Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 10, 1912, Page 24, Image 24

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Mrs. Baker's Paper Bag Cookery Lectures, Today 4th Floor
Butterick Fashion Sheets and Advance Patterns for June Includ
Lessop 2:30 on Roast Turkey, Stuffed Peppers, Sweet Potatoes
ing JheNewIinierJl
THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, 5th, 6th, Morrison & Alder Sts. J J
Friday -Surpris
Save Sales-Checks to Vote in Contest!
GREAT news, in store for every shopper at Meier & Frank's today! In addi
tion to the extraordinary Anniversary Sale features previously adver
tised this week, we've reserved astonishing offerings for the llG2d Friday Sur
prise. Interest in our hue 4000 Scholarship Contest is inereasin;? every minute!
In all prohahility, several of the winners have yet to enter. Thirteen schol
arships in Eastern and local colleges to he awarded. Redeem sales-checks for
ballots at booth, first floor. Standing of contestants at .T P. M. Thursday.
e aed
55 th Anniversary Sale
Harry 1'arsoiin,
Tlarry FoKiirlv.
Harry "!. II.
IIr.M Aitkin.
J llallock. 3D .V. 20th
Kilw. Schwoltvr. B. W". Rn. Col aK4M
Kr.rt J. Barber. Waah. High ItllDJi
Fm Frllsrh. 30 2A St S7UK7S
Ttajmon.l fryer. Wajh. lUsh.... SH7:M
I.. T. O'Rrlrn. V. ut O IH'XOO
!02 Elertrlr . . IRK'r.'.'i
;4ih and Irving I HMO
V. Iln. C"l I437.l
Portland Ara.l I:4.0
Charlri Hle.-c. Areli.r & WIkcIiis Co.,1249-'
rilffi.rd Thoma. Col. L'n I l'i.V)
n-hlo MrCaulfr IIM.iW
Malr'olm lh Un. 5t. I.wrTi. Arad.lolTMl
I'nul Artam. Wa.hlnatnn lush :iB0'5
John !llty. 44 llmlnrr H..HOO
l.oule l'o- Fmrcv, 122 K. 71st 7.::fM
Kura Mrara. fh. Hr.... B. 7:ti:5
Hm-old Maliu-n. Jrr-r.rn 111.-h 724-".".
Onrar larrh.-anion.-Vah. HlKh 71973
M-rtln l-hlan. 'oL I n B772S
Alfred OraJidMrom. Allan Prap ft''H2.
l.nrl triirorl. Washington High. 67350
William Kvana. 7St fVrn Ave S.V'OO
J. H. Kuaton. li2 Spaiiling 4:5
Y. Tu.-r.k. Lincoln Hinll :I977."
Ueo. Msswell. Jefferson High :l8-;'i.
I- M. MrDufCie X.VilMl
Harold Herein. 57.". F.. Salmon .SS4."0
Krnest Peterson. 656 K. 3!th 2A47.
Willi rubber!-. 4:.- Jfrrson 227W1
Aldan D-ty, Washington High 1K:f2(t
Paul S. Whtlcomb 1B4J.
Chan. K. Thompson. O. A. C 1.W00
Allon I'ratt 15oo
.Tai'k "Vounqr. Sunnvplde 14400
K. Jj. Bm 12X50
T-d T.rsllr. WashlnBton lllsh IIWTi
H. M. Brown I7.
Vrank Will. I .'12 5 Tamhlll 5trj.
Maxwrll Ball. Allan Prep 7.t
lisv Rlrs..n .."1
Albert Hlliran 74.V)
Orll Rlppen. Woodlawn School "075
Goorgo Kaller. 173 K. SlMth 47IS
Kdlth Itoirers. S4S Whlto Ave I7!t7.v
Kdna Meti-alf. Kd Collece 1770.V1
Helen i 'lark. Grants Pass. Or I7H7.VI
Klhel O'Brien. St. Mary's Acad 1HH8.VI
Miss A. ;. Crossle-. li0:l Vnim-hn. . . IhM.MI
t'oia Haley. St. Mary's Acad I0'i5
Kvelyn Seiral.-. Allen Prep. I477.VI
Hattle Smuckler 14113.1
Georxea PloeRtra. K9 Ford St 14017.1
Kva I.. Gentry, r.t.u .Ifith Ave IOJ7.1
Mary C. Iavl.s. Washington Hleh... 87:!.
