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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1912)
21 TTTE MORXIXC, OREOOMAX. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31912. ON TRAIL OF TRUST Big Company Formed to Fight Banana Monopoly. HAS S25,0C0,0C0 CAPITAL Atlantic rrnii IltriJutor M" Al-o Control lite Cllru and lwid uons Fruit Trade of h Wot. A revolution In tb fruit trade of th i nite states, bo'h deciduous and citrus. it likely to n-ult from the formation of th bl Atlantic Fruit Distributors, a corporation that ha recently been ,r,.mil In th. Ea.t. 1 Uttl. doubt It will operate heaMly In California pro dueta. either directly or Indirectly. It certainly aotna to be a rtor In the fru t trade of thla lout aa In the Ea- The Atlantic Fruit Distributors ha. com into e..tence pr.m.rlly to fluht the rrult Dispatch Company, otherwise knomn aa tn -banana trust." which for year. th. fruit trad, and fruit consumer, of th. United State at It. mercy. The manassment of the new company la In th. hand, of Corf. A. Charter., who la rero.-nl.e4 aa on. of th. areateet fruit awn of th. country. HI. tHIc I. vice-president and .eoeral manan-r. Charter, -a. for merly Eaetera manager of th. Cailfornla Fruit RratrV Eichim.. which I. th. prin cipal rltru fruit concern on thl Coa.t. On Mar 1 he resiened from the eachanre In order to tak. the management of th. new tinrni company Charter haa an extensive following anion th. of California, and. .hould hi. company decide to take up oran.a and lemon, be could caally awing over a large number of grower who a dissatisfied with th. present working of th. eachang. and who ar. now agitating for a rhang. Th. De Oeorgio. who hav. organlmed th. Atlantic Fruit Distributor, are among th. met handtera of deelduou fruit, in California- 1-ast year they took over th. Karl Fruit Company and the Producers" Fruit Company, and an enormou. tonnag la at their disposal. Th. main buinee of th. company, of course, will b th. handling of bananaa. The company control, a groat banana acre age tn Centra: America and operate, th. Atlantic Fruit steamship Company be tween Central American port, and th. I nited State. It 1 now supplying banana, t.. i lie large Eastern elite, and will on l.e .hipping banana, to Portland. Th. com pany ha appointed a. agent at San Fran-.-:.o C. C. walte. formerly with th. Nortn ar.trrn Fruit Ex. hang, at North Yakima. It. bananas will be lu thi market by Au gust. ' TRIKK IN' WHEAT MAKKET IS (SMALL I ariuerv ofterlag Are- Light and rrk" Are lax-hanged. The wheat market waa quiet yesterday, wr.h o mat-rial change In value Th. - tlc.nand wa light and offering, were al.o .mail. Local millfeed price hav. been advanced tl a ton. Local receipt. In car, wer. reported by the Merchant Exchange aa f..llow: Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hav Monday I lj Tuesuar 1" 7 7 IX, ri.i2.TTj ii . I". Year ago II.IKM - lo Foreign crop condition ar. mmarled by the Liverpool Com Trad. New a. fol low.: . United Kingdom Th. weather Mill con tinue dry and rain would be very beneficial for the Spring crop. franc. The crop outlook 1 favorable Offering, of natlv. wheat ar. on th. larger .rale. Kaln la needed for th. late seeUlui. Germany There la iom anxiety regard ing th. crop, owing to continued dry weather. Offering, of natlv. wheat ar on a small acal. and price, hav. advance to an Import parity. Hungary Th. crop outlook la generally favorable, although warm weather would b. desirable. Roumanla Th. crop outlook la good. Be. aervea of old wheat ar. reported to b email. Th. wcath.r la aeaaonable. I.uropeaa Turkey There ar. complainta i.f unseasonable weather. India ar. Increased blppr" of fer, which indicat. a favorabl. harv.'t outlook. According to mail advice, there haa been some damage to wheat In th. lnlted Province, but th. crop will equal last ear.'a. Australia There have been moderate beneficial rain, for th. crop. Russia In tb. Southwest there hav. been rata, bat dry warm weather la seeded. In the tontheasl the crop. hav. Improved and are aen-rally favorable. There have been seme complaint, heard regarding th. Winter crop. Arrlvala from Ih interior ar. larger. rROsPEROlS CONDITIONS t.LNFRAL Raak (leauiagw af the tonally la A pell tarreavwel ?1 I'er f eat. Hank exchange during th. month of April at all leading cltle. In th. lnlted Slat, acctrdtng to tb. statement compiled by R. a. Dun a; Ox. which Include, returns from 127 center, aggregated 