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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
14ofjtt-.-g Ko tm rrvri OR "ro;.mrfmply furn.rhed for hokp.rc. large. P'"0' l-'hnn f uri..hd room. fii rn". co ai Mth. jh-ne. nue . v as.v . ado- riv nl.'l.'t mm. to 5th and ik) other roomrr. 3 OR i completely lurnimM. l'.r vinl. fruit. flo uun'in. - rs. ao vo- .ect'on io child. 341 TIHimook 1 . lar.-e houseKe.ple r" nl.eiy for bad b, laun- dry va.-d. rea-onaoie t.. r-ghl parly 8i K. 2-d sr. North. T'Trl..n. -ell furnished I houwkp!p room, alt ronwii Phon C 11. J Call l. Morris St. u KENIAi " ' " t rinrn in tha city wn . . . ni-ni)UiTlll f:i r.oms. In attic: rrnt -o h a w M indo r or. f ir ' .. r. . rn inl hatrr 1 K. '-h Nrth. ;riiT KntiH l WtKHllaa n iro.i-rn In .v.ry d.lai!. f uma. . f't . r..,:. tu a--rl cr;m and e.o l fw.t owner. Ta .or 1 w. or ca.l at bJW ll-nt $v ROOM f2 T'l'irwn 4 rm I"! K;:v . ' ihi a nn. t. h ronl Mn' -t"-J. K 47. ... .t' .-il.lir. HI''. rrh. imr ili. i v N-t.arrn;-nt. TMK KKKI A J K. '!! ") jlOtiF.HN e-r.wm li ju. u "' g r:chlr:i'W"l. ''.'in na l" 7-rttti.-u iJ t Aiil.r. corn.r llh. l--..n Km SHI. fit 1: n-autifnl -rtxm ,w. ttrirr an. I rvut' qtirtra. reMlri mnwniriift. Ra City 14 H r--n'an. h'inl4 A.'PlK m.lern. -r.m bouee. baru. ri-e rir 4 hl.-'V. mmuiea out. N. O. .11 ,:K.S r h.o-e. f-irna.e. Iisht. fin, noinn.l. lH s mntl pn .. ;i.' Kis .V'th 1 anor j. . 1: 1;. 1 H. ! -K- -I.ia'iis. water. nl. yn. cor. i.h iw. Hr-vk a: :0 . st . .rner. ' K, I 1 1 11 . Dr:HN hoii. 1 sleep.nt 11. liwn etc. Inquire 43S kl. .ill ..e of Til'iT""lt. . p.-vrch. St. N. m.i.. ner; an. I re;a.rej -, erf j .Q K.a-1 I. ri.ii :ir.l e jut ca:-Ko-. nice ! c-.ira.e. n.wlv pa.nte.1 and t.TteO. ,.,.,,r I ni.i are. 4 M.Kka south of Haw. iti KI NT-IH a m.dern i-r-om coitaKr. t.;'.t .eunborh d. 2i4) Last STt at. Nortn. f'h-.r.e - fTW. ."NAlii .ir? ItKNT -room buniulo. in. s.ih'Ty lot. fruit trerl 1 a.l .-I llatHrrre ar. lO"t::t:N" J story. -room Bouse, nice yaro. eired street, one o-ov j 7s.t vwiillanis Ire. loodliwn .,t i;e:.NTAi.j VT-'S a. llltBKEl.'KN CO. sTRI'TI.V mortem -rocm house. In m resl.len.'- '! '". .. e " M ir;lu:l t- ;.);. .. hoiiee. -i.14 K.SI UtU SU r- '. V.'e.l!-r. No eh.'.l-rn. MililtkS ":' rHe 1'Va'r. larse yanl. n cen Inuuirr I 111 K. lit h. .VI IDOiUrn l. West P!d-. walking rTvr" .V11.. n.oje-n cltaga. ew Kront at wir'hm king i"im'. SI"iKI:S "' F'hon- M. -" a t ' bas-TUe n t. K. ITih at. .t Sii. ic. y.rJ . I... fruit irea ail Main !. a-rjM'M r. Morra.n. Itage. t- y 1 I n. .lie I- t t'l ''li. near Last 14;. F.Oi'M lion-. fels- pap.-r-.l vs,rTv room I VaI.itii"n Mug. .f fnoh" I M'-l- rn 7 -room house. Il- land 1,::'1 i T;i. 1 h'ui 1 .1 I r tie- -lt, er. betae.-n (ilisan an. K .It ;KNT niourrn collate. Krort - f uriiAA:.-. a Me. . klne listance. et. rent r.aeon- -SR.MM bungalow frjf In. rr'.'l.'in. at !-" n. Haise: Mnin llt. larwhbed M t-R'"'"w fu-n stie.l house, large jard. Anvbl station. Mt. acott carline. 2 to perms' a-mr.. urnlhert houae. Portland II'IIHU. -' HI InPerth St U v TI "KKi'iil". tl" Ppalillng BMg V. stiall 4:.t;. A 4044; L-Tfl v r.iriitalie.1. rlusa In. West ' . I . . . rnt rte the Miimm-r 1. - number In famllv. a a of . ...., . wi'.'inc to pay 1 r lh sort of ac-. u.nmoUvllon required. Ahl 2U. 1 irt'toniin. K KK.N T Krom Juo$ 1 l Tf nU r I.-. comi' lurpi-t-fl b In ;rr ii. mi ---ti,.n: rrnt '"' rtr'n, "., furnih(.l. nuwi-rn. Kmrf li-'H-'.iia. l n t frnm ills, ia Mia. il-lu- -t !"".i:iijn. AUTl-TU'ALI V furnUMr-l l"in :.. Tork n.r. tpihfiB fwrnnur. rtrp -. i(rc (wrrht. it .'. rsa. lan. ii .ir'. T-or ; 4 - K 1 m 14 (urn U.d sr f .it. vi.:irr w.. r-- k Itinms. (umiirfii cnii$ji-. mo-l'TTi. p:'-- jiin-i. ei"'; aauii; r.f-,Tc. v " I. Oforun . I-OK Kt..Nr-i'rO"n. tri 1 k! t 1 1 tUiKBiw. r.m- r;i-lv furni:Hl. t$t - 5 4rd. m- M" ,-,-. jr m--nh. T&-r h$ r H '-'' X KI0JuIr and Ancitrt. t-r.or- furnished h--i. N. :J-i 'rn Mr-hH 11 HM.iKl I; rixim 'lnrtr t. f ni fi"i'-t . A tinii-r. with ptn. uft-1 4 i mw- for R-t- - mr nil arm for 4.111 ': rK f rniJ ii$t of murn 7-roorm f.t Ur Ml- ana ni iT rn . --. loaAtloD: itbi f-jr renting rooms wbtca ill rX ur runt. Plwn A rr.Kri-NT furniture .$r !". -r mod rrn h'm tr rnc; on'.jr t r --$ looking ff mt-hin '-r ttm a$r. B- J pp ; no 'r.. .".'- Hth r. Cjt to ilwr. cd i Dt nin ; rtvrtnf monifi'y lovc ail ttps-n!. ;. jrari. hrii loca tion in ct- l-th '. sTnTiVTv h-'M"". tt l-nnih. trull lrt-. Urg rU-n- rurn:tu- I t 110 W. Thomp $n. Fu-tun h mrltL station, on Oregon tlec- IflC. Fl KN.Tl Hal of i-rvm rolfa"-'. ail luKvt'.i-r nr lT th pi-.. bw- KajU li-U t:t Ti.r crr,.Vn. Fl KM H KK of lo-room toti". nrth . aim-: n--; tara-r f.r uu k a.; rowitii K 'OUS. el f uniihed, cheap. Maln i k.MTI'H-: -f o-r.-'n. flat. 4 b.ocka from Portland ue!. 7t n Pt. ltVM cT7itte-7f"rnl5ifei. furnttur- tor 5s!r. reajMTia:..e. 7- Wlilumi II Koovrf. irrome pr month, term. Hr$l)- ! 4-. - Hi Ctll .-he -ip: f't f-r wa h M : - furnU ur for d at. t,.' KNt. R houMf, jk..-d ftirn itur-. 3 room py expena . n?4 3d; raaoPaP prtre. FTRMTT KK of 4-rooai f at fur Snmmer Korta. tH'' K eottagea. facing bearh. 3 dw cot tutiea Jut c-omplrt-d. f arnlhed through out . a: lars-e and nia!l eottagea. g---d loe-ailona. rranab.a. A Otiberi A two., Ore-wn Storea. TOK c. Rx)M, .Vala aui labia for manu f art urin porjxe ; rrod location, c-aan reiit. prone Main 4. PTdK- F-R F1KKY TU SlNHS-4 fr E U". H VVKHH. 4"l YKy.N ILii MAIN STORE .'ail i for m'jt market n location. Ml l aiora limine romn; opp...t aroot; fit a month, phono K. l.'-'. r,f!.T2 w. bc. .:".... PM... i ,t. a. wen a : comb.ned ''''. real ..tat. oa.ers. W. can a so g advi- a to tn buddings In eour 'hV:'!.-..; win find r....f in im. .i ai arrvic. for "' to il,. comtornbly mnJJ?' leea.d. Wn.a you ant o J-" ?:? lilt MEIER FRANK RENTAL Bl, r.k At. 4ih floor, main bidg. I ... I .-Tt KEH'H'Sl. t5 taat Befoul SU , I ..iIv-.-..a nrPORTIMTIE' " f BUSIVF-S OPrORTrNITIES TV ANTr-P. I SPECIAL NOTICES. 7 RrVt. Bt SI N r SO orFOKT. . ITIE. I y. towo Propo..!. Invited. Store. LA ROE nOOR SPACE UPSTAIRS. PEO PLES THEATRE BUILDIXO. LOXQ LEAiE IF DESIRED. WILL. SUBDI VIDE TO SUIT TENANT. RENT REA SONABLE. CALL. PEOPLE'S THEATRE BLDd.. WEST PARK AND ALDER. ON WASHINGTON. BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH. LONO LEASE IF DE SIRED. KENT REASONABLE. CALL PEOPLES THEATRE BLSG., WEST PARK AND ALDER. tTuKKS for ail kind of buntnoaa In ail part of the city. See our lial. I'l'v Department. THK KKED A. JAl'OBS CO.. Main -t;. 