Molly 48." West Park KI100
Florian M. I.lnklnter. Herd t'ollece. .. 77:l."0
!raee Michael. Waahintcton Hlch... 7'I!i.1
Nettle lrew. 57 K. Stilh St 7I7.1
Kva Jolin.oti. ,r,71 K. Ash .' BT'-J.V
Alice .Inhiison. Arleta 60K7.1
Kva May Vore. Wilton Piano School.. 577AO
T.oiiIkc Hover, Wash. Hlsh Alumni... ,17:17.1
Ruby foryell. Alma Mater Will. Univ. SI4M
Sarah Steele. WaHhlrEton HIkIi 41167.1
Sarah Johnston. Huckman School 4 13:5
Maude T,oscy. 40 K. Summer St,
Ksther Ohlemlllen. Wood lawn .. . ..
1. Milan K. Peterson
Genevieve Courtney. TiSti l-Z. Oak
.lannita Phelan. 143 K. Salman....
Ethel Chase, 4S3 K. 12th
llulda Parr. V. or O
Kleauor Taylor, I.add School
Kl.-iie Reinhart
Alice Hoover. Lincoln Hih
Iaisy Ilobner, Jefferson llijli
Forest Wilson. Holladay Sclul
Fmnia 1. Banadtii-er. r.:t." K. Kth....
Kdna Venator, St. Mary's Acad
Ora Patterson. Rooster Rock. Or...
Anna Henolt. ss I'". L"ith
Aildie Calvin. W ashincton Hih
Ila.el J. Christy, ions l-f: Morris. n..
Jeiiness Miller. Forest Grove
Sarah Brachear. 103 K. 10th
Boss Moody. 71.", Patton Road
Rose Brownsteln. Salem. Or
BTnico Mct)onall, Napavlnc. Wash.
SB 1.10
4 w.n
Purchase of Women's Silk, Linen, Lingerie DressesUnparalleled Surprise
$25, $30, $35, $40, $50
and Up to $75 Gowns at
If this unprecedented purchase had been the sole re
sult of our fjarment chief's hurried trip across the con
tinent to New York three weeks acfo, it would stand
alone as a wonderful feat.
He. bought every beautiful silk, liuen and lingerie
Dress one of Fifth avenue's most famous costume
houses had on hand. Rarely two of them alike sample
and model powns, many of them exact reproductions
of Paris masterpieces.
Entire purchase, without reservation. ocs on le
;tt S o'clock this morning. Not a dress among them
worth under 2.") and the majority would sell from $.'")
to $7". The first two hours' selling should see the
choicest pone. He here when store opens.
Double Window Display on Fifth Street. -
1 '1 11 s
Exactly 312 Every Dress
A High Grade Maker Had
Mail Orders Filled.
Every Size From Misses' 14 to Women's 44 Bust.
You know what wonderful Dress Sales we've held,
but never such high-grade (J owns been offered at any
where near this price.
Lingerie Gowns in the most stunning models! BiLk Dresses in
every exquisite combination and trimming effect. Dresses for
afteroon wear, dinner wear, theater wear for the seashore and
Lovely striped Silk Messalines with peplum.
Hand-Embroidered Linen Dresses in white and colors.
Exquisite Hand-Embroidered Lingerie Dresses.
Sumptuous Crepe de Chines, Jap, hand-embroidered.
Chiffons and Marquisettes over messalines.
Changeant Taffetas with braided basques.
Smart Silk Foulards in all newest colors.
Others too numerous to mention. Every glorious color! Every
- i . . i ii ii. li
size. I'lenty lor ine small ana large women as wen.
35c Printed Mulls, 15c
Printed JSilk Mulls ami they're just as pretty and
dainty as can be. Ideal for the inexpensive Summer
gown, for both women and children. Iretty, too, for
tea gowns and breakfast sacques. Dainty m
patterns and colorings. :Vc regularly. 1
Surprise Sale price today, special, yard, w
$5.00 Scalloped Napkins at $3.75
Heautiful quality Linen Napkins, finished with scalloped
edge. Size 1.ixl5. Kejrular ..").(() dozen. Special rf O
fnr the llfi'Jd Surprise and Anniversary to at only )0 O
l-'IrM h-ltntr w Rulldlac.
