TTT7! WRXTTTO OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY. 31 AY 16, 1918. 13 LODGING HOUSE FOR NEEDY GIRLS URGED Episcopal Church Considers Establishing a Home for Women. DIOCESAN CONVENTION SITS Treasurer' Itrpurt Mmw lUlance of S 57, Ilrcrlpls or $15,905 and Dlbnreni"nis of $15,186 by MIlon Board. KitablUhmrnt t.y the Episcopal Church of a lo1itlnir-houe for ne1y iclrls and viwn waa recommended by tha aortal service committee of the church to the ;th annual dloceaan con vention at Its sion In Trinity Parish House. Nineteenth uml Kverett atreeta. yeMerrlay. "While there are many places within the city." redj the report, "where a man may aecure clean and proper lodg ing: for a nominal consideration, there la no auch place where a needy (rirl may be thus accommodated. The Younsj Women Christian Association does not nil this want, aa the prices for rooms under the control or super vision of this association while not htKh for the accommodations offered, are not within the reach of many. There Is a lame and Increasing de mand for simtUr and cheaper quar ters." The report of the committee men tions that Rev. H. H. Talbot, a member of the committee, was appointed also by Mayor Itushllght chairman of the Vice Commission, having similar alms, and that through the efforts .of the Vice Commission the curfew law wa revived. Mention Is mu-le of unsuc cessful efforts to establish rest and lunch rooms for rlrla. It was also recommended that a social service com mittee be appointed by the ministers In each parish, and Hint the committee be appointed to serve for five years. t ask llalaarc aoav. The treasurer's report read yester day afternoon, showed the receipta of the Board of Missions for the year endlnir April 30 to have been tlS.SOj.Jl. and the disbursements J ' j. ! the rash on hn I umountlnir to lSi. The apportionments to diocesan missions unpaid April 3 amounted to $0.7. Revision of the canons of tbe diocese occupied most of the time yesterday afternoon. A canon was adopted divid ing the diocese Into three convocation the northern, central and southern, each to be presided over by a dean, ap pointed for two years by the bishop upon nomination of the convention. The counties In the convocations are as fol lows: Northern Tillamook. Clatsop. Columbia. Washington. Multnomah nnd Clackamas, central Yamhill, folk. Marlon. Linn. Benton. Lincoln and 1-ane: southern lxuc!as. Coos. Curry. Jose phine and Jackson Canons were also adopted provldin for the appointment of an archdeacon, to labor as a a-neral missionary under the bishops direction, for the channe of name from Hoard of Missions to Hoard of Church Kxtcnslon: for the establishment of mission and parish boundaries, the organisation of the cor poration of the diocese to hold In trust all properties an. I funds not otherwise provided for: the establishment of a commission on church architecture be fore which all church buiMInc officers, must lay plans of proposed bulldinss for approval, and rules for the transfer of church members and for the suspen sion of those who neglect to partake of the communion. nnern Are 'Vosslaatrd. Nominations of officers were made yesterday afternoon, and the election will take place today. Further nomi nations may be made before the elec tion. The nominees thus fr are: Treasurer. W. W. llnstlnics; standing committee. Kes. H. M. K.imsey. H. li. Talhot. Barr li I-ee. W. H. Hamilton. C. W. Robinson. lr. 8. E. Joseph! and Rodnev U tillssn: board of church ex tension. Hevs. H. R. Talbot. J. I'awson. C. W. Baker. W. K Hamilton, li. M. Itamser. Kov K. Remington. C W. Hoblnson. iieorKe K. Rosenmuller. Messrs. Hamilton Johnson. C B. 1'fah- ler. C. N. Hugains. A. ti. ltteron: board of trustees. Bishop Scott School for Rove. R-vs. A. A. Morrison. H- M. Ram sey H. P. Chambers and Messrs. J. K Kollock. C. B. Pfahler and tieorce