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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1912)
.- . o SPECIAL .W1KL9. I tew. - e -e 1 mn a ' r v . me. - I . cn, - " . . - . . - . . , . . , : l- kistt I I K V I N"T ' V. nr m"Jfrn X per r-Mir.. In aillr; rnt -f ;...r, frmao-. flr,y.a irrH". H ran and fc-h North. lOrtH-r Knott i .... ha-i 'vo . tri atcr. "T I Y f.; Vnt 2;.S". H. P- ' 4"4 Wllcc hid. Phone iff-Jorr, Co.. Main A HorsKS. flam an.! aiartmert. for rent. In a, I -art. of the mi. .-ee 1st. TUT. FRED A I M OBS CO Main r..i! iih Sh ft- A --T. TO RKNT- -4 . Oregon st . 7-rn-om houM. vrrv furnace, etc: c- to several c.rllnen and eina in, p-,n, owner. Ta'.or IsoO. or call at bouse. Rent ..-.. R KOOMS !- Thurman 4 rwm, !'! Kelly .' 'XI -O.I.H " " -Jo irfl r, r(m M.- Front Var "t:. R. X. TI'FFORn tv. i7 Spalding Htdg. r.l l:-l:ww modern lfter flat. g stove. a,.-ei,ln.-e. etc.. walking I'KUnt'. "l 2-1 an. I I'ail sin.. 22 -o TH1 FRF.D A. JA. oBS CO Ms ,..,: I 1-1 .M (1 st. A n.-.i. H I- ings. at K. Miln !'HI. lain, y liraUlml lloueew. . ri'KMSHF.U FLAT. room-. ihrtrwu,:!iiv mctrrn. upper T'l'. nt -rl I'nin'tt, ;'-: K'P'"1 fr..rn 2VI r. i'r. M per montk 1 bl.. Tina 4 vrv .ViiriM ,iln. e. Tlih, SII.VB-t'KtR COMPANY. !; Kurtil St. vtain a:. ' -,.-.. liix.M furnished hiuw large yard. Anabel Station. VI. Scott earllne. J to porma- -rni r.irni!id Portland n.m.t. -:? nh.itth t K. N. Tl KKn:!. 'J SpM'ltn Bl'l Mirn ii'I ill:. A I t M I'I.K T K.t. Y f'irmh1. : :.! r... n.-a l..r r- nt J..r the immrr. p'r atat.ntf DutnbT In tanii r. ' rhil.lrer. prf l..ln lu I'" "( . ' arc t-1 a-';ummoii4tl FOH BrAT-Kiom .Inn- IT. t" Spl.nil-r IS (.impWrlt turni-!i"t (!" 'n tlt-air-.1.1. .! .da o.ati'-l. rrrt " W,r ninnr!); r-f-rnca re.ulrviL A-l'treaa A rt :tV nref.ininB M. r.l.Y furn!li'-tl S-rm nRi.htr p-ople: lawn Itlrr.nnt nt. or we inil r" t'a'l liunlap at Mr- r-hara" Natt'nl rtnfc. I-Kuujl r.ittaa. well fumnhe-l. mlrn. b-at Ineati'Ht. Klnga 1 1 i . 1 1 . binck from Multnomah I'iuD. on Mjlo. iJ Main. phone M. Fl li.M.-ll KL huae ID deafal'l Waal Side nlnfwrn.wd for rnl rtur.rf June. July mn.j uru'. t". f"""H". hVl l;KNT S-ro-m m-xi-rn luni;lnw. c.m- n:fIv Purntahetl. nue trn. one I rar; tt month. TlU"t li s.TPiI.-Tl.Y mrl'ii home roses, etc.. S months or ionner. c i.-e- .... H ; 4-riHM furnished r;ano. $i P' r month. -J 1.1 ' i."e and la.vejov. Appl hef,.re II A. M. or after P P. M. M KlMi July and Auguat. -r..ra furnlahed h.oise. . rJ.I. Phone Marshall H Fl KNISHKU 12-room h. FTandeis at us for rent. -K.h'M nice'v f' K 1.. b-twee irnUaed houae. with piano, n W and 4. for Kent turwllure toe Hale. Fl RMTl'RK coma fine West e"a location- good furniture; almost given away: pn.-e, ja. IlilO cash; rooms all rented; b.s lucome- JAMES. !S lath, near l-taik. .vjVIPLKTE furnishings or modem T-roora fTat for aale and fiat for rent; central location; suitable for roo-ma which will ray your rent. Phona A 5H1I- Ft ItNTTl iTE of S-room cottage, all together or by the plete; gum tast. 1U4 Kaat Tailor at., cor. :'.Sth. yi K i TV R K of Iteroom house, worth l'.Mt. almost new; barira n for quick na.e; rooms fol'. Phone K a.'-d- It-ltuou house; b looinn furnis:-..d. fine lo cation, wi'hin walklin tlistance. leaving city. Marsha I "Two furnished cottages, for rent for the rummer, one at lieifh. the other at h St.. oft Jeffera.nJ ri'll A1X or trade, furniture and lease of an Is-roum house- Call gr aUdresa Sol Harrison st. Phone Main 7"'.' a l;.MMS. well f tim.ehe.l, chea .'J Mo-rtson; ri"i'i f.iH. Main Fl HMTI HK of -r.M.n Portland Hotel. Urtti I flat. sSV 7ih t. rka fruru FOR riAl.K Furniture In tV-room house. 24 Last 6th. North- e7TfifM flat for rent, furnliftre for sala cheap: wa king distanc. 2d NINK weil-furnishe.t h, k rooms cheap for qoiek aa!e. 447 uth. tCllNKH bouse. g.Hl furnitui pay expenses. St l: n-asorli Mnmmer Kesorta. e. a rooms hie price 4.'nCS eottagea facing beach. 5 new cot tages Just completed, furnished through ..... large and small cottages, good I.Maltoue. re. asonao.o. A Ul.uen at owu. Veas'ue. Oregon. btor LARCH FLOOR SPACE L'PFTAIRS, TEO PLK'S THEATRE BLILDINO. LONG LEASE IF DEjMRKP. WILL PIUDI- IDE TO SLIT TENANT. KENT REA SONABLE. CALL PEOPLES THEATRE HLTXJ. WEST PARK AND ALDJiR. ON WASHINGTON. BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH. LONG LEASE IF DE SIRED. RENT REASONABLE. CALL PEOPLES THEATRE ELDO. WEST PARK AND ALDER. SroliKS for all kinds of buelneee In all parts of the clti. S-e our list. Cl'.v Depaf.mer.t. Tm: FRSI) A. JAt'Ol'S CO.. Ma-n ex..'. 1 lit 3:h st A iR KENT otorea. N S4S and -JO Haw thoina aai. east end of b.ulce- Apply Hawthorne Dock Co East aofej. rroRilKOOil. eOxirsx suliatla for manu facturing purposes; g.otl l.evatiun. caaavp rent. phone Mala Uli'l. T.Ki:-l FOR EVEitY HI SlNES.s fEK W If WEBB. 4"l YEo.N BLI.O. MAIN 41S. SM ILL srore large achool ; wtlh living $13 a monl'l. op,ete Phone y 1-4. STl.LEUiM'M. lTiA Fast"! TWO light, clean mo-Vrn stores, trance Com. Ctub. bl.ig. opp. n- Offteew. OFFIOB locaJion L.estrale connecting of-n.-aa la best and ctntraMy loc-ated of nce building to towu: private party will transf- r lea aa to dcairaulw tenant. X 4a, Orrn-onlan. HALF of ona of the best ground-floor of fices for rent; this inciu.tea light and a large show window; reasonable. S.Og Stark. St. aiosT eantral.y located offices, ail-algat elevator servlcw. auS Swetiand bldgv. ' and Wanblngtoa. at A HOG ANT denk and chairs, rensooaola rsnt; reference aachanged. aJ7 C an inter .- f Commercm. t WILL nacelles, isas-j on rZ Corbet t I need, larger quartcra. A Jvitl or bug. Main FuK KENT of. ice or desk room, n.aooaany furnishings, with t.:cl-r.ore. 1 all 11 to li T"o Yeon bids'. Telephone Main I !". I I.L share our orTirea. suitable engineer. areh!te.-t. mrrV agent, t'12 le-wln Mdg. Ol'TSIPB priiate fuer.lsned. Main furnished or un- W V. ARr-.HUl.'SK TO l.EAcE Corner l.lih and Lovejoy. 5oxlc: five store and bailment; practtcal'y new brick lui ding. Vase ban nwven years 10 run. . 1 I. Jublt a. Annlgnae, Loawenbarg 4k tlolng Co. - eiiare ft. warehouao or cenceete floor aud Terminal i-a.-kage: long lease, rem reasonaoie. aKents tnqu're la St. .XHscellaDeonw. FOR RFNT Gri 11. ar 7 l'h st. ; room jo ,,.. H SU. Rase Lino road. 7 utaclitnea: rent IsIlPSNiEH ehop with ail convenlencea and a lot of material, free to tha right teoar.l. Phone Main tel-wk IX)1T A?tl FOl-MD. L 1 r Registration pni-rs of Iiailen I. inn. e.e,iiB name of liarr Osman. In P..s:- fTi. e tnorninj about Jo o clock. Itr'urn t.. C S. arable or plione Mapii J-JJ.1 Owner. C. S. s-teyhen. LitMral le- w ar.l A FEMALE fox terrier puppr. on E. Pine : about 7 months old. Sundav; answers to'name of Trial. Return to S4 Buchiel v. Krssi' I n rnr-- n . 1 TRr',l-Vr.M'4 III'I'UR11II" I I , 1 t tul'ND Whan yoo can buy oulna aJ inattraaaea retail at wboleaala prlrea: w raoovat- mattraaaea and return aama dv; e a:o renovate fcathera Portiaaa Curled Hair Factory. H. Meter. lUt-iit Front. Phone Main 474. A 137 Li.'