Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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. nrrelet!. Mala JOTJ A J
oaa. tt:tw ""liMi
I alaieToT
l.aJ.M WMIMM 1! A i
HtlMO THtATEB Senl ul T.Tlr -The
cmrJi. -over NibBU" Todihi e
cakf.r theater EiBk ana "T!"
0.1 s:ork Cr-moany In l! '
"T ti!-I t t Golden tVeet- Tomaht
CKPrElV 7H 3ATER (MerTlsaa).
r-h sne ..nlh Thts rt-
uisra at 1:11 aad l-mlchl At 1 eelaca.
V. :r;r.fs 7IIEA7IH Pr esd wesaine-
loci Vsjd..i:la. This ituiBiw as I;!.
lefciCbl Al T. and 'dock.
PAN'TaCK THEATER (hrrttb n Aj-
.--Vlul"IIl. Tola afteraooa
ic:!t at 7.10 and ' clock,
ir-:'- THEATER (Fotrtn aa4 tar
K:: A Flood rmptnf rn "Harem
K-.'.:n " Thl afternoon at 5 0 and le-
a lt at T -0 and S a'clork.
TIVOi.1 AND rRTi7AL rust-ma pie-
KirM. JJ A. M -lj P. M
RT' :i::Tioy PARK (Twenty-fooTla
Veuirr. Portland ts fcatt:a. baseball.
T;. afternoon at 3 o'rlo-te
' rr. Atcxri to Biccxc Hiohwat.
A moTement haa bn started oo the
rrninsula ti make Pattern avenue a
Mchway reacHns; from the Willamette
to the Columbia Hirer, and itlTinit it
a nrw name. The avenue baa been
7riel and cement sidewalks laid for
a portion f the distance to Columbia
noiiieraro'. It l 1" and 10 feet
wide. The south end merces Into
Maryland arenue. or Willamette boule
rar.i. a short ways south of Kllllnits
worth arenue. It la proposed to l
cvire an easy grade for the atreat from
.-.harer to Lower Alblna where con-ne.-tlon
will be made with Delay street.
Hr cutting the street down sllichlly
from shaver southward a Tery mod
erate arade can be secured. Where
I'atton avenue Intersects Columbia
boulevard It Is above the boulevard
nnd the trarhs of the Troutdale exten
sion thus dolno; away with a xrade
roii.Ui.1. From Columbia boulevard
the s'reet may be carried to the Colum
bia Hiver on a steel viaduct. One
object of the movement to make Pat
ton avenue a highway Is Anally to make
it the Interstate bridge street.
Corwiuns E.J"T Join. Post
ponement of the rearular meeting of the
ways and means committee of the City
( oun.'.l was taken yesterday until 1
ocl'M-k this moraine; because of the
trip of the steamer flassalo. several
inembera of the Council belns; on board
with Mayor Kushlijcht. Tha trial of
John . rVhroeder. Jr.. took the time
nd attention of Councilman Clyde, so
that the scheduled meeting of tha spe
i l-.l committee on renaming of street!
and the creation of a new numbering
system di.? not occur. Mr. Clyde is
a member of the committee and la also
ciialrman of the governing board of tha
Municipal Free Kmployment Bureau, of
hi h Mr. j-Ybroe-der was chief clerk.
FoRKIKXKaa to Tawi KxmxATto.
In the t'nited Otatea I'lstrlct Court
t Is morning- I candidates tor cltlsen
Mr, will present themselves befora
JiHie Wolrerton for examination. Tbla
e til be conducted by John Speed cimlth.
CMrf Naturalisation Kxamlner for tha
i;vrrnmrnl. The test made of an ap
plicant for ritlxenship baa crown quite
Trrr a:vd while some of questions
are riot expected to be answered suc
cessfully, the general character of the
r;.li.rt to become a Rood cltlxen is
the vital point In the examination.
Hot Hh'T' I.tJt-Rcs Pedkstriax.
Herman Usui was Injured perhaps
fMtxIly je.t-rday when he was knocked
l n by a blcycllt at Front and Pen
n..yer streets. The rider, who was a
i'titli. t said to have ridden off and
left his vlct.m. The police believe they
hare his Identity known, and arc
norklns on the case. There Is a hill
at the scene of the accident, and It Is
aid that It Is a common practice for
bo) s to race down It on their bicycles
to the peril of pedestrians. Lowltx
ll res at 7IH Front street.
