I 13 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN. MONDAY, MAT 20, 1912. SALEM MEN REGULARS OKM.OX IEf F TKS AXXOfNCE THEY WILL NOT BOI.T. Ir. J. X. Smith and Kred S. Itjnon XVIII Vot for Taft If Roo-Melt force Pall Aa. SALEM. Or, Mae 1 SpKil If the Konseeelt fnrcee Jump tha reiullf convention at Chicago, mm la now bvins prerllned. at least two of th delegates from Oregon, who are virtually piediced to rote for Koosevelt. will remain with ti regular rtepubltrmn convention and ry no attention to the rump conven tion. Then d!eiatea are TT. J. X. Prnlth and Fred S. Bynon. of thla city. While rwth of them announced themselves aa Taft men prior to the nominating elec tion. thev were placed In the position that they are pledged to v.ie for Roosevelt be aui-e of the popular vote at trie primaries. They both take tha stand that In event of a rump conven tion for Roosevelt It would remain Im material to them: aa tha people of Ore gon elected them to aerve In tha regu lar Kpub!t-an convention and there tney will abide. lr. Smith takes the stand that he Hi I go to the regular convention and vote for Roosevelt on- at l-at. Fred Pvnon Is assuming" the stand that If tie entire Koosevelt forces Jump the regular convention It would give him full Justification to make his position clear, and while, in all probability he woold cast Ms first ballot for Roose velt, he would feel absolved after that If tha regular convention went as a unit for Taft. This would be considered a probabil ity In case the entire Hoosevelt forces b.lte.l. as there would then he but an Inflnltesmal scattering of Koosevelt vote, and a handful of I- Kollett votes left. Both of the delegatea from Marlon t'oun'v state that thev will In no way endator to repudiate the pledge whlcn they have given to the People of Oregon, hot they state they rto not Intend to follow anr offshoot from the convention to which thejr r elected CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally mmmr. ttM - mmm 4.4 w c "tly tin1 t Mim 4 Ikm tMMciUff tin awe mmamm mi eia mtr rwatwriliff tinaea. rtiera. H mn aes wtlmlbMnnil la wtmt m la mkrMtkm fa a (tM M-lUut rase apptiea Mm wmnim wil at mmm Horn mm tes tis .In. Ob cls-rf a baafc advert as p an rata tmm eauarge wui aw bwd mm u inul mmmmc mt Uhm apMArtaf tm tmm paper. raraaa g tmm iauatrr ml ward im rm. h lis. la w AoaXavT mil driltcaaBU are mmtm tmmmurm Mi. 14 Uvea) tm ie I na Atvm rmt apty mdvrrtlmrtmmmtm mmmWr iSew T- -! ail a-ate cImsV. Ummm &c( IB I lbs' to i Mtuslt-t sirti. tetaat. Or vsUi ate- ciailel sdrtsa mmu lf.p-at. prwvtfUMs tmm aaV wrt-r U B aubarrltr la viltter pOaaa. a urtcca alii a ar taa pbvaa. aa bill alU aa rs,lccet the lalloMlas ttar. HHlrrf a qagai id?aniief iU a raa'i af taa pbaaa uW.x- iim laa praiiaraa af IU pj I l telephone aa tmaem,ta. Miaattaaa V ant aa4 -mmmmi .drt-mcl will mm tea ac! tmm l-kfta OruVr. r aaa la.r Ikatj aMttjr a Ml aa arcalad lar "Hostaj fr Wvni .-' "Fan-it ra lar aala."" "BMinwi 0- ALHJkX uric-a. frt llVITT A l Alt-unurrqu. X. M . Vy . M.ka Set ml It. d ' ar. . :..! n n( J.ihn riihtnlii. rt hr.thar of John. Jr.. frank and H-nry Sdimllt. Mr. Jtfry lr n't Mrm. K-.li M-.d. nf lt n. Kune-rtl lk p.- r from Hi rrail- rtriic f rn faM-irr. s North J Id i TuaaUar. X l H A, M. S'rv- I. r at JumyKm 4'hurch. cornar Mh and h ntrrM. 0 o'cl.r-k. Krlrnrt r1- 1,.,-tfuuk lnitd. nirmrni Mount i .Uary i'mtri. M yy.tl A M Ma IT, ai Kunne irrM. M.m. Mar M !. an. biov m-ihir f y: MaxrT Mr'r!hv. of rorllatut. and Uri. Audi Ur'ati. of Seattle. Main. The ,,ineril vt' lax the above rrflitrnr' 1 ..lr. Mar ill. at .3i A. M.. lhrn.- i it Mar v huri-h. co'utf Wtl ;imi .wru a M Hianton itrtt, hr rvic r hifl at 1 A. M Intrrmnt Mount jtv t'rroflrr. Krifndf trt corditljr l 1 1 4. l.WTKK In tMa nty. at th rMln ot hi !-. nta. M r. ard r. John K. -rr ' M-rrl atrrt. t.i Kf k Saw- . ar . Art yar The funeral ar !- mil tM- ai tlia atn'' narnrd rri- dnv- t.-ttay Mundi at - inh P M luirrmeni at Kut - t rn!rr. Frirnda rvaptlul'.y In x U rd to attend. TA M'Kr-Al Iha fami rvtdan. lirt Kat Uiitiinin at.. Mv l, Frank Wu-k. ad .J eari & rtinih- daa, blo.l of M Ma U.ikr and Iha lata U'ttlTam Auk Funeral tU' atll ba hM at J-aa-ph i'hun-N at p-alvm. lr.. an TuHla.. J4 t. Ini-rmnil ai fa. no, Cr. ..,m patpara p. rop. ftnfi'KKn-AI .ardwn Horn. Or.. haia nna l.nuU llx'kr. ad rara and -j i j.t The f'inral -rvl a all - l . at th r-:.in' of hr daajctter. r k. .--rir,iaia. tart"rfh .r-t. luniKrroti iTuvIj . at 1? a' ! I". M nlreti'nt at K.;t. "m 'Irr J . Frier d r.pvt(ui:) to a:iend. 1N HOB-Mar IT Wilbart H. lnnhn. a gr.i 7.1 far a. Funrra i I - a tit K hrid to tav. UD1 . MT ai ; V M at Ci K k Tmp. cr nr 7'h ard ,Mrh trfl. Remain will r tWn l i n i TenaKriiim. a hrra the Kr...- mill pr..atr. I.F . T N t hta laf rrti.1rrf. Km Htmr f rt at r . N. Jait T. t-t. ., ; vearm r unerai rt-fi i I rc s4 ll the Mount ratvW M'!ftv'. hur. h Tutxlir. Mr Jl at 3 V M Kema:n at i.e. h iiu rtak lua Prl"t - UCMUl T AI iha hrtfaa of hr dauhtr. y t. l attul.o. .' Kia iw dri.e. Mr Tb'WM Hrehaul. Cd 4 eavr. ruiteral frota boaaa V. M. a M-j -I- MOMM.M-OtW arka. kal d aa t eliauaa Maiaw taa Ma. tLaa4 liA. MB. riMAIU MoLH IN. Ua Wavdira fa- mmtmi di-wtac Bad a-'fUkft. Xia lbUd aC. leaaaax. oiwa at laaaty -fr- A. B. Xlt U IM (O, t-4 W IHlaaaa bvb rtwae East C 1 ieBdj atlaaua-al. Jr I rviit M N)i, ftd aad Mallaaa Uaaiy aitaadao. Faaaa MbAb . A 19. " t.T n 1 1 K raaeraj Ulrartara- nrraaar I 1. tK Waaiac iacK. a4. taWaa "l R Vf. t adartaaar. Bar. fcaa Alda-r BBd Mtik, fc- Tl a) iaa. Lady aittaa-at. .KIV.M COr4..T. W m4 tlBJ. 4li. A tall. Ia4 B4I CEMETERY : Beautiful i MOUNT SCOTT PARK : i Ht;r, rEBKUKXT, M U U K K . " l K T LM s OM milll llK . a: w a: T b k v with rtHrETi l ..; of ail burial plots without extra charge I'rovfdaa with a perma nent IrreduciMe Maintenance l-'uad. LK-atloa Ideal. Just out side the city limits oa north and vest slopes of Mount tk'Otl. containing liO acres, equipped with every modern coavmleaca nil : to si IT Al l. HK R TM K REIT. )C M I LC Mil TM r L : T V R K U V 1 I R A I rnonin c m ki. UK IHU HITHtlX I : X T A -N U T M K la-ltETklftt. ii it ITT okfici; :o-tit TEON BIMLI'IN'!. MAIN S-.. A 1-S. CKMETKHI Or- Mi E. TABOR net. mom k phone ni.so B tltU THlN CALX IaJCAI. 