THE MORNING OKEGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. 3IAY 29, 1912. 21 BUY WOOL EAGERLY Dealers Are Picking Up Every Clip Offered. OUTSIDE PRICES ARE PAID Nrtl Public Sale In Ka-trrn Oregon Will II al llrtii'iicr Activity la Otjier Parts of Wt Trade In Fleece Section. Wr.-r m! la effered f-r sal la KBt ere Oreiea It la quick. 7 UP b the surer ml HTilill prices. Pealing In the past fk Bare Ml aa lare nd practical: e-rerr sac How hu participated ! in arllltr. The boy ere are payln tram 1 la 1 cant aa ha aaerase and far cholca crad-a ther ara partus mar.. Prices tnroufheut lha Weet ra hlh- it,., i. , r.H transBortatiaa ana ather rharti eoaetd-reA. and for this r ana some af th Bayers ara Boldlne back. preferrlr.- la DOT at tha chedted sal'. a ther kelle-e ther can aparntn ta Better aa raalese la that war. Tha others, how- v.r. ara ptcklBS ap lndlaldual clip wfcers-fer th.r cam And tbera. Tha Beit public aaa will ba at H.ppaaf on Juee 4. A aala waa echedoled to taka par at Ecbs tadar. bot tha woola ta that .ctloa hae baaa BOBSht pp. AcU'ttr preaal; In all parta of tha Waat and a-oal prlcaa continue high. In tba trtaac'a acttaa thra baa baaa noma furth.r purchaona at btaaer price. cnta n lr baas raarhad for medium wool. Vtah and Nevada ara now T.ry cleaned up and prtc.a ta tha country tor tha latter cTlpa heae ba-'a firmly raalntalnad during- tha wees. Jo buslaese la Jr.t reported ftfontana. la WrMtina a ala w mad of lv AO pound at a bis m.rlna clip at I5H casta anotb.r sale of e-Vooo poun.l at 11 cm. see a sale at lnoooo pounda at ! cent and a aa.a of 7lM-X pounda at 1 casts. la California report haa It that tha "Bad 'IT ll-month" woola ara proln rsthsr poor. Thla la disappointing ta lha Eastara dealers, aa th.a waele have heretofore baaa bld much la favor. Tor tha moat part tbla c.ip la raportad to have baaa purcbaaad by a Y.t.ra arm aa tha baata of J cnta cl.aa. abaarlnc Is aeltins uad.r way T-a. but thara la aa trading reported. Oraarers la aflcblsaa ara aaklnc ' for woo s and la Ohio th.r ara aland lor aut for II caata At Bolllvaa, lad., a eaie aa baaa mada at 22 cat. Spring wool la Wainnlna to mava la Tannaaaaa. where ra ara parla 2a caata for atapT. and It la predicted that cnta will ret ba raid. Binm rrr.uo ix wheat mabkft Narw laiaa Treaaarteel Tama far Taa war rwa. Thara waa mora business IB tha Bi-hi yeet-rday thaa tbcra baa baaa for la days paat and aa a can It lha feline w.a coaald.rabrv tmpravaa. Tha d.maad from California waa bttor and wara laotratloaa af soma raTlaal of trada la tha ,N or k.ML rricaa wara aachanaad Bad It louka aaw aa if tba mark.t haa cached battam. Tba aats mark.t waa du L It waa ra portad that IB. OoTarnmnt would bo la too mark. arala for 3taw lona af aata. La-al rat-.lpta. In cara w.ra r.portad by lha Mwchaata Eichama as follows: w. Uarl.y F'our tas Hy Voaday 34 I :J - 13 TuxJK If i T.r aao IS II U a. a'B to datalt.ll-. JTI T. 1WI IT4 laar aso ...ll.aT al M.' M Eaclsa crp conlrtiona ar iqamirH by tha Uv.rpool t'ora Trada N.wa aa fol. lawa: I'altad Kmsdim Tha crops ara la n4 at wiurk snoro rata. Praac Tha crop la aanns und.r faror Ma ronditloaa. af aatlva a ht ar llsht. Tha ccant rains kava ba.a vary b. a.nciat. tl.rm.ny Tha crop outlook la favarabla .ad thra Kara bara b.n-flril ratna. Of f.r af active ara moiLrata. Ruasta Tha cropa IB tba ttouth ara ara- ral.y .attaf arttvry. Tha rya crop has com -m.acd .arlnc. .rrjka.a at tha porta ara mall. la th. East .d tm ar-arra. wlta th. w.athr rontiltmna favnrab!.. Ac cardln to aa otTl-tal rrport undar data af Mar 7 tha rrop outlook la tbo amptr ta a.n.rally satisfactory. Roumanta Tha crop autlook la favorabla. BuVsaria Tba Wtntar and Ppnna: crops ara ail rtcht. altbouck cool waatbar has th.m backward. Turk.y aa4 Italy Tha crop autlook Is fully aormal. Aaatra la Tha bow aedtnya ara la Bed af rain. India Arcordtnn ta aa official r-port tha whaat crap af Hombay amounta ta lt.& a. bu. b .a. aaataat .J. 7. 2v.Vaf baabala last yaar. baaa acltatlny for lowar wool and mohair rat, for tba laat the yaara. and tba coa coaiona rranitt ktavy oarrlar doubtlaas will attmulata lha Industry la tba slat. Batraral baary ahlpmaata ara balad and hald ta transit rt-ady far tka aaw rata la - lata .ffKt. Illoatratlra af tha diff.cnra la tha saw rata rr tha old ar th following- com parami flcuraa. tram principal Onion pslata ta Bo. to a. k.w Tark. BaiUmar and othar Eastara markats: Old N.W rat, rat. rVntlUtOB .