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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1912)
tttt: ynnytyp OTTnnvT.yy. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1313. 1 . " t - . ... i rfat. Emm T REAL ESTATE. i - BEAI, ESTATE. HOTEL CORNELIUS House of Welcome Portland, Or. Out 14-pasenger electrio Tins meet all trains. A hiph-olaas, modern hotel In the heart of the theater and chopping district One block from any carina, tl per day and no. European plan. CORKI.Il to, rroa-rfetora. J XV. Ftl.ln Pre.. Fielder Vtce-Pre. HOTEL OREGON, Portland, Or., Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co., Props. HOTEL SEATTLE, Seattle, Wash. Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co.. Props. PS 4 7 " mi anal. - The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel 850 Rooms, 104 Suite, With Prirate Baths. ; NEW FPE00F BUILIOTO j Moderate Rates. v Fill Metrhon Sons. Pro OS. The Portland THE most central and yet the must i niet location in tho 'ity of Portland. Every modern comfort is assured to ewoli of our Ruests. Our grill ami dlninp-room are known to travelers throughout the world. European. $1.50 upward. G. J. K.trFMMX, Maaascr. HOTEL MULTNOMAH 5ff25 ' 'X A 3 .jJi. 1 JJ a art: 3ILMAN RETURNS TO WEST fireat Northern President's .sslst ant Sent to brttle. SEATTLE. Wash.. May . ( Specl)-) f. Oilman, assistant to the presi dent of the Great Northern Railway, and fnrmea-ly counsel for that road In Seattle, is to return to this city. After his promotion Mr. Oilman waa asso rted with U W. Mill at St. Haul. AMfSEVEXTS. PRKTflBsr t'HOKI M TIItT li) K M K TO -KTI..M HTII-M TitKVTER TONIGHT t.-.V;1 Matinee Faturiiajr. KLAW ERLAMIER Present Th. Stupendous Musical Play .THE. PINK LADY 9 COM PA NT ! ORCHESTRA 13 Tlcs: Kvrnmi: and IHlria Mattnre. JU.OO. l.SO. t.W. JJc. i"C SEATii VOW PKI.I.INO. HUT HALE TOMORROW ' 1IKILIU TIIK.TKR. 7 ZZZlna NEXT SUNDAY (peeial Price Matlaees Wed. A Sat. Wm. A. Brady (Ltd.) Presents Oa I.laaerlaa l-aauca. THE COMEUf SUCCESS "Over Night" Bv Thlllp II. Bartholomae. ExceMeat vmmt mm radaetloa. Evenlnas il.50. tl.OO. 7Sr. Srtc. SSc. Bath Matliw-ea $1. Tic, 60c. 35c. 2ic BAKER rVl, Geo. 1 Baaer. Mr. Tonicht. all this iwt Mata Wed. and Bat. Baker Flock Company tn ALI AS JIM XT V A UE TI VE" Ry arran-emnt with Ubler Co. Th. season s greatest event. Aa Unmans, hit. Bvealnc Prlcea. 23c. 30c Mata. 23c Nrt week -Th. Olrl of the Golden Wtat." maix a. a iota MATINEE CtfcRY DAT MAT. 13. :3a NIGHTS! lie. ?oa e- mtlh Mmera. tbe panlhaa Teejn. Model and Irwm, Marie aad Billy Mart. OrrhrMr. J.hnDT Rell. Pletare.. Mat toe. vary Day. .xrress 3 Torraerly tiraad. MafiMd VanieUt F . r- m -"Th. Maree and th M.Klmrr"! Prof. Arturn Balleelnfs Daa rtaiaea aid Karroo: lallj Mlrbael Rk-haedlnl Ttwipti tea-, rrlta 14o aad lie. aad Itarloatl Aima I Orcbea- h IIS A. f'rtm.e, Isrr. Both hotels centrally located, modern in every respect, and conducted on the European plan. New Perkins Fifth and Washington Sts. A Hotel in the Very Heart ol Portland's Business Activity MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT EUctrio Anto Bus. Can to and from UnJoa Dapat ararr b miaotea. L. Q. Swetlead, Mr. The Hotel Bowers Elarcntb and Stark Sta. Under Kaw Manage at offer, all tha of a higb-claaa het.l. with all th. comfort, of a home, European plan $1.09 per day up. America plan. too. Famous for its frill, a la cart, and tab), d'hota e.nrlee at r.asonable prlcea. bpeclal rates to permanent g-uesta. F. P. WILLIAMS, MANAGER y tlgi.S3.di.3H:i -iVwir.AT f ?: j Hotel jrr In size, annolntmenta. service nd fireproof quality of the building th. leading hotel In Portland, the Multnomah, offers to th. discriminating traveler everv comfort and convenience found only In the best hotels, of the East. Nine stories of Meel and concrete, with 725 rooms ar.d .ultra, palatlally furnished, with rates from II. SO to $5 per dav. European plan. Motor 'Iiuimm meat all trains and steamer a. t. C. BOWTRS M.a.aer. J. M. BHOWELL, Aaa't Mgr. AMrsEMEVT. A-ftTlrtLCr VMUr MEEK MT Tan. "eotrh MlnMrel Mald : Klein. Olt and Ntcholaoo: Ralph (oanm; KMe Murphn im Troupe; Panlasee Itrrbntn; PaBtaierope Popular Price. Horn aad first row balcony reserved. Phonea A tZ!M. Main 4IMS. Box office opea from IS A. M. to 1 I". M. Curtain Z:K1, 1:1 J and . LYRIC THEATER FOCKTM AND STARK WEEK MAT . Mu.NTK CARTER with Keating Flood Mustcsl Comedy Co.. la "THK MERKV MONARCH Entire New chorus Two Performances Nightly, 1:30 and :1S. Mstlnee Dally. 