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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1912)
11 TIIT5 3IORXIXG OTiEOOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1912, CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oiigonum TtixrHOXia. ...wala TT A " .Mala TTO A .Main 7oTO A ..... Tn7u A -. ...Mala Tu? A . . . M.a A Wl Tfntfn v - ......... Cliy iirralatlan ....... Menacing tlilltor ...... luBdir Eduor .... lonpgflr.rwa upriAta Jnt buHdla Ar!E3ii;T. HEII.IO THEATER snth and Taylor Tm "u'r int." Tnia attemooa at 2.1 aa4 loouat at a.Ii. BAKER THETKR-EIi and Morrt ioqU. flakar !lH CmDany !n lha plar. "Tba Girl of tna GH lea Waat. This nf t.raoon at 2:1S and tonight At ft. 13 a Cock. CRPHEfM THEATER Miwno. baw elxth and SDta Vaudavllia. Tbia aft laraaoa at 2:13 and tAlhl at a. 14 a'eiock. EMPKE.. THEATER (Park and Waahtaf- ton VaudvvCla. Tola afternoon at 2;11. taalsht at T.JO and a'eiock. PAXTACE." THEATER (HxraK and Al- dr Vaudrvlll. Tbta afternoon at S:la tanicht at 7 30 and a a'eiock. LTRIO THEATER (Fourth and atark) K-attn at Flood Company In "Harm Hrm" Thia aftarnoon at 2. SO and to- at I M and o'clock. PE'Hl.E-a. a TAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. TIVoLl AND CRYSTAL a'lrat-raa ala- ur.a. 1 A. M -1J P. M BECREATION PARK Trn--four:, and Vautin Portland n '!!). baaebaiL Thu afternoon at 3 "clock." Wcia TuTinu Aoaisbt Hcband. Still wak and bc-arlnit vlvlbla acara aa tha rault of 20 km fa wound In flicted by her husband, nrarljr two wrrki ago, Mrs. Fred I'etra appeared In Municipal Court yesterday to iclve her teatlmony In the case. the relatnd how she had been decoyed to South Port land by representations that her babe, left In the custody of her estranged husband, waa danserously 111. and how, after finding the story (alse, she started to leave, and waa attacked by I'etra In a dark alley, and literally cut to ribbons. Petra asserted that his wlfa had commenced tha attack and' that he fled. Ha said some other person was guilty of the (tabbing; suffered by Mrs. Petra. The court brushed this story aside as utterly false ami sen tenced Petra to to days and to pay a One of $300. on a city coarse of as sault and battery. This will not act as bar to a prosecution before the grand Jury on the felony charge. Irt-MPRRBTS BT LSAVKS HOSPTTAU. After an operation, common In adults, but unusual and dangerous In children, Dick Humphreys. J-months-oM son of Attorney Lester W. Humphreys, left Good Samaritan Hospital last, night. When the child waa brought to the hospital ten days ago It waa alowly starving to death, and little, hope waa entertained for Its recoveryX It wn necessary to enlarge the opening be tween the Intestines and the stomach, which had almost disappeared. The baby was under an anesthetic an hour and a half, and It has withstood the shock like a veteran. The operation Sew is. to Crows I'mion and Graxd. The big sewer under construction on f U . - - t . . W . under the rallroa.I. on Kast First. East periormec oy i-r. . jUn.... Second and Kast Third streets, and will ! Mentcai. Socictt Meets Tosioht. now be cut through the pavrments on The City and County Medical Society tnlon and Grand avenues. The pave- ! will hold Its annual meeting In the ments on both avenues will have to be I Medical building tonight at 8:15, at cut the full width of the sewer and ! which time the annual election of offl two feet over, about elttht fret wide I cere will be held. Charles WllUrd. the at the top. Grand avenue Is now , man who Is appearing at the Kmpresa partly cut through. Work Is being ; Theater, and has been attracting con crowded forward rapWly. A big steam sMerable attention because of his shovel Is excavating eastward froti ability to Increase his helKht by seven Kast Seventh street. While the work and one-half Inches, and the length or Is In progress the streets running his arms by about 1 Inches, has been north and south will be closed until Invited to appear before the medical tha Innrh la fill.!. At nresent Kust 1 men. At that time he will give an Seventh. Kast Klghth. Kast Ninth and Fast Tenth are closed, and other cross streets will be closed as soon as the excavating reaches them. The sewer Is six feet In diameter. Circib Hocne Baxqiet. Mount Hood Circle. No. 1S1. Women of Woodcraft, held Its 14th annual banquet last night In Woodmen Halt Kast rilxth and Kast exhibition of his powers of growing, and will give the physicians an oppor tunity to examine his body. l'.tTTERso Aoaijc im Jail On the third lap of a continuous circuit which takes In the City Jail. Municipal Court. I.lnnton rockplle and County Hospital, Frank Patterson arrived at the jail yes terday, charged by Matron Spauldlng u.