FAGTS ON COLLEGE MERGERS WANTED Reliable Information to Be Compiled for Public Before Vote Is Taken. MASS MEETINGS PLANNED oinnil-inn Appolntrd by Ooifnior Will Intretlgal Condition l-r-adlng to Consolidation In Other Mat. 1 i T'ip prima ry purpose for the appoint ment by Governor Wat of a commis sion, announced yesterday, to Investi gate the alrlahnilr rf ronenlldat Inn the University of Oregon and the Ore on Agricultural College wu to pro vide some meana for assembling; re liable facta, baaed on the experience of other states, for tha Information of the voters of Oregron befora they are railed i.Don to vute on a proposeJ Initiative measure suggesting- aurh a merger of these Institution", which niay be mil mltted In tha November election. W. K. Newell, of Oaston. who baa ben designated rhalrman f the com mission, la an ex-Member of the State J-cglslature and one of the beat-known and successful horticulturists of West ern Oregon. Mr. Newell said yesterday that ha expected to rail the members ot the commission together for their Initial meeting and organisation In about two week. reaaaalaaloaera Ta roarer. -The details of the plan that will be followed by the commission In Its Investigation will not be outlined defi nitely, of course, un'll the commis sioners ran Ret together and confer." said Mr. Newell, yesterday. -The orlir Ina: Idea of those suggesting the ap pointment of the romminlun, whlrh was agreed to when the excursion of Tortland business men visited Dallas recently, was to rather all possible In formation on the subtect for prrsenta tion to the voters of the state. The commission first will proceed to secure from other states accurate Information as to experiences In tha conduct of like educational Institution. We will seek this data from those states In which a consolidation of tha state university and the agricultural college has taken place. We will as certain the reasons that brought about these mergers and will acquire re liable Information as to the actual re sults of the consolidation. In this way. the commission expects to be ahla to satisfy Itself as to whether It would be better In this state to continue to main tain the two Institutions a separate arganliatlons or to ronsollJate them Vetera T- He- Kdacalee -When the Information has been obtained It will be prepared in proper form and submitted to the voters of llie state for their In formation. In ii ay &ie commis sion hopes to be able to acquaint tha voters with the true situation and tha advlsablltty or lack of advisability of undertaking to nierse the two school. WltM thla Information In their pos session, the electors of the state will be prepared Intelligently to vote on the proposed measure by which tho consolidation of the two schools is provided. Without thla information, the average voter would n"l be In a position to pass on the proposed bill alth the Intelligence a subject of such .ltal Importance to tho state demands.'' It Is possible that when the commis sion has gathered the Information that will be sought from other statra. public met lings will be held, when the sup porters of the Initiative measure pro posing consolidation and the opponents of that legislation will be permitted to present their respective sales. f'.arly Resasrt Kaaected. The commission expects to be able to compile the information It seeks ind have It In the hands of every oter some time before the November election. The commission consists of nine members. In addition to Mr. Newell, they are: Robert R. I!an. United Wales Judge and member of board of regents of University of Oregon, of Portland; J. K. Weatherford. lawyer and member hoard of regents Oregon Agricultural College, of Albany; Pr. C. J. Pmlth. member of board of higher curriculum, of Pendleton: W. J. Mariner, farmer, of Blalock: Will II. I'aly. president Oregon State Federation of Labor, of Portlnnd: John II. Smith, lawyer, of Astoria; K. L. Thompson, of llartman fc Thompson, bankers, of Portland; leorge Putnam, editor Mail-Tribune, if Med ford. OREGON PIONEER DIES Monrnr Mulkrr ' Monmooth Suc rninbt Aftrr Short Illness. MONMOUTH. Or.. May II. (Special Monroe Mulkey. a pioneer of 1847. well known throughout Yamhill and Polk Counties, died at his home In Monmouth Saturday, after a few lay lines. He was born In Missouri In 1137. coro na" to Oregon with his parents when 8 years old. ettllng near Amity, where the rreater part of his life was passed. He still owns Urge farm, the family home He marVled Maragaret Garrison In 1S fhe died In They had seven children, four of whom are liv ing He married Mr. Martin. In Mon mouth, in 18. She aurvlves him. Mulkey. when a boy on the Journey to Oregon, drove the first herd of sheep to this state. They were landed safely on the Yamhill homestead, with the exception of a few stolen by the In- J'Vunersl services will be held In Mon mouth Tuesday. Furlal will be at mlty In the afternoon. SUFFRAGE POETIZED IN '84 Vers on Votn for Women I'oond In Newt-paper Kile. VANCOUVER. Wash.. May II Spe rlsl What some people thought of woman suffrage in 18. when Wash ington was a territory, may be gleaned from the following; verse in the Van couver Independent of that date. That paper has been merged with the Van couver Chronicle, but I.loyd Du B"l. president of the Vancouver Commercial :-lub. has a file which he prlsea highly. This" verse was In a copy of June 1. : 1. Mother, may I go out to vote? Yea. my charming daughter; And see that you get a big bank note For voting as you oughter." lanmiiTer "Bet" to Be Paid Here. -ANC04Vfclt. Wash, May II. tf-pe- HEILIG ?tb aad T. lor Pbonea Mala 1 and A -1IJ. TONIGHT "ht Wpevtal "vice Matinees W4. and Hat. Wm. A. Brady I Ltd. I F'NU-nu The I'nmidr Hit, "OVERNIGHT" F.vmn $1 3-. f Tic 5w. 3 w rf P-4 - v ?" --. :. BA.I, fc ''';" WrCL. Baker. Mgr. it.Krt MTtM-K fMPAr Tonight Bargain Mgbt all mil -3e All Ull I.e.,. Ma--- Wed. and bat. Greatest f All Wmimh Fias. -Tim GIRL or THE OOLDLN W ET" Be TavM FteTaeco. VimlflMf WceeW- roffevfs. Imnvw ('Ml kteninr --. 5'e. Mann. .