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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1912)
TTTK M0TIXTXO OTJEGONTAN. FTCTDAY, MAY 17, 1912. 10 EARNINGS REPORTS ill Bond Sale Advertising Does ' Not Agree With Record at City Hall. KELLAHER TELLS OF FIND tretcar Company's Malrmrnt In Ixndoo Newspaper Krad Before Mrl C onim-llce of Ex ecutive Board. Proiucfn.r coping of th London Daily Vail. dated February i. 1I2. baa Kel liier. president of the Kit Side Busi ness M-n's t'luh. ypirday afternoon before che strert committee of the Kx eeutlve Barl charred that there la a dlMrrpancy of $M ".OiO between the earnings of the Portland Hallway. Lisrht A- Power Company as tiled at the City . Kail In Portland and the statement of tnese earnings as published In the Mail. A bond fate of $ 1 .oo.0mi. recently authorised by t:e Portland Hallway. I-lirht Jfc Power Company. Is advertised In the Imu" of the Mull to which refer ence was mad'. Sr. KrlUher and I, M. I.epper. tp-rearira- on beV.alf of Ka?t SUie clubs. charted el t her thn statements of f jrnlnm filed at t!e City Hall In quar terly reports are radically wronsr or tn elatments published In the Mail cannot be corrett- erlla Dettlorea ( rgf. J. E. Werleln. representing: the com pany, devlurfd that the published state ments might nt be true. He deplored the char made by the Kast Side rep resentatives to the members of the com mittee, who were In session to start an Investigation as to the valuation of pro posed franchises for the company. Mr. Werleln said he knew nothing of the statements published In the Mall, and Intimated that he felt the report nil;ht have been made by a reporter in the course of a day's work- Mr. Kella her corrected this, however, by assuring- Mr. Wrrleln and the members of the committee that the statements were paid advertising; and therefore must be correct, a the company was trying: to place fact before London Investors, to whom It was offering bends. JotMrlyi Kef siaew tat r meat. The advertisement details the hold ings of the company. In el ud In a f ran chlses. Its power plants and lines and streetcar traces, and arlves Information tnat nitffht be valuable to prospective bond Investors. B. S- Josselyn, president of the com pany, when Informed of the Kellaher Itu-iilcnt. iU that he hnd not receive! from Mr. Werleln any statement about what trnj.rd at the street com mittee mectinsr and that he would await further Information before ma kin a; any statement. The committee session i luted until b o'clmk. W. H. KltsireruM and K. O. Hector were te only members of the street committee present at the meeting yes terday. K. K. Kubll belns; absent. They heard the statements tf Messrs. Kella- her and 1-epper for tne Kast Side clubs and Mr. erlln for the company ami then announced that they will hold further sessions and Investigate every phase of the rase tfore making any recommendations to the Kzecutive Hoard as to valuations of the various franchises, all t which are contained In the ordinance now before the com mit t.e. ' Kare Reswlattosi Barred. Mr. Werleln told the committee that Under no circumstances wll the com -pany accent any franchise with a clause irvt-itli'til'v reculutlng fares, al though he said he wanted It distinctly understxd that ita statement was not tn any way a threat or an attempt to intimidate. Kar from wishing to Intimidate or to threaten." said Mr Werleln. "we would Klut'ly lo an tiling we coold honoratly to serve tlie people by the vibration of rars over tracks to be built by authoi isation of these fran chises. But our word has been given to the bond buers that the maximum fare Is & cent and that It will not be less, and we cannot now say to the buyers of those bonds that we have got to make an amendment to the con ditions stipulated to them. We cannot do that and we will not do II, as a matter of principle." "The fare-revitlating feature has ben falsely raised." continued Mr. erl In. Another thing, the public has been badly corfused as to the enttre subject, as It has gone out that this is a blanket franchise. Il does not begin to be a blanket; it has not least blanket when It hrjt started there were but two main lines Induced. These were the andy Hoiilevard anil Milwaukt. street. Oth er vers a.ideii. so tnat now the ordi nance does not rrsemhle its first ap pearance any more titan doee night re semble da. t'eaapaay ! -We wotiM he glad to operate the Hue specified In these franchises, but. if we fall to get hese franchises, after doing everything that we honorably can do. the company will not lose a rent. The people must ride and they will use our cars, anyway. Hence, why s'tuuU this regulation of fares cut much figure at this time and under tMese circumstances?" Mr. Werleln pointed out that the stockholders had long been pouring their money Into the extension and Improvements of the. comrany without returns on their investments, and do ll; c so without a murmur, lie said that tne company had been continuing this for years, hoping that some time the Increase In the expense of Operation and maintenance would cease: but that it has cot ceased. Mr. Lepper replied that he would re gard It as an injustice for the stock holders to build new exten.