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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1912)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MAT 8, 1912. 8 hits and four runs In four times at COLTS AGAIN WIN, PITCHERS WHO ARE FIGURING IN GAMES THIS WEEK AT VAUGHN-STREET PARK. . . bat. The score: R. H. E.I R. H. E. Vernon. . .9 13 lOakland. . .2 10 3 Have Batteries Raleigh and Brown; Ma larkey and Mitze, Tledemann. the fashionable gray and brown mixtures, tailored IS WITH SENATORS TOP LEAGUE your &-vp try-on tF today- SEALS DOVT HIT IX PINCHES Wild Throw Gives Mp-aml-Tuck Game' to Angels, 3 to 2. by Victoria Bees Walloped by Portland, 2 to 1, in Clean and Pretty Game. Beavers Win From Club Which Has Yet to Capture Series From Portland. SAN FRANCISCO. May 7. McCorey's wild throw to Corhan In the eighth in ning gave Los Angeles the winning run. after San Francisco had made it two-all in the third. With five base hits to the visitors' three In the last six innings, the home team could not score. ef--J-?-- STEIN The score: R. H. E. R. II. E. L. Angeles. 3 3 San Fran. -.2 9 1 SLUGGERS HELD HELPLESS SIX DOUBLE PLAYS MADE Batteries Chech and Boles; McCorey and Schmidt. HISTORIC HOODOO flOW lor Sroond Time William'. Men Play I-rmrle Ball Canucks Skip I'm Time and Twice Let Rons Cross Plate. N an b area! era lM(M titaadtnr. wr. i p r.' tv. i. P C FortlaBd.. IJ .571 Vancouver. II to ,v?4 I I .J..O S 12 .a Yetimljr'a Kevnlla. At Portland Portland I. Victoria j. At Vanronvfr Vinruvrr 7. Spokane o. At tteaitie eatti a, Ticoma 3. Victoria... .10 a acoma. BT JAMES H. CA80R1.U Portland now boasts a league leader Nick Williams' Colta walloped the Vic torta Bees. 2-1 yeeterday afternoon, shoving th Canucks into third place and replacing Spokane at the top w hen the Indians succumbed to the Van couver attack across . the boundary line. With the Be stingers, parading in the. guise of cleanup rlturscr who earned the name of wrecking crew at Seattle, dulled from the Eastlcy operation Monday. "Huttermllk John Meek et a I. could not surround them selves with the proper atmoaphere for a resumption of a dleater-bfirlng at tack. Stanfleld's epltter van In good work ins; order, and this, combined with an other nine rounds of errrorless ball, formed a combination n hlch made an other shutout victory In oril.-r. taald Makes flood. - Soott Stanfleld. lately from Van couver. and before that from Boston. Montreal. Texas, etc.. waa out to make good In his Initial appearance In i'ortland suit. A survey of the name dni not reveal that he had a derided advantage over Kick Kaufman, the fees' Western Leaguo alabster, but the Mts were two in his favor, six for the Bees against eight for the Colts, and bobble accounted for the one-run difference. Kaufman is tall and lanky, while StanAeld is short and i-h-uhby. the duet presenting an ideal Kolb and I'M combination for a mound act. In the opening frame Kaufman tossed ' the sphere many degrees too low In an effort to nab Fries at first, while Stan nel'l came back at him with a sharp retort In tho sixth In the way of an accomodating heave against the net ting which permitted Kennedy to reach second. Stanfleld thrice failed to agree with Fielder Jones' pugnacious- emis sary as to the location of the plate, while Kaufman parsed tw-o. Oho preceding-his fatal peg In the" first In ning. But Stanfleld struck out two men. the margin of difference In hits, while Kaufman failed to receive the jmplrical strikeout verdict. Celts Play Perfectly. As a one and one-half -bour en hihlt Ion of tho National Joy from a I'ortland standpoint the game was excellence Itself. tetermlned to convince fund 0111 that the Monday anti-error period was nothing out of the ordinary, the Colts came back with the only possible arma ment, a duplication. BoShy Coltrin led his teammates in the Interpretation of errorless baseball, while Kibble. Men sor. Williams and Harris gave splendid 3eldlng exhibitions. Portland j-cored In the opening