2:3'. KKI DAT SIGHT Chorus Girls' Contest. BASEBALL rtF.rriF.ATio park. Car. Vstuks aad Twraty-fotarta Sta. VICTORIA PORTLAND MAT a, 7. a. a. j a. n. 12. (.asaca Bests Weekdays at SiOO P. M. saisys 3t30 P. M. LADIES' DAI' FRIDAY. Boys Under 11 Fro. to Bleachers Wednesday TUTS WEEK'S PROGRAMME Or A 1 I KACTIONS AT TUB Arcadian Garden In Hotel Multnomah "The Restaurant Beautiful." Surpasses In Excellcnc. anything yet presented in this charming diumg plsce. Two complete bills every evening. SO to 8:30 and 10:3O to 12. AQ. Slgnora Ruts, and Hlgnor Dt Lurra. Lata btar. of '.he Grasl T'arta Grand opera Company. Kaaaky. Violin Vlrtoeaa. Brews aad Robinson. Th. Rayatertns Cavaliers. John Post. The Silver-Voiced Tenor, aad th. Incomparable Orchestra of Soloists, under the direction of Philip Pels, Russian Imperial Court Conductor. PLEASE MAKE TOCR TABLE RESERVA TION rt KAKLV IN 1 HE DAV1 Ml'LTNOMAH HOTEL COMPANY H. C. Mowers. laamor. ALLTION HALES TODil. At Raker's auction house. 1S2 Park St.. costly mahogany furniture, brass bed. Blue low body Brussels rug. . steal range, sic. Eat, at J o'clock. MEET1NO NOTICE. FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD, notice Members of the Krsternal Brotherhood sre r-questcd to assemble this lThurlJI even ing, at Hall, ".h noor of Mro.uam btk.. to greet eur eateemed supremo president. A. "yMAJ;Lt.rt ,., M,r. MINERVA. NO 1. T. O. O. P Regular meeting this Thurrday evening at o'clock; second degree, vmtora welcomed. IB ETINQ KOTlcsa. "f " , 7 , For Sale House.. For Sale House.. OREXJON COMMANDERY. KMOUT3 TEMPLAR. Resu-lsr- conclave this (Thursi'.sy evenins. May !. at 7:0 o'clock. The attendance of members and sulouriUng sir knights will be appreciated. Oregon t om mandery will act as escort to the stand loose st the laylns of the cornerstone of the Reed Institute Saturday. May 11. and will meet at the Masonic Temple at 1:13 P. M of thst day for that purpose C. F. WIEUAND. Recorder. THE GRAND LODGE OF ORE GON. A. F. AND A. M.. will con vene In special communication at the Masonic Temple, on Satur day afternoon May 11. at 2 o'riork P. M.. for the purpose of laving tne corner aione ui i . Reed Institute. Members and visiting brethren are Invited to participate in the ceremony, lly ordT of the Grand Master. JAo. F. ROBINSON. Grand Sec HAWTHORN 13 LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) evening, Masunlc Temple, at o.'llO o'clock. Work E. A. degree, and a A'riork work K. C. degree. Vis iting brethren welcome. C. E. MILLER, Sec. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A F. AND A. M.. will hold an Infor mal reception at the Masonic Tem pi, this erenina at t o'clock. Danc ing and cards KI.ED L OLSON. Sec DIED. WILLIAMS In this city. May 8. at. the family residence. 1143 Minnesota kve.. ((corse L. Williams, aucd 74 years 1 month and 11 days. Announcement of funeral later. U'XDUREN'-In this city. St the late resi dence, hi Kan Twenty-eighth ,rcet North. Gus Lundgren. sited 01 years months and 3 das. Funaral notice will appear in a giiormurm MONl'MENTS Otto Schumann Marble Works. Kat 3d and I'lne sl. 74J. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, he leading fa aerai director aJid undertaker. 20 Third St., ror. SSImoo. Lady assistant. Dnanlnc McEntee, Kuneral Directors, 7tb and I'lne- 1 bone Mala 41W. LaU at tendant. Ull ice Ol v im"; teaosst. juiro v... . . . A K. ZK1.I.KU CO.. 6K2-4 Williams are. Phone Eaet Itimt. C IWI. Lady attendant. . , x.-t i.-v A SH ond MadlMkBu J P. tlNLEV 80N. 8d and Miiliws. ' . . . . t i. vt i a A lAuta to Dunning, lncfc. tl, k Z3.a. IjiRrH. Cndertaker. cor. Eas Airier and Slb. ta.1 71. M IIM)St Lady alten.lanU ' KA.VI COMl'ANY. d and Clay. Mala 4162. A IJ2L Lady attendant. oregon mmi SOCIEH Office City Hall. Main M3. A 7339. Human, officer. Sergeant E. L Crate. Itesldence. 24 E. 24th N., East 4,79. Horse ambulance, corner of 6th and Taylor. Veterlnarv In charge. Marshall Ani mals Rescue Home. Northrup Acre. Thomas A. Short, Kupl.. A 6M7, 8 rings. NEW TODAY. WAREHOUSE SITE CLOSE IN. 185 FEET OF TEACKAGE, MORE THAN A QUARTER BLOCK. Price $11,000 Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST COMPANY, 3d rioor Chamber of Commerce. RIVER FRONT 236 'feet on Willamette Uiver, in Ravcnwood. Is about two acres, has Bull Run water and fine street. Price $10,000; half for $5000. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Oregon Realty Co. 43 Fourth Street. Marshall 3700. A 3324. Beautiful Home S2O0 Cash. Balance 2o Per Month. Beautiful home, rooms and sleep In porch, fireplace bookcase!, beau tiful buffet. Dutch kitchen. 3 lanje bedrooms and fine bath, full basement, street Improvements paid. This home Is brand new and double construction. One block to Hawthorne A vex and In flno residence district. Will take auto tip to I12U0. Price $300. Call 1405 Hawthorne Ave, corner BOth at... or 2S2 K. 4th st. Phone Tabor 62C or Tabor 3052 evenings. Four Fine Houses We have 4 new modern 7 and 8-room houses owned by one mun and which we are instructed to sell regardless of cost, located in Murrymeud. one of exclusive residence districts on the Kitst Hide. These bouses have furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all - latest built-in effects. Prices from $3250 to 6io0. which ia $1000 less than cost: any reasonable terms. Let us show you these houses. GRCSWI HOLDS. 31 a Board of Trade mlc- -4th and Oak. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTOAOE. PA KM MORTGAGE. sOTVT itATt; ".'KHUJ TO SETT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., aa: Al-KAV BLILDLa 1 bird aad fctaxaw Mortgage Loans (50,000 and Over oa CENTRAL Bt'SINESS PROPERTY. LOWasT CtRBENT KATES. WM. M ACM ASTER 701 Corbet t Bids. INVESTIGATE THIS If you hav J20.000 In Fortland lots or acreage) and some cash. I can put you In possession of a retail comer. West Side, that will be your fortune. See me at once. M. C. Davis. 315 Ham ilton Bldir. Marshall 2364. BUY THIS HOME 2200 , 5-room cottage on L. sth St., near Trvinston. C&jtlOO lot, hard-surface. treeit, good nelfthborhood, and a real bargain: reasonable terms. Will be on sale for short time only for absent owner. J. 1. KENNKHV, 83t fploa Ave. X. To Lease Fire-Proof B!dg. with trackage. Can furnish 60.U00 sq. ft. or will divide to suit. Large ele vator. Suitable for manufacturing or wholesale house. Centrally lpcated. Phono B 304. ; MORTGAGE LOANS not JOHN E. CBONAN, no J JO no2 SpaldJos; Bide. J J 550,000 TO LOAN i? building or established city real es tate. Quick results on approved security. C. W. LAMAR. 417 lorbett BldaT. 1 hi l i 11 1. II 11 1 III. V A THil H HN PUBUC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. C34 arrester Bla.k. Pk.aa Ala la Sor. ilk South Portland BUSINESS PEOPERTY 100xl06V2 Ft. Corner Front and Meade streets, over looking river. PRICE 11,000 H oil a day Addition APARTMENT SITE 75x00 Feet Grand avenue, near Oregon street, PRICE $1G,000 3rd St Near Everett TWO-STORY BRICK BUILDING 50x100 Feet Pays over 8 per cent. PRICE $50,000 " H. P. Palmer-Jones Col 404 Wilcox Building. BUY Elegenat new, modern 11-room RESIDENCE Hot-water teat, large bathroom, shower-bath, very latest con veniences. On Union Avenue Piedmont Lot 150x120. Hard-surface streets. PRICE 516,000 . Call for C. G. Reagan. CHAPIN-HERLOW MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. Third Floor, Chamber of Commerce. Bargain FOR REAL ESTATE BROKEIt One hundred and sixty acres fine sea view laud at Yaquina. three-quarters of a mile south of Bay, one-half mile from beach. Ideal for subdividing. Will sell reasonable terms or trade for Portland property. L. Y. KEADY IX VESTMENT CO, . 8:i Chamber of Commerce. THE CHANCE IS YOURS Comfortable Living on a Slight Outlay Five or ten-acre patch, planted in potatoes, will do this. Fine seed potatoes and full informa tion given. Call at lOOVi FOURTH STREET Apartment House New, modern, 25 rooms. Income $405 monthly. In most desirable lo cation $25,000. Terms. Watson &TherkIesen Co. 30C Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. 6 Money Wanted We have the following applications for ( per cent money and we have examined and approved the loans: KO.OUO on brick business block, close in. costing 55.000. $30,000 on new. substantial, high-quality apartment-house costing IS5.000. SJa.vuu on now wun-iu ..... - COH Ins $0.000. i:i.00u on new steel and concrete hotel costing i"5.000. HAKTMAN & THOMPSON Mortgage Loin Department. Chamber of Commerce. For Sale by Owner Fine corner lot. with six-room resi dence. In Montavllla, one block from carline, on Soventy-nlnth street. Grad ed street, cement walk, all Improve ments paid: $3500. with 5 per cent dis count for caxh. Terms if desired, trtdreea 18 F.. Seventy-ninth St. Failed will sell my $4500 beautiful home for $32u0. Must be sold at once. HARBOLT REALTY CO, M. 84O0. 814-1T Lewis Rldar. A 713S. After this date I may be found at room 204 Rothchild building, having: removed from room &16, of the same buildtngr. and I will handle the differ ent lines 'f real estate In connection with timber lands. Notice change of uhone My number Main 7677. E. T. PRICE. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. BBCBAKER A BENEDICT. iOi McKay DlUg. AS- IHH. Beck, William Q.. MS-HI Failing bldg. Chapln Herlow. ii Chamber of Commerce. Cook. B. 8. A CO. SOS Corbett bldg. HOLMES A MENEFEE. 20U Railway Ex change bldg. Phone Main 50oa Jennings Co. Mala IS. 20 Oregontan. PALMER-JONES CO- U. P. .04-US-oa Wilcox bid. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Oraod ava. at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Bale Loti. $10 CASH, $5 monthly, buys full sised cleared lot. ready for building. Tabor ajj-t WELL-LOCATED West Sid. residence lot; oniy a decided bargain for caeb. will be considered. AP ii, Uregonlan. ' LADD ADDITION. Equity in desirable lot at bsrgain. Main T34. room 704. Marquam bldg. (10 DOWN, IB monthly. 3x2.V, 80 minutes out. Ask for Marstan or Halo, 202 Wilcox bldg- LAVRELHilRtiT Equity in four view lota Phone Main em. LOTS ntar Beaumont on 83d: $1000; cash $500. 30S Abington Bldg. CORNER lot, Elmhurst. cheap: tiiO. Writ. C B. Smith. Harrison. Idaho. IRVINGWOOD Only a few lots left. I am closing out the balance this montn. After June 1 prices will be advanced ma terlallv. These are choice lots ltn small (lr and dogwood trees. The lano is sichtly and streets are Improved. 