RiiHiianixa to B Asked City At
torney Ursnt announced yesterday that
re will petition the res;on Supremo
Court for a rehearinaT of the Oak-atreet
pminir. which was decided against tha
city Tuesday. He believes that ha can
-how the city should not ba
topped from proceeding nlth the work.
1 tl point Involved was technical. It
rins that the city delayed Issuing
warrants In payments of the damages
granted lortaer than the nine months
prescribed In the charter.
Mo -sit Task Folk T Meet Mem
t.ers of the Parent -Teachers" Circle and
others will attend a meetln to be
held In the new Mount Tabor school
i.ororrow ofternoon at 1 o'clock when
..nnerlntcmient l:iclrr will make an
i. lores. The occasion will Blve tha
parents and friends of the school an op
portunity to Inspect the e hoot butldtna;
lu-h was recently completed. An ex
h.o.tion i( manual trainlnc will be a
feature of the afternoon. Ail Interested
j re Invited.
Mil SlUl tl, ItKtTSHf. Pioxs::r Is Iut
--.Mre. Samuel Helishu. a Portland plo
ner whose husband has been proml-n.-r.t
in the drus; business here. Is crltt
i allv ill at the residence of Mrs. John
A Mhephrre. Twenty-rtrst and tverett
-treet. It is feared she may not sur-
ive. Mr. Mrltshu was formerly of tha
Snell, ac Wtxviard Prus: Com
p ny.' but Is now of the wholesale drug
rtrm of Heitshu. Orant at Co.
KinUMH Watth trrt-. Ben Rlea
lsnd. attorney and real estate broker.
h ts announcd his candidacy for the
o.Tue of director on the Board of Fdu-
itton. to succeed J. V. Beach, whosa
term Is about to expire. Mr. Rtesland
announces himself a progressive. He
president of tha Klichth Ward
UdHiK, and was a member of the Mult
nomah County Roosevelt committee.
Wor to Pis-vsa T. Tha Wo
man' Political Science Club will meet
imI.iv at 2 P. M . In room tillers
I'Ui'.diTK. Mrs. Watson lUatman and
.Mrs. W. f. Klnc will debate on single
t ix. and F. l' Coulter will rive an ad
dress on "A tiradualcd System of Taxa
tton for Oreaon."
May 17 TUB NORSTKilTAt Sixoiko tv-
,-trTT will commemorate Norway'
independence day at Arlon Hall tomor
row t Friday erenina. i ne comeuy
"Til Saters'- will be the main erent on
ih- prosramme. Short speeches and
nuirs will also take place. Nelson's
r.-hesira. Admission. & cent.
Mn. Tsixsufi tVTT Sext Home.
The b.Kly of Mrs. Caroline A. Trimble,
alio died suddenly at Oakland. CaL. on
Mondiy. will arrive thl mi-rnln and
l.'e taken to her home. 04 Sc Clair
street The funeral will take place to
morrow at A. M. from the Cathedral.
Fifteenth and Davis streets.
Kilkrs Rejoices Over Gil- A. H.
i:ilers Is rejotcins; over tha arrival of
a bahr Rlrl at hla homa Tuesday nlsht.
Mr. Kiler I authority for the state
ment that It Is the most wonderful baby
in tha world. Thl Is Mr. KUers first
rrua the month of May wa will
French dry-clean rents suit for fl.
Indies' suits for Sl id and any skirt for
7i cents. All work suaranteed. Call
us up. I. S. J-aundry Company dry
cleanins department. B 111. East
aaarisxi today all day. OeJM Ribs.
inv dally round trips to The Dalle.
Thona A ill! or Main 14 for schedul.
Robert HrTox PortruaR Coitcert.
Ijltnomah Hotel thl arenlns: at f:J.
'. ickets. c. Shermn. Clay tt Co.".
ll.ii-as for Woxki. 11 A. M to 7
I' M. lai!y. M'l'tmvmsh Hotel Turkish
U ihs. TsSe Klevator .
lo:x Cuass to learn to do your own
itrinc Cll Marshall 117 .
asi (."was clear, sold for ( cants
p tb mora.
