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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1912)
TTTK MOHVTXO OKFCOVTAX. FRIDAY. MAY 17, 1912. 13 w a !rra stiver ix eot. A VN LA VN A. LA WX. Now la th ti:n to hv yr lawn mad by tborouf Mr iprlen'ei r;- r bed wi'.-l- rtc. work gwranteeo ed W Ha!iKt $' T Marshall M st pric pod for ae laalwaT east en itklBg. ac farMr -n t-. LAll btu XV SnevaaaJr tii flf let r . T Oioba el ty jwna ra t.ui4-h and anao . ry i er description. fT naafer. 1 Hard e. 30-SH rt t-u fc f a s..Ma UA4 Mala li.!. I. A WN-. LA W.N . LA WHS li ;r w : a r. ma:- ty !iura. j-r.ft'-'4 (r:y. rwear. p-:c. .maj ;. . 31.3. tr 1 W. Hi. a. 31" T-on. W E rr the b'gae c rir for and furniture, beater A Mania, ri Lam t 1 4 14 hiribfiw t bahger s alctiom hocs T4 k MorrMoe Phon st ieX Pae M(1m raid trlr fe fafi'nr W;i.L no tinting, painting n.l ppring n it prince phone Min HFI r W TTI M LH. INCIDENT. Or. o? Many. Offlc Seert' Lmp-ojmant Depart meat. V M i' A. Ttinf ntn. ar.:ir. out of wwk. 4$M ha i.tJ cm) it If I par you $S for special em, -jj:;.il mtnb ri..i. m only $13 rt ttta me and tar vwt a NrrfirT If you nav 1. for S"Peil rmy.uyirraC membership, yoa Till the T. M. C. A., tuh its rure w twaen yu nrl starvation. hMvii; Young man joined aaaoelata. In lea thaa a w e ha bad aauafactory mp. yrreoL rtorri for fnr months vadlnf April : fai fnr mn p.-s-no- fi !4 EmpUm-nt mmbnh!p guarantee m m '-r w;! cur mp,omnt or rfuna f oimrniip f; gi(t two montha fuil inTT! rhtp prlvt. 19 montha aoclai prtr igr mi'.h umirriaka to krra party mrioyej durtns th f uil lm of main brrvhip without fu-hrr fhirf. W bavo finttaat d03anl for I) Ivn jrrada, tipririr'.i man. Arc jsa tU.4 for a bttr poitlao T S Mcrotary iupioriBat drpartniatat. T f . A JkHI.K-HoMKn ma wanted for lha V. . Mtrln Corps. bt rri tuo aa of It and Ji. mast b nativs-bora or rava firvt p pr: monthly psv li to . additional empikMtin pssiU.; food. clothtna. Qaartrs anl mrOic J attvnJaaco frra; af(r 34 years' ric ran ratirs with T J pr cnt of stpay an-t aiioan.a: lea oa barrt siilp and aabors In all part a of tn w irid. Apply at L. P Marin Corps r-vmnjnr orf.c. Id and Wasntuftoa sta. 11' S.J a.. Portland. Or. W A TF rv-!oHoi tor to aenrr aubacrlbara Trlrphono Urr.ild; s ad. pa U. this pa-P-r. Apply in to 12. b to 10. avenltica M Ro Ai bide-. "tU and Morrtswa. TANTfeD fr U. 8. Army. o. oodla. anamd mas, batarrva aca of la aad IA Utana of I'nttfd tiats. of food caar actr and lampsrat habiia, arb caa pah. rad aad wrir tb Engtteb laa sua. For In .'ornt ioa apply to hcrjt In offlcwr. Wtrcai.r b.ock ThUd aa4 VmU itrtfta. VuriiAnd. Or. KXPERIE.NTFP PETA1L nLLEC10R w ancU. r-plni:id pprtunUy fr advauca-m-r I f th w h. prnv worthy. Glv r frr ftL-ti and appiy to XX 1. orvgontaa. a'VFIKV MAX ou ur i.s f.rt la maalrC trt-ai SI to $. pr mth. and w want you if you r th hind that ts aot (-id of worn, a rn a'loar you a prop tiMia wbivh si.a and would b clad lo hv yu ca I nd t- thf muttrr ovrr. Au ?'r Mr, Hj:y. ;'J--3 p.dtn MARRILD men wanted t work In th ml. a of Rj ntnod. btaady troploymtai, wita ao optortunitr t ur a homo la t-i beat town IB th I'ail'tc Northwest t y m nd. od ib to loud marrte4 nrten. W. . Ha. se rotary Kaymood La r a Aa-M-lAtiua- U 4 NTK1 -At tn. ti,fttiril painter to la new town r.rar Portland: muat be wl.lfng to intfft or allow part tf erntrt to he app-It on purchaa f In - .ni-prdu'-'n a- at ate f capalde "f tl .m interior decorating. il W. orego- V N TKI- lute,;. gem u.: man iticntllet. t go n rd. i-munDt puettioa. chanrt tT adtani ement . nut be able to ! i-ttukrrt nee.) apply. Ceil at Carlton HoteL Mr Liv1ntor. t to 11 tht mornin. E WANT TOf. if yoo ar ranable of earn ing ;. t- per month. WltB bet lf.i ut r at ettM-k rrpltin oa Iht mar. kt; only f!rt-ct man need answer. 1. F iTumlj. ien. Iel.. I 'or t Is nd. ilir and wife," without chlldrnrfor""frult rinrb, ffvotn must be gHl cwk. aa she will b required tn conk for proprietor, (m:li of 1. 'eil tltt aMrrnoen ewtweea a and J o-k-L ntmn 3u Y eon bklg. WANTK1 A eaprtrnted and auccewaful ievrtian l'h gl addrewa anl flrat 1 ju r.frii.. to rwpreawat a financial rnr(Kiratin on a atnala-ht ea-ary and irav- Un- t;nKa t w. IT'HHl UCT IS AIVISB Yt-. Wanted, men eapertvttced In marcantll tee, seeking vmptojiaenl la sa. AXted po aiUna 3tr Owr linger Pldg. WANTKD Toting man. from to 2 'are of ace. to a t aa portt-r In hotel outside f ci'.t; muat he ret. wi.llng to work and Curntn good refrrrnrea. ai 4U. Ore go. U ATt:i n or I goud Paper bat)(ri and pAintrr. aiiu per lay. t hurt, union mea prtfnred. J. 11. Torgter, tk -r. t t W A NT KD A rspalr man ; muet Ne a.. around wood worker and machinist, t'. 1 LauilVtry t'o.. tiiaaJ at. and lv. Ilffl ht'I t i'i1.0KKH man and w if for Jauitor and r'ia:uer iiK lu h-jtrt. fhon MarsbaU 3- ft ANTKU Young mm to .rarn barber trade. 3- ha r artop lerma reasonable, a. - J, M ; in pi a 1 a N r r" l io'd. at.-r. o,i.-it.r to met-1 hueiree n; n . god propoel ion. Room .u :il T-nhi.i t ti 1 A M. ANTED Flra:- nuiui-r. I -" c..j bon4 renin rei th's ts not fake, forest ! A T-t"pi-ir U AN rms 4read baker, bench hand, for ) -hMt.c At p.y between lu and li A. U. Koyal Hakti). I Ph and Eer;t sta DLST-t'LA s:ovk must hae aM'iiy: have go-d propst: Ion to offer; reference riu!r l T ?4. or-gonlan. i.M'tKIKNt'KU advert la. ng sotrltura. week, ly newaiprs. contra: cjiieU daiiy. Hr.edl.-tn rreea. !klS'!!on A rEW fa at -caa bench m-n and cab.Oet- anakera for an u-to-d.t planing mill. A pp.y Spauldmc Lagging Co.. Sia. Or. Y1 NO M XN. la )--Ara or o er. lo work at Ssda fi'unUii. one live ml home, Cofl- m Au'a. S W h in a on at. frMKT boy wantel, must be oer M )ra:l of acs. AmrrUaa Chicle Co.. lath and Jiine'n. I'HISTKK tt antev!. a'! -around ctuntrr rrmur at on.. Mt. bcott pub. Cow, Lacta. r I'll' 'TO cou;o asents; best ever offered. i;aton 5t 2 Y aahlngton st. WANTEl Mo, k sa.esmea at M 44 at.; a yr'a job. ree sales nariatr. WANTED Tw ti.triror. sa ary and a- viaivmni. Itrkum r-V.g. i L couatry Job printer a anted by Dauy p "ih;:an. Corvsl.ia Or YV I E I 1 s'isnt't man. lra PlaiiUi 1 1 t 1 Va-iahn s;a. ,vl hlTi'li for (leaning agon. Derl.n D rka Jl Jd St. 1 VTEi.IE'ED aanlug ma at up.t. 4o9 t: LU;ua..!a vX t.MKl-H:h.f!iM sal'Smaa. Ask tog 3J r t:urton . Y ec e b'dg. 1 . state W4t wanted. PBCTo ceaaoe. fr svee offered, snap tag seats uiwetN u1l Orkura b'gg STKt A ! - a round t: for by tli I i -tn.n A jnatrtm Kaiimi. Wash. W AMa'P SaXtnrn. Hecurtty Leeiop ff" r t . 