-lons and n.ake such long hauls. If they fur mshrd the money, but that they do not. t'alraeaa la Uaraf toaea. The people, said Mr. Lepper. have to put up the money to build extensions, lay tne ties and track to connect with the company's lines and guarantee the company an Income before the cars will be operated. He said he did not resard this as fair: but Mr. Werleln said tiiat ho did. as the people wsnt the new extensions largely for speculative value In realty being rut on the market. Messrs. Kellaher and Lepper also asked the committee to consider the question of transfers to Kast Side pas- aengers who have business to transact before crossing the river. Mr. Kella- I br said that he believed It would be reasonable to give passengers who wish to stop off to pay their water rent or similar business a transfer good for from 30 minutes to an hour. When Mr. Werlein remarked that MT. Kellaher would like to have the com pany give unlln-.lted stop-overs, Mr. Kellaher replied that be did not ask for unlimited stops, but only a rea sor.atle proposition for the relief of the many thousands jo are now forced to SHOW DISCREPANCY pay two fares to g:et to the West Side In case they have business to which they must first given attention on the Kast HMe. Vmm C ma Id era 1 1 a Prwaalaew. "I resrard this as the most Import ant subject ever coming1 before this committee," said Mr. Fitzjcerald. chair man of the street committee, -and will say now that it will be the policy of the members to jrlve much considera tion to these franchises. Of course, our Jurisdiction Is limited, but we will make a fuil Investigation before mak ing: any recommendations. Mr. Kellaher loaned to the commit tee a ropy of the London Mall carrying the company's advertisement and a copy of the report complied by an ex pert accountant from the quarterly earnlnars, reports of the company filed last year. A friend of his. said Mr. Kellaher. while visit fna; London, read the advertisement and sent him a clipping- of it. ile then wrote for 2& copies which he had distributed about tile city for Information of those interested in the franchise now under consider ation. FAREWELL IS PLANNED CRAY TO GET GODSPEED TOrXG IS WELCOMED. AS 'Portland and St. Paul, Two Great Terminal," It Idea to Be Car ried Out in Public Uanqcet. At an elaborate banquet to be held Monday night at :J0 o'clock at the Commercial Club. rortIanl will bki a fund farewell to Carl H. Omy, former president of the North Bunk Hallway and the Mill lines In Orexon. who has been promoted to I he presidency of the Great Northern Railway with -headquarters In St. Paul, and will welcome his successor J. H. Vounir. who arrived in forllund yesterday to take up the railway work where Mr. Gray has left on. Arrangements bare been made to open the banquet to the areneral public and have it Informal and popular so that the friends of the guests of honor of the affair of all classes can parti cipate. It will be given under too au spices of the Portland Commercial Club but the attendance will not be con fined to the membership of that organi sation. The arrangements committee has made the publicity department of the club the banquet headquarters where reservations for plates can be made. The banquet will be held in the main dining-room at the club and It Is fully expected that the spacious room will be crowded to capacity. ITovtslon has been made to care for any overflow In the ladles' private dining-room ad Joining the main hall. In this event all will gather In the main room after the banqueting to hear the speakln,. The room will be artistically decorated with ruses and other flowers and artis tic displays appropriate to the oc casion. The theme of the affair will be Port land and St. Paul? the two great ter minals of the Hill lines and it Is the Intention to make roses one of the leading features of the Portland end of the programme. Mr. Gray will represent Bu Taul and Mr. Young. Portland. Friends of Mr. Gray have been requested to send flowers to the Commercial ciuo ior use In the decorations and other flower features which are to be a part of the evening's programme. The committee on speakers has par tially finished Its work and promis.-s number of highly Interesting ad dresoe. Governor Oswald West has been Invited -and will be on hand it his engagements permit. Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agri cultural College, will be one .of the leading speakers. Mr. Gray took a great Interest In the work of the Agri cultural College and helped Its under takings tn every way possible. Lan Kellaher. will speak In behalf of the East Side Business Men's Club. Other speakers will be F. C. Knapp. president of the Chamber of Commerce: C. H. Carey, attorn.-y for the Hill lines In Oregon: A. C. Spencer, attorney for the Harriman lines, and others to be selected later. Each speaker will be limited to 10 mluutes The general committee on arrange ments lor the banquet met at noon yesterday, with K. b. IMper presiding, and named the following sub-commlt-tees: Committee on management. C C Chapman. K. Knapp. Ian Kellaher, C. 11. Carer and W. K. Coman: commute,- on Invitation. C. I. Urunn. K. a. ftanlev and lr. fl A. Pierce; commit tee or speakers. K. B. I'lper. J. L. Meier. John A. Keating and K. H. Fo g.ut; committee on publicity, tl. K. Johnson. (S. II. Smltlon. O. K. Edwards and Frank It. Kerr; committee on dec orations. J. U Meier. F. S. Stanley and W. K. Coman. 1IAXTKU TAKES VP NEW WOItK General Manager of Alaska Meam- shlp Company Kcachcs Seattle. SEATTLE. Wash.. May 1. "Spe cial. Kobert W. Itaxter reached Se attle last evening to assume the gen eral management of the Alaska Steam ship Company a- d the Copper Klver Northwestern Railwar with their subsidiary corporations. Mr. Baxter Is the pew vice-president and general manager of the Morgan-Guggenheim Alaska properties and this morning took un his new duties. Mr. Baxter spent the morning with C J. Jones, traffic manager of the Alaska Steam ship Company, and Superintendent 1U K. I'lerson. Inspecting the local prop erties. Mr. Baxter, formerly general super intendent of the Illinois Central Rail road at Chicago, came to Seattle with his family In his private car. He suc ceeds Joseph H. Young, and expressed his Intention of following the plana outlined by his predecessor for the de velopment of the properties. No changes In the operating staff of the various companies will be made at present. Mr. Young left last night for Fort land. BIGGER AUDITORIUM ASKED East Side Business Men's Would Build Library. Club At the meeting of the Kast Side Business Men's Club last night at the Kast Fortland Branch Library the directors of the club were Instructed to take up with the Library Associa tion and the County Court the matter of enlarging the auditorium of the Kast 1'ortland Branch Library so it will seat 1104 persons. L. M. Lepper. who Introduced the resolution, saw mat it was found that on many occasions the room was too small, and that it can be enlarged at small expense. Special committees were appomteo on the extension of Grand avenue north to the city limits and the opening of Kast Morrison street along the south side of the Lone Fir Cemetery to con nect with Belmont street. A communication" was received from the Chamber of Commerce Indorsing the movement to grant franchises for the entrance of the Hill lines to the East Side provided the franchises are well safeguarded with common-user provisions. Columbian Optical Eyeglass Service does not congist of making a "Sale"! It means to fit vou with eyeglasses MADE TO YOUR ESPECIAL NEEDS from a pre scription written after a careful examina tion of your eyes by our REGULAR OPTI CIANS. Then the glasses are accurately ground and adjusted by our opticians of recognized abilitv. See how COLUMBIAN OPTICAL SERVICE benefits not only eyes but your pocketbook as well. Glasses for $1.50 or $3.50 or $5.00. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY 145 Sixth Street Floyd F. Brower, Manager ADVICE IS WANTED National Republican Leader Invites Talk on Planks. OREGON DELEGATES REPLY Hubert It, McCormick, or Illinois, I'rges ProConvcntlon Debate on Questions That Should Come I'p In Chicago Skeptics Balk. Oregon's delegates to the Republi can National convention have received personal letters from Robert H. Mc Cormick, delegate to the same con vention from the Ninth Illinois Con gressional district, inviting a corres pondence for a discussion of planks that should be Incorporated In the party platform, candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency and measures that properly should come before the con vention.. Mr. McCormick is believed here to be a brother of Medill Mc Cormick, of the National organization that is conducting the candidacy of ex 1'resident Roosevelt. Answering the McCormick letter, Thomas McCusker, of this city, one of the ten delegates from this state, wrote that although his personal choice for President was Senator La Kollette, whose campaign McCusker conducted