.- r Tan purn- coritainln !! and mom y on Alder. btwen Mier Frank'a and )ld. Worttnan A Klnic: reward If re turned to 1. Kerhner. M Waali t.. tare I,, i. H'nrtrhwen to. LtlST OoM brooch. amethat and pearla. Loat May 1. loallty 4".th and Knott. Re port to Or-irontan. Kwartl. l.l -ST Suii'la ward. Tel. ; rut;hl. bead chain. Sellwood M'. 1EH OPPOKTVylTIZB. THKATER. tjon rash will buy tho beat motion-picture theal.T on tha Kaat fide; :Vm opera haira. hih-Krade pUno. latent machinery, automatic lire, ihuti-n. houae recently completed, built nnrler latest ordlnancea. .'. veara- lease, w one brick from, large maVquia over rldewaik. liir pins' ilrn.inK-roim. toi.ei npatiiirs. cleara '-tMi; I cannot Klve thla place proper attention on account othi r l,usijia. muat ell this week. Owner "-' Lumber Kxchan ye . bM g. FUlt fALfc Aa 1 am Inlereaieo. In twa lorea. I muat dlapoae of ona. therefore t have alaried to c.oae out my .". atoen of proeert-a and crockery at HUlaporo. Or : anvotie wichlnit a od location for a flrst claaa grocery and crockery atore. nere la your chance; tbia la the only etork Oi crockery In tha city. Will aail at rifnt If taken before I ct It eloeed out. muat be a apot cash deaL Addrcaa M. Greer. HH'toro. t'r. 1N. U.VK 1NVKSTMKNT I'HOl'KKl Y. tjpen to lntratora, the follow ln Incoma properties: l uh lureatmcnt of JIKOO to net 11 per cent. ( ash Investment of fnoo to net 13 pel cent. I ash Investment of T2S00 to net 13 per cent, R. W. JOY. 6"tt Henry b'.lg. Main 3Ja4. l.VVESTIrJATF.r BUtJISEdS CHANCES. We ilatri hare gnd arocery atoraa for aale which we car. recommend. It la t Jour benefit to rive ua a call. t'HAPl.N at HEr.l.'UV. S.5-3! Chamber of t'ommerea. Ask for A. Keller. OKA IN man offe-e Ma flne four-atory wara hoia in the heart of Vancouver, front ing an main C. P. R. track, for l0.000. an.! wl'i lent from purchaser on a nva eara' lease at Iwh) month: yielding .x per cent on Investment; further particu laia flrat-clasa Inquirers. Island invest ment Co.. I.t.i.. Vancouver. Ft. C cTAM. - t.O-ATKU prominent street, near Washington, rent -M: phones and auto- pai rent; receipt run irom l" lo v: owner ohllgea 10 no Fast at nee: slock and fixtures worth k..- sale will aacrlQce for --7.V kind Further- parttculnra R H- Oood Co.. Inc.. naij-l.'t Wilroa bldgT WILL nell controlling Int-resl In Punrlsa Mining Co. for IIO.laHi cash or farm land, one lti-f'...t ledee of free-milling quart, assav M In gold. 3 l-er cent copper. 5 ounces sliver. J-foot leilge 3..'a gold. 2 ..r cent copper; .1-foot letlge 2 per cent cooper. $2. lo gold, ft ounces Silver; 4 claims. A V 2t'.. oregonlan. WANTED Man with I7.1H to ilnoo; can sea-tire legitimate light manufacturing buslnesa In which there la no risk nor competition and 12 to $1S dally profits; bank reterencea. For personal Interview s.l.iress It 37. Oregonlan. Lc.Si laeu-'e. loi..oia uj.warda negotiated, ral.wav. Irrigation, mining, reaity. bann ing, trust and genera' corporations organ ised: franchises drawa L. N. Kosenbaum. r lawyer and financial agent. 214-218 Haight ildf.. Seattle, Waah. WANTED. Pagrnar ta take half Intereat la a llfll rcai.atactuiing plant: man whs can) take charge or an office) and manage maa. sa.ary. HiJ per month. Kinney Stam pher. RS1-2 Lumber Exchanga tldg. Fl HNITI HE lunlnenn In bent location In Vancouver, with complete up-to-data stock, having $2So.ts.Mf annual turnover; owner retiring; will accept finu.0011 for stock, lean and goo.1 will. Island Investment t o.. Ltd.. Vancouver. H. C. HOTEL carrying provincial license. In the head of enterprising Vancouver Island sea port, nervd bv c. V. R. and C. N. IL, for sale at aYiwix Island Inveatment Co.. Ltd.. Vancouver. B. C. WANTED Man with little money 10 take half Interest In my fruit farm. Wl.l gle you a good layout. Fig crop thin year, placer mine 00 farm. H. P. Nichols, Almoin. Wash. WILL sell or trn.le my fl20O mock of mil linery goods at great reduction. Includ ing flxturea. good town of sooy; good rea son for nelllng. Addresa AV il Ore gonlan. C I ' ;AR factory for sale. In country town. . miles from Pbrt.and; no opposition; trade established; price IKK10; a nnap. Write Edward Andernon. Carson. Wash. CASH GROCERY". West Side, rent T'.ti. trade K; dandy 'corner; .-.o. N. T. Hall. Ml Lumbermen, bldg. HAVE a nnap la good mercantile business In Willamette, Valley town. SKB MK. RHOKE. Room A Lumber Exchange. WiM.t and coal, hero la a solid bualmsa, established I J yearn; money required fuljy Secured; energetic man can clear SaSO month. Room SID Luaiber Kgcuauge. CLEANInTsTaND DYE HOISE. Rent . d. ing ri to 100 a week; no com pctttl-'n : si.a N. T. Ha. I. SI I Lurriermer.a bide Cti.NFECTIONEUV AND ICE-CREAM. This Is a chance to get a nice business for less tiian the fixtures cost In tha place. ee It and you will buy. Hit Twin bldg. GET in on ground floor with Oregon rubber factory; ba Independent with few naved doiiarn. A postal to Holunan, lul North I nton ave. will explain. tl't.T raaii for ntocka of goods and bualnana opportunities SEK MR. SHORE. Room A Lumber Exchange. CON FE..TION ER V STOKE. J furnished rooms, trnd... I U . good lo cation, no competition: ftiso. N. T. Hall.- MI Lumbermens bldg. CUNH-a-'THiSBKY. cigar. Ice cream parlors. worth -oi. 111 nell IUI lanv ll iwneu thin week; no agent. Phuna Columbia WANT good llva man with money to asso- cia'.e in hotf-raising busireses; will give A I security for all cash Invested; strict business proposition. AT SI. Oregonlan. OWNEU FAST. MCST SELL, MOVINii-PICTl'RK SHOW; fine loca tlou close In: long lease: aeats over 11a; a bargain: price cash; Main atkH. ' HESTAt RANT RKSTAV RANT. One of the beat prwp.isltiona open In tha itv; will trada for cit lot. t18 Teon t.idr. . Foil SALE Grocery stock and furniture i! - In uig-rooms; rent price ,,m.,I valus. Addresa owner. AS SI. Ore r..iiian. MIST nell good substantial grocery, doing good buslnesa: will Invoice; no fake. J. E. Hall. " Aolngton bldg E can sell your buainesa auli k. SEB MK. SHOKE. Room A Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted, cook preferred. In o.d established restaurant, open day and night; tJQO. AP 43. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Bent paying restaurant In city: lease: end of earllne. Sea Gllmor. Ill N. Jerry at.. St. Johns. L ROilM Cleara 14 da): will sell np; also one in country town for I njK 3 IIP Lumber Lt-hange;. m GRiX-ERT Rent ;:S; aalea I to $SO day: In choice district, will invoice $U''HJ. Room r.ts Lumber Exchange bliig. l'AUTNEit. must know the public and a good thing when he sees it; small capital re.ulre1. phone A 4V1. DELU"ATESE.V. West Side, cleara tMO per month- long lease: price X""). terms. HICLF.Y BISHOP, lag Third SL j-OK SALE -Two-chair barber shop; hava to quit nhop on account of health. O 23. .regonlan. atlNlNG AND INtlCSTKIAL 8TOCKS. TslaphODn ana oiuer ouuua pauim wai sokd. Fletcher Ins CO.. -a Ablngtoa. WANTED 110 men looking for a perma nent business to se our free demonstra tion. Ca l 2:Sn at 92 S Sixth nl WILL sacrlflca good manufacturing busl nesa on account of sickness; any offei will be accepted. A 8. Oregonlan. WILL TRADE FOR AUTO. A good little paving moving picture beater. al H Y'eon hldt. DKNTAL ontrit cornpleto and very cheap. ' :i4. Oregonlan. ' KKSTAI'RAN r doing Portland. Write boi good busioena near hit. Rainier. Or. K EST AI RANT 1st st. In best loaatlon. Inquire BAltBER shop. chairs, for sale, tltfS. 