'i ::d I'ln at a NTED- n A .No. 1 ad vertlair.g to,ltllur. I i'i 7 l anjusm lidg. Y A NT El - H. wttfi ae apply at one. :era Vfg "o. .'-4Y E- I4tn t. JTRT-C1. H ts I r or presaer wanted at l.?r Sard? r.a. i r: EsER w anted. Pantage Tailoring Co, -N i Stirli at. liM:nn; ean:e.l catutv.ay. $4 guaranu. i.'.". Ali'rta at. Y (M'4i!t Ell wanted a.ltnore Artatlc Furnttjre to. all a 1r i- f: E iiSTKKKIi aasitant drug clerk. Nau I rrrr.- rr a: n sr.1 A irr. W N 1 ED K.rat - sw w a-nmaaer. App 7.2 lOTmer.-ta! i"'ub l-tug VV TEl 2 go-4 mm. CaMS4Koar4 of Tral. BAr.liLK waited fvr Saiuiuar. MaUisoa. CTVI-P W XTFD tf A t g WANTtD. TOD AT Assist ant Dianer fnreTaan. fT. Two aah and dxr mahln man, 93.Ol Tw mill tativrnea. 92 , Tanl tAilTnan. I 7S. Two rarnu rider. and 12. JO. Rough rarprotara around sawmill, A2.(f. xeti tBlllran-is. r to 4-. Vif teen yafdm-n. up. rir-nnandi. ; to $e. ralilkiera. ii to l4. Uaouirera. 1.' to 1 1- Tea men for mmmol labor to balp ulid factory, t: up f RHE PARK. Randrel o other oba. New work ef rv hour. Uaub our builatla board. rACIFir- KMPLOTMKXT COMPANY. tZZ aa4 i:4 Couca bL, Bu 1st and 14. help WATrr fxmai k. WAXTCI TOUNO LAD1SS TOR TX.Z.X PHOXg OPXRATTNO. WITH OR WITS OUT XX PERI NCR. APPLY TUB Pa CXPTC TBLtPHON 4k TKLX O RAPS' CO- rATT TB AKD AN'KCXT STa E X PK R I T NK D W A tTR ESS W A VTED by the Mcirr A Frank htort-a. Tt h-f loor res tauranL aaant urroundlnaa: food pay to tbwe undratanttina 4uu4 sarvlia. Ap ply at raaiauraot are a. WAVTFD Ladfr to an licit rabacrfoera for Teieohona Herald: a ad ai 2. thia pa par. Apply ID to ll 4 to 10 Tnln o4 Koyal blue- to and Moriiaoa. WANTED TODAY. Family cook and second fir!. 970; wait raasva. IT ner week and 12 to ISO I month; hand Ironera. cbamhormaids and gir. for cneral housework at good wages. r'A if l- tat lAJl Mb.T tu. Ladles' tept. .'i Morrlana. P?TRT OTRLS WANTED br the Mtrr 4t TYsnk store. Apply At res taurant desk, itn floor. WANTED Pererat vonng btws. law agrw vi la W4'u iui uw.j irwi- tlona Appfy th P. T. A T. Caw &T4 Alder u, or 1 a avast aaaaay aw WHOI.KSA I.E house wsnta experienced lerk and trpiat to assume rhaxga Of ot- 1 tc in 1 ur 1 1 a 11 u . miriy u injuuru, stat full particulars rerardlng experience and reference. Horn AD 61. Oregonlan, W ANTED An experienced mlddte-aged wo man to tag rare or fwmmg-nu-. u " 1 ' -but experienced need apply. Apply TEN lUe solicitors lo Introduce well adver tised gundi. Guaranteed salary. Htg mon ey to ispahi woraera Apply vis tDtw her of Commtrce bidg. WANTED A thoroughly bust new woman as mtnti'r: rash bonri renuir borwr.ii propoallion; Inrestlgate. A Oreg mlill. Uul'SKKK KPKRH, cok. waitresses, second g!r!s. chamhrmalds. nrs-a St. L"'H j Agency. .03 Aiuer. Main a 410. v A XTti KipnLCM acona r'ri: none viher need apply. Phon Jaatn 20 or A MR a. HOWE LADIE AOENCT Washington bldg.. 270 H Wahinatoa at., rear 4th. Main h34 r A X-oa. EXPERIENCED girl for second work and car uf children 7M Irving, cor Jala. Pbvno A lit:. Main tZli. KXPER1ENCED waltres. good wages and t-ady Job. 113 west ia St., Vancouver, Washington. HANHKV LADIES" AOK.Ni'Y. SAS WAahitta.ra at., cor. 7?tu upstairs, fhvrt Main CW2- KXPKKIKNCED cook: for small famtlr good wage, reference desir4. I'hon W A NT ED Experienced operator on rtr alia Apply Standard Factory No. 2. i.iand ave and East Taylor. fcX t'Klt I EN"lvl girl for funking and down atAir wurk. gotvj wagea Call MU Mar- WAXTEI ntrl. white or colored, for gen eral houaework. imiil house, family of three l-hore B rmi T1 K. Itria TWO waitresses, country. 91": raka baker. 9IO week; family b-lp. to Howe a Agency. 3 21- Washington, WANTEIF at hnurw wrk. Washington. nre wsltreaa. Orst-rlaaa, 9 M. Elm Hotel. Vancouver, k a N 1 .! e.9new. capasi waaa fe.- spo aible poaittoc Vial Co.. u4 He - ni.d MJt.. a4 Washlagtoav W ANTE! Cook for coon try hotM: nlo r ;, C;i Chamber of Cora mere to- day: OIKL. for gn ral liouiiamlt, 9ii, prf-r one a ho can go bom nlghta. 37 Mar guerltw ave. Taor ;t7?. WANTED 2 maid, one for cooking and houaework. one for ouraematd. I'hon A 1 4. Gir.L. for general housework: washing aent out : must be good cook; 91 pr wk. I'hon East Jtl! OI KL. 10 assist few hour dally housework In earhang for music lei AO 0'. Oregon Jan. t ClHiv and vanonj girl. Apply at tt-J haimon at., before o'clock. W A XTE L Young lady to ana war phones. ::. YamhtM at. WANTED t-iirl wait oa table. 229 Burnalde .ret. W ANTKD ilr1 for general housework. Ap p'r N trth S3lh at-, cor. Norihrup. teK.1 KT hand wanted. Portland Outfitting -0. l?i Jd St. tilKI. to assist few hour dally with house- a..rk. tM l"h MU'.a. M PET ENT girl for general houaework; - In fam I. r- Phone Main 1 IT- W AlTRrS and upsiatrs gir:. prU ate fam i.r. St. Lou's A genre. Main -Q.W. A 477o. WANTED rieveral bright glrla Apply F. S llaraden fop. East 6th and Davis. W A NTEI ehort-hour waitress. Xnqutra W o mans E ichange. 14 S'h at. W A NT E I 4 il rl for general houaework. lit E, 14th. near MarTlson. Phon E. 1093. WOMAN to asslat and ear for Invalid, gen tleman: moderate wages. 1A0 224 mu N. OottD girl for g neral house wurk. Appiy S.Y1 College. Phone Main :-4:. OIKL genera! housework, mldd.e age; Job. lll Erter St. long G1RI' f(ir general housework: sleep at home. Apply aiternvone. 120 Johnson sL H xntEP Jtr! In confectionery and cigar s-.or. 7 Waahlngton. near City Park. WANTEl Young girl at tc cream counter. rf Dura aide. r L for general housework: small family; gool wages. . Tillamook st. Wt M A N for cH.k and general housework. family of 3. 32 3d t-. apt. 2. SWEDISH rlrl for general housework; small family. 1 X- Htn C EN PERIENCEI bodr lroner. laiaca Laun dry. Eif'. and Everett, (il KL or woman for housework; no cooking. M : n 7. Ul'.Y CtlfT.-n. cor. 1'Mh. G1KI general housework and cooking, la N. :.d st. Phone Main 91 10. liU Ni; tilr 10 aaaiat with care of baby. Call a fo:n-nb'a at. W .V N TKl Ulrl to aai with general li.tueawork. 