Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 08, 1912, Page 18, Image 18

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Cw.k for hotel. .V.
Kap-ri-iic-d Scandinavian family coaak
1 If Ca Iforma. :3.
2 wattresee tout f c'tyi. $" each:
waitresses .cllvi. -. and l'.
Shorl-hou- waltr-se. $7 P r "It.
n.Th tn ..hooting taller. $3 per day. r and ;i.-ls for general
housework, el. ta 3i.
I a '1 1 'V 1 p ::..'. Morrleon.
uanlH bv
fir (-n'rnt MWVnrk. Applv at
intrndt-nt'e offl.-e before :'.-'i A. M.
a r F N. ".ft WH El', for at -adv po-o'lon. party
Ilvln lh f.. preferred. p.'K etet'
,ip.' fu:. a customary Salary
earned, one ho ran learn lo aeatat book
keeper Ktli'lni!r pref. rred. and should
r-e gievd at .ommnn ngure-.; answer tn
il:lnr giving phone number. AH -.
Or too tan. ,
V A N'TED--I'-lcnt woman lo eeeure an.l sc:l eto--k In anew.
I,., p,op--eitloo t all I" to 12. ore.
lrl. Una .i. -J liojal bld . IK
and MuiruM
T AN TED -; -t-.n-iMe experienced -.omen
h-l.r.n I. at. : ! take charge "I in
tent In niMirh of city, tho.. unus-d to
I,'. 1,1 .il.irla nr-d rot appl!. Phon
Mar-hail 3-lJ.
T K.v :H Til Kit. Remington tou. I opera
tor preferred, sp-ed a-.d accuracy aheo
lute essentials: mil- experienced operator
need a..-.lj fall b-t a and 1 toaay.
Comm. rnal Club bid.
"ft tNTED fever! young ledle balwa
th a a -a or 19 anil 3 for prma i i pl
ilcoa. Aril the P- T. T. Caw 74 Aidsr
tt. r 4l tajt Aakeny
WANT rood steady girl for general hou
wort; niw t to car some for chll-
rii-.ii: pa lair wage; gin him m om
..I the family. I'.'IW Exeter. blocks
north of port-mouth.
t.VIKIi A girl to att with general
iMiuvmirli. who und-r-landa om-'thlfi-j
ahoi;i cooLm. Karnr. Marahall
HT. .
KilUl.K-AiiKI woMiaa. cliamlrmald.
ar prr monih: l-Mird and room.
Ilt. I t'atrrr.ount. ai S"l'h t- Call D-
Tmn ! and ! A. M
. I r-K 1 K M lrl for irtxid cooklns and
S-nrral h'i'iarworit : VOCd war; amall
fimtl. Jinli I'ortiaud Helchla
4an ;-'
L i'KKIK.Ni'KI i. noaraphr -llh flrat-
-laa rf-rnop: liiwl accurate and
rptd c!f complci Information and
ri f- rn'- a lo lmr. am a . irronin.
WANTKi iiiiiidiall A laily of piraains
p. ra..n.-illtv und kixmI Knsilah education to
tc u h Grcfig aliurthand : atata rapcrlcnc
and aalary. Addrcaa AV Orrsonlan.
U.WTF.D Stenographer, on whn can p-ll
and read the line. Ian lanua corr--l!y:
xm- knoal'dia of bookkc-pin preferred.
Appiy a'. orTI..'. (uk F'ark.
CM- 'mK. i-": oaltreaaea. out of city.
:.. .". -econd rlria. ' and $i": nuree
tirl :: kltch-n heler. ti'i. Hanaena
K:nn:-menl titflce. .-.t'.', Va-h t.. K. .
WAMKU AT OM'E-Woman to play lead!
In -mall conicd company. No amateura.
Iwrk. AppK- Thea' Enterprlaa Co..
Alliky bld-j. lhia A.M.
ENPK RIENi"i:i aal -ladle for coraeia. mua
lin uniiena ear. knit underwear and
b.Milrry. tt ln.inincm. lacea and embroider
ies. Roberta,. l and Morrleon.
TWO f(rat-c!a walireaaca for rood hotel,
country. bouke, M-r. Ilowa'a Ladlea'
Acn.j. Wahlnton.
1 h iK K KKI'EIl Slniclo woman of thoroufh
ciperlclice. pennr.ent p-i-ltinii. Apply K
la li A. M-. Mipt.'a office, ulda, Woriman
a; Ktr. .
NEAT experienced rl for co..klng and
aome housework In a email family whera
..nd alrl l kept. Apply befora 1 o'clock,
v -j xaf.iiall af
t;IKlTfor ceo. ral houaework. mual la irKd
. .M.k . h.av waahtnc put out. 3 adiilta
In e'-V TeUphono K. "'.
W AM.:i- A girl to a-i-t In enerl
fk in a -room flat. North
llol s:v::Kli'. noka. waltreaaea. aerond
airla. cliarntrmaUla. nuraea. eit. l.oula
Asency. .'i3lj Alder. Main ZwS. A
W IXTri) WalTrea In private boardlnc
liuu. tot iladi-oa at., corner of lutn.
NTKl .ilrl to help with houaework
and t .ke care tf child. Call C -XtC or
..; t Till.m.Hh. cor. Mth.
tilPI. f-.r general houaework; German pre-
f.rrd II" Klunderj at.
WANT! l tilrl for aelieral houaework for
3 adulia: wae, f-S. AS 43. reonlan.
afai aiin
. 4ivri.l. -. Mira
JUr-N WANTtLi Aae I to JtS. to prepara
for flrewen and br-keinen. oa ntarby
rallroada. l t II no monthly. Experl
uc un naceaaary ; no au.ka. promotion
encinewr or conductor. tlM lo tJuu
mon.n . Good life career. Stata at,
bei.d stamp. Railway AaaocUtloa. Ora-aT-'niart.
Jl-n and women to learn the barber trada
In eight weeka; apecial Ind ucementa; per
centage paid while learning! toola free:
eai.ert Inateuctora, 17 yeara tn lha bual
neaa: .17 achoola. a llfetima memberal.lp
given to each student. Moler Harl-r Col-l-c.
11". N. Pourth at., fortland. Or.
WANTKK "Men at Loa Angrlea. can learn
trade: fair wages after second month; au
tomobiles, electricity, plumbing, bricklay
ing, practical work on actual Joba: I3"
stud, nta last five year: onlv few month
required. I'mted Trada School. Laa An-
gel. .
aKN and bo) s to learn automobile repair
ing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical,
ctvi! engineering, aurveylng; metboda most
practical; room and board while learning:
pcs'tiona secured: satisfaction guaranteed;
catalogue free. National School of Eugtn
eerlig. -11 W. Tih. Loa Angcle.
S( l H1-:r of young men era wanted by ra.ll
roais In telegraph and station aervlce;
r-os.ttona paying i73 to $'M per month.
'..r particulars call or address Telegraph
Dept.. Common weal lb bid... tun and An
k n sta.
i N f E RN AT ION Ale CorreaponoeDC Schools,
room 409 -acKlay bldg.. cor. Third and
Mark Open Wednesday and Saturday
nigiit. Phone Mala ivM. bend for our
pew catalogue.