242 Madison. e-OOS PAT I NO buslnesa. ana-half cash; de tails D fv. Oregonlan. 3o Bl'SINESM CARDS. $1; bring hla aL Rose City Prlntery. d. cor. Taylor 2-CHAIR barber nhop for sale; In rear. IV.VI Alberta sr - llvlng-room A WFLL-EQCIPPED ment niler busme.n: If. good i market . have 37. Oregonlan. ONLY -iN for rooms furniture and leane; will trade. 27 S Gibbn st. MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, 1 r U K1KHUU-I1UL 1 ARE YOl- LOOKING FOR A LOCATION? We can Insure work to beads of fam lllea w ho dealre lo. ate In the Hood Itlver-Moaler apple niainci a .. a enablo you to develop an orchard a t minimum cost and keep you Profl,",'y employed .-ot.atantly until your on hara comes- In bearlnu. Call and Ond out how people from Ohio. Michigan and many other atatea are doliiK thla. DtVLIN A F1KEBACGH. uo7 Yeon HWt. ; RKSTAIRAXT and lunch counter. Owner wants Interested partner to help look alt er the customers. Yoa don't have to oe a restaurant man, aa owner M11 teacn you the buslnesa and pay you aalary. ahare of proflta and board. aj. :iL':l Lumber Kxchanne. WANT EXPER1ENCK1) REAL ESTATE MAN. ' . Will furnl.h office, telephonea nrl n vertlslnr to man familiar w Uh Portli an d resldencea and vacant lots; will divide, hair C. W Uavla Co.. W'H Commercial block. CI.EASIXO and pressing business and atore. new and second-hand foods; nice, fixture.; rent 13.-.: n.uat be sold; best l.arr.aln ever offered In Portland. I rico PALACE RBALTY CO.. 245 's YaniMll at. IF you are looking for a business an part ner where you will draw a salary of $ll month while you are In-ostnatlnk to find out whether you want i or rot. call at 3a Lumber fc-xchango for particulars. WAITING ROOM, confectionery, news stand, cigars, -ate; sales averaging over J. por day; no expense; party going Knnt . bar gain If taken at on.,; for slo-by owner. A pply lul Washington at.. Vancouver, Waxh. WANTED A man ablo to keep plain ac counts In nolid buslneas that will pay you I-'S" aa partner. Thla in 1 pen to the fullest Investigation. Call at o-J 1. umber Exchange. SAIeOON Independent license. long 1-ane. low rent, big trade, best coming location, a money maker: owner has other busines. and will sacrifice for cash. AN 3.. ore gonian. . . KOSK CITY PARK SNAP. OWNER OOINO AWAY, lnoxtisj on Alameda, overlooking cltj . .111 a. li IS per c. nla) below market, t all ;o4 Spalding bldg.. at once. tNlNU. pres'slng and repair business, sirable location; want partner wlllln. to CI.K d- w ora . win - v. ,,.. j,,,, at sell for a little money. -ts'i ctark mm toe oo...." 7 CANDY kitchen. Ice-cream. s-Kla tounia. .. owner will teach purchaser how to mk randy: living-room: rent 1 . : price . big oroflts. :tn:: LumlM-r Exchange. FOK SALE Hotel barber ahop: 4 chairs ; baths: good business, long pay to Investigate; lli'. part time. Chan. ii. Newman. IIOOO Hoe. IROCEKY doing profitable "uslnes slock at Invoice- bi .llsc.unt on tixtures for qui. k i I. abouf l.'.o0 will handle, principals only. R :i. oregonlan. UhiN'KIIV. confectionery. etc.. .. rooma 3-year leane. cleara 1-3 ") over expennes. price JVHI. or wll Invoice. rent 7..v month. 3"1 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, cigars and Ice crera business; rent only US: well loc'd; d., ing good buslnesa: 430 cash buys It. IMS- StarK St. LADIES' tailoring buslnesa well cntabl Ished. good ground floor location; 2-year lc will sell cheap account of poor health. Ar 3S. OrcitonIan. SMALL ce-nh buslnenn. Owner can t depend on hired help and want. Interested part ner Will guarantee you no less than 23 week. 3S0. 323 Lumber tkchange. ARCHITECT Vnd builder wants a partner to land office, etc.: pay K month sal ary and share of prnllta; .. required. secured. 3111 L-umoer r.xcoaoe " F1HST-CLASS pool room and cigar business; long lei..; doing good bu.lne.n: will trad. for good renidence property. 24SI, btarK street. SMALL restaurant, good location, growing trade: owner has larger proposlt on. th.s is worth investigation. Call 7U2 Hoard of Trade. .. PARTNER WANTED. Half Interenl In collection and real es tate business; close Investigation. N. T. Hall, oil L.umi.eriiie..a .....e- MOVlXG-PICTl'RE SHOW; sold In Nov;m MbeVVor !:ioo: for quick sale or will trade for automobile. 48 totara 1 ret; 1. FOH SALE An established sanh and door factory in the best city on the toast to day. Terms, cash preferred, write for partlculars.AV 240. Orrgonian. VFW "modern up-to-date small hotel In nice erowTng towPn heart of Willamette Val ley; reasonable price and easy terms. AV 's0. Oregon FOIt SALE :&-room hotel. :.ilO; or will trade for automoDiie. an .... "0 ... ... .--J. F. Gllmoro. Ulti Jersey L. SL Johns Col- IS- RKSTAL-RANT, the l.esl chance you ever had to get .'good restaurant cheap; munt sell at nncej3 years' leas-. Call B J..H.1. FORSALE Good paying restnurant; leas-; ir.(N. V. cash, balance trade or terms. AM as. oregonlan. FOR PALE Good paying cigar and conreo tlonery store; good location, cheap rent and lung lease; bargain. Call 227 1st at. 1'OIR CHANCE. Small manufacturing plant, doing good 1 ii-iin t1.! shfin bluff. business, only 1SU, Ll'NCH counter. West 8ld. rent paid to Jun"s; would invoice 2D0. price 140. i:i l.limoer r.' i.""" RESTAI RANT doing from 1.1 to 2i a day business; no competition. Corner Ud and Belmont. PARTNER at once for a good money-making business. Phone Marshall lSiS. bet. T and Jt. -r. bi E Cigar, confectionery and pool Foomrle7r I bargain; long lease. Call ?t7 Yamniu st. HALF interest KM cosh;- light manufac turing business; no agents. AM -U. Ore gonlan. PARTNER wanted; will be mostly outside tie money, his i.u'""cl .. "w FI.Ie LOC A T E D barber shop, doing good b.mesi; low rent: a bargain. Call today. Tuli Board of Trade. MAN to nhow property and take S J"1'"" In buslnenw. can clenr n a week. J-'oK requireu. .. l.. . -- WOOD YARD, central location: lease; established; doing a big business. long MrirK at. WE have buvera for small confectionery that I. good. What have you? 702 Board of Trade. It EST A I' KANT, guaranteed Pr.0""'c.?;i'!u It before you buy It: good location; UuO reoulrea. i-"1 - Foil SALE or lease, hog ranch, clone lu. at a nacrlflce. Apply .lii7V Hurnnlde nt. BIMNFwS IIVI1IKT1MTIE- VANTEP. WANTED Cigar ntand cheap, good loca tion: full particular-, etc. D 11. Ore gonlan MAN with capital want to Invent In noma good paiing buslnenn. V 39, Oregonlan. BOOMIN-C.