47 Holladay ave.. cor, of tth, G1KI. t work in pool stor: good wagoa L'ail 2i4 Everattt st. WANTED Three outside ladle. f:.50 ts s'r. D-kum bidg. W A XT ED Waltrvsa 0i Russet sc. Ml I P HtNTlll WAi r ON Fe YCAI.Bt. MAN aud wife charge of apartment hou 1. Including janitor work : rauat bar experience snd good refrncea. inquire AD Oregjotan. A b-tv eeasoo: pukers and packers wanted, begtnnitia about th 2Mh of Mav. App'y White salmon Y a! ley Frultgrowvr t r-ion. While l-ilrT-i.n. Vh tTANTtl' btraaberry and raapbtfrry ptk erev For 4artici:ars, write J. K. Htl.o 4a J, Xcaberg. Or K. I. bog 4. PfFLP W AXTED MALE OR FEMALE. 300 PERRY PICKERS, mea. women and children, for Mood Klvr and Whit Hal moa district: furnish your own ou'fit. W ar zciusl v agent of tb Hood Rlrr Apple Growers' I 'a ton. the David n FVuit Company and the White Sal mon Vailey Fmit t; row ere Colon. Spec la 1 st emer far 9 1 round iri p. good to re turn antll o-toher 1. Appiy T. M. C. A Industrial Emplnrmf nt Agency, 24 and Aah s:a Marshall 2271. A 773 HP.I.P TA NTEl MIVIXMXKOlf. BIXTT men viMmI at one to tak cours la t'nlted Wireless training class and b ready for poalUotia ith I nfe,l w ireiea Teleatraph 'o.. wuo ar aotified to pre pare for pasaag new law ffe-tlv July 1. making two oparatura on paaaenger v es se a ompuiury. Act quick. Appy Chief t'perator, -IO Oraud Trunk Dua. beat t la. Waao. W A NTE I A t once. cook, man or woman, to Invest 0 cash 10 young orchard and tak position In most ae.t bungalow ho tel In state at good ai(i; good oppor tunlry for permanent position 10 ois sm -Mtloua to own land and earn an income producing heme; a:ate experience. L. oV. oregnnt'an. MEN WANTED Age Is to 9. to prepare for ftreoten and brakamen. oa narby railroads, to f 100 monthly. Expert tare uonvcesaaTy ; no strike, promotion engineer or conductor. 150 to -(K moBtblv. Good life career. dtar aga Vend stamp. Railway Associativa, Cr gonlan. Men and w omen to learn the barber trad in eight weeks: special Inducements; per centage paid while learning; tools free; expert iratrtietors, IT years In th busi ness; 37 achools; a lifetime mrabersi.ip given to each student. Moler Barber Col leg. 95 N. Fourth st.. Portland. Or. INTERNATIONAL Correaponoenc Schools, room 909 lie Kay bldg., tor. Third and Ftark eta. Opea YVednesday and Saturday nights. Phou liaia lvo. bead lor our Oew cataioguv. STENOGRAPH ERS. any system, beginners or advanced, quickly drilled and placed in poaition.. e9 Worcester block. Marshall 2JSl YOL ar wanted; Oovaromant position. $9 month: send postal for list positions open. Franklin Institute, dept. 922 1 Koch es ter. N. T KAIL WAT mall clerk, prepare now. ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay: free book. Call today. Pa cific mates School. McKay bldg.. city. WANTED Plctur play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture . Play Associa tion, tan Francisco. SCHOOL of SHORTHAND and TYPEWRIT ING, standard systems. Positions secured 95 per month. 2ty Hth st. Main Make mozney wrltlnr aiiort stories. or for papers;- big pay; free booklet tells how. hi United Pre?s Syndicate. San Francisco. FISK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION for schools and teacher. Hll Swetland bldg. PR IV VTK SHORTHAND. TY'PEWUITIN(t. bookkeeping ai2 Hamilton bldg. Mar 425. hlTt'ATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. RESPONSIBLE young man open for cler ical and bookkeeping work; over o years experience ; accuratti and reliable; band writing; g-od. A tl-V Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOE OR WRITE no books, prepare balances and stat nents. Install systems. Gilllngnam. au tfltor. 512 Lewis bldg Marshsll "17. WA NT ED Position In mechanical drafting office with chance for advancement; uni versity education and knowledge of draughting. Phone E. 11- DO YOU need a bookkeeper for only part of in time.' 1 ry me. nest rer'-rencea. ali tU. Oregonlan. M lacellaneoaa. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BUKEAIT. F-econd Ht.. Corner Salmon. Women'a Department. 245 Salmon. All c-Uf-aea of ut skilled, skilled, profes sions I and clerical mule and female help furnished on short notice; no fa charged. Phon Main 35'3. A 54J4. A NEAT-APPEARING young man. going to school, wnuid like a jila-e with some nice popie. where he can work for his board room; csn give the best of references. Address AC oregonlan. SORER, reliable man. hout 30. with some experience as a bartender, would Ilk place In a strictly nrat-claes bar where he may become expert; pay according to usefulneaa. A J Oregonlan. PRIVATE secretary, experienced young man from East, expert stenographer and type writer, a so lawyer, d-alrt-s high -c. ass po sition aa prftvato secretary. Box 746, Med- f-rd. Or. WANTED position by young man to do delivering with moforryrl; strlrtly ober and knows city. Address A. M. S.. bog ala. nt Johns. Or. COMPETENT mMdle-aged hole! clerk look. Ir.g for position, loial referencea A3 Hi. Oregon'sn. JAPAN E. E boy want any kind of work befor noon or artcr 4 o clock. AE 40, oregonlan. II K A DsTON Ki of nil kind cleaned Ilk new; 11 year" experience, j. Paul, phone Main WAXTKD- -Itrtieh to slavsh or land to clear trt. . AE 04. ort gonlan. b y co n t r A JAPANESE wants posl)oti to do any kind or work in in city, z..., lai il POSITION, lumber ard foreman, retail. wholesale. A-l. P- B. Pitta 117 Watts St. F you ar In need of and a No. 1 laundry man. answer in i aaq. as. vregoaiaa. DOOR screens r isde to order. Price rea 1014 Hawthorne ave trieh.e. Shop EX PEH1EXCED baker want steady work. II Kerny airect. , AM1LY rook tja(anrae wis he position In ejt vr country. phone A l'.70. WINDOW washing, house cleaning, floors waxed and polished. Sellwotd 1 124. MTCATIOX WANTED FSMAUL Bookkeepers and Mrnog-raphrra. WANTED Position by capable office wom an; T ears' experience in anorthand and 1-ookkevplng ; atate salary and when posi tion must be filled ; life insurance pre frred. AV 2 Oregonlan. WANTED, by young woman. ponUlon as atei-.oitraph-r ; some knowledg of book -k-eplnr; will consider position in doctor's ofTU-e or secretary to woman. A 02. Ore gonlan. lOU NG lady desires noailion aa stenog rapher and assistant bookkeeper, or steno. gtaphic work. 4 years' eapertenc. Phone Ma:n 02C2. OI'NG lady, bookkeeper, atenografther and cashier, desires position, years' ex perience, beat reference. AG 3. Orego- niun. B" iK K EEPER. cashier, with knowledge of stenography. tl aires position; recom mt n lalions. HI Porter sr. La DY bookkeeper. A years' experience In Portland, dusirea position ; inference a East 172 i ttikK EEPEK-atenographer open for en gagement; general office man. exparlencod and reliable. Phone Tabor 3422. OVNG lady, thoroughly competent book keeper, stenographer. desire position. Main 2411. 