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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1912)
r tttt Monvrya onrooyTAy. satitrday. may is., 1012. BUY OH SHEEPS BACK Wool Contracting Is Resumed in Eastern Oregon. ACTIVE TRADE IN WALLOWA Half Million round of I nlorn Wool M:nl tp Iurtnc Use Werk Market Active In Other Section. p.,, wwi -iit no tn r-atra Kr0n tm aongt t umi lat rpjrt4. pt r-w-r ar bocotnin stroot-r ta thr T- bayf ar minttn.n la-ir prti -'.t thm ro-r ar incliaed to j It artr fur tat. Anotr.-r foaJuro of tha mrkt t -l r- t amo- n of roatT-a.-tlna. .ninn. f"""' aoma m-r na . .nP . i tutnoa of tut ce:ii a rw at tit k'nd wm atteroptal. Mt f tha Con tract. ..4 IM hu bo-n in tha Wailowa rmaur. wnra probably pound wra .fl ap Bnvra aio u.t.d other artlona. r tMa clip ai-a orli- kaown 1 b ' votM. ta th affrt to cotrac 00 th ahaap'V brjL Tfta pric rasa ffm 14 to 14 cant a. Vit ta roar aa incliaatl la moat ln- i-ci to wait until tha aol t hora and raka tiir chanc-a. n the w-oi. tha h tHen a vary tntv and It la etlmatJ that betaaea :. a.d iwO fwa p-mnda t ahura and ua orn w v.i hav fhnfe-l hand. I t: vpaculatloa to b-tnr Indulged la ly fna.iy to lha traU. th B'tti om marrial Bui'-Mn. a to what method of reaont.m hae i-uavl th paymept of prtcet a, hiyrt aa trv-a whtfh aer paid about a waek a in W.iini With lha poaa-bltity ft tariff l-.Uiioo o tha wwin heduia aa airtn aa It la at the preaent moment, it vnul'l arena that buyer bad about reached th limit. If lrdr-e.1 (hey had not ped Burar bar cintinud to tk OB Wyom hc wfla thi wr-a. paring l centa ftr "mo "f th bttr clip, which mean about II centa rl. Undel. paalhlr centa I:i ia trtana. ae'-t "!! ma further crtntrrt to a limited extent ar reported at 19 cent. a:o. In nTttrolnt. Iha Reburc A Anthony rlip la tmene th tare porchaa. tnclud lr na:ea. or abut t0 punOa. No aales of moment ar reported in tha otsthweat and Oalifornta ha alao been rathar quiet, th clip thua far ahorn la that lata; rathr defe-ti thi year, ac coaxltpa; to racent ad vie a. VAIXOH. COIXTV WOOU COXTRCT a t m tha Ha Clip at KaUarprV Bowajhl by 9jMtrai Ie,lr. ENTERPRISE. tr May 17 (SpawlaLr With th M.e Wednea-lay of th pooled clip f Jay It. Itottbin and C. 1- llarta bra a;re;tiiij; 20."O pouixla. th laal .arc lot of wool In WaUowa County, ex cept on, ha bean contracted for. Th tXb-kia-Haxtabom wool went to fr'rar.k A. i'tarka and J- A. runk. who tied In the.r blda. By ajtraement tb price wa not dlarloaed. This a! make a total of about ITS. 404 pound of Wallow County ! aold to date. Th total 1 aJoe. at an atera prlea of IS cenia. ia around 9 1 3 J.4U4 The oaa remaiiitn large 1 Hp In the runty la that cf Ialn. MKlt;Nd A Kunjao. Tb ctnper.Hiua fr the tbbln-1 tart a hAn w.w.l aa krL K eTV buVVC IB th ataia wa fceJ t bid. and quotation cam by wire from a: I over tra. Mr Kuttk. repre. ncm H-ip t. Urtrnann Company ; Mr. t tre. bu n( f-r Ji4iUw..-). Jone L'onal l. and 'red Kir.e''. for J. Koahiand 4c. tViiifJ. r the -l bldd-ra ajealnat t::a fi' i i. Aa Mr. 1 rarke a and Mr. Kunk :da wrr the aame it ia eupuoacd they tU d ; -. ttir purcnae. Other t'e puriliAXt of imI, mad toc tbaop-ii.i.rf f trie an. when I'eter Uau aaa .1 .1 el'p. m. l ide th following . liou.rit t) M. CU:k PounJ Mar J. Hroi Vr vU - -n 1-.v0 ri. ct 4 t -u . ;i V'i . V 'U i'i.W : a. 111 It evo M. h e. I v..-:- I.rir ;t. : ....... A,ut . ,si.:uw.. n lii. if t Jai Kana v a m U a.te, Orur M 'fl Ha I .a ytnirr K. .-IUJl'..fled Tnrr r njk. man na v0 . 1."4 . 4 . wo ilrr clip, but tha h 4 a:u .uuut) a 1 o far V alio a -reed. tAii.K.N KiiH- Mm iii num o Buira a I aairwei Mark. 4 rp 'rpeta. No a llfit'r:l bu nea in the hop contract mrkrl a a annoancvd )eatera. Ther aere a a tirrn oraer on the market for pot p 'p at i. cm:. The r.-4!fi iniinii ia taken In orop pra pec, anti-rt are ia orab-e er y hr. T ha present tnoi.atinc ar for a normal world -ro;. In I'traoa. I he auilook muid not be b;t-r. and a repetition ot tha 10 jiald par a- re la too cd I r. A ca t ft oro Pr a ue, rt'-hem.a. rryrittl crop c.-nditlot:a on ta ronunent of Hurope famraMe aid estimated IN t onitnentai rrop at ai ina to mo jndrad ar: rr. Th K-nt!h vrnf. of May 2. of . r"p tonditi.