1 1 15 TTTV. yorvft OKKGnXTAy. TTJESI.AT. 31 AT 28. 19 IS. J I : I m .,n.r.r I . WANTED RE AL ESTATE. j MB MLB. I, HELP ffAXTED-MUI. REAL F STATE. I "L EKT4TK, I I -.y-r .... .,. a., bun- ' Automobile. BFACTIFCl- UAW1MOR.VS HOME. Juit l.'-rt ft from Hawthorn ave wet of iid (. ; 'ot w:cO. will H 1" p. o ernes :s ta and pd niea ;n and roaa. tn.e ta Bot the oriiln-ry P are eo ftdTff.lwd. but was tou..t for 4 bom: mit new. fca ivtr but:; -in feature and extra fr t.cht:tl .uree. Urn rooms sad ha.l; $-" tk tt . one-third or h f cart, owner ts ielig Portland and win not rot, e It at one if you want a i',4p HAWTHORNE RKALTT CO.. A MNNYMlE BARGAIN -room mdrn hjm : bedroom dn atatrs fiae hasernent. fine f irna-e. beat lo pert f ih hu; II la a full cor ner lot. room f r tnotrjr hou Tula ta .ritH at Ml East Tailor at. eloew to ;-h at. It I one of the beet piecea of property to ihat h.sh-rlnes d;trrt. owners tr ccupiina tba huji. but are Inland -inr to pi" rt Ye:nni!l "" B ta o'nar tiMluru. hence thle pTP- .-r mm o t a g-nulne bergen rnT further int --rantln fl-l at -! . T" lor st. or J. K- Smith. 4-.3-414 cuamber f Cmm'-v p irTt.tr. d. Or"'. HHitf crvT or living la nearer ed bjr owning our own hm 'n line bio.-.. Mnp paying roi. $- d ti. 11.1 m!.i. boa this eav 4-rr modem bom. Tl t.n!hJ bath ed ,:" " bui.t-tn fonni'Oi'-j, doubV f.- mmt basement, wire!. beaaitf-Cl f bd tinted, iar a. .ht ly !" laa. or- blm-k la Koo C;t K- fr:-- on'r tour -arr--i in aaJ ln rnt j on do not ta n' " a d-uK aain. bu! )ou mui bu a i'1 nM prt. rji rtg'it. at now. t Jaa. C lonn, Mi Pp-:dinib , A now -rxm bouj. di&ia ronatru t!nn, MR f .or In lar I: v in -room. Inf-rMiii and d-n; o-a HiU. 2 f '-P hot air furn. . liia fl-r in roaiiuulo. bavy harn c4:tnc In li lna-ro-ro ana d.r:n-r m. (mt :Ulc ftmtura. rtart-a. f oor clean-. fPi3l Hi'-''- barman! a f-t bi - a.ia n-l tantrK raa:r.J wub r--m and fru r laa cof Ttt ara. fn- rd drtreway. A 1 In fi" lMp- omr I" I. on Tliia-n- ir l aa-1 rood. It Ui auil- Trm Phna f. at 4 1 -i . F'iH rLAND liTrioHT.- li -M E. Almot nw hoi. rrfat ffm ''u' to aiti. rr nv'l'"n envn tnra. 9 iarr rwtn. too tnir:a. ba broom and windows. ru( fiiura. rarwi f'ra. an l kilr!a and pantri. t.r r'ar. a aopitid-p-'T n. - 11 lota. l"- f fm-ri -r. grand iw In rr dlror tmn. $t; roqvi will orfh if ??ny in ! y-ara. rha a-"-Mli- o :w pa htng rapidly ptbd p by A Bl IL.D ON VACANT LOT WE TL'RV TiifC BL'KC'EM TO INCOME. WE rt'HMaa THS PI.AV4. FINANCE AND Ht IVI APAKT- me.-.t or r.:--;lEn-e AT LOW COHT. ' K OFVE BONli. SHOW OCR WOKL AND RETER TO OIK CI.ISMS mk.4 m BcroHii you ma a. a; pla.a; ir WIX1, PAT. u n B AIL.ET CO.- COMRAi TI.Nil AKC'I IT:CTaL II AB1NOTON BLXKk H LOT OffEMi ERE TO: ? t'MAN' B TO tH- FRH TOf'K PROPERTY WIT A rtOMK. PLAT OR A P A K T W E T ; WlLl flNANCE JT AT A LOW RAT OP I T. H T . PLAN" F! HXINHEU rEBRs IT WILL PAT TOC lU COM K tal aT lilU OVEM. J - ATTCIKt, AftCHITr.rr am I tILX" . BKXRT ULIXJ PtVE !t"PI"KRAX HOME, ft a-'a. 3 ioiM frorn ct:y .inlta. tU wiinutea' wa.k (mm uixoa City rr;in. A room boua. cnirtn bua and rd . bac ftrd'u !!. a I tn ' 'up. rly f t barvwot . mrtt grapa. l blnca of bar-r.-a, 30 fruit ireea. ir fnr run4 a-1, "ol and '!: t p -. prir r.g-t. r J j ra to-tfifil cX. I'hsn :d 11. S( : w ui, vr (4.1 at FUH tiato liana, t .. AM'l KS'l V PL.n. l o a Mi .-r nn fia dn and l a m.m'h .tSth and ndv rt'l. lur..u t. o.vr a hou in. afiTmwn. tak R-o ."t lark ar. DF!:RA !.F. ROOM MA(;AI.m. mi -r .Li a r o t-i;vj I-f"f l-ain r!t. p-a.'i i a' - new. 13 nxi 'iu t-a' t iu rTn.ii fetrtflg. atrtt! r-. -ira, in t w e -.rorrud. on t-aa-t at ret . It I - t r rn J . I 2. t n in g rm 1 & al'. J l--d.' 'ma !! cn. a t r :na. .y aAat k.ratt tat i ( . H - - ni leeMenee. i n f .rua e. r''r a-d a I o h-r Iai-"t a-'-l a---1"-n for : t f4l I -rt.it or . ! 1 : b ir f .ot ; ree.. kX kt)ou at . r t-' -n ay trma. .P.'.-I a. Ii-i.i-s. tt V 'r1 .r lre P''tS. 4-1 aM Clt. t'i" r u ' ' n". ni-vt-ru. i- rv'iii b'n'rw. tec ti Hti( fnrisi'. flrr P . uu-d wi'ii i ant .-trtc . "t. ruv')ii i l nI' paid. tars' r - 'in and - tp. m.i u'fi or one of : n (- ct . n- a . f--r p r mn! . it.:.- . o i S.:-. Ca.l Mr. f:'i-,L v.n ;;.- Ntw Auri'i ia ami .w. Oti.-r W-..1 1 on g.xv. Irrnii a bal'f n ra-rtc:d dtr.i. ."!" f i. . :u'ir'i .-n--id P-4H- 7 (.( -d p'te g aa iiifl't an l tv'-aea. Frm n w 11 f . a.1 b ii l li con n t oci, oek flour, rr ut- -fwni, a.p.r-g porv-ri. tha. 1'hona .Mala 4 i nr-i.m..a end eert . t R V I NiirON".. i; K T"l T'Tg A I N Paa all f ul n. rMiia. m.kd" r rt ta do tail. tne.'i f:n'u, inr.uditia a I fi-rB. No. 1 Iu'r oak. :d Iv.wy and whlto enamel ';if UuT t an.l err uii-a . ;..r per. aal reaaon mui a t 1 ' imareat ed. p eaee r-T"V oa not regret It. A.N .$ hi'E TMH A r ONv K. Wtll e ' I my baai!u new. modern T rm reaidn. a tn f a-ireinurat n av patrnacia io rp'n;.a fly. epirg p-ren. bardwo-d f.ora. f rp;ac. t.-r. -d r'li.ai and a.l c n nini ea. g. vaaO riiuird- O V4. trgntoa- li : DLL buy in V t iid borre. s't utd oa lewr p-rti.n of Prtin I Iteghia. - I'SJ ft. I !. 1 el view , vrt 4 nm'S in wri.i.e b.k. f-uil trees n j Iawh. S room, t.rmg w':;i large fir, pace, ilinin kI-Kn. J bdcian- oer and b i h . pi u I. t er ma K . K i(inM n. 1:7 N T -N HUti. N Wo. ifiotprn r.-o-n fi . on Ren tr-n St.. nar 1'iian. rr - . raaht. a Bc bo-- l iri 1 tv-e. i-;T -- A ? ! R-a of Tra.le 4-r, in. I.AII Al'l'ltlv'N Hl h H h9M'd I h'i I y u fi'-. "n;j you ake It. A rt).nia: ! ro-,ni h-"i. n!rt rv ren ni- IT. t la M. If u i.it a jd tlir. piri oi;t Ma. a or e bim a 11. etn b ag. " Iv.il- T'" PCII.D? n o mo- v n p a.i . :n f a to order p'na and n $ and tip Bu:lJ- era ikti I'wt in p-a.tj. a, a.-'an. a:I grntvl. r-- n.-. POCS U or orire N ' t. re n'an. .. k.pTINAl. bar.-i'i t. A hue bul l f:r i'jr nr p.ena nl i .ir f.ir m-n'h pme:iT .-f .j p r niutn. IfM-tU'itrtg tniareat . e--iv-t I ht. i t. atit " A5 I" and K l. OI'IVMI MTY Fin a-r-"m h "je--, '.ia- in. f-it tr and f!wra. righ pr( can mo tn and -a ;, rent. Jjfcm. 1 Lm XartUa.t ni.p O. K. nap hT orr. m -tm r"-'m houae. ,ei tvi UtV. fruit tree J'ai Marguru ll "I. I e eire. ..' uf4lo Wir'i hin and t '!. AM'K. lo: fr tn.) . d - n . V a - M tl f : nr ih 1 H ! I- f -T IN TN; ): I -k total prt.a t'J i;i aii. .u rT mouth. AO T. i.'t. . n 1 v BT awnef. ll!ade l'tk AM-'ion. atrici: melem s-r-'n hovi. I t.n a fr -r ur, downaiaira n'1.nv fi'vorP nil cr:veni fnri. hig .H f' I l t -e. p -il C 1J V 1 . 1. ee . m v i' r " miMlrrn ho iwa f r un.l ctial, to les towa. 1 K ' t'-S-n'ao , N t A aurn 4-"crn honee. trg lot. Phone; will it 1 fur I'll w .1 . iuia Ow nar. Ta s- r :i ' 1 ONE M I'KKf' K bnasaFow and ' t . t -r r homoa. Iri .c o. r: -"i- II ll-rdrrn. fttU MOl KN r04 hurga.ow. 1 1 . h --.ma broken, lartua. Owner. loOd L StA N--fh JlNr-T If hao it. I w',1 ae.i yu a ct,)Uh .c..nfnitnl botaaa at a box gain. SC5 Frank I- Muire to lnara sga.nat tr. M- lOo-A. Al Aotngion b.l A H Pt'RPAN heme, oregno Cttw rsrllns. I booa owner, uat Grov. Ra4 WILL T " . ' w p. , 1 T. . I Bit f ii . i'M"i: p -' 1 1 . 