Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 11, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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okegoxux itixniosM
rrtBtlot-ronni ....1777... J A
ntT IreuiatHm Mala TOTJ A
ManaslB. Editor "'!?I9AIJ
Suaday tailor MmT07AJ
toaiDostcs-rooaa ilalo T070 A "M tralldlaa' ...alaia iui A
BEILIO THEATER (Seventh and Tt1ot
Tha nulcl comedr Tbs fina Lady"
tnia afternoon at 2.15 and toalfhl at a:l5.
Baker thcatkr EiTnth ana Morri
son Faker Stock Company !n Ihe play.
"Alias Jimmy Vaientlna." Th la afternoon
at 2 12 and tonijht at IS. '
ORPHEl'M THEATER (Morrt.oa, between.
Sinn aad e..nth Vaudavllla. Thl eft-
t.raooa at 2-13 and t.alsbt at S:lf clock.
FANTAijrs THEATER lul and Al-
d.r Vaudevllla. This a.'t.rnooa at S.l
too!(bt at T:M aad o'clock.
EVVHESfl THEATER (Park aad Washtni-
toak Vaud.Tiu. Thla aft.rnooa at 1:1a.
tonlKht at I W aad o'ciock.
LTRtr THEATER 'Fourth and tsr
K-allna- A Flood Company In "The Merer
Monarch." Thla afternoon at S:0 and lo-
aisnt at 1.30 and o'clock.
turve. 1 A. M.-U P. VI-RE'-REATIOX
PARK 'Twsntr-fouTth and
Vsucb Portland n. Victoria, baseball.
Thia afternoon at 1 o'clock
AdssrUaravnla Inwndael tar saw CUT
ia Brtof calnaaaa lat MUvl la a sanat a
asnn.n ka Tka Oseannlaa fcailan. anTlca r
a aclack Bnlnrnny avvalnn.
Ca Fol-sd Not Gctltt. Edward
Case, under Indictment (or introducing
liquor Into the Slleti Indian reserva
tion, was found not guilty by A Jury in
the United States District Court yes
terday. The principal witnesses (or
the Government, (our of them, testified
to the ajuilt of the defendant but at the
same time told that they had liquor on
their person at the same time and Ave
bottles of It were consumed during A
two days and nlchts sitting; In a srame
of poker In which Case won the money.
After the Jury was discharged one of
Its members said: As the witnesses
were as guilty as Case It did not seem
fair to find him guilty for them to
get even for his winning their money."
Saloom Mix Woitji Restraim Thans-s-kr.
Alleging that they were Induced
to sign without consideration power of
attorney transferring the control of
their saloon, the Trocadero. 40 to 41
Fourth street, to Emll Ulutsch, collector
for the Henry Welnhard brewery, and
that trlutsi-h later fraudulently Induced
the City Council to pass A resolution
transferring the license to himself.
James Mulinos and Jamea Pappalolnnou
have atarted suit in Circuit Court to
restrain the actual transfer. The de
fendants Are Glutsch and City Auditor
Harbur. The plaintiffs Assert that
Glutsch. represented to the City Coun
cil that he had paid 1:000 for the
saloon whereas he paid nothing.
110.050 Asked for Alucocd Fuji
Arrest. Charging false arrest on A
charge of Larceny by bailee and sub
sequent acquittal In Municipal Court.
O. A. Brooks has started suit In Cir
cuit Court to recover aa damages $10.
050 from W. II. Henderson and W. A.
Leet. the latter An Attorney. The men
he asserts were responsible for bis in
carceration. He was arrested on April
:i. Brooks Is a broker And the
trouble Arose in connection with A
mortgage which figured in A real estate
trade which Henderson waa making.
Judge Taswell decided that the matter
should be settled by civil suit.
A mow Imperatttb Dbclareiv Mayor
Itushlight was appealed to yesterday
to order enforcement of the antl-splt-ting
ordinance, through A communica
tion signed by Mrs. Jaae M. Ltmion.
secretary of the Visiting Nurse Asso
ciation. The organisation alleges that
the law is poorly enforced, and says
that anion la Imperative. It declares
that the streets and sidewalks are left
In a dirty condition and that something
should be done for the preservation of
the public health, to say nothing of
ljrnpEUTT Chiroid i PrvoRrg Co
ruatXT. Asserting that her husband
has become an habitual .drunkard and
that be is guilty of cruel and inhuman
treatment towards her and Infidelity.