1.J1.J4.;19. an Increase of 21.3 per cent, aa compared wtth to. sam. month laM year, and of g 9 per cent a. compared with th. cocre .pondlns month In Ulix Thla la by far th. beat exhibit mad. by any month ao far thla year, and being .hared In -by practically .very aecttoa of the country, clearly re fleet, a general Improvement In Industrial and commercial operationa that is especially gratifying bevaua weatner condition m-.ra not altogether favorabl. for expansion In aumeroo line. Increase, are mnr. general among th. our. on th. Taclfir roast than In th. evrll-r month, of the Jear. a. a result ot r.wvlng buaiaeae activity, and (nod gains appear at roar) of th. leading renters, among them Portland. Man Francisco. Los Angeles, fan Joe and Salt Lak. city. I'omparMo. 1 mad below of bank ex change, by section, covertng two years: April New tngld.'.t 4i..M I tjtt M..1.1; vtlanltr ..-'ilhe; n . . -rtt. West r.iru .. I'oitic .... TnlSl ... .. . City ; m t i .1 (III l,Mi . ,vo.l.ii; 9 J. IK.i 4I ;ijv .'.n a. t... :.. i ;t l.e-'w .V.a, - l.V. l 4oe.!iLo;j ,ltU.lX4tM ner to buy as little a. possible. At Constan tinople ther. ia connlderabl. old hair left on th. market, estimated at th. beginning of Aorll to be about 2O.00O bales, soma 3noo bale birely1 fair average having been J .old on th. best, of about SO to 81 cent. Th. new Turkish c'lp Is now being shorn and I. estimated at from .10.000 to 55.000 bales." I. j $i.T.a4.;i Average datlr Ann t arai.n. M .: rv h r eoruary J 4nuar .I . .i1..i.:.imo 1J..3a31Li t ' rJUSi""1 IMl. 7.1'.. .'4:i.' i77. iH.WJU BCTTER ASD CHEF.MK IX IEMA'D Poultry and Drained Meat Are Slow nd Weak. Th. .butter and cheese market wer active yesterday at steady price. Egg wer firm with tn. upply and de mand about equal. Th poultry market continue wek. Hen. aold at 15 cnta aa the top. Broiler were easier at 2526c. Very small broiler wer. not wanted, Dre.sed pork is .t.srly. but- ve.l I very weak. M.TFLY OF STRAWBERRIES TOO MMALL Receipts Today Will A No Be Light PHce Firm. The supply of strawberries yesterday was entirely Inadequate and the market wa. very firm Jessie, sold at I 50 and Dollar, at II a crate. Receipt, tod.y will alao M llh- . A c.r of cabbaK arrived yeteraa an.. -car f hed lettuc I due today. Aspragu. waa In large supply, but old well. Th. po tato mrket wa dull and over.upplled. Intere4 la New Crop Wot. ROSTOV. May T Domestic wool dealer report few trn.fer. firm price and In turned westward to th. .he.rlng. Advice from I taU and Nevada ahow a de cided advance in prior, for nearly all grade. . Old nearby fleece, sr. almost neglected, while th. deman.d for territory stock 1 confined to odd lota tATt.RN MOHAIal MARKET IH l IET itaaall Activity la EagtUk aad raatteeaxtat Trad emlera. Quiet market coodittona In th. mohair trad ar. reported by th. American Wool anl Cotton Reporter, which vara: -In tb. Boston market conditions hav. rhsnged bat Uttl. during th. past week. Combine rts of mohslr are tn modarat. demand, but there I. little call for carded lot. Tbe new clip has th. attention of me trade at present. Th English and Continental consuming maP.tji are inactive, th. aitvewt o a new clip making It policy en th. part of apla- rallfornla Hop Cootrwcta. Accordlng to Callforma advice, received yesterrf.y. WW) bale, of new crop Sonoma, were .old at 26 l. cents. The local contract market wa. Inactive Bank Clearing. Bank rle.rme. of the Northwestern title yesterday er. aa follow.: R,,ancc,. Portland Seattle . Tai'oma Spoken. j m .t:l XJlll.w: i',7 :4 u-'.'i-i ;7.t 4VI47 77S i'!l llll.l'K rORTLAND HAKMIS. Grata. Floor. ed. Ete. WHEAT Track price: RKie.tem. I1.06 tilOT: club. II. t; red Russian. 11; al lev 1101: 40-fold. II. 0- Mll.LfTCFF Hrm. IJ.1 per ton: ahorta 127 middllnge. 1111. rl.OlU Pat.nta. 1510 per barr.1: .trslght 14 TO: exports. 14 .20-V.IIey. II.10; rshsm. 15 10. whol wheat, $310. oRS Whole I.T.: 140 per ton. HAT Tlmothv. IH.5'4i 17.SO. alfalfa. 112 0123O: clover. ; oata and vetch. Ill 11 o: grain hay. . ' OATa No. 1 whit, .nag 40 per ton. Teretable and Frnlt. TROPICAL FRUITS Oranrea, raee'a w.j.21- California grsp-frult. IS.SOt. Florida grapefruit. 15.738700; lemon. 14 O 5 rr box; pirr.ppl.s. c per pound. FRESH HU'IT Strawberries. fl.SoWi per crate: cranberries. Isold per barrel; SDDles II 23ti 'i per box. I'Ol'tTOtS Jobting prlcea Rurbanka old. II. ion 1.7.1 per hundred; new California. I l n ic ncr pound. l,IO.NS Bermuda. 12.23 2.50 per crate. I JtT Hl.l-.S Ar:l .