14 Sth St. A FOR KENT Storea. No. 19 and ZM Haw thorn !., aaat end of bndra. Apply HaatHorne Dock Co. Eaat 2utU. KtjH llKN'T The bewt corner storeroom In . ;...!. Inquire at lt31 E. 13th. Taka S-:iwo.i car. TWO llaht. clean mi!ern atorea. opp. -triinre Com. Club. bl'1. OKKI"E iix-Buun le;ratla tonnectlrii of flcea in b-at and centrally located n. bullUIn In town: prlata Party III titnff'r laa to dcalraula tenant, T a. iregonlani ' LtiV.l leae on haif of the acond floor at -.!- 3Urrlon. corner .'lh. aultable for I.N-tura. tail"t. photo.rapiiera or .ainpla rwmi IIOfT rantrallr Jocalad afflceii: a''""1!, " al.ttior aer-l-a lua Swatland blda, lit and Waal. Ingtoa MAHOGANT desk and fclr-'e"on?'; rent; reference exchanged. 3T Chamber of Commerce, WILL .icrirtce leaae on 40 C'.irbett blug. 1 need larger quarters. A 501(1 or ilaiu 5. '4. I'uiC 'KT lff'c or de-k room, malu'sany turn. -nines, with telephone. Cail "to M -ul Veon bldr. Telephone ilain IWVa. Ware ho a WAREHOfSB TO LEASE. Corner l.".th and Lorejoy. ;.osliO; flee storv and bament; practically new brick tulldlng; leaae has seven years to run. ij. L Jubltx, Assignee. Loewenberg Going Co. Fl'll RENT square ft. wareliouae or sliop spare, concrete floor and Terminal Co. trackage; long lease, rent reasonable; ro agents Inquire -1 3 - J " MUeellaneoas. CAf.l'cNTEH shop, with all convenience and a lot of material, free to u rigbt tenant, phone ktaln 4k TO i.r..E. TO leas for long term, trackage at and Road, on O -W. It N. 'ac me on liTth at., containing 1,'h,'" on- acre II M. Lombard. 11 Madison b..!g. Main :.i:02. A THKATKll iix cash wlil buy the best motlon-plc-tur- theater on the East Side. ;u) 01-era cli lrs, huh-rra-le piano, lat-st machinery, autoinati.' lire shutt-rs, house recently completed, built unler latest ordinance. & years' lease, white brick front, large marquia over ald-wa.k. large stage and toilet upstairs, clears 1J": I lauiiot give th.a place proper attention on account oth.-r must eeil this werk fiwner SJ. I.umb-T F'l hange blng. tent SALE As I am Interested In tw stores. 1 must dispose of one. therefor I have started to cose out my .-". stock of sroccrlra and crockery at lllilsporo, nr ; anvone wlehlng a good l.-atlon for a first-elass gr--ery and crockery store, tiers Is your chance; this Is the only stock crockery in the city. Will aeil at right price If taken before I gt closed out. must be a spot cash deal. Addreaa N. U. C.reer. Hll'.sboro, ir. 1 WEST It ATE D BfSlNEdS CHANCES. We atwaye hare good grocery stores foe sale which we can recommend. It la I your benefit to jive tie a call. CHAI'lS at HEItLuW, 3-is Chamber of Commerce. Ask for A. Kllr. "WII.I. sell controlling Interest In Sunrise Mining Co. for Jlo.ooO cash or srm lend, one 16-foot Ic.lce of f re-m 1 1 1 Ins; quart. asv In gold. .1 per cent copper, a ounces silver. 3-foot ledge I.1..V gold, a p. r cent copper; ft-rool ledge a per cent cor.ner. lo STOlH. o ounces silver. 4 claims. AV 2V tlrsfntllin. t tNTEl)- Man with $J".0 10 II0O0; can secure legitimate llrht manufacturing business In which there la no risk nor . .n and I3 10 It:, daily profits, bank references For personal Interview n.l-ess It 37. Oregotunn. tt'M) issu-e. H'J1 upwarda negotiated; rallwav. Irrlsa'lon. mining, realty, bank ing trust and genera! corporations orgaa Ued: franchises drawn. U S. Roeenbaunk lawyer and llnar.clal a so I. 3l-l!lg Uajgat t Idg.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED, fsinsr to take half Intereat la a llgs -aLttaciniing plant: a rnaa whs caa ta.s charge ef an offic and manag m; salary, f 124 per month. Kinney a. St rt er. BSl-a Lumber Exchange bldg. OPis lt rr.MTY f"r tH. aolvr man; n.ojstly outiit work: P 135 -Mk: rt.uin rry litil raowy, whUh will bo ...urrd. Koora Lumber Xchango big. A HASK niret In an --tabiUh;d aul pr.mtab'a bui.fliu im o.T-reU to Ui rlht n.n. m h nt-rg$-ttc and re$. a .-; tM.ui .,7j raah riulred. AO 31. ur iconmn. --- WliaL. hi. or trado my $l-'0 -to.k of mil I1IHt) ...! at gr-ai r--dn-tion. Includ tr.u alur. g"od town nf .": gnl re f$r seUing- Addrr-a AV Ore cvtian. WKuL-fcTA Ltl.XSH K D iriiiffr and trt;o tuinM; -oJ good $ . making pr month net; own.r miH p-v with bur unit I f.m I i'ir with tr.l; $,-;:,t buy thia. t 1"- Hoard $f T"adr. AH factory frtr ai. In- country town, . n i from Port land : no oypoaltion . trad- ca-raMmhed. prir $IiO; sn-p. rit tdward ABdormn, . aron. an. tTTiERT. confrcion$r;. nlc, clari . in c- room $v TMi p'n'' cl.ra m.intb. lrlc X-0 al-a Lumber fclx- n a a 1 - Is T I MJKV, rnr, ic crm parlor. -'--.k tiih.1 wt'l -H for $(mo I ir tmi thm w-rk; no agvnta, Fhnna Columbia 2. --.----- WANT g-od liva man with money to apo nate in h-g-ralfir g bu.un--. will glva Al a-c-riiv t"r an c-n n. buatnert pr-p-ltln. AT St. Uregoman, or trad ftnll bun$$j and good tlOU". It. K. : ownrra oiii. V '. urrgonian. HAl K lntrret. cleaning and preoping; larga protlta. will teach you bustneaa, Y V. t ifi;orlein. - Futi SaL Two-chair barbr shop; havo to quit shop on account of haaUh. O Sa. r gonlan. HI-J HAHdAl.N. Planing mill. AH S3, Tor Sal Ora- WANTKU Putt nr In aoiid hunn-M that la ihi. to keep p"ain account!, will pay you $.'. month. ..- I.ntnhgr Kmchange. T'tl'AY ST.' bua a reataurant that la worth .i"t; living rooma and ch-ap rent; aci gulK; tonnTrow w rn i go. - 11.NI.NJ A.N'D INDUSTRIAL. BIOCK Talaphona and otbar bonda bought ul o'.d Fletcher In. Co.. Abtngto LIVE "man to Inreat $VV) In atrck of auto mob. 1 apeclalltlra and Northwest agency. Main ! . M .1 Henry bldg. Li-To MO it I IK garag and r- ;ir ahop wanta partner; wiii pay you JV-'.O montlu S:l Lmi her E-chango. x i Tt jli ) HI LE buaineaa for aale. If you ara a huatUr you can clear .oo month. Hrom l Lumber Kxchanga bldg. Tr" oij hav a few hundred dolUra you can maka ea-y mono. Sea Mr. Shore. r.m A. Lumber Exchange. ..,.,TAl kaNT doirr g'd bulnea near Portland " Write b, Hrt. Rainier. Or. Kfe:.- r Al'RAXT In beat iovalloa. Inquire OdO PATINO bualneae, one-baU caah; de tail D Qregonian. a-- BliSiNSS CARDS, fl; brln hi ad. Kn-ii city Prlntery. . car. Tar. or 2-rH.iK barber liP f'r aa!e, living-room In r-r. i-V Alerta t. A UKUe-K'jnKl'KL) meat rnarket; have C-NI.Y t . for roorna furniture and lea "tll trade. 17 S Qlhha at. uOVIN'r-rK'TlRB MACHINES. rfP E RAT IN; TAHiHT. LA KM MLB. OAK. pouL ROOM. 2 table. cier atar fountain, cheap at N. th et. stand. -oJe i r AT MMvKET. central location, doing nbotit f dav. mark at- i I; a i; norr paying M daily over all ex pna-a; i-umoer ixvump-. RFSTAl'RANT cheap; leoae: thep rent; good. lradt, living rooma. 204, 4tn U TITK MOKNISO OKKUOSIAJT, GRAND AVENUE GRWtlil. Well located on aeveral carllnea, doing :o monthly business. clearln over per month; cheapeat rant In clty;,.i. month, t years- lease: price about 3i.0. tiua cash, balance terms. GRL'riSl HOLDS. H Board of Trade Blclc.. 