C Bird Pt. Helen" Mchool Board. Revs. A A. Morrison. H. M. Ramsey and Messrs. J. K. Kollock and Oeorga C. Burton: board of trustees. Oood S-miirl-tn Hospital. Rev. J. Dawson and R. U lllisan' board of trustees. Fplsropal fund. H. r. Kamsdell. T. K. Brown and Rsv. H. I Chambers: ecclesiastical court. Rev. W. K. Hamilton, of Grants Pass: Rev. Oeora K. Rosenmuller. As toria: Rev. J. rawon. Portland, and FSev C. W. Robinson. Oregon City: dele rate's to Klghth Missionary Department Council. Us Angeles. In October. Revs. H I. Chambers. A. A. Morrison. H. R. T.lbot C. W. Robinson. Joseph Sheerin; registrar. Rev. W. A. M. Break. YOUNG WILL MAKE TOUR w HcswJ or Villi line runi Trip yt laitire S)strm. Joseph 11. Tonne, presllert of the North Rank road and the H '. lines In Oregon. Is epc"ted to rea-h Portland to. lav to take up Ms new duties. Ore of t -e first details of Mr. Voire will Ve an Inspection trip over a'.l the prop erty ur !er his Juris. Action so that he mav N.oorra thoroughly ac.juatnted lth t-e situation. It Is understood be wl'.l a:w the organisation under him to rerr.aln Intart. Mr. Tourg vesterday was In confer ence with R W. Baxter, of Seattle, who succeed Mm as head of tha Alaska Mearasmp Company and the Morgan tiugger.helTTi ;nterests In Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. l sxter passed a part of Tues day In Portland, their former home. Mr. Baxter will pass th next three or four weeks here as the guest of her daughter. Mrs. K. O. Downing. PERSONALMENTION. J. K. Harris, of Kelso. Is at the Ore gon, J. W. Conn, of Juneau, la at th Portland. 11. Lord, a capitalist of The Dalles. 1 At the Carlton. O. N. Skinner, a Seattle broker, is at the Portiatil. A 8 la'namore. a Seattle merchant, I- at the Cornelius. Ft II Burnes. .n Ahlan.l merchant, is st th MuUnomah. C. M. Thompson, of Astoria, t reg istered at the Perkins. V. sV Himmlck. manager of the Stan dard Clay Company of Tacoma, Is at the Multnomah. Mrs. o. A. Haynes. of Newport. 1 registered at the Perkins. A. It- Kramer, of San Francisco. I reglnered st the Cornelius. C. A. McCarger. an orchardist of Hosier. Is at the Multnomah. Mrs. M. W. Rutherford, of The Dalle. Is registered at the Portland. S T. Roslnskl. Pari banker, 1 reulsiereJ at the Multnomah. R. J. McQjesttoo. a merchant of New Orleans. Is at the Multnomah. Cyru Peire. a San Francisco banker. 1 registered at tne Multnomah. Mr. and Mr. C. E. Davl. of Chi- ciio, are registered at the Bower. prank P. Lucas, a merchant of Hood i River. Is registered at the Cornelius. Calvin JJhllllp. a Tacoma real estate dealer. Is registered at the Multnomah. F. Moore, a manufacturer of St. Clair. J Michigan. I registered at the Carl- I ton. H. G. O'Brien, an Insurance adjuster of Tacoma, la registered at the Carl ton. Alexander Pantages and Mrs. Pan taxes, of Seattle, are registered at the Oregon. A. 8. Nel'.son. of the Fred Neilson Furniture Company of Seattle, la reg istered at the Oregon. C. li Berrlnger. a wholesale hay merchant of San FrancUco, Is regis tered at the Multnomah. C. D. Gordon, lllustrlou treasurer of Karnak Temple of tbe Oasis of Mon treal. Is at the Multnomah. Herbert Hume, an Alaska cannery man with headquarter In Seattle, la regltered at the Portland. John Speed Smith, chief naturaliza tion officer of the Government. Is reg istered at the Bower from Seattle. RATE ISTllED SPOKANE RATE CASE EXPECTED TO BE PROPPED. Mcurins and Hair-Dress,,, Parlors. 