Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 07, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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If youi only knew what pleasure
Politicians Unable to Predict
Result of Republican
National Convention.
lllcmrnt in Both Tart and Roosevelt
Faction Foresees Portability of
Deadlock and Compromise
May . There In every present
Indication that the Republican Na
tional convention at Chlrago will b
an unusually lively and Interesting
gathering of the clans; u convention
that will be replete with stirring Inci
dents and one that Is likely to odown
in history on account of the shrewd
politics played by the leaders of the
different tactions. And unless there
Is a material chance in the political
situation before June 18. it will be
Impossible to tell In advance just what
ticket the Chicago convention will
The present campaign has been on
of surprises and sudden changes. It
opened with a contest between Presi
dent Taft on the one side and Senator
la Follette on the other. The Presi
dent, from the first, has been In the
fight to win and never has ha doubted
that victory awaits him at Chicago.
Senator La Follette. on the other
hand, launched his candidacy with no
expectation of winning the nomina
tion for himself, but in the hope of
preventing the nomination of Mr.
Taft. lie has said this himself and It
must be accepted as the truth. Cer
tain it Is that the original slogan of
tie La. toilette crowd was "anything
to oe at Tart."
Koooevelt la Assailed.
Later, when Colonel Koosevelt en
tered the race and shoved La Follette
from the limelight, the La Follette
people were less concerned about
Taft than they were about Roosevelt,
and their attacks have been largely
centered on the Colonel, though they
have not undertaken to applaud Presi
dent Taft. It would appear that the
prime object of many of the La Fol
lette men now is to prevent the nom
ination of Roosevelt.
In this they will alone, as
evident by talks with various sup
porters of the President, for today
there is a vast amount of discussion
In the Taft camp about making sure
the defeat of Koosevelt. no matter
whether that defeat means the nom
ination of Taft or a third candidate.
It Is not unfair to say that the slogan
of many of the most Influential Taft
men today is. "Anything to beat Roose
velt." And it is to be presumed, from
some of his recent speeches, that Pres
ident Taft himself is very much in
sympathy with this purpose.
The President naturally desires a re
nominatlon. but smarting under the
personal, and as ho points out. unfair
and nnjiist attacks of the' Colonel, he
will be most desirous of preventing
the nomination of Colonel Roosevelt.
even It It becomes necessary to bring
forward a third candidate to accom
plish this purpose.
Deadlock la Possibility.
Today President Taft Is far ahead
of Colonel Roosevelt In the number of
delegates he controls, but as has been
pointed out heretofore, neither Taft
nor Roosevelt will go to the Chicago
convention with enough Instructed
delegates to nominate. Taft, like
Roosevelt. Is counting confidently on
the support or many unlnstructed del
egates believed to be friendly, but it
may develop that neither candidate
-an safely count on those who are not
tied hand and foot by Instructions.
If the Chicago convention develops
into a two-sided scrap, one faction
striving as best It can to prevent the
renomlnation of President Taft. while
the other bends Its energies to make
impossible the nomination of Colonel
Koosevelt. it is not difficult to Imagine
that the Taft and Roosevelt forces
may become deadlocked and thus ne
c-essltate the nomination of a third
candidate. And the truth of the mat
ter Is that there are a number of In
fluential Republicans having the In
terest of the party at heart who would
welcome such a deadlock. They would
prefer to nominate someone other
than Taft or Koosevelt.
There is an element In both the Taft
and Roosevelt factions that hopes that
a third randtdate may be nominated,
and those who express this hope are
Karlsfled that a compromise candidate
can be found upon whom both factions
can and would unite. These Repub
lican politicians are aware that the
democratic party regards this year as
their own. They anticipate that the
Baltimore convention probably will
nominate a strong ticket on a pretty
sound platform, and therefore they
feel that It behooves the Republican
convention to go as far as possible In
the direction of wiping out factional
strife, so that the Republican party
can present a reunited front In the
Fall campaign. It cannot do this, they
fear, if either Taft or Roosevelt Is.
