I4 ' THE MOKXIXG OKEGOMAN, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1913. ' . ' " " " I TTT77T t ciTriTinv ivivtfiTIAL T FOR it EXT. I FOR KFNT. Til K fo,;olnc properties ir free and clear of tn-umlrce- perfect title: 3'. rrf, Klimith Kalu: tlmlrfl. ft arr-aa, KUntkin Fa!.e. adjinin lown aire, suit jbl- for ptatMns;. V . ra. If nod Ittver; fruit land. cr, liou'l i:ivr. fruit land. 1 7 J air-. Htd Kiver. timbered. iri, Mu.tnomah Countj". mi, Slu loomah l'ootv. icrs, Muitiwtnah fnumjr. .-.. rrn, Mu:tnom.iii rutity. 1M rrtg. J. -kMS "unty. timber land. 4 acrrt, Jark"a County. limber land. tvwii !o:a, Hno'l River. Wjrrh-.Li. urtv. facing railroad, m lfl Kivff. M.r aud MM. l-std!aw. froe-tn Co. Or. It'-ndenc. I rr ins tun. Portland, Or. f ;in. Alton, or. ... W.u trde any or all fr r !"-In FMi proprnjr. pay cash difference and - una mortsaae. w What hsve jroo to trad for toe follow- ina: 4Ut. Waahlncton St.. Waal Side. thr-e nta. Eaet Side, - lota. .. -ia .-kcr. on Portsmouth are. I r , t'.iw'ita "o. -.il'-t. Wnt Prk. r.esr FurnaMe .".!. Kaai W hins;:on. near lutn. vi, I'pp r Uaihington street. 1; MMH CO . an..-.7.3a rhimvr of .rnmree n.'ig- " t.' HAx;K fTh loth or 3 FIVE TAO-TOHY HOMES. RKXTKD. f'UKi; !N KVKKr WAY. KUINA t.N HT1 HAMULI 'HFAPK hTHKtT. TV Mloltr Ht.O"k4 KKUM I'AH. 1 1 lit iPAUi'; .L.LmJ. NO AGENT A-K FoR IK. E ASTON. A NT KI T J .uv at)ul VJ rf of annd Un: tn the Valjr near poriUnd, from party who take hiah.y .ni--.-.ved or . :.urd home in HM I;..er Viry In -rria"C tr n a n r . atae prit and location. V rrffpian. Ol 1 IaVYd . WASHIMiTO V. a-i fruit land (rum electric line, a'l In cultivation. 4 iptti tn stra-berries. In rapbrrif. 2 In potato: -ill ea rhtn.'o for ood to. k of jrrocertea la l''ttand. J a" (r'foni .in. ' 1 ( A N i l ! a rr liniln r land. I -.fart- rt ( ountr, Mri inn. tr of ail Incutn '.rjiin . lor !r.tpr. d n'jr property. ' i r.ed wi'i par cah or aaum rt:orraj rr balnn.. t'a.T on'T- 32 Hjmi.iou b.ic . ty. K hv a ftnr new m. lrn baii;a'... ca.rt vaJu- ! mfi.inf fnr sni.tll ran-ti. Tualatin a!v. nt fr from c.riin: rii and full d-cnpti.n In flrat Irll.-r; i d mf:atd valiifa c -n i-lrrd; buy. r't i-o Haa ki. orrtf Mtl. F 'It SAl.K or rmi hanic. f..r I'orttand ln!d I brd "of ca ard horw; bet atK-k nnf! rtalry ranch In Kutrrn Wnhlnrt.n; '. ml-- from Spok an. Call r addrraa r.n.- 'ih M!!iir.T. .T: t Mirrii'n a?. I WILL cK'hjnv my r.iutiful. Mclily eui nvacd I ti s m Hv-i Hirer. arrea r anted to ptta-n rTC and Newtown Flp I.n9. fr o.m! houe and lot In Fort land. -KtHtM mudera hou- at J7 Vanruvrr a e.. fu!! Int. lota of fruit lree; prira 3 : i I uk i paarnis:r frt paj meat. 4ZI If am it Nm r. Y.I tra'le m Overland. In fKd condition, ud only ) mtlem. for bna or a-reajt-. 'an pay small rti difference. 11. W. Weils. s rt I.-i nd b'tlr. Wll-l. Mi-hsnr - e-iulty ' le-rr Khmi ranch on N. I". Hv.. Adams Count. Wav. tr KOOfl autonwi'i e or Home Tci- phone !-ek f'hone ' ' J4l 1 r vfK 1 . r- c.r. Campbell and S.mpMOu ata : will trn.le fr firat mort or ruatrat t valua $1000. HZ ash- rcon st. FoR SAI.K or I rde acre Ji.nn-foi a land, want sr.ii buainesa. city property o- rrt'-h In ash.njj'oo r tob. In quire r.7. N-h.-m a ve.. Portland. sAl-K or pic-hanr in r-al estate; we have i -arc a ma 4S amber of Cmmer'c M r : nomab KomitiZ' h"U Co.. Marshall it WAN T i-room rottaae tn prt payment on iara e b!o k. wil itn pro d. suitable for r int'n or rhivkco ranch. ar car line, T f ir:onin. FOR ftAI. Hones, Veiiiclea. Claw ,;Ki h'FKTFS. lloKSR?. delivery hors-s. nl. e cent lrtinc standard -rre4 brs a at barrilns. caeh or In trade, for sir.eres. oji. whr.ii tr real es'uie or on inst.t-m-nts. MTTilTe Roaa Vita Farms. t.tn- road. irehaTn route 1. or phou jSH SMierakT wifon, ted complete; no Mudt b-k r buc . both sam a new. ppi Mrs. Itichon. Mi. Hoti car to jm-re station. 7 bloc ks tout h. ?C AL uuRsl', frtHieofiar aw.-a accaiooied l eity 1 kJi It a at. Narva Fa fcTL' H K fur rn keau lwtlanC :.a.a Midi V ANTKL ITors. a'Kut l:tno. ia back. lUfflhlon. Route 1. Ortfion i lty. 1 La a Urea a ad MtfeeraJ loaimnsesita. a stan.lard upricbt pano. t w. AUdieaa Ak 04, Ufi- It r. p j- r.tiv 1 . . near.jr KKAL high-crad mulal tnstrumenta. ranb. i a.l oirkt I'eopia a Amuaemcnl v. West Park attd A trier ata. $i-Mt u llITNiJY p:-tno for 72; I arm a. .V. If ow M. Huahmark HoteL ieacw. Ulrda. Fet HtaVh. HART CHICK" froru cera up. day old to month. White l-e Irrt. Bta.'k and WMre Umori'ii. II. kr-i. Write er pbona fop 1 1) or I lota. Merrills Koae Viat Knmn, tirranam. Ht. I. or phone WHJTK Lechorn baoy rhicaa; best select ttiity sio. a. trd to lay: oemitby chicks guarantcad. IT &U per 10l lurtO Aprl. asd May. T Floaser aicb. iiua 14. r.i:um. Cat FFKIN ilti k esca C"c Jen. Coalaon a chi k a:id et f.ML J. IK !ientiray A Co.. 1 Front st. lh.Tif Man and A A ltBwil lea. REAL. HAROAINJ. W?iy Hue a netr cheap rar w hen ynq 'an pt-si up one of our hlsrh-s;rade used -r at the same price; we sua ran tea ri c m . ditTerent niaks and mtleia all trarid in on new White gas cata. Hiearna, K'c. H tick. I'rrftiirr. rU. White Car ae ii y. th at MaU jon. Mt.-T -:i all avrond-hand cars before J.ne . M-kke u an of'er on I tbott-Uetrott - Jo.- 3-pas3nfer. 1912 m'de I Abbott-Detroit "Jt." roadster. t9l2 noei 1 Kverett ,'3tV R-paaweneer. tf1 mdei. We a.eo faave a few rebuilt Mnton tra rusrr.(rcl saim a rew. IVIITLAMI MOTOK AR CO.. r:-d ap-1 WatMnaton rts. lL10HTl.T L bc.L Ab I OMuHlLC If set w lab t boy. w hav the ear yea want a: the rig at price, if yoo snaa w sell, are will pay yea spot caan. Call er write for price a W ara elasivw dealera of uaed automohliaa CRdUN AfTO tXCHAUE, New Icatioa. 43-4 Alder 8C ft' A ML1 AtlUimopiM saieamaii of ability and success seilina hlKh-a;rade cars: for aool wirieawake sutesman with experience hae a proposition where oq ran better 'ourprif antl make money Winter and Sum nr. our application will be trwie con f "'em : ally. A-l-irga AN 31. lcoolan. V I it SA I.K, cheap. av'Ven-pasaeitarr Stiel-dard-! ton. 4t 5 bireiH rr car. In Ist ' ms cnn.i t c ior and a Hi runninc order. Tw eira tlrea and tulea. speedometer, stiock a oo r be r and trunk, racks. Addresa ,itH I.umbermens bid sr. vi-AY roadster. ! h. p.. baa eompartment fr Iu:i4(. Uui and wtrprwf. fully e.jijiptrwd little ue. for d emonatra twi c A snap if taken today. Sw-e car. Tentb t. J S bett automohlle asrenry. Including- esttre busnea and cars on hand, sarace and shop complete: loos; leaaa and t ne location; niuai be cash. F OA. Ore con Ian. ; -1' v. KNi. H K. powerful taurine car. w lil H on ea.y terms; Just t.ie car for stag hne or rent; this car will be ao;d before nirM at the price. Call today. lutb at. ner HtarK; aek for C,l?bert HAriitAl.N. fi--". five-paaaenaer car. gmnl condition, J-et overhan-ed. ail worn parts renewed. tne A I. Must sell. a nerd r a ji and no time to operate. rell wood .H or AO ..7, recnlan. FOR ' bare mine In ad cara aa aa Araii rtt fur Hat: wa buy and sail. ClTVM-HOUa AL'TO CO-. Cor. K. lata aad Hawthorne ava, Hii. taae m oUr small rar on my Vpa.. i overhauled and rr painted. X-7 Talor. VVI.NTi'N X. A No. 1 condition, for c.iy p-.