in ning when Mensor walked, was sacri ficed to second by Spcas, and Kauf man threw the ball low and wide to Nordyke In an effort to nip Fries at first. Mensor romping home. The visitors scored their first and only run of the Invasion In the sixth period, when. with two cone. Kennedy, switched In to fill Clementson'a shoes for a day, drove one to left, was piloted to second on a wild heave, and scored when -lad" Meek came through with a real pinch hit. Stanfleld walked two In the fourth, but forced Meek and Nordyke to pop up weakly to Strait, and Kennedy was the only Bee to buzz Ills way t5 third base. The seventh spelled the doom of the Bees. Raw lings opened by kicking Col trln's grounder around. Stantield sac rificed Bobby to second, who went to third on Mensor's infield out. Then Spea laid one down third base line which was perilously near the foul line Instead of taking a chance on the j-phcre rolling to the south of the chalk line Brennan's mental machinery went awry an-1 he grabbed the hall, holding it foolishly in his hands while Coltrin crossed the plate. I.ou Nordyke'a fielding was the most spectacular feature of the Interesting came, the Victoria manager grabbing them from every point of the hortxon to save his -mflelders from black marks. The score: Victoria 1 Portland Ab-H.Po.A E.' Ah.H.Po.A.E. Ftadllle.lf 3 0 3" Menaor.Sb a O 4 a o .dtna.i-r .. O l ' p ii.rl.. 3 0 O A Kenity.rf'3 2 0 0 OFrlra.rf.. 4 I 2 n o Me'k.e.. 3 1 2 I Strait. If . S 0 3 t 1 17 O "Warn, lb 4 2 11 no Ktllr.-- 4 1 4 OMoore.e.. I 1 1 M'ltan.llk 3I04 OKihhlr.2h 4 t I 3 11 H'tna.... 2 0 S 3 1 4'oltnn.aa 3 1 1 3 e K fman.p 3 1 0 S 1 Stan ewt p ; O a 1 o liarrta,p. 2 0 4 1 O Totals.. 2H :ilS Si Totals. . .20 S 27 12 0 POORE BT INNlN'iS. M'torla l O t O 0 Ol Una o 10 0 12 0 1 1 l-i.-tl.nd 1 I O ' .lit. ,.t I O 3 1 1 1 8 FVMMARY. I'.uni Kennedy. Mensor. Coltrin. Struck cut-H tanftld 2. Haaca on balls OTf Kaufman 2. oft sianfl'lil .u To-baa hit wi.liarna. rouhle plat Stwnflld to Mcn ..r to Vlllliams. Sacrifice Ima Spcaa, Adams, fUnnfield and Meek. Stolen bases Sp-aa. Wild p'trhea stanftrld. Time of game I :). Vntplra Muran. Note of the Game. Otto Moor, the Colt backstop, only worked two Inningv He atnl-d In th, .ond ana hurt hi left aiming into tvCVBd Mpr. A - piffled nut" . la the grandstand fur nished a side attraction. Ho wardered around from seat to atat In aa effort to rhans Victoria s lurk and gave an original Interpretation of rooting. Tbe crowd m"ded that of Monday, wlthj the bJrarharltrs doffing coata In def erence to the warm sun. Tnere was' ao raxs'ng the umpire yester oay. Moran ahowrd hla appreciation by ru.hlng the game. llrenoan " . ratleir out In tha third for Interfering with llarrla, who had started after a op fl). Klbbie. the Colt thlrd-sarker. made a rice play In the r.lnth when he tried to tag .Nordvke before pegging to first. It snowed that ha Is a thinker. The c'olta pulled off the only double ptay of the gama Mtanfleld to Mensor to Wil liams. Victoria had a chance, but Keller failed to touch second. SKXTTI.K DOWNS Tlt.FKS, TO 3 Giants Wake In and I'lay Ball Well at Bat and In field. "EATTLE. WasU.. May 7. Seattle bit stveaat-i. I 1 R.eVe4 . aW'KsvaaeI Hunt hard, ran the bases well, did Tacoma 9 to 3 today. Nlll was put out m tne came in trie nrpi uimnii for disputing a decision at first base. The score: R. II. K.i K. H. E Seattle ... 14 l.Taconia S 7 J ir.t.. C..U.I.. nnt tl'hltlnr' Hunt and Crittenden. Cniplre Toman. VAXCOntll BLANKS IMIAS rrals lloltN SKlane to 5 Hits. Cot-lirane9 Slants Are Ku. VANCOUVER, B. C. May 7. Oervals held Spokane to Ave scattered hits to day, and Vancouver won 7 to 0. Oer vals had perfect control and struck out nine opposing butamen. , -Cochrane waa Ineffective In the pinches, and hia support was not of the best. Score: it ILK.! . IJ. H. E. Vancouver .7 1 Spokane ....0 5 3 Batteries Oervals and Shea: Coch rane and Ievogt. LINCOLN WINS SWIM I'ORTI.ANIf ACADEMY IS SKC'O.XD IX AQUATIC MEET. TWO BIT' CIRCUIT