UOVlNG-lMCTfRE operating, full practical
course taught In theater, the only way
cf learning It right; aecure position 4i4
Kothchtld bldg.. 4th and Washington au
l.AII.W AT mail clerks, prepare now. ex
cellent aalarlea and promotions; no lay-ol'-.
nits pay: free book. Call today. Pa
cine States School. McKay bldg., city.
ST KXO'JK A PM EKS. any svstem. beginners
or aitvanced. quickly speeded and placed
In position, njo Worcester bl'-ck.
WANTED Picture play wrltera; big py;
we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa
tion . P an Francisco.
ING atandard svstema. poaltlons seen red
$i ir month, ssst 14th at Main 8SIt.
Make inonev wrlttiig short stone, or lor
papers: big pay; free booklet tell how,
t nlted press -ynaicaie, ran r rant ww.
bookkeeping, at: Hamilton bldg. Mar42S-
s. hools and teacher. olO Swetland bldg.
Haaokkeererra and C lerks.
up hooka, prepare balances and state
ments. Install systems. Ciiellngham au
ditor. 513 Lewis bldg. Marshall 711.
K. l"K tlltNl'KD bookkeeper desires position;
rtrst-clasa referrncea furnished. V 37, Ora-
A-l IWKKtF.PKtl and office man. refer-e..-e.
Main 7.M7. M id. oregonlan.
J.PNKSK wania ateadc half-day work. A
Kakl. care Japanese MUvalun.
IV , NTEl Slashing
contract. SOS
St.. room -
i'X I'F HI ENv'Ett Japanese wish position as
"cwk In family. Ab S4. Oregonlan.
P'ljilTlo.V WANTED.
Man with a years experience In running
lieavy mill machinery, tuba mills, motor. aTaa engln-s. eleratora and
cruphere. wanta poaitlon: competent to
take charge and show rood resufis: refer
ancea. I'hone K. 3tui Addreaa li. W. An
keny. o."i Vnlon ae. N.
m v xi cT p a iT'f n k T e mFio t m e n t
Bl UEAf.
213 Second PL. corner Falmnn.
Women's Department. Se.. Salmon.
All rlaaeea of unskilled, skilled, profes
sional and clerical male and female help
furnished on short notice, so fee charged.
I'hone Main SI"..': A otf-4.
lOVNO man would llko poaitlon as engln-er
tn aome stationary engineering plant, com
petent In everv respect: have, had four
years experience in machine ahop and
live years' marine work; have marina en
gineer's license, ocean atcaneert. A R 41.
EXPKKlEN'i'F.U offl.-e aupply and station
ary salesman wishes position In or near
Portland: ran keep hooka and Is good
trpewrlter: eattlc and I-os Anrelaa ref
erences. Address P. o. Bo 4.:i. Port
Irnd. r. .
Till Nil man wim hroa.l. liberal education,
thoroughly competent, desires to become
aaeoclatrd wlth'a suiistaiillal growing ln--nuutlon
where advancement Is limited
onlv by abtlltv: real estate, loans and In
surance preferred. AV -2tr.. tiregontan.
I'KlNTKn-EfUTi n. U -ears' experience,
wanta foremanahlp of country aiiop or
complete etiarge of small paper; refer
ences furnished. A. C. Ultaaon. 1-ebanon.
Or. .
AI'TOMi"'!!..: man. oun man. with sev
eral veara all-around experlen.-e In garage
repair work, factory work, selling and
demonstrating, wtsoes any position In auto
hitine. p. o. Hog Sl'2. Portland.
VOI'Ni; man. perfectly well educate., sober,
honest and faithful on duty, need posi
tion In a hotel or In any place else, where
a good educated man mi be needed.
Write Gee, tjregory. Poelofflce. Sunnyslde.
JAIXnE!E launJryman who haa experience
ef Id years wants Job fancy work and
aults pre ssing l by day or hour .n private
hnuae. Telephone Mam a."-l. A 36".
MAI.K evperlenred cook wants stesdy posi
tion In the city, good and reliable, all
round man. Main iltU. room 110. aak
for rtmwn.
I' A VKH M Nt 1 V. H and painter: work don
nt lowest prices and all work guaran
teed. Ppone Main 1077.
YorNi" married man wants employment at
living wage, aober aud energetic. I 47.
lltT-a'l.As- grocery sales. nan. best of
references as to character and xpetience.
AT 41. Oregonlan.
W A NTED Poeftlon on delivery force of a
city firm. Will furnish motorcycle. Call
Joseph Itondum. Main t-V..
11I.U KKKI K wlahea position: 4 years ex-
pcrlenre; private; good references. T U.
EXI EKIENCED Janitor, reliable and trust
worthy; A-l city reference. A3 Hi. ore
gonln. A tJOol. atedy msn wlshea soma kind of
light work, not low heavy lifting. AT
BAKEH Flral-class. all-around man; city
or country. Addreaa 4:t Jefferson. Phone
Marshall 14 33.
NI.1HT WATCHMAN. SO years experlenc.
want position: excellent references. If
hor 4ie.l. 1 ring.
YOl'N'l man. married, no children, want
po-ilti n a janitor; experienced. J 43.
oregonlan. .
CHATFFErR wsma position. year ex
perience, work for reasonable wagea. D 717,
FI ItST-CLAS.-t carpenter foreman under
stands putting up forma for concrete work.
' AK 3d. Oregonlan. '
YOl'NtI MAN. it. apcaka many languages,
aan-s any work: good reference. AK 311.
A REKIXEn colored man wants work.
Janitor, windows, cleaning or caring for
horses or any kind. Phone Marshall 1413.
BARKER wanta Job In small town for Sum
mer, ecven yeara' experience. What have
you? AE 39. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED middle-aged hotel clerk
wants poaitlon. AP It. Oregonlan.
GARDEN work, window cleaning, lawn work
or any general. AE Oregon isn.
JAPANESE boy wauta work a porles- Jan
itor or nottsewora. yam ...-i. .v
ELECTRICIAN Uood all-aroutvl electrician
want poaitlon. Address a1.. Halsey St.
WORK- House and window a cleaned to ault
y..u. Hart. Main .no.
EXPERIENCED "middle-aged hotel
wanta position. At j. orcgoni-o.
CARPENTER and builder wants situation,
.lay or contract. J. B. Young. Woodstock.
l.AWN mower. Best work guaranteed. B.
Suaie. 3V E. Bitrnsld at. B 2137.
IF you are In need of and a No. 1 laundry
man, answer thla add. N 1. Oregonlan.
ToT Nti law ver wants asaoclatlon with la"
firm. Marshall 4140. Apartment No. 1.
wad sileaiaatraaaasa.
EX PERI HNCED bookkeeper - stenographer,
familiar with all office details, age .13.
married and strictly reliable; reference,
phone Tabor 34. 'J.
EXPERT stenographer. A year' experi
ence, want good legal position. Ab 46,
. .regonian.
bTKNinIRAI'IIKK wanta position, aome ex -prbnee;
small salary to start, Marshall
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker w-lshes engage
ments br day: good reference; 3a per
day. Phone Main oik-.
s TLNtxiRAPH ER wlahe poalilon, mo.1. rata
salary to start; had aome experience,
phone A 134.
fslTCATION wanted. A-l atenographer and
bookkeeper. years exp-rlence. best of
rejerence. j r .ig. y.iao.o.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desire posi
tion: best of references. Msrshall o.
FlRST-CLAS-t talloreaa and dressmaker
wishes engagements by day or at home.