-pe.ty or runehoit. car at -H Front ri'jr li !. y : a en p . w I : I d " m on t ra t e. : li T ' S i-paaeos;er auto In cood run nine ar!er. twner. Mam TT7C ! Swet-mr.-l bids;.. tb and Wash In ft on. I'jll WetlTK. eiitied. Al condition; fet will aTt.'.te i-tr half cost 'is.il f. . Ai'U.r.A1' f r sa. i'ct ronditloot meet -ne. a mn at. Bn for Gilbert. lit rtI'K niaboif. rhrap; used three rortT II W rbarp. M tt st. WANTF.I RiniWTER. muM. for -a'. Main a7(4. FOR AU Automobile. IF YOl It in our ad. It'fl o. ao see our ad. o nu ilon t ferret tnc numwr. OtFtl.lN'.KK MOTOR CAR CO., l'th at-, near Stark. l fewrelraaeitu. MFN'H IIl.;il-OHAlK tfClTS. I aril mn' luiti and iav you bia mon ey. I run no "fake aalt-ji." but ftlva you Iha beat valuta In Ih city. vrtiy T H causa my rent la one-tenth that of a ntore on the atreet. Sit to aulta at i -. ; to n at jm t:, tJ7.."a to JO aulta at IitTX jimmi ii room 31i Orvconian bid. Take elevator. O.VK 1 1O-hora power trartlon ernrlne: one 7.t-hra-powrr ti action -nin, 'li(ht CliuOr )k'.' C tru k. donkey enaine. alone rrv;h r and mixer rcmpkto, concrete car. KiaMni nin--. band and rlrculir saw a iiip,rt': bordlna hru ouTtit, tm;. eti-. For p.trtlrt)'ara pp:y to Win. V. I'luin. K;.mntfi KuM. Or. KOK KALK tK KAi. MA.M.r.. SO-honrpower motor boat, in Rood run ning ordrr. Innuir for owner f the 1 4roie. at the Urn. Fowr Supply Co, Kat end f Haw thrne hrldae. MKVS TKol SKHS. New ottrn In Humm-r trouwera: 4 parte 9 2 " pants .i-to: d.5o pant". M.AH. JIMMY Ul'NN. ro.m 21.. Oreanlan b.drf. Tak el; a tr. No bl pro! Its tacked on to pay for high rnt 17k FT ON A Lif A erv beautiful, jenulna Weber pano. co.t Party oin abroad, will ac ept eaah or at 10 month. Apply Immediately, piano xchanre and ba rx ln-rwom. EUcra Music H'fue. Tth and A.der. OKix TIRIFS. HoRSF.S. delivery bors-a, nice senile drlt Ins; standard -bred horses at br sain, rssfi or in trade, for sjrm-erles. oat wheat or real et. -tie or on install ments. M-rrl!T"s Rose Vista Farms. .se f.lne road, trreeham route I. or phone i't. Flt Al.li Fl.-nt-c.aa launch, with hou new horsepower Senpp motor; make 14 miles per hour; cost loM; sell for im; cash, rest on easy pay men ta. Tel. Mam 3.t. from 10 to 1 o'clock. otWINo" M ACTI I NFf Closlna; out a fine lot tf iied machines of all makes: drop heds $io and up: bo tops 3 and up. 3d cor. Columbia. IaK Ke Oeifuine Hall eafea. new aad ee-end-hand. low prices, easy terms: eafee epered and repaired. Purcel Bare Ca and Portland Pafe Co.. 3 6h st. Mala eJQA LI)HTI-Y used cash regis tars, credit rea ls t era com put In acales. ete.. bouab aa4 sold Tbe Pacific Store bervlce Ce. Zii tark st stain TTH. FOR SALE Fine pair elks' teeth; also one pair mounted in ruff links and one pair In watrh fob; prices reasonable. Tele phonc B 1I6T or address V 31. Orefonlan. National, cash 7tetiisTEKt?. nd up. We buy. sell aad repair rash reffistera W J. a'acauley. sales ac-ent National CaJb OJ FICK furniture for aaJe. dak tahl-. .-hairs and carpets. a;ood aa new. Call b"3 Stdiinjcbidr- T vl".i W lUTtKS rebuilt, aii uiiko. 91 tf to fdi. The Northwest Typewriter Co, grtU Strk Street. UALl.-HKAKINiJ back-space. U C. Sinltli A Kroa.' typewriter; cheap, terms. Ak) wU. Orrc nian. lsil MoL'KL I C Smith at Bros, typewrit er; Utile mure than ha.f price. AE tl, I Iregon'sn. eo t.LINK4 cards. 1; a oarcain. Roea Clt prtnterr. I'.'W 3d. rcrner Taylor. No. I oder ood typewriter, baif price, fc-unrnnteed.VE SO. Ureronlan. it J2-1NCH. J -stem awltchaa, ftSc Hair stora. 120 :h at. Foil SALE RoiNtop d.sk. a drawers, at a bargain. AJ .7. Oregonian. 3- Itt om hiii.'joHt : will sol cheap. Inquire '.erge Honk It. a, lTd MucadAin. oNK fl.it-top typwr'ter uek and four s c-ond-lmnd st f s . clie.i p. II ,M. iregorilan. Fi'ti S A l.E oa' project In R tlrlll, cheap, lnnu're at til.'t Mnrhall St.. rl;. H A?( rF.lh-msCI.LLA.tOC8. WE RU CLOTUl.NU. rtRMTUKE. TOOLJL His beet price paid for men's and lad: cast-off clot bine, aboee. furniture, tool, mechanic !oflnc Call Main ZoaO. ive 1st st . The Oloba WE fuy lun ana eevond-hond machinery ot ery description, call for our buyer. M. Harde a uns. 240 240 Va Tront at., te i rui of a m.ilion barga.na. Main ac3. A 1CC3. WANTED Diamond; about karat In stse; must be cheap. Addresa J. B. onyder. 1 I03 Ho? ton bide . Salt Lake, ftah. WE pay the big neat cesa nrice for eecend baad fbrnltut. eater Martin. FAoaa East 3134 34 Hawiborne aee. BARGERS AUCTION HOt'SB VTO a Morrlaoc I' bone ftV 1)S. Pa hlhet cash price tr furoitore, W 1 1,1. tint rooms. up; do paluUug; -i r-amatle irlrea. Last fill' 4- FCRD Auction Co. Peye most casb for any kind f furniture alalo ai. A 144 ILL do tinting, painting and papering st right prirea. Phone Main o'JlO. WANTED To buy, two tents. bul Cham ber of Commar.e. HF.I P W NTF.n M I.F. ABl.E-HolIKD men wanted for the U. R. Marine Corps, between the ages of la and , Xi; must bo native-born or have first pa pers, monthly pay 14 to !; additional com penaation poaaible ; fooil. cloth ine. iuarters and meuical attendance free; after 39 yeara aervlco can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service ol board antp and ashore in all parts of t.ie world. Apply at t- J. Marino Corps recent t'.nc office. 3d and Wash Ine ton sta., or 11 Vs d ave.. Portland. Or. GOOD PAY. ataady employment, pleasant work, with an c4 reliable com pa ay. The work ta eettme blei-erade nuraery stock, and we have aoma eood territory open, htata what territory you would like and write et once for particulars to Lock Bog 431. Portland. O'egoa WANTEIe Autom hi. salesman of ability and succea seilmc htsh-frado cars; for good wideawake stiesman with esicrience we hav proposition where ou can better yourself aud make money W inter aud Sum mer; lour application a ill be treated con fi.lei.ttaltv. AdJrcaa AN SI. Oreeonlan. 