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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
THIS 310KMX5 OICKUOMAN, Til I KSDAV, MAI if, lSJIJr. in nr. it wmi:i fkmalk. WANTED- TOfNO LAD I 3 FOB TLaV PHCNS OPCP-ATINa. WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE. APPLT TH3 PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TsUJl3RAP:I CX EAoT TII AND ANfcZENT STsV W ANTED Urirht woman to secure n.cribTs an.! 'I stork In ares.-. i Prnj-.t.n c!i i i -lrr; T-!. Herald. 000 Royal bldg.. tO oil Morrison. t rKNiw'.UAt 'HER. i:rmPion tmirh oprt i r urr rrrU. speed ami aecuiacy abso lute cnti:: an y Ci.p-rtenred "I1.!;1 r.ei rpi. call bet. o and 1 toaa. rommr-il t'lut bid. WA NT-r -Pveral fount I ad lea Ntwwa the ages cf 1 and 2 . for psiroan n poo, tuua APti the P. T. A T. C aTs Alder u. or 410 East A a ken at. WANTED I y K-nt ran 3-v p-r m.Mn. ptsh-claa nnilnnnc- f-r a leliaMe m! ttah..n-i 'rpormi"M : must l good address; rfTrnrt. AG 51. Ore- i; f KKIr:M massu irduale rr-f-rr..l. take .1i'it f ladies batb hnn at sprmss rr.rt. Anpiy. giving ur!JrMi sad phone number, to 2 31. Ore gon tan. - ID'TEL riM.k. unouj girl. aalttcsS te-m of .-ji . ... Hansen i:irl-ovvKNT orvtrK. W I'Mr rt-n St.. Room J- W K N TK l -Young Ul for caaMer . mut hr rtf-o.-n.-ea r-r-. nee. ap f.v VV..4jt Miltinrry. tor. Morriiun and 4-S at . v N 7 KD-- a e'rt h U e r k. who .n'-ut rtM.Ltt.a. . mo-( w ith .er ral K arnry. Marsid EX T K M "Pl rl f r kkj1 rk:ntf ani gn fa I hrt'ir.irK; siia'l f i. ! ;oth St.. 'ortiaml IRUUi. m m s n : : . TWi wnttrr'. fimi--U f"turnt ltr. J r-lc; rtvanibvr maul, amp h;p. Howe Atrno. S "a Wa- n t.-n pi WA.NTKI Th r.uh;y ap. il.-iKH U'l' Turk h bih hamixrr. 'aJT ll-a l;-t' mr.t . K T ki rator. MuUnomifl li.-ict Turki:i It.ttia WA.VTKI c-h kt- ym l.our to l-4k" ..pi in r...l app. '.'1 f.-r t I'. n ' 4 7 Mm -r. p-ir ft. AN f r. i i Y"iiis woman t-'lnT io t-ach a tnur.c i'k man Kne!.ii. imiat h'ouikI !a rum at. Call A- Ultn. 1T.V Vii ru n t. . "E T. prinr'lI plrl f'r rookinj frd .im h-.'i-jrk In a irmat! family h"r a. c-.rM r rl i k'pi. Anl before 1 o "clwck, M i-hull t. lOUt'KTKM iprrlri.-il af rnirrph-r f-T n.Irit gro-Try bu; irt qui k and -ruriio: kihmI fkilnr: rrfrrrn. ro-qtji-l: rji rip-i-ti. X ."T. JI'lKKr.r:i'F.HS. rk.. tirrM, roi..l a.riP. thamhmtiM. nur-a. St. Luis 4c ti-t. ..J A Mrr Main y"'.'. A 4T7-'. KM'KKIKNCEl rkak and run niort-!. jlx" 1.; .r "-1y Oritn lloitl. rnm tGS. Ltw-n s a rul !. VNTKI iir to work In btndry: mmt forr x prlrncr. Wrlla ai Co. print n. 't 7th al. TTTn; S;rl t. tak nrlr In m rrpnlr ahop. A:ply flr H A. Mr. J llout, Hthorn av-. V ANTKIi A krl f-T co0jlntr and gtnTaI htuiw work ; rrftrrmw reulrl. Mar- hail 413 hi-'it IKM nommi houaWrr ir on olum hia Kir fruit nmh, amail family; ajl .ju;t: kov.) honr. Tl-prt-'n or a.ijrtna AO Orrgonlait. WANTF.l Tao or tltr rr UIlnrv-mak r at onro; none but f lrnt-ra.-. n d ain. . Vrwnch hhs. 141 7th t. Mm Hatcajr-rty. V ANTKIi Vi.unaj i'I t hndl aiik-: niuat o ovrr t- Apply t t n ia and 1 J Ttirl v. f' t'liioa v. Kli I KNi FI at nf raphrr. firihjm wrtit'r preferred. Addreaa. with raf-T-r--a. A? nrfsnflian. roVPKT KNT irl for K'Cvrul houarork. 471 AJnaworth a.. cr. of E. trl at-, rak Wimi n rur. VdIawn 1 7.1V A swbl'E or Ortiio.n irl for trl hrnuM-work ; amall Umll. Eai 24. U 1 13 Vllfi. HOWE S LAIIES AGENCY. Waahlniior. tohif.. a7w Vaphltitoo at Tirar 4th. M.'.tn er A iot N'l lady cpft. ut approaclunK tha 1-op; on a Nr propoa'tiuo. Appy at S. .iinis u:dx . af i r - 1'. LIT-MAV V U.KK n'flulr alteration itrlp artrt fiftra. Apply to cloak dvpart fnTt minicr VirfclKNT itirl f-T h iw"rk for - aiuita ur,t hr p rar for bat. I'lion Marliall j;7 J artr lu A M aanirittou at., cor. 7 ix wyaalrw r hon alalo 'a&jI. l ANTEO An ofVu" trl. niit t Rood ! r.m in. Iuiulr rnom Amaorth bids., ".t7 uuk i. TilR' for icriM-ral toiia-aork In f.miiy of M i". niuat U Kd pium took. Call OTi w.'ui'.rr i- 4.1 f:r. ftr C'itrui hmamk, muat be it-'Od rov.k . h. t y aa'itiic put out ; 3 t' ANTrlD-A Krl to a--i.t In feni'! h-ui work. In a 4 -room I at. l'-0 Nurtn tXi'KLIKN' ):i a'rl for ftncral howc- a Phottf LJt 4'7I. WA.MKI' Yttunc trl lo aaiat with houaa w --k; 3 In faiuil. WoodUw D 6U. t i l: !. f t ! r:i I hotiPvwork ; German pr i i n d. Hatid-ra at. 1VVNTED irl or middie-aced woman for Kntrnl hotiaew rk: adults. .'T'. '3 1 at at. V A NT ow ptnt irirl for cm.K ire and do. iif ialt work. Apply jrIta'l at. A!iT ilntabrra. cp. rt. nrd. no other, ap-rinrt'-a w tilKi. 434 Morr.gon at. jj .ini cd.l J(-a, any kind. I'houa K.i( I'i. K-d n. . llalaey. , AN rm EPri-ncrd ad rtiatne aollrl-i"-. k cominlaion. 11 Park. ' I aft.r 1. r'll:r-T tLA."S mantcurr. Hnry bid, bar- :.i r h-p. Uf I t m " 4irn.f.AMr AIKN WANTt'O-Ap 1 to So. to prvpara for fir- turn .U braktmtn, on nearby railroad. 1 to $10 nr-ttithly. Exprl rnre uonecMair; no atrike. promotion fnroccr or conductor. $1 Jo to monthly. Good lite ntrrera. ftata aaa, hrd at am p. Hail way Aaaoclatioa. Ora-iC-r :ati. il-n and a omn to learn ite .arl.r tral4 in eiht w-ka; wjwciil Inducemnia; per-c-nt.ictf paid while It-artiinav, tooia fr; cp i t 1ntructora, 17 ars In tn- busi io"a : ."7 a hH;; a life im mmhrtiip ji-n to ach atodent. Molrr I.irrr Col-!--. :iS N- Fourth at.. I'ortiaiitl. or. WNTKI a" iC',nd a!tcltnr to take over a fir-tt-cUFS advertlaina; propoantlon. Iceltl mat In vrrr w ay. 1 am too huiy to r--nti it proptrlv. It will take t40 aah. aitl you aa hav what rontraria I have. In't write unlea ou mean buameaa. K ,1 .". " re k o n t a n. IN TKRXATK' N A L CorreapotJdenc School a. r-Min 4v McKay bias., cor. Third and t-tark at. Open Wednialay and Saturday niirhta. Ph u ataia lOtk bcod tor our " w t-aiosu. MUYlNG-VlCTrKK oprathiE. full practlcai rourxt tausht In tneaier. the only may of learning it right; aecuro poMtiona, 44 Kothchlid bldg.. 4th and 'Washington at. ItA MAVAV maM clerks prepara now. ex cellent aalartea and prnmotmna; no la y offa. sure pav; fre boik. ail today. Pa cinc Hiate School. McKay bids., city. TlT;.Vt"; I. A I'll EK si any a ainn. begmnera or ad.n';cd. cjulrkly ppeerfed and placed in post Ion. WnrcMtff Mo-k. T ANT FA Pirtnro plar ritera; big pay; w 11 tach you. Pictura Tlay Asaotla- tlon. San Kranc'so. of SiloEIMAND and TYPEWKIT I Nil. atandard sterna. IVmltlona aejrurd er month. tij 14th i. Main 3iW. Make" money ntlna; short storlea, or for lepers; blf pay; free, booklet tells how. I nued Preia Syndicate, tan Franc taco. I'RlY TR SHORTII AND. TYPEWRITING. b..kkeplnsfl42 Hamlltoa bklg. lar4:. T iVk f tTATrp:KS'' as.vtXth n for p. .viU ajr-d tchrf. il Swetland blda. aUTt ATIONS W AXTEt M.1UC Bokkeepera and Clerk. tXPI-'FilEN- Er bookk-p.