Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 08, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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orccoxiajt telephone.
Cltf Oirm!tlm ......
3Jotn Editor ......
lundiv Editor
Suprin ten dent vi!41nc
....Mala TOT9 A
....Maun TTO A
u i Tata . TOTti a ami motM
Ga Takk Declared Ncisaxce. At a
mass meeting- Monday night at the
Are hall In North Alblna. n'dr the
auspices of the North Alblna Improve
ment Asportation a resolution was
adopted declaring that the Kaa reser
voir near the Jefferson Hitch rcnooi
la a public nuisance and should be re
IL L. Hal.l. Oeorie c carl
liEIUi THEATER (Seventh and Tailor)
1 i. mutii'l eomedj "The Plna Lady "
Thii .ft.rnoon at 2:11 aad tonight at 8:15.
HJKKR THEATER (Elevmtth aad Morrl
on fiaktr St..- Compear !n th. plar.
JlTimr alentine." This afternoon
s: r 13 and tonlsht at 8 15.
f'xib sod S.v.nth Vaudvvtli. This art
uroooa at 2:15 aad tonic bt at e.tS o'clock.
t.'fPKEM THEATER (Park aad Wasbtns-
too 'aadevlllo. This aftemeoa at 2:15.
lon.'sbt it IJu and o'clock.
r Vaodeviiio, This srt.rnoos at 8:15.
tur.!(ht it IJu aad o'clock.
iVK;c THEATER (Fourth ant tark
K.ating A Flood rompenjr In "Ths Merry
iinnarch." This afternoon St 2:30 and to-
njlt at T:30 ami o'clock.
taroa. 11 A. M.-12 p. aC
ItEfREATlOX PARK Twenty-foortk aad
Vsusb Portland vs. Victoria, baseball.
This afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Architect Ernest Kroner submitted
plans for a clubhouse to be built for
the Rose City Club at the Intersection
or Sandy boulevard and Alameda ave
nue. at the club meeting Monday night.
They show a two-story frame struc
ture 33x70 teet In slae. Rooms for
women and for social purposes are on
the second floor and a general as
sembly hall Is placed on the first floor.
The cost will be about fSuOO. It was
the sense of the meeting that the build
Ing will be too small and the matter
was referred to the directors to ascer
tain If another 15000 can be raised to
ward the building fund, so a larger
structure may be built. Howard Evert
red, landscape architect, has pre
pared plans for the Improvement of the
club grounds. Including a as race facing
andy boulevard. The ground plana are
part of the club programme for the
Spokoi Surgeon Is Iu, Mere. Dr.
Harry R. Loon, one of the leading
urgeons of Spokane, and a brother-in-
law or Dr. K. A. J. Mackenxle. Is 111
here at St. Vincent's Hospital, where
he has been since Sunday. While the
nature of his illness Is not given out.
It Is announced that his condition Is
not serious, and that he will be able
to leave the hospital In two or three
days. Dr. Loon has a wide reputa
tion on the Coast, and la well known
locally. He Is the O.-W. R. N. sur
geon at Spokane. He graduated from
the University of Pennsylvania, from
the same class of which Dr. Calvin
S. Whit. Secretary of the State Board
of Health, was a member.
Shoe Mcrchajct Sued for Divorce.
Alleging habitual drunkenness. Mar
garet J. Griffiths yesterday started
suit for a divorce from her husband,
rl Lloyd, a shoe merchant of Seaside.
She declares that her better half, not
content with becoming Intoxicated out
side and coming home In that con
dition, has got Into the habit of bring
ing bottles of liquor home with him
and becoming drunk in his own house.
She charsrea that he has been abusive
to her and her daughter. They were
married about four years ago In Ore
gon City.
Robert Browkimo Hoxored. Robert
Browning, the poet, was honored last
ntttht at the Westminster ITesbyterian
Church. East Tenth and Weldler
streets. Rev. Henry Marcotte. the
pastor delivered a lecture on "Brown
ing as a Man and a Poet. Rev. and
Mrs. Charles T. Aue, of Sprlngwater
Presbyterian Church, and J. Hutchison
gave a selection on the cello, violin
a ltd piano. A number of stereopttcon
views of Browning's poem, "llppa
Passes' were shown. Mrs. IL T. Bohl
man sang several musical selections
from this poem.
