a TTTE MORXTNO OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1913. 13 CHARGE PURCHASES Made the Remainder of This Month Will Go on Your June Account Bill Payable July 1st Take Advantage of This Offer Note: This Store Will be Closed All Day Thursday, "Decoration Day" Supply Your Needs Today at Our Great Wednesday Money-Saving Sale 1 Cask y Prizes on rat Olds9 Wortmah-&King'M We Ourselves Are Better Served by Serving utners vest $6000.00 in Gold Given to the Most Popular Societies, Churches and Charitable Institutions Extra SpecM AUVcty-'&Z&.t Women's $5 and $10 Hats $2.98 TheStore in a Class By Itself Women's Linen Coats at $5.00 to $28.50 Misses' White Suits at $8.50 to $12.50 Garment Store Second Floor . A sale of Woman's Linen Coats, suitable for Ira valine, motoring and for street wear; the loose. emi-fitting style, with plain tailored collars or military styles, trimmed with silk, satin and col ored linen collar. Serviceable 'plain Linen and Crash Coat, with larg In the Garment Store, 2d floor, a new stock of at tractive models in Summer Suits, made of white pique in the narrow or wide wale; attractive Nor folk styles with patent leather belts or with belts of same material. These Suits are especially de sirable for vountr misses' street wear, for the sleeves to (J ri O beach or for general use ; splendid (Ji n f A Swornoverofherparments;$3ti.DOOw "values. Just received. $$.50 toJ A &.JJ Women's Linen Suits $6.50 to $38.50 In the Garment Store, second floor, we will show for the first time a new, well selected stock of Linen Suits for misses. Just the thine for your coast or long Summer vacation trip. The coats are from 26 to 32 inches long plain tailored and Norfolk, in tan, brown, blue and white. (J O Q Cfl Skirts have high waist lines witu panel front and back or plain gored. Priced $6.50 to DjO,U J Manufacturers' Samples Under muslin 'At Factory Prices Center Circle 1st Floor All main aisles on the first floor lead to this sale of manufacturers samples of Muslin Underwear. We have saved them especially for this Center Circle sale. The assortment comprises Women's Gowns, Combinations, Corset Covers, Drawers, Chemise and Princess Slips; made of dainty lineerie cloths, cotton crepe, longcloth, batiste, nainsook, crepe-de-chine, etc.; trimmed in dainty and serviceable laces, insertions, medallions, embroideries, headings, ribbons, etc. A few prices: Gowns which the "manufacturer sold at $12.00 f' Princess Slips which the manufacturer sold at to $00.00 a dozen price.!, ea. SllOO to S7.50 '! I3 to $T0S a doz. priced ea. S1.50 to S9.00 Combinations which th manufacturer sold at j! Chemise which the manufacturer sold at iW.OO to $13.50 to $S4 a do., ea.h SI. 15 to S7.00 'j $43 a dozen, are priced, each 75 to S4.00 Drawers which the manufacturer sold at $6 fit) Corset Covers which the manufacturer sold at to 13.00 a dozen priced, each. 55 to S2.75 It $4.25 to $36 a dozen priced, ea. Zot to S3.00 NOTION DAY On Bargain Circle, 1st Floor v; ., Our Wednesday notion sales on the first-floor bargain circle are, very helpful to all thrifty women who know the value of saving on the little absolute necessities of every-day life. Many will lay in their entire season's supply now. Don't forget the votes. Pearl Buttons, best quality, all sires, regular lOe grades, 6J Spool Silk, guaranteed 100 yards, all .shades, special at 50 Spool Cotton, Merrick's, 200 yds., white, black, 4 ea., doz. 45 Darning Cottton, white or black; our regular 2 for 6c, only 1 Basting Cotton, Alex King's, 500-yd.- spool, ea. 4c, doz., 45 Needles, all sires, "Crowley's," reg.- 5c paper, now 2 for 5J Coat Hangers, best wire; regular 5c grades, special, 2 for 5 Hangers for pants or skirts, wood, regular 15e grades for 12 Wire Folding Hangers, 12V2C grades) special, three for 25 J Wash Dress Trimmings, fast color, six-yard pieces, only 15J Dustless Dusters, our regular 25c values, large size, only 15 Hair Pin Cabinets, assorted size pins, regular 15e values, 8J Hair Rolls, all shades, 24-inch, regular 35c grades, special, 250 Whibk Brooms, best grade corn, regular 15c values only 10J Drinking Cups, aluminum, very good . 