-r - tenonphr. famlll-tr wtrh all off lrp detaiia. axe ;t,, :nnrr(ed and strtrtly reliable; rafarcucea. l'hona Tabwr 3A.3. FtlTI'ATfOX' WANTED MALE. i;owkkerpera and Merka. TOt r. MAN EXPERIENCED GENERAL. OFFICE hMIPPINii. TIM-KEEPING. A'TorMIXO. IVtRTISlNJ AND SYS TEM I'.l Sti. NEEDS WORK. PliONt MAKSHAI.I- J174. WIUL AUDIT. OPEN. CI-OB OH WRITE up book a. prepare balances and state tnenta. lnda!l ay sterna. UHMnsiiam. au ditor. .-ii i.ewia ma a "''''t Ytil'N'i nun. wJ year, married, with 1 -experience, dcslrea position as book -kp-r or credit man; very best reference. A J Oregon inn. A-l HOOK K EKPEIt and off i man. rfer en.f. y iin 7.".7. M ireonlan. Mi ee Han eon. MUNICIPAL, FREE EMPLOYMENT BI'REAl. ?15 Second ft., corner Salmon. TTomen's epartment. i4." salmon. All c!"a of unaktlled. akllled. profes sional and clerical male and female helo furulshed on short noti-e. No f charged. I'hone Main ft..'t; A Y3X.'70rian would like position as ens'neer In sm atatloniry enKinrerlnff p. ant. corn peteul In very respect ; h bad fmir yeai axperleoc In machine shop and pro ears" marine work; hae marina er. Slneer s llcvnas. ocean ateamer. Alt U orv4ttuan. EXPERIENCED oftlce supply and atation ary aaleanian wishes position In or near Portland ; can keep books and la good tpwraer: Prattle and I-oa Anseia rer erences. Addraa P. O, iox 40id. Port- :ann. ur YOl'NU man with broad, liberal education. th..rouh!y competenl. deaira to becoma tapodatcd with a substantial growing atliuiion whre advan-einent La limitsa onlr by abtlltv; real estate, loans and n- niirnni prrii-rrra. -. ' " li .! e pvf tenceil Ja pan coup'e want situation, man to driva automobile lako cpre of gTirden. wait on ttIe. wlfo as nrst-claaa famliy cook, Addresa o-t Klrat at. WNTEI fv man and wif. pltlou as manaic, fcookkepcr and bttver for hotel. -.:lir In nty or -km1 cmntry town, or win conaid'-r 1-aatng hotel outside of th ritv; . I rifTiif a.AJ 34. Ork'"nlnn. poirFoN want-d by boy. Just Id. ed orated and bent, as office bt-. rasli boy .r pas", ten ue t vi- ritr ; best rferencea. AF .1 1. regoniri yorNii" ItulgrUn man without parents. ae 'J.I .-r. Ilk- to work on small farm, acadr job. '-" mrtnth. board and room; no drink. A K A4. ireri'nian. ilAl.i-: expr,n--el cook wanta stesdy posi tion la the ciiv. goml and r-jlabta. all round man. Mala 6103, room 1W. aak for Hrosn. , . A GERMAN orrbardlat seeks employment on u Ura-e fruit farm; seven years' ex -Ptrience, good references. Apply German nrhardtpt. Morria at.. Portland. Or. PAPERII ANGER and painter; work dona at lowest prices and all work guaran-t-ed. I'hone Main QQ77. FI UST-rLA.S patr' cook and baker manta a tuatp.n in hotel or restaurant. W 4. res;onian. FIHST-CUASS grocery salesman, best of references haractar and experience. AT 41. urcgnnUB. cTiXfFKEL'R a lahea to drive car 3 or 4 etenlnsra per week; prlata family. T 3. oreai"niin. . Ctwl'ErENT baker w lahes work on brend and cakes. -; Columbia st, room iio. Phone Main -7."7. . W WTKt) Position on delivery forea of a city firm. Will furnish motorcycle. Call Joseph- pond ii m. Main (KM ! all-around bread and raka -baker wants altuailon In city or country. W .1.1, jiresonian. JAPANK boy wanta position : well ex perienced In general bouaeaork. T 3-. Oregon ic.n. HA KER Kirst-rtaas. all-around man; city or country. Addresa F. 'rheflcr. 4J0 Jl- f e r so n . P h one M a .r ha 1 1 34 BARFlER wants Joh In small town for tum iner. seven years' experience What have you? AE 3'.'. Oreconlan. C1I A I'FFEl" R wishes pvsltlon; 4 years ex perience; private; good references. T orcaroman. JAPANESE, flrst-ciaaa rook, warns position rooking, private family. A 10o3. Mam MANY veara' experienced Japanesa cook or garden work, wants position in private f.imtlv. J M. Qrettonlan. . i'l HST-CI.ASS carpenter foreman, also un derstands puttins up form for concrete Or K. At. ". ! rKuiu-u NIGHTWATCHM AN. sober, atesdy. Indus trious, wanta position : '.'O ars experl- . . JOiVt 1 HTlff. llAKt-H Kxp nence.1. wants position in lio t or small bakery. Addrtaa Baker. R. JAPANESE mania steady half-day work. A. Kskt. care Japanese. Mlealoo. W A NTEl Plashing by contract. 20oi Vah. St.. roomjJ. r"x P K fTTs N C kT J apineKe rrlsh position as cook In family. A U T.4. OreK'nlan. WANTElJ-SIaghlnc by contract. AH 1. or-eonirn. J A PAN ESE wants work for four or ti e ours a nay. ai immp p . WANTED Any kind of work, boy of lk AP :.!. Oregoplnn. GAKOEN work, window cleaning, lawn work oe nnv general. A B S7. ttregonlan. JAPAN EB boy wants work as porter. Jan itor r housework. Main A S'.'tfl. , EXPERIENCED niUlde-ged hotel clerk wants position. AP 3H. pregonian. C RPENTER and builder wants situation, day or contract. J. H- Young. Woodstock. LA WX mow er. Best w ork guaranteed. B. Mi(;r. ;iH H. Pumslde st. B U137. IF OU are In need of and a No. 1 laundry man, answer this add. N 2s, Oregoman. W"INPmW-W ASHING, house defining, floors waxed an! polished. Sell wood ll-'l. MN and wire wnt ioIUnti. cooking In a camp Kt. oregonlan. oi'Ni, law-r wantj ttaeociat Ion aith lar? firm. Marshall 1 1 1". Apartment No. 1. FARM hand w-inta position, willing worker. A l "4. Oregon Ian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. cva a ee ipi wtl rueawrwoaerw. B'l ENinSRAPHER wishes position moderate s.ilarr to start; had soma experienca. I'holie A 1H. ytM'.Nir lad, thoroughly experienced and c-tmpetent nooKKeepr-sicuwurapocr unnci pottion. Main 1411. 1'itSlTloN wanted by stenovrapher. some experience; small salary to start. Alain ft.'. J 3. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier with knowledge of at. nography, wunta po sition. Address 1 4, fprter st. EXPERI KN'KI rwM-k keeper, stenoampher and car hier desires position ; bvrft oX ref . i enees A E Ore simian. EX PERIENCED stenographer dealro posi tion ; ret of reference. Marsha. I ov OFFICE wok: can operate typewriter; rcf-rretf-es. AD S. Oresonlan. Kill.sT-CL.ASS Fr'nch dressmaker; tailored suns and evening gowns; fit and work guaranty d; mode rat a prices; 4 Grand ave. Phone 4:h. EN I'Eli I EN "ED dressmaker, ladles' tailor- w-'poes sewing In families. Phono M a r h a II .'f.'33. DRESSMAKER, good fitter, out by day. ants two mom good customers. Phona Main MDLI.E DK nil.EAL'T. HSS Vashlngtnn. Kila-fft. entranee. A ;;f40V Exclusive French designs In gowns, suits, waists, etc FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, millinery, at homa or by day. 603 Williams a v. Phona East 87. lRKSSM A Kl NG and remodeling1 by tha da. Phona Tabor 2 7 ft. rjKKfSMAKEK by the day or at home; $!.0. Ma-sit 3s5. DRESSMAKER will take upstairs work, and sew by the week. Marshall 17o. WANTED A position as companlon-nurss to inalld ladv or a housekeeper In hos pital or horns; references given on guest. Address Emma C. Williams, Hood River. Or.. R. D. No. 2. Box J2- PRACTICAL nurse wishes position. For particulars, call or write Anna Merrltt. Cottas Place; take MisslsaJppl-ave, ear. Albina. . NI'R.nE w ishes more encasements; Instl tuilonaj work: day or nitht nursing. Main i TRAINED nurse baa room, best car, homa comforts. Invalid, aged lady, city refer ences. Tabor 2213- YOt'NG woman with baby 14 months old wanta position as housekeeper In work in a; man's home. ' T 12. Oregonlan. REFINED widow lady with child of five w ants position as housekeeper for wid ower iiox . Rosweil. Idaho. I.ADT wants position as housekeeper ex peri e n cedfPTTNDhtsaji WIDOW from the East wishes position as houwkeeper. phone Woodlawn Mtf. IVtmeall ca, TWO Ftnnlsh girls wsnt general housework, Addresa 31 N. Hfa kt. WITrATlONS WANTED FEMALE, Iomet Ics- fcV'OTCH girl wishes position, general house work and rooking, where there are no children. 333 U'th st. BY experienced colored woman, ihnmber work. Phone Marshull ItiJ-L Call for Krankle. YOl .VI widow, with G-vear-old child, wants situation as hou-eworker. Mrs. Mariha Rudip. 7"i Montana ave. W AN r ED General housework by two Firls. Inquire 74d Michigan ave. WANTED Plate as second girl. Phone Main , COMPETENT girl. Swiss, wants position for housMw-ntk. Tf;7 E. th South. TWO glris wsnt general housework. Ad dresa t70 Vpshiir st. Mist ell an POSITION aa chambermaid or waitresses by two irtrls wishing to be together. Phone East i!4 or call 042 Union ave. Tnurs dnv. II to 4. W'OM AN with bsby li months old. wants room with prtKi family who would care for baby 2 or 3 days v week. V 31, Ore gonlan. KKSl DENTI AI, work In ahampooing. scaip and face massac". etc.; also taking care of children, evtmins" and afternoons. AB ."!?. Oregonlan. f JAPANESE woman, with year-old baby, de sires position In a, small family; wages no object. S rJ. Ore gnnlan. KXlTliri.-vcrri woman desire il&v work; v. ashing. Ironing, cleaning. Main 0;i, A 477.V WIDOW wishea position to take charge of roomlns-houso; experienced; not afraid to work hereir. K 4.. urrionian. GERMAN woman wanta work by tlay. waahlns nd cleanlns. Call Mala 6 . . room 3. an ev-ningw. Cl'RTAINS laundered; no maJiilini; hand laundry; experts; 2&c and up. Woodlawn LACE curtains launoered. 2.'iO up. flrat-clasa work, quick service. Tabor 317. DAY work wanted for Friday and fturday Phone Main ISil. nerore k. m. EXPERI KNCED woman wants houseclean Ins; Vio per hour. Telephone Tabor 23rti. EXPERIENCED lady cook wants position In private family. AH oi. Oregonlan. COMPETENT woman wants a few hours' work dally. Room s. 4'" ancouver ave. JAPANESE yonns worn an. aith baby, wants position In family. A i.VUT. M a I n 93i. DAY work. 2.V hour, any kind. Thursday and Friday; room 7. A 4iw.o. AN experienced woman wants day or cham ber work; not afraid to work. Main aQ. GERMAN lady wanta day work for Thurs day. Thone East ."V47.V WANTED Position In widower's home or charge of hoteK T.l Taylor. CAPAP.LE Swedish rtrl. family cook, where s-cond In kept, Main i"M. A 47 g. CAPABLE woman cook, restaurant. hotcL Pt. Louis Agencv. Main A 477.V LA'E CCRTA1NS washed; 0 years' experi ence, miss Pcott. Tabor 2445. VttfXO strong woman wants Ironing, wash ing and housecleaning by day. East 1M4. WILL stay with clilldi - n day or nlgUt mothers are out. Call R lll'V EXPERIENCED eedlh Srl wants work by day or hour. Phone East g"in. WA NTEI AOFNTPk DE.-TTRI CTION OF THE STEAMSHIP TI TANIC Greatest marine disaster In his tory; 160O souls to watery graves; full account of the appalling accident told by survivors; striking the Iceberg; summon ing aid by wireless; picking up the life boats and brlnglug home the rescued; harrowing scenes on the sinking ship; heroism of passengers, officers and "rew; only authoritative book; magnificent Snotographs and artists' drawings; over pO pages; price only $1 : 00 per cenL commission ; complete ou'.fit, 10 cents. Write today. Geo. G-' Clows Co.. 234 b. Eighth ft.. Philadelphia. Pa. Dept. B. WANTED General agent In every town In the state: prefor established real estate firm to handle sub-agents for a weil establlshed and advertised Corporation; liberal commission to the riht party. Ad dress L. M Helmer, uQf Corbett bldg. GUARANTEED rheumatism remedy, ilari neJlo Slviy. 402 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. WE have something that sells for ll.RO; we give all of it to you; this 1 a legiti mate proposition. Call 613 Beck bldg. WANTED TO RENT. IF YOU wish to rent vour house or flat, see WATSON A THEKK.ELSEN CO.. 30 Spalding Bldg. Main 7.'.02. AiOl'T rt-room hou. Irving-ton district, be fore June 1. family of 3 will take lease; reference. Kast 46ft. WANTED o-room furnished bunsalow or cottage, with fruit troes. near carllne. AN 8 4. Oregonlan. WANTED A modern, spacious home with garag-'. in Irvington; give particulars In ttrst letrar. X o4. Oregon ian. Rooms. TWO gentlemen wish a reasonable furnished room in private fa mlly. S 33. Oregoman. WISH to engage 2 rooms for Elks' conven tion; closo in. AE 31. Oregonlan. Koems With Boara LADY deeiree room and board in strictly modern house or apartment; will pay per month; references exchanged. AB il, O re s onlan. 2 CONGENIAL young men wish room and board In private family on East Side, close In. X Oregonlan. rOB BENT. nrnished Koom. ANGELA HOTEL. 