Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 15, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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    I. ft tft I A WN.a,
- 1 the time to h Tr !
road b- tr-orouaMr experienced, pwr nee.
f aer bed. wln.ioar h-mee, etc: raaeoa
e ,-e pe.eee w era guaranteed Marshall
.. Fred W H.lllock. ll' Teon,
V.. ..l.iLuIBIMl. f vKNlTLKk TOOJA
M f t)t arte paid aW ' a lad
Hl9 M.'bla aa. fwrBltar. aei.
a-.tealr 'mime Ca4 MM Sua
. Taa -loo
a; ru Jwaa ai.a aacood-hand iwhltrf of
.-. afeetnptioax. c-l tor our buyer. M
k4r.1t (woe. iHriWS rront t ta
r ( a aaiiuoa tvagaiaa. Mala Ml; A
LWN-. U.V. UWNp.
lleae )pur saw law made by thorerDghTy
. i- - ;i - - d prty. rfwnofte: pnca. Mar
s'. ,i. Frr.j XT. H'l loc. l T'nii.
V i. par tk high rut r lea f
faod fumltor. Beaier Wanna. J
keen Il3i 14 Hawtaof tt
a, Marrl "boo ion.
Pl.t highest rweh artca for fwrwltweaft
17 rT. met; fnca. 21 l 3 Inch- hisn;
e' .- p;k4 and particular. J . Olf
4 on
V. vN' ior4 eccon!-bared caBOO. prefer
-a I atta.rirr.en'. tila-a prlc. Answer
.i .K. Ocegontan.
MIL I. t tft I ro..m. f2. op: do palatine at
i.'i.til irlcs. laet 4124.
NTEP tvirrbari or other make ranoe.
..o.t .en,3ltiR Call . Smith. Main 2 1 7.
V. 11.1. I. n: liw'iia for paint hnueaa at cm :.,C'U-"
TWo let a to trade for JS-paaeenger auto,
!. : N. TMrrL . Auctio". Co ra- ao ca for aai
ft reaf af fcmllmr alma -!. A f4
Kr.'.l ft Hl.r". party wlahra l buy launch or
ninrnr -la or. lF'n I 1. ITfltlilftll.
I. nt roorr-a tor paint bouse at I-. 1 -t X',';..
urir waxttk-rr.
r:n'mm. na machlna. fx.
T-n..n.r. IJ K.
Ma'i iftif rlnor marhlna man, .7a
Tan milmanila. i : to $7.
I arrlaca rldr. $J.ia.
ar-la1tnc landman. $'
Liiarr ararl-r. lnm p:.ncr. f jO.
T a n r arrlmar. f .' to
V"ir rivar l-trr. $1 ami ooarii.
Y'mir rftfimn. 3.
Iacrra. : i t $; ".
rami hanUa anI nillkr. $. to .
I.jr 1 t Mhr worlf.
aw jrfa rnfnt In avarr hoar.
H at. Ji oui" Kull-Ila bnartta.
r..-ir-i- i:mi.u! iit.vt r.wT.
?'? a;'H mKh M.. Fl Ir' an1 14-
r.i'MRiAN Nrti?ci. Lirr
r.w ri.K r i nort.i -Ti' n r-t.i' it:"
Tlir:T .i.VtR KVr.HT h"!!lI.K u
i.KUH .itim:t. m k :
r.T No V'tiK fn part:, lpallr pi-lr-la
ahlrh Inauia 1.1 -'N LV. tpaclaj
contra- I. i a faar prKtuctra.
I Aft. H. r-lniAT. liKN' AI.T,
m? All MHlri I'Wir
WVTKr .ltii.r to aacufo auhar-rlhara
T'l'.kxna Hri4: a4. pa" S. Uil !
,.r ftpplr In to t-. t" l" rvnlna
Fi..'al b4c. Tin and Morrtaon.
Ti" ft T r:lk At r.n-. aarlan-4 painlar lo
I, a'- I" p lan nar rnrtland; mj
t- all 1- lr."l - r a'l." part f
rarrrlr.ja In 1 ai i..i' t on porrhaaa of ln
, ,m,.Prrli-in h-ma: rial It t
n..a mi-rior drrrotln. M i. .r'Co-
t;ft:lt l - on aa.ra (orr-a la maaln
from t' f.tai par momh. an4 oa
njni ... if oa if tbr kind that la not
.f.-n4 of Mora, a a r-n plow J-ot a prop
i.trl.ii wh!c;t aal'a a rtJ would aiad I
I, v.. a -'all -nd I'ik UK- matlar ''.
ak for Vr. H'v. T'M-I T Spa.UmS b-5-j3IKIEI
man wanlrd to anrk la tha
mi .a of Kamed. Ulaady mp!o mont.
till aai ir-rtnnit jr to aa-uro a hrma la
t -.a kaat t..n to IB I'ar-tfla Nortnt.t
Karin -rid ;oS Mho to rood marrll man.
. w. Haa. aa.rrtary Kayraund fcoi
ployara ,ui.-laliftn.
ft iri A u natt ahonl I", nrtio haa
rnrr and 'flrilnaKlo aanarlarn -o. fr
a radr and wrll-ilil paltlon. ha'arr
a III ha incrraard a. ..rdin to abilH
rlwan. fli rih bond rauirad. Addrraa
t T" ""'an -
MAN" and lf-. uhout children, for fnait
ranri: woman miMl h (OfMl cook, aa ala
a III bo rarjtnrad to cook for proprlator
f;imltr of thraa. rail Thuratlay aftar 1
ii r-lirk. room 3. Taon Mdar.
HXFKKir.Ni"El cutirr. ood ara and
ataady poaUMft lo rltht man. Nona othar
n-ad appl. AdJraaa ailth rrfaranra, and
full partlrulara. Uroff. Ih tailor. M-
aana. WaaV
V NTKI An rlancad and aucccaafill
Mlrairan lth good addraaa and flrat
. aaa r.-f -rn-o. to raraaanl a financial
-..r p.ritlon on a tnalit aalary and tra
hp ninar ' nw. tlragnnlap.
VNTtI., A man of education and rrfln.
ntanl. ona lth aoma knoarlrdca of aanl
latlcn prafrrrad. aa rpra'ilatlva and
aairainao. Standard hanitatkoa Co.. hi
ll'ri at.
I U-T-'L. xprrlrnca. real eatato aa a
man ant.d: aa capita! raqulrad: luuat
Ml- lf Hoard of Trada.
h,;KL aa.ram-tn. la a chanca to mka b.
moorr; haat aalln a'rrart In WIMam
rtta Va!lry. no Inlarrat. no lain. llo--raI
rommlaaiori to llva aalaan.rn. rail thia
m.Tnina "l -O-J Ilahnkr-V. 'kT bld.
It. I N.s man or hor llinc '' Tortland
lla.ahla. who haa had aoma aiprrlrm-a to
i-prmklr laaa a coupia of hour aach ava
Mrl. J 7'rroiilaB.
V.NTKD B.T to taarn bait making, must
t atroni and ocr la ar and ateady.
Apply lal-Scott Belting Company. a
Mawthorno are.
WWTKO At on.-. Al frood all-around
kak-r. -H Plvlaion at. aftar
f. j. Xak W. R- ,ar.gtoffat fn
CARTKNTER to contract Inaida flnlahlng
of ho.ia. 4Tth at.. 2 blocka aouth of
Hawthorne, fall at opco. Silica.
inlOKKD man and Ka f-r Janlior and
rhambrr work In hotel. I'hone Marahall
W ANT Kl L;prio. .l al W almau '
lacltiniat proiallii. ilinltad. !h4 A il
c hl'lg
HoV f-r erranda. wholaaa'a arocrr: rouat I
hraot and willing. Apply rar.r. IM
rront. t
CAIIRUiiK nd wagon woodworker. rl
rieorad man. Main I2- Columbia car
rtTgo at Auto Worta. .at Kront at.