3IARRIEl men wanted to work In the mi' s of R?moud. steady employment, with an opportunity to secure a home in the best town la the Pacific Northwest Rayni nd. tiood Jots to good marr;ed men. W. W. Ht. secretary Ra mond Km -ployer A fo'atlon. EMIi-NCKI cult r. e('d wages and atea! poMiiun to nsht man. None other Peed at plv. Address w tth reference and full particulars. i;roff. the tailor, rpo kane. Wah. WANTKO An c oed and aurcrssful salepman with good addrrea and flrst--nj refervm-e. to repiesent a financial corporation on a strairht aary and trav- ittg epenes. i . oregnian. WANTED Youne mrrlel man for fore man on fruit ranch ; one who under atanda fruit from plan tine to packine Anp.y with referencea to Ed L. Howe. M outer. Or. WANTED A-l man to repreaent largo con. rern ; reiient opportunity for advance ment. Apply Monday 10 to 13. t:e Cham ber of Commerce. 3 LIVE wlrea, beat propoaUlon In country. In wtleate. Call A. M. Monday. Ui7 Stark st. et r. J'l: 1 NTER for country newspaper. Wa g-s SI5 per week. Cornelius Tribune. Cornelius. tregon. WANTED Roys over Id. w ith a heels, to line up for June Carnival. Good stfea. 17 loth at. A MAN or boy to help around rooming house; steady place: cull after 7 o'clock. :;il Main st. SALKM VN Youne man for men'a shoes and f urniahinra. Lion Clothing Co.. Itio Third at- W ANTED !'Jis tailors; nuiat be flrst r lasa. htg h ri p. id to. good meciian-1-a. W ens. 147 l'th sc. FIRST -CLASs stork umn; must have ability: liave good proposition to offer; tefereneea ren:red. V .4. orrgonian A FEW ftrst-clasa bench men and cabinet makers for an up-to-date plan Ine mtlU A p p'y Spauldine Log c Ine Co., Salem . Or. A FIRST-CLASS practical plantng mill fore man. excellent opiortjmity for a capable man. Spauldine lae'ne Co.. Salem. Or. v NTED First -rlaa sign-writer for --m-merciMl work ; al flrt -clans paperhang-e- Apply F. R. Zcllf f. tHympls. Wswh. W K NT ED One ftrst-clasa wood -carver. Kapua a t hamberlaJn. I'nlon ave. PHoTO ro-ipon arenta; beat ever offeretL Huston Studio. 3l3S W'ahingt.n at. WANTEI-Hc-k eaicemen at il d si.; a year's Job. fee sale manager. W A NT r. D Kapenenced cabinetmakers. Spa d Mfg. Co.. i'th and NlColnL WASTED Hot without home. 10 to"" 1 y. ara u!d. 1113 Hawtoorne WANTED Hlgh-c!aas sal earn an. Aak C j r Burton. 42- Yeon bldg. 3 ol"No men to canvas, new offer, good ware. "l Iekum Mtg. A-t MiKTKIi an I'd for wet wao la undo. C:i iml i1' 4-d and llaa thorne are. WANT one second rook. Apply at 3t North M-h Cabinet Bar. rrOTo renpoft. beat ever efe-ed. ere t asetite. teeth 'i iku-a e dg 1U.. Rj wUcci. wauteU. Zsi karah.lL INCIDENT. fOne of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y- M. O A Young man. straneer, out of work. W his total ch act If I pay you $5 for special employment membership. I will haw only $10 left between me and star vation. Secretary If you pay $5 for special emplo me ut membership, you -vill have the y. M. C. A., with its resources, be tween ou and atarvatlon. Result: Young man Joined Fsnrlatlon. In trsa than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for four months ending- April SO: Can for men TIO Positions filled 50 Employ men t membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; g-tvs two months full membership privileges. 10 months' aoelal privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of tnenv berKhip without further charee. We have constant demand for high grade, experienced men. Are yoo fitted for a better position 7 Sea secretary employment department. T. M. C. A. I WANT A FEW HIOH-ri.ASS MEN TO SELL COU'VniAX NATIONAL LIFE COM PL ETE PitTECriON" POLICIES. THEY COVER EVERY posSinLE LOSS. DEATH. ACf IIiENT. SICKNESS COST NO Mokk than part c .pat in e P' Idea w Mch Insure LIFK ONLY. Special contracts for a few producers, PAUL 11. SRoAT. GEN. AGT.. 313-.M4 Spalding Hide. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE require the services of bo s of 11 years and over; steady positions to those who prove worth ; splendid opportunity for ad vancement. Apply Monday to manager of delivery dept. mrj.i WAXTFn itmalk. WA NT ED TOUNO ULDXB3 FOR TELE PHONE) OPERATING. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELLE GRAPH CO EAST TH AND ANKENT 8T& WANTED Bright woman to secure i subscribers and sell sto-k In anew, live proposition. Call 10 to 12, Ore T-l. Herald. 506 Royal hide., 7th and Morrison WANTED Five good. reliable chocolate dippers: evd wags and snort hours, per manent portion, steady employment; well known, rei labia firm ; answer at once. K Si. Ore e o man. WANTED "everal youne ladies between the ages of is and 25 for permanent posi tions. Apply the P. T. A T. Co- 474 AMr ., or 410 East Ankeny at. Hoi "SEKEE PER. by young man a little w- ays out. $1 pr week and can make egtra pick trip- M ra wberrlea. Olve States phone, or call Tabor 1 7 ld evening. ' 7U. Oregonlnn. 1'EliMANENT housekeeper in convenient country home, also help care for Invalid : wa el Inquire lii5 Olln at.. St. Johns car, or write W. H. Con vers. Clat eknnle. iir. Itl'SlNESS woman of real ability and unlm- Ieuchaoie charucter may secure large ia t'oniu from dignified and attractive occu pation; small Investment as bond. AT 57, reconlan. EDUCATED end refined woman for special work amongst business men. Experience .iot so essential as wlMlneness to work hard. Salarv. CUv references. 10 till 12 A. M '42 Seltlne-Hlmch bldg. HKloHT wumtn f'r Juvenile leads; two character; ai 'J Tor small pans. an tminy. New York Theatrical Agency. Eller Me. suite rl". BOOKKEEPER, capable handling complex accounts; give full r-rerencea entl exerl ence. Otherwise no attention. AN -70. Oro gonlan. H M'SEK EEPERS. cooks, w altres.se. second Kir is. chambermaids, nurses. St. Louis Ag-ncy, Alder. Mam yortw. A 477. WANTED A girl for cooking and general housework; referencea required. Mar shall 4123. LA D Y coon for 8 men all Summer, steady Job. ni e place: 7 mile out; $J5; room. !J4 Imperial Hotel. Monday. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good cook; no upstairs work. H"4 Me llnda ave., head of Johnson and 2th sta. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY Washington bldg.. 270V Washlnetoa at, near 4th. Main f3d or A 2tid. WANTED A good girl for conking and housework; small family; wages fit). 721 King s Court, corner Si. Clair. WANTED A maid for general housework; small family. Apply mornings, 415 L l.-th N liA.NortN ti LADIES' AOKMCI. Waebirgton it. cor. 7th, upslw Phoee Msln 76B?. JUY local business house, competent woman willing to w ork ; previous experience nut required. Y ZS, tregoiuan. RT. PRESENT ATI VF.S guaranteed rhmi tUm remedy. Marlneiiu tfhop, 402 Central lull?.. loh and Alder. WANTED 4-ilrl about li for second work In suburban home. Must bo tieai, wining, cvperienee unnecess;tr. phone A 2-M3. rt.M.