4-0 L. rax-, fiaiaaaia. i-aoi bm luala J) Jlffaia. r aaaral llrc(ra. Tti. ..ai Ttma. rt-aaa Mala . i-aajr Bi- HEILIG WSMS llnee. : Mela I aaa A ltZZ. TONIGHT ?Sm-2" "iparlal PrW Mat! aaa carrt4ay LAV ID HKLAal'O FreaaOta Tha .NaUv Actrmaa Blanche Bates la the Farcical Romance. -NOBODY'S WIDOW Evcnincs. -. 1 .V. 1. Tc. 50c. Oturdsr met.. l iO. 11. Tic. ioc Jc. SEATS SELLIXf! FOR ENGAOEMENT. BAKER bW a-i--a. fcFO.U Baker. MT. BAKKR UTOTK (OMPAW Tan I cist tiarcala Mhl Ail tC AU Tril U ek Maltax- tsat unlay. The T!r!Mir Monrv-Mi'l 'mxl. "BKfcH ?T i. R" MiLIJt ?" A rram rvr ntmuta. Iramatisd from th- famoua novel of i;ori B.rr (-rutrh-on. Faarinatlnc. es. ittnn and uitenaoly am uptnc Keiinra ?.V". 5k. Mattneea. SJ. vt a. a ict MATIKB EVtill OAT ;Sem MAT. lie 3e 'IOMTS: ISe. Se. Oe. " S trt w Y SSliMti Twelve an-lile ltrl: "tea ra a llecem". IJetfel Kieieci lelssMV and Ushl; Nariell and Kane; I r aed I'arkej The Inland.; Orcbeelra; Itrtaree. VtF.rK MIT IS "A Malit la the Maine I'art.; feenMhv tSHrln; Iftuffy and 1 Saalocett Csalsffevesr; leea VI orris B Ml. Mrellna -ale. fVpular pctcee. Mi loee ail. Htei and flct row balcefty seeeed. Isms rrlee epea from IS A. M. la r. M. Itioace: A Sija. Mala 4-ia. Ci tara t:e. aad S. atatlaee Cvery Day. nrrK MY S Walter law Ce.t Prtneei and Ileerie: Landry Hr.ir.eo: Mert : l-enolea- I'H (raaexe'e Mlnla4are rvrcus. Orrhmrs. ITtces I.Ve aad lAe. COUNCIL CREST PONTLADH ROIIr' GARDEN. 1?00 feet above the city, free scenic amusement park. Hlsrh tlass attractions. Open-air rink, f'lc- nlc Krounds In old apple orchard. l)MHIO TO CHOI D FMKK. f -TIIE BESTACU-AST BEAUTIFUL" " Arcadian Garden In Hotel Multnomah Tha Stellar Bill of Attrartlona. cnmblnrfj with perfect aprxmtmenta. rulalna and aarvlra. Two romplrta parformancea ary evening. 30 lo ."O and ln:30 to 12 . SIOORA WWMd WtiOR 11 uirc c. Oparatlc Finger Ita Htr of tha Graat Grand Opera (M AR X. WAlyCH dlSA FI,Vt BAND Tha Teerieea Vocallata KONHKT Violin Vtrtuoao BROUN ROBINS Tha Jolly Va altera and ntiur rr.U' Cnncart Orchestra of Ten iolotata. naaaa B-arrra Yoar TBh4e Be-far P. M. w c. Baajera, Mawagar AllHU.N SALE- TOUV. At ?""t - Jrtl jond atrrt. rrnar Taylor. V ro.ni f jniitiift. Sale at 1 I M. J. T. Wilson, tut tioti er At Wllaoa'a Auction Hoot, at Xm A. aV rv ml tara. ,71-J-ft aacaaS atraaC MEETING KOTlCe. WAHHIS'iTON CHAPTER. N ia. i: A. M. Called cotnnriln thia tJ-l''ndar eenira at Mn'n" Hatl. tasr Kfahth and Hurti'1a itrveii at .' oflo k. P and M-K- rlrcrff. Vl-ltora a-rlconi. Order and P j. r makii. ec. rKTI.ANI I.CM'iB. No. Hi P. P. O Fl.KH Mmi'ri ara requ-ited to met in the. ix1eroom thia Monday l afternoon. 1-4,1 lo.-li. for the purpaa of 'imrtun tnic tha funeral arrvlrea o( our lata brother. W. II Ionaho4v Vliir brv hrra ar- lnrltei to attend. Py orW of the KxaMed Ruler. M R. hPAri.DUXCi, cavralar. m HARMONY t.OrX.E. No 12. A. Jrk a," a v r a u miih 11 rommunl- ,favi atl.-M tMa i Monday wvanina at 7 rl.ind ro o ti'x- Work lo the V. and M. M dereea. - UULDS 1 arethren e;v-ume. W. M. L'fee I.I.V secretary. Wlt.HMKTTF. t.P'.rT o. 3. A- y AM A. M -.P'- ial rnmmu- h . i UnnrlAi i artlrtar W,t ; '.iu Crknk VV.'fk In M. M JrfTf. Vl.ltlus brethren eel .ome. ..... . . .. I.. r.r n-c. TVANKOK I.rt"le- N I. K OF T. M-nher a ill r' s"en1 the ftmersl of Ur..ih-r L E- .r at n Mrrts sirseu lsy ro. at 2 F. M j r. rm:"' 'N. c K. M. I.AM K. K of R. and f AMFI.tA riMPTER. So. Tl. O. E. ! Rectilsr communication irtl. t Mondavi er.nlre. Order of TV. M. MARIKTTE K.'H IN: SOS. ec inrrx HtTKR- At ba lata r-id-nc. IH hf.Hsiog et r 1 . tH yera J rt or M a. Ilemaina at Hfriftrk Rm'. ia'or. lni.fTi!T Park. Funeral notica later PR K H 1"T In thi- niv. Mar !. at tha r t.venea. ; t; a x er vta drive, Mra. Mipiri H ftrehaut iitl 91 ) ear. Fun eral anno an cement :atT. MrLKAN In thta eitv Ma 11 ChHattn Marl-ean. aed -ara. eealt:a papera p.eaa copj- jONK.1 In thia rlT. l Fdaard Jnnea. Kuneral innuniYm'it 'ate-r. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office C1T Hall. Mam eT. A TMa. ttumsne oXrl'.r. eer(e. ,t K. L. Craia Reeidence. C ltn N. Fe: 4TTS. Horse ambulaoce. earner of 5:h si:S Ta tor. elermsrr In chargs. M.rshall aoo. Aftl Ins. Ilnctil Hem. Northrui. Acrj. Theaa A. hJr. lupL. A IM" rinsa rr Tontr. Mortgage Loans a.laen) aad Over rEYTIttl. BlINF. PROPFMT. LOW KIT CIHHMT ItATKS. WM. M ACM ASTER Tai I'Mkett Blda. Will Lease WareWe Lo.'t Cheap for on year. On North Side. TOxlOe (t. LI a t and dry: on o- P. eV S. ipur; one block from streetcar. Large (rsiant slTtir and tol et. Apply dally at 3S V Hth St, be tween s I and HO A. M. a ul l is hukhiuuk A tnosrwt, PUSUS ACCCUIIMIS, AUDITORS. Ii4 w.renier Nlui. fhmmw Mala asaf. ARAfcirOIs-DTHKK ITB ieo.S lth and Ka.t Burnsld: build to etui tenant Oaner, A J. Atala lead. V e,"8Jr t niiily Craad. e slli.an a CaaeiUla . Keflaed teuUeOll.. rw tod at. SpIendidSpsculation 44. tO or 329 acres For SwedlTleloa nn line of MO( NT HOOD HAII.Wtl. ideally situated for !mall homea, best of soil, ninnlns- water: lies fine and sisrhtlv and will undoubtedly be an eaoy se41er at Blu PHOKIT within four months' time to close. Wanted two more parties In syndi cate with liOOO each, no mora cash necessary. If you have some spare money and want A NAPt don't fall to Investigate thia aroldon opportunity at once. Vanduyn & Walton 615 amber of Cemmeree WILL SELL LEASEHOLD INTEREST in promitiPnt corner in Xob Hill dis trict. Lease runs 98 years at $100 per month net. No revaluation. Prop erty improver! with one-story buililing roeting $HV)0. Rented at $200 per month, with inereasinff lease. 'Will sell building and leasehold interest at fSoOO. W. H. Webb, 401 Yeon BuUdim?. Main 4!)1J. F0S SALE APARTMENT SITE PETTYGE0VE STREET, RVt. 22d and 2.1d. Address 1084 Fast Morrison. Phone Tabor J2t0. Government Land Free! Com to my offices Si Railway Ex change, and I will tell you how to net 10 acre of the best land In Oregon without money and without price. JKSSB Himso, " MORTGAGE LOANS Cct JOHN E. CRONAN, ncl J O M3 Saaldlaa Bids. 0 U Fearey Bros. We tJIarount uraprurcd notes slsned by responsible rsrttes. 44iJ l orff.(rr bid. REAL EHTATK DEALEIW. tide- U- M9L Pck. WUliam O.. FsHlnj bids. Ch?ln Hriow. 132 Chtmbr of Commre Cook. B. . A CO. ftOS orbtt bU. HOLMES m. MENKFEE. 