WaNm Vood. aober. a.i!cllora to meat
N,iirea mean; good propoattloo. Room -M.
larrhlll at.. to 10 A. M.
i'Il;."T-rl.AJ ator-k aaleaman; mual ha
aMil'T- hae good prop.iauln to offer:
efern'ee rtulred. T Pregnnian.
I.XfEHIENfEta a"l-llora. week-
r i. n a i pa para, contracia caahed dally.
pndlrt;n preaa. grta Madlaon.
A IE.V flratlaaa bench man and cabinet
maker for an ap-to-dal planing mllL
A pple Spanldlng Logging Fa. balera. Or.
V. ri;R AI'UEK. Op)p.'rtuDlty of a llfa
tima. Mn't ba ratable, acttra. brainy
man. O Oregor'an.
V NT Kb Tomp-irnt youug man atrn-ocraphr-r
with Inl'lattft and ability. Ap
p.y T aA. cr. goolan.
JftTEfv'f'alclaaa .gn-rllar for com work; al fir.t-claaa paowrhanr-
r. app't K. It. 7-''tf. olympia. W aaru
"lTO eo..pon at'"la. -i ever oSerad.
Boat f l udl'ft. Waahlngtoti at.
VV 4 . T El' Slork amen at ftl ad at.; A
T.'ar'a Joh. See lal.l manager'.
im r;i B" without horn. Ja to It
rara o!d. 1113 Hawthorne.
v Mflli Janltr for apartment houaa;
g. '.a reference. H;el!and. :eaN.ltll.
n ivriin (tral 'aTBi ag'-nta for city lot
proprtr. .7 Mot neon at.
tTsTilIan In kitchen, a fw hour la
-T.orirc. fr b.-a'd. N-irth 3d art.
I'llKf-. UAl'ri barber; al.ady Job. N.
1'h at.
o-h.U roontry Job printer wauted by Dally
Kparii--an. tor-rallla Or
sAI l:l AN wanta.1. lamwa;i Ih Tailor.
IH ftv a . u a K t "n
W TEI-1 alnt man. Orogoa Planing
VI, He Dth nd Vaughn St.
V. ANTr-D aaleamaav Aaa
Vr Harton. rJ teoa bldg.
N.l men t. p.. op tetter; give phoa
no noee. t T. tr'nran.
ITitl'D At one. 2 .ltctfor for e:fta
if ir.l .'-. fall rtella.d I.Vtg.
VNTED A d!lery bo). e--7" Waahlcg
...n r-.-.m 400
V ..I N.5 rnen ta .anata. new offer, good
.. .. lwk.101 hdg.
. rolil aawaaa. bef er ofTaa eg; aaat
agecta Culber-.a. atadla. ftaku
-! N'i man -vfh emperlence as a t-n'el
,.r' vv' rom T I aailerreri hldg.
i I ! M want position aa baU boy or
p..rte:-. Mt'n ll'.
Al.iavU waniad. li -alotruwu at.
(On of Many.)
Of flea !rci 7 rupoimtnt DtpvtmaflL
T. M. C A.
Tanni man. atranzar, oat af work. IIJO
Ma total caara aaaot) If I par yoa f3 for
vpaclal ettipioiment membership. I will
h only U left blaaD m and atar-
ati.a. -
Krlarr If in pay S for apodal
employment nieoiberanip. yoaj will hav
the Y- M. r. A, with, ita reeourcea. ba-ta-eea
yoa and atarvatloa.
Heooit: Young man Joined aaaootatlon.
In lea laaa a week ha uad aatls(actry
Iteewrd for four month ending April :
ral e for men 71
poeinon fined 5 an
Employment memberahlp gwarantea
member wi:i aectaro or refund
af memberahlp fee; (lres two month- full
Jiemrerahlp privilege. 10 month ortal
priri:aa;e nd andertake to keep party
employed during tha full term of maro
bertntp without further charga.
W hay constant demand for blgh
grade. experienced men. Ar yoa filled
for a better poettlon T
ea vecretaty amuloyraaot dapartmant.
T. m. :. a.
AKT.r.-BODIED men wanted for tha tT. .
Marin i 'or pa, between tha agea of 19 and
Se; must be natlv-bora or hav first pa
pers; monthly pay lie to l. additional
compeneatu.3 poaslble; food. rlothtng,
quarter and medical attendanca free;
after J year evrvle can retir with S
per cent of pay and allowances; serrir
on board ahlp and ashor lo all part of
tha world. Apply at I'. K. Marin Corpg
recruit leg office. Jd and Wa.lilngton ata..
or IIS Id are., rortland. or.
WANTED A-l preaaer. quick drier and
cleaner. II) Alder.
1EIJ f.HY boy warned. Apply T3t te li at.,
room I z.
I'RKSSKR wanted on men roala. and tailor
wantcat. Al S Third at., room .
HoTrri. cook. t4a
1 boardlng-hooaw rooks. Sm and 93. N
Hotel wtreaa tout of allyl. $-1 and
tambermald lout of city). .
Nureo girl. a.
1 rir: f.r general houaawork lout of
clii. l;-..
2i:.i7 Wean. at., room T.
WANTED !.d!ee to enltclt euhecrlhet for
T- I -phone Herald; ad. page r. thl pa
per. Apple 10 to li to Hi evenlnga. .'e
ll-jjal bl lg.. 7th and Morrtaon.
WA.NTKU Ina good. rellahl chocolaia
dlppera; g-vt wag- and ahort hour, per
manent pinion, at-ady employment; well
t.own. re.lahl firm; auiiwer at one. K
1. regno Ian.
WANTED fvral young ladtaa
the agea of IS and Ji f or pannaa nt pool,
tuna Apply tho P. T. a f. Co- SI4 Alder
u, or ii Eaat Aaaeay at.
A .Ct F: l . ; : to coo k and do general
houxwork for family of two. Apply morn,
inra. Xa t t Highland Court Apartmeni.
VI. I end al'laan.
I'l K.'KWt.ilei ;ir!a wanted lo atllch hal-l-ka
and maka tin-top pe-rr h.tra. Ap
pj boa factorv foreman, ftandar.t Hex at
Lumber 'o. r.aet Wat-r and TUaat fine.
BOOKKEEPER; muat bo quick, arcorat
and uae llemlngton typewriter occaaion
aila; aute eiperlenca and aalary apaotad.
V . t tregonlan
1 f!N lle a.. II. -.lor to Introduce ae! adver.
need g.-wte. t;urrteed salary. Hlg mon
ty to rapak'r w.rkere. Apply M fhain-1.-
r 4tmmerre hldg.
OKiH KI5V SAI.KSWOM AN. ona who .a
lhor.ihly familiar with a'l line of
ira-rrKa Apply a to 1 A. M.. up'rln-
ter.d'nf'S offl.e. ONI. Woet.nan A King.
. t-f.MK nd eeeond girl, both to work
In same family; only tnoae. with e-apen-i
n.-e reed appl. Telephono Main or
A I ;ie-l.
TWta esperlnr-d waitreraea, 9 ,rh: country
camp help. -": c-k. rhamlernialK
l e per. llo-a IjaUl-a' Agrnry. .:U J.u'j
II'H'M KKKI'KIIN cooks, wal'resaea. se.-i.nd hml.ermalde. puree SI.'
Agency. Md-r. Main -.or.ta. A a.....
WANTED A girl for rooking and general
houaawork; referaocaa requited. Mar
shall 4130.