Victor-Victrola brings into
B 1 4-
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for a
without one
Any Victor dealer in
any city in the world
will gladly play any
music you wish to hear.
$15 to $200
Victors, $10 to $100
Victor Talking Machine Company
Camden, N. J.
Music in the home means
more of joy and glad
ness. It dispels the ef
fect of care and makes
the heart rejoice. It in
spires to nobler and
better thinking and renews courage and determination. In
short, it soothes the savage in us and quickens all that is
truest, grandest and best.
t The Victor Victrola brings to your fireside the voices of the
world's most renowned artists the finest selections of in
strumental music as produced by the famous orchestras and
bands the violin solos of Kreisler, Kubelik, Elman and Powell
Jf The cost is but little the resultant pleasure
" great and perpetual.
Morrison at Sixth
aw 11
single day.
j j
Victor-Victrola XVI, $200 W
Mahogany or quartered oak (gjj)
Pianos I
Morrison at Sixth
Copper River Road Mast Pay John
Phillip Revolt of Fight.
Intted State Circuit Court of Appeals
han-ld down an opinion today up
holding the decision of the United
Mitti District Court In Vildej, Alaska,
n hereby John Phillips was awarded a
verdict of $10,000 against the Copper
Kiver Northwestern Railway Com
pany aad Edward C Hasey.
Phillip, was employed by th. Alaska
Home itallroad and was at work In
Keystone Canyon In September. 1907.
when there took place the famous bat
tle between the forces of the opposing
railroads. The Copper River forces
were commanded by Haley, who was
sentenced to a term In the Federal
Penitentiary on NcNell's Island as the
result of the shooting;. In which one
man was killed and Phillips perma
nently Injured.
Phillips sued for 1-5.000 and was
awarded a verdict for I1S.000. The
trial court refused the defendants a
new trial, providing Phillips consented
to a reduction of 15000 In the verdict.
The appeal was taken on technical
r'orper ;eM Tcn-Yoar Term.
SANTA ANA. Ill, May C. P. R.
Stnvk i sentenced to.lar to serve
len years at San Quentln Prlon for
f.TErry. Me Is said to he a paroled
onvtrt from the Washlnston ttate
Penitentiary at Walla Walla.
Portland Shriners at Los An
geles Keep Open House.
Colors of Shriners and lks Are In
terwoven, and Roe Festival
and Elks' Convention Are
Widely AdTertrsed.
fore the session of the Imperial Coun
cil, at which the next meeting; place
will he designated, no city has as yet
pressed Its claims for that honor. The
only cities mentioned thus far are
Halt Uke City. Minneapolis and At
lanta. Ga.
There are six candidates for the of
fice of Imperial outer puard. the only
office for which there will be a con
test In the annual election. They are:
Ernest A. Cutts. Savannah. Ga.;
James 8. McCandless. of Honolulu; D.
II. Crary, of Deadwood. S. D.; C. C.
QuiRfde. Lincon Xeb.t Chalmers C.
Seymour. Kockford. 111., and J. T.
Jones, Oklahoma City. Ukla.
New Pine Creek Commercial Men to
Confer With Railroads.
(Special.) At a special meeting: of the
New Pine Creek Commercial Club last
evening a communication from the
Alturas Chamber was read, requesting
that New Pine Creek send a delegation
to meet the California State Railroad
Commission, at Its meeting at Alturas
May 21, to consider the request of the
N. C. O. Railroad for a raise, of pas
senger rates to seven cents a mile.
A delegation will be sent from hero
LOS ANGELES. May .(Specials
Representatives and members of Al
Kader Temple of the Shrine, of Port
land, psssed today In sightseeing and
vltfltins;. Most of them went with the 0 nrotast aralnst the increase
council to Catallna Island for an out- An effort will be made to Induce the
Inc. but a few remained In town to I state Highway Commission to build the
help the official representatives dec- i California State Highway throuRn
orate the Portland headquarters In ! Alturas to the state line at New Pino
the Alexandria Hotel. They decor- . Creek.
ated with Shrine and Elk colors, as a j N. K. Guyot. the father of High Grade
number of the Shriners also are Elks. and Harry J. Newton, managing editor
and then they made a lavish display ' of the Daily Mining Record, of Denver,
of colors and advertising matter of the were special guests of the club. Mr
Portland Rose Festival and the con- I Guyot said:
clave of the Elks to be held In Port- I I consider four months hard work
land in June. In the Interests of the High Grade camp
The members who essayed the role amply repaid by this demonstration to-
on April 29 of the steamship Texas, be
longing to the Archipelago-American
Steamship Company, by which 140 per
sons were drowned.
