JiOKNiNU OKLliOMAX, SATIKWA1, 31 A 1 11, 11)12. 16 st am Ei vicr ixa r ora. PL"i CLOTHIN'. rtRNiTURK. TpOLX Niintit pr paid tor mo and lad. etstetT shoes mxhsaie. !t.-ir.g. caU Mats, lt st . The dobs. it t-uy tub! iq Hcond-hind machinery t ry acrvUon. csil tor our buyer. M. BrJe koai. 2o-lov, rront sc.. tbs i c-jia of nulliwa bargain. Mala A i-W-t. LAW r. UWNp. LA "St, your nw ;stn o1e by thoreuch Tv irincf.l P-r:jr. rai&ht pru . phona .Virile! 2 Fred W. Uu.lock. 110 Icoa b:2g. WANTED Pts-rtend: aNmt karat In sts; t-e rhfip. Ad-lr-se J. H. nder. 1 1 -.1 TKston hUig. fU l.ak.ftah. K ray the h. sheet rub Dries for see--hcd furniture. Keatr A Marti a- Paese tut sl4- 14 uas-faorne . A - t - a i . r i -iv? iiftf'ST! ... . . .x inM r V jiorriivn r - - - psys Mthm rtift price toy furanwf- t n i t ,n i r.., . i: flu ilntmx at riea4M prices. tM il2. WA N'TXD S"ond-had mM ry rle tste tmi ail Um u-rd. M . trr-tiiaa. WANTED Mov'Rffplcf r eat At. fold's cbatra. ete. AL ,-.. urten)a ft C RD Auction ro. liTt mt eb fr as bird of furniture Wain A 344 w i v t v r x vnwi on.l-h"4 p'lonograpii, J. lCDiD. muM te i hp II HEir WANTFIW MI.R. s.xi.rsMr.N. pr i In of a rip-witt i r brtr. two lr4n' ont mental Trunk m-s. 4 rsj.-iVr of lurnlxr nu!. on a mil-'fn VV.-tr p'rtm and w txvrt w rklr c Is- ior . r hut thirtv -IIm- hlllion f-t of timor io m.rkti. lots r s-.itnc at vrr r-nr:o prl. ; pa Mitral rnnanltfioii "r1 run g.e u I tha k mi csr. f nt m-ii t:h te hut;- nsMt U-y C:ty Lsad Co., 7o3 cr"i!r.j t.dr. I VNT A FEW I' I H LASS'MTN rni.ivrnv NATIONAL I.l-K n-jruv r k rcTiTi'N pi Li n. , TIIKT fOVKR KVKHV M M !U. K I.O2s J.KXTII A' 'I lr. NT. MKNK insr NO MfK than pari i. I(ail nc P' irn which Hmure Llr'K Nl.Y. tpctal catrin f-r a t prv1u--r. I'M I, II S-r.OAT. t'.tN. AtiT., . Of.-. 14 spaidmir ABI F-ftOniKI mn antd fr 1ho S. t-i(ri lorpi, bi-tirrn the ac- f 1" and " must nati-lru ur ha first pa pers. ra.pihly py 1 to a'l'llttnI C-ni''fs3tln ps-bi-; fol. -loth1n l'jrtrs an-1 mr1lcal ttnlaiic frof ; :ttr 3 art' arrvti-o ran rrtire with 5 pr Tit "of pay ami allowances.; arrvtc ct Uoard antp and ashore in ail parts of tli world. Apply at I", f. Marine Corps r"-rultin(r o!tc. 3d and Waslunston or 12 Jd a-.. Portland. Or. A.s:k:i fur L . Armjr. b.-oodld. oa mirt.d men. between afct of 1 aad SX cltisna of United btatea. of good cnar acter aad tcmprat habits, who caa pak. read and writ tfa Enfllstt taa fusee. For Information apply to Racrwlt- officer. Worcester b.oc. Thud aad Csk a'reeta. Portland. Or. COOU I'AT. atsady employment, pleasant worlc. with an id reiiabte company. Tbs worn la selliria h lirt-r.Je nursary stock, and wa bavo somo good territory ope a. fetsts what tsrrttory you would libs and writs at ones for psrtwuiara is Lsck iox fiO. Portland. Ore goo. WANTFP-iA-t rollcltor and atork salesmen for a new Hvs propo sition. Invfltnrte. Cat I io to 1 2. Or. Tsl. Herald. M0 Roy ai a-d:., and Mononv don't arrpt any kind T emilo mtnt im:j vuu hear trv-.n us; make 17 per day sctiiTC new article, n w p:n: Iri.ovo sold In Mtuneapolis; costs a.:; sells tor sic. i--n. 0c for sarrpW' outfit. 1 2 Waaa i n r n n ivp. . N' . t in nrapha, M inn. V..rj t . sman. now covert nj Port Und and surroundinjt territory, to aM our :m of rnrtMl fish to sroc-rs .nd markets. tn commission . stwts, -tc, In iirst .etirr. The V . 11. Conia Fish Co.. f"U. f. S. A. . LlVk! acnt wanted for firwlr platted frac t:nat act trsi-M, close in. water. Heoiric iishts. homes I'Uiit U suit purchaser; ijt ! mis: hbrl commiMson to tha rirht man. f:aw A- Lorke. ..1 6th sL, n. xt to ror.. oak. A?k for Keen WAN f VC Int!lnent sine Is man tsrntilr to go n rtMul; permanent position, chutiro for i.NiiD'Viorni ; mu be sble tn lcavs it at once. all at llalnier Hoti 1. room to H this marring. . A OKw AN w f.T u s-l rharrs to a ;ie eni f3r;rtie rr.l et(e srd business rrtan e s:---n n. It on sro nirWP'(l rn kn' thr rlti. apply .".lt Kothchiid I'irtc Artn As-nt. eentleniAn; sr,Md soil It or ran ra .-" to J.Ti p-r month: hlh ,lai4 vk. well advertised, atrsdy ths mr arand . references. Avi i.s Orc- Ci'Mt.-' P. , vTn rKl A Japanese boy to in on laols and Oi ho'aeework In S private family. Ai'ptT to 1 r. Ktnnnly. room T, at ii st. a , K U-tr- service of r xper leol dairy man; enisle m; prnnanenl position; n f -rrmcf Matro Farm. IC K. I. I. W oovl- 1ic; snawcf In own handriiin. givmf rxjwrlnifft If any. ; .i.t. urf'iinn. V tNTKD Man. or man and ife to o on r.ii . it near I'orttana. muei now uvw t.i- tin- of -nuns fniit trees, and to do -. (Tit! f irming. A H ' re antan. I- I H -Man want"!; must have practtrSl .l-n. nee. Appl U- Uehea Jfc t'i.. M.trri?ti t. W A f. adverttslns solicitor reposition : stjt experience ana M 1. tuvnnian. MKI h all-around printer for p-r-n.i"nl position In w eQ -eU i Pped offics i: rountry toan. AO fl. tregoplan. A N t'k'.l A airons Uu to w oi K in ort-na I- it. Inqulr Koyai bat-ry. i itn ana i;- r'ett. OMI eperlen ed washer for et w ah M.indrj. Call 4.".d nd Hawthorns eatur- 1 IHr T Cl.f tailors sod finishers, Appiy If A It. Tailors, 71 Columbia si.. Seattle. (. . htlilvMr office hoy about !: clve add reus, lepno'w numher and city re for.-nee. Ad- rr., V O. hOT T.l. A V w.tid to learn baket v bualn-sa. Cll al lUkti c Co.. Waahincton St., r. W ish. l Ni mn with some know ledse of uro ,.tv business; rood position. V 7,, Ure- c-nl m. iTn I'LIKI K.W'FD advertising solicitor, week ly paper, contracts eashed dally, iienediu line prees. Madison st. r KL La' h hand or all-roim! mi-,-hinift at Tha Dalles Iron Works. Tha B'e., r. lit V for dejlv err on bicycle in grocery str-; wages 17 per we-k- llliams llVf. WAN! to First -ciae solicitor for money ni'aKtnr proposition. Ca;i drand Oaks Apt.. WANTKl Tao sHd so irttors for r;eanln And ,T works at onre; e furnish wag ori Vhone S'Jmood 43. WAN'Tt't Ftrst-eUsa prr end r-'palrer. Krnion I Works. 1773 Brandon at.. Kenton. LMKHlFNCtn hok aawman to sell on r or tracts, new proposition. 8-4 Worcester btrtc in .iti) coupon aent; be-M ever offered. rfoa Studio, g4- S Tt'aahltiaton St. WANTFl Coatmaker at once. Geo. J. Bird. ey. t. ma. .h. F. AKliEU wanted for Saturday. Sa E. Burn- W tXTKP- y-ar'a J tork sasmen st Jl Z at.; eo sales nnnirr, 4 N rFI Ksperfriiced caMneimakera. pa d Mfg. 'o.. -ftth and NlcoiaU bl -inVAHKR w nted at Stein s Keatau- rant. U.' 14th St. ,VVNTi.l Firt-rWea ll.ltr Du under-Kiii-.c? t!ie prtntieai and MnJ'fy business; r. g r . n rt-quir'-j ; jn per week. r ii Tfft ro., AI-TiS t-p. VaU. N T ('! Kxperirn'-e't auditor, one who understand hotel auditlne. Addrrra. atat tnc eprtcco aJd refvreuts. AD -O. --cotiian. WA VTKU WANTFI Flr-t-cIa- coatmakera at one. H. ita. Kuifnf. or WANTED An experienced poultry drssasr. rp:y : Tavlor. K.t clrtiLN' Kl men for msrcantiia ilne; :irv. ,o4 eritrrT hide. li .ti 'H' Y'1.IST Steady work; mak (r.