After hearltiE the testimony of wit
nesses for John O. Schroeder. Jr, for
merly chief clerk of tha Municipal Free
Kmployment Bureau, the member of
the Civil Service Commission yester
day adjourned until 7 o'clock Friday.
May 14. at i P. M when they will
take further testimony. The case Is up
on appeal from the action of the bov
ernlng board, composed of Ralph C
Clvde. J. U LedwldE and W. H. Mc
Monles, the Arst two of whom recom
mended Ms dismissal. Mayor Rushlight
formally discharged him upon their re
port. McMonle dissented. Tha charge
wa neglect of duty and Incompetency.
He put on a number of employer to
show that he bad been efficient and
competent and not Irritable.
TtsrEEA.rci Cxtow to Caivas.
At the meeting of tho Alblna Women'
Christian Temperance L'nlon. held at
the home of Mr. J. M. Allphin, S93
Williams avenue, yesterday. It wa
decided to enter the membership cam-
miia nest week. Alblna waa made a
district between Kllllngsworth tc Hol-
laday avenue and L'nlon avenue ana
the Willamette River. Canvaasera in
this district will work for new mem
bers. Wlllard Cnlon and tho Univer
sity Park L'nlon will take tha territory
outside this district. Kenton will ba
visited today by a delegation from
the I'nlverslty Park t'nion. and a new
union will be organlxed If enough new
members are secured.
Kirr Side BrsixES Mex to Meet.
The Kast Side Business Men" Club (
will meet tonight In the auditorium oi
the Kast Portland Branch Library. East
Alder and Kast Eleventh streets, to
consider the question of requiring the
elevation of the railroad tracks on First street above all streets.
eliminating grade crossings, and selec
tion of a route for the Hi.l line irom
the north to the proposed freight and
passenger depot on the Kast Side. At
the close of the regular business meet
ing all the Rosa Festival subcom
mittees will hold a general meeting.
Every member of these committee la
expected to attend.
Jexxixo Lome to Hoi-se Coxvxw
tiox. Preparation are made for the
annual state conventions of the YounK
people's Alliance. Buoday school and
Ministerial Association, and the an
nual rampmeetlng on the grounds at
Jennings' Laxlge of the Evangelical As
sociation of Oregon and Washington.
The convention will be hald In tha
early part of July. Tha committee on
programme Is at work. A large at
tendance Is expected, a many will
come from Washington thl year. The
grounds are near the Willamette River
half a mile from tha Oregon City elec
tric railway.
Sr.u.wooD Fears Water Shortaoe.
There I fear In pell wood that there
will be water shortage Id that
suburb. During tha recent hot day
the supply waa short in many place
In Sell wood. Work wa started a few
week ago on the new reinforcing
water main to connect with tho 24
Ineh main at East Twenty-third and
Holgate street, but tha main I far
from completed and It may b several
month before It I finished and water
turned II. There are placea where the
city ha no right of way. which may
cause further delays.
Sewer Braxcm Projected. The St.
Johns road branch of tha Riverside
sewer In North Alblna baa been pro
jected. It start at a point In tho
Riverside sewer system, recently com
pleted. ISs feet of the track of the
O.-W. N.. and 1 to be laid partly
on Willamette boulevard. Burns
street. Kllllnesworth avenue. Atlantic,
Greeley. Wilbur. Delaware. Boston.
Emerson and Sumner street. Cost of
vitrtn-d or cement pipe Is estimated
at 1.10. The Riverside ewer system
was completed last year at a cost of
over Slvd.ood.
Bvrtox to Oiv Coxcert. Robert
Burton, a tenor of prominence In New
York and London, will give a concert
at t:10 o'clock tonight In the ballroom
at the Multnomah Motel. He will be
slated by Mis Leah Slusser. soprano:
Mrs. Delphlne Marx, contralto; Miss
Marie Patge. violinist, and l.uclen E.
Becker, pianist and accompanist. The
Droaramme will Include vocal and In
strumental aoloa and music by tho trio
of singers. Mr. Burton studied with
Sim Reeve and William Orford.
Norsemex to Celebrate. The Nor
wegian of Portland plan to observe
Norway's Independence day. May l ..
this year at the Norwegian Church on
Fourteenth treeL near Davla. A pro
gramme ha been prepred by the Nor
wegian and English Young People-
ocletlea of that church, and consists
of several musical numbers. Address
for the day will be delivered In the
Norwegian language alter wnicn re
freshments wl.l be served.
