TTTT! MOKNIXO OT.FC.ONIA??. WEDNESDAY, MAY J 5. 1912 20 INSPECTED HERE ADEQUATE More Than Enough Lifeboats Carried Between Portland and San Francisco. LAST ORDER NOT EFFECTIVE rr duml a- l.i-la Will !4 llr l.c l;nll Tlljnl.- )alrr. rMl .nli'ialP Prr rlilin-. of at tha I'ortUn-l a III not br affectrd by nlT tiirl at Sun Frnncisro by t'UixT msinc Inspector Kulcrr thruush which ; vrs.-ls wrrr t.rci r'd to rlu thrlr lu.onik'rr lists until siirh tlim- a ad ilitioral liffUoatA rr curnil so therai will hw 1" cubic rrt of lif boatuj.o f-r rarh psrson rarrleil. Whn th nm rsMltlin waa rr-lv-rl from Wuhlnilon nearly two -. ks aco 1'riltsd States Inspectors Kisr.rrls and Fuller svrnt ovT thr sil u itu-n rarrfully. i HrrklnK orrr all ss-ls Inapcctoti hsrc and lion ire abort ft hnU(r. Tlif principal rssl In which tn- lnsr.ctors of this district rrc rn.-rrnrd rmprlsrd the Mrrak wairr. .lllnc- and Su H. Klmnrs. all ttr.4ttniE to ii'iit porta between the t'ulumbla and San Frni lo. unfl carry ing ptssrnirrs. 4 n rai'h rssl there la more butss:r than the law pre scribes. The rsse of the San Francisco A: Portland fleet seers not Included In tha .'Mlnc order of Inspector Hulser fr a reduction In the number carried. I"' cause the cxecutlvea of that line. e. pntlnc lh.t aufh steps would be taken by th- liorrrnmrnl. pr.lded extra b.ut.a and lifrrafts and they have been pl.ired aboard the steamers. (Ulne the nse t'lty. Kmvrr in. I Hear far more tvoat.tse than would safely arry all passcrmrrs and member of the oresra. oii him ks iikim; i:i:r.inr:i ( iiiiiiit--tti Will I 'runic .Measure to Krinlate Wharf IliiiMinc. i tr of the most dilapidated section f tie waterfront, that between Yam lull an. I Salmon -treeta. the West Side. la betns rebuilt. All underpin- j nine is eeina; reneei aionK iue irni ..f in.- do. k an. I new Umbers placed, ait i t'ie outside replanked ami in pi,.-,., the walla are hell.:; renewed. Mam old plllna- hove been pulled up and plankl-nr on tie lower derks In te warehouses I- br.nit rel.lld wliers needed. S- f-r those detail do not come un der t .a anperlloB of the i'onmiwl"n. rr of fuhl.e lHi k. peine bniked aft.-j-hv the bulldtni: Inapeetor. beau.-e a hen the 'mnu-ton waa orKanlxtt It waa understood that ail ordlnanera In effeet oul'l i-ontinue for a time. An ordinance la In rourm of preparation tliat will rome before the t'ontmlaalon aoon whlrh will have for Ita ol.Jert the reemation of hmldin on the water front, and It la aumed that lep wl'l wlan be taken to f on e property ownera la plaee il.tiTK.-nl and unelKhtly ilw In unditlon. zoea Into eommlaalon axaln thla morn- irrji- loevlne I'ortland Monday, Wcdnes lay and Krl-lay. Oaptaln Smith, akipper of the steamer Savajawea, m Teel that la In a olasi of her own ar.d. t'aptaln Smith aava. la the only carrier that dally "neEOtlntea the St. John bar," la to ettrnd her run to Hurllnirton. Heretofore rhe haa piled from Portland to St. John, but additional business lias been offered. In tow of the Meamer Oeklaliama the barkentine Aurora left the puhllr; lr)dok for ITeacott yesterday, after havlna; been cleaned and