-n tn tji :nd . Tba hp plant ar exceptionally forward. Trie g-oe?h during tha iat week or two baa bear rapid, and tiog t tn progreao. Tha cold t! m ill a -i a a chavk to too forward do i'li mnl Ham la bad.y m aated." London market roiKtiriom ar ahown by h--p fact m- trade ciri-ularf: V lid. Seam 9t Co. Ther la very llttl businesa pair.g on our market, and value are unchanged. Marger St Hnlr AUhourt there 1 mor Inquiry th buaineao doing t of mall volume and for preaent requirement only V. It. A II- L May There aa ao a'.ter atltra to pot on thi mark-;, the enquiry reported la our tt continue. Th Conti nental rrarketa hav hardened arain during th p: aaek. Fmchang and Hop Warehouae Ther 1 vary lt;t alteration aa to th tatc of th traraet lo report, very few lota having changed harl during lat wee, although tber i'tt coculrrat ly more envjuirte for ail grade for immrd.aie consumption on It. OwiDf to the very few lota remaining an aold, owner ar not ar.m'ou to re. an ad nt In prio- being dally anticipated, a t: on th fore ga market having tkn p Ae !TIC VI B t RR1 1 AKR Hlt.HIJl I WrTH Thirty -cwt Advaaew la Tfcre Uoy Kae. rw meal Big Local Trawar. Te itravbrtrr upp!y w a better ea- terda. but tba demand waa very trofig and th gftarkat waa firm. A tralght car arrtvad from norm and cleaned up readily at 91 90 and II Price today may hlgha- Th Itacrament market ha i a a red 9'V centa a crat amc Wed need ay. Receipt of Pprmcbrooa berrie wr ma Ticy ao'd at 94 a crate. There a era no change la th vegetable market, wirh wa atte. A ear ef W a tngai ait rb b wa rctvd. liRvllV' 94"HK-T SOW ON MARKET Na Blda 9r a 4aaatlty Pat l far fXd The ha ararket w as dull and weak. Ther w p-actv a'rv no demand loralTy oe In th irt-rlr. In the paJoua country I cowiaaiair. wa-tUlj- oX Xaiaicia hal t.j I offered tort wl. kut there were no bid. Big Bend bluni'ia Is reported to baxe sold on the Sound at 11.01. Weekly lunm wbatl ihlpmmu were aa ,0n"' Thl.k. I-"'-" U..rr. Argentic. J.-"" Hi.'" 2. 7 ."" Australia vwf- -. fJ India ...... ..1.MS.0OO aSAowo LI44.000 Local receipts, la car. were reported by to kirOuir Exchange u follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oata Hr Monday 'i ... i 1 a I w.Or..-.1ar ... 7 "; a . Thumliy .... ' ' " 7 .daVVT 7. li 1 s:jt Tbtr wr bo chns In country produce ltn. Too market wm but lowr. Poultry tod &r9m4 mat -"r qu!t and atoadjr- Butler waa Uand up ! tr. aa naa ba tba tu tor two vf ki. and -" piiea - 0rm. Th dtmtDd for chtfM alo cooilouas c ttva Bmmk, nartn. Rnk cartnc of th Northwlrm elt. t ytrdy r m folio! i pnrtiand - . -mtl'" Jj; .91.Avt.04l 914.7T4 . l.TT 44 1 ! J Grata. rVwr. Tvd. rc w-HKAT Tra'k prk: B:utam. 91 : Va i-y. V7Sw7 4--foM. 7$.-c. i 3j1.Vj.Tl FKii Brn,'9-4 por'too; ah art a. "T n-litHllnri FUlTt'H F:nt. 5 1a pr barrot; triKhta, 14.70. prta. 94.10: allay. i-.O. gr.-m. . 10. hat. t S. COKN Whn'O. $.. cracJ. 9 Pr tnn tt i t TinAihf i:IOtii;Si: alfalfa. Ill f!;.60; clover. H0: oaia and yotcb, 9 AMI"; araia hay. 9. OATS .No, 1 whltav 1-1 340 par ton. TrarvtabWo ana rrvtta. TnOPIAL rr.tTTTS Orlne. nare'a, 2 5i tl J.T5. Calirornla rrar-efrutt. ri.5''4. r'lmda arapafnitt. 97Sffl; lemona, 90" per b'i. ptneipplea Ac per pound. FRf..S H rKl'ITi-etrawberrtea. riorla, 91 Vll.C p-r crate; Mrra. I"' l'r pound: cranborrte. 99 1 Pr barrel; ap-91-Vv-l per boa. cherrte. $ par bo . c h " r r 1 looea. Ik per pound. POTAToKS JohMni price: Burbanfca. old. 1 359 1 SO par hundrad; new California. 4c per pound. ONI'S Hermuda, 12 U t-2X VE.JETAHLKS ArtKb'ka. ft9C T don. aaparagua. 79c per crat; baana, i:Sc; cbaa. 2c par pound; caullflowar. tJ-TA per rr;e; rw.ery 0fi' per crate; cu cumber. 1 ti l.M doi-n, ecp'ant. -Jc per poind: had letm.-a. SI 79 per crata. nt houa lettuc. 79e9fl par dom : pa. 4 So per pound: pepperaw :c per pound; rad uhaa. liZo per doaea; rhubaro, Io pr pound, eplnach. 4 n he pr p.nd; toma toe. 11 r'f b.. r'ic F H-c par pound. liACK VKGCTABl-Ei Tumlp. rer ark: beef. rutlaa. 111. carroi. $U Dairy aad Coon try Prwdwc. pt'TTER Oreron cramry butter, eubao. ir aolid pack, U10 per pound; print lo ax- EGO Trmmh Or;on ranch, candled, MH per doxen; caa count, SOc tt.sE ortinn t lai. lTc pr pound; 1'O'inr merlra. PHiK Fancy, 14ltSe per pound. VKAL V'auo. 1 S c p-r pound. POl'I.TRT Hena. 14c; broiler, 21 2.V; d-uaa. young. caa, lit. turkey, lit. 2vc; drraacd. c Btapt Ci roc lea. SALMoy Columbia Rlv-r. on-pound ta" i. 99 per doser - .ht-pound tali. 9.'U.