Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 07, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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LI I T ItLYYo ll DnlUI
Printing-norm ,
Clir rircalatloa
Manacicr Editor
Sunday Editor .
Main Ttvrn A
Mala T070 A 0S
Main TOTo A 0J
Com poalng -roots
..Main TOTO A "U3
kusruiiadBt bulldlns ...Main TOlu A 604
.IS.LIiJ THEATER (Seventh and TayloM
U musical ruined "The i'lak J-adJ."
Toalcht at 8:13.
BAKER THETFR (Eterentb and Morrt-
eoe Baker BtixV "npany In the otar.
'"A.iae Jimmy Valentine." Tonlfht at .1S.
JUPHP-M THEATER IMomeon. between
Sixth and Seventh) Vaudeville. This aft-
ternooa at 2:13 and tonlcbt at .! e'cloca.
MrjtE?S THEATER (Park ad Washtn.
ten) Vaudevirie. ThU aflernooa at J 14.
tonight at --30 anT" clots.
HXTACII THEATER (Seventh and Al-
aeri vaudeville. Thla artarnooa at z:ia. m T - Sit j m -
-True THEATER i Foartb and Stark
Keating A Flood company In "The Merry
.'iwiarcn. i nia attrnoon at ::uo ana
a.ghi at 7:30 and o'clock.
hvou AND CRTSTA1. rirst-roa plo
uiraa. ij a. M.-IS P. M.
lf''REATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and
Vaught Portland va. Victoria. baeebalL
1 Ma afternoon at 1 o'clock-
foers Mat Meet im Couhthoisb. Ten
ative arrangements have been mad
"hereby the Grand Army of the He
public poxts of the city and county
may hold their meetings In one of th
rooms of the new Courthouse. Th
Women's Relief t'orps also may hav
meeting place In one of the rooms.
rovtalon are maie for 12 Courtrooms,
tnd as It will be ten years before all
will be used. It has been proposed tha
two of these rooms be set apart fo
the use of the old soldiers and Women
Kellef Corps of the city and county
The County Judge and Comralaaloiiers
avor this plan. This arrangemen
would rare the cost of rent to the
posts and corps and would enable
them to meet In one place. It may re
uit also In consolidation of some
he posts. However, thla plan depends
n whether the outside posts would
ortie to the Courthouse.
I'rxtTtHT to Be Dedicated. Ar
'4iuemtnti are complete for the formal
iMllcatlon of tha Mount Scott Ceme
icrjr on thaw afternoon of May 30. Me
morial dy. with the assistance of the
numbers of the Grand Army of the
i:'publlc The ceremony will follow
the exercises In Lone Fir Cemetery. An
automoble will take a committee from
the Grand Army posts to the cemetery
and will be in waiting at Lone Fir
Cemetery, where addresses will be
made. It Is expected to have the exer
cises In the Mount Scott Cemetery at
3:30 P. M. or as soon aa the Grand
rmy committee can be conveyed to
ihc cemetery. About seven members of
the Grand Army are burled In the
cmt tery.
Coi-mtt Grad Jury Drawk. Robert
G. Wegner. Lents: IL A. Walker. 410
Kast Fifty-third street: Henry Farr,
lZ2 Vancouver avenue: II. Tauben-
helmer. Tit Johnson street: H. F. Cam
i.lon. 78 J Hojt street: E. J. Schlegel.
.Jj Hancock street, and William Kapus,
lvt pajdlnc building, comprise the
crand jury or the May term of the
state circuit Court for Multnomah
County. They were drawn yesterday
and were told by Presiding Judge
Jtavanaugn to hold themselves subject
to the orders of District Attorney Cam
eron. There Is little work for the
tury and It will not be called Into ses
sion for several days.
Rids Askbd von Crrr Book. Bids
liavc been called for by the Portland
1'lan Commission, recently appointed
hy Mayor Rushlight, for a Iftu-page
hi'nk. In lots. In which Is to be
published farts concerning Portland
n ud data concerning proposed plans
Tor betterment of the city. There will
be several Illustrations, chiefly one
outlining the Improvements it la pro
posed to make in each aectlon of the
iiy. The City Council appropriated
he necessary funds to have the book
National C;rrrrroif Disctsked.