Uv FtR Track Repaired. The
Portland Railway. Light Power Com
pany I repairing It track at the
south entrance to Lone fir cemetery
preparatory to Memorial day exer
cises May 30. A large crowd Is ex
pected at the cemetery on that day. By
another year it Is thought that the ex
tension of East Morrison street along
the south aide of the cemetery will be
SaLvattoxist Hold Rau.t A rally
of the Salvation Army corp of Portland
waa held at 207 Salmon afreet last
night, the occasion being the annual
visit of Thomaa Estill, who Is In charge
of the army work west of Chicago
and south of the Canadian Una. The
two army bands were united last night,
and the hall was crowded. Mr. Estill
left last night for Seattle.
Braxcu Sewer Projected. The
Tolmun avenue branch of the East
moreland sewer system has been pro
jected and plan have been drawn by
the City Engineer for several materials.
The coat la estimated at $16,373 for re
inforced concrete and Ils.lei for mono-
lite with orment ewer pipe. The dis
trict covered I outslda of the East
more land aewer stero, but part f It.
The Mother and Teacher' Circle of
rilnton-Kelley school will meet t 1
I". M. today. In the assembly hall of
the school for re-organissition. sir.
W. J. Hawkins, prealdent of Portland
Circle, will be present to assist. Mrs.
Le Barr will give an addres on 'Op
portunities of Parents.
Broadwat to Be- Extexdeiv
Broadway la to b extended from East
Forty-fifth street to Sandy boulevard.
and C. H. Thompson. J. F. Kertchem
and P. Schmeer have been appointed
viewers. pamagee must be filed by
My 1". Extension of Broadway Is
wanted to make connection with Sandy
Mtssiox Circle to Meet. The mem
hers of the Florence Mead Mission Clr
cle of the I'nlversallst Church will
have an all-day meeting at the church,
Broadway and Kast Twenty-fourth
street, today. Lunch will be served at
I'xitariax TO Give Entertainment.
The young people' fraternity of the
I'nltarlan Church will give an enter
tainment tomorrow evening at the
chanel. It will consist of songs il
lustrated by tableaux and readings.
Choice BBiaTCTtosf of Imported Spring
woolens: high-grade work only: 19 per
cent rebate for cash pavroent nntll
further notice. J. Pollvka Co,
tailors. 1 Corbett bldg.
Cartosiax BRoa. ell rich, ailky
Beluchlstan rugs at all ttmea from it
up. Largest stock Oriental rugs In this
city to select from. 4T1 Wash., bet.
Thirteenth and Fourteenth etreeta.
All. RBcriRt Dettrotetj In fire, per
son having properly listed to sell or
rent write Seaside Real Estate Com
pany. Seaside. Or.
I wish to" extend my hemrtfolt thank
to our manv friends ftr their kind
nesses shown during my recrnt be
reavement to th death of my blovcd
wife. EDW. C. EICK. (
Juveniles to Repeat Rose Fes
tival Feature.
Newsboys' Association and Bis
BrotlK-rV Iague Will Devote
Funds Raised to Paying' for
Xrw Home and Club.
The Portland Newsboy' Association
and the Big Brothers' League have
practicallr finished their plans to re
peat the "Boy' Carnival thl year on
Rose Festlvl week. June 10 to 1.
The present plan Is to have candl
datea for nomination for Boy Mayor
announce themselves In the public
schools next Monday, primary election
to be held on tha following ednesaa.
the announcement of the successful
nominees to be made Thursday of tha
next week, and the voting to begin the
next day. Friday, and continue until
noon of June
"Mayor" Takes Office Joae Je.
On thl date the lad receiving the
hiaht numher of votes will be de
clared Boy Mayor, and the IS noxt
highest In the number or ballots casi
will be member of the Council. The
Boy Mayor will select his cabinet In
time to take office. June 10. -
The voting I to be In accordance
with the Australian system, teacher
to have charge, and to act a clerk
and ludiei of election. The hoy In
each achool receiving the highest num
ber of vote will be the contestant ror
that school for Mayor. Each pupil may
cast any number of vote, accompany
ing each with a copper cent. ine
money will go to the Newsboys" Home
and Clubhouse. The Newsboy' Asso
ciation recently bought the old Neigh
borhood House, at First ana iian
streets, from the Council of Jewish
Women- A substantial payment waa
made on the purchase. The associa
tion and those supporting the plan for
a boys' home are desirous that It ahall
be free from debt as soon a, possible.