- l !" t.a n ... tlak.r Tba. rata apply ts wool IB Balsa aaly. Sakad wool takaa a rats 3 cants par It pounds higbr. Th rataa aa mohair llkawlaa bars baaa raducad oa ahlpmanta In carload lots or mora. Tha aaw rata Is $1 par los pounda flat whaa shipped la carload quantltlaa. Tha old rata of II pr bunded, which form rly applied to all alias of ahlpmeata. will nmala sa Iras than carload tjuaitiuu. J 11 1 ' 111 LT1 TRADE IS NARROW Small Interest Shown in Stock Speculation. PRICE CHANGES SLIGH AfTLE MARk.ET RETrUM ARE I.OOD RkHe Bailaa a llmai ti-rt r-rteaa Vthlrk t aaa ara t Bearably. WHITS "vl-koV. Vtaan slay 31 tpa. rial Oomplata rtlunu from markatlac af tba IPI1 crop of apples ara satisfactory ts tna local uaiAa, as tha cturna from athar appla aactloBe do aot ahewr higher aelllag pneaa Tha ihhw cp--ria as follows: Jnnatr-an Ealra fancy II Ml ri; C gr.d.. II. fano. 1191. I" r,1. 11V ita-firMrge K.tra fancy. II. load, fancy. I u I ". ' graa. II ha Ji'n-r.itra fnc.. II l3f LTIi C fr. 1. r. fan.-'. II I twr lvta Lvtra tny. Il30ai5r. lax . f.t... IH . .- (rale. II IX ' !- llatra fancy. Il.ajiwa. faa.y. 1 : I .I '. Kd thek Fetra f.ncr. II. ad amall -ar. faa-. 11.. email ail. trkaawa M.a. k Catra fancy. $130a I TV. r.nrv. II a, kisga Eatra. fancy. II fancy. II au. BiirTip. raitr irrti ox eat RiaaVJa law at la La-war Baata la E& par-led TOO KANT BERBIEA FOR KA1NT DAT frW Bnaka Bharpty Quality Ibawi ttferl af Ktaran. arrawberrles wer pt.nllfut yrstarday. la fart lha supply 'was too large eoneltlerlng lha wrathar. Prlcre broka badly. Dragons soiling as low as !l-33 a crate. Tha top of tba market was I3-IO for Clark Beadllnga Aa pneaa bad baaa high racently. many grawars picked la tha rala and tba coosa- quanca was that a. large part of tha day's ccalptg war of very poor Quality. Lw prices ars aapactad again today. Heavy ehlpmsists from Rti and spiinghrook cam . la laat Bight. California strawberries ar now almost a thing of th psst. A few small lots cam la yesterday. Moat of them sold ts peddlers at 40 to SO cants a crate. Thar waa a good demand for moat kinds of vegetables. A car of California peas was received la a stock car. and they war of poor quality. Good peas war scare and wanted. Asparagua was la small supply and ths scasoa Is about over. rBOTEUT AGAINST RWTTCMlJtO CHABXiE raraanlltae af Grata Deajars May Take Caa t Jtaulrwad Ceaamlealna UocaJ grain dealers ars protesting sgalnst exreeelve switching charges Imposed by th railroad oompanlos br on grain ahlpmanta that originate la aoa-oompeuuva territory la soma Instancea the charges amount to 17 a ear. I. C Kanford. vlca pr.nd.nt of tha Mer chants Exchange Association, has appointed a committee consisting of A. Conn. W. A. Oordoo and W. K. Bacot to confer with the railroad officials oa tha subjeot. If they do hot get relief from ths railroad maa ths grala dealers will appeal to ths Kailroad Commiaalon. hoi-s siurrEO of Kits Oat M Calif arala. A atroag tone In spot hops and a lack of tataraat la contracts is th present condi tion of ths bop market. No business la either th 111 or th 111 crop was ra port.d yesterday. taterwst cent. re largely la tha handling of tba California pooL According to wtr received by a local dealer the L'ulmanns ara shipping BUvv bales of California 1 1 1 1 bops. Whether they ar Intended tor East ara sr foreiga brewer Is But knowa. Bsretpta af BrasU Mats, Fifty Ions of Braall aula, tha largeet shipment over brought to Portland, t rtved yesterday by way of Mew York. Ther wers lev sacks 1b tba two carloads and they wer of vary ftBo quality. The aats war put sa sal at lit cats a pound la bal lata. Baaa tlaartage. Itank clearing of tha Northwestern cities yealarday w.ra as lolwwe.: . 4.l.arwga: ctainncaa. Portland ....l...ol J I.U"! bpukaaa rOKIULND MAtUaJfTa. brata, Itawr, Faaw. EM. WHFAT Track prlcaa: Biu.stem. II; club. fearVdc; red Kua.ian. PaaMpc; Valley. PS '. ev-f"ld. Hiilllfc. klLLITltrl tlran, t.i per ton; snorta. .-: ov. mlddllrg. jl. ILOLtt lairau fj.iv par Barrel! etraish'.a. 14-Tu; .apcrta. 14 30: Valley. i.lo; graham. I'. lo. who.. hl. liiu. IVHS Whole. rrarawi. .i p-r tor. 1IA1 Tlraotby. lSill.o; aLfa.fa. 13: clover. a)Sf oats and aetca. glO.v; grain if. OATI No. 1 white. IJe40 par too. Vrgatablas ajaat lYalta. KKRRIE-t Htrswrtarrlea Or. son. 1170 0 ! p.r crate, r'ioria. Idrafi par ctatv. go-iarbarrl.a. JU r"" pound. , 1 KOi'li AL liana uranira, nav.:a. lel.. taiiforcia grapafruit. iaoOC4; letnona. d u par boa; p.ucappi.a, oc per pountl- FKrlstl FKl n t n.rrica. par ooa; apple. o:d. H3os per box. IVTATUria jofhing pricca: riurnanaa, aid. $l.3S per hundred; new California, lo par pound. ON ION!