1 1 ii ::.. wtM KmJT "Leoom modtra bungalow; SASy i"tt Tvr . -' wi't bur T-re-- aiodera bung a '.aw. 0O f, Tif -V' ITU (or . e f -e a 1 '; bai ia a, Owner. W Wivrr-ea-oc t 'o- k $ ON Main at., mji1; nouee. i-e-n ai.d w ood&d; term. Ir ben IS. Far bale- REAU THIS. AN A HE T H AlT ON TOLR TERMi f rtava frr : two bouut nrra trif'i whirl. I ran atl tuttir or aparallr Tbao arroa nro all carod. rJy for eul t;tM. Id all la a Mark loam, with no rKKS or iravtl: aidawa.ks. water for tho honto and lrrigatoti purport. a.ortric Itvhta. tc.apbona. mall aer Iro. atoro dallv oria. and in fa-t aTrT eonn!nco that ran ho wtPhd for. Tlila proporty l Juat t of r.a city limit, within a f f"1 of a pir.rfid atrfar ar iro and tha prira la rint I will It It to you to mi iha tri-ms. Tby ar for aaia and If iu &r loklr.c for ban to cut yootr pna In half and at Ih aam lima a--ura a picw of proprty tbat ta atadily rnhannni tn talu. rtta lo m and I t.l lak joti Out In m r ma-htn anl how it to you. Thia proprty will pro-du- mnr than iba pa mnt ou mik on It month)--. iiaka ma a prp o;im and tho property la yours at one. Y If. o-cnian " AntKs. liAi.AN' K or A JaO-ACR lUt'HUVED FA P.M PLATTED IN iA RDKN TRACTS. I oo ma Koui horn Pacific Tlall-roji-l and tba Oron F.lctric. within ont : ura ri1 of Portland, platted in lO ; CArda tratta. Urtcinal tract ron . i.?d -i acr. TS a. ra haa b . i ml $. and 0 pr a-ra. Will i:pna of tho baiinct to ttia tirht party At prtr an-t twmi ! auit. Tbia ta tr opportunity for a platting" Inveatmant that artou'd all in tho n-t fw month a no wing mag ntft rent profits Might ton l,dr good Portland property. lxn't mtw thta opportunity. Will stand Cioaac In rati mn. rbuo or adiireaa owner . C H HRWN. WNER. B-i Chartber of rmmrca 1. 9 AND 1 -" traeta. only In miic from Portland Court hn. 4n nt n n tea' car r!l. 11-f-ni rmm ui r a faro and aelllng at $: to ano px acra up-n month: -pr"ent lan ; propor d arnuut for can. Offico opoo un til P- H- THE SIIAW-rEAR COMPAKT. joj pnurth ft $i:s f!1 put you In poaaoaalon fff splendid lA.aT trai of fino jardan land: about I arra of this la t-,"in bardam ar-l c ard ; tns ramamdar la a rich bla- loam. rorrd with fin cord wood timber; thre ta a fina atraam nf running rroaatng this trart. msktng It Ml f" t-ia ra.slng of ducka or chlrlcana. thtt property la located on a fina maca !amlad ounty road; mil o mtlaa from Portland, in tha Tuaiat'n Valiy PAC X -W. I'EVKI-oPMEVT cox. inc.. 4i t'O-ich R.rtg A RE AiF. OPPORTCVrTT. Wa own -. acrea ftnng oo tha Aet!oaj Una read and running ihroogn to tha pnwetl Valle- road, about 4 mi.t oast of Mt. Tabor. Wa baa recantly had a road airvecd through this land dividing It Intd amH acre-ge which should sell fr faiea r mor per acre. In order to rait at one on tn w hole tract wa will sail It for 3'.m rr ai-r. half caah TRO lOMPANT. a icmcord HMf ih ACRES rhofrest rrd ahnt soil in Wssttngtos fnun'r. mi laa from Portland on tha new ra.lroaU frwtn llUboro: one-half ,j rlearad. oalanr nasally Umbered wtth yellow and rod fir. good roada . goMl achoois: new? railroad two a wltbsn I mua. lio esab. ba.anoa your own tsrma. W sr tha owner JrlRLAND TR' T COMPACT. tS pa1U:ds RMg. a-ACRR CHICK KV RANCH. PI acrs of good aoil; 4 a.-rs cleared; the baianca- rary eaatiy claared. gradtii wtuthweat al'pe. 1 fording an ascellent view of tha valloy. aprng water; noil Is adapted f r fruit, or wlil make a e ep. ti -r.al rhtrkew ranch: tha prleo ta fii down remainder aay pay mania. I ACRM. 41 mint. tea from Porttartd, no littlo 5 room bungalow. Juat buUt. land Ur. Soil 1 fu deep. mil to el-cirlo station. Only r.'fMttr to handla. THE WErLVX THthT CO.. I.'jl Yeca BMaT. M HI HHAV Ai'RlAiik Tha t ;ei:and Mado-a. oppeHa Mt. llo.vd fir-aham depot. .uUtivtde-t Into bui r.u L.ia. .Uiatt0. with Bull Run tpi' I 2 a-scra tra-t, all clarad. only to per 'cont ! and 3 per coot par wonih Rirh dep. a-ih rrt ate,l aolU Call for p-i'. p t cf tract and Ur Informn l.nn. C.ark annon Co.. ftO 4tb And (mk st . Rard of Trn-U b'dg ONE TRACT. Ara tow tookins for an aero tract T If you are. I ha what you want: this ira.-i I'a wafer p:rH In front of It. frrMtrd aidewatba. e'.e-trie wlra for lights and phonn. located AAljoliiing city limlta. pi -eeUar line rum thr..ug lh pro;r( ; nrtce II including lm pmvemenia; 1. rm a to ult " Qreg.nian. TTwIikTU cot NTY Urm of n4i acra. known WCarn'M ;rd'-oa. has Juvt b-n cur up In tmil! trjs of lt and SO a -res- fina garden, berry and fTult land; nar seine of the famine wa'nut orchards of Ttmhl'.l County Prlcea frftm lnj ta llo per a era. 00 terma af S ' dowD and ha an. e three year W. C. Hirdirg Land fo.. M 4th L ItoarU of Trado b.da. ACRE FOR PAI.K. nihlAA. water. r nni wa-ka and urK Ht. a. tnl:ew on a'reetcar to I'h and U'ritiitn. fronting on ' h. bou rd hard aurfared. on Vary eaay tarma; cheaper than rent, thin Is In a hlgh-claea u Olivia ion and a swap. 8 103. Orago n an ft ACREA l-l'FN T PARE Cl'LTIVAT'O CITY ON V E N" I E NCKS SMALL HOt Ca rt t KiS At.N. OWN KIL AT b. OREOoNIAN. CM I P KKN A NO F IT II. near t and s, NF.W si HDtVliiloN Lowt prlca. heat ati. una view. wi. wS--r ... a . res few Mr trat: 10-A . ft ..M l.v A-. A.. 13oo. 0 A-. 10 A. t.iwvO. liberal term VrtAVK M-r-ARI ASH REALTY CO., 3.0 Tn Hidi-ortlyi. Of. FOR HALE 3 acres or mora. '10 down and $1 rer month. per cent tntere-t on ! ferred pamenta. ama I hUea and good wet: :1 cleared and fenced; soma crop, en orea n K R- P- minutes I cur linaltA Inqulro of onnar. 311 Fat.lng bUg ACRK AE. I have an a.-e ci.e to tho rity which 1 will a:i fr ftlW. on your own teima. pr .e inc ;lra graded atresia. runul:i wt.-r wa.aa. eU-ctric Itght. pbonea, otia b k fim en arl!ie. soil lbs ary tet T !. regonIan. r l K ATRV.. Contractor snied w h. will rtfhanit r and material neceaeary to cor.piru.-t a 1. .wt at hulidlng for unmcurnherrd .rrc ne.r Raa Una road, sams value. t.4 Mnn M.lC TUO choice arro lra ta. one thouaand ! than a;; 4 fin fruit traoa. one bio. k from car g-nt'e weat slop. stght ly ; on a a-re tn potato-". ot.tr Id garden; noth int: bttr. Redmond ft McUo'tra, Jan-L-g or " 14 ACRE A 4 mile from I'eruaad. near tfky-llna BHMileva-d. on oonnty road, P'enty of wa- $:; r-r acre, terms II. f- I rw - . 4fM W!kct PM( Phones Mala t A MM. Tow want A full aqutppod chicken ran. b gardaB, orchard. berries. wheat ard cM.kea greens, al ready fT u-T fa.l Tabor Al-i or writs P MnrVaugh. H P I1 No L L'nts, Or . KandaU bia iion Parties 1'SMrg rj . f I A U w r - l rT OR TKN ACRE.! c care-1 level. deep rich. Maotf loam. s.iem1d f ' I'l1'. tardea tr-jrk and s'"in, rr ata-.ion. '.