Rowi.i CLcb to Gtvis Da-ices The
ft rat of the popular Friday night In
formal dancca of the Portland Kowtng
Club Is to be held May 1 at the club's
home at the foot of Ivon street. These
will be a regular feature of the as
sociation all Summer. A smoker, at
which more than 200 members were
present, was held at the club Monday
night. Music and talks by some of
the most prominent members helped to
make the evening, one to be remem
bered. i'extexart Church Shows Growth.
The third quarterly conference of
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church
was held Monday evening. Dr. J. W.
MrDougal. district superintendent, pre
eldlnc. Reports from all departments
of the church showed a vital and
growing condition. Membership has
crown apace. Dr. D. H. Trlmbla re
ported Kl new members received this
conference yesr. A remarbable show
ing is seen In the lit accessions to
the church In the last 19 months.
I'xai Sam Offers Poemoxs. The
L'nlted States Civil Service Commis
, ion announcea that applications may
tw riled at any time for the position of
-uperlntendent of Indian reservations,
the salaries for which range from
lt:0 to 13000 a year. Any further
ic.-lred Information concerning this
matter can be secured from Z. A. Leigh
at. the Portland Postofflce.
A Nswsfafer Offorti sitt. We have
for sain an eight-column country
Campbell press In good condition; two
composing stones, proofpress. several
hundred pounds of body type and a
number of fonts of display advertising
type. racks. cabinets, etc In fact
nearly everything needed to start a
country weekly paper. Address or call
at 1S Main street. Vancouver, Wash.
Warma Sura Club. Alleging false
arrest as a result of charges preferred
airatnst him by the Portland Waiters
Club. Edward Edwards has started suit
In Circuit Court for (10.040. He de
clares officers of the club were re
fponstble for his arrest on a charge
that did not result In conviction and
that he was deprived of his liberty for
three hours.
Smoker to Be Give. The Fulton
Park Improvement Club will give Its
monthly smoker at the clu brooms
Wednesday night. May I. The associa
tion will have aa guests members of the
South Portland Boosters. Councllmen
Montag and Baker and others. All
members are urged to be present.
Miss Ruth Iretb Cixotsob Dibs.
Mias Ruth Irene Uulovson. the li-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave
l. Gulovson. died at her home, 1H
Maryland avenue. May i. The funeral
will b held at the resldenre today at
1 P. M. and burial will be at River
view Cemetery.
Meet. The Parent-Teachers' Associa
tion of toe Alnsworth school will meet
at the school building this afternoon
at J:4S o'clock. Officers will be elected
for the coming year. After the busi
ness meeting brief programme will
be given.
Wastttx Ranch or vacant land
and some cash for 110.004 equity. In
choice, improved. Income-bearing. West
Side residence property. W 4, Orego
..Vln loTOASHI 1 Inl K n Flrwilev were annolnted to
i m-lth the Portland Ciajt Comnan
concerning abating the noise of the
gas engine operated at the tank and
improvement of the grounds. II. L.
Hald. who circulated a petition for th
removal of the tank, made a statemen
setting forth the objections to the tank
and he was followed by W. M. K.III
Ingsmorth. 8. C. Bratton. represent
Ing the gas company, made a statemen
that the tank waa a necessity for tn
distribution of gss to the community,
and that If removed It would have to
be placed somewhere else. Mr. Bratton
declared that the rn tank Is absolute
ly safe. He promised that the grounds
about the tank should be made beau
tlfuL and that the gaa engine, which
makes a great noise at night, should
be muffled. Councilman Magulre aald
he would present the petitions to the
Council for the removal of the tank
If desired. However, the presentation
of the petition for the removal of the
tank will depend on the result of the
Investigation of the committee ap
Greeuct - Street Improvement
Favored. Improvement of Greeley
street between Kllllngsworth avenue
and Lombard street with hard-surface
pavement was favored by S00 property
owners who assembled at Arbor Lodge
Monday night Greeley street Is oc
cupied by the St. Johns carllne. City
Engineer Hurlburt intormeo tne prop
erty owners that they can proceed
with the improvement provided a aewer
Is laid on the street In advance or the
Improvement, and this the property
owners decided to do. City Engineer
Hurlburt made an examination of the
street yesterday to decide on the size
of the sewer required. Improvement
of Greeley street will connect the
hard-surface pavement on Killings.
worth avenue with Lombard street, and
tie together the general street Im
provements on the Peninsula. The
meeting favored using Columbia Slough
as the discharge of the Peninsular
sewer system, provided It Is dredged.