Gertrude P. Corbett has started in Cir
cuit Court suit (or a divorce from
Elijah H. Corbett. a consulting engi
neer. Juanlta Yost Is named In the
complaint. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett were
married in Hoboken. N. J in July. 130!.
They have minor children of whom Mrs.
Corbett demands the custody.
McETt.xa. Wood lawn Grange will hold
an open meeting tonight In Greene's
hall when the following programme
will be given: Recitation. Lloyd Arm
strong: club swinging. Lillian Jones)
Maypole dance, lecture, "Gardening."
by Miss R. Randall, of the Woodlawn
public school: Teste of Orchards. " In
spector J. E. Slanabery; duet, Mrs. Lola
Foster Cllne and Miss Rose Burklrlc
It will be an open meeting and all In
terested will be welcome.
Examination Dates Set. The United
States Civil Service Commission an
nounces that the following examina
tions will be held to secure eligible!
and fill vacanrles in the different de
partments: Examiner of surveys, June
t: laboratory aid. June t: trained nurse,
male. June S: assistant photographer.
June S; Junior physicist. June 6-. Fur
ther information about these examina
tions can be secured from Z. A. Leigh
at the Portland Postofflce.
Swedish Societt to Hold Jlranm
The next literary meeting to be held
by the Swedish Society Llnnea will
lake place next Wednesday evening.
May la. at Linnea Hall. Twenty-first
and Irving streets. The programme
will be In English. Henry 8. West
brook will speak on Abraham Lincoln.
Miss Hansen will sing and Mlsa Ahlsen
and Mr. Brar Ahlsen will render musi
cal selections and recitations.
Si-npat MoRNixn At 10:30, the pastor
of the First Presbyterian Church, rr.
John H Boyd, will preach on the
topic. "The Meaning of Prophetlsm"
or "The Eternal Demand for Righteous
ness." In the evening at T:45, will be
the arrvice of praise, with the observ
ance of "Mothers' day." Sermon by
the pastor, on "Our Mothers." Every
one la requested to wear a whit carna
tion. Mas Mebttho is Kittoh Monday.
A meeting of property owners of Ken
ton, on the Peninsula, has been called
at the Are hall for Monday night by the
Kenton Improvement Club to protest
against the dilatory methods of the
contractor who received contract for
paving streets in the district last Sep
tember but Is not Improving them.
Miss Martik Has Opponent. Mrs.
Emma B. Carroll will speak on "The
Immoral Effects of Miss Martin's Mis
statements." at th regular meeting of
the Political Equality League thla
afternoon at 1 o'cock In the Olds.
Wortman as King auditorium. There
will be other addresses.
MfM-KT cVOTT Dwelxjxi Bl RMS. Ex
plosion of a coaI oil lamp Thursday In
the house on East Sixty-first street snd
Forty-Bfih avenue, occupied by Mrs.
Elisabeth Pelton. during her absence,
caused A fire which destroyed the house
And its contents. Mrs. Mamie Potter
waa the owner.
aa-sj a R'-N to Rhododendron
Tavkr. on the Mount Hood Road,
now in good condition for autos And
fishing Is fine. Mr. Emll Franxettl. the
rw proprietor la an experienced hotel
man and will conduct the tavern in
first-class manner.
Low Fares, quick trip, special In
ducements to cottage builders at Gear
hart Park. Office lOOH .Fourth it.
For Rent. Lower dock, foot of Mor
nd Tamhlll streets. Call 181
Morrison. Main till
RBAt. W'Arruu. the light, crisp kind
can only be had at Morns', 1 th. near
,llB-Faro bldg.
,um, today aU day. Oa-ka RIaX. ,
Hoass Dealer Asswers Charges- F.
A. Johnson, who has been held to the
grand Jury for alleged, misrepresenta
tion in the sale of a team of horses
to a woman, asserts that there is an
other aide to the story than that ap
pearing at the preliminary. He says:
"In the sale of the horses to Mrs. Sell
lnger I did not make any misrepresen
tations and when I learned that she
was dlasatisfted with her purchase. I
assured her that I would return the
purchase money as soon as the man.
who had owned the team, returned to
the city and for whom I was making
the sale. The woman afterwards sold
the team which should have relieved
me of any liability. The testimony of
the veterinary surgeon as to the Ad
vanced ages of the horsesand that one
of the horses had epileptic fits was not
correct. There are more good horse
men than bad and I Insist that It is
not fair to class all of them as bad."