204 Railway Kx- rhtng hld(. Phona Vain COOS. Jnninr Co. Mala lf4. 20 Orrntarx hiytR-JONKS CO. H. F. 404-4O-40 Wilcox bids Tb Otecon Ral Fatata Co.. Orand aa. at Muitnornao u Honanay aqoiuoi. HEAL KWTATK. f-ar taalo LeQta. IRVING WOOD $72.V only a fw lot left In frvlnaaooil. the r holer-1 buy In the Irv inaton ditrit. 10 pr cnt don. Sio pr month; rrnnt waika Bull Run tr. f!:ftrl liithta and phon rvlf-; prtre lit aUxan-'e Junr 1. Tak Hro-lwv rar. at nf f at K :! kttat. W. V. 'ampb U. It vlnswtKxl office. :t0th and Klickitat. I'hona Kant 4.T14. en1njf Mar. !. LALRELHURST CASH BUT. If you ara look ids aomathtna; that la extra low In price and atlli ona of tha Cod Iota of thla choice addition, lat me bow you what I have fnr $13-0 caaa F . CLlvMENTS. Office Eaat Oliaan and 39th Bta. To lOWN-$io I EK MONTH. Ftna vlw lot, trtaturd fruit traaa. rm trictrJ dlatrtrt. F-r car. earner. t walk and curb. Hull Itun water. Provident Trust Cmpacy. floor 8 a Ulna bids al am lhw. A 6S61. S77S CASH will buy 5xl00 lot In Irvinuton diatrlrt. aH) ftt from trarllne. Sea m to day. Thta Is a choice buy, take Broadway car. set off at Klickitat. W. I t iirapbU. Irvlnganod off It a. iioth and KlKkltat I'hont Kaat 414. evenlncs Mr. liLAt'TIFVL. vlaw lot on southern slops naar Council Crest. Jft&O and up. Includ ing cement aldewaika, curbs, traded atreel and tir; bui:dtna restrict ions, aold on aaar ttrmi provident Trust Company. 2 A f'.oor S'-Ulns bltls Main 13i0. A Qaidl. CCH NCI L KKST PA K K lot 16. block 14. containing atout six .Vxli0 lots; 3 blocks from car; M-s lev.M; nnest vill-jr view on tha hill; price S.V-n: terms, 15tK doan; bslanca esy terms. 3 per cent Interest. Owner. AN 62. Oteconlan M API.KItrnST IXT. Full r.On lCH-foot lot In Maplehurst. beau tiful view uf city and a..ey. Kh0. easy terma WATSON A THEBKcTLKEK CO.. 3rt Sr-KI'n Hi'lr Mam TSUI. IRV1NOTON LOT. Full SOxlou-f t. lot on t- K.th at., be tween H-it2e and Knott: east front. wmson tiikukei;n CO.. 3P tpaUins I-Ids. Main 7&t-. li 1,111s, ft.. s'hkI H-room honi and barn. I? heannji fruit trea. all kinds br ri'i and fir.-eters, will ) ail "r fart; price S:;um; terms. I y o ner, 14 Kast hawk St.. St. Jnhna. ur. IHX'lN'iTON !-k at all the Iota offered, compare niiree and .ovation : then look ma up and I IU aell you my .Wilw on 1 M h, t;eir tki ou. for lo casa. Marshall 4 44 2 ! H and Market, je-a-v.".. four block Iroin M ii 1 1 noma.) Club overlook In K rliy ; fine bnnitalow site. 9 .:). Jeaae llobson. 6JS ttaliw a v r. htm. IRVIMiTOV LOT. JllT XT. Clae In. street Improvements partly nattl C. U HAMWKRGKR. 70S SpaldlfiS Blilt TRY THI3 ONE. l.et !Pm I .'. fai-lna; ai. E. D"th st.. near Dlsln. lfk0. terras. Addrese room J. 4 2' s. Hu'nslde at. PORTLAND H KIOHTS KXCLIHIVKLT. BEAirririL IfOMKa AND HOMKSITK.S. Marshall 427. BHOOKt A S3. Li . r?4 1 ;'nel n. $4'. "rt down. 2 per c-nt month bst !' lots In Portland. 4 aU Main 1H or A b.'ttl. ask for O. F. fist le lot. with east frontage, close it, CrtliimMa Park "." ternia. W 4Tf N THKKKEUKN CO.. t't; sr' ling bM. Mam 7 '.10. c-tri'T lota :n Ft ht. Johns, worth Si'i "i i sll for $i0'-. pan cjh. bai- in.' month'.y. A f.7. UTlOiitt. jr, r At.K Two slutlv residence lore In U'an Harbor; abort dtstanca from Co! ted Rv. I'.nea. D 7. Orec nlan. BXHii INt.'.; fine Hawthorne district lot. one block from school. C 7.. Ore- cTot-lv IV lot in Lenta, onlr r,0 If taken at on'--, inveatlaata- Address oaner. U 77 t,rrcnin. . K KN TON bt.lneaa Vt cheap. by owner, ra'h or terns. AN OrepTontan. UKAl'TIFl'l, IRVINGTON LtT Rens aa Mflfe4. Phone Main L A 1' R KLH K.-r kquiD la four tw ota phona X Isrex-h Prcprty. I fc. H houa for sae. Lng PS-h. U ash.. nic location, for sale bv owner; no com Tniwa(r rri-e .'. if taken at once. Phone Tabor 17M. B 1310. rr ale -Ha FINK Srom house on Fast Side. lot 31x near carllna, at a sacrifice. $14' cash, taian.-e tarma. Ask llohberaer. room I Valley b:d.. cr Sd and Morrison 'a FvK pALK Sii-ro-rn bunialow. ajth bath. loOxau. Port a ad He', hi, easy paymenie; a. so sc-nie choice view iota, from oanr. phone Marahs!l217. S-ROOM cottag-e. modern, sarage, s snap: terms; owner. 1 block south of Alberta ear : will rent ; also In in ton bouae for sale. Phone Wood'aww C. A MOLKRN house and good lot. 10 min utes' aik from postofflce. West Side. &12 Market St. Lesl with the owner. 2ljO J40PFRN 6-reom bungalow. home broken, terms. Owner, 103d K. 2tb Nor-h TWO pPULNDlD horn eta. Irving: on. ch p . one fin In rest -ni-nt. F4st 2'i C I'M. W. H. HeTrfrnan. i5,v-tKAli snap. .VxlAO rorrer. 5-room aungaio. ftrrptae-e. butit-ln effects, 34 tb and Emerson. Alberta car. wtE Frank U MrQulre to Insure against Me 10G&. Old A b In g ton bids. A 1144. REAL ESTATV. For hala -Hou HAWTHORNE mdTRICT. Small Pavment Down. Balance as RenL Rest bargain In Hawthorne district; brand new double conaiructad bungalow, hardwood f'oora. den. large lirtng-room. hrindaome fireplace, bookcases, paneled dining-room, large buffet, Dutch kitchen, largo sunny bedrooms, attic over entire house, full cement basement. laundry travs. etc; splendid neiprhhorhood: this house must bo sold at once; no reason able offer refused. Tabor 08. WALNUT PARK. a I am compelled to sacrifice my beautiful two-story, (-room rstdenc. full cement baeement. furnace, wash trays and fruit room, two nreplacea, two toilote and large bathroom, large kitchen and Pn trv. nice dining-room, living-room and cn. 3 bedrooms with bu.lt-ln wardrobes and large clothes closets, with a window In each closet. The tot Is GOxWU, with beautiful lawn and garden; close-to cars and Jefferson High School. Have no time for real estate dealers. Will consider only bona fide purchaaera. J. J. ,Folen. Phone Main 6MT. Us Hd st. MR- LOT OWNER! HERE IS TOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE TOT'R PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATS OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FP.EE: IT WILL PAT TOO TO COMB II AND 7 ALK -THI OVER. J 8. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND FUTLDIR. HENRY BLDO. 93.30 POWN. NEW fl-room modern house, S blocks from cariine, AOxloO-ft. lot, fruit snd shade trees, bath, toilet, full basemant. etc.; only I14.ui. t down, balance 3'JS per month. Including; Interest. STRICTLY MODERN. WATSON ec THERKEtePKS CO. 3" ypsidlng P!d g aialn T5ff2. PES! R A BLR ft-ROOM HL'NCALOW. MTST RE SOLD AT ONCE. Before leaving city, prsrtlcally new, 13 tnlniitea walk to Humside brtdga. strictly modern. In eelect neighborhood, on paved street; Ilvlng-room -1'i.ti; dining-room 13 xlO: 2 bedrooma 10x10; $lO00 cash, ea-y terms. 823 Eaat Everett at- Call East 47 7. $s.oo I.ACREI.HUP.HT HOME. On larga corner lot. mahogany finish. 10 rooms, large attic, large tiled bath, two large fireplace, modern In every way; thla Is oue of the best house tn the city; will sell on easy terms. CLEMENTS DRLAHl'STT. Phone East . East 3!th and QUran Sta. I AM the owner of a new. modern bunga low, aightiy lot oxl0 eloae In on East i-lfle: it haa ft rooma. large attic and fleeplng-porch. and Is modern; am forced o sell and will make you a bargain; only JXI.'O: terms to suit. See mo at 414 Spalding bMg: 6- R KM new house. 4:4 Simpson street, modern, -VtxIOO lot. alley. lot graded and seeded, sidewalk, curbing and graveled street. $;iU'V. terms If desired; one block south A insworth avenue, one and one half block east Union avenue. F ?. Warner, owner, 339 Monroe at. Phone Eat LAURELHURST HOME. 7-room house, 12 fireplaces, solid oak floors, furnace and all built-in conveni ences: small cash payment or will trade for unincumbered city lots. National Real ty Trust Co., 7;J Chamber of Com merce. Main 51-9. LAIKELHIHST HOME FOR 92. This Is a very nice new bungalow, one block from car. &0xHn lot, built by dny labor and best of material used; this price for short time only; very easy terms. CLEMENTS A PEI-AHl'Nl Y. Phone East Kant 3vth and OHsan. RARE BAKCAIN. FROM OWN ER. ELEOANT 11-ROOM 1KV1NOTON HOME. buxlOU-ft. corner. E. lth and Braice. COST S10.30O: BELL S7riM. TERMS. No incumbrance; improvements in and paid for; no trade. Phone E. tV'.K.. FOR SALE AT THE PRICE OF A h.MALL BUNGALOW. MY BEAUTIFUL. 2-STORY, S-ROOM HOME, HARDWOOH FLOORS. EVERY MODERN IMPROVEMENT; NEVER Oi.'CLPIED; EASY TERM?. NO ACKNTS. E C E ASTON. HQS SPALDING BLDG- IX YOI WANT A NEW flrt-clas modern home? Strictly np to date In plans, mechanical construction, artistic finish and design. I-ocated In Port land's most desirable residence dis trict; not a mansion or a bungalow, but a modern home. For particulars call at M4 E- K.th st. N. Phone Last g:;31. owner. DON'T BUY A HOUSE Until vou have seen No. 113 E. Oak. nesr awth; 2-storv. 7 rooma. sleeping porch and bath' 2 storage rooms In attic, strict iy modern, elegantly finished and decorated, snmr thing different; easy terms; will take lot aa par first payment. TAYLOR BUILDING CO. WILL FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY TO RUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENT IN A GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL MANNER. WE ALLOW No MISREPRE SENTATION IN OUR BUSINESS. S2 1.1 MBKRMENS PLDO. FOR SALE. lov- And $33 a mom h. Including interest, for A $r.rt-M nix-room story-and-h.-ilf cottage, at 47 East 47th sc. mar Sandy Road. T O. Anderson. 71 Gllsan st- Phone Mar shall ' WALKING DISTANCE, $1750. Near Mississippi ave. and Stanton: 4 -room houae and lot fiAx3B; p5 front age on street, room for - more small c-ntages; cash. Of course It is good. Fred W. German, 320 Burnslde, M. or A 2.7H . FOR SALE. Good 3-room houae In St. Johns. 2 blocks from carllne. $ H0 down and S20 a month; parties wishing to own their own home cannot afford to overlook this opportunity. Price $2100. Apply owner. A 64. Orego- nlan. - t.VMX) LAURELHURST bungalow. rooms, positively f irM-class and modem In every reapa.'t; ona b)k to car. hiRh and sightly, easy terms. Call at office on tract, atn and uiifcan si a., or niumr r-" CLEMENTS Ar L'M.AIIi 1 I . NICF 3-room house in Irvington district, lot .sOxl). remcnt walks, water, phone, elec trte lights, fine foliage, MOO cash will handle. W. P. Campbell, trvingwood office, .".nth and Klickitat, phone East 4J14, eve nlngs Marshallti49- . " COR, E R1RNS1DE 1T. CHEAP. S W cor. E. 3"th and Burnslde, 35x75, 7-rooin" house. For partirupara sec J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. ,-,-- MODERN 7-room houae. with sieep- ina- porch, lot fttslH. on Unproved street. Thta is a new house, built two years. Party In the East end needa money, part ceh and per cent on balance for 8 y e a ra phone Wood lawn 322H. HFRF"fTHE PF.ST VAI.IE IN TOWN: ft ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 2 LOTS. "OR NKR ASSESSMENTS I'AlD IF YOU WANT A SPLENDID HOME $.VW BELOW AfTl'Al VALUE. CALL SKLLWOOD Vt AFTER 6 P M. PRICE WK I.ADDS ADDITION SACRIFICE. Fhould I hand you fiooo. would you take it T A colonial 10-room house, with every convenlenee. must be sold. If you ant a rod thlr.g. phone owner. Main 4 or see him at 13"3 Yeon bltfg. a room and batbe. modern, lot 1(Mk1k. bejuttful view of valley and mountains, We-t Side. 20 minutes from PomoiTlte; tllHK- easy terme. Provident Trust Com pany. second floor Selling bid. Main lboO. A C2 1 . . ROSE CITT TARK BUNGALOWS We have two weii-bntlt houses on .".1d and Stanton, hardwood floors, fine man tles, built-in conveniences. Owner on premises every day. W. Duncan-Walker Co. . . M( DERN house. rooms and sleeping; porch, ss. electricity, full cement base ment, laundry trays, nice lawn, roses, etc.. walking distance; Inquire, owner, tli E, "lTth st. North, corner Tillamook. FoR SALE in Itvlngtou, rosiest modern -room 2-atory cott.ige; hardwoo-l floors down aialrs. linoleum, walls tinted, gas fixtures, awnings, window shades and screens, reasonable tcrma. 4 So E. 17tb N. HAWTHORNE AVE. pip bv owner, everything modern and ud t- date; west of East ,1d at.: don't fill to sre th'.B. Phone Tabor i44. I'vhi kOL'f-UN 5-room Dungaios, ioi Im am 'lng East and must sell at once; small payment down and easy terms. WoOdisn 329. CtTw modern A-room houae; sleeping porch and' baaement. In good location, on easy t-rms. will vake good loc on first pay mlnL Ca;i 31 E. H:h St. E. IV23. N F W modern bungalows. Hawthorne and Rosa City district!; rental monthly pay ments. Office. U. N. HAnk, V Abmj- ton bidg. RROnWAT home, rooms, sleeplng-por, h, nrepl"c. Sra': $4.VK; terms. Uoevet, 423 Hamilton b:dg. 1HV1NGTON, strictly modern, new. S-room hou's.. real bargain; asy terma Mar shall ?