10c values, special 80 Common Pins, 400 to the paper, regular 5c grade,' 2 papers 50 Hair Nets, all shades, five in an envelope, special at only 100 Hair Nets, made of real hair, size 33x40 inches, regj 15c, 100 nair Pins, wire, all sizes, regular 5c value, two for only 50 Dress Shields,' sizes 2, 3 and 4, regular 15e value, the pair, 80 Dress Shields', silk, sizes 2. 3 and 4, regular 35c grades at 190 Collar Sup)orteni, silk-covered wire, regular 5c grades at 30 Hooks and Eyes, white or black, in all sizes, regular 5c, 2 for 50 Ironing Wax," best for the laundry, special, one dozen pieces 100 Rubber-lined Traveling Cases, made to hold 4 to 10 toilet r7Cte articles; very handy, assorted patterns; regularly $1, at Hundreds of thrifty women who study low prices and good qualities will welcome this timely sale -of beautiful Millinery. We offer 300 of the most beautiful Trimmed Hats ever of fered at this price; the foundations are of unusual good grade, Milans, chips, azures, which alone are worth a great deal more than the entire haf. They are trimmed with excellent trimmings, ribbons, nets) silks, flowers, etc, color combinations which you will only find in the more expensive hats are represented in this splendid lot. There is hardly more than two of a kind, which gives a great choice. Small, medium or large shapesl The CO QO IftlUa lull l KJ tpu.w mill iflU.UU. VUC1GI i. . 11 1 av. ' ' .uuv.tutj aw Women's $6 Hat Shapes at 98c Splendid untrimmed shapes offered at this phenomenal price. Never will you find a bettei selection of styles than at this time. Scores of the popular styles to cho'ose from; Milans, hemps, azures, chips, Panamas, etc., in white, black and colors; small, medium or large sizes. We bought hundreds of them at a fraction of the manufacturer's cost and are QO selling them at a fraction of their regular value. Up to $6.00 qualities specialized at 5,000 Yards of Sheeting at 19c, All Day A timely sale "bf splendid quality unbleached Sheeting, full 72 inches wide, fine, soft finish, extra heavy weight. We purchased this at a very special price for the basement store 1 Q and will offer the entire purchase at this very special price for Wednesday, yard at Xi Wednesday Sale Groceries In the Basement "Underprice Store" A sale of pure foods reliable and good in every sense of the word highest stand ard of purity handled under the most sanitary conditions; full weight guaranteed. DON'T FAIL TO ASK FOR BALLOTS WHEN TRADING TOTES ' COUNT. Picnic IIam8, special, the pound, "12V2& Bacon Eastern sugar-cured, lb. 18 Pink Beans selling 5 pounds for 25d Large White Beans, special 5 lbs. 25 Small White Beans, special 5 lbs. 25d Krinkle Corn Flakes, 4 packages, 25d Jellycon, assorted flavors, '4 pkgs. 25? Beatsol, Babbitt 's Round-Up Cleanser 5 Prunes, very meaty, 3 pounds for 25d Seeded Raisins, 1-lb. pkgs., 3 for 25 Campbell's Soups, 3 cans for only 25c Pheasant Brd. String Beans, 3 ens. 25? Graham Craekers, 3 packages for 25c Oranges, 6weet and juicy, the doz. 15 Best Corn Starch, special, the pkg. 5? Roselawn Fertilizer, 10-lb. pail for 50 Wednesday Easement uMmt From 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.8 Hours of Bargain Wonders in Seasonable Merchandise of All Kinds for You to Choose From 10 to 11 A. M. Toilet Soap 3c Cake 10 to 11 A. M., in the basemenr " Under price Store" today only, great sale of 5000 eakes of 4endid Soaps. Me chanics', pumice and good toilet O in assorted odors; special 3 C Remnants of Silks U PvfV? and Dress Goods at 4C It) to 11 A. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store," Ju.