-e onl. fuitivrr rvrnr nae MOHT: lie. Tie. SOe Tie mm MAY 14 Cecil Lewsi and Florence llolbrook; Mile, famllle Oners The ssjwn Tel.! H. II. 1 Jt Company U eaten Hentley tsj Hseia Kaufman Ines Bert and little tvallne 4ftrrHetraj riclare. T4KK M.IY 1J "Cinderella." musical fntar: Brandt and Walton I Mile Mmwi ereamt Mathews and lelde, Ba hlod the sweae" lulse I .era Id M (al Krls eaeyt Pantaaeacope. Popular price. Mat inee dallr. ttoire aad flr.t row balcear re served. Pox adlce open from ! A. Vf. ta la r. M. Phones A tts. Mate UU. Cwrtata ?:0. 7:111 and . atatlaee Every Day. nIK MV 11 The Oelmer Poster C.lrls: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick oelkeri Koach and M-'urtlj 1 1., lines and Rlleyi Wlllard; Lss Iisii tvrebeatra. Prtcea IV and XSr. this wrro rR(H;R.IMK OP A r TRACTIONS AT IIIK Arcadian Garden In Hotel Multnomah "Tha Reataanuit Beantlfal." Surpaas-a In Eiceilenre anvthlng yet pressnled In this charming dining place. Two complete bills eeery evening. JO to a.M and 10 3O to 12:30. Mgaorsi Rulsa and Hlgwoe W Lneca. Lata Biara of tha Urssl l irU Urand opera Company. Kaaaky. Violin Vlrtnoae. Brown and Robinson. The Keyeterlng Cavaliers. jeba Post. The Silver-Volt. d Tenor, sod the Incomparable Orchestra of gololsla under tha direction of Philip Pel. Musstan Imperial Court Conductor. TI-KAr: MIKF. VOI R TAHI K BFr.RVA-TION- KAHLV IN lilt DAI 1 MtXTNOMAM MOTPI. COMPANX II. C. Itawees. Manaaer. clal.) Oeorge B. ' Simpson and Harry Hayes made a wager that the one sell ing the most ticket to the Klka' min atrel show here Wednesday and Thurs day ntuhts would be entitled to have the other psy for 'four seat to the Qrphruw in Portland, and a big dinner al a cafe afterwarda. Mr. Simpson turned in 13i tickets, while Mr. Hayes sold but The Klks played to two crowded houses and stand to make about 81000. DEMOCRATS TO CONFER PtXrA.iTKS TO NATIONAL (OX VKXTION MKKT II Kit E. filler' to Seek Re-election as Com mitteeman four Others Would I.Ike Same Position. Delegates from this state to the Dem ocratlc National Convention will hold a preliminary conference in Portand today, when pans of organisation ami ether detail having to do with their Journey to raltlmore next month will be considered. Among the details to be determined Is the time the delega tion will leave for the Nutlnnal con vention, which will be convened at liaUlmnre June IV It will probubly not be posslbe for all of the delegate to attend today's meeting. J. W. Maloney. of Umatilla, la In the city for that purpose and other out-of-town members of the dele, gntlon are expected this morning. Mil ton A. Miller, of Lebanon. Democratla National committeeman for thla state, arrived yesterday and will meet with the delegates. Mr. Miller will not only attend the Baltimore convention, hut he will ask a re-election as National committeeman. In seeking this office. Mr. Miller will ba opposed by four rivals, three of whom are members of the deegatlon. Thev are F. V. Holman and W. R. King, of this city, and A. P. Bennett, of The Dalles. The fourth. TV. H- Cannon, of Medford. Is a prominent Democrat of Southern Oregon. The ten Democratic delegate from this state, a majority of whom are ex pected to attend today's conference, are: A. S. Benentt, of Wasco; Merman Wise, of Clatsop; Thomas Carrlck Burke, of Baker; Mark Holmes, of Polk; Victor P. Moses, of Benton; J. TV. Maloney, of Umatilla; James K. Oodfrey, of Marlon: Daniel W. Shea han. of Wallowa; Will R. King- and Frederick V. Holman. of Multnomah. During lail Immlsrante to tha number of 711 arrived In Chile In contrast to Io43 In tff". CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ee Bwadaj. Par IJne. One time . , He ame ad let ceaeeewltve tlmsa ie (M 4 three consecutive times sue eeraa ad all er s ea ronseevitlee time. ae Remittance must accautpaay eut-ef-lewa "tCbea one advertisement la net raw la eaa seewtle leeaoe the eee-tirae rate applies. his werue count aa oae Una an rash ad vertlsemeata aad a ad coveted fee lees tbsa two Unea. On (bant er beak advertlaemaote tbe rharge will be baaed as tbe actual number af Unea appearing la tbe paper, ragardlcae ef tbe aamber of wetds In eavi ta line. la Kew Today all ad vartiee meats are charge by aieaaora enl. 1 Usee te tbe lac a. Ibe above rates apply te edverttseaaeata adee ew Tattar" aod aU etBer clsasinca Uurii except the following: Mluattoaa Wanted. Maia. etluatlone Wanted. lesnala. OreguAlaa w Hi accept eiastlned adeertlse saeot ei er the telephone, presiding the ad vertiser la a subscriber te either pbooe. Ne Prices will be Quoted ever tbe poena, bat III will be rendered the tallowing day. Whether aabesqaent edvortlaecnenla will be aeeeMed eer tbe phone depends npoe tbe peomlwitese ef the payasent of telephone ad vert laeaseat. niteaUoee Wanted aad Per oneal adteetlaemoata will aot be aceepted over tha tolepbeae. Orders far one loser tloa ealy will be accepted for llooaea for Kent." " Tamil are foe bale." "Baalaees Op oortuollleo." -Kasllag-M .uses" aad -Heated to Keat," (r .a QW 'sT ft Formerly Oraad. . Jp Sulllvaa A CaiisiUiaa. Hefioed auileilll-. . ATTENTION NOBLE ffft V Al Koran Temple, of Cleve j 'Li J land, and Medlneh Temple, fTtZS Chlraro. will arrive In Port. land at T:4 Monday mom !n. Memhara of Al Kader Trmpla and their ladles and Malting Nobles urgently re quested to b at the I'nlon I. i.ot tr headquartara to welrome theaa Temples. Au tomonilea ara nsetUd and Nobles are requested to bring nr aenft their machines. Ira ! Poaers will be In chsrs of machlnas. Fvrla Temple. Pittsburg. El Zaaal Temrle. pargo. N. U.. and Lulu T'tniil. I'hlladelplila. alii arrive at T:4" Tues.lay morning. Announi ements a 111 ba made later regard ing Temple, to arrive the balance at tne week. ll-alquartsra Portland Hotel ana S"onlc Tempie. Nobles come te headquarters during tna day to assist the committees to entertain tna visitors. D. a. TOMAflNI. Chief Kabbab. PORTLAND I-OCK5E. No. 5. ... K. AMI A. M. Masonic Tem ple. Special communication this (Mondavi sfternoon. 