B rot max School Reopenb Todat.
City Health Officer Wheeler announced
yesterday that the Buckman grammar
school, at East Twelfth and East Burn
side streets, which was closed Mon
day because of the presence of small
pox, will be opened again today. Since
closing the school has been thoroughly
fumigated and most of the pupils have
been vaccinated. Such as have not
will not be permitted to enter for sev
era! weeks. The presence of smallpox
was discovered In one of the pupils
Sunday, and the next day another case
was found. The first boy had been sur
ferlng with the disease nearly three
weeks, and his case had been diagnosed
as rash of the stomach. The second
boy had been a victim about a week,
and had been told he waa suffering
from chicken pox. Outside of these
Instances, the city Is practically rid
of smallpox.
Labor Conditions Will. Be Studied.
r"or the purpose of ascertaining
actual conditions as a basis for pro
posed legislation, the Consumers
League at a meeting yesterday directed
the executive committee of the or
ganlsatlon to make a state-wide In
vestlgatlon of the wagea and living
conditions of worklngmen. womei and
children. With this Information the
league expects to draft measures for
presentation at the regular biennial
session of the Legislature next Winter.
The committee consists of rather
O'Hara. chairman: Millie R. Trumbull,
secretary: W. B. Ayer. Dr. C. H. Chap
man. Carl r. Caulneid. Deputy Labor
Commissioner; A. K. Wood, of Heed
Collece: Miss Weldler, Miss Harrlman
and Mrs. H. R. Talbot, president of the
leaarue and ex-ofricio member of the
regular semi-monthly meeting of the
National College Equal Suffrage
League In the Selling building yester
day the permanent officers of the
league were elected to take the place or
those that were temporarily named
when the league was organised In Feb
ruary. Miss Emma Wold was elected
president and succeeds Mrs. Henry
Waldo Co, whom she defeated by the
narrow margin of one vote. The vice
presidents elected were: Mrs. E. T.
Taggert, Mrs. L. W. Tberkelsen. Mrs.
J. Andre Fouilhoux and Mrs. R. L
Dons Id. Louise Bryant Trullinger was
elected recording secretary. Dr. Flor
ence Manlon. corresponding aecretary,
and Mrs. Llda M. O'Bryon. treasurer.
Franchises to Comb Up Todat. While
the proposed franchises for the Port
land Railway, Light A Power Company
are not to be voted upon finally at the
session of the City Council this morn
ing. It Is expected there will be some
lively debates. The ordinance will come
up for action as to valuation. It being
necessary for the Council to refer
franchises to the Executive Board first
for valuation. Because of the chsnges
recommended by the members of the
street committee. eliminating the
clause regulating fares, and other
amendments. It Is certain that some
of the Councllmen will take exception
to referring the measure.'
Woman's Clur to - Meet. The Port
land Woman's Club will meet Friday
afternoon In Women of Woodcraft Hall.
This Is election dsy and the polls will
be open from 1:20 to 2 o'clock. Busi
ness meeting will open at t o'clock
and at 1:4S o'clock the programme will
consist of a talk on "The Froebel
Pilgrimage." by Miss Elisabeth K.
Matthews: "Current Events," by Mrs.
Hawkes. and a lecture by Samuel Hill
on good roads. This lecture will be
llustrated with stereopttcon views.
"Peace" to Be Topic. At the re
quest of the Council of Jewish Wo
men, Rabbi Jonah Wise has selected
for his subject for the night of May
10 that of "Peace." May It Is desig
nated as Peace day and will be so ob
served by many of the
Bousar's Operations Described.