1 nis property has no superior in all Irvlngton and yet you can buy 50x100 as low as $70 on very easy terms. If open for a good deal, see mat414 Spalding bldg. A BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE. 100x:00. Portland Heights, only ZH blocks from car with fine surroundings: splendid native trees, sewerage, water, gas all In and paid; this property Is on the middle heights, about 700 feet elevation and desirable in every way; price $4000; very favorable terms. W S3. Oregonlan. South front, high and sightly. 50x100 lot near new. beautiful homes, and o'" under construction; you will like tnis building site; price $000. F. E. CLEMENTS. Office East 39th and Gllsan. Phone East 989. KENTON SNAP! SNAPI KENTON 75x100. splendid lots. fin. location in the heart of THE coming district of Portland, close to factories, close to schools, right in the path of progress. Price $950: easy terms, or I will sell for $800 cash. Phone Mnln lrt4S. C. G. Reagan, 3312-iOS Cham ber of Commerce. WE have one of the finest lots in Rose City Park. Just 100 feet from the Alameda boulevard and very close to the car line; this lot commands a good view of the entire city; street improvements are all in and paid for: price $750: terms very rea sonable. Deloung Sc Johnston, 614 Cham ber UI UHII11CI We have 3 oo-foot lots, ripe for building, will sell one or all; small payment down, second mortgage privilege. E. R. ERNfBEROER. Marshall 1001. :i"3 Railway . Exchange. $10 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walk and curb. Bull. Run water. ,I'rove1nrt Trust Company. 2d. floor Selling bldg. yi ain icy, js. p-vi. Full 60xWU-ft. lot in Maplehurst. beau tiful view of city and valley. $1000, eas '""wATSON THERKELSEN CO.. Soft Snaldlne Bldg.. Main 7o-- $S0 down, $1 month, buys lot and Mj. one block to Rose City Park car. fine soil water in both streets; fine view; price $750; not far out; easy way to get started. BEAUTIFUL view lot on southern sop. near Council Crest. $630 and up. Includ ing cement sidewalks, curbs, graded s'reet and water: building restrictions; sold on easy terms. Provident Trust Company, 2d floor Helling bldg. Main 1800. A 6-01. SMALL I ASM -A L i buys 10 lots with 160 feet of railroad trsckage. 4 blocks from streetcar: street graded and PlP'd te property; iC-al Prospective factory site: prfc $1100. "ry easy terms. AB 34.Orcconiaa. FOR West Side property see Le Nolr A Co. Exclusive dealers in West Side Realty. Suitable terms made with those intending to build a home. 8S5. 817. 3 Chamber of Commerce. All K you hunting a bargain? I will sell the quarter block on the S W. cor. Wil liams ave. and Sumner for $4000; W cash, all Improvements In and Included at this price u. k. linage. 'otf - PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. BEAUTIFUL HOME3 AND HOMES IT ES. Marshall 4827. BROOKg. A 3839. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to purchase ex cellent view lot close in. on very easy terms. Central East Side. AJ J&. Ore gonlan. LOTS for salo below market value for quick . sale, near Hawthorne car. H. L. Idleman. office end Hawthorne line. Phone Tabor 1 SNAP A lot. half block from carline. im provements completed and paid, excellent vl over entire city: good surroundings, will sell on terms. AK 83. Oregonian. fTS$30"down. $10 per mo., no int.. no taxes. Including Improvements, cement walks, curbs. Bull Run water, etc.. fine location. turticumrH i j-.. w CHOICE lots, all Improvements In cen trally located. East Side, prices right. b9 i ini ave.. near Going. Woodlawn 1 SO. FOR SALE By owner .2 lots in City View Park, cheap, easy mmm. " Oregonian. SNAP 50x111. Terrace Park;east facing view lot: $5QQ. Owner. AC sr. Oregonian. Beach Property. LO.NU BEACH BUNGALOW. Propertv 3 blocks from Long Beach Ra tion, completely furnished with i the best of furniture; house and lot alone cost more than selling price; will sell for X1100: as low as ti50 cash down and the balance for 2 years with i NO INTEREST. WATSON A- THERKELSKN tO, ina Mr.lrtlno. Bide. Main 75S-. l or Sale Bouses. MR- LOT OWNER! HERB IS TOUR CHANCE TO IM PROVE YOUR PROPERTY WITH A. MOMR FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FIANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF IN TEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COMB L. AND TALK THIS OVER. J 6. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. X MIGHTY pretty, homelike 5-room bun galow, new and thoroughly modern, one block from car, Mt. Tabor district; 2i5i: small payment down, balance like rent. You will like this place and the price Is right. E. R. Ernsberger. 303 Railway Ex change bldg. Phone Marshall 1O01. CHOICE. SUBURBAN HOME. On Oregon City carline. 1 to 2 acres, good buildings, all kinds of berries and fruits: good Auto road, cheap and easy terms; take some trade. F. B. Madison. Milwaukee. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE. One block from carline. south and east frontage, piedmont district; $4000; terms; by owner, d 40, Oregonian. BY OWNER SAVE COMMISSION. Portland Heights, one six-room house, on nice ground. 