81 KNik'iRA I'll Etc. accurate, with some perlence. deal r a position. Marshall 2dl. XPERI ENCED stenographer desires posi tion; bet o; referenveA Marshall 5s. Ir-Mnaaliera. IRST-Cl.ASS dressmaklna at horn or by day. 50.1 WiMams ave. Phone East SHI7. Hoaaeaeepera. EAT woman. 3t. hoy 12. desire situation housekeeping, w dower's family. eU Louis A g -ncy. Main 2'.w. A 4775 WIDOW from East wishes position as house keeper. Phone Main suo. ATTENDANT, would asst-t and car for chronic invalid in xamuy or re an e menu AR 47. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED noree elderly peopl and Main 14tl. Invalids a specialty. FOR -xperlenced. dependable nurses, city references, call up Jiain 44KU. SITI"ATHN wanted by competent mlddle- ed woman; good cook, r w. oregonlan. M I r el Ian auta. WOL blanket and lace curtains laundered. sua arieq; urst-cia worn, raoor a!7. SWEDISH girl wants general housework d rooking, it-7,. t- .:h N. . OKUK'HAN giil wants good place as o-.d gtri; rest reierencea t . H. , 41 K. laih. LT of care for children In owu home Sell wood 42. XPERIENCED woman wants work today. Lil tat &i.v room a. GOOD reliable woman wanta work by th v. Main .lit. 1 RST-tLAbS laundress wanta work SaL Woodiawn 1611. Reference OM AN wants work by the hour -and cur tails to laundrv. Marshall 4-112. XI'ERIENCEii girl deairea upstatra ork; Knvd eeamat t a ;. am a 4i.i 1 M N wants work by day. Phon Marshall 42 4. N PERI ENCED woman wUhes day work r rl. aal SaL narsnaii iwi. ITT ATI OX WANTED IYIAXJC. CURTAINS laundered; no mangling: hand laundry ; experts; tic and up. Woodlawa laai. LADY will call at home, and do hatrdreaa Ing. massage, manicuring. Phone C i17J n-.orning. TWO experienced girls want a place to do general housework- 01 Union ave. Phone East 3tM4 TEACHER as nurse or companion to chil dren. Box 121. Rich land. Wash. WANTED AG EXT. WANTED A representative In every elec tric lighted cl'.y or town In Oregon to handle our "Handy Light." Paierrted. Flet selling article on the market. Hroad atatement to make, but tru. Territory given. E- O. and F- L. T 00 ker. Couch bldg. EN ERGlfTIC men and women caa make bis xnonev sei'lng Co-ran fresh air beds. New est Invention. 43tf btark sL WAVTKP TO RENT. WE can rt-m more bouKi, flats and stores st once. HIGGIXS A BOY En. fwl Northwest H'.d. Main 4a IF YOC WANT To K EXT. ciEE a. D. ' 1 NCEN T A CO.. 814 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Good 6-room houe to rent; from owner. Robert Martin, tk7 Yeou bldg. Phone Marshall 1H . JF you wish to Rent your House or Flat Se: WATSON A THKHKtUE.N CO.. S04 Spaldlti HMg. Main 7592. Rooms YY'ltb Boar. WANTED Hy young business man, room and two meals with private refined Amer ican family; state price. AE 2, Orego nlan. FOR at EXT. furnished Kuon Now Open. Ill Room. Now. Open. HOTEL ETRON. HOTEL CAFLKS. beventb ana Tay lor bta. Residential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from postoffic. tores, tneaierg and restaurants; Just off business streets and carlines; quietest and beat location; handaom brick, ample steam htai, hot running ater and phones In every room, suites and private hatha, elevator. Keputab and comfortabi. From 7 00 daiiy, 44 weekly. Any oar from dwpwta. THE SARGENT HOTEL Grand and Hawthorn Avenue. For rent, th finest corner, pavior. bed room and bath auius in the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine view of all the mountains; also some sinirte rooms, elevator service, tele phone, hut and cold water, electrlo light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants; eight streetcar lines pass the building. The largest and coolest room In the city. If you are looking for permanent, home like quarters, be sura and Inspect the Sar gent befor locating. Excellent restaurant In connection with hoteL Telephone East :L J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. NOW OPEN: NOW CPEXI NOW OPEN I Those threa beautifully furnlahed hotels HuTEL HG1EL HOTEL all NOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 2l3ta4thsL 211 4th St. 074 that. On Fourth St., running rom Taylor to Salmon St.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot and coid water In all rooms; strictly up to dat In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of th ordinary. In th heart of th city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, aa w know you will like It. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trhUe solicited. ANGELA HOTEL. Washington St. Under Nt-w ManaKemenL Large lobby, finished In mahogany, ttla and marble; ladlea' parlor w ith elegan: fir place; free telephone service In rooms, all night and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, many with bsth, A residential hotel above reproacn. wher every effort la mad for the comfort and convenience of lis guesta; rtnta the most reasonable In th city: rooms by th day, week or month. Look tin over befor locating. ake W car at depot, get off at lyth and Washington. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh b'treeL New, modern brtcat building; steam heated; privet batbs, hot and col 4 water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and eea ua Regular and transient trade solicited. liUlfcL LA SALLE, loth and iiuxnsid sta Absolutely fireproof. new and elegantly furnished rooms; p rival baths; a team heat, hoi and cold water, private pnones In each room; apeclaJ rates by th montn; phone service free. Phone Marshall 4U4U. RAINIER HOTEL. On block from I nlon Depot; 140 outside rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat: offers special rates for p.rnanent guests; rates due to $2 a day; 4.fru and up per week. 1'bone Main o414. VAN GOKDEH HOTEL. :03H Twelfth l Marshall 2710, In heart of bualneas district; steam heat, hot and cold water, free phone in every room ; 91 day aud up; 4 week and up " THE-M E L V I X, 11th, between Yamhill and Taylor; nice ly furnished rooms fur one or two per son, balh. phone, laundry privilege, 3 and $2.i per week. THE LIN DELL. Large.'pteaaat:t front rooms: easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; 4A $2.0 to M per wewfc. 