-0 per acra. eaay tern-.a. -ar I--J VrrtM- 1 3 sod aero tract, el owe to Porraaw. 1 to blocks from a.octrs collno. JOO to $4Q Kr acra. away wrms. J. W. UafforUA c.. o Railway Eicbaaft, $"; WILL, start you on 1 areo, tn W(: .imrtit hardens, all la raitivaica, ftadr f .r pan t-ig- W C Hardir Land Co.. nO ; .1 p rd of TTd b1 2? Ai R near Peaeartoo. 1ft clawred, bikp from car at at loo and runnitg watar; pn.y i per acre, tarma ooaor. Jaaas W n. Porlcc CW.. rvuta L ft A KK" Bnr Tlsaxd oiat'on, cleared, fins Mi. AlU dletd. KiJ tema. Provtdent Trvat Ccmp-Br Id Loot oalUa bidg. Vt'a A SL 4; AC R unimproved land In Cckamas County, about 1 ml.s from Oregon City, to trade for cioeo-in acreage or c4:y prop erty q .-fa Address T Oreg'iRlsc. as . fttu 4wn i mnthlv. pTStH 21 ramutva out. rri Ak for Mara tan or Strarr. 22 Wilcox bKg A ACRE and 14 acres, ea Vancouver eeo trlc car: goo t im provamenta . iwaAoaAAa J E- Hi L 3o Aetna-ton bldg. j HR tracta on your terms; Improved, C.nao c -" ne . trado for equity. 5i-d Oor 1 nger b.dg. t ailed Jsalty Co. a-ACRE trarts arroos ths Willam ette from tit. Johns and 5 4 miles ba.-h from rl"-ar. part cleared and offered at JoO par acra upon monthly-payment plan; props r discount tor cosh. THE SHAW-PEAR COMPAXT, 103 Fourth P Main S3, A tfeanoet IX ou ara looking; for a homaotaad. call hare; have relinqutahments on savera ad jMnina cialma in TlUamook County; also 00 ma timber claims, full InO seres la each ona, and claims In nearty all ths othsr count lea In Oregon. M4 Spaldlnc FBF.K GOVERN MK.VT LAND. Bast fruit or aitaifa land In Oregon. IO. 4A or 1HO acres, without money and with out price, to a favored few. who wlil sbaro eipenee i.f putting water on name. JtKfE HOFoON. &3 Ry. Kichangs blrtf. HOMKeTEAD, good claims, loxg tlmrnir, lval taxd, soma with house and crops, near I'ortiand. fo right. CO V F. Y. 3t7 Oak. Room 31. FOl'R iH-acre boineiea4 rallnquiabmanta. Aftcn,rM to lo.ioo,tKrt feat oach of fir and cedar; prlco ftl'VOO each. Addross homeatead. AV S"d. Oregonlan. HOMESTEAD rellnqulahment. 4 mlls from Portland, house and clearing. P 104, Ors- ronian. A I WILL locate you oa a fin lld-acr horns stead la Lake County for ft&O. C. A. La urn an. Hotoi Phillip. 27 Burasld t- Far Sale Fruit TAnda. EST AC A DA. end for tllustratsd booklet of ths Es tacada fruit sect ion. wbers tha Oregon Agricultural College maintains Its Pr; mental or. bards. 30 ml laa from tba city of Portland. w tSTACADA COMKEBCIAL, CLFB. Eatacada. Crrag on. HOOD RIVER, your chance, act quick. 11 acres 4 S mties from Hood River, on coun ty road, house, good springs, aplendld view of trie valley and Columbia Rivr. M u t leaew. only ft pr acr. Owner. Lathullltrre. Dee. Or FKCIT LAND BARGAINS. White Salmon, 10 to 4" acres cheap, mail payments, long time; alw XO or i.0 a-rea. Hood Bir. wall Improved, close t station. 513 Chamber lommtrct, BY owner, easy terms. ls-arr fruit ranch at Roaaburg; acres In apples and pears. AV I!. Oreg oti la n. . For Pole Karma. RENTJ TOR 120 AN ACRE CA8IL Land at Los Mollnos sslllng for IIS to i.-oo an acre rents for 3-0 an acrs c,h- ... . Tkat is C per cant Ic tax eat ea eS aa KAnd that's what Los Mollnoa lantt will be worth In two or three years. There s a reason. . Los Moltnos la the only trrlft-atloa proj ect la Calllornia that has more water tnan is needed gravity systsm. Loa Molinos is the largest body or uni formly g-od soil in live state el it loam ZO fret deep. . I-oa Moltnos has the best Irrigation fa cilities ou ran find anywhsre. Five Intakea. big head of water. J feat to the mil fall, bo -rotation" and n night irrigation neceasary. Ixa Moiinog toss perfevt drainage. . I-s Moltnos is a baauty sp.it. an Ideaa place to live, with its great oaka. beau tiful streams and setting of mountains. los Moltnos has tbs bast hay market lw Northern California, and fino markets lot butter fat. fruit nd tbles. Los Mollnoa land will pay lor Itself in two crops. You can bur on s years time. There is nothing to com pare with this Beautiful trat In the stats. (t Is going fast. poa't wait till next week. Call today on H. O. TER RT. 0 Teon PM. If you do not live la Portland or vi cinity, wriio to LOS MOLT NO LAND COMPANT. Los Mollnoa. CaL LEVKL CLEARED LAND. 17.oO PER ACRE. 141 acres located on right-of-way of proposed electric line, in the moat pro ductive part of Oregon; thta is an excel lent opportunity to secure a good farm that win par for Itself from the atari; attractive tarma will be made. 33 acres, 4" acres In oats, 30 acres In rye. 5 acres timber; baiancn of land ,-an art bo cultivated; small hoo and Hood larn; 3 good wells; located 5 inlls from k h1 town, this la esoellent soil, snd tho fact that It U located on tha right-of-way of a proposed sle'-trte line mana that the proporty will more than doubt in value in a snort lime; very attracts terms can be arranged. I JACOB. Ths Klsmath County Land Man. 4I Kailwav Exchange BMg. f240 ( A8H will make the first payment on a fins farm of 10 acrea Thta farm la covered with aplendld ajrass. mill raie the finest cuallty wheat, oata. flax, barley and all other email ftrmiaa Tou have nine year In which to pay th ba'.ancw. If put in rultivtlon the fsrm wilt Py r Itself In two to five year and many have been paid for with ona ctp frF.ND FOR I R B'XlKLET F1M.LY tE8CRIB lNO THIS Opl-ORTrMU. W O. IPG. 8ELLINO AOEHT. CANADIAN' PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, No. 3 Lumbermona ii.Ug- Ground Floor. . 14S ACRE, IT miles from Port'.and. on rood road. 3 mltrs from railroad atallon. south of 1111 storo. a splendid dairy or truck farm, practua.iy ail One bottom land anl about 11 acrea under cultivation and 3rt acrts mors practically cleared; good well, creek and river; family orchard. A-room houae. barn and outbuildings, a snap at $134 per acre! ?X fnah. balance t suit. KACFFMANN A MOORE. S'Jo Lumber Exchange HOP LAND. 47ft acres, about 1 miles this side of aiem. AAO acre In cultivation. 40 acres hops. ood d-room house. god barn, water tower, good family orchard, fto acre besverdam; this la ona of th very beat rsnrnes in ths Willamette Valley: U Is adapted for almost any kind of crop; ad joining land selling for double th price; pries only $l"o per sen. V CJRCHSI POLX. S!a Board c-f Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak. OH rALE Grsfly whest ranch. 4ft seres, ta Alniota. Whitman Co,. Washington, Heme I mlia from Colfax and mi tea f-om A mots, where grain is hauied; spring? water on land : fenced and about 41 a.rea under cultivation; no finr farm log; and In tha state: Pr acr to cios e't rsonabls terms oT sale. E. l. Weston, vra.uas. N. Y., or R- H. Lacsy. ivfai. w'n- A LAND pari Inside the corporate llm Its of JEFFERSON; 1 A. cleared. 