2d Floor-Jewelru Repairing, 1st Floor -Picture Framing, 4th Floor Standard and O.JWJgMaedFr-Full Line of Ladies' Home JounxMPaHerrqslFtoor Cumiiroml, While of Benefit to In land Town-, Will Not Seriously Hurt Coat Is Belief. Investigation of the utatu of the Spokane rate ca by th transporta tion committee of the Chamber ot Com morce ha raid the fact that the rates agreed upon at a. recent confer ence may be published within a abort time and become effective Jnne 1. The committee y.nterday tusued the follow ing utatrment cov-rlnar the subject: Ijktfut a.!virn received from Waahlnir tfn truncate that 1 wem Impo-wible for the CummiMlon 10 Uttmi finally th Ptk kan m at thia tim. but a atattmnt will t laud which will warrant the carriers voluntarily pubiahinrr. effecuve Juna , the Spokane ratca axrl upon at recent con-fer-acea. and that probaMy la what will b done. N illon ha been rce.Yed hrre to Indicate the r-uon for not dlmla tr the r. but It la thouaht that the Com m:aalt.n bel.eved that a dtamlaaal mutht In ume way afreet tt.e long and abort haul c now bfor the Supreme r.uirt. In which ppnkane and other Inter-mountaln ratea play a moat Important part. The ratea propo! are. aa a rula. 4 per crnt hlKhT from M ievniri River than the tmtatite rat8 praorlbd by the Commla- li n In the opinion of June ?. 11'; from i h ica no abttut p-r ct-nt hiaher. The pro pifd raica. however, comlderably reduce t n prr"nt rat f mm ih Kaat to Spo kane. Not only irt ratea to Ppokane proper In v! ed. but the en lire XorthwrM lnt-r-munu:n country will be benefited cor r-;Mniiii': by the nw ratea. Until tbe PV)r; ficu-m to be puhMehed are known tt will be difficult to determine tha effect upn Intrreata. There la no doubt h..f that tntcrior diatrlbutlnr point will bcrtme more active cornprt I tr of tbe Coaat , nt.ra fn cvmmotlltln nca.arilr hanil'd . by all-rail routca. but Coast terminal di-trlNiHlr-c poinia lU attU have a U-l'ied ad- ' antac on artlctra which can ha moved, b- at-r. Portland irn'irhtn! 4v! alrrady 1 mn1 plana for .n ra.n thir hlpm-n:i , v. routr-n. iart:cuiariy v.a mf Amrn-ran-Hawailan Stam.hlp Line which haa t?hl!rd throurtt taint-r aervice between Sal n a .-"ma ard r-rtland. M0T0RCYCLES IN CLASH Fonr Marhlnrs ItntlrmI: Persona Arc Shaken Three motorcycle accidents In which seven persons flirurert. happened early yrsterdav morninB. At '.xth and Ev erett streets. Tvhlle Jones Arc, trouble man for the rortlaml Railway. Ufcht 4c 1'owrr Company, was rMlna; on a motorcycle. tl:e machine skldtied on the sl'ppery street and threw the rider. Mrs. L Ramsay, who waa walking alora; with some ccmpanlons. stopped and turned to pet out of the war of the machine, when she also slipped and wrenched her ankle. Both Injuries were a'.tKht. An hour la'er Motorcycle Officer OouMstone In entcrlnsr the patrol sar aae, teered Ms machine Into the police patrol to avoid a collision with Jailor lien ftranch. Itoth machine were sllKhtly namared. At Williams avenue and Morris street two motorcycles collided. El mer Archibald. aed 17. and Aubrey IwSlere, a alrl 1 year old. mere thrown from one machine and bruised. The rider on the other machine was not hurt. Itoth macMr.e were damaged. CIGARS AND ROPE. Lrnchln necessitate pulling on a rope." l'on't pull on a rope amok good ctaar. which only cota Re ? rrt SVnn " Why You Should Ba'.hs Internally t'nder our prent mode of living. Nature, unasslstesi. cannot dispose of all the wate. This waste sends It poi sons Into the Bystem. through the blood circulation, and brings on counties Ills. That the reason a Thysiclan' first step In Illness is to give a laxative. physician pemorally. in ordor to top thl accumulation of waste. are now ad vising th use of the J. B. U Cascade, Nature' cure for Constipation, which rids the lower Intestine of all waste and keeps It healthy without drugging. It I now being shown by Waadard, lark Csv. nrwetata. Irtlaad. Ask for bookie. "Why Man of Today . i-v-'v T. Kff'-1ent." 1a Glass before Breakfast tones up the stomach, clears the head and does you good. aV-as-y V-vasvAa, j NATURAL LAXATIVE Jff. Qaickljr Relieves Lw-- CONSTIPATION 2- ' The Coolest Store in the City Built for comfort window all lde and a greit court In the center, with cool, freah air bring pumped