Ballots ta Coat Penny Ears.
Ballot will bo sold at the achool for
a cent each and will be printed in ine
eiaiiv newsoaners. School directors.
uperlntendent. principal and teacher
are deeply Interested in thl matter.
The Boy' Carnival wa celebrated
last year uccesully. and It is pre
dicted that thl year It will be of great
h.tWit to the boy of tho city. The
officers of the Neweboy' Association,
with which Is closely Incorporated the
Big Brother League, are: Dorr E.
Keasey. president: W. H. Chapln. sec
retary, and Ralph W. Hoyt. treasurer.
Sprrlal Train Lcav Tuesday Morn
ins With 68 Business Men Re
turn Due Thursday.
On of the moil representative bodie
of business men ever brought together
In Oregon for a booster excursion will
be that which Join In the Commercial
Club' excursion next week to Tilla
mook. It wa announced yeterday by
C. C. Chapman, of the Commercial Club,
who Is promoting the excursion, that
the number of people to take the trip la
limited to 49 and that at present that
number of names has been received. It
Is considered certain that some of those
who have signed up will back out at the
last minute and It I thought there will
be room for other who desire to go.
The excursion will begin next Tuesday
morning at 7:30 o'clock, at which time
the partv will leave In a special train
over the'Southern Paclttc. reaching Til
lamook at P. M. and spending tho
night and all the next day there. Tho
return will be made Thursday, tho
party reaching Portland at 4:15 P. M.
Follow ing are those who have signed
up for the trip:
B SI. Joeselya. president Portland Railway.
Light power Co.; H. I Hillock, publisher
The Oronlan: A. L Mills, president First
National Bank: Edward Cooklnsham. vlee-preaid-nt
Ladd Tllton Bank; John F. Csr
roll. manaser Evenln Telesram: Geor( M.
Trowbridse. editor The Journal; F. C.
Knapp. president Portland Chamber of Com
merce, secretary Peninsula Lumber Com
panr; F. C- Malpss, manaser Canadian Bank
of Commerce; Kmery olmstead, vice-president
Portland Truat Compsny: ft. W.
Si hmeer. cashier I nlted States National
Bank: C C. Chapman, manaccr executive
committee Portland Commercial Club; San
ford Hlrsch. Flelschner. Mayer Company;
Frank J. Kerr, secretary Wadhsms a Kerr
I. ro. ; F. 8. Stanley, president Stanley-Smith
Lumber Company: Ion I-ewls. Whldden
lariR- w. R. Oiafke. prealdent W. a. ulafHe
Company; Ben Selling. Republican nominee
for I'nlted Statee Senator; B. Lee Paget,
mortgage loans; T. tv Townsend. president
treasurer T. K. Townsend Creamery Co.; L.
Samuel, general manager Oregon - Life In
surance Company: W. otto Breyman. pres
ident Breyman Leather Company: Ueorse W.
Iwrence. Jr.. secretary and treasurer The
Aleorge Lawrence Company: C C. Colt, pres
ident l'nlon Mest Co.; O. M. Plummer. aec-tary-treasurer
Portland Vnlon Stockyards
Co.- Phil Metschan. Jr., secrelary-treaaurer
Imperial Hotel Co.; C. B. Merrick. Post
master: O. C. Bnrtiraeyer. cashier Ier
rhants Savings Trust Co.: W. A. Mont
gomery, vice. prealdent The J. K. GUI Co.;
K. J. Jaeger. Jaeger Bros, Jewelers; Aleg
Malrhead. president Mulrhead a Mulrhead
Co.; Louis A. Colton. manager Pacific Psper
Co.- J L I.euieson. msnsger N. A. Gunst
a Co.: Wilfrid F. Jones. vlre-prealdent
Merchants National Bank; N. D. Kllham,
president Kllham Stationery Printing Co.;
J. . Illtt. sales manager Pacific Hardware
Jk Steel Co.: 17. D. Brunn. mansger Blake.