-noke. 75WSUO doxen: fc.paragua. II tl 1.13 P-r "ate; bean. 22-c; cabbage. 3r pound cauliflower. 12. T5 per crate: eelery. low per crate; cueumbera. lit 1.50 doxen : egg plant 2ic per pound: head lettuce. I1..5per crate: hothouse lettuce. 73l per box: pes. SijOc pound: pepper.. 23c pound: rsd Ishes, I3fl20e per doxen; rhubarb. 2V.WS0 per pound; spinach. 4tf5c per pound; to matoea. 14 So per box; garlic. 10c per ""tAlK VEGETABLES Turnlpa. tl 1 per ssck: bMlx IL40. rutabagas. Ill.l. carrots. L IAlrr aad Coaatrr Prodne. LUTTER Oregon creamery butter; .olid pack. 2c per pound. KtiOs Fresh Oregon ranch, unfiled. 21. per dnxen: case count. 20 Sc. CHEESE Oregon tlat., lo per pound. l'i.iK Fancy. Wvullo per pound. VEAL Fancy, lo w lOc Pr pound. PtJt'I.TKY Hens. 13c; bprinr. lc: broil er 232ie: duck. young. 20S2.c; geese. 11c: turkey, live. 20c; dressed. 2jC Btapla Orocactea. SALMON Columbia River, 1-ponud tall. 12.23 per doxen: a-pouud tails. l.9o; 1 pound fiat. 12.40; Aias pmk. l-pud talis. I1.H3. ,.u.jn. COFKEK Roasted, la drum. MHiOe per pouud. . NCT6 Walnut.. leiH p ponwd: uraxll nuta, llflc; ini-ert. Htilii njoi.or. i;v21e. recan. lac; eocoanuta. iwotj II n.r dox.n; chr.mui. 12,0. !' POd. blrCory nuta, loloc per pound. HONKT Choice. i.J4 per caa.; atralaad boocy. loo per pound. , SALT Granulaied. Ill Pr 'on: Balf around, lotv. 5-io per ton; uoa. Pr toa. BEANS email wait. 4w3c: larra 4 He; Lima. Ic; pink. .. H.aic-. Iv.i kRICENo. 1 japan, ilit; cheapar grads 4ta3c: Southern head. 5HJ7S. . etOAR Dry gracu.alcd, ou3; fruit and berry. 16.03. Hoao.u.u plantation. Io; et. V4; .xtra C. 13.33; powdered. barr..a, dlu. cubes, barre.a. 14.4.'. s, DRIED FP.U' ITS Apple. 14c per P""1 arricaia. 14tlac. s",, "iL: prunea Ilallaua. WSl't;, ",,r' r.s. mhll. eud bla.a. CJ.o: ,curr"'i lIle: raisina. Ioc-e, aluscat.l. lie; bl.a. t.d Thompson. bleached aultauaa. IwC Msded. dat.a. Paraiaa. a pouna: ". per Sea. PrwvUloD. HAMS All ali-s. i;vi"ic: '.klnn.d. IT iylsc. picnics, lc. bo.ted. 26 Sc. HACON Fancy. 23tsw2uxc. eholc. J "dr'v'sALT MEATS Backs, dry salt. 1 1 ylc: backs, smuked. I.:ul4c; belliea. dry aait. USc. bellies, smoked. 13c. LAKD Tierce basis. Choice. I.Tc; com pound. c. . af. 3 li. Ii . l.o per case. liCE..l.A.Nt.Olti 1'iga feet. kit. Vl -V silted beef. Iiisiies. 12:: per case, dried bee Inside.. 23c per pound. b- ogna. canva. bak. lose: minced hem. l-. Hopa. Hal aad Hide. HOPit list 1 crop. U11 9Iic, old, nomi nal. 1112 contracts. 2w-ic. MOHAIR Choice. 34 u Joe per pound. YVU4J1. Eastern linm. .ouiln. P ouod. according w at.riaka.. Vijsj. lau Isc per pound. Pk.LTs Dry. llo; lamb, salted. TS1 shori-woul pelts, yise. butcher baits. Jsa. tak.-oO. 3cCl.. F.a. taka-oK. Ills lis. HIDES Salted aldea. lw10H. pat pound, salted calf. t421r. sa.ted kip. 1 1 if 11c: greea hides. so: dry caX 11.: Jry bides. IsnlM; waited stats. llc; graaa tacs. lfSc I'AsrAKA Per pound. .. OK.MN BAtiS In car lot. iC IJaeed till and Tarpewtlne. I.IN"SEKI Oil.. IUe. bArrel Soc; boiled, barrels, hc : raw. ease. Kic; boiled, case. 17c. TURPENTINE fuse. 73c; barrel. 0c. fAS IBANDM O PROIl t'K MAKKET Prices Quoted at ihe I la 3 C II) far Vewe tables. rails. Mr. SAN FRANCIS' ". Mav 7 The follow Ing produ. e prices acre . nrrenl here today: Fruit Aptlea . noire. l:l.v eommon. e; Meslean limes. 1 . h 3. .V : California lemons, rhulre 14: commoa. 11.23. navel orangea. tlo2.."0: pineapples. S-Mkot S 3. Putter Fancy creamery. 21.-. Kxgs Store.. It-: fancy rsnch. 2tc. Vegetab.e. Cueumbera. 30e n II : green peas, I1.1I 73: atrln beans. JalSt1-; paragus. 11 d 130: tomatoes, nominal; egg liinl. 2 if .tc Hotat."-. River I1.SOOI..: tweets. ti.tl9i: Oregon Hurbanks. 13iN 1.73 Rsy Wheal. II.". SO. wheat and oats. $14 t l': altalfa. 112 a 14 Reclpi- Flour. 2 quarter sacks: wheat, sol rentals: bsrlev. 24.7KO rentals: oats, 2l centals. po'atoes, 12o sarae: bran. 170 ssrks. middlings. 200 sacks; ha. I. 130 tons; wool. 13 bales. bleas ITwdor Market. CHICAC.O. Msv 7. Hutrer Ftesdy. Creameries. 2K2'e; dairies. CH27r. Ksss Firm Receipts. .-.."..7 :7 eases: t mn. raws ln.-lnded. 17i,c: ordlnsry firsts. In'-.r; firsts. lc. Ch'ese ,-tesd. rlsies. 1li1i". twins. li1Sc: Young Americas. 