Hall Association Formkd. A hall
association has been formed for divl-slon-No.
1, Ancient Order of Hibernians,
of Alblna, by election of the following
directors: Patrick Ryan, John O'Hare.
John Farrell, E. H. Deery. T.J. Murphy.
D. W. Lane and John Keating. The
flrst four are (or two years and the
remainder for one year. A subscrip
tion list has been started toward the
building fund and nearly enough has
been obtained to pay for the lot on
Russell street between Union and
Rodney Avenues. 60x145. for $5400.
Judge W. ff. Gatens Is the adviser of
the building committee. Tentative
plans of a building have been drawn.
It will be two or three stories and cost
f 13.000.
Reservoir Will Stand. The gas
reservoir which stands In North Al
blna. near the Jefferson High Schoot.
will not be removed, but the objecttonal
features will be eliminated. A com
mittee from the North Albina Improve
ment Association had a conference with
the officials of the Portland Gaa Com
pany yesterday And the company agreed
to Improve the grounds, remove the
pipe and rubbish, erect A cottage for
a keeper, put In A muffler on the gal
engine operated at night and use elec
tric lights about the tank. On promise
of the company to eliminate the objec
tlonal features the committee decided
not to ask for the removal of the tank.
Circle OrncERa Elected. Officer! of
the Mothers and Teachers' Circle of
Montavilla yesterday elected the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
President, Mrs. B. Bonbam; vice-president,
Mri. Dr. Charles E. Zeebuyth;
secretary-treasurer. Mrs. I. T. HowltL
Reports were received of the work of
the last year, which showed that the
club had been an active factor In the
community. It waa decided to hold the
next meeting In Mount Tabor Park.
June Is. after the close of the public
schools, when a picnic will be given
and the new officers installed.
Post to Honor Naval Dead. The
A. J. Smith post Grand Army of the
Republio will meet thli afternoon At
Its hall In Sellwood to complete Ar
rangements for Memorial exercise! to
be conducted in Mllwaukle Cemetery
May SO. and Alio to make preparation!
to honor the naval dead bj strewing
flowers on the Willamette River.
Blackraar Circle, of the Ladles of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Assists
At the cemetery. At the exercises in
the ball and the river bank.
CorxTT Jauitoa Advances. The
County Court yesterday published van
order naming Ned Kehoe. present head
Janitor of the Courthouse building, as
superintendent of the building. Mr.
Kehoe will wear A uniform and will
act as an Information bureau on the
lower floor. Peter Tledman was pro
moted to the position of head Janitor
under Mr. Kehoe and his salary wal
raised front 15 0 A month.
Christian Scientist to Tale. Frank
H. Leonard, of Chicago, will speak on
Christian Science tomorrow at the First
Church of Christ 'Scientist). Nineteenth
And Everett streets. At S o'clock In the
Afternoon And repeat his Address At
o'clock in the evening at the same
place. Mr. Leonard la a member of the
board of lectureship of the First Church
of Christ (Scientist), of Boston. The
lectures are free.
Crrr WtN! Dam aob Surr. A Jury in
Judge Gantenbeln'e department of the
Circuit Court yesterday found in favor
of the defendant In A suit brought by
the Blake-McFall Company against the
City of Portland to recover ts72.ll. Tha
company contended that damage to
that extent waa austalned last year
when A WAter main burst and flooded
tha basement of the company'e premises
on Fourth street near Ankeny.
More Carribri Allowed. Post
master Merrick has received authority
to appoint four temporary letter-carriers
until such time aa the depart
ment can Investigate the request that
eight additional carriers msy be
granted the Portland force. The four
temporary carriers will be assigned as
follows: Two to Station C, one to
Arleta and one to Station F.
Chvrch II Incorporatbd. L. C. Wilk
inson. G. 8. Wilkinson and Mrs. Floss
Cole yesterday tiled articles o( incor
poration o( the Kenton United Presby
terian Church. These three were named
as trustees at A meeting o( those In
terested in the formation of a church.
The present assets of the organiza
tion are stated to be of the value
of 1500.
Alexander Goes With Oaks T.
S. Alexander, organiser (or the Retail
Merchants' Association. has retired
from that organization, and taken a
position as organiser of special days
(or the Oaks Park Amusement Com
psnv. German day. French day. Elks'
day" and others will be made features
at the Oaka this Summer.
Veterans Committees to Meet.