Further Information regarding the op
erations of Ludwig Schlessinger. alia
Dr. Lesslng-Bolgar. ex-edltor of the
National Immigrant In Portland and
now under arrest In Budapest, Hun
garla. charged with fraud, is contained
in letters received at the Portland
Commercial Club from Favarosl Erte
sito. of Budapest. The letters are ad
dressed to the president of the North
ern Pacific Railway and were forwarded
to the Portland Commercial Club with
an Inquiry as to Lesslng-Bolgar
standing in this city, Ertesito repre
sents a Hungarian Immigration so
elctv. It appears In his letter tha
Lesslng-Bolgar bad Interested him 1
emigration to the Northwest, repre
sentlng that he would be able to obtain
from the railroad money equal to an
amount that the society might raise
to help emigrants to come to America
and find homea In Oregon, Washington.
Idaho. Montana and Wyoming.
Woman AI-I.eoes 8wixdle. For th
allseed swindling of a woman from
Mosier. Or., in a horse trade, F.
Johnson, employed as a watchman for
the Hawthorne estate, will be arrested
on an Information of felony. Issued yes
terday. He has been complained of
frequently for alleged similar trans
actions and has been sued civilly nu
merous times. Marie Sundllnger allege
that she bought from Johnson two
horses, paying 1120 and turning In
txinr. valued at $30. She received
guarantee that the team was sound and
in th prime of their life, "whereas,'
rcclte-a the complaint, "the mare had
the blind staggers and the horse had
the heaves." and beside, though rep
resented to be 11 years old, both were
more than 18. i
Foster to Address Credit Men.
"Higher Education and Material Pros
Derltv" will be the subject of an ad
dress to be delivered by W. T. Foster.
president or Keed institute, at. in
meetlnir of the Association of Credi
Men at the Commercial Club. Wednes
dav. Mav IS. C. C. Chapman will speak
upon "The Farmer, the Commercial Club
and the Credit Man." Fire protection
will be one of- the subjects of discus
slon at the meeting and plans will be
made for a crusade among business
men of the city to have refuse, old
boxes and other material that add
to the danger of fire In the business
sections of the city, kept cleared away,
An effort will be made to Increase the
membership of the association to
total of 225.
Straiohtenino of Avenue Trqed.
Efforts are to be made to straighten
Williams avenue at Cherry street and
make a more direct connection wltn
East First street for the purpose of
providing a street more direct to the
new railroad bridge. The matter will
be brought up at the meeting of the
North Eact Side Improvement Associa
tion Friday at Woodmen Hall. Russell
street and Williams avenue. Williams
avenue ends at Cherry street, and
connects with Cherry, East First and
McMIIlen streets, by a sharp curve
which It la proposed to eliminate. Some
property must be bought to make the
connections. Also tne matter oi liiumi
natlng Williams avenue will be con
Citt Loses Pavino Cases. Mayor
Rushlle-ht yesterday received from F. J.
Richardson, president of the Terwll-
llger Land Company, notice to the effect
that the Oregon supreme tourt ma
recently passed upon certain cases
aa-alnst the Hassam Paving Company,
adversely to the city, and not to pay
out any money for sucn paving. in
case the city pays out any money on
tha streets involved, tne notice saio,
the Mayor will be held personally re
sponsible for It. Tne streets invoivea
were East Eleventh and others, in
eluding several in South Portland. The
land company alleged mat tne city
did not obtain competitive Dies, as
required by the charter.
Firemen Mat Havb "DaT Oft.
Members of the Fire Department will
he riven on. dav off each six days. If
the City Council passes an ordinance
to be Introduced into the City Council
this morning by Councilman Magulre.
The ordinance probably will be referred
ta a committee for consideration, as
at the present time, the members of
the Police Department are ngnting ior
two days off each month, ttotd meas
ures will nrobably be considered to
rether. John B. Coffey, chairman of
tha nollce committee, yesterday after
noon declared himself in .favor of the
proposition to give the two oay
month to the policemen.
Hitiii proposes New Firs Station.
