THE MORNING- OKEGOSIAN, SATURDAY, MAT 11, 1912. EARLY SERVICE DUE As conwqurnre the Melville boa Ms the heaviest clans of any vessel on the EXCEEDS YEAR AGO river ani they have ben valuable when she encountered dirty weather on the lower harbor. DETAILLE GETS HIGH RATE North Beach Run Will Start June 1 With "Hassalo." Trade Movement Is on Larger But Option on I.oading Horlic Is Somewhat Stiffer. Regarding the charter of the French bark Kdouard Pctaille, to load new crop wheat here, the fixture having been reported a few dys ago. the rate was 3S shillings or I7s 6d for barley. The French ship lloche was engaged shortly before the Detallle at tr Gd higher for the option of Portland load ing. - The Puquesne and I.'Hermlte. which are in the river, the former ready for au-a and the f.'Hermlte not having com pleted her cargo, were taken at 31a Sd. but were chartered some time aco. As to conditions governing the forth coming wheat crop exporters say that Scale. VESSEL IS OVERHAULED RECORD BUSINESS IN IRON Ilarrlinaa ritvf to Benin Trip 1uy tug by Railroad Continues Month Ahead of I'snat Season Vrl Bring Pnt In Shape for hummer. IlenTj Footwear Shows Ir !rovcnieiit and Hide and Icathcr Are Advancing. 18 Dana leinc formulated by the liar rlman system will a-lo North Beac habitues service between Portland an Mr!r June I. a montii earlier th usual. tha steamer Ilassalo, pride that fleet now. belna- assigned for th flavllsht run and at the travel In rrrswa she will Rlva way to the steam rr T. J. Potter. The latest ronrernlna- the Ilassalo. whlrh has been overhauled and ren nriiri at a cost approximating 130,00, Is that she will make her Initial trip of the season Tuesday evenliia-. rellev In the steamer Harvest Queen, which la to be overhauled and placed In the best of rendition for the Summe service. The latter will be recommls- slnned June I. O.-W. II. X. officials deny th there Is a better appearing- steamer on river todav than the Ilassalo. for while her lines have not been altered as to the hull or house, she has been repainted In white, with the. red water line a-ne over and all exterior parts stvrn a fresh coat that makca her look as If new. The major portion of the money expended was alloted to Interior effects. The cabins, saloon and state- rwtms have been a-lven attention, state room accommodations vastly Improved and ail carpets replaced, as well as dra peries, and there la practically nothing left of her former furnishings. Because of the festivities durlnc Klk" week It Is not thought the travel durlnc the first part of July will be as heavy as usual and the O.-W. R N. will place what steamers are available at the disposal of the Klks. It has been learned that the steamer Rose City rould not be chartered by the Elka for special excursions down the river, the San Kranclsro A Portland fleet offcials havlnat held that It was impossible to release the vessel for that period without the schedule being ssdly Interfered with. She will no doubt carry a heavy pa.-senper list to the convention and outward with those retumlnc south. (IRlOliD REEF TO BE MARKED Tuln Kot-ks AMU Be EUbaihcI During Promt Month. I'oncerninjr the establishment of an aid to navigation st Urford Iteef the following notice has been Issued from the office of, Henry I Heck. Inspector of the Seventeenth Lighthouse district. also a llsrht to be established In the north as follows: K-iro4Sf Orford Rrf TU and whlstMnff buti) . '1 OR. to be riuh. ih4 nnuul SJuy 1.V mil. ppriTimat-!y UT'l !- r true ( W. W. 3.1 W. niif.l, from Kox K-k. In 44 fathoms of l-r. It a III be i-onkal. pyramidal, skeleton superstructure atrrl will show an oct-uHtits Mt IlKhu M bout C4aJIpowrrt thus: Llsbt. 6 so- vnOs: .rupee. 5 e.