-. i .in- .h, h w. . ai. of the hasoltal with being arunK. i no tended hy about 100 of the members. complaint, like previous ones, say police The ball waa decorated In red and i officers. Is an expedient and apparent- white. James Ruddlman was toast- ly the only one. to get rmnr.on away master and a programme of addresses and music was given. Mr. Ttuddlman welcomed the members and friends to the banquet ami spoke In compllmen from the hospital when once he reaches there. Patterson Is a barber. When sent to Unnton, the effects of his de bauches are such that his jailers refuse tary terms of the growth of the circle. I to keep hlrn and send him to the hos- Mrs. Belle Peffer. president of the cir cle, gave a pleasing talk on the growth of the circle. Kemars were made by A. L. Keenan. I-ou Fllen Cornell and others mads talks. Some of the head officers were present as guests of the circle and were called on for ahort talks. Lent to Bct Chemical Exoine. The Kern Park Fire Company gave a demonstration of the work of the chemical engine the company owns at lnts Monday night by quickly ex t ngulshlng a fire started In a tem porary building put up for the purpose. The result waa very satisfactory to the I.enta flremtn who are trying to raise funds with which to buy the engine. Hated as a $t0 chemical engine, the Kern Park fire company will sell It to the Lents company fur 1J00. E. L. Kay burn reported yesterday that the bene fit given Monday night netted IM. In all about lloO cash bas been secured toward the purchase of the engine al though considerable more has been subscribed, but not collected. Mat Graxd Jury lxTRi-n:r. Presid ing Judge Kavanaugb yesterday In structed the M.y grand Jury and ap pointed H. F. Campion foreman. The other members are: Kobert K. Wagner. H. A. Walker. Henry Farr. H. Tauben hetmer. K. H. ScbleKel and William M. Kapus. The Jury took up Its duties at once, starting with an Investigation of the graft caarges against Patrolman Maddux .and Frank Keed. former member of the Police Department. Captain of Infectives Baty and I elec tive Ackertnan were witnesses In this rase. Consideration of the Fouta case was deferred, although Mrs Fouta waa on hand, and probably will come up today. Bad Check Costs Two Years. D. C Klllngford. who several days ago en tered a plea of guilty to an Indict ment charging that he passed a worth leas check for 111 on the Merchants National Bank, was yesterday sentenced to two years In the state penitentiary by Judte KaVanaugh. Sears it Bene dict, attorneys" for Klllngford. are en deavoring to secure a parole but so far have been unsuccessful. Klllngford presented to the bank what purported to be a payroll check of the Billings Sugar Company. of Billings. Mont., draws on the Tellowstone National Bank of that city, and received the money. ITR-ruAXD Focxd Best. Miss Mag gie Fenton. Miss tell Skinner and Miss Kee Pomeroy. three of the bright and attractive young women of Nevada, are at the Parkins for week to take In the sights and amusements of Port land. Thry were the winners In a circulation contest of the Reno Even ing Gazette and bad the choice of passing a week at one of the coast titles. Portland being chosen. Accom panied by a chaperone. they are thoroughly enjoying themselves and at the same time exploiting the merits of their state at every opportunity. 