$2- Yoi: will Uk. this modem a-room house, lust completed; phone; will can with auto. Owner, labor 3 '2- l.uooil houj.; .Ill take lot as part pay ment Call st , Eusene ,t. CORNER lot and 8-roora house for sale chess. Inquire 1441 Clevelsnd sts. el tiL'KBAN horn.. Oregon City car. Fhoo. ewn.r. " - ron tine homes Bee DeiahuaU REAL ESTATE. For sole Houses, HOMES ON EASY PAYMENT.. 5 - room bungalow, on lot HWxlOO. for $21tH. This is West Side property, has fine bath. Dutch kitchen, new,, also fruit trees; small cash payment,- Irvington home, o rooms, bath and re ception hall; oak floors, tireplace. furnace, buffet, full cement basement ; lot 40x1; treet Improvements ail paid; So2H. 6- room house, modern. 2oO feet to rar; lot 6xl00; excellent neighborhood; eJfcuO. 5 -room bungaiow. modern, with al built-in conveniences, furnace, two blocks from car, near fine school, gas, electricity, street Improvements paid; excellent view; corner; S.U50. 4 rooms. In excellent suburb, restric tions: all built-in conveniences, large living-rooms, with panels, fixtures and tint ing; I2.j0. , , 3-room bungalow, thoroughly modern, built-in effects, close to school, good view, street Improvements paid, a blocks to car; PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 2d Floor Selling Bids. Main 1 Him i. A o26L BUILD ON VACANT LOT. WE WILL TURN THE BURDEN IN TO INCOME. WE FURNISH THE PLANS, FINANCE AND BUILD APART MENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WORK. AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLAINS; IT WILL PAY. L. R. BAILEY CO.. CONTRACTING ARCKITECTTS. 32i ABINGTON BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW, nine rooms, strictly modern, massive atone fire place. 2 bathrooms. 3 toilets, automatic gas water heater, large paneled billiard -room, sleeping porch; 27.ux sq. feet of grounds, beautifully wooded with lof native trees; house built by owner for his own home and la a marvel of conven ience; surrounded by high-class homes: price $12.x. can arrange terms. Henry c. Prudhnmme. ofner. 806 Wilcox bidg. ONE OF LALRELHURSTS ELEGANT HOMES. Fine view of city, large, beautiful house, with all modern conveniences. In center of tract, where best house are built, near car. can sell for ST.O0. and you will like Rnd think this house la cheap at this price. CLEMENTS A DEL A HUNT Y, East 3th and Glisan sta BY OWNER. GREAT BARGAIN. Must be sold at once, 4-room fln bun galow, strictly modern. In good neighbor hood, building m years old. lot 60xl0, 4 blocks from carllne. with about $20 near ly new furniture. Price $17o0. Small pay ment down, balance easy terms. Call room 312. Hamilton bids;. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. Sf minutes with new ears, in the vallcv Just west of Council Crest, car fare to commutere 13 ! cents, the very rlchent of soil. cariine crosses center of plat, fancy all cleared a-res abut tin a on the car Rpe at $."iuO. others one mile back at 2,"0 and on monthly payment plan, proper discount for cash. Office opn until 9 V. M. THE SHAW-FEAR CO.. 1m2 Fourth St. Main S3, A IDEAL farm home Fine corner. 15 acres best soil, beautiful orchard, lawns, fruit trees .shrubs, berries, vegetables, ross. flowers. 5 acres young; orchard, a acres strawberries, potatoes, etc.; modem 10 room house, bath, laundry, good outbuild ings. Ideal for poultry and bees; 12 miles from Portland. 10 minutes' easy walk to station and village; $1(MM) worth of high class furniture, piano tools and other per sonal property. $1-300. 40o0 mortgage, 5 per cent. 4 years. No agents. Owner. AV 32. Oregonlan. 5-acre tracts at $17." per acre and only av mllee from B-cent car fare; macadam road all the way to Port land ; may t had on the install ment plan. Office open until $ P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 36. 103 Fourth St. A 3300. SO ACRES. Choicest red shot soil fn Washington 7ounty. 40 miles from Portland on the aw P R. & N. Ry., partly timbered, castle cleared, good; roads, school In quar ter of mils, sear railroad town la tws miles. W0 cash, bslanee your own terms, FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY. 004 Spalding Building. (.3 ACRES of choice fruit land under cul tivation; joins growing Willamette Val ley town, in heart of loganberry district. Southern Paclttc and Oregon Electric botn available; piatted to one und five-acre tracts; this Is a great b:irgiin: inv-sti-iratu; $.".KH cash will handle W. P. Camp, bell, livingwood office. 30 th and Klicki tat. Phone East 4;.14, evenings Mar. 049. 'o ACRES at Faikenhurg. on United Elec tric Railway, partially cleared, fine soil, 2 miles fiom school, good spring run ning all year. This land wlH be aold at i-ss than half that other people ask for land in this vicinity. Alk Hohbenw, room 14 Mulkey bidg-. cor. 2d and Mor rlson yta IDE L country borne. 30 minutes" ride from Po'rtland about B00 feet from cars; 13 acres rich soil, all cultivated. Fruits, or chard. Good large buildings, fruit drier, stock etc; $12,000. Would accept unin cumbered Portland property aa part pay ment. Owner. 410S, Jackson St., Port land 1!04 ACRES WILLAMKTTa. ALL..l Good soil, Well Improved, some timber, fine creek, good buildings, near railroad. 104 acres In crop, which goes with place; -acre orchard; immediate possession. Prica $rr, per acre: easy terms. No agents need reply. Owner. AV 320, Oregonlan. CHICKEN AND FRUiX rvra-c PorSsnd; a NEW SUBDIVISION. Low.st prices; best soil; floe view; wood, water Snd mads; acres. 1400 per tract; 10-A, 500; SO A-. $00; 40 A.. 1200; A, $2000; 160 A-. SO00; liberal termm. FRANK M FARLAMD REALTY CO. o Teon Bidg.. Portland. Or. ' .X.