TTTE MOKXTXC OREGONTAN. THURSDAY, MAY 1C, 1912. Lunch Today in Tea Room and Hear Francis Richter, Pianist, Ajax Guaranteed Hose for Men, Women and Children 6 Pairs Xylophone Soloist With Jeffrey's Orchestra Patterns, 1st Fir. Guaranteed for Six Months, the Box $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1S57. WEATHER REPORT: Cooler Today; Showers THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, 5th, 6th, Morrison & Alder Sts. Are You Helping SomeYoungMen or Women Win a Scholarship? ci aoi ai ao a of us should be happy to help some friend or acquaintance yr Seen in the Departments! We've the new Quaker Girl Handbags! They're attractive and novl aa can b. Tne Myle an Introduced In NVw York by ihe oriainal W'ikr ;irl In the p'ar of that namr. Two wptritt r nvntntr at aid top fastened with rlntf nom hate extra coin purw. Of wntte ailover lare. wmt and colored molrea. They're .mart for wear with the llnrrt and afternoon irown. In the Leather Vod jwtlon. first floor. ITKcd from II t to J. Mlalalare Paraaela In leather raa are tne latent imported Kronen nov eltr T:ie eniail-"lsed pun ahade fold Into t,e plc-akin atrap han dled raee. Taken out and opened tt e-rtwa Into tpo of tasr. which he. cornea the hanUle and then la the rhlc rhade for mlladr faehlonable! Ideal for traveler and uae at the bea h. They're l ;.!. In th. first floor leather foods aectlon. Tkf n Twale Pewlaaa. or "Prln cce Pat" t the delight of mlaa and woman. With their uee the pimple rrork of cotton or l!k li" transformed into a atunnln fon. They're fitted over the bodl-e. ahaped, at the walet and extend over the ekirt In th. attrartltn DeDlum etvle. Of fine la--e. allover embroideries and cm O applique. priced at irotn - a to $1 Thfr In th Women' Nork avr Section, flret flfor. ta for aerr Trlmntlnno Triey are unorilinarlly attra. tle and pretty. And you'll wonder St th. rhirmlnf effect that can be pro- O doced at o amall a com. Prettleat or Klun Draioe. it-iii nn iu i - ton. i-aJI trimming-", ecru and colored etlae. et-. Trlmmlnsa for Hummer itrtwM and walet of every description for the tailored, the llns'Tle. afternoon and even Ins; aarmentp ree them today In the popular flrat floor aectlon. n.w bulldinav Ileal Fernet that perfect develop. Ins and rrlntliyr l done here In our flret fioor kaatman Kodak Sec tion. In hour. only most Im proved and eclentlflc method used. Price th. loweat obtainable. ANY of us should be happy to help some friend or acquaintance nft-iin tlie liirrhfr Hinvit invt tlipv Ii.ivp sn lnnprl for Anrl lifrp in this splendid $4000 Contest thirteen yotin? men and women will be given a year's ach.olan.hip in the best eolleees. universities and schools of the land. For many a young man or woman receiving; a scholarship this would not mean merely the one year's at tendance at the college selected, but through their own ambitious efforts the remaining terms may be completed and the cdiicatiounl hope of a lifetime realized in its fullest sne. Save every duplicate Rifles check, redeem for ballots at booth, first floor then vote them for eoine young man or woman. List of contestants, with standing, posted at booth, daily. Mail-order patrons should designate contestant they favor and we will cast the votes for that contestant. AVc will print contestants' standing in next Sunday's papers. May Undermuslin Sale Continues The Gowns $1.50 Gowns at only 98c $2.00 Gowni for $1.47 $2.50 Gowns for $1.98 $4.00 Gowns for $2.73 $6, $6.50 Gown $3.22 Corset Covers " 75c Corset Covers 47c $1.25 and $130 Corset CoTers, special at 98c $2.50 Corset Cot's $1.47 Drawers $1X0 to $1.25 ertra u Drawers at TOt $1.50 Drawers at 08 75c to 85c Drawers at special price of 19tf $2.50 and $3 Drawers, special at only $1.47 Combinations $2.00 Combinations at special price, SI. 2D $2.50 Combinations at special price, $1.53 $3.50 Combinations at $4.00 Combinations spemal pnee, -S V-' V? TT1 5 . Ctrl . $130 White Skirts at special price of 9S $1.75 White Skirts at special price, $1.39 $2.25 White Skirts at special price, $1.73 $3.00 and $3.50 White Skirts at only $2.33 $4.00 White Skirts at special price, $2.75 r.MS;;H f j - W "SI b vtl 'IP Misses' and Juniors' Pretty Wash Dresses $ 1 .85 JUST down from thp receiving room in time to be marked for this Thurs day sale. A splendid purchase of over 250 Dresses in sizes for both misses and juniors. Well made of chambrays and percales, two of the styles just as illustrated. All are the popular one-piece modes. The chambrays, plain the percales in pretty patterns. Also of plain natural colored linene, with collar of lace as sketched., Others trimmed with braids, with plain bands, prettily piped and sailor collars. Just the pretty, practical Dresses the youn? miss needs for school and ordinary faf use. Both lijjht and dark colors.?S Qa) K7r acres 1. to 17 vears. Extra snl. Girls' $2.50 to S3.50 Wash Dresses at $1.48 These for the girl of from 6 to 14 years, though not all styles in all sizes. Pretty models of.good quality ginghams, percales, cham brays and galateas. Round and square necks and sailor J? 1 A Q collar styles. They're $2.50 and $.1.50 Wash Dresses at P .TO SsmamJ B.1nAi Main RnllHInsr. t m V . Today the Bread BaHina Contest Will Be Decided WE IIAVE offered, cash prizes of $10, $5 and $2 for the best loaves ofKread baked in "Way-Kuk" Pajior B:i-rs. Kntries in the contest, may be made at Paper h; Cookery demonstration, 4th floor, until noon today. The judging will take place at 4 o'clock by Miss Kazon . LeMonfe, teacher of domestic science at the Y. W. C. A.; Miss Hedwig Bleeg, of domestic science department, public schools, and L. H. Gilmore, steward of the Hotel Oregon. Bread may after wards be claimed by contestants or turned over to charity. Mrs. Baker's Paper Bag Cookery les son at 2:30 this afternoon, 4th floor, on Bohemian Pot Roast and Soft Ginger Bread. 50c Waist Patterns 29c Only 29c for th( pretty stamped Waist Pattern", from which the daintiest of Sum mer Waists are fashioned. May be worked in the black and white or map pie deftpns French and punch designs. Regular 50c OQr Patterns at -iI7C "0a A mi Knit Underwear WOMKX'S and Chil dren's cool Summer I'nderocar at thee worthy savings today: Womea's rice Ribbed Vests low ne-k, s-i-cvel-j. inrliiiling. popular Tomfy rut" svlc, 12 Women's 25c Ribbed Cotton Vests low nerk, s!ecvelew. also ith lace ami rrorhrt yokes. lO Women's Union Suits fine swiss anil plain riblcd. ith tight or lare trimmed urabrrlla knee. tiO4 Women's 65c and 75c Underwear Vest. Pants and Union Suit, in annu styles. 47 Children's Vests and Pant low neck, aleeveloa r high neck, long aleeve, 1 C $1.50Man'ishWaists 95 c SIARTEST of mannish Shirt waists the favorite of the tailored girl. Popular for business and outing n ear. Ideal for the choolgirl. You've bnt to see them to appreciate their unusualness at the price. Neatly made of good quality percales, madrases and soisettes. Plain and in smart pin and pencil stripes- All fin-i.-hed with the clever soft French turn-back collars and cuffs. Von '11 agree they're $1.50 'Waists in every particular. Special QC fur Thursday, Friday and Saturday QOn for "Hydegrade" VOL Wash Petticoats Here are the Pettieoats that many of yon have been waiting for the famous Hydegrade Wash Petticoat, of which we sold over 1(00 in a single day when the first lot arrived. Of t.plendid quality Hydegrade material in neat gray and white and black and white stripes. Nicely finished in plain colored tailored QO bands. The best Petticoat of their kind ever put out at onlyOl Men! This Is "Gotham Week" ALL this week we are featurmp; "Gotham the Shirts, Underwear and Pajamas of a gen tleman sold only by Meier'& Frank's in Portland. In the cool Gotham Negligee Shirts and Athletic Underwear, you will no longer know the usual warm weather dis comforts. We've also secured several special lots of Gotham Shirts, Underwear and Pajamas at extraordinary prices for "Gotham Week." More of These $1.50 Gotham Shirts, 95c We've added many new Gotham Shirts to this lot for today's selling. Madrases and percales in golf and negligee styles. Scores of smart stripes and QCJ small figures." Splendid $1.50 shirts. Special f-' Pajamas at $1.98 Fine Gotham Pajamas, for Summer wear. Soi settes and mercerized fab rics in white, blue, pink