CoMIKTENT girl for cooking and doa
stair wotk; good wage. Call M
a. .all St.
TEN dancing . aarna glrle for ottv, aali
$ia call immediately. Theatrical Ent
prise "o.. 81'. AHaky btdg.
Waablnglor. bldg.. iT0S Wlihlngtsi
ear 4th. Main at3a) or A Mi-
CINIi for general houaework. auiay placa
and good wagea to right p-irty: prefer on
to go home nlghl. Woodlawn IHI
4alW Washington St.. cor. 7ta. aai.ft.-ft
Phone nam
E-Xt'ErTlExVED girl for aecond work and
care of children. 74 Irving, cor Slh.
l-t.on A I Hi Main
RF.I.l IU-K maid for Z children: muat hava
g.Md city referenr. Darl St.. near
1 at.
BY I oval buslneaa house, competent woman
willing to work; previous experience not
requited. Y Z3. Oregonlan.
EX HERIEXfED cook for small family;
b;.kxI wagea; reference dr-alred. I'hon
r-eiiwoo.1 ii--
Mll'Dl.E-AllED woman or Inexperienced
girl to asatat with general housework; go
home nights. Mir 1'57.
UIRL. for general houeewora; two In fam
ily; must be good cook. tlTft Elliott avv..
I -add Add. Phone East il.
W.N TED A woman for general housework;
must ho a good cook. Telephon Mar
rhall II.
V AXTKlr ilrl to work on co.lar; also
mang.a girl. 1". laundry Co.. Grand
ave. and i:t Yamhill sis.
WANTED ilrl about l for aecond work
In suburban home. Muat he neat, willing.
exp-rience unneceaaary. rnwir aa
W'A NTED Oirl for general housework;
must be good cook: good wages. Apply J4
Irving st- .
ftft . N 1 -f a.enned. oapaale wacaua f -r . a-
pont.bla poelurr- Viarl t.'o.. v :
ai.J i-iUg Pd Washington,
Jn E "experienced wringer ami one experi
enced sorter at the Ideal Wet Wash
l.etmdry. 4-'.1 and Hawthorne, today.
W A N 1 K L A houe.-keeper. 1147 Ilaw -
ii.oru ave. Call forenoon or after 0 P.
H AM tl) Ctood girl to assist In general
housework, private boardiug-uouse. labife
WANTED A lady 10 work In boardlug
houae for her and husband'a room and
board. I-I 'i Ruascl St.
CoMPrTTENT girl for cooking and dow n
t!r work: good naea. call V10 Mar
anall st.
wVtTRlTss ftaanted. 404 Madlaon at. Main
j.o-i. correr 10th.
COMPETENT atenoerapher: slat referenoo
and experience. K . Oregonlan.
GIRL, for general housework; sleep at horn.
Apply afternoon. 7-0 Jnhnsou sL.
gTr for-cooking and general housework;
4 adults. .00 Taylor Main 14.
WOMAN for cook and general housework,
famllv of .1. ai 3d t.. apt. 3.
t.lKI. wanted to help In kitchen. Iteatau
rant i, Sd at.
OIKl. for general hclj.r la camp, clcllwood
1 .".4.
WANTED Chambermaid. Hotel Alder. 4ta
and Alder.
t gtr. for general ho.ieeaork. small
remtlv. Telephon Kat ftH
WA.NTEl A girl to aaalat In general houso
e..rk. sana Main 34:i.
WANTED lrl f.r Japanes poolroom. fiO
N 4th st.
CioOD girl for general housework. Apply
il College. Phono Main t3-4t.
WANTTD A girl for general housework;
no children. Apply ;t loth.
SWEDISH girl for general housework:
email family 14th t.
Yol'N.a gltL general housework, good homo
more than wgea; wage I . C 8131
WOMAN for cook and general houaawork.
fTtii:y of 8. 34? d sr.. apt, a
W A NT -7H una wa. tress. Virginian Hill Ho
tel l4h at., near Jefferson.
aTKMHIR APIIER .with machinery experi
ence; glv phone. T 47. Oregonlaa.
Ollil. wanted for general houaawork. Phoa
: in;
CJNK .! ahwa.her wauled. 24A Taylor St..
bet. ."VI and 4lh sta
WOMAN to and car for Inoilld. gent
ile m a 11: moderate wages. ISO --d at. S.
UMiI' wanted for general housework. Aprly
i SchBTlr rt.
C.IHI. for general h..'ieworh. 3''4 Sth at-.
,-eroer t.ieel. Poetland tlelghte. flat .
NDI N A VI A N or Finn girl for general
h...iaew ..-k. ? In family. Mrhll .1V1.
W ANTKD Kour ei o-rl-n'-ed ladlea. Sanl
trv llrute Too IfteVum Mrlg
X r- f reapectahle woman. lioi.aekerp.-r.
tanUi. -u. bt. Louis Agency. Mala SU '.
FINIr'HKR wanted
room a.
on coaia H Third.
t(x HF.RHY I'KKKRS. man. women and
children, for Hood River and W hllo r-.'l-tnon
district: furnish your own outrn.
Wo are egclil'lfte agents of th Homl
River Apple ilrower' Inlm. the l.ld
e"n Fruit Companv ml the White Sal
mon Va.lev Krull J row era- l:nlon. special
r. ai n.nnH trlti. do' to re
turn until ftetoher 1. Apply V. M. A
Imlustrlal Ktnplovment Agency. I'd
Aah T. Vrs1ll I.'TI. A 774-V
WAVTKIt I'") tiawb.'rry picker and K
perlenced packers, to cent crat to
pickers; 1." c-nt to packer; gHd cmp
ground: free spring water. fre
tranaporfntlon from dock to ranch, camp
er furr.nh own lent. etc.. season open
laet of May. Ad.lrea Herbert William.
White Palmon. aah.
n- tvrni en. I d let r l UtC rs
ninie folder. International Laundry
WANTED Strawberry and rBpue-ry pit a
era Vnr mart leu lam. w rite J. E.
day, Ncwberg, or., R. a. box 1.
vAMKn At once. cooa. man or wo.
lo inveat s.-.ihi caah In oung orchard and
take poeltlon In moat sele. I bungalow ho
tel In stato at good wages; god oppor-
1 . .. .....1 'i.m to one am
bitious to own land and earn an Income
producing home; state experience. I. X
f.eeconf an.
HA.TY men wanted at onco to tnk earn
In I'nited Wlr.lea training c!s- nd no
ready for positions with Lnlled W Ireleaa
Telegraph Co.. who are notified to pre
pare for paaaage new law ffert.vo July 1.
n.aklng two ..perator on paaaonger ves
ela compulsory. Act quick. Apply Chief
"aerator. :10 Urand Trunk Dock. Seaitla.
M EN WANTED Age Is to So. to pr-par
for firemen tau brakemen. on nearby
railroads. ISO to I loo monthly. Evpeti
enc unncary: 00 trlk. Frotuotlan
engineer or conductor. lSO to JOO
montblv. Oood III careers. fiiata aga
Rend stamp. Hallway AsaoclAtlca. - Ore
gon latu
s A I K colony aar-ocletlon now forming to
colontia large tract of land for apt le or
chard In beat apple district on Columbia
River not far from Portland; excellent op
portunity for man with family to tak
permanent position at about too per
month, and Invest few hundred dollar.
Adrireae at once. M 37. Oregonlan.
Men and women lo learn th barber trad
In eight weeks: special Inducements; per
rentage paid whll learning; tool fre:
expert Instructor; 17 eare In tha busi
ness: S7 schools, a lifetime membership
given to each student- Molar Harper col
lege. 3S N. Fourth St.. Portland. Or.