100x80 Fern ave.. $3O0o: little cash, balance on 6 per cent. Ilk. rent. .. phone Marshall 21 1. ju LOTS; S rooms, bath, large reception hall, carpets, matting, shades, linoleum and range go with house; $4OO0; easy terms. Call 136 East Harrison st. Phone Tabor 861. HAD to move, leaving city, owner will sao ritlc. 5-room bungalow on 7th st. N., near Alberta; stable or garage; $2750. $:too down, balance like rent; a snap. Wentley. Main 6719. A 7374. FINE PIEDMONT HOME. 7. room modern house, with 60x100 lot; for $6300. worth $6500: house cost $4700; also a t'.ne corner, 100x113. at a bargain. Owner. Phone Woodlawn $157. HAWTHORNE AVE. Snap by owner; everything modern and up to date; west of East 33d St.; don't fall to see this. Phone Tabor 1544. MUST SELL AT ONCE. My 5-room modern bungalow. 1 blocl:s Mt. Scott car. This is a bargain. Price $1050. Cash $330. Balance like rent. Write owner. E. A. Fegles. Slfton. Wash. 5-POOM bungalow, strictly modern. In good location; reasonable amount down, balance monthly. Beais fc Kobinson, S61 E. Ulh ,t. E. 5023. INVEST YOUR MONEY in property that is already sold at 100 per cent profit In place of Buying prop erty to sell. AH 35. Oregonian. 6-KO0M modern cottage, just hulshed; a very fine home, lot 50x100; $SOO cash, balance monthly. Owner leaving city, must sell. AR 44. Oregonian. " BY OWNER. Will sell $& equity, modern 4-room bungalow, for $700 or trade for unincum bered lot Phone Woodlawn 2717. MODFKN 6-room home. completely fur nished: must go at a bargain; terms; by owner 383 E. 44th St., 2d house from Har iison st. Hawthorne car. B-ROOM modern bungalow, basement, fire improvements sll paid, terms to suit, all for $2750. Main 6719. Ask for Mr. Russell. : Hi-ILD AN ARTISTIC HOME BOOK FREE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS $5 AND $10. Portland Bldg. Ass'n.. 3J2 Mohawk Bldg. shcO FOR modern 5-room bungalow; lot aoxlOO' tine location: small payment down and monthly payment Ilk. rent. Phone Woodlawn 3329 or C 2429. FK my new 6-room house for sale. Phone and -will call for you with auto. Tabor 00 1 -. Tot very choice location. Central East side- will build after your plana, on easy Terms. AT 38. Oregonian. 5-ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park, fire place buffet, furnace, oak floors, $2750; easy terms. Owner. East 3301. GOOD house on lot fiox3n0. small payment down and $15 a month. Call me up for fH particulars. Phone Tabor 745. EASY TERMS. New 6 and 6-room bungalow, modern and up to date. Phone Tabor 2962. 100x100 HOUSE snd woodshed, on Atlantic St.. comer; a bsrgain. Woodhsu 1905. J E HALL. BOS Abington bid;,., sell, bungalows, rental payment , 3372. ALBERTA HOME J2G00 6-room House. 2 blocks from Al berta carline, 3 rooms above and rooms below, handy to church and stores, first house south of 90S East 19th St. N. We are the own era; best of terms given. KENIL WORTH-A VENUE HOME. $2500 3-room house on 50x100. full ce ment basement, gas and electric llsht. furnace, fireplace, one block from car.. 3 blocks to school; cash $300. balance easy terms. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $3900 5-room bungalow on 50x100, fine location, full cement basement, bank 4'4 feet high, good view fac ing west, a good investment, as well as a home. $200 cash, terms on balance. Phone Main 3712. GOWEN'-IDE TRUST COMPANY, Room 2, Lumbermen's Building, Ground Floor. A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN IRVINGTON. We offer you finest built home in the choicest part of Irvingrton. on a lot 50x 100, hard-surface street, carline. garage, consisting of S rooms and sunroom, beau tifully decorated, iinished in mahogany and oak, two fireplaces, large living-room, dining-room 14x2(. large kitchen with all built-in conveniences, four large sleeping rooms, bathroom with tiled floor, largo at tic. This house was not built for rale, but owing to certain circumstances the owner must sell, and when you have looked at the house and considered the price you will find it the biggest bargain in Irvlng-ton- Call us for an appointment and we will gladly show you through the house. TATE INVESTMENT CO.. 1002-3 Wilcox Bldg. Phones East 820, Marshall 3.-4. "Bank in Portland Realty." A HOME COMPLETE. Not built to sell, but built too large: can t take care of It. Will last a life time. 8 rooms and bath, full cement basement, cement floor, fine large fur nace, two fireplaces, two toilets, wiring all In conduits, living, dining and breakfast-rooms, all 0-coat work, and all with fine oak floors, all three rooms can be thrown into one. Ti-ree large bed rooms and sewing-room upstairs, on. ar ranged for sleeping porch; 5xl0l cor ner lot. sidewalks and curbs in and paid for. Price $55oo. Will :ake as low as $500 cash. See It at once. SHAW A LOCK?:, Main 8990, A 4185. 