-nnn thaahlncton eoulft Twin Rocks llsht. to Ha established about May IHl. on In pa betwean i"harl-a laiaml and lpes lulaatl. a flue.1 white llsht. about 44 caodie power, shown from a nsht-anslod arm oa a 4-inch Iron pipe set In a sh-S-i la a con rrtt foundation en th ledse. at a heijrht of IO feet imt the water. Structure a III o painted white, t'harles Is'artd. left tn xnt. decree true ( E. ll-lrt S. mac ): I'herlea li'nl. rlsht tansent. Ii drfri l rt- ts. l.-.-ia E. maf.l; bona Is:nu. nrM lansent. SiH decrees tru I S. W. S W. . Vnattlonr latitude 44 decrees 3o mm ut'a ."-o scoa1a N. ; longitude. 1.2 aara J.1 minutes W. VALLEY TOWNS TO GET SERVICE Ix-n Xcw Strainer OraJiatnona Is rlnl.-hcd. River Points Benefited. A LB A. NT. Or.. May 10. Special.) With the completion on August 15 of the new steamer Urahamona. of the itreaon City Transportation Company, now under construction at Portland. Albany. Corvallis and other upper river points again will be given daily boat service to Portland. The new steamer la being built espe cially for upper river traffic and will be put on the run this Fall In addi tion to the Pomona. The Qrahamona will be ITS feet long, will draw 1 inches of water and have a spcrj of IS knots. Three or four col lapsible locks probably will be In stalled between Albany and Salem, giving a five-foot water stage all Summer and Insuring upper Willam ette cities an all-year boat service. A dally steamer service between this My and Portland would lessen the freight rate at least SI per ton. with the opening of free locks at Oregon City. AlXxWORTII DOCK WHITENED Harrtman Line to Beautify in Ad va me of Summer Potivitlc. Fnterlng Into the spirit of the Hose stlval and Elks' convention enthusi asm, the San Francisco Portlund steamship Company has ordered that Atnsworth dork be whitewashed. Ordi narily a whitewash job is not much of an undertaking, but aa Alnsworth dock rovers several hundred feet of water frontage, it means that the work will require considerable time and material. J W. Ransom, general agent for the fleet, has entered into a contract with M. W Bartlett for the whitewashing and the start Is to be made Monday. Other docks on the front, the exterior of which have not been hldtlen for many moons with such an attractive finish, are being whitewashed, and It Is ex pected that most owners will follow suit In the general cleaning scheme. Hesldes there are decorations to be hung In the way of bunting and flags, and some electrical effects will be shown. STEAMER ivtxlljgilncb. Name. Wear Ttreakwatar. . Kalcoa Northland. .. Roanoke. .. . . Pom city... Alllanre. ta Arrive. From. . San Padre. . . .Coos ltay. . . fiats. , In port May San Fraaelaea May l.oe Angeles. . May . . an Dl-co. . . fun Tedro. . Eureka. . . fua H. Elmore. Tillamook.. Mar May ..May May Heaver San I'edro.... May Geo. W Elder. Isthmlaa. . San Dieco. halloa Crus. May June II 11 11 12 12 13 14 17 20 11 Scheduled ta Depart. Ntrae. For. Data. Harvard S F. L. A.. . May It Bear Han Pedro. ... May 12 Tale S. F for L A. Mar 13 .Falcon Fan Francisco May 13 Breakwater. ...Coos Pay May 13 Northland Pan Pedro... May 14 Sua 11. Elmara. Tillamook.... May 15 ftoanoka Fan Itleco. . . . May 1A Alliance K-jreka May 1.1 Rosa City an Pedro. .. . May 17 Beaver P.1D Pedro. ... May 12 Oeo. W. Elder. .Fen Dl-o ... May J'J Isthmlaa .SallnaCrus...June 13 the outlook Is of the most Dromlftinir ana that the crop will exceed that of lat year, which was conservatively estimated at bushels. There is no general disposition to pay hijeh freights for s;rata carriers this early and charterers are hopeful that there ill be additional tonnaa available for the first half of the year to hold rates down. TlilKIl MATE TESTS OX .MAY 23 Government to I fold Examination to Ol'tuln Seaman. The United .States Civil Service Com mission announces that a noneduca tlorual examination will be held May 15. to secure ellslbles from which selec tion may be made to fill vacancy in the position of third mate at a salary of f$o per month, on the United