-.j-i.winoa. capaoi woraaa s sponsiite posit i Viavl Co.. Mr9 Jlaia- cn: d I IJg.. 4th and W'swhlugtoa. WA NTE D A young woman competent for general housework: wages 2o; refer ence. Apply mornings. 116 Ovrlon at, S ACTIVE glii for cafeteria, nhort hour Jo.p. perrl-" Cafeteria. 1Q4 Fifth Ft. WANTED Girl for fcerrral house ot k ; poml wages, easy place. 1 1; I L- Yamhill. WANTEl An fxperienced waitress at THE HILI 2ttd and Washington. WANTEl) Girl to take care of child nd neslst with upstairs work. 574 Hoyt. GOOD girl for general housework. Apply ar.l College. Phone Main 2u-4. WANTED Girl to assist with hou-ework and care of two children. 7o." K. Main. W AIT R ESS. experienced. Thompson's Ttes tauntnt. 144 Fourth st. WoMAN for cook and general housework, famll y of 3. ati2 .'id at., apt. 2. Yol NG girl or middle-aged woman to as sist w I h general housework. t;..a Gllsan. BUTONHOLE makers wsnted. D. E. Price & Co.. no Merchants Trust bldg. WANTED Experieneed short hour waitreas. Women's Kxchange. 16 5th St. "WANTED Woman lor housework ; small family . no washing. Phone Sell wood 1 70, WANTED Two lady solicitors; salary. 5v0 I e kum B I d YOUNG girl to assist with housework. M. 7S7. ' WAIST FINISHERS, experienced only; also apprentices; good wage). 434 Morrison st. WANTED Girl to work Ice crvam counter. 2'e:l p.urnstde st. WANTED Chris ian lady for soliciting. Phono East 2HL Mond ty A. M. WANTEl' Teacher for mission school. , uply 2S Second st.. 7 o'clock P. M . WANTED A girl for general housework, faml'v of 4 adults. 5M E. Main "L GIRL for general hoiiscwork. small family, good wages. No. rrt Tillamook ?t. GIRL wanted for eneral housework. Thone C 1077. WANTED Four experienced ladies. Sani tary Beauty parlors. 7im Ikumbldg. HELP WANTFI) MALE OR FKVALE. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT HELP WANTED. 100 wsltreaaes for hotel. restaurants and Summer resorts: wsges to $4. per month; oO waiters. Sl per week up; cooka L1 t' fAft per week; kiichen h'Jip ers. u.i"t. to $." per month: no ptnke here. STEADY WORK. APPLY TO HOTEL AND RESTAURANT-KEEPERS KM PLOYMENT M JiKAC. 2M and 21 Gran ite hlk.. Spokane, wash. WANTED loo strawberry pickers and ee perienced packers. 40 rente crate to picker; 15 cents to packers; good camp ground: free wood, spring water, free transportation from dock to ranch, camp ers furnish ow n tent. etc.. season opens 1 1 at of May. Address Herbert WUIlama, White Salmon. Wash. II F I .r W ANTE IV M I M F I . LA N KO U f4 . fls K TE A 1 1" E "l S7 A -S 1 r ,T iTi N for school aad Uachcre, li toaeUaad bids. WANTED! WANTED1 W ANTED! Moving Picture Operators In all cities throughout the world. 1-earn in our fine theater. Operatora make Hi to $40 weekly. Call and seo us. Special low price today. NEW- YORK FILM EXCHANGE. 5J Washington St.. Near 17th. SIXTY men wanted at once to lake course in Cnited Wireless training class and be ready for positions with United Wireless Telegraph Co.. who are notified to pre pare for passage now lew effective July 1. making two operators on passenger ves sels compulsory. Act quick. Apply Chief Operator, UIO Grand Trunk Dock. Seattle, Wasiu MEN WANTED Age 18 to 85. to prepare for firemen and brakemen. on nearby railroads. $80 to f 100 monthly. Experi ence unnecessary: no strike, promotion engineer or conductor. 9 ISO to $-00 monthly. Good life careers. State Send stamp. Railway Association Ore gnniau. STATK colony association now forming to colonize large tract of land for apjle or chard In beat apple district on Columbia Rixer not far from Portland: excellent op portunity for man with family to take permanent position at about 0O per month, and Invest few hundred dollar. Addieg at once. M S7. Oregonian. M"n and women to learn the barber trade In eight w eka; special inducements; per centage paid while learning ; tools free; expert Instructors; 17 years in the busi ness: ST schools; a lifetime membership given to each student. Moler Barber Col lege, 3C N. -Fourth at., Portland. Or. INTERN A T ION A L Correspondence Schools, room u0 McKay blue., cor. Third and Stark sta. Open Wednesday and Saturday nights. Phone Main lud. bend for our new catalogue, YOU are wanted; Government poaltion. $0 month; send postal for Hat positions open. Franklin InetUute, depL 322 P., Roches ter. N V. RAILWAY mall clerka, prepare now, ex cellent salaries and promotions; no lay offs, sure pay: free book. Call today. Pa cific States School, McKay bide, city. WANTED Men to take advantaee of special price of (".5 for complete course In drlv inr nd repairing automobiles. Portland Automobile School, 315 Hawthorne. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, beginners or advauced, quickly speeded and placed In positions. 6.;o Worcester block. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Asaocia tlon. San Francisco. SCHOOL of SHORTHAND and TYPEWRlT I NG, standard systems. Positions secured V per month. 209 14th sL Main 8fet3. Make money writing short stories, or for papers; big pay ; free booklet telle how. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. PRIVATE SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425a. SITUATIONS WANTED MALIC. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up hooks, prepare balances and atate menta. Install systems. Gllltngham. au riltor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. A-l BOOKKEEPER, and office mam. refcr ence. Main 747. M "0. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. M U MCI PAL F R E E EMPLOYMENT DURE A U. 115 Second St.. Corner Salmon. Women's Department, 215 Salmon. All claaues of unskilled, skilled, profes sional and dorica! main and female help furnished on short notice; no fee charged. Phone Main 3.WV. A 56-4. CHAUFFEUR wants position on commercial or private car: 5 year' experience ard not afraid of work: thorough knowledxe of city streets ; referencea. Tabor 40031 mi. CHAl FFEl'R wants position on commercial or private car; 5 years' experience and not afraid of worker Thorough knowledge of city streets. References. Tabor 400o, 1 rli-z. PRIVATE secretary, experienced young man from East. exp-rt stenographer and -typewriter, iL So lawyer, desires high-class po- sit ion as private secretary. Box 74H, Med- ford. Or. MAN and wife want farm work, uian ex perienced general f : rmlng and orchard work; sober nnd reliable; no children. Phone East 415 or H M. Oregonian. WANTED By a couple of experienced car penters, small house building or repair lui;, either by contract or by day. Address 412 N. 25th St. SITUATION" by first-class Ice cream maker; strictly temperate; sood. reference. W 60, Oregonlan. COMPETENT middle-aged hotel elork look. In sc for posiiiou. local references. A3 is. Oregonian. WANTED Position by man having 20 years experunce mining and milling gold orta. Amlreo 743 54th ave.. S. E. CHEK, married, want poelllon In hotel or restaurant; wife to work In dlnlngroom. P M. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy warns situs t ion before 8 o'clock In the morning. A 53, Orego nian. IF you are in need of and A No. 1 laundry man. answer this add. N 2t. Oregoaian. WINDOW-WASHING, nous cleaning, floors waxed and polished, sell wood 1126. YOl 'NO law yer wants association with lau firm. Marshall 4140, Apartment No. 1. YOl'NG Japanese want any kind of work after noon. AR , Oregonian. MAN and wife wishes position on farm. Ad dress) 2o ' Morrison. Phone Main 5479. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. IkhrfVrn suU i e a : r s a era. YOUNG lady, three years' experience book keeping, billing and office work, desires position; familiar with Burroughs adding machine and 'omptometer. Phone Mon day. Main 1S3:i, from V to 12, or address A P 5. Oregonian. WANTED by lady of ability, a position as private or social correspondent to la1 les or gentlemen who sppreciate well-written letters, but lack time to compose them. F5. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and general office asnlstant. six years' experience, thor oughly reliable and competent, desires po sition. F o3, Oregonian. YOl'NG lady wUh some knowledge of st nugraphv. wl?hrs position In office. Phone Marshall 7"7. room 4. LADY bookkeeper, 5 yeara experience In Portland, desires position; references. East is 72. YOUNG lady, experienced in bookkeeping and office work, desires position as secre tary. Address AP H. Oregonian. bTENOGRAPHER wish eg position, modaraie salary to Stan; had some experience. Phono A 104. STENOGRAPHER, accurate, with some ex perience. d'Slrt-s position. Marshall 2"M. Yol'NO ladv stenographer wishes position ; good penman. Marshall 77. room 1 YoUNG lady wUhes clerical or office wr Main "Sss. MDLLE DE BILLAUT, (Wi. Washington. EUa-st. entrance. A o940. fc-"x elusive French designs in gowns, suits, waists, etc DRESSMAKING end ladies' tailoring by the j aay ; experienceo ; ss gay. 1 aoor DRESSMAKER wants day work, reasonable. C hildren's clothes made. Marshall 171)3- DRESSM AKER. expert fitter terms very reasonable. Tabor 83. FANCY sewing. $2 day, or home. Main 5671. Tar FRACTICAL nurse wishes position. For particulars. all or write Anna Merrltt, K24 Cottage Place; take Mlsalsslppl-ave. car. Albina. EASTERN practical nurse: references. Phone Woodlawn 675. or call 1083 E. 21st rt. N. M I DDLK- AGED nurse, elderly people and Invalids a specialty. Main 14S4. HoOeaeepers. GERMAN girl wants place as second work. AT 67. Oregonian. Domestics. CURTAINS laundered; no mangling; hand laundry; experts; 25c and up. Woodlawn 2684. EX 1' K K I K V ' E D colored laundresa w ants dae work and do bundles at home. Mar. 4" id. LA ' E curtains washed; 0 yeara experience. Tabor 244. Mrs. Scott. Yol'NG girl wauta light housekeeping. 3 Enet 27 1 h st. N- TWO irlrls want general housework. 547 N Pettyerove. W011L blankets and lace curtains Iaundred, sun dried; first-class work. Tabor 317. Miscellaneous. BEST of care for children In own home. Sell wood 402. CAPABLE woman wants day work, 25c per hour. Main 2"i CAPABLE woman wanta day work. Main 4. ii 4. GERMAN woman wants day work washing. Ironing and cleaning. Main 7s!. room n. Yul'.ViS C I want house work. Lnaia Woit keviex 7" Montana ave. W A N T E L -Position aa second girl. Phone Mam 550V, MiHellaneons. YOUNG woman, good cook, will keep house for smalt famll v for board and room tor self. little girl and husband, who Is clerk Ing. AR Oregonian. YOl'NG woman wants day work; will care for children evening or afternoon. 210 '.3 N. 22d st. GERMAN woman wants work by the dar. washing and ironing. Call Main 61, room ,64. WANTED AGENTS. GOOD deal for live agent; night. Call 013 Bock bldg. money every WANTED IP RENT. Hooaee, BY" couple, small modern bungalow, with j-leenfng porch; one with parage preferred. Phone inornintrs. Main o'tti'.l, A 71. THREE adults wish 0 or S-rooro furnished house or flat. West Side, for Summer or longer. Main lOP. ; IF you wish to Rent vour House or Fiat bee: WATSON THERKELSEN CO.. -0O6 Spalding Bldg. Main 7 .'.02. Booms. GENTLEMAN wants a furnished or un furnished room. Must be well-heated, have hot and cold water: must be quiet and within walking distance. Describe fully and give price and phone number. O t'V. Oregonian. Boomi W H bJBoard- WOULD like nice family to care for girl $ yeara near school. AR 65, Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. Now Open, 112 Rooms. Now Open. HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPLES. Seventh and Taylor Sts Residentlai and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Postotflce, stores, theaters and restaurants; just off business streets and carllnts; quietest and best location ; handsome brick, ample steam heat, hot running .ater and phones in every room, suites and private baths, elevator. Reputable and comfortable. From 75c daily, f weekly. Any car from depots. ' THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the finest corner, parlor, bed room aud bath suites in the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, flno view of all the mountains; also some single rooms, elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass the building. if you are lookin for permanent, home-like quarters, bo sure and inspect the Sargent before locating. Excellent restaurant in connection with hoteL 9 Telephone East 29L J. H. CLARK. Proprietor ANGELA HOTEL. 025 Washington St. Under New Management. Largo lobby, finished in mahogany, tile and taarble; ladies' parlor with elegant fire place; free telephone service in rooms, all ntifht and day, electric elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water tn all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort Is made for the comfort and convenience of U guests; rents the most rcasouaule lu the city; rooms by the day, week or month. Look thta over beforo locating. ako W car at depot, get off at l'Jth and Washington. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! Those three beautifully furnished hotel: H TEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 2U4thsL '211 t.hst. -07l,i 4th sL On Fourth St., running 'rom Taylor to Salmon tu; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot aud cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something; out of the ordinary, in the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, aa we know you will like it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. FOR RENT Nico sunny front rooms for 1 or i persons; electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water and telephone la every room; 5 per week. With uaih connect ed. ST. Y'ORKE HOTEL, 12th and Stark Sls. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh StreeL New, modern brick building; steam heated; private batbs, hot and cold water In rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th aud Burnaitie sta. Absolutely fireproof, new and elegantly furnished rooms; private baths; steam, heat, hot. and cold water, private phones In each room; special rates by the month; phone service free. Phone Marshall 4U4U. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 outside rooms, with hot and cold water and steam heat; of f era special 1 ates for permanent guests; rates 50c to $2 a day; $.k54J and up per week. phone Main o413. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105 V Twelfth sL Marshall 2780. In heart of business district; steam heat, hoi and cold water, free phone in every room; $1 day and up; $4 week and up. " THE LIN DELL. Large, pleasant front rooms; easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; $2, S2.50 to $4 per week. :i24th st. Main ootti. THE WEAVER, 710 Washington, near 22d; nicely furnished outside rooms, private bath and phones, board If desired. M. Viol. THE GILMORE. 131 hk Tentn. corner Alder at. ; convenient to the business district and all theaters: well furnished rooms fur transient or permanent; $2.50 a week up; under new management HOTEL REN WICK An ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; Tth and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllp Theater, phone Main 91u. HOTEL KHCK1TAT. New; cor. East 1st and Hulladay ave,; hot and cold water, steam heat; rooms $3 V(,r week up. phone East 59&a. WANTED Y'oung man share nice house keeping rooms, close lu, $1.25 weekly. East i2ti. LEWISTON Hotel, 271 H Morrison, cor. 4th; large, airy rooms, single aud suites, tran sient ana permanent. Que day up. DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rate 7 Try Hotel Larrabee. 227 H Larrabee st. EatSide. East 649, 2 VERY cheap rooms. Inquire 5lM Wash ington. ROOMS. ROOMS Nicely furnished, at 426 Alder st. FOR RENT Large front room with porch, finely furnished, first floor. 42tl Alder. ROOMS Rooms nicely furnished at the Braeslde, 42d Alder st. Furnished Kodtns In private Family. TO GENTLEMEN Front room, walking dis tance, new and modern, three, adults in family, no other roomers. Phone A 4589 or call 525 Montgomery. LARGE well-furnished room. 10 per month. Heat, bath, electric ugnis, piano, nome surroundings; suitaoie lor no JL.ove- joy. Phone M. 55')9. LARGE room, nicely furnished, in modern home, for one or two gentlemen, with or wit hout board; close in. very reasonable to right party. 27 E. lath North. CHARMINGLY situated rooms, moderate rent; phone, walking distance. 655 Wash Ington. NICELY furnished rooms, modern Improve ments, walking distance, reasonable; ref erencea. 705 Everett st. TWO pleasant rooms In strictly private mod ern home, fine porch, close in ; reference. Main o08- 112. PARLOR room, private veranda, elec tric lights, bath, phone, first-class board near, gentlemen preferred. 324 luth. $4 MONTH, furnished rooms, phone, bath, electric light, walking distance, 427 Har rison. . NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located, reasonable. 4u4 Clay, near loth. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; references; Nob Hill district. 733 Johnson. ROOM for a gentleman in a strictly private Jewish family. Marshall 1782. LARGE well- furnished room, large alcove, every convenience. 301 10th. COMFORTABLE room in modern home. 790 Lovejoy st. $11 per month. $2--VI TO $3 w eekly, airy a nd desirable rooms; nic i.m. Room WUh Board PARK VIEW. Modern family hotel; popular rates; pri vate park: close In, cor. West park and Montgomery. Phone Main 3783. MANiTOU. 31 ISTH ST. Attractive, clean rooms, steam beat, good board, close in. re as on a bl a THE LAMBERSON, 554 Couch sU. very de sirable outsida rooms, steam heat, run ning water, good board, close In. P0RTLAJVD WOMEN'S UNION. 2d year. Rooms with boara. use of sewing-room, 11 brsry. MO Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, aupt ELEGANT room fa-ing the park. A-l board, reasonable, 574 Fate hoami Wit a Board. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL, cor. 6th and Madison; large room, bath, broad veranda, quiet, close in. neat ear. 4 blocks from P. O. American pia THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board, running vvater. tteani heat. 3SX 3d at. Rooms With Board In Private Families. GOOD, comfortable, homelike home for one or two gentlemen; private family, flrsi class home cooking, pleasant rooms and surroundings, and cherries will soon be ripe. Call Tabor 81. LARGErooni, hotlind cold water, suitable for one it two people, with board, home cookins;, free phone, baths and piano; walking distance. 240 East 16th. Phone East 3 1C0. LARGE, finely furnished room, large clothes press, all conveniences free, suitable for 2 pentlemen ; close in : no other boarders. Main SU43. J..3 12th st ONE nicely furnished front room, suitable for ono or two; hot water bath, good board. Call at 522 Clay st. Phone Main 5400. COMFORTABLE home for gentlemen, pri vate family, good home cooking, pleasant surroundings and all conveniences. 5i7 East I'llth sts. Phone Sell wood 1. LARGE room, with board ; running water, modern conveniences, close in; gentleman only. 2!H West Park. Main tv;;7. NICELY furnished front room, with board, suitable for 2 working men. 497 Montsom ery st. STRICTLY" modern, good homo cooking, one block from park; rates reasonable. Fhone Main 6!7'J. 332 10th St. DE&IRAELE room, near Multnomah Club, walking distance, home cooking; also al cove room. Marshall 4112. ROOM and board for $23 a month. 2 in one room. 3 meals a day. 222 Vs East First North. TRAVELER'S wife has elegant furnished room for ladies; Nob Hill apt.; walking distance. Marshall 1123. ROOM S en suite or single, with board. 204 N. 22d st. Phone A 7230. ROOM, board, private family, two gentle men. 57o Ladd ave. Phone East 5145. ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen. o4 North 16th st. PLEASANT rooms, single or en suite; sxoi ient board. 6.S6 Gllsan. GOOD board and room for 1 or 2 gentle men. 591 " Davis sL ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porches and grounds. Main 2071. LARGE front room for two, $t each. 291 llth. near Jefferson. Mar. 2!3. ROOM and board for young women. $3 per week. Phone E. 4732. FIRST-CLASS room and board In private family. 545 Yamhill st. - VERY- desirable, neat room, large, shady yard, centrally located. 32 N. llth. Apart mentt. THE VILLA &T CLARA 12th and Taylor. Jnt completed, most magnificently fi nished apartments in the Northwest; 1 ora tion perfect ; rentala reasonable: evert modern convenience. Secluding banquet hall and roof garden; both pbonea In all apartments; high-class service; reforvnc) required Ma.u 2276 and A T0ft7. "" FORDHAM APARTMENTS. 1T0 Ford st.. Just south of Washtngtoa; most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb fix tares; eiegant wall coverings; cn with private balcony: highest class service: very reasonable reuts ; 4 and 5-rooa apartmanta; most conveniently arranged. HANOVER FIRSPROOF APARTMENTS King and Washington sts., now ready. New 6-story reinforced concrete build ing, only fireproof apartment-nous La Portland; every possible convenience, elec tric elevator, best of service, private bal conies, eaay walking distance; 2. V and 4 -room apartments. $ 22. 5l u p. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett Sta. New management; 2, 3, 4 or 5-room un furnished apartments. The best apart ments in the city for the money; they have all modern conveniences, are ciuse in, neat and homelike- Don't fall to Inspect them berole locating. HEINZ APARTMENT'S 14tu and Colora ble, 4 blocks south from Morrison sL . Dew brick building, completely tlrst-eiai furnished In 2, 3 and 4 -room family aparu stents; private batn, steam heat, not wa ter, elevator, free phone, vacuum clean, janitor service; rent per month, e-ie, 3k 440 vnd up ; mm 1 he seen w be appr dated. THE EVERETT. ti44 Everett st. New and eieeotiy 1 urn Is bed apart ments; ft rooms, reception hall and aieep icg-porcn; automatic else trie etevator and private Pacitio telephone; located la on of tne choicest residence districts, sur rounded by elegant Aouies; walnut UDCs. " THE CAMAR. 704 Lovejoy St. Under new management; new, modern brick, 2, 3 and 4 -room apartments, f ur tiished or unfurnished ; we will rent you apartmeuU 2o ptr tcent cheaper than any piace In the city; good Janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 2919. SPECIAL RATES. THE McKlNLEY APARTMENTS. Corner East 7th and Morrison streets, 2, 3 and 4-rooin apartments, furnished com plete, private baths, free phones, investi gation. New rates to steady renters. Mrt. Kay Taylor. GRACE APTS.. 77 Northrup St.. corner 24th. 5 large rooms, hardwood floors, front veiaiida, large sleeping porch, private telephone, wawr, heat aud hot water; new and strictly modern; vacuum cleaner. THE LUZERNE. Just completed, corner 3a and Hall; all 2 -room furnisned apts., large outside kitchens, best arranged apts. in Portls.no. $23 and up. Easy walking distance. " THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS, East 7 th and Morrison, most centralis- lo cated; 2 and 3 -room apartments, fur nifcUed UP 10 date: private hatha; moder ate ratea. KNICKERBOCKER Apartments, llth and Harrison sts. New brick building, now ready; suprb arrangement and location; rooms with private oath; every conveni ence, oest ot service; reasonable rents. ST. FRANCIS Apartments, 21st and Hoyt a rooms and bath, private balcony, new brick; electric elevator, superb location, in walking aisiauce . uiobi convenient ar raugeiuent. low rent and best of avrvive. CfcClLiA APAKTMENTS, 22d and GlisaA SI. ; DCSt ..-.., wuauis ivcuoo, with unexcelled car service; also aaay walking distance; 3 -room apt,, with bate, modern conveniences, very reasonaaia raau SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. New brick, corner East Couch and 8th; furnished; unfurnished 3-room apartments; private bath; phone- $23 up. East 275L THE MEREDITH. 712 Washington L a 8 and 4-room apts.. hardwood floors, with every convenience, newly furnisned; cheap, est rent in the city. " " SUMMER RATES. " Portnomah Apartments, itiO East Taylor, cor. E. 13th, new, walking distance, every convenience. THE LEONCE, led N. 22d near Johnson, New, modern, brick, 2 and 3-room, beau tifully furnished apartments, all outside rooms, private bath and phone; $22.50 up. HISLOP HALL. Hawthorne ave. and tith at. Modern building, best furnishings; 1, 2. 3 rooms; walking distance, or best car service. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unturnlshed apartmentB. strictly modern. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders sts. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished and unfurnished. Apply to the janitor. Both phones. THE AVALON 3 and 4-room steam heated apartments; private phone and bath; jan itor service; vacuum cleaner. Cor. Clack amas and Russ. East 3172. THE DR1CKSTON, 448 llth; 2 and 3-room furnished apts., 3-room basement apt., $20, i n c l u din g light and gas. THE LILLIAN 6th and Montgomery, 3 rooms, furnished apts., private bath and phone : walking distance. Marshall 137 8. THE ONBONTA, elegantly furmsned 2-room apartments, all conveniences, $2' per month; single rooms only $7. 18" 17th BL HOSE-FRIEND, S. W. cur. 7th and Jeffer son, modern 3 and o-ionm unrurniahed apanmenis-. nam y .iwi a , rci.ercnce.s THE Binning nam, w ta el.; new, ur uished ulegantly. 2 and 4 rooms. Jdarshall 4bs. fliE pAVEN PORT Newly furnished 1-room ant. private bath and phone; summlT f.ysjjlain 5430. 505 Jefirson. BUmt' BERYL APARTMENTS " Furnished iTr,1.!aI'r-u 6 Lovejoy t Take W car. "-BCHELTENHAM, 255 N. 19th" S. 4-room apartments, new. bVick building' new furniture. Marshall -Josi MAHR APTS.. 228 N. 2th st.: nicely fur nihed and unfurnished 3-room apts. r.iu- UlUk' a P X R T1 L' v--rc- 1 ii 11 --..---.--. -j. -110. Harrison st. Phone Marshall 3f70. JTJLIAETTE Furnished and unfurnished J tooms. Corner 2d and Montgomery. IRIS, COR. 3d AND MILL. ' 4 and 5 large rooms; modern. FOR 3 or 4-room furnished apts, Investigate the Parkhtirst. 20th and Northrup. THE Northampton. 407 Hall; furnished ele ;anU'i - rooms. $25 up; 1, $Ut al 1239. Apartment. EI.EOANTLV FrrtNIKHED. MOST BNi;i.