73 6tli St.. near Oak. ?4.o or-r noo on a closely figured and legitimate price: we have Just completed one of the most artistic and beautiful bungalows In Hose City Park, located on 48th st., 1 block from car; six rooms, living-room In center of house, two bedrooms and bath on north side of living-room, dining-room, kitchen and servants' or breakfast room on south, beautifully finished interior, hardwood floors, fixtures and built-in effects; over $125 worth of art glass; have been hold ing at $4650. but will sell at once for $4300, as owner Is actually leaving city; asd terms. Phone Main S191 after IP. V. WHY PAY RENT? $50O CASH, $2I MONTH bur. my cozv new modern 5-room bunga low. 50x1110 lot. nice lawn, fruit and nut trees; choice roses, chicken park, base ment, screened porch, woodshed and ce ment walks, curbs, etc., all In and paid for; no street assessments: It will pay you to look this ud. See owner at 67S East 7.'!d st. North; take Rose City Park car to 73d at.; walk south blocks; price $3o00. PAY $23 A MONTH AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME NO OTHER FIRST PAYMENT NECES SARY. , I can give you choice of three beautiful 5-room cottages in a restricted district; neighborhood is unquestioned; the street car service is excellent; the houses have every convenience. If you can pay $2.1 a month, you can own the house. Price $2500. A, N. SEARLE, E. 76th and E. Gllsan M-V car). BUNGALOW AND LOT Rose City Park District . New, 5 rooms, modern, tllc-f Inished bath and kitchen, toilet, sink, hot and cold water. plastered, tinted, wired waxed floors, fine garden, chicken park and chickens: it's well built, looks nice outside and in. close to car. adjoins re stricted district: $40 down, balunce $-0 month. 7 per cent Interest. James c. Lo gan. Pill gUttluillK WILL SACRIFICE FINE HOME FOR QUICK SALE, g ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. HARDWOOD FLOORS CLOSE IN. ON TWO I A KLINES. IIRD-SURFACB STREET. ASK FOR MR. E ASTON AT HIP SPALDING BLDG- NO AGENTS. GREAT bargain In Irvlngton 531 E. 18th st. N.. near Brazee St.. well-built and at tractive home of 6 rooms, bath combina tion, gas and electric fixtures, Ruud water heater furnace: cheap and easy terms to aulck buver, because owner must go Sbroad j. H. Beckley Co., Broadway. corner E. lotn N. A COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house, new and strictly modern: hardwood floors, in choice residence section, paved dis trict" price, including furniture and piano, ready to move in. $450. $1000 cash. bal. ERNSBERGER 4 KHODEHAMEL. 3U3 Railway Exchange. Mar. 1001. 5-ROOM new. modern bungalow. Hawthorne District. $3500, good terms; 5-room new modern bungalow on Peninsula. -B..O. good terms or will consider lot a. part payment: 5-room modern bungalow Rich mond. $3000: terms. 50o Northwest bldg, Hleains & Boycr. Main 4400. Z lllTDCT UflMR 7-room house. 2 fireplaces, solid oak floors, furnace and all built-in conveni ences: small cash payment or will trade for unincumbered city lots. National Real ty & Trust Co.. 723 -Chamber of Com merce. Miun 01 3U z 7 J . . 7 .;T.V nrmevrr G-room modern house, hardwood floors, sleplng-porch and large attic, on Ladd ave. Price $7250. Terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. Phones Main 8609; A 26.13. BEAUTIFUL, almost new, 9-room first-class ViQUBS Up-lO-l-llx3 Uiill U IC. uusss. " m. ... , everv" convenience, hardwood floors, fire place, sleeping porch; 21, level lots loO ft to car. grandest view point on Portland Heights; $12,500; no agents. AR SI. Ore gonlan. nyt T T V r, UlTTItHTS. mn homelike, thoroughly modern house. 100x100 corner. 17th and Elisabeth, level, nigniy imiiiu, .. servatory; grand view of city; mountains Ann rivers, nwiier 11114m. . . ?..h.lT 1827. BROOKE. A 3S39. UABUALS x-vn. New 6 large rooms, sleeping porch, oak floor fireplace and furnace, all built-in conveniences, two lavatories, full cement basement; improvements paid: 49th sU clo?e to Rose City car; ?rlce $3800; terms. . . . -. Ill OASH Tabor atj- livil.xuivii New 10-room modern house, hardwood floors. Inclosed sleeping porch and all other modern conveniences. 6(lxlO -ft. lot, southwest corner E. 11th and bisklyou. WATSON & THERKELSEN CO ana Knaldins- Bldg.. Main iofl2. HIGHLAND is equal to the best in the city for residences. We have some very good buvs- good 7-room modern. 2-story house. 53330. terms: good 6-room. lis -story, choice bungalow. $2.i00. terms. Oi'.a Union ave.. near Going, woodlawn liM). 3 ROOM house, modern, lot 100x100, beauti ful view of Valley and mountains, West Side- 20 minutes from Postofflce: $18u; easy' terms. Provident Trust Company. 201. i- "03 Board ofTrade. Marshall 47-3, A I02S. --a i.riii v 1 1111VTH r . v Price $1100, new 4-room plastered cot taze lot 514x100. Montavllla; monthly payment Includes Interest. This surely r 1 . . cvul W f.,1 man 3-U neat. i"( ri. . Burnside. M. or A. 27 id. BY owner, strictly modern house, Just com-nleted- 150 feet from Rose City car, on E. 60th; reception hall, living-room, dining room and Dutch kitchen downstairs hard wood floors; 3 bedrooms bath sleeping porch upstairs; terms. Sellwuod 91L FOR SALE Nice home. 4 rooms, reception hall toilet, bath, pantry, improvements in, nloa' lawn, good neighborhood; reasonable payment down, balance $20 month, includ ing interest. 