W A NTrTD M en al L.o Angeles: can learn
trade: fair wages afier se. ond month; au
tomobiles. ele-iriell. plumbing, bricklay
ing, practical wotk on actual Jobs; l-tat
aludetta last five years; only few- months
reqntred. Cnlted Trad biliuol, Los An-g-les.
MEN and boya to learn automobile repair
ing, driving on up-m-dat cars; electrical,
civil engineering. surve:ng; methods most
practical; room and board while learning;
poettlons seciiro.l : satisfaction guarantee. I ;
cetah.gue free. National Mchool of Engln
eeclng. -110 W. 7th. Loa Angeles.
INTEHnXtIoNAL Correponanc Schools,
room 4"S McKay bldg.. cor. Third and
Mark ita. Open Wednesday and Saturday
night. Phono Main 10JU. send lor our
nw catalogue.
y ul ' are wanted: t-roernnieiit position.
month: send postal for list positions open.
Franklin Institute, dept. HI P., Koches
tee. N. V.
RAILWAY mU clefks. prepare now, ex
cellent aalarie and promotions; no lay
off, sue pay: fiee book. Call today. Pa
ciftc States School. McKay bldg.. city.
WANTED Plctura play writer; big pay;
we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa
tion. Fan Francisco.
ING, standard sv stems. Positions secured
. ler month. 26 14th st- Main 3.u3.
Make money writing abort lorl.. or for
paper; hlg pay: fre booklet tell how.
Inlted presa Syndicate, fan f'ranclseo.
schools and t. :. ers. ttio owclianu dior.
bookkeeping. tU2 Hamilton bldg. Mar 4J-
Bookke per and Clerk.
up books, prepare balance and atate
mania. Install stema Gllllngham. au
.lltor. 612 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
W A NT Kit Position In mechanical drafting
offi.-e with chance for advancement; unl-va-reilv
education and knowledge of
draughting. Phone B. 1HIS.
BOOK KEEPER and stenographer wania
position In office; b-at r.-f-irrnre; one
year's experience. Addreaa b4 E. bth St.
X.. city.
M lacellaaeoue.
115 Second sc. c'ortier Salmon.
Women's Department. 24T. Salmon.
All class of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical main and female help
furnished on short notice; no fc charged.
Phon Main 3S55. A 6L'4. '
Man with ft years' experience In running
heavy mill machinery, tub mills, motors,
compressor, ga engine, elevator and
crusher. wanta position: competent to
take charge nd show g.Kd results: refer
ence. Phone K. S4i' Ad. It ess G. W. An
keny. .Vj Union ave.
BARITONE, with heavy, rl.-h voice, will ac
cept position at tVi per week. II tvi. Ore
conian. CH A L'yFErR wants position on commer.:lal
or private car; S ear' experience and
not afraid of work. Thorough knowledge
of city street. Kefarencoa. Tabor 4oii3,
I ring.
YOl'NiS man of 21. that know a city weil
would Ilk a good position In bakery or
milk wagon .lrlfter. Addrea John Tinner.
Troutmnn Hotel.. 24 Madison sc. Port
land. or. '
PRIVAT1. secretary, experienced young man
from East, exp-rt stenographer and type
writer, 11a lawyer, desires hlgh-claa po
sition aa private secretary. Box 74s. Med
ford. Or.
HATTER by trade, can sell them, maka
them or renovate them, from th Kaet,
wants position. Address, L. Irving, 4-i V
th st-
CARI'I'-NTER foreman; can deltvar th
goods on small payroll, wanta place with
real estate company or contractor. R 417.
t .regon lan.
FIRST-CLASS camp cooks, matt and wlf.
want lob In small camp; crew not larger
than 51 men, p. I.lrgfl. I.enls l'ostof f ic.
COMPETENT mltldla-aged hotel clerk look.
Ing for poaltion. local reference. AS
aji Oregonlan.
EXPEHIENCKD Japanes cook want posl-
Hon In prlvst family, city or country.
S T. Oregonlan.
t P K rt 1 E N C E n chauffeur wanta position In
prlveto family: tan furnish rcfarentea.
Address 3-'l Ollaan st.
Yol'XLi MAN. 24. iooknlg for work: Jani
tor porter, elevator boy; hav referenco;
no nliie-1 for aal'a A E fl-V Oregonlan.
FIRST -CLASS sausage man and meat cut
ter would lik to hava a poeitlon In th
city or country. W 7. Oregonlan.
HEADSTONES of all kind cleaned Ilk
new: 12 yera experience. J. Paul, phona
Main l. ;
Y-jft,;TFD Position aa chauffeur, auto re
pair man: seven years' rxparlrnee; refer
ence. AC 70. Oregonlan.
WATCHMAN. experienced In patrol work
and detective, want Job; excellent refer
ence. T eP. Oregonlan.
ilr'COM M KNDED Herman for garden work :
ran nil Ik. Una Malkc. W Couch t. Wain
CXVKKIKNi'F.I) cake bakec wlalo-a poeitloo.
A. tiemneth. ?eiOS 'irand ave.
IP you ar In need of and a No. 1 laundry
tin. tnairtr tht add. V II. Orgonlan.
WIVDOW-WASH1N'!. bona cleaning, floor
waxed and pollened. Seliwood ll-'d.
FAMILY cook tjapaneec. wlshea poaltion in
cilv or co.mlrv. Phone A P..n.
UASTII Work In bakcanop or other kinds
of aocav hv iH.y of 1. 1 X .. Oregonlsn.
J r N ES K eTe.-te anv Tl'iil of work lanrue-
djal.lj. II 7, Orcguniao
MEir t AMKift 4i.cri.f.ARora.
I'OSITIoV. lumber jard foreman, retail,
whole.nle. A-l. P. H. I'lti. 17 Watts at.
JAI'ANE.-E waiter want" any place except
countrt. 11 tn. Oregontnn.
JAPANEHK wants Job In wholesale tore.
A .'14. oregonlan.
HONEST American wants chorlng on farm,
small wsges . I"15 Portsmouth.
JAPANESE wiehe Job afternoon. 3 or 4
hours. Address S 7". Oregonlan.
ffaaoaaeaaaere aao naeanegraaases.
Tt-iCNti deirea poaltion as stenog
rapher and nsalatant bookkeeper, or slno
Krapltlo work. 4 cars' experience. Phone
Book" K EEPEll. cashl.-r. w ith knowlrtlge of
st-nogrHPtiv. desires position; recom
mond.i lions'. 14 Porter St.
LADY bookkeeper. 5 year experience In
Portland, desire position; references. Eaat
Vul'Si! lady wishes clerical or office work.
Main 71"-. '
bTKN'oti RAPHKK. accurate, with soine ex
perience, desires position. Marshall 27.".!.
. a era.
EXPERIENCED dremmuker. ladles 'tallor
Ist. w-ishes sewing In familfe or at home.
Main e'.'of.
DItKS.-MAKEi:. good filter, out by day.
wants two more good customers; refcr Main 7P-".
FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at home or by
tiav. r.i..1 Williams ave. Phone KaM i".7.
KIHST-CLASS dressmaker.
I'hone Mam ri.C4.
(il 14tli St.
ATTENDANT, would aesist and care for
chronic Invalid In family of refinement.
AR 7. Oregonlan.
MIDDLE-AGED nurse, elderly people and
Invalids a specially. Main 14.
GIKI wants general houf-ework: do not
speak English. 121 E. 27lh st. JC.. near
Hol SK K EEPINia. cunip or ranch cooking
l.y widow with girl. I. V.. Qr.-gonian.
CAPABLE woman desire housekeeping, wid
ower' family St. Louis Agency. M. 2ia".
1 to rural lea.