4th and Oak. VA.VT EXPEK1ENCKD REAL ESTATE W!ll furnish office, telephones and ad rtislns; to man familiar with Prt'nd sUlencea and vacant lots: will dlMcla aiAi. res' haif. C block. W. DaTia at Co., 6od Commercial DAIRY business and established mna v'. haa 2 good horses and wnnon. good store trade with good fl xtures cool n vat. etc.: rent .5i for "tore and fur nl.hed sleeplnit-ronm; price l;'. This place clears over all expeneee U roODlo. :i"3 Lumber Exchange. AN Investment of from 1'0 " " ' eatalillshed and advertised buliiea. guar antee !n revenue per month up " every tliou.and Invested: Interview J 1 prove to your satisfaction that iie.s Is legitimate and worthy of your con slderatlon. X 3.V Uregonlan. HAt.K Intereat In an old reliable real "'' orflce; owner tiaa been 1.1 " will years and can give highest referenda, will expect aame: duties to either attend iffice or fthoW brotertr Owner la wllllne t either. Price l-.Vl. Can clear t week. 33 LumliorJ-ichtngi!. GROCER t! DELICATESSEN AND n Ah r.n 1 . r j T' . c.,i. ...irner. all cas trade: clean new stock: this Is genulM good buy: Invoice about tUOO. V. T. HALL. 611 Lumbermens Bldg. and LIVEKY and feed business, eity In good location In iiw-1iu4tnc prop- thrlvlng B. C. r year: fine horse iSeorge country. town: net prorit ..o p. MrWs i.nnl.lntf KfU't ,Tlil la a horeeman s rmnc'-"',"lf0.2t investigate. Room lmSt. haj;lesHole. W 4.NTED Man with $13,000 to- Jake an intereat In K0 acre, of land which con talna oil and hard coal and about .0.- ODO 000 feet of timber; this 11 opportunity for an Investment gate. Call ilh SU good Investl- ' r. . DTVCD TVAXTED. Half Interest' In collection and "'"'" chan.e office: good opening; close Investl- N.T. HALL. S11 Lumbermens P'dt- WH. .l.r.SALE manufacturing, buslnesa ea tabllshed over IO years. J"'"" "; re.labie partner with about 1..000 to in c-iase business: references required; no scene R 34. Oregonlan. SALOON Independent license. long 1". low rent, big trade, "est coining location. money-n.aker: owner baa other ""Slnesa and will sacrifice for cash. AN J. ore gontan. THEATER fitted for moving pictures. au T devMlTc. and g. ner.1 purpose.; "7 B" city of .,.; paying- bus n'j Pr,lRy sons: 4i. Write C. B. Ollphant. Rose- bur. Or. iHih-KHI doing proflialde l.u- nea .tock at Invoice; big .llsc-unt on !"' r 5f,5 s-le- abou? gl.uio will handle; principals only. R 3". oregonian. LADIES- tailoring business well estaoii... e". good ground floor location; -' 1; will sell cheap account of poor health. Al ii, Oregonlan. GROCERY, doing $To P-r dy b;1 """j splen.lld location, cheap rent: "J "? a ew months ago; see 11. It's bargain. i ..mi it . . 1 . -. 1 - . ...... . ..tahl.ahwl BBSh and door i-AI-r. ; . , h ('nut to factory in tne t.esi my vn - --- -dev. Terms, cash preferred: write lor particulars. AV i-4. Oregonlan, PARTF.R;"wanled"forhous building busi ngs, to tenj office, etc.: pay ,100 month salary and share profits: H0 ',lr'L "cured. -3 1 Lumber Exchange bl.lj. vi-IV modem up-to-date snutll hotel in nice 'J!L .r,-.i- heart of Willamette Val- l.y; reasonable price and easy terms. AV .!'!. Oregon. CLEAN INO AND DYE BI SINKS. wm 1. trade 140 lo p.T-week. no competition: good thing for li0 N . T. HA LL. 1.11 Lumbermen s Bid g Wl'l and coal: nere is . . flliiv solid business. established 13 ear. ,..- 1. .n.roil.. man can clear l-o month. RcM.m i t-uu,url' : CONFECTIONERY. Ice crean and dell.-als- in ono of the best East Sid., districts, If you want an estai-nsnea pay... n-,.. see this. 24!i, Stark st hkai. lTATE business; owner urea nirr.. ...1.. hi. man aa partner; ' small amount mon.-r required. Tarllculara 7VJ Board of Trade. PARTNER wanted to help division In a coming town: handle sub atenogrsplier nret-rred: about ." ilred; a great opportunity. A-l o. Oreg-.nlan. RKSTAI'ltANT man wante. to atart rnatatl In. cheap rent and trad;, O. A. Ln,an. 61U Henry bldg. . . t-., . ..... h.,..lls in country town Invoice ;."o; rent li; Tears lease ; Ivlnsr rooms: takes 111 " neurit. o...l. 319 Lumber Exchange Kl'Ti-HKB shop, no opposition, best class of trade. e,,bir..e.l I.) R-yejar lease rent $:t:. which Includes 5-r.x.m flat, prlc Jsivn. .to:l Lumber Exchange. xnfkctionery"stork. 2 furnished rooms, fine location, good trade, no competition. $S0. N. T. HALL. 411 Lumbermena Bldg. INVEST TOUH MONET In irnrerty that already sold at per rent profit In place place of buMng prop- ertv l i.r- CI..AK, con cu- - -h rxniwi: tr'al iriven l.utnb-r Exchange. lltrta l a-. -- . e... to lavestigaiu. a- CONFECTIONERY and gror. tion. good buctincM. price l-iK lot or equlfv in houae and lot. fine loca- UO; will take Oil LUni- bermenbldg. rwvFRY at or: good opportunity for live 'ash monev require Oregonlan. T-i AND a allllngnes to - ork will glv ou i interest In a bu.ln-ss that Is - ?Xlshed and pay belter than wages. r. bo-'""; for hustler; long lease. 8.. Mr. I ocan. Mr. Si.aUlllig b!dg. nw.-l Al HANT. ap endl.t location, gooa uu--KIAins.'i. J si.-axi must be sold rvKrid"7;- $5..0 take. IL 61V Lumber- mens bldg. FOR SALE """ In abstract busl- . .fi,n:.r. sec 01 " - Klamath county. Address J. 1. v" . w-. Kails, or. POl -POOIc POOL for lots, long leas rv rent : n tabl.s. e-'-l cigar and tobacco atock. cm Veon bldg. . . v r well fiiruiShed. seats go; "Vile trade, clear. ''0'"",,lh.1!r penaes. :i-vesr leaae; prlc 3o0. Lumber Kxchalige- SMALL BAKERY. s-lne location, al.kne alone compel aale; ee It nd make n offer. & 1 1 Lumbermen Bldg. T. HAIL, OWNER EAST. MI ST hh.l.L MOVING-PICTURE SHOW; fine loea- ,,rl'.'ln; long lease; e... over . bargain price ' . a.JMnVi,U. MUST-aell good ubtantlal grocery, doing .Sod buain.: will Invoice; no fak. J. fc. Halt SU$Aolngtnbldg. vjTSvTvdPICTURE show; will demonstrate "" if you ar. a buyer, that It 1 clearing tM "r be 1 1 er per month. XS Stark st. ......vLi, ,ash grociy that la doing busl- of iM dally; 3"oo. 323 Lumber Ex- t.-..u SALE Best paying restaurant In city: !." lea' nd of carline. Be. Glimor. ll - V Jerry t., St. John. PARTNER wanted, rook preferred. In old wtabUshed restaurant. open day and night :o0 A p45.Oregonian: , AL&-iood paying reataurant; leaae; $ir.6i HraU. baiauc trad or terms. AM i. Oregoiuan. rTri icatESEN. Wet fide, clear t:0 per month; long lease: prlc $800; term. TiiiVv & BISHOP. 1J1 Third St. i-iiR HLK Good paving cigar and eo ,onery ..or-; good location, cheap and long ea.bargaln. Call t.. 1st conree- rent st. iTTrrryWlll pay cash, also have best 11 l.niett land clear for good business He Shori room A. Lumber Exchange. POOL ROOM, located In good district; a P!nry-maker: will ...1 or exch-ng. for residence pf4;lark -l- " YOIR CHANCE. Small manufacturing plant doing good bu.ln..a.ot.l JIVW. JW leon bldg. RFSTAf RANT doing from $15 to M l day business: no competition. Corner 33d and Belmont. 