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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
THE MOK.M.TIi tlKKUIl.MA. I ll U HHIJA , lor le Acrrag ACRIAQI . Beautiful tans), le-' feet'le. " r-v. gravel or enld white land, only ! in I rules car ride. In valley Juat west of city. Fourth-etreet electric pMr irrnu rrnlcr of plat- Com muier I.rH 13 t, rent, boy here, and enjoy in al.antas-s of a su burban home, valuee advance with each year' a growth of th city. Any eise.1 tract jrou may desire at $2.- fo (,) per a" err monthly pev menta proper discount t'tt cash. Of -tea open until a K M. THE FTTAW-FEAft CO.. Mala 3 li Fourth 8U A330O BEI-ORE BUTIN-3 .t tha nty n-iagaxlne. "Ortn Opin ion' .freei. R-d what ni'in'.rrt at V. ear Starlon aay It will aave vou hunt it. g for t'' right le-ation. Th tn.w coner n all .lelisnted with ttielr pur rilAn. t.ut w dn t you to hu. only to read ihe magazine ami dra our own rtmciuilcri. Gel frae cop-e at Sli Cham r.r .if Commerce Stark ! . from 1 '-I'd to K'Mirfh street. Vi ILLAMETTE VALLEY IRRIGATED U.ND tual'AXI. Il.-i in the Tuia'ln Vnll-T. . . PACIFIC. X.-w.'SET CO. In .... 1 K It.. I. 1 ACklii or mora. If desired, at Roy. In Washlrrton County : ; mu-a west .f lortliil Ritfht at nation of s. I. Tillamook branrh itil only t mlMitea iih to depot on I'nltrd K. eicrtrlc l:ne I'roapr'oue and well-set-tied nrtatn.rhil. pafffic. atoro. arliool and 2 hurenra "by. tm-llrnt aoil. tr itr. and all In hllth atatr of rul lliatlon. Sumr txarjai rputly ault ed to trurk ra;:n. ITtta U. - caali. balanra to pmii. km imxv MiKinr.. Z:. !.jmlfr Kl' hanto. C IL.VTKV HOME IV rlT. .rarly arrra In aTcrlUint condition; Tars modern hoinr; prato water plant, fu.l barins orchard. i-rrira and an op portunity ! b-im indeprndr-nt In ral in poultry; full rtjuipofui for ratsina; loxt thiiama: an li'al pir: bat-rrn -rarllnr and ona of tho brat proportloa In lha city or country If jou want aoma thtnit of tMa nttur. So Mr. rtr f,r firthr partlrulara. niAPIX-lltKl.l'W MTU at TKCMT CO. Tft'-.l Floor I'tiimr of Comrnrroa. FIXE FRUIT LAND. 1 arrra of ood land aprclally adapt rd and rec"mmndrd for an orchard; lha yary boat of ao'l. a arntlo aouthwrat Blopo. rirtjnl dralnyac. amiatad on main mac. adamtxrd county rond. cIo to atatlon and only mihra from Portland. Th priro of tlim land la pr acr: ttown. balance oaay paymonta: will aril ;.acni tracta of thia trar-t If aultod. 40i Couch Bid. FOR e.At.. Valuable 2t"0-rr tract 4 ml. Nortn of Wallowa, over good aracon road; Rv. iijrvry rone throtiah rnd of tK:a tract; fine body aaw urnb-r, nr sood alo-k range: bKt of cllmat. ahort feeding aea aon. conaiderable Irnprovt-njenta; eoll and watee the bent; bearing orrhnrd. all gralne. Inrludlna; corn, iruw f perfection, prea- nt va'url bound to doable; rural phone and dial, arhool near cint-r of the tract. If yrtii m4n bualneae. wrlra the owner. Hot K. Tn.y. Wallowa Co.. OT. ft..trRr traeta. ? S m Ilea weat of Whltwood Court which la Veent fjo on l'nlted Pallwaa. fine ma-ta-lam roa.l alt the way. only $173 per acre for a few davs. Installment plan. Office open ui-til V. M. TJIK FTT A"-FKAR CO.. BL'Il.P ON VACANT 1"T. WE WILL TL'RN THK BfKPE.V IV TO IMfMK. WE KIRM.-II THE rr. KiNwrr vn pt ii.D apaht- MK.NT OH RF.iIE."CE AT LOW COST. V -. HIV K HoM. SHOW OI K WliRK. AND Kf.FEK-.TO OI R CLIENTS SKiS I BbFORK 1oU MAKE PLAN8; IT VV ILL. PAY. I. rt BAILET CO.. CO.NTr.Al'TIN-. AKCIIITECTS, - AfllNUTQN BLtlO. tFCRES. asloear red abot aoll In Waahintrtwa County e snllea from Portland oa the new t. R. N. Ry, partly tlmbarod. eaaiw cleared. ood road a acbool la quar ter of a mile, sear railroad town la t w a pcitea. IJi-o raah. balanre your owa terma, riKLANTit TRUST COM PANT, oa 8paJdlDC Bulldloc. PLEASANT PLA"T TO LIA'E. 3 aTea. partly w-oled. on main county mad 13 nille-a north of rortland. S mll weat of elation on N. P. Ry.. all aood ln-l for a countrv home or chicken rati.h we reemmend thla; price l; your own terma. see Mr Mr: an.. CHAPIN-HERLoW MTO. TRCST CO. Third Floor chamber of Commerce. tSO PER ACRE. fSO CASH. 10 acres of fine Umber, (rood rlh black loam aoil. perpetual water riaht of eprln water; thla la excellent cordwood timber and will more than pay for tue clearing-; thie properly la only 2 milea from Port land and 14 mllea from atatlon. o& CoU'-h flldtr 1 l-j'in'.iy FOR EAST TERMS. . 1 bloclt from electric carllne atatlon. aood aoil. atore. acbooL telephone, near county road I.I acrea for t eaay terma. aame an II, m"re roiMnr and rouah. aplendlrt for gem. I.'TJ for the wiiole tract, owner, :to7 F.atlway Ki'haree hM. CHIcTk FN A?lt FH.VTT RA5CB aaae Fort and- a NKtar bCBDITlSlOK. Laweat prtcea. beet ;oll. Bne ylew; Wood, watee and roads. a ree. 00 per tract; It-a, :M- A. -iK. A.. HA; 0 aW, ;. 10 A.. S3000; liberal terma. FRANK. U FAHLAXD BKALTf CAX. u Teoa H1C- Portlaad. Or. Vi'ir SALE M acre. a;i cleared. Trmt a teflon Line road, on propoeed Montavllla earlioo eatenaloo; fine aol. no irravel: .TT--,'inle. t wrry ranrhea; worth ilt.tXi. will take s."Cai, ea terma. Sea .,ner. v Third at I- J Ai-fc; I'm J Tr. 7 -room p.Mierd h'Xifc. kImmii -i itm rtjltl ' .!rl, thv rX ?i!T rlrrd. lo mllf-j f rm the ;to irlc Mnr. fruit Ire-, ta.rn and chirk- n rd nj wil, a bout It ma from rrt i.aL F-r further information frm nm r-r, wTtt A F O'-g n Inn. T yrtu want a, atock ranch. 1alry ranch or at-rvAff trarta. 1 hav aomt (oo.1 Im -proTaii n4a at 913 pr and up; , woult b p -aM-l tv have, y 4) a call and in- vtijit-. W. W. ircen, 71 J Chain, of r H SALK, by Ow-nrf 1.". or J airr. fint t r u't aril ulniil la ml . Hf-r .amhlll. on a m:' irotn (ati-n; lrt -tra i-.nil to aln.i. a!! c..!; M-tI for homf , ix unurp-M. A iV r-girtan. .1 acr. parity cirarnS. on Section Lint WATS.A THERKKLSEV '0 . rtA .-rnW'ni HMm . Wain T'OJ HALF-ACRE TRACT. J' FT. FROM OAR. Witrr. Pt!r-waika and art Improvement pl f'r; pith Itiack (r- from crawl, iiriv .V., minuter ride to buincpa. Y aiv trma. tract rirared. AL Urf C-M'.'an. i OKE'.'N r'.LKrTK I' ' AKKAOE, 17-X Mav from 5 t -0-a-re tr-ra clos to itiattrm. mi:" ut. frmn $? to flM I re kl-rf on aAsT Irrms; the hat for tha mnrr io Ortf.m. F"'1 W. Ovrman. 