painted. In preparation for the trial trip to day of tie steamer llaalo she was ordered out of the bnneyard yester ilav to have her fur: tanks filled and will leave An-trtH dock at 2 o'clock this afternoon with a number of pueits fr a i.plr. down the river, "'ounty offblala will attend the launching at 9 o'clock this morning of the fi rry St. Johns, which Is to take the water at the yards of the Portland S ilphuildlnK Company. The vessel is l.'O feet Ions; and has a beam of Si feet. She will ply between St. Johns and Claremont. There cleared at the Custom-House yesterday the steamer Kavmond for P.aymnnd to loud lumber; the steamer Tiverton, for Seattle, to take on the same rarajo and the ftasollnn craft Ml retie. for Seattle, to complete outfit tins; for Alaska. Cutom-Houe men completed the in spection yesterday of effects of mem bers of the Twenty-flret LT. S. In fantry, arriving on the transport Thomas from Manila and no duties were collected. As the vessel touched at Nagasaki on tha way here an Inspec tion was nece;-ary. All Philippine prod ucts are admitted free. I'aptain A. H. laimherson has been signed skipper of the steamer Hot Hod. vice Captain K. K. Krlloes. TRAVKLKKS' .rlt)K. mm Larseat S-S. Co. OV IK 40 bill PS AMERIGO la the World l.?ia.o IONS l. I'rHtOl vK I.OAHS l.t MIIKK l.'llrrmitr jt if liicljaimnrr to Iaafl t i-real. Ilird. Rolih at Company have char tered the French bark I-a, IVrouse. which sailed from Shields f-r Portland Tecember 13. to load lumber here for Antof.isast. The vessel Is brine. n rariro ronsl;nel to Balfour, tluthrle A Company, and Is due In the river. As the Illermlte has finlrhed load Ins; wheat the harbor Is free of vessels working cereal or preparing to load, and she and the Imouesne probably will be the only windjammer num bered with the May icratn fleet. The l.llermtle was the last arrival In the river, having reported April 1. The French bark Possuet has been out from Juntn about S'l days, but the 1-a Pcr ouse Is looked for first. It Is ques tioned whether there will be any sail ing vessels sent away next month with heat vriiAMi.iis ai:k toki sitii rn li-t'ormiok Vcsx'la to Have .Ma cMncrj IMa-rl at Sun anol.oo. Or. t!ie completion of the hulls of two steam schooner being built at ine new St. Helena shipyard of the Mi -Cormlck Interests, they will be towed to San Francisco with lumber cargoes and have their machinery Installed there. Charles R. McCormlck. head of the corporation bearing his name, waa In the city yesterday and with Pr. Andrew Smith. Julius Meier. George Joseph. Frank Itollam and K. H. Meyer made an early morning trip from Port land to the new plant, having breakfast at St. Helena. Poth hulls are under way and It Is hoped to have the vessels finished so they ran go Into service the last of the year. There will be other car riers turned out there, but they have not been decided on. The shipyards employ a larse force and another crowd Is engaged In the construction of a creosote plant. ori.wn is shout or rrrx Norwegian Tramp .pirar Off "oo Bay SrrLliiK Aid. Kxpianatlnn of the slow voyage of lite Norwegian