1 .30 o'clock, to conduct funeral services of Tlrolher Henrv 8. Book, of Hol- enbe k l-ole. Uoa Anselea, tel., wnicn will be held from Holmans rhspel at i o'clock. Vleltors welcome Pr order W. M. f. M. HTF.ADMAN. riecretary. HARMONY LODGE. No. II. A. , r. . . -..I... i . i. runnil.i-l evenlnr. at ? T 3' O'clock. An address on the orlsln of Freemasonry ana tne i.-.a r the third deeree. by Rro. 6ldney Helser. of Norfolk Lrtdse. No. 1. of Virginia. Visiting brethren welcome TV. TV. USLIN. necretar). MULTNOMAH COUNCIL, MOT Al. Allt'AM'M Meets at K. P. Hall, llth and Alder streets, the cv-nnd and fourth Monday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor dlallv welcomed. I'.'LUIO COVER. Pecretary. tU I nloo ave. WItLA M ETTTC LODGE. No. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication thla Monday nlng at I SO o'clock. Work In M. M. decree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. S. TVEEKS. Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAP TER No. 14. O. K. B. Stated meet ing this i Mondavi evening. Ksst Kighth and Burnsida. Degreea. Or der TV. M. BKI.LB RICHMOND. Sec. UNITED STATRS CASHIER COM PANT XOTli'E OP ANNUL MEETINO. The annual meeting of the stnckholdt-rs of the Vnlted Plates Cashier Company will he held at tha office of the company, on the second floor of Us factory building at Kenton. Portland. Oregon, on Monday. June in. 1B1I. at 1 P. M.. for the pur pose of electing directors and for the transaction of such other huetnese ss msy be nrnusht before said meeting. KOBEKT J. L'PTON'. Secretary. SAMARITAN IX1DOE NO. S, I. O- O. F AM members srs requested to meet at hall of W-mdiawn Lodge No. 171. near end of Woodlawn car line. Monday evening. Msy IX. at o'cli-ck sharp, to pay that lodge a fraternal visit and sea their prise team confer the first degree. R. OSVOLD. Sec. CALL FOR MASS MEETING IN KENTON All property owners are reouested to at tend a meeting to ba held In Fir Hall Mon dav evening. May 11. to dlcusa the dilatory methods of contractor who la doing nothing on street contracts awarded last ticptember. KENTON IMPROVEMENT CI. IB. DIED. IfANPf1 tn this cltv, Mav 12. frs. Rachel A. Ilsnes. a'd "0 years, or 7!H Reed st Announcement of funeral later. COOK At Vancouver. Wash.. May 12. at his home. 111.1 Fast B street. Alexander J. Cook seed ii years 8 months Vt daya. rVNERAX. NOT1CEA. EMERT-In thla city. Mar 11. at hla Jbroth era residence. RfcB Millard ave.. George W. Emert. axed 83 year months 0 elsis. Deceased la survived by a slsler, Mrs. Mary A. Mitchell, and brother. J. J. Emrrt. of this oltv. Funeral services a 111 take place today i Mondavi at 8 P. M. from the chss.l of the Fkewea I nder tkliig Conipanv. corner Third and Clay rtreeia. Friends kindly invited. Interment Mllwaukle Cejnetery. MYERS The funeral services of the late Addle V. Myars will tak place today .Mondavi. Msy in. al 1: A. M.. from the chepel of the Hkewes Undertaking t'nmpany. corner Third and Clay sts. Friends kindly Invited to attend. Inter ment Rlvervlew Cemetery. SOCK At the family residence. 4l East 4tt. St.. North. May iO. Henry S. Rook, aced i years. Friends Invited to attend funeral services which will b held at llolman's Funeral Parlors at 2 1. M. Monday, May IS. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. DAVENPORT The funeral services of the 1st" Homer C. Psvenport will ha held St Mllverton. Oregon, tluday) Monday, at - P. M. MOV VMENTS Otle tichnmana Marble Work.. t.at d aad, fine ate. Eaat It. M ti. tDHlRIl HOLMAN. Ine leading f aeral director and aadrtaker. HO Iblrd SU. ror. Mlmuu, jauj ' - Uonnlng Mrf.ntee. Funeral lUreclora. Tin oao . . - leadaot. OWIce of t ounty toroaer. and lino. I'Bone .'aaiil tw. v A. rt. r.i.l.r.i - - - - . . . 1-hoae Eaat liwa. C lu". Lady attendant. 1 i. rlNLEV BON. d aad .Vadleoa. iJh. .Ilea dam. Pbene Mala . A laa. tA!r elUK Poneraa Klreelora. euoceaaora te V. Wunulng. lac E. et. B Mi. " LUBX H. rndertaher. eor. Eaet Alder and alx1h. Eo.t 7a I. B la. Lady attendant. MUtwVs COMPAV. d and Clay. Mala 4 lit. A tiil- Lady attendaat. A r . . .. n Ku( . u.'llllaMa owe. leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee s CEMETERY j Beautiful : MOUNT SCOTT PARK : I.ARIiK. PEnMAXENT, VI O I K ft . P O It T- LAMPS OM.V MOnKRN C K W K T I '. It V W ITU PGRPRTl'Jll CA BK of all burial plots without extra charge. Provided with a irarma- nent Irreducible M a I n t n a nre Fund. Location ideal: Juat out- tide the city llmlti on north and west elopea or -Mount won. containing 33S a c r e . equipped with every mndery conveniences. THtrES TO SPIT ALL. SP.ItVM'E THE BEST. IOE MILE MIPTH OK LENT S. R E (1 I I. A K A I' TO MOBILE SEHV- ICE KHEE BETWEEN , LENTS A N U THE , CEMETEHV. ll II II CITT OFFICE. :0-921 YEON BUILDINO. MAIN A 70HH. C E M K T K K Y tjFFICE. TABOit 14liH; HOME PHONE! KINII B HI, THEN CALL, LOCAL 4201. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of floe City Hall. Main SSS. A T.139. Humane officer. Mergeant E. L. Crate. Realdanca. 24 E. 2th N., Eaat 4T7. Horse ambulance, corner of Sth and Taylor. Vaterlnarv In charge. Marshall 600. Ani mals Rescue Home. Northrup Acrea. Thomas A. Short, Supt.. A 6M7. 3 rfnga. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At private residence, 14S N. loth St.. near Hovt st. Furniture, rugs. etc. riale at 10 o'clock. Baker Crowe!!, auetloneera. At Wlleoo's auction House, at 10 A- 34. Pnmlture. 1 71 -1-5 Second street. NEW TODAY. To Lease Fire-Proof Bldg. with trackage. Can furnlah 60,000 . ft. or v.111 divide to aulL Large ele vator. Suitable for manufacturing- or wholesale house. Centrally located. Phone B 104. After this date I may be found at room 04 Kothchild building-. , having removed from room 616, of the same building, and I will handle tha differ ent lines of real estate In connection with timber lands. Notice change of phone My number Main 7677. E. T. PRICE. lOLLIS, BEKRIOUE ox THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. tze Woreeater Rloek. Pkone atalaapaT. BTSINESS man. hustler, preferred, with $-.,o,o. can have $J"0 per month clear and ,-.,er In well established boslnees: over Mo already coming la. 1 0. Oregoiuau. ef WILL SELL LEASEHOLD INTEREST in prominent corner in Nob Hill dis trict. Lease runs 93 years at $100 per month net. No revaluation. Prop erty improved with one-story building co!.tino; $8."00. Rented at $200 per month, with increasing lease. Will sell building and leasehold interest at $Sf00. W. H. Webb, 401 Yeon Building. Jlain 4013. . Sacrifice Sale If sold within next few days, mjr two lots (100x100) on Kast Twenty fifth, near Cora avenue, facing; cast, at S. P. R. 1 car shops. Worth $1342, in rltidlnff street and sewer Improve ments, mny be had for 11975. Address Owner, U HO, Oreifonlan Mortgage Loans BSO.OOO and Over on CENTRA I. Bl'MNPSS PROPERTY. LOHtM CIKKENT KATEfL VVM. MACMASTER 701 Corbett Bldg. EAST SIDE WAHEHOISE OK FACTORY SITE. 150x300 Terminal Trackage. $18,000 TERMS Call Afternoons. 