6 per cent, near Montavllla carline. Owner. 85 East 72d. MY EUU1TY modern bungalow, one block from Hawthorne ave., near S2d. 0 rooms, larie attic, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitch en concrete basement, concrete floor and wash trays: easy payments; bargain if sold at once. 965 E. Market. " $1000. Fin. home, all modern conveniences, close in. East Side, must be sold account leaving 'citv. $1000 will handle; balance terms to suit. Will sell carpets, curtains. Owner 689 E. Ankeny or 1206 Yeon. NEW modern tmngalow, Schuyler st. near Rose City car; $37BO. easy terms; hard wood floors, full basement, gas and eleo trlo nxtures, bullt-ln buffet, large attlo. Owner. 826 Yeon bldg .Phone Main 11X OUR 17000 horn, for sale, tbe prettiest 72a 100-tt. spot on th. morning slope of Port land Heights; ideal apartment site, with city and mountain view. Ownera AO 18 th. corner Jackson. " MTJST HAVE MONET. 5t A, 7 and 8-room houses, double con struction, good location. Fhone Seil. ST. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 6- room house, modern, 200 feet to csr; lot 50x100; excellent neighborhood. $3850 ,1-room bungalow, modern with all built-in conveniences, furnace: two blocks from car. near tine school; gas. electrlclt. street improvements paid; excellent view; corner. $3350. 4 rooms. In excellent suburb, restric tions; all bullt-ln conveniences, large liv ing rooms, with panels, fixtures and tint ing. 12500. , . . fc Two beautiful 7-room homes in hign class district: oak floors; first floor fin ished In oak. second In white enamel, large plate-glass windows: hot-water heat; cor ner lot 100x100; lawn graded and seeded; improvements all In. $6250; $700 cash, balance very easy. 8 rooms and sleeping-porch; full lot: everything modern; plastered basement, price reduced from $6500 to $5S00 for J days only; $.100 cash; easy terms; blocks from Broadway car. 7- room home, in Beaumont, close to car: lot lOOxlOO; lawn made; oak floors. S-inch' cement wall, sewer, every nlodern convenience: shades and tinting; $47uu, $300 cash, balance easy. Fine 8-room home; hardwood floors, first floor oak finish, second white enamel; steam heat; shades, tinting, electric fixtures- good garage; hard-surface streets, a snap. $5900; $300 cash. 9-room home In Rose City Park, close to ear; strictly modern; lot 50x100: street improvements paid; $3900; $300 cash, bal ance easy. 5-room bungalow, thoroughly modern, bullt-ln effects, close to school, good view, street Improvements paid, 2 blocks to car, $300 sacrifice, 7-room 1V4 -story new house, oak floors, double constructed, nre place. Dutch kitchen, cost $3300 to build. Lot cost $950. Must be sold at once. $3730, $500 cash. , . . 6 rooms and sleeping porch, east front, near Broadway car. full cement basement, lot 50xll2Hi: oak floors; modern conven iences. $5UU0, $700 cash. 7 rooms, lti-story. thoroughly modern; lot 40x100. $3300. This Is a snap. 6 rooms and sleeping-porcn. hardwood floors, cement basement, modern; lot 5x 110. This house is new and is good value. $3750. $500 cash. 6 rooms and sleeping-porch, near Beau mont car; hard-surface Btreets; modern conveniences, oak floors, cement base ment, lot 50x100. $31-00. $600 cash. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 2d Floor Selling Bldg. Main 1SOU; A 6291. $200 CASH. PRIEST HOUSES. $3000 to $3S00. This well-known builder is building 60 NEW HOUSES in locations that appeal to those whe rightly value an ideal neighborhood, re fined surroundings and a community ex clusively for homes. These houses Include all conveniences, such as furnace fireplace, buffet, cablnel kitchen, enameled bath and kitchen, pol ished floors, fine light fixtures and win dow shades, laundry trays, full ccmenl floor in basement, etc.; only the best ol workmanship and materials enter into the makeup of these homes. Full 50x100 lots, with graded streets, cement walks and curbs in and paid. All houses sold on the most advanta geous terms to the buyer. Might take lot as part payment. We are also prepared to build nousei of all descriptions for our customers, to be sold on the easiest possible terras. HOW TO GET THERE. Quick transportation on W-W carlinr to 53d avenue S. E.. then walk four shorl blocks east; agent on ground. , See Mr. Beck at 272 Stark St., or phone Main 9.. or A 2693. $.100 DOWN buys this brand new 6-room bungalow only 2 blocks from Hawthorne avenue, in good residence district. Tbe bungalow if exceptionally well constructed, with dou ble walls and all Interior finish is best se lected material. It stands on a nicely ter raced lot, has a wide veranda extending across front, large living-room, fine fire place, with triple door