-HOrSES. CENTRAL HOTEL BARGAIN. T3 rooms choice location, corner, down town, modern brick, furnishings excellent; this bouse will pav net. over ail expenses. koi) a month during the next 3 montlm; only 2lou cash required; balance only lulvO, on mouthly payment. O. C. K- ELLIS at CO.. SDH-Sid Wilcox Hldg. CHEAP. BUT A PAYER. SS rooms, f"lr furniture, good location: no house In the city keepn tilled better than thin; rent of place only lino, lease 3 years: no security required; It la a fin buy at 1U0; terms. O. C. R- ELLIS CO., .ww-Blip Wilcox mug NEAR 14TH AND WASH. 10 rooms, good house, very well fur nished, rent only 33: will pay your ex penses from rooms rented; price to; cash '-'oJ. O. C. H. ELLIS AV CO.. ..... .... ,.-.! Ul.1- Dl'I'-iilW e. iii vv 27 ROOMS. HEART OF CITT. 700 CASH. 150 MO. PROFIT, rcoort lease: well furnished; cheap rent; best reason for aelllng: big sacrifice; con alder a mortgage or lot as paru JAMES, a 8 loth, near Stark. M Alt 1 C. L- r-.-. l v v-. PORTLAND1. LEADING HOTEL AOB.ifCl. H OTKLS ROO M I N O -APARTiiN T- U.-I1TCCS All else and price. ;-4 ratling bldg.. 3d and VCa shteg'a SO ROOMS, leane, good location. price 2Ho rent 125, Including a reataurant and more; make termn to nult buyer. Call Klrmura. 13 Mikado Hotel, corner North 8d and Everett. A 1102. 8 ROOMS, clone In. a nice, clean place, all rent 140: income 90: leaving two rooms for owner: this must be. sold thin week. $v0 caan, oai. aa you nice, can is 10th. near Stark. NEAT little rooming house. 10 housekeeping rooms: income 9s; rent ItO; fine neigh borhood; pleasant home. 274 14th st. ONE of the best buys In city, rooms never vacant; worth Investigating; small pay ment s. 627 Taylor. yORftALE H rooms, corner, transient, al wav. full, on Third su, downtown, cheap. A IBS- 1 1RY K- LEST Hotels. Rooming. Apartment-Houses. 3 Failing Bldg., Third and Wash. tots. Over 5 years In this business In Prl'".t;d enables me to LOCATE YOU RIGHT. Will rave you time and money. - HOTEL OF M ROOMS. Will exchange JiHino equity in one or the best-equipped small hotele In the city for good farm or city property: no casn required: RENT ONLY 5M; long lease, large commercial trade, ground-floor ol flce; AN EXCEPTIONAL HOTEL, with a BIG INCOME. 32 ROOMS. corner brick. VERY HIGH-CLASS PATRONAGE; BUSINESS IS NOT DILL HERE, but house Is lull all the time, and a waiting list: If you have fSOoO cash, ask to see this. 30 ROOMS. RENT ONLY" l.1: running water in rooms: nicely furnished and homelike: nice class of tenantn; THIS IS t-TU HOOD for the monev; price .imm: will accept some good real estate up to f-oW. 32 ROOMS. CORNER, right downtown: very cheap rent; thla will not last; PRICE 2Mio. with easy terms. 40 ROOMS. -RENT $22..: all housekeeping: will trade for property: house In full: close to Yamhill and 12lh ats. ; high grade of f ur nishlllgs: clean and desirable: price 3000. A PA RTM EXT- HOUSES. Lin ROOMS. ELEGANT. 2."i."n. UHl ROOMS. CHEAP RENT. 7500. till ROOMS. 2S AI'TS.. on0. 12 ROOMS BEAUTY . in.- v- -r cnie S40: all housekeeping: beautiful lawn: absolutely clean; parties ' going to their farm: must sell; will take IKH; ii cash: balance traoe or n-... riirVTMV HOTEL. About 22 miles from Portland, on the Oregon Electric: lot r.uxloo: building with i ... . e.of offl.-e. kitchen, dining- room barber shop rented at .per month: right at the station; furnished .in, I roe. he,l- matting on floors: every thing compute to run the place: owner i. e7,t .i,ie to atav and will sell every thing for 2.-.o: orly 1 SOOJJtnhqecl. ""A FEW OOOO RIX1MING-IIOISES WHICH OWNERS ARE ANXIOUS TO SELL o nnnl. x:t73. This I all new furniture, rent :'.R. West Side, all housekeecplng, cost .uv o iu. Very finest "of 'furniture, near 20th and Washington; compelled to sell; make an "-r' .t Tnrr einoo Near Portland Hotel, steam heat, good lease, WO cash, balance In trade. u errvru trou TRtllE. Elegant furniture. Nob U 111 dl",,c, vears lease, rent si.; -e-J ce... ""'r.r.'.v. .PIBI.KST HOUSE. Went Side, rent 73. lease, private baths. all apts.; price I2W; win nu. .v lo1, TDiVBtrVT unl'flr- VeTy finest of furniture, swell Went Side location. 3-year lease, a uig i price 200; terms.- to unnuc KTEAV HEAT. Went Side, rent 0 a room, lonjr lease, a big money-maker; take part caah. part trade. 70 ROOMS AND BAR. xfa.en Ke..-u best Dart of 6th st v.rv low rent: clears trtoiHI a year: price lor all. IIKIOO; a cash. bal. trade. R. H. GOODK1ND CO.. INC.. lOo.-.-H Wllcog bldg.. Cor. nth and Washington, 21 ROOMS, elegantly furnished; new and clean- best location; big Income and al wavs full: long lease; terms: part trade, i-hean. Hv owner, .ts.13 Flandera. Cheap. By owner, rr: r.,, - v- .ot i;-i f i in i 4i n io : 80 ..wma." West Side. 5-year lease; 21100 in trade, balance eaay 610 Rothchlld bldg Maln 12--J u-n fnrn .hen: rent pou mvoi 4 yuara''leaae; profits $-'0 month: 6-room. contract pays half rent; leaving city. Agent. 30H Ahington piuk. l-, c-. v-T rnnrrm- rent S70: long lease " strictly modern: Raving city; make offer: trade, with cash. Call 6U Everett or phone Marshall 2S2S. TiinaxIN TODAY. I want to sell my rooming house in a short time and win sen n couap. Main 3213 . K..,-. In roomlna-hounen: 1 rooms. 430. 10 'rooms. 100 down. bal. 61S I eon Diaa. 12-KOOM house, nicely furnished, fine loca tion, party going East; a money-maker AL 33. Oregonlan. WANT small rooming-house for cash from OWner. t, ll. Cirnuiunii. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale. 16 room In beat location; easy terma. 2V N. 2d. REAL bargain If taken at; once, on ea terms. S rooms, furnished. 3i.3 lath at. SPKCIAL NOTICK8. Proposals Invited. WATER BONDS OF THE CITY OF CLATs kanle. Or. Notice la hereby given that the Cay of Clatakanle. Or., will sell to the highest responsible bidder for caah, 2. (mh of bonds of said city for the con s:ructlon of a water system for said city, in denominations of 500 and 1000. Said bonda afw lo bear date of July I, ll-j and to be payable 25 year after said .date, and to bear Interest at the rate ol 3 per centum per annum, payable half yearly. Proposals for said bonds and bids therefor will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of Clatskanie. or. until Monday, the Joth day of June. 11112 at 4 o'clock P. M. thereof. Such bids should be sealed and may be made for the entire amount of said proponed Issue and sale or for any portion thereof not lens than 500, The Common Council of said city of Clatskanie reserves the Heht to reject any and all the bids tendered for such tlonds. Inyiliry In regard to such bond may be addressed to J. M. Black ford City Recorder. Clatskanie. Or., or to YV. H. Poweil, Attorney lor said city. 1)22-4 Board of Trade buiiding, Portland, Or. This notice and Invitation Is Klyen In pursuance of an ordinance of said City of Clatskanie, and is dated at Clatskanie, Or.. May 4. 