TTTR 3fOT:xTXO OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1912. WORLD TO LEARN OF PORTLAND PORT Commission Issues Neat Bro chure Setting Forth Advan tages of Harbor. LARGE MAP IS INCLUDED HaiiaastiTC Pamphlet Will Ceo Fw lo Shipowners Krerjw here lacla Anticipated lo Be of Benefit After Opening of Canal. Fresh from the printer's hands. raptes of the brochure of the Port of Portland Commission, the first effort of that bol y to alj to Ita many func ttona by shouldering advertising of tha harbor. are bains mailed to the ihlp owDfri of tha world, mainly those re siding; on foratan ahoree. o that their mar leen In advance of the opening; of the Panama Canal a rompreheneise Idea of Portland. Ha strategic location from a commercial atandpulnt. lis lail.-n to other "oast porta and what an ImrnrDM territory la drained wlttl the Columbia River as tue sole en lrne. IV hen those comprising the preaent personnel of the fnmmlMtnn were uan errd into offlre the booklet waa pro posed and there has been n disposl tion to hurry Ita compilation or Include Information that rould not be substan tiated. Large. teseat was laetaded. The publication baa been gotten out In such form that It la an attractive adjunct to any reference library, be. Ini neatly bound In a gray rlotn rover. In front of the booklet la a large map. compactly folded, so that It occupies ' little space. It la printed In green, yellow and black, allowing In tne roam the vast basin that la locked on the east by the Rm-ky Mountains and the Bitter Root Mountains. In Southern Oregon by the plateau ranging from 4oe to feet In height, on the west by tha lurid Ranee and on the north by the Cascades and Rocklea. as they Join In Britten Columbia. Tha foreword aets forth that all In formation la baaed on facts and that shipowners. Importers, exporters and others desiring additional facta can obtain them from the Port of Portland Commission or Chamber of Commerce. The purpoaea for wbtrh the Port of Portland waa formed are given, then a description of the public dryd-s and taa raiea charged, rule and regula tions governing Ita use. towage and pilotage rhargea. harbor morea and ad ditional services In tha way of shift ing vessels, and In that connection la reproduce! a map of tha harbor, with a list of wharves on each side and a key to their location, numbers being used. Rail llnee are Included, likewise buildings adjacent to the waterfront. The map e ten-is from Ross Island to 'Willamette Plough. We rrsa af Hsrksr Steele view. The area geographically tributary to Portland la dwell on. the water-level grade from tha Interior and ita fresh water harbor being likewise brought ut. The publl.1 docks system, growth of the city In ten years, exports, man ufacturing, power producta and atand Ing timber In the Immediate vicinity, estimated by the Government at t.OiS.-o.eo-J.etfS feet, are briefly reviewed. In the way of general Information for mariners, machine shop faculties, the Oregon drydock. cranca and der ricks available on the waterfront, fuel, water, ballast, anchorage. Hat of the wharvea and warehouses, with their rapacity and frontage, also the prin cipal cities Included on the main map and the mileage from Portland are giv en, while a third map completea the publication. It being of the moutn of the Columbia Itlver and Is a repro duction of the chart made under the direction of Major Mclndoe. Corpa of Knglneers. I', s. A. following the June eurtcy last year. JKI.KS WILL ISE HOM2 CITY Mramer Is Placed at Disposal of lltwle of July Convent Win. Action taken by officials of the Pan Francisco at Portland Fteamehlp Com pany against tha steamer Rose City be ing permitted to Join the Klks' conven ttn fleet In July for excursion and pa rade purposes, bss been reconsidered and the vessel will be turned over to the sntlered herd for their gaieties. p.e steamer Hear will participate In the r:se festival water pageant on her nest voyage and aa the parade la to be l.e:d the day preceding her selling, it will be uruievee,rv for longshoremen to stork overtime stowtng her cargo. Captain Rankin, ef the Rose City, said jeaterdav that the trip up the Coast srae featured by southwest weather and that at Fan Francisco there waa a heavy rain storm. He thinks that trie art conditions sre gen eral on the Coast. The vessel brought the largeet cargo handled for many trtpe. 