All work guaranteed. $X4 per day. A VI.
DKE.-.--MAKINI1 at your home; children's
work a specialty; reference. AO 3d. ore
gonlan. DRESSMAKER, good fitter, out by day.
wanta two more good customer. Phone
Main 7s.
Mt'l LE DE BlI.LAl'T. 1-.3 Washington.
Ell-st. entrance. A ;u4i. Exclusive
Krench designs In gowns, suits, waists, etc.
FIJiST-CLASS dressmaking, mllflnery. at
home or by day. U4 William ave. phone
East 47.
KASH ION ABLE dressmaking and ladles
tailoring.. VT Montgomery. Main 101.
LADIES' tailoring and dressmaking. Ta
bor 4-S
DKESSMAKINa; and remodallng by the da.
Phone Tabor -7V
DHE.-SMAKER by the day or at home; S3...
Marsh J.
PRATTCAL nurse wlshe position. -For
particulars, call or write Anna Merrltt.
. Cottage Place; take Mlaalaalppl-avc
car. Alblna.
1 WO nurse, experienced, want more case.
or day or night, nurelng; moderate term a.
Main 44ri.
TRAINED nurse wishes engagements: term
reasonable; little houaework; reference.
Main .:.
TRAINED nurse haa room, best care, home
comfort. Invalid, aged lady, city refer
ence. Tabor 2113.
PRACTICAL, nurse wishes car of Invalid.
E. M
A fHEEHFTL capable woman wants posi
tion as companion and housekeeper for
elderly lady or couple on small ranch:
understand raising poultry, gardening,
making butter, bread, etc; Hood Ftlver or
Moslrr preferred, or near by. V 36, Ore
gonlan. KEJ-'INED young widow with a girl of S
wishes a nice housekeeping place. B 39.
REFINED widow lady with child of five
wanta position aa housekeeper for wid
ower. Boa t. Roswell. Idaho.
ELDERLY lady wlhe position a house
keeper, phone F.ast K210 or writ to
141 Russell st. Natarene Army.
WIDOW from East Side wishes position as
housekeeper. Phone Wood lawn 316.
CAPABLE woman desires housekeeping, wid
ower s family. St. Louie Agency. M 203t.
M Uceflanewua.
CURTAINS laundered: no mangling; hand
laundry; expert; 21c and up. Woodlawn
LACE curtalna launaered. 25c up. f trst-claae
work, quick eervlc. Tabor 317.
EXPERIENCED woman wanta houaecletn
Ing; fe per hoar. Telephone Tabor 136.
WOMAN want houaecleaning. etc
A 57. room .
LESION'S given In grammar grade atudlea.
See; EngMsh to foreigners. Marsh 3014.
CAPABLE woman cook, restaurant, hotel.
St. I-oala Agency. Main S03. A 477S.
WOMAN want day work. Wedoes-Tay and
Friday and Saturday. Marshall 41'ii.
Mlsce 11 an eou a.
PO.-ITION as chambermaid or waitresses
bv two girls w ishing to be together. I'hone
East MM or ra.l t4- I'nlon ave. N., Thuis
duy. II to 4.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl desires ailua
llon family, second work. Main .u..
A 177S.
Yol N.i lady wishes to do Ironings In private
families by the hour. 25 centa the hour.
A :. Oregonlan. .
I.ACE CI RTA1NS washed; 1) yeara' experi
ence. Miss Scott. Tabor '4I.
YOl'N'J strong woman wanta trunlng. wash
ing and hou-erleanlnr by day. East 1941.
bll l'ATION want-d by colored chambermaid,
or day work. I'hone Main 7017.
WOMANwanta work by day. 2.-! hour. Ta
bor -44.1.
EX PERI EN"E1 Sreedlsh girl wants work
bv day or hour. Phone East -i"0.
WOMAN wlahea laundry work, etc., by day.
Main 1 161.
' tv A -rTEr r. r. vr-
TANIC Greatest marine disaster In his
tory; 16oi souls lo watery graves: full
account of the appalling accident told by
survivors: striking the Iceberg; summon
ing aid by wireless; picking up the life
boats ana bringing home the rescued:
harrowing scenes on the sinking ship;
heroism of passengers, officers and crew:
onlv autliorltatlve book; magnificent
photographs and artists' drawings; over
" pages; price only $1: 30 per rent.
commission; complete outfit. 10 cents.
Write today. leo. o. Clowa Co.. I34 3.
Eighth St.. Phl1delphl. P. Dept. B.
AGENT 3i week for I Hours' work a
day selling wonderful new household ne
cessity; new selling plan, w-llli free ad
vertising does It. t oilette M.'s. Co. box
43. Amsterdam. N. Y.
WE have something that sells for II "O;
we give all of It to you: thla Is a legiti
mate proposition. Call f13 Peck bblff.
II ELI ABLE Eastern couple, no children,
would give best of care to private resi
dence during owner's absence. AP 34.
IF YOI' wish to rent your house or flat, see
WATSON 4b Til r.KhLI.S -IIN t-O .
306 Spalding Bldg Mu n 7.dia.
AHiil'T a-rootn house. I-vitigton district, be
fore June 1. rami!) of will take lease;
reference. East 4o.
YOL' NO man. "4. deetres ftirni-ihed room by
June 1. with atrtrtly private and cul
tured people. Must be rirst-riass p. ace.
West aide prererreq. .vt 'jo. un gopian.
( ajlXTLE M AN wanta room at reason!'
price 1n apartment; give price. AM 27,
Rooms With Itowrsl.
WANTED Room and board by rclined
young man. walking distance. Particular
A B 49. Oregonlan.
Furnished Room.
Now Osen.
li: Rooms.
Now Open.
Seventh and Tavlor rite.
Residential and transient; absolutely
rentral: two minutes from Postofflce.
tores, theaters and restaurants; just off
buslneaa atresia and canines; quietest ana
best location; handsome brick. ample
steam brat, hot running i.ater and phones
in every room, suite and private nam,
elevator. Reputable and comfortable.
From Jc dally, 34 weekly. Any car from
Grand and Hawthorne Avenues.
For rent, the finest comer, parlor, bed
room and bath suite In the utty. large
room, beautifully furnished, nine win
dows, fine view of all the mountain. Also
some single rooms, elevator service, tele
phone, hot and cold waler, electric light
and steam heal; moderate price for de
sirable tenant. Eight atreetcar line pass
the building. If you are looking
permanent, home-like quarters, be sure
and Inspect the Sargent heiore locaiiu.
Excellent restaurant In connection Willi
hotel, lelephune East "lil.
tn.'.. Washington St.
L'udrr New Management.
Large lobby, finished In mahogany, tile
and marble: ladies' parlor witn ciegani
fire place; free telephone service In rooms,
all night and day. electric elevator, strain
heat, hot and cold water In all rooms,
manv with bath. A residential hotel above
reproach, where every effort la made for
the comfort and convenience of lis guests;
rent the moat reasonable In the city;
rooms by the day. week or month. Look
thla over before locating. '. ake W car
at depot, get off at rt and Washington.
Those three beautifully furnished hotelai
2l:tfe4thst. 211 's 4th St. t)7' 4th st.