-i to $1'H mnnlh. .t?4 Timhlil IL u M ru J good men. Call i0 Uoard of ITade VAMKO High-elas saleemaav Ask t9 Vr 1'urtn. 42 J Teon Mdg. rhOTO esupoa; best ever offered: snes law geais t- utbeevn Studle aekoni blAaV WMKD repairer, good s.csJy Job. 7 .1st Sb ' rTKt.p WANTFD MATK. INCIDENT. rOne of alsny.) Offics Secretary Emp:oyment Depirtmsnt. Y- Si- C. A Toung man. stranger, out of work. (f his total cash asset If I pay yti $5 for special eniployment mem harsh Ip. I w ill have only fl5 left between m and star vation. Secretary ff yon pay 5 for special employment membership, you -vlll havs the Y. 11. C. A., with its resources, ba teen you and starvation. Hesult: Toung man Joined association. In e thnn a week be had, satisfactory employment. Record for four months ending April : rails for men 719 v.itlnna filled Emp'oyment membership guarantees member will aectire employment or refund of membership fee; ges two months full membership privileges. 10 montha social priirrjes and undertakes to keep party empioTerl ltirtng the full term of mrn bersnip without further chsrgs. We hate constant demand for hlgn jrrade. experienced men. Are you fit tod for a belter p it ion 7 ee secretary employment departmsnt. T. M. C. A. A RARE orrORTUMTT. mn Vkvkrai mkn ok ability who HAVK HAD SmIIK KXPKRIENCE IN SAI.FS.M ANSH1P. W E OFF K K A TER MWENT AND HMMI.Y R K M 1 N" E It A TIVE POSITION'. OCR OPE MNOA I.Kr DAY 1H UI NPAT NEXT. r.Jrr. a i..r;k mown ck hcykk ov ths Pftoi'EKTT. ATTRACTED PT AU.i TtstVii TO Taw: VKKKiT ON THAT T. IV Of R METHOD OK TRAIN! N'e t u An r; ntu i to m a n n " rKPK;iTY IS IN A CLASS MY ' ' r l'V MTTIH.V EAfY WALKING IWTAM E OF M A.VI'KA' TI'PINW DISTRICT. A fc.- R AGE PRICED I-OT I-0 tc.: r i ft. nTivvrv it avn II A. M. ASSv FOR MK. HICKEY. THE SPAN" TON CO.. ? OAK .T. TH monev In aellina? our Tak I ma' row a. hardy, auaranteed stock; outfit f re ; cash weekly ; eady work. Yakima Valley Nursery Co.. Toppsnlah. aan. WA NTF.n A barber. 21 Madiaon st. HELP WANTED rTMALB. WAXTRD TOL'NO LADIES TOR TKLsV PH0KB OPETRATIXO. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THB FA CinC TSLCPHONB TCLBORAPH CO EAST TH AND ANKKNT tTa WANTED Bright woman to secure subscribers and sell stnk In anew, live proposition. Call IO to 12, prs. Tel. Herald. &06 Royal bldg.. 7th and Morrison. v a N'T no A voune lady of refinement, preferable a teacher or student, who can furnish referencce and will be willing to share housework with jounf married lady for room and hoard in xamiiy ot renne ment. Address Mrs. K. W. cars H M. Qregonlan. COM PETENT saleswoman can make $10 per riav working for us in a nign-ciare hr use-to-house absolutely new proposi tion: no competition; no peoaimg. jc. f.A. Qregonlan. . .". 1 1: i . m in eeneral housework; must know something about cooking and hs willing to work and learn. Call Han rk st. i Broadway car) or telephone East 4114. WANTED Stenogranher. experienced. Ap ply Saturdsy P. M. from 3 to i P. M. or buninv rrom i a. .!. i" ai. NORTHWESTERN TRIST COMPAXT. SOI Wilcox Bldg. WANTED A WonVTin tetween -.1 and 3o to work in ord"r d-pt. : good Job and good pav for a steady woman; must furnish beat of references. Inquire sales mgr.. Ho v-i I Bakery. 11th and Everett. WA NT ED Five good. reliable chocolate dippers; goo was'e and short hours, per manent pocltlon, steady employment; well known, reliable tinn; answer at ones, K S . Qregonlan. WANTED Several your g ladies between ths aga of 13 and 2i for permantnt posi tions. Appl? ths P. T. ex T. CO- eT Aider su. or 410 Cast Anksny SC SALESMAN Must he sxpeTi"1''' ,n handling marine trade: no other need apply. ;ir. Rice. Main tO. A RELIABLE huwines hou has an open ing for an experienced atenoicrapher ''lJ let references; must ba accurate and ripid: give experience and salary required. A D .t. Oreaor.tan. . WANTED 1-adv agent can earn $-fMi per month; hlKh-claas soliciting lor a reliable and established corporal icn; must be of g.od address; referencta, AG , Ore- fTonlan. TEN lit e personal demonatratora for well advertised article; big money and at eady work (or women of ability. V14 Chamber of rmmerce blnr. WANTED Experienced cook and aecond girl; private family: wages, cook $50, s-c-t.Pd girl $1; West Side Telephone Msln l.. A t b WANTED Thoroughly experienced lady Turkish hath shsmpooer. Call between 'J:3 and !:-. Tako elevator. Multnomah Hotel Turkisn Iatha. WOMAN wanted to take tare of children and aett with light housework, V. eretl St. ' WANTED A jtlrl for cooking and general housework; references reo,uireu. shall 413. m COMPETENT girl for general housework. 471 Ainpworth . cor. of E. Mh st take Woodiawn car. Woodlawn J -WIDOW K It sud 7-year-old child want sen sible go'd young woman as housekeeper for working man. J fV Qregonlan. WANTED Eluerly women In German fam ily to hcin with housework. t!--rman pre ferred. MSo Fat l'tth st. North. S I.KS i 1 T L wanted In Japanese fr"t stand "and pool ha II st iO North 4lh St. pay good S grs. - MRS, HOWE'S LADIES' AOENCT. Washington bldg.. 270 Washinaton U pear 4th. Main t33o or A Sitto. nANst d LAll&a' SUfcACI. $4CSj Wascington su. cor. 7ta. upsairw Phone Malo 2612. WANTED Attractive young clr as office sir! and atenograpser: esprKnce in short band on'v required. Apply A'Jl Veon bldg. v i lu fxrunea. vspabie woman . spocsibls posittoc Viavl Co. v Rata cni.d Mdg.. 4tii and Wsshlogton. W NTED A young w are an competent for general housework; wages $5; refer ences. Apply morning. o Overton su iTot "sEKEEI'ERf. cooks, waitresses, second girls, chsmbennaids. nurt-es. St. Louis Agency. i:.Vt U Alder. Main S0.1. A 477.'.. VF.n Y capable general alrl, $4". St. Louis Aenc. AM rr. Vain :'.. Y capable family second girl, wagea $".0. St. !.oui A;-nrv. Main K it. WANTED r:y 77 r.irl for general housework. Ap- Johnson. t'OoK Woman to cook in restaurant; must be compet'"'!- - 4th sL WANTED A ounr lady to share an apart ment. Phone Mr. Milbert. A rtlS. Cir.L to aesiat In general housework. 7H3 llancocK WANTED Olrl for gcucrai housework. 770 Everett SL WAIT RK wanted. Y N. Restaurant. ."12 Burnslde st. GIRL to do lleht housework and help cara for b a by. Thone Seilwood -M4. WANTED Experienced girla at Peerless rafetena No. 2. s sth at. riRsT-CLASS manlcurlat wanted. Board GIRL wanted: no washing, light housework a. id care of baby. k; Tillamook. C J 4 Si. WAITRESS wanted at 141 H Alder st. Rcs taurant. EXPERIENi'ED short-hour waitress. Wom an's Ex'-hanae. iH GOOD girl for general housework. 