33 A. bearing prunes, 1 A. English walnuts. 13 wa u.d. one -lir prune '-'."' h-use a"d batn. creek through midd.e of Plata; pries H 0 par A.. cash, balanc tt , C Q Morrff. Jefferson. Oregon. aa . .-ci ri 2 l. miles south of Fteedvlll. with good build inga fin orchard. a.res under cultlvstion. acres of g-ood timher baJanoe paature; for terms and pries a E. J Hohbarger. suits 13-14. Mu'k'T Mdg . cor I'd and Morrtaon "a FoR HALE 37i-aira dairy or atock ranch: UiO a rs In cultivation, baian'-e cak and n timber, rum ing- water, suitable for immII co.ony. 3"w miles to town. nrf A'b.nr Address 33 North E "st., Mc- MmnvilTe. CT, ttVH) lk A . 1 cleared, .to a. bottom land; yonng orchard, small fruits, berries, three horavs 3 enwa. chickens and all nec eeaary tmplaments near a-- hool. poet of He A xx- x Hinn Toledo Or. 30 aCKV at Fa kenhurg; partially cleared, fine soil If you are looking for a bar gain, don't ri ,nl J Hohl,r: Jer stilts 13-IA Mulkey bldg., 2d and M"!T'SOli lftft ACRE excellent farm, Willamette VaJ y 3 ml'ea good town, 33 atr. J. C k. -Clure q Abtng'.on blag a mCH 0 area. with bstHtng. 1 ax ilea frog Pert land, near electric Una: bargain foe all cash, by owner 13 Morrison su Factory Ultra. FACTORY MTEo FOR bALE OR RENT 0n r!vr and rail, cloea o Portland; cbaa4F power. Phone Mala 1410. TO BXCHAMGat. WILL exrbanga timber Claim worth IVm fr hlgb-graUe used car In flrat-ctass con d t ion. Addraa W m. J. Lachnar. Baker, Or. ftile EUl'ITY la South Portland bungalow (. arreag or beach property, owner, C l' eA TO RAVHANOK Flos anlncutnoared ranch near eanta Rosa, CaL, for Port.aad pros srty F. Dubois. 13"3 Yeon bida. LXiHAN'iE Acreage, lota or rssj sstats martftit for gradin. Frank T. Berry, 4 No' -h Pixth at. W ANTED modern house, exchango. Port land Hauyhta. double front, handy, an ei.ee: led view. AR f 7. Oregonlsn. fliAVIi a flno aTngllsh bull terrier to ex. rbaags. What have you to offer? Ad drees AX IPX Qragonlan. EQCITT ef w I" o-room house and lot for loL AN I'H, oregonian. CALL MARSHALL 1IH4. 331 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ASK FOR C. H. BROWN. Am disposing- of th following; interests at saxTlflc prices: PIEDMONT DISTRICT. New 8 -room house on corner lot V1 J0O; bui't by the owner for his own home: will sell st sacrifice pries of : will accept from the rirht party a payment of JiuO and the balance on easy terma, or will trade for an Al improved farm within the radius of 1"0 miles of Portland and worth up to iTO,orw 1RV1NGTON. Cms of th finest riews In this section. Fins 3-room house, strictly modem, beau tiful view. ross snd other shrubbery; lot aojcion. with doubls garage, south front; my own horn, this is a bargain st terms to suit, posaeaslon within 30 or 60 days. 13 acrea, balance of a 2f-acre improvad farm, platted In garden tracts. IM acres on th Southern Paclne Ball road and the Oregon Electric, within on hour's ride of Portland. Platted In 10 acre carden tracts: original tract con tained 2-tt acres; 73 acre having been so.d at 9230 and 9S. per acre; wlil dis pose of tha balance to the right party at prices and terms to suit. This Is A rar opportunity for a platting investment that should sell in tbs nxt few months show ing; magnificent profits. CLARK COCNTT, WASHINGTON. 4a acres, one-quarter mils from the sta tion; good 6-rorm. house, barn snd other out-buildings: 4 acres in bearing- family orchard. 6 acres in clover, -4 acres of the finest potato soil ready for planting; balance 6 acres tn slashed timber. Snap st $.AV. with terms to suit, or will In clude In trade on above 310. 00 ranch or good Portland property on cash valuation. Don't miss this opportunity. If any of the above properties interest you they will stand rlosfet Investigation. Phone or addrs C. H. H HOW'S, OWNER. BJ1 Chamber of Commerce. J 23.000 100 ACRES tinder the Government ditch. Al alfalfa land, at Hamil ton, to trads for city or close -by farm: will sasum 9I0.0OO. 150,000 2H acres of alfalfa land, close to Hermlston. under Government ditch, to trade for Al farm or In com property up to $70.000- 33.000 lu acre. located at Harm 1st on. water riKhts included. Al condition, tnb'e land, will consider Al city or flow-in acreage up to $76,000. HARROLT REALTY CO., 914-17 Lewis Bld$. Main 4ft. A 713. PPOKA.NE INCOME pROTERTY. $.1u.it0 worth of Fpnkans residence prop ert. consisting of 3 lovely home, located In th heart of the choicest residence dis trict; rental vslue $2iXm a year; Incum brance $40O: also 4O0-acr ranch, located In Kootenai Countv, Idaho, only 4 mil from R. R. station, of which 100 acres are In meadow. -M acres in cultivation and hav. 120 acres timber, Isrgs barn, price $ aa acre; we can trade all or part of the above for good PortUuid prop erty or close-in acreage. ORl'SSI BOLD?. Rl Board of Trade Bldg.. 4ih and Oak. WILT. TRADE. An elegant new ft-room residence in Rosa mere, modern and up-to-date, hard wood floors, furnace, full cement base ment and laundry, all built-in eonvenl eneea. gas. electricity, bard eurfac streets. Cement walks all paid. Lot 55 1 100. on block from car. w 111 take three lots suher In Hawthorne dis trict or Roaamere district aa first pay ment, balance easy terma Call for C. G. CHApTn-HERLOW MTG. a TBt'ST CO.. 3d floor, chamber of Commerce. 11-KOOM house, lot 4;.xl'J5. In Minneapo lis. Minn.. Mh sve. .South, near 2Jd st.: hhuse cost 9VJ.00O fo build and la good ss new; csn b rnted to pay 10 Pr cent on price 1 aak. which Is $.VnV want city property, vacant or Improved, in Portland, acreage near tho city or farm land in Western Oregon up to 3WOO; balanc cash or mortgag back on place. O. C. R. ELLIS CO.. 5O1VM0 Wilcox Bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. SO acres of fir orchard land, beauti fully situated In east side district of Hood River Valley; over planted In commer cial orchard, part In bearing; fins build ing site; this place made eaaily worth $.'0,000 In les thsn 2 years time; plenty of water for strawberrlea: will taks mod ern unincumbered Portland residence m good d lat net as part payment. G 97. opegorilan. - FOR SALE OR TRADE. On of ths most handaoras and beauti fully located residences of Forest Grovs for sale cheap or for trsd for Improved Portland property; plenty of fruit and shade trees and shrubbery of all kinds; a aplndld opart in a- In this town for a phy sician. attorny at law or any live busi ness or profeaalonat man. For particulars, address owner, lock box No. 1. Forcat Grove. Or. FRt IT FARM FOR pi'.MiAUUtt. 