1-ad Hrr ar Arm. Cecil Wood, ward, the t-year-okd aon of J. L. Wood ward, of Hi Sixteenth street North, waa considerably bruised yesterday when he waa struck by an automobile. -He waa going home from school. When half way across the street he turned back to get out of the way of an on coming wagon, and ran In front of an automobile. He was picked up and T taken to the hospital. Ida Injuries are alight. Rotart Cli-r Hoxors Mothers. Mothers' day was observed yesterday by the Rotary Club at a luncheon given at the Imperial Hotel. Rev. John H. Boyd. pastor of the First ITesbyterlan Church, waa chairman of the day and Rev. D. H. Trimble de livered the main address. His subject was -Mother." The members of the club were presented with white carna tions. !trMojrT District Srrrrmi Fire. fine horse was burned to death, prop erty valued at IJ0X0 was destroyed, and a large district In the Piedmont dis trict was etvdnnfcered. by a hre which broke out early yetrdya In the I'pion avenue plaining mill. 113S Inlon ave nue. Cause of the tire Is unknown. The property waa owned by C. M. Poley. Miss Katov t sKg. The Port land Psychology Club will be favored wirb a lecture by Miss Katon. on the "Human Aura," at their meeting tomor row afternoon at .3 o'clock. In Olds, Wormian aV King auditorium. Matters f Importance will be brought before the club at this meeting. Dt-Rtxn the month of May we will French dry-clean gents' suits for 11. Iivdles suits for tl.S and any skirt for TS cents All work guaranteed. Call us up. C S. Laundry Company dry cleaning department. B MX. Kast J Stefhexs Scwnnt. Parents to Meet. The Parent-Teachers' Circle of the Stephens school will meet this after noon at 1 o'clock In the school build ing. Mrs. W. J. Hawkins will speak. All Interested are Invited to attend. New skirtwajst Patter In punch work embroidery; special, til this week. See Needle Craft Shop. Sfe the new points da senlce em broHlery at the Needle Craft Shop, it! YamhllL e aaaTiso today all day. Oaka Risk. the youth soon and Washington on a charge of pltal. Once there, they say, he refuses to leave until arrested. Hiber.xiax Ex jot Dance. The Ancient Order of Hibernians held their fifth annual May dancing party in Chrlstensen's Hall last night, at which were gathered many members cf the order and their friends. The patron esses were: Mesdames L Hodier. E. II. Deery. C. G. Murphy. W. P. Llllls, P. Douglas. T. 8. Hogan. D. J. Mc Loughlln. James Foley and John D. Mann. The commiTtee in charge were: W. P. Llllls. P. J. Summon. F. J. Rlordan. R. E. Barrett. D. A. Smith. J. M. Jordan. Emmet Dooney, A. B. Cain, F. J. McKeown and Andy Weinberger. Miu-ixer Makes Assioxmkxt. S. Haggerty, the woman conducting the millinery business at 244 Seventh street known as Hsggerty's. yesterdsy made an assignment for the betvetlt of credi tors. The assignee Is Florence Rymal and H. K. Sargent is her attorney. The total liabilities are 19111.17. of which Slat Is preferred claims for lsbor. The largest local creditors are the Meier Frank Company and Bradshaw Bros. It la said the assets are small aa com pared to the liabilities. Smallpox Is MaiCI Axswer. The employes of the city health office were addressed by William Staples, ofZii Fargo street, yesterday, who asked what was wrong with him. From his appearance something was wrong and It didn't take Dr. Samuel M. Gellert. deputy health officer, long to discover that the visitor had a bad case of small pox. The sick man was hurried to the smallpox hospital at Kelly Butte and the rooms of he Health Office were carefully fumigated. YotTo CRAurrBX'R Arrested. E. R. Beverkige. a young chauffeur, who says his father Is a wealthy publisher In Chicago, waa arrested yesterday by De tectives Royle and Price on a charge of attempting to pass a worthless check. The young man offered a check for 190 at a department atore. but the tender was refused. The police were notified and raught afterward at Fourth streets. He Is held vagrancy. HorsTox Scholarship Focxped. Mrs. Joseph O. Houston, of this city, has founded a memorial scholarship for her daughter, Alice Joyce Houston, who died last July. The scholarship fund amounts to $1000. President Foster paid a tribute yesterday to the char acter of Miss Houston In announcing the scholsrshlp. Miss Houston was a grsduate of Jefferson High School and expected to enter Reed College. Wome.x Exter BraiKEsa. Articles of Incorporation of the Woman's In dustrial Corporation were Died at the Courthouse yesterday. The Incorpora tors are: Therese Abendroth. Minnie 8. Colllns and Anna C Shlllock. of Port land, and Lottie Hannon. of Newberg. They propose to handle goods and merchandise either at wholesale or re tall. The capital stock la given at 12000. - Ex-Clerk's Cas to Be Probeix The Civil Service Commission today will take up the hearing of the charges against John