States dredge Chinook, at Astoria. The iks limit is 20 yearn or more and an unlimited ocean Ilrensn is re- qulreil. Applicants should apply at onre to the secretary. Eleventh Civil Service District, -Seattle, Wash., for ap plication blank and full Information. Weir I-ilner Quit Service. In the latest list of vessel movements ssued by the Waterhouse line but one of the first steamers chartered from Andrew Weir & Co. Is yet shown in tho fleet. the steamer Luceric. which reached Yokohama. May 2, from lort and and Futret Sound and after dellver- nit her rarso at the usual ports m ill sro nto other trades. At least no Informa tion has been received that she will return. The Orterlc, Kumerle and Suverlc have all deserted the Waterhouse fleet and the one carrier remaining of the Weir flaa Is the Oceano. It Is under stood that she la to steam on but one voyaaje across the Taciflc from Iujret Sound. The Hercules, which la work- or cor sro here, has not been rechar ered and she will make only one more voyaae to Portland unless fixed a sain. The Clan Maclver may return, but the Lord Ierby, which Is due in the north next week from Java and will load also at Portland for the usual Far Eastern ports, will make one voyage. The RyicJa. which sailed May 1, from Yokohama, will continue, at least until her enfcaitement ends, and It Is said hat the Waterhouse service will be maintained with smaller ships than hose that have been operated from he Wclr fleet. nkw tork. Mr 10 r. a. Pun c-vs. weekly review of trado tomorrow will My i he movement or trade continues on larser vrale than .nut enr and the curren Piatl'tic. by htch bualncM activity I measured, are still favorable. The rain have Interfered with wholepale md ret at distribution and thin reduced anmewhat th movinent of dry "da, th market, how ev er, rt-mHlnlnr on the whole, at runs. The beit reports come from Iron and steel, the production of which continues lars the dally rate durlnc the month of April ranching a point in excetts of the preceding hicrt total. Continued heavy buying by the railroads Is noted snd prices of steel are making Southern foundry Irqn ihow Increased vtrena-th. The larser producers of te billets are filled up and. though some ma terlal Is on the market, the supply la now not more than equal to the demand. Dry goods manufacturers are Inclined to take a more conservative view of the pos sible strength of values to reach still Idghcs levels. Footwear shoa Improvement. All kinds of leather are strong and follow Ins some aortal slxed trading in sole, tanners are now asking another advance and are holding scoured oak backs at 40 cents and union backs at 37. tannery run. Hides continue to show the strength that has characterised them for some time. IN It $T KI A tt INITIATION IS OOI Ilts- M. .Movements of Vessels. PORTtANI. May 1 Arrived- Steamer Ormywood. from ao Francisco; steamer Daisy Freeman, from San Francisco. Hailed L nited states Army transport Sherman, fur Manila rta Honolulu: French ship Pu- uesne. for ygfnitown or Falmouth lor orders: steamsr Shoshone, for Ravmond. Astoria. May Is. Condition at the mouth of the liver at & P. M.. smooth: wind, north w est. 21 miles ; west her. c lea r. A r- rtvj at i A. M. Steamer t'atanla. from ort San I-Ui. Arrived at . ;3 and left p at 1S:1 A. M. steamer iaisy Free man, from ban Francisco. i-aiieJ at A. Steamer Asuncion, for San Francisco. rrlved at and left op at last nicht learner timy wood, from San Franrlscu. " San KranciSs-A, May 19. Arrived at 4 A. Schooner Virginia, from Columbia Ulver. Sailed at 1:29 V. M. Strainer J.amke. for Portland. San Pedro. Mr f. Arrlveti Steamer Uen eral Hubbard, from Columbia River. Port Natal, May I ArrK.