- norm una. i wtji.u per crair. red II ij pr aaca- VKiiKTABLE.4 rtathokee. Tj r POc per dtira; aaparagua. Pjk- per crate; beans. rauoagr. -We pound; cauli flower. IJ 74 p.r crate, cricry. long per rrata. cucumbers. lltylM dosrn: eggplant. i- par puand; bead lettuva, 11.74 per crate; hotnauee lenuca. ijrtii prr wii p.a 4 Ac p.r prund; peppers, -ic par pound: raui.baa. 1 o ti . .K disen; rnunaro. ;0jr? par pound: .puia-h. 4troc per pound; torn. to.. t.o pvr dob: garlic, ig ivc per pounu. Ikalry aaal Cawatry Fradojrs. PfTTEK Orrgoe creamery butler, cube. or solid pack. :c per pound; prints lc ax a. 1 1 -,t ; Fraah Ocgoa ranch, candled. X03 par d-'Sn: ca count, tve l Mtr..-r. crrafpo 1 ' tic pr yvgna, Tounc Anwrtra, W. I'tiRK lanry. l"loa,c par pound. KAL Feno. tlOUSc p.r pound, rtil I.TKt Hena. 1HIV, kroner. f tJ.V. durka. yours. It viae; gee. 1( 11c. lurkos. Uv. oc; dreeeed. -4c. f rn Metal Market. View TRK. May Z ntandard copper. Th teca! butter mark.t continue ataady. aa the crraaaariaa hep surpiy tlMa4 ap aa aorin.ra erd.ra Tha future course ef price d. panda aa tha Etrra mark.t. It baa ben drcltrttng lately and ae.te ta ga j.wa aaly about ana cent mora ta affect this market la ire eheaea market tba buytng ta af a bead to--mouth chara.-tar. awt tha valuma af It ta euff. cleat ta k..p atocks dowa. Prlcaa si a tr4r and Bncoeoged- Fgg war slew aa4 weak tt 1lc 1-ma.try Bad d r J meats war steady mail) rvrtcT niu i at it taor imaaraMa la hli. lra.a I alley Bay Oalaaafe , EiraUead. HI i M. baa, slay 34. !pevtal. Tka .,S aattar la th: ctloa af tba White Mma .p dem-ra that tna thraa dai raa .'at aiiU.d au tba aoaa.r t r stay that has over baaa ksowa bar. Tha grouad l msiBteoed t a depth e Id laraaa uasurlng) ana af tha beet fruit and all araurvd ccps the va.iey has bad- Or.haxdL.ra ta this aieinttr win commaar IHtranlns their appra traea tba ft rat at Best week. Tha B.rwl vardict ta that a heavy eras af aap's will aa barvaatad durtag tha year lOkll RATES 05f HOOL AND MOHAiK aar Tariff . " Ul lea lasa I ft art sa lass I. Waol rataa fi-aaa parata IB Ocgoa ta the S astern markets a a materially reduced br gaa aaw tariff tt g lit effect June I. j a. aval-a aad warwwis a wragaa apui. l H.W. Mav. It:l 4-..V-. J una. n;:l:-v. Jul.. llw'j iaf 4r; AutalL lJoaaiaOc: riept.mber. Still llaziac Lordoa easy; spot. 174 13a it. future. ITS 3. Ad I'u.toru house re turn showed .aprta of ?T.u7 ton so far thre moat h. lk. copper. Idat7e: elee lrytlc. Id SsltVr. caettn. ItoHSr. Tin. firm; epot. eMUotl l. at), 4 147 34c: JJ. 4'if 47 July. 41.340 44a4c. Auguat. 4Ja.aj4.V; taeplember. 44 u 44 4o. Paa 3U ton. af apl t I4T: IO tone af epot al 47 t4c: ft, tana epot at e;o"tc: 73 too .pot at tj lOc. fa tors epot at 47 13Vc. 74 tons July at 4.24c: 74 tons Ausust al 44.J7,i.- London steady; spot. 1314. future. 1 --"7 lead firm. 4I74 3- New York and 4 104 3Oc Fat t- l.oia ta1es 40.ia) ton. .pot at 4 3VC Lro1on. fig Bd. ap. tea firm. gfaj7c New Trk and 7S sttlkc Eaai at. Iout r.l-e 4O.P0) pound A--sut Keel SC Lauis delivery at g.64c; g. i puads August at 4c. London. 134 17s ad. lro ;ev.:and warraata 14a la London. IM-a.iy Iron waa et-ady. No. 1 foaedry aortnarnt til Mali 74. No 114 24W 14 4,. Na I aoutbara and N'a. 1 south. it soft. 114 M 1474 Antimony quiet; Cooksons, lc. Bond Market Is Iurr With an Ir- reEnlar Tone Government Weekly Crop' Report Is of Interest to Operators. NEW YORK. Mar S, Today's session of the stock exchange dlffecd from y.stet day's only In the sene that It was mor uninteresting. Tha resumption of business In Iinidon and on the continent, af'er th triple holldsy. was of little avail her. aom of tha matters to which Wall Btreet gave conelderatlon wart tha New Jersey Presidential primaries. a proposed far caching cadjustment of Western fcTerhts, th refusal of th I'nltad Statra Circuit Court to mak permanent the temporary Injunction catralntng further sales of val onsed" coffee, another advance In copper, and the official weekly weather report. Th Utter was In som respect the moot Important development, bees use it outlined a condition moc favorable than was enter talned a fortnight ago. In ths Northwest nartlcularlv are rreve at their bast. As ror ths advance In copper metal, which was at )c. the rlsa may hare resulted from a better demand than waa ccenn shown, but such Inquiry failad to extend to the copper shares Tha utter stagnation may ba gathered from tha fact that In the aacond hour of tha afternoon only about 13.000 shares ohanged hands. I'p to the last hour onl two active Issues had changed a full poln from the nravlout d a y a close. Theea wara Lehigh Valley and Gnat Northern preferred American Tobacco and one of lta former euhetdlartea Inclined to heaviness, while an other erstwhile adjunct of that dissolved corporation waa distinguished for Its gain of 1. nolnta. Th local bond market was lower, with aa Irregular ton. Total aaiaa par value. aggregated 12.014.000. united Statra Gov eminent bonds w ere unchanged on, call. CLOelNO STOCK .QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Alii Chal pf . . !" Atual Copper .. 