OPENS UNITED STATES LEAGUE PL1YS BAM. IX EAST. Club Composed of Youngster and "Has Beens" Lineup Promises Llule Class. Baseball fans throughout the coun try were treated to a surprise last week when the United States Baseball League rhanceil from a lream to a reality, opening the season In four cities of tho "outlaw" circuit. Just how long the "two-bit" circuit will stand the strain of major league competition remains to be seen, but the league is playing ball now. despite many predictions that It would "blow up" In the anti-season stiices. The opener at Cleveland was wit nessed by 3637 fans, according to the figures issued by the management. The gamn was not startling In any par ticular. Pittsburg winning. 11-7. The best crowd of the opener was at Rich mond, where Washington opened. The clubs are composed of youngsters and "has beens." and the line-up does not promise classy ball. The league is composed of Chicago, Cleveland, Cin cinnati, Pittsburg. Klchmond. Washing ton. New York and Heading. a a a That Vean Gregg is himself again may be gathered from the following taken from the Cleveland Leader fol lowing an 3-3 victory over the St. Louis Browns: "Vean Gregg is Jilmself again. "The man who put fewer of the op ponents on first base per Inning than any pitcher In the major leagues in 110 has come Into bis own. "Sterling hitters like Gtovall and Laporte, whose especial likings are left handers. swung wildly at the ball, and Gregg won the final game here today. 8 to 3. "Only a temporary lapse In control gave the Browns a chance to cross the plate, and that came after two hands were gone and the contest was stowed away safely. "Gregg had everything. His curve ball broke sharply and hla fast one hopped like a curve. In eight Innings he yielded alx hits and In the eighth he gave five, but at that time there was ten need of over-exertion, as, the Naps had a substantial lead. He fanned eight men ami worked with an ease that appeared like recklcas abandon. "The Browns to date have had re markable good pitching, but the best work of their operators appeared like the doings of an amateur compared with what Gregg displayed." Cyclist to Be Seaside Feature. SEASIDK. Or... May 7. (Special.) One of the innovations that will tend to enliven affairs here is the new motor-cycle club recently organised among Seaside young men. Five new machines are In the freight yards here ready for delivery, and members of the club are In readiness for the initial spin, which will be to Cannon Beach. It Is expected that the trip to Klk Creek can be done In a half hour, clip ping the best time of automobiles by several minutes. One of the objects of the club will be th promotion of good roads. The charter members of the club are: Fred H. Holmes. George Nnrb!al. Lucky Shipman, Fred Lrcsscr and Arthur Cole. Itelay Race Proves to Be Most E.v. citing Event of Day Time Is Comparatively Slo. With more than double the number of polnta of Its nearest competitor, Lin coln High School won the first Inter scholastlc swimming meet staged at tha Multnomah CIuo yesterday - after noon. Jefferson High' had but one man In the meet. The totals were: Lincoln High, 33; Portland Academy. 13; Trade School, 3, and Jefferson High. 1. Allen Preparatory. Columbia and -Hill were not represented. - The most exciting event of the day was the relay between Portland Acad emy and Lincoln High. Although Wag oner, the third man on the Lincoln side, gave the lap to Thatcher with a slight lead, the race was decided In tbo last lap. for Coe made a good start and was almust In line with Thatcher. The time for the events was' not very fast. the best being IS seconds for 25 yards. The diving contest wa won by Ern est Spawmer. the V. M. C. A. champion, and 13714 points were chalked up for lilm. Claire Tate, of the Trades School, was second. The finals: Twenty-five yards F. Breske,. Port land Academy, first: McAMster, Lin coln, second; Preble, Jefferson, third. Time. 15 seconds. Fifty yards