Committees from the East Side Grand
Army of the Republic posts will meet
this afternoon at 3 o'clock at 14IH4
First itreet to complete arrangement!
for Memorial day exercises to be held
In Monument Square in Lone Fir Ceme
tery. May 30. at S P. M. All subcom
mittees are expected to report.
Joseph Buchtel Recovering. Joseph
Btichtel. the well-known pioneer, was
able to be at bia office on East Aider
street yesterdsy. after having been In
the Mount Tabor sanitarium for A week
under treatment for severe rheumatism.
While not entirely well Mr. Buchtel is
greatly improved and hopes aoon to be
fully restored.
Book 8 h o w r Announced. The
young ladles of the . Sodality of the
Holy Redeemer parish at Piedmont will
hold a "book shower" next Tuesday
night at the parish hall. Admission
Is free to all. The library Is well dec
orated and the young ladles have
started a movement to fill the ahelvei
with books.
Maxamas to See Falls. The Ma
samaa will take a trip to Oneonta to
morrow to visit the different water
falls In that vicinity. They will leave
on the O.-W. R. A N. train at 7:50
A. M. This outing was postponed from
April XI on account of rain.
Preacher Needs Children. Rev.
Albert Ehrgott la aeeklng the attend
ance of the children of the eighth and
ninth grades of Portland public schools
at A rehearsal al S P. M. today In
the Gipsy Smith Auditorium, (or the
Rose Musical Festival.
Sewer in Sandy Boulevard. A
thr. foot sewer will be laid In Sandy
boulevard at once, so there will be
no delay In laying the pavement. This
is part of the sewer system for the
Rose City Park district.
Sundat Excursion to Gresham on
new Mount Hood Railway, leaving Sec
ond and Yamhill at 12:4& P. M. Round
trip, IS cents. See Clark Lannon Co.'i
adv, page 4.
Tub first lectures of the Hyphatlon
Round Table will be given next Mon
day and Tuesday. Those wishing
tickets please call Main 3aS or A 153$.
Candt Special. Creamed carmels. !5c
a pound: Almond dipped carmels. 35c a
pound. Rebe's, 404 Washington, be
tween Tenth And Eleventh,
Miss Martin Warns Aoainst Suf
frage. The Antl-suffraglsts held a
meeting at the Knights of Pythias
Hall. Forest Grove. Friday night. Miss
Martin speaking against suffrage. She
called attention to an editorial In the
New York Times, in which, commenting
upon the suffrage parade, the dangers
of the movement were called to the
attention of the men of thla country.
"The ballot will secure to women no
right that she needs and does not pos
sess." said Miss Martin. "Woman Is
thoroughly protected by the existing
laws. Her rights as a taxpayer, a
holder of property, are not In danger.
Her dower rights sre scrupulously up
held by the probate courts. In her
pursuit of all the privileges and duties
of men. however, she Is deliberately en
dangering many rights she now enjoyi
without legal sanction."
'"Earth Education" Is Topic. K. H.
Lane, of the United States Department
of Agriculture will epruk on "The Na
tional Movement for Earth Education."
at a meeting tonight, at the Y. M. C.
A. auditorium, under the auspices of the
school garden contest general com
mittee. Invitations have been sent to
all the teachers and principals of the
public schools as well as all member!
of the lub-commtttees under which the
garden contest is being conducted. The
public Is Invited. '
Student Body Elects. The annual
student body meeting of the medical
department of the University of Ore
gon reaulted in the election of the fol
lowing officers for the ensuing year:
President, Dr. It". F. Leonard; vice
president, M. A. West; secretary, Elsie
Morse; treasurer. A. L. Collison.
Stkreopticon Prelude, "The Heathen
at Home," SO views At Centenary
Methodist. 7:46 P. M. Dr. Trimble'!
theme, "What God Can Do for the
Folks Who Give Him a Chance," 11
A. M. Mothers service; best music
Don't these beautiful days cauie
you to long for a cottage at Gearhart
Owner of Ia Grande Evening Ob
server to Help Goide Destinies of
Republicans of Oregon.
Bruce Dennis, of La Grande, newly
elected chairman of the Republican
State Central Committee, li not only a
native of Kansas, where he wai born
In 1874. but he wai one of the original
Insurgents of the Sunflower state. Ai
a member of the "Boss Busters" in
that state, Mr. Dennis assisted In bring
ing About the retirement of "Cy"
LelAnd. political boss of Kansas for
many yean following the Civil War.