3-k I A E want -r "urw ,..n.n a m:: of port ana. cioee to iran.porianon. lor aubdllil!ns. on a cash or ecmmleloa hjix K. R- Ernaberar. joa Ry. Each, Mnrar-e'l l'l- ACRK wi'htn 13 muea of Portland, beat vi.v of ConmMa and inoumaine and beat a i-o rond Ithln l'i t et ; for quick ea.;e a per acre. AT 4?. Oregonlan. I ACRE aear Heertoa. li cleared. I bio. a from car atation and runnlnc water; orly I3J per acre, terma. Owner. Janet U'llaoo. Borlna. Or., route L FIXS INVESTMENTS SNAPS. Several aood acreage bura cheap- all a!w tract aad wary aeetrab a terma. Vaa- OR eALK-1 acrea at tierdrn Home; Aofl jr acre, eome caaU. ta:nc eaay. 4"d r-A..e .Me. I Al ftt's :l in cu tlation. fiueat aoil. leeL near Tvrt ird and electric line, eaay terma, Phone C t.l. "XcRS and 141 acrea. on Vancouver e!ec- rie car- ae d tm prnrementa: reaaonable. J. b. PW-. ' -. rnE4 TlUamook Coontr. voad ao!L na roc; "atarwd; acra. H. X. i mi Abtaatoa blda. win ti von In pe-see.ten of a splendid la-acre traet of f.n earden land. about I a--r of ihla la pmiw beaverOem ail rir.-(1. thr remal-ider la a ruh black iea-n eovrrrd with tin fBrdwowl i.t ! a fine stream of ruimini " t rnasir.g Ihla trai I. making It l-tal for the raising cf duka or chickens; thu property la local, d en a fine merait mwl I r.jv -ii mi'ri from 1'ortiand 1 F I --r-avr:- i rORMUS. I " FOR SALE. HELP WAXTED-MALE. lit. 4L J-bTATK. For Sale Acrea; DANDY 8MALI FARM IJOfO. 1A acrea. u mllea from Wood burn. Or.: all under high elate of cultivation, rich black loam eotl. 1 acre of youtta; or chard. Iota of different klnda of berrlee; ; we'la on place, all fenced and croaa fenrrd; houae fair condition, dandy new barn. rot flM to build, all neceaeary outbulldinea, includJnc cowbarn. chlcken hed. etc.; value of thla place. fa00. We took thla on trade and will aWe a bl bargain at SSOin, terma If deatted. It. II CDOt'KIND C. INC lOAj.ioi) Wilcox Hld. HAT HERE. REAF A l I.WESTIGAT9 THIS. ! acrea; 12 In crop: nlew bearlnc or rhard. atoall houae. good barn, outbulld inea runnink' atrvam, place all fenced, on main county road, no rock or gravel, about i rinla from railroad atatlon. - hour aervlce. 17 mllea from Portland, for the attiail eiim of ('.'.Mm); 10i cah. alan.e eii.v terma. per cent. Thla la the beat thing around Portland. Call at once. U. s fMITII aV COMPANY. 4.1- Itiimbtr of Commerce lildg-. Main -'j. 1 TO 3-ACRE TIIACTS. beauilfullv located between Mllaaukle. Clackaniaa. Jennina l!ite and oladatone; ti.ruitid a"H. aeillrd neighborhood. Ore gon t'lty road runa through the property; price l-am (V) lo (i.V per acre; nioet convenient trnna of payment: do not bur acraago near Portland until ou have eeeu there match'.e.. trarta. J. O. EI.KOI). OWNER. r!3 Corlett Itulldinff. Aak for Mr. Croaaley. li; DOWN. EAST TERMA Me.dv work at fair waaei If you buy of u. a acrea on the Ortgon Electric. mile from atatlon. AO minutee from Port land deep. r!--h. black aoil, land all cleared : orlr Co per acre. THE WFSTI.VN T li I ST CO. Xeoa iid. 0 IKW PER ACRE EAtiT TFtRM. 4 acre, near electric rarllne. gentle on good aulomol.Me r.a.l. aplend'd aoil. all cl.ared. running water, eloee to purtund. Ideal for .mall farm and country home. .wd ne:huorn. aloro. hoo. t'lep.ione. dally mail. etc. Hallway r. i nangeo4jg Irrigated laind. KLAMA'III I'OI'XTY irrigated alfalfa land and atock rancher: the countr for op. norfinlttee to make money. Full Infor mation 1- Jacoba. room 4ll. Ilnllway Ex rhiiref M-lg. UoaaeaAeada. HOMESTEADS. If you are looking for a horoeateai. call t,ere Have rellnuulatimeiita on aeveral , adjoining elaltna In Tillamook Co.. a lei eome timoer emmoi. iuo ' oi each one. good water ami near to loarna and railroad. .i4 Spalding bldg. WE have the Information regarding1 o tim ber claim open for lioineetcad eeltlement. Kliieet agricultural land. near good atrcatn. good wagoo road croaalng clalma. Call 41 Chamber Commerce. I'tione Main P.-. '4. GOVERNMENT homeateada and deaert land, with abundance of water; grain, alfalfa, fruit and vegetable land; aend aridreed envelope fur free information. Box Keno, Nar. CE'lRABLE famlllee located free oa beat lard In Central Oregon. Write Ramptea alley Development Aean.. Hamptoa. Or. f or Male-! anna. VERT CHOICE ACHES. MILES OUT. flere la the bent cloee.ln farm buy around Portland. Thla la an excep tionally attractive liomc. with pleaeant. clean, neat environment. There are acre, all In high tate of cultivation except email grove In chicken-sard. The entire tra-t Ilea perfectly, la the ver beet of eoll. free of rock or gravel: good e-room plastered houae. large bam. new chlcken-houne and other outbuilding- aplendld orchard of all klnda of hearing fruit, lota of grape and bcrrlea; price, with eome peraonal property, la only (:.3: good terma. Remember. Hi)a elegant farm home la joat S mllea from trie city llmlte of Portland, level, graded road all the may; tha eoll la yery rlcn. Ilea perfectly, vet aplendld ylew la ob tained from the premise. Wa know of no more attractive farm home near ihe cllv. and certainly nothing ao cheap. We are excluaive farm dealer, and have an excep tionally choice lut of cloae-ln farma at the pteaent time. If j'ou mean bualneaa our machine will take you out any day. HARlJROVB SONS. 1Z2 lh M. North. Cor. th and "ullean. Main 4.-.41, A 7rl. A GKNCINE FARM KACR1PICE. no ACRES, wofl TV CROP. 100 acrea more good plow land, balance fine paature. with plenty of good eprlng water; all the following Included at the frlce: -room houae. barn and outbol n nua. one 3 S -Inch wagon, one Superior drill. 1 double due. i 4-horae barrowa. I gang plow.. I fan mill. 1 McCormlrk header, ot.e-half Inteeeat in thrchlng machine a aeta double barneaa. hivea of beea. JC. ehicketia 2 cow.. S head of horaea. IT hoga. 14 geeee and all email too. pi"" It.; place at l-'S l-r acre. Thla FARM J. well fenced and only 4H mile from town 'the county at and railroad. To a re.pon.lble party t will make term a or tinpoO raah. balance on or before twe .rare. Adorra owner. 33 Empire bldg beattle. Waao. STOP RI'IHT HERE! LISTEN: Far Above the Ord'nary. 147 acrea cf the beet producing aoil la the Willamette Valley: Ideal for hope, potatoe.. hay or dairy: 11 Improved; from f to lOO acre bottom land, fair farm bolldlnga. p'enty of water: thla farm 1. located 14 mllea from Portland. II mllea by auto rood. 3t mi lea from Hllle boro and U mliea from a elation on I ho h P - phono and dally mail; I offer thl farm for ar.'i t- r a. re for a few du). and it la actual from .'.'. to below ral vaiue; mu bo aeon to be appreciated; mirfluaird term. O A NICHOLS. Owner. 1X17 ' WIIA.-OX BLUG. WILLAMETTB RIVER FRONTAGE. I0 acre IS mllea from Portland: high banka- never overflow: elghtly. 2 boat laneltnga on tha place, flft acre. In culti vation. 4 acre In cordwood timber: fair bouae and bam; deep black loam aoil: no rocka or waate land; thl la abaolutely the best buy on the Willamette Klver; price 14 per acre. ;i)e caah: balance t year. CrlAPINHF.RLOW MTO. TRI'ST CO. Third Floor Cv.amber of Commerce. 