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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
19 TITF SrOKMNG" OnEGOMAJf. THURSDAY, MAY 0, 1012. 00L BUYING KEEN tive -Competition in Eastern Oregon. ;ansfers on increase lf Million Pouiul-t Change Hands vo far Thi Yc-k Willamette Yalle liromer Arc Al-o Srlllnj. Vool-Miytne 1 blne conduct! on an ac- I- wa In all carta of Eaeivrn Oreaon. -re U rrialt competition amon Ilia buer 'renting the Kaatrrn houaee. and grow wbo are ready to aril hava no difficulty dl.'tii of their nine. Th market ta n. Mit not materially mgner man k. tha areraae price holding about rem. Tranafera o far thla week hava n about Sronn pound. Tha majority rhpa aold were amall onea. heann- la row aeneral In Kaaterrt Ora- n and th weather could not ha better for pnrKar. At Northern Pacific polnta In a.hlnctnn .hearing haa been completed. pt In tha EMenaburr aectlon. Willamette Ya'lry aroaera brcna to shear a corral way thl arark. and the cllp I a rapid'y gtng Into aeeond hand. Prlcea n from 1 to 19 centa. according to arte. Only two Eaatern houaea are oper ,n direct In the Valley. J. Koehland .. and I'ummlr.a A- Ivirre. Tha larger part tha buying la being done by local Valley ercar ta. Shrai'.n in Southern Wxomlna la Ju't mmrncms and will auoo re umier way in s n.l Nrw Mriic.v The new early i nola In Arizona ara well noId. elthrr for- anted on rontinmrnl or purchaaed out- ght. youthen California ahearlng la now full Mini. No rrporte hare romo from 4yera aa to tha extent of operatlona In thla eld. In Southern Utah the new clip woola Ira aald to b well cleaned up. 1". and In ema being reported aa the prevailing pncea r ahort clothing woola. In the triangle Lome contracta hae recently been made at 17 to 1 centa. The new rllv ! In Ne- . aria are alao aril aold ouu In the fleece root aecttona ahearlng la backward, and Mil moatly confined to fat aheep wool. 7alere hraltat" to operata in elthrr Ohio r Michigan, aa tha growera" aaklng price la hoe htah. Buying ao far haa been at prices L-onaidrrrd unaafa b the trade In general. Within the next 0 daya 13 nno .noo hrad f sheep will ha shorn In the four atatea of IMnmaia. fc'orado. tVjomln and New IeV. according to the American wool anil .tton Itrporter. from which an average aright of .even pounda pr bad of wool 111 be derived, moat of thla going to tha .utrrn markvti. and will approximate Il'.V- LniM m value. At Chrtetlanahurg. 1 tan. it la expected that nearly .n.x pounde of wool will ha shorn this yrar. Trie clrp f the nneer Hheap Ranch, one of the largest ennfrnl of ta kind In South ern Wtnmlni. waa aold for IT cents. The sheep in tha vicinity of farter. Wyoming. are rr?ortr.l In better condition tills Spring than they bar brrn In years. The flocks are now being moved up toward tha lambing grounds, and the herd are In excellent shape and a good yield from the aheep la expect ed. Actual lossee for ha Winter tn Wyo ming, acordlng to recent general rrporta. will avrrage about 15 per cent. 9111.14 ARK BEARS ON HI1E.IT M.lKktT taahte ta Ad ware t leer. Tbey Ara Try Ing la t'oree Dawai t.rmlo rrtcea. An energetic effort la being made by tha fTour mllla, particularly thoae on tha Sound, tor force down the prlceeof wheat. They have practically all withdrawn from tha market as buera. and eoma of them hava tumrd seitere and are making offerings at prlrra under those recently current. By of fering rjirap wheat to tha California trade thee ar- apparently, trying to shut off tha only demand that haa been sustaining the market. Ther claim that wheat Is too high, on the basis of flour prices, and as they were unsuccrs.-ful In having flour advanced they are peeking to do tha neat beat thing and get whrat- dowa. They hava not succeeded In weakening original holdcra. howrver. and with only about 1.J0.0t0 buahela left In farmers- haml. It la a queatlon whether the? ran break tha country markets. Spec ulative holdings are more vulnerable, but thrse have been materially reducrd In tha pst few weeks. In the meantime a little buatenss Is being dne at tit old prices and anme of tha mill w hrvt that has been thrown on the market hs ben taksn over by dealers with Cali fornia arrounts. Local recelpta. In cara. were rvportrd by the Merchants' Exchange a follows Wheat Tarlejr Flour Oat Hit Jlonrla 1.1 3 Tnel4' 1 tVHn'elar . . - Tear ICO .... " t Mi li dale.15rt 1 ear tjo ... .11.3?1 a 4 t.t i 1 I IV.'