17d17wC; long horns, lo'awia'-se Hop at New York. NEW TURK. Ms T. Hops UuieU BEARS RAID STEEL Stock Sells Lower on Large Transactions. OTHER ISSUES DO BETTER (.rain Carrier KcsXni! lo the Show ing In Hie Government Crop Re lort Copper Shares Are I'nder Hestralnl. Southern pacific col 4... Southern Railway 4a St L S F ref 4s I'nlon Pacific first 4s Union Pacific conv 4a I'nlon Pacific ref 4s l nlted States Steel S F rs United States 2s registered United States 2s coupon... United Stte 3a registered United State 3 coupon... United State 4s registered United Slates 4 coupon... United Railway S F 4s United Railway St L 4 Wabash first 4s Western Union 4V: Wrstinrbouae conv 5s Western Pacific 5 Wisconsin Central 4s West Shore 4s . fl . 7H . T. .lOO'.X . 12 . ! .lost . ll'o H .l'io . ir2 .1"2 .114 . 114-4 . 1171. . 77 . 17 . t . 1'S . 87 . !'2H .100 1"S 102 lrt 102 H 101 lfl-H lis ' HSVi 71 -.7 mi S8 H4t 10OS Stocks al BOSTON. Alloueg . . . Amalg Copper. A Z L Sra . . . Arixona Com B C C & S M Cat Arizona May 7.- 4 I 87 4 20 7 . 70 NEW YORK, St.iy 7. Interest In Ihe .lock market today continued to center laricely around United Stalea Steel. That stock ws again subjected to severe press ure, declining to 4H In the middle of the dav on large transactions. Much of today a a.lllng of Steel originated with the bear faction. . Tho rest of the market ranged from eteauy to strong, with dealing far below those of yesterday. Reading. Union Pacific. Lehigh Valley and New York Central shares more Ihnn held their own after the opening, which waa weak al! around, and some of the active Industrials. Including American Can and American Smelting, did equally well, but the session. In the main, wa dull. All the grain carrlera moved up Imme diately after th. Issuance of the crop re port, with especial strength In Union Pa tri. Atchison and th. Western and North wV'ern group. . HTds for tho I4.1.0O0.00 of NeW ork City 4S per cent bonds were opened late in the afternoon. The number of proposals ag xreateil ado. but bid were a shade under prevailing quotation, for outstanding laauea, v. ragin under 101. Tho coppcra were under some reatralnt. presumably In connection with the April report of th. Copp.r Producers' Association to com. out tomorrow and which I. expect ed to show an increase of production. Abundant money weakened dl. counts at Lon.lon. thereby reviving hope, of a re duction In the bank rate on Thursday. Tho report of the International Harvester Company for lull ahowa -a net loss of due to poor crop results. The Unlt-d States Rubber Company in creased Its net for the sam. year by 1632, ooo. The Missouri Pacific road for March lost I120.1KM) nel and the St. Louis. Iron Moun tain at Southern reported only a slight net decrease, desplto a lorge increase m oper ating expens.a. Kund. were Irregular. with especially heaiy ilealinK. in Wabash refunding 4s. which roue over 3 points. Totsl sales, par value. I2.7rt:i.oo. United Btatce Government bonds were unchanged on calL CLISINO STOCK QUOTATIONS, Closing- Sales. High. Ixw. A I Its Chill pt Atrial Copper .. b2,7O0 Am Agncull .. noO Am Heel Sugar. 10. wo American Can . 41.0OO Am Car ar Fdy. O'Ki Am Cotton tlii.. 4.70O Am lid Llpf Am lee secur .. 10.20 Am Linseed . .. 1.2U0 Am LaMjomotlvo 200 Am binel Ref 14. !,) do preferred.. Am Steel Fdy.. Am Susar Ref.. IM Am Te, at Tel.. 1.2O0 143 Am 1 obacco pf lx !" 0:11, 41 37 V "iti' It 4.' 4. ;ii.i) jus 7oO 3o l-.s 7U 0 sV 3s 37 S4S ia 41 Ml l'7a 3d 127 t 144. 111.1. 3 till', 4 t 23 V Li's 42 V 3. UUO 4. boo Am Woolen Anaconda M Co Ati tuson do preferred. . All Coast Line.. Halt ar Ohio . . . liethlehem Steel Jlrook K Tran. . Canadlun Pac. Central Leatrer do preferred Central of ,N J . . . . 2KS 41 W lo3 l.t lanx 3.3el lol1! l.s llMJ 237 t. 24 S 2.400 1S 3IV. 140 17. 3 Ches Ohio Chivuko 6c Alton Oil West . .. 4 do preferred.. oixi Chicago oi N Vi' 200 C. 31 tc Si Paul. 8.11DO C. C. C St L 1 Col Fuel Iron 3UO Col St Southern. ... Consol Uu 1.3UO 143 Corn Products. . 1.4' 13i Del ar Hudson.. ltt 170 D R ijrande.. 2'J" 22 do preferred.. K 40 Vj Distillers' Secur trie IJ.IOO 4 do 1st pf 33 V do 2d pf Oen Kleelric .. sOO U'.7 V l.t Nrth pf .. 3,U"K i::ii lit .Norih Ore .. 2' Hl'' Illinois Central. 3oo12i' Luerbor Met .. 2.(M, is is do preferred.. l,tfU 3 Inler Harvester t"l llil Inter Marine pf 4i' 1si lilt Paper 70O 13 . lnt Pump 100 0O Iowa Central K C Southern.. IO.00O 23 do preferred.. S0 60V4 I.aclede 1 1:11 Louis & Nash. . Mtnn ; tt L. . 10 Jl. S P A.-4S S 31 Mo. Kan Tex loo do pri'ferred Mo Faollr 3.!x' Nat l'.lacult . . . 2l Natlonul . l.i N lly Mex 2 pf N Y Central . . . .4io N Y. tint Wes 2'u Norfolk sr West t-iai North American 1.1'Si Northern Pac .. 