-ACRK HOME. One of the choicest and most attractive HV-ac re t rac ts In M t. H ood R y. dlatrict, with young orchard and buildings; hlrh and sightly; reasonable payment, easy Oark Cannon Co.. 27-4 Oak and SO 4th sts. MOUNT TABOR. Three acres, all or part, adjoining City Park beautiful view, all conveniencea, near hard-surface and car. fruit, berries, flowers, new bungalow ; take pome ex- . j au-naa v A, Orssfinlnn cnange. yr...T., ... a. 10 A'REf pn Oregon Electric, near Tlgard, 1 miles from Portland, ail cleared, good barn and well, also fine spring which flu we all year around in ono comer of tract; price f3.0 per "acre. Apply owner. f73 Main isL PhoneMaln4l77. S w ACRES all cleared, 0 choice fruit trees 7t vears old. on S. P. railroad and county road within 1 mile of Gaston, adjoins War at o Lake, now being drained, $1200; lenSa. Address W. H Evans. Forest prove, yj Peauttful arre bnma. famine 100-foot street snd Oregon Citv carllne; 6 rooms and a real barsain; 27no: terms. Chaa Htdmonil. JennlnKSLou8e. wil I. a, -Pt cheap lot. or equity, as part payment on due. smooth sere; overlooks t v,-r (4 miles from rUark St.. nn West Fnle'Tc' carfare. K. Atwater, 62 is Henry 5 ArHEf of flne.t land on Bafie Line road: very slehtly; Ju.t beyond 12-Mlle road houM: price S1UT.1; easy terms. Phone Tabor Srl. 17 xCRES near Beaverton. IS cleared. . blork, from car station snd running water; orw 1200 per acre: terma Owner. James Wilson. Ponnt. Or., route 1. r2 snd S-scre tracts. c;o.e to Portland, 1 to 6 blocks from electric carllne. Uuo to Itut per acre, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlia Kealty VQ-. -"" R10 CASH R monthly. P2V. 25 minutes out. for Ak for Marsten or Stearns, 'ifi Wilcox Bids. i ACRES iod 14 acre., on Vancouv.r eleo trie car; good improvements, reaeoaab.e j E. Hall. ,0S AUr.s-ton bld. IRRIGATED slfalfa land, crop payment. A. M. liiciLliouae. t4 Chamber of Commerce bldf. TWO aires, r ear f jlf link., s. he nni.ll. T West Kllllns,worth a If Unka. s hool. Zclla ur teale Bmlna Froperty. Rl-SH KALE BAROAIN. S lota, on tZ. 24th and Ijlvulon St.. $7000. u rah ,ubjpi to street Improvements, mum Addrew my sttorn.y. room 11. Mulkey bidg. Phone Mam eS2i. Louis Custer', owner. Frances. Waah. WE HAVE AN EAST SIDE SNAP. . choice buslnena or factory location, t nlocke from Eaat slorrlaon business center, only 4 blocks from Hill-Buih terminals. Clark Cannon Co , 2T4 Oak and ao 4th ets. FINE quarter block on E. 11th St.. nesr Hswthorne sve. One of th best buys on the East Side Ml E. nth St. B. S0a. Ilomnteaili, HOMK-TEADrt and rellnqulahmenta with furnlhod houses and Improvements; lsl s,ns. sll In wheat, heavy crop. Covey. 2ii" Ok. room 21. FOR FAI.K SO seres of fruit land. 4 miles from railway In Klickitat Countv. Wash. For particulars apply. 44s E. Bvurnsids; tarzna. RF AL ESTATE. Uosaesteaaa. HOMESTEAD. If you are looking for a homestead ca,l here. Have relinquishments on several sdjoinlna claims in Tillamook CouniV: also some timber claims full 16" acres In each one; good water and near to towns and railroad. Party now forming to see these claims snd want a few more looking for homesteads to go with them. A guide will be In attendance. Sl'4 Spald ing bidg. ' ESTACADA. Send for illustrated booklet of the Es tacada fruit eeotton. where the Oregon Agricultural Collelte maintains its experi mental orchards. 30 miles from the city of Portland. ESTACADA COMMERCIAL CLUB, Eslscsda. Oregon. GOVERNMENT LAND FREE. Come to my office. 528 Railway Ex change, and I will tell you how to get US" acres of the beat land In Oregon without money snd without price. Jcsae Hubaon. For sale -Fanne. EASTERNERS' IDEAL FARM. EVERYTHING MODERN. RIGHT ON ELECTRIC LINE. 92 acres of deep black losmy soil, every foot thoroughly drained, sll In crop of potatoes, clover, oats and vetch; all nlce,y fenced snd cross fenced; fine orchard, garden and berries kept in fine shape; crops will speak for the land; fine 1" room r,latered house; overlooking beau tiful farming country, lota of hay and grain in barn. 4 fine coach and Norman horses. 12 fine cows. 8 dozen chickens. 12 hose 2 new sets of harness. 2 wagons, new binder, new seeder, plows, cultivators, disc harrows, in fact everything up to date to run the place: new cream sep arator and outfit: this place Is as miles from Portland right st Salem Electric sta tion, electric line forms one boundary. mile to good town, schools and chnrches: lies right on msln county road frrn Portland, with R. F. D.. telephone snd milk route; this Is certainly a beautiful farm and money maker; the price la wa below anvthing In the neighborhood: own er must sell at a sacrifice for good rea sons; price 1..0". 500 cash, balance 5 yesrs or more at H per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. S20 Railway Exchange Bidg.. 4th and Stark. ALFALFA LAXD. UNDER CULTIVATION. 60 PER ACRE. Located In the very best section of Oregon, conceded to be the best alfalfa and grain land In the state. Consists of 44i acres, all level land; IS" acres in alfalfa; 245 acres in wheat, rye, barley and osts; balance very easily cleared. Immense crop assured this year which will more than make first payment on tins land; includes private Irrigation system snd plant. Insuring plenty of water for Irrigating at all times. The stockmen in this vicinity will consume your products. Good 7-room horse, water piped right to house; large barn and other outbuild ings, all fenced; all kinds of tools and farming Implements, harness, etc.. 40 head of good bred horses: 10 milch cows, nogs and chickens 4 miles to fastly smwlng town. 1 mile to school. Telephone in tne house and daily mall service. Price 'i0 per acre; terms can be ar ranged; will consider good house and lot In Portland as part payment. See owner at .IP .ivtm " J This Is a fnrm. not a bluff: 50 acres, level.black bottom land; 12 m,,eJ from Salem; this Is all In cultivation, with nice buildings; 24 acre, Italian prunes, also good family orchard; about 16 acres In po tatoes, over half of them up now and do ing tine, readv for market August 1: 2J, acres In carrots, 1 acre In rutabagas acre In turnips 6 acres In wheat. 8 In oats, some In clover. Just planting f. acres In sweet corn: 16 hogs snd brood sows, fine Jersey cow. No. 1 team horses. 30O chickens. 10 turkeys, all farm tools, buggy, wscon. etc.: good water system, w 1th 10.M)-gaI!on tank, water piped In house and to barn; garden and arage; fine garden made for season, and also my fine Overland auto, good as new ",0v'?n potato crop alone should be worth ."O'1, Sverythlng goes for S175 per Ad dress H. Grsham (owner), AumsWlle, or. For sale. 1UH acres, half mile from Dllley. ' miles from Forest Grove, Or.: HO acres English walnuts, 3 years old; .0 acres good timothy or clover land balance good walnut or fruit land, modern buildings, spring water piped to house and barn; a line country home: for full Information inquire Thos Schoolcraft. Dllley. Or. " BEAVERDAM LAND. .7,000 IO acres, fine orchard, berries. 