24thst. Main 5i. THE GILMORE. 131H Tentn, corner Alder a; convenient to th business district and all theaters; well furnished rooms Xor transient or permanent: $2.av a week up: under new management. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally locateu; el eg am t rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Taylor a:a. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main 114 THE WEAVER. 710 Washington, near 23d; nicely furnished ouUide rooms, private bath and phones; board If desired. Main b-l- HOTEL KLICKITAT. New; cor. Eaat 1st and Holladay ave.; hot and cold water, ateam heat; rooms 4i prr weea up. Phone East ot8. TUB KING. Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, modern, close to business ceuter. rates. Including bath, li.00 weekly. Lk, W IS TON Hot., 271H Morn sen, cur. 4th; lrg. airy rooms, :ngl and suite, tran sient and permanent. .'uc day up. DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at a low ruteT Try Hotel Lrrabee, 227H La rr a bee at. East Side. East t4a. ROOMS H.i.vt a fjw nlro ones at vt-ry rea conab'.e prices. Brae Side, 42G Alder St. Furnished Room Id Private) Family. BEArTIKl-iLr furnish rd front parlor and bedroom for two. business men preferred; board optional: modem, private home, voung couple; no other room era. 8 or W car. get off 27th st. H43 Tnurman. ELEGANTLY furnished room, adjoining bat h. with every convenience, in up-to-dste apartment. The St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt. Tel. Main S710. apartment ij. CLEAN, airy room, good Summer place, close in. frte bath and phone, horn priv ileges. 405 W. Park. Phone Main 471. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly; easy walking distance. Phone Wash ington COOL room, large closet, convHnlent, f7 per month; also large room 2.50 per week, free phone, bath, gas. t4 N. 15th st. NICELY furnished front rooms; also smaller rooms. $2.oo a week up. 31 N. .Park St., near Bumside, LARGE front room suitable for two; mod ern improvements; references. 70o Everett st. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; references; Nob Hill district. 738 Johnson at. LARGE corner room, newly furnished, suit able for one or two persona 17th st. North. Phone Marshal I 4741. WITH private family, good location. Call at Williams ave. phone Woodlawn UHlS after 4 p. M. Woodlawn 1145. NICELY furnished fr.ont room, modern pri vate house, large yard, reasonable. 431 Market. DELIGHTFUL fiont room, 2 N. loin at. and Washington. S4 per week. ROuM for a gentleman In a strictly prlvat Jew-tan family. Marahall 17S2- LARGE well- furnished room. Idrg aacova, e v e ry con venlenc. 361 loth. WANT a refined girl roommate. 402 Clay sl Main S2T7. lo MONTH, furnished room, phone, rufth. lighL walking diatan. 427 ilarrison. $T30PERwek for very neat rooml-Sfil Uth st. ' ROOMS II 50 and up; phon and bath. 21 i:th sc FURNISHED room, reasonable rates. 4th floor G'toUnouarh bldg.. otii and Yamhill. ROOM for i Jewish fi gentleman in a atrh-tly private mlly. Marshall 172. V V. Tl Y d.-lrAb:u alrv rooms. e. kiv 1 uiouthiy, reasonable; attic, $1.73. 3CO 12th, I FOR REM. Fnraiahe4 Rooms la PHva4 Family. 414 MARKET, cor- J Ith. IO minutes walk to 1'osiofflce; oak furniture, brass bed. 2 windows in room, bath, phone, private home, large veranda, beautiful lawn, nice and cool In Pummer. NICE clean rooms. (1.50. f2.aa. 43 and up. 2o4 ll!th sL Baetcn With Board. oE bam appeal to you? THE WHITE BALL, cor. t;h and Madiaon; laxge roots a bath, broad veranda quiec close la. asaj ear. 4 b'.ki from P. O Am art caa plaa. PARK VIEW. Modern farutiy hotel; popular rat; pri vate park: close In, cor. West Park and Montgomery. Phone Mali1 87S3. MA.NlTOU. 21 illH ilT. Attractive, clean rooms. ataaa baai good board, close in. raaaonabla Tb LAM BE R SOX. 504 Couch sL. Try da airable outsid rooms, steam beat run mcf water. god board, doae in. PORTLAND WOMEN'S "UNION. 244 ysal Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, .1 brary. 610 Fiandeta Mr. E. N. W. ison. say; ELEGANT room, facing th park. A-l board, rt-aionabia 974 Park. IKE HAZEL Furnished rooms with boarl. runntn atater. t-teatn heat. :'v5 ?d at. Rooms With Board In Prlvaie Fatal Ilea. " LARGE room, hot and cold water, suitable for one ir two people, with board, home cooking, free puont, baths and piano: wulkii-fc distance, lio East 10th. Phone East U1;0. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with hoard, in prjvatu family; pleasant sur roundings, piano; modern convenience. 40ft Benton at., 1 block Mississippi carllne. I hone K. J2H. lN extra nice large furnished room In a private family for one or two. with break fast. $10 per month each. Cor. 14th and E. Burnalde. B 32. ONE uicely furnished front room, suitable for one or two; good board, hot water, bath, verv homajjlke. Call at Clay st. Main MOD. LARGE, finely furnished room, large clothes press, all conveniences free, suitable for 2 gentlemen; close In; no other boarders. Main SrV43. ."'3 12th St. DESIRABLE rooms, walking distance, home cooking, near Multnomah Club.. Marshall 411 2. 90 Pleasant front rooms .for tvrt; $40; e'ean, new. modern house, single beds. bS 17th st.. near Everett. - LA Ri E room, with board ; running water, modern conveniences, close in; gentleman only. 291 West Park. ROOM and board to lady employed in ex change for a little help evenings and Sun days, fc. ions. STRICTLY modern, good home cooking, one block from pane; rates reaaonaoie. room Mam 6H7V. S32 H'th st. HOuMS en suite or single, with 204 N. 22d st. Phone A 7230. i . fc-Ai-ANT rooms, alngl or lent board. 654 Gtlssn. ea suits, tie'- ROOM with connecting bedroom, excel lea: board, porcheg and grounds. Main 2071. ROOM and board for young women. 93 par week. Phone E. 473i FIRST-CLASS room and board in private family. ."43 Yamhill st. ROOM, board, private family, two gentle men. 57(1 Ladd ave. Phone East 5145. Aparitnratk MORGAN. FL1EDNER A BOYCE. 