Underwear &, Hosiery Event
The scores of matchless specials in our tremendous Semi-Annual Sale of
and Hosiery for men, women and children, all in force again Friday.
These are the additional Surprise offerings:
Women's $1.00 to $1.50
BlacK Silk Hose at 79c
Most famous makes of women's
pure thread Silk Hosiery. In com
plete lines of our best $1 to $1.50
grades, in black only. All silk
or lisle tops with high 09
.spliced lisle sole. In f
the Semi-annual Sale,
Women's Kayser Ven
etian SilK Underwear
$2 Venetian Silk Vests Low neck,
sleeveless.- in white, pink JJ1
and sky-blue. Friday only V
$5 Kayser Venetian Silk Union
Suits all white, in low neck, sleeve
less styles, knee length. CJQ A 7
All sizes. For Fridav at PJ.t
Men's $1.00 "Keepcool"
Union Suits, Today 59c
Just arrived for Friday, 2000
"seconds" of the famous "Keep
cool" $1.00 porous mesh Union
Suits. Cool, sanitary, open mesh.'
Short sleeve, with
knee or ankle length. Jj
Semi-Annual Sale at
To $r.50 Silk Waists $3.85
We've just gone through them as the purchase was being
checked off in the receiving room! Such charming Summer Silk
W aists as we have not seen offered anywhere
this season for $-1.85.
I'ongees. foulards, striped II a but a i3,
cheeked taffetas, changeable taffeta-s.chiffons
over messalines. and white China silks. All
new models, including the Robespierre col
lar, shown in illustration.
Waists worth $5. $ and
$7. 50. Friday Surprise, at
New SilK Petticoats at $2.85
Two new close-fit tin? models of noft taf
fetas. In black and all the Summer shades.
Placed in the great Friday Sur
prise sale at .special price of
Floor M.lw BnlMlu, Malt (Ir4mi Ktll.4.
r in s ; --- m is
I . t- a
iiooespierre coi-
Phenomenal Jewelry Surprise!
$1.50 Messalines, 98 c
A saving on rich Satin Messalines that women will
appreciate. And what's more handsome and at the
same time practical than this splendid Messaliue.
Full 36 inches wide. In navy, brown, pink. Alice blue, gray,
black and light blue. Full 3 (J inches wide. Splen- Q
did $1.50 Messaline. In the 1162d Surprise and rfiQ
Anniversary Sale today at the special price, yard .
75c Bedford Cords at 49c
1 One of the most favored of woolen materials for the season
these smart-uppearing Bedford Cords. Handsome for tailored dresses
anj suits. Plain white and cream. Also white with blue or f
black hairline stripe; 40 inches wide. Regularly 75c. A yard"''
Five of the most sensational values
we could find in our big department.
$2.50 and $3.00
Mesh Bags Ger
man Silver Meh.
4', j-in. embossed
frames; kid-lined
with extra coin
pocket on sale
75c Alarm
Clocks; nickeled
with the patent
shut-off alarm.
Guaranteed for
a year
at only
B a r r e t tes and
Back Combs,
handsome go 1 d
inlaid and rliine
stone s e 1 1 i ngs,
one style from
many as illustra
ted. Friday Sur
prise Sale OQ
priced atOC
$7.50 10 - year
Goldf illed Watch
es, open-face and
hunting, for men
and women, guar
anteed American
and Swiss move
ments. Placed on
$1.00 Kraemer
Lighters; best
made, are fully
nickeled; gu ar
anteed; CQ
Fridav. -'-' I'
ll 62d Surprise and Anniversary Sales.
$4and $5 Parasols
for Friday $2.98
Your Summer's Parasol at .52.08. And such tun
nins styles among them. 22-inrh i7.c of plain, checked.
striped, tisurvd anil floral silks. Plain pongees and
taffetas with pretty borders.
Kvcry smart, new color.
Medium and long,
plain and carved wood
handles. You'd pay
$.V0 to $: for them
regularly. 500 of them
for the Surprise treat,
at the low tO QQ
price, onlv S0
$1.50 TO $3 LONO
Beautiful lo-but-
ton length Silk
( loves in black,
white and pongee
shade. All with the
double finger tips
exquisite embroid
ered and dainty
beaded Gloves also
included. All sizes
in the plain Gloves.