SCOTCH girl wishes situation second work.
Apply "03 Pettjurove.
ki:t cnpahlo family second girl: wage
f. :o. h-t. Lotlla Agency. Main .2i.f.
l.AUT emploved dealr.- room and hoard in
exchange for services mornings an. I even
ings. K'od cook and I educated I compan
ion. D 00. Orcgoniuti.
l"MAKEa rpeclaltv of laundering fine
la.-e rurtaln at homo. Reference. Tabor
;:.1T .
Yol'NU woman wants day work. 2.".c hour:
leferences. Tel. week days only, Jl lo 12
A. M. A 1V..
CURTAINS laundered; no mangling: haid
laundry: expert: 2c and up. Woodlawa
LACE curtains washed: 9 years' experience.
Tabor 2445 Mm. Scott.
Wool, blankets and lace curtains laundered,
sun dried; first -clsss work. Tabor 317.
LA'"E CI RT A INS washed, stretched, called
for. delivered. Main .'IKsi.
GIRL wants
s pertei
, .427.
al housework In small
CAPABLE woman cook, restaurant. hlel.
St. I.ouls Agency. Mam '-'o::". A 477.V
LACE eurlalna hand lHUn.lcr.-d. Goc pair.
fall and delivered. Main s:is.
FIRST-CLASS lauti.lrese wants work Wed.,
Thurs. Woodlaen lll. References.
DAY work l.y .capable woman. Phone Main
WOMAN wanta day work. Woodlawn 261"..
IV rile or . all fco'. Montana ave.
WOMAN wnnta day work washing. Ironing,
sweeping nnd cleaning. A 1A4.
SWEDISH girl -rants jrrneral housework
;.nd eooklnir. 1,-7-, v;. lthV
BEST f rare for children lit own homo.
SellWOOd 4-J.
'ANTED A reprcs. ntallve In every elec
tric lighted cirv or town In -Oregon to
handlo our "Handy Light." Patented.
Hist selling article on Ihe market. Broad
ftntenienl 10 make, but true. Territory
srnra-oietn 10 ii.arv.-.
given. K. a. nnd V
AGENTS 36 a week for hour' work a
clay selling wonderful new household ne
cessity; new selling plan, with free ad
vertising does It. Collet! Mf. Co.. bog
41. Amsterdam. N. Y.
A LEGITIMATE manufarlurlng enterprise
offer agents who will Invest 100t In the
business which will insure large and sub
stantisl profits and commission. Call and
Inveailsate. John Henry. o"it rtecK oiuq.
AillCNTS. our paiirnted seclaitles ell like)
wll-lflre. Sr-nd for free catalogue and
simple, worth 10c. Prairie City Mail Or
der Co.. box 2l:l. Prairie City. Oregon.
IT'S the s"ysfem. Our agents make big mon
ey. Come see ua. P2 4 fllhal.
WANTED A 4 or .".-room cottage, within
a ri.lins of 4 or 5 block of 8th and
Belmont; will lease for one or two year;
elale location and rent wanted. O titi, ore
gonian. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room bunga
low, all modern convenience, by re
eponslblt parly; no children; give price.
O tlf. Oregon.ail.
Sl chamber of Commerce.
IF you wish to Rent your House or Flat bee:
30 Spalding Bldg. Main 5
WE can rent more houses, rials aim stores
at once. Main 44W. .
HUJUINS at BOYER, ."rt'6 Northwest Bldg.
YOl NO man want room In modern home,
arioso In on West Side; do not want place
w-here signs hang out. V 6l, Oregonlan.
YOL'NU ooupla want furnished housekeep
ing rooms on ground floor or would share
cottage. M , Oregonlan,
YOl'N'l man desire room in private fam
ily, walking distance. M 7.Oi egonian.
Room With Board.
Wol LD like home for boy 0 year old. in
private family, or widow lady preferred.
S ail. Oregonlan.
h u rulshed Kooma.
21 Washington 6U ,
Lnder New Management.
learge lobby, finished In mahogany, til
and marble: ladle parlor with elegant
fire place; fre telephon ervlce In rooms,
all night and day. electric elevator, ateam
beat, hot and cold water In all rooms,
many with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where very effort 1 mae for
tl. comfort and convenience of It Uat3;
rent th most reasonable In tha city;
room by the day. week or month- Look
thla over before locating. ' ake W car
at depot, got off at I'Jth and Washington.
HOTEL 1A SALLE. 10th and Burnsido sta.
Absolutely nreproof; rew and elegantly
furnished rooms; private baths; steaiu
peal, bot and cold water, prlvat phones
In each room; special rates oy the month;
phoi.e service free. Phone Marshall AO IP.
On block front L'ulon Depot; 140 outside
rooms, with hot and cold water and steam
heat; offers peclal rate for permanent
guests: rates toe to 2 a day; X60 and
up per week. Pbon Main i41iL
303t Twelfth sc Marshall 2790.
In heart of buslnea district; ateam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room: tl day and up II week and up.
Large, pleasant Iront rooms; easy walk
ing distance; all home convenience; 4'A
f j.i" to 4 per w eek. 1llh II. Main Sbi.
THE GILMORE. J3IH Tontn. corner Alder
: convenient to the business district
und H tuaater: well furnished rooms
for trn1ent or permanent; a week
up: under pew manage.oeiiL.
HOTEL. 11ENW1C An Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms' all modern conveniences; 7tb and
Tavior eie.. 1 blo.-k from Portland HoteL
opposite lielllg Theater, phone Main 1-
T11E WEAVER. 11 Washington, near 22d:
nicely furnished outside rooms, private
bath and phones; board if desired. Main
New: cor. Eaat 1st and llolladay ave.;
hot and cold water, steam heat, rooms ei
per weak up. i'hone East JUSH.
THE KING, e0 Jefferson, nicely furnished
rooms, modern, close to business center,
talea. Including bsth. .'.5U weekly.
"L0 you want a good room In a good loca
tion at a low rate? Try Hotel laarrabee,
227 Vi lrra&ee st. East Hide. East S4.
ROOMS -Uoom nicely furnished at the
Bracsldc. 42rl Alder C
THI'I-'- largo unfurnished moms In a fine
location for SI2.0O. XUDi uimonu
112 Rooma.
Now Open.
Seventh and Taylor Sta.
Residential and transient; absolutely
central; two minute from Postoflice.
stores, theaters and reslauranU: Just oft
business street and carllnca; quietest and
best location; handsome brick, ample
team heal, hot running .ater and phone
In every room, suite and private batlia.
elevator. Reputable and comfortable.
From TOC daily. 4 weekly. Any car from
Grand and Hawlhorno Avenue.
For rent, the finest corner, parlor, bed
room and bath suite In the city, larga
rooms, beautifully furnished, nine wlu
dows. fine view of all the mountains; also
some single rooms, elevator service, tele
phone, hot and cold water, electric light
and steam heat; moderate price for de
sirable tenants. Eight streetcar llnea pass
th building. If you are looking lor
permanent, home-like quartet, be sura
and Inspect tha Sargent before locating.
Excellent restaurant In cotinectiun with
boteL Telephone Eaat 21.
J. IL CLARK. Pruprlet6r.
131 Eleventh Street.
New, modern brick building; team
heated; private balbs, hot and cold water
in rooms: beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us.
Tcegular and trajisient trade solicited.
LEWlbTON Hotel, aJUta Morrison, cor. 4tk;
large, airy rooms, single and suite, tran
sient and permanent. 60c day up.
Furnished Rooms In Prlrale Family.
Those threa beautifully furnished hotels
2l;tVa 4tlt L 2llVj4thst- 207Vx4tlist.