VcFail Co ; W. G. McPherson. prealaent
W. 1. McPherson Co.: John M. Scott, general
paaatmger agent Southern Pacific Co.: H. K.
Lount-rrr. general freight agent Southern
Ps-ifle Co.; L K. Fields, division superin
tendent (Southern Pacific Co.: Fred Lockley.
mansger Sunset-The Pacific Monthly: C.
II. Williams, manager press buresu. Port
land commercial Club; G. 8. Crego. official
photographer: K. R. Earle. Pethe Weekly:
Arthur M. Churchill, attorney: E. J. Daly,
real etale; C. N. Farrlngton. -attorney at
law; lieo M- Hyland. capitalist: J. Fred
Larson. I'mbdensiock Larson: O. H.
Schwerdtmann. secretary-manager Oregon
Box a Mf. Co: H. C. Forbes, msnager
Portland I'hoto supply -o. ; n. o. o.oUi
ledge. prealdent and manager Rom led re
A s-iorai Co.: W. W. WiewelL manager
I nderwood Typewriter Co.; Hsrrey Wells.
Insurance; H. B. JfrEwen. aermai
ger MrEwan Koakey: T. Irvrng Potter.
vlee-nrealdent T. B. Potter BeAlty Co.: W.
T. Martin, aecretary and salea manager
Northwest Steel Co.: FranK A. nenaeraiecr., director G. Heltkemper Co.; J.
j B. Pilklngton. nurseryman; R. B- Poppleton.
M.nMiHml Pa.. Hi KlectnC ' ' . f. v.
Pier, rales manager Marshall-Wells Hard
ware Co : Jar smith, mansger Marshall
Wells Hsrdware Co.; K. 6. Hewett. manager
Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.: E. H. James. pre-i..-.
t.-u. rnmlr. Co: A. B. WsttelL
aaalatant manager The Whitney Co.. Ltd.;
Ja. L. Kline, wholesale plumbing supplies.
Indian Hajer on Trial.
Wlllam Jidah Jim. a Klamath Indian.
Is on trial In the Cnited States District
Court on a charge of having murdered
Viulmby Chertkne. another Indian of
.-ii - . K- TClamAth RCS
ine same -.riw. ; . . .
ervation. The story, as detailed by the
witnesses tor tne
that the accused man wa 111 treating
hi wife in the presence, of a number
of others and that when Qulmby at
tempted to interfere ana proicv
woman Jim shot him through tho body.
Banquet to Be Given for Retiring
Railroad Man and Successor.
. - i, ... -in ha tendered
Carl K. Gray, retiring president of the
- v 1 X.T ill llTlaafl
North Bank ixauway nu
In Oregon, and new president of the
Great Northern Railway Company, at
the Commercial Club next Monday
nlghL just before hi departure for bt,
Paul. The affair will also serve as a
welcoming banquet to J. IL Young.
Mr. Gray successor. The following
committee wa appointed yesterday to
arrange the affair:
G. F. Johnson. E. B. Piper. F. S. Stan
ley B. S. Jossetyn. Guy W. TalboL Dr.
E A. Pierce. W. M. Ladd. C. S. Jack
on H. U Corbett. F. C. Knapp. John
A Keating. J. F. Carroll. Dan Kellaher.
t o n'Rrlun Tl W.
W . r-. . itiiiau. v ... - -
Campbell. G. H. Smltton, F. 11. Fogarty,
- . . ... i jw r V I. . 1
C. u. Brunn, n. wuuuiuu.
wards. Newberg: C. K. Spauldlng, Sa
lem: A. B. Weatherford. Albany; r. i. i
. I T ..-,11.. T 1 1 1 1 . i - T . I
Hands, Vancouver. n. . -
Meier H. C. Wormian. W. K. Llpman.
Frank R. Kerr. B. Neustadter. Judge C.
H. Carey. H. W. Mitchell. A. H. AverlH,
O. W. Taylor, J. H. Burgard. J. E. Bro
naugh. The committee will meet at
luncheon at the Commercial Club today
to arrange a llt of speaker.
65,000 Signatures Obtained to Date,
Thinks C. T. Prall.
Signed good roads petitions poured
Into the office of the Oregon Association
for Highway Improvement yesterday.