1 A v . orice for bskery. confectionery, to h'irco new.tand and light grocery; tin hri.-ltV'iJ"y ow,,erPhon. Tabor Utt. NICE 1 1 v 1 1 111.:. grocery, aoout tov invoice. good buslnes. liviii. Vi r..,.l nt Trade qi.. low part leu Ttvj Board . . . . - r.,r- . go.d money -mak- lng business Phon. Mar.h.ll 12i. beL 7 snd H. M. LOOK-Wim small eaah Investment .n clear r.0 per month s you Mr. Shore, room A. t-"m per half Interest $-.--0 cssh: light manufac- luring buslnes. no agent. AM 2, Ore gonlan. GROCERY will guarantee la paying; pric I ;h vw r.oar-1 . Foil SAM; or lease, hog ranch, close In, at a acrinc. Aiply So7i Burnsld L 1? TnunSDAT, MAT !7, wvj. - ' A DRl'OSTORE wanted In a new. In Eastern Oregon. Addreaa AV gonlan. MAN with capital wanta to Invest In aoma good paying bualnese, V . Oregonlan. ROOM IXG-HOrSES. A FEW GOOD ROOMING-HOUSES WHICH OWNERS ARE ANXIOUS TO SELL. ROOMS. $375. This Is all new furniture, rent I3j. west Side, all housekeeping, cost ."00 to fur- JO ROOMS. TOI'R PRICE. Very finest of furniture, near 20th and Washington; compelled to sell; mak an offer. ; ROOMS. $1900. Near Portland Hotel, ateam heat, good lease, SS00 cash, balance In trade, 11 ROOM. 4 FOR TRADE. Elegant furniture. Nob Hill district. 2 years' lease, rent $60; take 000 caah. bal ance trade. 18-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. West Side, rent 7S. lease, private baths, all apt.; price 12uO; will trad It for a lot. I0-ROOM TRANSIENT HOUSE. Very finest of furniture, swell west Sid location. 3-year lease, a big money-maker; price SJ.100; term. SO ROOMS. STEAM HEAT. West Side, rent $S a room, long lease, a big money-maker; take part cash, part trade. 70 ROOMS AND BAR. Modern brick bldg.. beet part of 6th at,, very low rent; cleaxa $6000 a year; price for all. $9000 : S cash. baL trade. R. H. GOODK1ND CO.. INC. 1005-1006 Wilcox Bldg. Cor. 6th and Washington PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 1 1 7-51 Henry Bids. Is APARTMENTS. A very nicely furnished apartment bouse of 67 rooms. Nob Hill location, house clearing $JO0 a month; 4-yeax lease; If you have good real estat to the value of $.000 we can put you In this place, BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOTEL. 30 room, all outside, newly and beau tifully furniihed. Individual phone, hot and cold water and cloet In all rooma. splendid location, house full and. clearing Sjoo per month above all expenses; this Is Just the place for a woman to run with one assistant; no worry, no bother. Tor the income la ure; require U0 cash; would consider good lot or cloe-in acre age up to $1000 as part payment. ROOMS. STEAM HEAT. 4-year leaae; rent $140: running wa ter In all the rooms, fine downtown loca tion; haa been furnished only short time and doe a big transient business; the house Is heated from a nearby plant. o you have no fires to build or furnace to run; requires $15i cash. 11 ROOMS, PRICE flUO. These 11 rooms are located on a buy corner, are all on one floor; the rent I only :i per month and the net Income Is 0 per month: the prlre. $550. In cludes a good sewJo machine. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. (.17-61$ Henry Bide. WEST SIDE APARTMENT, located in Nob Hill district. 28 apart menta. 16 nicely furnished, the unfur nished are all rented; this place la show ing a nice Income and located within easy walking distance; we want to ex change for a good farm, acreage or city property; 5-year lease and very reasonable rent: price IS.-OO; $1000 payable monthly, balance of $7000 to exchange for gilt edged property. GRl MSI BOLDS. 31 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. LOOK AND LISTEN. .10 rooms, all full, clearing 2.-.0 per month: 4 yenrs' lea-; rent ::ort; hot and cold water In every room; steam heat: Al furniture: will trade for small Improved farm. 4ml Couch hl'lg. MAKY E. LENT Cb, PORTLAND S LEADING HOTEL AOISS1, HOT-Lo P.OOM I NO-APAklkSNI. HOUSES. All slsea and prices. g..j.4 al'tug uiog.. 3d and WsshlnstTet 80 R' OMS. lease, good location. prlc 1-iMXl rent $l.". Including a restaurant and a'tore; make terms to suit buyer. Call ' Klrmura. 13 Mikado Hotel, corner North 3d and Everett. A 1102. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? II rooms of good furniture, close in. on Ti.ylor St.: rent $Ji. w It h leas.-; Price $100 nnd my terms are, Ol. MAKr. air. AN OFFER. Owner. 21H Henry bldg. 21 HOOMS, elegantlT furnished; new anu clean; beat location; big Income ana ai wava lull: long lease; terms; part trade Cheap. By owner. 6.'i5 Klander. 18-BOOMS I ln8room aiita.), private bath, well furnished, walking distance lea.-, hou.e full, rent 7r.; price $11.10; $7.l. will handle. Sl'8 Lumber Exchange. G" I:Tk.MS, eTi furnished: rent $2."0 month; 4 v.ars- lease; profits $'."0 nionlh; tt-room contract pays half rent; leaving City. A gent, .10s Ahlngton ldg. TAKfld elcsant furnlturo of tf io..ins; a sleeping porches: hot and cold water In all rooms; 3 blocKs irom riuiiuira. t,""" lease. 4o.t fouch bldg. BARGAIN TODAY. I want to sell my rooming lions in a short time and will aell It cheap. Call Main 3'.-13. A f'ACRIFICE for 3 days rurnliure nf -'-rooms and lease, close In. East Side lo c:ilon. 3.".0 cash If taken next three daya. B ll'. . 43 ROOMS, strictly modern; 4-yenr cheap rent: line location: make trails or cash. Call i-'AO 4th St. leas.' ofTci WANT small rooming-house for cash from owner. C 37. Oregonlan ROOMING-HOI.'SE for aale. 16 room In beat location; easy term a 2Vi N. 2d. REAL bargain If taken at once, on eay term. 8 room, furnished. 33 lath st. P.PLCIAL NOTH'KS. Mlarellanaoua. THE IDEAL WET-WASH LAlNDRY will not be responsible for any checks or orders unless signed by David 1L Kyan, May S. lMl'i. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tona tullo. 8 Sherlock blog Main 110. fat- Fruposala Inrlted. SEALED proposal will be received at the office of Whldden & Lewi, architects. Wilcox building. Portland. Or., tinlll 10 o-clock A. M.. of Monday, June 8. 1IH2. for the office counter, with the wood work. steel, marble, iron ana metai sum, ci... In connection therewith, as called for In the specification for the wet wing of the new courthouse for the County of Mult nomah. State of Oregon. Plans and specl ftcatlone may be obtained at the office of the architect. No proposal will bo con sidered unles accompanied by a check payable to the order of - The County Court of Multnomah County." certllle.i by a re sponsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 p-r cent of the aggr-gato proposal, to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated damages In case th inaaer negic.