503-506 Ablngton Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIALISTS. We own or control the following: Angela Washington and Trinity Placa Cecilia 22d and Glisan. Claypoole 11th and Ciay. Fordham 170 Ford street. Grandesta Grand ave. and East Stark. Han thorn 12th. near Main. Hanover King, near Washington. KIrgsbury 1H0 Ford street. Knickerbocker Harrison, near lltn. Sheffield 272 7th St.. cor. Jefferson. St. Croix 170 S. Clair st. St. Franchi 21st and Hoyt. Walling too 15th and Everett. We .have furnished "and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, renting from $2u to $60 par month. If you want an apartment. TELEPHONE MAIN 2015. A 2015. OUR AUTOMOBILE WILL CALL at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show you any of these apart ments. THE BARKER, cor. .1st and Irving sta; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 1. 1 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric autoraatle levator. Holme disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, tee boa. plenty of closet rooms, both phonea vacuum Meaner fre to patrona. If you Want something nice, com to th Barker; 1 I -room basement apartment, $15- Phones A 174i. Marshall 2SSJU NEWLY furnished Th Upshur. 2tn and Upshur sta furnished 2-room apartmenta Slfj, 916, 20 and up. This Include steam beat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phonea. publio bath, clectris lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free, alao f -room unfurnished Apartments, wttlj prlvat bath, 4 room. 2U. Take 4, 21d or W cars north. Phone Main sa CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Co lumbia ata. ; 1 choice 3 -room furnished apartment to married coupie, all modern conveniences, choice location, facing the park: only & minutes' walk from business center. " THEM'KIXLEYAPARTMEXTS. E. 7th and Morrison sta,; most centrally located; 2 and 2-room apartments, fur nished complete, private baths; prices from $J0 to 30. WINSTON APARTMENTS 41 14th st.. at Market, new corner brick. 2 -room suites, completely furnished for housekeeping; walking distance; prices reasonable. For information call Main 1729. GARDNER APTS., cor. 13th and E. Ash. beautiful s-room. 2 bedrooms, n replace, heat and water, everything first-class; good location; rent reasonable. Phone Eaat jJL NEW YORK APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-sukte rooms, furnished and un furnished apartments, all modern con venience. East 23 To. 441 Belmont sL, East Side. A NICELY furnished 3-room apt.. $22.00. ail outstde, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, iauuury trays, largo closets, on carllne. Tabor 2213. B 3041. THE LEONCE. 1M1 N. 22 d near Johnson. New, modern, briek, 2 and 3-room, uta i tlfuliy luinlahed apartmenta, ail outsiJa rooma private bath and phone; S22.0O up. HISLOP HALL. Hawthorne ave. and 0th at. Modern building, . best furnishings; L 2. S rooms; walking distance, or best car service. 7 SUMMER RATES." Fortnomah Apartments. obi East Taylor, cor. E. lath, new, walking distance, every convenience. THE AVALON 3 and 4-room steam heated apartments; private phone and bath; jan ' ltor service : vacuum cleaner. Cor. Clack amas and Ruse. East 3172. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park and Madison Sts. For rent, S and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartmenta strictly modern. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, some furnished, new, clean and homelike; cool, shady porches; walking distance. Cor. E. lath and Yamhill. ELEGANTLY furnished 3-room modern apartment; private bath and phone; S2i. See agent. H- N. Swank, 30s Ablngton bldg. THE MEREDITH. 71a Washington L. A S and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, wita every convenient newly furnished; cheap est rent in the citj. 5-ROOM apartment, elegantly and com pletely furnished. Including piano, car meiita Apartments, Jefferson and 13th sts. Phone Main 3HO. UNFURNISHED and furnished 2. 8, 4-room jw uuea, close In. West Side. Apply 233 Umll. e ' THE CHELTENHAM. 255 N. l&ttx. " 2 3, 4-room apartmen ts. new, brick building new furniture. Maraliall 860a, " BERYL APARTMENTS, Faralshed and unfurnisned apartment, Loveloy at Tak W" car THE LILLIAN 6th and Montgomery, 3 rooms. lurniaueu opi. ti 1 v die atn and phone; walking distance. Marshall 1378. THE DAVENPORT Xewly furnished three- room apL, private oaiu nu puone; Sum mer rates. Main 5433. 503 Jefferson. BJELLAND. 16th and Lovejoy Unfurnished (Trout 1: mouM . mun De seen to be appreciated. Main 1-S67. A 1607. 0H2 FLANDERS Modem 6 large rooms, apart menL porches, furnished or unfur nlshed. THE OXEONTA. elegantly furnished 2-room apartments, all conveniences, $20 per month: single roqmonIy $T. 187 17th at- THE Birmingham, Si 12th St.; new, fur nished elegantly. 2 and 3 rooms. Marshal. 4S4. . BEULAH Modern 3-room apartment, $23. Woodlawn 61d1 i THE LAURETTE, 1 furnished 5-room apart menu private bath and phone, 22tf nq, at, MA H ft" A PTS-. 22S N. 20tb SL; nicely fur. nished and unfurnished 3-room apt. " ! THE PARK. APARTMENTS :is:t Harrison st. Phone Marshall 3070 JULIAETTE Furnished and unfuraianeA A sSami Corner Xd and MwUgom,.. 4 FOR RFC NT. Apartments, ELEGANTLY FTRNTSHED. MOST EXCLUSIVE YET QUITE REASONABLE KATES. "HIGHLAND COURT" APARTMENTS, 2d and GlSmn Streets, -'d and Glian Streets. Two beautiful 4-room apartments, now open for engagements. Strictly hiarn-claas furnlshlnsa and MODERN In all it anoointmtata. One of these apartments faces ' the beautiful couru The Hlphland" is located In the ex clusive "Nob Hill" height .TOod. has thre carlines within one b'aa - The most up-to-date apartm-house in the city. N- "HIGHT.AXD COURT." and Glisan Streets. THE ORLANDO. 2TH AND WASHINGTON STS. EXCLUSIVE. ELEGANT. Two and thrte-room apartmenta embracing- every modern convenience aa to equipment and every advantage of un surpassed location. commanding at on re fine view and downtown accommodations. Wide halls, elevator service, laundry with ateam dryer. MOST REASONABLE RATES CONSISTENT WITH FIRST-CLASS SERVICE AND APPOINTMENT. CARMELITA Jefferson and 13th sL UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. . MODERN. NEW. Phone Main 396S. THE WHBELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sta. THE WHEELDOX ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. TV nlWinc TllstiUlce. K-nenlahaH enmnlefe ' 3 and 4- TOOID apartments; buildings new and strictly modern; service nrst-ciass. t TRIXJTY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious honxea Trinity Pi.r Ketw-een lftth and 90th streets. Just off Wsshlnaton: magnificent exclusive apartmenta In heart of apartment-house district; rentals reasonable: every modern convenience: sleeping porches, hlgh-clasi service; refined clientele; reference re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur- r.isnea apartments avanaui ju j . . A. N Wright, superintendent, phone Mar shall 1101. - THB AMERICAN. Was nn.MJiU amrlmfint the rooms, all outsid sunny rooms: "new; walking dlstanc. 