T TITE MOJtXIXO OREGOXIAX. TITTRSDAY. MAT 23, 1913. We Carry Every Pattern Published by Butterick Co. Pennants. Flags, Fancy Pillows, Made to Order5th Fl. Plan to Lunch in the Seventh-Floor Tea Room Today ALARM ORDINANCE HELPED By MAYOR Lola Ridgeway, Soprano, and Jeffrey's Orchestra Showers. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder Sts. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1857. Weather: Denio Fire Signal System Wins With Gross Earnings Clause Stricken. FOOD MUST BE COVERED t'nnnril l'it-w- Mrture Requiring Itealrr l' Tat Hj Nrrre-n Owr lUllhlr-a nrrftlon Board anil I'ollcr Pay nila Kail. Mayor Kualtilclil !. a hand In the PrcilPit f the City Council yester day on ennuali 10 procure jn'MR" ' n criluiati.-.- uranitnn a revocable nr. mlt to Ihr l..mi Ttlephnne TrCTaph t'nmpanv lei Inatail an automatic device lor turning In rtre alarm. No claue m lnrt-d calllne f"r pavmrnt to tlie rltr of 1 per rent of tMe area earnlnca of the Inlo Fir Alarm Telenraph I'mnpin;. which will operate the ayatem. althouid a bl Huh! all marie for thin by ani of the mmbn of fi Council. The Mayor contended t:iat II la a device that will be of crrat , central Lenrni. Inasmuch a It can he InnMnl In an) rrM'Icnce or bualneas ofTlc-e alirrr an aul'malle li-lepl.nne l innulkd and thai an alarm of nre can bo turned Into li-al.uartrr Instantly thereto . Aa Hie vtr on m-veral motion wera tied Ihe Mayor, a preaidlnK officer. . each time decided In favor of the com- pany. j Vajar Mdea With aaapaa. t'ouncllnien Jrnnlnca. Clyde and M Biilre made a perslMent fticl.t for the In- .it.. r m vr.i.a .artilnit4 rl.tuae. hut ' without avail. Mr. Jennlna also railed I attention to what he railed a Joker in an amendment offered by Council man Kalxer. T!e rate wa aperlrtcd aa Sa cent "In any residence." Mr. Jrn nlnca nald that there waa nothinc to prevent the company from churmnK whatever it pleaie. In any other place, and the Mur aald that this should be the raee: that II would not be rlaht for the company to be compelled to InMali apparatua In offh-e tulhllnc and then to rharre the reatdent-e rita. The Council utalned the action of the atreet rommittee In refuflnir to icrant the traniifer of a saloon llcene Into hrllwno.l from the North Knd district. The rlttaens of Sellwood had entered an overwhe!mlnic prttet. An ordinance was passed which will re.iulre all dea'er to c-ver foodstuff with screening, so that flies cannot allvht upon It. Councilman Daly ob jected to tt-e emernency clause which was attached, but the majority member passed the measure. Ilea l'ar-n.l rtllled. The Council did not pas the pro posed ordinance creatine; a recreation board, but referred It to committee for some amendments, but It will un doubtedlr be passed, probably at the neat session of the Council. Neither did the ordinance, favored by the wav and mean committee. In creasing the salarv of first-year police men from to ! a month, paaa. May or Hushliieht remarked that the need for all of the funds In the police ap propriation la a-reat: that all money not used for other purposes Is to be used In bulldlnc the new Jail. He also said that the lower salarv was a blir attraction to men. as. when 50 men were needed for the present year, sev eral hundred applied for the places. The measure wa referred to the waya and mean committee. . An ortllnunce. carrying an appropria tion of 1 1 itl to be used I ii decorating ihe rrave of Spanish-American War veterans, wa passed, with an emer gency clause. C'oaalrartloa Urilaaaers Paaa. Subject to approval by Mayor Rush light and the building Inspector, the Y. W. C. A. can proceed to construct two additional stories on lis building. The Council unanimously passed the necessarv ordinance. An ordinance wa passed w hich glvea to all who wish permission to con struct decorations, subject to approval by the