steamer upland, which the China Import Export Lumber Company recently chartered to load here for China, was received yester dav In a dispatch from Coos Hay to ttie Merchant. F.vchange to the effect tha vessel was off that harbor, short or .oal and waiting for a pilot. The Opland I a 1 i a from Santa Rosalia. aorting to the dispatch, though she was lat reported sailing from San Jose. Lower California. for Sallna Crux and arrived April 1. She Is one of the smallest tramps afloat, her net register being l tons and she is commanded by Captain Krlckson. The vessel will probably take on enough coal at Coos Kay to bring her to Port land and refill ber bunkers here, as she Is overdue. Marine Notes. Hegmnitig this morning the steamer H.illey (Jiitsert will make a dally round trip to Tho I'ailes. leaving Portland each morning at 7 o'rlock. except Sun ilav. when se will depart at o'clock on the regular weekly excursion to the as ade Ih ks, and Mom'ar she will layover here. The steamer Ualles City Moirnirn4 of Vcsm-N. roRTUM), Msy 14 Arrived Steamer Oeo. l,oomla. from San Francisco: steamer Uarmond. from Mn Francisco; steamer Thrrmn, from tan Frsnclsco; steamer W. S. porler. from Monterey. Hailed I'nlled fatea Army transport Thomas, for sn 'rantTsr-o; ,tamr l:a'niond. f-r I'.aymond. At'iita. stav II. nlition at the momh ef the river at & P. M-. mKth; wttld aoulli weal. 1 ' nilles: weather cloud. Arrived at i and left up at A. M.. steamer ;.. laaimls. from San l'rini"lti; arrived ilrnrn al II A. M and sailed at I P 3d . t nlted etates transport Tnomaa. for San Krsnci'o; arrle. at lo and left up at It A. M . steamer V. S. Porter, from Monterey. Mn FraneUeo. May II. Arrived at 7 A. M St-amer Hear. from l'irtiand; sTeamer Jnan INoilaen. from i'nluoihia Itiver; arrived at J P. M. Steamer tl-aver. I rom San Pedro, Sailed oil r-wn Schooner II. HI. Jla'l. Tor lumhla River. fuoi IU. Mav II. Arrived S-teamer Itreakaat-e. frim Portland. San I'e'lro. Mar 14 a:i-l Steamer Ceo. V. IVnilih. for I'olumhta Klver. Point I -.!.. Mar II I'asae.l al 5 A M. liar- l in tow of ItiC Sea Hover. fr,.m I'unUnil. fur Port Uula. Karallunra. Mar 1 1. Passed sl I P. M. St-amer Catania, from Portland, for Port San l.uia. ..tierey. Mav I . Sailed Stesnier J. A. haloe. for lurt'aod. Falmouth. Mar I - rrlved Ilrltuli hark I'lmmit I'asrle. from Portland. Astoria. May IJ Arrlvrl at 7 and left np at I I. M Sltamor Kavrnon'l. from San Krato i o. Sallea at 7 I'. M Co-rmail bark Heinl,ek. fur I'nileo Kltii.tom. Ar rived at 3 and left up at s - P. M. St-amer T:irrtn. from San Peancla-,. '.. H.i. May I I. - -..rsre la n fteatner 0ati'l. fr.'m ana Kosal'a. for Portland, anchored off port ahtrt of coat and wait ing for pilot. Mn I'-ini .in Mtv 1 1. a-rl ed steam ers Alii". Ipitn Manila: Jolian PoulNen. from Astoria: Hivetsl.le. from Halhoa. Vlr iriiian. from Sallna liut, Yosemile. it. I. and CMMdo. from llraa llarhor; from f'orliaDtl: Materuk. from llonn Itilu: Vi aslili ston. from Santa tarlara and lllapa.,l .