11X1 F.leventb Street. J. H. HILBAl lill. MORTGAGE LOANS tZC? JOHN E. CRONAN, no J O 003 Spaldlnv Bld. 0 f BBAL KSTATE DEALERS. BK1BAKER Bt.N EDICT. 602 McKay blflg. M. 64ft. Beck. William C. SJ3-X1H Falling blrlg. Chapln Horlow, 832 Chamber of Commerc Cook. B. 8. CO. 60S Corbett b'.dg. HOLM Ed MENKKEB. 20 Railway Ex change bldg. Fhona Main GOOs. Jennlnss at Co Main Ihd. 2UB Oregonlan. PALMER-JONE3 CO. li. P. 404-405-40 Wilcox bldg. The Oiegon Heal Fatate Co.. nrand ave. at Multnomah at. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. 1 or gale Lota E. POHTLAXD IIEHJIiT.S. 3 adjoining GOxlOo-ft. lola on K. 32d. near Clinton t., within 1 block of carllne. facca eaet. high and lightly. In good res idence dlntrict; will eel I together or se par ately; price for Immediate eale a5 cacn. 11. P. FAl.MKR-JON'KS CO., 404 Wilcox Illdg. Phone' Main SPQ. A g-VI. LAURELHl'HST CASH BUY. If you are looking for eomething that la extra low In price and ait 11 1 one of the good lota of thla choice addition, let ma how you what I have for U20 cah. F. E. CLEMENTS. Office Eaat Glleon an. I 3Uth Sta. HOLI.ADAY ADD. QUARTER. Corner lOnxloO ft., at li. and Mult nomah ate.. In one of tha beit residential diatrtcta of the city; price ..fliio. 11. P. PAI.MEK JONES Co., 4'.'4 Wilcox UlUK. Phones Main StilO. A 2603. l.AL 'KELHL'RST SNAP. Fine lot. ."0xH0. on Senate St.. near .IBth. Thle lot l worth 13."o, hut owner must eell, and our price for a few daya l glooo. easy terms if deatred. GRl'KJI aV IIOLWi. ma Board of Trade Bkla-.. 4th and Oak. BROAOWAY L.UT. 50x100 ft., on Broadway, near 31t St.. facea north on paved street; price for lm dlate sale 1oOO c-il. II. 1". PA1.MER-JONE3 CO., 401 Wilcox Hldg., Phonea Main HSI'K. A 2fi"3 I COI N'.'II. C'KKST snap Fin" view hulld- Ing aite. lVXIW. Ill oeec peri ui voun-ii Crest; all Improvements In; choap. st building site in Urn high-grade resi dence district: terms. R. F. BRYAN. Main lOrtS. .VS Chmn. of t'om. A 122'. 1 u, ACRKri, j:,00. year Towell Valley road and K. 77tM at., level, street on two sides. Bull llun water, surrounded l- houses; price t2oW). 11. P. PAI.MEK-JONES CO.. 404 Wlkox Blil. Phones Main hll'1.!. A -''.',3. ill'. VIEW PARK. 3 acres on rldite above Willamette Helghta. unexcelled vle v perpetual sprluu. on county road; prl,-e $.triie. II. P. PAI.MEK-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main o'.19. A 2ti53. CHEAP LOTfv Its BOxloo each, on E. 28th and E. 27th sts.. ono Mock from two carllne. the Rojto city Park and E. Ankcny and Sandy road, luK and up. Terms. J. J. OKKKR. Cor. Orand ave. and E. Ankeny. PORTLAND HEli;ilTS. Beautiful sites for bungalows Just above the housetops at tha foot of the lulls; carllne and wniklug distance; any sixa wanted at too equate foot; one beautiful site for 10e0. Room i- Hallway Ex change. nun 1 1. 1 ' - - - - - 2 vacant lots on Council Crest Drive, affording t-eamlful view, overlooking tho cltv and valle. Will be olcl to first i.artv making ch offer. Devlin a: Ilre hailKh. "07 Yeon hldjt- .jl.. u "t 1 v 1 ill'i TlflV (10 DOWN 10 PER MONTH. Kino view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walk and curb. Bull Bun water. Provident Trust Company. 2d floor Selling bldg. Main lew. A tt-"i. BEAI'TIFL'L view lot on southern slope near Council Crest. :,0 and up. Includ- Ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded atreet and water; building restrictions: sold on -asv terms provident Trust Company, id floor Selling bldg. Main 10. A 8-H1. 1100 LACKELHL'RST CASH BUY-1 1 lnO Soxioo lot. located In the best pan of l.aurelhurst. one block to cur; hlKh und sightly. Thla Is a sure barifaln. Phone ma today. East ! Mr. 1-Iahunty. WEST SIDE. Beautiful residence lot. Nob Hill, hard surface street, close In, block from 2 car lines; bargain at 1 4 .".00; terms. Archibald, 4 2 i Falling bldg. ONLY the price of a lot; price :.i0, easy terms: small plaatered 2-room house, lot 60x105: meet you; blue ribbon on coat; Grays Crossing. 2 to 4 P. M. ; Mt. Scott car. FOB" SALE Large lot, nearly Uw" a. ft.. In Hawthorne diet.; faces east and fronts rsrllne on E. 34H at.; price I12.V", Includ ing Improvements to dale: restricted resi rieuca dlalrlct. O 84. oiegonian. iIlAVE a 50-ft. lot In Alberta, close to car, that you can have at 110 down and 110 a month, with 6 per cent, provided you arrange to live on same immediately. Own er. 10-0 Yeon bids- APARTMENT LOCATION. West Side. ne:ir Multnomah Jlub. llK'x 1"0 exceptionally fine outlook over the city owner will sacrifice. Room 0.6 Hallway xcnane. HAVE A SPLENDID LOT ON STANTON T NEAR 3STH ST.. THAT I WILL SELL RIGHT; EASY TERMS; NO AOENTS. O 81. OREC.O.MAN. OTS $30 down. 1 per mo., no Int.. no taxes. Including Improvements, cement walks curbs. Bull Run water, etc.; till locution. Particulars m. oreKoniau. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLLsIVELY. BEAUTIFUL HOMES AND HOMES IT ES. Marshall 4827. BKOOKE. . A 83a c-moic-E lota, all Improvements In, cen C"Uy located. East Hide, price, right J Union ave., near Uolng. Woodlawn 1.S0. CORNER lot on Union ave. OilxOO, 2 hou.e. Income 3'-'4 year; a aacrlfleo by owner; no asents. 