27 tons, of which Toe tons waa cement. The passenger Itst was an av erage one. will kf-ach s rorr Mas Known bat Few Times In May rortlajid Records Show. It la preJ!c'd be tie Weather Bu reau that tha Willamette River at Port land will be rloae to 3e feet above sero bundav. a stage that only has been reached three or frmr times In the Ms of the Portland office during the month of Mtt If the expectations of t e (government men are born out. there l no reesoo to suppose that the end of te freshet le In sight by any means, tnough they are not pessimistic. In Yesterday e reports it waa shown 1'iat the Pnake River had risen 1 1 feet at lwtston during the preceding ? i hours, and at least a foot more Is looked f r today at Ftiperla. There wss a slight galtr reported at VTenatchea. so tie forecast for Portland Is Its feet Friday. 1 feet Saturday and -n feet Sundav. Iuring the next two days the river probably will rise at the rate of from eight-tenths to a foot each -4 heure. It was thought that In a few dsvs the lower docks rould be recce u pled but no plans of the kind are be ing considered following the forecast ef yesterday. iaukwohk to bk razet Bridge Crew Will Complete Work la Ten Pay. ;orge Kwrayth, of the V-W. R. N. engineering force, who Is directing the erecting of steel en the new Harrtman bridge, save that In I days all false work win be torn away from beneath the draw span and that the machinery w'.l be la operation so tuat it can ba raised and lowered. Then the "under slung" floor or railroad deck will be built In position. Much of the machinery has been placed and construction of the building waa atarted yesterday that will house the mechanical parts on top of the drsw span. The tearing away of false work mean a that there will be nothing to Interfere with the Rose Festival water parade and with the receding of the freshet, vessels with high masts can pass beneath the draw even though the lower deck Is being assembled. BARGES PASS CELILO FALLS One Breaks Adrift and Makes Peril ous Vojage Safely. One transfer barge of tha Oregon Trunk Railroad, which is to be used In Portland to transfer freight cars to the proposed East Side terminals of tha Hill linos, made an Independent trip over the Ceillo Falls last week, ac cording to Information received yester day, having passed the lower falls as well and emerged without a scratch. Two barges were brought over the Ce illo Falls last week and It waa planned fTXAJUm IXTKIXJOKXCK. i as Arrive. Frees. - Dste. Tillamook.... In port Has In port .n Pedre.... la port .Psndon. . .. .. In port .Coos Bar sr SI San Pedre.... June I Eureka. ...... June I Sn Dlere. ... June I Sallns Crua...Jun B Saa Pedrw. ... June a Xasjia Pee H. Elmers Itoaaoke tea city.... Aavll P esa water. . "peeeeT. ....... Alliance , On w cider. I.thmlaa...... Bear. ......... Xstne. Harvard So IL Elaere, Aavtl ttoenose. ..... Tamalpale. . . . T eje Northland . ... Hoes Cltv. . ... Fr-akerater... Alliance om. w cider. Cat) .Mir .Msr . ar .Kit .. May . wsr . Ji ne . r u a.. . Tillamook... JlMdan .aa liro. . . .Sen Pedro. . .. P. t or U A .tsn Pedro.. , . eaa Padre. .June .Coos Hay.... June June , Eureka. ..... .fan Pleas. .. .June .June "Reseee. ...... I.thmlaa..... Bear Faa PMlre. .. Ss'lna Cms. . aa Padre... .June June 11 to wait until Kail for the second Jour ney so as to reach T?te Dalles, but one barge broke adrift and raced through the lower falls. Just to show that It was easy. Captain Hayward. of the ateamr Norma, accompanied by his mate, made the same trip Saturday In a aroall boat and carried llnea to the runaway barge to hold her until she la ready to be towed here. The stesmer Norma, of the North Bank fleet, which le of no further service on the upper river elnce the completion of tha Oregon Trunk bridge, will be taken over the tipper falls as soon aa the Columbia rises two feet higher. About September she will be navlgvted over the lower falls and brought here to be sold. The old steam-r Harvest Queen marie tha trip In ISM and later tha old D. S. Baker followed the route. Marin Note. With a special cargo, loaded at the ashlngton-atreet dock, tha gasoline sloop Deli, sailed yesterday for Tilla mook. Skipper Smith, of the ateamer Saca- Jawea. mouma the loss of planking on the starboard sldo of the house, which Is alleged to have been loat through the steamer J. N. Teal having scjueexed the propeller craft at tha Et. Johns city dock. Sam A- Older has been awarded the contract for painting the O.