4A Am Agrli-ult ........ Am Hevt sugar. BOO American Can .. 4. WO Am Car A KJy. 300 Ana Cotton Oli.. ...... Am Hd A Lt pf Am lea recurl.. 2.400 Am Llnaeed ... ...... Am locomotive 4M Am Stnel A Hrf. J. WOO do preferred.. ...... Am Kteel Fdy .. 3"o Am Sugar Kef.. 30 Am Tel a Tel. . BOO Am Tobacco pf. Am Woo. en .... Anaconda M Co loo Au-hieoo ovO do preferred.. All Coast Lin... Halt A Ohio ... 700 loo lObS ll.thlehem meel Hrook H Tran.. l.-0 Canadian Pac . . 3. too Central leather...... do preferred.. ...... Central of .N J Chrsa Ohio t hlcaso A Alloa Chi Ot w eat do preferred . Chl.ago A N W 7(H) C. 41 A ft Paul. 1.7UO C. C. C A St U Col Fuel A Iron 3"0 Col a tfouth.rn. loo t onaol Oaa .... soO Corn Pro.lurta I I A 11 uilaon. ...... . UAH tiranda.. 1 pr.ferrrd. . 4HO lilstliUrg KucLr fcn. 2.000 do let pr .... TOO do 3d pf .... ...... O.n Electric ... ." Ut North Pf ... a.131" tit North ore .. 7' Illinois Central. 3" Inlerbor Met .. I.-" lo preferred.. Inter Hsrveater. TOO Inter 4larlna pf Inl Paper 504) Int Pump Iowa Central High. 3 . '-i. . 4 Low. 34 34 7l" SIS ti 2Sa 3tk 43S, a4! 'si w lllO 1404 43 S loot l.9 '.'.'.V. 43 i. b4 st" l:lO 144 Si 43H loo ' 2tUa 13 lo4l 3HVI 43 143, So "iii 17is 133 4 3', 13 31 S to a 131 . 'iii,' 13H 1U4 42 143(4 19S 34 Va 33. 434 171 133 Vi Bid. 34 3V 01 Va 73 b9 43 3i 3S 144 41V (S lo7 3rtV 13DV .-.4Vs Jtltt 38 43. Ion "a 103 :-.!. IO!1 37 V, ku 2t3 34 r, 4Va B1H 74 31 17Vs 34 1H lx.s 3S 43 a 143 144 JtN 33 4 o3 43V 1 , 1 1334 135 . U.-.Vs 118 130 IMS K C Southern .. do preferred.. Laclede oaa . . . ula A Nash . . 41 inn A 81 Lou's M. 8 P S S M 41o. Ksn A Tex. do preferred.. Vo Panne lllscult .... Lead .. N II Met 2 Pf. N T Central . . . North Anierlran Northern Pac .. Pann.- Mall Pennsylvania ... I'.op.c s Oaa '. t; r: a tt L... Ittshurg Coal . Preaa-d 8 Car.. Puli Pal Car . . . Fty Steel spring Heading Republic Steel do preferred.. Rock Island Co. preferre.1. . St L A S K 1 pf SI I. feourhwe.t.. do referred.. S riee Sheffield .. Southern Pac .. Southern Kv . .. do preferred.. Tenn a. opper . .. Trtal A I'ar'nc Tol. St I. Wee do preferred. . I'nion I'arinc .. do preferred.. 1' S Kraltv .... V S Rubber ... L S Steel do preferred.. Vtah Copper . .. Va-Caro Chem.. Wsbaah do preferred.. Weetern 4Td ... W'eettng F.'ec .. W eetern Vnion . Wheel A I. E.. hlsh Valley.. 'hmo Copper . . Ray Console . . X m Tooscco . .. S-aoard Airline do preferred . 3.V 3'W (too 34 l.'rt 1.3'o 2 n 2 1 1 I.200 3.hi !' 17V l."6 ". 147 V I4S 1071, 157 V 3S .V. V 37 t. 157 V 5. 113" 112V 12"V nnv 123 V 114', loll V 33 1ltV Ml. 12.1V 114 V 1"! V 34 -a 2,Sno 173V 172 t "" '37" 27 " S'H 54 V 54', 3 37 3rlV 'V.ooi ill iii4 40O 3SV 2H V ""ioo "isv "iiv ' T.iai 171 V I7V a,- pos po', 700 77V 77V 2 i'o gt rt:t 13.M 70 tvV 'l'.rino "2 fiiv" zoo ! tiv son ' 13 v 2 pno 40 irrt 1 . 1 7n 177 3 1 272 1, 25 a 9 1T". 2V liV STO 24 5.1 V -'iv 24 5H H7 V 157 V 31 140. 3-1 V .17 37 157 5 IV, 30 V 113 V 13 12'V 3V 123'. 1144 lot 22 V 151. 34 V 171 23 i v 54' 4 1114 2V 74 V 45 V 21V 13V ! 17l' on 77V K4 v 110V 3 V M V 72 V 1V tn 7.1 II 17d 2V iV fu 23 5o V Drtaw rtsN at New Vark. Mt YORK. M .Evpaeatd apr'es quiet, fancy. 1M0-C; cbotc. (Vflsci prtme. Itf. Iewae. firm: qaotatloas ranga frora ta Pv for California bp 10 l-4oa and V PVe for Oregoas. I-Mehea. dull; chairs. 1V. SItr tkoirt. ItlSc. fancy. IV 10c. Falraaw tiealaars Market. CBtCAOO. May 2. Put er Ataady: rca-nerlea 21 g . dainee 2. f lc. Kas Weak racalpr. 2 ' 4-4 caa.; at m.ra. raaa lee'aded l,14ir. ordinary graia lc! n-eia lie. i-eaea Mead, dalale. HSIHIt: tw:aa. I.ll5st. Towns A-nerlcaa. 14V 9 14Vc. -org berae. 