Mr. Ada W. V'nruli. state president,
will speak on the National Women'a
:uri.tian Temperance I'nlon convention
at the county institute which meets
today at Pilgrim Congregational
Church. Shaver street and Mlssouil
avenue, and Mrs. L. H. Additon will
tll about the coming "County Mem-l-crshlp
Campaign. There will be
other addresses. Sessions will be helo
t 10 A. M. and 1:30 P. M.
Two Held roe. Miu.rxc.nT Tmsrr.
Theft of millinery worth more than
Jl from a store at 111 Grand avenue.
Sunday night, is charged against O. K.
Tate and K. Burton, arrested yester
ojy by Detectives Coleman and Snow.
Tne men were taken In custody on sus
picion of being Implicated In another
rime, and were In the bands of the
officers when the millinery burglary
was reported. In the room of the
men was discovered some of the gooeT.
t'lrlcb. Zeitfuchs died at his home. 4404
Forty-second avenue South East Side,
at the a of S years. He Is survived
by Annie A. Zeitfuchs. of Oakland,
Cal. : Edward H. Zeitfuchs. of Port
land; Marie A. Zeitfuchs. of Port
l.ind. The funeral will be held to
day from Holmsn'i Chapel and the
Interment will be had In Lone Fir
MA! Fallal Thkkb Tories. While
washing windows in a hotel at JS
North First street yesterday. Oscar
Snider. 22 years old. fell from the
third floor to the street and sustained
frnetures of his leg and arm and a
possible frarture of the skull. Pa
imlnun Laalle sent the Injured man
In St. Vincent's Hospital.
ntnirvAt. or L" stolen. Resi
lient" In the vicinity of the old Second
liapiijit Church. East Seventh and Eat
Ankeny streets, which waa partly de
stroyed by (ire recently want the ruins
declared n. public nuisance and removed.
As It now stands the structure la of no
talue as the Inside and top were
burned away.
"Oit vo W Meets. The
-Out to Win Club" of Lents, a tem
perance organisation, will hold Its sec
ond monthly meeting May 14 at P. M.
In the Friends Church. E. K. Taylor
ill deliver an address. Special musle
will be provided.
P.oxg Cttt Park Ft.K to Meet.
Thoi Interested In the development of
Ro. City Park are requested to attend
a meeting In the hall. East ftfty-nrth
end Alameda streets, tonight. There
will he a debate by prominent persons
and refreshments.
the month of Slay we will
Vrnoh dry-clean gents' suits for II.
T.idi' euits for II 60 and any skirt for
7i c-nts All work guaranteed. Call
u up. 17 S. laiundry Company dry
!rnlng department. B 113. East II.
Vt' mh Axtoi f SortAat.K. Mem
ber. of the Alumni Association of the
t-nstlan Brothers' College will hold a
Mr day sociable and programme to
ri i e hi at 8:3 o'clock In the hall a
t;; avenue and Clackamas street.
WiirTB Iti.- Pat. held sacred to
, ..mory of H P. Blavateky. will be
eervyd by Portland Theosophleta on
Wednesday. P. M.. at room in. Eilers
lutMlna. All Interested In theoeophy
are Invite.)
A. U Veaite to SrctK. A. L. Veazle
111 speak on single tax tonight at the
meeting of the Waverly-Rlchmond Im
provement Club at the comer of EaM
Thirty-third and Ellsworth streets.
La mis' Rn.ier So-trrr to Meet. The
nonthly meeting of the Ladles' Relief
,'oclety will be held today at 1 P. M
In the Flrnt Presbyterian Church.
Twelfth and Alder streets.
OtrsTAF" MomorisT ronrsr at .M
onlc Temple next Saturday evening.
Tickets at Grayej, Murlc Store. Ill
ourth stret. e
Ckazim lodajr ail da, Oalu Jilai.
Nc,,r p""" pnoviDro. on rt
Morrison street, between East Seventh
and East Ninth streets, where a fill
was mtot ana is now covereo witn
crushed rock, an asphalt pavement will
be laid by the Barber Asphalt Paving;
Company at a cost of $7042. This
will irake a continuous paved street
from Kant Water to Kast Twentieth
streets. Kast Sixtieth street at Mount
Tabor will be Improved' from East
Stark to Halsey streets north with
I grading, ronrrete curbs and sidewalks
at a coat of 118.48 by Gieblsh Joplln.