City Knfctneer and HulUlIng In spector for the periods during which Ihe Kose Festival and Klks' reunion will be held this year. An ordinance making It necessary to obtain from the Mayor ami Kulldlng Inspector a permit to construct any grandstand for use during the ea son'a festivltlrs. was passed. The speed of automobiles, trucks or motorvyrlr will be limited to 10 miles an hour within the rtre limits in fu ture. Ifvthe Mayor signs an ordtnance which was passed yesterday morning, upon motion of Councilman Watktn. Me. w.ttk!n said that he saw an au tomobile turn around the comer at Sixth and Aider streets recently and knock a woman down. The machine, he said, was making about ?i miles an hour and be thought some action necessary. CITY OF TENTS BUILDING AcWrnlKtw I'rrparc r.roond for Bis An nnal ConffrriKT. Th V.tjr of T"nnr fr Ih Annual con.Vrnc- ml rumi-mfllnc nf tht U trr Orrfon Con (errnc. Seventh y AiTntwi. wntch ort.s cn the Ti!nc of May and continues 1 ta l bulMlric on ch Huckman j:rourl. t:i Slxta-emr. am! Ktt Olinan -,?-.". uirr lir"?ion of Frnt- .!.nl H. W. 'ottrll. jSmall tnt for th um of fmil! aro rut up al-nr t-. arret! of the ranvaa town, tlc i nr ItK ht wUI be rl on th croumls and vtll be nsi to lUht th Ur.t aiMlifnrif tent, of which there ill he ffr-l 5nltJiry arrincmmi have ben ma!e fr the campirroun-ii anl connc tt.mt ma.e with the aewrrs. Cn the trour.U then- will be hvenlo cafe trrta iti'l crocery. 1-arjre attendance Is r trp.-t-sl. The conference embrace the lt-rritory northward from l-ane County aihI taken Crook. liiuMi ltver. Vaaco arid Sherman, and the other counties f We-Me-o i.retton. A. O. Tate, editor of the Sfana of the Tlmfft. and M. K. Cady. of the e1uca ttonal commtttee of the I'nion Confe-r-ne. will attend. Kl-clton of offirera and mrmSer of th executive commlTtee will be the Impor tant official buelneaa of the. confer ence Services will be held In Knjr l!h. German and Scandinavian lan- JOY FORJMOKERS. The Math " llrinc f nr -ed miir men to it riwn evrenen. You ran do tht w it i pletiure an-1 profit fey tnvokisi "fam Sican Sc ci4r. 4000 Scholarship Contest Grows Greater Each Bay 300 New $ 1 5 to $20.00 Coats,Today at mm J 1 B i Y all means, the best Coat bale we've been able to offer this rnson! Two immense cases just unpacked .'100 Coatu boueht at a little price on our par merit chief's last trip to New York, a month ago. Smart Summer Coats in every new model. Tweeds, Serges, Worsteds, Cheviots, Home spuns and double textures. Even stunning CoaLs of White Scnje are in cluded, full-lined, with larjre collars and cuffs of moire silk. Alo navy blue Coats, as illus trated, with white collars of the much-talked-of ratine. . , Others in tans, grays, fancy mixtures and stripes. Well-tailored and finished in hand some silk braids and ornamental buttons. I-dirge round and Miunre collars chic side fastenings. Regular $13, $13 and $20 Coat in CQ QQ all misses' nnd women's sizes today V' v Malt Ordera Klllfd. all misses n4 Moor Mala HulUllac. kHE Contestant who would win, can't afford to lie idle a moment now! Get out and work among your friends and neighbors impress upon them the importance of re deeming every duplica.te-ales check for ballots and voting them in. your favor. If you know of someone intending to buy furniture or make any other lar?e purchase, see that they remember to vote for you. Think of it a $100 purchase means 10,000 votes. Secure a folder of full details and list of the 13 scholarships to be awarded, amounting to over $4000. 40 Highest Contestants to 3 P. M. Wednesday, Complete List Posted at Booth. THE VOTEH FOB WOMEN. !ln A. O. Croa!. 1(3 Vrn..l211MT5 Eva L. Gentry. M32 3th ava... 972XOO Georgia Plorgatra. a Ford at.. KTIMO Erlj-n Sciral. A Urn Prep .aMSS Hxttta Sniu-klrr. SIS K. JfcUh at. F.the O'Brien. St. Mary"a Acad. 4:1T Cora Haly. St. Mao'a Aad... 420000 Kdna Mtcalf. Rd CoM..ge 411X1.10 Edith Roaera. 