14lAVc- Napa a New ierV Mlf IOW, 41 aj .. Ujy arm. Total sale for the day. laJ.sOO ahac. PON PS. Furnlahed by Overbeck A Cook Ca. ot rurtisnd. rtia. Asaea. Amer Tel A Tal conv 4s...... American Topacco 4. American Tobacco . AlohiMn general 4. ... Atrhieon conv 4e At.hiaon adj 4s stamped...... Atc-hteoa conv 5 Atlantic Coast Una cons 4s... aat Una L N coll" 4a rlsttimore A Ohto iil Hallimor, A ohto 4a ruotOD Kapld Transit 4a . . an southern f.rst oa. beaapeaka A Ohio 4V. HAW gn mtg ... B A J joint 4a II 4 U 1 la 4e I" B A U lenvcr 4. Central Pacific first 4. rhlcag-l A Fast II. 4a Chlreco K 1 A P ref 4s Critcaao K I A P Col trust 4S.. CoioraJO A Southern first 4s.. Itenver A Klo Grande 4s , Ie:aware A Hudaon conv 4... Kri f.rst cone P L es.. ....... Int Met 4V Japaneaa 4. Jat-anraa first IVts Jaianra second 4,a Louiaviila A Nashvil.a unl .., ala Kan A Tex IS kliaaourl Pacific 4a N.v York Central IV N.w York C.otral L JVs.... N.w York City 4s New York City 4S af 1447..., Norfolk A W'.tera 4e Noro:k A Weatera eanv 4.... Northern Pacing P L 4a Northern Pa.-tfic 3s. .. a-...... ocsoa Ry A Nav ta. ......... , r-rna Rv 4e of 14 Phil'pploe Railway 4a. general 4a. .......... .. Republic of Cuba 5S Souther Pacific first rf .., Southern Pacific col 4. Southern Railway 4. , St L A S r ref 4 Vntoa Pclfie first 4S. ......... t'nton paeific rer.v 4a.......... I n -n Pacific rrf 4a tTined S'atea Steel S F Is t tve-l S-.a-es 2a regwacd Tinted Sialee 2. fnipon La bad e-Ai as . . . , . .114V 114 .05 V .... .130 V .fa 10 v .iV I"? .Pol, wi .107 V 1" . V3 o.-v . P4 WV . !! V PI V . psv PV . Pov Poa . IV ll .1V 101 . p-, v wt"4 . Ul S let V . PHV '. V . '.'.I . sV . - 70 . f.V SOV. . 7 m . 4 4 . "" V rv- . 2V S3 . S3 V S7 . H-"V 3 . Pl ...f , Pu Pv . SH SV . 73 72 V .17 S-7 V , S2 A3 V . l 14 V .107 lu74 . P4 wsv .111V . V . V V . v .iV . loo lo S'V . 7 .losv . 4 V S . Pt SI V . 7V 7V . 7', 7V inoV 1"1 .101 V lr2 . V 102 1"3V ,10.114 '"' loV mi4 .las is lo. a fnlted State Is coupon.... I'nited States 4e registered, rmt.d Statea 4a coupon.... I'nit.d Railway S F 4 United Railway St L 4s.... W'aSaah first 4s Western I'nion 4Vs. ....... Westlnghouso conv 4...... Western Pacific fe Wisconsin Central 4s ...105V ..-.lit .. .114 V. . .. M4 ... 7..V ... ... ... St 4 ... S3V ... 2 im4 114V 111 61 iV v p.-.V 8.1 V S2V Storka at Bostoa. BOSTON'. May 2. Closing quotations: Alloues 4U IMohswk .t4 A 7. L A 8m... 'Nevada Con .... II. Amalg Copper.. 63V Niplaainjr Mines. 7 Ariaor.a Com .. 5V North Butte..... 244 na-v-VABU a iVorth Lake g Cal A Anions.. 7S4 01d Dominion. ST V A Cal A Heels 4" lOeceola 11 Cenlennlal '.' f t- D:llnrY ..... SS Cop Ran Con Co 5SV Shannon 144 v RU:t. Con U 1 -1 Suoarlor 34 Franklin 12V'Sup A Fos Mia.. 2V4 riiroii. rnn 55. .Tamarack ...... 42 Oranby Con ... 64 U S 8 R A M. SSV B Oreene Cansnea. do preferred... 4. I Royalle (Cop) 2Vit'h Con 12V Kerr Lake ZVIftah ftopper Co. 63 r . W - rnnier l.'tllllOlia " La Salle Copper 6 V4I Wolverine 107V4 Miami Copper... 26 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. May 2S. Money on call, teadv. 2aaj2 ncr cent: rullnr rate. 24 per cent: closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 2 V per cent. Tim losns. easy: 3 days, S per cent: 0 dare. nti3V par cent; alx months, 3VvsV per cent. Ptirr.e mercantile naper. 4144 par cent. Sterling e, chans stesdv. with actual bus! ness In bankers' bills at I4.84AO for 60-day bills and at 14. 1725 for demand. Commercial bills. 14.834. Mexican dollars 4.0 tiovernment bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Bar silver. 61c 1ONDnN. May 2. Bar 11ver. steady, 2i.d oar ounce. Money. 24 per rent. Tht rate of discount In th open market for short hill 1, 8V4 per cent; for thre months Dliis, s per cast. IAS FTtANCI8CO. May 2. sterling on London Sixty days, I4.S4V: do, sight. It h, V. Silver bars, 6I0. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight, 2c; tolegraph, 4c Condltloa of tha Tresaury. WASHINGTON". May 28. At th begin ntng of business todsy ths condition of th t ruted State Treasury was: W'srking balance In Treasury of fices t 8S.7nn.5BT In banks and Philippine treasury 34. 10.4 Jrt Total balancs In general fund.. 123,4.14. 4t Ordinary recelpta yesterday . 9qS.05o Ordinary disbursements 573.011 Deficit to date this fiscal year, 10.H,3.M as sgalnst a surplu of 1 2.0115. 004 at thl time last year. Theaa figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. OF SHEEP HEAVIER NEARLY 2000 HEAD REACH XORTH PORTLAND YARDS, Prior Ara Fairly Steady on AU Classes Spring I-arabs Again Bring $6.75. &hp midi up th larger part of th receipt at th stockyards yesterday, nearly 3000 bead arriving. Prices oa all classes of stock wers fairly steady. Cat t Is trading was confined to small lots. steers, cows and heifers selling for ths most at former prlc. Hobs also sold close to the previous ranga. f7 aq being toe top price paid. Spring lambs again sold at St.7S. large bunch of wethers brought 4.1S and a lighter bunch went at $1.90. Ewes sold at fi. Receipts yesterday were I'M cattle, 18 oalves. 