in this state, the delegates were all elected at large and were pledged to support the ex-President for nomina tion as President as long as he bad a chance to win. In this connection, Mr. McCusker also pointed out that his personal choice. La Follette. in the Oregon primary election received a plu rality of the ltepubllcun votes cast for President In the Third Congressional district, although Roosevelt carried the state. MeCvsker Makes Sosrgestlosis. On this subject. Mr. McCusker also wrote that should Roosevelt receive the nomination at the Chicago conven tion, he was doubtful If the ex-Presl-dent could be elected. Mr. McCusker suggested that the con vention In the platform to be adopted should Include declarations for Presi dential primaries in all states and the elimination of the convention plan en. tlrelv. a law by Congress providing for the financing of Presidential cam paigns by the Government after the candidate has been nominated, and prohibiting the contribution of funds by trusts and corporations In the can didacy of any candidate for the Presi dency. It was also suggested by Mr. Mc Cusker In his letter that the Republican Nationnl convention should adopt a resolution Indorsing the measure re cently enacted by Congress and pro viding for direct election of United States Senators. Before this constitu tional amendment becomes effective It must be adopted by the voters of two thirds of the states. Larimer ""triage" Sospeeted. One of the other delegates from this state, suspecting that McCormick was a member of the "Lorlmer crowd," re plied to the Chicago man's letter with a brief but pointed answer. In It the delegate Informed Mr. Mc Cormick bluntly that the Oregon dele gation was unequivocally committed to Roosevelt and that McCormick need not think that "he and his bunch can count us out." OR. H1NS0N TO SEEK AID ASSISTANT PASTOK TO BE EM PLOYED AT WHITE TEMPLE. Advisory Hoard of Church Author ises MinlMcr to Find His Own Helper Membership Grows. The 'White Temple Is to have an as sistant pastor as soon aa Dr. Walter B. Hlnson finds a suitable man and re ports back to the church. At a meet ing of the church body last night the report of the advisory board, formerly known as the prudential committee, was received and unanimously adopt ed. The board reported that the rela tions between the pastor and the church were most satisfactory and rec ommended that the pastor be author ised to find a man suitable to act as his assistant. No mention was made last night as to the salary which would be paid, but the advisory board members. In dis cussing the question at a previous meeting, are said to aave considered from 11500 to $2000 sufficient. Dr. Hln son receives $5000 a year. Dr. J. Whlt comb Brougher. his predecessor, re reived S4000 and had an assistant. Rev. John Benson, at S1S00 a year. The present membership of the 'White Temple Is 1SO0. It waa 1200 two years ago. when Dr. Hinson took . charge. More than 400 members have been added, as some have moved away and removed their membership during the two year. During the last year Dr. Hlnson has delivered many lectures outside Port land, in addition to his church work. The question was taken, np by tbe ad visory board whether It should relieve htm of some of this outside work or provide for him an assistant. The lat ter course was chosen. Dr. Wiley, at 7, Is Father. WASHINGTON, May 1. Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, ex-chlef chemist of the United States, became the father of a boy, his first born, today. Dr. Wiley, who Is 7 years old, married Miss Anna G. Kelton a year ago. DAILY CITY STATISTICS MarrtafA Ucenes. M'PHERSON-TAVLOR James Pherson, city, 24, and Auelo B. Uc Taylor, cjty. 2i. FOSTER-AGEE Richard C. Foster, city, IS. and Prarl Aieee, city. 25. CAMP-ANDROSS Oeome Camp. Gresh am. 33. and Maude AnUrois. Orfsham. 23. KYLE-MEYER Richard M. Kyle, Linn ton, no. and Mrs. Minnie Meyr. Llnnton. 48. WEISSENKLL'H-WOODSMALL Bert Weissentluh. Halbrook, 21, and Nora Wood sman, Hothrook. 25. LAXSIX1WNE-OARTOS Harry M. Lane downe. Jennlnss Lodtte. Or., legal, and Kath ryn Uarton. city, Iciial. MAC KENZ IE-BERRY J. H. MacKcn sle, 31, and Estelle C. Berry, city, legal. Births. ' JENSEN To the wife of Hans Jensen. 7Sl Kerby street. May 11. a son. HL'SKRVIK To the wife of Jo-ph W. Huservllc. titS East Clinton street. May 13. a daughter. . 1.ATTERIDGE To the wifa of Jason P. I-auerldsn. 47 East SUty-slxth street North. May 15, a son. DAH.Y METKO BO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. May 18. Maximum temper ature. 70 decrees; minimum. 40 degrees. River reading, s A. M.. 12.W feet; change In last 34 hours. .5 foot rise. Total rainfall o P. M. to 5 P. M.) none; total since Septem ber 1. lfHl. 3U.43 Inches; normal, 41.18 inches; deficiency. 