-d British bark British Yeoman, from Columbia Wvcf via fan Francisco. Aberdeen. May 9. Arrived Steamer To- semtte. from I'ortiana. yn Franeisc. May 1". A rrivei steam ers Grace Dollar, from Coos Bay : Inverts rom Ity of Puebia. from Ic- oria: Nann Smith, from Coos Bay; Oleum. from Tacoma; schooners Virginia, from Co umHt River: Melrose, from Sauna tui Sailed Steamers Korea, for Honxkong: Roes Ity. Roanoke, for Portland; k.Hxabth. for Itandon; schooner Omega, for Coos Bay. Labor la Scarce In Many Producing tricts. NEW YORK. May 10. Bradstreefa to morrow . ill sa v : Trade reports portray the existence of lr reirnlar conditions and business, on the whole. In all urobahility h- tended to de crease. Relatively best rtiurni come from the South weft, where sunshine has aided mont branches of trade and u here improve ment of Winter wheat has tended to buoy sentiment. The season hns been unusually quiet for most retail lines In the West. Wholesale dlers are finding themselves In a position where they are compelled to wait on ex..anl'M. of retail trade to furnish them with re-ordr rs. Th- Industrial situation arrears Improveo and there Is lca talk of strikes. thotiEh dis turbances have been encoutitrred in t"ie an thracite coal fields. linldentiilly employ ment Is more general, the Iron and steel ndustry I operating more freely, a scarcity of help Is a factor lu the Connollavine coke production region and blast furnaces complain of a growing dearth of common laborers. Though pig Iron Is less active, firmer prices prevail for semi-finished stevl uid heavy orders for rails are penuinit- Busincss .fal-ures in the t nitn ciaiea ioi the week ending May W were !.. axainsi J4 last week, i'l.i In the like twn or Pi In iiltw'J'J4 Irt 1.HH and 2S1 in 11WS. Iluslness Tatlures In Canada for the week number wuicn compare week and 21 In the like week of lust year. i u 1 inline flour, exuorts from tha Vnlted States and Canada for the week end ing May asuregatwd 3.i4.aiVA ntiaiiein. asalnst la bushels last weea ana U,-i:;.Ki this week last year. Corn exports for the week are 11.K18 bushels, against iie(5H5 last week and Gotf,-7- in IP 11- Bank Clearings. NKW YORK, May 10. Bradst reefs bank clearings report for thu week endin May l shows an nxreirate $l.t.467.blt.tS-, as asnliiMt SU.HTT.;;; last we'k and S2,lil.- New York Chituao Hon ton l'hiiadlphla ...... si. L,ouis K annus City ...... Htttsburx San Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Minneapolis Nw orleane ...... Cleveland ......... Detroit Atifieles Omaha Milwaukee luisvllle Atlanta .. Portland. Or St at tie St. i'AUl .......... Buffalo Denver ... Indianapolis providence - Richmond Washlnstoii.- D- C. Memphis St. Jottxh ........ Salt l.ake CHjf Fort Worth Albany Colunujus Savannah Tol-do Nah Mle ...... .. Hartford r-pokane. Wash. ... Taioma. Duinth taklsnd. Cul. San lif o, Cal. .. . Sacramento, Cal. .. HI'-na sfn-kton. Cat Hoie, Idnho i aden. t'lah otr..n UaUeston Per ct. Inc. .Osi.raa.iwo ai.Vi-:.tHM j 7 iti4.i;ti.oia l l."ii.s:.l.uu 7.rii.MM .v.. 4.". I. mio 14.2 4:l,lt"C.Hrt 1U.S 4N,4:t."..tHM ,V4 :ts,:tj.tMM i.4 :ti.?-i.4MHi :ti.i l'J..ll.tMU i-." IT.ToT.ihmi 1.7 it i . it.--. h 'J -. ii li i i ti.iM h .'.vs a:t,sih.M uti.."i 1l.MS.HW 'e.J 14.i-l.".0"MI 1o.4 1 LOJiMMMJ 13. i:t. I'.'tU.tHM 1.H l'.n"H.OOO 1H.8 1 l.U-'.Ol"! U.J .22U,sh .l 1 L'.'-.tKHI 11.4 H.74l.tXHl 4'J.I H4SO.IMHI 1H. 5 H. ,".'!. tMJl tVH s.;7.mMi it.l 7...:eN.tu -M 7.7Ju.tHM J4.U .4v4 mm r.o.r. 7.tM7.H 1J-".I tl ."Ol.OIHI VtJ 7 2."i7.inm a:t.:i 1h7.ihmI 14.S 4,lot.lN t,.U rt.'J" 1 ,-m r.'r-VtM-tr i-O.3 4.ri4.tNM .a 4. iMMr 7.4 :: :.!, 1 j.."t.i.tMi 4i7 I . 27 I.m 7. S."t.tMMt 1 '..4 s; 17-1 7ii::.iMM :.. 1 712. ni.s ::s 3!w.imxi 74-7 J,7tl.0OU 4J i Cocoa WMI B'11 s W Contain. T 25c M The Premier of all Cocoa Preparations Mh ujLM "The Standard Drink f the West" Kiiil letln will say of the wool market tomorrow: A moderate volume of business haa been done In the Boston wool market this week. Territory wools are unchanged in price, a fair proportion of those wools being among the tranMfer of the week. Including staple atid clothing wools. A fair amount of fine and fine medium scoured wools Is also reported sold and a small quantity of odds and ends of fleece lock at indifferent prices. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, May 10. Standard Copper. tiiet; spot. 13.4t4j l,".70c; May, 3 5.40 r.rt2c; June. l.Y4or l.Vtoe; July. lo.oOtf j. oc; Augurt, aepwrnoer. j..nj .... London, dull: spot, 70 1.1s Id. Futures, 71 Od. Cuatom-houso returns show exports. tons so far this month. Lake Copper, tifclfiVic; electrolytic, 16 10c; casting. r, u fa lic. Tin. quiet; spot. 4. 10 4..Oc; May ana nne, 4ao.ti 4.5in?: July, 4..rosi 4.2.ic; Aa- ust. 4.".. 1 2 u U 4o.fl2 He ; September. 44.S0 & r0c:. October. 44 r.0-3-4r. no. London, dull; pot. 211 .'a; futures, 200 los. Local sales tons spot at 4 -.'C. Lead easy, 4.10-4.20c New York; 4.00 .07'iC Eafct St. I -on Is. London. 10 10s. Spelter, quiet, .7S1T 6.8."ic New York; B.B0 47 East St. Louis. London, quiet, 20 is. Antimony, quiet; Cooksons, s.OOe, Iron, Meveland warrants, 54s In London. Locally Iron was steady. No. 1 foundry orthcra. $l.i.254ri5.7&: No. -'. iioOOts 5.T0; No. 1 Southern and do. soft, slo.2oj? 3.1 o. GRAFT WILL PLY STEAMER COIU3IBIA IS BUILT FOK COAST TRADE. t'offr. and Snirar. NEW YORK. May 1. Coffee futures rioted steady at a net aavanre or from iz to !." points- Sales bs.ioo Dates, including cnnsldersbte swltc-hlnc from near to 11s tnnt months, particularly from September March. May. 13.4c: June 13.Mc; juiy, 3.3r: Aurust. 13.7'.'c; September, 13.S Oetnher. 13. Sic: November. 13t80o; Uecem ber. Januarv and February, 13.79c: March nri Anrll. 13.80c. foffee Soot steady. Klo o. i. n--,c Santos No. 4. ISc. Mild quiet. Cordova. lt IKSa nominal. BiitiT Raw steady. Muscovnno. s lesi, S.asc: centrlfuaal. s test. S.SSc: molasses sugar. teal, 1.23c. Refined quiet. Iirled Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. May 10. Kvaporated apples unchanxed; fancy are quoted at loiuvtc; ehoiee HU.iHr: Olice. 7 V l SC. I'runea continue firm and offerlnns from the Coast show advancing tendency. In tha mnt market auotatlona ranee from to c for California fruit up to 30-40S and frnm T to flw for Oreaons. Feackes are reported In icood Jobbinir da- mud. Choice are quoted at 8 ex tra choice, WjlOtec; fancy, lOllc. aral Store.. SAVANNAH. Ga., May 10. Turpentine, firm. 4tlj 4IVc: sales. l..2i: receipts. 761; shipments. 6H!; stm-ks. 18.700. Ro.ln Firm: aalee. 160": receipts. 2300; .hinments. 17HO: stock 01. .too. Quote: B, tn in .l I.,: D. I:!i: K. H.0; F. 7.02Vi a. $7.of.'rt7.i7V: H. 7.07v, 7.10; K. J7.12V-. M. N. WO and WW. $ .13. New York Col I on Markrt. Yon K. May 10. Cotton : A. 3 P. Tide, at Astoria Pat onlay. lllah. lw. M....SI Tet'I:3a A. M....3 U 7 S feel J 2 P. i feet 1.1 feet MELVILLE'S WINDOWS SWXLL Tnjt Heavy Plate GUss That Protect lrwrd IIone. There has bn a rlval of the talk of using- the Oallemler Narlgatlon Com pany's tua; MelTlUe. of Astoria, for towlna purposes outskle. making short trip, from the Columbia River to Wll lapa and other nearby ports when necessary, ami In connection with the bulMlns; of the tuar at Knappton In 1903. Charles Callender narrates an Interest ing yarn of how her plate (Class cabin rrvd pilothouse windows were obtained. lie says that during street improve ments at Third and Morrison, flylne; rock and other material shattered th. curved sjlasa fronta of two store build ings, one belnar the Northern Tactile ticket office, and aa the) curvature of the sjlass corresponded to that of the front of the cabin and pilothouse, he purchased tha damaswl llitht and bad then cut to fll the frames of the tug. Fpend Sunday amid tho frarrant apple blossoms of Hood River Valley. The loom Is now at its helKht The O.