-.; one-pound flat. 92-40. A pink, woe-pound tal .. f l.ili I'ol'FKB HvasteU. In drum. 29 040a per pound. NITS Walnuta. lfttflSc pr pound; Brazil nut. l4ulV. (Ubcrta, Utl5o. al mond. K21o; peanut. lc: cocoanuta. 9o vt per dxen: cnestnuta. I'fSo per pound; h. kory nut. 4 0 luc per pound. ,-noic. a. per caae; atrainad DOitey. IOC per pUUQO. HALT liranuiatad. 9' l: half- 9-round. loua. pr ton; to. 9 por toa. HtANH mail whita. 45c: 'ar whit. 4c. Uma. ISc; pink. Bc; Memican. AHc; bayou, 9c KR'S No. 1 Jpan. Sc: cheapar ajradaa. 4 vi-: bout barn bead. 9 B 7c bl'UAR Ury ranuiato i wa; fruit end berry. 93.99; Honolulu plantation. 9 : heet. 99.7A: stra C 9- powdered, barrel. i"-, v W d. irl. 1 7.ZZm ti. nound: pricota. 0 19Ne: paohea. ltae; allrr. lv; rui tts white and biack. 4li07c; currant. 1-7C; raiaina. looaa. Muacaiai. oaic. bleached Tbompaon. llr: unblaached 8ul linn. (4c: eaeded. TSOS date. Par- aiaa. 9o por pound; 9ard, li.o pr boa. HAM All u 17itl!M: aklnad. ITity 1JU-; pirntca, 12c; BACON Fancy. tg34tci cholco, 10 "iViT SALT M E ATS Bark, dry alt. 11 H tJUc. back, imoktl lug lc. biua. dry a t WHc belli, smoked, lc LA 111 Tlerc basts, ehol.-a. le; com pound. wc; leaf, tbrao-pouod pan. 9o-W 'm ?r"n .LAN KOI Pi feat, ktta, 11.99; beef, inside. 9-3 oer caae; dried bf. Inside, per pound, bologna, canvaa back, 10C. minced ham. 1-c Mopa. ".Yon anal Hide. HOP? 111 crop. 14)4"; old, nom inal . I" contract, S " MH III Vio!t:. 9o I'T pouTid. WlX3I Eastern Oregon. 14 Q 1 pT poi-t1. a -.ron.g to ahitnkage, allay. 1 l T:i.- per pound. ITLTS rr. ln IV: full wool butch ar peM II 2.t1.7t, aearlngs lt.ldr. Hll't halted 11'illSC pr pound: salted calf. hi g .'lc: atlted kip. 1 1 Uc; green hide. !". drr raif. No. 1. 2-c; o. U. : dry hide. 1i9 2c. aalted ttaga, Ti.t V; green t!s. 9Stf",! t ajv" A KA-ler pound, i f C CHAIN ii AOS In car lota. $'e. IJbmocoI Oil aod Twre.tlao. MNrEKD Oil- Paw. barrels. lc; boiled. barrels, i-oi.. raw. caoea, bc; bollad. cae r L RFEMI g tiaw. brria, ia SAN rRANClMX rKODtCC MARKXt Prlcoo Qw4eal at th Bay City foe t UhK rTaita. Ft. SAX FRAN't'lfX'O. Msy 17 The foltow pc produc prlcae war current hr today: rruii Apple chotre. $1.J: common. "mc; M-tcan limes. 93 .. 1 allrornta lemon. 94. common. ! . naval oraogea, 91 p ptnespp.e. t r.e. se I., u l.kC H utter Fancy creamery. 2.V. K Store. I-; fancy rnh, 2 S c. fUtVt Cucumbars. 91 1.6. gar lic, nomtnst; green pea, tie u 91 . a ring bena, 4 H.-. aspaiagu. 6 H -o, toraa- tiw-a, nominal: eggplant, nouunal . ontona, nomtn;. Potatoe Rlvar Purbanka. 91.239)1.90; Oregon B urban ks. 11 aWl.lo. Hi) W.ieat. a heat and oata. 1 -'.'. a. fa. fa. 13p 14-30. Recaipt Four. .vl quarter agrkg; wheat. centa: barley. 7445 rent la: oata. S30 cental, potatoea. ll$i aacka; hay, 4Us ton, wool. 137 bait. Now York Cot to a Market. NEW TORK. My 17. Cotton future closed -rry ateady. 1 pointa lower to 1 point higher. May. ll.?Tr; Jan. 11 ?4c: Jnly. 1139c; AuruiL 114V: beptembor. M.gnc; October. 11 47c: Novamber. 11 6V; December, ll.&rtc; January. 11.9JC, February. 11 94c; March. 11 olc Spot clod quiet IO point lower. Mld up.and; mkl-gulf 11 eve. Sale, A4O0 bale ( hlcag Prwdwc Market. i'HIOaoo. May IT Bu::er Eay. cream Mes, ritf . doirie. 23 u -'c. EM- Eaay: receipt. caae. at mat case tnoiudtd, lT"4c yidlnary Crat. ltt:--. first, la. Cheese Steady. dag:", 1 19c, twin. y q ::c. Voung America. 193 lc; long horn. lUwlSkC wl at IH. Loula. T. LOCIS. May IT. Wool, ateadr. Ter ritory and Western mediums, 19 g lac; fln medium. lwi;c. fln. Italic Uwiwtk I'ku Market. PITLCTH May 17. Co: Llnaeod. tn atora, and on track. Z.'JV . to am, 9-iU. May $22 naked. July. UU bid. FreaK-k) Baak Rat Lower. PARI-. Vr 17. Th rat of discount of th fiauk of Franr wg reducd today from 9 to 9 par cent. II p at LIVtERPOOU Mae IT Hop In London trac.Qc Coast . iH tf f 11. Hap at N York. M.W a'uKiw ALajr 17. Oioa otaady. SELLING IH LONDON Weakens Stock Market at the Opening. CANADIAN PACIFIC FALLS Slutrp Advanre In Price of,Copper, IVnmellr and treltrn Calumet a Uecla Oerlarcn Quarterly Dividend of $ 1 0. NtT TOHK. May 17. Hravy l!lni of Anw-tn ctirlttt In Tendon, rroductnc al th. opening h.ra. and on other and iom..ftc In tha pric. of rnpp.r tn.ral w.r aoin of th. Im portant fat-tora In tbo .toch market tndar. Canadian Paclft.