-t for an early-morning erowd-brincer, sale of hundreds of rrmnants of Suit and lrr Hoods, in all useful lengths, cnt tins from our brt Spnnj line; materials which can be used to f od advantage by the thrifty women. Y are special- 1 izimg th goods for this hour's sale at half price 2 Men's 75c Union Suits 39c Women's 25c Corset Covers 15c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the basement. A one-hour sale of omen's fine Corset Covers; exceptionally good value- at the regular price; made of soft muslin, meelr trimmed with 10 to II A. M. today, in the basement " UnJc rpnoe Store." one-hour sale of men's fine eotton Union Suits in weight suitab.'e for Summrr wear. In Irgh hreneh neck styles, close. to 46. Regularly 75v 39c lace and embroidery; regular 2V grades, 15c 25c and 35c Silk Ribbon 10c 10 to 11 A. M. today, in the batement " Underprice Store." a one-hour ai of l.'sjO yards of choice silk Ribbons in odd pieces and short lengths, of unusual quality; pure silk, full 6 inches de; for millinery purrsv.es, fancy work. etc. Kogu- s 2-' and 3' talurj, Special for this hour only at XJC 11 A. M. to 12 $5 Silk Waists $1.98 11 A. M. ta 12 today, in the basement, A sensational one-hour ssle of women's fancy Silk Waists, over 300 in the lot. Ail new, attractive styles;,r " QfJ Plain and fancy silks; ea. P X jO 1500 Yards of Fancy Silks 75c Values, Yd. 39c 11 A. M. to 12 today, a one-hour sale of fancy Silks for Summer dresses and wai.-ts, IjOO yards for a b'0-nnnute sale; beautiful stripes in messalines, fancy checks and stripos, in taf fetas; all good, pleasing colors, worth regularly 75c O f a yard. Priced special for this hodr's selling at only O t C 000 voting contest now in progress. Ask for the ballots. Men's $1.00 Union Suits 48c Chlldrenfs Rompers Only 27c 11 A. M. to 12 today, iu the basement. A spirited one hour sale of men's Union Suits in the pomus knit mtib, elastic rib neck, short sleevo; knee length, excellent qnality; sizes 34 to 4o; our regular $1 values a 48 c 11 A. M. to 12 todav, in the basement "Underprice Store." A sale of children's Rompers; made of good, staunch ging ham, in small, neat patterns; checks or stripes, dark or mo dinm colors; all well C made ; 2 to 6 years C Size 45x36 Pillow Cases 10c 11 A. M. to 12 today, in the basement "Underprice Store," a sale of splendid Pillow Cases, made from Sfood. heave bleached mnlin; sires 4."x3ti inches; torn and hemmed, ready for use. Rooming-houses ar.d hotelkcepers should lav in good 1 f supplies during this hour's selling. Priced special at ivv 12 to 1 P. M. 50c Silk Poplin at 33c 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of 3700 yards of choice Silk Poplin, the most dependable of all the silk O j fabrics ; will wash and not slip vjOC 27- Inch Embroidery J Qn Flouncings, Special JLZJl 12 to 1 P. Af toil a v. in the basement "Underprice More," a 60-minute sale of beautiful 27-inch Flouncings, only 25 bolts in the lot; excellent quality swiss muslin, with deep embroidered patterns ; splendid assortment fo choose from. Lay in a good supply for the Winter. During this hour we will spe- Q cialize the Flouncings for the very low price of only liC Women's White Waists 29c Women s 25c Sunbonnets at 15c 12 to 1 P. M. today, a one hour's sale of fine gingham Sunbonnets, made of fine ma terials in neat patterns; cut good and full. These are our regular 25c values. Specialized at only X O C Don 't forget the voting contest Boys' Overalls for 29c Pair 12 to 1 P. M. today, a one-hour sale or noys- oiue aenrm Overalls, nicelv made and trimmed in red; have bib and sus penders. .Made of eood quality blue denim. They Oaa come in sizes for boys from 3 to 10 years. Special at Jj t hen making your purchases, don t tail to ast lor your Dauots. 12 to 1 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." A one-hoar sale of women's white lawn Waists at less than the cost of material alone. They come in sizes 32 to 44. They are specialized QQ for this hour at t C 1 to 2 P.M. $2, $2.50 Tub Dresses 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of women's pretty Wash Dresses; several styles in the lot ; mater- d 1 1 A ials ducks, foulards, etc. ij) X X J Millinery Trimmfg Flowers Tf ft 1000 Bunches Worth to 75c J- 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store," a sale of 1000 bunches of beautiful millinery trimming Flowers in a great variety of colors and kinds, such as sell reg- 1 ularly for 50 cents and 75 cents a bunch. Special, only luC Our $6000 voting contest is opening up with lively