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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
TITE MORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1912. t:0 Xylophone Soloist Is Extra Attraction This Week in Orchestra Music, 7th FI. Restaurant Ajax Guaranteed Hose for Men, Women "MOTHKR.S DAY" is Sunday, and t "MFMORT," th nw lone mpowd by th hilnd muAleiao. Frncl, iun In T r.oom trdy. en Ml In Book Ipt.. mnt innfs. at BV. All prtd v for tk furthrtnc of Francis Klchtor'a RiufiMl rlucailon. though is of the Nation will i-e lurnea MMhr" Sfntl s t-iff hftok to VOUT tTlOtl and Children 6 Pairs at $3, $2 and $1.50 ' ntorimiB Miifhnrhoori." at SI. 2d. "Motbe by Kathleen Norris. $1; and greeting a folders at Hookstore, basement ami- THE MEIE& &' FRANK STORE, ESTABLISHED 1857. WEATHER REPORT: Fair Tonight and Thur. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE, 5th, 6th, Morrison & Alder Sts Ji no ocaie s greatest jjAmcatua $ n ajae 11 ma oiicu i. Standing of the Contestants to 3 P. M. Wednesday Jo Ralloek. n X. JOth U1M rdrM Srhwaltser Ml 70 Krea J. Barber. Washlntrtea Hlh.r4; FTed PHlM-h. s :i S I:75 Itivmonil Frrr, Wuh. H!h lea in Hrr raraocs. Klertnc Blas-IIMA Ktnsl O'Brien, tit. Mary's Acad..l4? K.lna M(oalf. Hwd Collsc IWHM r.dlth BKrera. Hi Wblta An. . . . ifti :s HM Clark. Grants rasa. Or. .147: (era Hilar, St. Mary's Arad 14A41S Mies A. J. Oroesley.. Mil Vatlrhn. lA'.Hi Harold Akin., Portland Academy. . I.iaa; Genrcla Hoetetra at Ford li4S4) Harry Clow. U w. Pos Collesje. lt:so Erelvn H-l. Allan Prep l77s I T. O'Brien. II. of 0 11113 Charle Biml Areher-wicslna Oo.ll2ta4 Harry Fewsrty. :tr and Irving. I lists Eva L. urairr. 41 lih Ara..inrtS Haiti Krau-kl-r Paul Adam Washlnctan lUsh.. Masa John Hljry. i Rodoer ... i7S Maleetm Mclean. Ft. Lawrrac Acd eooo Mary C. bavtes. Waah. Htsh.... Arehte McCaulee 737 PVuian M. Unk later. Heed Colles Oscar MacPberaon. Wash. Htsh... Orare Ml-Xael. Wash. Hjah aa.ja Marvin Frisian, Col. University.. a.wt.1 Kara Mars. ri. Bros. Col axia; Nettle Drear. M7 E. J4th 7-!S Leule Cole rearer. 13 C Tlet M.17S Xeuise Boyer. Wtth. - Hlh Alumni A3T5S Alfred fJrsnrtstrom. Allen Prep... oJ." llr Johnson. Arleta I3?S Ea May Vore. Wilton Ma no Arh'l el4A4) Wl'liam E' ana 731 Pern Are Sue: Farah Steele. Wash. Il!h 4Ao J H. Eueton.. US! Spaldlna Clifford TtKtnsa Col. ITnlT UW Ruby Coryell. 1VIL ln- Arms JTter 4e7 Maude Leaey. 4 K. nmtner at. IM1I Molly M"rakr. 44... West Par k 3 (W 7 J Kva Johnson. : East Aah '" 0e. Mas welt Ketitrr OhlemC'en. - woofllawn. . .. itiewe Ixell Rradfeed. Wash. Hlcn.. lrt.m W. Tuer'-k. Uneotn Hlh a) Hamld Malsen. Jff. Hlsh. ...... tn47.l Harai Jehnaton. Packmen Fcbl... Ss;7a T M MePuffee Sa7 Jemta rhelan. I4J? T. Salmon.. J.W7S Frneat Peterson. 454 r.. 1 Ft n . . . . aee OenrlTe Cortney. 544 E. Oak. T.nilaa E. retereon Kami Parr. I". of O Harold Beta-en rthl Chase. 4C E l;rh K'ttlle Cuhherley. 4i Jefferson.. Elete Relnhart Alnen Ty. Waehlneton Hlb.. Allen Pratt Jerk Totins:. runn-aide Taisy tobtir. Jefferson HUch... P. I. power TM T-slla Washtnfton Hlcn.... Elinor Tselor. Tldd Hrhool. rrsnk Wi t. Illl Tamhtll.... Hwt:l Ball. Allen Prep Chae. R. Tbotnpson. O. A. C... M're Poreet Wilson. Ifolladay chL Albert Oliaan If. M. Brown Ceetl ntppen. Woodlawtl aehool.. Ois Patterson, Rooetsr Rack. Or. Bar Rlerson Paul t. W hllromb K.lna Verator. S". Mary's At-ad... Anne Beoolt. H 1 E. 3t b Addle caWln. Wash. Hluk Oeo-sre K'ler. 171 E. tb Ilasel J. Christy. Ie4 E. Morrison Jenness Miller. Forest Grove Sarah Brarhear. 