The Pacific Bridge Company will pave
Marguerite avenue between Hawthorne
avenue and Division street at a cost
of 81S.000. East Burnsldc street Is' to
be improved from East Eightieth to
East Ninetieth streets by grading-,
laying concrete curba and sidewalks.
The proposed fire station of Montavllla
Is located on Kast Burnside and East
Eightieth streets, and this improve
ment will open the district eastward
from the station.
Maccabees iw CoxvrNTiON. The ln-
' terstate convention of the Knights or.
the Maccabees was held In Seattle yes
terday, and representatives of Oregon
tents will accompany members of the
Seattle tent to Tacoraa today. The
Portland degree team will return to
Portland tomorrow. The convention
was held to celebrate the three months
membership campaign from January 1
to March 1. during which Seattle Tent
No. S secured nearly J00 new mem
bers and Portland Tent No. 1 secured
423. The Seattle tent paid the ex
penses of the trip by the Portland tent
to Seattle. Speeches were delivered at
yesterdays convention on "Good Roads"
and "Betterment of the Lodges."
Vetera to Visit Schools. May
1. the day before Memorial day. la
the date fixed for the annual visit of
members of the G. A. R. posts to the
public schools of the city. The ad
jutants of the several posts of the
city will meet this week and from the
rosters select the details. The Gordon
Granger Post of Woodlawn and the St.
Johns Post will take care of all schools
north of Russell street. The matter
of visiting private schools has been
left ao that where Invitations are re
ceived these schools will be visited. It
Is the sentiment of the posts that visits
to the public schools are all the G. A.
R. can do unless special Invitations
from private schoola are received.
Death or Misb Katheiuxb Carle.
News was received In Portland yester
day of the death in Minneapolis of Miss
Katherlne Carle, daughter of Frank A.
Carle, formerly . managing editor of
The Oregonlan and now chief editorial
writer on the Mlnneapolia Tribune.
During Mr. Carle's residence in Port
land his daughter attended the Port
land High School and Portland Acad
emy. after wnicn she entcrea smim
College. Death followed a nasal
surgical operation. Miss Carle was
talented girl, with many friends In
Portland who will be shocked to learn
of her sudden death.
Sas Frakosto Mator Is Invited.
Mayor Rushlight yesterday extended to
Mayor Kolnh. of San Francisco,
formal invitation to be present during
tne Rose Festival. Mayor Rushlight
detailed the event and promised that
It will be even greater than previous
festivals have been. Owing to the
deep Interest Portland la taking in the
Panama-Pacific Exposition ami tne cor
dial relations existing between the two
cities. Mayor Rushlight Is anxious "that
Mayor Rolph shall attend the next
The annual conference for Oregon and
Washington of the Evangelical As
sociation will . meet In Tacoma next
Thursday. Bishop F. C. Breyfogel will
preside. Rev. F. D. Culver, of tne
First English Church, of Portland, as
sistant secretary, left for Tacoma yes
terday. Bishop Breyfogel will be In
Portland and preach In the Flrnt
English Church, East Sixth and EaHt
Market afreets Sunday. May 18. at 3
p. M.. when a mass meeting will be
BROWMrKO to Bb Topic "Browning
aa a Man and a Poet" win be tne
subject of an address at Westminster
rresbyterlan Church. East Tenth and
Wetdler streets tonight, to be delivered
by Rev. Henry Marcotte. A trio on the
violin, cello and piano mill be rendered
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Aue and J.
Hutchison. Stereopticon views Illus
trative of Brownlnga poem. "Plppa
Passes." will be shown, and Mrs. H. T.
Buhlman will sing several musical
elections from thla poem.
PBOatoTtoK Bureau Will. Move. The
offices of the promotion bureau of the
Portland Commercial Club will be
moved within the next ten day a from
their present place on the sixth floor
of the Commercial Club building, to the
second floor. This change la to be made
preparatory to the work of remodeling
the clubrooma In the building. The
promotion bureau offices In their new
place will occupy rooma 204 to 207.