.S J Ml ORIMX rTR- WBF-RRttJa ARK NOW IN KupHr ef alifwrwia Berrlea la l"ar Reewar Kesjulresnewta. Oregon grown Summer frulta are begin ning to appear on tha Portland market. L. C. Iftll. of Hoeburg. yeaterday aent In tha first crate of atrawberrlca. which sold at $7.2". Wiitlam Cord'-er. of Newbarg. mada tha first shipment of gooaeberrtea. which brought US centa a pound. The California Strawberry altuatlon waa unchanged from tha preceding day. Tha recelpta were far below requirements- A larger aupply la duo today, but firm mar ket la aaaured. Yeeterday-e prices war 91. .14 oa Jeeelea and SS on Iol lars. California chsrrtre wera on aala at tit iifl per 10-pound boa. peas wera In large aupply and lower at Vs rents. Bewna Bold at :t cents. Other v.e.teblee -ware unchanged In price. A car of cabbage arrived In tha afternoon. svea cars of bSBSnas avra due tonight. l.fM l. BtTTKR MrrrLT IH KIIORT Itv reeuxsrrtea Ara Offertaur Pert lead Prtra at raaustre Pwiata. The buttrr market waa vary firm, with tr.e supply dertdedlr short. So great waa tt-e demand that tha creamery men here off-red Z cents (. o. b. at country cream er're for No. 1 aolid pack. I'tirese waa active and steady at 14 centa. Young Amer'.caa will be on the market In aiout two weeka. jga ware firm at tha former qnotatlon. Toultry waa alow and weak- Dressed pork was steady and veal dragged. Hf net FtB MOHAIR ARE LOIVKRKO Laral Boyera New Offer St Cents aa the) Uohair buyers are reducing their limits all along the line. Testerday they pat out quotations of S3 centa to the grower. This Is under the parity with Eaetern markets, but they claim tha reduction la iteeeaeary. as moat of them bought mohair above tha market earlier In the season, and they ara now trying to even up their loaves. Tha Boston Commercial Bulletin of lateat date saya of the Kastem and foreign mar kets: "Llttla business in mohair haa been ac coropllrhed In this market during the past week srd pneee are hard y chanred. al though with tha pncea which have been ruling tn tha West era markets. It Is Incon ceivable that prlceg can remain on tha level now prevailing In thla market. "In Texts the laieat aalea are reported to hat a realized 3of32 centa fur tha beat lots of hair and that means at the top about 3SS centa landed Boston. "Bualnasa In tha foreign market la re ported aa dull and pricra unchanged. "Tomeatlc quotations: Best combing. 53 O-ITc; good combing. 34Tf3.1c; ordinary combing. S2fX1c: carding. 24 1 :e. Tor alga. Capa first. 44c: Turkey, fair average. 5S rj .Vic." Inquiries for Caarsra Bark. The raamra bark market 1 ahowlng mora life, and Inqulrlea ara beginning to come in from tha East. Local dealers are offering 5 to S centa for new bark, peeling of which will begin aoon. Old bark Is quoted at cents and la nearly all cleaned up. Bank rleaurlnga. Ttank elearlnxe of the Northwestern cities yesterday were aa roiio rleartnss. Balanrs. J21S.2.V. 2V 44 :t;.740 Portland Seattle . Tacoma Spokane .IJ.I 4 1.74 1 .' 7"4.i:: 712. 2 17 PORTLAND MARKET. Grata. Frswr. Peed. Etc. I WHEAT Track prlrea: Ftuestem. 11. od fjlPT. club. 11.01; red ussian. i; val ley. 101: 40-fold. SI. 02 MH.XTfKKS Bran. 25 per ton; ahorta $37. ': middlings. ILW'li Patents, 1S.10 per barral: rtralghta. 4.T0; exports. S4.20; Valley. Si.10; grshsm, .V10; whole wheat. $9.30. CORN Whole. .1l: cracked. $4 Pr ton. HAT Timothy. $l.5oi lj..-ii: alfalfa. $12 etl.'JO: clover. $bp, oata and vetch, $11 ty 11 i; grain hay. $:- CATS No. 1 white. $39040 per ton. Tegetabhce and Frulta. TOPlAL FTSCIT8 Orangea. naee'a I mails California grapefruit. $S.30T Florida grapefruit. 3.737i0; lemons. $4 9 a per box; plrrapplra. 6c per pound. KRE.-H KM IT .-itrawhrrls. 1.3 per erst-: crsntwrrles. $sol0 per barrel; apples. $1 Sore 3 p-r box. I'tlTATOKS Jobbing prices, llurbanka old. $l..Vri 1.7 per hundred: new California. 4 u ? p- r pound. ONlilNS Bermuda. $ Pr crato. VKUETAHL"..- Ar:l. hokes. Oava per doaen; anparagus. $ 1 if 1. 1 ." P-r crate: beam. 2"c; cabbage. 3-y3c pound: cauliflower. 2.7.1 per crate; trlery. $oWa per crate; cucumbers. $14l.50 doxen: egg plant. 2oC per pound; head lettuce, $1.75 per crate; hothouse lettuce. IVull psr box: pa. 5txU pound: pejipi'ti. S'-c pound: radishes. Uie per doxen; rhubarb, 2 '-3 Sc per pound: spinach. 45e par pound; to matoes, 4M per box; garlic. SvlOe per pound. SACK VEGETABLES Turnips. $1911 per sack- beets. I1.J0. rutabagas. 1L14! carrota. $1. Ihairr and Ceontrr Fred are. I.l'TTF.R Oregon creamery butter; aolid park. 2k- per pound. ( resh Oregon ranch, candled. IIS per dox.-n; case count. 2uVic CHEESE Ornon Bats. Ihc per pound. !':: K Fancy. lo'sWl'o per pound. VEAL Fanry, 10 l"4c per pound. IVILTKV llrn. 14 u 13c: t-l.nnt. 14W 13c; brollera. 2A u 2ir . durka, young. 2V 2-c; geese. 11c; truktys. live. 2"c: drcesed, lie Mapla Grwceeiea. I.40! Columbia River. 1-pecud tails. 1114 per doseo. a-pound tails. $LM: 1 pound flata, i4U; JJasa, pink. A-pewad tails. Sl.Si. Col Vk-r" Roasted, la drama. 740e per pound. NLTo Wainnta. Ilf I6e par psand; asll nuts lttfioc; .lioerta. n ' "i " mondr. 1 w ile; pecana, ise. coooweuia. ewV $1 per doaen; encstnuta, 12Sa par pound. Olraory duu, a v c vmT r" HON It Choice, ta.; psr ; atralaad borey. loc per pound. w (ALT Uranulalsd. $1$ per taa; halt gruund. lotis. fvio per ion; bua, $u par lam. HkCANS bmail wnlla. 4 Sac. larra white. 