On Fourth St.. running 'rom Taylor to
Salmon st,; brand-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot
and cold water in alt rooms; strictly up
10 date In all respects, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable prices, give us a call, as we know
you will like It. Rooms by the day, week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
ELEGANT fiirnli'hed room with running
hot and cold water, shower bath, all con
veniences. Trinity place, between lth
and 20th els., off Washington st.
SEE THIS Newly furnished front room,
overlooking park; exceptionally light,
alr. clean, modern; choice neighborhood.
4u.4 Park.
ELEGANTLY furnished room. adjoining
bath, with every convenience, in up-to-date
apt. The St. Francis. 21t and Hoyt.
Tel. Main 8710. apt. 61.
LARGE, cool outside room In private flat,
one block off Washington, near l'ith, large
porches, and all home privileges, suitable
for 2. Call A 2470.
fill MONTH, modern furnished room; walk
ing distance. 42S Mill SL. near 11th. Phone
Mil In 4.7:i.
SI2 PLEASANT room. private porch,
strictly modern home. S24 loth. Marshal
CLEAN, airy room, good Summer place,
rloso In, free bath arid phone, home priv
ileges. 405 W. Park. Phone Main 7l.
$.; MONTH, fumlrlied room, phone, bath,
electric light, walking distance. 427 Har
rlson. KICELT furnished, room, modern conven
iences, centrally located, reasonable. 4u4
Clay, near 10th.
NICKI.Y furnished rooms from S2 weekly;
easy walking distance. Phone 600 Wash
ing 1 on.
S14 7-ROoM house, new-ly paivered, clean.
Apple room :l. Washington bldg
DELIGHTFUL front room. 2 N. 16tlt st,
and Washington. $4 per wcelt
BOOM for a gentleman In a strictly private
Jewish family. Marshall 1782.
LARGE well- furnished room, large alcove,
every convenience. 3H1 10th.
FL'liNlSHEIi room, electric lights, gaa.
bath. $."...'.0 month. 2ti: Kargo St. IT car.
lu- BAY window room. cool, nea;, bath,
phone. p.-aailt location. 117 ."th.
COMFORTABLE room in modern home. 7'JO
Lovejoy at. til per month.
ROOM MATE. Kelltb man. separate. b.d.s.
li.-w ly furnished, modern. M.triilinll 4122.
LARGE, light room, reasonable. 2CM J 2th
SLEEPING port h. !..0 week; good room,
2; quiet, short walk. 'Mi Icnih.
NICE, light, airy room very reasonable, 47.1
$12 MONTH Fine front room for 2 gen
tlemen. 4.12 Oth.
MODERN rooma. 1" up. 410 Park st.
buotna TVlin Board.
LUES a bom appeal to youT THE WHIT
HALL, cor. th and Madison; large rooma
bath, broad varanda. quiet, cloo in. naai
car. 4 blocks from P. O. American plan.
Modern family hotel; popular rates: pri
vate park: close in, cor. West Park and
Montgomery. Phone Malt i7v3.
MA.NtTOU. 21 lllfi aiT. '
Attractive, clean rooma steam .
good board, close la. reasonable. .
THE LAMBERSOK. CS4 Couch st,, very de
sirable outald room, atoam heat, run
ning water, good board, close In.
Rooma with board, use of sewing-room. .1
brary. 610 Flanders. MrV . N. Wilson, supi
ELEGANT room, facing th park. A-l board,
reasonable. 374 Park.
Hit HAZEL Furnished rooms with boara.
running water, steam heat. 3S3 gd st.
Kooma With Board In Prlvat ramlilee.
I HAVE a very swell tenthouse for two
men and best board In Portland. 1 keep
a fine Jersey cow, a garden, fine fruit,
fresh eggs, also two rooma with sleep
ing porches. A real Southern home. Phone
B 2074.
LARGE room, hot and cold water, sultabla
for one or two people, with board, home
cooking, free pnone. baths and piano;
walking distance. 20 Eaat loth. Phon
East 3100.
WANTED Two boarders In a large mod
ern house, with use of large grounds and
library: no other boarders. West Side.
Three grown people In family. Main
TWO nicely furnished front rooms, with
board. In private family: pleasant sur
roundings, piano; modern conveniences.
4otl Benlon St.. 1 block Misaisalppi carllnc.
Phone K. t-'2.
A.N extra nice large furnished room in a
private family for one or two, with break
fast. 310 per month each. Cor. 11th and
E. Hurnsldo. B 3230.
THE AVALON 3 and 4-room steam heated
apartments; private phono and bath: Jan
itor service; vacuum cleaner. Cor. Clack
amas and Rasa. Eaat 3172
LARGE, finely furnished room, large clothes
press, all conveniences free, suitable for 2
gentlemen; close In; no other boarders.
Main f6i:i. Sr.3 12th at.
COMFORTABLE homo for gentlemen, pri
vate family, good borne cooking, plcarant
surroundings and all conveniences. A87
East 20tb sts. Phone Scllwood 1.
SINGLE or double rooms with board, $6 a
week: I meala a day. Marshall 2693. 291
llth at,
$2. Pleasant front rooms for two: $40;
clean, new. modern house, single beds.
17th St., near Everett.
AGREEABLE l.uaines man to Join bache
lors' co-operative housekeeping club; ref
erences exchanged. Y tt'l. ori-conlan.
COOL front room, bath and closet; home
rlvi!eges: 2 per week; board optiollaL
17 nth.
bTRICTLY modern. Kood home cooking, one
block from park; rates reasonable, phono
Vain 6U7W. :i:i2 loth st.
LARGE room, with board; running water,
modern conveniences, close in; gentlemun
only. ;1 West Park- Main 637.
ROOMS en auito or single, with board.
204 N. 22d st. Phone A 7230.
r. E tAN 1' rooms, single or ea aul: xo.
'.ent board. c:,rl Gllian.
GOOD board and room for 1 or 3 gentle
men. 6Hs DvlL
ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porch and grounds. Main 2Q71.
ROOM and board for young woman. $3 per
week. Phone E. 47.12.
FIRST-CLASS room and board In prlvat
family. 54J Yamhill sc
UNFURNISHED "lui furnished 2. 3. 4-room
apartments, private baths, porches, close
' m WeJSi;fr- Apply 233 . Hall.
THE CHELTENHAM. 253 N. lflthi
. 3 4-room apartments, new. brick
buTidlng new furniture. Marshall 30OS.
MAHR APTS, 22S N 20th St.; nicely fur
nished and unfurnished 3-room apt.
S.'.n Harrison St. Phone Marshall 3070.
JtlLlAETTE Furnlahd and unfurniaaaa i
Cornr Id and Montgom.r..
" IRIS. COR. 3d AND M 1 LU
4 ar.d i large rooms, modern.
.rTEMI-n'MMfHED 3-room apartment at
rs.-. Montgomery si.
THE Northa"niplon. 407 Hall: f.irnljheu e!e-
gantly; S roc-ma. f-Z u: 1. Hi!. AL 42U0.
Now Open.
Two and three-room apar'.ments, em
bracing every modern convenience as to
equipment and every advantuce of un
surpassed location, commanding at onco
line view and downtown acconimo.laUotis.
Wide halis. etevator service, laundry
witb. steaiu dryer.
13th and East Ash Sts.
Five-room modern apartmefiis"; built-in
conveniences, furnished and unfurnished;
ront 37.."rt.
Wayne St., Near KiUK
Six larse nil light room tipartnient is
bedrooms!: every convenience for Sum
mer as well as Winter; view of city:
walking distance; $.".0.
24th. Near Irving.
Now, modern four-room apartment; all
light rooms, cool and conveniently ar
ranged: e-L."..
Summer rate apply the entiro year.