6.loa Woodigwn ll-8. CHOICE VIEW LOT 11.100. Improv.d. restricted, near City Park. Call evenings. A JTiU. Marshall 4037. I LOTS near Beaumont on 33d; llOvo; MY equity (M-. In live lots. Glenhaveo Park, IctoQ. AO 5S. Oregonlan. LTEF-sX"viVG sacrifice; beautiful Irvlng ton lot. Main LOT 5. block 70. Iurelhurst, 61750. Phon. Tabor 3IHI7. Beach Proierty. BEACH lt for salo or exchange for piano. 4111 Vancouver ave. Por sale Hoitaea. EOR FINE HOMES See Delahunt. frank L. M'-Gulre to Insure against lire. M. 100S. 61U Abington bldg. A 1140. J For Sale Houaee MOVING from city Jure 15 and must sell fine Eas; Side home, close In, very cheap, containing reception hall. living-room, dining-room, pass pantry, kitchen. S bed rooms, den. bathroom, beam celling and bullt-ln buffet, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace and gaa water heater, finished attic: will sell furniture; good terms. Call mornings or evening. Kant 2rwV4. BEST BUILT HOME Leaving city; sacrifice just-completed 8-room double constructed strictly modern house; all conveniences, electric cockers, etc.; make 610M by tak ing Rose City Park car today to 3Sth St.. 1 block north to Broadway: small pay ment, balance like rent. S. Peterson, ar chitect, owner. S5 E. 3Sth. Woodlawn 3.7H, PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Dainty new Q-rooiu Colonial house, built for home, ivory and solid mahogany fin ish, artistic fireplace, sunroom, two sleep ing porches, largo Improved grounds, view absolutely unequalled; S11.5IV), terms; 61000 reduction if sold before May 23. BROOKE. Marshall 482T. A S':li. IRVINGTON S-room modern house on corner E. 24th and Braxee sts.: white enamel woodwork, every convenience; garage; lot OSHxlOO ft.: price Including street Improvements. 6HOO0: terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phonee Mnln Sfi!)!l. A -K. COTTAGE 62000 4-room modern cottage on lot 47Hxino feet, within 1 block of W.-W. carllne, Howe station. Id first class shape and ready for occupancy. Price 62000. on easy terras PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wllccx Bldg. Phones Main Mil9S, A! ROSE CITY PARK. SI WISTERIA. rooms, sleeping porch. also view porch: grand view of city and mountains; oak floor, buffet, cabinet kitchen, fire place, lighting fixtures, shades. cement basement, furnace and launtiry trays; everything that makes a complete home; 6'0 will handle. J. Bryson Moore, owner. Phone Tabor 32S. C isn2. . IRVINGTON. 7-room modern house, facing eaat on E. 1lth at., between Thompson and Brazes at..: full cement basement, furnace, hard, wood floors, bullt-ln buffet, shades and fixtures, garage; priee $S7"0: terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main 8iW. A 2fi.'3. RARE BARGAIN. FROM OWNER. ELEGANT 11-llOO.M IRVINGTON HOME. SOxlOO-ft. corner. E. -loth and Braxee. cost xio.r.ou: SELL 67"00. TERMS. No Incumbrance; Improvements In and paid for; no trades. Phone E. 635. $4',.V StlnO CASH. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Owner will sell 7-room modern bungalow in restricted residence district, fine view, furnace, fireplace, built-in effects, special electric light fixtures. Mr. Lucas, tjo7 Yeon bldg. LAUB ADD. HOME. 7-room modern house, facing eaet near Hawthorne ave.: paved street and alley in rear; price $72r,0; easy terms. H. I". PALMER-JONES CO., 414 Wilcox Hide. Phonea Main Sufifl. A 2BSX A NICE NEW HOME at $2:i.r0. Including street improvements, etc.; 23 monthly. Including Interest, buy. It; near "A" car; Baa and 8-Inch water mains In street; will consider any propo sition you care to submit to acquire thla attractive home. Owner. IQ'.'O Yeon bldg. ALBERTA BUSINESS CORNER. Must sell at once, 7-room modern bunga low, partly furnished; Otixioo. Alberta and 30th sts; small amount cash, balance pur chasers terms. Ouler 50x100 Ideal busi ness corner. Property and owner at 105S E. 30th North. LATJRELHURFT HOME. 7-room house. 2 fireplaces, solid oak: floors, furnace and all bullt-ln conveni ences: small cash payment or will trada for unincumbered city lota. National Real ty ei Trust Co.. 78 Chamber of Com merce. Main M2J1. WEST SIDE SNAP. Good old S-room house on corner SSx 100. on Hamilton ave.; atreet Improve ments all paid: lot alone worth the price; 6to00, easy terms. GRUSSI 4- HOLDS. .IIS Board of Trade BldK.. 4th and Oak WEST SIDE HOME. 14 rooms. Hi-foot frontago, all new and modern. grounda beautifully terraced, view unexcelled, walkine distance and one block of two curlines. 12,.',oo. Owner, OUS Railway Exchange. ' BEAUTIFUL, almost new. 6-room first-class house, up-to-the-minute, built for home, every convenience, hardwood floors, fire place, sleeping porch; 2fe level lota, loO It. to car, grandest view polut on Portland Helghta; fU.500; no agents. AR 61, Ore gonlan. HIGHLAND Is equal to the best In the city for residences. We have some very good buys; good 7-room modern. 2-story house, So.'.o, terms;, good o-room. l-story, choice bunKalow. 62'WO, terms. !,; Union ave.. near Qoins. wotmiawn nw. J-ltOOM house, modern, lot 100x100, beauti ful view of Valley and mountains. West Side; 20 minutes from Postofflce; 6iau(j; easy terms. Provident Trust Company, second floor Selling bldg. Main 1600, A sum. NEW S-ROOM HOUSE. One block from carllne. south and east frontage, piedmont district; S4000; terms; by owner. S 40, Oregonlan. 0-ROOM modern bungalow, fireplace, fur nace, lmprovtmenta all paid, excellent lo cation' large rooms, Dutch kitchen, elec tric light and sas; all for 27.'.i. terms to suit. Call Monday, Main 7ii0. Mr. Prank. NEW HOUSE, small but convenient ana well built; 60x100 lot, 3 j. blocks off Rote City Park carllne. Total price 6'0; 7i cash. 61 1 Per month, Including interest. A :!-. oresonian. bTRICTLY modern house. 8 large rooms, furnace, eluctrio light, gas and phone; will lease; walking distance, good nelKb borhuod. 3ol Holiaday avenue, near Eaat r 11 1 r i ri.M, 11 r, c ji j . . a iiv.uii,. 7-room modern house, with 00x100 lot; for 6:J,Mt. worth 6d."oo; house cost 647O0; also a fine corner, 1U0X113. at a bargain, owner. Phone Woodlfiwn 21S7. WEST SIDE HOME. 6o0. South Portland. 4-room shack, habitable, on lew lot, r.OxlOO, nice garden, hi caah. Kred W. German, 32'J Burr.rlde. M. or A 277U. 8-ROOM ED house, w ith lot. In Seattle, for sale or trade for Portland property, by owner. 