-.teamers el lln l.ti. for Nanaimo: fur of Puehla. for "I'l-torla : iMMirirra M.tU'l tiale, for Fverett: II. K. Hall, for Astoria. .New lirie. Mav 1. Sailed SUamer Kiv,-e Vttrth. f.r San Fran-taco. lUttitiurf. May 14 Sailrd Steamer Sla. sak. for San Franclact. Atlcintic Service I.O'IM'. r.KIS. HAMBI IM. rrenn'a. ly ts II AM 4 lnelun.ll. May SS I PM K. A. Xle. Mar :tO 10 AM le. lailse. -luae All Second cabin onl. fs'lrst ratlin omy. J Will call at Houlopnc. MEDITERRANEAN Gbrallar, Naples, Genoa S. M. Moltke. Msy ?. J"ly. ' AJJ S. S. Mollke Ausust A" CRUISES l The llsmhiirs-American line nrls lnaled (.xean iTiilflrs '-'a years asoi Two Ideal Crimea AROUND THE WORLD Xov If8. I IAI1.UU Prom ! i ork I From San Fr'laco K S S. CLEVELAND 17,ton. DIRATJOV r ATM CaUltSET i:di..n"".r shore excursions, carriages. ul!ea f-es. etc. SUMMER CRUISES U .... uinvmitT IJ M V. Kiahl dcllghtlul erulaes lur ieV Jtme. July and August, from to Norway. North ape. fpililteraen. Iceland, etc. I lit RATION II T to IAVK v .o ami un Splen tld Servlee. J"r" "'"J"?,'?" M ZKrSIN r." it. ir. so-, - - Wine for booklet "f anv cruise. Hamburg-American Line t0 Kowelt 5t . Hi Francisco. CaL: saukee Pust Sound H. K.. II pirksnn. .. P. T. A.. Dorsey' Smith. 6l tt Portland. Or Copiriiihl. Tldea tllirh. a .. M . . 1 1 4 ? V at Aaiorla Vedaeday. .7 4 feet .: I A. T Low. M . . I foot M . ? 7 f t 1RIIMIHC 4.1 IIIF. COOS BAY LINE toTfcAMMIir BKKAKHATIR f rvim Aln worth Itock. Fort land. 9 A U. 1. . 13. IS. .1 and 2Sl Juo 2. 7. li. 17. and . Krrt-tht rcwivad al AinswurtU Xrk. Amt'y up to ft p. M. Paa. acttfr far. tlrsiriaa. h.W. a4root.-rlaaa, $7 ou. Inrludiiic brth and meal Ttatt rn A Aorm 2ocaV Pbon Jdaln tiwi. A 2aU3 NEW YORK-PORTLAND KEGCUAil illUtiUT S.EHVICE. Low 11a tea. BKaadule l ias AttEHICAH-HAWAIIAN S, S. CO, SIS llallwajr elsehaas) aidav. Psx-llaaal. Uc. Mala S3T- a XITk EUROPE! S'-rfntySiirlnf and Htnnmr toara. mm prttn Ttvir d Luic and Mtor-car Tour, and al Vcatfnn Tour at I'upular Prirc Krixiuent aatllDf. All route. tnclud.D-M-HerrAnao. I'rcriimmf nf Tour d Lux Around tha V.'orM now rnlT. THO. COOK fON. 9 Markri M.. aa iTanrlssraw ATrip on the Pacific I OR .H It At ATUIN. EM VK the hel bummer and avail jniir self of Ibe perfect weather of Jane. July and August on the FarlUc tsrean. It ks dellalilful sailing Ihe day long on the .plendid .learners of the 4 KANIf LINK. The fares are tow. I Iberal limits and atona. Site round Irtp to ItONOl.t I.U from ti. F.l ronnd Irlp to lAMO via Hono lulu: ae round trip to KVHNKV. Australia; IS dava from . F. bVKNKV I. Ihe mo-t beaattrul and heallhv cll In Ibe world. Kound Ibe world. tKaal firsl-ela Sa.a sec ond -class. Via 1 rjioa s.n ... ..... . . - ,., Mlllnas June I '.!: J.tly -. IS 30. ee. rlte or Ire tH MMt M. y.. ( 1:t Market M.. Ill rraurlaro, Canadian Pacific t JF TUB ATLAMW A.NL WTllKIt OilAJSBlllt-a UONTsk-U. UltUtV A.NO uvtiii-oot VIA TMIC SCENIC KUlfK T KIKUM 10UU MILKS ON TUB 6'r- UWK.NC RtVBa AND LKfta) THAS FOI K DATS AT te'sa MILKS PORT TO PORT THE SHOKTlST OCEAN PASSAG9 First Cable t and a peeoDd tahla ".VS. "i une-lai labia t2d-eiaas aoS ls and aa Tblrd-t'laas Ussl rates aa request. Canadsn Pacific office cornsr Third ana Flos tMultnoman Mulsl bldr. i-ortlaao, and all local agents. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at F. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 13S Third bt. l lione. Main 1SU. A ISIi. VMHI'W KT: A M K K.H H) It Sato rramlseo and lass Angeles MITHOl'T 4 IIA.Nt.K . a. B.e 4'llv Mils A. M. Friday. May 17. THE HAV I-KAN. Jt POKTI.AMI ti. 8. CO. Ticket Ofllce I4i Third Mreet. 1'hone: .Main 2.0i. A Ui. European Resorts and Hotels. t;Kltl v. THE TWO LEADING HOTELS IN EUROPE BERLIN The "Atlantic Kaiserhof " Renovated at a cost of $1,000,000. AU latevst American comforts: 110 pri vate bathrooms. Grand Kail. Superb location. Bosklrta V HAMBURG The "Atlantic" With restaurant Pfordte openod 190D. Grand location. Near Central Station, facing the beautiful Alstcr Laike. Extensive. Modern Garage. Postage 4 t eats Front the Itorlaad Agency, Itoom UO" 303 51 h Air. or Tow a and Coaatry Travel It urea a, 31 h Ave. N. Y. The RHINE AMERICANS VIMTIVO EI ROI'E Should on no account fall to udt il.a Khtna. Thrt la only on way to fully enjoy tha fTn acnry. and that ia by ST AM Etc. Pamphlvta from 5th Aft., Naw Yurk. and ft lusant at.. Leondoo. DRESDEN OKI.I-RKOHEI IIOTKL RpbnIIC and Knlanrrd All laMtsfx-t lniprTtntnta Trn Kyal talaro and ath-drml l)IK:(1UK K. RO.VNUXLU "BELLEVUE DRESDEN The "CONTINENTAL" laadlns HoteL Station. atcr.. al. FosssaL SVrTZKRL.aXD. INTERLAKEN SAVOV HOTEL HOTEL NATIONAL. Two Up-to-Data Hote!a Itlcsn-c'LASit AUPINB RESORT NEAR LtTERNE. World-renowned HOTEL C ATT ANT. th. Rendezvous of Amerlcsna, First-Class throuKhnut, 4 Frlvste Iiathrooma Full Information from New York Offlcs, 11 5th Avcnua. r'D A lM7I71MCIs! A n W0RLD FAMOUS SPA for the Treatment of H i All LLli dDiAU HEART DISEASES and FEMALE COMPULNTS JL IV. hrs. frees Carlsbad. Apply for ttoeklet. Tosra tonairy. Ma 6tb avsv. 3i. T. TRAVELERS' CHECKS The most convenient form yet devised for carrying funJs safely while traveling is offered by travelers' checks. These checks may be cashed anywhere at home or abroad, without identification. They may be purchased of tho LOMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,000,000 4 l'er Cent on Savings. Corner Kifth ai d Stark. European Resorts and Hotels. i;m.i. M). mcm i&koqi n a Si 9 41 e V ' KM W a V. ,' , Bmmm t ,V -VNT -iV W, -A. 1 r-r J F1 NO EUROPEAN ITINERARY 'COMPLETE THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE HARROGATE. 1SITUKS to Knprhind are invited to niale a brief or njrtliy stay in this delightful Kesort to partake of famous Uarrosrate "Waters. Recuperate in the dry. braein' climate. Knjoy the picturesque scenery and visit the innumer able plaees of 'interest in the vicinity. As a motoring center Harrogate has no equal, with its surrounding moorland, it s en chanting river and valley scenery, its renowned battlefields, ancient abbeys and historic castles. In the immediate neigh borhood are to be found YORK 5IIXSTEK. SELBY ABBEY. RIP0X CATHEDRAL. FOUNTAINS ABBEY. BOLTON ABBEY. RE1YAULX ABBEY. KNARESBORO' CASTLE. 