O. Fchroeder, Jr, ex-chlef clerk of the Municipal Free Employ ment Bureau, who was discharged by Mayor Rushlight upon recommenda tion of the governing board. The de posed clerk was accused of neglect of official duties. Art Depaktmext to Meet. The art department of the Portland Women's Club will meet tomorrow. The mem bers are requested to be at Chrlsten sen'a art gallery at I o'clock to see the worka of an American artist, Mr Kim. which are on exhibition. At S:30 P. M. the lesson on American art will be given In Women of Woodcraft Hall, Tnth and Taylor streets, by Mrs. W'elster. Civic Clcb to Banquet. The -annual banquet of the Portland Clvlo Club has been arranged for tomorrow night at the Commercial Club. Officers will be elected for the year and other business transacted. The club has been organised to study the Oregon political system and the National political situa tion. Political Kocalitt Leaove to Meet. The Political Equality League will meet In Olds. Wortman A King's audi torium on Saturday at S P. M. Mrs. A. K. Clarke will deliver an address en titled "The Psychology of Slavery." Mrs. Edith Toxler Weathered will speak on -The Voters of Washington and Their Good Roads Convention." St ftraoe Talks to Bb Made. Frank Schlegel and John F. Logan will be speakers In behalf of equal suffrage at a neighborhood meeting to be held to night at the home of Mrs. E. Edmons ton. 711 East Flanders street. Men and women are Invited. New Shirtwaist Patterns In punch work embroidery: special, $l.t this week. The Needlecraft Shop, 38 Yam hill street. Steamer Bailxt Gatxert la now mak ing dally round trips to The Dalles. Phone A H12 or Main 1 for schedule. Sir the new point de Venice em broidery st the Needlecraft Shop. Ill Yamhill atreet. 9 Jotx Class to learn to do your own sewing. Call Marshall 1474. Examination Ark Announced. The United States Civil Service Commis sion announces that the following ex aminations will ' be held to secure ellgiblea and fill vacancies In the dif ferent departments: Scientific assistant In farm equipment. June fi-6; dental Interne, In hospital for insane. June 6; agricultural propagator. In Philippine service, June B. Further Information concerning these examinations can be secured from Z. A. Leigh at the Port land Postoffice. Work to Be Shown. Domestic science and art work done by classes of the Young Women's Christian As sociation will be exhibited tomorrow and Friday at the aasembly hall In the association building, corner Seventh and Taylor streets. The exhibit, which will be free, will be open from 1 P. M. to P. M. tomorrow and from 10 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. Friday. About 200 samples of the work done by the classes will be exhibited. Fbaton-Pelton Jurt Discharged. The Jury which heard In Judge Gatens' department of the Circuit Court the evidence In the suit of E. Dwlght Seaton against David C. Pelton to re cover Jlo.000, retired at 2:10 yesterday afternoon. On November 1 the plain- ( tiff was struck by the automobile of ' the defendant at First and Arthur streets and sustained severe Injuries. He alleged negligence on the part of Mr. Pelton. Attorneys Bowerman, Abel and Burnett appeared for Seaton and Attorneys Glltner and Frost for the de fendant. At :30 o'clock last night the Jury reported that It was unable to agree on a verdict and was discharged by Judge Gatens. East BrnxsmB Street Sals Made. Warkrow & Woodhouse. Union avenue plumbers, yesterday bought a 40xbl- I foot tract of land on Kast Burnslde j street, between Kast Sixth and East Seventh streets, of Louis Lam pert, the consideration being 110.000. The prop- ' erty was formerly known as the Walter I Bartel home. A two-story frame rest- I denre now occupies the lot. but the building will be moved away at once to I make room for a modern three-story brick building to cost about S20.000. , The lot bought Is central to business ' on East Burnslde street, and the price I paid la moderate compared to other i lots on the street. New Numrer System Planned. Proposed renumbering of houses In Portland and the renaming of certain streets will be discussed this after noon at 3 o'clock at a meeting of the nrcctal committee of the City Council, comrosed of Councllmen Watklns. Clyde and Wllhelm. It Is the plan to number houses 100 numbers to