404 K. 1 2th a. North. GIRL wauted for general housework. Phone C 1C77. WANTFl Girl for genera) housework. N. ?Cd. corner of Northrup. W A NT ED Four experience! ladies. Sani tary tleautv far tor?. 1t Iekun bldg. WANTED ash girl. Itowling alley; steady; cood w.ig". Call af terroon. w 1 ; N. .ni. gTr L for genera, houses ork- U Schuylsr s.. tlMf lth. UlRI' wanted. mut undora:and fountain and candy. -TJ Rues-M st. V A NTED V omnn for houjn work ; fiiihII family, so washing. Phona beliwood 17u. HELP WANTED FEMALK. 2 HOTKI, cooks. $4' and $.'0. Waitress nut of dtvj. 4". s 1 hole) 'Pltresaes, J 2." and $30. Seconil Bjrl, :,". HANSEN' S EMTTT OFFICE. :t4.-. - WaMi. st. H- 7. fiTKNOdHAI'HER. Remincton touch opera lor preferred, speed and accuracy abso lute essentials: oniy experience; need apply. Call bet. & and l too ay. Commercial Club bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. "WANTED 100 strawberry pickers and ex perlenred packers, 40 crnte crato t itirkera: cent to nackers: rood cam ground; free wood, spring water, free transportation rront uoik to rancn. camii i- n film it. h own tent. etc.. eeason oponi last of llay. Address Herbert Williams, White Salmon, wasn. WANTED Man and wife; woman as rook. man a waiter ana g ncrai utility, juue dale ' ouiury ciuh. i'poner on- A;od aa-mt. who wants to make money ren-men or lady. ljo:t Yon bldg. ITEI.LIiENT .isent. permanent Income g-ntl-nian or ldy. -' Margiiam oms;- PtEf r tYANT: Mtst rT.f.AlWirai, W A N TED! WANTED! WANTED Moving Picture Operators In all clues throughout the world. learn In our fine theater. Operators make $ 25 to 4 weekly. Call ana see us. Special lotv price today. NEW TOItfC FILM EXCHANGE. 3 Waahington St.. Near 17th. HEN WANTED Age IS to S3, to prepars fir firemen ana Draftsmen, on naroy railroads. tA to 1 1 0O monthly. E Xperl . ..nnA-aaMrv no atrlke. Promotion engineer or conductor. $1S4 to SiOO monthly. Good Ufa careers, stats age. fend stamp. Railway Association. Ore gon lan. Mn and women to learn the barber trade In eight weeks; special inniiceinems; per miiiim nairl while learning : tool a free, " expert Instructors, 17 ears In the busi ness; ..7 schools; a iiiei:ms mem ncinnu Klven to each student. Moler Barber Col lege, r.'t . rourtn st., rorimm, r. International, corresponaencs schools. room 41 Mchlar bldg.. -cor. Third and Mark sis. Open Wednesday and baturday nights. rnous stain duh ww new cataioguo. YOL" are wanted; Government position, $S0 month; send postal for list positions open Franklin institute, aepu sr., nwu ter. N. Y. MOVING-rMCTt'RE operating, full pracilcai rmirM lauaht in theater, the only way of learning It right: secure positions, e4 Rothrhtld bldg.. 4th and Washington at. RAILWAY malt clerks, prepsre now. ex cellent salaries ana promonona; no wr offs. aura pay: free book. Call today. Pa citlc Stales School. McKay bldg.. city. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, beginners or advanced quickly speeded and placed In positions. o.. Worcester diqck. tv- i vTm PiMnr nliv writers: big cav: we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa tion. Ban Francisco. EXPERIENCED photographer to travel must take half interest In business; sTivo phone number. Ab 63. uregonian. SCHOOL of SHORTHAND and TYPEWRIT ING, standard systems. Positions secured $& per month. 2tt I4tn st. stain aem. Make money writing short stories, or for tapers; big pay; irse pooKiei tews now, Ignited press syndicate. Ban Francisco. PBIVATB SHOUTI1AND. TYPEWRITING. bookkeeping. 64'i Hamilton dwi. siar.tog. FISK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION for schools and teachers, oiv nweiiauu dui MTrATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. p.nnwk-Kr.PKR and stenographer want position ; have had conaiderable experi ence in lumber uusinesa; rcicrcn. 54, Oregonian BOOKKEEPER wanta position: 10 yeara experience; can take full charge of office details: also stenographic work. AD ol. Qregonlan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE tip books, prepare Balances ana aiaiv ments. install systems. GiIIinKham au dltor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. BOOKKEEPER and accountant (loires po sition: thoroughly experienced, quick and accurate; can nanaie sjiy sei oi wr. very beat of references. N -. uregonian. YOI'NO nisn. 32 year, married, with 13 vears' experience, desires position as oooiw keepr or crodit man; very best references. AJ S. OregonlMn! A-l BOOKKEEPER and office man, refer ence. Ma:n 7.'47. M 20. Qregonlan Mlsrellaneoua. MUNICIPAL FREE EMPLOYMENT BTREAL. 21 ."V Second St.. Corner Salmon. Women's Department. IMS Salmon. All laaaea of unskilled, skilled, prefefl aiomU and clerical male and female help furnished on short notice; no foe charged. phone Main o.too, A YOL NO man would like position as engineer In some stationary engineering pisnt, gom p In every respect; have had four yi-ara' experience In machine shop and five yeara' marine work; have marine en gineers license, ocean iiiauvra Qregonlan. J'RIVATB secretary, experienced voung mn from East, expert stnograpner sua ip witter. aio lawyer, deal res hlffli-cUiss po sUlon as private secretary. Box 74!. Med ford. Or. GOOD, experienced Japanese couple wants situation, man to arivs suiomoone. iaeo care of garden, walte on table, wife as first-class family cook. Address Gl'tt First WANTED By msn and w lf. position as manager, book ke per ana nnyer ior noiei, elthr la city or good country town, or will consider leasing hotel outside of the city: Al references. AJ a, uregunian. FA'PKRIKNPED ssrdener. married, no chil dren, wishes position to take cure oi pri vate place; good reierencfs. -n , uu gonlan. SITUATION wanted: young man as grocery clerk, speaks German ana r.ngnan ; amoi tious. experienced and good references. A H 5t. oregonian POSITION want:d by boy. just id. educated and neat. s onice ooy. cssn ooy or pan-, can use typewriter; brat refcrenOa. AF 31, Oregoman. FIRST-CLASS rasiry cook and bsker wants situation in nuioi or Q r gonlan. t GOOD all-around breed and cake-baker wants altuatiou in city or country. rv Qregonlan. WANTED Position with a leading real ea- (.ite hrm. experienced in iarm or acre- e; legal KnowifiiKr, n rtfl. .'rrRonia n. JAN and wlfo. sge 2. want Job taking care of country or any light work; small wages. P 32, Qregonmn. flTACFFKUR. Japanese. wants