4c; Lima, liac; pica. lo. Meaioaa. Isi; baoa. fro, . BICE No. 1 Japan. e; cheaper gradae. IVulc: Southern head. n)Tc MGAK Dry graauited. o."4; fruit and berry. $o.0J; lionoiulu plantation, $d; beet, $jsi. extra C. ti.M. podrsd. barraia $&3: cubes, barrela, $ti.4v . DRIED JTKU1TS Apples. 14s par pound aprlcota. l4ylbwc; peaches. 11014-1 prunaa, ltallaua, llllu1tc: allear. ItVa; ns. white aud bak. gSt'O; curraatj. lvOllc: raisins, looaa. Muscat si. sc; blsached Ibompaoa. . " b:cached hultaaaa. gitc. aeedad, w1ae dataa. faraiaa, g4aa par pouad: a'ard. $A-aa par baa. Pfwetalaaa. HAMS All alaoa. litflSc: aklnnad. 17 Si JrlSc; picnics, lie; boiled. 2VtO. KAfo.N rancy. 2ifea2tc. choice. SOVa 6 '-' 1 S c liKV 8aLT M E ATM Backs, dry salt. 1IH tr 12ac: backs, smoked. I.'l14c; bellies, dry aait. loc: bvllles. smoked, lie. I. Alii) Tierce bsis. i:holrv. l'c; com pouml. ,c; ! iif. 3-lb. tells. $. Per casn. )il.-CE..UA.toL Pigs feel, alts, i.l.i'i: sliced tee;, lusidss. $; per case; dried bee?, lnsldea. 25c per pound . boiogna, canvas back. luSc; minced bam. 12c. Hope. Wool and HWea. HOPS 1U crop. 3H; olds, nomi nal. l:il2 contracts. 241 2ttc- MOHA1R Choice. ..Jc per pound. WuuL Eastern Oregon. K017Vi par pound. according to ehrtnkage; Vailap. 10 tr 114c per pound. PELTS Iry. lie; lambs, aaltad. 780Oe; ahort-woul pelts. .1tig&c: butensr bslta. Jaa. take-eft. frictfll.ul. so. tsks-otf. $l lt Salted hldea. lOHOlOVta psr pound: salted calf, -'on 21c: sailed kip. 14y 11c; green hldea, Sc; dry raif. lis; Ary hldea. Ihuluc; salted ataa. Ttfitae; grwaa ataga. gifCSc CASiJAKA I'cr pound. B (1 . UliAiN LlA'iS lu car lota, ttac Unssed Oil and Turpentine. I.1NSKKD OIL Rir. burr. Is. Wer. boiled, barrels. KJc: raw. isaeg, tec; boiled, t sees. b7c. TURPENTINE C.-.oa. 73c; barrels. 7Ha SAN I R.VNC IM O I'KOIH F. MARKET. Prirrw Quoted at 1he Hey City for Vrge tahlew, Frnlts, Kir. SAN FRANCISCO. May 8. Tha follow ing produce prices wera current hero toilay: Fruit Apples, choice. $1.5: common. ⁣ Mexican llmea. $.'tl o."o: California lemona. choice. $4; common. 91.2': navel orangea, IIUlM; plnropplea. $2-.MIf3 50. Cheese tftty luc. Mutter Fancy creamery. 24 Sc Kags Ptore. lHf : fancy ranch. 2usc. Vegetablee Cucumbers. 3cl: green peaa. $L2.ilyL7i: atrtng beans, 7wl0c; as paragus. $lul.&0: tomatoea, nominal; egg plant. :v4c I'otatoea River Burbanka. $l.&0r 1.W: aweeta. 1X75443; Oregon Burbanka. $1.00 O 1 75. Hay Wheat. $1.YV; wheat and oata. $14 0 1. alfalfa. $12 U 14. Kecelpta Flour. 12.ihiH quarter aacka; barley. 1323 centala; potatoea. 210O aacka; hay. 3V1 tona; wool. Sol bales. Metal Market. NEW YORK. May tsnilard mpprr quiet. Hpot. !3.3efi Ij.OOc; Mat. 13.3f ;v la.enic; June. July and Septe 111 tier. I.4.it4 15-tiiic. London, quiet, spot, (ill .'la Pd; fu tures, flw 15s. Arrivals reporteil at New York touay. mi tona. I'laluml-HouM re turns show exports of Ztr.i toni so far this month. Lake copper, istt iie: electro lytic. IS'ivKlic, casting. l5Sfil3hc. Tin. firm. spot. 4.V0" ,r 4-lc; is, 4.1 .'i04 4 av; June. 45.2S 1 45. V; July, 44.u5iy 45.o5c: August. 44 K2 4 ts 45c: ricptrmber. 44.31 4-4. &2 'c. Sales, & tons for June de livery at a5.Cic: 3 tons of June delivery at 45.K2SC; 3 tona for July delivery at 45c. London firm: spot, 2np los: futures. t2v3 As Lead atea.ty. 4. 10 u 4. 17 S c Nea York. 4 4.10c East ht. Louts. lndon. flel Ilia. Spelter, firm. 4Utt New York, 8.430 bid East til. Lou 1 a Iondon, 23 12a 6J. Antimony Quiet: Cookeon's. c. Iron. Clevind warranta. 31a 4Sd In London. Locally Iron waa steady: No. 1 foundry Northern. $ 15.23 o 13 75 . No. 2. $13 w 13.50- No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Southern aoft. $13,250 13.74. f of fee wad Sugar. SPw YORK. May . Coffee futures closed quiet, net one rolnt lower to one point higher. Hates. 53oft fs. May. 14 4-: June. l.4tec: July, August. 1t..e: September. 13.72c: October. 13.71c; Novemer. I:1.7uc; December. l:l.dwc: Janu ary and February. 13.oac; March and April. l:l.7')c Spo coffee quiet; Rio. No. T. 14,c; San tos. No. 4. lnc; mild quiet; Cordova, lt IS'lt: nominal. Has sugar steadv; Muscovado. M teat. t 4-w; u tat. molasses suxar v test. 3 23c. Keflned quiet; cut loef o.itic; cruehed. 6.oe; mould "A. 3.45e: 3.33c; 4X powdered. R.2ic: p.-wdered. S-ilr fine granulated. S.lOr; diamond A, 5 loc; confectioners- A. 4.K.V-; No. I. 4.PV:: No I 4"-: No. 3, 4.J..V-. NO. 4. 4uV: No. i 4 75c: No. n, .7tr; No. 7. 4-V:; No. S. 4.ic: No. . 4 55c: No. lt, No. 11. 4.4-ic; No. 12. 4-40c; No. 13 and No. 14. .8ic Hep at New York. N kbW TORK. Mar b- Hopa rtraa. TRADE IS LISTLESS Stock Market a Dull and Un certain Affair. . TENDENCY IS . DOWNWARD lnscttlcd Tone Shows a Waltinu At titude on ' Part or the Public. . Transfer of Cold Bars to San IVanclsco. NKW YOKK. May S. From start to finish today's stock market was a dull and negli gible affair. Trading was light and plainly professional and for hours the market mani fested no definite trend. When It occasion ally awakened prices were incllued to sag, hut aside from some of tha- leaders, particu larly Heading, whoaa course wsa erratla, the movement waa mora than ordinarily clrcum scrlhed. The unsettled undertone bespoke a wait ing attitude on the part of the public. Some Interest attached to the transfer to day of $1. 