21st and Johnson sta; choice residence district; atteaaaat oa premlaea Marshall 360. CHESTERBCRY HOTEL APARTMEN'IB. MTH Al K KARNEY. An elegant new hotel with beautifully furnished apartments ; handsomely ap pointed dining-room where meals may be procured if desired; everything- possiole fnp th. rnnvenlence and comfort of vnejcta: modern in every respect; an ideal home; references required. Call or pnone aiarsnau o. THE VILLA ST CLARA, 12th and Taylor. at completed, most magnificently fwr. Ished apartments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. including baoqaet ball and roof garden; both phone in aU apartments; high-class service; refarwace required 11. n 2276 and A 70fl7. . fiElNZ APARTMENTO 14th and Colom vta, 4 blocks south from Morrlsoa st. ; new brack building, completely first-eiaas furnished lo 2. 1 and 4-room family a part no an ta; prlvat bath, steam heat, hot wa ter elevator, fre phon. vacuum cleaner, janitor rvic; rent per month, $24. $aw gaO and up; must b en i b ix coatad. THIS EVERETT, 44 Everett st, f4ew and elegantly turn lshed apart rant: S rooms, reception hall and sieep-Icg-porch; automatic electrlo elevator aci prlvat Pacific telephone; located in ods of tb choicest residence districts, sur rounded b eiegaut itoiuea; waiauusi ua tanc. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay Streets. One ot the finest in the city; steam heat, hot and cold water, private vesti bules, phones aud baths, electric eleva tor ana Ufts; unfurnished suites $32 to H- KINO HILL APARTMENTS 171 KINO 6T. 4, (. 4t-room apartments; lct tanaasjk Apply on premise. THE 'v71CKERfe'HAM. Ibth and Flanders sta. Beautiful aparuuonta. 6 and 6 rooms. Call aud se them. THB DEZENDORF. 08 14TH kST.. NEAR TAYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 6-ROOM UXFCB N1SHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES OK RESERVATION. , OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur nished or unfurnished, pacific phone in each, $32.00 up ; ou tside rooms ; splendid view ; cuhvchiciu j Buuuiti. . , upci v id eation ; close to Poatolf ice ; best of serv ice. The Sheffield, 272 7th. cor. Jefferson. IONIAN "COURT. 570 Couch. 1 block from Washington. waklng distance. 3 and 4-room moUera unfurnished apartments; all modern con veniences, best of service; under new man agement; references required. Main 1112. LLCHET1A COURT. Lncretla SL. isar 23d aad Wash. Lnturmshod apartments, from two t five rooms, all large, light and outside; large cioaeta, haruwuod tiuors, uuder nr n-auagetiieni. MaucbaU 1613. Janitor. Max sUall l&oO- FREE RENT. See spur list 01 apartments. Free rent bonus will be given those renting now. City Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main tS0. 14t 5th sc. A 6267. TH1C MARJ-liO ROUGH, v g-room apartment, cholc residenc dis trict, walking distance, every convenieaca 21st and Flanders sts. Main 7318. L1XCOLN APTS,, COR. 4TH AND L1NCOLX All outside. 2-room apartments; Holmes beds, built-in writing desKs. vacuum clean er. Janitor service, 2.5 to gu, iucluomg Hants, prlvato phonea A 3472. Main 13 7 7. BUEXA VISTA 12th and Harrison. 2, 3 and 3 rooms, furnished or unfurnished ; latest lraprove ments; beat service. Apply oa premisea. " THE WESTFALL APARTMENTS, 410 3tb st. ; 3 minutes' want, unfur nlsMed tiom $23, furnished Iroin X2 7.0j; a rooms, with private bath and puone. elevator and Janitor service. Main 2uiu, A 20 3 8. THE LUZERNE. Just completed, corner 3a and Hall, all 2-room lurnisaed apt., large outside kitchens, best arranged a pi, m Portiaaj. $-5 and up. Easy walking distance. ! WOLFE APTS- 210 MARKET ST. NEWLY, furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, $22.50 to 40; single rooms 3 up; Tree light. Dhone. haL hot ana cold water, electric ievator. Maranall 3397. FURNISHED snd unfurnished apartmenta 2. 3 nd 4f -rooms, with private bihs aesirabio location, very reatonaoie rents. Appy Angela Hotel. o2 WanineT:on sc. near 1 HADDON HALL. I ITH AND HALL STS. and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, all outside rooms, hardwood floors, private balconies, bath ana phone; t.immer rates; easy walking distance. " SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. brick, corner t-at .ouch and Sft, furnished: unfurnished 3-room apartments- private Dai" , V V-w CMl XtOl. IRIS, COR. Sd AND MILL. 4 sad 5 large rooms; mod era. FOR RENT. Apartment. NOKOM1S. Marshall. Near 17th St. New build In p ; Summer rata; must be seen to be appreciated. A RDM A'. TERRACE. I2tb and Harrison Sta, Largest 2 -room aparunenia in. th city. ALTO XI A. Marshall and 19th Sta. Large airy 2. 3 and 4-rocyn apartments; quiet and exclusive neigh borhood. THE CAM AK, 704 Lovejoy st. ' New. modern brick. 2. 3, 4-room apart mvms; th-apest r-nt in tlio city. Tclo phone Marslutll 2,.H': THE Northampton. 407 Hall: furnished, ole gantly; 2 rmaa, $25 up; L 12- M. 42t'A Flats. FURNISHED FLAT, $21. 00. On hih una siphtiy lot. beautiful lo cation, modern improvements; close to to carlines; close lii. See Davies. CHAPIX-HEKLOW MTG. A: TRUST CO Third Floor I'hambcr of Commerce. FOR RENT 5-room luwei flat, clean and up-to-date; gas rane and linoleum on kitchen floor, front and back porch; nice ar-i, good location; $22 vJ. , I'hon eMar shall 31U7. " i-KOOM flat. 72 Glisan st., 30: new builrt superb location. ery iesrable; hard- ood floors, "replace, gas raose. water l-.eater. turnace. Se janitor, SL Croix Apartments. 170 St. Clair st. STEaM-HEATED 5-room llau vvy deslrae ble; convenient arrangement, with gas range; $:i2.60 Summer rate. Apply jani tor, Wellington Apartmenta 15th and EveretL m HOLLADAY ADDITIOX i and 4 rooms, modern flats, fine location. 262 H -Eaat 2d and Multnomah sts.; across Steel Bridge, close in; cheap. 6-HOOM flat for rent, 126 X. ISth ft-, near Giisau st. Inquire Marlin & Campbell. (Inc.). 