-W. A N. will have a special round-trip rate of J1.00 Sunday, and the Hood Riv er Commercial Club will provide a two hour auto trip through the valley for 1.00. Leava I'ortland Cnlon Depot 7:60 and 10 A. M. returning; leave Hood River 3 or CIS T. M. MN IRAXrl.MO l'KOIttK MARKET rrtre Quoted at I be Bay City for Vee tablee.. i-rulta. jsr. SAN FRANCISCO, May in. Tha follow Inar produce pneca were current hers today:,i Apples, choice, common. 40c; Mexlrsn limes. $ir!..!.: California lemons, choice. 4: common, ll.SS; nsvel oranarcs. lr:.i; pineapples. 3.54. 4.60. Cheese 151C. Putter Fancy creamery. 2c. Kara Store. 17wc; fancy ranch. ?lc. V.-etables Cucumbers. JOejSic: (tarlic. I Jc; ren peaa. lwl.2: atrin.; beana. 7 10c; asparagus. el-"a: tomatoes, nom inal': e.nplant. nominal: onions, s: & 2.50. Fotatoea River Burbanks. l.;6t1.60; Oreson Burbanks. $4r3.b0. Hay Wheat. (10ti:l: wheat and oats, U .. 19; alfalfa. I1JW14..0, Receipts Flour. 730 quarter sacks; wheat. 10 centals: barley. centals: oats. 1S centals; potatoes. 2445 sacks; mld dllns.. 100 sacks; hay. 110 tons; wool, 13 bales. v v iv vonic. Miv lir. cotton imures cloned ran S 10 IS points lower. May. 11.34c; June. 11. Sic: July. 11.42c; Auaiisi, tl.4(ic; Sepiembcr. ll.S'.'c; October, Novem he i !.: Iioccmbcr. ll.SSc: January, ll.?r;. February. ll.2c: March. 11.7!c. Spot cotton clitseil quiet and sleaily, o points down. Middling uplands, ll.bc; oo. outt. 12.19c. Sales. -(H j bales. Wool at St. Loula. FT. J-OUIH. May 10. Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. IrttilSc.; fine mediums, l'iiitc; nns. iuic. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. May 10. Hops -Quiet. High Soltool Orator to Sleet. CENTRAL! A, Wash.. May 10. (Spe claL) The annual Southwest Wash ington Interscholastlc declamatory con test will be held in the auditorium of tho Chehalls High School tomorrow nicht. Contestants from elprht schools have entered, and a (fold medal will be awarded to the winner. The contest' ants are Ray Grass, of Centralia: Glee Bates, of Chehalls: Hanna. Johanson. of Winlock; Irene Harris, of Olympla; Frederick Hart, of Aberdeen: Margaret Bostoa Moot Market Steady. I Hull, of Kelso: Lizzie Johnson, of Cas- BOSTON. May 10. The Commercial Bui- 1 tie Rock, and Ray Thurber. of Hoqulam, VESSEL BEJNQ BUILT FOE TRADE OUT OF ABERDEEN. t - " " , , J J4TKAM KrHOOVKR CPI.IIBI. f Boat AVill Operato Between Aber deen, Portland and San Fran cisco This Summer. ABERDEEN, Wash.. May 10. (Spe cial. June 1 will be tho date of the launching of the new steamer Colum bia, now under construction in the ship yards at Wilmington, Del., for the Wil son Brothers' Lumber Company, of Aberdeen and San Francisco. Much interest is attached to the ap pearance of the Columbia on Grays Harbor, as the craft is to fill a long demand of the harbor people for a package carrier between Grays Harbor, Portland and San Francisco, i lie mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce, in honor of the new steamer and out of compliment to Wilson Brothers, Intend to hall the advent of the vessel with noisy and patriotic enthusiasm. August 1 has been fixed as the probable date of the coming here of the Columbia. "Steamer" day, as the date will be called is to mark a new era in the navigation interests of this section. A programme of speechmaking. banquets and of general enthusiastic demonstra tion will be prepared and carried out. One of the features of the occasion will be the decoration of the harbor and its Illumination at night and the blowing of steam whistles of every mill and every , vessel, as the Columbia pro ceeds from the bar up the harbor to her dock. The Columbia, which has 'been named after the Columbia River, will cost not less than $250,000. She will be 251 feet In length, 41 feet breadth of beam, with 22 feet depth of hold. When loaded she will have a displacement of 17 Vi feet. She will have a lumber-carrying capacity of 1.600,000 feet and a passenger capacity for 65 persons. She