In con stantly and the warm air removed at the same tlm-v The most perfectly, naturally ventilated store In the West. Olds, Woritnan&King Occupying Entire City Block, Bounded by Morrison, Aider, Tenth,V.Park The Fresh Air Sanitary Store No dull headaches after a day's shop ping here. All thei air In the building undergoes a change every to minute. The fresh air is pumped in through chambers of dripping water, where all Impurities are removed. Women's New Suits On Svecial Sale at m ...rc a nnnrr fITCT IN TIME TO STRENGTHEN THE STOCK FOR ANOTHER DAY'S SALE $25 Suits $12.50 $125 Suits $62M i Smr mi 9 7i V v-rtr:i v.- :- Ill In the Garment Store Second Floor. The last of the big purchase of "Women's Suits is now in. It affords another day for thrifty women to save substantially on the price of a new Suit. In the pur chase of these Suits we have accomplished wonders from a saving standpoint, for our customers. Remem ber, we bought them at less than the cost of material .inno eor nntViinrr nf trip mnkincr. and we pass them on BOJ J ....... i . . , to you at the same substantial reduction. Ana witn them we will trrouD a good selection of Suits taken from our regular stock. The values j pr;rp range from $25.00 to $125.00, special at $25.00 Tailored Suits reduced for this sale $12.50 $28.50 Tailored Suits reduced for this sale $14.25 $30.00 Tailored Suits reduced for this sale $15.00 fie: : 11 $320 $35.00 $38.50 $42.50 $45.00 $47.50 $48.50 $50.00 $55.00 Suits at $16.25 Suits at $17.50 Suits at $19.25 Suits at $21.25 Suits at $22.50 Suits at $23.75 Suits at $24.25 Suits at $25.00 Suits at $27.50 $58.50 $62.50 $65.00 $68.50 $75.00 $78.50 $85.00 $87.50 $95.00 Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits at $29.25 at $31.25 at $32.50 at $34.25 at $37.50 at $39.25 at $42.50 at $43.75 at $47.50 $110 Tailored Suits reduced for this sale $55.00 $115 Tailored Suits reduced for this sale $57.50 $125 Tailored Suits reduced for this sale $62.50 Women's New Hats On Special Sale at Pattern Hats Street Hats, Etc. Comprising Our Entire Stock Except "Knox" Hats Millinery Dept. Second Floor. Opportunity extraordinary All the new Hats which our Mr. Edwards just bought on his trip to market two weeks ago will be included in this sale and our entire regular stock of high-grade Picture Hats, Dress' Hats, Tailor-Mades, etc., except "Knox" Hats, will go in this half price sale. There is every wanted style, shape and color here for your choosing: Beau tiful Paradise Trimmed Hats, French Ostrich, Wings, Quills, Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Silks, Chiffons, Ribbons, etc. Artistically arranged on large, small and medium shapes. Prices follow: $7.50 Trimmed Hats now selling at only $3.50 $8.00 Trimmed Hats now selling at only 4.00 $9.00 Trimmed Hats now selling at only S4.50 $10.00 Trimmed Hats now selling at only $5.00 $12.00 Trimmed Hats for only S6.0J $13.50 Trimmed Hats for only $6.75 $15.00 Trimmed Hats for only $7.50 $16.50 Trimmed Hats for only $8.25 $17.50 Trimmed Hats for only $8.75 $20.00 Trimmed Hats at only $10.00 $22.50 Trimmed Hats at only $11.25 $25.00 Trimmed Hats at only $12.50 $ 27.50 Trimmed Hats at only jli.7o $ 30.00 Trimmed Hats at only $15.00 Vs. MA li I I f v7 Women's Oxfords and Pumps $3.69 Shoe Store, Main Floor. We are headquarters for Summer Footwear. Xow the demand for cool, low shoes, comfortable for hot weather, prompts an offering of Pumps and Oxfords for one day only. Your choice of our hiph-trrade lines at $3.69. White Pumps and Oxfords in linen. Sea Island duck: velvets in blok mid brown; vioi kid, willow and Russia calf in tan, calf, pinmetal and velours in black; patents in kid, calf and colt stocks; satins in all the popular shades, blue, . . . . . . : . : . I. yts ys f white, wistaria and Dines lumps, wun or im- w t)t7 f'hin from tue entire siock si t out