Signatures came from city and country,
lamhlll County leading tho country
district with S40 signatures. Gilliam
and Douglas counties also sent In a
batch of names.
Estimates made by C. T. Prall. di
rector of tho campaign to Initiate the
six bill, places the total number of
signatures aJ ready obtained at 65.000,
Thl I 6000 more than the amount
needed. He expects the required num
ber of names to be in hi office before
June 1.
In furthering the campaign to arouse
Interest In the bill all over the state,
Mr. Prall will speak at tho annual con
vention of tho Oregon Threshermen's
Association at Condon, Gilliam County,
next Thursday.
Tho total number of signatures re
ceived by Mr. Prall yesterday wa 5000.
Transportation Clnb to Hold Rose
Festival Luncheon.
How the railroad men can assist In
the succes of the Rose Festival will
b explained to members of the Port
land Transportation Club at their week
ly luncheon at the imperial Hotel today.
George L. Hutchln. manager of the
Portland Rose Festival and president
of the Pacific Coast Festival Associ
ation, will be the speaker. The newly
formed organization of festival man
agers represent every Important city
between Vancouver, B. C. and San
Diego. Cal.
Guy L. Anderson, chief clerk in the
general traffic department of the O.-W.
H. & N. Company, will be chairman of
the day. The luncheon will he turned
Into a "Rose Festival Meeting." and
every member present will be urged to
send cards announcing the dates of this
year's festival June 10 to 15 to
friends In the East.
The Arcadian Garden of the Hotel
Multnomah 1 more popular than ever
as a meeting place for business men at
the noon hour.
The Garden is cool and comfortable
and the best of service and cuisine Is
For dinners and after-theater parties
It is unexcelled.
Each evening an excellent musical
programme 1 rendered which will ap
peal to the most fastidious.
All Shriners are Invited to Inspect
this beautiful grille.
A grain of dust
can destroy the
effectiveness of
the delicate
mechanism of the
most wonderful
invention. A tiny
flaw may invali
date the title to
property worth
Protect yourself.
Secure a guaran
teed Certificate
of Title. Investi
gate. Call for
Title & Trust Co,
Fourth and Oak.
At the Hazelwood.
We are again serving our delicious
strawberry shortcake. The Haxelwood.
SS8-3S0 Washington street Seating ca
pacity for 4o0.
Sawdust, Cord wood. Coal.
Holman Fuel Co, successors to Ba-fleld-Veyey
Fuel Co. M. ?6S. A 8S5S.
Cotton yard, valued at J24.Mtt. ' a new
Item In the shipments from Hamilton, Can
ada to the Vnlted Stalest during last year.
creamed chicken and oyster, cold as
sorted meats, crab meat and tomato
alad, custard pie, mocha tart, tuttl
fruttl Ice cream. Woman"s Exchange,
18 Fifth SL
We wish to thank our many frlemda
for their ympathy and kindness dur
ing our recant Dereavemeni in ina ium
of our wife, daughter and slter; also
for the manv oeaimrui norai oiiermss.
Stiletto Tools are made
for the mechanic who
wants the best. They are
manufactured from the
best Tool Steel, are prop
erly made to f&l his every
requirement, and every
one is warranted.
Sold by All Hardware
Mr. B. Fink, the well-known
Ladies' Tailor, of San Fran
cisco, announces the opening of
a Ladies' Tailoring Establish
ment at 362 Washington st.,
rooms 1, 2 and 3, second floor.
Special Introductory Offer,
ijoO and $G0 made-to-order suits
An absolute guarantee with
every garment. If you are not
satisfied, pay nothing. Take
advantage of this get-acquaint-ed
. ll nil, (III I a I rrw
rtJi o r 1 1 a n d Securities at O ,C
fjV Kaada for Bu-lueaa ProparUe
fnWAP.Q E, COUOEYi n.V.rrT.'xn.
More Class
Less Price
Out of High
Rent Zone
Over -Stock Sale
Every trimmed and un
trimmed hat reduced a
fourth to a half off.