will be constructed of steel. In addi tion to lumber she will take all pack age freight offered at Grays Harbor, Portland and San Francisco, either go ing to or coming from the Golden Gate. It is the package-carrying proposition that appeals to the business men of Grays Harbor. For years they have wanted a steamer of this kind. spect and all vessels reaching the river from the south report the northwester strong and accompanied by heavy seas. General cargo was discharged at Alaska dock yesterday by the steamer Nortliliind. srrlvtne- from San Fran- cisco. and she had aboard a winch to be discharged at Supple's dock to be In stalled aboard the steamer Minnie E. Kelton. The Northland will load S00, 000 feet of lumber at Rainier for San Pedro and sail Tuesday. Marino Notes. In tow of the steamer Ocklatiama. the French ship Duquesne left down- yes terday, wheat laden for Europe, and will be followed today by the British Ehln Crown of India, which goes to Cape Town with lumber. Captain Olson, of the steamer Gray wood, arriving yesterday from San Francisco, which port she left a week ago. says the delay was due to excep tionally stiff head winds and that the vessel bucked them almost the entire trip. Captain Bodge, of the Northland, found conditions adverse In that re- TO CHICAGO And All Points East NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY The Scenic Highway Through the Land of Fortune Is selling for numerous dates to September 30. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS , With stopover privileges and liberal time limits. TRAINS North Coast Limited (N. P. Ry., C. & N. W. Ry.) Atlantic Express (N. P. Rv., C. B. & Q Ry.) Via Minneapolis and St. Paul through to Chicago in 72 hours. Mississippi Valley Limited To St. Louis, via Bil lings and C. B. & Q. Ry. Km P. Famous Dlnlnsj-Car Service on all Lines. Take the YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Side Trip Through Gardiner, the Official Entrance. Season June 15-September 15, Additional Stopover Given. Full particulars regarding fares, tickets, routes, gladly fur nished on application, and berth reservations made; A. D. CHARLTON, ASST. GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT, PORTLAND, OREGON. 255 Morrison St., corner Third St. Phones, Main 244, A 1244. i ( riy J FERTILE POWELL VALLEY ONE, TWO, FIVE AND TEN ACRE TRACTS at Rockwood, Ruby, Base Line, Gillis, Gresham, Pleasant Home, Scenic, CottrelL The most fer tile soil in Multnomah County. Acres as low as $150. Monthly payments, $3. Business Lots Residence Lots at new, rapidly growing townsites, as low as $100. Monthly terms, $2. Invistigate the great opportunity. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO. 2S6 Oak Street 1 EASTERN EXCURSION TICKETS 18, liar 2. 3. 4. 9. 10, 11, 1' 24. 38. June 1, 6. T, 8, 18, 14, XS, 17, . 18, 19, ItO. 21. 28. 28. July 2, S, , T, 11, 12, 13, I, 20. 22. 23. 28. 28. 30, 31. AOBTi-i i. 2, a. n, 4, u, i l 22. 23. 28. 30, Sl September 4. 5. 8, 7, 8, II. 12. so. 24. 23, 27, K V.r?lVw H. DICKSOX. C. P. and T. A, 122 Third Street, j Chicago and Return 872.30. St. Lou la and Keturn 37O.0O. dew i orlc and Keturn 8108.SO Boaton uad Return fllo.OOw Buffalo and Keturn 89i.o. St. Pnnl. Mlnneapolla, On. lutn, Omaha. Stonx dry. ft. Joe, K a n a a a City, TVInnlpeK, Port Arthur and Return .900.00 Ticket allow 13 day for Kolajr paaaase, Rood far return to October Slat. Good colna" one road, returning anotker. litopovera alloared within limit In each direction. Try tho "ORIENTAL LIMITED." Lrare Portland TlOO P.M. dally. THROUGH STANDARD AND TOURIST SLEEP ERS PORTLAND TO CHIt '.GO I.V 72 HOURS WITHOUT CMKGE. FIXEST SERVICE AMD SCK'ERY. TICKETS AND SLEEl'I.Mi-OAR RESERVATIONS AT CITY TICKET OFFICE. No. 122 THIRD KTRKET. OR AT DEPOT. EiEV E.VTU AJV1I HO ITT STREETS. 1 mmm $205 in Cash Prizes for Wage-Earners Full Details in Sunday's Papers mmm I