On Fourth t.. running 'rom Talor to
Salmon et.; trend-new brick; elegantly
furnished; steam heat, private bath, hot
and cold water In all rooms; strictly up
to date In all respect, and at popular
prices. If you want something out of the
ordinary. In the heart of the city, at rea
sonable pticea. give us a call, aa w-e know
you will like It. Rooms by the day. week
or month. Tourist trade solicited.
NoTICt; The Virginia Hill Hotel .former
ly the Hobart-Curtlai. "itio Pourtevnth si..
Portland's well-known, high-grade family
hotel. The location, rooms, appointments
and service are unexcelled, and there are
a few tingle rooms and one or two com
modious suites available for parties fur
nishing satisfactory reference. Telephone:
Main fcCr.3. Home A 34.
lni Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building: ateam
heated: private baths, hot and cold water
In rooms: beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable: rent reasonable. Call andsee ua.
Regular and transient trade pollened.
HOTEL LA SALLE. 10th and Burnslile sta.
Absolutely nreproof, new and elegantly
furnished rooma: private -baths: ateam
heat, hot and cold water, private phones
In each room; special ratea by the month;
phone service free. Phone Marshall 4010.
FOR RENT Nice itinny front rooms for
I or - tH-rsona; electric light, tteam heut,
hot and cold water and ti l. phone In every
room: 35 per week. With bath con
nected. 47.
I'.'th and Stark Sta.
THE OILMORE. 1.111 Tenth, corner Alder
t.: convenient to the buslneaa district
and all theater: well furnished rooma
for transient or permanent: a week
up; under new management,
HOTEL RF.NWICK An ideal home for busl
neaa people: centrally located: elegant
rooms; all modern conveniences: 7th and
Taylor ate.. 1 block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Helllg Theater. Phone Main Kid.
One block from I'nlon Depot; 140 outside
rooms, with hot and eld water and siesni
heat; of fere apecial ratea for permanent
guests: ratea bu! to 32 a day; $3.60 and
up per week. Phone Main 3411.
105ts Twelfth t. Marshall 2790.
In heart of business district: steam heat,
hot and cold water, free phone In every
room; M day and -up: 34 week and up.
SLEEPING rooma at the Del Monte Apt..
147 Stout coin) tt.. Just south of Wash
ington; cannot be equaled In the city for
the money: thlt la close tn and the price
Is right. Cll for Information.
Large. pleant front rooms; easy walk
ing distance; all home conveniences; fi.
jf; 30 to M per week. .-,2S4tnt. Main SoHI.
S'ew; cor. East 1st and Holladay ave.;
hot and cold water, steam heat; room $3
per week up. rnone easy owgj.
LEW 1S70S Hotel. 271 ft Morrleon. cor. 4th;
large, airy room, alngle and sullea. Iran-
alsnt ana psi mmoo uw 1 "e
CLFAN. frontless, newly furnished rooma.
32. SO and 33 per week. 2!S'.t 3d t. cor
ner of Columbia.
nn vou want a good room In a good loca
tion at a low rate? Try Hotel Larrabee.
IZTn La era be a t. East aide. East m.
atOTEL. CONGRESS now- open; handsomely
furnlshed. modern convenience, li block
from P. O. 6th and Main.
HOTEL JOYCE, 4th and Jefferson ate., nice
ly furnished rooms. 33. per week up.
KOOMS. nicely furnished, at the Brae Side.
426 Alder St.
THE LA N DO R E. 21S 10th tt.. beautifully
fumlahed large, light rooma. reasonable.
FPOVT room, suitable for 2, walking dis
tance. o4 Ollsan. Mar. 3334.
Furnished Rooms In Private) Family.
1J TO 33 weekly; light and airy room; de
sirable location. 303 12th.
NICE large front room; fine location; $12
FCRNISHED room. $1.51 : free phono and
bath. 2 14th at.. near Washington.
SOME nice furnished rooms, one porch
room: very reaaonable. 211 12th.
jiEWLT furnished rooms. II.'.O week. G4
Morrison. 1 block off Washington.
SUNNY sleeping tent. 221 18th it.
tortiished Itootns In Private Family.
TWO or three furnished or unturnlshed
rooms In quiet, shady old home, garden
privilege and.plo.fant dooryard: cars 10
minutca' walk from house: very reaaon
able rent. Mrs. Jane Jones. Tel. Black 702.
Mllwaukle. Or.
ONE single, one double, sleeping room, both
beautifully furnished, running water, batli.
. phone; 2 blocks from Multnomah Club. la
1 7th.
NICELY furnished rooms, from 33 weekly;
easy walking distance. Phone 033 Wash
ington. NICELY furnished rooms, modern Improve
ments, walklnjr distance, reasonable; ref
erences. 711.1 Everett st
J10 LARGE front room, ground floor, suit
able for 1 or 2; walking distance. 341
NOH HILL 10 month, newly furnished
room; bath, phone, electric lights. 123 N.
23d, near Washington st.
WANTED A refined young lady to share
an apt. Almora apt., cor. nth and Salmon,
apt. No.
2 NEW furnished rooms In moaern home;
cati do light housekeeping If desired; one
block from car. 030 E. Taggart, near 17th.
K1.E!ANTLY furnished room in a swell pri
vate . home; all modern conveniences;
clone in. 71 Trinity Place.
bT. FRANCIS. 'Jlat and Hoyt. Elegantly
furnished room adjoining bath, in modern
home. Phone 1710; ApU 67.
LARUE furnished room for 1 or 2. private
family, $12 per month each, with break
fast. 1 Ith and Ea.t Burnslile. B :12:k.
TWO pleasant rooms In strictly private mod
ern home, fine porch, close In; rifcrence.
Main OiK.
THREE large unfurnished rooms In nice rest-I
.ln.. i.lrl.l- l.atll- lu.l .'Mr SerVlCR in 1
city; $:.Si. 1017 Belmont. (
r nv.i I ""hi. iw.ioa a"1
heat, bath, telephone; $11 per month. 360'
$3 WEEK, suitable for one or two; right
downtown. lsl 11th.
:; W EEK. one or two gentlemen; excep
tionally close In. 2110 loth St.
Jiwu.M for a gentleman in a strictly private
Jewish family. Phono Marsliall I72.
PLEASANT, airy room; every convenience:
very reasonable. Main :i:l2. 301 10th.
Fol'R furnished rooms for housekeeping.
41)1 Jefferson sL A 340:1
2S 11TII ST. N. Nicely furnished rooms,
reasonable; near Washington.
I'LL AS A NT. newly furnished rooms In prl
vnte family; gentlemen only. B 27SU.
LA KtlE front room, best location, every
convenience: $1.73 per week. 26J 14th.
NEATLY furnished rooms; single bed. bath,
phone. 410 Yamhill at,
N E X T. clean room; reasonable. li-iS 1:1th aU
Koouis TV I la Isutsra.
23d and Wash. Sta.
Keaidentlal Hotel.
American Plan.
All modern Improvement.
Mam 7..!-4. A 4447.
bJEb a bom appeal to youT THE WHITX
HALL. cor. 6lh and Madison; larg rooma
bain, broad veranda. Quiet, cloae In, oaal
car. 4 blocks from P0. American plea.
Modern family hotel; popular rates; pri
vate park; close in. cor. West Park and
Montgomery. Phono Main 373.
BOARD and room for boys. 14 lo 17, $4 per
week. V. M. C. A. Boys' Club. olH Salmon
st. Main 7os3.