3.;no Pai-lnc .Mall ... oo Pennsylvania ... 3.2O0 People s p. C C SI 1... Pittsburg Coal.. IT I S Car.. Pull Pal Car . Ky Steel spring Kosdlng I42.1X" UepuU.iC Ste1.. rtoil do preferred.. 4ii Hnrk Islsnd CO 4."0 do pr.f-rred.. l.ono St 1. r S F 2 Pf 3xi St I. Southwe.i do prei.-rred Sloss SheHleM . . '- Southern Psrinc 4 H Soillhein K 2. do pref rred. . 4'" Tenn Copn-r .. 1.4'h Tii a Pac . . loo Tol. St I. W- do preferred Union P.T-tlt.- . 4.1' do preferred.. I' U S Kealtv U S Rubber . I. SOO U S Steel 9C.;"I do preferred. 2..V'0 Utah I'lipp-r . .. !.'i V.'" o Chem . 3o Wa'.arli 1.4M d preferred.. 1. 1 W -stern Md . .. t'" Wollnf K.iec .. '. Western Union . .inn Wheel v I. K. . I"" l.ehlgh Vsl'ey i hmo I'opper-.. ..oo Ry Consols . . . 3.600 Am Tohs 1-Vt. 23 '27H ii I. niS vit iiisi :iK 1 12s M llw 32 12.m 3.WI0 lo 3K ll3 i:iu'ta ioh tl i 1V 2: 24 77H 'ih'h 34-, 11.11, 13 3 13 17i"4 21. 4UVs '33 T W iiiti IS'", ::-, 120 33 w 113 1H 14i 30 '24 H ul'Ss i.:i'si 23 10 117S 112 M llUVj 31V 122 V iobH .Ml 13si 13HV. 174', 22 -v 77 li 2's 3I liSV, 4 1 l". 27'. 73 S 4 2 23 , lrtS oi, K.31, 1 10 l l 31 V II. 74 .too 1 7 S 0.700 2 V lh'w 171 21V 731, 2il V 3:1 V ::nv. 4S loin, 27 i, 7.1 W 41 V 23S lt!7s KOV '3A' 4l Ions tun, M V V : 73S . 7W 1"3V 2 t. Ht. lllh ;tn 120 143 lo3 27 41V 103 V lo3 131H K'OS 3BX 1-2 SioTi 24 04 3113 7ti 20 IN 33 10 V 107 33 .27. 143 17os 21V. 40V 31 34 V S3S 43 10l4 131 S 3'.l 127 KS'4 33 V 110 IhV 14V 211 V 12 V 23 11 Kl3V 130V 22 V 1311 V 27 V nl4 41 13.1V 30 V 2V 11V 3sS 112V SO'. ll 32 123 V 1U2 lOMt, 20 34 Vi 13H :uiV 174 V 20 V M 3S-4 .12 V 73 4S 1 I" V 27 V 73 V 42 23 t, 14 3.1V 1V no V 71V ;.e;v fi.1 v lov ill 61 V v II 311 74V 2V 17S 2hV 1SV 23 Total sales for th. dy. 721. W0 shares. BONUS. Ftirnlshrhil by Ov.rbeck 4k Cook. Co.. of Pot 1 land. American Tohiceo 4s Anierlesn Tobacco ts Atchison gen 4 Atchison conv 4. Alelilson adj 4s stamped.. Ai.'lilson conv 3s Atlantic Coast I.lns con 4s. At Rid. Asked. ..114V 113 . . 13 WOW . .12"V . . kitl, . .lod . . HOVi . .1117 . . 03 V . . V 2 . . V . . ! . .IOI . .1"V . . 3V .. oov . . VI V . . V3 V .. lfV .. V . . .. 71V osst Line -L sV N coll" 4. H.-.V Hsltlmore SV thlo -tVjS Hsltimore w Ohio 4 HrookUn Hsi l.l Transit 4. . . 1 'an Southern first As i'he.,-;.. ake A tihlo 4'.. c H A- j in mtg 4s C R a cj joint 4s C H A l; l 's 4. C B J Denver 4. C-nti.l pacific first 4a CMcaeo A Kat III. 4 flilcago R I P ref 4s l hlesgo R I Ar P Col trust 4s. Colorado A Southern first 4.. r....- A pin ilrande 4s Ii.iswsre A Hudson cone 4s... Kle first cons P I. 4. V lnt Met 4 '-. t "! .Isranese 4s ."i Japanse first 4Vs '2V Japanese second 4VS 01V I.oulsvili. a Nsshvili. unl 4... " Mo K.n a T 4a JT Missouri Pacific 4s 74 New York Central HV srtV Sew Y'ork Central L. ti IV. 2 V New York City 4s MS New York City 4 H of lttM li Norfolk Western ,??. Norfolk A Western conv 4s 111V N Y tint W 4s 4 Northern Pa.-lfic P I. 4s 00V Northern Pacific 3s ' V fire. on sioit Vine 4s . . . . . . . w I nrecon Ri Nav 4s u- Penna R 4 of 14 KWV Philippine Knllaay 4s Heading general 4s ."S" Reimhlic of Cuba s ln- Southern Pacific first ref 4s.... i Ti K!i V 107 VI lot 03 V 04 V 2', on V S7 I'M t, le.i v n iV p IM P3 . 80V 80 V io 01 V SV 82 83 V uj V nfl'v 88 74 V 87 V 82 V I4 V 107 V liiv It 10 v 711 4 P3V lo.'.v Sit V l V l V 13 Cal A Hecla 472 Centennial 22 Cop Ran Con Co 3d K. Butte Cop M- 12 "i Franklin Oiroux Con .... Oranhy Con . . . ilreene Cananea I Royalle (Copl 20 Kerr Lake 2V Lake copper 37 I a Bnlle Connor 6 Miami Copper... 21V 12 53 V 8 V it Boston. minrstions: IMohawk 5V 'Nevada Con 21 Nlplsslng Mines. iV North Butte 2V North Ike SV Old Dominion... 01a lOereola H- iQuincy Shannon Superior Sup A Boa 11 In.. (Tamarack U S S R M . . . . do preferred.. . 'Utah Con 'Utah Copper Co Winona Wolverine 12' 32 2V 3'i 35 48 V 11 '4 liiv V 0 B Mi! Money. Kxchang. Etc. - ...-,,. n .nil. NEW I OK K. way ; steady. 2Vi3 per cent; ruling rate. -V. ... ... .. 1 1 . ri i.r cent. ClOSing D1U. Olieie.. e. e-- .. . . . . . . tut aavs R U ner cent. lime loans, r . t j . .-v . 90 daya. 3V cent; lx months. V4 P" ?'nt- a.i .e cent. Prime mercanme pope. . u t ,Jr - ",.,i Sterling exchange, .teady with actual Dusiness in uimi ...... - 60-day bills and at 4.8tlMl for demand. Commercial runs. .4.00. Mexican dollars. 4c. n,rt .-.enn.eni honds. surady; railroad bonds. Irregular. Bar .liver. uuic. .. m T) .Ik'.. StPfldV. LONDOM. May 1. ai i-il 27d per ounce. Money 2J?.pAr. 't short of discount in m open . . bills. 