-i or lautn. enter Into contract anil to provide a suit able bond for the faithful performance of aid work. In the event the contract I awarded to him. The right to reject any and all blda I hereby expressly reserved. T. J. 1eeton. County Judire; W m. L Lightner. County Commissioner; D. V. H-.rt. County Commissioner. MULTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE WEST WING Sealed proposal will be received at the office of Whld.lerr Lewla, architect. Wilcox building. Portland, Or., until 10 o'clock A. M.. of Monday. June 3 1912. for the painting and finishing work of west wing of the new Courthouse for Multnomah County. Stat of Oregon. Plana and specifications may be obtained at 'the office of th architect. No pro posal will b considered uules accom panied by a check payable to th ordor of the "County Court of Multnomah Coun ty M certified by a. responsible bank, for an amount equal to 111 per ent of th .jegregate proposal, and thla check la to be forfeited as fixed and liquidated dam age In case th bidder neglect or re fuaea to enter Into contract and to furnish a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of aald work. In th event the con tract la awarded to him. The right l expressly reserved to reject any or all bids received. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge- W. L. Lightner. County Commis sioner; Tt. V. Hart. County Commlsloner. SEALED proposals will b received at th office of Whldden a- Lewis, architects. Wilcox building. Portland, Or., until 10 o'clock A. M., of Monday. June a. 1912. for th fixed furniture for four Circuit Court room and for two Justice Court room, a called for In the specification for th west wing of the new Courthouse for th County of Multnomah. Stat of Oregon. Plana and specification may be obtained at the olTlc of the architects. No proposal will be considered unless ac companied by a check payable to the order of "The County Court of Multnomah County." certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to lo per cent of th aggregate proposal, to be forefelted as fixed and liquidated damages In case the bidder neglects or refuses to nter Into contract and to provld a suitable bond for the faithful performance of ald work. In the event th contract la awarded to him. Th right to reject any all hid i hereby expressly reserved. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; V. L. Lightner. County Commis sion er lritt OFFICE C. Q. M.. CHRONICLE BLDG.. San Francisco. Cal., May 6. 1U12. Sealed proposal will be received here until 11 A. M May 81. lOU, for the construction of an' electric-lighting system at Fort Co lumbia. Washington. Also for furnish ing and Installing engine, generator and wltchboard In present power plant at Fort Stevens. Oregon, and for construc tion of feeder lines and pumphouse with pump and motor at Fort Steven. Plan and specifications may be seen only In the offices of Quartermaster. Fort Co lumbia. Washington. Fort Stevens. Ore gon. Quartermaster. Portland. Oregon, and this offic. Information furnished on application. F- Von Schrader, Chief Q. it, OFFICE C. Q. M.. Chronicle Olclg., oan Francisco. Cal.. April 10. lali. Sealed pro posal will be received here unri! 11 A. M-. lny 10 milt for furnishing wood. coke, charcoal, fuel and mineral oil. and gaso line, required at poste In Western Divi sion during fiscal year commencing July I 1012. Information furnished on app. lo cation here or to Post Quartermaster and Quartermaster at Seattle Wah.. Port land Or., and Honolulu. H. T.. and bids may be received by Post Quartermasters and Quartermaster. Honolulu. H T., until II A M.. Paclllc time. May 10. 1912. F. Von Schrader. C. Q. M. HIDS WANTED FOR BONDS'. The Board of Water Commissioners or Oregon City will receive bids for 30 i.otm, i per cent bonds, to be dated May 1. I"1 . to run 20 years and to be issued by Ore gon Citv. Or., as Oregon City water bomls. fealed bids will be opened May 20. UJ-. each bid to contain certified check tor one thousand dollars to he forfeited on refusal to take bond If bid accepted. Right reserved to reject any or alj bids. JOSEPH E. HEDGLS. Pecretary, Oregon City, Or. F1SANCIAU WIRELESS STOCK. Am In the market for a '';" Poulsen Wireless Telegraph stock Owner 1 n ... 1 1 make zua an offer. AU 4. Oregonlan. CASH PAID FOR aumuAuw. Or eller- etjulty In contract of sala real tate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lt-mbermens bldg. Loana MORTGAGES iflrst and secon J), contract .and aellera- equities bought IS. 1. Ef-r-eaux, 1009 Spalding bldg., 8d and W asll- lugton. Main oo. WE py hlgheat caah pric. tor bulltrters- co tracts. first and second mortgagee and ether securities. Home Installment Ca. 4O1-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 3969. MONET to loan on Improved reai sis i for building purposes; no ' e"n1?? COLUMBIA LIFE TRLST COMPAJ.T. 91 Spalding bldg. WE buy notas, contraots. mortgagee arst and I .econdl. etjultlea. F. H. Lewla - Ca. 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgage, contracts and commission accounts bought, real loan. E. B. Miller. 410 Ablngtond. 7oNET to loan on flrst-clas Portland real estate .ecnrlty at lowest ratea Morgan, Flledner A Boyce. 603 Ablngton bldg. MORTAGE LOANS. J. Frank Porter, (K4 Chamber of Commerce. REAL ESTATE mortgage note. $.;.-.0. discount liberally. J.18 Worcester bldg. Money to Loi Irt-al Es'at. MONEY TO LOAN AT ONCE. finnn. 3 vrs., S per cent. $-OiM, 3 yrs., 8 per cent. J.ioiMi. 3 yra., H per cent. $.-.ym. :i vrs.. 7 per cent. 110 000 to $t"0.0ill. ,V to per eenL HAKBOLT REALTY CO., M. C410. U14-17 Lewis Bldg. A 71o TO LOAN $3000. 4". $. $.'.rKi. (1 ' i.ul 1 IMIO. on Portland Improved business or residence propertv. Apply to GOODSELL BROS.. 4.13 Worceater Bldg. Phono Main ML'7. $50 000 AT 6 per cent. $-J.-..000 at 6 per cent; $10 000 at 7 per cent; $4imm3 at 7 per cent; $l2uO at S ter cent: city prop erty 7 per cent on one-ttiira valuation. ... iU! R N. TLFFORD & CO., A 4r,4.- 407 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to por cent on city residence and business prop erty and Multnomah County farm. ED W. P. MALL, 800 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. lFou-wilm-ttTborrow money on your real es-tate. .all upon our mortgage loan de partment; you will receive courteous at tention and your best Interests will bo cared for by us. Hartman Thompson. Cham ber of Com mcrce. ON IMPROVED city property or for bulld lng purposes. 