-. which fM point. In London, opened, hero at a deolm. of 3 pointa with weanoa In lnt.rnatlonal Hurvrater and St. Paul. th movement preadln to Wabash on publication of tho advert earn Inaa. Ht. l'aur. reactionary trend probably waa due to the aame cau... coupled with re-nt deprraaion In t"hlcao North we.tem. Tha average laeV of prlcea at mld-da waa altfhtly better than at yeeterdayi clnaa. but the market aftar that brama dull and narrow. manlfeaUna an abaenca of Inltlativa from either lda of tha accoont. For the remainder of tho aeatlon bualneaa waa llht with no Important prlca chanfea. Amarlran Woolan moved up. praeumably In connection with tha announcement that tha I'nlted Statet finance committee of tha Sen ale la aoon to lake up tha Houaa wool achedula. .barea wera unraeponelva becauae of tha action of tha ame commltteo which voted to eliminate the old llutcb atandard from the raw product. Apropoe of tha coppor altualion. tha Cal umet Hecla. one of tha lri..t producera of hlah-irade metal, declared a quarterly dlvldrnd of $lo. compared with S nd 8. reepectlvely. three and I'.r monthi ao. lcal banka ara credited with a ln or $S.W0.000 on tha wkly caeh movement, moet of which waa derived from the Interior, de.plta large direct ahlpmenta to varloua point.. Another eiport of old to South America for French and German account waa made by a local banking houea. I.ondon followed Ita home operation, wltli further eelllnir of our atocka In thla market, principally 8teeL Reduction of tha Trench bank rata w fnreehadnwed oma week! ago. the greater ease of money lo that country ahowlna; In trtklna conlraet to tha tenelon prevalllna there at the urn, of tha Moroccan Imbroallo. The bond market waa irrefular. with Walaeh 4a miklni up much of their early, loaa. while Brooklyn Tranalt convertlhlee followed tha In tha tuck. Total .alee, par value, l3.4-'J.noO. i;nlted Statea OoT ernment bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Bio. 4 8! l 7.1 S 3Sia 1 M 1V 41 a AMI Chal Pf .. Amal Copper . Am Aartcult . . Am Beet buaar. American Can .. Am Car 'dy Ara Cotton oil.. Am lid a Ia pf Ain K-a becurl.. Atn Unseed ... Am LK-oiuotlve. Am bm.l ex Kef do preferred.. Am Fdy.. Am huejar Kef.. Am T.I a Tel. . Am Tul.-co pf. Am Wooien ... Anaconda M Co. Atchlaou do preferred.. At) Ciuit Uoe Italt A Ohio ... ll-thlehent Steel lirook K Tran.. Canadian Pac .. Central l.--.lher do pref.'rred.. Central of N J.. Cli-a aohlo ... Chicaco a Alton Chi Cil West . .. lo preferred.. Chjiao m N W. C. M a St Paul.. lutiVi 37 'a i:io ;, lloi. 1SV. 30 4- H 10, l'XJW 140 li.4 :i- S71, -a 04 SW 7HS 23 17 35 137 '4 loo 7 2 42 'i 142S 13 171 '4 2'4 87"a H2 IU 43-. 1314. 4.1 S 12la 20-4 t 'a 121. 17-a 17 -tS 12 ' 2.-. Hu ltK-,4. l.'.n 2 2 Vi 142 V. : C. C. C a St l . Col Kuel a Iron. . Col a Southern. Consol lies .... Corn Pr-xlucta lel a Hudson.. L K tlr.nde.. do prelerred-. nietlllara' becur trie do let pf .... do 2d pf . ... 142 1, 1 171 t. - :t- 142. 1-V 17iS )i4 7 3.-.V, W io" l.n 4 4:- 12 20U, 121 4'K1 4. If .Nit. S.7"0 4U4 V4 ino'v 1M 44 lirtt, ! 'i7. Oen Electric Soo 7"0 in.rx 4"iO 7.-J.i ;.i"' C.l North uf fit North ore I I Inula Central. Interooro Met .. do preferred.. Inter II rval"r Inter Marine PI. Int Pai-r 1.B00 lnt Pump Iowa Central . .. K C Southern.. 00 25 U-w do preferred l.a:lede Oes Louis Nssh. . e0 Mum St 1 M. P sk 8 M "" Mo. Kn a Tn 5uO do preferred Mo re.-tfl.- 1,T ItlKUlt Nation. I Lead.. S Ry M'l 3 t N T Central . . . N T. Out a TVee 1" Norfolk a West I.lo North American ,. Northern pac .. l.&"0 1AI ii-Jt,' :s 'jiv.' 7i; iio 3-1 1124 SI V US'. 143S 'jtj '17 iir"4 a 112 itnt, 12U . . i 3:1V, 1.-.7. ..7 . SI lli'S 31 1I2S site lli'S us 12JS ns 1"S 21 S.H4 ino 34S 17.--S 23 S 78 27 H .ins 34 32 S 734 IWS 111S 2S 74 43 S 24 V 14 ant, 170s . I" "4 7-iS MS 70 ms frj4 is jo "4 .is 74S 82 V 7V. 17SS 3l 14 P.rlrto Vail Pennsylvania l.!U0 123 i:SH leol:c'a tas i'. c c a st L.. 4o Pittsburg- Cosl.. - Pressed 8 Car Pull rt Car Rl Fteul Spring 20O Heading TJ..V Krpubllc Steal.. ft do preferred.. M Rock Island Co. do preferred.. 0"O st I. a s r s pf 1.100 St it Southwest do preferred ft'oss ShelTI'ld .. Southern Pac .. 