5H. HOO worth of gold barsfrom th suhtreasury to San Francisco, possibly for ultimate shipment to Japan. Since Inst Fri day local banka -hava lost about $3,600,000 to the aubtreasury and Interior banks. The bond market was Irregular and nar row. Wabaah 4a lost some of yesterdav'a rise. Total sales, par value, aggregated $1. Olll.otm. t'mted Statea aiovernment bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Salea. High. Low. Bid. Ailla pf Amal Copp. r .. 1.4V SI 14 b Am Agrl.ult .. MOla . " Am Hect Sugar. 11. MM) 72 'I )a 1 American Can .. 23.tUK) 40 v"v Am Car aV Fdy. l.' 1.1 Am Cotton Oil.. 2.7W Mia f4 Va M Am Hd e I.t Pf - Am I. e Securl.. 10,100 27H "- - . Am Unseed ... M0. 13s lH'x 18 " Am LeUf-omotlve 5io 42 41 4. Am Smcl Ucf 12.2'i h1. 3 '.a ,K4 do preferred.. JOO 1W lot 171 Am stcsl Kdy ;MJ Am Sugar H--f.. 4.7i ISO's 12R 12V Am Tel 4b Tel.. bo 1451 14514, J-IjW Am Tobacro pf. a Am Woolen Anaruml:i M Co 1.4"" 41V 41 41 S Ai.hli.on" I'll'. lC."4j l"61a do preferred.. lo.lTa lo3' 1l'l All Con.-t Line. 2tM 14 13n' 1oS Halt Ohio ... 2.2"" l""i lt' It'C-s Hrthlt-hem Steel 7"0 37', Sl 3iS Brnk R Tran .. " S2S f2'a b2'a Ceradlan Hac .. 2.H 21 255 2-el CViitral leather 1.2'X 2' 24" i4 V do preferred.. 20l 3Vi "3 I2 Central of X J ''",. Ches a chlo ... 1.4isi 7S14 781i iHls tlilcago A. Alton 21 Clil Ut West . .. 3oO IS 1 K do preferred.. 4"" 35 34 3.. rlnrnto Ac N W I'K 14"1, 14iHs 1404j C. M Jt St Paul. 8.5"" 1"7 10t4 li C. C. C at St L. Hl 5N .V WiS Col Fuel A Irou 2'" 27" 27S 3i Col A Southern. H 4.1 : 4:i 43 ton sol t,.i 1.2' 113'. 142S 142 Com Producta .. !K" 15S 151s l"'Si Del A- Huilson 17P1 Us K ttrandc 21 3 do preferred 411 DlKtlllera' Securl Si's Erie . Stt, 344, 31V do 1st pf 7" R3ij .VI .VJAi 1I0 I'd pf .... 3 44 4:t 4-'t Grg Electric ... Pl 17 le)t 1H C.t North p' 1M 1'IVa 131 's lit North Ore .. HO" 4" 40 :i!;s Illinois Central. 3h J27'i 124Vi 124 4 Interttor Met ... fino 1:, ls lS do pr.fe.rred.. l.tVXl 5rt 3rt r. lnt-r H-irveater 1.4'MI 11HS 115T4 115. later Marine- pf Is" Int Paper 1.2ilO 15'e 13 . Int Pump ..... 2tSi Iowa Central 12 4 K C Soul hern.. IO" 23 25 24 va do preferred oO Laclede tJa .. 2"0 105"i l"--.1 154 Louia i Nash.. l.lsa" 157', 15ii', J57S Mmn oi St I. . . 1" 22 22 V 22 V. P S S M 3(h 141", lHIlt, loll'. Mo. Km a- Tex 6"" 27 V 27 lx 27 V do itreferred 11 Mo Paclllr 2.4HO 41S 41 41 Nut Biscuit ... 2i-'l l.'.5V, l"."' l.V.'t National Iad . . V .Vi'a 5d ' V N Hy ilex J pg 29 V V Y Central ... 3."" 11-V 11 11SS N T. Ont A W.-s 2' 3fcS 3k V 3-'s Norfolk A West l.-'' 1I2S US'. 112V. North Ainrrlran .".' MS M Vx 1 ' Northern Pac .. 3."" UK's 11 11V Pacllic Mail 4i .12S 32 Vi 32 Pennsylvania ... ;" I2:ts. 12.T. 12'tS Prople's Oas ... 1'HI 1"7 Vs 171 1"7V, P. C C e St U. l.SUO 10" K'! Pittsburg Coal - 3" Pressed S Car 34 Pull Pul Cac .. 300 ISO 150', 1 .-.' Rv St -el Spring 34 Reading 130.H"" 17l, T73'i 174 Republic Steel .. 2"l 22S 22V 22V do preferred.. 1"" 77 la 77 4 77 V Tto. k Island Co l.WMi 27 2V 2', do preferred.. 2'el 54 54 S3 'a Ft L A 8 F 2 pf loO 3SV, SJ!, S"V bt L Southwest 32Va do preferred .- 75 Slosa Sheffield 4S Southern Psc .. 4on 1104 1"' 114 Soul hern lly ... 7"" 2 27V 2N'm do preferred.. a" 7.1H 734 'r73H Trnn Copper . 3i" 42' 42 42 Trxaa Pacific 2:14 234- 234 Tol. St I. A Wes 2iH 1.-.V 15', 14 lo preferred 33 4 Union Pacific .. 39.N0O 1IK 18x4 lil4 do preferred , l I' S Realtv ... 1 7IS 744 744 IT S Rubber .. 7"" 57 JW'.4 ."'IV U S Steel 112.nut 5V- 4 , f.5 do preferred.. 3k 110 Hmv H? ftah Copp. r .. a.5" l tU'V l v,--aro Chem . 7') 52 SIV .MS Wnbash 1.4.- 14 S4 '4 do preferred.. 2"0 21 21 2V Western Md 5!)', Westing Elec .. i0 74 4 74 74 4 Western Inlon. e"0 S3 S2 :l Wheel A 1. F... 1o 7', 74 7 Lehigh Valley.. M'xt l'.7V liV 10il', Chlno Copper .. "" -.'s , 2'i 2S Ray Consols ... 1.20" 14 - 1.S4 1S1, Am Toliaeco . 252 Total aalea for tha day. 373. 10O shares. BONUS. Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., of Portland. Rid. Asked. 1144 05 4 PO'i lo4 01 1074 P54 04 4 l'2 4 !"S 87 1"! 14 IOI U'J OrtVi tin Alter Tel A Tel eonv 4a 114 American Tobacco 4s.......... 113 Amerlenn Tobacco tie. ......... 120 Atchison general 4S lej' At'-hteon c-mv 4a ....I034 Atchison alj 4s stamped 1104 Atchison eonv As 1NI4 Atlantic Co.-W Line cons 4s.... 11.14 At Coast Une "L A X coll" 4s. P3V lla:tlmoie A Ohio U2 Italtimora A Ohio 4s HS4 ltrooklyn Harld Transit 4s hit Can Southern first 5 1"! Chesapeake A Ohio 4 4s lMi Cll" gen mtg 4S P5X C H A U joint 4s H4 .