the block and to discontinue the present ss;tm, which runs 20 numbers to the block. No wholesale renaming of stitets la contemplated. MONTA VILLA CLL'B ELECTS. At A meeting of the Montavllla Board of Trade Monday night at East Seventy sixth and Kast Ulisan streets, the fol lowing officers were elected for the en suing year: A M. Humphrey, presi dent; A. N. SearfM. secretary: Charles L. Brown, treasurer. A resolution was adopted Indorsing the movement to se cure entrance of the Hill and allied lines to the Kast Side warehouse dis trict. Sellwood Circle to Meet. The Parent-Teachera Circle will meet to day In the schoolhouse at 2- P. M. Mrs. R. H. Tate. president of the state congress: Mrs. W. J. Hawkins, presi dent of the Portland council of Oregon Congress of Mothers, and Professor Morgan will be the speakers. There will be election of officers. Shakespeark Cll-b to Meet. The Shakespesre Club cf the Woman's Al liance of the Unitarian Church will hold its regular meeting at the chapel. Sev enth and Yamhill streets, this after noon at 3 o'clock. "Othello" will be the subject under discussion. All mem bers are requested to attend. W. C T. V. Will Meet. Miss Frances Gotshall will address Central Women's Christian Temperance Union Wednes day afternoon. Her subject will be "Legislation and Law Enforcement." A business meeting will follow. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. Eli a J. Austin Buried. The funeral of Mrs. Ellxa J. Austin, who died Mondsy at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. D. L. McCully, 869 Capital avenue. Woodlawn, waa held yesterday. Burial was at Rose City Cemetery. Mrs. Austin was 71 years old. For Coos Bat and Eureka the ropcLAR Steamer Alliance sails Wed nesday. May 15, at P. M. Far. Coos Bay.. 1 10: Euceka. 112.50; meals and berth Included. Tickets at 132 3d St. You Can But an attractive up-to-date new four-room cottage at Gear hart "By-the-Sea," beautifully situated; price right: easy payments. Call 100 Vi Fourth street. New, six-room, modern cottage at Gearhart "By-the-Sea" at reasonable price. Payments Just like rent. Cull 100 4 Fourth street. Home-Made Pie and Cakes. Mother' Kitchen, 12th and Jefferson. When You Go On That Trip Let this bank be your business rep resentative w h i 1 e x you are gone. TCe 11 make your collec tions and forward the money or credit to your account handle es crows or make pay ments as you may au thorize us to do ren der to the fullest extent the high grade of serv ice that only an institu tion with capital and prestige can give you. We also issue American Bankers' Association Cheques, good in any country in the world the best currency for travelers. Portland Trust Company of Oregon BANK Third and Oak Streets I ! Ing the Oregon Electric Railroad southerly from Salem to Albany. Mrs. Fuller wa 47 years old. She was born In Ohio, but lived most of her life In New York. She was mar ried In Salt Lake City. A number of year ago she went to Los Angeles with her husband, where she lived un til five-years ago. when she came to Portland. She had been an Invalid for many years, and on this' account had lived a rather retired life. In her cir cle of acquaintances she was highly esteemed. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE At the Ilazelwood. We are again serving our delicious strawberry shortcake. The Hazelwood, 388-390 Washington street. Seating ca pacity for 400. Sawdust, Cord wood. Coal. Holman Fuel Co., successor to Baa-fleld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. ?5S. A 1353. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends for their sympathy and kindness dur ing our recent bereavement In the loss of our beloved husband and father; also for the many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. CATHERINE THOMPSON A SO FAMILY. Attention, Ladies Mr. B. Fink, the well-known Ladies' Tailor, of Sun Fran cisco, announces the opening of a Ladies' Tailoring Establish ment at 3G2 Washington st., rooms 1, 2 and 3, second floor. Special Introductory Offer, $.j0 and $00 made-to-order suits $35 Skinner Satin Lined An absolute guarantee with vam,irit 7 1 vftll Bm rirtfr MRS. COE TEMPORARY HEAD ill satisfied, pay nothing. Take arl vn n t a era nf this crpt-Af nu.ninr.