7 roont house, barn, sheds, well. 2 cows, horse, wagon, machinery; county ditch through land: all level; near railroad: Siuno cash, balance 7 per cent. AV o-0. cireeoniH 11. A FINE 40-acr farm. 2 miles south of Reedville Kood 9-room house, barn and other buildings, fine orchard, crop all in field If vou want a fine home, don t fall to see this place. ,Ak Hohberger. room 14. Mulkey bidg., cor. 2d and Morrison sts. t.iu ACRES, stock, implements and crops: 6 mile, north of Washnugal. on atate road; price .MUpart cash Route 2, TYashoughal. Wash. 100 ACRES of good land, 30 acres cleared, good spring. PIP-! ! hoe and burn; half mile of O. W. P. station. 11, miles of high school; good road to plate; S175 per acre. Owner. Alva Hevel. Gresham. FOR SALE lC'-i acres rich land; 15 acres hoos good hophoutio and wired yard. Ad dress C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard. Or. 15 ACRES excellent farm. Willamette Val Icy 2 milee good town, $85 acre. J. C McClure. 8i'8 Ablngton bidg- RANCH 0 acree. with buildings. IS miles from Portland, near elactric line; bargaia for all caah. br owner 182 Morrlsoo at CALIFORNIA LANDS PERSONALLY . INSPECTED. Seas BAMBERGER, 70S Spalding Bidg. Miscellaneous. in.Arnic tract mile from Estacada, with fi-room house, barn, chick ina fruit trees, stream li en-house, bear- ving water, on land slopes to nd unimproved near Kstacada. corner lot. on $:i00. but -will lol, Oregonlan. county rofld ; nice home, south; bargain for S22M). Also other Improved a tracts at moderate prices. Ore pton. Also new 6-room house, Eaat 31st St., city, worth sell just now for r.'.'n. a TO EXCHANGE. WANT to trade a lot in Westmoreland for the furniture of a small fiat or cottase on the West Side; must be good and the price riRht. lxt Is worth $1XHJ. au0 owing, pavable easy monthly payments. Tel. Marshall 418. A lftiW. WILL exohenga for an automobile, acreage or grocery stock:, my equity of J:'700 iu a new 8 -room home with sunroom, breakfast-room and atl built-in conveniences; also garage; balance 22.40 per month. AP S4. Oregonlan. TO TRADF FOR FARM. 1 2-story building, 1 one-story bidg.. price fftMHi; wanted, farm within 00 miles of Portland, including stock. PACIFIC COAST BROKERAGE CO.. 5H-1H Hoard of Trade Bidg. I WILL exchange my beautiful, highly cul tivated 3 0 acres in Hood River, 0 aciea planted to Spuzenberg and Newtown Pip pins, for good house and lot la Portland. XVA Lumber Exchange. AUTO FOR LAUNCH. Will trade my nve-paaenger roadster, which cost over STrOOO, for motor boat or cruiser; tate in reply type of boat, h. p.. etc. AC fta. Oregonlan. LAL'RBLHIRST HOME TO EXCHANGE. New. modern, 9 rooms, everything built in and finished with bat of material and workmanship; will exchange for acreage. Owner. 816 Chamber of Commerce. WILL accept chap lot, or equity, as part petvmcnt on fine smooth acre; overlooks river G"ri milea from Stark iL, on West Sid-;" 7c carfare. H. Atwater, Henry bids- ai-HHl My equity in nice little ranch to exchange for Portland vacant lot. Would assume small amount. Geo. W. Smith, Gold oeacn. ur. .TaWMILL. 20 M. capacity, for sate on easy terms, or exchange for city or country real estate. Phona East OWNER wishes to trade 7-room modern house in Olmstead Park for acreage. What have you to offer? AJ 64. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE Ftna unincumoered ranch near fcanta Rosa. Cal., for t.sjid prop erty, r . i-uuo.s. i -- " cv.u u irjf several properties to exchange for "tesfdeJcoi here. J. F. Hadley. elo Spai- dlng bidg. teAVTD Te exchange a stock of wataaaa and tewalry for farm lande or et)uli ia xarm iituv " -w" TO FXCHANGE Two improved lots, Walla eah for IwxIOO Irvlnrton lot; will pay diff-renre. Call Main 5J09. NFW 6-room house on corner lot. .East 31st st. worth 11VM); for sale or exchange for well secured mortgage. AM 7tf. Oregon.an. TO EXCHANGE Standard upright piano, nearly new, for unincumbered lot. 317 T:lfordbldg. WILL exrhange equity of $400 in lot, cor. 4th snd Lincoln on automobile, 5-pass. Ford preferred. R T. Oregonlan. F vrH NGE Acreage, lots or real estate "mortgage for grading- Frank T. Berry, 4 North Sixth st. . WANTED To exchange painting for horse. AG ". Orgnian WHAT ha yu to trade for a SJSOy equity in new modern bungalow? Tabor 200. TO EXCIUNGB. HERE IS SOMETHING GOOD. 1 HAVE A MODERN SIX-ROOM, BUN GALOW. ALL FURNISHED. READY TO MOVE INTO; AM LEAVING THE CITY AND DON'T WANT TO RENT MY HOME. SO HAVE DECIDED TO SELL. I WILL CONSIDER A GOOD BliiH CLASS AUTO 1P TO $3000 AND THS BALANCE TO SUIT YOU. I WILL DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNERS ONLY. STATE. KIND OF MACHINE AND ALL PAR TICULARS IN FIRST LETTER. WILL MAKE DISCOUNT FOR CASH. MY PRICE IS $0000 FOR FURNITURE AND BUNGALOW E 65, OREGON IAN. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 6 acres within H mile of city limit of Vancouver, mostly alt cleared; an Ideal home site; will trade for gxd unlncum b'red Portland lots, or might take house and lot, if price is right. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO., Cor. fith and Washington Sts.. Vancouver. Wash. HAVE some very nice Improved acreage tracts near Portland and well improved farms in all parts of the Willamette Val lev to exchange for income property, resi dence or city lots; can trade what you have for what you want. What have you to exchange? W. W. Green. 713 Cham- Beautiful site, with unobstructed view of Necanicum River, board walk, ocean; eight rooms, partly furnished; price $;i0nt; will tak-t unincumbered property in trade, some cash, balance at 6 per cent. AC 6. Oregonlan IMPROVED and unimproved irrlKtd land near Twin Falls, Idaho, with good water right, at $ol an acre and up; good terms. 6 Ptr cent interest, for sale or trade for Portland property, business, residence or acreage. Robert Martyu. 