- I! A O. Ills 4s HS4 t It A u Denver 4s lit Central Pacific first 4s...... Chicago A East Ills 4a...... Chlrauo H I P ref 4 Chlcaco R I A P Col trust 4s Colorado eV Southern first 4s Iienver A Rio Orande 4s.... Delaware A Hudson conv 4s. Erie first cor.s I l 4a Int Met 4 4s Japsnese 4s Jspaneeo fi'Jt 4 4s Japanese eecond 4 4s Iioulsvllia A Naslivllla unl 4s Mo Kan A Tex 4 4s Missouri Pacific 4a New York Central S4s Ney Turk Central L S 34-- New York City 4 New York City 4 4a of 197. Norfolk A Western 4a Norfolk A West conv 4s X Y Ont A W 4s Northern Pacific P L No.-thern pacific 3s Oregon Short Una 4a Oregon Ry A N 4a penna Ry 4a of 18et Philippine Railway 4a Reading general 4a Republic of Cuba Aa Soul hern Pacific first ref 4s. Southern Pacific col 4s Southern Railway 4a St LA " F ref 4a Inlon Pacific first 4s Union Pacific conv 4a Union Pacific ref 4a United Statea Steal 8 F 3s.... United States 2s registered.. United Statea 2s coupon United States ria registered.. United Statea 3a coupon United Statea 4s registered.. United Ststee 4a coupon United Railway S F 4a , United Railway 61 L 4a , Wahaah first 4s Western Union 44s. Western Pse'.flo &s .......... Wisconsin Central 4a........ West shore 4s . 3 4 N'.l . 7m . P4 . S7 . I'7V . sv . MV . Ut, . H2V . HIS . vi 4 . 87 4 . 7.1V . l"iV . t2 . P4 .107 . M1U .1114 . P4 . KS . of 4 . P2 V . 5 .103 4 '. " " .lot . 04 . PI . 7SS . 784 .101 s .102 . Hg .1"2 .1004 . HH .12 4 .1024 .114 .114 . . 77 . W . V . 87 . 02 .100 H5X SO -a m; 4 yd 4 4 !1H K2 87 03 4 POi 84 74 87 "4 82 4 1-5 7ii7 4 Pi'S 112 04 ! 70 PJ4 6 4 10.14 8A4 rSS 1"3 4 5 4 91 4 7S!, 7 101 44 1U2 4 K4 iniia 101 101 44 102 44 102 V 1141a 11.1 H8 4 78 0814 HP 88 H.14 l'H'4 Marks at Boatoo. BOSTON. May Closing quotations: AlUuteg 421Mohak 0 Ama.g Copper. . 1 Nevsda Con .... 214 A 2 Ls em... 24iNlplaslng Mines. 74 SiNorth Butte. 1414 lvn.lh l.l:. 7 Cal A Arlxona.. 80 Cal A Hecla....472 Centennial 23 Cop Ran Con Co 5d ,Old Dominion, e. S3 I tsceola U4 I Qulncy ......... 88 shannon ..... 13'1 E Butte Cop M. 13 14 Superior 33 4 4. sue. A Boa Mln.. 24 rranKun rcirnu con .... 1 " HiTamarack 40 Oranby ton . . . 53 Greene Cananea. 8 I Royalle (Cop) 25 VU 8 b K M... a.. 4 do preferred..-. 484 jUtatl Con 13 4 4. Utah Copper Co. 614 Lake Copper 38 ivvinona ....... :a Wolverine 107 lv sane copper o Miami copper... 34 Si Money. Exchange. NEW YORK. May. 8 Money On call, at cad v, 2V3 per cent: ruling rate. 24; closing bid, 24: offered at 14 per cent. Time loans, steady: 80 days. S34 per cent: 00 days. 3 per cent; alx months, 3 4 4V 3V per cent Prime mercantile paper. 4QH per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual bus iness in bankers- bills at 4.8423 for 60-day bills and at $4 8(173 for demand. Commercial bills. $4,83 4. Mexican dollara, 4Sc. Government bonda. steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. May 8. Bar silver, steady. 24 d per ounce. Money. 2 4 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bills is 2', 2 15-16 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three month,' bills ia 2j per ccnt- SAN FRANCISCO. May 8. Sterling on London-Slgty daya. $4,84 4; do. sight. 4.86V. Drafts Sight, par; telefrraph. 2. Condition of tha Treaerary. WASHINGTON. May 8. At the beginning of business today the condition of the United states Treasury was: Working balance in Treasury of- flees t 8.1.S..S.S4S In banks and Philippine treasury 3l.iUi.ltJl Total balance In general fund... 12j,74..mT Ordinary receipts yesterday 2. ll.o.ja Ordinary disbursements ' 1.03S..2S Deficit to date t It is fiscal year, $10,91 i.lto. aa against a deficit of $34.9.874 at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama and public debt transactions. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. May 8. Turpentine steady, 454 a 43 4c; enjes. r,2; receipts. 12ii; ahlpmenta, "J73; stocks, 1B.SOO. Rosin firm; sales. 1!Hm; receipts. 300: shipments, MSnO; stock. 47.400. Quote: B, $HMO; D. ti.:l5; K. $6.60; K. 7; G. H. $7.07; K. $7.15; M. $7.20; N. $7.30; W. o. $7.4"; WW. 7.4Q. I0P PRICES ARE PAID AM KIXDS OF LIVFeSTOCK A15E FTHM AT YARDS. Steers Sell Vp to $7.25 and C'lioico Hon Bring $8.50 Ilest Spring J .a nibs Quarter Higher." There was a firm market for all kinds of livestock at the North Portland yards yes terday, with a fair supply on hand, largely beef stuff, and an active demand. The bulk of steer sales wore at $7.1."i.but one load of prime quality brought $7.25. liwer grndea sold according to quality. Bulls, cows and calvea moved within tho former range. Choice hogs, after a litpsc of a week, aru agnln selling at S.50. Thrro loade were dlrposed of at that figure yeaterday. Heavy hogs brought $ii..Vitt 7. Sheep Bales ' wero mostly at unchanged price. A small load of wool sheep aold at $ti.7J and earlinga brought $3.50. The best Spring lambs were taken nt $7.75 and others al.$1.."iO and $7.35. Receiits yesterday were 433 cattle, 8 calves. 35S hogs and 648 aheep. Shippers were: A. L. Dcmaria, Louden. 