1U4S East 30th North. Phone Woodlawn 11S7. Portland. HY owner, Holiaday Park Addition, atrictly modern 6-rooiu house, 1 block from car, downstairs hardwood floors, all conveni ences, big lot fruit trees. Call C 1868. jfsSOHALF ACRE 50. Facing on carllne, running water, sta tion rifc'ht at the place; none finer for a suburban home. Owner, room 628 Hy. Exehuage. NEW modern ountiaiow. Schuyler su, near Hose City car: 63'.."o. easy terms; hard wood floors, full Uesement. gaa and elec tric fixtures, bullt-ln buffet, large attlo Owner, 62o Yeon blag .Phone Main HA FOR SALE Fine up-to-date modern house, with ten rooms. Marshall 1410. Clatsop Investment Co.. 2J2 Hallway Exchange bldg. 6-LOOM bungalow, strictly modern. In good location; reasonable amount down, balance monthly. Beals & Robinson, 31 E. llth St. E. 6023. MODERN S-room home, completely fur nished; must go at a bargain; terms; by owner 3S3 E. 44th .1.. 2d house from Uar rlson st. Hawtliorua car. FOR HALE 2 houses In Hutuiyslde. between 3Sth and :r.ith; or.e S-room cottage. 6300, one o-rooin, 2-story. 63000. Inquire 1163 East Morrison. BY OWNER. Will ell Im equity, modern 4-room bungalow, for 6700 or trade for unincum bered lot. Phone Woodlawn 2717. W1LL take 6710 for my 612.'.0 equity In n two-story home In Laureihurst; small t, ew bal- ance on terms, no agcucs. D 31. Orego- MUST HAVE MONEY. 5 6, 7 and 8-room houses, double con struction, good location. Phone Sell. 87. SEE my new 8-room house for aale. Phone and will call for you with. auto. Tabor S372. 5-ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park, lire place, bullet, furnace, oak floors. 6276U; easy terms. - -T- 1. ' , . ."TIT I." V" T 1 ' r homes, irvlngmn, cheap. East 273, C 1S6S. W. H. Herdman. WK.T SIDE, modern S-room house, 10 rn'n utes' walk from postofflce; 6-1200. 612 Market. , OWNER leaving city, will aacriflce 6-room bungalow. 1 block from car; 627O0 unfur nished, 6is.nj lurnisnea. laoor ah7. FOR SALE Small house. lot. dn0. 807 Yale at., near Portsmouth. Box Sd, HUlsboro, Or. BIGGEST snap in Portland 6-room modern cottage: lot 60x100; just finished; 61700; some terms. r. .:. oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL home, half aere fruit, garden, cheap: terms. Owner. Tabor S36. --p0 NEW, modern 3-room. 2-story house, "lot 40x100. 87T East 2-Jlll St.. terms, 60000. UAl'RKLHVRST. souoo. SPLENDID TERMS. LOT 53x131. Owner going away and will sell his brand new 8-room bungalow in the linesi part of Laureihurst for a quick sale at tne above price; cue of tne very best-Bunt bungalows In the district, lacking notn ing in completeness; all large rooms, i tiathrooms. excellent location and close to car; well finished throughout: each room handsomely decorated with wall paper 01 expensive and artistic deslsn. Fixtures and shades, roses, fine, sightly lot. ready to move into; might accejjt a good trade in vacant property. Tabor :W-P. BUILD ON VACANT LOT. WE WILL TURN THE BURDEN" IN TO INCOME. WE FURNISH THE PLANS. FINANCE AND BUILD APART MENT OR RESIDENCE AT LOW COST. WE GIVE BOND. SHOW OUR WOKE, AND REFER TO OUR CLIENTS. Stt; US BEFORE YOU MAKE PLANS; IT WILL PAY. L R. BAILEY CO CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 621 ABINGTON BLDG. MR. LOT OWNERI HERB IS YOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAT YOU TO COMB U' AND TALK THIS OVER. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. nana x dimjj. WILL SACRIFICE FINE HOME FOR QUICK SALE. 8 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. HARDWOOD FLOORS. CLOSE IN, ON TWO CAKLINES. HARD-SURFACE STREET. ASK. FOR MR. E ASTON AT 1110 SPALDING BLDG. NO A GENT S. HOI-LADAY RESIDENCE. A handsomely appointed home. In a district of fine residences, close In. near Holladav Park, bungalow style, faces south and east, on corner; ltioxlOO ft.; paved streets: garage. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Phones Main S99, A 2653. MISSISSIPPI AVE., 2 HOUSES. 2 good 5 -room houses, rented for $25 per month, lot 50x100. on Mississippi ave., near Cook ave., a good closa-iu location, a good place for a home or a nice little Investment. Price JW2U0; 6I0OO caah and 625 per month. GRUSSI & HOLDS. "IS Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. LAURELH URST. Must sacrifice my beautiful new 2-story home and 50x100 lot In this elegant addi tion; house is large, roomy and contains every modern convenience from basement to attic; price is 4750; small caah pay ment, balance easy terms. Owner, Y 61, Oregonlan. For Sale Acreage. BEFORE BUYING get the new magazine. "Oregon Opin ions" (free). Read what newcomers at West Stavton any. It will save you hunt 1., .-. ih U'Y,t lnmtimi. Those new comers are all delighted with their pur- I chases, but we flou t ask you to ouy, c."'j to read the magazine and draw your own conclusions. Get free copies at Cham ber of Commerce b!dg.. Stark St.. from Third to Fourth street. ...t WILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED LAND COMPANY. ACREAGE On West Side, only 30 minutes with the new cars; level land abut ting on new- Fourth street electric line; commuters' fare 13V; cents; vorv rich soil, line water at 24 feet; SJ5o to $500 per acre and upon monthly payments. Office open un til 9 P. M. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 102 Fourth St. A 3oo ONE DANDY SACRIFICE. ' 10 acres, all In high state of cultiva tion and In crop, lies beautifully, extra fine soil, no rock or gravel, fine open countrv, lies on main county road with flno farma on all sides. 20 milcB from Portland. i mile from Salem Electric station, board walk all the way. mile to Willamette River and good little town with good schools and churches; has IL 1". I. and telephone service; price 622i0. 