bookcases on each side; large dining-room. 14x16, with beau tiful buffet, the iloors of which are bevel -plato leaded glass: polished hardwood floors in living, dining-room and den; tin kitchen is white enamel. with yery bullt-ln modern convenience; the bed rooms are llKlit and airy, with double win dows: in the rear bedroom Is a bullt-ln dresaer with bevcl-plato mirror, full sis-: the bathroom Is nicely tiled .with heavy roll plumbing and built-in linen closet, full cement basement, with cement floor and laundry trays: there is also a nice large attic. The architectural design and workmanship are all that can be desired in a tlrst-class home. For appointment call Tabor 2017 or address T. A. Suther land. 1084 Hawthorne ave $3150 $3011 DOWN LOT 4.1x90. ALL STREET ASSESSMENTS PAID. New 6-room bungalow, doubly con structed throughout, reception hall. beau: tiful fireplace, built-in bookcase, panelec dining room, beamed celling, built-in buf fet single paneled door, beautiful whlt Dutch kitchen with all bullt-ln conveni ences, sereened-ln back porch, large un nv bedrooms, exceptionally large closets bathroom equipped with latest and best fixtures, large attic, full cement basement, laundry trays, etc.; splendid neighbor hood; $500 below anything In the dis trict. TaDor mrr. BUNGALOW, modern end up to date, close in. on sightly lot fronting im "roved street There are 5 rooms on flrst floor, a lar ittic with plenty of light and space for J more large rooms; attic is floored. There Is a big sleeping-porch fully fin ished and ready for use. K'tcKh"" '! Dutch style. The house is well built. 1 am ottering it at a bargain figure. No aTcn? need apply. Will deal only -w th purchaser direct. See owner. 414 bpald- lng ping. 1 tlej huudei j 1 . In Irvlngton. the place of homes, new, artistically designed and well-built hom of 9 rooms, hall, sleeping-balcony and ?inished attic; large, well-lighted rooms: closets with windows; hardwood flof" ?hroughout; oak finish below; enameled fir above; thoroughly modern In every respect: near car; garage. For furthet particulars see p BRYAN. S05 Chamber ol Commerce. Xoin trull A ' ..t-ct- t C" T--T T 1TTT1 .. Hawthorne district, brand new 8-rooir bungalow; full cement basement, laundiv trays, woodlift. 3 bedrooms, paneled dining-room, a beautiful fireplace, street Im provements all paid; a snap at $3000, small payment down, balance like rem. For appointment phone owner. Tabor 651 or call ip&i nmi !zi!t-ZS , . . 1 x-1 - 1 r i 1 in' One of the finest bungalows on the East Side. 75x100 lot. near carline; be au tlfully furnished; everything Included for $10; let us show you. strong A Co. tine). 6Q5 Concord bldg. WEST SIDE HOME $650 South Portland. 4-room shack, habitable on view lot, 50x100. nice garden, ft cash Fred W. German, 329 Burnside. M. 01 A 2776. PRliK S550. LOT 50x105. Small 2-room plastered; $50 cash. $l'i month; Mt. Scott car. Greys Crossing, bee owner. Howe's store. HKA1TTIFUL home, all modern conveniences restricted district; can't be beat for pric and construction: elegant hardwood floors. 7-foot buffet. Call up Main 4144. s-ROOM modern house, Rose City Park. mt 50x100. price 83300; accept $300 cash. balance easy. 7 per cent. AK 798, Ore- gonian- IRVINGTON, close in. 7 rooms; modern, hardwood floors, fireplace sleeping porch, furnace; bargain: $4400. $.100 cash, $3io0 per month. Phone East 5.69. FOR SALE Fine up-to-date modern house, with ten rooms. Marshall 1416. Clatsop investment Co.. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. J50 CASH, easy payment, 5-room modern bungalow, lot 50x100, 3 blocks car; sight ly: 30 minutes out: Price $3000. H1GLET & BISHPJShird St. FOB. SALE Small house, lot, $6-10. !M7 Yale sChear Portsmouth. Box 86. Hlllsboro. Or. SEE Frank L. Mciiulre to Insure against fire. M. 10b. .110 au'i'b""i FOR FINE HOMES See ueianuni. ror pale Business Property. Good church and parsonage occupying almost quarter block in Stephen s Addl- , tloil on your wwii mun- market on account owners have no fur-; .. . l,)a -,-r,nertv well located. this is a snap; can be converted at light expense into Income property. V R. F. BRYAN. Mnln 19ft.". 505 Cham, of Com. A 122i. For 8ale Acreage. l 2 and S-acre tracts, close to Portland, 1 to 6 blocks from electric carline $200 to $40u Ser acre, easy terms. J. W. Heflerlin Realty Co.. 307 Railway Exchange. vim ALL new, well-built home on 50xl00-f;. lot 3 blocks of Rose City Park carline. Price $730: $75 cash and $10 per month. AK 34. Oregonian. 5 ACRES of finest land on Base Line road Just beyond 12-Mlle Roadhouse; very' JUKI UCJUI'U a - - - gt-htly : price $; easy term. Tabor JnJ- TEN acre, one mile east of May berry, on the Mt Hood line. Frank K risky. Boring, Or., or phone T44 110 DOWN, $3 monthly. 85x250, 30 minute out. Ask tor Marsten or Hale, 02 Wllcoi bldg. SOft EQUITY In acre, Woodraont. Mair. 0.112. Make offr tr quick hargain. ABOTTT flv arrs. Mount Tabor, for put ting; no agents. Owner. Marshall 2711.