1U12. J. M. Blackford. Re corder of the City of Clatskanie. First publication May 8. 1!12. Laat publica tion. M ay 18, 1912. SEALED proposala will be received at the office Of Whldden cewin. arc uiic-c lp. Wilcox building, Portland. Or., until 10 o'clock A. M.. of Monday. June 3, IU12. for the office counters, with the wood work, steel, marble, iron and metal work, etc., In connection therewith, as called for In the apecincatlona for the went wing of the new Courthouse for the County of Mult nomah, State of Oregon. Plans and speci fications may be obtained at the ofTlco of the architects. No proposal will be con aldered unless accompanied by a check pavahle tu the order of "The County Court of Multnomah County," certified by a re sponsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ajjgrcKatc proposal, to be forfeited as hxea ami liquidated damages in case the bid.:, r neglects or refuses to enter into conti o -t and to provide a suit able bond for the faithful performance, of said work. In the event tho contract is awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby expressly reserved. T. J. Clecton. County Judge; W m. L. Llghtner. County Commissioner; D. V. Hart. County Commissioner. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of Whldden Lewis, architects. Wilcox building. Portland. Or., until 10 o'clock A- M.. of Monday, June 3, 1012. for the dxed furniture for four Circuit Court rooms and for two Justice Court roomn. an called for In the apeciflcations for the west wing of the new Courthouse for the County of Multnomah. State of Oregon. Plana and apeclllcatlons may be obtained at the office of the archlteota. No proposal will be considered unless ac companied by a check payable to the order ' nf "The County Court of Multnomah County." certified by a responsible bank, for an amount equal to lo per cent of tlie aggregate proposal, to be forefeited as ftx.-d and liquidated damagea 1n case the bidder neglects or refuses to nter into contract and to provid a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work, in the event the contract Is awarded to him. The right to reject any all bids la hereby express!- reserved. T. J. Cleeton. County Judge; W. L. Llghtner, County Commis sioner; T. V. Hart. County Commissioner. OFFICE C. Q. M.. CHRONICLE ELDO.. San Francisco. Cal.. May 6. 1112. Sealed proposal will be received here until J 1 A. M , May 31, 1012. for the construction f an electric-lighting system at F"ort Co lumbia. Washington. Also for furnish ing and Installing engine, generator and awltchhoard in present power plant at Fort Stevens, Oregon, and for construc tion of feeder lines and pumphouse with pumps and motor at Fort Stevens. Plans and specifications may be seen only In the ofttcea of Quartermaster, Fort Co lumbia. Wanhlngton. Fort Stevens. Ore gon. Quartermaster. Portland, Oregon, and thin office. Information furnished on a ppllcatlon. F. Von Schrader. Chief Q. M. OFFICE C. Q. M.. Chronicle bldg.. San Francleco. Cal.. April 10. 1912. Sealed pro posals will bo received here until 11 A. M.. May Id. 1H12. for furnishing wood. coke, charcoal, fuel and mineral oil. and gaso line, required at posts in Western Divi sion during fiscal year commencing July I 1912. Information furnished on appli cation here or to Post Quartermssters and Quartermasters at Seattle, Wash.. .Port land, Or., and Honolulu, H. T., and bids may be received by Post Quartermasters and Quartermaster. Honolulu, H. T., until II A M.. Pacific time. May 10. 1912. F. Von Schrader. C. Q. M. retail liquor dealers, warning: Subscriptions to a blacklist" and bad check collection agency are being solicited under the name of "Liquor Dealers' Asso ciation. Do not subscribe to or give credit to the promoters of this scheme with the Impression that It has any connection with our association. The use of thi name Is misleading and Is unauthorized. Retail Liquor Dealers Mutual. Social and Protective Association. C D. Elder, president. 19 MAY 8, 1912. - MT'LTNOMAH COUNTY COURTHOUSE WEST 1NO eaieu proposal. ... received at the office of Whldden & Lewis, architects. Wilcox building. Portland. Or., until 10 o'clock A. M.. of Monday June 3. 3P12. for tne painting ".. " I work of west wing of the new Courthouse J e- -vi. .1. no. nan Ciiuntv. State of Oregon. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the architects. No pro posal will be considered unless accom panied by a check payable to the order of the "County Court of Multnomah Coun ty " certified bv a responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per ent of the aggregate proposal, and this check is to he forfeited as fixed and liquidated (l:im aitcn In c ise the bidder neclecta or re fuses to enter into contract and to furnish a suitable bond for the faithful perform ance of said work. In the event the con tract Is awarded to him. The right la expretslv reserved to reject any or an bids received. T. J. Cleeton. I ounly Judge- V. L. Lichtner. County Commis sioner: U. V. Hart. County Commissioner BK.NIC1A ARSENAL. Beniiia, Cal.. April 13 1012. Seuled proposals. In triplicate, ur'on the blank forms furnisned by this office onlv. will be received at this office until t o'clock P. M.. May 13. 11.12. for furnishing during the fiscal year ending June no, 1013, forage, har Iron, hardware leather, naints. oils, cements, electrical supplies, etc. For Information apply to 1 t Col C L'H Rugeles. commanding. Miscellaneous. BARGES for rent, capacity 400 tons. Pat tullo. USB Sherlock bldg. Main 1410. FINANCIAtV. WIRELESS STOCK. . Am In the market for a few shares of Poulsen Wireless Telegraph stock. Owners desiring to sell, make me an offer. Au 40, Oregonlan. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sal real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loana MORTGAGES (first and secona). contract and sellers' equities bought- B. L. Ijever eaux. 1009 Spalding bldg., a and Wasa Ington. Main 63. WE pay highest cash price lor bulllders" oob tracts, first and second mortgages and other securities. Home Inntallment c.-401-402 McKay bldg. Marshall 3M9. MONEY to loan on Improved real estate o for building purposes; no commission. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST COMPANT. 91B Spalding bldg. WE buy notes, contracts, mortgagee (Bran and second), equities. F. H. Lewis & C 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, contracts and commission accounts bought, real estate loana B. B Miller. 410 Ablngton bldg. WAXTED 5room furnished bungalow or co'ttage, with fruit trees, near car line. AN 31, Oregonlanj MONEY to loan on fimt-clasa Portland real estate necurlty at lowest rates. Morgan. Flledner & Boyce. 503 Ablngoon bldg. " MORTAGE LOANS. J. Frank 1'orier. 904 Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan Real Lstate. MONEY TO LOAN AT ONCE. 1000, 3 yrs.. 8 per cent. 2ti0, 3 yrs., 8 per cent. :;ool, 3 yrs.. 8 per cent. $5000. 