-W. R A N. steamer T. J. Potter and aha will be shifted from tha boneyard to the Oregon California dock, on the East Hide, where the work Is to be per formed and the vessel placed In condi tion to resume service to Mcgler la July. Captain George Conway, superintend ent of the O.-W. K. N. Co.'a water lines, has caused a sanitary drinking fountain to be placed In the waiting- room on Ash-street dock, which Is the first of the kind on the waterfront. The dock building la to be repainted Inside and out and will be made more attractive In advance, of tha Rose Fes tival. There cleared yesterday the steamer Northland, for San Pedro, with 800.000 feet of lumber, and the ateamer Daisy Freeman, for the same port, with ii0.- 044 fret. Captain J. J. Reynolds, who navi gates the new gasoline achooner Ml- rene from Cooa Bay via Portland and Puget Sound to Alaskan water, waa succeeded at Wrangell, Alaska, by George Mooy. aa shown In advices re ceived at the Custom-Housv yesterday. Captain W. P. Whltromb has aucceeded Captain Charles Nelson aa maater of the steamer Tahoma and Captain Al bert IVnn Is skipper of the steamer X. IC Unit, vice Alex Gordon. I'nlted States Inspectors Edwards and Fuller returned yesterday from the I'pper Columbia district, where they Inspected vessels and conducted a hear ing Into the rase of Captain Henry Bailey, of the steamer W. R. Todd, charged with certain evasions of the ateamboat Inspection regulatlona. Captain Takow. of me Japanese steamer Msnclasan Maru. which ar rived early esterday to begin loading lumher at SU Johns for tha orient, has warned hta aallora not to attempt swimming t shore, because of the chilly temperatare of the Willamette and as a further means of scaring them he narrated that 14 Japanese bad re cently been drowned la the stream while trying to desert. Movements of Veaaels. roRTUXP. May IS. Arrived Norwe gian steamer Rrt.'a. frm Oriental pons via rict hound: Japanese steamer ManUasaa Mara, from Nlat'so: Oermaa ateamer Ver cna. ae IMeco: ateamer Temple C toer. rrora en PYaactsca. Sailed b learner )irakater. for Cooa llavl gasoline aioop r!la. for Tlllaraooa; steamer Nehatara, tor II. ape Harbor. A.tona. May 7S. Arrtved at and tart it at Jrt A. M Oermaa steamer Verona, from an Plero. l-eft p at a A. at. Norwegian steamer Krfja, Left up at A. M bnileh snip Sesura and schooner H K. liaii. Arrned at snd left up at 11 A M -Mejmr Temple K- Dorr, from rranctee Sailed at noon Hrttteh ship Klrfc.-ubetshtehire. for Uueenelowo for or dera Amed down at i AO snd sailed at g p. M ateamer Breakwater, for Cooa HIT. Arrte.t at t P. M. bteamer W. F. Herrltt. from Monterer. .... San rraaci-o, Mav I- galled at & A. M. S'eamer Oraewood. foe Portlaad. Sailed at S A. M creamer Coaster, for Pert.and. Arrived ateamer Johsn Toulsea. from "a- lumhia River. Palled eteemer Yellow r.e. for fan Pleg-. I'M flay. Ms Sailed 8t earner AS I l . r Vnreka Astoria. Mar 3. l-eft ap at P. St. ateamer Mandaaaa Mam. Ar rited Norwestan ateamer flygje. from Orient via luf.l Sound. Seattle. Mav Is Arrived atsamers Northland. Ritka: M Helena Vluaea. Jeanle. T aroma. CMiria. Hamburg: gauta Ana. Na naimo SaaM. ancouver: CaptaJn A- T. Luraa.' gaa Francleco. IMr'.go. smui neastera Alaska- Willamette. Kverett- Sai:ed It-eamers Willamette. Qeeen. rin Fran-laco: Humboldt, foe kagwe; Prealdent. North land Ttrasil achooner E. U rrwyar. for Bethel. San Francta-e. Mav JS Arrived Steam ers Merra. wilheirr.ns. Hoaolula: t'lty of gvdnev Anros- Telle wetone. Johsn Poulsen, ColumMa Iller: St. MlehasL, Msnl.a: sehoon aP Osklaod. "oq-ji;'e R1v.r; stesmer 1'oaater. Astoria Sailed Kteemer oraywood. As toria: City ef Partes. Vtrtorla. Tukoa. Se attle retasaMa Blvee Bar Report. Condition at the mouth ef the rtver St I P M . moderate, wisd aorthwest 12 miles; weather, cioud? Tides at Astoria WedaesJay. tl'gh. tow. a -I A M .. T 1 feet a 11 A. M . .. 