10.75 Inches. Total sun shine. 14 hours; possible. 15 hours. Barome ter I reduced to sea level at & P. M).. 80.US inches. THE WEATHER. Wind Elate of Wsathst STATIONS Baker I 8 NW'flear Boise I 7-'0.o; 6 NW'i'i. cloudy nosion .........I. MW..HI 4 .; Kaln CalKsrr 0.0H12 X Cloudy Chicago Colfax Denver lies Moines ... 4 0. ltf t N'W Cloudy 7.VO.O"! 4 W Clear T2 O.OOI10 .SW Clear fioO.CI 'lU .V Clear M 0.t; 4 NE Clear 50 O.OtM 6 X Clear PC, o.ooj 4.S i'iear 74 0.IMI 11' SW K'loudv SO 0.4HV10 SW (Cloudy riD. K .V Clear 7o O.OOj 4 .V (Clear o.oo! 4 W Claudy S- O.OO! 6'W ICIear ttu n.octi 4 .vwjeiear ...'..oof NK PL cloudy f 0.7t) 22 NE tftuln S2 O.oo 12 NWJC'loar 62 J). K IS SW (Cloud v .0-0.(JO'10 S Cloudv 740.ISV a's ICloudy 7.1 0.0O' 6 tiW 'Clear K4O.00I 4 NWU-lear 74 o. on; w Pt. cloudy 7o'O.00l S Iciepr 74n.V 4 .VW Clear S2.m 4 NW Clear O.Ort 20 NWICloildy 2 0.(M N i-lear KP O.oo! 4 -VW Clear f.(i.l!12W IClvar 4.W12 SW jClear 7 o.ivm s SW 'Clear oio.isv s.NW'Pt. cloudy M 0.02 is s (Kaiu 7.10.00 4 NW' 7H O.oot i sw 'Clear;ioiW (Clear 70 1.14 4 ,.B Clear 7 0.00 4 N Clear 6S O.OO 1S-.SB ICIear Ilululh Kureka Ciulveston Helena Jarknvllle Kansas Cite . . . Klamath Falls . Lsurler I.os Angeles ... Marshtleid Mrdford Montreal New Orleans .. New York ... North Head .. North Yakima Pendleton ..... Phoenix Pocatello Portland Ttoseburic Sacramento .... St. Louis ...... St. Paul fait Lake San Francisco . Spokane .. Si. Anthony ... Tacoma Tatoosh Island The Dalles ... Twin Falls Walla Walla .. Washlnctoa ... Wnatchee .... Winnipes; WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Albrta disturbance ts moving slowly southeasrward and this evrntng it is central ovr Southern Snskatcliewan. while the Eastern storm is moving slowly northeast ward, bslnr now centra! over the lower lake region. The barometer is relatively high over ths North Pacific States and also ovtr the region between tbe Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. Light to moder atrly besvy rains have fallen In the hike region, Ohio Valley and In the Atlantic Statea from Mslne to Florida. No precipita tion of consequence has occurred In the Roky Mountain snd Pacific States. It Is much cooler in Montana and Alberta and correspondingly warmer In Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas. The conditions are favorable fnr fair weather In this district Friday, except In Northwestern Washington, where showers will occur. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; variable winds, mostly from the southwest. Oregon Fair; south to west winds. Washington Fair, except showers north west portion: south to went winds. Idaho Fair. EDWARD A. B ALS. District Forecaster. Wireless telegraphy Is to be utilised to synchronise all the public clocks not merely In Berlin, but throughout the German Em pire. FERTILE POWELL VALLEY ONE, TWO, FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS t Rockwood, Ruby, Base Line, Gillis, Gresham, Pleasant Home, Scenic, Cottreli. The most fer tile soil in Multnomah County. Acres as low as $150. Monthly payments, $3. Business Lots Residence Lots at new, rapidly growing townsites, as low as $100. , Monthly terms, (2. Invtstigate the great oppor tunity. CMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. 286 Oak Street. AMrSEJTETS. HEILIG 1th mod Tai lor Phones Main 1 and A HZx. TONIGHT and TOMORROW N1I3HT Special Price Matinee Tomorrow. Wm. A. Brady Offers the Comedy "OVER NIGHT" SPLENDID CAST and PRODUCTION. Kvenlns: J1.50. 1. "Sc. Soc. 35c. 25c. S.itnrisv Mm I1.O0. 7.V.50C. SSeSTje. SKAT SALK OPENS TODAY HEILIG THEATER 6 SISO Next Monday Special Prlc Ma tine Saturday. David Belasco Present Tbe Native Actxem, Blanche Bates Id Avery Hopwood's Comedy, "NOBODY'S WIDOW." Evening Lower floor. $2.00. $1.50. Balcony. $1.50. SI. 75c, 50c; Gallery line. Saturday Mat. $1.50 Jl. T5c 50c 35c. 25c BAKER THEATER Main 2. A MV I.KO. L. Baker. Mgr. BAKER STOCK COM FAS V TONKiHT All This Week. Mat?. Wed. and Sat. Greatest of AH Western Plays. "THE GIRL OF THE GOLDEN WEST" By David Belasco. Magnificent eenlc Elfeets. Immense Cast Evenmcs. 25c, 5oc. Matinees. 25c only. Next Week "Brewslera Millions." C MATIN KE EVERY DAY T. I3e 5e NIGHTS: 13e. I5e. 50c. 75s WEEK MAY 12 trrll Lean and Florence Holliroolt; Mile, f amine Ober; Tne tyton Trio; W. H. Lytell A Company; Weston He n tier Co.; Keba Kaufman Inez: Bert and Lottie Walton; Orchestra; l'lcturea. Matinee Every Iny. mptess I'ormerlr OraUd. Sullivan A: Consldlae. Kefined Vaudeville. n-rrtr mSv 1 . if, rtciniiir foster Girls Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Voelker: Roach and MoCnrdy; Holmes and Kiiryi niu. ton; Orchestra. Prices 15c and 2c. lrvrif t tvv i "Cinderella muslral fanlMnvr Brandt and Walton; .Mile Mercereao; Mathews and ielda. 