11 E. Istb Emma D. Banadurar. 511 E. 17th Hose Brewnsteln. Salem. Or. t harlea MrOaJl. C. of O nry C Montaotnery. til Ross Bees Moodr. 71 Patron Road Mlsa B. Hedln Marlon E. Hopes. Portland Acad.. THESE most prominent educators of the state President W. J. I Axricultural College; President P. L. Campbell, of Oregon Uniyc 11278 tliAe) loan lin ISA? J 17 7? la-: 1A.VM IMM i:a 1?44) 11S7 in : a-7. 7: 77on 74A SA7II asi. na;.t MM M7S M-S 41I 44.44) 4IAO IU4 SAOO TO 78 S7M) 74)111 1.13 10041 ls&a Kerr, of Oregon rersitv; Professor FVank Risler. Superintendent Portland City Schools; Professor T. T. Davis, Principal Lincoln lliRti School, and 0. F. Johnnon, General Manager, Sherman Clay & Co., have consented to act as judgc3 in our $4000 Scholarship Contest. That this Contest is a splendid step in the directionof higher education, is the common belief. Thirteen Scholarships in all. amounting to over $4000. will be awarded. The grand Double Triz-s is a $1000 Scholarship to the young man receiving the largest vote and a $1000 Scholarship to the young woman standing highest. Anj- college or university in America maj- be selected. Votes are given with all cash or credit purchases of 25c and over here in the store. Save your duplicate sales-checks and redeem them for ballots at the booth. Owing to many boys and girls block ing the entrances to the store soliciting duplicate' sales-checks, it has been decided to ask all to discon tinue this manner of gaining votes.' $ 1 50,000 Worth of New Underwear and Hosiery for All the Family at Big Savings! NEVER have such tremendous stocks of dependable new Summer Underwear and Hosiery for men, women and children, been assembled for this great Semi-Annual event! Over $150,000 worth, .from America's most famous manufacturers, involved, at savings of 20 to 50 per cent. All prices continued today. The whole family should look to future Underwear and Hosiery needs 1 n Mrs. Baker's Paper Bag Cook'g Lesson THE MOST aavtlai quickest and HE MOST satisfactory, sanitary, the quickest and m method of cooking moat economical ,Tr discover! Paper-Bag Cookery and It's tauirht in free lectures dally by Mrs. Kflna Howard Baker In our Fourth floor (Section, Urn. Baker will fire advice and In formation on "Way-Kuk" Paper Bans any time 1n fh day. Special clasxes each day at 2:3. Durlna- today's lea son Mrs.' Baker will prepare In paper bars Saaate af (alrkts wit a Maikrsssis, 4 reaased pstataes a la Menbanj. Dlaffed Apple, aael Bread BaklatT. The "WaykuV" Paper Bags, as ad vertised In journal's present movement, for sale rix only. At letnonstratton or Stationery Section, package n(J of 10 to 20. according to sUe. at aWaJC 85cUnionSuits69c Wooi-n's fine ribbed and Spring needle Union Suits in tight knee and lace-trimmed umbrella style, with low neck, sleeveless and short sleeves. 