1-.) ACRES. Nine m'.:w outh of talent, on Oregon Electric extenal'-n: good houae and barn; well fenced: houae plumbed: rich river bottom and hill land. Writ- i E. orovca, Independonce. Or. Rj TlB wheat on land that will produce from I to 40 buahel to the acre ard aeila for $'-ii to (4 an acre: ho hard labor; you 't on the machine; the noreea do the Write M Fltamaurice. Condon. Or. liat) ACRES for I3.KI0 caah. rich, level valley land mile r Kino Bay. bonora. alex co 'perfect title. A. M. Ulgbhouaa. Iki4 Chamber Commerce bldg. HAHiiAlN ln deeded farma. and choice Government land, location In Harney County, writ to W. K. fculUvaa, Burn. Oregon- BEr.T garden land la etata la tract frora one acre up; get youraelf a borne m the country and Bar tot It like real. Fboaa Tabor 743. ao ACR Ei. I" acrea cultivated, good houae and barn; (111 Per aviei 14 mi;e aootb of Portland: IS mllea from Mailer at oo o. K. R- Inquire 5(X Jefferaua at, U.I ACRES excellent farm. Willamette Val iev 3 mllea good town, f "v5 acre. J. C McClare. Ablngtow bldg RANCH aO acrea. wUb baltdlaga 1 aeriaa from Portland. Bear elaetrle line: bargaia for all eaao. by owner. 163 Moniaoai at. I or hule Farma. BEAL'TIFL'le 0 ACRES. BASE LINE ROAD. Directly eaat of tha city. Juat SO mllea. right on the Itaae Line road, we have one of the beat farm buy In Ihe Slate of Oregon. It I Oel't on the automobile road that la be. Ing extended to Hood Itlver. and when completed will be the moat ex. tenairely traveled road In the state, a the view obtained along thl hl.hway la unaurpaeeed. Tke view from thla farm Is decidedly one of the beat obtained from thla high way; in thla elegant farm there are 0 acre, to acrea In high atate or cultivation, balance timber and pas lure; It Is a conceded fact that the aoil here Is the very beet In tha tate; 160 aacka of polatoea are Pro duced to the acre and fanner there old their potatoes a few days ago for I: per hundred: the quality pro duced there la unexcelled; all other crops grow abundantly; good -room cottage, one of the beat bams In Multnomah County: other out bullilinga; aplendld bearing orchard; pure aprlng water piped to houae. barn atid lawn; you have everything in this farm to be desired; unex celled soil, beat of water upply. excellent roads and unsurpassed view: can eell you tills elegant acres for only (ir..0t; a few tracts have sold In aame community for lioo per acre mainly for the un excelled view of the Columbia River and surrounding country: look this property up. Hie lew I worth the trip; our machine will take you out. HAKHI'.OVE ac SONS. 1?2 th St. .North. Cor, GUsan. Main i-iil. A 7301. GROW HOC.S; CROW ALFALFA; CHOW RICH. Quick profit, big profile, sure profits; small and e.ay work raising- hogs lu an a falfa dlatnot. Acre support 11) to 13 head. A little milk for young piga and a tew pound of grain to finish off for market, and ail the rt la Juet alfalfa feed. WltTi dlt. h water running through your land and Bne alfulfa parlure, ralalng hops la the easleat work on a farm linn miu can care for a thoueatid head. You ran rataa (130 worth of hogs to tha acra every year on alfalfa land at Los Motinoa. . . . Flrst-claaa markets ship or boat or rail silt soil 20 feet deep. Oravity trrtgatlon. Moat abundant water supply In Cali fornia. Alfalfa 10 tone per acre. Every fruit and nut that grows In Amer Ira. Carden n'l Winter. Land (IH on acra and up. One-tenth iah. No second payment for two years. Kielit yeara to pay out. Land going fast. If you want a choice tract come at one or write today. Those living In Portland or vicinity, call today ou H. O. Trrr. tHr ou old. Others write to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANT. LOS MUI.IXOS, CAI- GARDEN -AND. .' acre. mllea we.t of Portland out Washington St.. IS acres In cultivation, all good land, dandy stream of water placo and la uned for Irrigation: several old bearing fruit trees; small houae and bnrn; fronts on main county road; R. K !. telephone: thla la bar. gain for garden land, close 111. (o00. See Mr. Morgan. . HAPIN'-HEHLOW MTO. TRI ST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. TM-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Jtear Long Beach. Pacific Co., Wash., with atock, implements and grow Ing crop. This farm cannot be beau Good reasons for selling: buy direct from owner. Ad dress Walllcut Farm. Ilwaoo. Wash. 2iH ACREc 40 miles from Portland. miles from food town, school Joins place, marlv half In cultivation; well watered by eprlrga, family orchard. 8-room house, j barns, other outbuildings: place well Mocked, everything to farm with, crop end all muat a. 11 at once. Own-r. l.rstir L'l. brand. 170 First-St. Main WW. foK SALE Chicken ranch. 4 miles from city, (ood o-room houao, plenty of berries aud Iruit: easy terma. Phone Tabor 745, FOR Air TIMWFR fAD T5 noo.onn FEET of yellow pine and red fir 1490 acrea of land. Rooming and flume rlghta: located on the Columbia, lees than SO mile above Vancouver. Can be logged right Into the Columbia River. Owner, will eacrlflc for a quick sale. (1 40. ODO. Term.. No agents. Owner. AB ;H3. Oregonlsn. 60 MILLION feet of timber, handy to water and rail; Just right for Immediate use. 412 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. 1FCRACKEN. (04 McKar Bldg TO EXCHANGE. AI'TO EXCHANGE. In good condition; new tires; carry four passengers: Jump seat csn be taken off, make two-paeaenger roadster or bandy delivery car. for (400 to (500 lot. unin cumbered. JACOB HAAH. 4"0 Teou Rldg loo ACRES near Corvallla. on county road, mostly all under plow and In rrop. Sub atantlal houae and bam. all fenced. Price (00 an acre, exceptionally good cash value. Will exchange for city property of equal value or mieht pay eome difference. S B Hermann. 411 Rothchlld bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE ' of lit) rooms and one-quarter block In the b.-et West side location; lea.ed for (:) per month: price (-. wo; will trad eoulty of ( for unincumbered property. Berrey'a Realty Co.. t4t th t. . WE HAVE FOR TRADE Hmrnea. lots, arreaga. farms, hotels, bu.tnee opportunities, picture show, rlgnra and ronf.. reatauranla, atock farm, and many mora. GARLAND CO.. 11 4th St. WANTED modern houae and lot, la exchange for Portland Helghta building aitc. choice, selected early, only IO min utee from oth and Washington. Addreaa K oD. Oregonlan. rlvlnf number of houat orTered. GOOD AUTO WANTED A first payment on brand-new 7-roora modern houae, 1 block from Hswtborna. Price (XTOO: no Junk or Inflated vaiues ronaldered. Fred W. German, 12 Burn id a. ii. w a :o. tM'HANolC 10 acrea timber land, Lin coln County. Oregon, clear of all In cumbrance, for Improved city property; will pay earn or assume mortgage for balance not to exceed $5000; ownera only. JV.' Hamllt'inbldg..rlt. li i?ANT to trade m (lgio equity In a fine 7-room houae. fine location, lot looxino. for an acre of good land with .mall houpc, near earline. Call S-d Worcester bldg. Phone M a InjS tTS"; EXi'HANGE J lots In Shoshone, Idaho. 