2S Washington St. -l'nd-r New Management. large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile and marble; ladles' - parlor with elegant fire place; free telephone service In rooms, all night and day, electric elevator, steam h-at. hot und cold water in all rooms, many with bath. A residential hotel above reproach, where every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of its gunstj; rents the most reasonable In the city; rooms by the day. week or month. Look this over before locating. alee W car nt depot, get off at Huh and Washington. now opkn: now ope-m now open! Thos three beautifully furnished hotels MOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MI NOOK. PARSONS. KOWLANDS. Si;;' 4th st. 2llV4ihsL 2u7H4thst. On Fourth St., running rom Taylor to 8a I m on at. ; brand-new brink ; elegantly furnished ; steam heat, private bai hs, hot and cold water In all rooms; strictly up to date In all respects, n nd at popular j-rices. If you want something out of the ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a rail, us we know jou will liko it. Rooms by the day, week or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and burnlde sts. Absolutely n reproof, new and elegantly furnished rooms; private bat hs; si earn neat, hot and cold water, private phonos in each room; special rates I y the month; phone service, free. Phone Marshall 4O40. FOR RENT Nice sunny front rooms for 1 or 2 persons; electric light, steam heat, hot and cold water and telephone In every room; per week. Witn Lata con nected, 47. YORKE HOTEL. 12th and Stark Sts. THE GILMOR8. lol', Tenth. corner Alder convenient to the bustm-as district a ad all theaters; well furnished rooms for transient or permanent; $2.AO a week up; under new management. HOTEL RENWICK An Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; all modern conveniences; 7th and Tavlor sts.. 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Hellig Thester. Phone Main Hid. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Ctilon Depot; 140 outside rooms, with hot snd cold water and steam t heat; offers apeclal rates fr permanent gueaui; rates oik- to 3- a day; IXGO and up per week. Phone Main 3413. VAN GORDER HOTEL. 105' Twelfth at. Marshall 2700 In heart of business district, steam heat, hot and cold water, free phono In every rnom; 31 day and up; 34 week and up. THE UN DELL. Large, pleaaant front rooms; easy walk ins distance; all home conveniences; 33, QtMo 34 per week. ::2-4thet. Main f.Sq. HOTEL KLICKITAT. New; cor. East 1st and Holladay ave.; hot and coid water, steam heat; rooms 35 per weCK up. I nmre t'tf.'a. LEWISTON Hotel. 271 4 Morrison, cor. 4th; large, airy rooms, single and suites, tran sient ana porniancu. uw uj up. CLEAN, frontleaa, newly furnished rooms, S'J.frO and 33 per week. 2oos 3d at., cor ner of Columbia. DO you want a good room In a good loca tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee. 527 4 Iaxrrabe at. East Side. East 844. HOTEL CONGRESS now open; handsomely furnished, modern conveniences. 2 blocks from P o. rtth and Mln. HOTEL JOYCE. 4th and Jefferson sts., nico ly furnished rooms. 33.50 per week up. rooms, nicely furnished, at the Brae Side, 426 Alder ft. TITS LAN DOR E, 2S 10th st., beautiful! lur&iaaed large. liht rooms, reasonable FOB BENT. Furnished Rooms. Now Open. 112 Rooms. Now Open. HOTEL BYRON. HOTEL CAPLES. Soventb and Taylor Sts. Residential and transient; absolutely central; two minutes from Post of fh. stores, theaters and restaurants; Just off business streets and carlines; quietest and best location; handsome brick. amplo steam heat, hot running -ater and phones In every room, suites and private baths, elevator. Reputable and comfortable. Prom 70c daily, 34 weekly. Any car irum depots. THE SARGENT HOTEL. Grand and Hawthorne Avenues. For rent, the finest corner, parlor, bed room and bath suites in the city, large rooms, beautifully furnished, nine win dows, fine view of all the mountains; also some sinxlo rooms, elevator service, tele phone, hot and. cold water, electric light and steam heat; moderate prices for de sirable tenants. Eight streetcar lines pass the building. If you aro looking- for permanent, home-like quarters, be sure und Inspect the Sargent before locating. Excellent restaurant in connection witn hotel. Telephone East 291. J. H. CLARK. Proprietor. HOTEL SAVON. 1.11 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building; steam heated; private baths, hot and cold water in rooms; beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortahle; rent reasonable. Call and see us. Recuiar and transient trado solicited- Purnished Rooms In Private Family. UNE sinKle, one double, sleeping room, both beautifully furnished, running water, bath, phone; 3 blocks from Multnomah Club, 163 17th. NICELY furnished rooms, from ?3 weekly; easy walking distance. Phone tioi Wash ington. NICELY furnished rooms, modern Improve ments, walking distance, reasonable; rcf erenres. "oft Everett st. jio LARGE front room, ground floor, sult uble for 1 or 2; walking distance. 341 Tillamook. ELEGANTLY furnished room In a swell pri vate home; all modern conveniences; close In. 71 Trinity place. brl FRANCIS. 21st and Hoy t. Elegantly furnished room adjoining bath. In modarn boma. Phone M o 7 10. Apt. J17. . 3X.0 A MONTH, small front room; gas, bath and largo closet. 443 6th. Main 4 4 l FI RNISHED room, light, heat. hath, gen tlemen. 3o.iO month. 200 Fargo st.. N car. TWo pleaaant rooms In strictly private mod ern home, fijpe porch, close In; reference. Main 9O08. FRONT room, facing park, lights, furnace heat. bath, telephone; 11 per month. 3 too1 Park. LIGHT, airy room for rent with private family, close in. iu minutes" warn io x-. O.; 310 a month. ."4 th st. A 73. KuOM for a gentleman in a strictly private Jewish family. Phono Marshall ia-. PLEASANT, airy room; every convenience; very reasonable. Mam 312. obiium. LARGE, airy front room, with bath. 3". West Side. Hi Porter st. -4 MTU ST. N. Nicely furnished rooms, rensonable; near Washington. Fl K.' ISH EI rooms. 0 blocks from P. O. Cheap; inquire 015 Yeon bldg. I" A. M. 312 MONTH Flno front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. .-' otn. TWO pleaaant looms or sleeping porch, Irvlnmon. Phone East 12Sd. FLKN1SHED rooms for young men in prl ate family. 24 7th st WEEK, pleasant sleeping room. 10th st.. near Halt. NICELY furnished front rooms; min. T. O. 182 13th. 310 month up. N E A T LY f u rn I s h od rooms; single bed, bath, phone. 4o0 YamhillL LARGE furnished front room, bath, phono. beat location. J1.7i wecK. ntn. KOOMMATE. gentleman. setaratc beds, de sirable pluce. particulars, Mar. 4122. 32 TO 33 weekly; llirht and sirabie location. 00.1 12th nd airy room; de FURNISHED room, 3L&0 ; free phone and bath. 2 14tn su. near aaiinigion. PI'NNY sleeping tent. 221 13th st. $2. St) PEK week for front room. 2S 12th st. jl.F.O PER week for small room. 286 12th. Cnf urnlsned Booms. THREE larice unfurnished rooms in nice real deuce district ; bath ; best car service In city; U.o'. IPS ncimont. Booms Witts board. THE HILL, 23d aud Wash. Sts. Residential Hotel. American Plan. All modern improvements. Main 7a4. A 444T. DOCS a borne appeal to you 7 TBS WHITE HALL, cor. sth and Madison; large room a bath, broad veranda, quiet, close In. nsaJ ear. 4 blocks from P. Q. American ptaa. PARK VIEW. Modern lamily hotel; popular rates; pri vate Lark; close, in, cor. West Park and Al oni ROinery. i u -n u u tr. BOARD and room for boys, 14 to 17. 