80 MINERAL SPRINGS 60 DIFFERENT TREATMENTS Sl'A BATHS. FINEST IN El' ROPE. PERFECTLY EQl'IPPKD AVI Til ALL MODERN INSTALLATIONS ami APPLIANCES. CONTROLLED BY SKILLED STAFF of '200, WHO GIVE lriO.OOO TREATMENTS ANNUALLY. N. B. Waters and Treatments more varied than any in Europe LUXURIOUS HOTELS MAGNIFICENT KURSAAL Mr. Buckland. of the Royal Baths Harrogate, invites your ac ceptance of handsome illustrated 72-page booklet, free from town & County Bureau, obi) Pirth Avenue., New lork. Great Northern Railway Quickest Route From LONDON (Kings Cross Station) HARROGATE Through Restaurant Car Trains in 4 HOURS 1 t. L i, I I "i, 1 71 I tf -r. S. -..,. t""Z f .' .. - r - r'1 IJ.'.'.-v-:. ' . a A - TTJ7 OTEL MAJESTIC l.a Ovrrl.K.k.s I'iiiiivniiii. Kurs;ial ami Municipal Hal lis; liingnificeiit ly appnintoil throughout. Stands in its own grounds of leu acres. Delightful Winter Garden and Louni'. Caters t'r the very best clientele. Garage cars for hire with experienced drivers. Write Town and Country Bureau, 3S9 5th avenue. X. V.. fur .h sci ipt ive Booklet of ihis. THE LEADING HOTEL OF HARROGATE. W ITZKII I. l. -s.' For the Ideal . Outdoor Life ItTAln Hf'ri ttriiiKlh through the Hv.i" Mountain Air. Kxptrient the Joys ,f mount ainerrlnjc ; roam thrtiucH ihe ro mantic pine forests; re el In the glorious .funnhlno : In huh' the pure and mvlunPHi Init mountain hit. I hi' t.ts cliiii.n tn Its -xltilar.tiitu tul romp. -rat it.K stu v huIiiIo ttl ftnv nf Svv nm lt-firti you'll find thorn at varying V nltitudi: ud suited t all ron.tltutions. at lat'I V It'll ju a 1 1 a "vu i un" ""riii vacation country. Write for the inter-M-htfr honklfts und Kuldi sent for juat the coat of pottage, 10 cents. KWISf-I KIKICAI. KMI.KO.VnS 241 aVIfth Avrnur el. 13) Nw York iuvlKorai Inar ir, . I t is muKlcai Mt!,. yr at U ? prupiT- v-i: -.y thf fairn'us "v, a tn -it, ISO Beds. ifBy, eZtltit. Z& 57, j FireBHrof- "The Jioiei 1 i'Sjiajsrf! deluxe of ' SwijerlaadC 160 Bids, irtin.Ba.ih C To'Iet 11 Cf.-rst Cais Carve JAoo 'fori. iTiiMSiaiT I ra. all LAUSANME HOTEL MIRABEAU .""odcrn ronstrurllun, l'.n-rllcnt I'UHltlun. lp-li-nalr. HiRhest Comfort. RAGA7 PFAEFERSTAMIHA G0R6E Tho -Most Marvelous and Most Romantic Sight In Switzerland. Good nnd Immediate Health: sta tions ;00 ft.: Keating i'laco to and from the Kngadinc. World-Renowned DATUM for flout, Rheumatism. Anaemia. IVeuraathenla. Etc. HOTELS: QUELLENHOF KOF RAGAZ M0NTREUX GRAND HOTEL EDEN LAKE OF GENEVA. First-class Modern Hotel; -JO0 Koomi uid Siilom . riultes of Apartments with bath lNKIVAUSD rOMTlON ON MWITZEKLAMI'S IINEST LAKE, floss to Kursaal: Superb Mountain Vi-w: Spacious Oarden. Pamphlets and Information from Town and Country. au oth avenue. N. Y. MONTREUX tiKANO 1IOTK.I. JIOKV A I BKAl'-SK JOI'K I'tinipletely llenovH imI. l'lnst Position on Ike. With;e tlardon. lll?rhest I'anilly Comfort. Close to the Sporting Pavilion. ln lusie Torms from J1.S0 per Day. tinilTtJCIlY II4JTEI. I"lr.t-cla.s. Patronized by American families. Cen IliUIilnLUA D'Kl ROI'E tral for Kxcurslnhs. Steamers, Casino. Pension from LTB. Branch house. Kurliaus. Ht. liarry en Oruyere. ad aCv 1V1 T 1 Plrturesoiie Railwavs in the AIn Sraroo Mar ' October VIEGE-ZERMATT 83117 