3 to 8 years' time: liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. Th. Equitable Sa Ings & Loan Association. 24U Stark U vinRTrtAfiK LOANS. Large supply of money to loan on Portland real estate at 6 to 7 per cent. MALL A VON BORSTEL. 104 Second" St., Near Stark. PI KNTY of money to loan on city property at 7 and b per cent; also nearby farm property. Call, tell us what you want. G. S. Smith A Company. 43'J Chamber of Commerce. tivO 000 ON improved city or farm property, building or small loan, at lowest tat.; large lSan a specialty. McKenai at to. SMALL and LARGE amounts lo LOAN on LMPROVE1. PORTLAND PROPERTY. J H TIPTON CO., 110 Slialding Bldg. ASK FOR MR. EASTON. Marsnall a745. MONEY TO LOAN. $.100 to $.)KI0 at 7 per cent. UODDARD & W1EDRICK. Ulj Stark St. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes or for building purposes. 20o S'.ara. PROVIDENT SAVINGS LOAN ASS"N. MONEY on hand for building purposes, 6. 7 snd o per cent; give your telephone number and addrcs. AJ 28, Oregonlan. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FARRINQTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contxacta and mortgage bought. W HNunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. 1100 TO $300 to loan lor short time on 1st or 2d mortgage or other property. - 2u7 oregonlan bldg. 1 $T-O0O TO $0000 to loan on first bl. real estate mortgages. per cent: desirable propen; no agent AN 33, 0ouuui TT. ix-pv loaned on rtal eatate, mortEakjes, contract bouht builumg , Torgir. lot tihvriock MOKTGAUta loans on either city or lariu . n. .... . r , f.-m mirehlCHe.L Henry C.' Pruhoimiie Co.. SVKi Wilcox Bldg. reTruii. sums. JoOO to uuu. to loan ior l year or less on realty or good, mort- . collateral. Call sou ilc bldg. lautltloO TO LOAN, large loan a pclity. y...iidTn loan, lowe.1 rate W. U. Beck, Kla-31b Falling bldg. u.ikTGiUt loana on city property; Itsist rati? A. H. Lirrell Co.. 202 Mtajr mas, 3d and Stark. &oo AND upward on Improved real esiat.i note, aud mortgage, bought. W. y, room IV Waautugtutt bldg. To loan, eatate money In any sum from iouo up at cuticiit rate, itiwuis lo-n MUlkey blug-, 2d and Morrison sis. ;,.., . on dwelling, owner oti.y. uu expense only. Ally. 21Q AlUky bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CAUiZ. LOU la SALOMON. 22li b i'AHK BT. vTZ iKTUAliE LOANS AT REASON AULA RaTEoTf. H. LEWIS. 8 LEWia BLL . rNS on real, peraonal. chattel or couai 71i ecurlty. C. W. Pallet!, iua- F.aua " kit,!-X TO LOAN ON REAL ESTAlJi, A. HAlti-liNti. o3 CU. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANA. Q. UOulrlA. FA1L1-NG BLDO. PR1VAT money loaned on lo eaiat mori j,s. H- Mtley. rooin 204 oeriuiger o.fl. ailATE iunda. 6 per cent. W. . Than ant MuUnomaa County. euO Co. ol c . bVllAL FIRST mortgage lor sale. Henry Prudhomme Co.. WO Wilcox bldg. liu-SEx'. any amount. 8 to e per cent tt C belt A Co- 81" bpaldiug xl.dg. " Money to Loan. Chattels and balavrle. $1 TO $100 Advanced on furniture, pianos, watchea, liamonda. Jewelry, wugous. automobllesi wareliouae teceipts, salaries aud plain u"1'- OUR MOTTO: Oulck reasonable and conf ldentlaL ' EI1Y COMPANY (Main 4til7L 820 Lumber Excuange, 2d and stark. MONEY FOR bALAUukll PEOPLJi. Viooicn keeping house anu o'.beia fur-n-nad witnout aecuilty; cheapest rale easiest paymelita. . Com ana get mousy when you want It, and pay aa you can. OII.ce In ail principal ciLea. 1. . !.- 6ALAKY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to J100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D. D. Drake. 30? Spalding bidg. ' HONEY TO LOAN. Strictly couliuential thid without delay, on autos. pianos. lurmture, warehouse and aturage receipia. Adolpllu Laue. 414 b lug lonbldg. ; PRIVATE lum on furniture, autos. pianos, livestock, diamond or anything of value; confidential; no uclay. Block Itealty Co., 2oti Alder. WE LOAN money on diamonua and Jswey at bail the rate enarged by broacra. Mrx at B och.i 4dt- i"oaNS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables at almost bankers' rate of interest. 325 Failing bldg.. 3d and V aanlngton atresia. 'i ...Mi on uiamonua and otner aecuxiua Wm. Hull, room X. Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jwiry; strictly coulidential. 141 3c pea-- A.dor. van. lowest rates on furniture, etc, phon Geo. Harvey. 501 East Davl. a loan tor th asking, salary or cbattala. Th."VCil.. 414 Dekum bldg uoNEY sold on Installment: confidential; aalarlsd peopl. I". A. Nelou. Henry olug. Fl?f ANCIAI. "Money to Loan. Chattels audSalaries QUICK LOANS. ANY AMOLNT. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. We will LOAN TOU $10 to $1000 TODAt. Loans made on DIAMOND . ALTOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS. PIANOS. FLK NITT-RE. LIVESTOCK or REAL KS1 Ain. LOWEST RATES. QUICK SERVIC SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. Loans made anywhere In MULTNOMAH COUNTS' reached by INTERURiJA-N CARS. SEE US FIRST OR LAST. BUT SEE US. WE DO MORE THAN WE ADVERTISE YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given If paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. IOS-207 Macleay Bldg. Both Phone. Bet. 4th and 5th at., on Washington. Open Monday and Saturday till P. DO YOU NEED MONEY T W will furnish you. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, on terms to suit; . a weekly or monthly payment. WE BUY AND LOAN On first and aecona real estat mort gagee, contracts and chattel mortgagea, C. S. REAL ESTATE & BROKERAGE CO.. 12 Hamilton Bldg., 131 3d. .Main 20&. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN On salaries only, in amount of from $5 to 10u. at the lowest possible rates. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. We want your business and as our capi tal la unlimited we are In a position to defy all competition and offer you the beat contract la the city. All we require 1 that you have a teady position and that you are honest. STATE SECURITY CO.. 30s Failing Bldg. Loans Wante WANTED To borrow $25UO for 1 or 2 year and 10 per cent on 40-acre ."-year-old cherry and peach orchard, ;t miles from Oregon city of 6000 population; property growing more vaiuame; reiuaeu o.vjw same recently. Will pay expenses for party to look at property. Address ovner. AV 2oO. Oregonlan. $1300 LOAN WANTED ON NEW HOUSE AND SUxlUO LOT. WILL PAY 8 PER CENT TO PRI VATE PARTY. AH 32, OREGON I AN. WE have gilt-edge mortgage security at all times. If you have money to invest, se us. G. S. smith & Company. 432 Cham ber of Commerce. 1 WANT several good loans on improve.! residence property, reasuiiauij. ...ui, .... building loans; 2000 and up. K. 4S. Ore gonian. WE have several good loan applications now for amounts under c-ooo, on uujiiv.v residence property in Portland. Mar. 42S0. A. J. PETSCH CO. A 1359. INVEST YOUR MONEY in property that is already sold at 100 per cent profit In place of buying prop erty to sell, AH .