7'o Southern Re... l.TXI do preferred.. T-nn Copper . :" Tens a PaHI-io I.l To:. St L. a Wea low 110 214 21 S3 lTrtV Tl m t4 ' 37 41 114 4 17 MV 79 27 S .id 374 .11 111N M 1114 2 74 431, 24. li ieS 7 "4' .-.! W4 111 "4 r?S MS 7H la '74H S2 i74'l4 20-,, 19 43 15 do preferred Vnlon Psriflo .. 2A.00O 1TI do nref erred. . . . . . U S Uealty ... 4.000 V 8 Rubber ... aoo L" S Steel 7l."" do preferred.. l' ftah Copper ... ! Va Caro Cbsm.. Wabash do preferred.. a.3t)0 W'eetern Md Westing Elec .. l.w Western Vnton.. WO Wheel a L E Lehigh V.Key. 14.0TV. Chino Copper 2.100 Ray Consols ... 4.400 79 S S 70S 111 ' ai', MS a io '7-iv; u i7i, S("s 194 Am Tobacco 16 J S Total sa.ea for tba day. 440,200 shares. BONDS. Purnishad by Overbeck A Cooks Co.. of Portland. Bid. Asked. 113 W4 99S 1-XS 1 V 107 S 3S 81 2 -.4 MS Aaier Tel a Tel conv aa...... American Tobacco 4s......... American Tobacco oa Atrhlson general 4s Atchison conv 4s Atchison adj 4s stamped Atchison conv n Atlantic Coaat Lino cona 4a. . At Coast Line "le a N coll" ria'ttmore a Ohio 3S lialtlmor a Ohio 4s Hrocklyn Rapid Transit 4s... Can Southern first os Chesapeake a Ohio 4S C B a 4 gen mtg 4s C B a t Joint 4s c b a Q 1; j 4e C B a Q I-enver 4s. . . Central Pacific first 4s Chlcsco a East Ills 4a Chicago K I a P ref 4s Cllcago R I a P Col trust 4a Colorado a Southern first 4s Lsnver a Rio Grande 4s.... I'etawara a Hudson conv 4s. Ens first cons P L 4s... Int Met ISs Japanese 4s J spare., first 4Ss Jspanesa second lii L 4 N unl 4s Mo Kan a Tex ... Missouri pacldc 4s Sis Tork central SS New Tork Central L S IS. New Tork Cltv 4' New Yo-k t1tv 4s of ll.'7 . Norfolk a Western 4s Koi-Ssla. a waalsra cone 4s. . ...K.1S ..120V .. ! ..1USS .. w V . .l'S . . U.1 a. S.lV ..sis . . VI .. b ..lnl . . lot) S . . 13 .. AS .. 1SV .. (It. .. 5S .. "S .. MS .. 71 .. 9.1V . . 74 . . r .. "XS . . S2S .. ss .. y:s .. sis ... ws .. MS .. 73 s .. M . . '2 ... !-. ..1"7 . 101 s 101 UtlS P6S VH (MIS SS 71S e;i4 P sss ss v n f 4 s 1X1 74 S7S '2S ! :S 1"7S ..lios 11-V galea High. Ixw. .V.fu "iis iiii H0 til V. til1, l.'ou 73 V 7o Iti. -. 3. 374 te W 4oO 01 W ( 7 - 1.1-) 17 S7 H 144 144 ''iaoi "ioW IM 1404 "sno 'ii" 'i'dii H.u- 4 t. (IH J.7w li'o'a I""'- 1'kSw, ItKil, Jv 1W", 140 7iK lOBia l' p :i3 4 21.S.KJ s s ui arH MA j.ioo 'ii'" "isW " "'!) 139 137 'i T.lua Hiok lu&'a 3, Ps Its'l S3 9S 3S 8.1 S loss SOS 9rS 102 S 95 S 91 S 78 ' 79 1014 lt'2S 97 1H2 54 101 101 4 102 V lo2 V 114 V 115 6S 7S 69 9 9.1 S S7 92 loos Northern Pacific 3s. Oregon Short 1.1ns 4s . Oregon Ry A Nar 4s. ......... Penna Ry 4s of 184S Philippine Railway 4a Reading general 4s. ......... . Republic of Cuba 3s Southern Pacific first raf 4a.. Southern pacific col 4S Southern Rsllway 4a. ......... St L 8 F ref 4s Union Pacific first 4a fnlon pacific conr 4a Vnlon Pacific ref 4s Vnlted States Steel 8 F Ss I'nlted Staete 2s registered United Slates 2s coupon United States 3s registered.... I'nlted States 8s coupon....... 1'nletd Ststes 4s registered. ... United Stales 4s coupon United Railway 6 F 4s United Rsllway St I 4s Wabash first 4a Western Union 4Ss Weetinghouae conv 8a. ........ Western Pacific 3s - Wisconsin Central 4s West shore 4s i . S3 .103 ! ii"- .102 . 9.1 . 1 . 14 , 78 S . lol S .102 . IMS .11.2S .11S .10V .102S .11-2 a .114 .11414 . 7 . 7fl . V"S . s . 5 . s-1 . VI .100 Stocks at Boat o a. BOSTON. HUT 17. Closing quotations: Allouea 44 'Mohawk " Amalg Copper.. S.I i Nevada Con 21S A Z L a Sm... 3HS Nlplsslng Mines. i44 Artxona Com .. 5 4 North Butte. 2S BaCCaSM. 7 North Lake T- Csl a Arlsona.. 7214 Old Dominion... J c.l a Hecla 4M lOsceola 117 Centennial 2.1 -Jultirr S Cop Ran Con Co 39 Shannon 14 s f7 Butta Cop M. 13S Superior 34 Franklin l-'S.Sop a Bos Mln.. S c.lroux Con 3S Tamarack ...... oranby con ... 5.1 U S 8 R a M... 8S Greene Cananea. 9S' po preferred... 4"V I Hoyalle Cop 23V!I"tsh Con ...... LIS Kerr I.nke 2 S Utah Copper Co. US Lake Copper 39 S Winona l.a Salle copper Wolverlna ...'...107 Miami Copper... J VI Moasry. Rxrbange. Ftc NEW TORK. May IT. Money on call steadv. 2SG3 Prr cent: rating rate. 2S: closing bid. I'll offered at 8. Time loans steady, no daya. 8 per cent; 90 days. SS: six months. 3S&3V. Prime mercantile paper, 4r4S- ... Sterling eichange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 84.S4.Vl for 0 day bills, and at $4.S5 for demand. Commercial bills. 