UIViTni! SSI 111 h AT
Atteaetlva clean noma ataA!l
good board, close In. reaaonable.
THE LAMBERSON, 834 Couch at., ery de
iroie ouiaide rooms, steam heat, run
ning water, good board, close In.
JjESIRABLE room with Ural-class home
cooking, close Multnomah Club; rate
reasonable. -3 N. 17th St.
POKILAiD WOilEWd UNION, 23d ytar.
Hoomt with board, use of sewing-room, 11
brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. W.lson, sum
ELEtJANT room, facing th park. A-l board.
reasonable. 874 Park.
iTfE HAZEL Furnished rooms with board.
running water, steam heat. 3--5 2d at-
Rooms With Board In Private FamlUe.
UESI R ABLE room, hot and cold running
water, balh, shower adjoining. homo
rooking, rtnc location West Side, walking
distance, near car. 72.". Prospect Drive,
Portland Heights. Main 10."iJ.
IF YOU arc looking for room with or with
out board, prices reueonui'lo, call at 202
12th at., or phone Main oloil.
CHEERFUL room end flmt-clas board in
private home; use of piano and parlor
rl'.'il .M:im si. A 4:107.
LOVELY rooma with breakfast and dinner
and hign-class home cooking. Marshall
ROOM and board In private family. Irvlnn
ton; elegant room, nicely furnUned; home
cooking. Tel. East 26 12. .
LOVELY front room, one or two people,
with board, few minutes' walk, best home
cooking, reasonable. Main 32S0.
LAKt.E room, with board; running water,
modern conveniences, close in; gentleman
onlv. 2H1 West Parto
KooM and board In private family; 2
gentlemen. 370 LaUd ave.. near Haw
t home.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
hoard. ." week up. four block from P. O.
22." West Park st.
FURNISHED rooms, with or without board,
very reiLSonablc. 7.2 North 23d, half block
from Wash.
W Ei.L-FUilNISHED room for young man.
easy walking dtciance. olio E. Taylor, cor.
.',m. Phone E. 2o0.
N ICELY furnished room, with or without
board, walking distance. OS Ollsan. Mar
shal! 2H.V).
DESIRABLE room, near Multnomah Club,
walking distance, home cooking, also al
cove room. Marshall 4112.
NICE front room with good tahle board,
private family, for lady. 20H 1 1 1 It.
ri.r..irA.vf rooms, sing. Of ai su..e
lent board. 61.o Ollsan.
ROOM wflh connecting bedroom, excellent
board, porches and grounaa. Main 3071,
KOOM andboard. 332 10th tt. Phone Main
01' 7 0.
FRONT room. $0, with board. 2111 11th at.
Mar. 2'llti.
Flt.--T-Ci ,SS room and board in private
family. .4." Yamhill.
FURNISHED room and board, on. E. Oak
cor. loth. Price reasonable. E oo2.
Nicely furnished. 3 rooms. $22.3$; all
outside, large, light, airy rooms, private
phone and bath, gas range, refrigerator,
water heater, laundry trays, large closeta,
on carllne. East Side. Tauor iDi. B 3U4L
aio flth at- Five minute' walk. brick
Dulidlng. nicely furnished 3-room apart
msule. private bath, phone. elevator;
i7.iu and up. Main 2070. A 2036.
6 -room apartment, choice residence die
trtct, walking distance, every convenience.
21tt and Flandera sta. Main 7516.
All outside, 2-room apartments; llolmea
beds. buLt-in writing desks, vacuum clean
er ianltor service; .io to $30. .ncluding
Ights. private phone. A 312. Main 1377.
Just completed, corner 3d end Hall; all
S-room fumlahed apis., large outside
kitchen, best arranged apta. In Portland.
$23 and up. Eaay walking distance.
EN 1 "c KERBUCKEK Apartments. Ilth and
Harrison eta. New brick building, now
reaay: superb arrangement and location;
3 rooms with private bath: every conveni
ence, best of service; reasonable rents.
ST. FRANCIS Apartments, 21st and Hoyt
3 room anu o.-iu, fnoio umicoiij, new
brick: electric elevator, auperb location. In
walking distance; most convenient ar
range 1 1 1 e n t . lotvtevtiajdteio)fsei-vlee.
Corner 3d and Montgomery, new. mod
ern, furnished, two-room apartment;
close In; elevator; private bath and phone;
no children; $25 up. Main 9466.
VERY desirable nicely furnished apart
ments, also single rooms, rcanonaoie rates;
let us show . you. Th Luxor. 13th and
C I ay sis.
1HE MEilEDlTH. 712 Washington au. A
3 and 4-room apta., hardwood floora. with
every convenience, newly furnished: cheap
est rent In the city.
THE AVALON One 3 and one 4-room apt-
tor rent. vi . ...a... nu xiooa.
Phone East 3172.
(5$ Harrison St. Phone Marshall 3070.
BRYN MAW'R. 183 East luth. near Yamhill,
p OUtSlUe rooio. ovei line iwwu, porCQ.
JUL1AETTE Furnlaned and unfurnished 3
room. Corner id and Montgomery.
4 and 3 large rooms; modern.
FOR 3 or 4-room furnished apta, investigate
the Parknurst. -"in ana .vortnrun.
THE ELM 2 and 8-room apta., furnished
heat- panne woo i.t ma aw
FOUR and 5-room apartments. Jackson
Bungalow. 4o-t inn st.
ALMIRA. 4-75 Salmon tt., 3 and 4-room
apartments, xurnisnea or unrurnisnea.
THE Northampton, 407 Hall; furnished ele
gantly; rooms, .o up; x, ti. at. 4-11.
22d and Ollsan.
Most up-to-date and most elegantly
furnished. Located in an exclusive neigh
borhood. Wo have a 4-room apartment
faring on the court with beautiful view,
furnished in the most up-to-date style,
which we can offer at a very reaaonable
rate. Inspection invited. 3 carllnet with
in 1 block of the house.
Marshall. Near 17th St.
New building; Summer rate; must be
seen to be appreciated.
lrth and Harrison Sta.
Largest 2-rooro apartment In the city.
Marshall and lth Sta.
Large airy 2. t and 4 -room apartment;
quiet and exclusive neighborhood.
Cor. Park and Taylor eta,
Cer. Tenth and tie 1 man at.
Walking Dlttane.
Furnlthed complete. X M and 4-oe-na
apartments: building new and ttu-la-U
anodern; service Xlrst-claa.
stone palace of luxurious homes. Trinity
Place, between I9th and 2th atreeta. Just
off Washington: magnificent exclusive
apartments In heart of apartment-house
district; rentals reasonable: every modern
convenience; sleeping porches, hlzh-clase
aervlce; refined clientele; referencea re
quired In all casee: two beautifully fur
nished apartments available May 1. Mm.
A. N. Wright, superintendent, phone Mar
shall 1101.
Jefferson and Thirteenth St.
3. 4. 5-room apartment, exceptionally
well arranged.
No wall or disappearing beds.
Exclusive. Modern. New.
Every effort Is made for the comfort
and convenience of tenant.
Phone Main 3963.
See our list of njiartments. Summer
rates will apply throughout the year, at
well as giving free rent bonus.
Citv Department.
140 5th at.
Moat np-to-dat apartment In thy
Northwest; every convenience; 4 and 5
rooms, all outside sunny rooms; "new;
walking dlatance. 21st and Johnson at.:
choice residence district; attendant oa
premises. Marshall situ.