1 block from Commercial Hotel; will trade for acreage at city property; will trade a good lot la Marshfleld for diamond or good piano. 4QH Couch oldg. ' U 1 1,1, trade S aharea capital atock Spokane Columbia River Navljatlon Co.. par value (100 each, cost me over (l"t each, for 6 or T-paesenger auto. V 88. Ore gonlan. MUDERN 4-reora cottatre on carllna, nicely furnished; rents nt (18 a month: would trade for acreage or lull automobile: eoulty (170O; going; out ot city. V 82. Oregonlan. HOOD RIVER. 10 acre In high atat of cultivation: B acrea In Fpltxenberg and Newtown Pip pin apples: .Vroom house; exchange for Portland property. 3; Lumber Exchange. HAnTHORN'E AVE. flata and two houses with Income of (14. Price (19.OO0. What have you for exchange 7 W 35, Orego nlan. iToYI N'l-I'IiTI Kp; THEATER In Portland; good location; lea; trade for city realty; lnveatlgate; (2500. 82S Chamber of Com merce. jjFAUTIFUL home, largo lot, (000; will take up to (f'OO In vacant lots or acreage. C. Davla, SIS Hamilton bids. Mar. :fi4. WANTED To exebang a atock oX watobaa and Jawelry for farm landa or equity la farm lands O (40. Oraaonlan. a-ROOM modern cottaa-e. Just flnlebed. lot 30xlo0. for stock new and second-hand furniture. Owner. A H 43. Oregonlan. LOTS Restricted district, to exchange fiar house in Sunnysiie or Hawthorne district, Owner. AJ (L Oregonlan. lfe ACRES excellent land for Portland -r perry. B13 Hamilton bids;. Mar. 8Ke)4. TWO lots and cash difference for acreage. Phona Marshall IS. WHEAT RANCH FOR EXCHANGE. WE . HAVE 060 ACRES OF GOOD WHEAT LAND IN MORROW COUNTT. 3 MILES FROM HEPPNER. THI3 FARM WILL RAISE "83 BUSHELS OF GRAIN TO TUB ACRE. RUNNING WATER ON THE PLACE, BESIDES THREE WELLS. TWO WINDMILLS; ORCHARD. OF 1 H 'ACRES: THERE 18 A GOOD (-BOOM HOf'SB ON THE PLACE. TWO BARNS AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS; PRICE: ONLT (3fl AN ACRE, PURCHASER TO GET RENTAL. OF 1-3 PRESENT CROP. OWNER. WHO HAS MADE A FORTUN frj FARMING AND WIfHEi TO .RETIRE, WILL EXCHANGE FOR OOOD PORT LAND PROPERTY. COME IN AND PES I'B ABOUT THIS. ASK FOR MR. RUPPE. WARD A YOUNGER. SL'ITB 42 YEON BLDO. TO TRAPS. liT acrea 69 In cultivation, house and ham: li miles from Eugene In Mr Ken tie Valley; 40 feet water fall and creek run ning all bummer: will exchange for Port land property cash, value (HOOO. CHAPl.N-HEULOW MTU. & TRUST CO. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. Ask fur A. Keller. COMMERCIAL orchard of 250 acres: SOO acre set to fruit all In A-l condition, lo om) iiiberta peach and 21X10 Kelfcr pear trees, from 4 to T years old; ftOoO as anrted apples, from 7 to IJ years old, Nere.ary buildings, teams and outfit. Hue had constant care of expert horti culturist. Price (oO.Onii. I will exchange for Improved or unimproved land, city property or general merchandise. T 34, Oregonlan. FRUIT FARM FOR BUNGALOW, 14 acres of Rogue River fruit laud, of which l:l aores are In full bearing trees, good rusMo house, fine barn and outbuild ings, located 4 mile from Gold Hill, Or., to trado equity fur bungalow or residence property. GRUBS! BOLDS. (in Board of Trade Bid., 4th and Oak. CAN VOU BEAT THIS? (4 acres of A-l land 13 miles from Port Sand. H mile to electric car, good 4-room houae. largo harn, about -O acrra cleared end In crop, lo acres good timber, balance easy cloaring: soil very hest;i price (130 per acre: would toko part city property, M. C. Davis, 315 Hamilton bldg. Mar, j:ift4. JUST NOW J 1. ...... nhanee I I U. aeee g aorea 7- I year orchard, near Hood River; will ex change for house and lot (JOOU or (4000 cluar. Aak for Mr. Harrison. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. it TRUST CO. Third Floor chamber of Commerce. TO TRADE. Well e.tabllahed grocery. West Side. In new brick bldg., for house and lot; cash value about I-'oOO. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. 4 TRUST CO. Third Floora Chamber of Commerce. Auk for A. Keller. JJ7ti EiiLITY In a Luurelhurat homo to exchange for Seattle home or lot Have 40 acrea Irrigated land In Southern Idaho to exchange for Portland home; thla is rash value at (3j0; has small house and barn. 1 1 mile to atatlon. Sen F. E. Miller. 9-S Yeou bldg. Mar shall MO. EXCHANGE FOR LOTS OR CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. S FINE TWO-STORY HOMES. RENTED. MODERN IN EVERY WAY. FURNACES. FIXTURES HARD-St'RKACE STRKET. TWO SHORT BLOCKS EROM CAR. 1UO SPALDING BLDG. NO AGENTS. ASK FOR M. E ASTON. HOTEL '! room, modern brick, on prin cipal street, lease, nicely furnished, doing a good buslnesa. making a net average profit of J400 per month! will exchange leas and furnishings for city or country real estate or will sell on reaaonable terms. AD 5. Orsgonian. W H K A T RANCH TO TRADE FOR , Portland property or acreage; 1400 acrea. with 10OO acrea under the plow, plenty of water, good 3-room bouse, the Biace I all fenced and cross-fenced. Price (30,000; will trade or sell part on time. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. 100x100 FOR ACREAGE. 2 Iota on S. AV. corner Alnaworth and Delaware, price (leOO; equity (SOD; will trado for from 1 lo i acres, near car, not over (1500. GKUSSI At BOLDS. Jig Board of Trade Blag., tth and Oak. 123 ACIiEH. Washington County farm; fine Improvement, milk cows, mules, horses, hogs. Implements, etc. This Is gilt-edge and I court your Investigation. Price (l."0 per acre. cash. No Incumbrance. Will ex change for city property. T 31, Orego nlan. I WILL exchange very highly Improved 4t acre tract Inside city limit. Has mod ern K-room house, barn, chicken-houses, private water system, etc. Sold over (1200 worth of cherries last year. Other fruits. I want good farm or what have you? P a.'