interest. When making your purchases, don fail to ask for your ballots. Women's Cotton Hose 8c Pr. 10c Torchon Laces. Yard, 3c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." A rousing one-hour sale of tor chon Laces, Edges and Inser tions, in a great variety of pat terns, 2 to 4 inches wide; ex cellent qualities. The O kind that wears, washes J C 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement. A rousing one-hour sale of women's fine cotton Hose, in black or tan ; fine cot ton, fast dye, seamless feet, fine, light weight. Come in all sizes. Specially priced Q the pair for only O at, Boys' 25cMesh Underw'rl5c 1 to 2 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a sale of boys' mesh Underwear, shirts and drawers; excellent quality of porous knit mesh; nicely made and well finished. Sizes for boys from 6 to 16 years. " Regularly 25 cents. Specially priced for this hour at X O C Iff " W 1 From 2 to 3 P. M. A Sale $1.25 Gowns, 69c 2 to .1 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Stora." For one hour we offer .this exceptional sale of fine mus lin (;.nfor women, regular ?Q $1.25 value, nicely made, only Oi C Womcn9s Wool Sweater ft J on Coats $2.75 Values for pOz7 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a splendid sa of women's rood wool Sweaters, heavy cardisan nb, V reck. 2 pockets and large pearl buttons; colors white, r.avy, red and gray. Cnnie in all sizes. QQ Our regular $2.75 Sweater. Spec;Jl for this hour ij) X tOi Vote for your favorite society, riiirrh or charitable organization. Men's Chambray Shirts 33c 45c All-Over Laces 23c 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the ' 2 to" 3 P. M. todav. in the basement 'Underprice Store." I basement "Underprice Store." A one-hour sale of men's fine blue chaThray Shirts. They are Bade lth extra full bodies and sleeve: are ell made and f:nihed. Sires It1 j O Q to 17. Regularly 5ic ajaj C A brisk one-hour sale of all over Laces, it a varietv of new . leading patterns, mhite or cream; 15-inches wide, good quality that sella in r O at 45c iOU regular way Women's $2.50 Sailors 59c 2 to 3 P. M. today, in the baxmcrt "Underprice Store," a sale of women n'hhy. new a:!or Hats; made of fine chip braids in Mark, wiute and burnt; neet styles shown; have bands of plain or fancy nbboo. These hat sell in a g f regular way for $2.50. Special for this hour only Oc7 C From 3 to 4 P. M. f Sale $1.00 Waists 48c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." A tremendous one hour's sale of women's new. stylish Waists. Are the popular shirt Jt Q Myles; excellent in every wayTfOC Women's Fancy Neckwear 25c and 35c Values now for 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement "Underpric Store," a tremendous one-hour sale of women's dainty Neckwear. We show a great variety to choose from in stocks, jabots, Q side effects, cascades, etc. Regular 25c and 35c vals., J C When making your purchases be sure to ask for your votes. Large 72x90 Bed Sheets 43c Women's 25c Lisle Cloves 15c 9c 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." A sale of Bed Sheets, made of good heavy bleached sheeting; size 72x90 note the sire; torn and hemmed, ready for use. Specially priced for A O this hour's selling X3 C 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." a brisk sale' of women's fine lisle Gloves, in black or white; come in the wrist length; nice, fine lisle, all izes in the lot; regular 25e quality, PJ special for one hour X O C Men's Fine Cotton Socles 6V2C 3 to 4 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." a sale of men's fine cotton Socks; we have 50 dozen of these and we will sell them all in this one hour, so be on time and get yours. They are splendid quality, fast black; f all sizes in the lot ; specially priced for one hour O 2 C From 4 to 5 P. M. Child's $1 Dresses 48c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a sale of children's pretty little Wash dresses; several styles in this A Q lot ; of chambray and gingham, "J O C Women's One Piece CEt $10, $12.50 Dresses "PwO 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a