2 cars of rattle; Pomeroy Ment A Live stock Association. Pomeroy, 1 car of hogs; W. B. Kurtx. The Dulles, S cars of hoxs: V. cram. Gateway. 14 cara of cattle; John Bolter, Gateway. 1 car of cattle: A. B. Gale. Amity. 2 cars of sheep and hogs; H. S. Meyer. Gaston. 1 car of cattle and calvea: C. H. Farmer. McCoy. 1 car of sheep and hoes: T. Kopplin. Plalnview. 1 car of sheep and hogs, and F. 1. Decker, btlverton, 2 cars of ratves. sheep and hogs. The day'a salea were as follows: . Welcht Price 3 bulls I"' 1 bull '"' .','- 250 steers l.toei t.l.t 1 cow ...12!e)l j.35 1 bull j-;o 1 bull 173t 4 .i 1 bull lrt,1, "" 1 steer !;" 7.13 1 steer . 1"-'" i ! I 147i i l i n:l steer 1 I''""' -" 37 steers 12sS 7.15 21 steers 1143 8.45 7 hoc. ' 20 hogs l 3 hoS ;'hj ' 4 hop 8 -J-.' 6hog.n.'m.r.::::::::::::::::.-.o J IT :i hoK l -j; 20 hous ho,' :::::::::::::::::::::::: c.ft :::::: .m ,r..:::::::::::::v::::::::i m i-:::::::::::::::::1 4 buna '.".'.. ii7, "?;; 3 eows l'l.r.o 3.." 50 steers . . . , 1 23 J.Oi) 24 steers - ll.'-; " 2H steers -' ' 27 steer, 1 " 7.2., 50 mixed sheep J4.i s.-o 4u wool sh.-ep 110 - '' 20 vearllngs I yearling . J" S...0 36 sP,lng amha 1 -3 4 Spring lambs l"o 22 Siring laniba 71 hogs '" b.411 M bog 181 8 4,1 1 hog 3MI J! :,so 5.00 hogs . "'0 84 5oK - ? 2 hue. 3'0 7.1.0 33 hoi-!' - 1 !4-40 The range of prices at tha yards was as Choice steers ., $.$5W $7.2.1 Good steers .50 S.S.i Medium steers 6.00 fp 6..0 Choice cows $-00 j 4.25 Good cows S.604S 8. 00 Medium cows 5.1)0'' 5.i' Choice calves 8.50 8.h5 Good heavy calvea", 6.00W 8.50 3.50 5. SO blags - 4.7i LIliht'Tr. $.0 r 8.50 Heavy LVVV Tearlttiga 4.2R4T S.S0 Wether S iJ Fwes ...... 4.00r $.60 Lamb. T: -50 1 SO?, Spring lamba 4.00 l..jO Spring Iambi 6.00 i Omaha livestock Market! S-ll.TH OMAHA. Mar 8. Cattle Re ceipts. X2O0. Market steady to lower. Na tive ateers. $tl50'uS.50; native cows and heifers $..75"l 7.50; Western steers. $4.75t 7 73- Texas steers, 4 5i)-fl irt.3" : range cows and hslfers. I.Wtrtt-2V earners. $:lft4.73: stockrrs and fee-lera. $4.2.1 o 7.25 : calves, 4 tj 7.75: bulls, stags, etc. $4..Vi-q r) do. Hcgs Iteeelpts. 12.ISK'. Market ft cents higher Heavy. $7.t' 7.70: mlled $7.45'u 7.60- light. $7.2.1B7.0; plga t7 2; bulk of sales. $7.4liv7 ov. pheep Receipts. S2W. Market steady. Tearllngs. .75i7.25; wethers. $3.9049 0.50; ewes. 26; lambs, h .'iii'u 'J .'.U C hlcago Livestock Market.' CHICAGO. May 8. Cattle Receipts. 21. 00. Market mostly 10i 15r- lower. Beeves, $.1 90- b.9o; Texas steers, $6.351 7.2.1; West ern steers. $5.65(0' 7.60; atockers and feed srs. $4 15 47 6 nil: cow. and heifers. $2.70.y 7.tM): calves. $R 8. . tiegs Receipts. 20.0cX. Market slow. 59 10c hlghsr. Light. $7.28 7.76; mlxod. $7.3.1 ti 7.824; heavv. $7 35a7.PO; rough. $7.3u' f.!il,; pigs. $4.85-4 6.95; bulk of aalaa. $7.00 ti 7 75. t.heep Receipts. 1S.0O0. Market slow. Na. tive $4 5W 7. AO; Western. $56 7.65; year lings. $6etN33; lambs, native, $5.909; Western. $a.25fr9.65. New York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. May 8. Cotton future, closed steady, 7 to 10 points lower. May, 11.34; June. 11.36; July. 1L44: August. 11. 4: September. 1LR3: October, 1161; No. vember. 11.65: December. 11.70; January and February. 11.60; March. 11.74. Spot closed quiet. 10 point, lower. Mid-uplands. 11.80: mid-gulf. 12 05. Sales, none. Chicago Produce Market. CHICAGO. May 8. Butter Steady: cree-merte. 2V20c: dairies. I3v27c. gggs Steady; receipts. 21.0i)8 cases: at mark, casea Included, 17 4c; ordinary firsts. 164e; firsts. 18c. Cheese Weak; daisies. I515'c: twins. 1A'4r1AUe: Tnnng Americas. 1391514c: lone 'born., 15 16 14 c Arlxona Com . . 3 n a. r r A. 11 l 7 WHEAT BREAK SHARP Crop Report Less Bullish Than Expected. SALES AT CHICAGO HEAVY Close Is Xervous With Declines Run ning to 1 1-2 Cents Many Weak Holtfcrs Are Sacrificed Fluc tuations Are Swift. CHICAGO, May 8. Wheat prices broke wildly today because the Government crop report turned out to bo mncb leas bullish than expected. The market closed nervoua, c to 14c under last night. There waa unusually active trade In wheat, with fluctuations frequent and swift. Many weak holders were sacrificed on stop-loss orders. The fine growing weather In all directions proved a stumbling block to spec ulators who had hoped for an advance. Im portant commission buying of wheat on de clines and equally Important unloading on rallies formed one of the principal features of the session. Corn displayed stubborn strength throughout-Better demand from the East gave oats life. Bulls received aid, too, from, the Gov ernment report. shorts did most of the buying in the pro vision pit. , The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. ..1.17Vi . . 1.12'4 . . 1.081, .. 1.03 High. $1.174 1.11 1.00 4 1.104 Low. 1.161 1.12-4 1.07 S i.oa-, .RO .77 .74 .Uoia ,5H - .52 7 .43 H Close. 