straps 20 Lines of Men's Low Shoes at $3.69. Women's Waists $1.29 $6.60 Waists for $3.49 In the Garment Store, aecona xiuui. An excellent showing of wo men 's dainty marquisette Waists styled with high or low necks, trimmed with laces and embroid ery and lingerie, with Dutch necks and short sleeves; and peplum trimmed in the laces and embroidery; an at- d?! OQ tractive assortment V A "' This lot comprises marquisettes, stvled with high or Dutch necks, trimmed with thread laces, Val enciennes lace and embroidery, lingerie waists trimmed in laces and embroidery, small tucks, etc. Hiifh or Dutch necks. Sizes 34 to '44. Our regular JjO AQ values up to $6.50 PJ.7 $ 32.50 Trimmed Hats at only $16.25 $ 35.00 Trimmed Hats at only $17.50 $ 37.50 Trimmed Hats at only $18.75 $ 40.00 Trimmed Hats at only $20.00 $ 45.00 Trimmed Hats at only $22.50 $ 50.00 Trimmed Hats at only $25.00 $ 60.00 Trimmed Hats at only $30.00 $ 75.00 Trimmed Hats at only $37.50 $100.00 Trimmed Hats at only $50.00 $127.50 Trimmed Hats at only $63.75 Screen Doors at Only 89c On Sale Third rioor. Now you must prepare for the fly sea son. Get your screens' up before they begin to come. Here's a 4-panel plain screen door, size 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 8 inches, complete with pull, QQC hinges and other hardware, forJ, Other styles at other prices. Third floor. Window Screens 35c Here's an adjustable window screen, size 24x45 inches; very strongly made, easy to take out. Special at onlyJ-'v' Other Screens at other prices. 3d floor. WINDOW CLOTH, black wire. C 1 : . - k fnf rtnlw - UUJ Ik uu u, mo J 2000 Boys' Suits $8.50 to $12.50 "J SdCZ fe? A SPECIAL PURCHASE -ALL iVv SHOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME TODAY Here's how it happened. Our clothing manager found a manufacturer just winding up his season's worK. He i a l fli ? nn honn tint had a lot oi cioins in snuri icuguu enough of any one Kind to maKe a dozen suits so he said : "If you will maKe up all your short lengtns lor me, I will give you so much per suit. Aiier mum argument and dicKering, our man got them, and here they are fresh from the tailor's bench. Lvery good nina oi ma terial and every desirable pattern one could wish for. J All are well maae ana tinea, aiynrs c iuwUu junior and KnicKerbocKers for the elder boys, just as ordered, pants on peg' style, full lined; unus- A r ual suit values at $8.50, $10, $12.50 at this sale 1000 Boys9 Suits Go on Sale &ZL 'LZ TWfir Zrarici at Onlu P BrmSr In the Juvenile Store, main floor, a sale oi iuuu uoys ouus m nio 'n"' J i v.L 1,-v " nHir nf nant.s. full lined with taped seams; bottom faced. Coats are lined with sergo or . . . ' i-. - ; ,wi .rimerps cheviots and sereres. lou will ? i mmm . marvel at these splendid values; specialized for tins sale at the exceptionally low price 54.45 (i-FLOORI) Benrecti-nie JJ Children9 s Dresses Special at 59c On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, first floor, a sale of Chil dren's Dresses in plain chambray, fanev ctrined nercales and ginghams, in the low neck, short sleeve styles; sizes 2 to CQ 6 years; specially priced for this sale at only 0 17 C Women's Bib Aprons for 25c On the Bargain Circle, between the elevators, a sale of Women's Aprons, with large bibs. Materials arenj chambray, percale, ginphain; light or dark colors SZjJC $5 Trimmed Hats Special, $1.98 A Phenomenal Sale of Beautiful Trimmed Hats on the Bargain Circle Today. You will be more than surprised at the beauty and style of these Hats at such a sensational price. We bougnt mis particular lot of 303 Hats at less than half of the Original cost. They are all seasonable styles newest Summer creations, and hardly more than two and three of any one kind. Shapes and colors to suit every taste. Founda tions are of popular braids, trimmed with flowers, foliage, wintrs, nets, ribbons, etc. Regular $5.00 QO grades, specially iriced for this sale at only Oit70 1 CENTER CIRCLE MAIN FIOOR WomenJs Underwear Sleeveless Vests Only 9c On the Center Crcle, main floor. A sale of women's sleeveless Vests, fine ribbed white cotton, with low neck and no sleeves, tape (( IN THE VY, UbasementA N. at rocr or around neck and arms; sizes 4, 5 and Q Our regular J2V20 values at oniy 6. 