rousing sale of women's one-piece Dresses. We have just 60 of these dresses; the materials are silk and fine serges; odd lines that we have gathered together for a brisk hour's ale ; splendid styles, all good colors, nicely made A Q C and trimmed. Regular $10.00 to $12.50 grades PTacO 15c, 20c Handkerchief s 7l2c 25c and 35c Shell Goods 9c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a wonderful sale of fine embroidered s w i s Handkerchiefs for ladies; made sf fine, sheer swiss, muslin, and are beautiful- ly embroidered, at 2 C Women's 15c Wash Belts 8c 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hoar, a sale of women 's dainty new wash Belts, fitted with neat pearl buckles, embroidered in dainty patterns and assorted sizes. Regularly 15 cents. Special for one hour, 4 to 5 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For 1 hour we offer hundreds of these pretty Shell Goods; back combs, side combs and barrettes, in a great variety of styles ; unusual sellers f at 25c and 35c; now 1 C 8c From 5 to 6 P. M. Black Petticoats, 53c 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a sale of women's black Petticoats, made of splendid materials, Btyled JO with deep flounce; new style 03 C Regular 5c Spool Silk Q 10c Pearl Buttons at 5Nto 6 P. M. today, in the basement. Splendid quality Sew ing Silk, in black and full range pf colors, for machine f or hand sewing. Regular 5c spool. Special this hour d C Splendid quality pearl Buttons, two or four-hole. These come in assorted sizes. Made of nice, clean pearl. They sell regularly at 5 cents and 10 cents. Special for one hour ad C 20c 25c Wash Goods Yd. 11c Womens $2 Corsets $1.19 5 . to 6 P. M. today, in the basement. For one hour, a sale of hundreds of yards of Wash Goods, dimities and silk finished foulards,, in a great variety of patterns; all good, dependable colors; 5 1 regularly 20c to' 25c X X C 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement. For one hou we of fer this wonderful Corset spe cial, Reducer Corset, a corset made specially for full fig- ares, made of fine coutil, non- rnstable steel, 6 supporters, at $1.19 Bleached Bath Towels at 11c 5 to 6 P. M. today, in the basement "Underprice Store." For one hour, a sale of bleached Bath Towels; good, heavy weight; size 18x34; these towels have hemmed ends and they " are very specially priced for this hour's selling at X X C .S2n and Stif SI 7.0Fwvi Snortnl All Dau In th FAmnt I n JrTrt, Storo a al of Womfn'i titt that will clife U othr similar suit rrom a pr'c in ! iaa:i:r itaa-lpoint tm t tf r'ra?-t al of tainr?1 milts w bae vr pr:rT. -n wniimi .. r a n n nw oru i or i n n It ana rummr -mwrnr, uiur amiu v im v MriM, rm port ilk, diajanaia and wonttoi, in navr and tana: whipcord In tan; rriiturH In uraTfl and tr.i You mar cti from Sid of tha ticIVnt aulta at tnia phenomenal pn on n lnfxlAv. Tr-jr ar tha rat tyi. raultlalr tai.or4 rartnaata; wall l:na ana 11 p-fM-lty: foflipit rrmm of nwi for omen and mij. Rtcuiar 1.2'Vyii and UU al j Th art of fcrM pcia;iy (or V adnadajr al th xartroalT low prlca of 0'r$11.98 350 TABLE GLASSWARE ONLY 10 All day in the basement. The lot comprises Berry Bowls, Sugars, Creamers, Covered Butter Dishes, Vases. Comports, Oils, Sy rups, Cake Stands. Water Pitchers, Bon Bons, Olery Trays, Lemonade. "1 rj Mugs, etc., worth to 35c; special IvfC HATPIN HOLDERS ONLY 12 Fancy glass Hatpin Holders, very dainty and useful, trimmed in rib bons and beads, of assorted colors. Special for today only at the " O remarkably low price of, each XadC Don't forget to vote. 'SCREEN, DOORS AT ONLY 89 In the basement store, size 2 feet 8 inches by 6 feet 8 inches, or size 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 6 inches; plain and strong; complete with springs, hinges, etc Fancy flj A Q front screen doors at only P "0 VACUUM WASHERS AT ONLY 65 A hand Washing Machine, guaranteed to wash clean with ease. Be sure to see it. Special at the verv low price of only 6 WINDOW SCREENS Size 18x36 inches, adjustable, at only 27 Size 24x45 inches, adjustable, at only 350