4 Whlta aa. . J3507S H-len Clark. Ornnta Or.. ZlttZTX Maud AfT. JelTeraon H. 8... Eva Johneon. ST1 Eaat Aah at.. iHSl.lO Florlan M. I.lnklater. Reed Col !70.V Uary C. DavlK Waab. H. - - - 2217.1.1 Nettle Drew. NT E. .lath at 21.H0 Eva My Vore. Wilton Piano Sc. I1J.'5 Alice Johneon. Arleta SO.ViTIS Iulae Koyer. "W"ajh. H: S 1425 Edna Venator. Rt. Mary-a Acad. l::V7. Lillian E. Peteraon 13rtOSO THE VOTES FOR MEN. Joe Bal'.ock. 40 N. loth l:SS175 Fred Krltch. S30 2d St 12S75 Clifford Thomaa, Col. Cn 70SS7O Fred J. Barber. Waah. Hltrta B657S Edw. Schweltrer. B. W. Bua. CoL 64tS.'.0 L. T. O'Brien. V. ot 0 675." Harry Paraona. 000 Electrlo BI. C05.V Chaa. Bleeit. Archer 4 WlKstna. . Raymond Fryer. Waah. Hlch.. 411.".5 Harold Aitkin. Portl.nd Acad.. S972-"i Maicolmn Mclan. t-t. Law. Ac 39H20O Archie McCauley. Waah. High.. 303700 Harrr Clow. B. W. Bua. Col 7575 Harry Foaarty. Mth and Irving. SSS90O John Hlgley. 44 Rodney S3RSOO Harold Hergen, a7!l R. Salmon.. S614T5 Lowell Bradrord. Waah. High.. 2&52TS Geo, Maiwell. Jeff. High 215225 Harold Malaen. Jeff. High lTSBSrt Paol Adama. Waah. High 17O7A0 Men, We'll Soon Ring Up Another Big Success ! Keep your eye on the Meier & Frank back page of every newspaper now! In dollars and cents, it will mean well, we can't say just yet. Suffice to prom ise the biggest news for men we have announced in a long, long time. 35c Silk Striped Voiles, 1 9c f UST the pretty airy Voiles that are in the height of demand m9 now for Summer dresses ! A lucky purchase of 1200 yards, here to sell today at 19c instead of 35c a yard. Sheer and fine, with beautiful silk stripes. Blues, pinks, lavender, 1 Qr . .. Ii : -j -1..J il, lt Joctc tnAa-c varrt helio. preens ana omer wiujicu wiaura. ,v,v t j , $1 Poplins and Pongees beautiful silk-and-linen weaves in wide rango of Sum mer colorings, including tan. For pa jamas, dresses, coats, etc. On Flrat Floor. Hew BuIIdlan Mall Ordera Killed. sale for today at the yard All-linen Bordered Table Cloths ex tra heavy, both in round and square patterns. $5 cloths, 72x72, S3.75: $7 cloths, 72x84, $5; $8 cloths, 72x108, $6 Monthly Stationery Sale TODAY'S the time to supply Stationery needs in this biir iwmthlv sale at Meier & Frank's! 100 Wedding Announcements, eight lines., engraved in plain ofript, reg ular $10 at $7.0S, ten lines, reg ularly $1.". at $10.5O 100 Cards and Plate, plain script, $1.10 15c Plain White Napkins, 100 at onlv lit?. 35c Box Letter Tiles, 21 5-Inch Commercial Envelopes, box of i"iO. mZC. Weddina Cake Boxes, dozen 43d . Plrat Floor, Xew Bolldl.K Mm Ordera Filled. 50c Aeroplane Linen Pound Paper, at 39. Envelopes to match, package, 11J 25c Paper Plates, all sizes, packape, 210 S5c Highland Linen Paper, box 21 50c Congress Bridge and Gilt Edge Oregon Souvenir Playing Cards, 380 40c Crane's Caledonian and Alsace Linen Stationery, box, 29C $ 1 .50 Wire Meat Safes $ 1 .08 WE have had 2UU ol uiem maae un for this sale today. Large, . ( 1 IaU ot Itiin-ariea mraoer, wua A -'!r l',i,. I j f',-1 useful size, made panels of best quality screening. Size 12 inches deep, 23 inches wide and 27 inched hiph, with two shelves. Protect the pro visions and meats during Summer months. Reg ular $1.50 Safes, today, $1.08. 