4 feet U.I V- at....-! feet 00 P. M -i teat RIVER TO FLASH FIRE Festival to See Buildings and Bridges Lighted. SCENE WILL BE BRILLIANT Waterfront Will Bias With Thou sands of Incandescent Lamps. Preparation of Decorations Xow Is Vndcr Way. Portland's waterfront will blase with the light of thousands of Incandescent lamps during the Kose Festival. Prep arations for the lighting decorations In this portion of the city have begun and practlcalv will be completed with in the next week. In addition to the lighting acheme on the brldgea. bus.1 neaa men have Informed the manage ment In the office of the Rose Festival Association of their Intention to out Una the buildings along the river with Incandescent llghta. The lighting upon the Union Sta tion already Is in place and George L Hutchln. manager of the FeatlvaJ. aald yesterday that when the plana are completed he expects similar lighting systems to extend along the entire waterfront upon the more Imposing buildings that overlook the harbor. Bridges te Be Lighted. The bridges will be covered with In candescent globes, which will give at night. In a biasing webwork. the out line of their structure. The river lends Itself with particular aptness to such decoration. 'because of tha additional touches that the reflec tion In the water will lend. Bridges and buildings flashing In their outllnea of light will be mimicked In the har bor below in a shimmering' mirage of are. The sight parade of motor boats up on tha harbor Is expected to rival In brilliancy the great electric parade that haa been annually ona of the most Important spectacles of the Festival. Mr. Hutchln haa In his handa a long list of entries for this parade, which will Include the great majority of mo tor boats and launches owned upon the river. Theae will be decorated with lan terns or electric lights and on Thura day night of the Festival will pass up ward through tha harbor. Added to the brilliant Illumination will be the music of aeveral bands or orchestras, which will be very effective upon the water. I.lghta Being Mroag. 'ln former Bose Festivals wa have never taken full advantage of the pos sibilities the harbor affords," said Mr. Hutchln. "This year we are hoping to carry to the river what will prove to he one of the beat apectacular fea tures of the Festival and Inaugurate something that will prove to be one of the famous attractions of the Rose Festival In future years." In preparation of street Illumina tions, the city has begun the festoons of Incandescent llghta which will be Installed at tha street Intersections In the central part of the city. Business firms In the city are expected to sup plement theseW rstoone with additional decorations along the different blocks. LUMBER RATES RISE COAST AMI FOREIGN" BUSINESS AGAIN ACTIVE. Schooner Robert Searlca I'ltartered at $5, 8 hotting Advance of 25 Cents a Tleonsand. SAN FRANCISCO. May 28. (Special.) Both coastwise and foreign lumber freight rates are again on the advance and an active business is reported. The schooner Kobert Searles was char tered today to go from Puget Sound to San Francisco at 95 and the schooner Ludlow from Ursyi Harbor to San Pedro. These rates show an advance of 25 cents a thousand feet over pre vloua ratea, which for some months stood at H 76 and 15. 2S to San Fran deco and to tha South respectively. The schooner Inca waa chartered by Comyn Mackall at Co. today to load lumber at Portland for Valparaiso for orders at C2 shillings six pence, the highest rate paid for that voyage In several years. Illnd Rolph Co. for merly had her under charter at 57 shillings six pence. The Inca arrived at Honolulu last Wednesday from New castle, Australia. V. R. Grace 4k Co. today chartered the schooners Willis A. Holden and Alex T. Brown, for lumber from Ptiget Sound to Valparaiso at (0 shllllnga and the schooner Commerce to load for Callan at it ahtlllnss three pence. Both the Holden snd the Brown sre still In South America and their charters so tar ahead of loading time. Indicate a confidence