position, will help Inside house. K. S.. 424 Morrl&on street. CHAl FFEt'R wishes iosltion: 4 years ex perience; private; gooa reierences. i w, Oregon la n. A JAPANESE shoemaker wishes to work In shoe store or shop, ueorgc, .Morrison street. JAPANESE boy wants situation before 8 o clock in tne mornins. jo . uiciw- nlan. CHAI'FFEUR, A years experience, wants po- iii..n .n enm morel al or nrlvate car: rcf- . Krtr anna 1 r Tl c- jTlGHTW ATCHM AN, sober, steady. Indus trious, wanta position; 20 years' experl- n e; retrences. i apor e'n.t. i nng. uik; t HKinrlfnceil. wanta position in ho t-l or small bakery. Address Baker. Iw D. rt. Box 0. Salem. Or. CHAUFFEUR wanta position; experienced and careful driver; shop experience; know eirv; not afraid of work. F 33. Qregonlan. CHAUFFEUR wants work driving car. pri vate or truck; two years' experience. AP "m. Qregonlan. JAPAN ESE experienced coog, wlahes poal tio'n in family. Ws $"' U M. Orego nlan. YOUNO man. sincle. wishes position driving for private family. 1 A. Mace. 161 Ea?t .Tod St. JAPANESE wants sny kind of light work Immediately. Y 6. Oregon I an. GOOD teamster wants work; am willing to do anything. AK M. Qregonlan. STRONG boy" 17, w nnta work on ranch, phone Seilwood 13:3. YoUNO Japanese wants position, general housework. AF M. Qregonlan. WANTED Slashing by contract. AH SI, Qregonlan. JAPANESE wants work for four or five hours s day. Call at Home phone A 1950 CARPENTER and builder wants situation, day or contract. J. B. Young. Woodstock. LAWN mower. Best work guaranteed. B. Huge. 3hs E. Burnslde st. B 2137. IT you are In need of and a No. 1 laundry man. answer this add. N z$. Ore go man. WINDOW-WASHING, house cleaning, floors vH and polished. Seilwood 11JH. GOOD, all-around baker, country preferred; work single-handed. M 33. Qregonlan. YOUNG Uwer wants association with lac firm. Marshall 414'. Apartment No. 1. JAPANESE, flret-elase rook, wants poaitlou la private family. Mla i&il. A l.-u. PITUATION WANTED FEMALE. BaaeeiMre sad Mfruonx STENOGRAPHER wishes position, mod-rate salary to start; had some experience. Phona A 13I4. STENOGRAPHER, with soma experience. srd accurate, desires permanent position. Marshall 27-l. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper snd cashier with knowledge of stenography, wants po sition. Address 14 Potter at. EXPERIENCED bookkeever. stenographer snd cashier desires position; best of ref erences mmr iirMaiakr MDLLE DE RILL ALT. Wa h i n g t o n. Ella-st. entrance. A :::4. Exclusive French designs In gowns, suits, waists, etc FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, millinery, at home or by day. 03 Williams ava. Phone East 7. DRESSMAKING, aowinjr by the day. $1.7i; party dre;fea and suits. Main ::,' 6. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position. For particulars, call or w rlto Anna Merritt, fl.rt Cottage Place; take Missieslppl-ava. -jr. A IMtia. EATEKN practical nurae: references. Phone Woodlawn C75. or call lfc5 E. -let st . N. MIDDLR-AGED nurse, elderly people and invalids a speelalty. Main 14Sti. HUMke!per- LA PV of 4 pleasing appearance, would l'ke position as housekeeper or companion to eldcrlv person; no objection to travel ing; would lake charge of bachelor' apartme nl-s. P h one Marshall ?117. RELIABLE midd!e-aged woman, with good reference-?, desires position as housekeeper, apartment or rooming house. Main 4tU. afternoons. REFINED woman wania position as houso k ee pi-r with wl d o w e r. M . -431. A 2iKo, 'at hoMc Women's Lcagu-'. RE FIN ED widow lady with child of five wants position aa housekeeper for wid ower. Box . R os well. Idaho. WIDOW from Eaut wishes position as house keeper. Phone Main . WANTED Housekeeping In town by widow with girl 14. AT "VJ. oregoman. CAPABLE woman desires housekeeping, wid cwer'a famll.. St. Louis Agency. M. 2-.:i. LA DY wants position as housekeeper, ex perienced. F. C, 917 Michigan ave. Iomeetics. EXPERIENCED ook wants position v ith small family. L 240-1. A 21HHJ. Catholic Women's League. Miscellaneous. A YOUNG girl speaking French would like to gt a place In an English family to teach French to young children and to care for them also. Addresa AV 2i. Ore gonian. - REFINED young Indy wants position ns governess; csn teach French and music, or as companion to aged lady or invalid; ieferen'. J 3.1. Qregonlan. WIDOW wishes position to take charge of rooming-house; experienced; not afraid to work herself. E 4."i. Qregoniaru MAN would like Janitor work and wife chamber work In hotel; references. E 1144. NEAT, capable Swedish frlrl wants general housework: good cook: Irvlngton Park or near Broadway. AN .'2, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl with good references wishes position aa chambermaid or second girl. t7 .Marshall st. CURTAINS laundered ; no mangling; hand laundry experts; -5c and up. Woodlawn 2684. GIRL wlshs position as nurse and can do a)j kinds of plain sewing- K 'i, Qregonlan. WOMAN wants day work sweeping, clean ing, washing and Ironing. A 1548. LACE curtalna launaered. 25c up. first-class work. Quick service. Tabor 317 WANTED Position plain cooking or gen eral housework; no washing. 333 12th. WOMAN wants day work. Woodlawn 1011, C 1212. COMPETENT woman wants a few hours' work dally. Room 8, 4"l Vancouver ave. WA NTED AGENT, WANTED General agent in ei.ery town In the state- prefer established real estate firm to handle sub-agents for a well established and advertised corporation; liberal commission to the right pat-. Ad dress I,. M- ilelmer, ,1u3 Corbett bldg. GUARANTEED rheumatism remedy. Marl- nello Shay, 40- central Diug., imn ana Alder. $3 TO a day; money every nlghL Call 613 tie-K biug. WANTED TO RENT ED THREE adults wish & or s-roora furnished houao or flat. West bide, lor iuiomcr or longer. Moin 10!. WANTED A modern, hpacious home with garage, in lrvtngtou; givo particulars in nrst letter. X o4. Oregonlan. Booms WUb UoarO. GENTLFLMAN wants room and hoard with a renned private iauui.v. nuiiic4io, Side preferred; not a boardlntf-house. All i4. Qregonlan. REFINED young lady desires room and board In private nome. nm ooarains house; answering give phono number. AF 5.", Qregonian. WOULD lik nice family to care for girl years, near school. AR 6o. oregoman. FOR RENT. Furnlsltril Hounia. ANGELA HOTEL. t25 Washington St. Under Nsw ManaxcmenL Large lobby, rinmhed In mahogany, tile snd marble; ladies' parlor with elegsnt fire place; fret telephone service in rooms, all mgnt and day, tleciric elevator, stam heat, hot and cold w ater in all rooms, manv with bath. A residential hotel above reproach. wnre every eflort la mado for the comfort ana convenience oi us gueso; rents the most reasonable in the city; rooms by the day. week or month. Look tnis over before locating. ' ake W car at depot, get off at Pub and Washington. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW yl'EN! Those three beautminy iuininea noieis HOTEL HOTEL JIDTUI M I NOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 21 -111 4th st. 211 w 4th st. 2tt7'a 4th St. cm Fourth St., running 'rora 1 ay lor to Salmon St.; brand-new brick; elegantly furnished; steam heat, private baths, hot snd cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all reeptcts, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tha ordinary, iii the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we know you will like it. Room" by the day, week or month. Tourist traae solicited. FOR RENT Nice sunny front rooms for 1 or J persons; electric ngin, sieam mui, hot and cold water and telephone in every room . 5 .lr week. With uatli connect ed, $L YORKI3 HOTEL. 12th aim Stark Sis. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street, New. modern brlc building: steam heated : private baths, hot and cold water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Regular and transient trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnside sts. Absolutely nreprooi. new ana eieganny furnished rooms; private baths; steam heat, hot and cold water, private phones in each room; special rates by the month; phone eervlco free. Phone Marstiall 4010. THE GILMORE. 131 Tentn. corner Alder CI.; convenient, io me Dusineas aisirict and all theaters: well furnished rooms for transient or permanent; $2.60 a week up; under new management. HOTEL RENWICK An ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all moaern conveniences; tin ana Taylor ats.. 1 block from I 'or t land Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater, phone Main liltt. RAINIER HOTEL! One block from Union Depot; 140 ouLsid rooms, wtth hot and cold water and steam heat offers special rates lor permanent guests; rates to $2 a day; $3.60 and up per meek- Phone Main 8413. Van GORDER hotel. 103 Twelfth st- Marshall 2790. In heart of business district; steam hast, hot and cold water, free phone in every room : $1 day and up; $4 week and up. THE LIN DELL. Large, pleasant front rooms: easy walk ing distance; all home conveniences; $3, .0 to $t per week. :t2s4th at. Main Sotfi, HOTEL KLICKITAT. New ; cor. East 1st and ilolladay ava.; hot and cold water, steam heat; rooms $3 per week up. f pga. LEWISTON Hotel, 271 H Morrison, cor. 4th; ISrgO, airy ,,u iuum, wat- sient and permanent, boo day up. 5o you want good room In a good loca tion at a low a m j ijarritoea, 2 j7 1 Larrabee at East Side. East s4s. liOTKu CONGRESS now open ; handsomely f urntsnea. u''""" " "iocks from P- O. n Main. DELIGHTFUL front room. 2 S jrth 16th gL, near vv iuniii'"- HOTEL JOi c. "erson sis., nice ly lurnipnru ' wv-v r ween. u. HOHMf Rooms niceiy lurnisnea at the Draesiae, -t-o aiuci at. I. FOR TRENT. Fornlebed Rooms. Now Open. 112 Rooms. Now Opet- HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPLES. Seventh and Taylor Pts. Residential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Postoffhe. store., theaters and restaurants; just ofr business streets and carlines; quietest and best location; handsome brick. ample steam heat, hot running , ater and phones in every room, suites and pria:e baths, elevator. Reputable and comfortable. From Tic daily, $4 weekly. Any car from depots. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the finest comer, parlor, bed room and bath suites in t'.ie city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine lew of all the mountains; also some single rooms, elevator service, tele phone, hot and cold water, electric lis lit and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass the building. If you are for permanent, home-like quarters, be sure ana inspect tne Sargent Dei ore locawnK. Excellent restaurant in connection with hotel. Telephone East 291. J. IL CLARK, Proprietor Furnished Rooms In Private Family. PAHTT Heslrins- exclusive and eleuant out side room. Joining bath; service unexcelled with couple In fine apartment, tjali Main NEATLY furnished front room, phone, bath, electric light, walking distance. 47 Har rison. CHARMINGLY sit uated rooms, moderate rent; phone, walking distance. 655 Wash ington. V 1 mi v f urn I hed rooms, modern improve ments, walking distance, reasonable; ref erences. 7J. r.vcrett st. TWO Dleasant rooms in strictly private md era homo, fine porch, close In; reference. Alain sous. NICELY furnished room, modern con v en - leiicea. central v locaiea. rcasuuaoie. io t'lay, neur l"th. NICELY furnished front room, per week all convenience-. 32. 12th. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern conveni ences; board If desired. 333 utn TWO pleasant rooms or sleeping porch Irvington. Phone East 12!it. PLEASANT Iutko front room, close In, for 2 men. 411 Taylor. FURNISHED room. $1.6j; free phone and bath. 2 14th at., near v asiiingion. ROOM for a gentleman In a strictly private Jewish family. Marsiiau nw. AN attractive, well-furnlhed room in pri vate family in Irving! on. tail East 212. $2 TO $3 weekly; lisht and airy; desirable location. 305 J 2 tli. LARGE, pleasant front room for gentleman, every convenience, $1.7u week. 2G2 14th. SUNNY sleeping tent. 221 loth sL ftooms With Board. XHR HI 1,1.. ;id and "VVaah. Sts. Residential Hotel. American Plan. All modern improvements. Main 7oS4. A 4447. DOES a home appeal to you? THE WHITE HALL cor. tth and Madison; large room a bath, broad veranda, Quiet, close in, neas ear, 4 blocks from P. O. American piaJh, PARK VIE V. Modern family hoLel; popular rates; pri vate park; close in, cor. West Parle and Montgomery. Phone Main ''73. MANiTOU, 261 11' ii ox. Attractive, clean rooms. steam good board, close la. reasonable. THE LAMBERSON. 50-4 Couch sL, very de s.rabte outside rooms, steam heat, run ning water, good board, close in. DESIRABLE room with first-class home cooking, c'.oso Multnomah Club; rales reasonable. iJ3 N. 17th st. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 23d year. Booms with board, uae of sewing-room, 11 b rary . 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilaoa. aup t ELEGANT room, facing the park, A-l board, rea so nabie, &74 Park. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board, running water, steam beat. JS5 ad st. Rooms With Board In Private Families. GOOD, comfortable, homelike home for one or two gentlemen ; private family, Urst class home cooking, pleasatit rooms and surrounding-, and cherries w ill soon be ripe. Call Tabor 81. NICELY furnished room, board If desired modern home, fl rat-class location, use of piano and home privileges. 10 min. walk to Md and Washington st. 310 Multnomah st. Phone E. 44il. LA RGE, nicely furnished room. prt'. are family, w It h every comfort and privlictre f a nice homo for ons or two. with good break Li st. 10 per month each; easy walk, is o2JO. LARGE room, hot and cold water, suitable for one or two people, with board, home cooking, free phone, baths and piano; walking distance. 24i East 16th. Phone East liO. DESIRABLE room, hoi and cold running water, bath, shower adjoining. home cooking, tine location West Hide, walking distance, near car. 72"i prospect Drive, Portland Heights. Main 1007. LARGE, finely furnished room, large clothes press, all conveubinees free, nuitau'e for 2 KcntJemen; close in; no other boarders. Main KA43. 12th st. ONE nicely furnished f root room, suit.i i; for one or two: hot water bath, ood board. Call at w-22 Clay et. Phone Main B4O0. DESIRABLE room, near Multnomah Club, walking distance, home cooking ; also al cove room. Marshall 4112. IF YOU are looking for rooms with or with out board, prices reasonable, call at 202 12th St., or phone Main 31tlo. LOVELY rooms with breakfnst and dinner and high-class homo cooking. Marshall aw J ft. LA IUI E room. v. i 1 1 i b oard ; running w a t e r, modern convenience, closo in ; gentleman only. I'M West Park. TO responsible parties, will rent ideal home in exclusive neighborhood for co-operative housekeeping club. Marshall 2707. 472 SALMON ST.. pleasant front room, good board, modern conveniences; ciubo in, reasonable, phone, Marshall 4273. WELL-FURNISHED room for young man, easy w-alkitig distance. 9j E. Taylor, cor, loth. Phone E. 2006. TWO fine rooms, flno location, home rook -ing, reasonable, two carlines. il7 Kearney st. VERY pretty room, just vacated, nicely fur nished, modern, walking distance, best home cooking-, reasonable. Main 3'SO. ; AND 3-room apartments. furnished ; phone, heat, lights. 2J4 East ISth, cor. Main ROOMS and board in comfortable suburban home, convenient to cars. AL 01, Ore goman. tOOl) board, walking distance ; room ac commodates two gentlemen ; $0 week. Eant 4-Mti. TRAVELERS wife has elegant fiirnishetL room for ladies; Nob Hill apL; walking distance. Marshall 1123- ROOM, board, private family, two .iul-m-n. 570 Ladd ave. Phone Kust ol 4.".. ROOM anil board for one or two goiithine.ii. M North lbth st. PLEASANT rooms, single r en suite: uc. lent Doard. 6"d GUsan. GOOD board and room for 1 or 2 gentle men. 591 Davig st. ROOM witn connecting bedroom, excellent. boa rd. porches andgiounds. M ain 2071. FIRST-CLASS room and board In privats family. 74u Yamhill. BOARD, two In room. $2-1, two meals. 410 Park. Main $527. FIRST-CLASS room and board, home prjvi ieKer. everything modern. a.: E. Couch. TWO room- single or rn suite, excellent board. 432 Mill st. A W.V. tTKNlPHKO room and board. ol." K. Oak. cor. 1 t"it h. l'rire i ea.-onahle. E, KOOM lultablo for one or two. $S week ach. l'lion. Main 3304. 6Ui tth. LABfiK front room for two. J each. ;l 11th. nr Jeffernon. itar. g(W3. Apartment.. RUSE-FRIEND. ?. . cor. ,th and Jcfrr on moaern 3 and 5-room uniurniahed Ht)artinent; hardwood lloora; reterencea. llit; Btrmingnam, 3l l-'th at.; new. fur Tiih,il olesantly. and room,. Alar.hall THB LEONARD S-room apartment, partly furnished; modern; new building. 55 Kaat Main. iHli DAVENPORT--Naw'iy lurni.hed 3-roorn .t private bath and phone; ,ummJr rfte's. P Main 543i. SOo Jeftern.' Iumm"' ratta. - THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS Three and four rooma. New, ciean a homelike. E. Hth and Yamhill. HiKlL. APARTME.NTdL rarnun! and uuiurnijia apartra.nt. lit i-ovejoyat KENTUCKY APTS.. -Mh and E. Glisan, 3 tv r--x . ,m with bath, mor m . -I-Jlffp. reasonable rents. E. 1 4i'h. r 1 Ti; CHELTENHAM. 255 N. JoTJi ;( 4-room apartments, new brirt bulidlns. furniture. Marshall 3854 FOR KENT. Apartment- CARMELITA, Jefferson and Thirteenth Sts, n. 4, o-rooin apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Unfurnished. No wall or disappearing beds. Exclusive. Modern. , Every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of tenant. References, rhone Main -VJ6S. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving eta; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automat.o elevator, Hclmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box. pleotv of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. It you want something nice, come to the Barker; 1 l-room basement apartment, $15. Phones A 174-i. Marshall 2961. KWLY furnished The Upshur. 2th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments, $18. 20 and up. This includes steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment, private phones, public bath, electrio lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free; sieo 3-rooin uniurniahed apartments, with private bath. 18; 4 rooms. $20. Take d. 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 6oJ CHESTERBURY HOTEL APARTMENTS. 0th and Kearney. An elegant new hotel with beautifully furnished apartments; haudsomely ap pointed dining-room, where meals m.y be procured if desired; everything pos sible for the convenience and comfort of K mists; modern In every respect; an ideal home; references required. Call or phone Marsha il 7S1. f THE VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Jot completed, most magnificently far. alsned epanments In the Northwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience. Including banaX bail and root garden; both phones in all apartments; htgn-c'aas service; refsre&ces require.d. Mam 227d and A 7 OS 7. " FOKD11AM APARTME N T a, 170 Ford st., just south of VV ash Ingres ; most complete, highest class apartments ever built In Portland; finished through out in hardwood; tiled baths, superb Xix tures; eegsnt wall coverings; each wlUa private LaiLony; highest clasa service; ery reasonable rents; 4 and 6-rooxa apaxtoi tii iM. moat convenlentlysj ran g HANOVER FIREPROOF APARTMENTS, King and Washington ats., now ready. New o-story reinXorced concrete build ing, oniy Hi c proof apartment-nouaa m Portland; evciy possible convenience, elec tric elevator, best of service, private bai coaica, easy walking distance; 2. s aad 4 -room apartments, $22. bO up. 