Citv Department.
Main t;v.KP. m ;.th si. A -"i'.
Jofferson and 13th St.
Phone Main 30I1S.
Cor. Park and Taylor Sts.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts.
Walklnc Distance.
Furnished complete. 2. 3 and r"om
apartment: building new and strictly
modern; service first-clasa.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between 19th and 20th streets. Just
off Washington: mannilicent excuslve
apartments in heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable: every modern
convenience; sleeping porches,
service; refined clientele; references re
quired In all cases; two beautifully fur
nlshed arai tments available May 1. Mr
A. ' Wright, superintendent, phone Mar
shall' 1101.
An el, gant new hotel with beautifully
furnishid apartment; handsomely ap
pointed dining-room where nicais
procured if d. sired; eveiythini; possiolo
for the convenience and comfort or
guests; modern In every respect; an loeai
home; reference rcyulrcd. Call or phono
Marshall 74.
12tb and Taylor.
Jo" completed, most magnificently firs
Cttbed aparviaents In the Northwest; loca
tion perfect; rental reasonable: oxery
modern convenience. Including be nan at
hall and roof garden: both phone In all
apartment; hlgn-class aervlce: referwac
required Main 2276 and A 7067.
bia, ' 4 blocka aouth from Morrlon t:
new brick building, completely flrt-cl
furnished In 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments-
private bath, steam beat, bot wa
ter elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner,
janitor service; rent per month, 20,
440 and up; must b seen to Da apw
644. Everett at.
Mew and elegantly furnished apart
ments: 8 rooms, reception hall and aieep-Ing-porcn;
automatic electrlo elevator and
private Pacific telephone; located In one
of the choicest residence districts. ur
rounded by elegant bumes; walking oia
tanc. THE CA.MAR.
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management; new. modern
brick 2, 3 and 4-room apartmenta, fur
nished or unfurnished; we will rent you
apartment 2i per cent cheaper than any
place in the city; good Janitor "ervlce.
Give us a call and be cuuvluccd. Mar. -Jl".
14th and Clay Streets.
One of the finest In the city; steam
heat, hot and cold water, private vesti
bule, phones aud baths, electric eleva
tor and lifts; unfurnished suites $32 to
171 KINO BT.
4. o, fl-room apartmun ; aeloc: tenancy.
Apply on premise.
lsth and Flanders el.
Beautiful apartment.
5 and C rooms.
Call aud see them.
OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur
nished or unf urnislittd. Pacific phone in
each, $32.50 up; outside rooms; splendid
view'; convenient arrangement; superb lo
cation: close lo Postoilice; best of serv
ice. The Sheffield. 272 7th, cor. Jctferaun.
S70 Couch. 1 block from Washington,
walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veulences, beet of service; under new man
agement; reference required. Main lie
Lucretla St., Near 23d and Wash.
Unfurnished apartments, from two to
five rooms, all iaige. llht and outside.
iarge clo-ct. naruwood nuors; under ass
xuai.ageiuelit. Marxhll 1013. Janitor. Mr
shall 16O0.
JuMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Co
lumbia sts., 1 choice 3-room apt.. Just fur
nished, everything new, 10 married couple
only all modern conveniences; choice lo
cation, facing the park, only 5 uiiuutee'
walk from business ecu ter.
a-room apartment, choice residence dis
trict, walking distance, every convenience.
2lt and Handera sts. Main 701.
All outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes
beds built-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er Janitor service. 22.ou to toll. Including
lights, private phones. A 34.2, Main 1377.
12th und Harrison: 2. 3 and o rooms,
furnished or unfurnished: latest improve
ments; bytcrjlco. Apply on preiniss.
411) Bth St.; 3 minutes' walk, ttnfur-ni-lied
from 2o. fiiinisnej from t-1 ''
3 rooms, with private l.alh and piione,
elevator and Jamlor service. .Main 2u70, A
2u3rj. ;
Git ACE APTS.. 7H7 Northrup at., corner
"4lh 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, trout
v.ra'iida, larye sleepnifr porcli, private
telephone, water, h-at and liol water; new
' and siric0ymodern ; vacuum cleaner.
Just conipl.ited. corner 3d and Hall, nil
a. ruom lurnlsned apts.. large outside
kitchen, best arranged apts. in Portion.!.
'5 and up. Easy walking distance.
Eaat 7lh and Morrison, most centrally lo
cated; 2 aud 8-room apartments, fur
nished up to data; private baths; moder
ate rates. .
NEWLY furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms. ,22.53
to 4b; single rooms $3 up; free light,
phones, heat, hot aud cold water, electric
elevator. Marshall3097.
FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments,
2 3 aud 4 rooms, with private baths;
desirable location, very reasonable rents.
Apply Angela Hotel. C25 Washington si..
near 10th. .
3 and 4-rooin apartments, furnished aud
unfurnished, all oulsido rooms, hardwoou
f.oors, prrvato balconies, hath and plioue;
Summer rates: easy wa.kin distance.
,w brick, corner East Couch and Sth;
furnished; unfurnished ll-rooio apurtiiienls;
priale b.i'h; phone. -'.; lip. F.aat
IHE ME.EUlTH. 712 Washington st.. i
S and 4-room hardwood floors, with
every convenience, newly furnished: chsa?
est rent in the city.
r.-ROOM iip.irtmenl. ele.rnnttv Hnd com
pletely furnished, iiieitnl intr piano. Cur-m-
lita A part ments, Jelfcrsuu and 13tb sis.
I'hone Main 3U0
r.iMi Abington Bide,
W'e o 11 or control the follow Ing :
Ansela Washington and Triuity F'.ac
Cecilia '-"Jd and Glisan.
CU-poole llth and I'lay.
Fordham 17 Ford street.
GratKi'-stn Grand ave. and East Star.
Hanthi.rn l'-'lh, near Mai.i.
lianoter Ivlng, near Washington.
Kingshtirv mil Ford street.
Knickerbocker Harrison, near llth.
Sheffield 272 7;h si., cor. Jefferson.
St. Croix ITO St. Clair St.
St. Francis 21st and Hoyt.
Wellington K.rh and Everett.
We have furnhed and unfurnished
apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, renting
from 2o to SCO per month. If you want
an apartment.
MAIN 2"ir., A 2015.
at anv address with our agent, who win
be triad to show you any of. those apart -men
Is. -
Marshall. Near 17th St.
New building; Summer rate; must n
seen to be appreciated.
12th and HarrUon St. -Largest
2-room apartments in th city,
Marshall and 19th Sts,
Large airy , 3 and 4-roorn apartments;
Quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
Most up-to-dat apartment lr th
Northwest; every eonvenlsnce; 4 and
rooms, all outside sunny rooms: "new:'
walking distance. 21st and Johnson sta:
choice residence district; attendant, on
premises. Marshall 3360. .
THE BARKER, oor. alat and Irving sta:
this new 4-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-roora
uites; reception hall, electric automatic
eleftator, Hclmcs disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ic
box, plenlv of closut rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner fiee to patrons. If you
want something nice. come, to the Barker;
1 a-roora basement apartment. la. Phones
A 174-i. Marshall 2ol.