3 yrs., 7 per cent. 10.000 to $1011.000. 5'-i to 6!4 per cent- H Alt HOLT REALTY CO.. v. K4iii. 1114-17 Lewis Bldg. A TluS 50.0110 AT 0 per cent; $25,000 at 6 per cent; 10.(Mio at 7 per cent; $4000 at i per cent; $1200 at 8 v" cent: city prop erty 7 Der cent on one-third valuation. Mar 4547. R. N. TUFFORD & CO.. A 4545. " 407 Spalding Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Plenty of money to loan at 5 to 8 per cent on city residnce and business prop erty and Multnomah County farms. - ED W. P. MALL, '800 to 304 Chamber of Commerce. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposea. S to 8 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav Ings i toan Association. 240 Stark St. MORTGAGE LOANS. Large supply of money to loan on Portland real estate at 6 to 7 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St., jvear aiara. PLENTY of money to loan on city property at 7 and 8 per cent; also nearby farm property. Call, tell us what you want. G. S Smith & Company. 432 Chamber of Commerce. 6o cut) ON improved olty or farm properly. building or small loans at lowest rales; large loans a specialty. McKenale A c- 614-615-316 Gerllnger bldg. SMAIJ. and LARGE amounts to LOAN on IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY. J H TIPTON CO., 1108 Spalding Bldg. ASK FOR MK. EASTON. Marshall 2745. , , v- c- v Tfl T.OAM $500 to $5000 at 7 per cent GODDARD & WIEDIUCK, 243 Stark St. I WANT several good loans on improved residence property, reasonably close In; no building loans; 2500 and up. K 4S, Ore gonlan. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS on Portland homes or fox building purposes. 266 Stark. PROVIDENT SAVINGS LOAN ASS-N. MONEY-on hand for building purposes, 6. 7 and 8 per cent; give your telephone number andadureen. AJ 2S, Oregonian. TO LOAN $5000 OR LESS. FAKKintilUrt, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDO. MONEY to ioan at reasonable ratea In sural from 0u0 ui. The Lawrence Co.. 24S Al der St. ; IMPROVED or unimproved property; small building loans, contract and mortgage SghtTW. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. S10O TO 300 to loan for short time on 1st or 2d mortgages or other property. 2u7 Oregonlan- bldg. i'oOO TO $5000 to loan on first bl. real estate mortgages, s per cent; desirable property; no agent. AN 33. Oregonlan. MONEY loaned on real estate, mortgages, contracts bought. Torgier. 106 Sherlock building MORTGAGE loana on either city or farm property; mortgages purchased. Henry C. Pruhomme Co., boa Wilcox Bldg. SEVERAL sums. $500 to 2000. to loan for 1 year or less on realty or good, mort- gage collateral. Call 8U8 W llcux bldg. oou TO LOAN, large loana a apacitj. building loans, lowest rate Vi. o. Baca; 15-3lt. Falling blag- UORTClAGh, loan on city property; lowest rates. A. H. BlrreU Co., -ius McKay ,d. gd and Stark. 600 AND upwarda on Improved real aetata; note and mortgage bought. W. A- ta. away, room lo IVmnuglua bldg. - rTi Jp on dwellings; owners only; tlL expense only. Atty. 210 AlUlty bldg. MORTGAGS LOANS, 6 AND 1 PER - N' i. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. UQKWACS LOANS AT REASON ABLa RAT. F- H LEWIS. LEWIS BLOei. LOANS on real, pernonal, chattel or ooilat- aral security. C W. Pallett. 3U8-H Feati. " MONKY. I'O LOAN ON REAL KSTAIaJ, AL HARDING. aut Cn. of Co. "uriHTrtAOB LOANS. j, o. OOLl'KA. FAILING- BLDO. fklVATli money loaned on real aatat mort gaga. Ii. Miley. room 2Q4 uarilnger bldg, STATE funds. 6 per cant. W. laom agent Multnomah County. 400 Ca. of Cans, SLVEilAL FIRST montages tor sale. Henry Prudhotniue Co.. 8Q6 Wilcox bTdg. MwNKY. any amount, 6 to if per cent. W, U. Sells A- Co.. alu topaldii, rjiog. $ToT'0 TO loan on Improved property. Purse & Co., bis Chamber of Commerce. Money to Loan. Chattel, and, aalarie. ti Til sion Advanced on furuuure, pianos, watches, diamunds. Jewelry, 'wagons, automobiles, warehouse receipts, salaries and plain notes. OUR MOTTO: Quick, reasonable and confidentlaL ELBT COMPANY (Main 46171. 320 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPL1L Women keeping bouse and o'-har fur nished witnout security; cheapest rate, easiest payment. Come and get money whan you want It, and pay a you -can. Office In ail principal cltlea. JJ. T. nn, T7 Lumber Exchange. sfALAKY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get 5 to 100 today at cheap est rates, best and most private terms in Oregon. D. D. Drake, 30V Spalding bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. - strictly confidential and without delay, on autos. pianos, furniture, warehouse and storage receipts. Adolphus Lane, 414 Al) ttigtun bldg. ; tv LOAN money on dlamonda and jaare.ry at half the rates charged b utoaara Marx 4t Bloch. 74 jdt. . LOANS on diamonds. Jewelry and valuables at almost bankers' ratea of interest. 325 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington streets. LOANS on diamonds and otner securiuaa. Wm. Ho'l. room 9. Washington bldg. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 Mp 8d. nea-- Aider. FOR lowest rates on furniture, etc., phona Geo. Harvey, uoi mm. cn, ... MONEY aold on lnt!lrnent; confidential; salaried p.opla. F. A. .Newton, ary old. i rrVANCIAt. I BUSINESS DIKECTOKY. Monev to Loan. Chattels and Salaries. QUICK LOANS. ANY AMOUNT. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. We will LOAN YOU 10 to $1000 TODAY. Loans made on DIAMONDS. AirOi, STORAGE RECEIPTS, PI ANOS, M NITURE. LIVESTOCK or RE AL EST Air.. LOWEST RATES. QUICK. SLRVlt-t- SQUARE DEAL GUARANTEED. f Loans made anywhere In M'.0lAS . COUNTY reached by 1NTERLRBA.N CARS. SEE US FIRST OR LAST. BUT SEE US. WE DO MORE THAN WE ADVLRTIb TOD CAN GET IT TODAY. Rebate given if paid before due. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 206-207 Macleay Bldg. Both Phones. Ben 4th and 5th sts., on Washington. Open Monday and Saturday till b P- DO YOU NEED MONEYT We will furnish you. strictly confiden tial, and without delay, a loan In any amount on your auto, piano, furniture, livestock, storage receipt and all other kinds of securities, cn terms to suit; al n weekly or montbly payment. WB BUY .-ND LOAN On flrt and second real estate mort gages, contract and chattel mortgagea C. S. REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE CO 812 Hamilton Bldg., 131 ad. .Main 20b4. t WE HAVE MONJir TO LOAN On salaries only. In amounts of from 5 to 100, at tho lowest possible rates. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. We want your business and as our capi tal Is unlimited we are in a position to defy all competition and offer you the bent contracts In the city. All we require Is that you have a steady position and that you are honest. STATE SECURITY CO., 308 Failing Bltlg. . LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel The an Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. Loan, w antes. B LEE PAGET. 