Sizes 62 o'dy in the
fancy. Actual l.."i0
to $.1 grades, 03
1162d Surprise and Anniversary Sales.
Card Tables, $2.49
They're a
convenience in
any home
these well
made Folding
Card Tables!
i id seldom
such splendid
built Tables at
such a low
price as this!
Just as illustrated. Light weight, though they
stand firmly. In golden oak finish. With imitatioin
leather or felt-covered top. Square legs with rub
ber tips. Corners finished with nickel. lJO ACk
Regularly $4.00. For Friday only, at S"
Fourth Floor Mala nnllUlnir,
$7.50 to $12 Hats, $5.00
Never before have such splendid, pretty
style Hats been offered at $5 ! Don 't confuse
them with the ordinary sort of millinery usually
found in hats at this price.
The straws and braids the trimmings and
styles are far more attractive than you'd ex
pect to find at so low a price. Both street and
semi-dress models for women and misses. Hats
that you'd pay $7.50 to $12
for regularly. For the Sur
prise today at. special, only
$3.00 to $5.00 Hats for $1.95
Hats in black, white and colors found among
these priced at $1.95 for the Friday Surprise
today. And they're remarkably neat and good
appearing. Choice of these $:i.00 m QC
to $3.00 styles today only, special, J) A
L ililU III :". liuin
Grocery Surprise
Blue Ribbon Butter, 2 lbs.
at 54S
Butter Nut Butter, 2 lbs. for
only 54.
Special Coffee, lb., at 26tf
XX Coffee, pound for 28
Tea Room Blend Coffee, lb.,
at 39.
English Breakfast Tea, lb.,
at 23.
Japan Tea, a lb., only 32
Tetley's Green Table Tea, lb.
at 50.
Tetley's Sunflower Tea 60
Corn Starch. 5 pkgs. at 25
Sapolio, 4 10-c cakes at 25o
Yeloban Milk, 4 cans at 30
Quaker Oats, large pkg. 20
Sliced Beef, 35c jar at 2 ."
E. C. Corn Flakes, 3 pk. 25
Bawmrnt Store, Slala Bldar.
1162d Surprise and Anniversary Sales.
Lawn Mower, $3.69
They're the fa
mous Reliance Mow
ers, priced regularly
at $4.ri. 14-inch
size, auraoiy maae.
with four cutting
blades. Easy run
ning and fully guar-
Save on Garden Hose
$7 Red Rubber, 7-ply, 60-ft. Garden Hose, 5.69
$7 Black Rubber, 5-ply, 50-ft Garden Hose, $5.98
$5.75 Black Rubber 7-ply 50-ft Garden Hose, $4.98
Banrmrnt Store, Main BnlldlnK.
svHiiirs:-. "(?' fl'M i b i stew
A .6101.
Perrtn Gloves.
AJax Gna ranteed
Gotham Shirts and
I ndfmear.
Madame Irene Cor
nets. Eppo Petticoats.
Sam perk Clothes for
ti a s t a t e Stlckley
Original Craftsmaa
Phones Pacific, Marshall 4600; Home,
Only Portland Store With Complete Mail Order Service and Catalogue.
mi - - n . a c i
llbza surprise ana Anniveisciry odieb.
New Lace Collars
and Yokes at 50c
SPLENDID variety of pretty nvw Nock
wear Circular Collars and Yokes of
Plauen Laces. Both imo
and heavy lnaerame ef
fects. Black, w h i t e,
cream and ecru. They're
extra special for CA
Surprise today at JvC
Women's 25c Kerchiefs, of fine
Swiss. Dainty hemstitched, eui
broidered and scalloped corners.
All fresh and new. For 1
the Surprise today, only
25c to 50c Ribbons beautiful
plain and fancy Ribbons, includ
ing: Taffetas, Moires, Dresdens,
Warp Prints. Stripes, ete., " 7
Yard, for the Surprise, at C
25c Tailored Collars the popu
lar embroidered Trouville and
Byron Collai-s in several pretty
designs. Finished with 1
plain cde. Today at only "C
Kirnt Klnor
rrr I i
I !
. vt in j