A Newspaper Opportvxitt. We have
for sale an eight-column country
Campbell press In good condition; two
composing stones, proofpress, several
hundred pounds of body type and a
number of fonts of display advertising
type, racks, cabinets, etc In fact
nearly everything needed to start a
country weekly paper. Address or call
at 313 Main street. Vancouver. Wash.
St. AjoVs Charitable Societt will
meet at Mra. P. J. Flyn a. 141 North
Twenty-first street. Thursday.
For Rent. Lower dock, foot of Mor
rison ana lamnui streets. can iti
Morrison. Main 1341.
Icb Creak delivered to all parts
of the city. Thone Washington Cream
Fhlpherd Sprlnga. located at Carson.
Wash- on the North Bank Railroad.
and one of the most popular health
resorts in the vicinity of Portland, has
gain become the property of the form.
er owner. E. u. Shlpherd. Mr. snip
herd will assume active management at
once, assisted by v . s. Adams, wno
resumes his place as assistant man
The host of friends of Mr. Shlpherd
n Portland will certainly be pleased
to learn that ha la again to be the man
t the helm of this famous health
When you buy a suit of me you save
he extra profit that goes in the land-
ord's pocket. I27.S0 to IJ0 00 suits at
13.7S: 8:2 60 to 37K.OO suits. 814 7.
Immy Dunn, room 31a Oregonlan bldg.
Tke elevator.
At the Haxclwood.
We are again serving our delicious
strawberry shortcake. The Hsielwood,
388-380 Washington street. Seating
capacity for 400.
LUNCH WOMAN'S EXCHANGE oysters, ricg tlmbsl.s. water
cress and rte. orsnn and nut salad,
wins J.lly and whipped rram. mapla
fee cream. It Fifth street.
Mr. Nicholas !nnnr and famllv wish
to thank the many friends and neigh
bors for the kindness and sympathy
shown them In their bereavemont in
the loss of a dvoted wife and a lovlnic
Saw dut, Cordwood. Coal
Hoi man Fuel Co, successors to Bs-
litld-Vtj ity Fuel Co. IL til. A Hit,
New Bills Open at the
Vaudeville Houses
OLD-FASHIONED minstrelsy that
la. with the exception that there
are girls In the act features the
week's programme at the Pantages
Theater. Lew Plstel. chiefly, O. H.
dishing and w. H. Langford. assisted
by Van's Scotch minstrel maids, sta?e
the act which takes nearly the greater
part of the show. Plstel is scream
ingly funny and kept the house tn one
continued laugh when he was on the
Jokes, old and new. but presented
in an orlzinal style, help the piece
get the audience. Miss Claire Clay,
singing "Annie Laurie." received a
number of calls. A touch of the
"Highland Fling" and other Scottish
methods of "Joyful stepping" . also
gained applause for the performers.
The six girls In the official Highland
regalia gt Into the act every few mo
menta with dancing and chorus work.
Mlws Elslle Murphy, a "coon-
shouter." entertains for 15 minutes
with a number of new songs. Includ
ing "You Got to Quit Kicking Mfi- Dog
Aroun'." Thla and the other songs
carried well.
Klein, Ott and Nicholson, "in a
hreexy. bright musical comedy offer
ing." carry out the words of the pro
gramme, and their selections on some
half doxen brass Instruments seemed
to please the audience almost as
much as the Imitation "niggers" and
girl minstrels. Lovers of the saxo
phone can get a treat, for solos on the
low or high-toned musical contrivance
and duets compose the greater part of
the bill the trio offers. Ott is tne
main reason for the laughs, of which
he causes a good many.
The Vanosg troupe of four athletes
open the bill with a first-class exhi
bition of "stunts." many of them new
The remarkable strength displayed
by the leader of the band caused many
to gape. The best feature is a bridg
Ing feat. In which one man stretches
from the heads of the two others.
Ralph Connors presents an exact
duplicate of the feat of ventriloquism
seen at the Orpheum a week ago. i ic
tures, very funny, finish th.e perform
, Lyric.