1 hlnd the Hrne"5 Louise erald A Co.; Fris cary ; I'antagwtwope. Popular prices. Mat lne daily. Itox'n and firnt row balcony re se.Trd. Box office npeu from 10 A. M. to 10 P M. Phones A Main 4ttS. Curtain 8:30, 7:13 and 9. IASEBALL HECREATION PARK, ' Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SEATTLE PORTLAND MAY 13, 14. Iff, 1, 17. IS, 10. Games lire in Weekday at 3:O0 P. M. .Sundays 2:30 P. 31. LADIES9 DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ft OT Tn thl rlV MV 1 6. St Ft. Vin cent's Hospital, Mrs. Mary E. Hart, aged 41 years, lO months. Funeral from Hol-'a funeral narlors at 8:oO A. M. mnrrnv isaiurdavt. Mav 18. thence to the Cathedral, l&th and Davln ets. ServlressJ at 9 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. ROUNDS At his residence. 44 Eat 7th st., AlttT I". Aiinui . ... - 7 months. U days, brotlior of Mrs. is. r. Boone and Mies Kuth E. Rounds. Friends invited to nttend funeral services, which will bo held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. iMinuay. aiay iw. iniermcm Rlvervlcv eC'emetery. HKITSHT" At the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. .Inhn A. Shepartl. 4 ISOrth .i i r ia Ami I. Heltshu. a red CI vears. 3 days. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held the above residence at 2 P. M. tomor row Saturday), May 18. Please omit flowers. SAWYER In this city, at the late resi dence. 146 North 14th street, Florence M. Sawyer. 32 years 1 month and 14 days. The funeral services will take place at Kin lev's narlors. Saturday, May IS, at 3 i.'cl'.. . P. M interment at Rtverview Cem etery. Friends respectfully invited to at tend. i.rxn -'in this eltv. Mav 13. Cora B. Lund, aged 2i years, at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. George Lund, 5S5 K. Taylor st. Funeral services will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 4 M. today (Friday , May 17. Intrment a Medina, O. Pleaae omit flowers. GICRA Funeral services of VIngenza Glura will be held at St. ancnei s tnurcn, lu and Mill sts., today (Friday), at :30 A. M. The funeral will leave the Skewes chapel :15. Friends invited. Interment Mount catvary. . MUM M KSTS Ot to Sch unaann M arbls Works. Lawt ad and Pine sts. fcast at H tunasu ii ' ' i-i . . . -oeral director and ood. rtakrr, ZiV Iblrd mU. cor. balmoa. l sdy afcaisiant. Donning; tcntee. Funeral Director.. 7th sad 1'las. fbone Ialn 43U. 1-mMj mi tgndant. Oftlc of County Coroner. A. B. ZKLI.KB CO.. 6i-4 Williams .to. Phone Kast lu. C 10. l-a"r attendant. J P. 11XLEI SON. Id and Madison. iMdf attendant. Phone Main 9. A lotfs. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to F. I. Dunning, Inc. E. 63, H zfiso. TBCH. rndertaker. or. East Alder and Blxth, East m. B !". UJr attenuanc ).kEK COMPANY. Sd and Clay. tlii. A UtzL. La Lr attendant. j CEMETERY I Z Beautiful - I : MOUNT SCOTT PARK : I.ARfiE, PERMASEXT, M O D E R X. P O R T- I. A MI'S ONLY MODERN CKMETEKY WITH PERPETUAL CARE of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a perma- nent Irreducible Maintenance, Fund. Location ideal; Just out- side the city limits on north and west slopes of Mount Scott, containing 335 acres, equipped with every modern conveniences J PRIC ES TO SUIT All. - m I SERVICE THE BEST. s Z ONE MILE SOCTH OF a. Z LEST!. REOULAR a ! A V T O MOBIIE SEI1V- ICE FREE BETWEEN Z Z LENTS AMD THE , Z CEMETERY. II II- :i ai CITY OFFICE. 920-921 TEOX BUILD ING. MAIN 225. A 706. CEMETERY OFFICE, TABOR 1468; HOME PHONE RING B 6111. THEN CALL LOCAL 4201. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office City HaUL Main 693. 7539. Humane officer. Sergeant E. L. Crate. Residence. 24 E. 24tb N"., East 47T. Horse ambulance, corner of 5th and Taylor. Veterinary In charge. Marshall 600. AnJ mals Rescue Home, Northrup Acreo. ThomuM Jl. fihort, faupL, A &b.7, 3 rina. MEETING NOTICE. 'The imperial potentate ) wM arrive in Portland this morning. He is traveling : with Bouml Temple. Balti more, and Almas Temple. Washington. D. C Members of kl Kader Temple and their ladies and visit in no bles are urgently requested to be at the Union Depot to welcome the Imperial poten tate and these Temples. Headauarters. Portland Hotel and Masonic Temple. Nobles come to headquarters during the day to assist the committees to enter tain the visitors. I W. C. BRISTOL, Potentate. PORTLAND LODGE. NO. 55. i A. F. AND A. M. Masonic Tern- i pie. Stated communication this i rTiday) evening at i :S0 o'clock. Work in F. C. decree. Special . communication. o'clock. Work In F. C der W. . deirree. Visitors welcome. By or M. C. M. STEADMAN, Sec WASHINGTON" COMMAN DER Y NO. 16 Special con clave this (Friday) evening, 8 i o'clock. Order of the red cross and -preliminary arrange ments for formation of drill corps. All Sir Knights courteously invited to attend. F. H. NOL.TNER. Recorder. ROSE CITY CHAPTER NO. S6. O. E. S. Regular meeting this (Fri day) evening at S o'clock. Mason Id lempio. social, ay oraer w. jd. oAnAH sS, ULLKl.