84.88 S. Mexican dollars. 4c I . c.ovrrnmant bonds ateady:. railroad bonds. Irregular. SAN FRANCISCO. May IT. Sterling- on London. o days. 84.84S; sight, 84.87. Silver bars til Sc. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight, lc: telegraph. Sc. LONDON. May 17. Bar silver ateady at SS4d. Money, 2&24 per cent. Condition or tba Treasury. WASHINGTON, May IT. At ths begin ning of business today ths condition ot tha United States Treasury wss: Working balance tn treasury of fice . t S8.S17.016 In banks and Philippine treasury 84.470.712 Total balance In general fund.. 123.292.tlU0 Ordinary receipts yesterday..... 2.8S4.772 Ordinary disbursements 1.807.K90 Deficit to dste this fiscal year Is $12. 8.13.743. as against a surplus of 890,797 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. - ALL LINES ARE. DULL ONLY A SMALL SUPPLY OP LIVE STOCK AT YARDS. - Bulk of the Sliet-p Orferejd Are ot X Poor Quality Cattle Trade Inactive. Trade at the etockysrds yesterday waa light and featuraless with practically noth ing done In the cattle division. Several lota of Spring lambs ware offered and the best brought lo. Cull lambs aold aa low aa 84. Most ot tha sheep offered were poor quality. A losd of good hogs sold at 8.25 and heavy hogs brought 88 to 87 50. Keccjpts yesterday were tt cattle, 8 calves, S97 hogs and 121 sheep. Shippers were Sundial Ranch Company. 20 hogs; J. 8 Flint. Junction City. 1 car of bogs: F. R- Hlbbs. Carlton. 1 car of sheep: F. B. Decker, ellverton, 2 cars of calves, hogs and sheep, and J. C. Morehead, Gold endsle. 1 car of cattle and hogs. Tba day s sales wera aa totiows: WetghL 8 hogs 231 I hog 19 Spring lambs 11 cull sheep 0T 3 cull sheep l'-H . 1 COW 92U 1 bull J.'.' 39 sheep I"? 2.14 ewes p T Spring lsmba "7 119 Spring lambs 31 44 Spring lambs 54 hogs 1 ho 31-0 1 hog ?oO T nrm '- Price. K 23 7.80 4.O0 3.00 2.00 6 O0 3.25 4.00 S.05 3.13 0.O0 8.23 fl.OO 7. on 8.23 Ths range or pricea at tna jania - - - Choice steers .... Good steer. Medium ateere .... Choice cows Good cows ....... Medium cows Choice calves Good heavy calves Bulls Stsgs Hogs Light Heavy Sheep Tearllngs ......... Wet he. s Ewes Spring lambs ..... ..g.iDt..a 8.301. 8. bo ....... 8.00 ; 6. 30 6. on it 6 23 5 50t 8.00 n.OO'O .... T.OOO 7.25 .... 8.00 8.80 . ... 8.60 V 5.30 .... 4.734? 8.35 .... 8.00 8.45 .... 7.00 ' 7.60 .... 433e 500 4 00 a 4.73 8 00 d 4.00 .... 5.500 8.60 Omaha Livestock Market. ortf'TM nuiHA. Msr 17. Cattle Re- eelpts. t0: market, slow, steady to easier. .NStlve steers. eo...-v ': nan.e """ ke.e.e. s-t T.lelT 73- Western steers. 54.i..ty 7.73: Texas steers, 84.5o-j4.50; range cows and heifers. 3.28 4.2.1: canners, 82.75 4 83: stooksra and feedera, 84-23ii7.u; calves. m: bulls, stags, etc.. 84.50 W7. Hogs Receipts. 8400: market , Sc lower. Heavy 87 80.7.75; mixed. 87.5OUT.05; light. en-i7.7: pigs. 0.-20; puia oi sauee. .3oti7.70. -Sheep Receipts. 900: market, slow inS weaic. Tearunss. V" ' 08.75; awes, 9A.20U9.oo: ismoa, Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK. May 17. Evaporated apples. lnartlva on the spot: rancy, ivgiuas. choice. USB c: prima. T4J8e Prunes, quiet: quotations. -j i - Ifornlaa up to 80-40a and 7Sc for Ora- '"ptachea. Inactive: choice. 8srTe: tea oholo.. PHIrlO'vC: fsncv. lOOllc. "Don't overlook the cost of maintenance when figuring on street paving. Bitu-"" lithic wears for years without re pairs. J. C. WILSON & CO. alUCsva, ttiMatlb. bKAl.N Ai tt ClrXTUJi MW VOKla oiocav aXCH-OfUS a aw voKa tonus tnuAM.8 tlUCAfaO BOAltU O TslAXst en at aXUCai ANU BOM) K-v-atajf0S. SA.N 1 KAN t lot O. Jf aba Office Mill. Bldg.. Ma Franelssa fcraaea Offleaa aacwover, aaatu. rsnlsid. Loa 8aatMa, aaa Utasra. 