Thatcher, Lincoln, first; Coe, Portland Academy, second, and Crowe. Lincoln High, third. Time 3o.l. 100 yards Thatcher, Lincoln, first; nd;. Lincoln, second: Hanno, Portland Acariemy. third. Claire Tate would have been second, but was disqualified for not touching the end of the tank proterly. Time 1 minute IS seconds. HO yards Held, Lincoln, first: Hanno, Portland Academy, second: MoClung, Portland Academy, third. Time 3 min utes. 25'i seconds. Diving Spawmer. Lincoln High, first; Tate, Trades School, secondhand Feld mai), Lincoln, third. Hclay Lincoln (field. Spawmer. Wagoner and Thatcher), first; Portland Academy iMcClung, Wolfe, Bresko and Coe). second. Time Z minutes, 30 seconds. Distance. 200 yards. Albany Gun Club Is Active. ALBANY. Or.. May 7. (Special.) The members of the Albany Gun Ciub are holding weekly shoots at- their grounds, southeast of this city, and several handsome trophies and medals have been offered. The trophies In clude: Cup by F. M. French and W. G. Ballack. of this city, and medals by the two ammunition companies.- The miles of the Interstate Trapshootlnff Association prevail. Portland Batting C'oaat east Aortaweatrrs Averages to Date. Pacific Coaat. AB. H. Av. Butler -'I 14 .3"u Krucger ...................... n:l ;lo ,.)22 Doana 71 21 .: l.lmlaar 77 22 McDowell 40 II .275 Temple II I .2"') (-hadbeum 112 27 .211 Bancroft M 20 . 2XS Kodcera In". 24 .2'."l Kappa !: 24 .22 Koeatner 2.'- a ,2"0 Ptleger i .2"0 Howley SU 17 .ll'l Henderson -. I I 9 ,1M tllthgan 1.1 2 -1J3 Klawltter 8 1 .12.1 l a I.onxe ! 1 .111 Hutch I n .OOO lantllm 1 O .nx !regK j. o . tilr,.t v 3 0 ,i"l llarkneas 7 0 .K Northwestern. AB. II. Av. Tonneaon 1.1 .1 Spen. , ; M 27 ..".IS Kihble, ; , 7.1 2 .271 Coltrin 73 2rt .274 Frlea 71 21 .27') Williams 72 1 .-" Thomas t 1 20 Hoirla : M .'-' Menor :t 17 .'.'-! Strait 7x ,ls .-."11 Hl....niflrld 13 ;l .'-"SI Moore 1" li..l 12 2 .Mi Klein 7 1 .112 Faotlev 14 I .7I Veai-v ;.. 3 - " stanfleld 2 Klaw liter Twirls McCreUic's Men to l-to-2 Victory With Hits Keinfr Timely and Sacramento Having Hard Luck. l'aciflc Coast lea-ue Standing. TV. I,. P C W. L. P.C. Oakland.. 22 10 .HM I.o Anc... 13 17 .4tW Vernon.. 17 in .r.7 Sacra m to. 14 J .4"S San Kran.. 13 1 . 4M. Portland. . 9 18 'i'-i Yesterday's Results. At Sacramento Portland 4. gacrsmcnto 0. At San Francisco Vernon ft, Oakland 2. At L,oa Angeles I,oa Angeles 3. San Fran cisco 2. SACrtAMFNTO. Cal.. May 7. (Spe cial.) Joseph Patrick O'Rourkc was ready this morning to wager milestones to monuments that the Senators were going to break the record and take the series from the Beavers, but the Bald Joseph Patrick is now asking odds. It Is wonderful ' what a difference a few hours can make. To begin with,, it is a matter of his tory that Sacramento has never taken a series from Portland. O'ltourke knows thin and the history of Ireland, other wise he Is Ignorant historically. And this morning the Senators and Beavers were facing a Series of six games. To night they have five games yet to play, the other one having been won by the Weavers. Score 4 to 2. Six Doable Plays Made. It was a good game In several ways. Both Byram and Klawltter. the rival heavers, were woefully wild, as a total of tep. walks, evenly divided, will evl tknee. Then there was some fielding, with a total of six double, plays, three for each side, a record that will scarce ly be- equalled this season. Portland started to cinch the game right off the reel. Chadbourne walked and Bancroft hit to Lewis. Jimmy gath ered the ball all right, but he heaved like an overcharged cannon and Chad bourne scored, while the third baseman was chasing the bHll through the weeds. Bancroft advanced to third on the play, then Butler drove a sacrifice fly to Lew-is and Bancroft scored. Another was added in the fourth, when McDowell walked, was sacrificed by Rogers and scored on llowley's single. Tne fourth run came In the seventh and was a gift. Chadbourne j and Bancroft were walked and Butler rapped for a single. Howley