Mayor Rushlight yesterday inspected
the plans lor tne proposes new -ny
Jail building, soon to do coosiruciiru,
and said afterwards that ne wants
to have Included In the scheme a new
fire station, to be located on the north
side of the lot at second ana uk
streets, the location of the new struc
ture. The Mayor said he believes the
city can appropriate enough money
for the fire station. In this way, he
.UM the sDace overhead can be
utilised for the police station uses.
ixj-min Seeks Education Board Job.
j V". Beach, chairman of the Board of
Fducatlon. whose term expires in June,
has not decided whetner ne win oe a
candidate for re-election. He already
has served three terms and his friends
. r. nri-lnir him to run again, o. at.
piummer. secretary of the Portland
Vnlon Stockyarda, Is a candidate. His
friends are behind tne movement to
place him tn the office, yesteraay tne
Rotary Club Indorsed Plummer's candi
Portland Resident Asked to Be
School Board Candidate.
Oar insecticide positively puts bed
hu4 out of business. We aiso make all
a'jles of sweeping compounds, floor
oil and floor spray. Phone Piummer
iTur Co.. Third and Madison. Main i2.
Ths tVanxu Heiohts roxasxoA-
tionai, Cmcrcbi will bold a Japanese tea
party on Thursday evening.
For Rent. Lower dock, foot of Mor
rison and Yamhill streets. Call Its
Mcrrlson. Main 1140.
Ice Creaw delivered to all parts of
th city. Washington Cream Co.
Wattsd. Delivery boy. Apply
211 Washington street.
Skato-a today all day. Oaxs Sink,
leges and schools. Rabbi Wise had made
other arrangements for that day, so
will preach his sermon on "Peace" a
week earlier- All people Interested are
Invited to attend services at Temple
Beth Israel.
Robbert Charge Falls Through.
On motion of Deputy District Attorney
Dennlson. who plesded that there was
Insufficient evidence, the Indlctmene
against Harry Gross was dismissed yes
terday. Gross was Indicted In Decem
ber on a charge of assault and being
armed with a dangerous weapon. He
was accused of having held up A. A.
Miller, a driver for the Spring Valley
Wine Company, on the Base Line road
and robbed him of 1120.
La lies Aid Meets Wednesdat. The
Ladies' Aid Society of Trinity Metho
dist Church will give a tea at the
Motor Boathouae. foot of Ellsworth
street. Wednesday afternoon. Miss
Katherlne Mlsllch and Miss Ethel Luke
will present the sketch "At College."
Mrs. John Wolf and Miss Ethel Luke
111 sing.
Cirra Opposes Bridge Rental. The
United Improvement Clubs Association
passed a resolution Monday night at a
meeting held In the auditorium of the
Eaat Portland Branch Library opposing
the rental of the new railroad bridge
aa offered the County Court by the Har
rlman Interests. The rental Is consid
ered too large.
Lbcturb Series to Start. Mrs.
Charlotte P. Curtis, of Portland, will
give the first of a series of six lectures
in Irvington at 2 o'clock this after
noon at the home of Mrs. M. C
Woodard. tla Thompson street.
During the month of May we will
French dry-clean gents suits for $L
ladles' suits for and any skirt for
75 cents. All work gusranteed. Call
us up. V. R Laundry Company dry
cleaning department. B Utl. East -
PORTLAND, Or., May 7. 112. Mr. O.
M. Piummer, City. - Dear Sir: We, tne
undersigned, knowing your devotion to
the public schools of Portland, your
long residence in Portland, your ability
huslness man and your entire free-
hurches, col- dom from alllanoea that are oiien detri
mental to men who serve In public ca
pacity, urge upon you to allow your
name to be presented for a member of
the Portland School Board at the elec
tion to be held next montn,
W. M. tdd
V. H. Uunckley
J. W. Kewklrk
A. O. Jones
E. R. Corbett
Ljrdell rlaker
E. H. 1'lerce
T. U Eliot
B. H. Stevens
A L Ml Ha
It. L lJurham
Ceorse W.H") t
1 A. Lewis
J. A. Currey
Frank C RlfCS
Thll Motschan, Jr.