'ELLINGTON COURT, luth and Everett tits. New management; 2, ii, 4 or 5-room un furnished apart men ts, Tne best apart mtnLs iu the city tor the money; they have all modei u conveuioucta, are c:oae in. neat aud uomeuke. Don't lail inspect them beiole locating. HEINZ APAR'i'MEWi'6 14th and Colom bia, 4 blocks suuta from, Morrison sr. j pew brck bullalng. completely lirst-class furnished in 2. s sud 4-room lamliy apaxt tnents; private uato, steam heat, not wa tcr elevator, free pnone, vacuum cieaasr. lacUor service; rent per moo to, $d. $J0 u and up. must be aesa to ha ap.e c is ICQ. THE EVERETT. tt44 Everett sL New and eiegantly xurnlshed apart mnu; S rooms, reception hall and sieep-Icg-porcn; automatic electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in oae of the choicest residence disiriuis. sux rouuaed by ciegauc iioniesi walking tU tXliCtt. THE CAM AR. "U4 Lovejoy St. Under new management, new, modern brick, 2, o and 4 -room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent you apartments 26 per cent cheaper than any in toe city; good janitor service. Give us a cail aad be convinced. Mar. 2Ultf. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay Streets. Otie of. the imest In the city; steam heat, hot and cold water, private vesti bules, phones and baths, electric eleva tor ana lilts, unfurnished suites $32 to $48. KING HILL APARTMENTS. 171 KINO ST. 4, 6, ft-room apartments; selecr. tenancy Apply on premises. GRANDEST A furulsned apartments Graa4 ave. and Ja.asi b tark ; tie vr brick bulldina; fe rooms, splendidly furnished, with pri vate bain. 4i.u0; electric elevator; naa arn conveniences; cioso-in location; weas walking distance; best of service. 6T. CKOIX ApartmeDts, SL Clair st-, near Wasnington, 2 and it-roam u par tmesis, wltn pi i vat a oath, f urnisoed and unXux nifthea; supurb location, easy waiktug dis latica, onck builuing; conveniuui arrange Uieut, best of service and very low rents. "THE TV1CKERSH.AM' lnin and Flanuers sis. Bvautitul apaiiimcnts. 6 and 0 rooms. Call aud see tnera. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16TH ST., MiAH TAVLOR ST. ELEG AN X 4 A.U a-KUUil UN FUR NISH ED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PKEMlbES fOK KESEKVATIUN. 3 OR 4 -room apart mt; tit with bath, fur nished or unf urtiisned. Pacific phone in each, $j2.3o up; outside rooms; splendid -iev; convenient a rranyemen t ; superb lo cation; close to post or nee; best of serv ice. The Sheffield. 2J 7th. cur. Jetierson, IONIAN COURT. 57 0 Coucti, 1 block irom ashlngton, walking aistanco, and 4- room modern unfurnished upartmems; all mod or n con veniences, best of servicu; under new maa aeineut, reierences required. Main lib 2. LUCRET1A COURT. Lucretla St., icar 23d and Wash. Lmurniaiied apartments, Irom two to five rooms, all large, ligut and outside; larse cioets, haruwood noora, uttdr nw inauageuieuk. Marsiiaii lit I A. J am lor. Mar snail l&oO. CL'MUERLAM) ARTS.. W. Park and Co lumbia SIS.. X V "-lu-Hi J., juot. niHticd, everything new. to married couplu only; all modern conveniences; cnoice lo cation, facing thi! park, only " minutes' walk from business center. V "iMilUA Apariineaui, ill J4ta au, &t Market; new corner brick; all bright, oui Sioe rooms; t and 4 -room suites com pletely iuraished for housekeeping. z u 17. tu. For Information can Mam Aliri. THE MARLBORO UGH. fl-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, walking distance, every convenience. ilst and Flupders sts. Main 751d. hA.N'i'hOl;.N APARTMENTS. ZSl 12th St, j! tar Main; clocs in location; elegant 3 room apait-aifcut with bath and private balcony, I is- Evf CwuveiiiBuca, soaa srvic. LINCOLN APTS-. "OR. 4fH AND LINCOLN bells, built-m wrm8 ucsks. vacuum clean er. Janlinr st-rviee. to $iu. incluumg li 'iis. prtvale pliulieti. A 347. Main 13X7. UKACH Ai'Ttf.. crthrup ut.. corner n"Ba ..-...v.u veramla, laige aleeping porch, private teleinone, water, lleat and not water; new und Btri'-tly modern; vacuum cleaner. Just conipietou. corner aa and Hall, all 2-ioom luruia-ied apt,., lurito uutsiao kneneus, uest airantiea apts. in Portiuno. ana up. iau walking Qi.tanctt. HAbi)OXHALU UTH AND HALL, STS. ;l and 4-room apartments, furmshed and uniurmslieu, all outsid. rooma, liaiawood I.ooit. .private ualcouieti, Uatn and plione; Sunniier rati-,: easy walking distance. IHii M'k.lNl-ElI Al-Ailiat.N ia. Ea,t th td Morrison, moat ceutrail, lo cated; 2 and a-rooin aparunenta, f ur ui6iied tui data; privat. bauia; inodr ata ratta, , KNICKERBOCKER Apartments. Uih and Harrison ste. New brick buildinK. now ready, sup.rb arrangement and location; 3 rooms wiUi private uatn; every conveni ence, peat oi rvice; reasonable rents. ST. FRANCIS Apartments, 2lst and Hoyt 3 rooms and bath, private balcony, new bricK; electric elevator, supero location, in walking distance; most convenient ar rangement, low rent -nq oet ot service. CicUiA. AJ'Arilai.MO.. aid and tiiiaaa sta.- best oi service; cesirabi locauon. with unexcelled car servlc; also cas walking aistaace: 3 -room apt., wita bata, modern eoi"""""'' yeI3 reasonaoi, ram. VEftVAHTLE, t'C.-! 3d st-1 nicely furnished outside rooms. f"; housekeeping suites S4; lurnished and unlurnisued tlats; pri vate bfttn. t tuk MEKED1TH. Wasningtoa su. J, a and 4-rooin apts.. naraooa rioora, witn ivory conveience, newly furnished; cnai est rent in the city. ' THE PARK APABTJJENTS. J53 Harrison bu Phone Marsnall 3070. I LLIAETTE Furnished and unturnisasd 4 rxoma Corn.r 2d ayd Montgomsry. ' IRIS. COR. 3d AND MILL. 4 and & larse rooms; modern. FOR 3 r 4-roo.m furnished apts. investigate "lh Parkhurgt. 'i'lh and .Northrup. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apts., furnished beat, pnone and bath. 181 14th su FOUR anQ 5-roora apartments. Jackson Ifungalow. 4-'4 llth at. AI.MIRA. 475 Salmon .t., 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished. FOB RENT. Apartments THE ORLANDO, S0TH AND WASHINGTON STS. LARGEST APART MENT-HOl'SE l.V CITY. Two and three-room apartments, well furnished, cheerful and thoroughly clean at most REASONABLE RATES rnns-igteu' with their many advantages. Coinforla:.! beds no wall bedsl. unusually fine clus.-: room. HOT and cold water, refrigerators benutlful view from many apartments wide halls, elevator service. In addition. THE ORLANDO possese the following points ot superiority: INDISPUTABLY FINEST LOCATION. H AN DSOM EST KNTR A NOE. BEST EQUIPPED LAI NDKY. THE WHEELDON-. Cor. Tark and Taylor Sts. THE WH EELDOV ANNEX. Cor. Tenth and Salmon Sts. Wnllfinr rvi.tance. ITorni.liftfl oinrlele Rnd 4-TOOm Bpnrlments; hulhlinps new and strictly modern; service hrst-class. NOKOMI3. U3r.i,.ll V,. af 17th sit. New building; Summer rate; must bs seen to be appreciated. ARDMAT TERRACE. 