NOTHER week of clean fun and
novel entertainment was launched
at the Lyric yesterday in "The Merry
Monarch." The kingly personage Is
enacted by Harry Burgess, who dresses,
or rather undresses, the character In
a startling manner. As Alabaxoo. ruler
of No-land, he flits merrily through
the funny story, although he Is any
thing but merry. His funeral aspect
is heightened by the supposed-to-be
Imperial court by which he Is sur
rounded. All the pretty chorus girls,
and all are pretty, are loyal Hubjects
of his royal nibs. Alabaxoo. For once
In history there's a little bit of a plot,
the regulation thing about the king's
daughter who has chosen .the wrong
lov-yer. An agent of the empire Is on
a still hunt In search of another hus
band for the princess. In Mike Fln
negan, a ship-wrecked sailor, he finds
a willing accomplice, and the royal
wedding is held.
.Jeanne Fletcher, who has the best
soprano voice the Lyric has offered
this season, so far as Its leading wo
man Is concerned, la the princess. Miss
Fletcher plays with real dignity and
charm, and her well-trained voice Is
heard advantageously In two big num
bers. One of these Is "Love Is Like a
Red. Red Rose." sung with Ralph Be
Van, with an odd effect produced by
the motion-picture machine throwing
a background of beautiful roses on the
In Miss Fletcher's second number,
"Gypsy Land." the doxen chorus maids
are garbed in the picturesque dress of
gypsies, and appear with the soloist
as a dancing support.
The two big comedy roles could not
have been better assigned than to
Monte Carter, as the aforementioned
Mike, and Ed S. Allen as Solomon
Cohen, chief undertaker and general
adjuster of troubles for the King.
Allen creates great mirth, and costumes
the role as a cross between Eddie
l oy's Hamlet and a, cigar-store Indian.
His smile Is ingratiating, his accent
extremely funnyand his manner pains
taking. One song. Just scraps of parodies on
late -popular airs, was brought back
till the show almost stopped Its pro
ceedings. Monte Carter is a recent adjunct and
made friends for himself In everything
he did. There's a sort of homely spon
taneity about hlg comedy, aa If It were
a part of his makeup, and he enjoys
It with evident relish along with the
audience. The song number that falls
to his lot In this play. "I'm Going
Craiy." went grejt. with the chorus
stacking up in theNbackground.
Of pleasing address and possessing
resonunt musical tenor Is Ralph Be
Van, who appears as Ivan, the exiled
Prince, who loves the Princess Ixa.
"I Like the Girl" Is Mr. Be Van's solo
number, which got ove.- prettily, with
chorus accompaniment. Eugenie Le
Blanc Is dainty and refreshing as the
Queen's attendant. With a lot of new
steps she keep, the terpstchorean end
of the game going in a lively man
ner, contributing also two song num
bers. "Moonlight Bay" and "Jungle
Glide.' Harry Burgess sings "So," a j
clever comedy Jingle. Into which he
Interpolates local Jokes. The final en
semple Is remarkably attractive, with
a, silvery crescent moon gliding across
the clouded sky. and Eugene Le Blanc
reclining poster-like In Its curve, while
the chorus groups Itself prettily and
slags. "The Merry Monarch" will con
tinue all week at the Lyric, with two
leak may
finally sink
a large ship. A
little defect in the
title in which you
arc investing or on
which you arc
loaning money
may finally cause
you to lose a for
tune. Guard
against possible
loss. Secure a
guaranteed Certif
icate of Title. In
vestigate. Call for
booklet. Title &
Trust Co., 4th and
performances ach night and a daily
Km p res.
THERE is never anything amiss
with an entertainment In which
one of George Aae-s creations has a
place. His comeay playlet. "The Mayor
and the Manicure." which opened at
the Empress yesterday, has a lot of the
Ade quality, and Is well .worth seeing.
It tells the story of the Hon. Otis
Milford, Mayor of Springfield and can
didate for Governor, and how he pre
vented Genevieve Le Claire, a mani
curist, from getting damages because
the Mayor's son had flirted with her.
How the Maor got back the" packet of
wicked letters and beat Miss Le Claire
at her own game Is shown in a highly
amusing scene filled with the racy dia
logue that George Ade knows so well
how to write. James F. Fulton, as
Mayor Milford. gives an altogether sat
isfactory characterisation of the wily
politician, and Miss Mattle Choat is
amusing as the crafty manicurist who
was foiled. Jack Murray is good as
the erring son. Miss Josephine A.