14 acres of Rogue River fruit land, of which Id acres ai In full-bearing trees; arood rustic house, fine barn and outbuilding"- located 4 miles from Gold HIM, Or., to trade equity for bungalow or resl dsncs property. OK" i"l st nuuua, 1 Board of Trsie Bldg.. 4th and Oak. IF ou have a lot in Koae uiiy rara will take H as a vash payment and put yon In Immediate possession of a bau tlmul Bouthern Colonial Home valued at !'. f laiaeon-Ormla; Company, successor to th rl estate department of Hart- . ThAmt.uK Kenkera. Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR f ALE OR TRADB 100 seres of land. H miles from I.yie, wasn. : w acrea iruu land, rest paature; mile from dally mall and school: value $4000; terms, half cash balance either security or trade. For further Information sddreas County En gineer. Goldendaie. Wash. FOR F.XCHANGE-6 lot on E- 6ih and Division ts.. free of enenmbrsnce, except street improvementa; $50O- for farm near Portland or In Willamette Valley. No In flated values considered. Address J w. Oregonlan. WANTED To buy o to ISO-acre Improved place In Taller within ftO milsa of Port Isnd from party who will take Improved orchard tract in Hood River Valley In exchange for earn. Give all particular. i ftd. Oregonlan. HoUHK and 2 lot In food location; fra of Incumbrancs; 940o and $1000 cash, for good farm of about o scree of about same value. Kanffmann st Moore. 3-3 Lumber Exchange. f ,.K.nA m ir reutlful hlvhlv ml. ttvated 10 acres tn Hood River, 9 acre planted to Ppltsenberg and Newtown Pip pins, for good house and lot In Portland. 123 Lumbar Exchange. WILL exehanre my Interest In a suocespful rooming hotel on West Side for smsll farm and some cah or rood security. An excellent Investment for anyone preferring Indoor Lfe. A B 14. Oregonlan. COO8 bTtY l-ots $-Nrt per pair: will taite as pnrt pavment some good furnitur. diamonds or other property to value of $;oo: balance easy monthly payments. D M. Oregnnlan. X HAVE a good rooming-house that clears me 930O pr month; must leave city and will exchange for ftood rent estate, not Incumbered over one-fourth value; no .veetita. 6 1VV Oregonlan. WANT to trade good East Side 7-rmm cor ner, house and two lots for a $JVK) ?n $ ;.oo mortgage. No cash required. 616 chamber Com mere. . a ' KK hlghiv cult aied and Improved home right at Beaverton. to exchange for Portland propert v; equity $-.. C. L. Bamberger. 7Kt Hpalding bids;. COLNIAL HOTEL. Forest Grove. Or., for sale or exchange. $lrt.0AO. Including fur niture. Co lots and building- 61b Board .f Trade. MODERN 4-f:at building. W'l oldo, for 2-flat building valued at $oOO or leas. AD lOi, Oregonlan. . KATB valley property and Eastern property to exehansr for wheat ranch. Phone Ta bor 2oa. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS. SEE GARLAND A CO.. Ifll 4TH FT. WANT hous free of incumbrancs. for acre age or farm. 22T Gib he st. FOR SALE TTHBEB LAXDt. SIXTY million feet standing timber. Ore gon's famous pine, well equipped sawmJlL near ready market; a money-maker. . JOHN GETTY. K lamath Falls. Oregon. FOR rALE, in Oregon, one-half Interest in a live logging road and timber holdings; capacity present date 0.0t0 per dsy. in ehsuatlbie supply of timber and excellent market at fair prices. AV 310. Oregonlan. 1JMBEK Investors read this 0. 000 acres, near transportation; half pine, half fir. SI; eetimate and delivery guaranteed. AR $& Orag-onian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT ASD tJOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. S"4 McKay Bldg. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. HAVE some goad unincumbered lots tn traJe for limber land L Oregonlan. W VVTED RF A L ESTATE. IF your homo In Irving ton 1 for e;s. call Main P-S. WANTED Portland lots direct from owner. AC Ul. Oregonlan. T Ti-ivT th K.it ait modern A-room bun falow that cash will buy. not to exceed 4.VM: must be in a restricted district, does In. with good lawn, flowers and evervthlng complete. Owners only. Geo, Haacke. 32 Worcester bldg. WE have several clients wanting homes of from 3 to 7 rooms In or near Irvington; If your price la reasonable and property well located, we can sell It. Hall A Roark. 431 Cham, of Com. Phone Main w-Jfl. WANT unincumbered ki50 residence; ive 60 seres. Wlllamett Valley: buildings. Im provements, stream; tmmediat possession. Owner, 11T0 Ivon st. WANTED Corner 50x1 OO, between East 12rh and East 2Tith and Hawthorn and Burn side; state location and price. AH 100, Orejroninn. ONE or two acres near carllne. with small house: wlil give my equity of $1S00 in a 7-room house, value $.1tX0. F. T. Mann, 32n Worcester bldg. Main 4"9. HAVE from $1)0 to $li.ftOO cash to in vent tn Portland or Willamette Valley Sroperty: lowest price and beat terms tn rst l-ttr. R 1U6. Oregonlan, APARTMENTS wanted up to 40,000 from owners only; positively no agent. AB 33. Oregonlan, LOT S In Koae City Park, only bargalfrora owner, stat lowest prio. O 101, Orego- FOB SALE. Horse, Vehicles, Etc. HORSES OREGON HORSK3. We have Just rscelvsd a fresh car of Eastern Oregon horses and mares: they consist of several teams of big drafters, weighing- from 1400 to 1600 pounds; some extra good young farm mares; express and delivery horses; all first-class; they will bs sold under a guarantee to be as represented or your money back. N. B. W are not and never have been formerly In any way connected with T. W. Murphy, of B0" Aldr st. THE MURPHY HORHB A MULE CO., 20 East bth 8t. Phone East 631. V TEAM'S and team outfits for railroad con struction work and take sub-contracts. Ft trsnsportatlon. HA NLEV EMPLOYMENT CO., 2 W N. 2d st. Phone M- 727. A 2290. BLACK horse, 4 years old, weight 1200, sound and true to pull; half broke; $l2.k S34 Front, Also bay roars ft years old; no blemishes: weighs 1360; will show in ail harness; $140. BAY team, mare and horse, weight 21CK sound and true, single and double; suit able, for ranch or express; $113. 334 Front street. . Nic5 bay team of 6-year-old horses, sound, broke single and double; weight 200O; would make Ideal laundry or delivery team ; priced to sell. 334 Front. PAIR of geldings. 5 und 6 years old, aeicht 270; nice h It c hers, good pullers: would make useful team for any purpose; bar gain. 334 Front St. FOR SALE Good driving horse and buggy, quick.- Need room for automobile. Haw-thorne-ave. car to Division at . walk ons block west and 3 south. 2815 OSth st. S. E. FOR SALE One young black marc, one y r-own horse, weiahlnr 1400 each. sound, true and without blemishes. 223 R usee II st. DAPPLE gray more, 7, black mare, 3, both chunky built, heavy bone, gentle and nles workers. Come and sea this pair; bargain. 