1200 at 8 per cent on 5 acres and small house at Gates Crossing, all cleared. 14IH at 8 per cent on 6-room bungalow in Alberta district, good corner lot, value 3000. , 15O0 at 8 per cent on business block containing postofficc and centrally located in good town, value $7000. $2200 at 8 per cent on 4000 10-room house with 21 acres on Base Line road, total value 6000, very' desirahle. $.:000 at 7V- per cent, building loan, splendid value and delightfully located in Hawthorne avenue, high-class district. .',.-.00 at 8 per cent on beautiful Laurel hurst home being built on E. Glisan St., value 750O. ' 4ii0ii at !l per cent on well-located West Side corner, second mortgage, but well within 511 per cent valuation. 5000 at 8 per cent on 5 acres, close to citv limits and on earllne. highly im proved, value $12,500. moat desirable loan. B. LEE PAGET, Phone Main 763. 4 1 4FaU i n gBld g. WANTED To borrow 2500 for I or 2 years and 10 per cent on 40-acre 3-year-old cherry and peach orchard. 3 miles from Oregon city of 6000 population; property growing more valuable; refused s..00 for same "ecently. Will pay expenses for party to look at property. Address owner. AV -ov, mrswii.,. WANTED To borrow, 17.000 on country home and orchard that cost owner $52. 000; will pay 8 per cent interest for five years loan. For further particulars call and see F. J. Carlisle, 1U21 icon bldg.. city. WB have gilt-edge mortsage security at all times. If you have money to Invest, set us. G. S. Smith & Company, 432 Cham ber of Commerce. WE bate several good loan applications now for amounts under 2500. on Improved residence property in Portland. X T TJFCTSCH CO. A lo9. IVAMfcU Loan ui ?.oo, j.. e--vate party; will pay 10 per cent interest; well acmM. . WAXTEDTo borrow 1000, 3 years, from private party; will pay 8 per cent Inter ... . commission. AK 3S. Oregonian. well secured. AT uregonian. MONEY WANTED Applications on hand . ', innn.. mortgages for sale. Henrv C. Prudhomme Co.. 806 Wilcox bid. LOAN wanted. Sliuoi), on ciose-in rem ti'rivate parties. AS 34. Oregonian. W' ANT $1500 at 7 per cent on residence valued at g45o0. AO 32. Oregonlan. 25.000 6 per cent; ample central West Side security; principals oniy. u oi. .csq....,.- -PERSONAL. ' HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR $12 34-inch switches 6 26-inch switches Hair dressing Face massage Shampoo ... Manicuring, 2oc; 5 for .$4.45 . 2.4 . .25 . .25 . l.oo 12 scalp treatment. Superfluous hair removed by electna 00 needle guaranteeu uui iw . . . - n,i c.tTiri.-S onlv 11.45. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. sanitary parlors. 400-412 Dekum Bldg., 3d and Washington. RADICAL" cure by tne latest natural heal ing metnods. Including radium, all electri cal currents, lights, hear, vibration, radla- . . macB.e .dlUStmeht And tiuii, u.LU -.. . XTTnin.iiationa Most expensive. finest eoulpped private office In Oregon; no medicine or operations. Over 6uo0 treated i .7... B ri.ttli while under our paiieui. - ----- volI Jree of charge. Dr. W. Mallory. JUll Rothchlld Plug- - ah i.-nmun .11 IT rs IS hv Mr. D A.e.CXUXvc -v-".- o- - w heatiey-nowe. joo.a.i .v... benefit of tho Herbal sanitarium and the neeay, ui ni6iiii.iu -c,--.-..--. , '.KaSt PreSCOtt MU O-lll Bl. eu..c.., eve. May 8, Take Alberta or Woodiawn car, f CDVE.I , i.n-'u , ...... rw U.tX-COTTT. Leading wig auu loupee atock of Human hair goods, switches from 90C UP, nair uicoaiuB, ...i... . ...e,. w- Bl;alp treatments; coniblngs made up to -tS nt 7th. uear Morrison. Main 646. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heiningtorn ,v,.,muilsm nervous Old atom ic . .' . .. iml.,r iihvsiein'M mrec Hon.: bath..' massage. No. 7 East lltn u secoiia uoor soutn from East Ankeny cclioe Phone Eal 260, B 1803. GERMAN train nurse and masseur; long references: treatments tor rheumatism, lumbago, etc. ; .massages and baths. 30O Holladay ave., cor. occidental. U car Phone East 3608. C 2oo3. open sunaays. iik CATHERINE C GAlEo 1 hav bad 11 year- practical experience treating nervoun and enronic diseases. ConsuitaUua , - - aui AD111MVUU loua- - oum: 10 A. M. io 6 P. FuLND A place where special attention in aiven to leuioueiiiig o., J "e uaie trimmers. Euiillnh correct mllliuery . . .. - Mnmiim ItlOir- MR3 bTEVltAS. AO iciii "I" ieu iug palmist and clairvoyant, has her late UaH- l'..IKtf " on SAla Bl iX2 Allsky biag.. d and Morrison l i i i ii i a . rum..') " ' - CRESS SLITS for rent. 1.60 mom, Slip ,.,.,e clothes cleaned, pressed, button aewed on, rips repaired. Prompt oalla and " . .u- rnii.iiH Tanorlna Lu.. Huu Ulars. Belli..., MADC, VJJI IVbn ,vici.ii Switches 8ec; curia and puffs, iuc San- . H.rU.r, anil Dekum hM nary pcuw -- --- ils'EROL The great nerve tome and sa yT7.T. ho boxen X5. n on 1 e TMI QUUUV'i ' ' liruir Co.. 26U Morriaon su gtp treatmeui, mvi.. o 6 - iiuuui .a. Hotel Breslin, top lioor. tiZvt Washiag- u. e.hotie A 30JS. lull " - - . CVTwilTtT-C-lXT U.A-n- V. . I J MRS S. C. fflunin"'' "l,-lu "ami mho masseuring for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. .letTerson. A 4470. Open Sundays. SPIRITUAL advice, mental scientist treat mcnt, rheumatism. 555 Vj Morrison si l o ... " ciiphia B. hElP. mental and spirit 5006. uai science. 302 Allsky bldg., question meeting vv ea. ano rii. o c. .o. jinin uo-t. 2TTZ5 superfluous nair removed, lira it, li HllL 429 Fliedner blag. Main 14i'3. HAIR STORE, A- oi" i- "car washing ton. Toupees tu order. 15. FACIAL anil scalp treatment, room 3, 512 hi Washington St.. loth and Washington. Mrs Potter, scalp and facial treatments, 5o5 v-:. v,w.-e.t bldg.. 6th, Wash. Ladies onlv. i."i."" : AUTOMOBILES for hire, 2.50 per hour Phone .Main 7123. Main 7279. BOSION graduate, massage and medica e- . . .. i; I K 1'otter. scalp and facial treatments. 5u, Northwest bldg.. 6th. Wash. Ladles only KVmnaSUCS. o:- ..enoooi,, un cue. ingnt. nun hiip. " " -" v.nj WANTED 6 ladies to learn. Sanitary Par lors, 400 Dekum bldg. MRS. BESSIE ESME, spiritual scientist. .... rnodnough bldg. Uii 11 OF FIGS, Compound. Roya. tuu . Tablets. 532 Davin su Main 9j. MANICURING PARLOR, facial and scalp treatment. shampooingSll Swetiand blag. uitd STORE. 120 6th St.. nil, n- -1. . ton. Better quality hair, any shade. AL, W.- FIELD CO. moved to 133 ft Second street- . : BODY massage. 1.00: scalp treatment. 413 Ivonnwcsi uiu... vi" auu IV a 11 . Amateur Kodak Finishing. QUICK service, cut rates; send for price list. The Kodake.ry. 6th and Wash. Wells Proehstel, mining engineers, chem Is is and assay er. 204 Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE I-aboratorj . and ore-testing work. 1S6 Morrison st. Analytical Chemists. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. analytica. chemists, examiners of chemicals, druga foods, etc. Attorneys. A E COOPER, attorney-at-law. Genera practice, abstracts exa-mlned. Removed tc 1424 to I42S Yeon bltlg. M. 873. A 2071. MOSESSOHN & MOSESSOHN. lawyers. Ab stracts examined. Speak German, French, Russian. 