2 13-lfl per cent; three months 011.1. 2V per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. May 7 tvrllrig on London. 0 davs. 14.84 V: iKt". 4.BbV. Silver bars. 00 vc , Mexican dollar, nominal. Drafts. lght. par: telegraph, -c. Condition of the Treasury. v- 1 At the begin- nlng of bulness today th. condition of the United State Treasury was. .. i.i i Trwf office..! n3.320.00- VOrKlllK on., .ii In banks and Phlllppln. Treaa. . ;-''l'L.5 Total balance In general fund .. r" ''' ? Ordinary receipt, yesterday ... j'J!'"!1, Ordinary dlsbiiasements ........ leflclt to dat. thi. fiscal year ll.oso.ooH Deficit thi. time last year . n'i These figures exciua. rum """' public debt transaction SHEEP JBESfSUPPLl OTHER LINKS ARE QCIET AT THE STOCKYARDS. .j-'.v ".j;:-;.:i :V.vV;;.Trf-";.:X' a Sic?..-. 31 ten r .,. c Ml- Ml 111 Much is Jai1 nowadays about jcood roads and g o o d pavemenis. BARBER ASPHALT PAVEMENT is the standard by which all others are judged. iCi-f'.: VL , ...iW5iEi lli1V-V"iv:''rjl-!r IS Wethers, YearllnRs and Iambs Sold at Vnchanged Prices Other Classes Steady. The bulk of th. trading Vt the stock yard, ve.terday waa In the aheep dlvlalon. Only held " cattl. wer. sold and business irw iiw. ii-,nt There was in the nog mar.-:- -m r - no mlterlSl change in value, anywher. In The. principal .heep .ale wa. a bunch of 5s weth.r.. which brought 15.50. Ewe. .old at 14 75 and 15. Wool yearling, ranged from tl 50 to 15.10 and .heared yearllnp. went at 4.25. Spring lamb, .old at a. 10 '" A few bulls and calve, represented th. transactions In the cattle market. The beat nog. .oiu ai i ' '.,. . Kecelpt. ye.terday were 10 cattle. ( calve. 135 hob. and 938 sheep. it. r. a R. Ford. Carlton. 1 car of cattle, .heep and hogs; E. J. pixon. Terre- rr7bon.C. 2 car. of cattle; GeorSe Kohl- Drarcar. ZKZW. " Condon, i car of hogs, and Smyth. Broth ers. Arlington. 1 car of he-I- Tb day saies 185 yearling 36 ewe "' 3 sheep S3 ewes los Spring lambs ... 6 calves 1 1 Spring lamb 51 Spring lambs 1 wool lamb 1J vearllnga 114 sheared yearling. 262 welhera 3 mixed sheep 1 wool w. 41 hog 1 hog 0 hog 1 hog 1 bull 1 bull 1 bull 4 bulls t bull 1 bull Weight. 101 Price. 3.i.O 3.00 3.75 7.110 7.4 0 ti.MI 43 40 w 15.7.1c: June. 43.32 u. 43.33c: July, 44 TOta 45.nov: August, 44.37 V 44.70c: Sep tember. 41.2511 44' 30c. Sales were 14O0 tons of unc delivery at 45. :5c; 00 tons of June delivery at 45Jt7'jc: 53 tons of June de livery at 45. lid', and 50 'tons of June de livery at 45.02 Vc. London firm. Spot. 120S 15s: futures. 204 70s. Lead quiet; 4.10 3 4.13c New York and 4 00ij4.10c East St. Louis. London. 10 Spelter e.isv. Spot. 6.70-3 C.5c New York; R 40c bid East St. Louis. Sales for East St. Louis delivery. 30.000 pounds May at 6'Uc- 250 000 pounds June at 6.42Hc: 50. 000 pounds June at 27Vc: 130.000 pounds July at 0.40c. and 250.000 pounds August at 0 22"C. London, 25 12s 6d. Antimony ouiat: Cookson s. 8 "Oc. Iron Cleveland warrants, OJs Ifed in London. locally Iron was steady. .No. 1 foundry Northern. I15.254f 15. 1 3; No. -. ' il5R0; No. 1 southern and No. 1 Southern oft. J15 25'u 13.75. Naval Store.. SAVANNAH. Ga.. May 7. Turpentine i 1. j ul7Xf. sales. 4fil: receipts, l'-o; shipments. 2S7; stock. I1.0OO. Hos.n firm. Sales. 1200: receipt. 3i00. shipments. !-: stock. 4S.0OO. Quote: B.-IB10- D. 10.35; E, So.llOi&o .O; F. 17.00. G. Il' 17 05; I. 17.10; K. 17.12V, M. i.lo; and WG. 17.17V. WW, 17.20. Jj'ew York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 7. Cotton future, closed .teldy! FW.: 4 May 11.44c: June. ..... 1. 'v 11 "i4. - August. ll.rSc; ep ten h'er li 73c: ' February, 11.75c: March 1 sic. Spot cotton, quiet. 10 Point higher: mlildllnB uplands, ll.WOc; middling Gulf, 12.13c. No sales. Iluluth Flax Slarket. m'Lt'TH Nlay 7. CIopinK: Linseed, in More. 12 ! S4. on track 2.1l"V ; to arrive. I2.1HV. Way. I2.1SV; July. 2.1oV- Wool at Ht. Louis. ST I OL'II May 7. Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums. IBS ISc; fin. mediums. 151 17c: fine. lU'il-.c. SALEM BUYS WATER PLANT If OTfer Is Rejected Condemnation Is Ordered by Council. SALKM. Or.. May 7. (Special.) A resolution was adopted at the meeting of the City Council last night to buy Ihe Salem Water Company's plant for 1300.000. plus the cost of betterments, the resolution to go into effect today. In the event the plant is not purchased at this tlKure. throueti agreement of the companv condemnation proceeding will be started In the Federal Courts. The company offered to arbitrate the question by the appointment of a com mittee, but the plan was not accepted. 