( SIV1-; QUITE TIBASOXABI.E KATES. "HIGHLAXP -OI RT APARTAIEXTf. -M and Glisan . ts. 2d and Glisan sts. Two beautiful 4-room npartnif nts. noV open for ensagements. Strit-Hv U!n-t-lass t furnishings . and MODEKX in all it. appointments. One of these apartments faces th. beautiful court. The Ulshlanrt" Is located in the ex clusive "Nob Hill" nelKhborhood. has three earlines within ono block. The most up-to-date apartment- nous, in the city. "HIGHLAND COURT," 2-d and Gllsan sta. THE ORLANDO. 20TII AND WASHINGTON STS. EXC1.VS1VE. ELEGANT. Two and three-room npartm.nts. em bracing every modern convenience as to equipment and every advantage of un surpassed location, commanding st one. fine view and downtown accommodations. Wide halls, elevator service, laundry with steam dryer. MOST REASONABLE HATES CONSISTENT WITH VI RST-CLASS SERV1JE AND APPOINTMENT. CAR ME LIT A Jefferson and 13th st. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS, MODERN NEW. Phono Main 396S. THE WHEELDON. Cor. Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Walking Distance. i Furnished complete. - 3 and -TOtmi apartments: buildinKS new and strictly modern; service first-class. TF.INITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes, mnuy Place, between 19th and 20th streets, Just off Washington; maKnlflcent apartments In heart of apartment-hous. district; rentals re.isonahle: every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired tn all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments avallabla May 1. Mrs. X. it Wright, superinteudont. pnon. aiar- sriall"u01. CHESTER BURY HOTEL APARTMENTS. 2UTH AND KEARNEY. An elegant new hotel with beautlfull furnished apartments; handsomely ap pointed dining-room where meals may be procured if desired; everything possibly f.ir the convenience and comfort or guests: modern In every respect: an Ideal horn.-; nfer-nces required. Call or phono Marshall KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay Streets. One of the finest la the city; steam heat, hot and cold water, private vesti bules, phones and baths, electric eleva tor and lifts; unfurnished suites tS2 to US. KTSO BILL APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4. f. s-room apartments; select tenancy. Apply on premises. ORANDESTA furnished apartment. Oraaf are and East Stark; new brick bulldlni. rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri Tate bath. S27.B0: electric elevator; mixJ rn conveniences: close-in locatloni aa walking distance; best ot senrlca. (T CROIX Apartments. St. Clair at,, near Ws.olngton. 2 and S-room apartmenta with private oath, furnished and unfur nished superb location, easy walking dis tance, brick building; convenient arrang. m.nt, best of service and very low rents, THE W1CKEBSHAM." lSlh and Flanders sta. Beautiful apartments. 5- and 6 rooms. Call and see them. THE DEZE.VDORF, I0S ITH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 6-KOOM UNFUR NISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY OX PREMISES FOB. KKSiiR VATION. g OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur nished or unfurnished, pacific phone in each, up; outside rooms; splendid view'; convenient arrangement; superb lo cation; close to Postotfice; best of serv ice. The Sheffield. 1:7. Tth. cor. Jefferson. IONIAN COURT. B70 Couch. 1 block from Washington, walking distance, a and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; all modern con veulences. best of service; under new man agement; references required. Main 111)3. "" " LUCRET1A COURT. Lucretla 6L.. Near 23d and Wash. Unfurnished apartments, from two te five rooms, alt large, light and outsido; l.rze closets, hardwood noors; under new ISaLagement. Marshall 1513. Janitor. Mar shall -SU. . CUMBERLAND APTS.. W. Park and Co lumbia sts., 1 choice 3-room apt., just fur nished, everything new, to married coupk only all modern conveniences; choice lo cation facing the park, only 5 minutes' walk from business center. WINSTON" Apartments. S41 14tn au. ax Market; new corner brick; all bright, out side rooms: 2 and -room suite com Dl.tely furnished for housekeeping; I!S u 1 1 7. t.0. For Information call Main 17-s. THE MARLBOKUUG.iL A-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience, 21st and Flanders sta Main 7ol. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 2.1 llth si. near Main; close In location: elegant 3 rooia apartment with bath and prlva:. balcony. Every toijvenl.nc. gu- service LINCOLN APTS., COR. 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside, .-room apartments: Holmt; beds, built-in writing desks, vacuum clean er Janitor service. 12. .51) to $30. Includins lights, private phones. A 347J. Main 1-77. BUENA VISTA 12th and Harrison: 2. 3 and 5 room? furnished or unfurnished; latest improve -mints; best service. Appl v on premises. FURNISHED APTS. Nicely furnished. 3 rooms. $22.60; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, laundry trays, large closets, on carllne. East Side. T.uor 2.93. B 804t. n-ui-r IT TillfiVT Corner 5th and College. New white brick. The most homelike, elegantly famished ::-room apartments in the citv at the most reasonable rates; don't fall to see thetim before deciding. THS WESTFALL APARTMENTS. 410 5th St.: 5 minutes' walk, unfur nished from 2, furnished from -.'7.f-i: 3 rooms, with private bath and phone, elevator and janitor service. Main 'JTt. A -03S. TEASDALE APARTMENTS. 20th St.. Near Washington. 3 and 4-room suites, unfurnished; disap pearing beds, private bath and vacuum cleaner; walking distance, choice location and rent very reasonable; references KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford street, near Washington; select residence district; 3-room apartment with balcony; all conveniences of the best class apartments WOLFE APTS.. -210 MARKET ST. vEWLV furnished 2. 3, 4 ruouu, ) SI. .VJ to t0; single rooms 13 up; free light, phones, heat, hot and cold water, e'ectrio elevator. Marshall 3097. FURNISHED and unfurnished upar'.inenis. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, with private baths; d'esirablo location, very reasonanle rents. Apply Angela Hotel. 6-5 Washington St.. m;ar Huh. H ADDON HALU HTH AND' HALL STS. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unfurnished, all outside rooms, hardwood floars, private balconies, bath and phone; Summer rates; easy walking distance. , CLAYPOOL APARTMENTS, llth and Clay; new brick. 3 Thorns with balcony, private bath, superb location; reasonable rent, best ot service, every convenience. UNFURM.-HELi and furnished -. 3, 4-room apartments, private baths, porches, close in. West Side. Apply 2:;:(ii Ha!!. FOUR and ;-room apartmcpta. Jackson Bungalow. 454 llth su 1