334 Front st. WANTED To buy good, sound young horse, weirhinr shout lo'" pounds; must be ab solutely reliable, 5 East 6th st. Phon Kt 3o.tu. FOR SALE Team of riaree, 3200 pounds, I and years old. sound und tru; 9460. G. V. rtnoaea, icwppww, v. A CARLOAD of Eastern Oregon horses, all sixes, ail price, at Howltt'a Htables, bOia and Burnsld4 St.. Montsvllls. FOR bALE Horses. Trustworthy horses, ac customed to city. 63 East 7th st. North. PA STL R E for rant near Portland. Phone Main 1410 - GOOD gentle saddle ponies for children, Fraser & McLean stables. .Mh and Taylor. $S LI MBER wagon, $40. 070 East Alder. Tabor 2100. lil'ST aell team, weight 3uu0. good workers. sin E. 2th st., Woodstock car. FOR SALE General delivery or buxgjr mar, weight vvv ids.; cneap. fceiiwooa m, I'tano, Organs and Muatcal Instruments. GRAMOPHONE, new. Including 2 double faced records, for sale cheap. Apply 2001 Clarendon st. Automobile, ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE rH-EARINO bALE At Remarkably Low Prices. In rder to devote our entire time to tha sale of gasoline cars, we hsvs decided to dispose of our entire stock of electrics. To enable us to do this Immediately, we have decided to offer them at su h prices as will accomplish that result. We have ons new shaft drive Woods Electric Coupe, price of which is 32; wa nrs offering this car for $H00 Una. which Is away below cort to u. Cm shaft drive Woods Coup, used very little, cost 3i00. our pries ilS'o. One chain drive Woods Coupe, driven rV.00 miles, for $l'Xo. This bargain must be seen to be appreciated. It will pay anyone. If Interested In electrics, to see us. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Washington SL. at 2 1st. REAL BARGAINS. Wn y buy a new ch eap car wh ea yon. ran pick up one of our high-grade need cars at th sams pries; w guarante them; different makes and models all traded In on new White gas cars. Stearns. Regal. Bulck, Premier, a to. White Car Agency. 6th at Madison. AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Hupp, 191L 2-paew,. extra well equipped, 1001). Maxwell, 2-pass., lfl-h- p., fully equipped, 937.V Autocar. 5-paes.. 30 n. p.. only $4fi0. Fulck. 2-pass.. 22 h. p., only 9373. Stevens-Duryea, 6-cyL, GO-h. p., snap; $925. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 403-41.3 Aldr St. A 437. Main 1161. STUDEBAKER-GARFORD. 1911 model. 7-pasnger, excellent con dition, equipped with every accessory that makes a high-class private car; also ex tra tir-s and tubes: over $Uit worth of conveniences, making cost of car today over $40O; will shsolutely guarantee the reliability and condition ; to the party with the money and who means business I will make a very attractive price. Owner, F lt'2, Oregonlan. 1W1 CHALMERS SO. 4-pass $11.10 1911 EMF 30. fi-rass 7.'Ht 1U10 Chalmers fto, 5-paas S.0 1911 Bulck runabout u 20 cars In stock, all practically new and must b seen to be appreciated. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. Eat 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR 6ALE Two New Era motorcyrls. Pre engine, two speeds, hand cranked motor. Just orerrauled. first-class condi tion, cheap for cash. C. A, MiUlman, 302 Beck bids;. Main o7P6. WILL trade a choice lot on Holladay ave., between 22d and 23d ats., worth $2-fOO. free of all incumbrances, for good five or seven-psss. auto, not over 1 year old. Call MS Board of Trade. AUTOMOBILE SNAP. Will sell my car. which cost new 11630 3 month ago, for f80O; 4-cylinder, 5-pass., top. glass front, magneto, 4-door, perfect running oraer. nu rtoara or iraae, WILL buy standard make automobile; small payment down and monthly payments. Vust be bargain and In good condition. Give full particulars. C 97. Oregonlan. WANTED TO buy a good seven-passenger car. M ust be a good make and in good condition, or will buy Interest In rent cars or garage. AP 100. Oregonlan, WANTED I will pay 3260 down and 950 a month for a ft-passeuger car; Hupmo blle preferred. Call at 412 Bshnke-W'aiker bldg. 7PA&8 Wlnton Six, flrst-claas condition, for real estete or runsbout. Call 266 Front, between T:30 A M and 4:30 P. At. except Saturday afternoon or Sunday. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Acreage or fruit land, a lif-ht car da si re d . OwnersorilyPlCre gonlan. WANTED 1911 or 1912 roadster, cheap for cash. Stat rusks and price. AP lis. Or gonlan. I WANT good eoven-paaeenger car for rant, service or commiaaion basis; can avsrag $."rv a nay. Ab a., wrritnian. $-PASEN'GER automobile, will be sold best offer- Can be aeen at East 10th Id for and Mill 8' S. m Jia'H il -CYLINDER 70-hore T-parsengsr Thomaa cheap as dirt, 91000. Owner. 409 Couch bldg. HAVE equity of 91300 In beautiful building sit on Willamette that I will trad for auto- L 94. Oregonlan. T-H. P. M. A M. motorcycle. In good condi tion. Cheap, 221 N. 17th. SLIGHTLY USED AUTOMOBILES. If you wish to buy, we have the car you want at the right price, ir you wish to sell, we will pay you spot cash. Call or write for prlcea W'e ara ex clusive dealers of used automobiles, .OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. New Location, 493-493 Alder SL Dog. Bird a. Fee Stock. UE3 Pratt's Roup Cure. For sal J. Butaer A Co.. 16 1 Front st. Miscellaneous. UBS WILGROW FERTILIZER. A fertilixer without a filler. lH-lb, packs-re Wilgrow V.2SS 10-lb bag wilgrow $1-00 23-1 b, bag Wilgrow 92.00 23-lb. bag will fertilise 2000 square feet of lawn. Manufactured by Jacob Kaufman for ROUTLEDGE SEED A FLORAL. CO, 169 2d St., Portland. . FOR SALE DIRT CHEAP. Ore p-leaf kitchen table, interchangeable gas and coal range (2 in one, large pi?ce nearly new linoleum, fine little heating at ova, oak dining table, cottage and gar age for rent when these pieces are sold. Call 913 E. YarrhUl. or phone Tabor 226. . FOR SALE BY OWNER. CHEAP. 1 Russell 40-horsepower boiler. 4 set live rolls. 1 Ames 18x20 engine. . 1 Wheeler 8x24 steam feed, shafting and pulleys. Will sell at asacrlfiee prlca for cash. AV 304, Oregoniaiu SEWING machines; sale of used machines. 100 fine machines. Singer. Wheeler & Wilson, White, Domestic, New Home and others. Box top. $3 and up. drop heads, $10 and up. 292 3d st.. near Columbia. National cash registers. $20 and up. Ws buy, sU and repair cash registers. W. J. Macau ley. aaies agent National Cash reglatera. 854 Burnslds sU. cor, of stn. A BEAUTIFUL mantel clock, 8 aays, bronse figure, cost $30. will sell for 912; an elec tria medical battery, coat $10. will sell for 35. 716 Eaet Ash L SAFES Genuine Hall safes, new snd second-hand, low prices, easy terms: safe opened and repaired. Purcel Safe Co. and Portland Safe Co.. 83 Mh st. Main 6309. SLIGHTLY used cash registers, credit reg isters, computing scales, etc., bought and sold. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark st. Main 7T11. ELK felt pennants for sale, 175 dozen Elks convention, 11x30 sewed, $2.23 dox.. sam ple 3Au. Eagle Flag Co., 145 Jeff arson West, Detroit, Miclv FOR SALE A good stork of switches at 4 regular prices; retiring from business. Call after Sunday. 86 N. 13th st. FOR SALE ls-ft. launch. Vim engine, ex cellent condition, encap. aa- i", gonlan. 75-TON. 30-lb. rails, 23-ton, 40-lb. rails, also fish plates. J. Brounetsin & Son, 13th and Marshall st. TYPEWRITERS rebuilt, ail mas.es. $10 to 963. Th Northwest Typewriter Co. 262 Stark Street, MUST sell. Cabin launch cheap for cash. Cole's boatyard. East Hark. BARGAIN Pastry fixtures and tools. No. 1 Acorn bldg.. N. W. 6th and Oak. 00 BUSINESS cards, Il ; a Bargain. Hot CIt printery. 192 ad. corner Taylae. SOO 31-INCH, S-atsm switches, s&c Hair Store. 1J0 th st. TKN head tested Holateln cows. Call Wood- lawn 2400. J. c. Lonergan co. ELKS' teeth for sale cheap. Telephone B 31ft7 or address V 102, Oregonlan. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE. TOOLS. Highest price paid for men's and ladies' cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, tools, mechanic. logging. Call Main 20bO. :m 1st at. Ths Globe, WE buy Junk and second-hand machinery of every description. Call for our buyer. M. Bards A bona. 240-240 Front st., the house of a million bargain. Main 669. A 1003. WE pay th highest cash price for second hand furniture. Scater A Martin. Phon E:iSt 3134. 34 Mawtnorne avc. WANTED A 3x7 view camera with lens; describe fully and giva lowest cash pries. AH 90, Oregonlan. BARGER'H AUCTION HOUSE. 870 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1022. Pays highest cash price for furniture. Ffiivvir. .tuna 6. will nav 25 cents doxen for choice roses. Write now. State phone number. AB 106. Oregon lan. BUILDINGS,erectcd. pries reasonable. Phone E. 1773. WANTED Moving-picture outfit, folding chairs, etc. AL W8, Oregonlan. FORD Auction Co. Pays most cash for any kind of furniture Main S95L A 244A 60O.OOO FEET common and cull rough dr mension lumoer cneap. r. v. 00 WILL tint rooms for 12.50; paint houxaa at your price. East 323. WILL tint rooms, $11.50 up; do painting at reasonable p.nces, tast. BUY or rent 6 to 10 h. p. horizontal gas en gine. Phons East 1714. . HELP WASTED MALE WE want some high-grade iollcltors to ex plain and get subscribers to the Telephone Herald- All your time or during spsre hours and evenings. Call for blanks ana particulars from 9 to 12 A. M and 8 to 10 P. M. Oregon Telephone Herald Co.. Ron Royal bldg.. Seventh and Morrison (formerly Tull & Glfcbs' bldg). ABLL-BODIED men wanted for the U. & Marine Corps, between the age of 19 and 15; must be native-born or have first pa pers; monthly pay $1S to 169; additional com penaatlon possible ; food, clothing, quarters and medical attendance free; after 10 years service can retir with 73 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship and a ho re In all parte of the world. Apply at U. 8. Marin Corps recruiting office. Sd and Washington sta, orim Sd ave., Portland, Or. SALESMEN wanted for Canada The real estate tmom Is on in Canada. If you can make good selling anything any place, you can do better serting real estate In Canada. The largest subdivision operat ors in ths Dominion want good saJfcamen, also men with ability to handle branch office with sales organization. Address sales manager, suit-; 17, 18 19, Cadogan block. Calgary. Alta COST CLERK for wholesale plumbing house to figure Eastern invoices and costs; must be familiar with plumbing lists. Address in own handwriting, giv ing experience, references and wages de sired; unless experienced, do not apply T 103. Ore pon fan. WANTED High-class salesmen for our new R-sneet wail atlas of state. United States and world. The latest and best idea, right up to the minute; size 27x.1; retails $1; ' good men clearing 910 per day; send 30c . for complete map. with prices, plan and -errltory. The Kenyon Co., Pes Moines, la. WANTED Representative to sell Kindy VacTium Cleaner, the only perfect hand operated cleaner, which sells for $8. We will snd one for examination. The Kindy Company. St. Paul. Minnesota. SHOE man as u.n assistant manager: none but Al men need answer; give reference ,nnd wages expected in first letter.. AC 12$, Oregonlan. . WANTED Superintendent or foreman, -experienced in hrajs and Iron bed manufac turing. V 104. Oregonlan. WANTED High-grade grocery saleamen ; liberal commies! on guaranteed. See Mr. Horwltt, 243 Grand ave. THOROUGHLY experienced men's under wear aalesmen. Roberts Bros., Bd and Morrison. WANTED A good bench carpenter for planing mm. 11a w ummr. COATMAKER at one s price. $9.25 and up. John V. Pete, 522 Main C, Olympta, Wash. PHOTO coupon; best ever offered; snap for agents, cmberth Studio. Dkum bldg. WANTED 2 good men Trade. Call 004 Board of PHOTO coupon agents; best ever offered. Boston Studio. $42 Washington -at. COREMAKER wanted for out of town. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. WANTED Boy to run platen press. 80 Union ave. ,orin, nwr cumsiua WANTED Wide-awake boy, over 16- Room 1. 208 Alder st. WANTED Coatmaker; price $10, J, if. THOROUGHLY experienced shoe salesman. WANTED Two men to solicit for groceries. Address F 110. Qregnnian. A FRY cook In a smsll place. Apply be tween 2 and 4, 33 17fh st. North. MUST sell cleaning and pressing business, j leaving city. 133 E. Sixth et. WANTED Orchestra, clarinet player. See L. r. ytaata. renin vaie. YOU VG man to solicit subscriptions for magazines. Good pay. M2 Buchanan bldg. WANTED Old man to do chores, etc 1&3 Madison st. TAILOR wanted on men's coats. 66 3d st., room 6. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office) Secretary Employment Department. Young man. stranger, out of work. his total cash asset) If I pay Tt 9 -speclal employment membership. I will have only $15 left between me and star vation. Secretary If yon pay $3 for special employment membership, you "vill h the Y. M. C. A- with It resource, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man joined association. In leas than a week bs had satisfactory employment. Reoord for four months ending April 5" Calls for men 21! Positions filled Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or wun of membership fee; gives two months full membership privileges. 10 months' social prlviisgee and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of mem bership without further charge. We have constant demand for nigh Trade, experienced men. Are yon fitted for a better poaltlonr Sea secretary, employment department. WANTED TODAY. Gang dgerman. 