TV. D. H. Dodaoa
James J. Kaycr
Dean Collins
A. F. Blckford
9. 8. Hewitt
Pan Kellaher
H. P. Palmer
H. A. farsent
William K. Woodarsrd J. C. Enlish
Hen ticlllnc
Lroery ulmstead
A. At. Wright
J. C. Alnaworth
F. W. Arts
Uuy L. Anderson
Marshall N. Dana
.'. T. PraJl
faiup a. Bates
If. O. Llvaly
A. B. SislnDsch
F. H, Learls
John r. O'ehea
L. K. Brown
l. W. Herrman
Henry Evardiog
Louis Lads
W. C Kaealtlne
C. O. Pick
Henry Hahs
J. Durkhalruer
H. H. Miller
Wll.lam Mc Murray
V. a. Comas
ii. L. Pit toe It
C A- Mordoa
C C Colt
J. L. Wright
U. U Williams
J. O. GUlen
.;. V. Cooper
Ueors w. Kendsll
T. 1 Knlsht
F. P- Young
Aaron Holts
W J. Hofmann
Kol Bluroauer
Andrew C Smith
H. N. Tinker
Charloa B. Moores
B. T. Glltner
Phil Matachan. Br.
W. A. Cadwell
H. A. Happner
Mrs. H. A. Heppner
Edgar B. Piper
H. W. Mltchall
framue! Connail
. W. Pa roll us
t. Walker
Harvey Beckwlth
p. B. Brlgham
B. C Bubanks
nta CasltrM Vancouver Council.
VANCOTJVEn, Wash., May 7. (Spe
cial.) So many blda were received at
the meeting of the Council last night
for the street and sewer work that
war. referred to the City Engi
neer to figure out which la entitled
to the award. There were 41 bids
opened for work railing for an expen
diture of I7S.000. After the lowest
The Bank for
Business Men
This bank is pecu
liarly the place for
the business man of
moderate capital to
do his banking.
We'll never grow so
large that our officers .
won't have a close per
sonal interest in the
welfare of our clients.
We shall bev pleased to
accept the checking ac
counts of business men
and to lend such finan
cial assistance as their
accounts will warrant.
Portland Trust
Company of Oregon
'Third and Oak Streets
proposition Is determined on, a, special
meeting of the Council will be called
to let the contract.
At the Haielwood.
We are again serving our delicious
strawberry shortcake. The Haselwooa,
388-390 Washington street. Seating
capacity for 400.
Loss of Voice Like Epidemic.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 7. (Spe
cial.) Since Rev. waiter i. icn
tor of St. Pauls .ngus
Church, lost his voice, tnere seems i
be an epidemic of "loss of voice" here.
Press Galther was unaDie to r"-
for a week. J. A. Allquist lost nis "-;
and a few days ago i-eier aw
awoke without a voice, r-an rawa.
could not talk Saturday or Sunday. All
bad to make signs.
Aa Important Kngagement.
A good portrait Is a pleasure ever
lasting. Aune's have quality ana per
manency. Columbia building.
Sawdust, Cord wood. Coal,
u.inm iPnel Co- successors to Bas-
fleld-Veysey Fuel Co. M. BS. A 3153.
We wish to xtend our heartfelt, r th members or Peter a.
Portar Circle.. Women's Relief Corps,
i: a Tt and many friends who so
.itKfniiv ! Htw1 ua in the last ill
neaa of our dear mother. Kleanor K.
Garner. Also for th many beautiful
floral offerings.
MK". J. l. t.or.r.i.
Everything that's new in Fur
nishings for Men and Boys.
Our Clothes
have solved the problem of ready-to-wear
garments for the man who
cannot be satisfied with the ordi
nary clothes. If you are one of the
particular men, our store is at your
service. -
Without a peer
Straw or Felt
Our Suits for men and young men at
Without an equal.
$15, $20
Fresh New Materials Ur
Direct from the looms in the latest
fashion dictates.
$30 TO $50
The newest fashion for
Summer wear.
$1.15 to $2.95
Men's Section.
$25 i w m
When is a booklet
not a booklet?
Mr. W. T: O'Resran wlshes to thank
ih. manv friends of his mother. Mrs.