35c Fancy Vests for 25c On the Center Circle, main floor, women's fancy swiss ribbed Vests, white lisle thread, fancy lace-trimmed and crochet OC. yokes; sizes 4, 5 and 6. 35o grades"-'"' Extra Size Vests, fine ribbed white cotton, low neck and no sleeves, mercerized tape around neck and arms; sizes 7, 8,OC 9. Our regular 35e values for only'' $1 Union Suits for 85c Fine invisible rib, white lisle thread Union Suits, with low neck and no sleeves, pretty crochet and lace trimmed yokes, tight fit ting or wide lace trimmed knee. QC Sizes 4, 5, 6. $1.00 grades at onlyO-'' Women's Union Sults Lisle thread, swiss ribbed, low neck, no sleeves, tight fitting or wide, lace-trimmed knee. Tne-4.r regular 50c Vests. Special at only Woman's Pants, lace-trimmed, lisle ' thread j 50c grade; the pair at only' ReliablePaintsPricedLotv High-grade Floor Paints, ready for use, special, 2 gallon, 90e t T-Tca 'Pointo rpaHv fnr use. Rnficial Drice. auart. 45c "Var-Nigo," the' paint remover, put up in pints, priced at 45? Old English Fir. Wax, lb. 45 Floor Brightener, pint, 45 Liquid Veneer, 12 ounces 39c Sanitary Dnst Cloths at 226 "No Dust" Swpg. Comp. 30 Black Satin Stove Polish, 22C Agents for Automatic Refrigerators. Sale of Garden Hose and Garden Tools. Sale of Art Brasses, Cut Glass and Chinaware on third floor. Demonstration of Dustless Dusters, on first floor. $1.75 Corsets 98c Corset Salon, Second Floor. A sale of open-mesh Corsets for Summer wear. Made with the long unbound skirt, double front stays, cut-away front, fitted with 4 hose support ers and with lace-trimmed tops. Our reg- QQ. ular $1.75 grades. Special for this sale Nemo Corsets $3.50 Grades for $2.35 $8.00 Grades for $5.49 A sale of discontinued models in the Nemo Cot sets; made with the self -reducing and relief straps, the materials are coutil, with lace trimmed tops and fitted with "Lastikop" hose supporters. The regular $3.50 grades special at CC AQ $2.35 and the regular $8.00 grades at PJ.-T $5 Bon Ton Corsets Only $1.69 Bon Ton Corsets, excellent grades with long skirt, medium and low bust, with 4 and 6 hose supporters, tops trimmed in lace, with draw d1 gQ strings. Our regular stock $5.00 grades. Specialized at only -- $7.50 Bon Ton Corsets for $3.49 Another lot of Bon Ton Corsets in Summer weight, coutil and batiste, medium and high bust, elastic gore and long unbound skirt, fitted with six hose supporters. Come in all sizes. The regular $6.00 PO AQ Corsets for only $2.49 and the regular $7.50 Bon Tons at only 17 Pounds of Cane Sugar for $1 100-POTJND SACK BEST HONOLULU CANE SUGAR, ONLY $6.00 In our Pure Food Grocery Store today only, a d 1 AA sale of pure Cane Stock Sugar, best grade, 17 pounds J 1 JJ O. W. & K. 50c Tea, Specialat40c lour cnoice oi any variety uj. liic j. - - y- - - S"' SLICED BACON, 30 JAR The choicest of Bacon, Ar mour's or Beechnut, sliced very thin, put up in jars, OA specially priced only O LC Cold Meats for hot weather, W. ffluraii ALE. SI.TK DOZ Clicquot Club Very high grade EOOT BEER, S1.75 DOZ. Clicquot Club for family use. BLOATERS, SPL. 8 FOR 256 Canned Beef. Roulade, Boiled Tongue, etc., on the sale in our Delicatessen, on the fourth floor Sip Tea and Coffee With Us You are invited to take acup of tea or coffee in our Grocery Dept., on the fourth floor, while shopping in the store these warm days. It's refreshing. Demonstrations of Tree Tea, De pendable, Lipton's and Ridgeway's Teas and Coffees by experts. 4 0