Guthrie was the Ingenuous Ruth who.
In the end, gave the Mayor's scheme
Alma, a gay little lady, sings several
catchy songs and dances delightfully.
She came out first as a Persian lady.
and when It came time to make a
change of costume with the loosening i
of a few strings and a pin or two, she
was seen as a charming little sailor.
The transformation was almost itstan-
taneous and In full view of the audi
ence. In her second song she again
varied her costume without taking to
tie wings.
Professor Arturo Ballerlnl's troupe
of dogs not to mention the cat held
the attention of the audience through
out the act. The dogs do a number
of acrobatic and tumbling feats, with
evident delight. Jimmy Dealy and
Hattle Barlow entertained with their
songs and dances and planologues. One
of the funniest turns on the bill was
the skit "After the Reception." with
Eugene Barnes and Paul Marron. The
tall member of the team Is something
over six feet, and In action . he looks
like a steam derrick. Their songs and
their patter were both witty. The
Michael Rlchardlnl troupe give an ex
ceptional!' good exhibition of feats of
strength. Miss Wllma Rlchardlnl, billed
as the strongest Tvoman In the world,
left no doubt In the mind of the audi
ence as to her right to that title.
OVE of those unusuals of unusuals
has happened In this week's Or
pheum bill, and every little act has a
value all Its own. Ray Cox. who fasci
nates with her mimicry, her tricks of
voice when she sing-speaks her songs
and her graceful dancing Is one head
liner. Theodore Roberts is the other.
Everything Ray Cox docs Is new, or
it least has the value of being done
differently." She wears good-looking
frocks when the song calls for it, ami
makes a piece of bric-a-brac of her
self In a ditty about "Cook's Tourist."
As an aeroplane "experimentress" she
Is at her best and wholly refreshing.
A great white airship is let down from
the flies and Miss Cox carries on an
tmaglnarv conversation with the chof-
alr then takes a scat and is whisked
up Into space, where she hangs while
she chatters volubly. She keeps the
stopper out of the vial of Joy until
everyone Is loath to see her go.
Mr. Roberts' sketch Is decidedly dis
tant from the beaten path of dramatic
tradition. "The Sheriff of Shasta" Is
Its title, and In Its favor Is the truth
that right up to the last minute no
one knows its denouement. Mr. Rob
erts Is the life and breath of it his
comedy Is unctlous and delightfully
natural In a big. breezy way.' Once
again he evidences his ability as one
of the foremost character portrayers
on the stage today.
Florence Smythe has a role that pre
sents difficult lights and shades, a
wife who longs for a glimpse of "the
city." Miss Smytho plays It with ex
treme sympathy and understanding.
The setting, showing a cabin In Shasta
County. California, Is faithful to na
ture, with the clouds scudding over the
face of the mountain, and the thick
dust of the plains arising like smoke.
Muriel and Frances are comedy
comediennes. Both are attractive. The
I am deeply indebted to the
thousands of voters who so gen
erously supported me for Coroner
at the late primary election and
thank you, one and all. As a
private citizen, I will' continue my
efforts to secure the establishment
of a public morgue.
James C. Hayes, M. D.
r"-fw '
a ' . Ksaj
Here's one
of our new
E evvN.
kee 'T
Colonial Shoes
For Women
The Colonial is a fresh
In the following leathers:
Patent, Dull Kids.
Velvet, Satin, Tan, Suede
little one. Frances, simulates the shy,
retiring, modest violet stuff, while the
larger one, Muriel, does a reg'lar Eva
Tanguay act frizzly hair and all.
A sextet of musicians of one va
riety or another Is the six Kirksmlth
sisters. '
Marie Hart, who does a little bit
of everything except Juggle, puts over
a fairly Interesting melange of acro
batic feats. Billy Hart assists her.
' Opening the bill Is Johnny Bell,
helped out considerably hy Rosamond
Caron in a pantomime acrobatic act of
comedy persuasion. Kxcitlng and novel
Full Value
Full Quantity
Full Quality
Telephone us. Our mes
senger will immediately
call for your copy and
any special instructions
will be taken by compe
tent people by telephone
Main 165. Home A1165
Fe We Baltes & Co.