1S5 hogs and 170T sheep. Shippers were Mr. McKay, tfhaalko. car of sheep; J. I. Campbell, Echo. 1 of cattle; k (J. Clovdt, Fomeroj. 1 car of me ana nogs; Mr. Knavery. McCoy. car of sheep; W. H. Leonard, Pomeroy, 1 car of cattle; Pomeroy Meat & livestock Co., Pomeroy, 3 cars of cattle and hogs. t . A. Kline, Corvellla, 4 cars of sheep; 1 Davln. 1'asco. J cars of sheep; T. W. Lee lavla. Cal., 1 car of bogs: I. E. West, Oakland, 3 cars of sheep and E. E. Bur- dick, feihedds. 1 car of cattle and calves. The day's sales wer as fol in we: IS mixed sheep 11' 5 3..r0 57 f-prlng lambs Ca C.75 4t hogs 11 7.S 1 hog 880 S.&0 IS hogs ..a.... 12a 7-00 32S Hprlng lambs M 6.7S 60 ewes 1J9 4.00 tO 4 withers Ul 4 15 7 steers ....... S" 7.00 3 stfera 10'. 4 "5 2 sters 33 4.50 4 steers 1;'3' 7 35 3 steers 2 st4-rs 1 1765 4.50 fi itfr 1034 4.75 steers 30 4. 00 3 sters 4 25 steers 1107 7.00 t eterrs 10.i2 6.50 4 rows 9 7 4.00 cows 92 &.50 1 cow 800 4 00 3 cows 1 6.00 13 heifers 104ik 6.35 1 htfr 0 5 75 7 Cows ll'.O 6. Hi 3 cows 1K'5 a. 00 1 cow ........................10: C.'S 1 cow 110 5.25 3 cows .....1090 4.00 I 7 cows 101 4.50 1 bull 1-V0 5? 5 I bull 9 3.50 t bulls 14M0 4 S 27 wthers 91 3.90 91 hogs 157 7.65 II h.s 213 7.75 34 hogs 1 7.80 The range of prices at tb yards was as follows Choice steers f . S ? $7.23 f.Aod steers 4 . 6 0 tt 6.8a Medium steers ... 800 49 6.60 Choice cows 00 6,25 Oood cows B 5n c.00 Medium cows . & orr a.&u Choice calves 7.00A9 7.7a Good heavy calves .............. t.ooj .50 Bulls S.OOitT B.-U Stags 4.7v s.Ja Hoss Light T.0 8 00 Heavy 1.000 7.00 KhM Tenrlings 4 009 fi.00 Wethers 4-&0 Ewes 3.7549 4.00 Spring lambs S OOtf 8.75 Omaha Uvestock Market. OMAHA. May 28, Cattle Receipts. 300; rkt steadv to lOc lower. Native steers. $. 7", ft ft; cows and heifers, 3.SO7.ftO; "West ern steers. t4.'rQ. Tias steers. $4 .V0 6..n- ranee rnn s snd hlfers. $3.1Wt ft.30: ra nners. $.1494. ': stot-kers and feeders, 84.25 i7: ralvea, liWOLWi duus. stags, etc.. $4 A7. . a . . Hogs Kesreipts. l ; mir'i, io i '"c wss- Hmw IT.3.1T4.: mixed. S7.309 7.40; light. 37.204j7.4O; pigs. $67.23. bulk Kaila ;,?i7 4'. Hhep Rrreipts. 30O0; market, steady. Tearllnga. wether. f.VTv0ii.i swes, (..:Sy.; lambs, 37.60C& Mi Chlraga UvMtock Market. CHICAOO. May 2- Cattle Recelpta V-O; market quiet. Beeves. $L10.3; Texas st"era $ 2A I . 10 ; Western steers. 81 2.4f 7.tX; stockers and feeders. $4.409 0: cows and heifers. 3tJ8; calves. 8x 6 K TS. Ha Re4relnts. 1S.OOO: market, slow gen erally. Light. $7ttT.7..; mised. 87. 1& 7.62 ; heavv. $7.137 65: rough, 37.1.V& 7 S3; plga 84 (Ms9.ftO: bulk of sales. 87.4tr 7.G6. fshe'P Receipts. 14.000; market, strong for best, others weak. Native, 0 W estern. yariinga, j i.w. lambs. Dktlve. 3-ffv; Western. WOOL MARKET IB ANIMATED Haiders Ara Cleaalng l Their Bbas ml Iras pricea, RORTON'. May 14. With Eastern holders cleaning up their bins and bidding going on actively ta the West, th domestic wool narket shows mora animation than for sev eral weeks. ma ma heavr lines or oia territory woo is have gone to ths mills recently, while In ths West and In ths fleece wool sections tha growers ara demanding slight advances over last year. Hecent saies ox ina nw cup have been largely In Utah. AU territory veragea from i to -n cents, wuo- tat Iocs: California Nortnem. c; mmaie eonniy. Q.c; southern, 44? 47c. Fall free. 419 45c . . Oregon, eastern No. l staple. ; easicra lothing. 50c; VsUey Nw 1. 4-4c. Territory, fine staple. eiflWc; nna me- lum staple. 67 019c; fins clothing, MOW; ftp medium clothing. rovzxr; one-najt-Mood comMng H -f ": three-elrhths-blood '.mhing. Ho. 4,uarter-tiooa combing. 4f J'- -1 1 n. NM6 aSs SUar- V 9 . j FEAR CROP DAMAGE Wheat Market Turns Strong in the Late Trading. OPENING WEAK AND LOWER Kansas and Nebraska In Need of Moisture Hot Winds In Texas and Oklahoma Hessian Fly Does Mischief. CHICAGO. May 2C. Increasing fear of crop rlsmsge made the wheat market to day develop a good deal of strength In ths lata trsdlng. aftsr being wek and lower the first half of the session. Bullish new. that cam from Kansas and Nebraska waa reinforced by suggestions of crop Injury, wider spread both to the north and south. Without rain In a few days, experts agreed that th yletfl of Western Kanaas and Western Nebraska would suffer losses, th extent of which would b meas ured In millions of bushels. Serious mis chief already from Hessian fly was re ported by