1-17H LIS 1.0S. i.oyv May Julv Sept. Dec. CORX. .8" 4 .77 ;, .75 4 .63 4 OATS. , .57 4 .54 .444 Mav July Sept. Dec. ,. .80 .. .77 .. -74 .. .belt .oi .77 W .75 .6a l May .luly Sept. Mav July Sept. .5T4 .52', .459, .57 .54 MESS PORK. 10.40 10.55 ltf.60 19.40 19. 19.?5 lll.HO 19.70 lf.i-,5 19.72 4 LARD. 19.45 19.57 Vb Tulv HrpU Oct. ... .11.07 4 11.25 U.iS2 11.10 11.H0 11.40 11.021 11.22 'a 11.32 J1.05 11.25 11.323 SHORT KIBS. July ..".1o.47i 10.m 10.47V i .10.70 10.774 lo. 07 V, 10.57V4 10.75 tiept ( ash quotations were as follows: Flour Firm. five No. 2. 95S8S',c. Ktarley Feed or mlxiiiff. SOcll; fair to choice malting. el-184i-l-Z8. Timothy seed $7.uO'u.l2.6v. t'iover seed 14ir20. - Pork Mess, i 19.37 f, Q H.50. Uord In tierces, J1H S7M,. Short ribs l.oose, 10.45. Grain statistics: - Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to lttl.lioo bushels. Primary receipts were 3.4,00il bushels, compared with 4Oit.000 bushels the correHlMindinsr day a year ago. KMiinaterl receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 31 cara; corn. 163 ca.ra; oats, 111 cars; hogs. 17.000 head. .Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 8. Close: WTiwit. Mav. ,1.1-tS; July,. 1.15; 'September. H.0714. Cash. No. 1 hard. $1.17t: No. 1 Northern, 1.17; No. 2 Northern, (1.15; No. 3 wheat, 1.13. Flax I2.1S34. Barley 70cJ1.30. Corn No. 3 yellow, 7SV4'S'7Hc. Oats No. .1 white, 04fc5-y,c. Kye No. 2, ISIjC Kuropenn Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. May 8. Close: Wheat May, 7s loud; July, 7a SVd; October. 7s t:'l. Weather, cluudy. Knglish country markets easy. French country marketa firm. Grains at 8an Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. May 8. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla. JMK7"; rl.881i : red Russian, tl.bitsti l.8i : Turkey red. l.0tp l.H2'a; blucstem. Il.lioy 1.92 ; feed barley, $l.!Mi'rf 1.02 l'j : brewinir. $1.05i2: white oats. $2.t7 j-2.12; bran. (2H.5u27; middllnss. e;i2'n.'U; shorts, 29.r.oa H0.5U. Call Honrd Sales Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1.B04; May, fl.So bid, el.1'1 asked. I'upet cMMind Grain Market. TACOMA. May 8. Wheat Bluestem, $l.ll5W1.0tl: fortyfold, 1.02; club, $1.02; red Russian. $1. Car receipt. Wheat, 10; hay, 1 car. SEATTLE. Mav 8. Wheat, bluestem, M.iifl; fortyfold. 99'Ac; club, KOc; fife, 99c; red Russian. 08c. ' Dried Fruit at New Turk. NEW YORK,' May 8. Evaporated' apples firm with llfc-ht offerings. On the spot fancy are quoted at lotfiov&c; choice. 8H&8c; prime. 7 h tfi Sc. Prunes quiet, with only a small jobbing demnnd. but prices are steady. Quotations rane from 4c to 9c for Californias im to 30-4'ls and 7c to 90c for Oreguns. Peaches firm, with a more active demand; choice. 6'itflOc; extra choice, 9910c; fancy, low 11c. Wool at rit. Louis. ST. LOUIS. May 8. Wool Steady. Terri tory and Western mediums. 16 18c; fine mediums, 156 17c; fine, 10 (a 15c Ilulath Flax Market. PULUTH. May 8. Close: Linseed, In store, on track and to arrive. $2.18; May, 42.18H asked: July. $2.13 asked. Huirar Dec lines In East. NEW YORK. May S. All grade, of re fined sugar were reduced 10 cent, a hundred pound, today. FINZER DUE HOME TONIGHT Adjutant-General ' Returns Krom Conference at Washington, 1. C. After a conference) with officials of the War Department in Washington. D. C, Adjutant-General Flnzer, of the Oregon National Guard, will return to Portland tonight and probably will brirs with him some Important infor mation regarding: the Mexican situation and the prospects of intervention by the United States. - - General Flnzer was called to Wash ington April 27 by a telegrram from General Leonard Wood. Chief of Staff of the, Army, who did not explain the purposes of the conference further than to say matters of grave Importance to the militia were to be discussed. It was generally supposed by officers of the Guard here that among the sub jects to be discussed was that of the extent of the field force Oregon could be counted upon in case troops were needed, and also the sentiment in this state as to the Guard being called upon for foreign service. Officers at headquarters in the Ger linger building say they have heard nothing of importance from General Flnzer. ' - and ISVESTMEST SEClTtlTIKS Bought and sold. J. W. CRUTHERS A CO, 1009 Board of Trade Bids. Pnone Main 7799. LADD & TILTON BANK . Established 1369. Capital Stock Surplus and Undivided Profits. Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS W. M. I.adil. President. Robert .. Howard, Aaat. CaahleA Edward t'ooklnithom, Vlce-Prea. J. M. Ladd, Aast. Caabler. W. H. DuncbJey, Caabler. Walter 31. Cook, Ast. CaaJUer. First National Capital Surplus Oldest National Rocky We Maintain a Savings Department and Pay 4 PER CENT Interest on Savings Deposits luiyibermens National Bank Capital $1,000,000 All steamers of the undermentioned lines will follow the NEW SOUTHERLY COURSE eastbound and -westbound, thus avoiding all possibility of meeting ice, and each steamer will have BOAT AND LIFE RAFT capacity for every person on board, including both passengers and crew. New 45,000 Ton OLYMPIC AMERICAN LINE rtyaieala Cliuari Saalhiniploa Atlantic Transport Line New Terfc-leaaea Direct RED STAR LINE Mew Tart Prer aulnua Pari! WHITE STAR LINE New Yerk On" artaira Utrreeol New tarh Hyawatb CfcerfcoaTf-Saatltaniatio Boston QueenBtown IJverncoL tsoaton AieaiLcmuieau. Company'a Office, Room "B" Bailer Bnlldln t. Second and Cherry Sta, Seattle Or Local Railway and Steamship Agenta. MORE AND MORE Onr office is being recog nized as the best place for mortgage loans. Whether you wish to borrow on real estate or wish to in vest in a good safe mortgage, come right to us. This de partment of our business is rapidly increasing and we give it the careful attention it deserves. You are saved all bother with details. HARTMAN & THOMPSON BANKERS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Its -Worth Money to you to know that you will have a sightly, sanitary pavement, that will last for years, adjoining your prop erty. A street often torn up for paving repairs detracts from the appearance and value of your property. Therefore insist on bitu lithic. J. C. WILSON & CO. lOtixS. UU.M-S. OK AIM A-M COXIUS VEW YOKK MU(.h iiXCHANGH tlllCAOO BUAJ1U Ot XUAXtJi (Ha BAOClv A.N L UOSO Ki.CllA.NGa. SAN iKA-NCItiCO. Main Office Mill Uldn.. Ha I'ranelaee. Branch Office Vaacoaecr, Baaxtla. rortland. Loa Anselae. Baa Ulasa. Cum aado Beach. fUUILaND OFFICKt afaln Flour Lumbermen Baulf Bnllitlaat 61b and Stark. Pbonae ltaraball 1110. A 41ST. INCORPOMATEO CONSULTING and CONSTRUCTION ENCINEERS PUBLIC 8ERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANACED SO Pine Street New York .$1,000,000.00 .... 800,000.00 $1,500,000 850,000 Bank West of tha Mountains Corner Fifth and Stark MAY 25 June IS July 6 July 2T Aug. 17 YORK WHITE STAR-DOMINION Kenrrtal 0 acbec Urcxaeol -MEGANTIC" & "LAURENTir on St. Liwrwiot Routs Only Four Days at Sea TO BUROPI IH COaTTIRT AT MODEKATS RATX8 Twin Screw SJi. "Canada" and Ttalaoic" OKB GLAUS (II) CABP BTRVICB . THIRD CLOSED KOOM8 Birrfe cbecked to Steamer la Bead. Kmberk nlcat before palling. He hotel ar tra&afer TRAVELERS GUIDE. Canadian Pacific ESLVESS OF TUB ATLANTIC" 1KD OTHER SIEAMSH1P3 HONTBKA1 QLtBEO AMU L1V -fc-RFOOtl VIA THIS 6CEXI0 ROUTE TO EUROPB 1000 MILKS ON THE ST. LAWKHNCB RIVBIB -AND LESS THAN FOUR DATS AT 8BA 2638 MILES PORT TO PORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAOB Flint Cabin - 183.50 and na Second Cabin S8,15 and oa One-CUsa Cabin (24-claaa) tM.UQ and op Tblrd-Claaa Lowest rates oa requeet. Canadao Pacific Office, corner Tblrd aa Pins (Multnomah Hotel bids). Portland, and all local agenta. EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR 6an Franelaeo and Loa Anselea WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. 8. BEAR Salla 9 A. M. Sunday, Slay 12. THE SAN FRAN. & PORTLAND 8. S. CO. Ticket OQ'lca Hi Third Street. Phone: Mala 2608. A 140. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at 6 P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 132 Third St. Phones Main 1814, A 1314. COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER ealla from Aintworth Dock. Portland. 9 A. M. May 1. 8. 13. 18. 23 and 2: June 2, 7. 12. 17, 22 and 27. Freight received at AlnBworth Dock dally up to S P. M. Pa senger fare, first-class, $10.00; second-class. $7 00. including; berth and meals. Ticket office Ainaworth Dock. Phones Main 38mi. JL 2332. EUROPE! Seventv Sprinc and Summer tours, com priBlnff Tours de Luxe and Motor-car Tour, and also Vacation Tours at Popular Prices. Frequent sailings. All routes. Including Mediterranean. Programme of Tours do Luxe Around th World now ready. THOH. COOK & SON, 689 Market St., San Franrico. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD All Stenmern Take the EXTREME MUFTIIEK.V TRACK EXPRESS SAILINGS ' TUESDAYS FAST MAIL, SAILINGS THURSDAYS For LO DO.V-PA HI S-BKEJI E SAILINGS ON SATURDAYS F0K THE MEDITERRANEAN. Oelrlctn & Qo.. Gen. Acts. 5 Broadway. N. Y. ROBKBT CAPELI.E, G. A. P. C. 250 Powell Street, Opposite Ht. Francis Hotrl. S. F.. or Local Agents. LOS ANGKLES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD. Railroad or any steamer to San Fran cisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest, and the ONLY strictly first-class pas snrFr shiD on the Coast. Average speed j 28 miles per hour; cost 12,000,600 each. SA-N FRANCISCO. PORTLAND A L. A. S. S. CO. Main S28. Frank llollam, Agent A 4598. 128 Third Street. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (Union Line of N. Z.) VIA TA111TI AND WELLINGTON. Direct tnrougn ataamera. aaillua from San Franelaco May 20. June 20. and every -S daya to Tahiti. Rarotong-a. Weiiington and ydney. The line to Ialea of the 8outb Seaa. a-or raaarvationa aea Coupon Railroad Aa-ent er addraaa Hind. Kolph A Co.. San Franclaco, Bank i