tn the prevailing high rates. The ship W. F. Babcock which was chartered a couple of daye ago for lumber to Newcastle. Australia got a rnte of 45 shillings. Meyer Wilson at Co. have Just char tered the French bark General De Negrler to load general cargo at New castle. England for Portland and the French bark Babln Chevage to load at Rotterdam for San Francisco. The Negrler loaded wheat at this port for Falmouth last October csrrylng a cargo of 110 short tons on a net register of 14 tons. The steamer Coaster arrived from Portland today and the Oraywood sailed for Portland. The British stesmer t-t- Mlchael arrived from Manila: she wtll enter the Wsterhouae line to Australia. OREGON WILL HAVE TROUT Government Bureau to Co-ope rale In Stocking Streams' Tha United Ststes Bureau of Flsh- erlea will co-operate with the State Game Warden's office In securing trout eggs for planting In various streams and lakea In Oregon. Thla was the an nouncement made yesterday by State Game Warden Finley. Thla arrange ment waa made possible because at cer tain aeasona of the year the services of employes of the Government hatch eries can be had by the atate In rack. Ing streams where trout eggs may be taken. Henry O'Malley. of Oregon City, la charge of the Government Hatchery, has In this wsy turned over to the state Ut.000 rainbow trout eggs that came from the head of the Clackamas River; also 200.000 rainbow trout eggs taken In Southern Oregon, and foo.000 trout eggs taken from the-Rogue River. Some of these eggs have been shipped to the state hatchery at Bonneville, while others are being held at the Government Hatchery. lr. Finley expects to hsve several million trout eggs for transplanting In varloua lakes In the Cascade range that are now without fish. Through the KEEP SMILING, SAYS MUNYOr. Famous Expert Declare Health Will Come to the Hopeful CALLS DRUGS A CURSE "Be hopeful, be happy, just keep smiling and good health is bound to bo yours. This Is part of the creed of Professor J. M. Munyon. the noted health expert. who is now In Portland on a tour the I'nlted States for the purpose meeting personally the thousands of people who have formerly known htm only by reputation. In a statement for publication Professor Munyon said: "If a man or woman will be hopeful and cheerful, have no evil thought, no Jealousy, think kindly of all the world Just have hope sickness will not hold its clutch for long. I believe in th Gospel of Hope. I have preached and practiced It to tne ends of the earth. Millions have followed my lead. I believe my llfe work has amounted to something. I believe In my remedies. know they have saved untold aches and pains and have, snatched thousands from the brink of the grave. I am proud of t.iem. "I think there Is much less actual disease in this world than some of us Imagine. I believe my Gospel of Hope will do more to prolong life than th drugs In the world. The world is drug-ridden cursed with too much dope. Overdosage of medicine has filled more graves than bullets. Medicine Is a necessity In the present state of the world's progress, but I think that the physician who will give a person medl cine who does not need it should be lashed at the whipping post- "Just plain common aenae is what is needed mostly now in the world of medicine. I think an era of sane, reasonable thought In medical matters Is upon us. I am with that principle and have, fought for It for 40 years. Among the many Pittsburg: people of prominence who have been cured by the Munyon method, ono of the enthu siastic was Ulysses GrotlcellU the fa mom ladles' tailor, 624 Penn avenue, who says: "I give you this testimonial for curing me of uric acid troubles. My organs were all out of shape: no man could have been more miserable than I was before I took the Munyon medicine. I had tried many doctors and many medicines: I even took course in physical culture, but none of these things will take the uric acid out. It takes Munyon's Uric Arid Course of three weeks medicine to do that. now feel as fine as ever I did In my life. My business of ladles' tailor, of course. Is very confining: but I feel active and young again. I have a fine appetite and digest everything