Kansas City. Hot winds In Texas and Oklahoma were said to be tmpslrlng wheat not yt In th head and thsre wer complaint of exrcesslv molstur In th Dakota and Minnesota. Most of ths influences that at time turned ths whaat market to ths bear aid cam from abroad. Xrg world's hlpmnt and fr offerings from India and Argen tina cut a figure In this report, a also did the fact that tha decrease la the world- available stock wa only about a tenth a much as a year ago. Liquidating sale of a scattered sort, dis pelling rumors of a squeexs, caused a break In the price of May corn. Other deliveries of ths cereal, however, showed firmness. Provision wers higher. Tha leading future ranged as follow: WHEAT. Open. High. 11-14 1.11T 1.07 1.07 CORN. 81 75 731 634 OATS. May July Sept. Dec May July Sept. Dec .ii. im . 1-101 . 1.05 . 1.05 .Sit, Low. 11.181, 1.10 1.04 1.05 .79 M .74 , .72 4 .62 Close. 1-11 I.11V 1.08 108 .S0H .75H .78 .83 tt May Jul. .B5H .SOS .43 .B5i .51 .42 tt .43 tt .83 .80 .42 .43 .85 tt .60 .42 .tt MESS PORK. July Sept. July .18.37tt 18.85 1887tt 18-55 .16.47 18.86 18-87 tt "55 LARD. .10.80 10.65 10.80 10.88 .10.75 10.85 10.7.1 10.SO .10.82 11-00 10.V0 SHORT RIBS. July .. 10.17tt 10.SO 10.17tt 10.27tt Spt 10.32 10.42 10.32tt 10.42 pot quotation wer as follow: Flour Firm. Kye No. 1. lie Barley Feed or mixing. I& Q 15c; fair to choice malting. l.l:& Timothy seed I7j. Clover sed 14 4:'0. Pork Mess. 11(1.606 H- Short ribs Loos. 110.21. Urain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 40.700 bushels. Primary receipts were 334.000 bushels. Ths visible supply of wheat In the United Slate decreased Ml. 000 bushel for th week. Estimated re ceipt for tomorrow: Wheat. 70 car; corn. 264 car; eats. 151 cars: hogs, 21.000 bead. Grains ta San FYsvaciseo. mv FRANCISCO. May 2. Spot quota tions Walla Walla. $1.78 6 1.80; red Rus sian. II.SUC 1.814 ; Turkey rea. n 1.87: blueatem. 11.85 J 1.87 : feed barley. ll.SO 1.82 : brewing barley. ,1.053 2.00; w hite oats. 12.02 2.05; bran, I28&26.50; nMHK... S't:ia,:t4: ahorta. S3O&30.50. Call board sales: Wheat December, $1.80 per cental bid. 11 84 asked. Barley December, st-otf-fe per cua. May, II. SB per cental. Paget Sound Grata Markets. TACOM A. Wash.. May 28. Wheat Ex port: Bluestem. vvckin; ciun. Kgm. Milling: Bluestem, aoc; club. t2c Yeslerday s car receipts rvara, a; wru. 1; bay. V. - n- i w a TI-V. - , Ttl,,.- C. A I 1 nun., Ji " - 'J- , . - w. we stern, t'lc; fortyfold, v5c: olub. 95c; flf. VJC, IEU II UO.t. ... wn Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 12: oats, corn. 3; barley. 5; flour. 8; hay. 36. a M!nn-aoU Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 28. Close: Wbeat May, $1.13: July, $1.13 tj 1.135. ; Septem ber. $l.l5 Vl.os. Cash. Io. 1 nara.; o. X ionnra. $1.15; So. 2 Northern, $1.1331.13; No. 3 $1.14. Flax $2.4va, Bsrley 70c4J$1.2O. Corn No. 8 yellow, 74075c. Oats No. 3 white, 61tj51c. Rye No. 2. 84c European Grain Market. LONDON. May 28. Cargoes, quiet. Walla Walla April-Mav shipment at 39 3d. Krralish country maraets. ami; - rencn country markets, holiday. LIVERPOOL Mar 28. Close: Wheat- May, 7s 10d; July, 7 7d; October, 7 ttd. Weather clear. Changes In Available Supply. NEW YORK. May 28. Special cable and telegraphic communlcationa received by Bradstreets show th following change In available supplies as compared with pre vious account: -lusneis. Wheat, t'nltad States. East Rockies. decreased .s.a.vw United Plates. West Rockies, de- creased sin,- Canada, decreased 263,000 Total United State and Canada, decreased ,io.uvv, Afloat for and in Europe in- cressed s, Total American and European sup- nlv decreased osu.uuu Corn, United State and Canada, decreased owa.wv Oats, United Statea and Canada, In creased iOi.WV $I..Vtf 1.75; Earl Rosa, snd ost. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at tha Bay City for ege- tablra. Fruit. Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. May 28. The follow ing produce prices were current ners toaay: Fruit Apples, cnoice, ai.A, TOmraon, ow, Mexican limea, $595.60; California lemons. choice. $4; common, i.--: naval oranges. $16 2.5A; pineapples, $56 5.20. t'haele 141 V Jc Butter Fancy creamery, 2. Eggs Store. ISc; fancy ranch. 21c Vegetables Cucumbers, $1.2&tr2; gsrllc. nominal: green peae. $1.265 1..V); string bean, c: asparagus. 50cr $1.50; toma toes. $1,500 ; eggplant. 2tt25c; onions. nominal. Potatoes Klver tturoana. Oregon Burbanks, $1.6531-85; $2 it 2. SO. Hay Wheat. $17f22: wheat $15.50920; aixaiia, aiuivjv. RtH:eiDts e lour. o- quanrr hcm. wheat, 2.V centals; barley. 