1 Worcester bldg.. 3d and OaU sts. Main 73tl. A 7717. Sj 11TH and E. Davis, 4-room upper flat, as water heater and range; something above the average. MODERN new 6-room upper flat. We.'t sjiH .oiort neiehhorhood: hardwood floors. glet-ptng porch, fireplace. Marshall 6;'. NOB Hill flat. 7 rooms, fine yard, sp.enaid neighborhood. 77S Johnson st bsL 2Sd and 24th. Main 551 J17 1-room lower flat, Gi E. 22d. between Stark and Oak. 127 E. 16th, near Morri- S o r.. East P35. MODERN lower flat, reasonable! Main b473. C22 Northrup. MODERN Droom fiat, ."ith, near Jackson. West Side, 10 min. walk. Main or A 122a. NEW 4-room flat overlooking Park. 154 Ains worth. L car. NOB HILL Modern Fix-room upper flat; sleeping-porch. Phone Main SMl. SWELL modern fi-room lower flat. 7S East Yamhill, near Phone East 59-1 S. MODERN 4-room flat. Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main MSS. M ODERN 6-room upper or lower flat, close in. Inquire 5-'. Everett st. FIVE rooms, modern flat, tive blocks from Post off lee. Telephone Marshall t!23. PLE SANT 2 and 4-room flat; porch, bath, central. Key 233 Hall. 4-KOOM modern flat, close in. Phone Wood lawn 1S09. tl." MO., large. 3-room fiat, close in. West Siffe. 4-S9 West ParK. 6-ROOM furnished flat, walking ilistanco; all outside rooms; $30. 125 X. loth. MODERN 5 and 8 rooms, close In, West Sine. Marshall 55fl. r Hounektyeping Room. THE UPSHUR 20th ana Upshur sts, fur nished 2-room apartments. $15 up. In cludes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, public bath, electric llghta, gas range, lauudry-room. all free. Take S. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main fi9. .. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall,- fur nished for housekeeping : 8 as range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place, beat in the city for the nioneyhort distance from Union Depot. Take "A" or Ifith-st. cars north, get oif at Marshall st. No dog. La0 TO $z.0 per week Clean furntaaed housekeeping rooms; free heat. phon. bath, laundry. ya:d. 406 Vancouver ave, and 205 Stanton; J'U" car. Phone E. 601a. THE MILKER. 350 Morrtson, cor. Park, furnished or unfurnished houbekeepinj apartments, all conveniences, best location. Summer rates. . COMFORTABLE 3-room suite front house keeping rooms. $3.30 per week, furnished. 81 k let st.. pear Stark. m HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rates reasonable. 494 Holladay ave.. two blocks from Steel bridge CLEAN and neat housekeeping rooms, .l to $3 per week. Sleeping rooms. If 2 per week and up. Free baths. 343 Morrison. FOUR housekeeping rooms; new furnituro, porch and lawn. HK Monroe, Phono Wood lawn 3045. TWO housekeeping room p. with sink, $3.23 per week. 32)4 Hawthorne. HOUSEKEEPING" rooms in new concrete building. Phone Woodlawn j3JjtPJL-!.9L NICELY furnished Housekeeping rooms, bata and phone, close in. 4tea3 Washington. Housekeeping Room In frit ate rninilr. 2 OR 3-ROOM suites for housekeeptng. in cluding sleeping porch ; all hiodern, walking distance; lino location. tiOo East Alder. w ' THREE well-furnlahed. larpre, light and airy front housekeeping rooms, private entrance and porch. All conveniencea. Marshall 2.191. 42-S Montgomery treeL $20-FIKE larjre sleeping porch with two cosy rooms, neatlv furnished; ranse, sinK. private, convenient, refined couple, 40S Hall sL $13 TWO completely furnished, bain, la laun dry, phone. larga yard, frail, flowers. hone. iarga yarn. IIUi,v . waiKing aistance, no uujwiwu Tillamook. A VERY well furnished housekeeping suite. bath, phone. jttremejy pjeasant; aiao oeu tifully furnished sleeping rooms, large closets, running water. 163 17th sL 2 FURNISHED housekeepfng rooms for tnan and wife or two laaies. t-none xuw 4N3. ' LARGE plain housekeeping rooms, also stu dio; all conveniences; to aesirawio pcupi only. 41 North ISth. Marahall 4718. SUITE LIGHT housekeeping, adults; a. so ringlc room ror on or two gentlemen, um phone; ciose in. 304 4th St. " THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. light ar.u airy. waiKing uutiance. an Cherry st. East r2."0. " TWO pleasant, comfortable housekeeping rooms, every convenience, very rtnauu able. 242 14th. LARGE housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished, modern conveniences, reasonaoie to right party. :'" E. 22d st. North. NEWLY and beautifully furnished 1 and 2- room H. K. suites, to xi2.ov per mu 4f"i lay. near 14th. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. light, bath and puone, iu ana i-. ov 12th st DON'T search; a beautiful bay-window room, fine bath, kitchen if ucsirca. a'i Jefferson. flatA. - - ' TVO furniHhed housekeeping rooms, gaft sink, pantry, walking distunce. 211 Siier 111 a n st. . $10 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms in cottage: gas range, sink, bath, separate entrance, close in, yard. 310 1st. St. TWO nicely furnished rooms, one suitabl for housekeeping. fi"r ladles employed dur ing the day. 474 Clay, cor. 14th. TWO large, finely furnished front house keeping rooms, larjfe yard, close in;. pries reasonable. Main 8043. .'!."3 12th nt. NICELY furnished houseke range, phone and bath. 7t D and E. ;ping rooms; gtis N. 13tii si., bet. TWO large, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, phone, bath, lifiiit, water, yard ; cIob In; $13. 104 E. ISth st. THREE housekeeping rooms, with gas and basement. Inquire 74h Water t. 631 E. MORRISON 1 or 2 large housekeep ing rooms, bath. gas!electricljght: UNFURNISHED rooms, pleasant, lighted, 10 minutes from Postoffic-. I'jZ Market st. FURNISHED housekeeping suite, walking distance; no children. 302 East Couch. $2.30 WEEK Front room, one $2, $1.50. 412 10th St.. near Hall. , $4.30 WEEK. . front euite, ground floor: walking distance. 400 Columbia, near 1 Uh. LIGHT housekeeping. 2 front rooms, mod ern. East 3."o. 354 E. Morrison. ONE nicely furnished housekeeping room. 379 Union ave. N. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; $! Marshall 4337. 7fil Kearney. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 421 E. Ash. Phone E. 5908. NICE light housekeeping basement rooms, cheap. o9 Everett st. TWO furnished hotsekeepiug rooms, $3.00 week. 227 Cherry st. I CHEAP, clean furnished suites houtekeep h,g room., 2.50 week. 300 First ft. BRIO HT. sunny front suites. H. K. con-venienc-s, rief-irabie. moderate. 445 6th. ONE or two furnished housekeeping roorua, beth, phone, yarta. 400 YumliilL