and lavender mul fancy designs W, $4 grades, $1.98 Underwear at 59c Cool Gotham coat-style Shirts and knee Drawers of fancy silk-striped mad rases and mercerized fab rics. All sizes. Reg- CQ ularly $1 to $l-0 hob St Entrance- John S.Brown Sends Linens From Land of the Shamrock THESE beautiful, snow-white, naturally-bleached Irish Linens come to Meier & Frank's only, in Portland. Farther back even than our 55 years of existence, dates the supremacy of John S. Brown's Linens. A group of beautiful exclusive new patterns, just out of the import cases lovely Feur de lis, striped, scroll, chrysanthemum, wild rose, clover leaf, pansy, etc. See them today. " John S. Frown Pattern Cloths, 72x72, 72x90 and 72xl08-inch, at $5.00 to $10. Napkins to match, 21, 22 and 27-inch, at $5 to $15 a dozen. John S. Brown Luncheon and Tea Cloths. 36x3G, 45 x45 and 54x54-inch size, at $2 to $7.50 Colored Linen Break fast Sets, Austrian manu facture, in dainty pink, blue and old gold. Cloths 66x66, 66x86 and 66x102 inch sizes, with a dozen hemstitched Napkins to match. Set $8, $9 and $10.00 Incomplete Line of Irish Linen Cloths, durable; neat fruit and floral de signs. $2.50 Cloths, 70x70 incb, $1.98. $3 Cloths, 70x88-inch, $2.48 Anniversary Sale of Pictures Yf5l' Scores of New and Popular Subjects Regular 50c Pictures for 39c 39c Ial4-larb Cmrr lrtaa. In fancy silt framea. . . xllarh Calarr AriMim. In 1 Int b (lit framrs Regular $1.00 Pictures for 69c 1. I .!..- f I arr4 rrlala. '-ifiQe .lark - iJmJ In 1 S frame IIiM laar rara. marines, etc.. In I Kilt framrs J Free framing of any Kiser Hand-Colored Photo Regular $1.25 Pictures for 89c llxia-larh Paatrla. at Phenomenally Low Prices for 3 Days. KAUTIFUL Framed Pictures, in several instances, at less than actual value of the frame itself. Pretty colored Carbons, Prints, Carbonettes. Knelih F.trhings and Pastels in subjects for any room and surroundings. See window. 65c Colored Outdoor Scenes, size 7x16. in fancy gilt frames, 43C. 11.25 Colored Prints, 14 xirMm-h. in antique frames. 83f $1 Colored Carbons, il lustrated, in antique gilt frames, with fancy ring hanger. G3C $3 jilt and oblong fancy Frames, lrix20-inch size, for fancy pictures and en largement. $1.50 $2.00 Marine and Rural Pictures, colored Allo types, in 2-ineh antique frames. $1.39 or Enlargement Purchased Today. 89c II l TT-lll. wood frame. 1 with 3-Inch mat I 8-a. OM Kb- j llak Ktcalaaa.' In IS-ln-h An-1 tittle trumcs...J Regular $1.50 Pictures for 98c llX-34-larh Klcfc- laaa In I - Inch I . oak. orntnient- ' frm- LllXp ItlM.lark '-.aOL rra o 1 1 a. tn ' w w w S W - Inch frames. . K 1 1 t I J Fine Wilton Rugs Reduced H.IKAV nafterns are brourrht out each season in these hilv I J t " . T 1 Huffs others must necessarily be discon- ci'ade Wilton tinned. - Here arc beautiful designs in two-tone browns, greens, blues and small figures, which we cannot replace at the mill. Hence, the extraordinary reductions. $8.50 Wilton Rugs, 36x63, S0.85 $18 Wilton Rugs, 4.6x7.6, S13.95 $30 Wilton Rugs, 6x9 ft., S24.75 $45 Wilton Rugs, 8.3x10.6, 30.85 $50 Wilton Rugs, 9x12 ft S39.65 Japanese Mattings 30c. and 35c Mattings, yard at 21 40c Japanese Mattings, yard, 29( 60c Japanese Mattings, yard, 49 Third Floor, Main nalldlnav Malt Order. Filled. Willamette Peer of AH Rotaries 1 WaJlSlllB f AY what you will, you cannot buy $4.50TravelightBags $2.75 I DEAL for Summer trips or every kind! ''Travelierht" Bacrs weigh only about two pounds. Though very dur able, all heavy fittings and hardware are eliminated. The " Travel ight" Bag illustrated is of Scotch plaid rubber cloth, 15xl0x2-inch size, with leather gussets and leather Imishea corners. Regularly sold at $4."i0 specially priced this sale $2.25 Matting Suitcases 24-ineh size, cloth lined with shirt pocket; taped top and bottom. Leather corners ; brass (t lock and catches: priced only 0 L J $6.50 and $7 Steamer and Auto Rugs 64x84-inch size, splen did for Summer vacation and outing trips ; price for this sale only , Complete line of Steamer Rugs, in all sizes. Wardrobe, Regulation Steamer Trunks in all sizes and at all prices. $275 $5.10 and i i i pp a later-improvea