4140 centals; po tato. Irkss aacks; bran, 660 sack; bay, 28 ton; wool. 340 bales. Cartes and Sugar. NEW YORK, May 28. Coffee futures closed Arm at a net advance of to 13 points. May, 13.40c: June, 13.42c; July, ... .... . . 1 , - C , n. K r 1 Q Aa jaac; aui u-l, i.m.. -, - - - - October. 135c: November, 18.c; Decem- per sna January, i a-curuu.. a..v.u, March and April, 1.1.89c. Spot quiet. Rio, No. i. I4c; cantos, no. 15T4C MUd quiet. Cordova, 1818tt nominal. Sugar Raw nrm. stuacovaao, sv test. 4 Sc. centrifugal. B test. 8.0c: molasae jgar. t test. 3.23c. Reflned steady. Xaw Tark Cotton Market. NEW TORK. May 28. Cotton future eloaed tedy. 7 to 10 points Igher. Msy 11.05: Jam l.o. ju.y 11 07 August 11.11. September 11.18, Oc tober 11.13. November 11.27. December 11 32. anusry 21.2. reoruary aarcn ii.a. Mt .'oa.rt oulet IO Dotnts blgn.r. Mia-UD- lands 11. 50; mid-gulf. 11.75. No sales. Waal at St- Lewis. ST. LOUIS, stay 28. Wool Steady. Ter- THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $ 1 ,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AIJfSWORTH. FTesldaat. R. W. SCHMEER, Cashier. R. LEA BARNES, TIcc-Prealdeat. -A. M. WRIGHT. Altant Cashier. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock .$1,000,000.00 Barplns and Undivided Profits... . 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts 1 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail. . . able in all parts of the iroiid. OFFICERS W. M. Ladd, twaldeat. Rsbert S. TTovrard, Aaat. Caa hi em, Edward Cooklnsrham, Vice-Pres. J. W", Ladd, Asst. Cashier, w. H. DuachJey, Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Aat. Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank Wat of the Rocky Mountain The Canadian Bank of Commerce INCORPORATED 1867. bead Office Toronto, Canada. Wear York IB Exchange Place. Losdoo 2 Lombard Street. Over two hnndred other branches In the United Statea and Canada. Pvery care taken of collections. Drafts on all foreign countries and principal cities in United States and Canada bought and sold, and a general banking; business transacted. . Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C HALPAS, Manaarer. -1' ., A ajy Improving' the streets adjacent to your property with Barber Asphalt means increasing and safeguarding your prop erty values. wshjiskiii Effective May 8, 1912 "SS. PRINCE RUPERT AND 8S. PRIXCB GEORGE" Leave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock, midnight. For Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rnpert, Stewart, Granby Bay and tllieen Charlotte Islands. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (Mountain Dlylslon.) Trains leave Prince Rupert, B. C, Monday. Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Vanarsdol (100 miles). FREU PUBLICATIONS Rearardlnst Canadian Homestead Lands, Business .1 4ij.J .'.If. Inn... l.n It II. In... OnenlllU. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO PJICESS FARE. - BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. THROUGH PULLMAN STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING-CARS. Doner R. Smith, City Paasens-er Aat, 0 Fifth St. Phone Marshall 189. J. H. Bura-ln, G. A, P. D, Seattle. Wash. rltory and Western medium. 1618c; fine mediums, lOfaitc; nne, ivtjjut. Lla-ht Yield In Lewis River Valley. WOODLAND. Wash.. May 28. (Special.) after a careful inquiry a to the condl tion of the fruit crop in the Lewi Kiver Valley. It is discovered that the crop this year will be an almost total failure, th To get the best value for the money, not to get the article at the lowest price, regard less of quality, is true econ omy. The "best value" in pav ing is bitulithic; prunes feeing a total failure, and there will be but few apples, pears and other fruit The berry crop will be pretty fair. "Wild blackberries will be especially plentiful The failure is very- unusual for this sec tion. The damage was caused by late frost and cold rnin-t whn fruit wan setting. J. C WILSON & CO. aXOCfcS, BONUS, OKAiN AMJ COXIUa AUuALt-i-laet NEW TORK Mula tXCHANOB KaiW YOiUa COTTON tHUA.V(i CHICAGO UUAKU Ob lltAXIsi THS BTOCK A1 liOM EXIIUAGI. taAN IKA-VtlsCO. Main Office Mills Bids., eiaa Frandsae. Branch Offices Vancouver, fteattla. s'a-tlaod, Loa Anarelea. aaa ajicas C anrto Beach. POBTLAND OFFICEl Main Floor i-amltermens Baaa Bnllojass th and fttsrk. -Marshall 412U. A 411. ONDS Will Buy Portland Railway Co. 6s. Oregon Electric Railway 5s. Portland Home 'leiepnone b. All Local Bonds Bought and Bold, J. W. CRITHERS at CO. 1008 Board of Trade Bids'. J '