fret ZERMATT GORNERGRAT lUUtl feet Hotels The "VletoHn," "Mont Cervln." "Mont Rose,- "Ririelalp," Du lie Nolr," HnfTrt de la Gare, "Srhwelserhof," "National," nellevue.'' Booklets 389 Fifth Avenue, Mew York GENEVA LAKE OF GENEVA AND MONT BLANC For Information nnd Guides Apply to the Of fices of The Swiss federal Railroad, 241 Fifth Avenue, New Vnrk. GTJ7 1J 17 r A HOTEL BEAU-RI VAGE BLa 1 n1 Ia WOBLD-K.NOWN l"P-TO-DATB sl aV " W A aaV I.EAIIINO IIOI SK. GENEVA GRAND HOTEL DE LA PAIX SWITZERLAND VKRT KlUST-CI. ASS I X KVK11V ItKSPKCT. F1NF.ST SITI'ATION. Booklet frve from Town & Country Bureau, rtsil Fifth ave.. N. Y. INTERLAKEN- REGINA JUNGFRAUBLICK lOti by the Hurr-n nt Kntzlnnd. l-:ievfl ted loflllou. -f lurt view. ImmruKr private park. b-a7. L . . .m M s ' -is x Going to Europe? Write Today for Illustrated Booklets of the HOTEL RUSSELL and the Hotel GREAT CENTRAL LONDON They tell you all about these delightful Hotels, their situation, tariff and notable features of refinement, quietude, and luxury. Write Dorland Agency, 303 6th Ave., New York. ' SAVOY HOTEL LONDON. The world's most famous Hotel de Lux and tho rendezvous of distinguished Americans in London. 0i'er(inians when in F.urope should visit The Oresoiuan's London office, No. 3 Keaent st., S. V. rki.i.ii ii. 4 VSSrJZS. COYER & 0STEND llff Stu Pg 3 Hoar. Th fMtost TorblOR Stefcnierii In Ciie ChanntBL CIRCCL-.TIOS SEAHON TICKJfiT nd TOI RIHT TICKKT8 of various full tuLrtieulnrai unlf I.EI.GIAN STATIC RAILWAYS. i JllfOrTnalUOn l.mVi J nitM, ltJtV m e.a . Bvsrjsiicra. a CLAEK. Times, BuiUUn, K.Y. Ajoricn xpru. Twkst &rd m VTSTT QHENT the City of Flowers. SPA the mother of Spas, every kind of jaths Ferruginous Springs. NAMUR tlie Gate of the Ardennes. LIEGE pearl of the beautiful River Maas. TOURNAI the Roman Town. BkANKENBERGHE-the " Atlantic City" of Belgium. BRUQES-la-Morte. The old-worlrl towns o( Flanders and the Picturesque Mountains of the Ardennes. Most faebionaMe Mid pooalar Svaalda ltssort In the sorld. Karaoua for Sa. Hsthins and Amusemanla. R urvssi. OSTEM Bail. Cut no. ArtiBji avnd MrxilcLnal Watnt. Thrrml Cur. THE OREAT HOTELS ON THI SB A. COMTINBNTAL. 400 Be. in. Rooms from 1 dolUr 5 oents. SPLENDID. 400 Red. Rooms from 1 doUir eer.t. DB LA PLAGE. 400 Beds.' Hotal aud IlMtaarmiit d lux. THr Moum avre MQ434em m every rfspa. BRUSSELS PALACE HOTEL s' " Floa.l In tha STorld. SOO Booms, all witfc PrlraU B.Uia BRD9SILS. HOTFT. EUROPE. Pt.'CE ROVAI.r ANTWERP. HOTEL ST ANTOIM. I.EAMNO. LI FOE HOTEL DE SI'KDB I.EIIN liOTF.I. STKICTT.Y FIBSTCLASS. SliTRS WITH SATHs. tNTlItKLY 11KNUVA TED. ery Vndm Comfort. Apirtmoiits with Balha. Si?;' .TTaT Ej" .A ki ts B 5ia S PI ri iri' . ..iKH-a'Tll sj na fa TvaTagaa. A SU&PASSIJVG THE CJZEA2L a UNIVERSAL " AMD 913 pnjiilEjSl Ji'"'i Por Partlenlars IVlglsn Rssnrta and Hotsta. apoly Town A Coantrv. -W. Mil Avenue, N.Y. OfllciaJ Offl. Belgian Htatc Hallways. 4". lanQon street; Onaeecburoh stre: nnd T'. F-L'pnt S'.Tt-et, London ; or to Offla ml Am.riran Exprs.. C . Thos. Coolr A Son. or V. C i:!srk. O'SImI ?Mit. 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