12th and Harrison St,. Largest 2-room apartments In th. city. ALTONIA. Marshal) and 19th Sts. Large airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartment,: Quiet and exclusive neighborhood. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious home.s. Trinity I'lace. between 19th and 2o'h streets. Just oft Washington; magnificent exclusive apartments in heart of apartment-house - district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service: refined clientele; references re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1. Mrs. A. N Wright, superintendent, phono Mar shall 1101. THB AMERICAN. Most np-to-dat. apartment to the Northwest; every convenience: 4 anel rooms, all outsld. sunny rooms: "new: walking distance. 21st and Johnson sts.; choice residence district; attendant oa premises. Marshall 1360. i-LR.NISHED APTS. .Nicely lurnished. 3 rooms. 122.50; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, wat-r heater, laundry trays, large closets, on carlllie. East Side. T.oor 229a. B 3U41. APARTMENTS. 2i.0O APARTMENTS. New, beautifully furnished J-room apart ments; pnvato oaths, phones, strictly modern: no children. 540 Union ave. N., cor. Russell. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford street, near Washington; select residence district; H-roum apartment with balcony; all conveniences of th best class apartments. WOLFE APIS., ill MARKET bT. NEWLY furnished 2, 3, 4 rooms, 2iiO to V4U1 single roouis ii up; (re. light, phones, heat, hot and cold water, elecuia eievator. Marshall 3oU7. FURNISHED and unfurnished apartments. 3 and 4 rooms, with private baths; aVstrabie location, very reasonable rents. Apply Angela Hotel, 025 Washington sc., near tilth. ; " SAN MARCO APARTMENTS. sev brick, corner East couch and 8th; furnished and unlurnislied a-room apart ments; private bath and phone; $23 up. Kast 27jL HISLOP HALL, Hawthorne ave. and oth st. Modern building, best furnishings; 1, 2, 3 rooms; walkinK distance, or best car service. THE LEONOE, lbti N. 2!d near Johnson. ;scw, modem, brick. Z and 3-roum, bea'i tilully ' lui nisli-d apartments, ail iutsi.l4 rooms, private, bath and phone; S2'2.r.o up. CLWl'OOL APARTMENTS, llth aud Clay"; new brick. 3 rooms witn balconv, privale bain superb location; reasonable rent, best'ol service, every convenience. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. lark and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 nd 4-room furnished and unturnished apartments, strictly modern. THE CUETOPA. IStli and Flanders sts. Modern 2. 3 and 4-room apart inenls, fur nished and unfurnished. Apply to the JaiiHor. Bolliphones. Tlll-l AVALON 3 and 4-room steam heated apartments; private phono and bath; jan itor service: vacuum cleaner. Cor. Clack- ainas aim nu- - THE ONEONTA. elegantly furnished 2-ro.iiii apartments, all conveniences, 2' per month: single rooms only ft. lSi lith TnEUAYTOS Flno 6 room apt., porches, every convenience, low rent, lurnished ur .....n. ::.K riunri.ri. UlllUluioi"-". -" THE Northampton, 407 Hall; furnished ele gantly; 2 rooms, ,2 3 up; 1. $12. M. 42,.i:l. "7 tlats. 5-ROOM Hat. 7S2 Glisan St.. $30: new build ing, superb location, very desirable; hard wood lloors. rtreplace, gas rang-:, wjf-r heater, iurnace. See janitor, ssL Croix Apartments, in. fu v.iau b. SI tAll-HilATUU 6-room flat, very desira ble; convenient arrangement, with gi range; $;12.51 Summer rate. Apply J111' tor, Wellington Apartments, ijtn and Everett. NEW 4-room upper corner flat. Ineluuin attic room, sleeping-porch, fireplace, and all modern conveniences. West side, walk ing distance. Main 374. UNFURNISHED clean 5-room upper Hat; large attic, gas range, water heater: ton minutes to P. O. A 33!H or AJ 01. Oris )- man. ATTRACTIVE upper S-room furnished flat, close In. West Side, best residence dlstn- l. rent 440. r.asi 40 1 . l-ROOM furnished walking distance, sonable. lower flat, model 1:, Hit Weidler t, Rca- i-iiOO.M flat; lirepiace, gas ranse xmi heater: linoleum on kitchen. 1" '" :4th, between Ankeny and hili nsid JvuB Hill flat, 7 ruoms, fine yard, splendid nelgnborhooa. 77. V4 Johnson su. b.u SI and 4tb- Malnoo91. NE Wnioiirr" good view, near Russell and Williams ave.; gas range, heater ana water; 20. East 4702. MODERN new 0-room upper flat West Side select neighborhood; nardwood floors. Bleeping porch, fireplace. Marstiall 2-J24. JNFCKMSHED flats. 4 ana o rooms Aiom gomory st., bet. itli and tit 11. liuiuire oth St. . ?7vk-ROoJl mod-in flat. flv. blocks from ice. I' " pi'ono Jui'i"" "-- loDEKN 5-room fiat. E. lbth and Ash. Ji 2'.'tj. SWELL modern 5-room lower flat v,.,nill. near 2.:d. Phone L. oU1. 7'd E. MC'DEK.N 5-room flat, 5th. near Jaekauii. West Side. IV mln.walk.Main rAj--3. SsiS'E LL- modern tf-roora upper flat; all coa- v. Indices. 3.". E. lrtlh Nuith. flat unfurnished, modern; liiqiiliv2aerettst C-ROOM upper nice location. MODERN 5-room lUit. $1? Inquire (171 Kerbjt.Jtlonlawn ..-. FuiLXISHED thrrr-room Hat. with piano. rent 2a. S union a. 4M WEST PAKE -Large 3-room flat, bath. gas; $lb water. L-aroage tree. NICE 4-room f' Failing. I'hoim corner Commercial and Woodlawn 8b5. ti p Vlll r'D .".-r. "m flat, goo'l location, ViVf West Side, l'honu Seilwood 1047. Fl'E-HOi'M modem house for rent. 1'houu Woodiawn Jf'ji- 0-fOOM lower, niodern flat. 610 Hancock or i.-lounone '"" -rvv, iTlLL Modern 6-room upper fiat, .rl.-,r!inu- porch. Main eSUS. m 1 -inFRN 4-room flat. Green ave., near 2d and Washington. Main K'.tsS. Housekeeping Kiwimi. T11E M1LNER. 35lVj Morrison, cor. Park. furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments, all conveuiences, uest location. bummer rates. COMFORTABLE 3-room suite front houae- keepfs rooms. $3.50 per week, furnished. DIVi mt St.. car Stark. FOR RENT H. K. rooms. $2.50 a week and up. close In. 370 Va E. Morrison. near Union. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rates reasonable. l!40fe Hoiladay ave., two blocka from Steel bridge. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. single and en suite; wallting distance. 545 Wash, a:. iS'l MAKK S, ::'.2ls E. Burnside, front house-keV-pinc yinte, unlKing distance, $'.. HOl'SI-'KEKPING. also single rooms. $!..' to $2 a week. 2d St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new conrrel. building. Phone Woodlawn 2379 or 29H7. NE T1.Y furnished iiousekecplng rooms; phono and bath; close in. 430 ti Wash. 1