., Oregonlan, I HAVE beautiful 6-roorn bungalow and over quarter block of Improved lawn, worth $37SO: a !)3xll4 corner on Sandy Road worth (ISOO; a J14O0 contract, pay able (25 per month. Interest 7 per cent; total 10(150. What have you to offerT W. 31. Oregonlan. WANTED REAL. ESTATK. WHEAT FARMS FOR SALE. Eastern Oregon wheat ranchers hava made tbelr fortune and now want to come to Portland to live; wo hare a num ber of client of this class who want to trade their wheat land for Portland homea or city Income property, apartment houae. hotel, etc. If you have anything to trade for a good wheat farm, com and ee us. Aek for Mr. Ruppe. WARD si YOUNGER. Suite 4? Yeon Bldg. ONE or two acrea on or with river view, suitable for home; prefer something near O.wego; can make good cash payment If CJJe'kN5BERGER RHODEHAMEL, 3i3 Railway Exchange. Mar, loot. WANTED TO BUY contracts made by builders for reeldencea built la Portland. In writing specify the diacount for cash, give location, size of lot aad number of house, also amount unpaid on contract. AT 1 uregonlatu T"Ort6. Iota In Irvlngtoo district with 2d mortgag privilege, for builder; must be thKNSBERGEH RHODEHAMEL, "OS Railway ExcltauKe. Mar. lool. WAMEO lOoO to 2 OiK) acres Eastern Ore gon wheat farm; give complete deecrip non. legal number and lowest price; re cently from the East: must hava good land. AO SI. Oregonlan. 3 OR 6-room bungalow; must be within walking dltanre of Kllllngeworth-avenua carbarn; price must be right: term rea sonable, call 32 Worcester bldg. phone Main t78. Owner only. ' (CO t)00 TO loan on Improved city or farm property in different amounts, from (1OO0 to (St) Wm. C. Borcber. 20T Orego nlan bldg. WILL pay cash for lot In good residence) district; nun b below value; prefor 4 together. Denier 4k Denier, builders, (40 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE ready money for Investment In real snapa; I will boy eqaltlea In either Improved or vacant property. AF 4. Oregouian APARTMENTS wanted up to (40.000 from owners only; positively no agent. AB 53, Oregonlan. WATtTFD TO RENT FARMS WANTED T rent, a email plar. one to five avcres. Improved, eloae to carllna; stale rent and terms. AJ 23, Oregonlan. FOR S.4XJS. Horses, Vehicle. Eta. PINE 2400-lb. team, sound and good work er. 8-ton furniture wagon, or will sep arate; cheap. 302) Washington at. Main 8068. TWO young marea with colta, (7s- each; nice black driving team, very gentla. ISOO pounds. (125. at Howltt's Stables. SOlh and Burnslde. Montavllla- BARGAIN Small team, good, true pull era, with a good harness and farm or exprena -wagon. (123; aiao brown horse, 1100, 3&. SOS water St. FOR SALE 1 team, hnre and mare. S and . 1 years old. weighing 2900; sound and true. 22 Ruaaell. BARGAIN Camel-back express, capacity :ntfw. like new. x, original cost. Root, Main 512 11 HEAD good good -wagon horaea left. (50 to 14f: g-aaranteed. Inn. 1.1 Second. Phil Soerter. FOR tALB HOKSEav. fnulwortay horaea. aauatomad to oily- M Kaat 7th at, MerUv. Morses, Vehicle. Eta, JUST received, csr of horaea from Baker County, fresh t from the farmers, from Iimmj to J4O0 pounds; young marea In foal: prices from (40 to (2o0. New Stu. baker wagon, team and new harness; price $iss. Call for Mr. Dentght'a team, just In from mountain trip. a34 Front su, corner Market St. NOTICE. FARMERS' COMMISSION STABLES. Under new management: boarders want ed, beat of care; lo stalls for rent; all per suna having things stored at above addreaa call Ward. 44Q E. Morrison at. FUR HALE 1 well-matched team rf horses, i year old, weighing SfSOO. sonnd and without blemlshe. 1 nearly now sin-, gls delivery or exyre. wagon, cheap. 24 Russell. PASTURE tor rent near' PoiOand. Phoa Main 1410. Poga. Birds, Pet Stock. WHITE Leghorn baby ehicks; best selected utility stock; brsd to lay I healthy chicks, guaranteed: (7.(0 par 100. during April and May. The Pioneer Hatchery, Bos S4d. petaluma. Cal. - USB Pratt Roup "Cure. "For sl by J." J. Hutser Co.. 18 Front at, S. C. RHODE ISLAND RED. Phono Main 6548. siting. 1, BEAUTIFUL. Japanese puppiea for gale. 8S0 1 Jth st. planus. Organ and Musical Instruments, PROMINENT physician who must leave city will sell before May 10 fine player-piano made by Hallet A Davis, uses all style mu.le rolls, HS-noto and 8S-nte. Instru ment like new, tha regular (000 atyle, price, including 43 hlghest-claas musld rolls, (430 cash or KD at (13 a month. See at once Mr. Burnett, Retail Dept., Kllers Muslo House. Tth and Alder. JEAUTIFUL mahogany upright piano, used less than one year. (ItSO; payments. Soule Bros., iii Morrison st,, op. Olds, Wortman tc King. FOR SALE New Erhuman player piano: will sell chesp Inside 30 days. 854 East Madison st- Phone East 8001. EQUITY In a Piano for sal or trade. Call A 2145 or W (7, Oregonlan. PIANO Small upright; finest tone; German make: price (75. J flu, oregonlan. Antomohllee. 1011 OAKLAND 4u, $ pass., brand new, east (ISOO; price (HhS. i:no Oakland 30, runabout, fully equipped: price (575. into Bulck runabout. It pass., fully equipped, like new; cost (1230. Price (475. l'.ilO Ford, S pass.. (.123. mil E. M- F. 30, 8 pass.. (7(3, 1011 Reo 30, 5 pass., ('185. 1010 Bulck. 4 pass.. (500. Chalmers 30. a pass., fully equipped, practically new, cost (2300. Price (050. Over 20 oars In atock and every una a real bargain. CUSTOM-HOUHH AUTO CO.. , Cor. East 13th and Hawthorne ava. REAL BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap tar when yon con pick up one of our high-grade uaed cars at the same price; wc guarantee them; different makes and modela alt traded In on new White gas cars, Stearns, Regal, Buiek. Premier, etc WhllD Car Agency, tub, at Madison. SLIGHTLY USED AUTOMOBILES. If you wish to buy, w hava tha ear you want at tb right price. If you wish to sell, wa will pay you spot case. Call or write for prices. We are ax cluilve dealers of used automobiles. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. New Location. 4(8-4(5 Alder St- PREMIER, 6-cyl., 60-horsepower, 7-pass., equipped with demountable rims; electric lishts, glass front presto lights, extra tire and rim, top, full set of tools. This car la In perfect condition. If you are looking for a big car. don't miss this opportunity. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. New Location. 403-403 Alder t- 60 HORSE-POWER STEARNS AUTO FOR TRADE. Will exchange my high-powered, 8-pas-senger Slearns for good acreage or city property. I have used this car personally, is In excellent condition; very speedy; will readily make better than 60 miles per hour. Phone Main 6199. or A 4919. WANTED Automobile salesman of ability and success selling high-grade cars; for wideawake salesman with experience we have a proposition where you can better yourself and make money Winter and Summer: your application will be treated confidential. Address AN 81, Oregonlan. BL'ICK. 0?H. P.. 7-PASS., FULLY equipped, perfect condltlun; cost (3000; tor quick sale, only (1250. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, new location, 4U3-495 Alder st. A 437. Main 1161. FOUR passenger auto. Jump seaLs; can be made two-passenger roadster or delivery car; will take (400 to (5uo unincumbered lot. JACOB HAAS. 400 Yeon Bldg. (650O BUYS best automobile agency, in cluding entire business and cars on hand, garage and shop complete; long lease and fine location; must b cash. F 3o, Ore gonlan. 4-PASSEN'GER, 40 H. P.. 1910 car, fully equipped. Juat rebuilt and repainted. A-l condition, (550 today. 322 Lumbermen bldg. 5th and Stark. FOR bargaina In used cars see us nrai; writ? for list; we buy and sell. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E, 18th and Hawthorne ava. BUICK DELIVERY TRUCK, PANELED HOD Y. HAWTHORNE GARAGE. MAIN ett4d. I HAVE a good first mortgage, (3O0 and some cash, for small car. What have yout AT 33. Oregonlan. READING STANDARD MOTORCYCLE. SACRIFICE. NEARLY NEW. CALL 640 1IOVT. M. 8046. f-PASSENGER car sacrificed, (600; roadster, (400. 603 Bwetland bldg. MyDcellaneoua. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. I give you the best clothing values In Portland why? Because my rent Is about one-tenth that of a store on the street. (1S.OO to 120.00 suits for (12.76; (22.60 to $25.00 suit for (14.75; (27.00 to (30.00 suits for (18.75. Jimmy Dunn, room SIS Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. pTire; 20 fine young Berkshire and Poland China pigs (mlxed: will dress 140 to 150 pound; also fins brood sows. Shie on foot, one or all, this week, at Merrill's Rose Vista Farms, Baso Una road, 6 miles from Montavllla. MEN'S TROUSERS. Men! Buy your pants of me and sava money. (4.00 pants, (2.50; (5.00 pants, $3.30; (6.00 pants, (4.50. Jimmy Dunn, room 815 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. FOR SALE First-class launch, with house new 20 -horse power Scrlpp motor; mako 14 miles per hour; coat (1M; sell for (1SHI; (30o csah, rest on easy payments. Tel. Main 390V. from 10 to 1 o'clock. EQUITY In oOxlOO lot. Improvements in: , g and water and partly furnished tent house. 3 rooms; Montavllla car; owner leaving town muat sell. 1677 Pacific et. 4 A FES Genuine Hall safes, new and eee-end-hand, low prlcae. easy term: safes opened and repaired. Puree! Safe Ce. and Portland Safe Co.. (35th sC Mala Jtua FOR SALE 4O0 eorde of wood, on ground, or car. near Folkenburg station, on United Railway. Address John Tinner. 223 First St.. Portland. Or. tLiGHTLI used cash reg latere, credit reg isters, computing scalea. eta., boo gat and sold. The Pacific Stora lea -. (31 Stark st- Main 771L STRICTLY Al mechanically. first-class. ' Harley Davidson motorcycle, with magneto completely equipped; price (2O0; (50 down, (20 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Aider. FOR BALIS Fin pair elks teeth; also one pair mounted In cuff links and one pair In watch fob; prices reaaonable. Tele Ifhone B (157 or ad dree V ii. Oregonlan, NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. (2 an up. W bey. sail and repair cash registers. W J. Macauley, aaiaa agent National Caah regl.tera. (34 Burnslde et-, cor, of 8th. FOR BALK Cash register, acaiea, ceffa mill, cheese eatter. credit register, aaaa slleer. ate. The Portland Mora Su9(nV Co, (50 2d ot. Marshall 4546. FOR SALE cheap Fhoweaae. standing desk, union ripsaw, cutoff aaw. plit wooden pul ley, shaft and hangers, belts, etc. In quire Harris Trunk Co-130 6th at. FOR sale, very cheap. 200 sarka very fine seed potatoes. Farge Orchards Company, 2o Alder st.. Portland. FINE young family cow for sale, Jersey, will exchange for good horse. 14 Union Crtr printery. )ts. w. irr. ROLL-TOP daak, quartered oak. Brly new, half price. 07 Yeon bldg. PARTY leaving city will sell thoroughbred St. Bernard dog. 486 Market, cor. 14th. (00 32-INCH, (-atom switches, (Sc. Hair Store. 120 (th st. OAK ROLL-TOP desk, one set drawers. A 6070 or Main 5334. Fine" blrdseve maple bedroom aet. almost new; will sell cheap. 26 Sherman at- CARPETS, rugs, stoves. ara -water neater, etc. for sale chea-p. 69 E. Ankeny at, FOR SALE Roll-top desk and office chair. 385 H Alder st. Miscellaneous, SEWING. MACHINES Closing out a flna lot of iiBod machinea of all makes; drop heads (10 and up; box tops 43 and up. L'O'J ad at., cor. Columbia- FOR SALE cheap, small well-built shack. 1(1x20. suitable for moving on trucks to lot. Phono Woodlawp t.'&ll. TVPE WRITERS ' rTbuTltTa.iT make. (10 to (B5. Ton Northwest Typewriter Co. 1!2 Starlt Street.. WANTED MLSCKLLANEOPS. WB BUY CLOTH1.NU, FURNiTURE. TOOL. Highest price paid for men's and ladles' cut-off clothing, (hoe, furniture, tools, niecbanlc. logging. Call Main 20S9. IW 1ft St.. The Glob. WE buy junk ana second-hand machinery of every description. Csll for our buyer. M Earde at Sons. 24O-S40 hi r-jont st.. tbe homo of a rullllo" bargains. Main 60S; A itwa. ' ' LAWNS. LAWNS, LAWNS." Have your new lawn made by thorough ly experienced party, reasonable prices. Phone Marshall S43. Fred W. Bullock, 310 Yeon bldg. WANTED Basement to dig; rates reason able. Tel. Marshall 44(. 403 Lumber Ex change bldg. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. Sealer & Martin. Phone East 8134. 848 Hawthorne ays. TO BUY, cash register, scales, coffee mill, cheese cutter, credit ragistur and meat oilccr. Phone Marshall 4548. 250 3d. BARGER'S AUCTION HOUSE. (70 E- Morrison. Phone B. 1022. Pay highest cash prlc for furniture. WANTED Movlng-prcture outnt, folding chairs, etc AL 948. Oregonlan. pOKD Auction Co. pays moat cash for any kind of furniture Main 6H51, A 2443 I WILL tint rooms, (2.50 up: do painting at ! reasonable prices. East 0124. I WANT to buy dinliiK-room chairs and sil verware at once. S' 0th. Phone Main GOOD feature film and atate rights for sale. AO 3;,Oregoiiian. WANTED To buy or lease, two BHeks horse conorote carts. Box 93. halem. Or. HKI.P WANTED MALE. WANTED TODAY. Gang trtmmerman. $3.50. Two lumber gradur. (2.50 and (3. Band resawyer, (3. Od'bearei-. live rolls. (2.50. Drag sawyer shingle mill. (.1.50. Three sash and door machine men. (3 to (3.50. Mlllhands. (2.25 to (2 73. Yardmen, (2 to (2.23. Locomotive engineer, log road. Cojk and flunky for camp boardjng houie. Hotel chef. S0. Farm hands, (25 to (35. Milkers. $35 to (40- Large Number of Other Jobs. New work coming In every hour. Watch our bulletin boards. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 322 and 224 Couch St.. Bet. 1st and 2d. WANTED Automobile salesman of ability and success selling high-grade cars; for good wideawake salesman with experience we have a proposition where you can better yourself and make money Winter and Sum mer; your application will be treated confi dential. Address AN 31, Oregonlan. WANTED At once, experienced painLer to locato in new town near Portland; must be willing to Invest (ioo or allow part of earnings to be applied on purchase - of Income-producing home; statu if capablo of doing Interior decorating. X S3, ore Eonitin. WANTED MAN 2li to 34 years of age. good appearance, general business knowletltre; salary to start, (70 per month; give refer ences, residence address and telephone number. AS 45. Oregonlan. BARBER wanted, not less than six months experience, to complete trade under a careful and painstaking barber; prosperous town of 4000 and closo In. . Address AV 2SS. Oregonlan. WANTED Agent, gentleman; good bollcttor can earn (250 to $300 per month; high class work, well advertised, steady the year around ; references. AG 35, Ore gon i an. WANTED Musicians for band tuba player, barltono and cornet to tour Biate. with show. For Information call Main 3504, Oregon City. ENCYCLOPEDIA MEN The new revised and enlarged edition of "The Century" is now ready; greatest money-maker ever of fered. J. E. Phillips, 210 Maniusm bldg. WANTED A good all-round tailor; steady all-year-roundround Job to right man; wire or come at once. Bauer Si Bauer, Corvallis, Or. WANTED First-class solicitor who under atanria the printing and bindery business; references required; wages $1.S per week. F. G. Tefft Co., Aberdet-n, Wash. WANTED Dissatisfied solicitors, who pos sess ability; good chance for promotion If can give satisfaction. Call SOS Selling bldg. after 2 P. M. WANTED Man, or man and wife to go on ranch near Portland; must know how to take care of young fruit trees, and lo do general farming. AB 35. Oregonian. - WANTED Bright boy. 16 to 18, to start as office bay and learn wholesalo business; good chance for advancement. . AS 3, Oregonlan. WANTED First-class salesmen, acquainted with sweater trade, to sell on commis sion: also aeveral side lines. 413 Rotlichild bldg-. LOCOMOTIVE engineer. Shay, (3.25. Section foreman. J3. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT. 18 N. 2d. FIRST-CLASS all-around brass finisher; none others need apply. Call 222 Commer cial Club bldg PAINTER and paperhanger; steady work to right man. Apply Geortre A. Koss, 301 Gerllnger bldg. Main 2970. FIKST-CLASS tailora aud finishers. Apply BAR. Tailors, 71 Columbia St., Seattle. Wash. WANTED A Janitor who understands firing steam heater; must have recommend. Phone Woodlawn 170. WANTED Lai ho hand or all-round ma chinist at The Dalles Iron Works. Tho Dalles. Or. WANTED An experienced shipping clerk: nona without experience need answer. E 37. Oregonian. WAGON-WASHER-Sober, industrious man to wash wagons. Apply btj East 7th st North, WANTED Strong boy to work ou country place near city: wages (20 a month and board. Apply 129 1st st. GOOD cabinetmaker: also wood finisher. Union Slore Flxt. Co., E. 16th and Pow ell st. SHOW CARD writer to share room and phone: good light, power for air. , Room 6 Acorn bldg. WANTED Bread bakers, bench hands for Jobbing. Inquire bet. 2 and 3 P. M., Royal Bakery. Iltll and Everett. F1KST-CLASS ladle" tailor accustomed lo hiKh-claes work, 204 Columbia bids., 305 Wash. FIRST-CLASS estimator and building super intendent; furnish references. AB 36. Ore gonian. It GOOD carpenters at pool room. First and Morrison sis. Call on W. S. McMcekcr. contractor. A MAN with ability can socure remunera tive employment by applying to Mr. Hud son. 613 Heck bldg. CARPENTER to build beach cottages, pay ment cash and lot: references, ool Norm west bldg.. 61 h and Waj-h. WANTED Young man as assistant ship ping clerk. Willamette Tent At Awning Co. WANTED Flrat-class cracker peeler. Haradon A Son, E. (th and Davis. PHOTO coupon agent; best ever offered. BOStOn BlUUIUi v. WANTED Stock salesmen at 51 3d ft; a year's Job, fieo sales manager. BOY wanted. F. W. Baltes At Co., printers, First and Oak sts. YOUNG man wanted, chance to learn hat renovating. 363 Morrison. v WANTED Experienced cabinetmakers. Spa dy Mfg. Co.. 26th and Medal. WANTED Bench hands. Oregon Planing Mills. 1th and Vaughn. W ANTED A first-class automobllo repair man. Apply 616 Electric bldg. MOTORCYCLISTS Steady work; make from (SO to (100 month. 324 Yamhill at. BOY wanted for apprenticeship. F. W. Baltes & Co.. printers. First and Oak. WANTED 2 good men. Call 604 Board ot Trade. EXPERIENCED book salesman to sell on oontracia, now proposition. 226 Worcester bldg. WANTED High -class eatesmaxi. . -rtoeton. 422 Yeon bldr. Aak, for PHOTO coupon; beat ever offered: snap fac . r,hApih Studio neknm felae WANTED Shoe repairer, good steady job. 574 E. 21st st. BOY' wanted to learn good profession. Port- land r-ngravtng v-o.. i.-; .a st. A GOOD clothes presser at Imperial Hotel a-. v,h. WANTED Delivery boy. Apply 331 Wash ington street. Apply mornings. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Deptrtment. Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, out of work. ($2" his total cash asset) If I pay you (5 for special employment membership. I wiU have only (13 left between mo and star vation. Secretary If you pay ?5 for special employment membership, you -vill have the Y. M. C. A., with Its resources, be tween you and starvation. Result: Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for four months ending April 30: Calls for men 7111 Positions filled .56) Employment membership guarantees member will secure employment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full membership privileges. 10 months' social privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of mem bersnlp without further charge. We have constant demand for high rrade. experienced men. Aro you fitted for a better position? See secretary employment department, Y. II. C. A, T A RARE OPPORTUNITY. FOR SEVERAL MEN OP ABILITY WHO HAVE HAD SOME EXPERIENCE IM SALESMANSHIP. WE OFFER A PER MANENT AND HIGHLY REMUNERA TIVE POSITION. Ul'K OPENING SALES DAY IS SUNDAY NEXT. WE EXPECT A LARGE CROWD OK BUYERS ON THE PROPERTY. .ATTRACTED RY ADVER TISING. TO TAKE EFFECT ON THAT DAY. IN OUR MBTHOD OF TRAINING YOU ARE BOUND TO MAKE GOOD. THE 1'P.OI'ErtTY IS IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE OF MANUFACTURING DISTRICT. AVE RAGE PRICED LOT (ISO. LOW TERMS. CALL BETWEEN It) AND 11 A. M. ASIC FOR MR. MICKEY. THE Sl'A.NTON CO., 2e QAK ST. salesmen; "we believe we have one of thk a'ery hest selling proper ties in the northwest. it has great intrinsic merit and in numerable talking points. if you have any ability and will work, you can earn a splen did income. we have more salesmen earning more than (.