4e. FUUILAND OFFlCBt atatn Fkaar i.umbernaene Bask lralldiag. th and Stark. rtis.n M-r-1 11 tua 4U88. N T Ont a W 4s Northern Pacific P L 4s.. 1 an ansa sts. s-. . .?. at-m . i I WHLAI PKIUtb KALLi COVFIDEXCE IS RESTORED IX THE CHICAGO PIT. Liquidating Sales of Magnitude Are Believed to Be at an End for the Present. CHICAGO. May IT. Strain In tha wheat trade, although unmistakably evident today, diminished when the fact became clear that no person or firm would ba obliged to sus pend. Signs of a revival ot flour business and of demand for cash wheat cut a figure in partly restoring confidence, but not until the market had fallen more than 2 cents below lust night's level. A majority of dealers thi evening wera Inclined to believe that liquidating sales of nnususl magnitude wera at an end for ths present, unless something radically different should develop as to the crop outlook. Ad vices today, especially from the West and also from elsewhere continued to be of ths bearish sort. Experts In Ohio, nevertheless; sent word of more forbidding conditions than the original showing which was msdo when tests wera first possible as to ins effect of Winter killing. - The worst decline In wheat today seemed to result from ths throwing overboard of weak holdings In tha cash market where the calls for margins had met with no re sponse. But big decreaaea In stocks t Mlnneapolla and Duluth. counted In favor of a rally and so did tha noteworthy sta bility of prices serosa the Atlantic. July corn vanea tmro iow .v - -. ---closed relatively firm In sympathy with Wheat. ar. Outside limits toucnea or - " 1 7 -48Sc and SOHc with last sales Sc off. at 49SO- Commission-houses, believed to represent tha large packers, withstood a flood of of ferings in tha provisions pit. Transactions . . . ...... M..h. a remarkable in lara parucuiaoj . . .. . i0.a total. At toe eou wi 1 , - e--averaged tha same aa last night, except that pork for distant wiowj --D 10 to 17S centa Tha leading xutnrea rangeu w. . W HEAT. Low. 11.10 1.0V 1.02 V 1.03 . Close. 81.1214 1.0HS 1.03 S 1.03)4 May July Sept. Dec .7T .734 .72 , .82 Vi Mar .. 74 V .73 .82 S .5.114 .49 '4 .42S .43 S July .. Hept. . Dec .. May .4S .41 S .42S July Sent. Dec. MESS PORK. Mar July Sept. May;.-. ..1S..10 ..18.70 18 40 1S.9" 18.00 1S.63 1S.30 19.00 18.50 LARD. ...10.12H ...10.70 10.82S 10.87 ...lAttttk 11.02V: 10.90 SHORT RIBS. lrt.72'4 10.S2S 11.00 July Sept. 10.35 10.40 10.55 May .. July .. ...10.3O 10.40 10.25 irtl.U ioiui 10.4214 Sept. Cash quotations wera as follows Flour Weaic Rye No. 2. 82 SC Barley Feed or mixing. 80c6 8I.r; fair to choice malting. 11.14 i' 1.27. Timothy seed .'.50 612. Clover seed 1420. Pork Mess. 18.30i 18.82S. Lard In tlercea .10.72 S Short ribs Loose, 110. Jo. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour wera equal to 420.000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's, ware equal to 4.028.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 31,000 bushels. compared with 443.000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 68 cars; corn, 152 cars: oats, 184 cars; hogs. 10.008 head. Minneapolis Grain Market. . MINNEAPOLIS, May 17. Close: Wheat. May. 81.12 V; July. 81.13S: September. 1Cs'nNoMi hard, $L16H; No. 1 Northern, tl 14Sct 1.15S : No. 2 Northern, 51.12Vty 113 Si No. S, 5t.10Vel.llS. Flax 2.27 2.2S. Barley 77cfo 81.27. Corn No. 8 yellow, 77S78c Oats No. 3 white, 54SC Hve No. 1. "Tc. TRAVELERS' Ct IDS. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Kip re, sailings Tnewdays. Fast Mall Sailings T1inrdBy. J.ONDON PARIS BREMEN Sailings on Saturdays for THK sraMTKBKANEAX OEUUCH.S CO., tieo'l Agts, 5 Broadway, N. V. Robert Capelle. O. A. P. C. 2.10 Powell St.. opposite St. Fran cis Hotel. 8. F. ; A. D. Charlton. Genl. Pass. Agt. N. P.; C. W . Stinger. Ticket Agt. O. R- a; N. Co.: Tourist Agency and Trav el Bureau, l ruin avw.. s. a. m -'' e'A'r K FOR NEWPORT, FLORENCE AND BANDON Steamer Anvil Carrying freight and passengers, sail from Couch-gtreet dock May 22, at 7 P. M. Ftaight received dally up to 5 P. M. Tickets on sale, at dock. C. E. BROWN, Frelgrht and Pass. At. rsosrs Msls St. A 4161. Canadian Pacific OF TUK ATLANTIC AND OTHER STEAMSHIPS goyrpTal, j urt llKO AND XJi.KPO01 KCENIO ROUXK 10 ECBOra 1OO0 MILES CH THxt T. LAWRJuNC ttrVTta XJEP THAN FOUR DATS AT lt 2888 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAOB first Cabin - aasl a Second Cabra 8-3,75 aod a ZZZ". Cabin Sd-cUas)...-8ii.00 and na TUI11I Clan It rates aa request. Canadaa Faclflo Offlca, corner Third sag Pine tMultnomah Holal blda. PorUaad, and all local agenta San Francist-o, Los angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder gall Every Wednesday Alternately at I F. H K0RTH PACITI0 S. S. CO. 18t ThkrA St- Phone, Mala 1314. A 1314. IT aT O CIPRESS STEAMERS FOB 6aa Frauiclsca and Los Angeles . WITHOUT CHANGE S.8. Beaver Sails 9 A- M. Wednesday. May tt THK BAN FRAN. PORTI-AND 8. B. CO. Ticket Office 12 Third Street. Phone t Main 2605, A 140. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (Caloa Una at N. X.) VXA TAHITI AND WELLINGTON. Dlracl through sailing from Ban Francisco May 29. June 28. and every 28 days to Tahiti. Rarotonga. Wellington and Sydney. The line to lelee of the South Seas. u.....lne . r-n.inon T4i.ilro.ri t.entl ar aa dress Hlad. Relpa Co, Saa Fraaausa. Open. High. .81.11V 81-1- , 1.09 . 1.03 'i 1.04 . 1.03 4 LOIS CORN. .? .74 . .74 .7314 , .73 .73 S . ,82V .83 OATS. , .33-4 .33 s. , .40S , .43 .42 V . .42S .4o THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital ..... $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $ 1 ,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AIXSWORTH, President. R. W. SCHMEER. Cashier. ft. LEA BARXES, Vlee-Prealdeat. A. M. WRIGHT. AaaUtaat Caahler. W. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank Wt of the Rocky Mountains LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1359. CBpitai Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. Ladd. rreident. Hobert S. Howard. Aaat. Cashier. Edward CooUlntcham, Vice-Pre a. J. XV. Ladd. Aaat. Caahler. Vt'. H. DnncUey, Caabler. Walter M. Cook. Ast. C nailer. The Canadian INCORPORATED ISS7. Head Offl Toronto, Canada. London 3 Lombard street. Over two hundred other branches In the United Statea and Canada. Erercare tak?n of collection.. Draft, on all foreign countrlea and principal cltlea in United States and Canada bousht and gold, and a general banking" business transacted. Interest allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. BALPAS, Manasrer. j fiClFllll The highest efficiency in Pavement fe'it Construction at a minimum cost has M VlS-ievvil been attained in 6"f iiSPjrP BABEER ASPHALT J c New OLYMPIC 45,324 Ton AMERICAN LINE rtlassJa-sutsaT Ssanauuaatsa Atlantic Transport Line Mew Yera laodea Blrect RED STAR LINE WHITE STAR LINE lew Tsrt Tlrtsoarrs riai.asi ISaraaais Boston Queenetown Livarpcol. Boston Mediterranean-Comnanr-a Office. Room -B" Ball-y Building, Second and Cherry Sta., Seattls Or Local Railway and Steamabln Agents. FREE PIBLICATIONS Regarding; a a (1 social t-uaaiuwu,) amv uumbucw "I" ."is GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM (Double-Track Route.) FOUR THROUGH TRAINS DAILY NO EXCESS FARE. BETWEEN CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. THROUGH PULLMA-X STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEPING-CARS, j, H. Bur Kin. General Ajgent. Paaaenaer Department. Citj Office. First Avenue and Yealer Way. Seattle, Wash. TRAVELERS' GUIDE EUROPE! seventy Spring and Summer tours, com nrlsing Tours de Luxe and Motor-car Tours, ind also Vacation Tours at Popular Prices. Frequent sailings. Ail routes. Including Mediterranean. Programme of Tours da Luxe Around ths World now ready. v, oria no THOS. COOK at SON, ax ri,t at,, oaa tlaaclMo. . Bank of Commerce New Tork 16 Kxcnanare naee. Sails from .IT-1T JUNE 15 fltVY t..l a. li.lir 27 YORK Aug. 17-Sept 7 WHITE STAR-DOMINION aVialiial flaiatc tliu,sul ' 'HEGANTIC- & "UURESTir ot St. Lt-rniBi Hovtm Only Foot Days at Sea TO BUaOPS a COKTORI AT aXODEBan Twsi Sere. SA -Canaan aaa Ted4arc" ont: ci-ias (n cabiw sntvicr. THOU) CLailS CIOaatD KOOafS nacrace eheeked taatMSfh to Steaaner ta Embark algal before aaUlag, . aotat or Effective May 8, 1912 8S. PRINCE RUPERT AND SS. PRI.VCE GEORGE" Ijeave Seattle, Wash., Wednesday and Sunday at 12:00 o'clock, midnight. For Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Stewart, Granby Bny and (iucen Charlotte lalantla. Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (Mountain Division.) Trains leave Prince Rupert, B. C. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 1:00 P. M. for Vanarsdol (100 miles). Canadian Homestead Lands, Business TRAVELEJtS' GUIDB. COOS BAY LINE gTAM6RTP BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 9 A. M May 1. 8, 13, 18. 23 and 28; June 2, T, 1- 17, 22 and 27. Freight received al ATnsworth Dock dally up to 3 P. M. Pa senger fare, first-class. $10.00: second-claaa $7 oo. Including berth and meala Ticket otflce A mwona Dock.' Phocsg Mala Sduft A-SoS-i, 1 0