07 Yeon bidg.. Marshall 3tJ.. BEAUTIFUL Mt. Tabor residence Bite, 3x lOd. on Base Line road, with excellent family orchard and shrubbery; will tak us part pay other city property; this Is an exceptional opportunity. Car Ioc It & Muell liaupt. .102 Chamber Commerce. WILL exchange for Portland property, mod ern $3000 S-room cottage In desirable resi dence district In Spokane. Wash., located on corner lot, paved street. Address 794 Irving, stato location of Portland prop erty, and if Improved. 40 ACRES for sale. I'l acres planted and balance In crop, all Irrigated, mil from good town; would consider some trade; no agents. AT M. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL F.ST ATE. WANTED One or two clear lots, will pay smalt payment down, give trust deed for balance, wish to build at once and want privilege of putting on mortgage lo help build. O Si', oregonlan. 1 WANT lots in Walnut Park with down payment and second mortgage privilege. C JM. Oregonlan. APARTMENTS wanted up to $40,000 from owners only; positively no agents. AB 33. Oregonijin. W VNTBD A lot in Rose City Park, or Braumont district; give lowest terms. T 78, Oregonlan. EQUITY bought in houses, lots, mortgages, good timber claim to trade for anything. jne Gerlinger bidg. United Realty Co. WANTED A bargain near Alt, Zion church; no agent. Y SO. Oregonian. FO R SALE TIMB ER I.ANDB. 21 000,000 feet choice timber, near Nehalem River. 1 milea to R. R. AL 79, Ore gonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C- J- M'CRACKKS. 3(4 McKay BW FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Kta. FUR SALE One very handsome brown marc, o years old, handa high, weighs about II. "iii lbs., sound and very gentle for lady to ride or drive in city or country; one blue roan mare, very pretty, safe and gentle for the most timid to ride and drive, weighs about 105O lb?., 5 years old. lr, hands high; one saddle pony. 14- hands high; ride and drive and fearless of all things; several other combination ride and drive horsea at very low prices; li choice ranch mares, weigh -about U.JOO lbs.; cash or credit to rerfjonsihle Peo ple. Every horse Is subject to strict veterinary exam inat ion and trial. If not satisfactory, money will be promptly re funded. We do not ask you to take an other horse. KRAMER S RIDING SCHOOL, lUth and .lefifrson Sts. FARM OUTFIT. $250 buys team, mare and horse, weight 270 lb?., good pullers any place, har ness and farm wa;on; SL'iO bus team, mare and horse, weight IWuo lb.. harness and farm wagon; $S'i buys lUMVlb. horse, harness and butrgy. Woodstock, corner ,r.7lh at and Wd ave., or phono Ken wood 1 7SS. FOR SALE. High-class saddle mare, sorrel, witn white marks; eight years old; goes all the gaits and is "high schooled" as well ; maivhcs. cake-walks and does a dozen other stunts; this mare ia sound snu gentle and can be ridden or driven Ithr by lady or gentleman. Address H. r Redman, manager Redman Moving m Storage Co.. Salt Lake City, Utah- GRAY and black, pair of mares, one in foal, chunky built, 5 and 7 years old. If . you need a good ranch team, come and sue this one; they are priced to sell; also gray horse, 4 years old, weighs 13i0, nice ly broke and true to pulU for $100. S34 Front st. . $(."i BUYS good sound bay mare, weighs 11 B0 pounds, city broke, true to pull any place; also big bay gelding, weighs 14J0 pounds, have no need for him, also bay mare, 1000 pounds, works single or double and sound, $55. Come today. 3:.4 Front st. FOR SALE Cheap; Iminti and Headlight, two fine thorough-bred running mares; they are money-makers. I have not the time to race them and will exchange them for livery horses; both fine sad dlers. 14 Union ave. i TEAM of horses, harness nnd wagon, good puliers. fast wa'.kers: work single or double, ago 5 and 7. weight 2400. If you want a good outilt, come and see tham. Price $35U. E. H, Moseley, R. K. L. 1, Vancouver, Wash. PAIR of 5-year-old goldlngs, woigh 2700, bay and sorrel, sound, fust walkers, sxtra good travelers, new harness, $350. o34 Front st. FOR SALE Light delivery wagon; a bar gain; must be sold this week. Phone East 23 K. Can eee aame at OST Union n ve. N. WANTED. Good work horse for eale cheap if taken immediately. Aune. 'photographer. Co lumhia bidg. Main A 103. . $11.5 BUYS good team well-mated, their harneF and good farm wagon; both good workers any place. 7M Inaley ave.; take Sellwood car or phone Sell wood Lil.t. PAIR matched bay mares, 4 and 3. weigh ')ioO sound and right every way, suitable for ranch or breeding purposes. Bargain. FOR SALE CHEAP Good 1400-lb. horse. Call Metropolitan Market. 530 Williams ave. , FOR SALE Cheap; one farm team, also 4 or 3 cheap delivery or farm horses. 14 Union ave, comer of Ash. WANTED Gentle horse with or without buggy for keep during the Summer; best of care and gauntry use. P. O. Box 460. FOR SALE Farm wagon, buggy, cheap. Ap ply Mrs. G. BIchon, Mt. Scott car to Wuodmere, 7 blocks south. fTevEN horses and mare, 1 0O0 to 14 00 pounds; prices right, W. J. Rltter. 313 Water. A SWELL driving outfit and a very fast .ni -nil -ona rn to Kelt wood 141. pace i . -Jin -- ------ - tfaM WANTED, with or without driver. Apply at once, 50 East 76th st. $1 "5 BUYS brown colt, 4 years old, weighs 14'J, sound and true to pull. 334 Front st. Ai,M. .ALA. tiOK-J . - ruiuruiy ou.-mm, S c u to m e d to city tfc Kast Uh si Woru. PASTURE tot rent near Portland. Phona Main 1410. " ' posja. Birds. Tot tttoen. FOR S A LE A bo u t 7.1 well-bred Angora goats. AC 7:, Oregonian. USE Pratt's Roup Cure, For sale by J. J. u j-... ioc h'rnnl mt. 13 u Lie I Ot - PIUZC English bull terrier female dog for en la eheno. East 6 V-7 . FINE Pomeranian puppies, reasonable. Phone C 'J4-4 mornings. Automobile. 111" 33 H -P- chassis. Just equipped with brand new delivery body Juat th thing for grocer or laundry; caah 00. AB 80. Oregonian. kh HALE Rectifier for charging storage eiertne autos; auuubla for an- vate or public garage. Woodiawn 155tL C 1777. 001 Williams ave. WIST sell Indian momr:jti( mwci, never abused. Price 150; terms. 5311. Montgomery. j WANTED AN AUTOMOBILE. T-ta model roadster preferred, will pay cash. 40 ad St. Main 8766. r SALE Elmore 50-h. p. to u rtn g ca r, 112 demonstrator. Delmage at bmith, 4rt N. IfUth. iA rcE auto to exchange for runabout or real estate- good for stage line. Phone Marshall 3149. 405 Spalding bidg. jv OA-POUND auto truck for sale cheap, ftla-a C55T