worth living. Every inducement offered tome-builders. Prices right. Terms reasonable. Examine plats and plans. GEARHART PARK CO. Phones: Main 1293, A 7268 lOO1 Fourth Street P H ii ffci m T il ! m 108.0