Lot A A hundred choice,
blocked - and hand-made
shapes, correctly trimmed,
blacks and naturals, $5.00
and $6.00 hats, now $2.90
Lot B Late models in
real Milan and hemp
shapes, smartly trimmed,
novcPRr shirt waist ideas.
ribbons, laces, etc., blacks, whites
i, $8 up to $12, for ...?5.90
This season's, every kind and color; thousands of bunches to
choose from; selling reenlarlv as low as 15c and up to $3.00;
entire stock now at ONE-FOURTH OFF. For example:
All 50c Flowers at -35s
AU $1.00 Flowers at 75
All $L50 Flowers at $1.10
t'ntrimmed hats of every kind and shape, selling regularly at
$1.75 to $10.00, now at 85 to $6.90
with flowers.
and materials,
212-214 Third
at Salmon
392 Morrison
near Tenth
And All Points East
The Scenic Highway Through the Land of Fortune
Is selling for numerous dates to September 30.
With stopover privileges and liberal time limits.
North Coast Limited
(X. P. Ry., C. & N. W. By.)
Atlantic Express
(N. P. Bv., C. B. & Q By.)
Via Minneapolis and St. Paul
through to Chicago in 72 hours.
Mississippi Valley Limited To St. Louis, via Bil
lings and C. B. & Q. By.
X. P. Famoua DinlnK-Car Service o all Lines.
Side Trip Through Gardiner, the Official Entrance.
Season June 15-September 15, Additional Stopover Given.
Full particulars regarding fares, tickets, routes, gladly fur
nished on application, and berth reservations made.
255 Morrison St., corner Third St. Phones, Main 244, A 1244.
I t
Between West Park and Tenth Streets.
Portland's Honeer Jewelry Store.
Established 1861.
Is in excellent tasta and always dainty, a rich finishing
touch of beauty.
Whether small, large, satin, bright or hand-placed vermi
celli finish, or alternate gold anil precious stones, our
stock embraces them all.
Coral strings of delicate pinkness. in all sizes, we also
have -rn abundance.
Ask us and we will be only too glad to lay them out
for your inspection.
128 Sixth Street and 311 Alder Street
When Your Wife Surprises You
by coming into your office in the middle of the day, bring her to tho
Hofbrau-Quelle for lunch.
When you've enjoyed an evening at the play, end the day properly by
bringing your party to the Hofbrau-Quelle.
When somebody wants to take dinner with somebody,
Bring Her to the Hofbrau-Quelle
The toothsome dishes are prepared by a chef who has a wonderful
yof all-star musicians, in concert aauy, t to o:io ana iu m
a1 ' " ''' "
Is a Dollar Worth as Much
to you as to any one else? Why should you keep your
money in bonds at 5 per cent or bank at 4 per cent, when
we will pay you 7 per cent with equal security. Ask us how.
Barrison G. Piatt. Pre1dnt
E. O. Crawford. Vlce-Preldent
Henry A. barenu vice--ra.
Officers Director!
J P. Jaesrer Frank E. Dooly
H. O. Colton P.. C. Knight, Arency Dlractot
W. G. Mcpherson Piatt Sc. Piatt, Counaol
JC6 Stark Street. Main 5327. v
A Portland Corporation
Under State Supervision
The Columbia Sanitarium la a urBtcai and
medical Institute, located at the corner of
61xth and Tamhlll afreets, next to tha Port
land Hotel, cud Is well prepared to treat and
cure diseases of men. women and children.
This Institution was established in Port
land alx years afn. where durin these years
Its marvelous success In curing thousand
of persons of diseases baa caused it to s'and
tha neer of any like Institution in tha VVosc
Wa make a specialty of the are. ear. nose,
throat, heart, stomach, kidneys, catarrh,
rheumatism and all chronic rilseasea. Our
surgical electrical and medical laboratory
departments are complete. Columbia Sani
tarium. 181 Sixth street. Portland. Oregon.
Foster & Kleiser
tush Grade Commercial mud Electrts
Eaat Sereatst aae Eaat Everett Streeta
Phase Kaet ml, B 2224V
treated with
greatest success
without re
stricted diet.
Phvsio-nutritlve Sal-Sano removes all symp
toms of the disease, produces sain in
weight, munclen and nerve power anil
energy. At leading drugeista.
flATs-HAVO CO.. New York.
89 W- Broadway. Writ for Booklet.
The numbrr of vessels passing through
the Suez Canal last year was 4900, and the
receipts of the canal amounted to 134, 01U,
000 fraat.'S (-!(i,SU-..000j.