34 per week. - Y. M. C. A. Boys' Club. olk Salmon st. Main 70S3. MA-NiTOU. 241 Ulti bT. Attractive, clean rooms. steam baaw good board. clu in, reasonable THE LAMBERSON, 534 Couch sr, very de sirable outside rooms, steam heat, run ning water, good board, close in. DEMRABLE room with lirst-ciaaa home cooking, closo Multnomah Club; rates reabonaule. 33 N. 17th su purtiLAisD WOMEN'S UNION, 23d yea. Rooms with boara. use of sewing-room, i b r a r y. 6I0 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. W.ison. sapi ELEGANT room, facing the park, A-l boaxu. raaouabie. 374 Paric- THE HAZEL Furnished rooms with boar-i, running water, steam heat. 385 ad at. Rooms With Board in Private Families. i.aKi;K room, hot and cold water, suitable for one or two people, with board, home cooking, irwc pnone, uams aim piano, walking diatauce. 240 East 10th. Phone Hum JPiO. DESlRABLK room, hot and cold running wat r. bath, shower adjoining, home cooking, lloe location West Side, walking' distance near car. 723 Prospect Drive, t'OrttUnU IlOlSUia- au.o VERY pretty room. Just vacated, nicely fur nished, everything modern, walking dis tance, best homo cooking, very reason- auio. jitiin ...iv. Dl ;fcl KA BLrt room, near Multnomah Club. wulLtnnr lllHtHIICe. llO e room. ainrBiiau i 1 1' v n: N.nLuiir ii.r rooma with or with out board. prlea reasotiat'ic. call at 202 j.'ttl St., or yni'iin .ua in o 1 1 CHEERFUL room and first -class board In private home; use of piano anU parlor 620 Mam st. A 4.' 07. LOVELY rooma with breakfast and dinner nnd high-class home cooking. Marshall 3Jod. LA KG E room, with board; running water, modern conveniences, close in; gentleman only. 201 West Park. NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board, fo week up. tour blocks from P. O. 2-a W est 1 ara ai 47J SALMON ST.. pleasant front room, good board, modern con, en fences: close in. reasonaoie. room? juftiau.m very rasonaole. 02 North 23d, half block from Was n. ELL-FUrtNlSHED room for young man, easy walking distance. 080 E. Taylor, cor. l&th. Phone B 2uo6. NICELY" furnished room, with or without board, waikuig distance. tS4 G I is an. Mar shall 21 .5. TWO large, airy, front rooms, running watr, good board, very reasonable. In Nob Hill district. 714 Davis, cor. 22d. NICELY furnished room. board optional ; very reasonable; pleasant surroundings. 447 6th st. NICE front room wit h good table board, private family, for lady. 20H 11th. t-i-LAi ANT rooms, single or ea suite. xc- lent board. 6.6 Gllsan. ; GO"D board and room for 1 or 2 gen He rn en . 691 s Davis at. ROOM with connecting bedroom, excellent board, porches and grounds. Main 2o7L LARGE room, one or two; board If desired; walking uiHtance. 3tin KOOM and board. 332 10th st. Phona Main 6070. 4 FRONT room, 3C with board. 291 11th st. Mar. 23. LARGE room, two gentlemen, walking "dis tance, good board, 33 weak. East 4240, Fl RST-CLASS room and board lit private family. 54 Yamhill. FC RN ISH ED room and board, SO.t E. Oak cor. 13th. Prlco renBonabie. K f.12- Bt'AKD, two In room, 3-3. two meals. 410 Park. M1n f.V27. FIRST-CLAKS room and board, home privi leges, everything modern. M3 E. Couch. TWO rooms rlngle or cn suite excellent board. 402 Mill t. A o633L FOR RENT. Apartments. FINEST AFA TITM ENT-HOUSE IN PORTLAND. HIGHLAND COCRT. 22 d and Glisan. Most tip-to-date and most elegantly furnished. Located in an exclusive neigh borhood. We havo a 4-room apartment facing on tho court with beautiful view, furnished In the most up-to-dato style, which we can offer at a very reasonable rate. Inspection Invited. 8 carlines with in 1 block of the house. NO KOMI 3. Marshall, Near 17th St. New building; Summer rate; must be aeon to be appreciated. A RDM AT TERRACE. 12th and HarrUon Sts. Largest 2 -room apartments In the city. ALTON I A. Marshall and 19th Sts. Large airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; Quiet and exclusive neighborhood. TUB WHEELDOlf, Car. Park and Taylor sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX Cor. Tenth and Salmon aca Walking Distance. ?un5 lined complete. 2. S and Apartments; buildings new and modern eervlce Xlrat-claaa. 4-reoa strtot-y TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, brick and stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity Place, between 30th and 20th streets. Just off Washington; msgnif icent exclusive apartments in heart of apartment-house, district; rentals reasonable; every modern convenience; sleeping porches, high-class service; refined clientele; references re quired In all cases; two beautifully fur nished apartments available May 1. Mrs. A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar shall 1101. m CARMEMTA, Jefferson and Thirteenth Sts. 3. 4, 3-room apartments, exceptionally well arranged. Cnfurnlshd. No wall or disn ppearlng beds. Exclusive, Modern. New. Every effort is made for the comfort and convenience of tenant. References. Phone Main 396S. FREE RENT. Se our litt of apartments; Summer rates will apply throughout the year, as well as giving free-rent bonus. fit v Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 140 FffLh St. THE AMERICAN. Most up-to-date apartment In ttas Northwest; every convenience; 4 and i rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;" walking distance, list and Johnson sts.; choice residence district; attendant on premises. Marshall 3360. HEINZ APARTMENTS 14tn and Colum bia, 41 blocks south from Morrison it., naw brack building, completely first-class furnished In 2. U and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, steam beat, hot . ter elevator, free phone, vacuum clean sr. janitor service; rent per month, 3& 3X 340 and up; must be seen to be appxe ciated. " THE EVERETT, 44 Everett sU New and elegantly lurnlshed apart ments ; 8 rooms, reception hall and siesp-leg-poren; auiomatio electric elevator and private Pacific telephone; located in on of the choicest residence districts, aur rounded by si e taut hunie; waikin; ua tance. " " THE CAMAR. 704 Lovcjuy St. Vnder new management; new. modern brick, 2, 3 -and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished; we will rent ou apartments 23 per cent cheaper than any place in the city; good janitor service. Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. 210. THE DEZEXDORF, J05 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR ST. ELEGANT 4 AND 3-ROOM UNFUR KXbHED APARTMENTS. APPLY ON PREMISES FOR KESERVAT10N. 3 OR 4-room apart .on t with bath, fur nished or unf uruldhrd, Paclilc phone in each. 332.30 up; outaiuo rooma; splendid view ; convenient arrangement ; superb lo cation; close to Postufiice; beat of serv ice. The Sheffield. 272 7th. cor. Jeiferaon. IONIAN COURT. 570 Couch. 1 block ironi Washington, walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern unfurnished apartments; all modern con veuicnita, best of service; under new man agement; references required. Main 1U2. LUC RE XI A CO U RT. Lucretla bu. Near 23d and Wash. Unlurmshed apartments, from two to five rooms, all lai ge, light aud ouiside. large ciosets, hardwood uoors. undar nets ruauageuieuL. laarshaU 1313. Janitor. Max- shail 13O0. HANTBORN APARTMENTS. 201 12th St., BCAr Mam; close In location: elegant 3 room apartment with bath and private balcony, 33a Every convenience, gooa sxvlce. HAD DON HALL, 11TH AND HALL STH. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished and unJuruif lied, Lilt ouisiuo rooms, ha ra wood floors, private, balconies, bath ami phone; Summer rai'-s; eaoy waiking diatauce. UiSLOP HALL, Hawthornu Ave. and. Oth St, Modern building, best luriiishinga; 1, 2, 8 rooms; walklug dist nee, or bust car service. THE M K1NLEY APARTMENTS, East 7th nd MoiriMon, most centrally lo cated ; 2 and 3 -room apartments, f ur cuhed UP u date; private bains; moder ate rates. , CECILIA APARTMENTS, 2d and GUaaa UL. teat of service; dftsuaDi iocauoa. With unexcelled car service; also easy walking distance; 3-room apt., with baLa, mocern conveoleoce very reaonan:e real. " KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Ford street, near Washington ; select residence district; 3 or 4-roum apartment, with balcony; all conveniences or the bust class apartment a. Main av3t V 711a. WOLFE APTS.. 210 MARKET iff! " NEv'LV; turulshea 2, 3, 4 rooms. S.2.30 to 40; sineie rooms 3 up; tree liut. phones, heat, hot and coid water, e.fectnu eieator. Aiarsiiail 3507. FUftMSHKD and unfurnished apartiuema, 2t and 4 room, with private baths; tie si nib lu location, very r-asonaoie rents. Apply Angeia, Hotel. 025 Washington su. near 19th. SAN MARCO A PART M E NTS. New brick, corner East Couch and 8th; furnished and unlurmshed 3-room apart ments; private bath and phone; 323 up. East 27ol. - THE LEONCE, 1V N. 23d nir Johnson. New, modern, brick, 2 and 3-room, rau tlfully furnishod ;ip.u tm. nts, atl otitside rooms, private bath and phone; 22..o up. CLAY POOL APARTMENTS, 11th and Clay; new brick, 3 rooms with balcony, private bath, superb location; reasonable rent, beat of service, every convemcuco. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison tets. For rent. 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments, strictly modern. Hll AH Apartments, new and clean; most compete threo-i ooni suites in - tile ,.fy . disappearing beus; reasonable. Phono Wooaiawn old. 7 ND 2-room housekeeping euit'. very reasonable rent, modern. 63-71 Grand ave. North. THE Birmingham. 80O 12th st. ; new, fur nished elegantly, 2 and 3 rooms. Marshall 4S4, twk WESTFALL. 430 3TH ST. 32r- One unfurnished 3-room apL, pri- THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 3-room apt.. rates. " THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS. Three and four rooms. New. clean and homeiike. E- 14th and Yamhill. -t-KtMJM furnished apartment Tor rent or furniture 101 oa.v, ruonu a riK4. THE ON EON '1 A, elegantly furnished 2 and Qiiartments. all conveiiiwirMa t ptr month. 1S7 17th st. ' " BERYL APARTMENTS. ' ' Furnished and uniurnisned apartment & Lovejoy t. Take ' W" car. KF.NTL'CKY A r I n ami K. Gllsan. 3 or 4 room. gonri car service, reasonable rents. E. 1 4o. Ii 14 ". THE CHELTENHAM. 233 N. 19th. u lid trig, new furnHure. Marsh a I ,i 8.-s THE DAYTON Fine e-room apt., porches, A" .r, vonlPnr lOW rent fnrnl.U. every . , uucu or unfuraiJlied. 608 Flandw FOR RENT. orlando apartments. 20th and washington" sts. unsurpassed location, new maxagemp:nt. Steam heated. CLEAN. light, well-fur- n is ilea - ami j-rouiu a p-j riiiieota t 1 JuteJy lowest prices consistent with first- j class service and equipment. fcvery convenience, intiuums service, privato teitphoins. HOT witer at , all hours, excellent closet room, launuij with 1st en m dryer. Kami some entrance and wide halls; beautifully carpet-a and well lighted. ORLANDO APARTMENTS. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. 32 APARTMENTS. .323 APARTMENTS. THE PAGE APARTMENTS. Within Walking Distance. Eighth St. and East Burnaidc. Thoroughly renovated and tinted throughout: all carpets and furniture new and rcilitislied : prices most reasonable of any house In t ho clt y. 3 Rooms 325 and Up. Seo these e!.-gant 3-room apartmenrs before you decide. Minnie E-. Smith, Prop. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.; this new 4-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall, electric automatlo eievator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, ice box, plenty of closet rooms, -both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, comii to the Barker; 1 3-room basement apartment, Phones A 174-i. Marshall 2fr61. NEWLY furnished The Upshur, 26th and Upshur sts.. furnished 2-room apartments. 313, 31, 20 and up. This Includes steam C pi-at. hot aud colu. water In every apart Tiient, private phones, public bath, electrto lights, gas rang, luundry-room, all free; Sifio 3-room unfurnished apartments, with private bath, $lo; 4 rooms. 320. Take S, jd or W cars north. Phone Main 8j8. CHESTEUBLRY HOTEL APARTMENTS. 