I eat. I think the whole world should know about Munyon's medicines." Meet Professor Munyon or his assist ant physicians at Rooms 4 and 5, 362 Washington Street from 8 In the mornlnic to 6 At n.pht. co-operation of the Forestry Depart ment. these lakea wtll be stocked by employes of that department. Spe cial cans are belna: made to enable the salmon fry to be carried, by pack horse In the mountains. NO MORE OPIUM ON RYGJA Cus4om-Honse Men Make Search bat Believe Drufr Was Landed. Custom-House Inspectors made a thorough search of the Norwegian steamer Rygja, of the Waterhouse line, on her arrival yesterday at the North Bank dock, because of Information re reived from Seattle that the Chinese boatswain and carpenter of the ship had been In league with Chin Young, arrested on Puget Sound for opium smuggling, but none of the drug was found here. It seems that Chin Young was ap prehended while trying to get ashore with five or six tins 01 opium ana there were ten additional cans landed there. The officers do not believe that others of the crew have any contra band, nevertheless they will keep strict watch on the vessel. The Rygja brought a fair cargo, made up of sul phur, rice, gunnies, broken rice, kopac. lumber and Chinese merchandise. She worked last night so that the stuff ran be discharged without additional loss of time, as she was detained at Victoria and Vancouver. W. H. ROBER IS APPOINTED lieutenant Temporarily Made Ex ecutive Officer on Boston. Lieutenant William II. Rober has been appointed temporarily executive officer of the cruiser Boston, to take the plaoe of Gugtave J. Blomberg, who was removed by Governor West. It has not yet been decided whether or not Lieutenant Rober shall hold the place permanently. The .commanding; officer of tlie Naval Militia, Edgar M. Simpson, of Marshfleld. will recommend the of ficer to fill the place permanently. "T cannot aay yet what the charges against Mr. Blomberg are," said Gen eral Flnzer, yesterday, "because the Naval Board has not yet submitted them to me. Aa It was upon the board's recommendation that Mr. Blomberg was discharged, it is to be expected that charges will be filed, or that a state ment by the board will ne made. If the charges were serious enough a court of inquiry could be called, or a court martial. I do not think, however, that that will ba done." MERITS OF HARBOR NOTED Ease With Which Transport Entered and I -eft Portland to Be Cited. The Portland Chamber of Commerce, by way of pointing out to the War and Navy Department the merits of Port land's hsrbor, will bring to the atten tion of the Bureau of Navigation of the Navy, throubh Senator Chamberlain the facts of the recent trip of the transport Sherman. The transport is 445 feet long and draws a Utile more than 24 feet of water. It made the trip to Portland In hours 10 minutes, and turned around In the harbor in 15 minutes without the slightest trouble. Navigators here say that the Sher man could have made the trip Just as satisfactorily had she been of even deeper draught. Figures concerning her trip to Portland to take on the First Infantry for Honolulu, have been sent Senator Chamberlain, who has re- i , j .w. t,a will 1 ne e no time In Disc ing them before the proper officials. Educators to Make Trip. SALEM. Or. May St. (Special.) E. TRAVELERS" GCIDK. AMERICAS ua the World l.iie.oee TOSS Atlantic Service LONDON, PARIS. 1IAMBCRO JUNE SAILINGS Victoria I.nlse Pres. Lincoln . . th. S A. M. . Sth, II A. M. .ISth. 1A.M. Ainerika ...... t'lTetorla ..i. Cleveland .J.ll h. 1A.M. loth, IS .. M. Hamburg ;td, IS noon b .lrln Anr. Vie Z7th. A. M. Free. Urant tth. 10 A. M. JULY SAILINGS Cincinnati ' Pennsylvania. Amertka Prr. IJnoola . C'leTeltud 4th. it noon tb. 1U A, M. Hth. P. M. . ....Mth, 9 A. M. . ...23th. 9 A. -M. AUGUST SAILINGS Kalserin Aug. Vic.. ..1st, 11 A. M. Pres. (irant Sth. IS noon Amerika 15th, 11 A. M. Cincinnati 22d, t P. M. Kalaerine Ang. Vtc..2th, 1 1 A. M. Pres. Lincoln 3 Let. 13 noon I2d CsMn only. 1W11I call at Bou logne, list Cabin only. MEDITERRANEAN GIBRALTAR, NAPLES, GENOA. S. S. MOLTKE July 6, 10 A. M. 8. 