First and Oak Streets
A lower Belmont. Has
the notch which makes
it sit right.' 2 for 25c "
duett, Feabody(& Co. makers of
t IT tf"KTl
- ti--4ot-- -
.aia-..rco. . . -
"The daintiest slippers worn at the
Campus Mouser came from our store"
$3.50, $4.00, $5.00
Is the bicycle basketball match held
hy the Paulhan team. ''
An Important Engagement.
You must see Aune's exquisite por
traits for men, women and children.
Columbia bldg.
at Rockwood, Ruby-, Base Line,
Gillis, Gresham, Pleasant Home,
Scenic, Cottrell. The most fer
tile soil in . Multnomah County.
Acres as low as $1-30. ' Monthly
payments, $3.
Business Lots
Residence Lots
at new, rapidly growing townsites,
as low as $100. Monthly terms,
$2. Invstigate the great oppor
286 Oak Street. ,
I am going to make regular 660
and $65 Suits for $50. Long coals
at $45. These prices for a limited
time only. Nothing hue the best
domestic and imported material.?
used. Guaranteed satin linings.
447 Alder Street.
EI-Rado destroys ugly and embarrassing;
growths of Superfluous Hair on face, neck and
arms. It act instantly; it leayes the skin
smooth without the slightest irritation. Unlike
any other depilatory El-Rado destroys hair
growth by acting directly upon the hair sheath,
which is the only scientifically certain method
of destroying the roots of the hair. Only
liquid such as EI-Rado can accomplish these
perfect results. EI-Rado is guaranteed ab
solutely harmless and thoroughly reliable.
Booklet upon request from Pilgrim MTc
Co. 121 East 27th Stmt. New York.
Get a bottle of EI-Rado today at the drug
store of Wnodard, Clarke A Co.
A perfot vitallser that rector l5w v.yor
to all orana of the body. Replaces Iom
from BleKnaa. ucaeemlr hab!ta or exctmam
?5e a box. Store or mall Write for prttj
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ir liifl1 Vim
Stiletto Tools are made
for the mechanic who
wants the best. They are
manufactured from the
best Tool Steel, are prop
erly made to fill his every
requirement, and every
one is warranted.
Sold by All Hardware
reuum na ueiiu'.s si hi. uiil.ii i
vou remove it. Cnrmcn L3 d.-rcrffnr it
doesn't "shorr powder:" its use isrmincdand
it TiHttirnft rnfrphinr. earlv-raorn' ccrrp-
ploxion of joyous youth. It tvnc.i.a trie bkti i
instead of injurins it that'scecauaoCarmon ji
'dillerent' and pure.
your Dmeeuit nr iJepa.rtm.sn6 crc
Carmen Cold Cream
benefits rough, irritated ukin. Snow-whlts j
Stuff ord-Miiisr Company,
SIS OUra St St. Louis. Ma.
Unequaled as a
Astda frmi Its blrh rael!fl qasllti'B
as a non-irruanng pTrD-nuier w uu3
delicate mmhraDO passacea. :
Antiseptic Powder i
im (kn fOJr sirwl mnat VV)rriCri i f"fl I 2 '
ii 1 ht ) fmt rwl most emriooi tea t
Rern))rld? on the mark. Vttxi by
pbTsiriaon aU oer worW for 20 jenrs.
lias no equ.-il aa a DreTpntativ. Dts
olTfs instantly In water.
pactefce mak?s 2 gallons etandard eolu
SoM br dnifisrist" Tfrrwbr.
Ask your doctor or wod for booklet
J. S.TYRE,Cbcai!st,asMng!oa,D.C
aie.a uuus on bit r rrt
f or i Jan a securities at rjM
later ar unui ir x7uiBaia) 1 rojiaf uaal
flat . -I erf
Foster & Kleiser
UlSb Grade Comnerclal and Klccirta
avMC Seventh attd Kaut fclvcreit Street
. rtionca hMt mi, n
Wit e. or- HJB "
L--v i r s H
fit y , i
v "ai- r -j.-.s.
kSTbc70 is no otter
jy powder ju3t like Sv
m f-a.
l CorrtT3!e