Throws Ball Away. Sscramento's two runs came In the fourth, when Shlnn was safe on a tlelder's choice. O'Rourke and Van Buren singled and Howley threw the ball away, over second base. Chadbourne made the most sensa tional play of the day when he took Miller's drive. labeled as a homerun, off the top of the fence. Almost every time that Sacramento got men on the bags some one would hit into a double play. In fact the Sen ators never had a chance to win even when they filled the bags In the fifth with one out, O'ltourke got three hits out of fourjtimes up. but that no-hlt time at bat,-of course, came when the bags were filled. Krelx. the new catcher purchased by Sacramento from the Chicago White Sox. arrived today. Sacramento paid more for him than any other Coast League club ever put up for a player. The score: Portland Sacramento, Ab H Po A E: Ab H Po A E Cha'rn.-lf 3 12 0 t Madden.rf 4 3 O 0 0 4 4 o o 8 o 4 OO'K'ke.Im 4 3 2 4 0 0 O VanB' 2 1 1 O 0 1 4 0 1. 2 0 1 11'I.ewls.lf.. 4 0 2 O 1 7 0 Shee'n.Sb O 0 1 2 O O 1 Helter.3b 10 110 2 Check. c. . 3 0 S O 0 ! Byram. p. 2 0 n 3 0 IRaiun.p.. 1 0 0 2 O swain. ..1 0 0 O 0 IKreltz". 1 0 0 0 0 Ban'ft.Sb 3 2 0 3 1 0 Kru'er.ef 3 11 4 Mciril.rf 3 Rd'ra.2b 3 How-lcy.e 4 Kla'ter.p 4 1 lO Totals 30 0 27 19 II Totals 31 7 27 17 1 Swain batted for Cheek in ninth. Krelts batted for Buum In ninth. SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland . . Hits ...... gtac-rantcnto Hits n 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 11112 10 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 l 0 2 10 0 3 10 11 07 SUMMARY. Rum fhadbourne 2. Bancroft. McDotaVlt.i Sblnn. O Rourke. Three runs, eight hits off Pyram In 1-3 Innlnga. Charge defeat to Bv-ram. Threc-b;ise hit Klawltter. Sacri fice hit Rodgers Sacrifice fly Butler. Struck out By Byram 3. by Klawtycr 2, hy B.iuin 1. Bases on balla off Byram 5. off Klawltter 5. Uotiblo plays Butler to Rodgera to Rapps 2; Rodgers to Butler to Kappa: Sheehan to Miller to Shcehan: By ram to Miller to Cheek: Shlnn to O'Rourke to Miller. Time of lame 1:40. Umpires McCarthy and Mcllrcuvy. TERXOS BEATS OAKS, 9 TO 2 Malarkoy's Corves I.iked by Villag ers Kane Batting Star. LOS ANGELES, Cal.. May 7. Vernon took a liking to Malarkey's curves to day and Hogan's Villagers took the first game of the series from Oakland. Raleigh kept the Oaklanders' ten hits fairly well scattered. Kane, Vernon's center-fielder, who had been out of the game for several weeks, made four Many a Self-made Man Should be Suffering from Remorse tot. Senators Plan Oriental Tour. SAN FRANCISCO. May 7. Manager Patsy O'Rourke. of the Sacramento baseball team of the pacific I'oast League, announced yesterday that he wculd take his team to Honolulu, and probably to Japan, at the close of the Coast League season. O'Rourke says details for the proposed trip have al ready been arranged in Honolulu. NATIONAL JjEAGrE. Cincinnati .. New York . . Chicago . ... Boston Pittsburg ... Philadelphia Brooklyn ... Si. Louts ... Won. Lost. P C. . 14 4 -77S . 13 4 .7rt3 .10 l ..'.2tl . S lO .444 . 7 10 .412 . B ft .400 . 6 ft .400 . S 14 ,2t3 Philadelphia 8, Cincinnati 5. CINCINNATI. Ohio, May 7. President Taft saw Philadelphia defeat Cincinnati today. It was an uphill battle for the locals and the President applauded their every effort. Cincinnati played a ragged fielding game. Score: R. II. E. R. H. E. Philadel... 8 14 lCincinnati .. 5 7 3 Tiatterieti Soaton, Schultz, Brennan and Graham. Dooin; Suggs, Fromme, licnton and McLean. Umpires Kigler and Finneran. New York 6, St. Lonis 2. ST. LOUIS. May 7. Rube Marquard was effective in all except the ninth and St. Louis Inst again. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. St. Louis ..2 6 lNew York.. 6 9 1 Batteries Steele, Dell and Bliss; Mar quard and Myers. Umpires Brennan and Owens. Chicago 9, Boston 4. CHICAGO. May 7. Chicago defeated Boston today. 9 to 4. The batting of Archer and Campbell was a feature of the game. Score: R. H. E.I ' R. H. E. Chicago.... 