3000 Attackers on City
Rhodes Dispersed.
of decoraters are L. G. Carpenter.
George Robertson. Bert Lee. Percy
Knight and Captain Davis, of the Arab
Haunts of Rick ees.
The Portland headquarters are In
Parlor F of the Alexandria, and It is .
one of the most attractive places in
the caravansary since the decorators
got through with their work. It Is ,
tnererore the mecca ot biinners irora
all parts of the country.
Those members who did not go to
Catallna today went to rasadena.
where they enjoyed themselves by sd- of snow occurred here. About tw
mtrins; the gold door knobs and door 1 foot of snow fell this week at th
plates on the palaces of Pacific and I mines, but as th snow was soft am
Atlantic millionaires domiciled In
Pasadena. Some of them even ven
tured so far as to go on the porches
and verandas to feel the door knobs.
The Portland Shriners tonight kept
open house In their magnificent oasis
In the Alexandria and hundreds of
Shriners from all over the world came
in to eat and drink and be refreshed
and at the same time be Informed of
the great doings to be held in Port
land during the week of the Rose Fes
tival and the Elks' conclave In the
coming Summer. The entertainment
consisted of solos by a Pasadena young
woman, muaic by an orchestra and
night. There are men who have trailed
to this camp from Cripple Creek and
Nevada. Some of them are getting old
and they expect tkls to be their last
ramp. you cannot turn this camp
down. Assays I got here were 10 times
better than I got In Cripple Creek at
the same stage of development. This
camp has 50 times better showing than
Goldlleld had.
Messrs. Guyot and Newton, were, un-
anlmously elected honorary members of
the club.
Wednesday and Thursday a heavy
the weather Is mild It Is not expected
to last long.
Republican Convention Mall at Chi
cago to Have Larger Capacity.
CHICAGO, May . An arrangement
of seats in the Coliseum for the Na
tional Republican Convention la being
perfected whereby 10,000 persons, or
about 1100 mure than were present
vaudeville show by Portland and Los may be accommodated. The sub-com-
Occnpation of Archipelego Planned
Turks and Arabs Clash With
Enemy Xear Tunis and Re
pulse Big Column.
ROME, May 6.--Advices received here
today from the Island of Rhodes are
that 3000 Turkish troops fought under
the walls of the City of Rhodes but
were dispersed by the Italian troops and
retired into the interior of the island.
General Amegllo has been appointed
uovernor of Rhodes and of Stampalia,
and other cities of the Archipelago
that eventually will be occupied by the
It is believed that a month will be
necessary for the Italians to occupy the
Islands of Chiao, E.caria, Mytilene and
Lemnos. Reinforcements are preparing
to leave lor the new scene of opera
tions. TUNIS, Tripoli. May . An Italian
column or iuoo men today engaged a
force of Turks and Arabs near Bouke
mezch on the Tripolitan Coast near the
Tunisian frontier. The Italians were
repulsed, leaving five dead on the field.
The losses of the Trtpolitans were 25
dead and 45 wounded.
Angeles talent.
A I Kader Treat's Escort.
Tuesday the Arab Patrol of Al Kader
will be the escort of honor of Imperial
Potentate Treat, of North Dakota.
from the Alexandria caravansary to
Los Angeles' Auditorium, where the
first meeting of the Shrine will be
The Portland crowd will be In di
vision No. of the parade, which starts
at 9 In the morning.
The open house of Al Kader tonight
waa in competition with the reception
nd open house conducted by Islam
Temple of San Francisco In the Alex-
ndrls, and the delegates and visitors
oscillated from one oasis to another
aod enjoyed themselves hugely.