Hi." I Nil APARTMENTS 14th and Colans
kta. 4 blocks south from Morrison st-i
new brick building, completely llrst-claaa
furnished In 2. 3 and a-room family apart
' H-anta private baib, ateam heat, hot wa.
ter elevator, free phone, vacuum cleaner.
ianltor aervlce; rent per a tenth, $26, $'i
40 and up; muse be teen te be appre-
644 Everett tt,
Mew and elegantly furnished apart
ments; S rooms, reception hall and aleep-tcg-porch:
automatic electric elevator and
private pacific telephone; located la one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded L elegant, huuiea; walking -tance.
704 Lovejoy St.
Under new management; new. modern
brick. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished: wo will rent you
apartments 25 per cent cheaper than any
place In the city; good Janitor aervlce.
Give us a call and be convinced. Mar. -Jl.
3 OR 4-room apartment with bath, fur
nished or unfurnished. Pacific phone in
each. $112.50 up; outside rooms; splendid
view; convenient arrangement; superb lo
cation: close to Postoffice; best of serv
ice. The Sheffield. 272 7th. cor. Jefferson,
570 Couch. 1 block from Washington,
wa.klng distance, 3 and 4-room modern
unfurnished apartments; all modern con
veniences, best of aervlce; under new man
agement; referencea required. Main llHi.
Lucretla SL. Wear 23d and Wash.
t:nftirnlahcd aDartmenls. from two to
Sve rooms, all large. llnt ana outside;
Urge closets, hardwood doors; under near
tuau-geiuent, arsha.ll 1JIB. Janlior. ar-
aball iouO.
. - - Main close In location: elegant 3-
reom apartment with bath and private
balcony, e e
3 and 4-room aparimente. furnished and
imf tirmshed. all outsiue rooms, harawood
1 oore private balconlts. bath and phone;
summer rates; easy walking distance.
Hawthorne Ave. and 6th St.
Modern uullding, best luriilshlngs; 1, 2.
s rooma. walking ulstauce. or best cor
waat atli and Morriaon, moat centrally lo
cated; 2 and 3-room apartment, fur
nlal.ed up to date; private bath; modu
" at rate.
t.- best of service; deeirahle locauoa.
with unexcelled car service; also easy
walking ulstance; 3-room apt, with bat,
modern conveniences, very reaaonable real.
Ford street, near Washington; select
residence district; 3 or 4-room apartment,
with balcony: all convenience of the baat
cla apartment. Main 3e3, -V 7 4-1 a.
NEWL'Y furnlehed 2, 3, 4 room. $22.00
to 440; tingle room $3 up; free light,
nhoues heal, hot and cold water, elecirla
eievator. alaraliall a7.
j-L'RMSHED and unfurnished apoxtmenta,
2 3 and 4 rooma. with private baths;
desirable location, very reasonable rents.
Apply Angela Hotel. 623 Washington li
near 1 1'- h- .
New brick, corner East Couch and 6th;
furnished and unfurnished 3-room apart
ment; private balh and phone; $23 up.
tail 1 .' 7 . 1 1 .
THE LEONCE. 1-S6 N. 22d near Johnson,
New modern, brick. 2 and 3-room. beau
tifully' furnished apartment, all outside
rooms, private bath and phone; $22.50 up.
Good service. .
new brick, 3 rooma with balcony, private
bath auperb location; reasonable rent,
beat 'of service, every convenience,
Park and Madison Sta.
For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and
unfurnished apartment, atrlctly modern.
BEULAH Apartment, new and clean; rr
complete three-room suite In the c
. di.auuearlng bed; reasonable. Ph
ity :
Woodlawn old.
. and il-rbom housekeeping suites, very
reasonable rent, modern. 6U-71 Grand ave.
THE Birmingham, 800 12th at-; new, fur
nished elegantly. 2 and 3 rooms. Marshall
t One uniurnianea o-room. apt-, prt
vate bath and telephone.
THE DAVENPORT Newly furnished 3-room
nt private bath and phone; summer
apt., v .,- Kfi i-frr-nn
rut eg. .vian. o-."
t ROOM furnished apartment for rent or
furniture for tale, 14th and Taylor. Phone
A 5404.
THE ONEO.MA, elegantly furnished 3 and
8-room apartments, all conveniences, only
Z0 per month. Ia7 17th st.
Fumlahed and unturnisned apartraanta.
til Lovejoy at- Take "W" car.
TUB CHELTENHAM. 255 N. lath.
o 3 4-rooro apartments, new. brick
buTidlng. new furniture. Marshall 3698.
THE DAYTO.N run a-ivum apt-, porchea.
everv convenience, low rent, furnished or
unfurnlalf-d. ii Flanders.
THE MAUR Apartment. 228 North 20th
Nicely furnlaned and unfurnished three-
room apartment.
THW LANDORE. 28 10th St., 3-room fur-
nUhed apt., with sleeping porch.
Apart meats
Steam heated. CLEAN', llsht. well-furnished
2 and 3-room apartments at abso
lutely lowest prlcea consistent with llrst-
class service and equipment.
blv.r convenience. including elevator
service, private telephones. HOT water at
all boura. excellent closet room, laundry
with steam dryer.
Handsome entrance and wide nana;
beautifully carpewa and well lighted.
Within Walking Distance.
Eighth SL and East Burnside.
Thoroughly renovated and tinted
throughout: all carpets and furniture new
and retlnlshed; prices most reaaonable of
any house In the city.
3 Rooms $23 and Up.
See these elegant 8-room apartment
before you decide. Minnie E. Smith, Prop.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta.;
this new 4-atory brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 3 ana 4-room
suites; reception hall, electric automatla
elevator. Holmes disappearing bed, built
in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice
box, plenty of closet rooms, both phones,
vacuum cleaner free to patron. If you
want something nice, come to the Barker;
1 $-room basement apartment, $14. Phonos
A 1744. Marshall Zstil.
NEWLY furnished The Upshur. 26th a
Upanur at., xurnisaea .-rotioi ajiarbiucuia,
$15, $18. 20 and up. Thlt include ateam
heat, not and cold water In every apart
ment, private phone, public bath, electrto
llgnta. at lauiti i j - ... -
also a-rootn unfurnished Apartments, with
private uaita. a'", w iwi --
:13d or W cars north. Phone Main 85$
20th and Kearney.
An elegant new hotel with beautifully
XUmiSneu apariuieuia, 11 aousuw.o. l-
pointed dining-room, where meal may
ue procurea i. utaucu, ..miuiih.
..o.t- e..- ...a ..intanioiiNi and comfort o
guests; moueiii m ib.iv.., -
home; references required. Call or phone
jiarsuau to
12th and Taylor.
Just completed, most magnificently fatv
Blsded apartment In the Northwest; loca
tion peafect; rentals reasonable: every
modern convenience. Including banquet
ball and roof garden; both pnonea In ail
apartment; nlgn-clna service; retereaee
required. Mam 2276 and A 706T.
170 Ford at., just aouta of Waahlngtoni
most complete, highest cla apartmaaia
aver built In Portland: finlanca turoagn
t In hardwood; uled hatha, auperb fix
tarea: eiagant wall coveringe; eaca wlta
private aucaur: nlgneat service;
very reasonable rent; a d b-raoia
aparuDenia; moat conveniently Qrt6d.