9 14 C.BoHton 4 7 I Batteries Lavender and Archer; Pur due. McTlgue and Kling. Gowdy. Umpires Johnston and Eason. Brooklyn-Plttsburg game postponed, rain. BLOGH unusual values at S20 to S35 On Near Fifth WE SPECIALIZE IN FINE MADE - TO.-ORDER SHIRTS WW Detroit although outhlt by the visitors. Boston made four runs in the sixth. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston . . ..6 6 3!Detroit . . ..4 10 3 Batteries Wood and Carrigan; Mul lin, Dubuc and Stanage. At New York New York-St. Louis, no game; rain. At Philadelphia Cleveland-Philadelphia game postponed; rain. route home O. A. C. will play their return game with the Multnomah Cluh on May 30 at the club's grounds in Portland. American Association Results. At St. Paul St. Paul, 9; Toledo. 6. At Minneapolis Minneapolis. 3; Co lumbus, 3. Eleven innings, darkness. At Kansas City Kansas City, 12; In dianapolis, n. At Milwaukee Mil waukee-Louia- ville. no game, rain. Western Ieagtte Iieults. At Sioux City Sioux City. 2; Des Mclnes, 0. At Wichita Lincoln, 4; Wichita. 3. At Denver Denver. 6; Topeka. 4. At Omaha St. Joseph, 9; Omaha, C. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.O. Chicago 15 5 .7.V) Ronton .. . r 11 7 .til 1 Waahlnston 10 7 .."S Philadelphia ..'211 Cleveland S ' ! .471 Detroit t 12 .1211 St. Louis 12 ..".:'! New York 4 12 .100 Chicago 1, Washington 0. Football Schedule Changed. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallls, May 7. (Special.) Renewal of student activities between Oregon Agricultural College and the University of Oregon has made necessary some changes In the baseball schedule as ar ranged earlier in the season. As the schedule now stand.s the O. A. C. team will leave Corvallis May 22 or 23 for a northern trip of one week. Games will be played with Oonxaga Univer sity at Spokane and with Nelson. B. C. The Washington State College series at Pullman Is dated May 28 and 29. Kn Ike Butler Gets Release. TACOMA, May 7. Ike Butler, one of Tacoma's pitchers, has been given his unconditional release by the Tigers. Butler asked for his release yesterday, and with some reluctance Manager Lynch granted the request today. But ler gives no reason for his action. Union Association Results. At Salt Lake City Salt Lake, 7; Butte, 3. At Ogden Missoula. 15: Ogden, 14, At Hejena Great Falls, 1; Helena, 6. STOLEN GEMS IDENTIFIED Official Says Alleged Smuggler Robbed Utah (iirls. SEATTLE, Wash.. May 7. Some of the jewels seized by Federal customs officers last week when they arrested Charles Cunningham, of Salt Lake City, on a charge of opium smuggling were identified In a letter from the United States Marshal at Salt Lake City today as Jewelry Cunningham is alleged to have stolen from two girls there last season. Among the articles identified was a diamond locket and chain, seal ring and several minor pieces. The larger jew els Include a single diamond valued at tSuO. but further details will be re quired before positive identification can he made. WASHINGTON. May 7. Chicago de feated Washington. 1 to 0, the game being called at the end of the fifth in ning on account of rain. A home-run drive" over the right field fence hy Harry Lord registered the winning run. Score: R. H. E t R. II. E. Chicago .. .1 2 O.Washington 0 4 1 Batteries Lango and Block; Groom and Henry. Boston 5, Detroit I. BOSTON, May 7. Boston won from TOMORROW NIGHT BOXING and WRESTLING PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHAMPIONSHIPS Umlcr the Auspices of the MULTNOMAH AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLUB All of the Rest, Amateur Talent in the Northwest. Multnomah Club Gymnasium, at 8 P. M., Sharp. ADMISSION $1.00 OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC I1 Sjlf T VS f JL. Londres is a nickel well fjpl . and remember the pleasure. KVISiPI The Owl Londres jjj j aisv;' '. "t7r'FU; s blunt-end and free-smoking. IBS Pfel'liSlliiSillM All cigar dealers SI l dust owl t mm MgsfeVnTi afcv fpfp"! Vial! mmmtuf'A'- jig