- . - it i . I II 1 i i cu uiiri. Active Campaign. At a meeting of the executive board of the State Kqual Suffrage Associa tion, held Monday at headquarters In the Selling building, a letter was read from Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway In which she asked for the appointment of lira. Henry Waldo Coe as temporsry president until such time as she abould be able to carry on the duties of the office. It was also decided that ar rangementa should be made for a union meeting of delegates from all allied or ganisation In the state, to be held here In June. Mrs. Coe, whose appointment wa made unanimously, said yesterday that Mrs. imnlwsy s health Is Improving now, and "she Is so anxious to see this work carried on that we all feel the best way to maintain the Improvement in her health Is to work for the cause as hard aa we possibly can. If she see that we are making headway she can have no reason to worry, and will soon be back again at the head of affair." The council of negro women held an enthusiastic meeting under the auspice of the association at the African Metho dist Church, 8 Tenth street North Monday afternoon. Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe Introduced Mrs. C. a. vt oodruff, of I i , r n . o 1 Wllllamette Helghta, aa the principal ' Ul O rromineni teap.C speaker. After an Interesting address It waa decided to form an allied asso ciation for negro women who are, mem bers of any of the five churches, with the object of spreading equal suffrage Ideaa among those of the race. VESTS, UNION SUITS WE OPERATE OUR OWN SHOP Mill to Consumer. Hoee Guaranteed 13 moat be. For men, women and children. New Spring style I n underwear. Something new In Out size Hosiery, a soft and silky as worm silk, wears much better and never turn yellow with washing. Is absorbent and keep the skin dry and In a healthy condl 1 1 o n. Write for cat alog B. 4th Floor Selllag Bids., ah and Alder. 750c Pair MRS. FULLER IS BURIED Ashe Will TIa Takr-n to Baltimore for Interment In Family Lot. The funeral of Mr. Alice Fuller, who wa killed Sunday by falling from a window of her room on the third floor of the Wlckersham Apartments, was held yesterday at the Portland Crema torium, and waa attended by many friend. Beautiful floraletrlbute cov ered the casket. The service were conducted by Rev. A. A. Morrison, of Trinity Episcopal Church. The ashea will be sent to Baltimore and placed In the Fuller family lot. The pallbearer at the fu neral were J. Ernest Laldlaw, William Sibson. T. Frank Carney. Charles J. Cook. Charle B Hanaen and K. L. Pevereauz. Mr. Fuller wa the wife of Perry McDonald Fuller, of the Fuller Bain Construction Company, which I build- Registered at the Hotei Mu tnomah. Seattle N. H. Craig, II. W. Augus tine. C. J. Howard. A. S. Elford. P. W. Wo'gumuth. Chicago Ben Oohn. Al Schonefleld. A. W. Howard, W. G. Riley. Denver K. G. Wilson, W. II. More land. St. Joe W. B. Bolton. Ann Arbor D. M. Cowie and wife. Spokane K. P. Spauldlng. Berkeley Dr. A. W. Pennlman, M. 8. Hlftglns. Cascade Locks Clarke W. Thompson. New York Mr. and Mr. T. A. Buck ner, Mlas M. Buckner, Dr. O. H. Rodg er. San Franclaeo W. Kdwln Gilchrist, H. P. Adams, W. F. Park, Gilbert A. Smith. Oil City. Pa. Geo. Lewis and wife, Mrs. Smith, Miss M. Cumming. Pittsburg Alex Gilllland and wife. MrPhemon. Kan. C. J. Smalley. . Grand Kaplds Alex Mclntyre. Brush Prairie, Wash. F. C. Daly. Centralla W. B. Forahay. Yacolt B. J. Bell. Roseburg W. J. Moon. Vane. B. C. W. A Seale. Astoria Frank Gowan. Portland F. W. Robinson and family. Mrs. a E. Phillips. Hood River J. M Wright Mosier C. A. McCargar. Vancouver. Wash. Captain C. B. Humphrey, wife, child and maid Baker. Or. C. W. Hupke. , It's a Winner Brook Hats Without a Peer $3 Straw or Felt Shape 1 f WA A Choice Selection of Furnishings for Men and Boys It's Time to Blossom Out in That New SPRING SUIT What better or more appropriate than the weather we are having now to sug gest new Spring clothes f STEINBACH'S CLOTHES this season excels any season hereto fore, which facts are attributed to the general excellence of clothing, to the unusually large variety of materials, pat terns and colors shown and to the many model garments, each showing some spe cial phase of fashion. We want you to come in and look over our beautiful line of new models and we know you'll be satisfied with the