61000 cash, balance long time 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY I'O, r,:o Railway Exchange Bids., 4th and Stark 6125 PER ACRE. Is the price of a splendid 10-acre tract of garden .land; ahout 1 acre of this GENUINE BEAVERDAM. the rest Is a rich black loam; there is a tine stream of running water all the year on this making It one of the very best pieces of land for truck gardening In the country, comparison of values will show this property- to be very cheap at 6125 per acre; 6125 down, balance easy payments. 4o5 Couch Bldg. 65 ACRES. . Choicest red shot soli In Washington County. 40 miles from Portland 00 tha new P R. N. Ry.. partly timbered, easl'v cleared, good roads, achool la quar ter of a mlli new railroad town in twe "ijob cash, balance your own terms, FIRLANDS TRUST COMPANY. 006 BpaldlngBulldlng. "an ACHB OFOROl'ND ON YOUR OWN TERMS. Are you looking tor an acre? If o let me show you this one. Located within a few feet of Sandy boulevard: water, etc., on the place and you can buy on your own terms; the price is right and a po tato crop will pay this year and will more than cover the payments I ask; lnvcstl- gate. L r,6. Oregonlan. 1 ..-,., JENNINGS LODGE 2-ACRE HOME "Ar7you too busy to make 61000 today? If ot come out and buy this fine tract of land, all cultivated; lias 20 fruit trees, berries of all kinds, f.-room house and one minute from the Oregon City carllne. The best buy in the county. REDMOND & McGOVERN, Jennings Lodge, Or. fc;oWJENNINGS LODGE. SLIGHTLY IM ' PROVED ACRE. 6-room plastered house on Oregon City carllne; location and neighborhood Is the very best: 6IO0O cash, balance terms; Its very cheap. & MrOOVEKf) Jennings Lodge, Or. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH near PorCand- a NEW SUBDIVISION. Lowest prices: be.t soil; fine view; wood, wt" ind rnada; acre.. 400 per tract; 10-A, 6600: iO A.. 6C00: 40 A.. 61200; 80 A.. I2oo6; 100 A.. 63000; liberal torma FRANK M" FAR LAND REALTY CO, SOB YeonBlUc- Portland. Or. " 6176 PER ACRE. EASY' TERMS. I will sell 150 acres or any part there of of a highly developed ranch 11 miles from Vancouver; good house, fair barn; I need money or would not offer Liis, my home place, for the price, or anywhere near it; nicn)s,- - FOR SALE Mv five acres 011 the Section Line road, one mile east of M.t. Tabor, ail fenced and under cultivation, fruit trees surrounded by strawberry ranches, fine soil, no gravel. Price 65500. See owner, no mim o,... FOR QAliEh jvv-r, 1 iav.j.. Choice acre tract. 3 blocks to streetcar, electrio lights, water, telephone and walks, finest soil, beautiful view, 6 miles from 4th and Washington. 61-'i0. small pay- T ten Clrpnoiii!l. oieitc. " -. w " ,,t r.-- , T T 3 acres, all -ir art adjoining City Park befcutlful vl-jw. ali conveniences. near hard-surface and car; fruit, berries, flow era, new bungalow; take some exchange, w art Orecrnnlan. OREGON tctcmic ac., Have from 5 to 20-acre tracts close to station. 18 miles out. from 670 to 6l0 ner acre, on easy terms: the best for the money in Oregon. Fred W. German. 32 Burnslde. M. or A 2i id. IDEA L. 6 acres for suburban home, chicken and berry farm. 2-room house, beautiful scenery. Price 61150. Owner. 010 Henry bldg. FINEST of Willamette River bottom land; tracts to suit up to 200 acres; priced low; easy terms, tt per cent; you make the profit. Owners. Cameron & Stouter, 21D Lumliermens bldg. Main 1875. ONE five and one ten-acre tract. 15 miles 'from the Courthouse, close to electric line. 6125 per acre: easy terms. Frank T. Be rry. No. 4 N. 0th at. 17 ACRES near Beaverton, 15 cleared, 5 blocks from car station and running water; onlv 630 per acre; terms. Owner, James WilSOn, XSOriiiB. w. wu a. FIVE to nine acres A beautiful suburban home, or subdivision: 5-ceal fare; water main: all city conveniences. Owner, p 54, Clregonian. 1 2 and 3-acro tracts, close to Portland, 1 to ' 6 blocks from electric carllne. 6200 to 64O0 per acre, easy terms. J. W. Hefferiia Realty Co.. 307 Railway Exchange. 6 ACRES and 14 acrea. on Vancouver elec trio car; good Improvements: reasonable, j. E. Hall, 30S Abington bldg. 160 ACRES. Tillamook County, good soil, no rock: well watered: 63 acre. H. N. Swank, S"3 Abington bldg. TEN acres, one mile east of Mayberry, on the Mt. Hood line. Frank Kolsky. Boring, Or, or phoue 344. For Sale BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT. EXCELLENT COUNTRY HOME. 11 acres, all In high state of cultivation, with 800 feet Willamette River front, tine oval bank, 3 houses. 2 barns, and all otlur necessarv out-buildings, power water sys tem, gasoline engine and dynamo. 2 acres flue orchard, place nicely fenced, fine view- of Willamette River and country, boatlanding on property, main county roads on two sides, all kinds of shrubbery. 2 fine horses. 2 sets of harness. 1 cow. ,0 chickens, buggy.' wagon, mower. 1 cow. .0 plow, harrows and lota of other personal property too numerous to mention; -0 miles from Portland on main county road. H miles from electric station, board walk all the way to station, right in edre of nice little village with good schools churches, etc.. R. F. D. and telephone. If you are looking for a dandy country home with gorgeous river front, see this. Price 7000. 63500 cash, balance long, long time 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 5:0 Railway Exchange Bldg.. tth and Stark 5-acre tracts. 24 miles from flve ceut carfare, down the Willamette on west side: 6175 per acre on pig ments; mac-aduinlxed road all the way. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Main 35 102 Fourth St. A J0O ABOUT five acres. Mount Tabor, for plat ting: no agents. Owner. Marshall 2717. For Sale Business property. STORES and apartments, prominent street. West Side, close in. 518.00U. Owner, 3i4 W o rcestcr bldg. FOR ALE An ideal warehouse or factory site tfour blocks!. 4cH feet on O. A: W. It. R. ; will sac rifice If taken now. Owner, G r,o. Oregonian. Homesteads. 12 acres Southwestern Oregon on good reek. Fine road leading to It; 30 acres tillable land. Well built log cabin, lex-' . J'i-story; fine spring water. This Is only short distance from S. P. R. R. Price J10U We have all kinds of them J. B. HAVILAND TIMBER COMPANY 520 Railway Exchange Bldg. HOMESTEADS. ,, If you are looking for a homestead, ca.. here. Have relinquishments on several adjoining claims In Tillamook County; al-i fcome timber claims, full 100 acre!,, in ench one. good water nnd near to towns and railroad, ov-i .