Mary Akers. for their kindness during
her Illness and for their gifts of beau
tiful flowers at nor runerai.
Canadian exports to the United States
declined ta .2:iH. BS4 for the elsht months
ended November SO. 1B11. having been S70.-
834. IMS In the same period In 1010.
IT At noontime or dur
Ing your afternoon
shopping tour, try an
appetizing luncheon
at The Portland
Hotel Grill: It will
add to the pleasure
of your day down
ff Business and profes
sional men find it to
be a good place for
their mid-day re
freshments; only the
best foods are pre
pared and r v e d
fT Try It today, 'twill
"be a remembered de
light that will bring
you back again and
fj Music every even
ing. ii. J. KAUFMAN HI,
When it's a dead-sure candidate
for (he waste-basket.
when it doesn't create
sufficient impression to cause
a reading.
We typographically dress our
work so that it just slips through
the eyes and into the mind and
stays there.
Let us give you suggestions and
prices. Both will be right. Why
not ask us lodayt
Fifth and Oak Sts. f
The Ideal
Place to Eat
Good Music
- Moderate
Can You
Trim a. Mat?
$2.00 Pat-Milans
$4-50 Pat. Milans
$9.00 Real Milans
$3.00 Imitation Hemps.
$4.50 Real Hemps
$7.00 Real Panamas....
$15.00 Finest Puiamai.
You may prefer to select shape and ma
terials and employ an expert trimmer.
In either case here's an
to reduce the cost by choosing from Fra
ley's fresh, crisp, desirable stocks at ex
tra special prices. The newness, the im
mensity, the variety will appeal to crit
ical buyers.
Imported and Domestic.
.$1.20 25c Flowers, all now.... 15
.$2.95 ' 50c Flowers, all now... 35
.$6.50 75c Flowers, all now... 60
..$2.25 $1.00 Flowers, all now.. . 75(
.,$3.50 $1.50 Flowers, all now. . .$1.10
.$3.90 $2.00 Flowers, all now... $1.45
.$9.00 $3.00 Flowers, all now...$2.10
212-214 Third,
at Salmon.
Out of high-rent zone.
392 Morrison,
Near Tenth
For Tender Faces
Indispensable for those subject to red.
aess. roughness, and other irritations
of the skin. Asbaving luxury. No mug,
no soggy soap, no germs, no waste of
timeor money. In nickeled box, 25c., at
storesor by mail. Liberal sample free.
Address "Culicura." Dept. 23. Boston.
Late musical director at the court
of His Royal Highness, Archduke
Joseph of Austria.
Concerts, 6 to 8:15, 10 to 12:15
riiliriiaod PRINTING W.
WT tassa tU HO f AJUIMTOJ rlME EL tm
SaWW mt OtkUa. CJif mu
The only Woman Callere on
the Pacific Cotrt. Chartered
188$. Ideal climate. Entraner
and graduation requirement!
equiralentto tboae of Stanford
UniTemtT and Univeraity of Cal
ifornia, ncartrf. laboratories for
cience with modern equipment.
Excellent oyportnnitie for bomr
economic, librarv trody, nunc
art. Modern rymnajitrm. Speda
care for health of itndenta. out
door tif. Cbrittian Influence?
no drawtninationaL
President Lueila Clay Carton
A. M.. LI- D. For eatajorur
addma Reriatrar. Mills Collccr
We make a specialty of corpora
tion supplies: Seals, stock certifi
cates, corporation records, etc.
Quick service; phone us your orders
The Irwin-Hodson Co.
92 Fifth Street, Near Corner of Stark Street
V"" a o jA rsj a y
Kivs pvrlnsivelv the
they're easier-to-button
they don't tear out.
Ceo. P. ide it Co.. Makers, Troy. N. V.
Foster & Kleiser
Hisa Grade Commercial and Eleetrte
ias( Seventh and Kast HTerett Streets
Pbeaee Saat 11UU B 224,
New Richmond Hotel
Fourth Ave. and Slain St.
Absolutely fireproof.
Conveniently located.
All outside rooms.
Rates: $1 per day; with bath, $1.50
J. S. McTERNAN, Mtnmfir