fit, workmanship, material and quality. Our $15 to $25 Suits Without an Equal TTfsrher Grades FroTri $30 to S50. GKXVIXB HOLEPROOF HOSIERY, for men, women and children. Six pair guaranteed to wear six months without holes $1.50. S2 and 83 Per Box- Ask to see our strictly Mannish Shirts for women at $1.15 to $3.95. Reliable Clothiers. S. W. Cor. Fourth and Morrison Portland's Fashion Shop. Lunch at the Portland Hotel GRILL IF You'll find here an a 1 1 r active menu. containing many warm weather deli cacies to tempt your appetite. irThe gardens, the II farm and tho mar kets serve us daily with their best; our chof delights in pre paring them for your delectation. fy This week vre are II Khrtnera Headquar. ten; yon'll enjoy seeing the Jolly crowds thronging the lobbies, or par taking of the good tklini In dining room and grill. rr Direct entrances to II Grill both on Morri son and on Seventh streets. O. J. KA1TMA.W, Mgr Iff i ''1 m i 91- i ; 55 k- ;wr- vk TOOLS CUTLERY Stiletto Tools are made for the mechanic who wants the best. They are mantifactTired from the best Tool Steel, are prop erly made to fill his every requirement, and e t e r y one is warranted. Sold by All Hardware Dealers Foster & Kleiser fiisk GrU Commercial and Rtectrta SIGNS Cast Seventh and East Everett Street Pksse Bast 1111, B SCHOOLS AND COUXGE8. ilMl a. The only Woman. College on the Pacific Coast. Chartered 188$. Ideal climate. Eatrancr and f rid nation requirements equivalent m those of Stanford U niersiry and UnireratrT of Cai Homia, nearby. Laboratories for anence vttb modern equipment. Excellent opportunities for borne economic, library study, music, art. Modern rymnuian. Specia care for health of student! out door life. Christian Influence rwdeaom inatienaL President LueUa Clay Carson. A. M.. LI- D. For catalorue address Refistrar. Mills Coilere P. O.. California. EASTERN EXCURSION TICKETS Hay a. S. 4, S, 10, 1J. IT. 18, X4, 2. Jnne X, . T, 8, IS, 14. 15, 17. 18. IS, SO. 21. 34. 26. 27, 28, 28. Jnly 2, S, , T. 11, 12, IS, id. jo, 22i as s, s, SO, 31. . , o, o, io, 10, 22, 23, 20. SO. SI. September 4. 6. S. I, 8, 11. 12. 30. ChJcnao and Retnra t72M. II st. PanI, Minneapolis. Da. St. Louis an4 Return S70.00. lntB. Omaha. Sioux City, ffw lmk ud Rttoni IIOWM St. Joe. Kanaaa City, Bo.ton uad Return SIIO.OO. I Winnipeg, Port Arthur Buffalo and Return SWIJM. U and Return o.0O Tickets allow 15 days tor coins passasje, sood for return to October Slat. Good groins; one road, retnrnlna another, stopovers allowed within limit In each direction. Try (he "ORIENTAL LIMITED." Leave Portland TtOO P.M. dally. THROUGH STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEP. ERS PORTLAND TO CHIl '.GO IN 72 HOURS WITHOUT C "N(iB. FINEST SERVICE AND SCENERY. TICKETS AND SLEEPING-CAR RESERVATIONS AT CITY TICKET OFFICE, No. 122 THIRD STKEttT, OR AT DEPOT, ULKV. ENTU AND HO YT STREETS. H. DICKSON. C. P. and T. A, 122 Third Street. Portland. Telephonea Mnrshnll 8071. A Growth An Evidence of Strength Since the establishment of this Bank, nineteen years ago, it has constantly adhered to the strictest line of business integrity, render ing a uniformly efficient service to all customers and confining its loans to reliable individuals and firms in Portland and vicinity. The wisdom of its policy of progressive and conservative serv ice is reflected in the fact that the Bank's deposits now exceed $2,300,000. Commercial and Savings Accounts invited. Hibernia Savings Bank "A CONSERVATIVE CUSTODIAN." Second and Washington Streets. Open Saturday evenings, 6 to 8. New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart of Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT Electric Anto Bus. Cars to and from Union. Depot every few minutes. L. Q. Swetlaod, Mgr. DELMAR Ideoui Coll arsfeJ have exclusively the L1NOCORD BUTTONHOLES they're easier-to-button they don't tear out. Ceo. P. Idc & Co.. Maker. Troy. N. Y. TD V BST PLACE f TO 1 JLv I TO EQUIP UO THE MODERN OFFICE P A finr stationery r n liitiriL and PRINTING W. 107 Skm tl. IEU WUHIHTOI m i, i mi jpiiiipiii' New Riclimond Hotel Fourth Ave. and Main St. SEATTLE Absolutely fireproof. Conveniently located. All outside rooms. Kates: $1 per day: with bath, $L50 J. S. McTERNAN, Afourr CCHWAS PRINTING CO OBEN F.GREENE. PRESIDENT 2451 STARK STREET