8. Moltke August to. It A. M. SUMMER CRUISES To the LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT hl'S. Eight delightful cruises dur ing June, July and Anguftt,. from Hamburg to Norway, North Cape, feuitrhergen, Ireland, etc. DL RATION 14 TO S DATS. Cost S82.50 and I p. Splendid servK-e. large steamships VICTORIA M"ISE." "KROSPRIX ZESS1X CEOILIE" and "METEOR." Write for booklet of any cruise. Hamburg-American Line 100 Powell St.. San Francisco. Cel.; O -W. R. N. Co.. Nor. Pacific. D. sisukss A Puget Bound R. 8, H. Dickson. C P. T. ' A Great Northern Ry Co. XJorsey a. Bmun. oh u.a Copyright. iUli Canadian. Pacific "KJlPaUiAd OF THE ATLANTIC ' AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS atONTKEAi. QlfcBEO ANU UVEBTOOL VIA TBI SCENIC BOLTS TO E(7BOra 1000 MILES ON THE ST. LAWRENCE SITES AND IjrgS THAN FOUR DATS AT BA 3S MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE First Cabin get. So and as Second Cebla 53r7S and ua Oae-Claea Cabla (Zd-elaas sou.oe and na Thlrd-Class lowest ratea ea reaneet, Canadan Pactfls Office, corner Third sua Pine (Multnomah Hotel hlda Partiaaa. and all local agsata, ATrip on the Pacific FOR YOrB VACATION, V7 SCAPE tha hot Summer nod nTail yoor aeif of tbe perfect weather of Tune, July and Ausut on the taHfle Ootmn. It Is delightful katllDa the day lony on tha pleodtd llemmen of ti?e OCEANIC LINK. The faxes axe low. Liberal limits and top. 9110 round trip to HONOLULU from b. V.j $240 round trip to SAMOA Tim Hono lulu! 3uU nana trip to c i r x , Aaiinu; lit da from S. F7 SYDNEY 1 the most beautiful and healthy city In the i world. JsOUOQ IDS) wwa-au. asirvrv 111 a-waaaess, ayu gag as-s.-; ood-class, via Ceylon and Mediterranean stopover.) Sailing June 1, fit July 2, 16, SO. etc Write or wire OCEANIC S. fl. Company. 678 Market St.. Fan Fimnctaoo. FOR NEWPORT FLORENCE AND BANDON Steamer Anvil Carrying; freight and passengers, sails from Couch-street flock May 29, at 7 P. M. Freight received dally up to S P. M. Tickets on sale at dock, C. E- BROWN, Frelg-ht and Pass. Asst. Phones Maim Bel. A eiei. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Boanok and S. S. Elder Ball Erery Wednesday Alternately at P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. Its Third St. Phonea Main IS 14. A 1314. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FKaUUUT SERVICE. Lew Rates. Scneduie a at, AMEiiiCAN-UAWAIIANS,S.CO, US Kail era 7 Exchange BleVg. Buafa agra. O.-W. R. & N. Aeftorla Route. BTr A t tv HL M A KSA T.O. Leave Portland dally- except Fund 7 at 8:00 street dock. Makes all way landlnaa. Ar- vee at Aliens ai v.w - .na sa.n Ennrlsv at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at 6:00 P. M. Makes direct connec tion with steamer Nachotta for Mecler, II- lOng DMa -Ut Ml irvauia vas u Division. EUROPE! Ferenty Pprlng and Fummer toore, eom D rising Tours de lose and Motor-car Tours, and also Vacation Toars at Popular Prices. Frequent saiuaga, as vu. . uiwituuie Mediterranean. , Prorruimi of Tours de Luxe Aronal the World now ready. THUS. COOK at (HJ.l , age Market at. Haa Francises COOS BAY LINE ii 17. t-rsieht received at IX All ..nswonh Dock dally up to P - fas- sen 00. including berta and meals Ticket g ornce ce A-nsworcs e- m. !SJl . 3C EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB baa Franelare and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANCE a. ft. Base City sails AM Batonler, done a THX BAN FRAN. PORTLAND S. 6. CO. lirm wi i " " . - . u. .... Pnoae: Mala XeOo. A 10. F. Carleton, assistant superintendent in the State Department of Public In struction, will make a trip this week . . --. A V, anhnnl n A u ri 1 in tne iniwri v. movement. Superintendent Alderman. the latter part or the ween, win s;o to Spring; Valley, and next week will visit in Central Point. Cottage urove, juon- mouth and Portland. European Resorts and Hotels. EXGLAND, 1 mAMk t'ntoii rfl .v.r,.1.u..ui .r- Going to Europe? Write Today for Illustrated Booklets of the HOTEL RUSSELL and the Hotel GREAT CENTRAL LONDON They tell you aK about these delightful Hotels, their situation, tariff and notable features of refinement, quietude and luxury. Write Dorland Agency, 303 Sth Ave., New York. SAVOY HOTEL IXtSDOS. Tne world's most famous Hotel ds Lcxe snd