85e srade. for this 4-day sale, 3 ?Q 35c Vests arid Pant, for women. Of fine ribbed lible and cotton. Oo rhrt and lace-trimmed yokes. Lace trimmed and tight knee pants. Reg ular and extra sires. Special, OC. 6 for onlv $1.40. F.aeh at --J- for $2; or tho single garment 50c Vesta and Pants, for women. Of fine ribbed lisle and cotton.' Cro chet and lace-trimmed yokes. Laee- tnm'd umbrella pants. Regular and extra Special at six for $2.10; each, for sale a :;37c 20c Vests for 14c Fine cotton-ribbed Vests in low neck, sleeveless st yies. Plain and fancy yokes. Regular and extra sizes. Reg ular 20c grade, special for this four days' sale, six for 8oc, or the 1 A single garment, special at only Women's $1.50 Union Suits, high grade, fine spring-needle style, with wide empire, lace-trimmed pants. Also tight knee. Low neck, sleeve less vests. Regular and ex- QO tra sires; 3 for $2.75; each7c Women's-Children's Hosiery Specials Women's 35c Lisle Hose 25c Extra fine light-weight real Lisle Hose. Full fashioned, with double soles, high spliced heels and wide garter welt tops. Black, white OC and colors. 35e Hose, pair-iJ Women's 50c Lisle Hose37c Silk Lisle Hose of fine, soft qual ity. Full fashioned with wide garter tops,, double soles and hiph spliced heels. Come in light-weight weave for Summer. 50c grades, for Q 7 Women's Outsize Cotton Hose, of fine, soft, light weight quality. Full fash ioned, with double soles and deep carter tops. In black only. For days, the pair. :r.t23c the four-day sale. Women's 50c O a u i e Lisle Hose, in black and tan ; wide garter tops, dou ble soles and high spliced heels. Ideal for the Spring wear. Offered forO 4-day sale, at, pair the pair Children's Cotton Hose, fine ribbed seamless feet and double knee; popular lor tneir splendid wearing qualities. Three pairs for 3;e; the pair, special at only Women's $1 SilK Hose, 85c Our popular Silk Hose, with deep double garter tops, double soles and high spliced heels. Come, in black, tan anil colors. Off?red for this four-day sale at the special low price of, the pair, onlyJC 292 Women's and Misses9 y $15 to $25 Summer Coats $9.90 f UST off the express in time for this sale today one of the host New York manufacturer's samples and end-ot-season surplus ot stunning hummer Coats. Only by purchasing the entire group were we enabled to buy them at a price that enables this phenomenal offering at $9.90. Not a Coat in the entire group worth less than $15 many of them as high as $25 and even more. Smart, new, modish Coats in styles for all occasions. Five of the styles just as illus trated here. Evening Coats Motoring Coats General Utility Coats Coats for Beach Wear Coats for Afternoon Use Coats for Traveling For Business Wear What a diversity of styles among them! What cleverness and smartness of lino. Splen did materials everv new fabric. Heavy black satins and taffetas, smart double - textured fabrics, tweeds, fine mannish weaves, homespuns and diagonals. Pnllnrs y.lin and fancv. deeD revers. side fastenings, new fancy cut backs buttons of contrasting shades finish many. - Every color to choose from. By far the greatest Coat offering of the season. Come early for first choice today positive $15 and $25 grades, in Anniversary Sale today at, special Pipings and $9.90 12V2C Men's Underwear Is Reduced B. V. D. UNDERWEAR Cool coat style Athletic Shirts and Praters. Men's Nainsook Athletic . Shirts, Drawers, 25 Men's SI B. V. D. Union Suits, special for 89 Boys' 60c B. V. D. Shirts and Drawers, for 39 ? 