93.50. Sorting table tallyman, $2.50. Hatchet-setter, 33. Carriage-rider, $2.30. Pine grader, $3.50. Seven mill yardmen, $2,25. SPECIAL TODAT. FREE FARE FREE FARE for 30 laborers. East. $2 day. on factory construction work; no blankets to carry. Ranch teamster, $33, r. and b., for Eastern Oregon. Other farm hands and milkers. Large list of loggers. New orders coming in every hour. Watch our bulletin boards. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. 222 and 224-Couch St.. bet. 1st snd 2d. TO keep pace witn our rapidly expanding business, we must increase our sales: fori o. Our salesmen are making more money than they ever made in any other line. We have built up the largest business of Its klud on the Ccast and wc occupy the finest and larges offices. We have a proposition (or the successful salesman which tie will do well to investigate, cee Mr. Cleavaland, sales manager Fred A. Jacobs Co,. 269 Washington st., cor. 4th. TWO HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN OF ABIL ITY AND EXPERIENCE. SUCCESSFUL IN MEETING BUSINESS MEN AND BANKERS. TO REPRESENT A WELL ESTABLISHED PORTLAND FIRM. WE OFFER A PERMANENT, DIGNIFIED POSITION. WITH GOOD REMUNERA TION. TO THE MAN WHO PROVES CAPABLE. J 100. OREGONIAX. WELL EDUCATED BUSINESS MAN WITH SELLING ABILITY CAN SECURE PER MANENT AND PROFITABIE POSITION. PROMINENT PORTLAND CORPORATION HAS EXCEPTIONAL OPENING. APPLI CANTS MUST GIVE BUSINESS CON NECTIONS OF PAST TWO YEARS AND EE ABLE TO FURNISH STRONG REC OMMENDATIONS. L f8. OREGON IAN. STOCK Talesmen wanted. A large corpo ration desires the services of a few good steady men to sell its securities. We have an up-to-date selling plan, with attrac tive features. This is an exceptional opportunity . for good salesmen. AK luti. Oregonlan. " FIRST-CLASS chauffeur for private car; one who understands driving Cadillac pre ferred; one acquainted with city snd coun try and able to do own repairing; give references, experience and wsges desired. Unless you can fill bill, do not apply, lfc 104. Oregonlan. WANTED Intelligent, single man tGentiiej to go on road: permanent position; chan-e for' advancement ; no drinkers or clparette smokers need apply; must be nhie to leave cltv at once. Call at Hotel Carlton. Mr. Livingston. 9 to 11 this morning. SALESMEN OF ABILITY are earning as high as $650 per month with us; we have something ext ra good to off t snd " o want more good men. We shall be glad to talk it over with you. Atk for Mr. Healv. 702 Spalding bldg. COLLECTOR with wheel, thoroughly ex perienced, strong personality, temperate. IT. to 38. furnish bond and not afraid of hard work; good position to, party answering this description only. 10 A. M-, 3S6 E. Morrison st. WANTED 0 cood men to aell decoration! for Rose Carnival to stores and saloons. Apply to the Columbia Decoratin; Co. at 7:30 this morning, foot of Ankcny; must put up deposit for goods taken out. MARRIED man, not over 33 years old, with out children, for fruit ranch: woman will be required to cook for owner's family and must be a good cook. Address Nac-a-Wauna Orchard. M osier. Or. FIRST-CLASS carpenter for outside work, steadv work to right man. If not last ii not apply. Come ready for work UOih and j-kldmore. W A NTED Canvassers, salesman and so licitors, at 61 3d at- Year's work. Call In A. M., or after 6 P. M.. ask for sales manager. WANTED Two w ell-addreseed represent-, lives for Portland corporation; good op portunity for the right parties. Apply sos Selling bldg. after 2 P. M. t MAN for Kneral storeroom work : Heti t work, steady position ; also city solicitor wanted- 3ol LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. WANTED Men to conduct special sales or. merchandise stocks. Men of sound experi ence preferred. Apply at 10 A. NI. today. Elliott Bros.. 414 Marquam bldg. WANTED Man and wife without children to work on farm; Swede or Dane: Iiiru1 wages. Inquire of Reld, second floor. Wilcox bldg.. Northwestern Trust Co. COMPETENT abstractor, one able to d. court searching or to take charge of a small plant. State experience and salary expected. J 87. Qregoman. THERE'S money In selling our Yakima- frown. hardy, guaranteed stock ; outfit res; cash weekly; steady work. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED Exoerienced driver for double team, furniture 'wagon, al?o driver for single furniture wagon. AO 1U5, Orego nlan. WANTEI Amateur performers on different instruments for Maccabees" Band. Lall Tabor 732. WANTED A first-class sash and door mak er; also all-around planing mill man. in. Hawthorne. WANTED Strong boy. 18 or , l? learn blocking. Apply Portland Hat & Cap Mfg. Co., 212 Vi 1st st. WANTED A young man for clerical posi tion ; bookeeper preferred ; stat expe rience, b IV, wrgiwwii. WANTED A neat appearing boy to aclj baking goods on commission. Apply at once. ,1i0 Aioeria BOY over 16 years, to work on -,ma(,,'v.laI Must know how to milk snd care of horsey EXPERIENCED advertising . solicitors. ..... .... ,ar i-nntrarl cashed daily. r.T.Li lrmm' '2ltS VudiBOn. V Otneun line - WANTED A married man, no children, for amaii suburban place. Apply 353 Stark St. FIRST-CLASS cabinetmakers wanted. Ap ply Th. Johannesen A Co., 97a Mauadm street. ; WANTED Ladles' tailor; must Be first - class, highest wages paid in this city. S.. x if Kith at vv eisa. i'"-" STENOGRAPHER, only experienced need appl- Clarke A .Wilson Lumber Co., I.innton, Or. WANTED Solicitor for , vacuum carp'. cleaning; salary and commission. Phone Tabor 2.60. MN for rough carpenter work; must take part pay in real estate. Call Main 14o tins mornins;- SHOE clerk for exclusive me n's t"r- .EV pe r lenced. APPiy oq Jt;",T .T WANTED Hlgh-claaa salesman. Ask ft Mr. Burton. j-jvm uiu- SEE US' If vou are a good solicitor; investi gate. 702 Kothchild bldg. HELP WANTED FK MAX B. GIRL for general housework: small family; good wages. 5SC Tillamook at. GIRL for general housework In family two, Portland Height. Phone Main K32P. WANTED Two waitresses and one dish washer; no experience. 78 Russejj st. . WANTED -Waitress. Inquire Woman's Ex change. 186 frth. GIKL wanted to do chambermaid work. In quire 3bO Taylor st. GIRL for general housework, f 35: runr-e nights. 4T Marguerite ave. Tabor 3:w WANTED Girl for second work and fine Ironing. rnone an. v.a. WANTED First-class waitress. Apply early Tuesday morning. o-i cir. EXPERIENCED cook. first -class family. $40. M. 1-XU1S agency, .nam CAPABLE family second girl, 930. St. Louis A gen cy. Main 2039, A 477'. WANTED Experienced coat finisher. Ap ply Oxford Tailors. 143 7th. WANTED Experienced pants finishers; good pay. Carter. 12S 2d at. room . LADY barber wanted, young lady with per mtt gr license. AC 130. Oregonlan. QIRL45 wanted, good hours, good pay, Amer ican Chicle Co., 14th and Johnson.