20th aud Kearney. An elegant new hotel wjih beautifully furnished apartments; handsomely ap- 1ointed dininK-i'oom. where mcais may e procured if desired; everything pos sible for tne convenience and comfort of guests; raodvrn in every respect; an Ideal home; rciercncca required. Call or phone Marshall 761. NEW APARTMENTS, iiltft and Overtoil. New apart men ls ou the corner of 21st and Overton ; elegantly furnished ; also un 1 urn ir tied apartments; ready tor occu-paii'-y Mny 1". every convenience and coin fort; beautiful lawn, "lake "W" car, get e! f at 21t ai'.d Northrop. Phone Marshall 1H.E VILLA ST. CLARA, 12tn ana layior. Jni compietsd. mot magnificently feT Ulshed apartments in the N'jrtnwest; loca tion perfect; rentals reasonaDle; avery modern convenience, including banqaai hall and roof garden; both phones in a-U apartments; nign-class service; refareasa require d. Ma. 227o and A 70ST. IDKUhAM APARTMENT-, 170 Ford l, just auutn of V ashing tea j most complete, highest class apartmsais ever built in Foruaud; finianea tnrouga ut in nardwood; tiled baths, superb i-x-tttrcs; eiegant wall coverings; ch witk private uiaauy, niiia t vlaas servica; ry reasooauie rents; 4 and o-rotua apart-u us. moat conveniently arraagoa. HANOVER FIRE PROOF APARTMENTS. King and Wasmng.ou sts.. now ready. New 0-story remiorcea concrete uulid ing, only tucpruoi: apartmtnt-nouse la portlauu; viy possibio cou vtcitJiico, elec tric ciovator. uesL o service, private uat couits, eaoy AaiKing instance; A 3 wad 4-rooui apartments, 322.00 up. WELLINGTON COURT. lth aua E erett Sts. New manageiuent; 2, 3, 4 or 5-room un-fuim-heu a-rtmeuts. Tne best apart ments in tne city lor the money; tuey have all modern conveniences, are close In, neat and . horn .oiiKe. Don't Xail 10 luspect them beroie locating. KEELER APARTMENTS, aud Clay Streets. One 01 the finest in tue city; steam heat, hot and cola water, private vesti bules, phones, anu bams, ciectric eleva tor anu lifts; uniuiuisned suites 3o2 to $4S. HARRIMAN APTS.. 204 24TH ST. N. 'I'wu d-rooiu apts., furnisliea anu unlur-nilu-d, witn two ilisapp. -anna Keels in; one o-rooni apt., lurnisiu-u wuii two real utuiooms; a;So two aisupieanns beds and two lare. porches; suitauio lor four or live people. BU NA VISTA. 12th and Harrison, new brick. 2, Z and 5 root-is, furuisu&d or unfurnished, ail modem conveniences; best aervlce. Apply on prcaiises. KLNG HILL APARTMENTS 171 KING bT. 4 6. 6 -room apartienis; select tenancy. Appiy on premises. GRANDEST A lurnlsned apartments. Or ana ave, and East Star ; ne w brick bulid iag, B room, splendidly furnished, with pri vate bain, 27.uU; eiectric elevator; a ern conveniences; cuau-in location; t waikins aistauxe. beat of service, 6T. CROLX. Apartments, St. Clair St.. near Wasuiugton; 3 and o-room apaxtmeaub witn private uat a. f urnisned and unlur Kinea, superb iocatlou, easy waiatlng uis tauce, brie builuing; convmeut arrange in cuA-eatGiaeT "THE W1CKERSHAM lain and Fiauuers sts. Beau tit ul apart ruonts, 6 and 0 rooms. Cad and see thtini. CUMBERLAND APTS., W. Park and Co lumbia sts.. 1 choice 3-room apt., jutt fur msiteu, everythinif litiv, to marnea couple only ; all moueru conveniences; choice lo cation, facing tho park, only 3 minutes' walk from business center. WINS'luN Aparuiiuuta. 541 I4tn su. a Market; new corner urick; all bright, out aiGt rooms; 2 and 3-rooiu suites coia pietely lurnished tor houaeeepiig , 4ii u tS7.&u. For iiif onnation call Main THE MARLBOROUGH. 6-room apartment, choice residence dis trict, wakiug aisiauue, ovtiy cuuveaioaca Main 7<L Lincoln apts., cor 4th and Lincoln. Ail outside, 2-room apartments; Holmes bens, buiit-m writing tltsKS, vacuum clean er, lanitor service; 22.J0 to aJo. .nciuaiug Mghts, private phones. A 3472. Main 1J7?. THE LUZERNE. Just compieteu, corner 3a and Hall; all 2-room turuisned apts., large outside kitcnens. ucst arrantjea apts. in Portlud. 3 anu up. Eiuty waikmg distance KNICKERBOCKER Apartments, Hth and Harrison sts. New brick building, now ready; superb arraugenient ana location; o rooms wuh privato oath; every conveui euce, ocst ot service; reasonable rents. fcT. FRANCIS Apartments. 2ist and Hoyt ;; rooms and oath, private bail on y, new brick; electric eiuator, superb location, in walking dist ance ; muit convenient ar r:. ngemcnt. low rent and host ot service. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS, Corner 3d and Montgomery, new. mod ern, furnished, two-1 00m apartments; close iu; eievator; private Oath and phone.; no children; 323 up. Main 1160. VERY desirable nicely furnishod apart ments, also single rooms; rcaonablo rates; let us show you. The Luxor, Liih and Clay sts. THE Mai it EDITH. 713 U aanington st., 3 and 4 -room apts.. iiardtvooa floors, with fcverv convenience, newiy iuruished; cheap-t,-t lent in the city. THE AVALON One 3 and one 4-room apt. for rent. Comer Ciaickamas and Ross. H h one Eart 3172. the" park apartments. 853 Harrison St. Phone Marsnail 3070. JULlAETTE Kurnished and unfurnianed 3 rooms. Corner d aud Mstgumery. IRIS. COR. 3d AND MILL! 4 a:id 5 large rooms; modern. FOR 3 )r 4-room furnlhPd apts. Investigate t ho Park h u i'st,2'tth and Nj.rt h rup. THE ELM 2 and 3-room apts., furnished heat, phone and bath. 191 14th at. FOUR iand &-room apartments. Jackson Hungrttow, 4-"i4llth si. ALMTrA. 475 Salmon st.. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished. THE Northampton, 407 Hall; furnished ej gantly; 3 rooms. 323 up; 1. 312. M. 420. Tii E LAT'RETTE One furnirhed 3-room apartment; private bath and phone. 22U 1 Ith ft. ROSE-FK1END. S. W. cor. 7th and Jeffer son, modei n and 3 -room unfurniKhed :i pri'iients; hr'l- ood tb'ors : references. T i -: J KKKKRSOXIAN ; nl- ely furnished 2 and 3-room apts: ; 1 basement apt. i14 Jefferson st. M . 3432. THE LAN DO RE, 2-S8 10ih at., 3-room fur nished apt., with sleeping porch. BRYN MAVVR. 185 East 13th, near Yamhill, 5 outside rooms, over fine lawn, porch. FOR RENT. Apartments. FURNISHED APTS, Nicely furnished. 3 rooms, 322.50; all outside, large, light, airy rooms, private phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator, water heater, lauaury tiast large closets, on carline. East Side. Tauor 283, B 3041. THE WE&TFAL APARTMENTS 410 oth st. Five minutes' walk. brick building, nicely furnished 3-room apart ments, private bath, phone, elevator; t27.30 and up. Main 2070, A 2033. Flat. 5-ROOM Hat 7S2 Glisan st.. 330: new build ing, superb location, very aesirable; hard Wood Uoors. 11 rep lace, gas range, water heater, lurnaee. See janitor, St. Croix A partinents. 170 St. Clair st. fclJi-rtEAlED O-room fiat, very desira ble; convenient arrangement, with gas range; 3.12.00 Summer late. Appiy Jani tor, Wellington Apartments, 16th and Everett. NEW 4-room upper corner flat, including attic room, s-leeviing-porch. fireplace, and ail modern conveniences. West Side, wuik Itip distance. Main 3734- FOR RENT 3-room flat, beautifully tur nished, walking dlstauce, nice lawn and roses, price .;ti. Call at 103 N. 23d, or pnone M. Ooi'o. 5-ROOM flat, modern, clean rooms, has porcn, fireplace, rent -7.50 month. Call 441 11th. LOWER 5-rooni modern flat, gas stove and water heater. good location, rent Jjl&. Phone East 0317. 