The first success of the Kansas In
surgency was the defeat of Governor
Bailey, a Leland man, for renomlna
tlon. by Hoch. who waa elected Gov
ernor. Mr. Dennis Also Joined with the
insurgents in accomplishing the defeat
of Charles F. Scott, A "stand-pt" Rep
resentative from the Second Kansas
Congressional district.
Coming to Oregon In 10. Mr. Den
nis associated himself with B. E. Ken
nedy and with their paper, the Herald,
supported H. M. Cake for United States
Senator as the Statement No. 1 candi
date. Mr. Dennis was an Insurgent
member of the last itate convention
ever held in Oregon and as a delegate
from Baker County vigorously opposed
the election of National delegates who
were chosen at that time. Mr. Dennis
la now the editor and owner of the
La GrAnde Evening Observer. In the
recent primary campaign he waa A
staunch supporter of Ben Selling, pro
gressive Republican candidate (or
United States Senator.
'My notion is that this campaign
shall be taken direct to the people,"
announces Mr. Dennis. "The state
committee will use every effort through
publicity and not through dark lantern
methods to impress upon the voters
that Republican success stands for the
Advancement of state and Nation, while
A Democratic administration at this
time would mean a repetition of hard
times and an era of general business
Mr. Dennis has not decided upon the
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3mre Deaals, Editor La Grande 1
Kvenlng Observer, Newly- '
Kleeted Chairman Republican ,
Mate Central Committee. i
appointment of A secretary and mem
bers of an executive committee which
he was authorised to make by his asso
ciates on the state committee.
Ixuifers at Courthouse Ordered
Away by Judge.
The County Court Thursday pro
mulgated an order that all loafers be
excluded from the Courthouse.
The order states that loafen have
"been making themselves obnoxious by
interfering with the public and partic
ularly by approaching strangers and
soliciting marriages."
Hereafter all persons not having
legitimate business will be kept out of
h hniiHinff The lanltors have been
Instructed to enforce this rule.
The order Is directed particularly
against Captain John F. Ryan and AI
Salmon, who have been acting as
"agents of Cupid." Ryan has had a
monopoly of this business until A short
time ago, when Al Salmon, a Court
house "hAnger-on." etArted to cut In.
Since that time the competition taaa
been lively.
August Larson Not Thought to Be
Suicide by Parents.
Fears of his parents that August
Larson, the 7-year-old boy who left
his horn Wednesday morning for
school and did not return home at
night, had been drowned, war les-
really and truly
means some
thing, if you
know your -title
to that home is
Save -worry and
possible loss by
securing a guar
anteed Certifi
cate of Title. In
vestigate. Call
for booklet. Title
& Trust Com
pany, 4th and
aened yesterday when the facts of his
leaving home were considered by the
detectives at work on the case. The
police believe that he has run away.
The little chap had been absent from
school the day before. And wai to take
a note to the principal of his school
that he had been hurt playing, thus
causing his failure to attetid school.
The note, it wai discovered, he gave to
a boy companion, with the request thAt
he deliver it. The boy, who is the son
of Mr. And Mrs. O. T. Larson, of 810
Corbett street. South Portland, then
Baked beans, hot waffles and maple
syrup. stuffed tomatoes. pineapple
cream pie. chocolate Ice cream, whipped
cream cake. Woman's Exchange, 158
6th at.
Passed Away.
You should have Aune make thoie
portraits, before the time has passed
away. Columbia bldg.
Sawdust, Cord wood. Coal.
Holman Fuel Co.. successors to Baa-fleld-Veysey
Fuel Co. M. J63, 8353.
Fills Its Mission, Well.
"Cartoons" for May hai been received
and the collection shown of selected
cartoons from newipapers In this coun
try and Europe is a most notable one,
of all tastes and opinions, with the
amusing predominating. There is no
other monthly publication In America
like "Cartoons." and it (ills it! mission
Spend Sunday amid the fragrant apple
blossoms of Hood River Valley. The
bloom is now at Its height. The O.-W.
R ft N. will have a special round-trip
rate of 12 Sunday, and the Hood Riv
er Commercial Club will provide a two
hour auto trip through the valley for
$1.00. Leave Portland Union Depot
7:60 and 10 A. M.. returning leave Hood
River 3 or S:4o P. M.
r iil
This is
Hot Point
Price T
- " $ 5
' "-js-A ' I
" -stfV-
, - Sam' V .:' 1 J'
The Famous
Masonic Temple
Saturday Evening, May 11
at 8:30 o'clock
The music loving public will
appreciate in knowing Mr.