-, sec ACCTIOX SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 19 A. IL Furniture. 171-3-5 Second street. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or Sunday. Per EJne. One time 12 Same ad two consacatlre time .... Z3 tSunie ad three eoosecDtive tlmea SOe bame ad six or seven consecutive times. IVee UemUUuiuei. mast accomiwny out-of-town order. V ben one ndvertlaement Is not run In con eecutite L-seuee the one-time rate applies. bix nora coaut as one line en ciiab. ad Tertieemeuta and no ad conn led tor leas than two line. On charse or book ndrertlsements tho charge will be based on the actual number of linea appearing in the paper, regardieaa of the number of word In each line. In New 'Xoday all advertlaementa nro charged by measure only, 1 linen to tho ifhe above rates apply to advertisement tinder "w Today" nnd all other1 clajwiUcn tions except tbe following: Situations Wanted, Male. ' bituatious Hunted, Female. Oregouian will accept ciattttftied ndvertlfte mrnU over the telephone, providing tbe ad vertiser It subscriber to either phone. No t rices will bo quoted over the phone, but 1 1 1 1 will be rendered t be f ollow ing day. Whether subsequent advertlsementa will be accepted over tho phone depends upon tho promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertioementa. .Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertlsementa will not be accepted over tbe telephone. Orders for one inser tion only will be accepted for "House for Kent' 'Furniture for bale," "Business Op portunities. "liooniing-llouse" nnd "Want ed to Kent. NEW TODAY. WANTED A good modern house on Portland Heights, Willamette Heights Nob Hill Xot over $8500. See O. K. JEFFERY 1405 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 3718 A 4481 For Choice Suburban Residence in Portlands Best Section It will pay yon to see us. CHAPIN-HERL0W MTG. & TRUST COMPANY, 3d Floor Chamber of Commerce. GARAGE SITE 55x110 corner on East Harrison st. Hard-surface pavement. Price $3000. Owner. 502 McKay bldg., 9 to 1! A. IL Main 549. Nob Hill Snap hmi3i nn. 9 rooms, one 5 rooms. rented at $60 per month, lot 50x100 on 17th npar Johnston. Price $11,000; $5000 cash, balance 6 per cent. CiRl SSI & HOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bids., 41b and Oak. This Property Will Pay You 12 Wo' Corner lot. 90x100, new two-story frame building, 5-room cottage and barti; gas and electric light. This business property will grow into money fast and is a genuine bargain for $5500. CHAPIN - HEPuLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO., 332-333 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Keller. Best Buy Cftvl fin s- w- corner Fifteenth and DIM1UU Marshall streets, on track. Splendid corner for wholesale or ware house site. Price very low, only $3000 cash. For price and terms ask C E I, I. A K S-M l"RTOX CO, Yeoa Bids;. Mortgage Loans 50,000 and Over on CENTRA I, BUS1 KSS PROPERTY. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. WM. M ACM ASTER 701 Corbet t Bldv. Will Lease Warehouse Loft Cheap for one year. - On North Side, 70x100 ft. one A hittlr from streetcar. Laree freight elevator and toilet. AnDly aaiiy at so n. iota cu, oe- twe een e.ov auu - ow MORTGAGE LOANS tLpt JOHN E. CRO'lAN, n& J JO 001 Spaldlns; Bide. I-' COLLIS. BERRIDCE THOMPSON PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. 24 Wsmftei Btaak. Fhaa Mala OOsr, 4 NEW TODAY. ROCHESTER $35-LOTS--$35 Rochester Is located (n Western Washington and is the lunction point of the Northern Pacific and Milwaukee Railroads. Rochester will be the terminus of the new electric line. Twelve passenger trains stop there daily. Schools, churches, hotels and stores have been built, other business houses and new homes going- up. NOTICE For a few days only, we will sell leveh cleared lots at the junc tion of these railroads, close to de pot, stores and school at the SPE cial ground floor price of $35 each Small monthly payments, no in terest. Prices will be raised. First come first served, and they are po int? fast. Visit Rochester and re turn to Portland the same daw WARRANTY deed and FREK certified abstract of title. We are owners, not agents. Office open evenings until S. Call or write for folder. GREAT WESTERN LAND CO. Owners Lumber Exchange Bldg. 102 Second Street RIVERDALE DISTRICT A BEAUTIFUL BUILDING- SITE View; near station; close in. S350O TEEMS See Mr. Kupper. CHAPIN - HERLOW MORTGAGE TRUST CO., Third Floor, Chamber of Commerce. 