King and Waahicgton sta., now ready,
jlcs 6-atory remforcvd concrete build
ing, only fireproof apartment-nou la
Portland; ver possible convenience, elec
tno elevator, best of service, private bal
conies, eaay walking distance: 2. t, and
e-rooui apartment. $22.&o up.
15th and Everett Sta.
New management; 2, 3, 4 or 5-room un
furnished aparttnenta. Tho best apart
ments In tue city tor the money; iney
have all modern convenience, are close
In, neat and homelike. Don't fail to
Inspect them bcrota locating.
Hill and Clay stseet.
One of the finest In the city; ateam
heat, hot and cold water, private vesti
bules, phone and baths, electric eleva
tor ana lifts; unfurnished suites $32 to
4!- .
Two 4-room apt., furnished aud unfur
nished, with two disappearing ueds in
each; one u-rooni apt.. lurnislied with two
real bedrooms; also two uisappearing beds
and two large porches; auilault tor lour
or live people.
12th and Harrison, new brick, 2. 3 and
f rooms, furnished or unfurnisned, ail
modem conveniences; best aervlce- Apply
on premises.
171 KING 8T.
4, a, e-room apar tent: select tenancy.
Apply on premise.
qraNDESTA furnlaned apartment. Oraad
a v and a.aat stark; new orlck buUdia,
8 room, aplendldly furnished, witn w
vate bath, $27.30; eleotrlc elevator; meat
era convenlencea; cioaw-in locauoa; eay
walking dlatance; beat of aervlce.
6T. CROIX Apartment. St, Clair at near
Waanlngton: 2 and 3-room apanmentA
with private oatn. furnlaned and unfur
nished; superb location, easy walking dis
tancs, brick building; convenient arraage
teent, beat of service and very low renta
lblh and Flanuera sta.
jeuuiul apariinonia,
5 and 6 rooms.
Call and see laem,
WINSTON Apartment. $41 14th au, at
Market; new corner brick; all bright, out
tiae rooms; 2 and 3-room sal Lea com
pletely furnished fur housekeeping, lis ua For Information call Main A7ir.
New 3 and 6-rooin flats, modern, E.
9th and Hancock sta.. 2 blocks from
Broadway car, easy walking distance;
hardwood floors, tliea bain, Dutch Kilcnen,
hot water heater, large utile and base
ment, separate stairway; owner care for
lawn; line residence district; rent $26.
phone Eaat 55iO. Keys on premises
STEAM-HEAT ED 5-room flat, very desira
ble; convenient arrangement, with gas
range; $:'2.oO Summer rate. Apply Jani
tor, Wellington Apartments, 15th and
FOR RENT Swell 7-room modern flat, 444
Park at-, furnace and fireplace; $35; no
children, phone Tabor 763 or East 143L
tVROOM modern flat on Lovejoy st., cheap;
only $25. Vauduyn st Walton. 513 Cham
ber Commerce.
frOO MARKET ST. 5-room, modern flat, $311
per month; key at 502 . Portland Trust
Company, 3d and Oak.
8 ROOMS, bath, pantry, attic: furnished or
unfurnished; reasonable; - reference. t9
Pettvgrove. Main 317i or 9203.
TWO modern 3-roora flat, newly furnished.
$2.1, including gas, water and phone. 300
6 ROOMS, bath, gas and wood ranges; walk
ing ulstance; convenient to rent room.
12o 16th at. North.
4 ROOMS and bath, private, walking dis
tance, one block from Washington Htgh.
540 Eaat Alder. Phone East 1540.
NOB Hill flat, 7 room, fine yard, splendid
neighborhood. 775 4 Johnson st bet. 13d
and 4th. Main 5581.
MODERN new 6-room upper flat. West
Side, select neighborhood: hardwood floors,
sleeping porch, fireplace. Marshall 2624.
7-ROOM house, 'modern, sleeping porch,
furnace, walking distance, rent reason
able. 347 Weldler St.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat, 3
minutes walk from P. O. ; $20,'including
water. Phone A 7869.
COMPLETELY furnished, cosy 5-room flat,
to responsible couple. 5th and Montgomery
sts., rent $27. Phone A 76.''.
UNFURNISHED flats. 4 and 5 rooms Mont
gomery at., bet. 5th and 6th. Inquire 385
8th tt.
MODERN 6-room flat, E. 18th and Ash. B
$18 Modern 4-room lower flat; walking dla
tance. 628JE. Main. Phono East 997.
B-ROOMflat; modern, centrally located.
Phone Main 3O20 or Marshall 880.
4 OR 5-room furnished flat, reasonable
rate. 866 7th.
SWELL modern 5-room lower flat. 789 E.
Yamhill, near 23d. Phone E. 5948.
MODERN 6-room lower flat- 765 Marshall
tt Key at 76L Phone Eaat 4767.
NOB- HILL. Modern 6-room upper flat
sleeping porch. Main 8898.
MODERN 5-room flat. 5th, near Jackson,
West Side, 10 mln- walk. Main or A 1223.
A NEW modern 5-room flat all conveniences;
6 E. 68th. Ml. Tabor; or Main 8254.
8-P.OOM flat, modern, 473 W. Park. Inquire
4S Para. i
FOR SALE Furniture 3 room flat, cheap.
Columbian ApU 43.
6-ROOM furnished flat, ground floor, mod
ern, nice yard, $.".0 month. 692 Front.
MODERN, steam heated. West Side, walk
ing distance. Janitor service. Marshall 5.6.
6-ROOM upper flat, unfurnished, modern;
1 ' I ........ too. ilea "(1 Cr.ralt a .
5-ROOM flat. 7S2 GUsan at.. $30: new build
ing, superb location, very desirable; hard
wood floors, nreplace, paa range, wut
heater. furnace. See Janitor, St. Croi.1
Apartments. 170 St. Clair St.
NEW 4-room upper corner flat, includiimf
attic room, sleeping-porcn, nrepiace. u.
all modern conveniences, w'eat Side, walk-
Inp dis'.ance. Main 3io4.
S-Rnilvt modern flat on E. First. tlea:
Broadway St.: rent $23. H. P. Palmer
Jones Co., 404 vv ueox uiag. i none..
Main S6'.'W. A 2U53.
3-ROOM modern flat. NO CHILDREN.
Main !35rt.
Houaekeeplng Room.
THE UPSHUR 2Uth and Upshur tts. fur
nished '.2-room anartments. $15 up. lu-
cludea steam heat, hot and cold waterl
In every apartment, public bath, electric
lights, gas range. launary-rooni. an iree. a
Take S. 23d or W car north. Phonal
Main 8q9.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marahall. fur
nished for housekeeping; ga range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free.
12 rer month ud: a clean place, best In I
the city for the money; short distance!
from Union Depot. Take o ' or ltlii-e.
cars north, get off at Marshall st. No dog
$1.60 TO $2.50 per week Clean furnished
housekeeping rooms; free heat, phone,
bath, laundry, yard. 40S Vancouver ave.
and 20$ Stanton; "U" car. Phone 03.
EXTRA larce. light, airy, snotlessly cleaned.
newly furnished houseekeplng suite of I
rooms. $l. anu 410 a montn; gaa range.
2-jjs 3d St., corner Columbia.
THE M1LNER, 350i Morrison, cor Park,
furnished or unfurnished housekeeping
apartments, all conveniences, best location.