Although but en day will elapse be-
mlttee In charge of the convention ar
rangements, headed by Harry 8. New,
of Indiana, will meet here May 14.
At this time the seating orrangement.
It Is expected, will be passed upon defi
nitely. Under the direction of Alex
ander R. Smith, the work of Inspecting
and tabulating credentials already has
begun at National headquarters.
Welch Klectrlc 11 ne Inspected.
MONROE. Or.. May . (Special.)
Superintendent O'Connor and Secretary
Hall, of the Welch line. P.. E. & E..
went over the route between Monroe
and Eugene and closed up the last right
of way matters. They say construc
tion work on this part of the line will
begin as soon as material can be put
on Lhe around.
Judge Hies Date for Hearing Gill
Cotterill Controvert--.
SEATTLE. Wash., May . (Special.)
Oranting permission to strike one
paragraph from the petition In quo
warranto proceedings for a recount of
the votes cast for Hiram C. Gill and
for George K. Cotterill for Mayor last
March, and denying all motions of Cot
terill's attorneys to make more defi
nite and certain. Judge R. B. Albertson
this morning set the case down for
trial on June 3.
The paragraph stricken contained the
allegation in the Gill complaint that
many election officers were Cotterill
men and were appointed because or
that fact. The court held that he could
pot go into a man's mind.
"This Is too serious a matter and is
of too much public Importance to be
passed lightly over or to stand too
strongly upon technicalities," said
Judge Albertson.
"I am not yet called upon to pass on
the sufficiency of the petition, but the
petitioner should not be hampered In
getting his facts before the court, and.
further, the public is entitled to a
speedy adjudication of this issue."
Sinking of Vessel Under Inquiry.
CONSTANTINOPLE. May 6 Lieutenant-Commander
Frank B. I'phara,
commander of the United States gun
boat Scorpion, and Charles W. Fowls,
Interpreter at the United States Lega
tion here, left today for Smyrna to
asoertain the real causa of the sinking
San Francisco Exposition Officials
Kntcrtained by Ambassador.
BERLIN, May 6. The American
Fanama-Paclflc Exposition Commis
sion, of which John Hays Hammond Is
the president, arrived here today from
London. John G. A. Leishman, Ameri
can Ambassador to Germany, gave a
luncheon in honor of the Commission,
the other guests Including Dr. Wil
li elm Solen, minister for the colonies;
Dr. Alfred Zimmerman, under-secre-tary
of the foreign office; Ludwig Max
Goldberger, privy commercial chancel
lor and president of the permanent
commission for expositions; Alexander
II. Thackara, American Consul-General
at Berlin, and the staff of the American
The commissioners will be unable to
obtain an audience with Emperor Wil
liam, owing to his absence in Corfu.
Jane Addanis Speaks for Suffragists
in Kansas.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 6. Miss
Jane Addams, the well-known settle
ment worker of Hull House, Chicago,
entered Kansas today on a four-day
campaign to help the women of that
state gain full suffrage.
She headed a gaily decorated auto
mobile parade through Kansas City,
Kan., delivered an address In the fac
tory district, another one at the high
school and attended a luncheon. Later
she left for .Wichita to attend the an
nual convention of the Kansas Equal
Suffrage Association.
It was the opening demonstration in
a campaign that the suffragists of the
state declare Is not to end until elec
tion day next November, when the vot
ers will decide whether the women of
Kansas who, for a quarter of a cen
tury, have had municipal suffrage,
shall be Riven full suffrage.
Your Hair Looks Soft, Fluffy,
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a Danderine Hair Cleanse.
Immediate? Yes. Certain? that's
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Just try this moisten a cloth with a
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in Just a few momenta you have dou
bled the beauty of your hair.
A delightful surprise awaits you. par
ticularly those who have been careless.
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Besides beautifying the hair, Dander
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Try as you will, you cannot find
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what will please you most will be after
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If you care for pretty, soft hair, and
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You will tone up your
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