the rendesvous of distinguished Americans In London. BELGIUM. D0YER & .. . TT a-,, Tsiatasa and IB I arm s u CM1 ussai-sss jr. o. ClaaV&K, XlatM BniidtPf, A-Z. GHENT the City of Flowers. SPA the mother of Spas, every kind of VISIT W-iKe Fg-rmo na Snrmfs. LIEQE pearl of the beauUful River Maas. TOURNAI the Roman Town. BLANKENBERQHE the "Atlantic City" of Belgium. BRUGES-la-MortOw The old-world towns of Flanders and the Picturesque Mountains of the Ardnne. STEM Moat ravmooai OSTEND RRIIQFLS BwS la sV af a? Wss BBS aaf . -,,. ii-RfiPi TI.1CC ROTIJ.E. iTiV; HOT1.X ST. AKTOINS. LEADTNO. X.1BCB. HOTEL DE Sl.'ET'g. I.VaI'IXG HOTEL. wEXllIBITIOMI915 j KrronA ccrri rrF f2FAT. Tor Pavrttonlexiw B.llui P.tnrta end Holeta, MrplT Town Country. . Mil A-enn., .T. OOeleJ 0"ee . it Cennoo Street! 611. Groihiireh Street; end 7S, Beeent 8r London; ortoOmees Co , Thoe. Cook Son. or F. C. Clerk. Oieciel Apent. Timre Polldlpg. y.T. TaValarlsvn Rmattaa RnllWaaVaV. Wt Amerlcavn Expre Co.. Thog. Cook GERMANY. THE TWO LEADING BERLIN The "Atlantic Kaiserhof Renovated at a cost of $1,000,000. an latast American comforts: 120 pri vate bathrooms. Grand Hall. Superb location. Booklets Pre Poalagre 4 Cents From Are, or Town and Country The RHINE HOI, The European Trip! Recuperate in SCHEVENINGEN Ton minnfpK f mm The H.nriie. ton gently sloping- sands, absolutely safe bathing. Delightful inland scenery. Excellent roads for motoring. Race meetings, carnivals. Outdoor sports. Concerts. Orchestra music. Famous Lamoreux Orchestra from Paris; conductor, Camilla Chevillard. Magnificent hotels. Tariffs to suit every .. , m 1 Ti OQrt TT-N-1. Vo, purse. Write Town & iouniry .travel uiireau, oa mm o..cuu, i,o.T York, for booklet of this Beautiful Dutch Seaside Bathing Resort AUSTRIA- PRANZENSBAD JL Jv4 hT, from Carlsbad. Apply for Booklet, Town A Country. 388 Sth are, H. Y. TRAVELERS' CHECKS The most convenient form yet devised for carrying funds safely while traveling is offered by travelers' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere at home or abroad, without identification. They may be purchased of the LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 Per Cent on Savings. Corner Fifth and Stark. THE SAN FRANCISCO & LARGEST Ais rtr.M r. i j n. . . ' ' . Sailina; 9 A. M. June 1. 6. 11. 16, 21. 26 and EVERY FIVE DAYS. CIS FRANCISCO First-class 110.00. $12.00, 1".00. Second class 6.0. LOS ANGELES Flrat-claas J21.50. $:3.50. 26.o0. Second class 111.35. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY Steamers Manchuria, Mongolia. Korea and Siberia, also China. Mle and Persia. Fer HOSOLltl', J.1PA.V, CH1XA aid )l ANIL.A, Mrxieo, Central America, Sontn America . PAXAMA SEK THB CANAL LOW E Xt URSIOX BATES Ticket Office 142 THIRD STREET. Phones Main 2605; A1401 Oregonians, when in Europe, should visit The Oregonian's Lon don office, No. 3 Regent St. S. W, 0STEND SsitSSS faaat Titrhllt AtMincl. In th Cha a sww vv NAMUK-mc uie 01 me Aracnnem. fftKhtocaVble mna popuiaw HaatarirU RtmorX tha Worltt. (or Owiey, t Athingf avnd imuaasiTW' HsaJaa. fisasilTin ArUsdsan Knd VediclnaJ Wetter. Thann-il Cur, TUB ORIAT HOT1LG ON THB 88 A. COIfTTHKliTAta. 400 Brxif. Boorn from 1 dollar S5 ocrotsa. BPLBMD1D 400 Bextst. Boom from 1 d(ilasr S Mat. m I-A PXgAOai. 400 Beds. Hot. and BsTka.aTmnl dm Ian. Thwt Hotw-i- svra Mod-rn In mwwrj r peci. PALACE HOTEL giMMIo.iha World. BOO Boosas. sH wlsb Prlemle Bsabs. STRICTLY FTEST CLJIS8. SUTTgS WITH BATBA BHTLKKLT BESOVATED. Every Modem Com lor t. Assrtanenls with Bstfcs. UNIVERSAL ?r-Mi AMD - INTERKnom HOTELS IN EUROPE HAMBURG The "Atlantic" With restaurant Pfordte, opened 1909. Grand location. Near Central Station, facing the beautiful Alster Lake. Extensive Modern Garage. the Dorland Asrency, Room 802, 303 5th Travel llurenu, sav am Jit, w. s. AMERICANS VISITING EUROPE Should on no account fail to visit the Rhine. There Is only one way to tully enjoy the grand scenery, and that Is by STEAMER, pamphlets trom 3t9 5th Ave.. New York, and 3 Regent su. London. I.AM) hours from London via Flushing. Firm, WORLD FAMOUS SPA for tie Treatment of HEART DISEASES and FEMALE COMPLAINTS ''iiiui a' a . Sl Ke. f (ra al PORTLAND STEAMSHIP CO.