Holmquist uses the
Kranich & Bach Piano
Ill Fourth St.
128 Sixth Street and 311 Alder Street
a Dinner
at the
Hofbrau-Quelle .
There is always a real
treat in store for those din
ing at the Hofbrau-Quelle.
The quality of the food
and the service are unsur
passed by any hotel or res
6 to 8:1510 to 12:15
gnig Your Backache
and Rheumatism
Backache drags on your vitality. Saps
your strength. Weakens your endurance.
nampcra you m jrum wum.
Besides that, it means some
thing wrong with your
kidneys; a weakness, an
inflammation, a breaking
down, may be, of the kidney
tissues. Foley Kidney Pills
is the true answer. They
will help you QUICKLY,
strengthen and heal your
kidneys, regulate the action
of your bladder, and drive
out Backache and Rheumatism They
will make strong, well man of you.
No habit forming drugs. Try them.
For sale by all drnBKlata.
One size nmaller after using Allon'a
Foot-Eao, tha antiseptic powder for the
fet. It makes tight or new shoes feel
eaav: glveH instant relief to eorne and
bunions. Blisters. Callous and Sore
Spots. It's the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age. Sold everywhere,
26c. For FREE trial package, address
Allen S. Olmsted. I Roy. N. Y.
Telephone Herald System
News hy Telephone
. Music by Telephone
Song by Telephone
Sermons by Telephone
Vaudeville by Telephone .
Opera by Telephone
Free Demonstration
Daily Except Sunday
Meier & Frank's Great Department Store
1 to 4 P. M. Ladies' Waiting Room, Second Floor
Hotel Multnomah
1 to 4 and 8 to 10 P. M. All Around Balcony Mezza
nine Floor
Oregon Telephone Herald Cilices
606 Royal Building:
10 A. M. to 5 P. M. and 8 to 10
Fill out and send coupon for Descriptive Booklet.
Oregon Telephone Herald Co.. '
506 Royal Building,
Seventh and Morrison Sts., City.
Please send Descriptive Booklet.
- m
This train stops only at
Goble, Rainier, Astoria and
Clatsop Beach Points.
It arrives Gearhart and Seaside before dinner j
Saturday and returns from Beach points after din- I
ner Sunday, allowing the full week-end at the g
This is the time to make hotel and cottage ar
rangements for the vacation season.
$3 Saturday to Monday.
$4 Daily, Season Limit.
$15 Five Round Trips, Individual.
Other trains leave Portland 8:00 A. M. daily
and 6:30 P. M. Saturday.
Tomorrow (Sunday)
"On thla day let each of uh honor th
Hallowed memory of our Mother, wearing;
In token thereof the floral symbol of
Purity. Of other blwainga w may hav
Had treat stores, but of that most n
Precious Influence there was but one.
James Whltcomb Riley.
Flowers afford the natural means of expressing
Mother's Day.
White Flowers for Mother's Memory.
Colored Flowers for Mothers Living.
Send Your Mother a Box of Flowers. 'Twill
make her feel good and you, too.
The Tonseth $1 Box Is Sure to Please.
Delivered Free.
Opposite Portland Hotel Open Sundays
Main 6102, A 1102
325 Morrison St.
I am going to make regular $60
and $65 Suits for $50. Long coats
at $45. These prices for a limited
time only. Nothing bat the best
domestic and imported materials
used. Guaranteed satin linings.
447 Alder Street.
"European Resort."
Tha world's most tamous Hotl da
Luxe and tha rendezvous of distinguished
Americans In London.
tiOtxIM'S B. & N. TONIC
X perfect Tltallser that restores lost vigor
to au organs of tha body. Replaces loa
from sickness, unseemly habits or excesses,
o a box. 8tora or mall. Write tor 9ssk
Reputable Physicians
will tell you most ailments are directly
traceable to the stomach, and "no
man is stronger than his stomach" is
an old adage and a true one. So if
you have headache, gastritis, pain
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tism, bloating and gas formation after
eating, you will know it's the stomach
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Scotch Stomach Remedy
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gest your food and give you new life,
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For the past score of years this won
derful remedy has cured teni, of thou
sands and is guaranteed to cure you
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151 Third Street.
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