-liui A MONTH THAN WE HAVE EARN ING LESS. YOU CAN DO AS WELL. CALL AND FEE US. - RAY CITY LAND CO.. 703 SPALDING BLDG. WANTED In Eastern Washington and Idaho, drug clerk In dent, store: t'"1"' ninnaKer, experienced in dry goods; shoo salesman; dry goods salesman; clothing man; office help. MILL HELP Edgcrman, S3 7; head end trimmerman, (.1; handsaw helper. $3.50: lumber handlers, f2.50; woodsmen for lopping camp. Experienced bushelman. coatmahers. clothes presser; also ladles' tailor. Only experienced and reliable help need apply. American 11118111688 Men's tlon, Spokane. Wash. WANTED High-class mail and wife for gentleman's estate near Seattle, man to do gardening: must understand flowers and lawn: wife to do general housework: no laundry; must have had experlenco In rirst-elass places. In answering gtvo referenco and state experience. Nicely furnished cottaKe and board Included. Phono Main 1503 or A 1513. AK 33. Ore gonian. , WANTED High-class man and wife for gentleman's estate, near Seattle, man to do gardening, must understand fiowerto and lawn; wife to do general housework. No laundry. Must have had experience In flrst-cla6S places. In answerlnggtve reference and state experience. N'',!'v' furnished cottage and hoard included. Phone Main 13o8 or A 1515. WANTED At once, cook, mail or woman, to Invest S5O0 cash ill yuuna orchard and take position In most select bungalow ho tol in Htato at good walrus: good oppor tunity for permanent position to one am bitious to own and earn an income-pro-ducinu home; slate experience. V 3u, Oregnian. WANTED for U. 8. Army. aDie-oodled. un married men. between ages of 18 and S3, cllisens of United States, of good char acter and temperate bablts. who can speak, read and write tho English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit; Ing officer. Worcester block. Third Mil Oak streets. Portland. Or. GOOD PAY. sleady employment, pleasant work, with an old reliable company. Tha work Is selling high-grade nursery stock, aud wo have some good territory open. Etste what territory you would Ilk and write at once for particulars to Lock Bos 430. Portland. Oregon. WANTED A-l solicitors and stock salesmen for a new live propo sition. Investigate. .Call 10 to 12. Ore. Tel. Herald. 509 Royal bid-., 7th and Morrison. WE want salesman who can sell to break into the automeblla game; no past ex perience necessary; very small salary to start; excellent opportunity for man with real selling ability; answer fully when replying; sivo past record. B 32, Ore gonlan. TRAVELING salesman for wholesale plumb ing aud steam supplies; must have soma knowledge of plumbing and steam sup ply business and anility as a salesman. Addiess in own handwriting, giving aKe. past experience and wages. Y 35, Ol-e-ifonian. SALESMAN wanted to handle city real es tate subdivision In Salem; liberal com mission, with guarantee for the proper man; employment for season only; stato experience and age. with references. Eos 473. Salem, Or. CAN use two first-class newspaper solicitors; must be hummers for business: no booxe flphter r.eed apply: prefer men with fun nies. Can you deliver the goods? Thia Is a strictly commission proposition. Let me hear from you. R 32. Or-gunian. WANTED Man over 21 years of age, with motorcycle or without, to collect; must know city and have references: state ex perience; good wages, advancemenu VVrito AM :'.Q. Oregonlan. WANTED Salesman, now covering Port land and surrounding territory, to sell our line of cured ttsh to grocers and markets, on commission; elate references, etc, m 11rst letter. The W. H. Coffin Fish Co.. Seattle. U. S. A. LIVE Bgent wanted for newly platted frac tional acre, tracts, close in, water, elcctrlo lights, homes hulk to suit purchaser; easiest terms: liberal commission to th i rlylit man. Shaw &z Locke. 73 6th St., n, xt to t or.. Oak. Ask for Keene. W ANTED Young man, 18 to 20 years of a.e, residing ith parents, for position as assistant bookkeeper; experience not nec essarv. Apply Page : Son, 120 Front St., I'j'laay roreiioon pm.-. THERE'S money In selling our Yaklroa grown. hardy, guaranteed stock; outnt free- cash weekly; steadv work. Yaklm Valley Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. EXPERIENCED city real estate salesman want'-d; big money; straight commission; no capital required. Call 9 to 11 A. .V. Pacific Coast Brokerage Co.. olS-nt'J .board of Trade uiog. WANTED Bright young mall with wheel, to learn wholesalo electrical supplv busi ness. Apply 9 A. M. Paclilc States Electric Co.. 92 7th sr. W A N'l'ED l'rcssfeeder for platen press and compositor. Mi. Scott Pub. Co.. Lents. Tabor 21 :'. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, week ly paper, contracts cashed dally. Benedic tine Press. 26S Madison sC BOY wanted for shop. Front and Gibbs sis. Swlfcs & Cunan, WANTED Experienced advertising, solid tor. big commission. 11 Park. Call after 1 YOUNG men with business ability; salary. KOli-310 Get-linger bldg. WANTED Good kitchen helper. 64 Sixth. BARBER wanted. 19 Morrison St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTr-D iienned. capaole worn a for sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 60 fteia chllfi bide. 4'h and Washington. WANTED Reliable colored woman to do general housework. 3 adults. Apply 495 E. 23d St. N. Phone E. 3235. WASTED A young woman competent for general housework; wages C:5; refer, eiices. Apply morning. 776 Overton st. GIRL wanted to assist in housework. Ap ply janitor. 395 12th. WANTED Nurse girl: general girl kept. 257 N. 22d St.. corner Northrup. GIRL wanted, light housework; no wash ing. 3"J Tillamook. C 14S9. WANTED Girl to assist with general housework. 475 Kolladay ave. AN experience! short-hour waitress. Worn- en's Exchange. 1MI 5th. FIP-ST-CLASS restaurant cook wauted. 29J Hawthorne. - GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone, C 1677. WANTED Girl to wait on restaurant tabia promptly- 266 Russell st. FIRST-CLASS custom shirt operator. A. E. Price & Co., 309 Merchants Trust bldg BRIGHT yonng girls for marking goods at the Holts Store. 3th and Washington. BRIGHT young girls for marking goods at the Holtz Store. 3th and Washington. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; 2 In family. 7S6 Kearney. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ay. ply 67 3d. SU - Im 108.2I