60c Porosknit Shirts and Drawers, special, 43 $1 Porosknit Union Suits, special price, only 89 - Men's $1.50 Union Suits Summer weight, in white, ecru, blue or pink. Short or long sleeves; knee or ankle length ; of- Q C fered special, only7"1 Men's 60c Underwe Balbriggan plain and fancy;, ecru, blue, OQ. pink and gray, for'' Men's 60c Onyx Silk Plaited Socks Beautiful, lustrous quality in plain and all wanted fancy col ors. them We specialize Ot i at, pair, onlysfC 1 0,000 Toilet Goods Sam ples Free in May Sale Today W 'E'LL give them free m the big May loiiet Goods event, while lot holds out today. Over 10,000 samples of Hudnut's, Hansen-Jenks, banitol, Crown 5ath halts and other preparations. Be here early if you want to share in the distribution. 50c Sempre Giovine for 29. 50c Dr. Charles' Flesh Food 29t 50c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 27. $1.50 Oriental Cream, 89. 60c Pomueian Massage Cream at only 29?. 50c Java Rice Powder 25. 50c Pozzoni Face Powder 25. 25c Swansdown Powder 5. EXTENSION OF OUR SUBURBAN DELIVERIES WITH the improvement of our Hervice constantly in mind. v Iihvp mitllnArl a nlun of 10c Jap Rose Soap 4?. $1 Fitch's Hair Tonic 79. $1.50 Water Bottles, 3-qt., 98 15c Tooth Brushes, all shapes, 9c 65c and 75c Scissors, assorted sizes, 49S 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 10 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 9?. 50c California Syrup of Figs at only 25S Rxtendlnsr suburban deliveries. It is wirli the idea of meeting thd individual requirements of every patron that we auk those iivlnir Om me roiiowing" districts, on cross r Jiruu.-i Jl t 1V.II1IIJ LI1C1 CUI, a. alica.1 us their names, postoffice ad dress and exact location of homo. Portland to, and Includine Oswego, along: tiie Whitehousa road. Portland to, and including; MU waukie. From SeIlwood to Lents Junc tion alonft the Estaeada line. Portland to, and including Linn ton, along the Linnton road. Parkrose and vicinity. Address Delivery Manager, the Meitsr & Frank Store. IE301 Semi -Porcelain Dinner Sets Anniversary Sale EERY housewife will be interested in this splendid 3-day sale of English and American Semi-Porcelain Dinnerwtvre! Even at regular prices, women have come to recognizo that they're far below tho usual prices asked. So all the more important are the reductions as given here.. Handsome patterns, all exclusive with us. Dull Gold Pattern I DarK Blue Pattern Pinner Sets of English semi-porcelain ware. Bett qnality, with dull gold edpe and black line one of our new stock patterns. Just as illustrated. $12.25 seta of 60 pieces, $10.45 $18.85 sets of 100 pieces, $15.65 Blue and Gold Design Dinner Sets of good quality Eng lish Semi-Porcelain ware. Dark blue design, with illumination of gold. : As illustrated. $9.75 sets of 60 pieces, at $8.29 $14.60 sets of 100 pieces, $11.98 PinK Rose Pattern - Dainty pattern as illus trated, with pale pink roses and edpe of gold. English semi - porcelain Dinner Set, at splendid savings for 3-day sale. $10.40 sets 60 pc $S.69 $15.80 sets of 100 pieces. for this sale, 98.69 Colored Floral Design Dinner Sets of Ameri can . "emi-poreelain ware in neat pink and purple' floral ' pattern, as illus-' trated here. Special for three days, as follows: $9 set 60 pes.. $7.84 $13.85 sets of 100 pieces. for this sale, $11.98 English semi-porcelain Dinner Sets in a popular open-stock pat tern, as illustrated. Neat dark blue design. $8.75 sets of 60 pieces, at $7.29 $13.00 seta of 100 pieces, $11.29 Blue Edge Pattern Dinner Sets of English semi-porcelain ware, with neat blue edge and brown decoration. Just as il lustrated. S10.75 sets of 60 pieces. 