-i-l, Oregunlan. LOAN WANTED. $1-000 on extra fine piece property worth $S50U; will pay good Interest. Y 32, Ore gonlan. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henrv C. Prudhomme Co.. 8Cn Wilcox bid. LOIN wanted. $uvl. on close-m real estate; private parties. AS ;!4. Oregonlan. WANT $ir.00 nt valued at $4."io0. per cent on residence AO 32, uregoniiin. WANT ;t2.V on Riverdalo acreage: ample security; t per cent. All 31, Oregontan. ,n k p,-r cent, on 43 acres near couver. Wash. S 34. Oregonlan. $25 0110 8 per cent; ample central West Side security; principals only. G 30. Oregonlan. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine Sail mattresses retail at wholesale price; renovate mattresses and return aam day: w also renovate feathers. Port-S-na Curled Hair Factory. H. Metzgex, 228-32 Front. Phone Main 474. A 18.4. LOST Tuesday, on E. 2t-th. bet. Sandy road and Hancock, lady open-face Kold watch I monogram . A. B. ). on chatelaine pin. Notify .Mis. Ralph Budd. 411 E. loth N. Phone E. l:'3. Reward. LOST Postoffice scheme book In Savoy Theater, th and Flanders: flnd-r please roturn to mailing division. Portland I O., 5th. below fslisan, $1 reward. STRAYED Bay horse, 8 years old. weight fec.H ulck on left forearm: notify Murphy Horse & Mule Co., 24') E. Sth. Phone E. :t1.r.. . ,OST Bull terrier pup. female, white, small black spot on each ear, eara natural; t'e- ward .,..:i r. lesT Silver purse, with Initials N. M. E., I.ctweeu E. -nth and 41st si . Saturday evening. 'Finder phone Tabor 2. Reward. LOST Black leather card caso containing cards. Reward. Phono B 2152. FOUND Dark gray 4-year-old oulre 0ll East Couch st. after mare, r. P. M. LOST Butich of 6 or 7 keys. Main 03. Phone Shields, PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12 S4-inch witche .$4.45 . 2.45 tH 26-inch switches Hair dressing Face massage Shampoo .Manicuring. 25c; ft for 12 scalp treatments Runerfluous hair removed by ... .25 ... .25 .. l.OO . . 5.00 electric needie guaranteed not to return. 4. $5 and fi PUFFS only $1.4i. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Price half. Sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum Blug., 3d and Washington. RADICAL cure by tne lateat natural heal ing methods, including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, heat, vibration, radia tion, baths. massage, adjustment aud manipulations. Most expensive. finest equipped private office in Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over tJOOO treated patients and not a death while under our iare. We Hi b glad to consult wiln you free of charge. Dr. W. E- Maltory. 81a Rothchild bldg ; FEB VET At HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupeo makers, finest stock of human hair goods, switches from Die up, hair dressing, manicuring, face and eaip irLamieiiis; combings made up to order. 147 ith. near Morrison. Main a46. 6WED1SH TRAINED NURSE llc.aiugto. grauuate; rheumalislii, nervous aud stom ach ailments. under physicians direc tions baths, inaasage. No. 7 East lltn au second door soum from East nkeny carline. phonoEast JiOU, J18oa. GERMAN train nurao and masseur; long experience, best refercuces; treutlllellla for l lieuiualisin. iumbato, etc.; massauea and bath. oW Holladay .vs., cor. Occiucntai. L car. Phone Eaat 3008, C 2oo3. Uiitu bunuays. Ult CATHERINE C. UAlEa 1 nave nad 11 years' practical experience irasusi nervous and curouic diseaaes. Consult una fre. 3u7 Ablngton bid. Marsnau 814 faour: 10 A. at. to tt P. M. locND A place where apecial attention ia aiveu to remodeling ol hats, by up-to-Jale trimmer. niisu correct mllltjiexy, al Morrison St.. Aiarquam bidg. 6TEVENS, 18 year Portland- lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, ha her late book, -Palmlatry Made Easy." on sale at ..; Allsky bldg.. od and Morrison at. DRESS SUITS for rent. 1.5o montn. .. your dome cieaued, iresa.u, uuttoas aewed ou, rip repaired. ITompt call and deliveries. H1114110 'lailoriiig Co.. ou a tax a. " MADE OF YOUK COMBINGS. Switches; Hc; curls and pulls, -iac San itary Beauty -arlor,4UUjeku bia. SERoL -Th great nerve tonlo and sys tem builder, tl Px box. tl boA o. St.p lay lor DrugCo., 2uMorruon L ijj treatment, facial maasage. Room sa. Hotel Bl taun. top lloor. 422 V Waauing ton at. I'lioue A 30i. SPIRITUAL advice, mental 1 rueut, rheumatism. 0005s A oOOo- iieutist treat Morrison st. ics SOPHIA li. SEIP, mental and spirit ual science. 302 Ansky blug, question meeting v ed. and r rl. a P. At. Main u; tot-a upertluou nair Mr. . L Hill. 421 r-'iitdnei biiaMan .3. HAIR STORE, 120 6lh t, near Washing ton. Tuupecto oraer, $15. FACIAL and caip treatment, room 3, 512 4, Waahiugton at.. 10th and VV aaliiiniLon. BOSTON graduate, massage and medical g y in 11 astics. rtt2 Jel.erson. up one tlmiu. Mrs. l'otter. scaip and facial trealnienis. 505 Northwest bidg, 0th. Wash. Ladies uniy. WANTED ladle to learn. Sanitary Par lors. 4UODckum bldg. MRS. BESSIE ESME.' spiritual cieutlt. 4u Goodnough bldg. Ai u of FIGS. Compound. Hoyju loa.4 Tablet. o32 Davis su Mala 2U. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment, hampooing314 Swetland bidg. HAIR STORE. 120 6th at,, near Washing ton. Better quality hair, any hade. W. FIELD CO. moved to 133 is Second treec BODY massage, $1.0"; scalp, treatment. 413 Northwest bldg., 8th and Wash. QUICK service, cut rates; send for pric list. Tne Kodakery, 6th and Wash. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel, mining engineers, chem ist and assayer. '0 i Va Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testlr.g work. IMi Morrison st. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO.. analytical chemists, examiners ot chemical, drugs. foods, etc. Attorney. A. E. COOPER, attorney-at-iaw. Genera practice, abstracts examined. Removed tc 1424 to 142S Yeon bldg. M. 73. A --'071. MOSESSOHN MOSESSOHN, lawyers. Ab stracts examined. Speak German, French, Russian. 71I-71j-71ii Cham, of Commerce. Brans and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 1W N. 5th. .Main J7o. Chiropractic Physician DR TICKNER. Columbia bldg., next Star Theater. A .".2."r., Main 5S7; res. B "H76- Chiropodists. R. OLIVER O. FLETCHER and lady ex pert assistant. 3M5 Alisky bl.lf;.. 3d and Morrison.. Main b7tiL', treat all ills of the foot without danger of infection; corns, bunions, ingrowiug and atrophied nails, fiat foot and bunions a specialty. DR OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. 