4 ROOMS furnished, bath, private, walking distance, one block from Washington Hiyli. 5 lt East Alder. Phone East 1540. &-RUOM modern ilat on Lovejoy st., cheap, only $23. Vanduyn 4: Walton, 513 Cham ber Commerce. COO MARKET ST. 5-room. modern flat. jo per month; key at 30-. Portland Trust Company, 3d and Oak. 3 "ROOMS, bath, pantry, attic; furnished-or unfurnished; reasonable; references. tsl Ptl grove. Main 176 or TWO modern 3-room fiats. in-vly f uniihi a, 3."i, including gas, water and phone. :;i,o Chapman. .NUB Hill flat. 7 rooma. fine yard, splendid neighborhood. 77 5 Vi Johnson St., bet. 31 and 24th. Main 5591. MODERN new 6-room upper flat. Went Side, select neighborhood; hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fireplace. Marshall 2024. CUM PLETEI . Y f urn Ifhed 5-room. flu" . . minutes' walk from p. O-; 3-5, including; water. Phone A 7sjP. COMI'LETKL V furnished, cosy 6-room t lat. to responsible couple, Otli and Montgoiuer st.s.. rent 327. Phone A 7 Mi:. UNFURNISHED flais, 4 and 3 rooms Mont gomery at-, bet. 5th and 0th. Inquire 55 3th st. MODERN 3-room flat. E. lSth and Aslt. B 2 QUO. Modem 4-room lower flat; walking dis tance. 0JS E. Main. Phone East 10 1. M' JDK RN 4 -room lowr flat, 32'. furnltni o for sale. X-S East Pine. East A nkeny car. 5- ROOM flat; modern, centrally located. Phono Main r.O-ju tir Marshall KM.'. SWELL modern 5-room lower flat. 7M) E. Yamhill, near 23d. Phone E. 3i'4S. MODERN 5-room fiat, 5th, near Jackson, West Side. 10 min.walk. Main or A 122. FOR SALE Furniture 3 room flat, cheap. Columbian Apt. 43. 6- ROOM furnished fhii. ground floor, mod ern, nice yard, 330 month. 002 Front. MODERN, steam heated. West Side, walk ing distance, janitor service. Marshall 5 ,". 6-ROOM upper flat, unfurnished, modern; nice- location. Inquire 320 Everett st. 3-ROOM modern flat, NO CHILDREN. Main 1350. 0-ROOM lower, modern flat. 010 Hancock or telephone Main 2414. NOB HILL Modern 0-room upper flat, sleeping porch. Main .SS'S. Housekeeping Rooms. THE UPSHUR 20th and Upshur sts. fur nlshed 2-room apartments, 15 up. In cludes steam heat, hot and cold water In every apartment, public bath, electric lights, gas range, laundry-room, all free. Take S, 23d or W cars north. Phone Main 859. . THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall, fur nished for housekeeping ; gas range, elec tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free: 312 per month up; a clean place, best lr the city for the money; short distance fro in Union Depot. Take "S" or ltith-st. cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dogs. 31.60 TO 32.50 per week Clean furnlsnedJ housekeeping rooms; free heat. phona, bath, laundry, yard. 405 Vancouver ave, , and 202 Staaf.uc; "U" car. Phone E. 603. EXTRA large, light, alrv. spotlessly cleanfd new Iv furnished house eKeping suite ol rooms, 515 and SI 0 a month ; gas range. 2S 3d st.. corner Columbia. THE MILNErT o504 Morrison, corT ParkT 1 furnished or unfurnished housekeeping apartments, all conveniences, best location. bummer rates. roMFORTABLK 3-room suite front house keeping rooms. 33.30 per week, furnished VI 2 is sl- near btara FOR RENT H. Iv. rooms, 3 50 a week a in. up. closo in. 370 Vs E. Morrison, iua: Union. HOUSEKEEPING- rooms; rates reasouab 24!) i Holladay ave, tw o blocks Iron. I Steel bridge. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suite ; walking d is 1 ance. single and 545 Wash, st SI. MARK'S. 3121- e. Burnsidc, front house keeping Fuite. walking distance. $5. HOUSEKEEPING, also single rooms. 31.; to 32 a week. 211 2d St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms in new conerep building. Phone Woodlawn I'oitf or .;rj. NEATLY furn'shed housekeeping ronnu phone and bath; ckise in. lo1 Wan 361 TAYLOR, housekeeping suites and single gas. hath, phont . laundry, reasonable. 569 5th st.; 3 nice housekeeping rooms, bath water and gas free. 30 a month. PA RT.OR floor, 147 lath, bet. Alder an I Morrison sts. Marahall42S0. TWO housekeeping rooms, with sink, $3." per week. 3VJ H a w 1 1 1 o m e. Housekeeping: Rooms in 1'rivate Famliy. HOUSEKEEPING suite $11 month, waiuj ing distance, i car. ---.f nise, j-- Side. TWO lovely furnished housekeeping room every convenience, very reasonable. 2 11th. TWO and three nicely furnished house kee lng rooms, gas, bath, reasonable. 0 Front. LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms, all n I . ... n H.taimhlo neoole onl 1 it studio. 41 N. listh. Marshall 41'JS. f TWO clean front, furnished hoiisekcc;i rooms, a bargain. 03S E. Taylor. Tab 2o23. ?S. ONE room, housekeeping privilege cas. hath, 2 rooms. 315 a month. 4 4 NICE L Y furnished house ke-plns roon $1S. Call hefore noon or after 3 P. M-, 5 Kit nders st. Fl" RNJ SH ED houtek epiug rooms in mo ern immc. 2 at 312, 3 at 31. r0oli SL'O. Tabor li3. 2 NEWLY furnished housekeeping roon , ras, sink; walking distance. 211 Shcrm street. SUITE of nicely furnished hou-ekeeph rooms, 33 per week. 22 E. cneri. ai inir distance. 63 NORTH 20TH - Large, newly furnlsl room complete for housekeeping; also room suite?. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in ba? ment for 2 men or man and wife. 4 Clay, cor. 14th; 310 a month. CONVENIENT housekeeping suite; raiif hot and coia water, gas, iv a luomn. 1 Hall st. TWO or three complete, furnished hou keeping- rooms, deslrablo location. 4 Mai-K!, near jitn ti. Hi irsEK EEP1NG suite, ground floor. Iu light, phone, bat 11. $. a woe a. it & 4th. off East Morrison. TWO neat housekeeping rooms. light, h phone, bath, 34 week. 160 East 14th, East Morrison. Ing; tenter of business; large shady y; a 32 WEEK, light housekeeping room. lot h st.. near Hall. FUR N IS H ED housekeeping rooms. 149 1 . st., near Morrison. 1 OR 2 furnished housekeeping- rooms; ya bath. phon- 4 5U Yamhill. PLEASANT liousekeepinc; suite; larce 1 window, rnnin Moor; 33 a week. 411 4t NICELY furnished upstairs front roc kitchenette, gas range, phone. 50S C; 313 341 H, corner Clay, convenient one. two-room furnished housekeeping suite FURNISHED housekeeping suite; walk' dlst-ince; no children. 362 E. Couch. ;' ONE snigle housekeepiuK room; heat, ph Hcd bath. 221 13th sL 1 2-RO 'M hnus' kcr pine euite ; best locati reasonable. 0'.O Everett st. THREE pleasant furnished housekeiy rooms, walking amtance. ss l-th st. 34 50 WEEK, front suite of rooms ; r o inmbia st.. between 10th and liih TH REE nicely furnished hotisckeep rooms; reasonable. 1 81 Kearney.