'at $8.49 $15.85 seta of 100 pieces, $13.49 To $4 Scrim Curtains $2.35 WJ is daintier and at the same more practical than these HAT time splendid quality Scrim Curtains? Ideal for the Sum mer time. Wonderfully attractive designs in hemstitched borders and drawnwork patterns. Plain edges or finished with Cluny laces. 40 to 45 inches wide, 2,o yards long. White, cream and ecru. CJO QC Choose from these $3.50 and $4 Curtains Pa-aJJ 50c Cretonnes and Chintzes at 39c $1 to $20 Drapery Fab brlcs at One-Fifth Off. An unusual saving op portunty in Drapery and Upholstery Fabrics, Handsome Velours, Damasks, Tapestries and 50-in. Cretonnes, priced from $1 to I C Off $20 yard, at "J Many attractive uses in the homo for these splendid new Cretonnes and popular Mereel Chintzes. Scores of ar tistic . patterns in pleas ing colors, uur-an-l ae- - 50o trrades, yard ' ' Third Klor j-u-tt.tsYifg i v -1-1 1 1 in i 1 1 Main Bolldlag. ' II 30c and 35c Mattings, 2 1 c nfUCll in demand for Summer floor coverings and so cool 11 and sanitarv for bedrooms and Summer cottages. Closely C and sanitarv for bedrooms and Summer cottages. woven, durable Japanese Mattings with colorings woven all the way through. Our regular 30c and 35c grades, specially priced for 3 days only at, the yard 40c Mattings at 31c Firm, heavy quality of Japanese Mat tings in attractive patterns and color incrs. Always look neat and Q 1 clean. Special, yard, today, at 60c Mattings at 49c Excellent quality Mattings, our own direct importations. Durable in its close, firm weave. Never fails to give A Q- ceiicfonrinn Pcf (!()(' ITHllfi. Vrl. J Old Colonial 'Bag Rug, all colors, very special, 63 to $5.00 Crex Grass Rugs and Carpets, all sizes, at 50 to $10.00 Third Floor Mala BnlldluK. Vj A Sale of Men's $ 1 .50 ''Gotham' and 'Star' Shirts, Today 95c Each Just Inside Entrance ND besides these two celebrated makes, we include hundreds of our own splendid M. & F. Spe cial Shirts all are the best $1.50 grades! Just the Shirts men want for Summer wear. Fine crystal cloths and soiettes with soft separate col lars and French turn back soft cuffs. Golf and Negligee Shirts of madrases and percales, plain or plaited fronts, with or w i t h o li t attached cuffs. Smart line stripes, dots and small ficTired desierns. Every one of the Gotham and Star Shirts bears the original labels. They're all tresh, crisp and new the highest standard of $1.50 Shirts. Over 8000 of them go into this great Anniversary Sale today at only Sole Portland Agents for Pcrria'a Glsres, Alas Gaaraateesl Hosiery. Gel ham alrta a a a Valer ia ear. Madam Ireae C reels. K.siBa Pettlrvata. kisiserk Clothe far Hays. ASIer-Reekestrr f Oeiei assr Matlresses. Tfcala nruar Sreelalllea. TELEPHONES PACIFIC, MARSHALL 4600. HOME Sole Portland Agents for John 8. Brow a Linens. Cousln'a Shoes Munalnar t'sdnwear. Willamette Sevrlns; Ma chines. Acorn Mtorea and Ranarra. Knlton Whitney Go-t arm. Guatave Stlckley Oris; Inal Craftsman Furniture. Sugar 1 7 Pounds for $ 1 of $1 worth of Gro- the Big Pure Food Grocery entitles purchaser to this 1 f 1t T 1 special in Dry Granulated Sugar ' IliOaa 1 EVERY purchase ceries todav in. Raisins, 3 packages, 25t Baker's Chocolate, lb. 33 Blue Ribbon Butter, 2 lbs. at 55C. -Bulk Cocoanut, lb. at 16? Red Beans, 5 lbs. at 25 Royal Eaking Powder, lb. at 39?. Blue Label Catsup, bottle, only 18t.