75c Japanned Mail Boxes heavy steel, with Japanned black finish. Strong lock and two 1-.V4 S.la. Ilaaenaeat More. Mala) Bulldlaa Mall Ordera Filled. Cool Knit Underwear T $5 Cut Glass Bowls, $2.98 ONLY 50 of them at this price for Thursday. Sparkling Amer ican Cut Glass Berry Bowls, in star and whirlwind cut ting. Regularly $5, at $2.98. $3 Cut Glass Nappies 6- inch size, either plain or handled. Deeply cut pat terns, specially P QQ at f w priced today $6 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer beautiful, spark ling designs, deeply cut. To day we special jJO them, the pair ' 1 f HERE'S rare spe- Underwear timeliness m n 1 0 1 rrrmiT) ol Aniversary oaic ia1r nn Women's Cool Knit for Summer I . ' The wanted styles in Union Suits, ests and Pants. Fresh, new perfect garments. Women's 35c Un ierwe'r fine ribbed vests and pants, in regular and extra sizes. Plain and fan cy vokes. All OQ III Women's 15c Vests low-necked, sleeveless, of light- weirht ribbed cot ton. Special to- Q day, at each Women's 20 c Vests low-necked, sleeveless, with plain and fancy lace yokes. Also famous Cumfy Cut vests, that won't slip off at 1 Or. shoulder Women's $1.25 Union Suits fine ribbed lisle, with plain and fancy yokes, low neck, sleeve less, with tight or um brella knee. On OQ sale at Suit Oi7l. ttttq ts ttttj XTrrKSTTTaWRAR STORE OF PORTLAND Munsing the perfect-fitting, perfect-wearing Underwear for men, women and chil dren 1 Be sure your Summer Underwear is Munsingwear. Flrat Floor, Malm Building;. Moll Ordera Filled. Women's 75c Union Suits low neck, sleeve less, with fancy lace yoke ; lace-trimmed um brella knee; all regu lar sizes. Spe- C cially priced at sizes now Women's 65c Un ion Suits, fine ribbed cotton, low neck, sleeveless, with tight nd umbrella knees, sizes 4, 5 and g 6 at only-- Women's 25c Cotton Vests low neck sleeve less or with wing sleeves. Plain and fancy yokes, all regular and extra sizes on "1 A sale at each A "-Sf 1. Under view of Our Willamette Rotary ALREADY we have sold near ly a carload of these fa mous Willamette Rotary Sewinz Machines in the Anniversary Club and an-( other full car is on the, way! A demonstration of the Willamette' Rotary has madn these new. delighted owners. We have shown them, just as we would like to have the opportunity to show you, how the Willamette stands "head and shoulders" above any other Rotary at near our prices. The under-view of a Willamette Rotary head, as shown in pic ture, illustrates the simplicity of under mechanism. It shows the self-adjusting automatic tension, which permits the sewing of finest chiffon to heaviest broadcloth without touching a screw. Note also the direct, straight bar application of power, which, with the rotary shuttle, eliminates lost motion and vibration. $2 Sends a New 1912 Willamette Rotary to Your Home Today. Pay the Balance, $1 a Week. No Interest or Extra Charge Whatever Willamette Rotary with colonial style cabinet work, $32.50, Mission design, $35. Rotary Desk Cabinet fine for apart ments. S40. Second Floor New BnlldlnK. Mall Ordera Filled. Sold Over 500 of the Hams Yesterday LITTLE wonder, when Eastern Suu'ar-Curcd Hams of this quality and famoiu brand, are selling ull around town at 20c to c a pound ! We've 300 left for those who order today. Medium-sued, sweet nnd delicious. An extra 1 ? speriai lor iius saic ui . , fc-tr Floar. aark. oa.ljr i.nr. Table I'rarbn, lree eaaa fr I5". Jaa MM Hire, 3 aooada fir .1C. laarj Head Klee. SH a.nati lor 2 Mired Href, la ajaaa. rwa lar. 25". rreaaa kmr, . 20 Marat Kata. ta Bark- aara for IISC (en Ovairra, three rial for S Braoaaa for raly 40 llal-lo. full weight. S rarkapa for Tab Kagar, S lhak, 2Tt ttld Datrh leamaer, S eaaa for 230. Frla Xaohfha 9 o a o. 10 hara for oaly 45C Haaeaaeat, Mala Blda;. $ 1 6 Drucker Trunks, $ 1 3.55 D $4.50 long, of corners, ed : tw around. Priced special, Suitcase Bags 24 inches best fiber matting. Leather brass looks, strongly rivet o straps all fcQ OC RUCKER guaranteed Trunks are exclusively at Meier & Frank's, in Portland! We've just 18 of these 34-inch Drucker Trunks, as illustrated. Of selected basswood, heavily canvas covered. Steel angle irons,- top and bottom. Cloth-lined, brass lock and two leather straps; full covered top tray, secret compart- jJ1 O CC ment, extra dress tray. P OaOtJ $3 and $3.25 Suitcases 24 and 26-inch sizes, of auto eloth on wood frame; leather corners; two lea