-,amn.e HOMESTEADS, near Portland, level land; near station, timber and water; can see In one day; fees right. Covey, 20. Oak. room 2L . 2 HOMESTEAD claims, will cut S and 12 million feet timber, situated on river. AM oreicoiuan. RELINQUISHMENT, near Portland: on good county road; good house and barn, cheap. Owner going away. 1O10 C. or -. For Sale Fruit 1 nda. 25 ACRES bearing prize orchard, Idaho, fot aale at sacrifice. Marshall 52. For gall1 t-anivs. 40 ACRES. 20 acres cleared. 1000 prunes, apples and pears: good barn. house, chickenhouse and running water; 10 head stock (7 mllk-lng cows) 2 calves. 1 sow. 60 hens, young chickens. geese and ducks; 2 horses, buggy. 2 new wagons and all farm Implements; about 10 ton of hay In barn; 600. half cash, balance 0 per cent, or without stock, 6100 per aCAl'so 42 acres adjoining. JS5 per acre: 10 clear with oats, potatoes and wheat; million feet timber; half cash, balance 6 per cent. We are too old to work any lonccr and have to sell, peter Chantlc-.r, R. No. 1, Box S9. Brush Prairie. Wasiu About 12 miles from Vancouver. 11M VRKS at head of Sauvles Island, nine mi'les from Portland, one mile from mouth ot Willamette River. Bouts on river stop at landing, which is located on place. 1 lie verv best soil. All fine grass land. acres being tame meadow grass. Two gnoa lakes for duck shooting. Price and terms. 61 "J per acre. For further particulars Inquire on place or address J. W Moar's l-andlng. care Steamer America. MUST ba sold in 30 days, flno Tlllamonk dairy ranch. 100 acres. 07. bottom, new house, tost 61000. nearly new barn. ,ox 60; fine orchard, good fences, splendid wh ter system piped house and barn, also to Irrigate garden: runs 15 cows. Jn"L personal property goes with place. "rics 6'1500. AV 273. Oregunmn. t A GOODLY FORTUNE FOR SOMEBODY'. I have 72S acres. S miles from Van couver. Wash., which I am compelled tc se'l Thla land is Ideally fitted for plat ting and an investor can easily realize 615O-620O an acre and all I ask Is 6-. an acre if taken within the next ten days. ... ......... . m.t 17 ODClliPn 40 acres apple orchard. IN acrea cleared, 7U acres In 4-vear-old apple trees. 1 1 .. one-year-old trees. 300 pear trees, year old- 150 peach trees that will bear this vear 5 acres planted to potatoes, good house and barn. Price 650011 . 63000 caiu; balance very easy terms. 3-G V orcestel - M.ln R-lTO DlOg. ITIIOtl'- -- c Al.lr cu,.,ia ta,,.., . Have properties for sale from t hleo tc Modesto, all personally Investigated, rang, ing from 10 acres to IO.Oina acres; terms, in per cent cash and up; improved a no unimproved. See me before going to . C al-fornla- 65 per acre to 6125. with graMty irrigation. C. L. Bamberger. 7u5 bpald- , - . C, l T A VT1S lng hing acvtv tn i.-r-.o v WHEAT STOCK.' FRUIT RANCHES. 40 to 35.000 acres, 6S.50 to 6100 pot aero; some trades. .IOH NSTON-BOTH FUR & CO.. 908 ( hamper ot ..Miii-T.b- TtttsF wheat on land that will produce from 20 to 40 bushels to the acre and sells for 62" to 6W an acre; no hnrd laboi . "on. sit on the machine; the horses do lie rest. Write M. FUzmaurlce. Condon. Or. i",0 ACRES black oam and b-averdam. : :! 1 in cultivation, one mile Oregon Electric; station. S05 acre. Owner ill health. I mean it. See agent. J. E. Hall. St Ab- inyton bldg. 77; ,,.l,Vi -7 acres cultivated, good housa and barn"; 61 1 1" r acte: 14 miles south of Portland- 1'- miles from Malloy St.. oil O. E. It Inquire 503 Jefleison St. REAL offers, must go. 100 H.. house l.arii. .'reek Mo n a.; 12( a., quite level. Joins town.' 1515 per a. Others for exchange. O. Mlddlekanff. Tnqnina. Or- ; 145 ACRES excellent farm. Willamette Vai, lev 2 miles good town. t-5 acre. J. C. McClure. 308 Abington blrlg RANCH 60 acres, with buildings, 18 mllea from Portland, near electrio llnel bargain for all cash by owner. 132 MorH.oa su WANTED REAL ESTATE. -ry xTElTlO to 10 or more acres on line of Ml Hood Railway; at least half must be cleared, not particular about buildings; cvill Insist on reasonable price, and must take house and lot in Portland as first pavment. Vsnduyn Walton, 615 Cham ber of Commerce. " j HAVE-ready money for Investment In real snaps; I will buy equities in either Improved or vacant propirty. At 40. Oreaoninn. I WANT a bargain In a new. strictly mod ern 7 or-S-room house, restricted dlstrlct- N 00. Oregonlan. APARTMENTS wanted up to 610,000 from owners only; positively no agents. AB 33. Oregonlan. I OR WALK TIMP.KH LA-Vll. WHAT 6700 WILL DO FOR Y'OU. It will locate and enable you to file on Ifio acres of Government land. Will cruise between 5 and 0 million feet. SO per cent pine, mostly sugar piue of finest qualltv, belance Douglas fir. Railroad will be close by. We have many other good ones at less prices J. B. HAVILAND TIMBER COMPANY. 520 Railway exchange rm. 6o MILLION feet of timber, handy to water and rail; Just right for Immediate use. 412 cjnamoer m cone, i.e. TTUTtlTl T.AND9 BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACHEN. 804 McKay Bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS WANTED To rent Immediately, 3 to 10 acres cleared land, with house and build ings. H S3, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE Fine unincumbered ranch near Santa Rosa, Cal., for Portland prop . ertv. F. Dubois. 12I3 Yeon bldg. WANTED To exchange a stock of watcbea and Jewelry for farm lands or equity la farm landa O 940. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE equity of 6700 in 100x1 .0 Join ing Sellwood. mortgage 6500. for good 5 piisseuger car. 421 Hamilton bldg. UNENCUMBERED lots taken In exchange for equity In loOxlOo corner lot and good bungalow. A K ',7, Oregonian. SO ACRES In Idaho, 160 in Washington, to trade for rooming-house or other busi nesa. Evans. 321 Imperial Hotel. NICE, sightly lot, Oregon City, for Victrola; must be worth 6176. Frank T. Berry, No. 4 N. 6t hst I WANT close-in city property. Have close in acreage WooUiawn .051,