5.50 : - . . 154 .. 130 .. 13 . . S5II .. HO .. '-HO . .1750 . .1170 ..1240 . . 16711 . . lrt io .130 S.40 7. i 4.40 3.15 3.30 1.75 5.25 3.50 Vhran'ge of price'.' ai' the' yard. wa. as follows: Choice steer Good teers Medium steer. Choice cow. Good cow. Medium cow. Choice cslves Good hevy calve. ... liulls stags Hog Light Heavy 1 Sheep Yearlings v ether Ewes Lamb Spring lambs . .... S.SOci 6.S5 6.00v .... fi.Ouiu 1.25 . 5.50r li.OO . . . . 5.00 HD 5.50 s..'i0-a 8.85 ... . S.ooie 8.50 .... 3.50 ir 6.50 4.75 a S.35 11.00 Ji S.'.O . . . . 7.00 y 7.75 . ... t.Vifi 5.0 .... 3.0'ii' 5.75 .... 4.110 Tf 5.50 . . . . 4.5ii a . on 00 'a 7.50 Oman Livestock Market.' OMAHA. May ?.-t'ttleReceipt. 4000: market, steady to sooii.e N.jl. e s te era. ki(iMR&0- cows and heirers. 1 v ' v .-r steers so -.1 7 SO ; Texas steers. 50 cw. and heifers. :i.5 U H.2 .: fne" l'"s" -""cker. and feeders. 14 2S W7."'; calve.. 47..i. bullfc .lags. etc.. "HogKecelpts. 1. too; market .had, M.h-R-eVl!?l.-.,,"-f m.rket. steady to slow. Yearling!;. IJ 73 l--1-15 W7.65: ewca. WL15. laml.a. a... ( Mcago IJvestock 3lrket. CHICAGO. May J;-0aU,'ro"P"'Tc; Meks steady. Beeves. $4i.0j. Texas lifl I Western steers. I3.7U W ?7. .toc-.r? ind feeders 14 --t:, ' ' i 11 nodT calves. Io-o0 'rf s. J;. 'lor.-RocelJuJ market strong to 745! pigs? 14 e5 01 b"'" " 7 ; ' T' Ifh.o Rereipta. 00; market, slow. Si tiv. 14 63 0 7 50: Western. I5f 7.10: year 1,gs lii is.:.-.: lamb native. 13.904,9; Western. .JUw " C of fee and Sugar. vrw TOUK. My 7 Coffee futures r.v ""' . 1.1 1 iininls net closed .tea..y ana j o . .. Ju,y ,V1 A'JKUSt. llOM. !-e pie... ........ ;,,,. ei ;ic- Kovember. now: nei-eiri- Mrcn ana up'". " ' C 1 HW: mild cof- oulet : Cordova. l't 18 V,c. nominal. .... ' elm MUSCOVaOO, lH I"!. o.-'-. eentrlTuaaL V test. 4.05. ; molasses sugar. 9 lest. S.SOe; refined, qui.u No f. Dried -rult at York, NEW YORK. May T. Evaporated PP' 1 ".. 1 mskHv. Snot, fancy. 1010vc; choice. 8t.fctc; prim. oulet, wit quoted at FrunV.-Qu1ct. steady. Quotation, frpm 4Jc forcallfornl up to 0-40c and -.4 '.r '"''..0r""1. n .not. but fair bu.i- ' ".r Turea. Choice. h'sfl-lOc; extra . . 1 1. i 1 1 S. C . iwi. choice. 9tS Metal Markets. view YORK. May T. Standard cooper .. . . .. n Tune 1 .1 1 ti 1 .1 . . wee a. rpoi. - ' ,V ...T . . .. Julv 15 4013.2lV,c: August, 15.308 13.33c. Sal reported on New York metal "; as follows: Fifty tons of spot at 16.3ic. "3 tons spot at 15 40c: and 100 tons of Au sust dellvei-v. St 13.50c. London quiet. t; futures ffi 3:ts d. Arrival, reported at sw Tork today were 2lo- tons. Custom house returns show exports of 424B ton. 1 ao far this month. Lake copper. 16S16c, electrolytic. 16'eiwo: casting. 15x 15Tln steady. Snot 43 30fl45 73c; May. Its Worth Money to you to know that you will have a sightly, sanitary pavement, that will last for years, -adjoining your prop erty. A street often torn up for paving repairs detracts from the appearance and value of your property. Therefore insist on hitu-lithic. J. C. WILSON & CO. IOLKS. xtOlS. UKAIN A2-'l cllTlu.1 al.v31iili.lUi NEW YORK slotK xiXCHA.wti Xt 0ls I'OIIVM 1SX HAIj. CHICAl.O BOsKO Ot XKA1B tin. oxOCK AMI BONO tlA.LilA.Nog bA aAt-ltCO. tf. In Office olllls iiiUg.. sii. x'ranrlsea branch Office. Vancouver, Mailla. reriland. I.o. Angeles, nan illrao. kee uailo iseacb. fUlilLOO OFHCEl ataln Floor i.iiiiiuermen liana Build!, Mo and estark. phones Marshall 4120. A 1I7. TBAVELEHI' CU1DE. EUROPE! scvemv Spring- and Sumtner tours, com ptlslng Tours-d I.uve and Motor-car Tours, and also Vacation Tours at Popular I'rlces. Vreuuent sailings. All routes. Including Mediterranean. ProKrmmna of Tour de I.ux. Around the World now ready. TIIOS. COOK SON. .! lMikct M.. hnn I-rancisco. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON r UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY : Capital ..... $1,000,000 Surplus and Profits $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. AlXSWOrtTH. Ireililen. 1. tv. SCHMEER, CftJihlcr. H lei BARNES, VIce-PreHident. A. M. WRIGHT, Altant Cnahler. W. A. HOLT. Aa.lxtant Caahlcr. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES LADD STILTON BANK Established 18591 Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 800,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, avail able in all parts of the world. OFFICERS XV. jf. Ladd, President. Robert S. Howard, At. Caahlen Edward Cooklnajbam. Vlc-rre. J. W. Ladd, Asst. Cashier. W. H. Dnnchley, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, At. CaaWer. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 850,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains The Canadian Bank of Commerce IXCORPOHATKD 1867. Head Office Toronto, Canada. New York 19 Enhance Place. London 2 Lombard Street. Owir two Hundrecl other branches In the United States and Canada. Evfrcare taken of collections Drafts on all foreign countries and prlncTpa? clti" In United States and Canada bought and sold, and a teneral banking; business transacted. Id teres t allowed on Time and Special Deposits. PORTLAND BRANCH, SECOND AND STARK STREETS F. C. MALPAS, Slaoarer. TRAVKURS' GUIPE. Canadian Pacific UONTKKAJj. LIVfcKJWH. VIA .tD SCENIC ROUTE XO ECBOP 1000 MILKS ON THE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER u AND t I-RS THAN FOUR DATS AT FEA MM MILES PORT TO FORT THE SHORTEST OCEAN FASSAdB Firrt Cabin Third -Class Lowest rate on request. r.nadan Pacific Office, corner Third ana Pine" "atSltfonikh Hotsl bldg j. PorUaad. and all local agenta. ATrip on the Pacific FOB YOUR VACATION. ESCAPE the hot Summer and avail your self of Ihe perfect weather of June. July and Angost on the rartfic Ocean. It is cleliRhtfnl saHlnr the day Ion; on the splendid steamers of the OTEA.NIC LINfc The fares are low. IJneral limit and to,.. H0 round trip to HONOLULU from S K 4 round trip to SAMOA via Hono lulu; $:W0 round trip to SYDNEY. Australia; ,, .,., from S. F. SYDNEY U the most hen TiM nd healthy cily In the world, i, Zd ih. world. I00 firM-clnss. (B7o sec JSdiuJS" via eylon and Mertiterranean lit .& EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Anzeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S S BEAR Snils A. M. Sunday. May IS. THE PORTLAND 8. 8. CO. Xlcket Offic 14i Third St-eet Phone: Main aCOi. A UP. NEW YORK-PORTLAND REGULAR FKlilUHT SEKVICB. ot late. AKERlGAN - HAWAIIAM S, S. COt 15 Hallway Kxcbana Bl. rsruaDai v. TBAVELEKJ9' GUIDE. Largent S.9. Co. In the World 1,210.000 TONS Atlantic Service LONDON. PARIS. HAMBURG AmerlVa. May16.,--- F. OrailL. May JPcnn. May 23. 11 A.M. Clncln.. May 25. 1 P. M- Second cabin only. J Hamburg direct. SPECIAL. SAILING S. S. VICTORIA LUISE JUNE 6 Carrie First-Cabin Passenger lain K37S. A tsa Effective May 8, 1912 victoria. Vancouver. Priace Rupert. FP Stewrt?Granby Bay and ftneen Cliarlotte Inlands. , Grand Trunk Pacific Railway (Mountain Division.) Trains leave Prince RuP"f,V,?- 7 Monday. Wednesday n,& , ?ntuZ?l i nn -p f. for Vanarsdol (100 miles). KHEB PUBLICATIONS Hsrrtls Canadian Horneslead Lands. Bu.lne. . . . i . 1 1. 1 - . il.n Rnatneaa OpenlnKS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM .rHnoiGH'ViNVN J. H. nurt-ln. General Anerit, ""' ,DK;,,-IeLe,Wab City Of Oce, First Avenue and Yesler War. Seattle nail. MEDITERRANEAN GIBRALTAR. NAPLES. NOA 8. S. HA.MBlRU..My 15, 9 A. M. S. 8. Slollke ..May 2t. 10 A. M. S. 8. Moltke ..J uly 6. 1U A. M. CKU1SE8 IThe Hamburg-American Lin orlg V.tli nrean Crulalnt 23 year ao TWO IDEAL CRUISE9 AROUND THE WORLD OPTIONAL I 14 DAYS IN JAPAN T0K?12 ?,Vm New York I From San Fr'lsco From New Y rirycfj J) ( 17,000 3 "UKAT.OX EACH CBUInEBT fnandalashore. rai'.wayT hole, shore, excursions, carnages, guides. fees, etc. SUMMER CRUISES th. i .and of the Midnight Sun Flint delightful cruises during Juno, r..T and August, from Hamburg !Z Norway. North Cape. Spitzber een Iceiand. etc Duration 14 ,'o o6 davs. Cost. $62.80 and up. Knlendld service, large steamjhlps ep'ssTx CECILE" and "METEOR "Writ for booklet of any cruise. Hamburg-American Line isn Powell St.. Ban Francisco .Cal.: b -W. R- N. Co . ?or. raciiic . raultee s ruv. fir' at onnem xy v-J-Dorsey B. Smith. U9 5th St.. Portland. Or. Copyright. 181"i San Francisco, Los Angelej and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at 6 P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 1.1S Third St. Phone Main 1314. A 131 . COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER sails from Alnsworth Pock. Portland. 9 A. M. May 1. 8. 18, 1. 23 and 28: June 2. 7. 12. 17. 22 and 27. Freight received st Alnsworth Dock daily up to 5 P. M. Pas senger fare, first-class. $10.00; second-class, $7 00. Including berth and meals. Ticket office Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main SttOu. A 2332 i