or more eiii- cient Sewinjr Machine in every respect, than our splendid Willamette Rotary. The Willamette Rotary is made for us by one of the world's largest aud most reliable factories. We pell carloads of them each year. Rotary Ma chines, which for new improvements and exclusive featnres do not compare with the "Willamette" are on the market at nearly double our prices. The Rotary Automatic Tension adjusts itself to any size thread or any kind of material, from light est chiffon to heaviest woolens. Let our woman Sewing Machine expert demon- strste the Willamette Rotarv todav. Colonial style woodwork, as illustrated, at $32.50. In mission oak," $35.00. Rotary Desk Cabinet, $40.00 eod Floor Mala Building- wsr-yaa Your Home I Scraba mA aaupa I tdac titm itm haa, M I I ttwrm or la.talwc. M M j j SaTaajraCiavt a MM I '"bLcIi DawtVaaa g f If Mopa.Chla.akft MI I ojmI Scraa Braaa, g I j We Sell Them in $.75 I Portland . eo J J COaJY. jy Special Demonstration this week in oar Basement HoosetrarM Store. Sugar, 1 00 Lbs. $5.85 i hundi-eds ot stirring spe cials contained in our full-page advertisement of this Anniversary Sale of Pnre Fmnls, in last Sunday's Oregoniau, good all this week. Look it np. Today we have 500 bags of best dry Granu lated Suffar. one ack to a customer C OC and none to other dealers 100 lbs ?J'0J New Walnuts, at tha pound, special 16t Graham Flour, the tack at only 32 Soups, 3 cans, 24 Bockwood Cocoa, 25c can. special, 17 Pure Eastern Lard, medium pails, 70 Filberts, pound, 10 Bottled Catsup, the bottle. 18 Royal Bakinf Powder at, the can, -17 Otter Clams, 2 cans for 25 Flyer Soap, 6 bars for 25 Golden Rod Oats, 2 packages. 25 Imported Sardines, 3 cans for 25 Eastern Corn, three cans for 25 Fancy Pry Peaches or Apples, 2 pounds for 23 35c to 50c Mesh Veilings at 19c THE pretty, popular Meshes, plain and dotted, in black, brown and navy. Single and double thread mesh. Over 2000 yards of 35e to 50c Veilings. Special for this "1 Q sale at only, the yard, X i7k S3.00 Chant illy Lace Drapes IVi yards long, in black, white, brown and navy. SI. OS Chic M aline Bows all colors, plain and water-proofed, 25 and 35 Klrat Floor. Mala BulldlaK Brass Fern Dishes $1.19 WE have just 150 tf" of these urettv 8-inch hammered Brass Fern Dishes, just as il lustrated, complete with metal lining. Thev sell regularly at $2 -special today at only $1.19 $5 Cut Glass Fern Pishes 8-iuch size, in new hob-star and pinwheel designs, with plated lining, IJ' Buy Dining Furniture Now! Op HIS week we are bringing forth over $40,000 worth seven carloads of sturd, new Dining-room Furniture at savings of 20 per cent to 40 per cent. Greater part of the lots we contracted for months ago had them made up in the manufacturers' between-sea4on. . Over 82 distinct patterns in Dining Tables alone all reduced. Sale continues ; today and until Saturday night. ' $16 Dining Tables substantial, solid oak 6-foot, claw-foot, pedes tal design, with 42-inch top. Early English or golden (f1 1 yQ finish. Price only 3 A 1 TT ' 4.."0 Dining; Cbnlra, as Il lustrated. . I n solid oak with claw feet and slip seats of g- e n u 1 n e le'ther. 82.98 $25 Eastings Pining Tables of solid oak, with o'-foot ex tension, Tyden Duo-style lock and removable top. Early English, fumed d1 Q 7Q or wax glden. 1 0. 7 $25 Buffets at $14.98 OLE PORTLAND .t.T KOIl Joan ft. Brown Llaeaa. (!' KlWM. Kiulif t noerwvar. Will aaarlta Malaf Marbla. t A e rn Sttm mm4 Ruin. Fallon at Whitney tio-l'arta. Oateraaonr Mil. ti aara. Toa.alon Dill "n- cialtlea. Phones Pacific, rioor- Main Bnlldlna. Marshall 4600: SOLE PORTLAND AtiESiTS FOR Perrln'a Glovea. Ajax UaariltCtl Hoalery. Gotham Shirt a III L'nderwear. Madame Irene Cor- aeta. Cppo Petticoats. Sampeck Clothes for Bojra. GllllTc Stickler Orlanal Craftaaaan Fnrnltnre. "We had 100 splendid, solid oak Buffets made sell at this extraor dinary, price. Just as il lustrated, finished in Early English, with plate mirror. . .itegular .$2o.w Buffets, for Only $14.98 Home, A 6101. Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue. Fourth Floor Main Bulldlne, f-'ourth F'loor, New Buildings. Mall Ordera Filled. i ii