714-715-710 Cham, of Commerce. Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Rrass casting and machine worK. loo Pin. .nam ji i... arpet Cleaning;. VACUUM cleaning done; machines for rent or sale. I'hone Main 147. Vi lotn. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER. Columbia bldg., next Star Theater. A ..2oo. Main P..M. ; res. a 29i. Chiropodists. DR. OLIVER O. FLETCHER, lady expert assistant. ao AlisKy inog.. .ia ana .vtor rison. Main 8762. treats all ills of the foot, without danger of Infection; corns, bunions. Ingrowing and atrophied nails, flat foot and bunions a specialty. WILLIAM. Estelle and Flossie Deveny. th only scientific chiropodists In tne city. Parlors ;:02 Gerlinger 1'ldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. V. Hill, offices 4211 Fliedner mag. Main i.i. DR. f. S. G. and Mrs. Fletcher. Painless over Hazel w ood. Main 3713. chiropodists. COAL A LB IN A FUEL CO. BLOCK WOOD BRANCH E. 33D ST. WOOD. Coal and Wood. NATIONAL FUEL CO. Coal and wood, at. Marshall 960. A .".545. 3S7 Water Dancing. PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School- Lessons, 2.c: waltz, two-step or three-step guaranteed in one lesson; trial lesson given free. The best is always the cheapest. Stage dancing and all vaudeville acts t3ught quickly. Royal Academy Hall, S5 In, rei. MarK ana can. erione ..jam MR. AND J1KS. HEATH'S SCHOOLS. ltW2d St., Dei. W asn. auu siniii, o.. bids., 3d and .Morrison Fancy stage and social dancing- taught dnily; waltz and two-step guaranteed in four lessons; class Monday evenings, 8 to 10, at 10U 2d St.. lessons 25c. Dctet'tive Agencies. INTERNATIONAL Detective Agency, con servative, reliable, connaeniiai ; rates per day. Office 510 Dekum bldg. M. 6121. Kducational. STAMMER? Method for cure explained free. M. L. Hatfield, 1U18 Grove, uaKianq. cai. Knglnes Gas and Steam. ROB ER Machinery Co., Coast agents. Sex- bury steam engines and boners, gasonuo engines. 2M-2S3 E. Morrison. Phone E. 51o. Feed store. ZIGLER & MISNER, hay, grain, feed, ce ment, shingles. 204 Grand ave. e,. -to-. Lantern Slides. Stereopticons. slides of all kinds, banners, cards, etc. Enterprise Art Co., 73 1 6th st. Landscape Hardener. FRED W. BULLOCK. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. Artistic landscape gardening, carpet beds, planting of all descriptions, grading and construction of new lawns to private residences and public grounds. Thor oughly experienced men employed. Rea sonable cnarges. Designs and estimates FREE. I.eial her and Findings. CHAS. L. MAST1CK & CO., 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, mis. i'"u'"i J. A. STROWBRIPGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished lSoS. 189 f ront Musical. Emll Thielhorn, violin teacher, pupil Svclk. 900 Marquam. A 4luo. jiarsnan o-e. Osteopathic Physicians. JTJT L.ERO Y' SMITH, graduate Klrkville. 51o., class of lhOS; post-graduate 1907, un der Dr A. T Still, founder of the science. 1122 Selling bldg. M. 1987, A 1985. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone, Office. M. 349; res. East or B 1028. " '. Paints, Oils and tilass. COAST-MADE paint and varnish is best adaDted to the Coast climate. BASS HEUTER PAINT CO.. 191 Second St. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. U S AND FOREIGN PATENTS procured by O. O. Martin. 40S-409 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Patents procured by J. K. Mock attorney-at-law. late of U. S. Patent Office. Book let freQ. 719 tne ooaru ui 1 patfn'TS obtained, trademarks, copyrights .ii ..,,,, .n Booklet free. PETER llAtjHinL.1., 0-0 'i"10..' - R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents, lnrringemeui ttwi ov- patent Engineers. INVENTIONS DEVELOPED And patents secured. Coop & Schmltt, con sultlng engineers. 501 Henry bldg. Phone Main 1285. Consultation free. Pawnbrokers. UNCLE Myers' Collateral , Bank ; 40 years in Portland. 71 6th st. Phone Main 910- Paving. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Company. 605 0O8 Electric bltlg. Oscar Ruber, Portland. FUe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. Safes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d at. . Safe, at factory prices; second-hand safe. Screens. HARDING Screen Works All klnda of s"een work. Phone East 3772 and our agent win can. Second-Hand. Goods. WF buv clothing, furniture and tools. High est price paid, for second-hsnd clothing. furniture, tools. Marshall 2354. tvi.- mv the highest prices for second-hand .oPhlng and Ihoes. P Main 7608. 630 5th. Rank and Show Fixtures. THE LUTKB MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager T, h B1RDSALL. 208 Hamilton bldg. Show-cases In stock, prompt delivery. Sales agent, at. W unei j.ui.wx-. HARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new MaRd seoond-hand. Main 2703. Cabinet work. iToTtTLAND SHOWCASE & FIXTURE CO.. 129 NT 6th St. Main 7617. Cabinet work. Steamships. THE ALLAN LINE Royal Mail steamers Montreal. Liverpool. Glasgow. Montreal. Havre Plymouth, London; the picturesque St. Lawrence route; four days on the ocean; three days in river and gulf; splen did new turbine steamers; saloon, second cabin and third class; superior one-clas! cabin service; cuisine unexcelled; courteous attention: send for circulars, rates, plans, etc. Allan Co., -127 N. Dearborn st., Chicago. storage and Transfer. C o PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. office! 'and commodious 4-story brick warehouse separate iron rooms and fireproof vault! for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine Ms.; pianos and furniture moved and packer for shipping; special rates made on good In our through cars to all domestic and ioreico points. Main 596; A 996. General transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and - packed for shipment. 87-89 Front st. Telephonea Main 547 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Offices and storage 474 Olisan st., corner 13th and GUsan. Phones Slain 69; A 1169. Typewriters. $15 TO $65 will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at Gill's. 3d anil Alder terms to suit; every machine guar anteed Call or phone for representative. Main 8500 or A 6068. W'E handle standard . makes of genuine Eastern factory rebuilt typewriters ino Junk). Prices right. Buy a reliable ma chine from a reliable house. Pacific Sta'y & Ptg. Co.. 107 2d st. W'E are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate: all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Ex change. 351 1,- Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, rates. P. D. second-hand rentals, at cut C. Co.. 231 Stark. M. 1407. Well Drillins. DRILLING wells. Phone Main 1346 or writ A. West, 182 Morrison St. Wigs to Rent. Wigs to rent.- Hair store, 120 6ta t.t near Washington, i