1 NEWLY furnished The Up.hur, 28th an!
! Upshur sis. . iurnisaeu 2-room apartments.
fi5, VD. 20 aud up. Ihia lnciuue steam
beat, hot and coiu water lu every apart
ment, private paoues, puolic bath, clectrio
lights, Bda range, laundry-room, all free,
aiao 3-ioom uniurnisued apartments, wun.
private Dalh, 11; 4 rooma, 'lake a.
iid or W car north. Phone Main Sj9
tTIk WASSELL. E. Yamhill. 4 and e-
100m am, all outside ruimii, pncale
bath, free phone, brick builuiliff. steaiu
heal, gas rantte. linoleum oil kitclicn aud
bain: spicnuiu location, waiKini; distance,
311 1-atii St.. at Jaarkel. new corner
brick. 2-room suites, ctmipleiely furmslio.l
lot- Housekeeping ; waiKini; uistance; prices
ieasonauie. tor information call Mam 17y.
rortnoman vpartiueiiLs. in0 East Taylor,
cor. E. Litn, new, walking distance, every
cull ven leiiCe.
THE LLONCE. ln N, 22d near Johnson.
.Sew, uioilciii, bricK, 2 and 3-rooni, bea 1
tifui:y luriiisllcd aparilllenls, all outside,
rooms, private, uatn ana phone; x-'6p up.
Hawthorne ave. ana bth st. Modern
bunding, luruisuings; 1. 2. 3 rooms;
walking distal ice, or be st car s c r v i c e.
1 Ul k and Mauison Sts.
For rent, 3 ar.d 4-rooin furnished and
unturnisiiea aparlme-qts. strictly modera
tTi b CIlETOi'A. liilh and Flanders ets.
Modem 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, lur
1. lined and uiiiurnisneu. Apply to tno
janitor. uutb phones.
xllE LILLIAN and Montgomery. 3
rouUlS, JUHiiaiicu ' wain uuu
pll Ol
waiKini; distance. Marsnall 137
llJl.l-AND. IO1I1 and Lovejoy LTnfurnislicd
llVouL); modern, new bricK, must be sccal
to be iipprecutlod. .1a1u .117, A1S07.
tTi'-ONEONTA, elegamiy furnished 2-room
apartments, all conveniences, 2t per
muiim; siiiKieroomsoniyi.iS717th au
ROSE-FRlliNL), S. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer
son, moueiu ana a-rooiu. uuiurnisned
M.o.i.rtliientfl; haruwood floors; relerences,
Nice two-room apartment, Summer rate,
Voaern in every way.
Tri Birmingn m, 300 12th st,; new, fur-
.. 1. ... , ,1 1 1 v. It Kiid rooma .Vlr n .ll
Furnisue aud unlurniauad apaa-tmantA.
Us Lovejoy at. 'lake "W" car.
New 0 and Hats, modern, E.
nth and Hancock sis., 2 blocks from.
Ivroauway car, easy walking distance;
haruwoud ih.urs, tileu batn, Outch kitciien,
hot water heater, iare attic and base
ment, separate stairway; owner cares tot
lawn; line residence district; rent $2j.
pnouo Last 50.0. Keys on promises.
OU KENT o-rooiii lower flat, clean and
up-to-uate; gas range and linoleum 011
kitchen lioor, front and back pored; nice
yard; guuvl location; 22.50. aVuolie Mm
shall 3l;7.
o-riOOM bat. 7S2 Glisan St., 30; new build
ing, supero location, very ueslraoie; hard
wood Uuura, uicplace, gas. raut'v'. altr
healer, iurnacc. See Janitor, at. Croi-C
Apartments, 170 St. Clair st.
DUAil-hLAlliU u-room Ilau vory jesita,
ble; couvenient arranKement. wita ga
range; .J2.oO sunnuer rate. Appiy Jani
tor, VVeiliiitou i.artlueui, Atn and
Everett, .
modern Hals, iin- location. 26- East
d and Multnomah sta.; across Steel
BlidfcW, Closo 111; cheap
ilUilEllN new tl-ioom upper flat, West
Slue, seiect neighborhood; Hardwood flou.d,
sleeping p-jrcli. lireplace Marsnail -'.'Jt.
MODEKN !. O-ruolii upper ilal. sleepinaf
porch, walain Uistuaice, v est Side. Appiy
Collcjie St.
CEN'1'K-VL. linlit, cool, five-room apartment,
modern eoiiv. nienees, separate nurlli porch,
opposite. AlulUHmiati IJIUIJ. a'J2 bulllleli
NOB liiH flat. rooms, flue yard, spiendid
ueigl.norhuou. 7 i Ja Jounsoa SI., imc. -Jd
auu -ilh. Main oiijl.
FUtlNiSII LD 4-rooin flat ami piaii". ca.J
l.ei'orc i'l A. M. or alter 0 j. i.; -l
Nul l it -'-- cur. Lovejoy.
U-llooM flat for rent.
and modern;
rent reasonable. &'
at grocery storo, 37 1 .
Nieol.-ti si. inquire
Nicolal st.
MODERN lower flat, reasonable! Main 81.3.
022 N urtiirup.
MoLrElvN 5-rot.m flat. olli. near Jacks-5n.
West Sltic. lo mill. walk. Main or A 122
$10. .N KW 4-room fiaL
1..4 AHlB"0.;h. t. car.
o-erlo'jkilig I'ark,
S.U :-:i.l. iii'rclcrn
-room lo-.v
:r flai
ianinill. 11. ar 2:;d
5-KOOM lower, rnodern flat, 010 Hancock
or teiepl-.tme Main 24P-1.
NOB ilil-L Modern upper
sleeping porch; ilauijsiiui;
MODE I: N 4-room flat. Green ave., near 23d
H r.d Washington. Main sb!.
MODE UN 0-room upper or -lower flat, elusa
in. In.iuire o2J Everett St.
foil nbNT Strictly tnudern new flat, 1 or
.-, rooms. Taixir 072.
Fl'l-1 rooms, n.o.i.-ru live blocks tio:u
I'.jslutin.-.'. Telephono Marshall t'.-ri.
MOI'EHN :i-rootu llat; good location. 000
.vio.. 1111;'" :;-ruom llat, cioso m,
(le. -is'.l est 1'iii k.
IaiU'K'I r.-r-. un
park. Inquire, mode
4M Park.
Housekeeping Rc-otii9c
THE BEAVER. 1-th and MarshalL fur
nished for housekeeping ; gas range, elec
tric lit'hts. hot water, batn, laundry free;
K12 per month up. a clean place, best in
l'ie city tor ti.e uionoy ; short distance
from Union Depot. Take "S" or lSlh-et.
cars north, get otf at Marshall St. No uojs.
jJF'iHX iil.E " unfurni.she.1 houseker ping
..-room suites; L-rl.-k l.nllding: no iods,
in - house. 211 ' -' st.. corner Salmon.
West Side; cheau rent.
11 co TO$''.-e per week Clean furnished
hcuse-eepi'ig rv-ouis; free neat. pnoaa.
batli laaaury. i:u- 406 Vancouver av
and 20S otaniou; "c" car. 1'iiuue . 6uSx,
IHE MILNEK. lieh1 Morrison, cor. Park,
furnished or nnlurnisiied house-keep, c
ape:ti:iei!l!t. all co;i v en.ences, est jocalivia.
tuinmer rales.
COMFOKTAB1.K 3 room suite front house
k'eeplc rooms. e3-oO per week, furnished.
10 --v l"t st.. nearSlark
Hcli'SrvEEPi.NG rooms; rates reasonabls.
ill'i- Hullauuy ave.. two blocks from
Sleei bridge.
CI'vN and nei.t housekeeping rooms, $.1
,V('i per week. Sleeping rooms. X2 per
week and up. I-reo bains. 34U!. Morrison.
l;ee;.in- guile.
E. ilurnside. front huuse
valkln dis.aliee, J...
HOl'l-7K KEPt NG. al?o single ruotiis. $1.50
to -2 a week. 21.1 2d Nt.
"pTi KA'.-1" MOKH IS'-i.v. cor. I'.asi stii. nicely
furnished .housekeeping rooms, reasonable.