ther strat Vt e specif aps all around. CJO OC rial them at "paCt.oiiiJ Fourth Floor Mala Butldlae;, Mall Ordera Filled. Outfit the Little Tot This Week THIS is our May "Baby Week" a monthly event in our splendidly complete Infants' Shop, which Portland mothers know so well. Take advan tage of the savings. Infants' $1.75 to $10 Hand-made Dresses and Slips finest nainsook and batiste, with hand embroidered yokes, ONE-FOURTH LESS. Infants $12 to $50 Hand-made Dresses the exquisite French garments, beautifully em broidered and trimmed with real Val. lace, this week. ONE-THIRD LESS. Infants' $1.50 to $10 Hand made Skirts of nainsook, batiste and lawn, with hem stitched, scalloped or lace trimmed ruffles. This week ONE-FOURTH LESS. Infants' $2 Flannel Skirts Gertrude style, with hand feather stitching, $1.49. Infants' $1 Crocheted Sacques pretty styles Second Floor- white with pink or blue trim mings, 83J. Infants' $3 Pique Buggy Robes embroidered and scal loped, $1.98. New Building. Mall Ordera Filled. in To $50 Oriental Rugs, $27.50 A Score of Rich KazaH and Kurdistan Specimens -TpIIEY are the heavy, dur- able and richly colored Rues, woven by the fierce Kazak and Kurdistan tribes. Very strong weave, in bold, distinctive de designs. They come in the smaller sizes, averaging 4.6x7. especially adapt ed for halls, libraries and dens. Regular $40 to $30 Oriental Rugs for the An niversary t o d a y at $27.50 To $30.00 Rugs at $16.75 We've grouped a number of these handsome Shirvan Hups today at lu.ro. The beautiful lighter color ings prevail. Our neu-ajt? lar -J.' to :I0 Rugs at V u ' $95 to $110 Rugs at $67.50 Herman shall the highest type of Ku!t Art? Such a wonderful bleiulinir of colors is found in no other kind. They averace 4-rix-6 size and marked resularlv $!. lo HK'. wee? cn wial today. f " aww ii $5.50 Net and Scrim Curtains, Today $3.65 40 Patterns in White, Cream and Ecru PRETTIEST sort of Summer Curtains Scrims and Nets in 40 distinctly new patterns at this splendid saving today. Plain French Nets with neat lace and braid edges. Cool-looking Scrims with dainty drawnwork and lace edges. White, cream and ecru, 48 to 45 inches wide and 2i'a yards long. Our regular $5.50 Curtains, in the Anniversary Sale CjO today we special this extensive line of beautiful patterns at, the pair VJfJ $2.59 White Net Curtains at $1.89 Attractive Net Curtains in lace and braid designs on excellent quality of French Net. White or ecru, 40 inches wide and 2V yards long. QQ $2.50 grades, V 07 S3.50 French Net Curtains at $2.35 They have the handsome Battenberg and linen Cluny edges, also Batten berg centers. Made on fine French Net, 45 inches wide and 2'2 tO O C yards long, at 9JJ 50c Colored Sash Lace, Today 29c A special inill purchase we could not buy it reg ularly to sell even at 50c! Green and red, 30 inches wide. Soutache designs on durable lace. TOQr day, the yard, only o5ii7 Third Floor, Mala Balldias. Mall Ordera Filled. IOLE POBTI,!(D AGU.MTS FOR Joka S. Browa Llaeaa. C'oaala'e Saoea. Haa.laa I'nderweor. Will aaaella aearlaa Martian, a e o r a taTea a a d Raacea. Falloa dt Waltaey Uo-Carta. Oateraaoor Mat- Takalaa Dflf Sao- ciaiiiea. MM IV. fl ?n n rn dV ;K 19 d Wavl taarr- 4 ai ume M apn.JllVt.2a-rnua1 " ; 1 SOLE PORTLAND AGE.tTS FOR Perrla'a Glorea. Ajaa Gaar a a tea d Hoalery. Gotham shlrta aad Vaaorwear. Madame Ireaa Car Bapo Pertleoata. Sajopeek Clothea (or Bora. Gaatave Srlekley Orls-lnal Craft. maa Fnraitnre. Phones-Pacific, MarshaU 4600; Home, A 6101. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. Cooking School and Talks on ACORN RANGES MRS. STRICKLER'S spe cial class at 2j30 this after noon on Raisin Pie, Veal Birds and Raised Biscuits. . ' Talks on Acorn Gas Ranges and how. to economize with gas. Mrs. Strickler is also demonstrating "Way-Kuk" Paper Cooking Bags. 1th' Floor, Main Bldg.-