Summer rates.
4-ROOM furnished
wulking distance,
lower flat, modern.
343 Weidler St., rea-
COMKORTABLE 3-room aulte front house
keeping rooms. $3.50 per week, furnished.
91 1st St., near Stark.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; ratet reasonable.
2494 Holtaday ave., two blocks from
Steel hrl d ge
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and en
suite; walking distance. 545 Wash. St.
HOUSEKEEPING, also single rooms. $l..10
to S2 a week. 'Ol 2d st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms Tn new concrete
building. Phone Woodlawn 2379 or J997.
NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
phone and bath; close In. 4h9i Wash.
Heaaekeeplnr Room in Private Family.
LARGE front rooms, buffet kitchen, heat,
lights, bath, large lawn, rare viewpoint, V
car from Union Depot or nny Wash.-et.
cars; walking distance; $12. $16. $18
month, or by week. 575 Couch, cor. ISlh.
THREE elegant housekeeping rooms, en
suite, first floor, every convenience, ex
cellent location; quiet home for quiet, re
fined people; reasonable. Marshall 4112,
2t2 14th.
NICE 2-room suite, complete for housekeep
ing, electric lights, gas, bath and phone,
fumaco heat, running water, easy walkins
distance. $3.50 weekly. 66 N. 21st, 1 "-i
blocks from Washington.
THREE rooms with alcove, furnished for
light housekeeping; light, clean, modern;
no other tenants; uxo of laundry, bath
and yard. Phone East 6026.
2, 3 OR 5 completely furnished, fixed to
tuit; bath. gas. laundry, phone, walking
distance: large yard, fruit, flowers, no ob
jection to child. 341 Tillamook.
TWO large housekeeping rooms, nicely fur
nished, running water, phone, bath. laun
dry, card, reasonable to rl-fht party. 35
K. 22d at. North.
3 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms
with bath, electric light and laundry, 'a
block from Alberta car. 1072 E. 23d N.
Woodlawn S60.
TWO and three nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, gas. bath, reaaonable. 0H2
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in mod
ern home. 2 at $12. 3 at $18, 4 rooms
$20. Tabor 483.
CONNECTING front rooms, well furnished,
modern, private house, nice yard. 4J1
2 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas, sink; walking distance. 211 Sherman
TWO neat housekeeping rooms, light, heat.
phone, bath, $4 week. 169 East 14th, olf
East Morrison.
TWO connecting rooms, completely furnished
for housekeeping, reasonable. 551 Taylor
SUITE of nicely furnished houkee-plng
rooms'. $' per week. 227 E. Cherry. Walk
ing distance.
63 NORTH 20TII. Large, newly furnished
room complete for housekeeping; alfo 2
room suite.
HOI'SEKEEPING suite, ground floor, beat.
lii?lit. phone, bath. a week. 169 East
14th. off Eaat Morrlnon.
CONVENIENT housekeeping suite; rant;.',
hot and cold water, gas; $10 a month. 4".s
Hall St.
TWO or three complete furnished house
keeping rooms, desirable location. 429
Market, near 11th st.
PLEASANT housekeeping suite; largo buy
window, main iloor; $3 a week. 411 4th.
CLEAN, light, -tvell-furnlshcd housekeep
ing room. 395 till! at.
NICELY furnished upstairs front room;
kitchenette, eas range, pnone. min ia...
CLEAN, coxy housekeeping room; electric
ni.. 1 in Q'n r....
1 1 B 1 1 1 . V none, y. opt . . .
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. r.35te Morrison St., from $10 to
FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms;
modern, reasonable. 249 Clay street.
il: 14'I H, corner Clay, convenient one and
two-room furnished housekeeping suites.
TWO rooms light housekeeping. 5S7 Mad
ison sL
NEWLY furnished housekeeping suite, ii.ii
week. 549 Va Morrison, cor. Chapman.
THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms
reasonable. 781 Kearney.
WELL-FURNISHED front bay window
suite; also single room, gas. 447 uth.
1 OR 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; yard.
bath, phone- 450 Yamhill;
FURNISHED housekeeping suite; walking
dlatance; no children. 562 E. Couch.
ONE single housekeeping room; heat, phone
and bath. 221 13th st.
TWO well-furnished housekeeping rooms;
every convenience; $-'0 month. 262 14th.
1WO large connected front rooms, modern,
for 2 or 3 adults. 561 Everett, cor. 17th.
THREE pleasant furnished housekeeping
rooms, walking distance. 208 13th st.
THREE unfurnished, 2 furnished house
keeping rooms. 31 1 Cherry st. East 5250.
NICE, large rooms for light housekeeping
aU conveniences; close In. 181 14th st.
MODERN 6-room house, walking distance,
good neighborhood, clean and perfect con-dltl-1-1.
Inquire 5S3 E. Alder, corner 11th.
Phono East 514L
FOR RENT OR SALE Beautiful 6-room
bungalow, garage and servants' quarters;
every- modern convenience. Rose City
Park. AS 44. Oregonlan.
FOR RENT 7-room house, furnace lihl.
gas and phone, line basement; will lease
for year or two; no small children: $25 a
month. 240 East 50th St. Tabor 3388.
-RKOJI HOUSE Lights, water, nice yard.
719 E. 11th st.. cor. Rhone, Brooklyn; $10
per month. Key across St.. corner.
6-ROOM cottage, newly painted and tinted.
corner vnlon ave.. 4 niocaa u.o v.
thorne; $15. Main 7507.
FOR RENT $10. a modern 3-room cottage,
. . . . . ..-a Vs.. .7th af. ISlnelh.
nest neignDornoou. ...
Phone East 3505.
REASONABLE RENT 6-room bungalow.
close In, sightly lot, fruit trees. iau 1-1
nawinoriie a..
MODERN 6-room house, newly tinted, close
East Side; yara. iifiiiiB. eve. -uone
MODERN 2-story, 6-room houso, nice yard.
paved street; one oioca 10 car; anuna,
$22. 780 Williams ave. Wood lawn 426.
306 Spalding Bldg; Main 7592.
STRICTLY modern 8-room house. In flna
. . .1 , .... . n 1 . mi... a.s 1
residence oioviicv, hwi ?uc, ,v. vo.
Marshall St.
FOR RENT A modern 5-room bungalow.
walking distance. Call ISO Eaat 19th tt-,
near Morrison, or East 6038.
6-ROOM house; gas, bath, walking dls
tance. 494 Jefferson st.
.ao 7-ROOM house. 334 East 12th St., cor
ner Weldler. No children.
MODERN house; large yard. roses. cen
trally located. Inquire 110 E. 11th.
6-ROOM modern fiat. West Side, walklnt
distance. Marshall I60.
FINE modern 8-room house, fireplace, fur
nace: rent $3.1. Phone E. .M26.
FINE 6-room modern cottage. 609 Front at..
within walking distance.
MODERN six-room house, attic, basement
Phone M. 2038. Key 86 E. 17th at.
6-ROOM West Side nice yard, line view ol
river, fruit trees. Call Main 1869.
8-ROOM cottage. 148 E. 1.1th, near Eae.
Morrison. Phone East 1619.
$14 7-ROOM house, newly papered, clean.
Apply room 3. Washington bids-
JUST finished Modern 7-room house. Port
land Heights. 726 Patton Road. A 292S.