30 NET PER YEAR FOR FIVE YEARS. A clean and absolutely safe invest ment with a small syndicate of re sponsible, representative business men. All of original capital returned, with ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PER CENT PROFIT ADDITIONAL. Every opportunity afforded for full Investi gation. If you have $2000, $1000 or 1500 lying- idle and want it to be do ing something, address for particulars Atf, 62, Oregonian. Fearey Bros. We discount ursecured notes signed by responsible parties. 602 Worcester bid. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BRUBAKER ft BENEDICT, 002 McKay bids. M. 049. Peck. William G-. 345-316 Failing bid. C ha. pin Jfc Herlow, 832 Chamber of Commaroii, Cook, B. S. A CO. 003 Corbett bldff. HOLMES A MENEFEE, 209 Hallway Bx- chang bldg". Phone Mala 5003. JennlnKs & Co. Main 388. 2ufl Oregonian. PALMER-JONS3 CO- H- P. 404-405-40 Wilcox bldff. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ivt, at Multnomah at. HoIladay Addition,) REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Lotk. RESIDENCE lot, 50x01, situated m blo k from carllne; 7 minutes rid from Stli and. Washington. The moment you amp on the car you are aware of the char acter of the people who live In this dis trict; price $&X0, open- to an offer. All 6o. Oregonian. . LAURBLHURST CASH BUT. If you are looking for something that Is extra low in prlc and still one of the C-od lots of this choice addition, let me show you what I have for $1320 cash. F. E. CLEMENTS. Office East Glisan and 39th Sta. HOLLADAY ADD. QUART E It. Corner, KWxlOO ft., at IS. 2i:d and Mult nomah sts., in one of the bf st residential districts of the city; price SA0OO. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main tOOt. A 2653. MT. VIEW PARK. 3 acres on ridge above Willamette Heights; unexcelled view, perpetual spring, on country road; price $:;.VJ0. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bids- Phones Main S6&9. A 2133. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to secure an ex cellent view lot on very easy terms, or j iscount for cash ; restricted district. Im provements all in and paid; taxes paid for two years; no interest. Call A 7374 or Main 7750, ask for Mr. Hoy er BROADWAY LOT. GOcxlOO ft., on Broadway, near Slst St.; faces north on paved street; price for im mediate sale $1000 cash. H. P. PALMER-J ONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main S60'J. A S1Q TOWX SIO PER MuNlH. mn vl int. matured fruit trees, re s trie ted district, near car, cement walk and curb. Bull Run water. Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Selling bldg. Main 1800. A 6261. BEAUTIFUL .view lot on southern slope near Council Crest, $650 and up. Includ ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded street and water; building restrictions; sold on easy terms. provident Trust Company, 2d floor Belling bldg. Main 1800. A 661. SIGHTLY LOCATION. 2 vacant lota on Council Crest Irlv. affording beautiful view, overlooking the city and valley. Will be sold to firat party making caah offer. Devlin & Flre- Daugn,.wu7 yeon picg. IU90LAUKELUURST CASH BLT Jll&O 50x100 lot. located In the beat part of Laurelhurst, one block to car; hlKii and sightly. This is a sure bargain. Phons me today. Eaat 9S9. Mr. Delahunty. LAURBLHURST. You can have my lot in Laurelhurst for SI050, taxes and aB8essmt-nls are ail paid; one block south of Sandy Road carllne. Tasor 207. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. BEAUTIFUL HOMES A.ND HOMESITES. Marshall 482T. BROOKE. A 8839. PORTLAND HEIGHTS building site, situ ated close In. aultable for rustic bunga low; plenty of trees and foliage; flMO, terms. AJ OJ. In property that is alneudy sold at 100 Der cent profit in place of buying property . i, . f rU Orannlnn. I u hcu. " " cyip Fine lot on carllne: cement walk and cement basement; $85; 3o0 down. $10 month. t79 Belmont. Phono Tabor 8954. ) FOR PALE Have several lots that must be sold; will make any reasonable terms to good people, rpope uaoor iio. YOU will like this modern B-room house. Just completed; phone; will call with auto. Owner. Tabor 2372. 100xl0, corner lots In Eaat St. Johns, worth (1400; will sell for $10OU; part cash, bal ance monthly. A 57. Oregonian. LOTS In Glenelyn, 400. 110 down, lo month; beat view lots In Portland. Call Main 1800 or A 61'91. ask for O. F. Cooke. FOR SALE 1800 equity In lot 1. block 8. Excelsior Add. Make me an offer. 31st and Holgate sts. P 68. Oregonian. BROADWAY home. 8 rooms, sleeping-porch, fireplace, garage; 94500; terms. Hoev.t. 423 Hamilton oiag. i LOTS near Beaumont on 33d;" tlOOO; cash .OOP. OOP 70. Laurelhurst, 91750. Phono' LOT 6, block Tabor 37. LAURELHURST Equity In four view lots Phone 90 tj. I