305 bldg.. 3d and Mor rison. Main S702. treats all Ills of the foot, without danger ot infection; corns, bunions, lngrowins and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions a specialty. WILLIAM. F.stelle and Flossie Deveny. th onlv scientific cniropoaisis m me ....... parlors :102 Gerlinger bldg., S . cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main i:i0t. CHIROPODY and pedlcuiinn. Mrs. M. D. Hill, offices 421) Fliedner bldg. Main 34 1 A. DR. U. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher. Palnles chiropodists, over Hazelwood. Main 3.13. Coal. COAL--ALB1NA FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL Marshall 060, A ? CO. Coul and .45. ;;S7 Water Dancing. PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School Lessons. 25c: waltz, two-step or three-step guaiantecd in one lesson; trial lesson given free. The best is always the cheapest. Stage dancing and all vaudeville acta taught quickly. Royal Academy Hall. S.Vj 5th he', stark and Oak. Phone Main it-17. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS, it '' st bet. Wash and Stark, and Alisky bldK.. 3d and Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing taught daily; waltz and two-step guaialitoed In four lessons: clas Monday evenings, S to 10, at 10" 2d L. lessons 25c. Detective Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con- servatlve, reliable, confident ial ; rates $o per day. Oflice 510 Dekum bldg. M. 64-4. educational. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield1, 11118 Grove. Oakland. Cal. l-llgillei. ,ai aud SI earn. KOBEK Machinery Co., Coast auents. Sex burv steam enijines and boilers, gasoline engines. 281-2M3 E. Morrison. Phone E. Slo. Feed Store. ZIGLEIt & M1SNER, hay. Kraln. feed, ce ment, shingles. ,J0and Bve. E. 4S " Lantern Slides. Stereoiiticons. slides ot all kinds, banners, cards, etc. Enterprise Art Co.. i-'a th t. LandHcape tiardenera. FRED W. BULLOCK. 310 Yeon bids. .Marshall -; Artistic landscape gardening, - carpet beds, plantlu,; of all descriptions, grading and construction of new. lawns to Pyatu residences and public grounds. Thor oughly experienced men employed. Rea sonable chaises. Dcslmia and estimates FREE. Leal her and Finding. CUAS. L. MASTU.K i CO.. 74 Front Leatltef of ever, description, labs, mis. .Indin-s. J A t'TKU BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished ls:g. lbl Front st. Musical. Emil Thielhoin, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. H.n Mai'.i'iam. A 4100. Marshall lP-D. 0-.I eopalhic PhjwiciaPB. JT7 LEROi' SMITH, graduate Kirkville, Mo., class of lsiw; post-giaduute lOOi. un der l'r V T Still, founder of the science. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1HS7, A 11'5. Dr. It. 11. N.rthrup, 4lo-i-l. lenuiu um. Nervous and i nronic I'lfwca. Phone, Oflice, M. ol'.' East or B 102V Paint. Oils and t.lHJ . COVST-MADE paint and varnish is best a.lMiile.1 to the Coast climate. BA3S 1IK1.TER I-AINT ' O- 1"! Second St. RASMUS-SEN CO.. jobbers, paints, oils. glass, saan ana aoors. ....... " - j ent Attorneys. S AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured b O. O. Martin. 4ns-40!l Chamber of Commerce bldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock attorney -. at- aw. late ot U. S. i'" Hn let free. 71 the Board ot Trade bldt, uATl-'NTri obtained, traoeiuarks. copyrights IS'ttd 51 countries. Booklet tree. PLTEH HABERLIN. 328 Worcester bldg. K c WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pai ents, infrln.ernent cases. 004 Dekum latent Knglueers. FnvENTIONS DEVELOPED And patents secured. Coop A rh '".?" sultlnB engineers. 50I Henry bldg. Phone Main 12&5. Cunultipji; Pawnbroker. i vi-I E Wets- Collateral Bank; 40 years L- Portfand 71 0th st. Phone Main U1U. raving:. thk Barber Asphalt Paving Company. Boa T" 18 Fctrlc bldg. Oscar Huber. Portland. nie. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and V.fii.e near 24th and York sis. Mam 34S1.. Safe. 108 2d st. Safei Tia r'lcea: send-hand safes. ... .... ... C: V WIT I'll.. HARDING Screen Works All kind of "Screen work. Phone East 3772 and our imeiit will call. Sccond-Hand. tloods. fl.- i.uv clolliing. furniture and tools. High .st price paid for second-hand clothing ...'.mure, tool- Marsaj WE pay the highest prices "."""-?, clothing nnd shoes. Main ibOS. 630 otli " Brink and Show Fixtures. 1 . m l.V.-xr . i-T-u-i.- MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap 0s Showcase 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke manager K H BIRDSAl.U 2')8 niiiiui o. .....s. """" caiVs in stock, prompt delivery. Sale: agent. M. Winter Lumber Co. x a r-:h I L MFG. CO, 4th and Couch; ii Mbd-h..d. Main 2703. Cabinet work POICTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO, 129 dth st. Main 7017. Cabinet work Steamships. thf ALLAN LINE Royal Mall steamers W.ntreal Liverpool. Glasgow. Montreal Havre Plymouth. London; the picturesqut SL Lawrence route; four days on the oceaS "hree days in river and gulf; plan, did new turbine steamers: saloon, secono cabin and third class; superior one-clasi cab S service; cuisine unexcelled: courteoui auJuti'on; send for circulars, rates plan etc, Allan as Chicago. Storage and Transfer. r PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offlcei and commodious 4-story brick warehouse arat. iron rooms and fireproof vault: f? valuable.; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. ; pianos and furniture moved and packc.l fnr shiDuing- special rate made on good. mlr through cars ,0 all dome.tic and foreign poin.s. j-... -- ".t TRANSFER CO, General transferring and storage, safes pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. 87-80 Front t. Telephone! Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO, established 1K70. Transfer and forwarding agents. Office! and storage 474 Glisan at, coi ner 13th and Ollsan. Phones Main 61; A llbtf. T. pe writers. $15 TO J5 will bay REBUILT TYPE-WRITER- rebuilt as good a new; all makes to choose from at GUI's, 3d and Alder- terms to suit; every machine guar. anted. Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A 6008 WF handle standard make ot genuine Fastern factory rebuilt typewriters (no 1unk). Prices right. Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable house. Pacific Sta y A- P'g '' 10T -d WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex. change. 351 'i Washington St. Tc,j.-y rebuilt, second-hand rentals, a rates. P- D C. Co, 231 Stark. M. t cut 14l'7. Well Drilling. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1346 or writ A. West. 1fi2 Morrison St. Wig lo Kent. Wigs to rent. Hair store, near Washington. KO 8th at,. FT! 105.2